The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP097 Geneva Convention War Crimes Nuremberg

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Transcript UnP097 Geneva Convention War Crimes Nuremberg

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 97 - Geneva Convention War Crimes Nuremberg
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00:00:00| you're a regular person your country goes to war you don't want to fight what you're drafted you end up poop in war on the battlefield a little bit of smoke and haze your enemy comes racing towards
00:00:12| you what do you do what if you're wounded the Red Cross comes to save you but they kill that nurse who is trying to help you it's a shame they don't follow the Geneva Convention and now Pio
00:00:25| w prisoner of war they treat you unfairly war crimes how do you get your justice join us we're going to talk about the Geneva Convention so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks for old friends
00:00:47| dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the
00:01:00| chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment
00:01:12| purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music] [Music] Nik was mildly amused by that one I mean
00:01:39| I could have went straight to like any number of war atrocities but I want to make it personal mm-hmm a war you don't wanna fight in rules they have to follow that others might not follow how do you
00:01:51| even know how do you distinguish between hostages Red Cross nurse oh yeah she was murdered in front of you yeah just fancy blood gore mmm-hmm you know there's a lot of like tropes like all
00:02:10| the tropes that I you see in war like the enemy always does the things that are like so the bad yeah the bad guys yeah they're evil they kill the hostages there's no surrender there's people just
00:02:23| beating murdering and torturing and all those bad things oh let's talk about what prevents civil countries from doing those things mm-hmm the Geneva cabbage ah thank you jump right to it I didn't
00:02:41| think we'd be this lucky here today yeah straight to it about the Geneva Conventions that's just one of them folks good luck yeah so I like why like I
00:02:56| guess if you're back in the olden days which is probably like the 1800s 1900s you're battling and it's like a courtesy like the way you battle it's kind of like you show up you're like hey here's
00:03:08| my army I see your army you want to make a deal cuz my Army's bigger I got it I get it's bigger you know I sure so like people if they don't come to negotiations they charge at each other
00:03:19| and then they just now they're duking it out with like swords and shields and horses and stuff it's two ages you think of how the British fought in line so you remember they'd have like here in lines
00:03:31| and then like some of them would go low and shoot let's go high and shoot and while the other one was reloading their muskets etc and you would never be allowed to
00:03:40| break ranks you just stood in a line and just shot at the other people were standing in a line you waited for a and then those damn dirty Americans started fighting from the bushes
00:03:50| guerrilla-style Oh ambushing people terrible stuff really very without scruple scrupulous terrible unscrupulous terrible awful people scruples are what moral
00:04:05| high-ground right hmm so if you're unscrupulous you're not screwing out with that morals yeah it's really so it's it's a difficult thing if if you're attacking
00:04:20| an enemy that hasn't signed on to the Geneva Convention or isn't a part of the country that you're actually fighting you have to determine whether they're a part of the like nationalized army which
00:04:32| adheres to it or they're a gorilla or they're just on their own freelance award in their own faction mm-hmm money can't afford why anyway mercenaries I don't know how did it all start Henry
00:04:48| Dunant my man we do not is that how you pray okay that's how some podcasters were pronouncing it but then they pronounce something else wrong and I was like I don't know if I trust you guys
00:05:00| but you're okay it was on read the knob yeah since we French majors Frank yeah high school major French module or Maya Maggiore ah it sounds super Italian it did Romance language that they're so
00:05:17| similar for the exact same you could say anything in French Spanish Italian it doesn't matter we all understand you American so the Battle of Solferino huh yeah so ferrino 1859 ish what misere I
00:05:33| didn't write down the date I did I like to be thorough with my notes for this kind of an episode and he was so aghast at the atrocities happening to the wounded especially yeah the sick the
00:05:46| wounded there was no like shelters for them there was no where they could go you were just missing a leg you would just bleed out on the streets like it sound like a pretty awful thing and he
00:05:57| started getting together some ideas with some friend yeah it's because it's like war started taking more and more civilian casualties and like all of these casualties would
