The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP116 Baseball An American Pastime

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Transcript UnP116 Baseball An American Pastime

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 116 - Baseball An American Pastime
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00:00:00| huh sights sounds and smells some of our childhood some of just growing up fresh-cut grass a nice beer overnight you hear this one crack of the bat hot dogs
00:00:25| okay we're gonna talk about America's pet hot dog baseball join us old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep
00:00:48| dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty morning this podcast
00:01:01| may contain mature language the sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time to open up your earholes [Music]
00:01:29| all right welcome hey I'm Dominic and this is Nick that's it okay well are they abandoned certainly are this is about as exciting as a baseball game so far so good
00:01:50| so we're gonna talk about baseball today America's pastime baseball yeah sport you hit the ball uh-huh I've restarted my computer so many times tonight I lost the page the head and
00:02:01| soul on Wikipedia baseball is a bat and ball game played between two opposing teams who take turns batting and fielding the game proceeds when a player on the fielding team called the pitcher
00:02:13| throws a ball which a player on the batting team tries say it with a bat holy crap when you explain it intense so much you have more exciting wow that's amazing
00:02:24| ah did you know Canada had baseball league before us they do 1877 Wow I thought this was a Native American game or something no history of baseball origins North America rounders and Great
00:02:42| Britain French 1344 talked about a game called Lila Seward which was sorta like baseball there was a bat and a ball you would hit it but none of the other rules were kind of the same
00:02:53| I assume it's British since cricket exists in India and that has to be that's just sorry huh liar started doing a national pastime a national game a year later 16 Aryan
00:03:10| clubs that's pretty cool with the NAB BP the National Association of baseball players whoa so 1844 is you'll get all sorts of different day cricket yeah in South East England but what you think
00:03:29| very similar to baseball kind of be kinda is so it started up a long time ago and it's still going strong so let's talk about an American cricket baseball so
00:03:43| it's referred to it because no idea I don't know people that I thought you found someone who close so it's cool that baseball though is like the gear I mean just get into it I mean the glove
00:03:57| get the glove you oil it up you put it in the oven and loosen it it is personal to you we put ours in a microwave to try and you microwave my gloves yeah I got all
00:04:08| Britt Lee and pieces of it fell off I think it didn't work out the way it should have huh so is that the same cloth that you put the microwave no it's not this one's actually my dad's Club
00:04:19| one of his old cell phone books is this all fall by the way not a baseball softball yeah I don't know that I have a baseball up here do you have a baseball glove no I don't think I do weird you
00:04:33| feel weird after that bring it up mmm no I had one when I was like 10 so I played baseball my grandpa played baseball all right so let's get into it
00:04:44| uh-huh if you're a guy in the United States you probably paid like peewee baseball right yeah I what are the odds like a braided passage I have no idea now it's probably different now right
00:04:56| now cuz you play soccer or something else but if you were born in like the gets like an 80 to 90% chance you played baseball like peewee ball or t-ball one of them yeah that's I mean
00:05:13| memories of like having that giant yellow like wolf a ball bat that's like the thing that every kid must do that yeah oh yeah that's the go-to toy has that nice dog when you hit it it's
00:05:27| almost as good as kickball mm-hmm well the other thing about it is it's the first sport you're really pushed towards for whatever reason I didn't like it before the others no I didn't like it
00:05:42| either but that's what some of the problems with baseball it's Jesus crate she could spend the whole episode on the problems with baseball it's unethical rest the episode
00:05:57| I will not attack baseball but I don't like it but I won't attack okay yeah so you don't necessarily have to be athletic I mean here's a skill game but you don't have to be like you can be a
00:06:06| first baseman and not be able to like run like the Babe Ruth you would hit a home run and just like slog around the bases so you don't have to be happy to play pitcher he was oh yeah I don't know
00:06:19| that I know that I remember that from all the movies there are tons of Babe Ruth movies it was fat in his later years um but he was so he bought me a new records I
00:06:31| think he's the only person who's ever been a pitcher who won a game one nothing where he scored the only run I will believe you because I don't want to look that up yeah it sounds like a lot
00:06:44| that's the other see we're gonna get into the cool things about baseball that you're disregarding here and it's it's numbers so there's a beautiful numbers game but cut what do we hate about
00:06:54| baseball please that's so slow oh it's very slow people don't go to a baseball game to watch the game they go to just socialize and eat and drink well you don't a giant bar oh I mean 40,000
00:07:07| people going I mean who watches yeah any sport the whole time the wave whole stadium cheering I don't think anyone does the wave anymore no it's not a thing no no I haven't seen a wave in
00:07:18| probably 10 years oh people just like the wait no it's pretty cheesy your parents be like stand up stand up sense like leave me alone do it do it do it I social can't you tell them an introvert
00:07:36| why did you bring me here leave me oh yeah and the weight the pants are you chained about going to a gig yeah well now that's the kid that matter to me a lot because it'd be
00:07:50| standing around to be sweaty and like honestly if you put they put you in outfield you're just staring around and picking flowers and you're not doing jack [ __ ] yeah
00:08:01| I agree what a mobilization see but I played all the outfield and I was a pitcher hmm it's the pitcher I'd guess I'd liked it more than the outfield but it was still very boring even though I
00:08:15| was actively doing everything in the game I was just like man this is SMO it is a slow game it was second basemen I played shortstop for like a hot week live left-field centerfield I guess it I
00:08:32| don't know I guess you have to be tall if you're gonna be a first baseman or you're just the slowest guy right if you're shortstop or second base that makes you like reactionary quick I think
00:08:48| probably tall as well that's the only thing at baseball linkie I don't know if that's important but you do have to be quick and move and you're supposed to have some kind of
00:08:57| situational awareness where you know if you should turn it off a throw at home throw it first that kind of a thing and the people who had a weaker arm I believe you thought I could be wrong
00:09:06| for more second base prone because you don't have to throw it as far short sock is a longer throat at first yes you have a stronger arm you gotta be a little quicker and then third base is called
