The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP057 Lisa Jackson Malice Page57 Mystery Plot

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Transcript UnP057 Lisa Jackson Malice Page57 Mystery Plot

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 57 - Lisa Jackson Malice Page57 Mystery Plot
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00:00:00| thank you here are the unban ders we're going to dive deep into some of our favorite podcasts a couple of our hobbies some things we like to do some things we like to think we're gonna call
00:00:11| this one grab bag episode won't you grab a seat and won't you join us Thanks so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got
00:00:30| it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we're like you can
00:00:44| get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes
00:00:57| [Music] and it's true I am dan 100% dan I'm still Nick folks you can find our names right there next to us all over the screen on your screen social social
00:01:27| socials simply made a here episode redacted 57 we'll call it fish part of this Evan right around there um I'm proud to be alive proud to be a part of this podcast crowd in general I'm a
00:01:45| proud papa you know in this podcast a little bit like my baby learning to dribble food down his chin mm-hmm he's gonna get there he's gonna swallow it oh absolutely
00:01:58| we're gonna do a little homage tonight to another podcast under a brand new podcast paid by 69 page 69 podcast Oh what are their first names I don't know if they had responded to me in the
00:02:14| message I thought that I would probably mention their first names they are from Denver and I did find it in a reddit post that talked about how to get your podcast out of there apparently they
00:02:23| just made a poster I think they paid somebody to do their art and they slap their poster art everywhere in the city that's interesting
00:02:30| page 69 podcast we got Ben and CJ he has best friends one sounds like strange weird the best friends that open a random book to page 69 and they goof on it or name to their terms hmm no much I
00:02:47| think that's a cool idea I just knew an episode and change and um he's gonna fun no I would recommend them yeah as long as they didn't recommend up above our podcast it would be a to like
00:03:01| if you'd only listen to one gun to your head lose the on yeah this is to say if you can listen to more than one podcast with your check these guys out I think they're pretty funny pretty cool
00:03:10| the cool chaps you know now though we were gonna try our hand just opening a book like 69 at our number yeah take a look it's in a book mouthing rainbow are we allowed to say that I cover yeah I'm
00:03:25| sure Pepi rate laws wear off after like 80 years we're almost there yeah I just need to wait for every cast member to die and then we can claim and
00:03:33| their families that's gonna take a while hopefully we're still liable we can do that unless we speed up the process know anyone related to someone who related to someone in reading rainbow rainbow don't
00:03:48| come back on us though we're not responsible for any deaths here in or here out that's supportive our disclaimer we don't really mean literally we can say whatever we want
00:03:57| you know ever so instead of page 69 I'm gonna do a little quicker than that we're gonna do episode 57 page 57 that's a great idea did you come up with that I think I did
00:04:10| actually I'll take credit [Laughter] I'll take I take full credit for responsibility for everything so this is a Lisa Jackson book they don't even know
00:04:25| what kind of book she writes called malice has a nice picture of a child on the front looks like maybe their dad baby yeah how old maybe like a six or seven year old an eight-year-old I think
00:04:38| how can you tell it's at the ice someone said there's a there's a way I I think it was Mitch Hedberg I'm not sure who it was Oh hopefully I don't misquote them but it's it's cool if you say hey I like
00:04:53| kids they're great it's creepy if you say it specific age hey I like nine-year-old do you like pause it's like hmm that's a little too much so the kid looks eight
00:05:09| ish I wouldn't know she I think it's a she she it's a hey maybe Oh could be a shereena and see I could be a full-grown woman now that you mention it
00:05:18| no yeah the duty foster but you know one of the other women you're not good maybe but I would think it's a child so it's ELISA Jackson book kolten malice and there's blood running down right in
00:05:31| the middle that's malice for you name a book aptly named it that's aptly named folks take notes Oh see here how many pages uh book we're
00:05:42| talking in total pages 500 the end of a chapter didn't like the 10% range here huh shall we I think we shall all right here you go did you sell it okay this is the
00:05:58| end of a chapter it's the last page of it for the record I'm a better reader I think hmm would you like me to take a photo and you can do one of these pages
00:06:06| we'll just interrupt the podcast for a moment did you mail me the book we'll get back to them okay I'll pay a page in episode we'll just mail the book back and forth of each other I think that way
00:06:17| is there such an episode as like people who read a book but read it so slowly and painstakingly that they read one page a day one great idea or like an audio book where it's a different person
00:06:29| every every page I was messed with you that would be so weird and wait and it would be cool if they didn't read any of the previous pages like you have Liam Neeson come in blind and he's like and
00:06:39| there I was take back my wife he's like take your wife to the dressing room its speech 52 dude relax overly dramatic in parts but underlay dramatic and other parts yeah and he stabbed was dead all
00:06:58| right here comes the first sentence but you can't commit to a child I have a child he was about to say more but saw by the darkening of her eyes that he'd wounded her instead he reached across
00:07:08| the table to take her hand this isn't just the time just isn't the time she pulled her fingers from his butt it is for me bents we got a character Vince be en TZ she said her jaws accepting a bit
00:07:26| it's really Now or Never so they're on the precipice of something or somewhere oh yes he considered giving in after all she'd make a wonderful mother he knew that and so what if he
00:07:39| was so old he'd qualified for Social Security when the kid graduated from high school people did it all the time he slit his jaw to the side I'll think about it he
00:07:50| grabbed her and pushed away from the table then think fast so that sounds like they're trying to have sex forbidden love that's not didn't that's one party once
00:08:02| it or one party's thinking about it and the other ones like maybe but I'm over the odds here don't think he's respond not responsible he said he's like a guy yeah financially
00:08:13| oriented Social Security he's thinking about his age we would make him what 40s early forties so he's but he says probably as a family I would say or he's well into his career some hot honey
00:08:25| who's like twenty six coming at him right no hard flirtin heavy is that what it sounds like I mean I'm getting the impression she younger and that's why his age plays such an important role
00:08:35| because if she was the exact same age he wouldn't say he would say we're gonna be in our Social Security we can't do this not I'm going to be yeah he says he has a child and then he hurts her like
00:08:47| emotionally so it says he was about to say more but saw by the darkening of her eyes that he wounded her and said he reached across the table to take her hand so he was trying to like comfort
00:08:57| her she must be really watching child here she's winning son mmm think about it then think fast she backed away from the table okay that was the whole page that was a half a page because there's
00:09:12| the end of a chapter okay we're heading in a chapter chapter five mmm you realize this is page 58 now this isn't page 57 yeah there's nothing we didn't need arrived at I'm gonna I
00:09:25| could maybe we skip ahead a hundred pages and then see how close we were to what happens we'll never know cooking to the rules here Ange the rules okay 100 even hundred fifty-seven every hundred
00:09:38| pages do you want to do every hundred pages how should I skip ahead to us alright that sounds good one you mean really weird coincidences goin this better is roost on an old towel bar and
00:09:53| sword out the broken window fences knees nearly gave out jittery he backed out of the room where feathers dung and pellets the regurgitated undigested pieces of animal
