The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP115 Catch 22 Paradox Joseph Heller

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Transcript UnP115 Catch 22 Paradox Joseph Heller

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 115 - Catch 22 Paradox Joseph Heller
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00:00:10| undermining paradoxical subterfuge work your way in circles you get on the carousel you go up and down and around and around right back where you started catch-22 this statement is false so I'm
00:00:35| Dan and I'm Nick bows for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo
00:00:49| forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion Mike you can get a little bit down better warning this podcast may contain mature language
00:01:01| and sexual content and this for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time baby oh yeah chill in the air tonight I am feeling it and I am Dan I'm Nick folks and we are
00:01:37| on special not really we are special we uh also would like to know that quote united from beginning with carousel up and down huh yeah what is that a reference to happy gilmore Kevin Nealon
00:01:50| yep Kevin Nealon and where did you use that quote I don't know I like that quote visit your profile a name okay sit still why couldn't he couldn't still be ill oh it could be but was it
00:02:04| it wasn't I think it was maybe it feels like it was feels like everyone at home probably doesn't even know what that is I was like in a way that was Facebook before Facebook right
00:02:12| yes your profile yeah I'm just like your pc's you put yeah you put text in there and you could HTML to change the colors and add little pictures but it was mostly just general a message that was
00:02:22| crucial your way meant to show your personality when people couldn't find it yep anyway that was yours was pretty interesting thing I chose that yeah keep
00:02:31| coming back to it one so I circle think you have this book from that weird so we were in the same class with this one I think this is I had with um H wick did I no I think it was junior year my
00:02:52| sophomore year Oh form y equals a lot of time took notes that sounds like um weird good polish could have been his name at this point oh he you know was it long and people who met him were always
00:03:11| impressed by how unimpressive he was into anything it's actually uh my favorite book mmm that's why when we did this episode I was like oh awesome I can only talk about the book for a few
00:03:25| minutes and I wish I could write like this they don't think I know enough words to write like this cuz he's so opposite it's like he literally builds up a sentence or a paragraph with like
00:03:35| Six Senses that are like oh he ever went to here if he ever did this he would never do this in the next sentences I'll have one of those like everything he just filled up cut real quick with a
00:03:44| knife like really clever sardonic humor and catch-22 the Josaphat way to jets and helicopters I guess people who are listening didn't know what the hell we were moving it's
00:03:57| like I can't I love that even the color of that book it does make sense one extra yeah I've read it like six times you know I mean like the cover the red oh no well he's supposed to be just
00:04:09| looking at the airplane right that's supposed to be the scene where he gets a bloody truncated hips I've never seen that sentence used anywhere else kid Samson hmm
00:04:20| but that doesn't look like a kid's Hampshire but I don't think it matters I mean it's just a generic soldier yeah goofing off acting crazy or something hmm Joseph Heller wrote this about the
00:04:29| war and how crazy it was and how everyone who was in one and out and they couldn't get out here I'll um I'll just read the excerpt from the book that's like the catch-22 sure there was only
00:04:39| one catch and that was catch-22 which specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and emanate immediate was the process of a rational mind war was crazy
00:04:50| and he could be grounded that means he no longer to fly missions all he had to do is ask and as soon as he did he would no longer be crazy and he would have to fly more missions so or
00:05:00| would be crazy and would have to fly more missions but if he wasn't crazy he had to fly more missions and saying if he didn't but if he was sane he had to fly them if he flew them he was crazy
00:05:10| and didn't have to but we didn't want to he was saying in had to yes that's one of those blue turkey things and so this is one like the bureaucratic catch-22s is that it's rules that are put in place
00:05:27| to make sure that people don't leave they do what they're supposed to do mm-hmm when they're stuck because there's no way out correct they call this one the trap catch-22 ha heretics
00:05:41| are mutually conflicting conditions to keep a person trapped the only way out is denied by a stipulation or situation inherent in the problem mm-hmm so like you're already fed into it and like the
00:05:57| feedback loop starts before you can get to the answer yeah or after you gets the answer like you're like the most famous one I find is that you can't get a job unless you
00:06:08| have experienced it up yeah and you can't get experience unless you have a job yes yes like lots of employers do that when I was a biggie that's one of the bigger catch-22 is actually plaguing
00:06:19| the world right now hmm a lot of people are afraid of failure but that's how you learn it is the only way you learn they all failing every every which way yeah get better at
00:06:31| failing now some of them you kind of move through it like that one you just mentioned like you if you fail enough to kind of learn hopefully yeah and move beyond it mm-hmm but if you're to frame
00:06:41| boy fail then you never get to the experience you never get through my way to avoid failure is to fail yes exactly yeah I know exactly where you going with that so what do we want to talk about
00:06:51| today I don't even know um I thought it was interesting when I went to write down like catch-22s like I could not think of them like as a logical thing like you couldn't just write them out
