The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP092 Communism Socialism Capitalism

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Transcript UnP092 Communism Socialism Capitalism

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 92 - Communism Socialism Capitalism
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00:00:07| have you ever seen a luxury car passed by and go oh I want a piece of that how about a really small piece a piece that everyone has you can start out on the ground floor today and stay there
00:00:18| forever it's called the neck innominate economic system known as communism join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all
00:00:39| covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion or remind you can get a
00:00:53| little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content it's for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time we're back with another episode a beautiful
00:01:26| concept known as communism Oh is there a direction you bulb I'm not gonna I'm not gonna pick a side bob says no yet have a little drinky drink tonight smear well not that's really name Rambler does
00:01:46| smell certain nationalities Smurfs vodka maybe arrggh potatoes yes very popular drink in through stuff mm-hm so do you all sign here if you have any directions any idea where you would like to go
00:02:03| tonight tonight I'd like to talk about a little bit about socialism maybe even a little bit about communism maybe a little bit about capitalism some pros and cons I like to talk about
00:02:14| I'd like to just say mean things about Russians for a while if we get a chance later in the episode okay what about I guess living in communism and like the feeling of utter
00:02:24| dread and despair that probably comes with the shitty government and good patear lack of control got it so I try to drop an ice cream in there yeah I see you know it's vodka I guess is
00:02:40| ubiquitous there because it's from maybe the only drink they have who knows let me drink worth drinking yeah so we want to start out with what is communism I do I would love to but these definitions
00:02:55| are my thing yeah and don't mind this I've been crying for days on it but my eyes are so right yeah I'm not bothered by it at all good I'm glad you're not or the red marks on
00:03:11| my eyes I hate everywhere what a coincidence career advising yeah communism it's from the Latin word commute common comes comes I can't pronounce I never glide it
00:03:28| means common or universal it's a philosophical social political and economic ideology I do first coined by oh that got a D ' who pay 1777 he's a big he is ins to the podcast actually he
00:03:51| got he's French philosopher yeah he was talking about the commune it was this idea that all the people can work together share from each other's benefits and they would all have like
00:04:01| equal grounds and wishers push her mic back like an inch is it crack-a-lackin' its crack hell bit so but we should have should at a level that sorry I don't know what it changes my loudness maybe I
00:04:15| don't know you get excited easily I get excited once we talk about communism through the roof so you use that before and I said 1550 no 15 15 Thomas works a mile
00:04:27| that was like a utopia and it turned out that it shit itself and turning dystopian and no one can live in lonely island anymore that sucks down the spiral the idea why
00:04:40| do you have do you have an idea cause I mean I do because if everyone's equal then the person who's pulling the least weight is really pissing off the person pulling off them pulling the most weight
00:04:53| like someone who does work non-stop when the I under the commune is really pissed that the person who just sits on their ass all day and maybe drinks or does nothing like he's getting all the same
00:05:06| benefits like you don't get anything extra out of it they're all sharing it equally yeah so maybe that's the main idea of communism right so you're sharing everything with everybody every
00:05:17| everybody is working towards a goal and then everyone's taking from that goal and people are not ideas so you have people that don't fit into the ideological communism communism yeah
00:05:33| okay great hmm how would you feel if you were the wealthy guy and they took all your wealth probably probably love it would be like yes what if you were the poor guy and you got wealth from it that
00:05:47| sounds a good good I love it it does so what is all these things so living in say communist Russia in like the 1980s I think communism fell in 1989 ish yeah somewhere in 89 is ranged yeah so mr.
00:06:06| Gorbachev tear down your balls take the tear down walls wall Berlin Wall fell down came down and then oh yeah I think it did so that I was watching a video people going to a grocery store and I
00:06:22| remember this from I think one of the Russian presidents came to the United States to view NASA like he toured NASA and was like okay this is this is pretty good and what really amazed him he
00:06:34| stopped in the supermarket and he just wandered the aisles for like hours cuz he was fascinated at the variety all the pockets that he could buy that's the thing of capitalism I guess huh
00:06:45| yeah market tension you get people that are trying to do better than the other and then that's burst creativity and more options and then choices that the consumer could make and not just the
00:06:56| government hmm because it is interesting in those Russian supermarkets you were allotted its what food yeah you got like a you got like a meat a dairy and then I guess you would get like a bread like a
00:07:10| staple and then they like they also had like I was watching a video and they had like these really shitty like pre-made meals that look like MREs alongside like this like meat that was like poorly
00:07:21| wrapped and then he's like bin so like if you were to imagine like a warehouse that's what their supermarket is like it's just boxes of stuff and they would like cut open a box and like everyone
00:07:32| got one well does everyone have to go get it at once I'm just curious I think they were given a fake money like they give like a like a coupon or something and you bring it
00:07:42| in and it's good for one meal voucher was milk one bread there's one little girl checking out and she had like three bags of like what looked like like brightly colored green so I assumed it
00:07:53| was like good food or candy and like the dad you speaking Russian so I could understand but he was like you got to put those two back and she was like watching them and I was like I can't
00:08:04| imagine like my son wants everything and like certain things are better than regular so and I can't imagine having your kid like go to a grocery store and not want anything because it looks like
00:08:15| crap I want this don't you want anything no please no so that that is I'm one aspect that the government is in control and they do a shit job of it like government controls so many different
00:08:35| sectors that's nice too I guess anyway rockin party here at the UM vendors yeah that's crazy I don't hear me she was listening to the sound of my voice I'm like a canary beautiful slide
00:08:56| there's other birds I would use I hear one yeah course drill hmm there's me so but hmm you're in the middle of a sentence in our process art do you trust the government to make decisions for you
00:09:11| no but I think that they're gonna do better in some sectors worse than other sectors I think there's some towns that they care less about some they care more about just by human nature
00:09:22| now what if everyone has a job and then they were forced into a government job they didn't want do you think that person will do a good service for the people that they're serving no I don't
00:09:33| think so listen that destroy the idea under communism no I mean there's kind of bounces to all of that I mean we're not gonna get into it until we get the
00:09:43| capitalism but communism is essentially something that benefits the lazy capitalism is something that benefits the greedy you already have money yeah there's a net that needs to be cast to
00:09:54| protect the people that just can't work like they have right mental there has to be a way to get people who are just going to do less than the bare minimum and take advantage of the system so we