00:10:04| the owl coughed up littered the floor yeah so I don't ok then he thought of the back stairs damn nerves tight he backtracked to the upper hallway and heard the sounds of fast breathing and
00:10:16| quick steps down the first level hmm so heels double-page no no no I'm not willing to read the whole page I'm just giving this time stop right there all right so listen he clearly an al got
00:10:29| in there and clearly ate everything in his apartment and clearly shitting everywhere what we've got here on page 157 is a shitting owl that owl is on the loose
00:10:39| and is shitting as during the animals yeah and other animals parts he's bringing in two mice and squirrels what's the symbolism of an owl so it's up at night and it's always watching at
00:10:52| night so maybe he's got some guilt there that's maybes no I think there's really an owl in his house I mean the writer is obviously saying right right right you're right
00:11:01| what's her name again Lisa Jackson police is clearly saying here that she wants a nocturnal person like a watcher to watch her and shit some small animal parts all over her body
00:11:16| Oh which i think is sexy kinda I mean I don't know would you like anything like that mmm exams with the high school in Earth she said I would small animal bones all
00:11:29| over me right now and you're just like what is the closest animal I could get to I could kill with my bare hands I say do you have any pets the hottest girl ever tried to get you to do something
00:11:41| really weird like that like take a live animal and squish it against her body until it died would you do it what if she said like I have I have animal blood in the fridge I want it on me right now
00:11:51| and you're like oh like it's in a Tupperware marked animal blood what it had to be alive before it was killed on her body and maybe she wants me to so she says I like it better if it's hot
00:12:12| and then they're like she's like there's a cage out back can you imagine microwave what's in the I do that and I I mean much easier so microwave or stovetop I could put in the
00:12:27| oven let me take a little while to have a toaster oven I like the convection and it really helps you conviction all these animal fun all right so you backtrack to the
00:12:40| upper hallway and heard that sounds of fest breathing and quick steps down the first level fleeing here flinging himself over the rail he half stumbled down the stairs and cast his narrow
00:12:49| light beam down the murky corridor empty no one dead or alive his leg on fire he hitched his way to the nearest exit and found himself and what had been the lobby of an old in the main entrance to
00:13:03| the small mission the air was stale and unused except for the slight scent of Jennifer's perfume but a love God what was this he knew before he tried the front doors that they would be locked
00:13:16| you always try the front door we do he also knew that he could wander around this old structure search the chapel and wine cellars the individual rooms in reception hall and he wouldn't find her
00:13:28| she was gone and he knew nothing more than he had when he had left LA earlier that day perfect I think with a smile I peered through the binoculars from a hiding spot in the upper storey of an
00:13:40| abandoned warehouse that reeks of mustard oil but the smells don't bother and that's when the page engine ended ends and it's so he's I guess he's hiding in some old building trying to
00:13:53| peep on Jennifer that's not the alarming part the alarming part to me is that he just left LA so they're not far from civilization this isn't some or a mystical land of Narnia happens like an
00:14:08| hour drive from LA wherever this is and it's getting me is that he went down to the first floor and the smell of death was everywhere like is everyone in this building dead and like no one's moving
00:14:21| like and also creates something called a stillness by talking about all the things going on around apparently he's the only living moving thing empty knowing they're alive
00:14:31| yeah his leg on fire I guess he hurt himself somehow I don't know what he was jumping down probably Pervin on girls probably uh playing whack-a-mole and maybe he got too caught in the door jam
00:14:44| and got a little full excited to hurt a little excited there pervy perv sharp glass we know his name is Ben's we don't even s events I think I would Ben says you nearly gave out yeah so yeah
00:14:56| pants is still going around somewhere forty-year-old ich bin C oh dear God now just mixed ring I'm curious why he's trying to hide in an abandoned warehouse with binoculars never mix before and I
00:15:12| got like we see it green in that drink of yours okay and make some things I shouldn't have mixed to see what would happen let me tell you folks I'll die I'll be dead by the end of the episode
00:15:22| probably will I need any comments on this take off by the way what about that the drink special drinks of the week no no I died how have you died you think it would go viral who would who would
00:15:39| garner more views if they died was it you or me are you more integral I think it's equal no no because it's not you can play it up you could play it up better than I would yeah I think I would
00:15:51| play you guys Oh without you yes I'd you like I don't know how to I just need extrema from home please this is the unbanned or using a camcorder for 1994 technology went downhill
00:16:09| oh but mom and Ben's he's he's in a world of strange stuff going on he's chasing this woman cuz clearly he's not missing chase being chased by her I think so I don't know anybody
00:16:23| somebody's it seems like somebody's coming after her but she was in the building or just Jennifer was in the building I don't know yeah skip ahead now with no the hundred pages 104
00:16:36| another hunch oh boy here goes I think I'm ruining the book no that's our lease it might be a spoiler Lisa Jackson spoiler analogies a Jackson Alice how about tide blossom on Broadway it's
00:16:49| not far good food reasonable I'll find it what's up I'll tell you when you get there Hayes hung up and bents was left with a bad feeling it wasn't like Hayes what to be cryptic
00:16:59| or Curt something was definitely going on and definitely not something good Benz turned and using his cane headed to his car he has a cane now cuz he hurt his leg hmm he was still suffering from
00:17:10| his late night swan dive and diet swan dive and swim his leg was definitely acting up and he'd already down double the dosage of ibuprofen this morning washing the pills down with a
00:17:20| large cup of coffee so he's in pain he's hurt from that warehouse ow thing of course all this walking and trudging through sand hadn't helped but he and want what he had
00:17:31| wanted to explore the underbelly of the pier by daylight hoping to find an escape method for the woman he might have used the hmm a ladder a rope a catwalk unfortunately
00:17:42| when he'd hitched along the beach he'd looked up and only seen the guts of the massive dock pillars covered with chris eight creosote and tar no means of escape I'm gonna stop right there oh he
00:17:57| used a woman so I guess he maybe had sex with somebody that was I guess use could be like a key he called them to toss them over there maybe they're hurt absolutely emotionally used and he used
00:18:11| them so that's what's an escape method for them I thought I'd scream at the emotional escape like get away from Anna and always take literary people as literal
00:18:23| yeah but he's I mean he could have he could have cut them in pieces I have no idea he had wanted to explore the underbelly of the pier by daylight hoping to find an escape method for
00:18:33| escape method the woman might have used right these women are running from something I don't even know if it's him he's like being a detective here trying to figure out of crime I'm guessing my
00:18:44| man Benz is a detective you know that old trope like the detective with the the injured arm the detective with the half an eye that doesn't work the detective is too old to do it but he's
00:18:53| going to do it anyway or as a bad a bum leg was it me want from us and yeah since a deacon city yeah he's like he had a emotionally damaged and beefy but he can't make love for the
00:19:07| women because he cares about them too much little bit but he died he does make love to them but it's like an emotional passionate love not a animalistic love not like I'm used to it's pretty
00:19:18| animalistic won't make it level in you there actor making Myanmar's hmm agency us interesting like miles are regurgitating bones and blood that's sexy that's not stuff what I will say is
00:19:33| the funniest thing was I expected like an author can do anything he created a fantasy world like you your people can drink poison instead lightning and like they can find out
