The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP115 Catch 22 Paradox Joseph Heller

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

KeyItems UnP115 Catch 22 Paradox Joseph Heller

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 115 - Catch 22 Paradox Joseph Heller as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | undermining, started catch-, subterfuge work, opinion mike
00:02:00 | h wick, took notes
00:03:00 | six senses, catch-, knife, book
00:04:00 | heller wrote, catch-, fly more missions
00:05:00 | fly more missions, bureaucratic catch-s, conditions
00:06:00 | failing, learn hopefully, boy fail
00:07:00 | particle, box is still, observing
00:08:00 | mc escher, drawing itself, trying weird, waterfall one
00:09:00 | mans welcome, leon manners, wait dear, catch-
00:10:00 | shape, limit vizio, quarter mile
00:11:00 | catch-, tree, ironically swann
00:12:00 | both letters, somebody expounded, cutting, loses, tree
00:13:00 | catch-s
00:14:00 | one taught, hardest grind, young take
00:15:00 | enjoy your life
00:16:00 | ridiculous piece
00:17:00 | major named
00:18:00 | approved approved, payday loans, pity
00:19:00 | enjoy your life, setting up enjoyment, pictures setting
00:20:00 | catch-
00:22:00 | doo doo doo
00:24:00 | time dunbar, green day, god sorry, catch-, impress, guys arrest
00:25:00 | makes every, passes slow
00:26:00 | zip, conditions, dunbar tell
00:27:00 | alternatives, paintbrush pleasure
00:28:00 | mutual hate, aversion reward
00:29:00 | war dunbar, civilization, industrial age
00:30:00 | resources, quickly running
00:31:00 | revolution, civilization
00:32:00 | drivers, delivery guys, food delivering, automatic delivery
00:33:00 | cotton, shape, spandex, catch-, industrial, way product, screwed petroleum
00:34:00 | outrage versus the amount, supercomputer, cutting
00:35:00 | city set, seen two, season talks, corrupt, politicians, drug lord
00:36:00 | bureaucratic __, catch-, mad hesitated, game of thrones
00:37:00 | artificial intelligence, catch-, time travel
00:38:00 | fish lyrics
00:39:00 | inability arrives, weird gray, my fork, catch-s arrives, fancy words
00:40:00 | give credence, whole fact
00:41:00 | setting good, buns
00:42:00 | gray
00:44:00 | remote
00:45:00 | food versus, importance and loses
00:46:00 | joseph heller, knife, catch-, specially
00:47:00 | germans, governor own
00:48:00 | financial setting
00:49:00 | opposite women, heller's catch-, wrote don cathcart, book, joseph heller
00:50:00 | joseph heller, catch-
00:51:00 | heller's, timeline
00:52:00 | unbiased probably, book, favorite scene
00:53:00 | minutes interjecting every few minutes, stupid mouth, sorry filler, punish, sorry sir
00:54:00 | sir, punish, clevenger took, goddamn liar
00:55:00 | limb, major, cowardly body, sorry sir, metcalf, stupid mouth, stinking son, stinking cowardly, trying learn
00:56:00 | book, colonel astounded, beer in silence, immediately sir, began carla, knife brought, night sneaky
00:57:00 | underhanded, fight billy, catch-, sir, favorite line

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