00:10:04| talked a little bit of the negatives you have any more negatives to add of communism um I was actually gonna talk about more in history of it below good negatives negatives no no I love
00:10:14| negatives oh you love Taoism okay my favorite thing was aquick positive like yes the idea that is positive there you go I don't know that it ever actually works out I will see a good idea
00:10:29| communist governments can make their people do an inordinate amount of work towards a common goal so like if you want to be a regulating work yeah you could force them out of Texas working
00:10:42| towards something then they don't want to work towards but they will anyway because they're hungry their basis of existence relies on doing that one thing the government wants them to do do you
00:10:55| think in a communist society people are less individualistic like there are fewer so I was listening to testimonials of creativity yeah yeah so you don't wanna
00:11:08| step out of line because there's only one view and a lot of the times that view is taught in schools and then if there's someone who's a dissident who is like I don't think this is the history
00:11:18| that you're supposed to teach like in Soviet communist Russia they would listen in on the people that were dissidents and then report back to the government about them because literally
00:11:31| anything that you have a comment on is government controlled like you don't like this food you don't like your car your house or anything talk about against any policy or anything they say
00:11:42| that it really boiled down to like one in seven people were like a government is at i/o so like that's a lot of employment though yeah kudos to them on finding jobs we can all agree on keeping
00:11:58| your bottle in check yeah and then being one a mark being a big old narc well history I had all this history yeah I just do it a little bit just kind of work but 1917 was around the time the
00:12:14| October Revolution Bolsheviks in my name is Bolsheviks hell yeah they are the right then there was the revolution of cuff sorts the proletariat which were the working class even with dirty
00:12:29| fingers is that what you did list yeah there was that I would bring the people out on the streets and if they were a higher caste they never worked the fields or anything that was
00:12:37| industrialized so their hands would be milky white and then they would kill them because they didn't have any calluses on their hands mmm which I don't have very much either like one
00:12:49| weird to two but one person was pieced bread and land space bread and land our peace peace peace bread and lands I'm sorry I was break me off the internet must be going hmm
00:13:03| one can yeah that's strange stony 1922 never got that yeah Soviet Union 1922 after World War one I got that and I sit all the way hello in December
00:13:24| that's 70 70 years yeah it's actually probably a fairly successful run and it was didn't they before World War 1 they weren't a superpower they're kind of just a poor country they work pretty
00:13:38| hard at one direction became the superpower of like you're almost right yeah one of the I mean not be but you go from a zero to a pretty big player yeah one of those dangerous players that's
00:13:52| true that's true I'm good till ya get maloca it didn't work out but he went up against rocky Rocky Balboa yeah you in the ring with rocky capitalism yeah you were uh you know his
00:14:07| name if Ivan if he dies we die you grow of it such good stuff good writing ah mmm good history good history gender history yeah real quick I guess we can touch on Marxism because a lot of
00:14:32| people talk about Karl Marx sure um Karl Marx he he wrote a whole bunch of papers essays really riveting stuff and he believed that all of this stuff that society would go through these pockets
00:14:47| of change and that communism was just a phase that it was they developed through material conditions rather than ideas was Marx's big idea he said that um as your technology changes your culture
00:15:02| will change as your availability to transport goods changes your culture will change like you move to communism when you need communist unusually communism was used when you need to
00:15:13| overthrow the government or you need change and the people need strength because at some point the top becomes so strong that the bottom can't control I think so then want the bottom rises up
00:15:22| right for the point one more bill and one percent right so he a lot of people think he's just communism but I think he believed in a if you read stuff more cyclical view he worked with
00:15:32| a guy named angle angle and angular got no credit which I foes awesome you just hear about Marxism well think they believe didn't talk about yeah yeah and they believed in scientific socialism
00:15:45| just a few points they put down was that social progress is driven by productive forces technology labor and capital goods make sense humans are involved in the productive relations
00:15:57| there's divisions of labor there's leaders there's business people there's peons there's workers and these divisions kind of separate us so a manager doesn't get the same treatment
00:16:06| or the same payment as the guy working the mill that just sounds like common knowledge but that divides us so then there are wealthy there are non wealthy there are working class there are
00:16:19| bourgeois proletariat the relations of production actually further everyone in their own direction so they said that like the rich would get richer now poor tend to stay poor and then look he ended
00:16:35| up that the last one state power is usually only transferred by social or political upheaval because the people have power like to keep power so how people it's the only way to change it
00:16:47| yeah so that the Obama's 2014 city of the Union address there's the reporting that the distribution of wealth was that the top 1% possessed 40 percent of the nation's wealth so almost a third of the
00:17:06| wealth was concentrated at the top one percent and then vice versa for the bottom eighty percent they only own 7 percent of the wealth Wow crazy that's wild and that what we were
00:17:18| just talking about not just you can't buy things like forget that the ability to have nicer cars or a nicer house you can't affect political change you can't affect the law so you can't affect the
00:17:31| day-to-day stuff you can't change society put without that power yeah right which is fascinating but you don't something a little bit I did want to make a point that angles in all this
00:17:45| one of the ones they copied was to Paul barf it was one of the people who worked for he wouldn't I say this man all are he he did all these studies and if you skip steps and you abuse the power of
00:18:03| this communism this upheaval it can be turned in the wrong direction like we were mentioning it's like a singularity of mind you're giving the government enough control even though the
00:18:12| government's for the people it can be put to abuse I thought that was really cool because I went to school with Paul Barton like she's literally nine he was in my grade school so shout out Paul I
00:18:24| thought he was the only one but apparently how crazy would it be if Paul Barth I went to school with was like this guy's great great freakin it's a great town grandpa great great great for
00:18:34| so narcissistic that you just name everyone Paul continually I'll even the girls but I don't know I think it's it could be in could be I made the grade school with
00:18:48| the guy that's so cool yeah it came full circle so so my office is really touching on he's touching on like the the vault like the volatility of nations as well as like going back and forth
00:19:00| between ideologies to favor the people versus the government versus the concentration of wealth so it it could be that you know you go from communism just capitalism to either like
00:19:16| late-stage capitalism which is what's late state capitalism is that coming up that's the that's the concentration of wealth so that the people who are on the bottom they're really indentured service
00:19:28| so they can't possibly speak over the ice cubes that are one ice cube it was just the bottom your honor so there's murdered on a podcast it's exactly like student debt like we
00:19:42| should touch on this like wage lasers yeah so you get forced into a system that you cannot get out of because it's advantageous for the people that are already on the top because they'd be