00:07:01| you had to think of a premise and then like figure out how every game assists yeah bro ticket yeah so what is it like Schrodinger's cat is like they're in a box or something but you can't see it
00:07:14| unless you open the box but they disappears a chance this particle there's a chance the particle when it interacts with the other particle yeah who leaves a poisonous gas behind but
00:07:24| there's no way to know for sure by observing as you open them once you open the box you activate the particle and the gas is released poisoning the animal and killing whatever is in there huh so
00:07:34| the idea is while the box is still closed and no one can look inside and observe anything in there is the cat alive or dead I want you open it and to look it's that
00:07:42| yeah so you don't know what killed it so while the box is still closed is it alive is it dead there's no way to know it's an observable paradox oh you can't know the answer without
00:07:55| observing the answer and once you observe the answer you've negated the dolphin interesting yeah we're talking about something you can't touch really right is there a physical catch-22 that
00:08:10| is like three do the math easily in there sing one no it's what I'm gonna say is sort of like it MC escher no who was that the extra paintings like the ones with the steps that all wrap around
00:08:24| oh yeah I know you're talking about a three dimensional want you to hand drawing itself I guess so that is it catch-22 that's physically embodied yeah I'll just blow your mind
00:08:37| there weird I was trying to think of another one I don't know that now I there's a waterfall one where it's like the three dimensions make it look like it's moving upwards but what is yeah is
00:08:49| that a draw oh there's natural I think that's a shirt again yeah probably is MCM she does this over and over yeah that's all I'm MC Escher
00:08:58| that's all he does I wonder what I never saw a picture of him in real life check him out tell me he's attractive tell me if he's not attractive I'll tell you I don't judge more eats Cornelius
00:09:13| Asher mom mans welcome aboard the show he's a big fan of the podcast he's always writing his letters yeah he's got all this like weird like perspective you
00:09:24| things yeah you know if he wrote a letter to us it would be like dear so-and-so so-and-so Leon manners and then it would end and it would be like the very same sentences that were in the
00:09:35| beginning of it and he's like wait dear so-and-so so it's the whole thing's a parallel yet yeah it just keeps going going turn over if the bottom it says turn over and can you do it and read it
00:09:47| all bottom it says turn over enhance yes that would be in hmm catch-22 you got one what I do what about like um just this might not count but it kind of does um it's harder
00:10:02| for heavy people to work out like it's really hard they run out of breath it's harder for them they like do all the things like it physically feels terrible really really in shape people like Jack
00:10:13| people they like it's easy for them to do like hey ground easy to move around it's easy to actually do the push-ups or the these it's way easier for someone who's super in shape to push their their
00:10:26| limit Vizio yeah and keep do pouring scholarships exactly because they're already in shape their body can already do it and they will just get more in shape it's like this weird feedback loop
00:10:35| where the more in shape you are the more it is easier to be in shape whereas like if you're like 200 pounds overweight and like you go for a run forget it dude you're gonna hurt your
00:10:45| knees you're gonna barely go a quarter mile you're gonna like I don't know I just feel like it's easier to work out and get in shape when you're in shape they're bad feds like they I guess he'll
00:11:00| connect I don't know calorie deficit Kenny yes but even then you could put your organs and rescue breath well that's a heavy mark a literal sorry literally
00:11:12| have a little heavy warned but the goal positioning yeah perfect that was perfect good yeah is it drum set behind him if anyone was listening this podcast which is
00:11:30| something like weeks where it is in the exact same position it always is and then there's some where it's moved a little bit you know got some work on it hmm it's like another catch-22 I like
00:11:43| the one there's one on reddit about the tree like the city told him to cut down his tree or you'd be fine oh and there's a law that stipulates you can't cut down that's kind of psychiatry break it down
00:11:54| ironically Swann was a city ordinance someone was a Township board yeah or so it was different governments they were telling him to a cut down the tree and be don't cut down the tree
00:12:04| because you're gonna get fined either way because it was a special kind of tree you don't cut this tree down it's blocking a pathway here it's over growing you have to cut it or we'll find
00:12:12| you and they said you cannot cut that kind of tree it's a rare tree if you cut it we will find you and then I guess he froze them both letters and how did it go like that can you see how somebody
00:12:23| somebody expounded on it and said like he talked to somebody in the government and they told not to do it then you talk to somebody in the other government said he had to do it and then eventually get
00:12:32| to cut down anyway because the government people say oh we're cutting this down we're cutting it they charge him the cost of cutting it down on top of the fine that he gets from the city
00:12:42| and then he has to cutting it down plead his cancer but then it's the government so you can't find the people that told you these things to begin with so he stuck with all the fines that's exactly
00:12:52| what would happen and he loses the tree and the cost of the tree exactly how it would go down go down some of these are great though because I think there's a there's a level of there's definitely
00:13:08| pity there like if you're telling the story about that person there's pity but there's empathy to you know how you feel to like grind yourself against this wheel it just doesn't make an
