The UnPanderers: September 2020

Monday, September 28, 2020

Monday, September 21, 2020

TimeWarp UnP117 Thor Ragnorok Chris Hemsworth

UnP Flashback
FLASHBACK to Episode 117 - Thor Ragnorok Chris Hemsworth
Click the link above to view the original episode post.

UnP digs into the greatest super hero movie of our generation. And there ain't no Thanos in sight. Thor: Ragnorok, directed by Taika Waititi

Episode 117 Background
Nick is obsessed with Led Zeppelin songs in Marvel movies, Dan can't stop talking about the "feel" that this one gave him and both of them can't emphasize enough how funny Chris Hemsworth is in this movie. And total guy crush on Jeff Goldblum. Wow this movie is good.

Keyword Timeline and Mentions


Monday, September 14, 2020

TimeWarp UnP116 Baseball An American Pastime

UnP Flashback
FLASHBACK to Episode 116 - Baseball An American Pastime
Click the link above to view the original episode post.

UnP talks about the crack of the bat, the smell of the grass, the whoosh of the excitement & the scream of the beerman in that used-to-be-American passtime: based ball.

Episode 116 Background
It's a game of numbers. As Dan points out, those numbers are bad. As Nick points out, those numbers still hold holy resonance with children and adults of all ages. And let's be honest, both of these guys probably sucked at the sport.

Keyword Timeline and Mentions


Monday, September 7, 2020

TimeWarp UnP115 Catch 22 Paradox Joseph Heller

UnP Flashback
FLASHBACK to Episode 115 - Catch 22 Paradox Joseph Heller
Click the link above to view the original episode post.

UnP breaks open some books, they give you the low-down on bullshit philosophy and they crack open some eggs of knowldge on the pearls of wisdom that seem at odds with one another.

Episode 115 Background
This one is a riddle wrapped in an enigma smoked in a paprika bowl of dynamite kush. Most advice is counter-intuitive. Rush and do as much as you can with life? While stopping to slow down and smell the roses of life? Get a job with experience? Can't get the job because you don't have... experience? The best catch of all, it's that Catch-22.

Keyword Timeline and Mentions
