The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP095 Trump Border Wall Immigration Shutdown

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Transcript UnP095 Trump Border Wall Immigration Shutdown

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 95 - Trump Border Wall Immigration Shutdown
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00:00:00| tonight we're gonna talk about aliens and little orange men now I'm not talking about space folks I think we should focus on immigration emigration the wall and all about all those
00:00:14| foreigners crawling into our country taking our jobs ruining everything that's right talking about Canadians so I'm Dan and I'm Nick bugs for old friends dissecting one topic at a time
00:00:34| people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block babies we don't pander to
00:00:48| popular opinion with Mike you can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good
00:01:01| time open up your earholes [Music] all right we're back at it you're sporting the America's Stars and Stripes Mamie
00:01:27| oh yeah merica fuck yeah man more American than a bunch of dogs no I think they're doves I think they're gonna come on whoo puts in all these movies I mean that's pretty American
00:01:44| yeah even the last-named Americans and like can you get any more American than like Tom Cruise shooting guys in Mission Impossible two and doves flying everywhere oh that's fantastic
00:01:57| sure is so so we're joining us here today to talk a little bit about all the burning burning questions that people at home have it's about everything every single thing every single thing it's
00:02:16| like a lot the wall Trump is promises whole government shut down sprinkled in there a little immigration we're talk about who's in this country right now where are they partly doing stop ice
00:02:31| tuned in ice I know I've sent you guys a few tweets lately um tune in to the UMP Anders thanks for following those silly children trying to cross the border
00:02:41| how dare their children Dakka Dakka Dakka mm-hmm mm-hmm so where do we really start this one what immigration is did you know Wikipedia it's my favorite way to start an episode as a
00:02:53| Wikipedia shut this thing down I'm gonna do it my way I'll start the shutdown because it sound like me the president you have any stats on the shutdown I think it's been like
00:03:06| episode hmm I'm gonna actually dramatically similarly I think special believe people are checking this out right now is it awesome so tremendous to secure our borders build a wall that
00:03:23| Mexico will pay for and Mexico said nah and then so truck got I think last last year last shutdown he got like one point something billion to build a wall or something no
00:03:38| one only three billion is being offered right now by the House of Representatives yeah that's correct I mean I wish I could ask for something for a wall it'd be like give me billions
00:03:47| I'm not you know what he's asking for holy every day I'm gonna take another hundred grand on this wall hmm do you think you could climb a wall like how tall of a wall could eat like three foot
00:04:03| you think he'd climb over a three foot wall I could but could he it would have to be waist high so they just lean it all over I don't think there's any client oh fuck oh hi this is rules over
00:04:17| me belt buckle it also has to have like a nice angle on the back so you can just roll slope basically yeah um did you know what that money is for actually no I had no know they broke it down so 5.6
00:04:33| billion it gets real complicated because on the government doesn't spend all the money they get a lot of each year mmm so in 2017 they were given 341 million dollars for maintaining and building
00:04:45| wall repair because there is existing walls but the only notes of Mexico oh yeah so of this money they didn't spend it all yet but they're asking for more this year
00:04:54| because usually what happens with government spending is you have to spend it or else you might not get that much the next year so they're already probably getting that 341 million right
00:05:05| now um there's also other deals in place where they're getting more money but and they probably have enough money to enact most of the wall or start building stuff
00:05:14| but if they don't ask for this five point six billion they won't get it I know that sounds stupid and like commonsensical but they probably have enough money just to do most of it some
00:05:26| of it um start cutting jobs elsewhere but they want fresh money to do this job specifically for them and it gives them a cushion because apparently metal from out of the country is being taxed
00:05:39| absorbs or Bentley by the president see this is my there's I guess there are two things there's the wall that exists now most of it was built I think in the George Bush era in
00:05:51| like Trump is doing and I think he did it strategically like a smart person would do it and I don't know how much he spent but it seems my ibly effective also steel so I think one of the things
00:06:04| that Trump is also trying to do is reinvigorate maybe United States steel coal maybe he's got friends kickbacks tied up in this deal so he could light something in return later on
00:06:16| for letting people build a wall with lots of money it could be on to something there um another thing to consider is that um when we talk about a wall between us and Mexico do you know
00:06:29| how many miles the wall they're talking about oh I like this one so there's Great Wall of China how long is that actually don't know I think it's a 2100 miles so 2,100 miles the border is like
00:06:49| long border thing it would be maybe the second longest wall in the world if it was actually continuous interesting because do you know what the five point six billion is for because it's not for
00:07:01| the entire border between Mexico and the United States it's for two hundred and sixteen miles of wall where did you find that stat it was in a box article that really broke it down so it's it's
00:07:19| written into the bill that in a request for money they want to build new wall in Rio Grande Valley I'm not sure where that one was but it's a hundred to four miles of wall so most of the problems
00:07:33| that come with an immigrant immigration happen in the Rio Grande Valley I think it was like 80% of the people that come in come in through the Rio Grande sense it's because it's spotted with little
00:07:43| communities it was Mexican at one time and those communities if they're walled off either either Mexican cartel owned or us and most of them are like Ron like Macallan I think is right on the
00:07:54| water and has an issue also I'm in Houston and you hear about things of the Rio Grande but how I like if you have you can get like house sitters that are immigrants because they have nowhere to
00:08:07| go I don't say they need money yeah they look for water really cuz you're it's like it's freaking hot and it's almost a desert down there so it's I mean it is sort of a problem I've
00:08:19| heard of it from other people but I don't think that I like being like the largest metropolitan city close to the border with like Houston has like 3 million people in it like I don't see
00:08:31| Houston s like extreme poverty because of immigrants like there are probably immigrants here and I might have immigrants like though my grass I'm not saying whether they do or not I don't
00:08:41| know but I I don't who knows I don't think they're armed studios and doesn't pay them any way they write some bad checks suing me again or do you come to court anyway Social Security number