00:19:44| their parents are gods and they're vampires and they give their skin I lost the map they can do whatever the hell they want and they can trounce the name of God and destroy earth but this person
00:19:55| created a guy who is worried that he took double the amount of ibuprofen and then I washed it down with a nice big and I was like oh my god he's drinking booze it's like coffee guys too hard you
00:20:14| gotta make sure he makes it to retirement age for that Social Security IV probe the dose with coffee so he's what we call weekday warrior I'm coining that phrase that someone
00:20:27| who's hardcore but not too hard for me crazy indeed deed Oh shout-out bent it's broken not really guy he's a good guy I just
00:20:41| bet he might be Grogan we don't know my light of day Santa Monica Santa Monica Bay was a different animal the other night the whole area around the pier had been eerie with the lights of the
00:20:50| amusement park muted and fuzzy in the fog but brighten up did reflect in the black waters this morning the pier wore an entirely different face yes there was a carnival atmosphere a seem far less
00:21:02| sinister yeah amusement park puzzled with noise and the shouts of delighted riders there were lots of people walking riding bikes jogging or window shopping on and around the beach men
00:21:13| fished off the pier people strolled on the beach kids played in the sand nothing menacing or dark almost as if he dreamed a hard situation okay he's looking back on what really happened he
00:21:24| checked with the webcam people twice and there was some hitch in locating the film this commune of the day the technician had told him Vince wasn't sure if the holdup was about
00:21:35| authorization or technical issues but he was skeptical that he'd ever get access to the web cam records because he's not a real cop not part of this part of it and you're one of my favorite
00:21:52| two podcasters but I feel like you wouldn't be very good at though reading a book for children well this isn't the children's my bike is my voice too dark and deep I was trying to figure it out
00:22:02| no I was trying to tell me what to improve for the last time four pages no no no like I'm a natural good reader I feel like because I used to read for church you go I'll take the first three
00:22:12| to rney before yeah gospel cornet jamba except that early on I I learned like the tricks you go up there and every kid tries to rush and I'll go up and be like some Gospel according to John and you
00:22:25| look at your audio I'm gonna pause and then you go back and you're like he came upon them like a flash and suddenly the angel appeared and said woe unto you cause you looked at the audience you
00:22:37| want me to have a little inflection to it I do have a little bit all right I had to all flourish it you know right now I was at the end of 157 or yes that was the end of to set to 57 okay cool we
00:22:48| finished it well what's interesting is clearly Lisa our favorite writer now mhm has turned the pier into a character earlier we were looking up at the piers guts well dark now but Pierre is wearing
00:23:00| a different face okay we said a little heavy on the browbeating but we get it the pier is a character in and of itself it represents human life and laughter and joy and human condition before all
00:23:14| of this started to happen whatever this is it's still have no goddamn idea yeah the darkness and the light the happiness and the sorrow yeah what's going on here I'm trying to
00:23:24| figure out what's going on and then um you check the webcam again though he tried he's trying to figure out what happened to someone that was clearly being recorded on webcam and like we
00:23:36| know where the girl is you can't find her and they made her disappear I guess like some kind of no no you can't figure out maybe he was watching someone do something to somebody and then by the
00:23:46| time he got down there he didn't find anything they have no friends only where like I see II look at the evidence hackers maybe I do have a side story though there's a person in my office
00:23:57| that's uh kind of like a manager type and she talks in like no intonation whatsoever completely flat she'll talk for like good like a good section at a time it's probably like
00:24:09| maybe like paragraphs I would call but she'll like talk to an entire room of people plenty people and then should be like right Dan what do you think about that and like I'll be like I have no
00:24:19| idea what you tell guard because she didn't she didn't end the sentence really she didn't bring it all together she'd wrap it up she didn't do any of that fun stuff she also has no emphasis
00:24:27| on anything so it's like the key points there's probably like maybe like 20 key points but like since she didn't say like this is the key point that I'm really making here it's like she
00:24:36| autistic no er kids yes yes she's I don't know actually she's artistic me if she's artistic she may be trying to prove a point by doing an art piece a thick
00:24:48| piece on life as it were I'm gonna do the whole office I'm gonna do my whole career as a jackoff oh yeah hi Anne a jackoff but I'm doing it for art several years
00:25:07| went by this genius artist acted like a true jackoff predicted it's like the very beginning of her career she did something negative and then did something positive as a jackoff she's
00:25:18| like this is the way I need to play it and then that's the character she became became for the rest of her life do you know it's weird I don't know why this my my brain one here Andy not Warhol Andy
00:25:30| man on the moon mmm blazing Andy Kaufman thank you Andy Kaufman like I feel like that's his whole shtick is his life was a shtick like he would play jokes on people after the cameras rolling and
00:25:44| then after that and then after that so like it was just a running joke that never ended I didn't have that level of commitment I feel like it's not funny more but maybe it is I don't know he's
00:25:56| lost in the world that He created so he doesn't even know who he really is anymore but he has to keep going to play the greatest joke of all time everyone loves him yeah like people know like I
00:26:07| feel like everyone hates him but after he dies or like in retrospect like he was great but really they hated and while he was alive yeah doesn't really mean yeah well if somebody dies you
00:26:17| can't say oh I never really liked that person was it Jack that's five minutes brought by the word jackal we'd be sponsored by a word hmm hmm hope so many ones that word and as a business the
00:26:32| business is probably be a service so jackoff enterprises let's give a head to okay here we go drag her into this but he was glad she had come couldn't wait to see her touch her I'm changing it up
00:26:50| a little bit I have done idea bad starting mid-sentence fine yeah been stood up and stretched sick of the small airless interrogation room so typical there was at least one in every precinct
00:27:04| maybe is a cop an old cop he's already tired cop X Comics cop a camera mounted high in the corner near the ceiling had recorded the entire conversation bins could have asked for a lawyer or kept
00:27:17| his mouth shut maybe he's arrested maybe he's not a cop but he had nothing behind he did it mm-hmm he knew it he sensed Hayes knew it he said his account of the events at
00:27:29| Devil's cauldron had been confirmed by Travis Travis and his girlfriend this was an exercise in futility but one that ensured Hayes didn't make any mistakes he glanced at his reflection on the wall
00:27:43| god only knew who was standing behind the two-way mayor Andrew blood slow and Riva Martinez were probably there okay name drop okay we drew bledsoe and reaffirm our Diaz we're probably
00:28:00| there waiting for him to slip up and make a mistake maybe the DEA was there along with other other detectives hell maybe even dawn Rankin was watching lähde name it's like
00:28:11| three names three full names in there I'm growing through the list yeah it was ridiculous but Ben's understood procedure name is actually rake Rick bends over the coals
00:28:22| Rick bands prove that he's a good cop gone bad someone insane enough to show up in Los Angeles and start killing people who had known his ex-wife even though he talked
00:28:34| things through with Hayes earlier this was official with a record so he'd suffered through the questions about his marriage to Jennifer her betrayal the divorce the fact that while they'd been
00:28:46| living together a second time trying to see if it would work she cheated on him all over again around that time they the accident had taken her life he understood that it was