00:09:16| the hot corner I love how anyone who really likes paste those watches he's like these guys are idiots hey we're like just above idiots third
00:09:24| base is the hot corner because when it comes off the bat that one's like really it comes off really quick hmm like there's because it usually goes most people are right-handed better yeah it's
00:09:36| right and it's being pulled right yeah yeah that's the crazy thing about baseball that you you take for granted like matchups statistical matchups now I just matchups matchups inside of
00:09:50| matchups inside of matchups inside of a matchup Moneyball okay a little bit yeah he gets on first that's all that matters he just gets on base well what I'm getting is
00:10:00| this there's a guy on second one out you're down two runs you bought know you're up one run then a little maybe wait and there's a right-handed pitcher pitching to a left
00:10:14| hand better take the petrol basement is supposed to do something like every position has supposed to do well if it's a right-handed pitcher
00:10:24| pitching to a lefty of course he's gonna throw it this way and a lefty always hits it this way and the spin off the bat means it'll probably go this way so you have to be on your heels and because
00:10:34| the guys on second you want to be know like I don't know the answer I'm just saying there's a situational game for every at-bat that's different than almost any other I bet huh you create
00:10:48| such a unique whatever it is like my dad would be watching the game be like go up to guys on lefty up you know what that means and I'm always like yeah that I know what that means
00:10:59| and then I'm like watch I'm like what does it mean what does it mean nice indeed but like lefties hit the ball in different spot than righties and they tend to hit in a different direction
00:11:08| than righties yeah because of the push-pull whatever whether you're late or early on a swing whether you want to drive it that's why the shift is a thing that's why you also want to play like
00:11:21| infield in if you're trying to catch a guy you want to lay back a little bit you want to concede a run do you want to pitch around the guy you want to give him pitches that nibble around the plate
00:11:31| but you don't want to give them anything fastball in because that's what he likes like do you don't I mean there are so many games going on that it's ridiculous there's a list of data is so high that
00:11:43| probably kind of look what we means nothing but it's it's cool because at home that you can play that game you can play chess with everyone so what makes it such a popular game today versus
00:11:58| other sports like why it's not it's losing popularity pretty bad oh yeah this oh yeah dude it's like third most popular sport right now after NFL is number one by a mile
00:12:11| NBA has eclipsed it it's only higher than the NHL ratings we'll show it I can tell you why cuz it's low it's all and because there's a hundred and eighty some freaking games or whatever a year
00:12:32| it was 154 at one point and 162 is active as the people always argue when there's like home runs in the season they was like well how many games they play I'd be like shut up Pierce you have
00:12:45| been removed from this conversation stand over there alright so the reason the reason we all hated hey if you're our age you were forced to play it at age five yep you did peewee I was on the
00:12:58| Orioles coach was an actual [ __ ] like a real-life [ __ ] I didn't know that I'd roll I had no idea you know II mean no no he was an [ __ ] al Albert and he he would just
00:13:15| play to win every game and scream at everyone there's no crying in baseball kiddin no Madhu he's like oh I need to win I need to win I need to win and he would only play the kid who get hit he
00:13:26| would like substitute for a kid who can hit like he would do stuff that you wouldn't do in peewee and like you the rule was he had to let every kid play at least one position and an inning
00:13:37| or something there's some stupid rule well he would have all the bad kids playing one inning or something and then like take them out and then like just ruthlessly try and rule the rest of the
00:13:47| game like not in the fun way huh scream and everything there's a rope dick weird my dad a volunteer to be first base coach he does that in a lot of my teams that's where you just have them
00:14:01| forgetting on base you're like a job but I don't think everything I'm directions you'd date yeah they try and tell you in fact hold on podcasts will love this my mother who thinks I'm the worst at
00:14:14| sports in the world and she may be on to something I don't think she's accurate in the horse ports she has a different story about me her baseball story is
00:14:24| that I hit the ball and ran to third this never happened but she always says and then Nikki rend a third base and they kept saying no no go that way huh in hockey she said I scored on my own
00:14:38| goal and in basketball she says they stole the ball dribbled it scroll all the way down to the basket and shot but it was my own net way this is my mother story I don't believe any of it alright
00:14:50| my story my true story is that when I was a pitcher I got distracted and I didn't care so when the catcher threw the ball back to me it hit me in the thigh cuz I wasn't looking and then I
00:15:01| just walked off the field I was like [ __ ] this game as like a ten-year-old right now I was just like I don't want to do this cry and then you cry Trude and cry I mean there might have been
00:15:13| like parents yelling at me afterwards the man hates baseball I really don't like well it's not even like it doesn't get your heart rate up like you don't do anything that makes you actually lose
00:15:28| weight if you like you're trying to exercise like you can like run out to your position but you have to wait like how many balls do you think an outfielder gets three a game maybe a
00:15:38| game maybe oh that's that's pushing it yeah you're sprinting maybe three times right and all the rest of the time there wasn't even a couple other times but none if you hit if you actually get on
00:15:48| base or you can steal base which I don't I don't know that I ever stole a base I don't know I don't know can't remember so it's losing popularity because it doesn't have that immediate
00:16:03| gratification that we all know and enjoy plus I don't think the stadiums are modern like newer stadiums like candy or does your cell phone work like all those people and data playing it's slow and
00:16:17| you can't look up your favorite memes that's a problem yeah it's a problem for today's youth the we go to Citizens Bank Park I just went about two weeks ago um it's
00:16:29| nice actually a good time see you're missing out on the social aspect you drinking a little bit yeah yeah I mean you crack open a few of these cold ones yeah you go down there you're missing
00:16:42| anything who cares you miss happening who cares like it's okay to miss half the game it's okay that's why not we can go to a bar not watch no because there's something about being small McGregor's
00:16:59| hotdogs because trying to sell cotton candy and popcorn and just inexperience it's I just brought my kid to his first game ever um I bought tickets ahead of time three tickets me my kid and my dad