00:08:55| right next to it 104 miles of wall and Rio Grande Valley hmm 27 miles of wall in Yuma which is near Arizona mm-hmm thanks southern Arizona yeah 14 miles in El Centro which is Eastern California 55
00:09:13| miles of wall in Laredo which is West Texas five miles of wall in San Diego and nine miles in El Paso access Thanks oh all I'm getting at is that it's interesting it's not like a continuous
00:09:29| wall that runs from like sea to shining sea which is what I thought it's just I don't know it's very weird and involved in all this no one talks about eminent domain where yeah if they
00:09:43| need to build a wall that's on property its existing property they can't just go to the wall and to say you know we're splitting your property so the government has to grab certain bill mean
00:09:56| what is it called I'm gonna domain it's like if they're building a highway it's for the good of the country great for the country good of the populace to take over your house because it's in the way
00:10:05| same thing with the wall they make you sell it essentially do they always give you fair value those are stories where they don't I have no idea I think you can hold off for as long as possible but
00:10:13| then it like goes to court it goes where it like to an arbitrator who decides how much your property's worth which might if you're the last person it might work out in your favor they did this in
00:10:22| Philadelphia for one of the the highways the one that goes by King of Prussia Mall the one that ends at the Nabisco protocol Anto I think for maybe 422 oh no would even room yeah it stops
00:10:33| abruptly and then you make a lift that's because the people in that neighborhood that are right behind that in the path of it fought it in one so the highway ends right at the neighborhood just like
00:10:44| a side street you're off the highway there and that weird that's like Route one in ninety five ish right by Woodhaven Road that's Rosie mm-hmm and if you roll your windows down
00:10:54| it smells like cooking that's fantastic I always try to drive by there you know it doesn't anymore cuz they shut it down and made what crap yeah yeah something like that I was like puke mmm speaking
00:11:06| of orange well wait so you said 216 miles of wall for 5.7 billion ish you're gonna break down my per foot also per foot of wall as like almost like four to five grand a foot of wall
00:11:24| I think rolled into that cost though is like people to maintain it repairs on existing parts workers labor but still what is that per foot for grand 4 grand a foot so we didn't talk about what
00:11:40| exists now like the type of wall like there's a it's called a bollard wall which is like I guess like beams they're met they look at their metal because they're rusted I think they are about 16
00:11:52| or 18 feet high and they go six feet into the ground wait they they're the ones that exist the bollard walls there's there's like three different types so there's like
00:12:02| the bollard wall which is really like mm-hmm yep yeah and there's also like a honey Donny tweeted out a picture of it which weirdly enough had like the Jurassic Park van in the picture
00:12:15| see this I have to look at this one let me see if I get up while I get into it but anyway it's it's a steel slat barrier the idea was originally Trump promised that Mexico would pay for a
00:12:29| wall that was entirely concrete an X amount of feet high except that realistically Border Patrol agents and people with the like wants to know what's going on on the other side
00:12:40| of the wall so it would make sense to make ones with steel slats that were so close together that people couldn't fit through huh this does not prohibit drugs from going
00:12:50| through they just handed off of the guy they can literally just walk up to the border and hand it over as dance checking for this picture do trump picture steel slat wall isn't
00:13:03| really called it steals lat all I believe he use those words I gotta do some magic to get very good in the picture it was like the Jurassic Park ban or cheap and I don't know why it's
00:13:13| in there but like crack me up I can't get oh man I'm failing so hard I guess as well that's why I got it Oh boom well the reason for this yeah look at that design of our steel slat barrier which
00:13:29| is totally effective while at the same time beautiful totally effective while at the same time beautiful it's not beautiful it means it's no sighs yeah I don't I wouldn't use that adjective
00:13:41| beautiful I don't know he's also talking about the existing wall which is I don't think he's talked about very much but he says it's totally effective been beautiful I got up I can't tell if he's
00:13:49| being sarcastic because it is effective it's like the only thing he knows totally effective and beautiful and I want to say about my wife folks she's totally affected so and beautiful
00:14:02| of course like on the on the west coast like all the barriers that we have on that side like there's a lot like it covers most of the most of the country on the west
00:14:14| side so that's why the immigration rate on the east side is so high because there's like spotty and also what's the good California I play sucks no she's good
00:14:23| that's like California be awesome people go in but there's also too four types of walls I didn't cover there's a like there's certain parts of the country like in the middle near like
00:14:34| El Paso and Mexico and all those areas there's just like a like Big Bend like the western part of Texas or deserts it makes no sense to build a wall there so I guess that's why there's only 200
00:14:46| miles of wall because I'm not gonna survive if you have to walk 10 miles in the desert to find somebody what do you do when you find someone just ask them for can I stay here I need to stay for
00:14:59| like three days with yet I have no idea I have no idea either I think you asked for food and water first because you're about to die and then if they give it to you have you ever seen like Border
00:15:11| Patrol's I joined the Border Patrol and you have like helicopters you like you know amphibious vehicles and like everything everything looks cool or cutting edge reassure and then the
00:15:20| realistic part is like a homely guy holding a blanket thing of water he's they come here alright come here let's let's go get you checked in actually what's the crime ah what's obviously a
00:15:39| crime what is it no no if you gun down now here we go in the ground not if you're crossing the border illegally no if they are and they gunned them down where does that go to court anywhere I
00:15:52| don't know is it illegal I guess you can't forgot someone no matter who they are but if they're not how does the course citizen and they were entering illegally and you saw that little four
00:16:06| year old girl eating that bread and you just thought mm-hmm and gunned her down what would happen maybe they would hold that guy um accountable and like take one hundred dollars out of his paycheck
00:16:17| or something oh look at this one look at the detail about crimes we should do one about crimes that are unpunished remitted by immigrants like the ones that like are part of like a political
00:16:32| environment that okay so there's a backstory about this one what I'm thinking about is there was a town very small town where somebody was being a bully and that person was just bullying
00:16:42| everybody because they're malicious and the entire town knew that person was a bully and was doing terrible things to people harming people that person who's doing awful things the bully was killed
