The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP117 Thor Ragnorok Chris Hemsworth

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Transcript UnP117 Thor Ragnorok Chris Hemsworth

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 117 - Thor Ragnorok Chris Hemsworth
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00:00:06| if you're not for you are found you are home and there is no going back no one leaves this place but what is this place the answer is sekar we're gonna be talking about Thor Ragnarok the layers
00:00:23| the newness the freshness and the lead in into the great series that the MCU provides join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks these are old friends dissecting one topic at a
00:00:46| time it's people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here deep dive in or unique perspective guys in charge have a visit subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't
00:01:00| pander to popular opinion with Mike you can get a little bit dirty morning do this podcast playing in a mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes over here so join
00:01:12| us a good time all right so this movie was good it was a great movie tell me my top 5 movies I probably yeah I actually I think it seemed to come out of them I mean if you want to argue 5 movies ok I
00:01:58| cut my movies of all time definitely the decade okay that's very definitely all the Marvel ones are really well done in comparison to all we see ones that
00:02:11| so yeah start and end just in comparison the movies in general or just well done movies no matter what yeah you can think one it's not their favorite but it's gonna be well done oh
00:02:21| it will head to the most part we'll hit it will be the other stick what I mean any key things that you want to hit it's funny as hell it's literally super dry humor it's and that's that's quite a
00:02:33| movie snatch is my favorite movie hmm okay and so that was one point yeah any other points you'd like that the action was great the soundtrack was great good there's a lot of innuendo it's very
00:02:47| thick like you can break apart every scene like I watch it upstairs and I'm cracking up at every scene I'm like oh my god they did this oh my god they're doing it and then they're unlike oh
00:02:58| that's a good delivery like it's like it's a good everything and then a good setup a good framework good acting and then good delivery sorry like yeah it's good with you there's layers to it that
00:03:10| are surprisingly well thought out and there's no bad part to it there's nothing where you all that wouldn't happen like it's realistic in the fantasy sense as well as the way
00:03:22| characters interact and the way the plot moves forward it just doesn't fatal you there's no dragging either you on this movie it's not like all there's a scene it's everybody just has some song my god
00:03:32| the next 10 scenes is gonna take place on so on and so on it's gonna be like I just want to get to the next part of the movie here Thor right great Locke was know the opening scene yeah absolutely
00:03:46| played for my kid and it's one of his favorite songs about that he's got freezer pop top base I get to slap the bass right now yeah you're thinking about it yeah but there's I never
00:03:58| realized it I thought it was such an easy play because it's just um octaves like to do this is different tuning or something no no it's it's octaves but then at the end of the run it's like
00:04:10| dude played really fast him really well and I can't do it because hey I never looked it up and beyond practice as much anymore so it wouldn't make me really
00:04:19| upset but Led Zeppelin's the immigrant song so there's a joke that I heard that I thought was fantastic as the the devil appears he says I'll make you the greatest guitarists of all
00:04:30| time I just need your soul and then the guy says what can I get for a dollar and the devil goes I'll make you the greatest basis of all time very good very good
00:04:42| Oh Davey 5:04 out of that one I love Davey 5:04 he's like my favorite Channel we miss your side of the base yes smash smash that like button yeah I would not pay for these one if I
00:05:00| get 10 likes he's good um so the reason that song is so important is because that whole scene is perfection it opens up with him trapped in a cage and you're like oh my god how did he get here like
00:05:14| whoa my god yeah intricate he's not it's like adventure right but it's cool because most of them open up with all of them and you know this is gonna be just door by himself that's like this is his
00:05:24| movie find yourself oh yeah but he's trapped in a cage and like oh no and he's just really waiting until he wants to be caught then he wants to be questioned by suit was the guy's name
00:05:34| suit or suit her so for starters thank you yeah anyway because Surtur's dome his helmet his magical helmet will be the beginning of Ragnarok so he got captured the fine
00:05:47| Serdar who's a giant skeleton a foreboding giant mean skeleton and sounds like this so this kind of he does there so um and it's really funny because he's dangling from the chain and
00:06:02| that's where I knew the movie was really funny and he's like he's like you son of Odin have no idea he's a hold on hold on cuz he's spinning and his back is turned towards him he goes son of a [ __ ]
00:06:20| yes and then it's funny though cuz he's like hold on hold on I'll go back around Oh give me a moment he's like seriously I'm not doing this I'm not doing this it's
00:06:29| like it's tense it's tense and relaxing at the same time what they do with this movie is they make you excited and also a little bit of well then we're really worried but
00:06:37| like a little intrigued and then it's funny you're like is that like final in any way no because I think it's hard to make an audience fearful especially when it's grown adults watching kind of an
00:06:48| odd kid movie but like an action adventure sci-fi movies I'm going to be who me comic books 35 but here hold men middle and and the other as Mariah anti-social right now it's the new in
00:07:06| thing isn't it yeah it is everyone that's one of the weird things too is that these comics go way back and the stories I don't know if they're entirely comedy and Incredible Hulk or origin
00:07:22| comics came out in the same year it was like 1963 both of them came out in that year so that's kind of cool it's a fifty five year anniversary so someone do the math for me okay
00:07:32| fifty fifty sixty 255 yes 52 sounds wrong sorry build on like if I were to make a comic and like make it as good as Marvel's all of the characters it would take sixty
00:07:52| years before it matured to this level where you could reference things like their reference yes like well it's like a religion or like a folklore it's not just you can't make something up and
00:08:04| then a year later expand on it has to have shoot offs and reshoots and yeah rebuffs and polishing and changing a little bit and altering and team up with another comic and like completely
00:08:16| isolated people artists like referencing it like the music like reverencing noir stuff but also like I am Iron Man like a Black Sabbath stuff like that's not in this movie but having its own references
00:08:30| to and other references that's just insane oh yeah and I said I didn't even think of that cuz like I don't know that led zeppelin did that one fourth or anyway but i
00:08:38| don't know that they didn't because they were into lower the rings and stuff mm-hmm it's and this one is about Vikings yeah that's all
00:08:46| also that reminds me of what's the difference between a religion and a cult religion is not done yet no no no and a religion the leaders already died Cole no religion the the leader dies
00:09:04| yeah Nicole everyone else dies oh yeah yes it's probably the other end of joke but um even just to the first scene in Thor that we're still talking about we can just talk about the scene all day
00:09:16| yeah he um he's like well so you're telling me all I have to do is knock that said an eyebrow it's a crown he says oh okay but it's like it's like the bad guy who's been honking it on fire
00:09:30| he's almost offended he's like hurt he's like no it is not and Thor said is okay and he opens his hand and you know he's calling his magic hammer he's like well you know why we do it it's because the