00:28:59| necessary to rehash this dark period in his life though that though that hadn't made it any easier then he said Sigurd to Jennifer the ghost big the Jennifer the ghost and Ben's had frickin seen her
00:29:16| in his hospital room back in Louisiana how he determined that the woman haunting haunting quote/unquote him was actually a real flesh-and-blood imposter one he'd that's when the page ends so I
00:29:30| wanted that verb so bad but that's fine that's the way it goes that's out this podcast blue team's murders mmm you know I have no idea you get to a ghost I mean anything's possible in your mind right
00:29:44| uh yes so they want to disrespect the audience so I burped off-camera there oh good good redirection away from that uh he's just getting integrated interrogated and he knows everyone there
00:29:56| so away from here thinks he does we don't know these probably people used to work in the precinct he's just imagining them behind the glass in there well there's an interesting
00:30:04| here's an interesting thing that happens in books versus on real life in a book medium you can do whatever you want there's no limit you can break down walls you don't have the confiance that
00:30:16| film medium has you literally say whatever you want what I find interesting is in real life you say your next detective you're an interrogation room you say it's probably Sanchez back
00:30:27| there he always hated me it's probably Rubio back there hey he was a jerk-off and then you're like I wonder if Steve's back there his first day huh I remember Steve I taught him to fish like you know
00:30:40| I mean you remember all these people from your thing when in reality it's like three different people that you've never met and you wouldn't know it's thanks for
00:30:47| guessing but you don't know these people this is entirely random in a book usually the nineteen to thirty eight characters the author creates end up playing into your your story yeah
00:30:58| they're defined exactly how they're supposed to play out or they have like a twist to them there's no random weird stuff they're going to keep coming back Steve's going to keep coming back
00:31:06| whoever's gonna keep coming back like because you don't want to create a whole new character because it feels weird you're like let's see Steve again but you're completely wrong about a
00:31:12| character like you always hated them but they cannot be a good guy and you figure out that you know 100% but but they cut down on introducing extemporaneous information true I like in some way and
00:31:26| build the story by it it's even worse with movies like why would you introduce like eight new fake people we're just gonna show for one scene yeah you don't pick a part of movie pretty easily my
00:31:38| guess is a few of those people are behind the mayor glass I don't know if all of them are but ex-employees I guess and what's really crazy is so he was married Jennifer it sounds like he had a
00:31:51| wife and then he had some mistress that he remarried to and then she died randomly grand enact he's pretty calm I mean keeps saying they were taping it I don't care I have nothing to hide here's
00:32:06| my question do you believe bents with a Z it's all from his perspective it's so it's it's hard to say that but belie I mean wrong could be killer noni kill somebody make it so
00:32:19| that it's it's everything's okay in your mind I guess never happened Lisa Danna strike means this kind of author I think he's innocent going by Lisa here so we're gonna have a
00:32:32| final page here that might tell us the story or not all the way to 457 let's do it I think I'm ready I heard younger comes back and he appears undressed oh he saw okay begins on the end of a
00:32:47| sentence record oh oh yeah I got it out I got it back in the interrogation room Martinez was playing the good cop nice of you to help her out when she's low on cash and everything she said Reva
00:33:02| Martinez is a woman sounds like you're a good friend but did you know what that Jada has been linked to several murders Jada Jada Pinkett I don't know who that is
00:33:11| I'm broke if you don't know so only Fernando shook his head mmm burn and all these new people that we didn't know in the past hundred pages the past four pages sorry did you help
00:33:24| her kill some of these people Martinez asked her dark eyes softened maybe you didn't realize it maybe you just gave her a ride somewhere not knowing what she was doing aren't
00:33:32| you slam to trying to play him yeah the good cop you're saying a good cop wasn't the good cut as far as you know you're just helping out a friend I didn't do anything wrong
00:33:40| I didn't kill anybody I need anyone hello my goddamn lawyer come on Fernando Hays nudged we've got your fingerprints now so maybe this is Fernandes perspective a new guy I can't tell
00:33:53| maybe his name really is Fernando been so long as his first name oh we don't know no it's a if I was Rick Vince was it all right the kid had tightened up earlier when Hays printed him
00:34:05| I'm sure they'll match up with the prints found in the Impala maybe even with prints found at some of the crime scenes no I swear Fernando turned his body away from them re-- folding his
00:34:16| arms across his chest I didn't do anything wrong so maybe maybe bents fingered fingered Fernando no one is saying you did Fernando Martinez said in soothing voice
00:34:32| your sister your professors everyone says you're a good kid that's why I think I'm always thinking wait that's why I was thinking you might help us we need to help we need help finding
00:34:44| someone a woman named Olivia Ben's blonde hair dark eyes did you ever meet her Fernando how'd you like that one I got Istanbul llama there's a small paragraph left sorry no I don't want it
00:34:56| over the last page I want to roll in the book for someone when when you slip ahead yeah I want you to the last page oh yeah it's a crime novel apparently there's only a paragraph on the last
00:35:09| page very small yeah everyone turn up your land I did it guys I hope maybe someone in your house is in the middle of reading this play it near them I'm gonna ruin it we're gonna ruin it there
00:35:21| you say Lee says book I'm on page 600 malice yeah it's five hundred four pages and this is the last page so if you're somewhere in the 400 page mark yeah come on over the steady
00:35:38| beat of rain Jules heard the distinct sound of an engine sputtering sputtering to life hell there's only one son slept he was already running in the direction of the woman he had pointed as the
00:35:50| engine caught and broad with the sound of acceleration God they even read that better hell she was already running in the direction the woman had pointed as the engine caught and roared with the
00:36:05| sound of acceleration oh yeah dude look this is called the uh it's still going I'm still running catch-22 ends catch-22 denied and I forgot how catch-22 ends the woman with
00:36:21| the ninth appears again and swings at him Yossarian dives jumps out of the way and starts running and it just fades the movement action off-screen right I love that hmm that means it's still going on
00:36:34| this story whatever that was a she she was running not he may be young Jennifer's still alive maybe remember tadam someone like her an imposter maybe the imposter is a real person trying to
00:36:49| live her own life man let her live it was Ben's the whole time is a woman an ounce uh yeah yeah because he was wondering what happened to the woman maybe at night he's like a werewolf of
00:37:02| the trance he became a female at night he's a trans wolf oh it's hairy but it's its opposite he gets hairy and scratches his belly in the daytime like a man but at night become sexy woman
00:37:18| credibly sexy maybe that scene in the beginning where she reached out to touch his hand it was just his his hand transforming as he touched his other man hand he's like
00:37:30| it's beautiful we should ruin some more books for people anyway that's the end of it if you were reading this your whole life and you're reading a page a day and
00:37:39| you're reading it to your kids we're only bit I'm not ashamed how do you feel missing that book I don't I think it was played out pretty obvious I mean from
00:37:50| page 57 to maybe it was hour 57 it was it was obvious yeah she gave I tells Lisa good writer not the best in the world they get from us a couple of uh prose
00:38:04| mature podcasters never written anything that got published wrong I was published in a poem book lady okay Algie 2007 you mean it oh no I was like nineteen something ninety nineteen from do you
00:38:22| pay money to be in a book when you're in grade school makes people feel good like parents grandpa and I spun you poem you probably can I don't know if you could visit I want to read it with a little