00:19:53| littering on the top can cause you to have debt and they can cause you to have interest and then it'll never pay it off even though you're working harder than the
00:20:01| people who votes it actually changes the laws on student loans I mean it's the people like the regular everyday jamokes no it's not politician I had arrived and bought off by the corporation not
00:20:12| politicians it's not people who work for Sallie Mae Fannie Mae Ginnie Mae I'm gonna name them all again they're sucking buttholes out there folks they're just anyway we touched on that
00:20:23| in a previous episode if you want to hear a little bit more about the student loan crisis you can click right here where the unhand or did an episode on student loan crisis with a special guest
00:20:32| that was a great episode yeah it's gonna go check it out folks moving on so yeah so you get some weird kind of like socialism liberalism like no more won't go from here I can go in any direction
00:20:47| you want I know well I didn't want to get to capitalism so soon but maybe we are you might talk about socialism versus communism well you can talk about socialism is like do you have certain
00:20:59| programs that cover people to protect them from I don't know like health mishaps and yeah it makes a whole day hmm so what do we do that socialist in this country in the u.s. that Social
00:21:15| Security yeah so Social Security will cover you if your spouse dies it will okay yeah we'll pay your Widow and pay for some of your children will you get a little bit and also if you get disabled
00:21:32| if you're an unable to work that will pay a little bit cover you there and if you once you get to full retirement age or I think it's 62 now you can take a potato I think you can start yeah yeah
00:21:45| so you can you're covered so you're not destitute in a time when you're disadvantaged I would say unable to work unable to contribute to society alright that make sense uh-huh it also
00:21:57| works for people with as you mentioned certain disabilities what about injury at the workforce where workers comp yeah that's just by the end or companies I guess well it's I think
00:22:11| there's a federal program associated with that that's really meant to like unemployment yeah so there's a lot of variety welfare all the welfare programs right yes it's like on a previous
00:22:24| episode is everything is like a teapot right here we did a previous episode and all the welfare programs on all the different substance programs of the great episode yeah
00:22:35| medicare medicaid covers the health part of it then there's like section 8 housing so people who can't afford you know food stamps they can't afford housing all that stuff get coverage for
00:22:47| them to get them out of that low-income housing you're trying to remember what it was in the episode yeah I remember all the acronyms and the one was low-income heating housing lah dat damn
00:23:05| damn oh I low-income heating program or something lip it wasn't that damn I'm just I was just trying to remember from the episode well have to click it add a view to that page yeah we yeah look at
00:23:22| her a previous episode we covered it a road episode that we were talking about and that this is all socialism meat program we're talking about yeah so flow state programs to protect society that's
00:23:33| oh there's also elements to I guess our government that provide oh they're up like I guess military is also kind of like a program to protect us I can see that and then you stretch the definition
00:23:47| that's like yeah an education so it's like it's necessary first to have a basic education so that we can teach ourselves what we want to do in life because we don't really do some places I
00:23:59| didn't even consider that well educated not free everywhere it's degrading so like in a Russian society the education was built on lies so a lot of them were told lies and it took them
00:24:14| many years after they were done with their education to figure out that you know the truth was not what they were told in history class you're probably getting that in like
00:24:22| certain sections of China though and certain you know you mean where they have to eat because otherwise it people be I'm curious let's check into that he played soccer he's incredible I'm
00:24:32| thinking of North Korea he scored six goals against the one team he scored six goals oh yeah the only time it ever happened Kim Jong mm-hm yeah he is dad actually
00:24:44| was this dad who was into that I have no idea it's like like uh almost at stallin know whose it is who's the played ice hockey yeah they let him skip I remember that yeah of
00:24:56| course they let him score oh my god imagined wait what is his name holy crap we're gonna bring Danny argon brain-dead this is an incredible he's for watching I know yeah they're afraid of them yeah
00:25:17| I'm not you imagine if someone just went up the middle and laid the boom on wide what would happen how quick would he be dead and those like they he would never leave the stadium
00:25:30| that would be awesome he'd be a legend and dead mmm like if someone videotaped it you couldn't live that down oh my god that would be so good so that it's worth alike so that falls under like free
00:25:44| I guess free action which is not I don't know that's a that's defined it's almost like free speech with a we using your body in a sportive different cuz it's legal in the sport what's he legally
00:25:58| blew him up yeah he's got the puck his heads there he's moving real slow he's the president you know you don't mess with flat and this dude just comes flying out of the corner just truck in
00:26:07| full speed he doesn't care if the puck see we're gonna be there by the time he hit some lowers the shoulder right in the center his body and just demolish the student oh my god I would pay money
00:26:18| to see that slut and challenge celebrity challenge we're bringing a back those challenges as you or anyway just lay out the President of Russia
00:26:32| just do it we're gonna donate all the funds to charity I want you to videotape it and we will not have you arrested and I have no price expense to death we will we will smuggle you out of the country
00:26:50| we will do our best to smuggle you out of the country our best think whoa and when I say we I mean mostly Nick he'll be there I will to support you until the air anyway me
00:27:02| my min bump it off ski so there's Elizabeth Casey brush I think he was I think he was I almost feel like he's like check or something that's weird make me look at that Sergei what would
00:27:15| off ski he says yet I don't know what he is I mean this is a hell of a design look at that it's a goalie mask and a hammer yes Russia okay shut up did he win MVP that winter I think he
00:27:29| did he almost did he was a runner-up I just got a business man good for that so free speech so you know is it possible in a communist country to have free speech you can't talk about yes not but
00:27:47| do we have it entirely we're in a weird state where we're relying on technology to provide us with a voice and the technology is owned by corporations and private hands so this is kind of a weird
00:28:00| junction in time which I will psych way into it's kind of how the Soviet Union came down because people on the inside had no clue what was happening but then you started to get TV Internet did not
00:28:17| happen yet but you had no different sources broadcasting that would finally like break through the hallway in the physical barriers did not matter so you could understand that you were at a
00:28:28| disadvantage by living in a communist country and say well I want that I want that luxury for now to be able to live life interesting so do you think that's gonna happen eventually like China and
00:28:41| country that sensor their internet hardcore so there's a weird thing that's happening with China with like the people who are actually killing it in China they're
00:28:50| making a lot of money it's not like a it's not a true communist Society because they're people that are at the top that are just reaping all the benefits of being head honchos right but
00:29:03| I mean that's so we're getting into another thing whether states are actually communism yeah like there's communist state and we say we're a communist state but really we have does
00:29:15| the one litical leader live like a person that no the Congress not so no one really everyone that fails that's coming to some isn't really communism anyway but it's impossible to it's