00:09:42| good guys always pull through this is like this pause and he's like I didn't time that right I've had like two seconds later both Stan and hammers finally coming but then he breaks out of
00:09:56| the chains and he's kicking serious ass that Led Zeppelin immigrant song it's one of my favorite movie scenes of all time and just it goes with the action and
00:10:05| he's like spinning his hammer he's just destroying dudes he's all buff and like I have to say he's a good-looking dude oh yeah he's bluffing good-looking dude he's he's got long hair he's depicting
00:10:16| like one of my favorite like comic book characters from when I was a kid and he's just bashing like skeleton demons into oblivion with a hammer while Led Zeppelin immigrant song plays so loud
00:10:26| and I'm like it is I did notice it was off louder than most musical / tones yeah I guess so Oh relays and overload I think I think anyway I um I got my son he loves that scene in that movie so now
00:10:43| he requests that song and I he he calls it something because the it's the picture of the but but either way like I've seen that scene alone like probably 30 times
00:10:51| because every now and then you got to watch it it's only like two and a half minutes yeah it's perfect intro good perfect and did you gather the very next scene
00:11:01| which is hilarious unto itself it's Scourge he said isn't it yes scourge the guy who has a skirt who plays like just like kind of a mortal well yeah nice glassy he's chill displays kind of like
00:11:12| immortal like he's trying to get the ladies I love that yeah and he's like he doesn't have powers he's just a regular guy I feel like he he doesn't really really want to work too hard but he got
00:11:22| this job and like you know everyone else's powers are flying around he's like hey ladies come check out all this stuff I got and it pans out to all his stuff it's really crappy [ __ ] which made
00:11:32| me laugh really hard like if you just look at it it's like a exercise bike and like stupid stuff but it's from another world so these ladies don't even know what it is it's just so flanked he's
00:11:44| trying to use that to brag at one point he's doing a shake weight guess that one yeah he's doing this with a shake weight it's like it looks like a wiener going up and down I'm like oh and he's
00:11:57| chilling up all do earth stuff in the meantime Thor's asking you know beam me up beam me up beam me up so he's finally showing these ladies something they're like no it's let the beacon and the
00:12:06| dragon in that scene from a few things you're the dragon dog they look like neverending story exactly I think that was it what is the dog oh god it just no don't look it up dude that's right no
00:12:20| I try you as the boy is over the voice the horse horn out raided the boy he loses a horse track Valcour oh yeah Alcor falcore falcore falcore yes Valcourt ogor it was moving like funny
00:12:36| core it moves just like him and the other crazy thing is there's no other scene in all the movies it looks like that it's very sci-fi looking oh yeah I don't know if you caught that it was a
00:12:45| weird CGI with like dark and light and they were like rainbow sparkles look like something out of um stranger things hmm like an 80s kind of throwback there is a feel of like retro future kind of
00:12:56| going on here that's like there's like good techno but it's not techno it's like upbeat little glimpses of it and it's like it's all throughout the movie are you great
00:13:06| yeah there is it's very much like that let me see well if the IMT be kind of figure out who did it who done it no no no I know I know who did it oh we OH
00:13:15| how do we president taken taiko what TV yeah taiko with TV there you go anyway um he's done some movies this is his first like big Marvel whatever did you know
00:13:27| his one of his big references is big trouble little China really you wanted to make this movie feel like that huh and it made me think whoa I kind of see where that was going actually the music
00:13:39| was by mark reversal who's that he's also did Life Aquatic the secret life of what Life Aquatic yeah that's he also can it has a good feel to it like well and whatever he doesn't know today it's
00:13:52| just like a slightly up Diop beat I don't know how they capture like a little bit of happiness it's like common commonly felt happiness in his music if you listen to any interesting well what
00:14:06| I noticed it it's not really long drawn-out super orchestral which a lot of like epic stuff is and it sometimes gets old yeah talks like dragged on it's like too long
00:14:20| so typical yeah it's cliche yes so much it you're just done okay so it's nice to feel it kind of like a fresh air oh that makes sense I'll put it this way timing is that like playing certain video games
00:14:32| like you have that same sort of feel to them mm-hmm like this feels like you're playing a video game instant satisfaction yeah it feels good it's good a bit huh the movement and the
00:14:41| battle system feels good like you're moving around everything flows pretty good to battle systems good the buttons are intuitive like that's how it feels exactly and they layer things Ernie
00:14:50| there I'm gonna keep saying it layer things in there players that like know that they'll set up that joke where the dragon is following him and you know that scourge is just enjoying himself
00:15:00| and then he warps in middle world and the dragon head just like Spanish ground and spreads them all just ahead it slides like birds into stupid emails x-division nice roll open
00:15:13| and the tongue opens and discreet blood by the river and they both look at each other and scream and you know skirts just want any chance at anything with these women but great it doesn't even
00:15:25| matter any that good that's what makes it girl it it could have just been like a look away scene where you don't see anything but they just get splattered like a crappy movie right right but they
00:15:34| totally show that head aiming sliding across the ground and now the tongue rolls out because we're on just the graphics of that one scene I don't know I'm interesting I think or than like or
00:15:48| they make any er yeah I think so I would sow it's always like several hundred thousand dollars no for that one scene I think so it's gotta be like a hundred thousand dollars I don't know
00:15:59| how much is this gross Dorina right wait team 180 million I mean no in the first didn't see the full number I know what it's up to I just know me it's like 180 in the
00:16:15| first 10 day production budget was 180 million gross Oh once are 315 which is I think actually this is like I would take infinity war and end game and I would call this the intro to that those two
00:16:31| movie says in a way so I mean it but it might to set up infinity war an end game to be that much better because the feeling of this one was perfect the UM so would you say those movies are better
00:16:44| there's um since there's so many heroes in that it's it's easier to feel like emotional toward something cuz it pulls on different person now and of course because it's a combining movies it's
00:16:55| like an old movie it's a the Thor is so likable and this one that you almost feel the same towards him as you do towards like 12 other characters like a dozen characters equals almost actually
00:17:10| a little bit more than Thor maybe thorry Wednesday equals 12 characters Wednesday I signed myself for appears on earth they have like a mining equipment or they're like doing a
00:17:24| government set up eventually that big metal thing shows up he falls in love with what's-her-name the girl who wasn't in any of the Marvel movies anymore she
00:17:31| like refused him oh crap it's funny but not Natalie Portman's Natalie Portman it is not cool anyway those movies that movie particularly for 2012's one of my least
00:17:44| favorite it's comics movies it's almost like a super Superman movie and yeah it's Superman II in and that he never those movies the movie the bad version of this
00:17:56| which would be door 2012 is he doesn't really use his powers at all he's trying to be human he's trying to be accepted there's not a lot of action it's like a lot of like these humans they don't
00:18:07| trust me I'm trying to gain their trust and then there's like my father's in another world and then like at the very end he's like I'm gonna use my powers and then an ultimate evil shows up the