00:16:54| in the middle of the town with like hundreds of people around and they only did everybody anybody saw a damn thing so we need to talk about some like celery was that in like the 1800s though
00:17:04| no I think it was an I think was kind of recent actually I think I was like 30 years ago hmm that's not that reason I think it was like a Netflix special I think that's why you'd understand anyway
00:17:16| you're talking about crime yeah get all those terrorists and rapists and murderers yeah all of them although that's every immigrant that comes into our country is a rapist it's proven yeah
00:17:28| so the like the immigrants that come in our country half of them are Mexican cuz I I guess it's because we're close in their economy so I had a number on that actually so um illegal immigrants they
00:17:40| estimated 11 million coming to this country 11 million are here or here whoa oh you did have the number thank you and then that's three percent of the population correct yeah significant it's
00:17:51| a significant amount six million of those are from Mexico so if it happens just over half yeah yeah I agree with you did you know 8 million of the eleven are working here that's a significant
00:18:05| number that's pretty damn good five percent of the workforce five percent of the workforce really mm-hmm I had another number but I don't know what it applies to
00:18:16| who knows we're going to talk about farming jobs because they take up like half of those or farming jobs and then the other half like there's like farming manual labor housekeeping and then jobs
00:18:26| quote-unquote Americans don't want to do from the Mexican uneducated immigrants sure so that's immigration from Mexico through maybe illegal means we didn't talk about how they're getting here I
00:18:42| don't know if you want to go there yet go ahead because I didn't actually have a lot of on that so you can get a visa for I don't appear ëadd to stay here it's like a tourist visa like I guess
00:18:54| it's educational or a work visa and you can overstay that so a large proportion of them are actually over state visas it's like 30 percent or something like that it's like that's
00:19:04| high all right so um did you know the immigration Naturalization Act the ia allows a certain number of immigrants to come into this country and become asylum seeker citizens our citizens know well
00:19:20| they're that's a subset of this group six hundred and seventy five thousand immigrants can come into this country and stay every year sixty-five thousand six hundred and seventy five thousand
00:19:30| six hundred and seventy five tops that's a lot and they become legal citizens hold on they break it down family based immigration you know how you always see the movie the rom-com where it's like if
00:19:41| you fall in love and you marry me I can stay here and they don't love each other but then they fall in love or something mm-hmm Ryan Reynolds Sandra Bullock I'm looking at you celebrity challenge if
00:19:50| you guys come on here you can get married on our podcast for real I will marry another immigrant and keep them here and then is already man I've been taken sorry sorry he will adopt he will
00:20:06| adopt to marry somebody else come onboard I want to see you guys coming your smiling faces I want to just marry someone and let them stay in this
00:20:22| country so but it's called family based immigration and your spouse your child your parent you're actually allowed an unlimited number of immediate spouse immediate children immediate parents to
00:20:36| come over but employment-based immigration which is um a allowing to be a hundred and forty thousand of them a year are allowed here it's persons of extraordinary ability in arts science
00:20:53| education athletics or business business that's like how our scientists get here like do you know like Einstein was always like oh he was in Germany this here yeah you totally just give this guy
00:21:05| a thing where he's like hey you're a great scientist come to our country hey you're amazing artists from this country hey you're the best basketball play in the
00:21:12| world guess what you have to play for anything there you go citizenship booboo signed right you go there's per country ceilings on all these rules too like if you're from Afghanistan or
00:21:25| something like that they might only allow twenty thousand five oh you have the actual no no I don't know I just saw five and they do so you might be a perfectly capable person candidate
00:21:41| you're like really good and you're handsome and you got all your paperwork built sorry we've reached our quota and you're out I think they like span that out over the year it's like only one guy
00:21:53| this month next month nobody come back man March maybe we got a guy but he uh you can't play piano like you yeah I'm over here again um refugees and asylees which has become a hot topic yeah
00:22:10| they allow eighty five thousand a year in this country which is not a lot I mean it is a lot but the whole country it's not for a full year it's persecuted people whether they're
00:22:20| prosecutor for the religion their faith their color of their skin they're driven another country they have no home recently Donnie has been making it hard for these people to get in here you know
00:22:31| he's trying to reduce Lee used to be correct and he's also increased the number of days they have to stay outside the country so like you're allowed in we have to wait right now from Syria it's
00:22:43| hundred and twenty days I gots a long time yeah like in four months yeah good luck with your food water I'll let you in four months when everything is hunky-dory so there's there's part of
00:22:54| this it's like apprehensions on the border and apprehensions have actually gone down over time and they have breakdowns of like people by family and individuals like if you have like young
00:23:04| individual male like they have a snap for that so they say that even though it's gone down I don't know what the peak is I'll find that out even though it's going down over the past like five
00:23:14| or six years that the number of families that are seeking asylum over the border right by the border is gone up it's gone up by like a mccrane it's like fivefold so the people
00:23:24| that are actually trying to come here as an entire family I don't think they're you know they might be uneducated but I don't think they're harmful and their pride fleeing some like I feel like gang
00:23:35| warfare like destabilize hotels or yeah yeah countries that are falling apart as we speak and it is part of I think the Jim Geneva Convention to say that you have to accept bridgie refugees in your
00:23:46| country if they're there well I figure what the term was it was like Jenny danger and the danger you know Bureau what's the term damn it I literally saw a fear of persecution very welcome back
00:24:03| folks it's over we missed the moment it's over if you're an immigrant named Ryan do you know why they're called green cards so wait total apprehensions in 2018 about 400,000
00:24:19| people in the real Valley yeah this was I think this all right now this is all this is the whole border yeah and then the Rio Grande is a 63,000 of that in I don't know what mu that wait
00:24:39| wait wait 160,000 so sorry 160,000 100 grand so it's like half it's like half of them sorry and so did that cuz I found it popped up that's fine do you know um
00:24:55| there's another group of people who are allowed in this country businessman who have invested over 500,000 to a million dollars into American jobs oh this is uh isn't that crazy it's just like hey if
00:25:10| you just gave us a million dollars you could live here like it's essentially what that is they do that for development near me as there was supposed to be in this like district