00:29:27| impossible to assume no one's going to take more than someone else does like kim jeong-hoon like when when people would go there they would have this like fake set up of like look at our glory
00:29:37| like oh like all the stores and like plastic fruits and stuff and mm-hmm they'd like so it looks great yeah they were like they would only let you see like a 1% of the country one room they
00:29:50| had prepped yeah the rest of the rooms are probably empty of course that was like that for that arm remember the Russian Olympics ironically enough I said well no Sochi Sochi yeah and that
00:30:03| whole city was set up just for the Olympics and all the stories that were coming out like wolves were wandering all in one place there were people starving like like a
00:30:13| block and a half away from like where like a vendors were set up and like it was just wild they moved everything all at once is that a product of socialism or just a product of countries who were
00:30:24| a-holes and in general because it's socialism too because combination of the Olympics is roll yeah and you want to show off it's your thing it's the Olympics it's a
00:30:34| lot of stars coming in I don't that's all I had great episode yeah okay well like everyone in this country has something different so they have a variety I don't know how you would ever
00:30:47| level the playing field by saying oh you all get the same living quarters you couldn't now you would clean without also to all the houses and Russia get built the same ish
00:31:00| well the descriptions I've had were like grey and like almost like tenement houses so like basic living conditions like you if you're gonna provide for your people in your country and it's
00:31:11| gonna be meeting some requirement or a set of requirements then you're just gonna meet the requirements and say we did it okay we did it covenant you if you want to
00:31:21| spend more in your house you can though they don't think you can it doesn't you don't own it you don't have private property so that is interesting you don't have private property so that's a
00:31:31| big sticking point of socialism in general versus capitalism in general or maybe I search with my definitely communism I always ensure about socials but communism in capitalism the
00:31:41| government owns all the lamp essentially yeah and also there's like a weird like if you want a car and they only make so many cars a year and they can't produce enough for everyone and you have to wait
00:31:54| your turn there's a weird kind of balance that happens like in Cuba they have 70 yeah they have separate money oh yeah compensation taxes like baby yeah now
00:32:05| you're talking my language ah you didn't get a draft pick oh you lost her first-round pick you could compensatory picks that's a third-round pick in 2020 and a
00:32:13| fourth round pick in 2021 big yeah so people that could get the car like this year would say well I don't need the car this year but I can give you the car since you're gonna wait another two
00:32:24| years that's worth a certain amount of other money why don't you give me a layer money and then we can negotiate so you get a dual economy that happens in communism that the communists can't talk
00:32:39| about but is necessary for the economy to function so they do have a richer and poorer folk over there you know he's saving up them last year's models mm-hmm oh no no pay me down the line pay me
00:32:59| down the line roll it over roll it over I got big cash coming back to me and communism wait it scared you thinking the an entire country run without the
00:33:09| creative desire to do something without like you can do things with purpose or without purpose and that's I think either way is fine but to be driven by someone else's purpose by like a
00:33:20| singular purpose is kind of scary oh good because you're you're vetted to be a certain thing if you're intelligent then you can be you know a scientist but you could never be dumb and go through
00:33:35| the school system and then become a scientist later because your path is already projected out how would you feel if your path was set and I said the government said no no you can't there's
00:33:44| no way I'm gonna say something crazy to you because you don't think in these terms ever but I think you're thinking of it in a very flat way I think I think you could be set to be a scientist and
00:33:57| it's already saying you don't to worry about it and there's some people who are like this is boring but we creative as hell I'm gonna do all these crazy wicked weird things I think there's a
00:34:07| percentage of them that are just like this is dope as hell I'm gonna get paid to do this I barely know what sign top Scientology is religion like whatever and then there's like probably a whole
00:34:19| branch of them that are like really don't care they kind of barely do their work and like do whatever almost like I would look over at capitalism save they're terrible they're doctors just
00:34:29| get paid to be doctors and pretend to do this and that when really if you bring each group down there's probably like a third of this a third of this a third of this a quarter of this I mean you really
00:34:40| break it down you can really find minutia so I'm sure this happens in the other countries overall it might not be good but I mean to say that in general if you were given a job would you and
00:34:53| you were guaranteed it and it was guaranteed money and didn't make any more money would you work harder I think if you lived in that life and there were thousands of other people like you you'd
00:35:04| find your own niche I mean we'd give up on progression and accept whatever no no not necessarily I mean you would do something else best as you could you would it but you would also be doing
00:35:17| something else and if you really were passionate about I mean what I'm saying is it's not that much different than if we grew up there and we did it do you think we'd end up
00:35:27| boring and like jealous just because we were two predetermined I don't think so I don't know that we'd have we would be doing this actually no government would shut this down they would unless they
00:35:43| looked and they didn't have a video they did I was thinking like our Internet it's probably dropping out because we're saying communism every two seconds so it's like somebody's interfering didn't
00:35:54| we do the last episode any interruptions no interruptions and every time we sing communism it's like communism communism communism communism communism communism communism come united I mean it I mean
00:36:05| it and come didn't come them someone was saying them Yankees even I I never did it with Bill Jews because I was afraid three times was enough but anyway yeah there's the crack in that door earlier
00:36:22| [Laughter] so okay you were touching on like professions and I guess the risk versus reward is never there because if I want to become a doctor and they say well you
00:36:40| have to take on a bunch of debt but you get to pay it back in a very short time period and then you could retire at like in your 30s I think if I had that mindset that like this is gonna happen
00:36:50| and I can do it I would do it like but that's not what most Americans do I don't think they are aware that there's like a long-term plan that lasts years I think most Americans are probably on the
00:37:04| basis of maybe months how long that could survive so but in communism I don't know I feel like you would get you would get selected to boot to do it like an intelligence based job and then you
00:37:20| would serve your time until it was time not to do that and the government would tell you everything about what you were gonna do here and I think I figured out difference between me and you I think
00:37:31| you would I would what not a bad way you would do that I would learn to be a good job sure but you'd also be like well I gained it out this is the game plan
00:37:43| what else could I be doing black market shit like where you're trading sure good I think that the regionals might go you might because you're trying to game another system like me I don't
00:37:54| care about gaming the system like I could care less if if the job my deliveries job paid as much as a doctor or something or whatever like I think I would continually do it and make not the