00:18:16| threat everyone he's like I'm gonna use my powers and then he's like throws a hammer and hurts a guy and you're like yeah if whereas this movie the first one minute he he's listening to immigrant
00:18:27| song and swinging his hammer so fast he can fly like it's so the humanizing aspect of it like they're trying to do the same thing in both movies if you realize that hey yeah they're trying to
00:18:39| make him human I like to it the reverse way where he's all built up yeah and then you break em - yeah human love because what does he lose in the very beginning hours yeah well he loses his
00:18:54| hammer he loses his phone before you even get there before we get there cuz we can kind of do a chronology we gonna do you want to do the he sees ya do it doctor Street oh oh you're the play
00:19:07| would like he shows up in Odin thank Odin which is Loki is watching the play with who's in that Matt Damon has located his brother Luke Hemsworth is slaying that for here and then sanitize
00:19:26| who's hit about Sam Neill sam neill like weird advice come on some wonders let me at a guy from Jurassic Park clever girl or that clever girl okay whatever but yeah it says that the interaction from
00:19:43| toe where yeah and if that's Academy who doesn't belong anywhere like I was like it's a diamond the first time I saw her I was like think it's Matt Damon why isn't Matt Damon in this movie cuz
00:19:53| I'm thinking it's not they Megumi a superhero he's just playing an extra which is ironic he's playing a character in a movie based on a comic book based on the previous movie or something I
00:20:06| don't even know what play based on like what is the play base oh it's like Loki being a hero or something so I think it was like epic two shows right yeah yeah that's hilarious that that's layers we
00:20:20| think about it yeah and it the way it unfurls you don't even have to have any dialogue to it like the play itself doesn't really need I don't even remember anything specific about it
00:20:29| but it makes her at all it's a comedy on itself while it's happening common in a commentary on Loki as well and then the relationship gives the two brothers it immediately tells you how to how it's
00:20:40| set up and who they were and how they know each other and then right so what we're talking about is you could watch that and just have a laugh I saw Matt Damon or you could watch it you could
00:20:49| also break it down literature composition thank you poof oh compositionally yes whoa that's really good because then you can think of how he sees himself and how he sees his
00:21:01| brother and how he thinks his brother should have seen have had seen him we could pass you perfect participles here yes would have had have seen but if if that's not in there I don't think you
00:21:16| realize that like then Loki like even if you I guess the assumption is that you haven't seen the previous movies and this helps you understand that what Loki is desiring and how he's already seen
00:21:25| and he thinks he's undervalued and he wants everyone to love him yes like he kind of is like he's like I don't get any of the credit I'm the true you know workhorse of the family here I'm the one
00:21:39| who deserves his blah blah blah blah daddy and brother keep blah blah blah blah which is ironic because he's going to find out he has his sister but dates him and his way more powerful but
00:21:49| let's you know that's weird that this whole family thing we're talking about I didn't think we'd get into like family quarrels and cobbles but we are because it can go on so many levels
00:21:59| yeah anyway he seemed to play and I think that's funny as hell no just the hammer see he's holding I've been waiting in a warp out of the character that he's playing his Odin his true self
00:22:13| I never really got Luke and then ironically enough scourge shows up he doesn't have any powers he has to run and he's just run he's like he's like thanks that's like um Three Stooges
00:22:29| comedy it's like um timing and physical comedy it's in this movie yeah there's a setup here that it ten it comes in the very next thing we're going to talk about so the two brothers have to find
00:22:42| their father and they go to earth right you'll get a one eighty eight Bleecker Street where ever Doctor Strange right yep so they both appear there and look at doctor strain so it's a goof look
00:22:54| it's like you're gone puts them through a portal but you know whatever they I think the next scene is super hilarious super awesome the bits the in your own carrier and is working they are and it's
00:23:08| so funny because if I restore I'd be getting so mad but he doesn't even get mad he likes on every generation every an umbrella which is hilarious he said as a hammer yeah yeah and which would
00:23:24| are so they're in dr. Strange's house and he has all these precious weird artifacts everywhere it's like a scientific study filled with library books and big gym pieces and he's like
00:23:36| well I didn't know you I've had magicians and he's plucking at a piece of like he doesn't know what it is he's just trying to play kind of tough kind of smart and as he puts it back it falls
00:23:45| apart he kind of drops it and I'm like laughing like I'm really laughing at the acting and then he pretends to not care and more of it falls over and he leans and the rest of it falls over and he's
00:23:54| like so what do you want but like he's trying to be tough guy but charming mm-hmm and uh dr. strange just like trying to ignore him and like look through his
00:24:05| ponderous tomes hmm and every time he decides to change position or move somewhere he teleports them both and he's just so funny because he does it like every five seconds every time Thor
00:24:16| gets set up somewhere he just teleports and also he's like and then he's like so it's it's off-kilter but it's also welcoming because he like brings a man sits him down he gets him
00:24:25| to use a new beer I'm not I don't drink tea and then it's and he keeps a cleared up so like a while even while he's like teleporting him and doors getting kind of pissed off he's still splashing beer
00:24:37| everywhere so it's still like a reminder that he's still welcome there it is it's a little bit both yeah right well it's rather both annoying each other the equal amount
00:24:47| I feel yes yes because he's spilling tear on all his stuff he's like knocking over books and things like like a large child but at the same time Thor is like just trying to stand
00:24:56| against something and he keeps getting shifted and moved and I think that's such hilariously good acting I read um does it take it Taiki take it haiku Jesus Christ I keep getting the
00:25:08| director's name Oh Tyga Tyga I'm just gonna call Mike out with TV anyway Tychus said that on like 80% of movie was like based on ad-lib or slight variations from the script that's so
00:25:21| we'll get there this is like next thing you know oh okay cool so anyway what is funny is at the end there's there's so much more shadowy in this movie to like he says like I need a strand of your
00:25:33| hair and he's like my hair is utmost importance it will never be cut and like literally half hour later it's gonna get cut to chance that was it's funny it's funny said to say that but he did so
00:25:46| anyway he grabs a strand of hair loki appears i have been falling for Ali says off he draws his knives and then dr. strained a true to himself throws him through a portal I like the
00:26:02| scene you guys do it's not like he just does a power it's like it's on screen for a good like maybe 5-10 seconds of like the portal spinning and then like you realize that he can do more than
00:26:12| just open portals he can like throw them around kind of changes in yeah and all the while like he's waiting for the umbrella to come back because that's his hammer I
00:26:21| think your daddy including is gonna like that see that we just referenced earlier where he's like you're failing something your umbrella he comes over your umbrella and he holds his hand out to
00:26:32| make the sound and all of a sudden you hear and he's just making this embarrassed face because he's like hmm sorry sorry did you talk to Mike alright when he does get the umbrella and my cat
00:26:49| I catch on it he like brushes it off all that like glass broke like 40 artifacts and glass lights come out of it like when he brushes it off so they have that's good that's good so they more pin