00:25:20| that was supposed to be really like retail and fancy and waterfalls and all sorts of crazy stuff and I failed like last recession disoriented but a Chinese firm came in and they decided
00:25:32| that they want to save here so they donated bunch of money to build their project which is part of a business and I think that gives them the right to come here
00:25:42| and live here mm-hmm I mean that's the definition of what you just said right you got a million dollars it is no problem in wealthy come on come on over here we've got no
00:25:52| problem who you are how about children who were um apprehended at the border they're not even 16 yet they have a million dollars do not my poor guy Dan chose these dirty
00:26:05| dirty poor children with no money what are we gonna do with them I don't know they get separated inferred action ah daca deferred action for childhood arrivals they allow him to stay for up
00:26:19| to two years everything has to be renewed at that point um they can be adopted they can be taken in they give me pain care of I have no idea did you know um US citizenship awarded
00:26:30| through green cards oral makes the joke green card you got a green card and get her green card it's an alien registration receipt card and it used to be printed on green paper really that's
00:26:43| why it's called green and to insert asylum-seekers it is have left their country are unwilling to return because of the suffered past persecution or a well-founded fear of future persecution
00:26:56| so avoidance of persecution persecution persecution well that was the word make sense to me Burbage Becca you're going deca no that was in cars that's where I went green card daca hmm and get back to
00:27:22| the roots of our country where did are you I was born in America how many generations ago I think I'm like three generations now actually I'm only literally ran my grandparents were all
00:27:36| born here their parents on one side we're all no yeah on her side both her side both I guess there's four on each side I don't know that bar but yeah a lot of my relative
00:27:49| one of my great grandparents were born outside this country my grandparent one of them was Canadian and then my dad is technically I think he was he's born again but I don't know
00:28:05| if he's a dual citizen still dual citizens how dare they choose which country they live in Wow best of both worlds folks not necessarily I think is it Wilson we're down but it's okay we
00:28:21| don't want to talk about but it's it's fine because this this country what 200 some years ago was founded as a country of immigrants we're like here most immigrant country
00:28:33| ever yeah was it your poor your tired your home basses uh who said that George I think that might have been George that's weird I don't know who said that give us your poor your huddled you're in
00:28:49| the huddle you're doing the huddle it's a football huddle is it two-minute warning I think it's a drill 25 seconds to get back to the line you can spike the ball if you have to
00:29:00| you can take it to lay a game how many delayed games can you get in a row can you get four in a row is that too many delay games that's too many I think you're poor I think it's a writer it's
00:29:15| not George yeah it's not it's a so it's the the Wikipedia entry is called the new Colossus which I guess was part of the Statue of Liberty it's like a Emma Lazarus wrote the
00:29:26| sonnet which is weird I've never heard of the new Colossus except have but I couldn't couldn't name it by name hmm give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
00:29:37| the wretched refuse of your teeming Shore send these the homeless tempest-tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door that's Statute Liberty right there baby
00:29:49| Golden Door what's that it's the Gateway of America Gold Country OBE and you loose with Ellis Island I don't know what we're young with that you have to check in there is that a rule okay like
00:30:02| a joke for square root and just you know I've been here and you're good check-in okay see I checked in on Ellis Island we good
00:30:12| no but is that where you immigrate to yeah I mean they used to take immigrants there check up for lice or whatever and then make them sign a piece of paper that said this is what your name is
00:30:22| going to be and then welcome welcome come on you're a bricklayer your new name is Brickman you were a baker your new name is Baker that's interesting huh snow would you say your mama Smith's all
00:30:37| right a lot of people good working with metal yeah would you say you're good at working with sneezes going by your last name I'm sure I got your name for you pal let's go with this you got a
00:30:53| pocketful of posies over there did you ever look at the immigration report from okay so type in Wikipedia list of sovereign states and dependent areas by immigrant population you don't have to
00:31:19| type that in immigration report National Conference of State Legislators no maybe not no sure it's Wikipedia list of sovereign states and dependent territories by immigrant population all
00:31:31| sovereign stories you gave spell it anyway um it's the amount of your populace that's foreign born versus homework holy crap that's amazing to me isn't that crazy yeah so tell the
00:31:52| audience what you're looking at so the foreign state is number one it's the foreign-born population won by a lot it's 20% hmm which I it's weird because I don't feel like we have a problem now
00:32:06| even though we're 20% foreign born with like 46 million people yeah that's a thing IMing it's it's amazing isn't that crazy yeah so wait
00:32:23| that's in the world what's the next highest group of people there's got to be like someone with like 15% or 19% maybe maybe 10 no Germany folks with 5% yeah off world foreign-born population
00:32:42| so they say it's off total population of world foreign-born population so I guess it's a were-lizard on percentage of the country or a percentage of I don't understand the stat honestly because
00:32:55| it's like Vatican City 100% of its population of total population I guess you can trees burn in the Vatican if you sort by total population how bizarre is a country that exists by itself with
00:33:12| nobody ever being born there because they're all priests and they can impregnable exactly they'll cover that I'll cover that out don't worry guys I'll cover it up do what you did there
00:33:32| what's interesting though United States Russia 4.8 saudi arabia 3.9 united kingdom 3.5 united arab emirates you 8.3 like all these countries are like 1% and below like a ton of them so then we'll
00:33:52| go down a little further it has emigration which is how much of your country leaves and goes and lives in other countries this is really cool yeah check it out
00:34:04| I don't even know this cuz they go and live in other countries one of the highest is Albania 28 percent of their populace goes and lives somewhere else because they don't live in Albania am i
00:34:18| gonna say that it's got that that your mother does with the cabbage in the goat milk Animaniacs I feel like they make an Albania joke I feel like there's Bologna
00:34:32| in our slack slightly non-stop joke you know Borat the whole movie let's see cause expand if it's in here Oh Kazakhstan 19% actually what's the United States at
00:34:48| what's our emigration number do you believe in you guys to go the places to I don't know it does that oh my god what less than one percent people like it here apparently
00:35:01| apparently we're like the best country the world I came you thinking we're the worst country in the world but everyone wants to come here and no one wants to leave this episode's gonna be a country