00:13:17| sense and in the end it's like well we got do it anyway back where you started like you mentioned the wheel the Great Wheel booth it's a little funny I guess most of these catch-22s are what you
00:13:33| mentioned two things they're funny and sad or happy and pitiful like they're a little bit above there's like there's comedy to it yeah I guess I don't know that unique to us because it's like even
00:13:45| leaving the really right humor makes us laugh so it yeah yeah there is hmm we're gonna touch on something by the end of the episode when my our drinks are flowing when we're at or
00:13:57| whatever or when I find it where did I put it oh that's right so I've mentioned this before fish the group fish is NPH mm-hmm they have a song called character zero and it's the first words of the
00:14:12| song or so my favorite lyrics because I find them really funny it's I was taught a month ago to bide my time and take it slow but then I learned just yesterday to rush and never waste the day now I'm
00:14:27| convinced the whole day long that all I learned is ever wrong and things that are true that I forget but no one taught that to me yet hmm and more important in the first line but people are like
00:14:39| listen you're young take your time smell the roses yeah it experience life but on the same time they're like now's the time to work your hardest grind the stone push through you're gonna really
00:14:51| appreciate this in 20 years grab the Dacey's don't wait around and it's like they're at odds you can't do both yes like do you know I mean it's like which one do I do
00:15:02| I think we all think that's true it in life right especially like when you start college if you start college and then your 20s if you start college yeah and then you're trying to like build
00:15:13| towards like a retirement but like the enjoyment of retirement might not be there if you don't enjoy your life now so you don't know what to do if you retire early and then you're stuck
00:15:21| looking back at what you wasted so it's like there's a like sarcasm in the way that we're told to to go ahead and do this thing that don't live our lives yes I think of this
00:15:33| if you go way too hard one way or the other you're kind of screwed look at your party and don't plan for your future at all like yeah then you won't have computers like and you'll be
00:15:44| staying the same stuff you hate yeah like you could be like oh wow I had a great twenties but now I'm miserable for the rest of my life yeah versus the other way let's say you might find it
00:15:55| through 20 and 30 and now you're 40 and and you sit back and you're like let's get all my boys over here and you're like I don't have any friends then you're like let's remember the good
00:16:05| times they're like dammit regret regret so I mean I've catch-22 is just something where neither answer is correct I guess yeah I yes I will agree it's weird because it does touch on like
00:16:25| so many different aspects that I'm surprised that it was coined not too long ago like if there was paradoxes but the catch-22 really like embodies something about paradoxes that is just
00:16:38| like the ridiculous piece of nature human nature where did the term come from it came from the book caddy 22 is the first origin of it wait really
00:16:48| which is what 1960s so friggin awesome yes yeah what's the lifetime on this bad boy wait so he started catch-22 the expression he literally did that's freaking awesome I didn't know that and
00:17:01| this is my third book so now I double favorite it don't be 51 55 61 1961 squared I have a 1955 copy right that's bizarre originally published it wait huh it's
00:17:15| not even a um a BM writing it in 1953 we have a pre-release version oh did he pay extra flower mm something copyright 1955 maybe that's when he first wrote it he realized he
00:17:30| had something good and then he was like I better go better just copyright this thing stamp this bad boy before I get it the UH it's not even a catch-22 but I did want
00:17:42| to touch on what um caleb major named his child what was the name as his child major ah I need you major major major major major and what rank did he achieve in the army
00:17:58| beautiful major did you not like at that point you're setting him up for success you're like he's not really qualified anything but uh he's gonna get it who's gonna get it
00:18:12| stamp approved approved approved everyone's gonna prove that and just shoot it on through I think I have a kitchen window here's a practical kitchen catch-22 from with money like
00:18:24| payday loans cuz you don't have money but you need money but they'll charge you money on the money that you need so you don't have enough money to get it through to next week
00:18:35| yeah you're getting this just like screwed yeah by predators first pity onions so there are practical ones I'd expound on it but we we've expanded on that particular issue or an
00:18:51| episode of predators to come and check it out folks link is here some are really saying that yet but it will come in that way so will this happen said hmm I'm not going on vacation
00:19:04| see all those people with the selfie sticks think they're really enjoying their vacation when all they're doing is taking pictures of things so not time to enjoy your life when you're recording
00:19:16| your enjoyment or setting up enjoyment pictures setting up posts and everything I know people like that um I think you sorta can but you're not fully I'm not fully there yeah that you
00:19:32| can't claim to be fully in at a moment it's not like you're taking in all the senses you're constantly thinking about how you can do a visual element to it or something yeah I guess that's I almost
00:19:44| want to say anyone with a smartphone that's living as they're ignoring life from time to time every time I'd like Mir it's like your oh I didn't I there's an episode there's how you
00:19:57| haven't seen it yet no no no I'm afraid to a little bit cuz I think it's like it would touch me like you mentally and emotionally and I'd be like I'm really like you know I'm only afraid of certain