00:27:06| odin's like I'm gone peace I was did you know this team wasn't originally in the movie it was supposed to just take place in New York they're supposed to get to him but they felt like it felt like too
00:27:15| fake so they figured we need somewhere we're already on Earth has to be earth so they actually thought up Norway which is a kind of perfect for the Norse mythology the grass hole so that goes
00:27:26| back to using characters that are actually like mythological so it's kind of like if you were to recreate this comic could you like what could you use to to relate it back to something that's
00:27:39| ancient Norway's the closest thing well well not likely location but like if you're using already the gods of the flight northern northern north north Ghana
00:27:49| Nordic gods like you do we do we do something on the Greek gods like but that's an epic genius like the Mayans hang their own gods and stuff maybe is there a comic we could probably make
00:27:59| a comic based on that eventually someone's gonna make a dinosaur comic again does that count how come you mean today ain't comic the only dinosaur I like we're like
00:28:09| dinosaurs were against dinosaurs than they were like the the velociraptors we have come in numbers to against the t-rex or I don't know the Alice ores are joining our forces do that I can think
00:28:23| it'll happen in a lifetime am I I think the CGI would have to be cheap enough to every character could be CGI and look real and be a motive if you could make a
00:28:33| dinosaur be as a motive as a human being happy we don't know how about no but I guess with money and his creativity and whatever new ways to look at the bones whatever well let's not get into it no
00:28:46| one next topic so he'll appears and changes everything by a flanch he's a badass she's good in this movie you know this is the first time Marvel movie that there's a female
00:28:59| bad guy really Mel villain really yeah good main villain main villain so dirty there's a few I did female fan you a big girl she needs a little spanking no the main villain is a female sorry I'm
00:29:14| worried no brother there's been like 20 movies there's no female I guess a female does even a fight I guess that's interesting too is that I don't think the Thor ever punches her I don't know
00:29:27| if he dies no use the hammer electricity he I know in fact new who does hit her who at the dude the Asian who she yeah the guard and and because he puts up the biggest fight of anybody and they do to
00:29:46| the end so tour I always go st. her serves her full service order sir Mike so first there's a lot of sugar syrup but anyway yeah him at the end I think he actually hits her a couple times or
00:29:57| his he hit her with the sword yeah that doesn't count CGI stuff yeah I don't know if anybody does did you know she she did have to study afro jiu-jitsu from Brazil or something which is why
00:30:10| she just some of those hats afro so Jitsu afro something there's the word I'm missing there is dude afro choose something juices no Brazil afro - a word Brazilian Jujitsu Africa
00:30:34| Te'o it begins with a cine oh yeah there it is no no I was copying you cuz I have no idea what uh dammit it's in an IMDB fax hmm I read
00:30:46| all of them today most movies have like them were based on comic books it was like did you know did you know that there's so much history built up it's ridiculous sir fine done this function
00:31:03| it probably is my jujitsu and he tell you to your face you better correct the sing-off resiliency just sounds racist no it's it's in a kind like oh oh is in trivia
00:31:19| it's a trivia use your find feature because mine isn't working and do afro have a fro probably cuz in Pikeville art KOCO Piera go bad copy ever so I forget how suck Kappa wet kappa whata yeah I
00:31:37| could not yes listen I couldn't say half the words I'm just trying to tell you what I rewrite yeah all I know is it sounds like she had to do a lot of roles and like core exercises everything she
00:31:47| plays out real badass I think she's saying some sexy too in this movie I would say she's texted you might have to be with your thing with the skin tight latex or whatever I think that
00:32:02| yeah that's what I my fetishes so probably why that could be why she's born May 14th oh that's close to my birthday I'm clean six and a and she said I makes her sick
00:32:17| yeah she's a 69 1950 yeah Dani noce is looking good for her age she um she only played this cuz her oldest son was in the marble and stuff really yeah the the role was originally for the Reese three
00:32:33| star on whatever [ __ ] okay that would work too exactly I think either one would have been perfect for that kind of role yeah but anyway she did it her oldest son
00:32:41| like that he was a cameo one of the uncredited you shouldn't see the list of uncredited cameos for this movie there's tons yeah I didn't get it but I think it's a lot of like relatives and friends
00:32:52| and like people her son was one really he talked her yeah he talked her into getting the job music mom doing on Marmara I love the Marvel movies it'll boost your career
00:33:04| and she was like no guys I'm so your career Cate Blanchet is going down the toilet you need to do ragnar on to bring it back revived also could have just been a talking crap to get his mom to
00:33:18| play the superhero movie so he could meet superheroes inside yeah no I'm kidding probably so she's awesome she's all-powerful they have Thor's hammer
00:33:28| destroyed by her this is rude he said so it loses his freedom mostly almost power his power and then his father I find pestis freedom well he does lose his freedom in the next scene he does yeah
00:33:43| oh you were skipping ahead but yeah that's fine Loki gets kicked out each other do you know what's funny when Loki appears in either Thor 1 or Thor the second I'll
00:33:54| remember the tagline for that one her first horse he says out of somewhere maybe is um Neil therefore you shall live or something like that guess what ki Blanchett says as soon as
00:34:06| she steps out Neal you know before me it's kind of funny because also um throwbacks a little bit there's a lot of throwbacks and all these like even little quips and Quinn's and talks and
00:34:19| sayings a little you know yeah Connors lots of layers lots of layers she um composition she pretty much could have kicked their asses right there and uh father disappears so he loses his
00:34:33| father gets banished into the netherworld and uh we need a lot okay look he lands on a trash planet right yeah it gets captured by uh drunk yeah is it Tessa Thompson yeah that's her
00:34:54| name Dockery she looks hot and that's just Gavin jure she's based on um the Valkyries it's a superhero and the defenders hiding anyone really go over
00:35:06| the backs Valkyrie but I know Valkyrie Valkyrie was like a blonde Tom Cruise in it which has no relation now she um in the comics I think she's a blonde
00:35:18| like the Viking type woman who has powers hmm but anyway um the director tyka said that he didn't care whether she was blonde fair of skin light of skin and she's actually fairly ethnic I
00:35:32| didn't realize this she's like um half Mexican half are not Argentinian you're correct on the Mexican the I know I've read this today yeah and I said not Argentinian so I know
00:35:47| it's not but it's um and British Isles ancestry Oh British Isles like uh afro Panamanian Panamanian baby she is unique
00:36:01| there's definitely unique beauty in her that is unmistakable you look at her and you're like well you're interesting said she was right for the role so she's a drunk soldier who wants to forget the
00:36:13| past like that's cool and down with that actually ironically her pass was working for mm-hmm for a company I think yeah let's get over those power lines keep moving I'm just not something I mean I'm
00:36:26| hinting at them because we we can tell there's a connection somewhere yeah no definitely they are both of the same mind kind of it's foreshadowing into the next movie or have you seen endgame yet
00:36:38| cut I can't spoil that one no I didn't weekend if you really want to I mean an endgame wait a trunk yeah for a trunk yeah no a fat Thor comes from exactly
00:36:50| I'd see fat for memes everywhere I just have no clue what they mean it was like some alternate universe it really becomes he's a fat drunken slob he's crazy so he became her sort of for the
00:37:06| exact same reason plummet oh okay weird does he become one fat mmm no okay does dancer died our movie Oh or anyway his colonies did you know um not based on anything