00:38:09| best of it because I don't want to sound like make the best of it I'm like you asshole I'm not saying that but I would yeah you'd be adjudicated we had a part of it I would do it I don't know and at
00:38:19| the end of a down and you pull up a bowl of borscht and you'd be like ah this is this is exactly what I wanted in life maybe I have no idea just I really might suck down that might liberally buddy I'm
00:38:32| putting little DP abortion guy never I'm really stuck on the borscht I have your portion of borscht portioned borscht hmm I really didn't get through this yeah I am I came across the website and I got
00:38:54| in touch with the guy oh yeah he was his Peter checker I couldn't spell it if I tried because it's missing most of the bells was the motorcycle what's that however it down it's called
00:39:06| commie comrade con-com okay everyone write this down commie come commie comrade con dot-com if you use a coupon code better red than dead you notice it's a play on words but usually it's
00:39:25| better dead than red well there's this better red than dead that's our coupon code here folks you can get them to make you everyday items but they turn them red my kids got Cool
00:39:37| Ranch Doritos look at this they made him red I asked for a black sharpie guess what color they gave it to me and I said it assure it's a black sharpie they said absolutely sir we can rain this it's
00:39:49| black neosporin that's weird neosporin it's never this color red I even got a candle it's called fresh comrade this one smells like Russian armpit Wow I've yet to
00:40:10| light it but I think it's gonna be pungent anyway go to bed or red go to commie comrade con-com not calm calm and do the coupon code better red than dead and telling me I'm pen percent yeah and
00:40:27| you can get anything my kid won in a guitar he said a green guitar guess what kid it's red my girlfriend needed some weights for lifting she curls eights embarrassing she said can I get some
00:40:41| black weights yeah sure oops it's red better red than dead so now we get everything err nail files black Hank pens just go to the website check it out put in our coupon code
00:40:58| mention that we brought you there whenever you need to roll out on your house it's gonna be red bottle bread yeah nice deep red envelopes boom red we're
00:41:11| good so sorry for the aside folks just a little something came across huh so let's talk about stuff that borders on communism that in this country so like the McCarthy is out there who are
00:41:27| hunting down the the Communists is among us well what do they hate what are that what wouldn't they what wouldn't they want like universal health care absolutely hoo hoo hoo so what like
00:41:42| Medicaid Medicare sort of that but they don't cover everybody it kind of cover everybody do you think the government would do a good job if that was the case they don't already
00:41:54| they don't win capitalism do me I'm just saying they wouldn't regardless as numbers no I don't I do actually go ahead here there's a static like the federal
00:42:05| government they take in a dollar and that dollar turns into fifty cents by the time they spend it so you go back half of what raced I guess it's government below bureaucracy I guess
00:42:19| like the paying the people in the chain or something yeah we're never not dog marks like pet programs like everything that doesn't pet program never sounds like Petco yeah so that
00:42:36| like by the time the the government and the bureaucrats get a hint like they're handling money they suck so much out of it that by the time it gets back to the common man it's half of whatever it's
00:42:48| worth you know I'm understanding I just didn't know there's a dog mark the talking to talk marked programs feel like I haven't heard the terminal long time yeah I feel like you should have
00:43:00| researched it tonight yeah that's okay so so that's the federal government the state government's actually a lot better so state government can be like I think there's top state government is like
00:43:12| ninety-six percent efficiency that's pretty good yeah it's pretty good treat incredibly good yeah that was the mob fifty so you're gonna have some sort of some anomalies but I think the lowest
00:43:25| one was in the 70s so that's kind of awful but still kind of good I guess it's better than fifty percent so it's kind of weird it's a you're in a weird place that if you want the government to
00:43:36| control something you might as well pay double for it and we're kind of in that range where health care already costs double so why not let the government do it it's kind of a good way to think
00:43:48| about it yeah then they'll be weird if it was on their dollar would they get better at it please send us a check in the mail so that we can then pay your health care for you and respond a month
00:44:01| later it's like well can i dial one please press one for one beep wait what if the government had to deal with the government no I'm serious like what if the
00:44:15| government was paying for all this stuff and had to pay themselves is there like a four month period for like a thirty dollar payment well is the copay forward it's my
00:44:26| associate officer okay well you didn't submit from I 97 well we're the government we do this well you still have to submit form i-9 seven well actually to deal with us you have to
00:44:38| have a four for a while we didn't hear repeat or for for a from 92018 are you sure it's up to date oh it's up to date are you sure and then they would just eventually get louder
00:44:51| and then eventually I don't even know what happened Mike Wazowski something like that yeah I feel like they would do awfully at it and there would be no progression into the future but
00:45:16| betterment isn't part of the government but the idea idea of it sounds fantastic right everyone's covered you don't have a problem you're good I kind of want to do my pitch for Dan government President
00:45:32| of the United States are you doing a age 35 by that time period which I won't but I'm so close I do feel that if you're gonna have a system of health care that covers people you should have
00:45:51| it so that if they have catastrophic recoverable injuries it should be covered so you should be able to like have a maximum limit for like breaking your like like the government should
00:46:01| probably pan and say we can fix this it's not a big deal I've ever books yeah whatever just reduce it down to something that's men what happened it's not a ruling - what happens - when every
00:46:11| doctor's office or agency starts upping MRIs or starts upping the cost to fix these broken legs though so they can get unless they're like this is a broken leg I've seen this before you have a broken
00:46:23| leg but I mean what's it what's with them gaming the system that's true how do you keep checks and balances on the people that are performing the work you don't
00:46:32| which is kind of what happening now yes it is 100% the insurance companies will pay out doctors like a fraction of what they charge and then the people who get the bills who don't have insurance are
00:46:42| paying the full amount it's like wait a minute no check this out on our future episode on health care no that's that this is the only episode I don't want to do because it sounds too hard it's
00:46:57| difficult it is difficult could you get to talk about the three is it the three big ones like doctors and doctors offices insurance companies and there's a third one who is a Medicaid
00:47:10| how they know all weights is it just us people the people government know maybe hmm I forget well we spoiler episode check out our future episode when ever gets recorded
00:47:24| it would end up here ish or here we'd love to have you folks so back to come [Music] meritocracies lifts meritocracy cuz I almost talked about Merkin mercantilism
00:47:42| which is kinda limping Merc atomic apples is the same thing where you're trading amongst different countries they had like the British for miles they were with India
00:47:52| did you know they could buy into boats so yeah this is like you could invest you know yeah yeah which is badass which I don't know that I'd in the more capital I guess that's capitalism the
00:48:09| beginning of cash oh yeah it's like hedging your bets because if you had a fleet of ships and one of them sunk but you invested in an entire fleet then you're covered you're still gonna get