00:20:11| things like horror doesn't really get me but like that kind of horror I feel like would scare me mmm-hmm and I hear they really go up some deep ends like they do some deep
00:20:20| cuts there right yeah they do there's a pretty good ones yeah I can tell I don't like waiting cuz I know I'm gonna be afraid of it but I need the right environment to see it and
00:20:33| we have you catch-22 in itself is it maybe your you want to see it so badly that you need it to be perfect when you do see it but you can't find perfection so you can't see it yeah I watch it like
00:20:49| ready to go to bed and I just flick it on and I'm like whatever I'm gonna have watches cuz that's not giving it justice even though I've never seen it I don't know that it's good I know that it's
00:20:58| good though and I want to give it full detail and intention and that situation may never arise mm-hmm that is interesting that is a catch-22 what about the um do
00:21:13| I look fat in this is that a catch-22 what what's your answer you can't say no no yeah see wait this isn't a catch-22 it's my favorite piece of writing ever it's like it's from Arrested Development
00:21:33| Michael was talking to his sister Portia yeah whatever her name is yeah anyway he's talking to his sister in the show and she's like she's like I know you're not really great about your
00:21:47| son George Michael dating this and it's like they call her bland and they make fun of her and everything and he's like just every time you push him away you're gonna drive him right to her so every
00:21:59| time you say no you're driving them right to her and he goes hey Dad can you drive me to Annie's like yes if you say no you're driving it right to her can you drive me to and he's like
00:22:13| yes so good I'm not wanting to that is he's driving a little like music that's like a Rube Goldberg machine the way they had like doo doo doo doo doo doo hmm it's like an excerpt oh that show
00:22:33| that's it it's a well-written show with a lot of it's a catch-22 esque show and it's very comical I will get him in situations where I just can't do anything right yeah yeah no matter what
00:22:46| he does he's screwed so he just goes I just gives an answer and it's like the wrong answer but no matter what it was gonna be wrong I feel like there's got to be more than lyrical catch-22 is that
00:22:58| oh my god there's probably a million but they're probably all by like guys like Bruce Springsteen or whatever and I was driving down the road I was walking down Easy Street baby that's not a big Bruce
00:23:21| man I have to see him live he's so good live I don't want to see him live dead or recorded time to be still alive he still sells out he goes to the place over in Jersey all the time are you
00:23:39| gonna say the park next to my house mm-hmm sorry moving on past my Bruce hate I'm surprised it took like 130 episodes for me how much I hate Bruce Springsteen it's weird how this does
00:24:05| that say it you know you never know what you're gonna get folks you never know hmm oh this is a oh I got a good catch going to get it hit this is in catch-22 oh but it's a real good one this is what
00:24:18| I am you bet all the time Dunbar you sirens friend from the medical ward yes his friend in general hmm so this is early on in the book he on my g-sync display
00:24:32| connected thank God sorry he's stall for a second while you look at your thing I want to actually find a clue so um this one's a song by a Green Day nice guys finish last
00:24:46| um oh interesting good but you try to be as nice as possible but people don't respect that so it's like your best intentions get the best of you as you can't you can't pretend to be something
00:24:58| if it catch-22 when you're trying to just impress them and it the attempt to impress them does not impress them nice guys arrest nice guys finish last uh did it okay so Dunbar gets into doing
00:25:18| things he hates this is super high yeah my favorite thing he gets into skeet shooting because he hates every second of skeet shooting it's terrible he thinks five minutes skeet shooting
00:25:32| the time passes slow so slow it's like a single hour and everyone says well why would why the hell would you do it if you really hate it just rolls your teeth it makes every second feel like an hour
00:25:46| he says um who cares I want to live longer there's like what and he says think about it if you add up all that time being bored being angry being terrible having an awful life it goes by
00:25:59| longer because when you enjoy life the years go by so fast and to quote unquote you're old now and Clevenger or whatever says I'm not old what are you talking about he says you're old you're inches
00:26:12| away from death every time you go on a mission how much older can you be at your age a half a minute before that you were stepping into high school and an unhooked brassiere was as close as you
00:26:21| ever hoped to get to paradise only a fifth of a second before that you were a small kid with a 10-week summer vacation that lasts at a hundred thousand years and still ended too soon
00:26:31| zip rocketing by so fast how the hell else are you ever going to slow time down Dumbo is almost angry plenty finished maybe you're right
00:26:42| time classroom a long life well or maybe a long life does have to be filled with many unpleasant conditions if it seemed so long but in that event who wants one I do
00:26:52| Dunbar tell them why Clement your ass what else is there she's a loser the meaning of life right there it kind of is right it's like the catch-22 is you're supposed to find out like the
00:27:08| meaning of life when you die but you can't do anything about it cuz then because you're dead what if it was to have an awful life hate every second of it it would last so long I guess with
00:27:20| but then what's the point of life sort of mm-hm but as Dunbar puts it you know what's the point of life why would you want to do that what else is there what are my
00:27:30| alternatives and so you don't get to pick between seven different things it's either life or life like paintbrush pleasure I'll give you down to pain and pleasure
00:27:40| I guess I'm working really hard to get to something and because of the effort it makes it good I guess but then that good is gonna go by pretty quick yeah I think you'll remember the pain more