00:17:15| I paid a lot of money for those tickets because I wanted to get him like ten rose from the field Ranma huh yeah perfect I figured why not late May right perfect
00:17:28| boom there rained Oh it rain and it was day in name recorded that's right and guess what it stopped raining at 7:15 the game was posted at 7:00 and they had four innings of rainiest coldish
00:17:47| baseball where the home team was uh loosen a little bit and my son said before the game started can we leave yet you know we don't have to stay for the game because of the rain delay and
00:18:02| everything we can just go thanks Ted huh good how much did you pay for the thing it's like I'd written ten bucks combined yeah your frogs right okay that's still a lot for a baseball ticket
00:18:15| usually it's like twenty bucks Yuriy bucks yeah actually probably costs are 120 something with fees you know yeah so other sports actually yeah that stadium is not indoors
00:18:28| there are indoor baseball stadiums indoor football ice hockey that has an advantage it's almost always indoors well that was wild my screen dimmed I've never seen it
00:18:42| I'm out sorry weird so there's a I don't know a consistency is always good - you're right what kind of positives do you have for
00:18:56| baseball like what's the biggest pot dude I could do a million oh okay hitting a ball is unique oh this sport from the sport actually hitting applause you get from the sport well either way
00:19:08| well okay so I'll tell you this so I was a really good fielder nope that's probably why you know in fields like whatever like like quick reactions I can move I can grab things my glove I'm like
00:19:18| really fast with the glove I could pitch it throw it whatever when it came to batting peewee I was not very good I was never good ever here's the reason just I wasn't good at it but I have um I did
00:19:34| hit a couple home runs and peewee not a big deal guys I am mostly singles some strikeouts even when the dads are pitching in so you moved a little league and let the kids pitch right like kids
00:19:47| like you you know oh yeah I remember a kid pitched the ball straight up in the air and it came down and landed on the plate it's a strike really yeah it's not a
00:19:58| strike has to be behind the plate it hit the plate and rolled behind it it's a strike concise right that's a strike thing when I strike the UMP who I'm sure was certified some way called it a
00:20:10| strike that's how I [ __ ] hate baseball anyway no I was um I was known for taking walks or once in awhile hitting a single you're so good at not swing yeah
00:20:25| really good I was tall see we think I did better strikes him but whatever or were strike zone but anyway um so I remember we were playing the Braves or something or whatever team because they
00:20:37| they had the net the teams that they gave it to the whatever your local team threw the ball and I remember I could see everything like this is gonna sound like I'm crazy
00:20:51| person but like purple highlights around everything yeah like you know if you press on your eye and you see those purple lines yeah or if you're watching like hockey in the 90s they had that
00:21:02| filter over the back be a hotshot streak streak or something anyway I remember he threw the ball and I saw it and everything seemed weird and it was coming right at me
00:21:16| and it hit me right in the head great anyway I went I went out I woke up like parents were around me and everything and I had to go to the the ER and they diagnosed me with my first concussion I
00:21:30| probably have 40 since then hope it doesn't show on the pot yeah 40 it probably like eight or four so we're doing four knee yeah I'm probably around five or six are you man hi ya akhi Oh
00:21:46| mostly hockey yeah Oh anyway um when I went to play a little league for the rest of the year every time someone pitched and I went to hit it was involuntary I couldn't not do
00:22:03| you know what I didn't hit one more ball for the rest of that year to get walks a long time I got like two walks in like something I annoyed and you're clear was over it was over seriously I was done
00:22:17| baseball my dad was so upset cuz I think he wanted me to baseball player and you know we love baseball there's is also there's a manly thing so it happens with baseball that like if you are a certain
00:22:29| age and you can't fast pitch like you can't really throw a ball and wing it then you're like your curly you throw a ball like a girl you throw like a girl yeah that's the thing so it it's weird
00:22:42| there's like it's one of the things that everyday life like if you're not throwing a baseball you're throwing something but you can tell by the mechanics of the person's arm that they
00:22:52| don't know how to throw you're right it's weird when you you meet a grown adult who doesn't know how to throw yes when they're struggling or they just don't know how to throw
00:23:04| those on there like like what'd you do and then the treasure really excuse me you know Dawson it I'm just tossing it over there that's are you and then no one will ever bring it
00:23:25| up I mean they might they might be like throw like a girl if they're okay with it but if they're not okay with it no one ever be like okay like then they'll forget although
00:23:34| they'll never throw anything ever again like the other thing about baseball I literally never played again you know what's crazy what later on I dated a girl and my best
00:23:50| friend Dan 9 you dated her best friend uh-huh and uh I think no forget what I just said I was on one of my four best friends from growing up his older brother this 10 years later this came
00:24:10| out speared he uh he was whatever he was he used to play pee-wee for the same place I did know that's also he remembers you get knocked up he was the picture Oh missed a month
00:24:25| oh no he uh he quit baseball too he od'd on her Wednesday oh [ __ ] he died yeah um but it was my friends because older brother with a baseball I don't think he was 10 years old
00:24:39| Oh d-don't heroin but I know he um it really upset him he cried I was like he cried like yeah at the time before yeah yeah we're done obviously there's all these connections and I think being
00:24:58| spokes when you start making connections you start you start realizing that baseball isn't just a sport it's like a business I mean yeah I still remember some of the kids that played with um
00:25:09| dieudonné amido mixed it all here the coach really know woody okay it's also about repetition that's one of the things that if you're gonna hit a ball you gotta have a lot of
00:25:21| chances to do it and in a game you don't have a lot of chances so you can't practice it's the same thing with most sports do you have like a couple shots to do what you need to do and I feel
00:25:30| like if I was giving more pitches I would probably would have been a better hitter it's like those father-and-son things like if you're ever gonna if I'm ever
00:25:39| gonna go back to being a a 10 year old it's like the sepia toned images in my mind should have me playing baseball with my dad like but they don't like it maybe a couple times so it's like well
00:25:53| you can you can get into other sports I mean it's not like it has to be baseball sure baseball happens to be the one but that wasn't a one that was Senna emphasized especially since my grandpa
00:26:03| played pro ball do you play yeah he played for the holodecks his major league major uh-huh he was major yeah for a couple seasons yeah that's pretty cool watch like what did he do position