00:38:33| more pizzazz in some of the last couple pages I'm a little upset sorry tonight then I bore you with the speech no but there is no way to find it I have no idea you I mean you could search day
00:38:46| with systems I could I could but now I don't think I could find your poem Jesus do you remember the name of your Bell I think it was called black I'm kind of curious now yeah I'll just
00:38:59| look for it I'm gonna look for something sorry if I'm looking like I'm ducking you on screen because I have to go around the mic mm-hmm I figured what the name of the book was that they put it in
00:39:13| when you're in grade school feel like maybe they've made a fake book make money off of grade schoolers I think it's real book they still make money off of them I
00:39:23| don't even know what to search I don't even know that that would ever be in searchable format like now would be all over the place so I don't think you're gonna find it my poems hmm turned it
00:39:39| into a poem podcast Hey you're trying to read it better you're full of competition though that's the thing you're trying to out-compete me trying to read it I know you're right no
00:39:48| no I'm not no I'm over that I don't think you are I think you just buried it deep inside with your back and with your limp and double the dosage of ibuprofen down
00:39:59| it with a cup of coffee ah real this confused made a war here I'm just curious where the whole hmm late 2007 would put you in college right so you were yeah all right never mind
00:40:12| cool Jesus 2004 so you're at high school you know old folks well you know I get just beginning of college I think it may have been great school I stopped with import the people don't deserve this the
00:40:24| people at home won't even pay to have it on the internet back then because it didn't exist this isn't it the book existed them didn't it uh-uh this is supposed to tell
00:40:32| you when it was printed or when it was no no this looks like kind of new ish well thank you Lisa Jackson yeah we don't really have much to say about your book Alice malice I don't know if we'll
00:40:47| read another one of yours not as crazy as Jesus judge me knowing I mean maybe great books I mean I only read five pages of it so you could have read the worst five pages what are the
00:41:00| probability of that yeah the best page was probably what the one where he was in the warehouse a second one yeah how shitting the guts everywhere have more pages like that Lisa crazy
00:41:15| animals and heart beating or racing backing down hallway or what if the rest of her booklet like that like people and animals to shitting other animals maybe that's a shout out Harry
00:41:29| um do you ever read any really good books you have a favorite book I don't even know who I don't know that I just curious I got catch-22 it's my favorite book of
00:41:40| all time it's a pretty good book I like I can read it I'm at punishment rat Raskolnikov forever ya know just that those toys to give yeah that's the writer is - good oh so yeah okay Reese
00:41:52| killing the copy there's gilma cop was - I can't say his name cuz it's so freakin long but the way he gets paranoid and like runs around and it's like hiding in different places and just like you could
00:42:03| feel how crazy that guy is throughout the entire book they did dust is key thank you did play it right with the the way it's written I'd go further but I didn't finish the book I read the began
00:42:21| for so that was one of the longer ones crime and punishment good one folks pick it up if it's at your local police or wherever you guys go I don't know what exists anywhere does everyone at home go
00:42:32| or it's weird any other people go Toys R Us dicks make sure you go some places anymore that bullies is real still right and maybe I think so all the zones better
00:42:46| than that we go mmm talk about some other subjects I did um here's a real question for you so let's say you could be alive in 1891 don't know what that was going on at that
00:43:03| point how come you could be alive then and without a doubt you will become one of the more successful rich famous becomes credible thinkers of the time no no no just you will has nothing to do
00:43:15| with your knowledge now your life back then you will be successful do whatever you want you can I have more money than most people you will make it big I'm gonna save
00:43:27| Nikolai Tesla because he lived he died in 1891 shit oh wait no citizenship citizenship he lived until 1943 nevermind oh cool then that was perfect for you
00:43:41| okay good I become an American that year prayed for his life your life right now why I wouldn't want to go back in time that seems like it's a shitty version of life who what would I do hold on I would
00:43:54| own computers my entire life right now goal in life to become a computer make money for a family and like blows my consciousness before I die and so I could live on so would you rather be
00:44:11| alive like 200 years from now yeah as long as the world's still alive I don't want the world no no let's say the world still life I have no clue what condition it's in but it's still around
00:44:20| and technology has advanced as it went backwards for whatever reason Stone Age scenario whatever why would you want to go backwards I guess this is real question you guess why would you want to
00:44:30| go forwards though because you get to see all the technologies but is that the point of life is seeing what new technology stuff but you could read about clear stuff now you could figure
00:44:40| out what was cool back then and just be like yeah we've you can invent cool things so hold on we're getting into a key element of what makes you you which is I thought I'd interesting and I knew
00:44:47| this question would play that way uh-huh see would you rather be alive and successful in 200 years or alive and may be successful in 500 years assuming the earth does well and everything keeps
00:44:59| going on the current curve it's going god damn he loves to know the folks it just wants to see the newest BOTS you can have sex with them as sex robots are right around the corner but you I mean
00:45:14| what if you have like a billion dollars in the past what does that buy you what does it buy you right now do you want a billion dollars right now hell yeah yeah billion dollars god no but if
00:45:25| I had it would you want it yeah I think so yeah why not hell yeah but in a few years if I ask you what it buys you what does it buy you I mean maybe less but more of more of
00:45:36| what's crazy you're giving it a value amount what's the point of life is almost my question that was fun Oh deep enjoy yourself um with the billion dollars back in 1891
00:45:47| I don't think as much I think you couldn't have as much fun I mean you wouldn't you wouldn't be caught on any relize cuz you had so much money and no one could catch you on film they could
00:45:56| no I can catch you doing anything ridiculous so you could be completely wrong yeah we could bamboos all the people you've probably been boozled the government back then let's be honest hmm
00:46:07| so I think of it as more of like technological in the future and probably carnal in the past if you if you went crazy sexual with it you could do anything kinky what whatsoever I mean
00:46:18| I'm not gonna say what I'm gonna do back then but I'd rather go on the floor before thinking method technological robot yeah just gotta wipe their memory it's not
00:46:34| the only thing you're wiping clean is it gonna reuse it anyway that's fine just wind it up okay would you live as a poor piece of garbage white trash from Northeast Philly in that thousand years
00:46:55| from now hmm I'm gonna curse what technology they'd have like you probably I know you have a phone right now which will dozen would never exist back then so so what's in a thousand years who the
00:47:07| hell knows what you'll have in your pocket the government just gives free sex robots to everybody it's a necessary thing it will calm the uprising that may happen if they're not constantly No
00:47:19| someone lower class right now probably has a super smart phone right they can does more than a computer can do 20 years ago exactly so I'm saying recently I'm agreeing with you so would you want
00:47:29| to be alive in a thousand years uh-huh definitely when does it end with you I can't wait till undead no no boy there's that peace and quiet you don't get anywhere else there's no need to
00:47:44| improve there's no need to get better there's no need to finish a project there's no need to do anything I mean this is sad if someone's looking this after I die I don't want to die
00:47:53| more of a joke is you was bored with your headphones you create a cone of solitude around healthy to use it I know exactly you get interrupted someone pokes through your your bubble of peace