00:27:55| right hasn't this been documented scientifically I think it has actually people are averse to pain more so than they are not even just pain your memories are built on negative hardships
00:28:06| or negative that yeah yeah like like going to school in grade school is not fun thing it's actually the downside of your day so is going to high school like when you go to school
00:28:17| uh-huh that's like your qualms womp that's literally the time that they hate the most but looking back it's the only time I remember I mean I remember parties and stuff are you feeling of
00:28:29| it's the time spent you can feel it it's based on going to school it's based on hating this or that it's based on being in mutual hate with my come comrades I like one in Russian school when you hit
00:28:43| what my notes far this line is read directly risk aversion reward work procrastination and make that noise again a long time would have oh man I think I had got sweet and sour
00:29:06| that's painted oh I think so when you do it in their arms if you have a nice guy so mm-hmm this war Dunbar or Dunbar yeah he needs the negatives in fact the more negative
00:29:26| is the more he'll enjoy any positives hmm so I don't know if we're gonna go in to feel like this is the final phase and then we go off in our own direction please does technology wise so like the
00:29:46| Industrial Age is supposed to be the kickstart to either our end or getting over we've done this in this as we're talking about that's like kind of the final phase of a civilization so they've
00:30:01| done studies scientists we're kicking off your revolution will maximize your abilities resources potential and then from there you run into a problem whether it's shaky foundation or none up
00:30:13| resources or you collapse or something happens to society where it goes yep correct so you know we're in an age where we're using up all our resources and our resources are needed to get into
00:30:26| the next stage where we don't need them so we're quickly running towards the end it's just will the end be a collapse or or will we make it before we hit the wall yeah asymptotes what's so weird why
00:30:48| if I were to guess it's gonna be an asymptote and I don't know why other than necessity because we're gonna yes these shapes are reality because no one cares about until it's worse there oh
00:31:00| yeah oh yeah that's like about eight weeks left of oxygen to work or like it I mean waters gonna run out in nineteen days and like that ever the world just works together and maybe fixes the
00:31:15| problem I could just like see somebody with a broadsword just like clapping heads off and be like that's not what we were thinking and then everyone else just devolves into that yeah like eight
00:31:28| people left then there'd be enough winner for years a long time but that's the we kicked off a revolution industrial revolution that is causing us to probably maybe hit the end of our
00:31:41| civilization like Mason that kicked off a revolution are you still just like eating up my gasoline like pumping for eventually run out of oil and then let me build a civilization on having oil if
00:31:52| we don't have oil then like what do we do you don't gas you have to walk to work good luck Nick a week how do you even get a look at anyone how do you get like science done like if I want to do
00:32:04| science how do you well how about a lot of um our business our businesses in the United States right now are based on delivery guys they're literally the most people who support people in the truck
00:32:17| drivers delivery guys yeah but I mean when you think about it everything we do right now based on Amazon or everything is we're super dependent on delivery guys yeah which is why they're working
00:32:32| on the automatic delivery vehicle that we'd be able to do it without paying those guys or the trucks or whatever yeah but on plus the food delivering food to you since you can't grow your
00:32:41| own food yeah they're doing right everything we get is kind of delivered to us yeah via these vehicles if we didn't have them probably the collapse yeah I can't even
00:32:52| imagine it like I can't we definitely go hungry like the food that we have now is like all from like South America well forget that let's say we'd find a way to stay alive with food and water and
00:33:03| necessities avocados you say goodbye to all your clothes everything that sells on Amazon right give her also okay this is one of the things that earthed me that we missed when we had an episode
00:33:16| about water is like the amount of water it takes to feed yourself it's a certain amount and that's the amount that people think about but I don't think about that yeah the water you drink and then the
00:33:28| water you eat through the food which needed water to grow but also etcetera like the amount of water it takes to grow cotton the clothes you wear is like it's a magnitude larger than the food
00:33:42| that you eat really yes like the amount of cotton needed to like make this shirt as icer better shape over the years I wear spandex outside of the episode there's much water involved in spandex
00:33:55| that might be an oil-based product well either way I'm screwed petroleum yeah that's it work mm-hmm industrial so that's part of the Industrial Age it's a catch-22
00:34:09| you're kicking off technology to hopefully get out of using technology right but you might not be able to yeah and I've been watching a lot of Westworld lately I never saw it you need
00:34:24| to the first season especially Rosie's probably the best yeah the second one goes awry I think it just we got to redo itself my greatest ability is context I can tell just from people's comments and
00:34:38| whose comments they are and how they're worded and the amount of outrage versus the amount of fake outrage versus a man a real outrage versus the amount of real people recording it I think I'm like a
00:34:48| supercomputer that gets it all together and I just know what shows are really good what seasons are really good yeah like I know where Breaking Bad was good oh yeah