00:26:18| I don't even know he he didn't talk about it much because his manager died and then he didn't have anybody promoting him so he just kind of faded away from it made it out of it yeah so
00:26:32| he was something wild what we had a teacher together who played minor league ball mosh yeah chip do you know yeah so do you know um he played in one of the only professional games or someone died
00:26:46| that sounds like a fake name if you're gonna give somebody a fake names and really is that why he yeah so I think it was the other team okay so our teacher was pitching he was a
00:27:00| pitcher in the minor leagues I don't know if this triple a double a single a I have no friggin idea anyway he was a pitcher good pitcher they the other team was in the field whatever his team's
00:27:12| hitting one of his guys hit a ball to like left center or something like that the home and the two guys were converging on it and then you know they both yelled got it got it
00:27:21| and the one guy usually meals and the one guy jumped yeah the both they both kind of kneeled and the one dudes knee hit the other dude here well just don't have my fee this was a
00:27:33| dude yeah this is a dude who had a replacement knee so it wasn't just a regular titanium rod to his face yeah pretty much so everyone was real still on the field
00:27:43| and I still remember my teacher told me this cuz he was a funny guy like he's like hey hey it was told face but it's so funny he's like kinda late on the field and our medics came and I were
00:27:54| they had people come like people waving over people were saying it didn't look good it wasn't like breathing right huh anyway they took him into the ambulance and they said he'll be fine we're gonna
00:28:06| take him to the hospital so I have 10 minutes down the road well there was another batter and then there was an out and then our teacher was off to pitch again and he said it was the weirdest
00:28:17| feeling in the world he didn't want to be there none of the players wanted to be there no learn to be there we didn't want to be there not just time for sprawling yeah like he
00:28:25| just kept throwing pitches just hoping the game would end he said he didn't character strikes he didn't care if there are balls he just hoped that the game would end and um it turns out the
00:28:36| guy died in the ambulance on the way to that hospital in Christmas he died it must have ruptured something brain bleeding I don't know um they didn't know it at the time but I guess everyone
00:28:48| could sense that something bad should happen there yeah did you uh there was a story recently which will be not so recently were in this podcast is released but uh there was a little girl
00:28:59| who was hit by a line drive and yeah I think the basement that was nearest to the girl it might been an outfielder he saw it and when he saw it like the girl was
00:29:08| like maimed by the baseball he started crying and like had to be taken off the field I can do a pitcher I think to really pitcher - yeah I think in fact no I don't think it wasn't out there I
00:29:19| think it was the pitcher who threw the pitch uh-huh or the batter of it the ball is one of the two was crying and had to be consoled and had to leave like the field of play uh-huh the arm pitcher
00:29:28| whether he was the one crying or not actually couldn't finish the game he had to leave yeah I didn't I'm curious if there's a language I don't want to show that but you
00:29:38| um yes so that's the other crazy thing about baseball there's no time limit it's the only sport without a clock she was hospitalized Yankee Stadium and oh is the Yankees game yeah I just wanna
00:29:59| baseball you've run into these a safety thing yeah they um they want to put nets up even further around everything pretty much which is kind of lame but yeah
00:30:11| that's like worth it because you don't see a net anymore like they did it with the pucks in a hockey because of the Columbus Blue Jackets I kid who got hit by a pump that kid died up on how old it
00:30:21| was yeah I mean it took it's sad that it takes that much to protect people from a game but that was one of the things that like my parents always taught me like you keep you keep your glove up even if
00:30:34| you're sitting and watching a game like you're always watching and we didn't even like sitting good seeing Center that's like the chances of a ball hitting us is like almost nothing well
00:30:45| like the people yeah they're planning on extending the protective netting to like next to the bases next to first base so it's a sad thing and you can instantly tell everyone who's watching
00:30:56| this thing is like a little girl just got hit and they all look away yeah I could only want to see you it's weird they get people paid millions of dollars so they almost have to finish the game
00:31:07| in a weird way like how this is even home you know this is another little girl actually oh really yeah yeah and I think that was Yankee but I wanna see the other thing you're
00:31:22| missing about baseball is that it's so universal Houston why I heard about it another unique escape anyway I keep going it's interesting
00:31:34| what's Yankees yeah anyway it's so Universal that like and you might not be a Phillies guy but like growing up my grandfather listened to Phillies games on the radio anytime there's one of the
00:31:48| games you can follow audibly because it's so slow yeah and the position of people I mean lends itself to like your imagination of what could happen it
00:31:59| doesn't take much imagination to tell what could happen there's different things that could happen yes cuz you're still hitting a ball I mean we haven't even talked about the we down played
00:32:12| baseball but you're throwing a ball 92 miles an hour and swinging a bat to hit it that's ridiculous that you would connect ever and the motion of the ball the rotation the way like the hair
00:32:26| breaks around it so that it dips or curves they have to decide within like where they're swinging so they have to see the ball figure out where it's going figure out what kind of pitch it is
00:32:40| whether it's gonna be inside the strike zone or outside the strike zone where they wanted her where they don't like it if the ball is in a dip drop stay straight or try and blow by them all in
00:32:52| like less a second that's wild so there's the homerun is definitively unique I think hottest thing yeah it is it's kind of cool and it's the one I don't know the many sports have like
00:33:07| this celebratory like walk around the bases like yourself to walk on the bases but it's just like so good point so to score a run you have to touch all four yeah first second third or oh so in a
00:33:20| home run it's automatic but you still have to round trot yeah think of this I mean it makes sense why because you wouldn't run full speed only ridiculous comment to spread all I'm asking I'm s
00:33:34| fronting who is the record for the fastest home run run I'm sure it's out there someone just sprinting for the record I would try and get the record past this home run run professors from
00:33:47| run trot I wonder what it is it's gotta be someone sprinting full lap so huh someone said the ball hung in the air this is a rose Alice Adam rosenhouse the ball hung here for 5.5 seconds
00:34:04| and he sprinted around the bases in fifteen point nine seconds fifteen point nine that's pretty good so for ten seconds he was still running I guess he takes it would take me five