00:48:07| and then you're broken don't talk about the logo please do so I was starting to make new logos I'll say is a good program it's in between paint and Photoshop somewhere in the middle
00:48:22| it's good to use don't use GIMP because that's a piece of shit and Wow Linux base their whole system one games garbage what's theirs at home I don't like it I'll take this trash you're
00:48:37| gonna have little people so I create a new logo what you tell me what because I you know what the idea for the logo was you can talk about the idea okay which do one we'll start with the goal learn
00:48:48| to get the gold brick on a toilet bowl uh-huh that we joined to get into yeah oh we want to talk about so here are the others we're trying to make ourselves more professional or trying to be more
00:49:00| to do we're trying to voguing people I don't know I see what you're saying you want to make we want a different symbol we want to grow we want to move forward yeah yeah right mm-hm we like our
00:49:14| current symbol we love it it's just text everyone on reddit says like hey you guys should have a better one hey here's what I do hey if you pay a few hundred bucks to a
00:49:24| graphic designer hey if you do this hey if you by the way people will only pay attention if you have something witty and this hey by the way that looks a Natur ish hey by the way um not to be
00:49:35| rude but and these are all the things you get from reddit and it's useful because you can always improve I have a hundred percent agree with it you know when whose books those reddit tours
00:49:48| predators predators retailers read it it seems like all they want to do is shit on things yeah and then this one you would think they would make a joke out of it I created
00:50:03| uh you didn't even get to the idea of it sorry gonna make something like a gold bar oh that's interesting my toilet that's wild because it's
00:50:17| almost like you shit gold you turn shit into gold and you sit through all the bullshit of life you give these gold no I'm not good siliceous old frigging nuggets they're not doing I don't even
00:50:32| clean them we have to clean them either way there's a lot of a lot going on also shitting bricks came up to mine gold brick on the toilet yeah another man is some weight to it shit garbage is
00:50:46| another man's treasure yeah you know what there's a lot of symbolism there I think there is there's a lot and I think it's a little Bolger probably for the average like if someone
00:50:56| just sees oh that's a gold brick on it yeah is your podcast about toilet someone asked me and I was like it's a little to simplify the proper flushed capacity
00:51:08| real leaders for flush is a standard how much could you describe a toilet honestly it's like really flush because the curvature is 3.2 radians per second and it contours to my ass cheeks
00:51:21| perfectly like wow that's I mean that's even like if that's the most I could talk about a toilet I don't know how you feel about toilets you're in luck folks yeah yeah so the the image is actually a
00:51:37| toilet bowl with a gold bar right on top and some people thought it was a yeah it's party it's just a sketch just a sketch but it was laid up this is her the clipart mm yeah I don't know how you
00:51:50| make a logo that doesn't look like clipart it's not like it's like a Renaissance painting it's not gonna be realistic my place oh it's a gonna have the square ratio the old three three
00:52:00| four four five wherever the ratio is one to one you always simplify my ideas they're like yeah huh yeah but um I don't know what it should be I don't know where we
00:52:14| should go yeah most people say you want to go ahead and pay somebody to do it for you because there's and this is my take away is that there's no way
00:52:23| you're ever gonna make it fucking look beautiful like a real professional will we looked at some professional ones too they're not I mean anything nothing though they're they're within best one
00:52:36| is the one that is like a simple logo or a simple streamlined thing or like a yeah shape like a that's that what that's what that is and this is the twist it's like a one-two like go bar on
00:52:52| a toilet I thought it was pretty simple but no one it seemed to get it it's a little clip arty and that the toilet was weird-looking that's an actual toilet from the internet from the ins Matt clip
00:53:04| mark and said I sketched it's right over top I overlaid it oh yeah what was weird about it Nick tell me about and I kind of talked about amateurish oh wait what was worried about it what all right I
00:53:18| say you have my exact line against me are you gonna like feel like now you're gonna be like well you texted here one of the commenters or not you should pay for this should get real paper real logo
00:53:31| douchebag yeah yeah the um I guess the sad part of it is that all these people will suggest that you shouldn't do it yourself they should hire professional you should pay money and not try it an
00:53:45| event the sound and the podcast itself though they probably do but I think in life you should probably build up on your skills and like your skills might suck now but in a year then that'd be
00:53:54| better and in a year another year you have no idea whether it be not one person says like you know I would like to see like a different iteration or a different idea
00:54:01| or like I don't see where you're going with this and then like they don't come back and say well why didn't you constructive criticism not constructive yeah hmm or maybe they own some of these
00:54:14| sites that like go to this site go to that site you're like trying to just do I would ask any of them if did Steve Jobs and per se did someone else and then an iPhone for me like don't ever
00:54:26| says that do that ready tours bill gates in the program this for me yeah they're better windows you can make the windows 10 will be out and I just
00:54:40| pay somebody to do this five years hmm you're right you're also wrong but you're right yeah so I'm gonna change up the logo a little bit but I leave that from that episode
00:54:53| knock it Prine out the toilet because I think the toilet probably people get caught on the toilet because they that they're too personal they're too intimate with the
00:55:02| toilet yeah they have an image already in their head of what they already flushed they're not thinking about the gold bar gold yes oh well see god that's my point
00:55:19| I don't know um I did recently haven't been sleeping too well that's why I'm a little sleepy to you guys oh yeah recently my tell it's a company guy with a lot they make these poker
00:55:31| chips the sexy poker chip right I'm not I want to see me cards on it okay all right so they make real-life poker chips they're designed to be feel like really folk tricks are weighted they have a
00:55:45| coating on them I got like a whole pack or they say a Las Vegas I'm going to make you feel fancy I got the Vegas once I'm addicted to the sound it's also oh you're like yeah I know right don't you
00:56:00| love it it's it has sound bad but I'm also addicted to online poker now and um I haven't slept in a couple days I've been gambling a lot now people say you have to win before you lose and you have
00:56:14| to lose before you win so I won a couple rounds first but now I've been losing money and I put my kids money for college into it and it's not a big deal but I think Mike took makes great tips
00:56:24| but it's I'm not even gonna blame them it's not their fault but I'm really worried that my kid won't be able to go to college now complaining non-stop um I'm in like four games I've been
00:56:34| playing right now you see me clicking well thing I have to drew a hand right now okay the rush when you win is nothing like anything I could ever explain but the
00:56:45| rush when you lose I don't know how to explain it but my tech probably owes me it close to $40,000 it's not a big deal the podcast will probably take off will probably be fine
00:56:55| these chips are beautiful they feel really like weighted they feel like you're really playing which is like a lot of fun and get you into gambling but I'm serious my credit cards are maxed I
00:57:06| haven't told her yet um I'm really worried but my kid he'll probably find it doesn't some some people say college isn't even important anymore but the other problem is we're gonna Christ why
00:57:25| would you play that on the fucking flop why would you pay on the flop people don't ahead gamble all the time sometimes people go all-in when they shouldn't go all-in and sometimes people
00:57:33| don't go in when they don't call in and you try and call a bluff you should know how to fucking play the game for you call bluff it's not a big deal just a game I mean you gonna call some games