00:35:16| Wallis and Futuna another I don't even know these countries the end of the point where need to change the topic we have to but oh my god hold on Tok Tok allow 61% of the population does not
00:35:31| live there any mmmm it's an island over Australia it's like out in the Pacific it doesn't even yeah let's talk about economic opportunity I guess because the countries that are mostly being
00:35:43| emigrated from there have no opportunity yeah lacking opportunity and they're poor so the people that come here are searching for if they're young males since usually like a strategic a job so
00:35:57| they keep them employed making money so they can feed themselves so those people probably aren't very harmful if they're trying to make their ends meet and then families which are also evading you know
00:36:07| persecution they're trying to do right so work Dudley do-right right now right from Canada I know so there's like a focus on the Mexican immigration with the wall and it is a very very high
00:36:21| focus for whatever reason did you know um immigration from Mexico has actually been on the decline since 2009 yeah it's like reduced by like 10 or 20 percent it's the bad at all in fact many of the
00:36:35| people who were going through Mexico or from Central America well yeah it was like I think we would Guatemalan crush the crisis and those people in the caravan Oh if she's watching my company
00:36:48| we employ like nineteen lot of miles that are not documented you can come to my work what am I gonna do stop you check it out send your best agents pay them full time
00:36:58| come to my work Germantown right there good so the we never we hardly ever talk about the so you'd mention like the people with the money and people were educated or just like come on in you
00:37:11| know it's like the immigrants they're taking like two slots of jobs really it's like you have the farm work yeah which the the quote-unquote jobs that Americans aren't willing to do I don't
00:37:24| know about that I'd I don't think any more ever taken sounds like the right yeah I don't think anybody's ever taking a poll of like do you want to do this farming job and someone's like now like
00:37:34| how many people are like nah I don't have any money but not who's doing farming jobs in general you're right yeah so there are stats that like a lot of farms would fold if they had to pay a
00:37:43| decent wage the people that were actually legal citizens and it's like it's significant percentage which is kind of sad but again his I don't know cost living relative wages I don't know
00:37:58| it's a tough tough thing but the other sector is the people that are like becoming super educated like foreigners especially like I don't want to narrow a significant portion of the population
00:38:10| that are like Indian but Indians I'm gonna say like they become educators and dog crews like like there might be a like they know the language but the barrier is still there so they're
00:38:23| capable of doing like like tech support or the being an engineer or a programmer or a doctor you running a lot of really highly educated Indians who are immigrants it's like we don't talk about
00:38:34| the people who are coming over in other ways like the to B's the overstaying their visas based family based visa refugees investors right yeah so the vision of
00:38:50| fear is that like someone's gonna take your job and when they say your job I don't think about my job I was like I'm highly educated and I have a very technical job but it turns
00:39:00| out that there's it's polar it's like the people who are completely uneducated and then the people who are super educated but can't communicate it's like those people I actually understand that
00:39:10| because I've run in a lot of programmers who are very good but yeah I think they can only not encode right all right they're just these can't communicate in general yeah but they're good at their
00:39:20| job it's just they can't communicate how to do it or what they're doing or how to work together so it's like they are coming for my job but you the government doesn't care about that because they're
00:39:32| making money off of those immigrants mm-hmm you're right yes so it does boil down to money um you come across sanctuary cities or all that who I heard about like Phoenix
00:39:46| a lot of Phoenix is like mostly like foreigners like immigrants and then also McAllen McAllen has a lot of like immigration you guys know McAllen Texas it's in
00:39:58| Texas it's a border so he's the one that the Trump is a sanctuary City oh really yeah let's have a different definition the romp thing now Donny Donny Trump had some words with our mayor I believe or
00:40:13| you said we'll stop funding you because what it is is we run into a problem between federal state and local municipalities where federal says anyone who doesn't have a visa anywhere has
00:40:25| never expired green card anyone who's staying too long anyone who's we're kicking out I'm gonna send Mike's the best way to put it is that the federal government moves much
00:40:38| slower so local government or state government may pick up immigrants may pick up refugees may decide to house them for a while before or federal gives it be okay before federal vets them
00:40:50| mm-hmm it's like they do their own rules like the Federals like hey we have to wait a hundred days we have to check this this than this so it would take forever so local or state governments
00:41:00| are like and we're letting them in and we're doing this with them so sanctuary city is where they let them in a lot correct they left them in there's a an allotment
00:41:10| there's still an amount they saw her checked on but then there comes a gray area where if they do anything illegal let's say they turn on red and cop pulls me over all they've done is turn on red
00:41:22| so the cops wording on the ticket but they run their name and everything else they're not legal here in the United States yet because the federal hasn't caught up yet so what happens is they're
00:41:34| taken back to the office the precinct ice or someone of that ilk a federal agency will say hold on to him we need to come check on him see if we need to deport him we have to get our ducks in a
00:41:47| row want to see what kind of visas yes what's going on mm-hmm so this is a problem that most people like argument like the argue argument is that like these people are just coming
00:41:56| into our country all the time like we don't know how to protect it against their the threat of our like of the wall and not having a wall they're all gonna come in they're all just gonna be
00:42:06| everywhere I don't know what to do so like I don't know that that's actually happening in such a way that it's like never overflowing the borders I don't think it's it's like the white walkers
00:42:17| yeah when they wake up and they're running at the wall and it's hard to protect because they keep coming back and they're breaking through and they got the wood and they're pulling it
00:42:27| apart and all these immigrants are coming in our people one of our people they wake up as an immigrant and it's like oh my god right but no probably not it has more to do with messy red tape
00:42:50| yeah it's traveling the country because you have to make sure that they're actually an immigrant where they are can you find them and then if they're not acting right can you get them out of
00:43:01| your country what's number one number one are they paying money to the government are they actually Emmanuel's yeah look at that the taxes is all I care about