00:34:15| seconds to realize that the ball was actually out actually home run that's wild and he broke his own record so he did it twice I mean just ran hard everybody watch this one guy the UM the
00:34:35| worst is when players take a real real real slow trot like a real slow trolley uh how you like me now yeah a Babe Ruth try mm-hmm yeah by the time you run second he's still like full speed and
00:34:49| it's just carrying so momentum and he's still like I guess he set the pace and he didn't want to break the pace he's getting uh yeah it was exciting two things you can do actually are uh in
00:35:07| baseball inside-the-park home run uh-huh and stealing home yeah is there two sexiest things you do and then you're allowed to just like plow through the catcher you
00:35:20| can you better hope he doesn't hold onto the ball yeah and he could probably offer you up more maybe he's got it you got it stand still they um they say catchers like to come down on your hands
00:35:31| if you slide hands first and go for the fingers Oh break your fingers really oh they'll try well not necessarily break but just hurting yeah hurt yeah well it Rose your career here baseball's weird
00:35:43| like that dude I'm telling you it's throwing a hard ball like 90 miles an hour that's not unnatural it's a natural for a dude to do it with his elbows his shoulder everything was it Randy Johnson
00:35:54| he's a big know he was like 105 did you see what happened to the bird that's my favorite clip of all time what what do you mean oh he's exploded the bird yeah I love that the chances of a bird flying
00:36:07| by during a Randy Johnson pitch I don't know what the chances aren't but it got hit and was killed immediately klipsch I love that this that's the most random thing that's ever happened do
00:36:22| Randy Johnson Byrd slow-mo or something I'm wondering if someone kept the bird really know and kept the bird because you still there's an X a Y and a z-axis this bird can fly anywhere it can go
00:36:36| anywhere and do anything killed it oh really it was a dumb okay yeah a warning bell for all the way it flies in the path of a hundred and form on our fastball it's
00:36:51| the most insane thing I've ever seen in sports so is it always right thing I don't know and I really learned out how they call the no pitch there's nobody held it yeah so what do they do
00:37:05| haven't read that check yeah that's why well if they all missed it it was just like trying to figure out how the ball is on the feel like there's fans interfere press for statistical as it is
00:37:19| they let the UMP decide whether it's a strike or not that's also weird isn't it judgment call and he'll will dumps they're always like 27 and really sharp I'd write like 66 and like friggin old
00:37:34| as hell like wearing a cage there behind a guy who's a catcher who weighs this much and they're looking over the batter here and in their eye and they're very pompous possibly feathers this although
00:37:47| feathers ridiculous oh man like the catcher just kind of backs away from the feathers he's a glue he doesn't even know I hit a bird he just sees feathers and then no he doesn't know what's going
00:38:05| on oh I like the bird is like completely stripped of all its feathers and it just like like this holy crap yeah holy [ __ ] that hurt you up like that so another thing that you don't like about baseball
00:38:19| but I respect the hell out of is my dad played softball uh-huh your dad played softball or he was a hockey got hockey guy throw throw what so softball was cool because my dad was
00:38:34| a underhand slow pitch right he was the pitcher he's the best pitcher in the league I don't know why hey because he actually struck through town he still talks about winning struck
00:38:47| dudes down it's really hard to strike dudes out in slow pitch softball my dad had a knuckle ball regular pitch dude I didn't know this oh my dad is definitely a jerk my dad's ultra competitive he
00:39:02| used to wear a chain with a cross cuz he's Italian I guess I could still see my dad get into a dust-up with dudes where everyone's grabbing other dudes and going into the fence during the
00:39:16| playoffs and like dude I hear bad words oh my god it's ridiculous and the other thing is my dad was like he could crank a home run any time he wanted good huh my dad would step in there and there I
00:39:29| go it's just a picture and he would just crack one but there are dudes who had come to watch these games and then what they would do is after a softball game at Jarnell wherever they were playing
00:39:42| they would buy a clear cake or 1/2 cake and everyone who is watching the game playing in the game or like some of the other team guys will come over in the hood all drink out of those plastic cups
00:39:54| and they would drink for like two hours and as a kid like I would play with the other kids who were there because their parents were there yeah and 100% I'm sure they there could have been DUI laws
00:40:12| in effect for these events but as a kid I learned to play with the beer ice cuz beer ice is different it was like the little round thing yeah we all got our first taste of Rolling Rock that was one
00:40:27| of the ones yeah yeah shut up kid yeah have some of this so I'm really run around maybe like six or whatever and then we would play on the playground still dark and then we'd have to learn
00:40:41| to pee outdoors like you don't mean with survival skills a little bit but it was like I didn't realize it then but now I'm like that was kind of funny hilarious
00:40:54| in retrospect it's a little bit white-trash baseball well I mean that's what you do you think you bring your you drink I think you're not supposed to drink and the dog I'll put it who knows
00:41:06| who cares you just have beers right outside grab a beer they complain get away the UM they would get so heated they would say terrible things to each other like
00:41:20| things a kid shouldn't hear yeah and I was an eight year old kid and one time a blue was squeezing my dad okay like he was calling his balls strikes his strikes balls like he was really come on
00:41:34| dude it's slow pitch let him go we're not calling everything a ball cuz like and the other thing is um you know where the fence ends where you're batting inside that batting cage you know and
00:41:44| the fence goes up to here if you pitch above that it's called an illegal never call an illegal because you're going to like the top of that that's it if you call my dad for illegals they were
00:41:56| calling my dad for balls when he was like come on blue you're talking about like the Ark like if you yeah okay you can't go above a certain level it's called an illegal I know that's
00:42:06| considered a ball so blue lump will go though and click his little friggin thing so the first time I was ever mean or rude or out of line in my life that I remember is I was like seven years old
00:42:23| and uh they were squeezing my dad for pitching never never and I remember I I said it loud enough for the aunt to hear because that's the other thing about the damn sport dude you're always talking
00:42:33| good good I come on Reggie come on rich okay pull 10.0 go watch on first watch are the field of voice just phrases yeah you just hear but you're doing so fun dude anyway I said to the ref or