00:37:26| his um workout regime he had to take like over 6,500 calories a day and like he his biggest thing was his biceps because they figured he was gonna be sleeveless uh-huh
00:37:35| this is just time I heart decide that's awesome oh maybe this sense of about his tiny arms does funny because his arms were his favorite part of workouts over his
00:37:49| workout regime they started on his biceps and work around there he got to like doing like dead curls at 60 pounds in each arm and I was thinking that today is I think as I curled a thirty
00:37:59| five pounder I'm like Thor's we just let you guys know so k he gets captured he's now a peon and it goes to the car with a beautiful intro with Willy Wonka our greatest intro actually you're skipping
00:38:16| so much so he got that electric sing in his neck it's ironic that the god of thunder is costly being electrocuted in this movie yes I know hello the god of electricity - yes hello god of death
00:38:29| what happens are where I'm gonna spoil it for anyone and then Loki the god of like trickery is constantly being tricked maybe but anyway yeah so he's being
00:38:39| electrocuted in his neck he's being captured they took his father as you mentioned his freedom everything and Sekar is the battle ant and that's such a cool scene because he sits in this
00:38:50| chair that looks like he's on a roller coaster like it's like a 1980s like kid roller coaster a little bit what was really pleased I hope they put that in Disneyworld what could be so it's a car
00:39:03| and then it's like the very first second is solar I yeah they're playing Willy Wonka theme yeah I was crazy because think of it that Gene Wilder whose eccentric insane out of his mind like
00:39:26| borderline I don't know if he's being serious or joking is he dangerous to me or not is he you know I'm and who these would be the perfect actor to play that character and
00:39:39| of course as soon as the bloody monkey muses musically want them music ends yep let's try to combine the words I'm a quitter and as soon as all this stuff's flashing before his eyes everything's
00:39:52| moving a hundred miles out he starts screaming ah it just stops and there is Jeff Goodman that's the second Jurassic Park ER in this movie well you think about it
00:40:11| Sam deal oh yeah there's that's kind of funny there's anyway there's Jeff Goldblum who I never thought I'd see in a superhero movie like a Marvel movie yeah like he's
00:40:22| doing the commercial is unlikely but it's easy so I thoroughly enjoyed Jeff Goldblum because he's always himself I guess but in a flame he is a characters of himself
00:40:33| and his own characters need enough to watch consider yesterday yes it is this one is blue with a little bit of I don't know uh it's blue with being wealthy because some movies he's not wealthy
00:40:47| this one he's very wealthy and Caitlyn he still has the same exact I will promote another podcast conan needs a friend and by Conan O'Brien the one with Jeff Goldblum in it they
00:40:59| used to have this weird kind of awkward anxious sexual tension between them and they keep kidding that they were into each other it's just there's a one moment where they're both going back and
00:41:12| forth go haha there's like for like a minute they're making these like animalistic sexual noises towards each other and it's oh my god we're price of admission yeah we recommend it I listen
00:41:25| to that podcast it's like number 17 or something okay would you just type in those key words probably I work on numbers only binary please anyway the whole interactions with him
00:41:40| are hilarious because it's the three stooges esque and get Jeff Goldblum asked like he's trying his hardest to burst his super strong arms which they purposely show in every scene because of
00:41:52| where I mentioned his training and everything they want to really highlight his strength he gained like 25 pounds of muscle for this role number 15 um but he's like trying to break out of the
00:42:06| chain saying things like I'll kick anyone's ass to get off this planet and like Jeff Goldblum is purposely like playing it's so loose yeah he's like what what's that don't you see sparkles
00:42:20| sparkles here hey sparkles and he's like note the gold sparkly he's so mad like he's really getting under his skin and he wants to kick his ass but he's like ha ha all right baby let's move on
00:42:34| did you know that um a keyboard line was really played wai-chun : really yeah I am the IMDB he has a jazz number with us guessing that that's an original dude that's an original JD that's awesome and
00:42:51| it's amazing but like the interaction is so great and like he's like just pay her pay her please oh my god she's gorgeous you're gorgeous thank you thank you and the other girls like she's a [ __ ] oh it
00:43:05| was like like I know there's a history between those three that's the funny thing about that you don't have to know the history there never oh no they never do it's just hit it at in such a way by
00:43:16| their interactions she's like what do we always what do we always say about number 13 what do I always say she's terrible no no why would you say that I wouldn't I didn't say she's terrible why
00:43:26| would I ever say if she started I'm try and say she's good pay her money pear pear pear hey doing a Jeff Goldblum Nova and then laying over up when she gets her money she like
00:43:37| tickles him or something and like these like completely lost he says Marva [Laughter] is it it's lost it's amazing hey this is funny that's great acting and then I get
00:43:52| paid for this you're gonna pay for this I got paid for this you're gonna pay for this we got paid for this I'm from the British Isles
00:43:59| honey that's terrible British I'm trying and then they nuke that guy with the Dalek so active wording is i absolve you yeah and it's like for this super buff like warrior and this other like blue
00:44:24| dude it's like the ring and he goes hey I absorb and then he goes of life Oh pop she goes like like burnt toast so good
00:44:51| all these little interactions were hitting at or worth the movie alone yeah and then Sura comes back to life and oh so far ahead hello hello in the podcast we can't talk
00:45:05| about the old movie for five hours and oh that's why I'm trying to speed a lot okay all right well so Cate Blanchett a que hella appears and tries to reclaim her Rowan do you know what's ironic she
00:45:17| destroys what that new oral or whatever he on the ceiling it showed the history of like and she wipe it away or something and something else is underneath it's her or something yes
00:45:28| thanks underneath it meaning that it's older than the new stuff so they put new stuff up to cover the old stuff which is interesting because why wouldn't you a just get rid of the old stuff and be you
00:45:39| entirely covered the old stuff to try and hide from the truth a little bit like that's kind of shady it also explains her character perfectly like true she's always coming in she's been
00:45:50| around forever well and she's more important like she's the true truth she's not lying she's not pretending to be something she comes in wait and sees that these two little shits
00:46:01| have been here they've only been here for like ten weeks they don't even know what happened beforehand they don't know my power my father's power what happened between me and my father and that's how
00:46:12| she acts I think it's a very good acting job hmm as far as her character she said she base it on the girl from Terminator Chronicles type deal oh now I think reverence was the last reference no I
00:46:32| miss that's Valkyrie yeah I'm confused where you went based long shot on you go paste her her character on the Sarah chronic Sarah honor Chronicles Connor Chronicles yes
00:46:46| Sarah Connor Chronicles that's without single one Sarah Sarah Connor Chronicles Sarah Connor Chronicles Sarah Connor Chronicles that's not bad I did that one yeah I couldn't do it again if I try but
00:46:57| anyway Cate Blanchett jela takes over kills like everyone you know and scourge is a right hand man Austin even to think it was spikes that just keep flying out and then she's got
00:47:07| like before he's like an elk or booth huh yeah or something she's just she shoots it like helicopters in crime theater flying they're not helicopters are flying ships whatever they obeyed