00:43:11| hmm it's a hundred percent of em that's nothing do is anything else government sound like whoa whoa whoa our citizens are in danger they're like whoa whoa are they paying federal withholding
00:43:22| do they got Social Security I need to know what kind of taxes I'm getting from these folks so let's not write like the drain on the system cuz uh like there aren't there are drawbacks to having a
00:43:33| lot of immigrants that's it of course they usually don't pay tax because they're getting paid on the table then if they have welfare or like some sort of government support like the
00:43:42| other people the country are paying for that and then medical care like if they're like border hospitals or I have a huge issue if you have a Social Security number can you get welfare I
00:43:52| don't know that you got it I think you could have support like there's other this is exactly what I like a rehabilitation count counselor will do like I will try to find you employment
00:44:02| if you need help and a lot of like immigrants will go say I need help finding a job because and then like I don't know that they're allowed to ask whether they're an American citizen at
00:44:12| that moment but they'll still be a drain on the resources because we'll distract people from the process of finding employment for those who are rightful citizens it's a pretty weak argument
00:44:22| okay yeah it'sit's a little convoluted mean it's not it's not a zero I didn't say it's a no argument I just mean it's fairly weak yeah yeah so there's also
00:44:32| like the medical side of things like if someone like comes across the border and like needs medical help eventually it doesn't happen to be like I'm at the border I needed medical help
00:44:40| right now I'd be like I came out the country like a year ago now I have cancer treat me hospitals aren't allowed to say nah I don't I don't know you know let's say get out like they have to
00:44:52| treat for whole episode on health care we should do a whole episode on health care I'm gonna write that down in my asana notes plug I wish they would pay us for the amount of plugs we've done I
00:45:06| wish I would check us on it yeah okay that the asana that I use I do check if you tell me to check oh it's okay Nick I forgive you for all of your faults my sins associated with
00:45:24| asana Iassogna you here's other forces a absolve have you been Assad here's it there's a real question um who's a bigger group of sinners
00:45:41| immigrants or non immigrants so if you define sinners by the people that have been convicted of a crime of sin wait what God died well I'm gonna use it
00:45:54| by the definition of committing a crime in the United States because I have this dad so like if you're an average citizen in the United States actually I don't know if this incorporates immigrants or
00:46:04| not I don't think it does I'm gonna use it to my advantage I think 8% of the population is committed a crime as a felony felony yeah yeah probably but not nice you're part of a percent are you
00:46:18| convicted or committing to convict well I guess if you got if you were not convicted it doesn't count I don't know how they could count at the eight percent so they found that native-born
00:46:34| people eight percent probably convicted of a felony sure immigrants what percentage do you think that that is of all those rapists and terrorists all the terrorists that
00:46:46| were Saudi born and bomb the towers and killed thirty nineteen ninety percent ninety percent of everyone Walter is a criminal yeah oh now they're mostly like native-born Americans or like Saudis
00:46:58| that's how it kind of works so tariffs no not many men how many Mexican terrorists do you know named Jose who knows - it was number four percent it was oh yeah yeah
00:47:18| immigrants are more likely to start a business or equally likely to start a business well think of this they don't want to get in trouble because they depart in their asses - oh good they
00:47:28| want to make that's why they came here I don't get it who are you drinks feeling good and strong what's uh what babies they like if they come across the border and
00:47:44| they're pregnant and they try to try to have a baby so that I have the baby in the United States there's a name for it though it's not like Dec I don't think that
00:47:53| counts as daca because if you're born in the America in the United States it's you're a citizen of the United States right I don't know think about this isn't there tour baby tourism or
00:48:04| something like that is everything right that was yeah that was a thing from like the Chinese the Chinese when they answer your child yeah because they couldn't have it in their
00:48:14| other country they couldn't document yeah or the country what's that called baby tourism yeah what hell yeah well I got a crack my neck we're gonna her back we're back in the game back
00:48:29| folks I just woke up what happened who in most situations any child that was born in the United States or any of its territories is automatically given American citizenship all you gotta go to
00:48:42| the Virgin Islands baby talking the Virgin Islands hmm who is this rip on trunk now it's really weird I was gonna be like the episodes winding down what do you really
00:48:58| want to talk about Trump Trump but don't dumb rump drama don't his name earlier than Trump you changed it from drum cuz that did he um ironically enough how many of his wives got green cards from
00:49:12| him uh how many oh look at this up here think about Halle and she's a time I think I've no clue what nationality she is nor the last one the UM the irony is he's Slovenian grens got a green card in
00:49:36| ellipses they might have had a kid I don't know if they did or not remember Donnie jr. is that part of her offspring mm-hmm that's not well wait then she has the three by one and the
00:49:54| one by another is this the one that had been a junior I got a family is it a family immigrating to the country mm-hmm she was a model that's are you hot and sexy come right in
00:50:07| checkmark yeah okay green card ID yeah she got a green card in 2001 of course she did couldn't Lord so here's my question do you think the guy is um wealthy no
00:50:24| actually do you know I don't think he is I heard a story about how they had Cassini had multiple failed businesses and he also Atlantic City yeah his failing actual Constructors who
00:50:36| dealt with him and he claimed he was dissatisfied with the job afterwards so he would not pay in full for it because he would like make up defects like he'd be like no the the ground wasn't as
00:50:48| perfect as I thought there's a defect and the Marvel over here I I thought the bench was gonna be farther this is not a complete job on unsatisfactory take me to court and he's been taking a court
00:50:59| probably thousands of times oh I don't doubt that mm-hmm his mother was also born in Scotland so she's in Emily what immigrant dude what a foreigner and his casino her story that when his father
00:51:19| went and got chips like several millions in chips just to make sure it stayed afloat so he gave him essentially a free loan to continue functioning because it was bankrupt oh I did hear this um
00:51:34| wasn't a hundred million it was was it a million 100,000 anyway um here's the weirdest thing about Trump most Trump supporters are like 3.5 million chips okay 3.5 million most Trump
00:51:56| supporters are people who were I would call them white I would call them not to call them whoa I would definitely call they're mostly white I would call them tribalistic
00:52:06| do it yourself um don't let me that's in build yourself up by your bootstraps and work your hardest just like Trump with your dad's 3.5 million dollar advance and your