00:42:46| the umpire careful driving home blue he looked and I was like a seven-year-old kid tell him to be careful driving and it occurred to me afterwards I probably should have said that but I was like
00:43:00| seven or something none of the people were you gonna stop don't yell at the umpire huh and looking back I really hope that guy didn't rat car you know yes Carly
00:43:13| when was the last time actually like swung a bat or a ball like a real like you're trying to actually like Oh Liam not like what is that clean I played wiffle with um his accountant Mike Ryan
00:43:25| everybody real one yeah like five or seven or eight years and years Inc at this point me too I'm plating like a men's league like and there's only a couple games cuz I was like filling in
00:43:38| and like I was getting pissed cuz like I hadn't like actually hit a ball so it's like he had to readjust to like your old body your old body is not the same as your young body and like you also having
00:43:50| frickin swung so forget yeah Oh Bridget young bodies although you're I mean mechanisms yeah I mean everything how you see things so like it was brutal I was getting like like pity pity
00:44:02| phrases thrown at me like oh it's alright yeah okay so like yeah hits and people are like good job lovely the banner dude baseball banners good I do remember yeah a long time ago like
00:44:17| a dozen or so years like playing in like just casually in college and I don't know if it was like the difference of people maybe it was like the mostly engineers that they weren't that great
00:44:27| but for some reason I could hit like almost home runs off my friends pitches and I like never I don't know maybe they were like give me easy ones but I could I don't remember ever being like able to
00:44:39| almost drill it so that was probably like the highlight of me playing baseball is just like that one time with my college buddies I mean that's part because they're not trying to strike you
00:44:51| out like they're not like purposely I don't think they're going either now No like neutral yeah I think they're long you're also and you're also at an age gap where you're you take it differently
00:45:02| peak well your peak trip we probably P athlete then which is ironic because you said you don't have to be an athlete at all to play baseball I'm cheek reactionary yeah you don't let
00:45:18| you look at sad they're just remember in baseball baseball's to shame it's a dying sport no one's gonna play it when we get older probably not um my kid likes it
00:45:33| what about salaries hang on sideways why look up Bobby Bonilla is he still getting paid is Bobby Bonilla getting paid whoa Bo he's retired about ten years ago and the Mets are still paying
00:45:49| him Bobby Bonilla Bonilla one point actually this is last year one high I don't know if he's gonna baby this year he might be ending in 2035 he's getting paid till 2035 yeah when he retired and
00:46:12| how much for you retire he's 56 years old hold on she give me give me his big contract in stats this is incredible wait so he was a Nets player who got the contract that's insane I'm trying to
00:46:26| figure it out that's okay boob Ania was the highest-paid player I knew how to spell his name so I must have remembered him highest paid player in the league
00:46:36| burning more than 6 million a year and since 2009 he's been paid approximately each year and is the poster boy blah blah blah blah blah deal expires yeah dollars four seasons which he did not
00:46:58| play he played up until 2001 hey he stopped playing before we even graduated high school hold on that's impossible how can you write a contractor continues so the contracts
00:47:18| are [ __ ] in baseball they're they're stupid ship time it was crazy hi and Bryce Harper right the next day guys ready per season was it 350 I thought it was 3/3 we said good yeah I think he's
00:47:33| that's the f3 internal million thirteen years how do you buy someone for thirteen years and that what's that break down to 330 divided by thirteen [Music]
00:47:45| there's a prime number in it so I can't do it 25 million it is but it isn't yeah that's roughly that's not going right for best player in baseball but I know the each playing like the best
00:47:56| player in baseball but that's a whole nother situation even when like the numbers like the popularity of baseball is declining like the salaries are still ridiculously high it's about TV deals
00:48:08| which are also fading I think Phillies just got a new TV deal that's worth like some billion amount of dollars I'm nuts okay comcast which is weird because I'm not sure I'm not sure
00:48:25| how TV deal works really in the dark I just know that they have ridiculous TV money starting this year Comcast SportsNet a creative contract 2500 deal I make sense twenty five-year deal
00:48:41| that's ridiculous what was the number he thought was a billion billions billions more than one uh kid 2.5 billion over 25 years there you go that's not so bad
00:49:00| hundred million a year is it that's it yeah I'm like that I guess that covers a salary I guess baseball like we're missing the soul of the game yeah I
00:49:22| think so there there is a tension in the pause so when you have a great game when a lot is on the line and things are set up because there's like a lot of dominoes
00:49:33| like set up the time in between pitches is really intense it's I I've been at games where I've like felt like this is a big moment and you can do a lot like you can have the
00:49:45| time to savor it if it's like a long line drive and like you have a full five seconds of watching that ball hang and hoping and then when it goes out the celebration time is that much more
00:49:57| because you had that much time to linger I think that's part of the essence is that it's a slow playing game and you get to enjoy those moments if they go in your favor
00:50:08| beyond the entire city of Philadelphia um from 2007 to 2012 ish was a baseball town you could feel in the air where the people I save Rollins Jimmie wrong yeah
00:50:29| yeah Jimmy wrongs we got Chase Utley yep Brian Howard I could name many more like you please you wouldn't even know that all he is Pat Burrell and you know by brother Lou lavanya's uh-huh Joe Blanton
00:50:46| coming in hitting a home run and then uh playoffs what I'm getting at is um we got to know the bridge to which what was this JC Romero is seventh inning guy eighth inning was Ryan Madson holy [ __ ]
00:51:01| Ryan Madson did you have one of those we looks when you went last time but they give it one of those stat books like only the current batting average for every guy and then like you'd like mark
00:51:12| it in for what they did I still do that you could I didn't yes get that little tiny yellow it has a little tiny pencil the mini golf pencil I refer to it as the um when the
00:51:29| Phillies were that good people would say to each other uh Philly sounds like yeah Dodgers uh who's pitching Hamels nice I would watch it or try to watch a host of it I don't
00:51:43| think I couldn't I put the World Series on but I couldn't really pay attention to it now if it's if it's not my team it's harder to pay attention but that team I'm probably launched like 80 games
00:51:55| there huh no what do I mean watch I mean watched five innings or more yeah okay had I not I watched four games a year I've also watched partials of other games yeah I mean Adam off and let her
00:52:11| follow up it was actually really cool to see like Roy Halladay pitch like you don't understand how good it was to see like he was a righty and he had this like I pitch was it I think this was a