00:34:56| I did why pregnant I knew where he's in this season yeah for the reason cutting and yeah something happened there but like even a show I've never watched like um the wire I'm like uh season three was
00:35:10| the weird one we're like I know be a context which seasons and episodes of things are legitimate the wire is funny you bring that up because that is the perfect anti-bureaucratic show ever if
00:35:24| you have you seen it I've never seen it I've seen two episodes every season talks about how the government fails the city set up like they always screw it up I think one was like I'm trying to take
00:35:37| down drugs but they like created a new drug lord and other ones like the schools how the schools were ruined and other ones like how the politicians were corrupt and at the end of each season
00:35:47| they realized that no matter what they do the schools of shame you know there's still drug lords right politicians are even more corrupt than they ever were and they said that said the problem is
00:35:56| deeper yeah even like all these cops like the cops can't do anything to help the city or up the [ __ ] and the ones that aren't corrupt can't do anything because their hands are tied by
00:36:05| bureaucratic [ __ ] precisely its catch-22 that about the wire that is that is kind of a good point yeah if you look deep enough in any good material is there a catch-22 in a game of throne I
00:36:18| don't know if fantasy counts as it catch-22 I think you could find catch-22 as a fantasy well enough being an Assyrian mad hesitated I did I would say that no one
00:36:36| can sit on the game of terms his Epis are is that weird the only way the game of thrones would end would be if there was no Game of Thrones there's no throne it's really irritating
00:36:49| and they say Game of Thrones you can't sit on the game of Thrones what about those Game of Thrones ease bring any move domes those gums of threes hmm I do have regular for it okay
00:37:07| artificial intelligence that I feel like artificial intelligence socket catch-22 I'm not no no I mean like and people were we're moving towards artificial intelligence I think we want
00:37:20| it so we become lazier whatever you want take care of our us but then AI is gonna be smarter than us and it's gonna be a battle there we go now you're following me we're already
00:37:33| lazy so we've already we created our own master we've created something we wanted whether we knew we wanted it or not and cannot Skye overdose we created it to help us do what we wanted and this is
00:37:46| technically what we wanted even though we think we don't want Oh it just touches on something Terminator time-travel catch-22 is in time travel so we touched on time travel I don't
00:37:57| know we do a whole episode of time travel we did yeah I don't know how much we want to touch on that no because it's not a catch-22 that's a feedback loop or which could be
00:38:11| catch-22 I guess right yeah cuz you can't I can kill your father because then you wouldn't exist to come to be able to go back in time to kill your father
00:38:21| yeah because you wouldn't explain it succinctly as I could but yeah it's very more complicated in that you couldn't go back and have sex with your mother and create yourself unless that's how you're
00:38:32| supposed to be created but then that explains how smart you are dad just a family of you you changed genders to is actually your mom done I think it could work
00:38:58| good good okay that's where my notes end all right good I want to go over to here because this is a little bit about the fish lyrics etc etc yeah what I find is that
00:39:10| catch-22s arrives from our inability to finalize a decision yes to finalize a stance to make something black or white there's always my fork in the road yeah there's gray there's this weird
00:39:29| spots in between and that's what a catch-22 kind of expounds on I reduce fancy words you can't have catch-22s if everything were black and white if this was correct and this was incorrect if
00:39:43| this was fact and it's just false this was the way it should be and this is the way it shouldn't be but because life is not those two things as we've probably come up to a billion times in this
00:39:54| friggin app season episode what do we come when we call this podcast yeah we've come to a billion times this podcast life isn't black and white it's very gray there's weird things that make
00:40:07| something that's super left political be like oh [ __ ] I went so far it's right political like there's something about you can't go so far in one direction without going in the other direction
00:40:21| platter you touched on a circle man if we were all if everything we do if every moral judgment if every act we do if every fact and falsi toot is on a circle at some point you're gonna reconnect and
00:40:41| I think that happens in life way more than we give credence to and I think that's what catch-22s do make a little joke about it okay make a little ha ha about the whole fact that you can't just
00:40:54| stick your point in the ground and say hey this is a fact murdering babies is okay it's not always okay and I wasn't getting political there I was just picking the most politically charged
00:41:10| setting good things ever but like some of this capitalist tomatoes for Wendy's or something like I don't know is that a charge something you know they get their tomatoes from like Mexico and they don't
00:41:24| pay the wages or something oh you talk about this you look it up I know we talked about this before but I'm just trying to pick a subject it's like fast foods okay but when these tomatoes like
00:41:36| you picked Wendy's to me there needs to be the thing and in doing so you open the door for other Thanks so is Tom's lettuce okay so cheaply no idea yeah i noticed the
00:41:51| buns or sesame seed buns the buns are fine but like excuse me no like you know I mean someone calls you and tell you that the seeds are illegal but catch one is he always going to be a catch-22
00:42:14| there's always going to be a sticking point there's always going to be an exception to the rule yeah that's like putting tariffs on a country trying to impose human rights to