00:48:17| some money out of the deal whatever you're trying to trade whether as opposed to giving all your money or your all your pelts that you're sending overseas to one guy and his ship is sank
00:48:27| stolen he turns tail and runs you can screw your out all your profits are up everything you're done it's a little bit like insurance kind of or spreading you're hedging your bets so it's almost
00:48:38| like playing the stock market like you own a piece of a company and he says there's a piece of this mmm yeah diversification to do it it's a brick behind diversified and bonds baby hey
00:48:51| fuck ya can't believe it way this many minutes to give a fuck yeah fuck yeah walk baby I want to diversify your funds do you actually um real quick question do you know anyone who ever frown like
00:49:15| really frown you know those people and they frown their their mouth goes regular there's one person I actually know who does he's famous I don't recall mul coach Bill Cowher coach of the
00:49:27| Pittsburgh Steelers circa phenotype and Bill Cowher frown me and my friends used to laugh at us all the time Bill Cowher be on the sidelines and I'd look at his face and the other team would be kicking
00:49:38| a field goal and really just only human being whose lips actually went down because most people when they're sad or whatever they're like this it's pretty straight forward like a
00:49:48| straight line Bill Cowher was like like a kid could draw that frown and I'd be like that spoke our okay you see we come up to the people that come up when you type in Bill Cowher frown is well Bill
00:50:03| Cowher okay good I hope mostly Bill Cosby and then Bill Clinton really yeah I guess it's like the last person a frown comes up in whatever you're searching weird Hughes had the
00:50:23| biggest frown of what 2018 mm-hmm you need some jello Billy see did he graduate temple feel like you did feel like you did they um they had a statue of my thinkin I took
00:50:41| it down which is a weird thing lead to a whole episode on separating the artist from the from the art where do you fall on that like what if your favorite group no of course not
00:50:54| turns out to be like racist this was the my porn oh yeah Michael Jackson exact perfect no one 100% perfect so Michael Jackson was the biggest star
00:51:04| ever in the 80s and 90s early nineties yeah well good Marley 9 he's given up to Free Willy song yeah so the he was a child star and you can't blame him for the stuff he did as a child even though
00:51:20| he's seemingly forced to do it and then he lost his childhood and then it ended up being some sort of weird kind of sexual abuse that ended up with was he abused officially I don't know that he
00:51:37| was abused but the stories that you hear when men are verbally and time he was many a feeling I get a sure you do whatever our first trip you did window president understand like that happens
00:51:52| that happens for children and it shouldn't happen but not to later on he abused other children and there's a documentary out there on I think it's HBA oh maybe I was on
00:52:03| that's called Valene or whatever Finding Neverland that sounds about yes I'll never land yeah has never landed in soil yeah so I was personally talking to a couple about this and they completely
00:52:15| like disowned Michael Jackson swingers music they completely disowned his music and we're like I will never listen to Michael Jackson song again like it's like hearing that about him and you know
00:52:32| like if you like his music does that mean that you agree with what he did like for one moment you do a whole episode on the studio I'm telling you the whole episode on this exact topic
00:52:43| because I'm of the mind that no I mean if you love the music I mean the argument against is that the thing that made him make the music was him and his whole life in his being and his
00:52:59| everything inside of him and his upbringing and the stuff he was doing on the side I mean that's somehow may or may not have influenced him to make the song I'm bad you know Davina it may have
00:53:12| been like an allegory for what he was doing or maybe not maybe it was just completely unrelated as long as it's not direct like I'm abusing children like you should probably stop me but I'm too
00:53:23| big of a superstar so you can't come after me too bad what if a child molester goes into Wegmans right and oh my god election of t's oh my god I didn't realize or this Maties
00:53:35| I want t cuz he drinks tea yeah he's looking at all the t's and he's shopping by price a little bit he's like I'm not gonna buy the $8 bag let's stick to the pay six for this I mean he's looking
00:53:49| this is colorful label and he's like I don't do black tea I need to do the herbal yeah it's sleepytime tea caffeine free I don't know if I want to do caffeine right now and he's looking at
00:53:59| all these options eventually he's gonna pick a Bigelow's green tea the variety pack right oh I mean did his being a child molester have anything to do with that selection I don't know
00:54:13| no can we separate the two and should we I mean I have no idea because maybe it did somehow maybe there's an extra says something that'd be crazy if it's like we get to dissect people's homes like
00:54:27| the Unabomber he loved this kind of tea it's like do you drink this tea it's like we're gonna find you it's like these things in common we're spying right v Alexa then we're doing causality
00:54:40| we're actually doing the reverse what if you like Michael Jackson music are you more towards child molestation do you agree with what he was thinking even though you couldn't see or hear it there
00:54:54| was no instance I don't know I don't know I'm the same we could do a whole episode on this but how do we get into them no idea I don't know how we work it out I was different mmm-hmm I guess do
00:55:08| you have pop stars in Russia is there a Russian other Russian pop stars does that happen because that's a fairly positive endeavor you but you can't stop popularity they have viral videos in
00:55:22| Russia like tons of them I feel like Banksy's over in Russia somewhere he's English I thought he might be but I think he's in Russia that's what I'm gathering so Russian I'm pacing it
00:55:35| nothing communist pop star music is an opiate Union that's so awesome I bet the government sets up all his lines and everything I bet it's like it it's probably dictated I love my country
00:55:47| I fight for the country let me tell you girl about a borscht it's delicious like I felt like the count yeah a bytes of the borscht I guess they had jazz and the
00:56:10| Soviet oh I wanna hear like communist jazz everyone has to play in the same time tempo when I guess that run would anyway but still it would be really funny if they all the play the same
00:56:23| notes at the same time that I could play it they mmm-hmm I probably won't I'm gonna go don't play it that's depressing [Laughter]
00:56:43| well sad over there it's cold too that's the problem with Russia we talked about all these countries communism failing I mean it fails for other reasons as any of these places have any
00:56:57| of these places failed because they were communist or because everything went to shit and people went to shit and things weren't playing for I don't know that's a factor of communism I don't know the
00:57:08| communism is good I'm just saying when people are like name one time communism worked noon time that anyone worked I mean every country eventually fails everything every country eventually
00:57:18| Falls everything breaks apart I guess England is the only exception I don't know and they pre they seem pretty sucky honestly kind of curious yeah wildest country in the world is England
00:57:34| so I guess Portugal no I found today on the 3900 maybe this will give me a satisfactory list the Greece Greece makes sense yeah but that doesn't count them they go through a huge upheaval war
00:57:53| it's entirely different same just because its name the same doesn't mean is this actually the exact Chinese kept in isolation isolationist well it trying to spray the best example it is actually
00:58:04| probably the best example but I mean so many changes I don't know if it's communism the People's Republic of China even though it is communist it's a common a dictator oriented country just
00:58:16| like man dictators over there Armenia they got then workers say Marina who want some taters you're not the United States I'll give you that dictators didn't - yeah we're gonna