00:52:27| sinker but he was so good probably the best in baseball at his time that it was actually awesome to watch defense so does bass play have is Alavi it's a soft cat it's called a luxury cap if you
00:52:44| go over the calf number you have to pay a luxury tax so like they were willing to pay the luxury taxis that year because they had such a good team they're pushing it do the Phillies did
00:52:57| they go over the luxury tax I don't I think they're at the luxury tax I haven't gone over it you double-check me what year did they win 2008 Pete oh wait pills oh they were way under you
00:53:12| kiddin me the oh wait those they hadn't even signed holiday orally at all the rotation was like Hamels Blanton Myers Jamie Moyer who's from Saturday Jamie Moyer would throw like a 79 or an 82
00:53:32| mile an hour fastball so the opening day payroll for the Phillies was 98 million covered by the TV deal they just made not really yeah maybe
00:53:45| and then the Yankees were like 209 million and then the Florida Marlins were 21 million so that's insane disparity and this is one of the things I I remember about the Flyers
00:54:04| Philadelphia Flyers ice hockey before the cap they would spend money like nobody's business to bring in they won all the talent yeah yes and they liked the years right before the cap was
00:54:16| introduced they were amazing you had all of the talent of course and like your top two lines were just superstars it was amazing to watch they're willing to spend yeah it's a it's a sad thing to
00:54:29| lose like that domination and it's also a sad thing to have a luxury tax to make it so that you could buy that domination too because there's certain more considered as little slice fair right
00:54:42| New York ins for Kappa doesn't [ __ ] say oh here check this um we're kind of going off numbers everything it was just great Oh money dollars okay so what was it Billy uh what's his name
00:54:57| oh you only said it is bit it was his like oh damn it Brad Pitt yes Billy Billy Billy Beane here's the soft last name that's why in it so he had his little uh was it was
00:55:15| his name Paul no what was his side sidekicks name chubby guy in the movie essentially I don't know what they call there was a Paul Podesta yeah it's Paul Podesta deep deep it was it I think so
00:55:31| is that the dude from president Michael Lewis's 1999 yeah so what safer metrics is that what it's called sabermetrics yes analytical principles so he could analyze the game
00:55:45| in such a way that you could in certain instances tell which guys would be the best in certain in school and then rate them versus their money yeah versus their money so you can get a team
00:55:56| what was the 1999 Oakland Larry wait I decided open I think maybe 1999 I don't know I have a good heart but was back 99 payroll Oakland 24 million which is wow the Yankees were eating his health it
00:56:19| was one place from the bottom in 1999 oh yeah so they could pick up a whole bunch of players that could be good in certain roles and they would just manipulate the
00:56:33| stats in order to get them into situations and they went from like what last ranks last ranked team to like not not the winner I don't think they won but they had the record for the most
00:56:45| wins in a row something like that they had a lot of great metric bit on metrics most China because baseball has so many games that lends itself to this numbers thing and numbers have actually become
00:57:09| romantic 20 games in a row that's the streak that's pretty good was it ever beaten they felt just like Joe DiMaggio's hit streak on that ravine actually pulled this up earlier or
00:57:35| cleveland indians at 22 and 2017 did they goddamn them Oakland A's at 20 what is this the Providence Grays and the st. Louis Maroons at 21 in 1884 the Cubs had
00:58:01| more the Chicago white stockings a year here in 1880 stuff and Indians had 122 recently in the New York Giants I know I'm not making this up these are some of the real names in 1916 here it is the UM
00:58:27| holy [ __ ] all right what all right hold on that's ridiculous okay so the cool thing of a baseball that you touched on is the numbers most consecutive games played that will
00:58:53| probably never be eclipsed by personnel ripken ripken do you like 2,000 games Cal Ripken jr. baby the Iron Man baby highest batting average lifetime Ty Cobb do you have that one no what you don't
00:59:22| think it was box surprise of it bonds its Rios one of the first things I looked up but I can't find that list hold on most grand slams in one inning - Fernando Tati's same guy that's awesome
00:59:41| it was Barry Bonds he was 73 home runs now a little weird okay that's the whole riding up that he started taking drugs in that period like McGwire Sosa and McGwire again oh all of them are like
00:59:56| the question on this is wild it says most home runs World Series Mickey Mantle had 18 in the World Series you wonder how skewed that is by history it's like there's certain periods where
01:00:12| you have no competition it's probably like he was like 1950s through 60s fish night no he's our earlier in that my mantle mantle Mansell no no I used in the 60s 70s range I
01:00:27| think 450 60s Mickey Mantle where he's definitely playing in 1962 yeah 60 70s I think yeah I don't know if he played the hitting streak as always it always comes up Joe DiMaggio at these six games that
01:00:43| he always got on base yeah with the hit not a walk we can't walk some count I guess he didn't give a [ __ ] he's on the swing anyway he's a nice paper into that adding nineteen average
01:01:02| highest batting average for a season you raver this or twenty four holy [ __ ] like there's something romantic that baseball has the numbers or the magical thing I mean there's something
01:01:20| if ever you love numbers more than me it's in this instance this is the only time and I don't I'm not a baseball fan I'm keep telling people this yes I just I recognise baseball fandom I've seen
01:01:40| baseball greatness I've lived a baseball championship I think they're awesome my kid wants to play baseball I don't think he will you saw I could be wrong I rarely get him I like moving around some
01:02:03| other sport I know give me one second entity it's not my choice that's true maybe it is um I think your dad do the cheer baseball you sure could make you like it like my dad was a softball
01:02:22| player he drank beer at parties he hit home runs that guys are still talking about like baseball is it's American that's average it's somewhat enjoyable it's a casual discussion in the best
01:02:43| with a little nap in between some excitement peace baseball is cool because you you're waiting for the wave mm-hmm you got to stand up and put your arms up
01:02:55| it's the wave he's fun um more silly stuff huh is that from 10 years ago uh okay when do they last win oh wait they didn't win again and for that no they
01:03:22| went to the World Series and own nine or Oh eleven mom that is sadness is law racist like I can't even tell you Matt Stairs home run see the unboxing of the Dodgers Broxton throws like a hundred
01:03:46| ziwei through two pounds or something yes that's the guy what he's the the pitcher who's weighs 200 pounds and in the article they say Broxton and the next sentence they say Braxton uh-huh