00:42:24| make them pay their employees more but then losing those jobs yeah make them your order yeah what can you do it's like Domitian the thing you set out to do can be subverted by your own rules
00:42:36| sort of a catch-22 isn't it yeah something unforeseen catch-22 is it's the area between what you expect from the joke what the joke is the Delta this is something this is I don't know that a
00:42:57| teacher we had religious class he was insane he was told by the Pope to stop anyway but but I was touching on a valid point yeah it's the gray area a catch-22 is a joke that nothing we do is set in
00:43:15| stone nothing we decide nothing we think about nothing we actually believe is a fact nothing can stand on its own nothing can be inert it's always moving it's always changing it's always
00:43:28| shifting a little bit and that's the joke right yeah you can't know that you're insane that's crazy we didn't even touch on that one that's a great catch swing uh-huh uh-huh would
00:43:43| you know if you were insane no you wouldn't know you would do a podcast about it into the world you wouldn't know but I'm not and I know that do you do you now right right this is
00:43:59| the TV show mm-hmm turn would show we're all watching I doubt it I've seen our numbers go down this month that's a sick it I can't get away from them why would our numbers be down it's
00:44:18| like what are you doing Nick what am I not doing getting old we're all getting older pooping a lot of poop that's why you like you wonder where the remote went like find the remote find the
00:44:38| remote is Nick just like squat TV childhood oh man I'm telling you you're telling jokes yeah having drinks everything's going on around us but I think I figured out my most important
00:45:03| thing nothing is anything huh brevity of law I mean that importance things that go by too fast or you have too much up we didn't touch on like savoring food versus gluttony like if you eat so much
00:45:20| food that are you used to it then it loses the importance and loses the taste taste might still be there but it might not be as good as fulfilling food tastes better the hungrier you are
00:45:34| it's brutal back it's weird telling you there's something there's either an underlying or anything yeah there's something I was really close to saying or almost saying you're gonna
00:45:52| catch it you're gonna you're gonna realize it later - god damn it maybe I can say that I think I capture the essence of it I mean catch-22 when summarize what's yeah just with how
00:46:06| I rattled it up Joseph Heller hell of a writer hmm hesitant Yossarian dodges another knife I don't even know how it ends yeah the the woman that tries to make love with him and stab me because
00:46:21| he's responsible for someone's death she pretends to make love to a long time and he's always drawn in and then she always swings at him with a knife and he always dodges and mins and I think the last
00:46:31| sentence is something like innately swamp you're sorry and gently swirl was hiding just outside the door the knife came down missing him by inches and he took off that's a good ending oh yeah
00:46:45| specially for 1961 dude this guy's way ahead of his time 1961 isn't it oh dude even here's another catch-22 to sum it up Milo who's in charge of the commissure re
00:47:02| and he carries the power I Sarah that's weird anyway he's rising the power he's like using all these weird things he's selling eggs in Malta for five cents a piece and buying them back for three
00:47:15| cents of he's doing all sorts of stuff but um his ships which he uses to pick up the eggs and the food from all over the place and these money on are so valuable that he's already in position
00:47:28| over his own camp the enemy gets to talking to him and the Germans will pay him $1,000 to bomb his own troops he says wolf the ships are here and we have the bombs if I do this and then I
00:47:41| give the governor own team four thousand dollars it's like giving ourselves four thousand dollars for free and he does it he's bombing his own men because a it cheaper for the Germans than bombing
00:47:51| because his ships already there and B he's like I won't hurt anyone but I'm just bombing us and Isis and then everyone wins because he's making a profit Argo getting money more and more
00:48:05| money than will cover the damage everyone be fine and the Germans are happy because someone's bothering the Americans and it's like that's not wood okay
00:48:14| missing a key element yeah immoral side of the story it is maybe that's the part I was missing on morality religion Oh everyone's everything in life is a circle I mean
00:48:29| you can't stand alone say is this the moral setting because then you gotta ask is this the financial setting is this the setting for religion is this a family setting is this the friendship
00:48:39| setting like if you base two facts like hey I'm gonna do this and this is the end result like it sits on a wheel you're not just talking about it from a business prosper yeah and and prospects
00:48:51| labels to talk about for a friend a friend what is it Nora moral compass what is it on at this compass was it on it and you you've run this so many different factors that you're like it's
00:49:01| not actually what you thought it was yeah that's like they give me the opposite women marrying their best friend but then getting friend-zoned that's layered what ever heard that I
00:49:13| think that's a rom-com it sounds like those anyway yeah well what we talking about tonight is all the catch-22 is Joseph Heller's catch-22 we talked about experience Lombardo caps
00:49:29| a lack to use captain Cathcart I wrote Don I got all these yeah if people are really content to experience life vicariously through other people when they should be living no no I'm so I'm
00:49:42| to look up if you're bored and you really like the book mm-hm no I actually don't know what you are oh no I'm going to tell you mine are you gonna tell me yeah I'm gonna tell you
00:49:58| the multi no so see the easiest way to and I said Joseph Heller writing this book it took a long time and if you've ever read it it's uh it's like ten years yeah it's it's written in weird time