00:47:16| Valkyries probably who knows and then she's got a strong stake hold and then Thor's in this Grandmaster gladiator which means Bob it's based on like four different comic books mashed together so
00:47:35| there's one where the war has to team up with Loki his hated brother to take on death and someone else okay there's one where Hulk is on an alien planet stuck in a tournament where he has to battle
00:47:49| every week pretty huh yeah and then there's a third one where the war has to oh yes the battle Hulk it's not the same series as where he does the arena battles but he does have to fight Hulk
00:48:02| at some point and then there's a fourth one nerds are gonna be dialing yeah I know no sense get it wrong it's this this this but either this doesn't right revolve around head
00:48:16| looks and only comic books anyway ironically enough um they do a good job of combining a whole bunch of things to make like one stories this is a technically yeah and I think it does
00:48:27| really well done I did like the battle obviously there's like a realization of friendship there and like throwback and then that's cool too because he's like take so tell me is like yeah work with
00:48:42| it love that seems like what that's good yeah and then they battle and then he loses because of the Grandmaster he manipulates the fight and yeah Hulk is still the Hulk and he's childlike and
00:49:02| the whole time he's trying to figure out how he is or what he is yeah he's trying to wake him up huh real quick before that there was something real funny I didn't catch but I always
00:49:13| thought it was interesting I love when there's layered yeah inferences to the past or other episodes or other things so do you remember when he finds Loki the Grandmaster hasn't been chains and
00:49:26| everything and being introduced and Loki shows up he's like that's my brother you keep getting fed fruits and stuff no no when um when he first gets in there he's in Chains he's telling let me out I'll
00:49:36| fight whoever you want huh to Jeff Goldblum and he sees Loki's like Oh looky looky come over here like a first time you seen of luck he's like enjoying himself he's like having a part
00:49:46| in being that fruits yes yes yes I'm sorry yeah I thought you meant Loki's be mom yes good great Tomczyk so apparently in either the 2012 movie or the other or an agents of shield episode or something
00:49:59| in the past four years Loki and Thor are brothers and someone says can you vouch for this guy blah blah and he's like that's my brother and then he goes he killed 80 people and we have to hold him
00:50:13| to justices as well he's adopted anyway and anyway do you know what he says in this movie he says yeah oh is it was it yeah well in this movie if you notice right away he says Oh
00:50:26| that's my brother that's my brother and he goes immediately goes up must be my adopted brother I've never met the man in my life hmm robotic a little bit of a like I just turned the tables so you
00:50:36| called me the adopted brother yeah you're the doubter brother nice nice good stuff the other funny thing is before we skip this when he calls it ass guard forget so funny
00:50:49| catch sake it's a Goldblum planet yeah ask pieces because of he says young years ago two sparkles from where he probably says ice God and he says ass guard and then he said like a few
00:51:01| minutes later is like whoa you'll have your chance to uh redeem your right to go to what is it s blow a he's only four names Asperger and he says ice guard and he's like a scarred yeah yeah yo you can
00:51:13| go to a scarred like he's like demeaning and sort of but not really so skipping ahead to so what's the battle what's the next scene they battle those gladiators they do and did you catch this one
00:51:29| there's so many friggin tiny references that this movies made up that surprised me so Jeff Goldblum was offered the role of Hulk and Bruce Banner what not for this series it was for like one of the
00:51:42| reboots in 2007 no 9 somewhere in there ok you didn't take it wouldn't fit but so immediately well I don't know who was the old one Lou Ferrigno wanna looper before Lou
00:51:55| Ferrigno who wasn't there yeah he's right over Dowling is a skinny little weird dude yeah you know what anyway kind of that series kind of has like a fly feel to it like experimental
00:52:07| maybe that's the way they thought so anyway it didn't work but immediately they're very we're Hulk God just make sure cuz no one might not know her all I was a prick who called Jacqueline this
00:52:20| what actually big one yeah hmm so you're saying mmm throwback to Edward Norton taking his role as though as Hulk do you know what he says the very first scene where Hulk is actually introduced as
00:52:35| Hulk I knew I liked this guy I have a certain connection with this role or something like that huh it's like nah he's referencing that is it connection with this role in real life he would
00:52:47| have really been Hulk interesting isn't that funny but they the Marvel's Cinematic Universe you hadn't see you yep thank you MC is so big and so deep
00:53:00| that you can make a reference almost anywhere and tie it in and most people would go off right over it yes I did multiple times on that mostly that's probably purposely there for that exact
00:53:10| reason mm-hmm so how far do you want to skip after the battle the recouping he realizes that he has to go back to save asgaard and they're in the ship this is composition how about this we
00:53:26| missed my two favorite characters the which characters are Korg Oh cork because he's in the anyway well because it's he becomes an important character which is funny because he's a throwaway
00:53:40| so Korg is this giant rock thing he's like kind of like the thing no okay he's friendly waiting lice he's super friendly super British he's actually based on a Polynesian bodyguard
00:53:53| yeah Hika saw him so anyway I'm this is super ironic it's all coming together so Thor has to wait before he battles he's going around the circle he meets chord who's like made of rocks
00:54:06| and he says something that makes him sound like think cuz he looks like the thing from Fantastic Four okay he's like well I have a thing but well I'm not looking or something like that
00:54:17| how does that affect and it's really funny because it looks like thing well super ironic that's actually the director Tai Chi its voicing him and it's the funniest character I think in
00:54:29| like movies as well I don't know what you're gonna do but you can battle the guard although you can do whatever you want he's like made of rocks he's like Santa
00:54:38| lighting he's like he's like he doesn't care I think you could do it you could don't do it and they says oh they don't mind him mrs. meek meek oh yeah meek is this like a Bob stead a beetle a
00:54:53| Beatle girl for the full-size with blades for arms Rick a little bit yes was it like it's just really funk Meatwad or whatever kind of like is superb you find meets meets a pickle
00:55:07| Rick but those two characters are great because like they're kind of like friendly to Thor for no reason but they're not like they're not done finding that downtrodden and then they
00:55:18| know they're very upbeat there is you can't learn the worst aspect of life but they're pretty upbeat they're like hey hey maybe maybe you can grab this toe chair maybe you'll live
00:55:29| you're probably guy but maybe you live maybe like an enemy into the forest accent could I like you could live I don't know oh you go around in circles that's no big deal
00:55:39| like it's just I enjoy that character it's funny this the director who is probably behind all this funniness right hmm could be so fast-forward when he's
00:55:49| trying to escape unless you want to talk about something else yeah good okay so the trying escape they go to the ship because they can see the ship from their giant Tower Hulk's giant
00:55:59| Tower and he's on the ship trying to fly it out of there he gets the access to it strongest Avenger doesn't work for him and then Hulk comes in and breaks the ship as he's like moving towards him in
00:56:12| the cockpit and they have scourge of Hanson pop up and she calms him down transmitted Mark Ruffalo and he tries to realize what's happened for two years and they have a scene where he looks at
00:56:26| the screen where Hulk is I think like moving around talking and they overlay Mark Ruffalo's face and exact motion on what he's watching the Hulk be on screen you've noticed that and then like didn't