00:57:43| you gotta buy different some games you gotta really be into it but I think makes a great tip they make one of the best chips in the industry they are leading that's it's the chip feels real
00:57:55| it feels real you can feel your kids college you feel as high school you can feel a lot of things divorce not absolutely divorce lawyers anyway I would suggest a my tech tip for anyone
00:58:06| who's in rookie you can get there of your pro you get there whoever the hell you are I don't care just go there just go there today go there today and I need I need my money back I need it's
00:58:18| bullshit that's usually an online game you don't even know who's dealing in an online game no one knows anything about an online game it could be jesus fucking christ dealing
00:58:27| to me anyway um mine tech tips check him out they're great and they um they actually come with a bonus pack and it comes with dice I thought that's pretty cool
00:58:39| welcome buy you the podcast thank you well when we say parental debt does it not transfer to children congratulations your son can start at zero well the house holds all the keys so the
00:58:57| flop is the most important part but anyway so um you know that 33 is from Masonic number since rollbase tonic numbers yeah no no it's like the the Masons of Freemasons they worship the
00:59:12| number 33 because a lot of stuff happened on 33 inventors like turning the corner there lost all your money and thank you very well like what and Jesus would deal any ax chips Jesus died at 33
00:59:24| so is this like the 21 club wait what's the UM Kurt Cobain Jimi Hendrix like a Janis Joplin everybody who died huh they all died at the same age because they realized yeah but it wasn't it wasn't 33
00:59:37| and we look us up though you would have known Thanks um Hendrix died when he was that young oh my god it might be 23 26 a search for play seven club there you go I got some embers for you Ray or hit it
00:59:55| no clue some of these people are uh start with some cool people definitely Hendrix oh damn oh I thought that was someone else Jimi Hendrix Janis Joplin Jim Morrison Linda Jones Lesley Harvey
01:00:11| Eve Alexander don't know you Cecilia oh no yeah thanks for playing Chris Austin knows I'm separa Kurt Cobain stretch fat Pat freak eat ah god bless that long
01:00:28| anyone house riesen Amy Winehouse and uh their Davenport well Kim Jong Hyun ah dude better known that anonymously is Jong Hyun man Frank Santana ox dude
01:00:47| we lost someone too early but anyway the popular musicians who died at 27 there's a statistical spike for death at this age but has recently been fairly disprove
01:01:04| by research it's still cultural meme that I will still believe that even though I just read that stat yes you could believe that a 27-year they're starting a family or ending your life I
01:01:15| mean think about it mention Hendrix were like two kids I always cried and complained like that and nobody you wouldn't believe in segments mm-hmm so Masonic center 33 I'm sorry 33 but
01:01:31| what do we do at 33 that's so cool so important they say like most of the inventors they create something magical got it we got some time yeah I like yeah I like it days are winning I will tell
01:01:48| you that we don't want to hit 34 because that's the bad bad year that's the second 27 real quick um I hate to do an aside on the podcast hate to pick up my phone I know it's a
01:02:03| no-no but um till then thanks to me oh yeah is he watching for money episode I thought he was watching cuz he's a big fan of the podcast right mm-hmm he's one
01:02:12| of our biggest fans it'll excited level.dat that loves us man he's cool here ooh fart night question mark question mark question mark thanks now that we just
01:02:23| went live why would you ask me that filled in and it occurred to me that maybe he's not our biggest fan and maybe I mean you know who your friends are yeah egocentric have you ever have you
01:02:36| ever deleted a phone number live on a podcast I'll delete it I'll blues goddamn number right now check this out believe believe this no not kind of hey delete a person I don't
01:02:49| secure channel right here hey Bill Dan pay attention trash can and that's just the conversation I got to do man don't he know his number by heart I don't know he changed his number I think uh-huh do
01:03:06| we delete this contact grade school friend only then will be removed from Google contacts and all your synced devices delete deletes all you're saying
01:03:18| devices yeah check that out there should be like we removed from life button huh you like he cannot contact you over again we'll block him in every service there is available I did it I was like
01:03:32| you're gonna cry a little bit I know you're gonna know if he's just gonna text me later and I had it back no it actually was still loading that's crazy your phone crashes can loud it's like
01:03:44| you can't live without him anyway I'm over him the AI and your phone is like no dan dan no when we played for a night that was the best memory of his life how old is he is he
01:04:00| just talking about Mason Club huh and I think you know what he's gonna invent the fart mask something where you fart and you can smell it huh probably something he would make I think it keeps
01:04:11| the sense nice tight enclose a big fart fan man loves farts one time he asked me to mail him apart hmm how you know he's actually been you store that I've mason jar I had no idea
01:04:27| I think he was joking except I went on his Twitter you can check it out it whatever it's called dill van I don't know whatever you look it up he um was recently blocked from a
01:04:38| bunch of celebrities because he would post to their site and be like can you mail me a fart I thought that was weird he did to me first but now he's still into celebrities hey I thought it was
01:04:48| like I'm gonna steal these hot girls you know whatever who's he sending this to Liam Hemsworth and then um Joe Pesci he said it to Danny DeVito I thought that was weird but he wants them to mail him
01:05:04| a fart and I'm not here to judge I don't care what you do but early and then he got blocked he got a cease and desist letter from someone I forgot his house and you check out his closet he always
01:05:18| accidentally falls on those files of farts Tahoe my call my word nothing so Miley everywhere like you know like scientists have glass vials of referral liquids his glass vials that works but
01:05:31| empty with a cork on the top and like what's in this what's in this listen it's the don't touch those don't touch those so I mean shout out he's doing what he's
01:05:42| doing and I respect that yeah there's a those be worth something someday they will especially their uncle Abu Bakr operated was a provenance I have provenance on this fart and it
01:06:01| was like pops it open an auditors like it just need a little that's a joke I see if I ever forged cork it this is 73 yeah Oh notice oh yeah he was doing a diet for a movie
01:06:19| strictly me anyway shout out thanks for listening and goal in or actually thanks for not Leslie and ironically here oak bark night and so weird it came full circle yeah anyway I'm not playing
01:06:37| tonight good podcast you're a big fan you'd know that but you've been deleted from my link moving on anything no with you we wrap up here anything we're bring full circle here do a couple things
01:06:50| you're saying you weren't sleeping really well going on Saturday night I was trying to sleep and at like 1:00 a.m. there's a really loud music that had been playing for
01:06:58| like three hours it was a Mexican music it was like the same song over and over again Marinette just what I was like at 12:30 had had enough I was like I gotta tell
01:07:14| my neighbor to cut it off I walked outside and it was none of my neighbors I walked down the street and it was nobody in that vicinity it was down the block probably another like half mile
01:07:26| someone had played music that loudly so that I was woken up for it and I guess everyone in the neighborhood must have been woken up for it by the time I stopped giving up chase there were cops
01:07:37| just like driving in that direction trying to find out who it was wait seriously like that are it was yeah I've never had loud music being like an entire
01:07:45| neighborhood before I was absurd how do you even and it wasn't even your neighborhood yeah yeah that's a pretty big neighbor he sure wasn't a quarter-mile
01:07:53| I mean that's pretty big huh true distance in half I I trust that it was at least down the street and the street is probably at least a quarter mile away it's a long mile that's fair and also
01:08:05| like the like the volume kept going up and down so I was like maybe they like people are like knocking on the door saying like you know can you turn down the music and then I mean like it woke