01:04:01| couldn't get his name right it's back-to-back said he uh he he's sweating profusely he's like the best closer in the league he's really so hungry and weighs Titan mad with tears like Matt
01:04:17| Stairs is just the most like you're reeling about this health or unathletic and I agree with you but Matt Benton hairs just like just like the everyman dude Matt Stairs he just got done eating
01:04:30| a hotdog he's raised yeah oh drinking a beer and have a hot dog he met stairs oh is a hero oh look at that mullet there yeah look at this look at his third video mass tears rips one into
01:04:49| the night or whatever the hell that video is mmm stairs rips one into the night yeah that's good there it is a good swing holy [ __ ] wasn't he not known for home
01:05:09| runs or no that's all he did it was a homeowner not in it he couldn't do the was that itchy Maura whatever he was like chipping uh iturra Ichiro sorry
01:05:22| she was probably Elsie at all yeah that I give that guy respect he if he could control where the ball landed oh oh yeah a hundred percent that's the other thing about baseball I mean you control where
01:05:38| the ball goes you have to plan where you're swinging you have to think we're gonna hit you have to judge room what ball you're gonna swing at I mean I respect the show baseball I don't even
01:05:51| like it you're making me to bend it because you're not you understand how this makes me feel it's weird it's different because you don't exactly hate going but
01:06:03| yeah there's my my grandfather passed away right I think his dying wish because he used to always tell jokes to me about Chase Utley uh-huh he would talk to me like he would talk up
01:06:20| conversation be like did you see the chase man on Wednesday I really I don't know pop-up what happened maybe like he hit a single and went up here and it chased them would come
01:06:31| around the corner and saying okay I'm holding up I'm holding up and then talk to them say hey by the way I'm taking off my gloves I noticed she called a couple low bowls on me was it was really
01:06:43| well and my pop up was just fascinated with how chase interacted with the umpires and you're active with the other guys and there is a weird mental game as yeah and what you mentioned earlier it's
01:06:56| not done by a machine or no paint markings it's an umpire so Chase Utley who was my grandfather's favorite player of all time and my favorite player of all time
01:07:06| and the only Jersey baseball jersey I ever bought my baseball jersey all time a long time ago did you I'd like uh maybe a crook John Cleese you have a Crocker
01:07:19| one letter what Lizzie oh one a while ago there's also a no no is a one his number I don't know that old one I don't think general I think it's like I gotta be
01:07:32| wrong dude oh oh oh six oh eight it's like a under ten number I thought but maybe I'm wrong Oh 20-something whoops way off 28 did you have a 28 croc Jersey
01:07:52| that's pretty cool maybe so you were in love with that ninety team uh Bill's 93 I think are you jump in numbers trying to see why come on baby we're just cool cuz maybe not and that's incorrect
01:08:11| I don't know I think the sports dying because they the way people absorb media is so fast now and like oh it is if you're watching that if you're watching hockey football or basketball there's a
01:08:25| vibe there's an energy to it that this very fast but momentum and it's like understanding what happened the analysis of it it doesn't require you to like double check things like a
01:08:39| replay will show you enough but like baseball you need like a replay with like you want to know how fast the pitch was you wanted to see the box like the box drawing on there and whether it was
01:08:51| inside or outside and doing this with my hands right now whether it was inside or outside the box I'm gonna strike our ball it's like the whole decision-making is based on that
01:09:01| box that they put up on the screen when you're watching it on TV no it's not based on that good sometimes the UMP causes a strike but then they show it and it's like close a ball yeah but your
01:09:12| decision-making is based on something that's like computer-assisted so I think that's why it's failing maybe I think it's more the slow pace that's ultimately ultimately there's
01:09:27| something cooled up baseball that it's so slow baseball doesn't have a time limit you can be down 15 to 0 Kruk was wasn't good enough to have a single number I think he came back to it yeah
01:09:45| and he might enough to give up his number bad taste in your mouth you ready say goodbye it was it was a burp I am you also made me free of my last state I'm sure that it was quite a good one
01:10:04| [Music] hmm so I got baseball is a game of numbers folks play your numbers make money hit homeruns that's what it was eventually it's all gonna come back to
01:10:28| baseball why because it's gonna be beautiful that there's something that doesn't have to be self-fulfilled every five seconds something that takes time something that you can be down ten runs
01:10:39| in the ninth with two outs nobody on base and win that game it don't happen often sure as [ __ ] but there's no time limit you can take your goddamn time it's all about momentum it's all about
01:10:57| when the last pitch goes it's all about singularity there's something weird that this is the most individual sport of all of them everyone else is like TM TM teem this is like Frick I'm a pitcher you're
01:11:12| a batter let's go mano-a-mano I think that's cool like yeah dude you have a superpower House pitcher who closed his game challenge the game entirely oh and then
01:11:23| you have a batter who's like a I hit everything batter going head to head has nothing to do with the first baseman who cares what a the left fielders doing this is where to
01:11:35| game that and I don't know that there's a time limit these guys could tend these guys could spend 30 seconds just getting up to the plate clicking their heels everyone has a little signature move
01:11:47| everyone steps out of the box all the wiggle who knows yeah where do you hold your bat up high I'm alone I chose my butt so what I'm getting at is baseball is totally losing popularity it's
01:12:03| totally stupid it's totally not that fun it's kind of boring it's very slow there we go I don't disagree with those things yeah but there's something timeless about it there's something older
01:12:17| relatives laughs I could take a nap on the middle and still catch the end my grandfather loved it and I don't know why but I sort of do it's more personal than the other ones I don't know so I
01:12:36| will never love it I will never totally follow it I will never be a softball player like my father I respect that I love it good for baseball okay
01:12:46| worried that's all right Nick that's all I got it's okay completely average I can't the only aspect I love is hitting a baseball everything else is just superfluous it
01:13:07| doesn't matter I wish you could just have highlights of people hitting balls and that somehow summed up the game that ESPN dude your ESPN your generation - my generation this generation before mine
01:13:21| right now it's been good well folks you frickin like you frickin like you a lot donate to our money laughs I tell y'all have to if Nick comes up with better content you can donate to our patreon
01:13:43| special guest there's a fee No send us an email we'll discuss so good night I think we like you

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