00:58:31| dictate it it's one of the topics that Nick does not want to cover dick which one haters haters haters we think of the ubi universal basic income this came up in
00:58:50| occurs I can stand episode or whatever all right her courage her stamina come on dude I got it there they actually listen to the podcast all the time I get direct messages all the time
00:59:00| he's always saying he would send some money to us and I'm always like nah that's cool and then he's like we could help you draw tiny birds on your page and I'm like no we don't need it I'm
00:59:12| gonna be the birds we're good they start talking like a bird I don't even know why anyway oh shit they're good guys over there you should check out their videos when you're done donate
00:59:25| our patreon I don't think I've read anyone or wanted to copy his voice I never win there I was pretty good right I don't know I would do it damn now I'm thinking about it I can't even do it
00:59:41| again ya know what our universe damn it what a universal basic income would mean to us as Earthlings I can't do it now I did about too much so you bi anyway it's a UV I actually scale how's that
00:59:56| everyone get yeah now here I was thinking of this whilst taking a pee earlier a pee in the loo it should be enough to cover food water and like a flip phone and electricity in your house
01:00:15| and like one more thing I'm missing hundreds hours for our shelter word order oh yeah I forgot shelter is expensive one and I mean we have everyday the job so I
01:00:31| don't do you think that that just you should is really like if you don't if you have a mega corporate owns most of the land I guess apartments in the country how do
01:00:43| you think they just like raise their prices a little bit by that number yeah literally by that number I think thing I mean there's gonna be slumlords I have to
01:00:52| keep that number because they know they're getting all that essentially free money mm-hmm right because the tenants are gonna pay it because I need to live somewhere yeah
01:01:00| I don't know that you're gonna get his tenants it kind of doesn't but that's in a capitalist society where where the market can change and charge what they want that's terrible I hate that idea
01:01:12| you will never be happy in a capitalist society because do you know where the rich make most of their money off the poor that's true think about it I mean it's a little bit like energy in the
01:01:26| universe you can't create it from nothing you have to take it from somewhere else and do adult interesting energy uh Delta baby I just got hard suck the life out
01:01:39| of people you do I mean money has to come from somewhere you don't just create it so people with means tend to exploit people without means and that's what happens in capitalism more than
01:01:53| anything else I feel like you're gonna go in a direction but I don't remember that direction was I think we're gonna talk about universal basic income and before that we're gonna talk about till
01:02:06| we've won socialism at all do I go straight capitalism do we want to go straight anything I don't know all these things suck listen I'm for the past week and a half
01:02:19| or a week or whatever I've been reading about Marxism and social progress driven by production and state power usually transferred by whatever Marxist Leninist and capitalism and warning and there's
01:02:35| Christian communism that's my favorite one Christian communism that's a real group check it out yeah they're great join him up what religiously based communism
01:02:44| I guess the communes and cults are the same sort of thing right hey right but they're but what's weird is their they kind of seem at odds Jews for Jesus a little bit like you know I mean hmm like
01:02:59| there's like whoa what's going on here Oh similar offer something wild wild country what's why what country I should go back one the wall one the bag one no I don't
01:03:12| know what that is you know Sheila no no no all right so there was a guy in India that was founding a religion who left his country because I guess he was being not extorted but he had some debts he
01:03:25| had to pay so it sure came to like someplace like Montana I would say some place in the Midwest area you get to know this story keep going
01:03:36| he started building his own community because it's a Netflix special it most certainly is hell yes I saw the first four episodes is like six episodes long I didn't see last oh yeah what happened
01:03:48| to him yeah he started wearing the same thing they were going into town they were doing like going up like crazy were terraforming 800% they were literally oh my god and then
01:04:00| they had so many people they could control the popular boat yes they imported oh yeah homeless so that they could then yes he's over the head out to him I recall this so keep going what
01:04:12| happened at the end cuz I didn't see last two episodes in the end there was so he had a hench person that was her name was Sheila oh she started dancing on all all types of people in town they
01:04:25| tried to take over the town have their own police and the separation of church and state made it so that they could not continue to be an entity so they had violated one of the constitutional
01:04:39| rights their own region along damn yeah which then made them susceptible for investigation and then I think they found that they were doing all sorts of crazy stuff like you know bring those
01:04:49| next apes and then yeah they would drug them to keep them complacent because they were mostly agitated so you knew they'd have like a mass drugging of people they put in they
01:05:01| spiked the ball that's how it would work but hmm it was kind of crazy that they had like their own little society they had their own little like almost like a Woodstock they like a bog one party it
01:05:14| was I mean it was impressive what they did but also very scary because the people that were being squashed by them had no choice in what was happening now those people did not want them in
01:05:26| there uh-huh they're wearing a certain color clothing or whatever and like you can see them walking down the street month and he was red it was red interesting huh
01:05:37| interesting interesting better red than dead I mean I said yeah commie what was it Comic Con man Tuckahoe me comrade con-com call me comrade call me comrade Kahn don't just
01:06:00| do cccc comm know you type it out and the coupon code better be spelled right it's better red than dead not that red then dead okay folks at home I want to bring this all full circle I just don't
01:06:16| know them wrap it up cut yeah but let everything what did we do not ship do we miss little Asian Michael taxes we did catch most of them and he touched everything we did what what we didn't
01:06:36| talk about Luddites and technology we did a little bit like the internet and stuff will break down communism because people find out that they're missing out and the system their inch is shit
01:06:46| they'll try to change the system so like that's what you're talking about with Marcos some old Marxism won't force its own change based on social norms right make sense I don't disagree with that
01:06:57| what about um capitalism we didn't spend like any time on it I mean everyone knows what it is it's a free market you can buy what you want to buy folks you didn't sell what you want to sell folks
01:07:08| if it's good it'll it'll sell so if it's worth its weight in gold it'll sell so say so like the free market is best explained probably gonna bite me in the ass but the complication of like the
01:07:23| stock market like the open market is like providing something to people and making it available for purchase for a price if people buy it then you're six festival if people don't buy it then you
01:07:34| have to renegotiate your price with the people and saying can you buy it for this which is the same thing that happens with stocks people negotiate all the time setting the price for something
01:07:45| so it's really like the populist museum with ice something's worth if you have an entity it's a popular vote a little bit yeah exactly just like people's vote they say it's very democratic it's very
01:07:58| the people exactly but there are benefits to owning a super company a super stock you can manipulate pricing you can avoid taxation you can avoid taxation and interestingly enough so