01:08:13| me up when they kept like dialing back up so that's me up we've got that sugar yeah how's my cred I'll grab for the week Oh Oh big news folks at home yes
01:08:34| tune in your speaker's you ready I think we're all ready I'm a Bridget main and it's really freaking good what look Bridget main I don't know what a Bridget main is where are you from dude mm-hmm
01:08:52| like you would be a Hanzo main you know and then yo we got a Honda main over here Tori Hanzo so if you play overwatch which clearly you don't your main is who you are most games like
01:09:08| this is my main on the Mersey main mercy making stupid sorry that's a joke no joke you'll figure it out anyway um like you say like I'm a thigh romaine
01:09:20| or I'm uh my son is a diva main you've been worried about that I am he's not even four and he has a mane so what are you gonna do I totally put him in training not real games but has no idea
01:09:35| I can lean one for like 15 point man how long does it take until they actually get video games and you can play with them and be not upset by what they do uh depends on the kid yes are you hoping
01:09:47| that happens in the next year or so or he's actually oh it's already it's already happening where he can play he's so bad it stopped on my way anyway on there's a
01:10:01| new character her name's Bridget and uh just a shield and a mace it's like a melee weapon usually I don't do that kind of thing but um I've been here for like the past whatever this week is like
01:10:14| half a week and I've been killing it I feel like she's too powerful because of the way I use they're okay overpowered uh I don't know because I'm their nerfing to other classes I think
01:10:26| Dumba stencil else this week or next week mm-hm but it wasn't her and I was like the cool part like she's a shield like the mace use people with the long reach
01:10:38| mace and then like I bashed them with the shield and I'm just destroying people and I'm usually okay at the game but now I'm like every match I play I win because I can keep the other team at
01:10:50| bay like I can keep like three people at bay with a fight like with my shield and like whipping and like I'm crazy and bashing and all going nuts and they're like road hog and it's Pharaoh and
01:11:02| whoever and they're coming at me and I'm like I'm having so much fun I've had fun playing that game in a while or maybe even just out feel like I'm saying what if it what if it turns and I hate the
01:11:17| game in like a week you know I mean that's why I wait I always wait two weeks because that's when you give up interest even I bought it lucky here and a half ago oh then you never had
01:11:26| interests oh I don't need to buy it no but I loved it right now and I can't stop playing it mmm where those poker chips are just earlier anyway so that's my my confession I'm a Bridgette name
01:11:42| hmm I was picturing like a lion's mane just with like some kind of Bridget escu feel to it me Bridget made there like long luscious hair this is so weird and apparent who
01:11:55| you are if you play it at all if you get going in it you're going to be let's soldier 76 Maine not that terrible I won't say that they are uh you get a read on you please feel like you're like
01:12:12| a Symetra mean or like a know what's going on there's Elva it is you know necessary maybe I can't be figured out I'm not I'm not an easy peg yeah multifaceted individual here I honestly
01:12:32| don't know who you would mean hmm on the tip of my tongue I know if you do it I'm gonna know it you're not see this is the thing about Dan if he plays a game he's not gonna be
01:12:41| a supporting class cuz that's a Joker's move yeah you can never be a kneeler know a healer that's that's joke um I also don't think you'd be a tank I think you like bullet shields made thing it's
01:12:56| like quickness says there's attacking classes a ninja is too hard to use I don't think he began G on Zoe's weird cuz he has a bow and I are on I don't like you might be a Hanzo but although
01:13:07| mmm that's good I want you to buy the game just to figure out who your main is I might I might might jump in let's see I really have no but how much it costs like 50 60
01:13:19| yeah if I ever play the game I will let them know what main I am and and then sending the game back yeah yeah I just what mean I was thank you incredibly weird okay so I think I figured yeah did
01:13:35| I ever tell you that I was heavy into PokerStars online gambling and college are you for real yeah for real I said a lot of people you went to college with were other people I
01:13:47| had it so that you know the table has eight people at it and our entire apartment had four people all playing on the same table yeah and I said about a program so that we could each like type
01:14:02| in what we had and then we select the person that had the best odds and then funneled money towards that guy so that it work no cuz no one would listen to what I did
01:14:14| I didn't have a strong enough voice like snow but the the whole thing is a hack if you ever quit Queen nine is like the the fringe card to have I would play it cuz I I lost a lot of money on Queen 9
01:14:30| that I didn't play French play the French oh do you want to hear there's a stick that happened with online poker playing uh-huh I think was genius this was a big favor of ones
01:14:42| it's drew toothpaste he does um comics online he's a Twitter guy he's really funny shout out through a toothpaste just drew toothpastes polymer that true crude base
01:14:56| anyway he did a shidduch where he would go into poker chat rooms no hung even talk we were playing or whatever you don't have to and he would do a shtick where he act like he was driving Oh
01:15:10| playing and acting like he was still playing and uh his handle was I'm a dog I'm underscore underscore dog it was like I almost ran off the road I'm driving right now
01:15:24| and it was like Delta board KD K s3h which is I guess some signifier for the game and bipolar bipolar bear wrote what the fuck driving the dealer play will resume after five minutes I wish I could
01:15:38| call 9-1-1 on you there was nothing left Dylan was I'm driving I'm driving couldn't even tell me who's winning and then it was a minute break in its own interstate hero
01:15:50| the response was WTF are you trying to play poker while drafting dealer sent the board and Delta board can't see small screen it's absolutely no business driving and playing its response I have
01:16:04| air bag safe it wrecked some third party wrote worried about other people you might hurt or kill wrote I my dog group not much oh my god and then the deal was it was dealt to the board good stuff and
01:16:26| I'll give is third one I'm a dog right I guess he wrote something earlier normal like yield a hand but he's got something wrong sort of I'm driving in
01:16:36| May typo meant to race once tell him what he's gonna do right right someone wrote uh no no he owe me he was gonna try and raise them for everybody not just not a secret but
01:16:50| he wrote can't look at screen right okay look at screen much because I need to watch the road Delta board Beauvoir the bats don't wrote be careful someone else wrote please do and delta board blah
01:17:04| blah uh no need be well I have aerobatic it's no one wrote I have kids out there driving do not run them over whatever if these things have airbags too disconnected had someone wrote pull over
01:17:24| dog and thence alright you're a dog here at sorry fancy on the road and the hand starts and it was dealt which the funny thing is I think he must have been really gambling for the stick because
01:17:41| like it makes you want to stay in because you can't leave the room but do you stay in a room or someone possibly it's driving and playing okay you might know if they finished the hand and you
01:17:51| think you have an advantage a clip right right so do stay in and just finish or is it like a moral thing like I can't stay in here this guy's driving and playing with his kids I only I always
01:18:02| finish even if it's not moving and you got to progress the hand somehow mm-hmm yes she do mm-hmm get to in the hole in the air I keep going and then it concludes our podcast
01:18:19| holy smokes folks we like you we like you a lot thanks for joining in check all our socials check our not socials and money to our poker no yes yeah please pay off Nick's credit cards he
01:18:35| doesn't know what to do with himself he will waste your money just like you wasted all his yeah I just need a little help just a little get over get over the home 529 we
01:18:46| do them justice help me help you good night thanks folks

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