00:52:20| education and your social you know you're affluent in such a way that allows you to do these things and then you're not just building yourself up there's no way that he came from nothing
00:52:32| he wasn't a poor child from the Midwest you know he was rich it's the weirdest thing with people like him I wish I found the quote he's like it's like they hate rich people but they love Trump and
00:52:48| it's like well I don't know he wouldn't release his uh income statements tax yeah so it's I don't know that he's making that much money he might actually be using the presidency to make money he
00:53:03| said he was declining the income which he can't do he might have already known I think he has enough lawyers to know that he can't do certain things so it's like he's doing a political move like oh
00:53:13| I don't want to be paid 400 grand as a president of the United States because I don't need it it's like no no no you can't do that that's not legal he's like oh oh damn he's had a lot of lawyers
00:53:25| helping with that I've also read that like he goes to a lot of golf courses his golf courses and then he has all the Secret Service people like stay in the golf course that makes the government
00:53:34| pay for his own golf course yeah makes money off of that at ease don't they go to his private golf course he do that's cheap I got illegal yeah I know you would think you would think let's
00:53:51| talk about him from a strictly immigration factor uh-huh like his Trump Tower and his golden toilet I don't know why poor people from the Midwest think this is their guy like it seems like the
00:54:06| opposite yeah I don't think that he's ever done anything like break a horse I don't know how his life do you think he's ever worked let's look at like a hard job he's going to work he's
00:54:20| going to work do you think he's ever actually worked has he ever cleaned a dish as my maid never picked up a box has he ever had to deliver anything Google says notice
00:54:32| thing I don't know that I trust Google but I a minor percent sure they're accurate right there I'm trying to find the quote I'm pretty sure that everything he's doing now is some sort
00:54:46| of like scheme to make him wealthier or something he promised because it was bullshit and he thought it would get him into office he's just trying to execute the things he promised even though
00:54:56| there's no so I did write this down so like a lot of the people that are voting for him and I'm not calling people out because there's probably half the country that's like dropping jobs we
00:55:08| don't know what's going on I would say like most of you are sheltered they don't have enough knowledge or facts or science and they're supporting someone that has no I wrote reason twice that
00:55:21| has no reason like low no logic reason reason there's no understanding and there's also no to put diplomacy there so there's like very all I was like there's almost there's no reason for him
00:55:34| to be President other than people think that he has a lot of money which he hasn't proven all the other presidents before him released their income statements to show that they they were
00:55:44| solvent in some way or maybe they don't have interest in certain assets they don't have hidden secrets whatever I'm sure yeah I'm sure he has a lot of hidden secrets
00:55:55| he probably leveraged himself through his other companies to prove that you know he's he's solvent but it probably is it if you really look at it all right here um I kind of browned it
00:56:06| out here yeah Maryana must be an area in like Maryland or the Midwest or something they voted for Trump Leo burry Maryana Mary I don't know most mariana
00:56:19| residents support Trump's border wall his key demand and shut down and don't blame him for the fight but Crystal Minton a secretary at the prison who is also a single mother
00:56:29| caring for disabled parents has a somewhat different reaction one that reveals an essential truth about the core Trump political belief I voted for him he's the one who's doing
00:56:40| this Minton told Mazzone I thought he was going to do good things he's not hurting the people he needs to be hurt there's what I heard and the people in his viewer I hurt enough people in his
00:56:53| art but what everyone who voted for him just figured he'd hurt the people they hate tribalistic nature yeah because it they look like Trump maybe immigrants may be launched into their eyes can
00:57:06| Americans maybe people who don't speak English too well maybe people who you ever see that video of the Trump car has all the bumper stickers like Trump Pence Trump Pence like she knew they park it
00:57:20| in a ghetto and not to say that most black people from ghettos but they are and they they all start smashing the deck hard it's like they hate Trump so much because Trump he's a xenophobe
00:57:32| anything that isn't him he doesn't like the Muslims I don't think he likes blacks I'm gonna say it probably isn't like planks anybody this outsides country is like it's it's it's a problem
00:57:43| he doesn't I don't know how you can be so wealthy and be so afraid of people probably cuz he's not wealthy and because he's never had to work again it's all comes back to working-class
00:57:53| yeah like when I work with people I work with the people work with their hands like people who deliver stuff people you can be ox pressed by somebody because they can do something that you never saw
00:58:04| before doing a certain way or we just cuz there's a damn hard worker like they just want to get stuff done and you see that on the value of people I think it's kind of like MLK so you
00:58:16| don't judge people by the color of their skin by by the character within like you got to be able to work with them to understand that there's character within a lot of people that it all surprise you
00:58:26| and the immigrants there's a lot of character there that you know they'll work harder than almost anybody it's on they range the gamut from lazy to the hardest-working people to the smartest
00:58:39| people you know the crazy so there was a family guy joke where there's like a guy who's a fisherman immigrant and I don't even know what nationality he's supposed to represent but they're like hey good
00:58:49| job getting that fish he's like in my last country I was a doctor I mean you know you don't know I mean is you could be dealing with the smartest person will walk you can do buildings with an aid
00:59:01| hold you can be dealing with all sorts of people because someone's an immigrant you you don't know and they're not given an ample opportunity here I'm not saying we shouldn't open the borders and let
00:59:14| every single Riggin person who can walk walk in but so cut them all off before they even get here if you were if you were an immigrant what would be your argument like how would you sell you my
00:59:29| last country was screwing me and then he asked no honestly that's cuz that's what a lot of these people are those guys you're my new guy no but I mean think about it listen I work hard I have a
00:59:40| family I'm getting effed in this country they're run by drug dealers pet arrests who knows yeah yeah go on it's the most corrupt thing I've ever seen I want to come to America where everything is
00:59:52| beautiful and Donald Trump and okay I'm going back yeah have you ever seen that video of people I don't know which border it was but other refugees trying to cross over this like DMZ zone where
01:00:08| they had three fences that were like barbed wire and they're like twenty feet tall and they're probably have like 20 feet between each fence they would all do it all at once I think it was like an