00:50:14| it's not in words not chronological order it's just all I have sorts and weird trying to find it cheechee
00:50:25| what are you hinting on something oh he wrote his own notebook that had a bunch of squares that is actually interesting to look at them so he could keep everything straight for himself I can
00:50:37| think what that's called Joseph Heller trip sheet denim maybe is it something you would write for a book I've always wanted to leave make an AI that would do this on that cliff note see tell me
00:50:57| click that and right now online for catch-22 do handwritten outline for catch-22 and check this [ __ ] out there it's Wow look at what is this Wow everyone home Google this Joseph
00:51:11| Heller's timeline for catch-22 Luis that's how he kept it all Street cuz it's written in weird time from different perspectives from all over the place even this is a goddamn catch-22
00:51:27| huh right isn't that watch again I would say to describe it to people that are listening it's like 20 by 20 before yeah it's probably by 20 which would be 400 squares yeah and some of them looks like
00:51:42| what where's the heat square he's got R it's a character and then timeline and then not everyone has it a story in a timeline but of course not that's why that's awesome what's the
00:52:01| last sorry unbiased probably what you just read Dodge's the night and everything that we timeline wise unless there's something happens after that that we don't even know yo sorry and
00:52:15| runs away joyfully and he realizes that or is safe oh we're over an orange uh or was his roommate yeah with the nasty eyes anyway to sum it up again yeah I think we're good
00:52:33| I think everyone gets out we keep summing it up but I keep going on and summing it up forever top book that's probably one of my favorite books to read actually it is my favorite book in
00:52:47| fact my favorite scene is when Clevenger is getting a sentence by the courts you recall this what does he do I forget what dis does already had done that's weird it's funny because they have the
00:53:03| the guy who takes the minutes interjecting every few minutes popinjay and they're like oh no sir are you telling me to move my foot no sir oh no sir then move your foot and keep your
00:53:13| stupid mouth shut will you speak up please it's open hearing yes sir I said that I didn't say that you couldn't punish me just what the hell are you talking about I'm answering your
00:53:21| question sir what question just what the hell did you mean you bastard when you said we couldn't punish you said the Corporal who could take shorthand all right so the colonel so what the hell
00:53:31| did you mean it's like so sorry filler because this ya know it can figure out yeah the dude who just was writing down the minutes was reading back the minutes which is a recording of what he said but
00:53:44| they're responding to what the minutes guy just said cuz he was the last person to speak all right just what the hell did you mean I didn't say you could punish me sir when asked the colonel
00:53:56| when what sir now you're asking me questions again I'm sorry sir I'm afraid I don't understand your question when did you say we couldn't punish you don't you understand
00:54:06| no sir I don't understand you've just told us now suppose you answer my question how can I answer it that's another question you're asking me it's like okay I'm sorry sir but I don't know
00:54:19| how to answer it I never said you couldn't punish me now you're telling us lies I'm asking it tell us when you didn't say it Clevenger took a deep breath I always
00:54:28| didn't say you couldn't punish that but it's a bold-faced lie wait what it's your accuracy who's out yeah yeah exactly no sir no sir are you calling me a
00:54:48| goddamn liar oh no sir then you're a windy son of a [ __ ] aren't you no sir are you trying to pick a fight with me no sir are you a windy son of a [ __ ] no sir
00:55:00| goddamn it you are trying to pick a fight with me for two stinking cents I jump over this big fat table and rip your stinking cowardly body apart limb from limb do it do it cut major Metcalf
00:55:13| Metcalf you stinking son of a [ __ ] didn't I tell you to keep your stinking cowardly stupid mouth shut yes sir I'm sorry sir and suppose you do it I was only trying to learn Sara the
00:55:25| only way a person can learn is by trying I've talked about that just love it uh who says though everybody says so even lieutenants guys cop says so do you say so yes
00:55:38| sir since intense guy stuff like [ __ ] so good even the other one what kind of a name is Yossarian anyway lieutenant Skye stuff said it's Yossarian his name sir thank you good they even do a thing
00:56:00| where he's like he's like read me back the minutes and tell me what he said and it's like read me back the minutes and tell me what he said no his words not mine
00:56:09| like that's that's [ __ ] good it's kind of trite though but 4:30 train yeah favorite quote for the whole book because it's the next page okay Dan hates this cuz it's quotes I'm quoting a
00:56:27| book they don't give a damn it's my favorite book I don't care if it's I'm just finish my beer in silence you finish your beer in silence justice the colonel astounded what is justice
00:56:42| justice sir and he's immediately cut off that's not what justice is the Carla cheered they began pounding the table again with his big bad hand that's what Karl Marx is I'll
00:56:52| tell you what justices justice is a knee in the gut from the floor on the chin at night sneaky with a knife brought down on the mag magazine of a battleship sandbag
00:57:02| underhanded in the dark without a word of warning garrotting that's what justice is when we've all got to be tough enough and rough enough to fight Billy petrol from the hip get it no sir
00:57:14| don't sir me yes sir and say Sarah when you don't so good my favorite line the whole whole damn book catch-22 guys it's more information that you can get with less information than you need we do
00:57:40| like you do you like it folks we like you a lot sky coffee gin good night

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