00:56:41| that is interesting so it's like yeah write a column down well the Scarlett Johansson calmed it down but I guess it's like just mirroring himself
00:56:50| she's a subtle little thing where he's nearing himself from a video these washing of his alter ego well plus he he has a whole dynamic unto itself which isn't even it's not even taught on yeah
00:57:02| it was touched on not like really they don't dive into it yeah Frick man hmm and I think that skips ahead to them escaping on the grandmasters love ship after they trick
00:57:19| Loki which is a good one they trick Loki in it it's like he said turn the turn the tides against them and he has the little thing on his neck already [ __ ] down and then did they
00:57:31| bring him with that he gets on someone ship because he shows up I don't remember how I get there he must have sleeve on master no he gets is a little cork shows up - so I guess cork has a
00:57:44| revolution and then that's how he gets out I guess Courtney beak yeah masterminds we're so in the revolution mate so my favorite one of my favorite lines
00:57:55| and this is when they're flying and they're like what's the ship is like it's a birthday ship it's where he has always orgies and stuff on it and they all look around and I can't believe they
00:58:04| say that in a movie that's geared towards children as well yeah yeah and then it's like he pushes a button and it's like it's your birthday whenever I think of something like something
00:58:21| happens during the day I just silently say that to myself like something could happen I'm like it's your birthday and I think usik will take nothing going on but that's like a director touch it's
00:58:34| like that's not needed in a superhero oh no doesn't eat the platform it's literally extemporaneous yes it's completely unnecessary and surprising because it's like kind of like loot
00:58:45| network' and a little bit over the top and you're like damn this is funny but that's I guess how they portraying a character that's it that's who he is he's an extemporaneous he's a little bit
00:58:56| lewd he's interesting hobbies it's comedy it's it's a sexual essence that is flowing from his being like waves radioactive waves just vibrating inside your
00:59:14| penis Oh emotion that you did fit in there yeah hmm so weird amount of gas yeah where does that leave us now we go through the devils loopy halfway through
00:59:33| the movie and we got Devils a so this is another thing I noticed is that this is well structured so that it shows you who's who the main players and it introduces new characters and then it
00:59:44| doesn't try to do anything that's brand new like it doesn't bring in like another new character after this point I got it actually I don't think it brings in your new character after like the
00:59:55| quarter mark or maybe the third mark well the one we were just talking about it's Hulk meek yeah and work yeah and those are the only new actors one out there you're and Louie about her yeah
01:00:10| the other thing to consider is um they don't try to write it don't overdo it Lafayette curve oh yeah what does how does that how does that work I've heard those are fantastic it's
01:00:27| well respected in economics it's great it's like you introduce everything early on you get it moving you get motion and then at this point you stop and you start resolute introduced new character
01:00:45| if you have to close Holtz you have to you can't bring it back that's what you're saying it's like he if you're gonna close the circle you can't make it great again
01:00:58| no that's not I'm saying here do you know what's really funny uh the remember when hell it goes underneath and sees all the things of Odin almost like treasure quests secret transit riders
01:01:12| undead dog fell before this movie there was a scene where Thor on it was in dark world or the original where they go into a ball he has and they see Santos glove with all the stones on it what really
01:01:28| it's in one of the other movies it's just it's just in a vault they didn't know they were doing this whole movie thing right huh so everyone online was like is that the
01:01:39| real one is this a fake maybe it's just a mimic maybe um this glove was in here and they scatter the stones or whatever so what's real funny is if you pay
01:01:49| attention when she talks about each item that she touches uh-huh she goes I thought it would be bigger about Searchers brand yeah his brow ironically that one gets much bigger
01:02:02| it's literally the size of the city so that's funny when she sees the Santos club she says fake and knocks it over huh ah so they're saying it was a fake they're playing to the other movies a
01:02:15| little bit yeah it was kinda cool layers she makes a little couple jokes about the other ones but I can't remember really important remember fireworks girl or me well maybe we did it could be the
01:02:32| new year today this releases to welcome everybody so she goes down there she's acting like a bad I was youth she walks up she wakes up a wolf that's kind of cool Fenris not cool femme Asur Fenris
01:02:50| Fenris sure i don't know why Fenris but oh the Norse will called god has named fennel efemer Fenris ironically you're some crazy finra I'm Fenris and hella are both children of Loki
01:03:11| in the comics or mythology not in the movie since huh children yeah isn't it yeah both I read that I was like excuse me weird I don't know what he said to us
01:03:26| have the ancestress sisters so it's just didn't either copy or whatever but anyway they go they battle hope does this thing where he jumps out of this [ __ ] like I'm gonna show you who I am
01:03:40| and then splat he's dead how like how his head just kind of like whips with that nice sound effect Fenris kind of look looks at an exit everything is good you know the UM I
01:03:54| think it's hilarious where he um the Fenris the wolf turns away and eventually something's grabbing a stale and you're like oh I know what it is it's Hulk like isn't that cool that you
01:04:06| know the answer it's like childish but it's a little bit like I know I know I know the other thing is um so Thor loses his eye as he loses ah she is right act it out I feel like kind of I don't know
01:04:19| if she plucks it out but she definitely buzzed it she does it is dabble with her one way likes like when she destroys the mural above there's a crack that go to break down the eye nice notice but
01:04:36| people that is vv it's those visuals man absolutely building characters it's nicely knitted together a light bridge everything oh yeah and then of course what do we end
01:04:49| with when everything looks at starkest then we're gonna lose our guy Thor is he's down and out he can't even wake up he doesn't even have his hammer I believe yeah Helen looks the best
01:05:01| are you desire a Myrtle his father his father which is hilarious he's the kind of habits like no he's gotta fun ah so he's it's if that is weird that's like it's underplayed that line
01:05:24| they bring back Serdar so I'm forced to they purposely react further which they literally Ragnar killed hit to stop this yeah they bring him back to start Ragnarok
01:05:38| it's very cyclical in that sense yeah good regional character that they brought in is the one that ends it it is and they made it super huge and he starts destroying hometown does occult
01:05:52| asgaard thank you ass burger yeah and I was kind they don't draw at the ending like some sort of like cheesy fight she's just no it's pretty good it even has um surged skate his courage
01:06:08| redemptions good yeah like that well even like she's living up on these spikes like attacking Serdar and then like she realizes oh crap he like only takes like a minute before like less
01:06:18| than literal minute a figurative minute she just cooked right before that I think it's cool where um he realized he's not the god of hammers yeah he's a god of thunder honey any turns like
01:06:31| tricking crap like he turns and what music starts playing baby is it the same way yeah it's definitely the song starts playing again cyclical can you say the strikes her in time with that song some
01:06:45| of them are yes I can tell someone work to choreography editing wise but it's not all but still it's pretty badass online likes true powers yeah and they're totally like kicking the ass of
01:06:59| like a 60 foot wolf and like Hulk is doing this and throwing something into the water there's like people who were innocent and afraid are fighting back mm-hmm Thor who was that match the