01:08:16| capitalism the bigger you are the more people you can bribe the more of the free market you can kind of manipulate so that your product ends up cheaper easier to purchase more readily
01:08:27| available than the other ones I really think will say but that's mine I think that it's built that way so that our corporations are really competitors to communistic countries because it's an
01:08:42| entity that doesn't have a person per se to it but it can be as large as it it as large as it can successfully be so like if you get a regulation and you think it's bigger than it's bigger than a
01:08:57| nation I think like an apple or google or mm-hmm etc they'll be it can be larger and beyond the balance of the United States but still be located in the United States
01:09:07| here's the thing that's gonna happen though the company as big as Google Microsoft all these mm-hmm you can only get so big and move your entire body so quickly speed of reaction you will
01:09:22| determine the future I thank you yeah I mean I mean your lines more spirit I'll put it this way speed of reaction will be the only downfall to these companies I mean whether people take advantage of
01:09:33| that or not I have no idea with a company like Google can't change their infrastructure in 48 hours like you imagine that if Google just changed the color scheme the way they did business
01:09:46| and there their motto and everything in couldn't do it they're too big think about it what if they did to all their slogans on all their websites all their things they change their color
01:10:01| scheme they changed the way their letters are done they changed I mean they can do one of these things in a planned thing six months out they couldn't do it in 48 hour span like if
01:10:12| it turned out whoa the colors green and red mean you molest kids and Google is like uh-oh I gotta talk to management look do you know what I'm saying yeah it's a segue
01:10:23| opening like Japan yeah good they'd love to reach and strike their infrastructure I don't know what you were thinking but have you ever seen them like Reconstructor Road like they'll
01:10:44| completely change a highway over not good I'd like to they mmm-hmm it's so synchronized we can't do that here no nine years to approve it four years to
01:10:57| get it ready and 30 nights to do it right yeah so that's why it's kind of impressive that that much well that much can go into it but that it's a difference of like technology versus
01:11:09| like a physical thing like the physical thing you can build with communism but the technological advances I don't know that you can build with communism interesting so you're breaking a comedy
01:11:19| it's weird so these things were talking about communism socialism capitalism they're not just economic things there are political their physiological they're
01:11:31| like economic they're like technological I mean they're ideas that affect like certain ones are better at technology certain ones are better at the physical stuff mm-hmm
01:11:42| like um doesn't seem to be pretty good at that I mean he dishes yeah yeah you're a you want a big the biggest ditch in the world you probably be communist the super Cola Borel
01:11:55| yes ish I'm doing this over a year ago of research super color blue mm-hmm what it's all a super-deep borehole what's the thank you please please dim Russia
01:12:28| yeah bring 12 four thousand two hundred and sixty two meters seven point two miles deep and it's in Russia I think it isn't Russia I'm pretty sure actually I'm only pretty sure now anyway that
01:12:44| thing is literally they they built the deepest hole apparently Kola as a city it's in Russia : okay good I mean shout-out Russia I mean we're all for digging the deepest
01:13:00| hole to find the craziest micro biomes we're here to to find um the anomalies in the crust of the earth they found water down there where they think they didn't the temperature is so hot it's 50
01:13:13| of grey plague mmm coming to a town near you oh geez this picture right here what I'm doing right here this is like sexy you snapshots then you can later on your own
01:13:29| time anyway jokes are good capitalism communism socialism commie comrade con-com I think it's weird that they chose red no no no so almost comedies country feed their
01:13:45| own people it's from the French Revolution ah the red flag it became a symbol of revolt and like revolution so they use that and it just became synonymous better red than dead the Red
01:14:01| Army the Flyers beat the Red Army I don't know if you guys for collier tion Curlin berlin wall one clicked all right correct correct do you remember the the star and the
01:14:16| star yeah and the red star it's in the background of all these things we mean really all right so the hammer and sickle was for like reaping and selling you know like right the working class
01:14:30| which is guys it's kind of badass there's a five pointed star it's the red star yeah the last thing I research before this episode it had to do it a science fiction novel about Mars I
01:14:45| couldn't remember further than that oh shit that's weird it had to do with who knows anything away folks recite to you sewed as the umpires
01:15:10| woman's egg while they're in our military service so it was an older Turner's like your whole-- so she's like a now keep going this guy's not showing you the truth I'm showing you guys the
01:15:21| truth I'm show you the pinnacle like ahead like almost I would say eagle's wings if you're in America but it's we in Russia like the eagle's wings of wheat would rise to the star so I guess
01:15:32| I think the red star is actually the government but I think it's a symbol taken from another symbol kind of like the Nazi um what the hell's the thing called the bank cross was taken from an
01:15:42| old pagan thing I think it's taken from another symbol taken from most single taping from most simple anyway um red was a cover French Revolution they went with it because it was revolution
01:15:53| they started it in whatever wine or whatever when they took that flag and um anyway it's pretty badass you gotta Wikipedia provides us with a lot of knowledge especially knowledge on
01:16:05| non five-pointed red stars which they're really there's the part of the change there's all three points three points ours you can see either way um yeah that's good
01:16:24| I like having creativity in my life I like sharing it with Nick here on an Internet built with American technology capital Oh baby yeah hmm paying for an internet that is kind of shitty and cuts
01:16:36| out every now and then that's okay doesn't call me doesn't oh yeah cuz they don't think they had that companies hair looks like Bryce Harper's there's like communism Cuba they say the Internet is
01:16:46| sparse and you there's no real means of getting out on it good point good point so who we talked about Karl Marx we'd have in my culture revolution time in the socialism we talked about how your
01:17:04| tops for kids need touch kids and we talked about Marxism we talked about the Soviet Union we just read almost man dead Marxism McCarthyism oh my god he looks
01:17:19| Christian communists called cults we talked about free money for everyone you have freeloaders health care universal basic income fair he said if I drank coal took up the size of a
01:17:37| son it would actually include 14 meters is that good no no I think I did better that one time first time you tried it you were in the Mazzone Medicare Medicaid education Etta James social
01:17:50| programs military protection we talked about the military for like an hour we talked about police about police force with kim jeong-hoon if he's listening oh yeah a car guard sourcils hold on this
01:18:03| is a shout-out to King John fourteen of these bigelow multipack if you're if you if you're into that or whatever else those people are into yeah Kim jong-eun if you're listening tonight I want to
01:18:20| give you a shout out I don't approve of communism and I'm preventing your stuff you want to come on our show we'll do an episode we talk with you we talk the talk everything else our patreon down
01:18:29| here our socials here we got websites we've got stuff you can click we got stuff you can check out if you like it check it out folks we like you we like you a lot long that's true
01:18:44| check it out sees eech check it out communism thanks for joining us tonight seriously good night I enjoyed it

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