01:00:21| African country that was like trying to get out and there'd like be like chanting and screaming and yelling and like they get so hyped up that like they would try to just get like one person
01:00:32| across this like DMZ zone so they would crawl all like top of the fence halt want there's like dozens of them like shaking the fence they get somebody over and then like finally like scamper
01:00:42| scamper scamper trying to avoid the guards and then they would break through and like one / we make it to the other side by the time I can see their shots here yeah they all
01:00:51| cheer but also the guards on the other side like they could have stopped that person but they said you know this guy he's got something looks like a sweepin from bein Batman Letta
01:01:03| the pit Casa doom or whatever oh no I have to look that up now Bane's beta mately what we're talking about though is it everyone's a person doesn't matter where
01:01:24| you're from this country's literally founded on immigration immigrants people not from this country we already have more immigrants than any other country
01:01:35| what's the country was started on it's kind of the reason it's so great so try and stop at entirely it's almost like the cold weather like it it's it's weird because it's like a hundred years ago I
01:01:49| want to get to America I want to get to America I want to get to America I'm in America I'm in America this is great I had children I the Americans is great okay let's stop accepting new people
01:01:58| like this I mean it's it's weird innit you benefited from it but what you did you were like what shut off the benefit valve we're done I'm very much on the side of uh like making sure people are
01:02:16| all well like you're so melting pot like people are well integrated like be aware of other people's cultures tolerance of their cultures as long as something isn't malicious then it should be
01:02:28| completely fine it should be accepted if someone's not coming into the country with a will to do someone harm come on in like like you may be a drain on my resources but my resources they're built
01:02:39| on a couple centuries of having wealth and like people trying to do the best and if you're not trying to do the best and you can get out but we're doing something here it's like I think
01:02:50| everyone in the world is trying to do something good except there was those hoop right or like tilting the tides and then you can kind of just push the soup you'll decide but overall
01:03:01| I think people are mostly trying to do good I think that's well put yeah criminals are still criminals will still find people were committing crimes it's not like we're like whoa we see
01:03:11| Americans committing crimes I can get them the illegal immigrants I can't catch them catch them and in fact it's a lower percentage I'm not mistaken yeah okay I'm gonna keep drew Seminole up
01:03:26| we've been drinking we're not that so did you see that guy we're gonna change the change that you see that guy that was a for the Eagles to the Twitter twitch dreamer just to
01:03:38| clarify since most people would clean up he was cheering on the Eagles and then right as they I don't know if they won or lost I figure how it's three weeks ago so I think they've won one game but
01:03:48| he drank so much that he passed out I guess if you pass out on a Twitter stream it promotes drinking to an excess I'm not drinking you to an excess I'm having a moderate amount but if you pass
01:03:59| out it's not a very good it's not a very good sign so they banned him for a week a week who cares yeah enough time to stream the Eagles again apparently mmm but yeah they're getting uh they're
01:04:16| getting morale with it they're getting selective hey water yeah some water or what tur what do we cover boy there's something else maybe I like my sheet here the only thing it's really the
01:04:39| shutdown if it affects people it affects the contractors who are working for the federal employees I worked for NASA for ten years so federal company correct yeah the civil servants a lot of people
01:04:52| have misnomer that if your back paid your fine the civil servants are back paid the contractors have to justify the reason that they've worked over that period of time so they have to make sure
01:05:04| that they had work that they could do for almost a month now if they can't justify that they didn't do work for a month after they were directed so civil servants can't tell them what to do
01:05:15| they can't call them you can't email them you can't even get like an ocean you're not supposed to like meet them and say like hey what can I do like you're supposed to just have something
01:05:22| to do for a month otherwise you don't get paid or weird yeah if you're essential you do get paid because you're needed if you're not essential right you can maybe justify it unless you're like
01:05:34| the lower rung if you were a plague of grounds person I don't think you're essential you probably don't get paid for the month and that you didn't get to work also you you know it's tough like
01:05:48| you'd have to have a month worth of budget you'd have to cover yourself or mom budget a month in advance I'm laughing at people having a one month's egg buffer
01:06:02| yeah or more because it's still going not getting paid for how would you feel not getting paid for two for a month or two good see I feel good I call my mom and dad they were like we have three
01:06:18| point four million dollars for you and I'm like Ivy you know noise I own a casino just a regular American boy trying to make ends meet yeah honey Trump story here's York
01:06:36| raising a question for E I bet the crazy part is that the people that support him will believe anything to support his cause but anything that you say that refutes his cause it's like that didn't
01:06:49| I don't know about that it's like he wants like the best boarding school in like all of New York it's like I'm not sure how I'm sure you're yeah he knew like all the influential people from
01:07:02| like you know grade school it's like here's his bootstraps to take himself through boarding school kept lifting it kept lifting all the way to Taco Trump Tower
01:07:13| a man only lifts shits gege zandi's preserve much never to see em burgers poop or Chi comes diamonds well diamond dust um it's ydm milania's mm okay we can cut
01:07:36| it off here cuz I'm getting but we gotta say good night we do yeah it's a folk at home the folk hey guys hey thanks for tuning in tonight um if you have political opinions they're probably
01:07:51| wrong we the bottom down there just set them straight just type them up in a nice little letter we actually if someone were to send us all of their political pains we might spend an
01:08:03| episode reading them we might I think we will actually I'm gonna say we will Horsham partial-birth abortion we control your body your soul your mind your heart all of it boom we got it
01:08:20| thanks for tuning in tonight folks week on uh I like when you tune in I like you I like you in America if ever you were convicted of crime wrongly and need to escape to someplace
01:08:38| in Mexico you could probably go to say what nail novel she's written a long time ago and done by famous director was it a novel before yeah I think it was it was a short story by somebody's name
01:09:01| it's a longer movie yeah thanks folks thanks for tuning in we like the hell you see with Frank a do you see this builder all the keywords sanctuaries immigrants that's it emigrant immigrants
01:09:23| [Music]

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