01:07:11| entire movie against Ella is now like like finally walking into his role he's taking his father's place a little bit yeah it's kind of cool I'm gonna plug it and they end up sacrificing their
01:07:30| hometown so that they can take out hella because both Serdar and hella are our strengths from Asgard which so if they screw it yeah they can eliminate her and jump on
01:07:43| a ship and the sacrifice is life and you know he calls this convoy that and Troy which is kind of cool it's also weird bit I am VP even made mention of it deadsies
01:08:02| a white paper for cowboys Troy we're Troy's wait is he is email infant that's what you're talking about of course yeah if I say a first name if I say a word and knew who they are then
01:08:19| yes uh-huh des and Troy is he a Cowboys fan Karl Urban yeah could be I don't know I always thought that it was actually just destroy story it could be I don't know why it should have been die
01:08:35| Antibes oh that's he's from Wellington New Zealand oh yeah he's a I know he's not from here is always like I love the Cowboys like Nikita you're not skilled so the ending
01:08:50| of this movie is actually kind of sad but it doesn't feel sad isn't weird I like if it wasn't this happy all the way through you would probably feel pretty upset at the end I think if they drew it
01:09:02| out and acted weird about it it would be sad but don't they move it along pretty quick they're just like okay all right all right goodbye all right where we going yeah yeah
01:09:15| that's exactly how you do it they move on to the next thing like we're ready for the next thing mm-hmm what happens after the credit oh my Revolution gotta be Fame bloom oh and we
01:09:32| skip the one really funny thing what court where he shows up to help them and fight them stone man he says hey it's me cool I hope you guys said might as well mine like and then he's
01:09:47| like oh there's a shame my friend meek he's dead he didn't listen you think it may didn't make it hey didn't make it and then like by the end of the movie he's alive again oh wait oh
01:09:59| oh he's not dead leaks i'll digit permeates the whole movie but like it's very funny you don't know what guys dead do know a guy's dead you don't know he's alive what's up meanwhile someone's
01:10:18| struggling with like with their identity politics and who their father is he's like don't worry the the beatles the head blades for hands and a six-foot-tall he's fun he's
01:10:29| fine he's hot he's alright I don't know what he said he's alright he didn't even say he's fine he's alright he's good he's good for now for now then you're like
01:10:38| the contrast is so good oh yeah so after the credits I forgot Jeff Goldblum he's in his room okay because he was the ruler that's being overthrown he crashes on the
01:10:54| planet he's coming out of the spaceship hey hey I thought he said something like I'd like to thank all you because we couldn't have done it without you hey the revolution you couldn't could
01:11:06| have done it without me is they congratulations it's a tie congratulations it's a time that's it that is thor ragnarok it's so comedic
01:11:22| theatric it's a little bit epic it's a little bit action little bit sci-fi a little bit comic futuristic and not even save anything but like that's colorful the scenes is scary
01:11:36| different and varied so there's a set pace in the way you're seeing the color and the structure of it it's divided up into different areas and it's very even though it's energetic it's very peaceful
01:11:49| and comedic at times so there's a lot going on that is all getting you kind of like in a weird energetic and calm state at the same time I would I would bet you that I haven't done the research that
01:12:11| seam where it's like a character and a character in a certain setting uh-huh you know in camera shots etc in 85 to comedy reference and at least one comic book reference so I would probably agree
01:12:29| to you agree with you I don't even know them all I just know they're in there which is cool cuz when I watch something like this I might not even laugh at the scene cuz I don't get the reference but
01:12:43| something in me recognizes that it's there true there's also you don't I mean there's also a polarity to it like if a movie is all sad then you don't get to feel the sadness in it because it's just
01:12:55| kind of drab you're kind of neutral at the end because you don't know what to feel and if a movie is all happiness then you don't know like what to gauge it from like this movie kind of like
01:13:07| gives you something sad and then hits you with a happy pill right afterwards and it it reminds you that like there's a weird balance there that's needed to show different aspects of characters and
01:13:18| the ups and downs I don't disagree Thanks yeah thank you give you a 9 out of 10 in AP English gonna lower our I'll just I'll be back here in a couple weeks and you can praise me some more I
01:13:37| appreciate did we so I was contrast we could pacing good color separation loss of power regaining your own power power within got some empathy there humanizing the
01:13:54| characters teeny word is that instance you know in chess I mean covering the ugly what was the word poison ivy intestine it's character insight in interaction history you build a history
01:14:15| and two lines of dialogue his free time pages because when I talk about 1960 whatever there's history between now and then and there's references abound folks do you really want some references go
01:14:29| look them up I ain't read them all mean suck your own references all but you did really good honestly folks you should check out thor ragnarok if you haven't watched any of them if you've watched
01:14:44| thor ragnarok watch wash it again and watch it from a sense that this scene is funny this scene is funny this scene is funny if you actually look for the funny
01:14:54| you'll find it and it actually makes a movie more enjoyable I'm like oh [ __ ] what area like the new guy doesn't know what to say to the girls really well ladies this is called a shake weight
01:15:08| who's like oh that's good that's good I think there's no need for this but it's true tonight and if you haven't watched endgame you should probably watch endgame I'm getting there you're waiting
01:15:21| danger I'm between movie and tooth are sweetie yeah stream no no stream okay music a movie stream on demand in box it box Oh get there
01:15:39| folks we'd like you a friggin lot we can't believe you tune in every week I'm gonna give you a dollar you get a dollar man you get it out smash some [ __ ] out that like button mmm
01:15:53| language sub if I get if we get 10,000 likes Nick is gonna show the back side of his leg he's got a Warner he's gonna show you his scars it's kind of you're gonna marvel at his I'm gonna cut it off
01:16:11| right here I don't I don't know if he realizes they're gonna confuse those four female titties oh look at that stupid tattoo you hear that what were you showing off I'm confused
01:16:25| there's tiny arms of yours you got to work on doubt they're gonna confuse it for I'm shoulders down put this ground they're gonna think they're female boobs it's like a negative a cup and they'll
01:16:37| be like band trend this area right here did you make you should do the bat symbol you are going to the beach next time right next week no yeah I can't believe you're going to the beach in
01:16:48| midwinter now whether we miss it son could be June or July or those what would I get I guess like a hawk or something a bat goes away we're gonna get banned folks we like you you like
01:17:09| you like tired eyes but that way please we think you guys are great for tuning in we love everything guys give us everything you tuned in any time you guys wanna give us some feedback tell us
01:17:25| we're wrong about something we'll accept it any time you want to ask us to talk about something we'll accept it we like to freak out of you guys you guys are what makes my night on damn it
01:17:37| so cheesy when you say it just smash it buttons randomly and if it happens to be like and subscribe it was fated to be so we'll take that a leotard nature and a little serendipity so that you can
01:17:58| follow us forever Oh until then Facebook rules the earth it's like an hour away hey guys love you good night

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