00:06:07| just be laying about and they said that those like the local town had like something around like a hundred doctors so the hundred doctors couldn't take care of the wounded and there's nobody
00:06:17| to go out there and help them I mean that point what do you what do you do you cry you cry and you cry and you cry yeah that is you can that was on the roof yeah it's what did I write down
00:06:28| smoke screams confusion so like all these people are probably on the battlefield just like and then like there's probably like hundreds and thousands of them and
00:06:38| then the people who are supporting them are the people that are locally sourced from the hospitals they give you have nurses going out and helping people and bringing them back like that's that's an
00:06:47| effort so we vets forwarded to the first-ever conventions 1864 mmm it was based primarily on a lot of stuff Audrey do not brought up about keeping solace and protection and resources for the
00:07:09| sick and wounded during war now this actually also oddly enough apply to medical equipment did you know that that they're not allowed to destroy it and they have to and I don't know if they
00:07:19| necessarily have to have it on hand but they have to be able to use it you know they in turn allowed to destroy it that was kind of cool mmm I was leaning towards like if you have like your own
00:07:29| national nationality they're wounded and the other nationality wounded you're not allowed to treat them as anything different if you're a doctor wait so you had to treat German soldier different
00:07:44| the same as an American soldier if they were both wounded I think there's a wink-wink here that you're supposed to like I would take care of the American soldier and then the German soldier when
00:07:54| I had time like as soon as I had time to take care of him I don't know that the doctor abides by the standards logic of you and I since we're not altruistic we're just like like those people I I
00:08:09| would feel bad those doctors like that yeah help everybody and that's the way it should be they should be absolved from acting in war as a warrior it should be
00:08:19| you have the healer class and they come and save you in their immune to bullets and Splash Damage and all that sort of stuff have mercy yeah you're absolutely
00:08:29| correct so did you have the timeline of all these Geneva Conventions like I could run through them horrible there's like you can just run from there's forum right well there's a Hague Convention of
00:08:45| initial thing kicked off and then the first Geneva Convention was in 1864 which I guess before that yeah you mentioned that and then it starts to get weird because technology changes so like
00:09:01| you start to have like bullets and tanks and airplanes and bombs shrapnel all sorts of crazy stuff that just causes mass essentially a mass murder because you're now killing in swaths swamp and
00:09:17| it's not aimed at a soldiers it just aimed at an area yeah a lot of these it used to be that you were out in the field battling people and now it's like there's like battles going on in cities
00:09:29| and then there's bombing cities whole cities are being decimated so you can't have that and so like Geneva Convention number two number two 1949 and then that long you get to number two isn't it
00:09:44| while yeah but it's making dumb just double checking that's but then there was a three and a four is that all yeah they start adapting
00:09:54| various one so now there's articles on how to deal with various things adding in like naval naval warships versus like civilian ships allows medical Shara time law because apparently maritime soldiers
00:10:07| weren't subject to us that's kind of a strange thing yeah that they weren't but I guess there are rules for the sea it's a very um political approach to all this to like it's not it's very humanitarian
00:10:20| but it's very political it's like hey um we don't have rules in the water so we can't have rules in order it's like whose laws are we listening to it's where a bunch of countries get
00:10:30| together which always makes things messy yeah so within a country you have rules like there's a governing body between countries there's no clear-cut leader like this Congress out way the mayor of
00:10:42| a different country like yeah I don't know how about this Congress out way the president of a different country what if that country sucks what if the country is really small that she's really big
00:10:54| this is the president of a really small country overrule the mayor of a really really large country but like it's pretty shitty city like Cincinnati like you don't mean in that situation tell me
00:11:08| but that's if you go to like African countries and you have all these kind of like rival rival rebel groups sighs yeah they didn't sign up to the convention so they're not gonna follow it the rule is
00:11:21| though if you go into a conflict with those types of people if you're a part of the Geneva Convention you wait and see what they do like if they act on you unconventionally then you're allowed to
00:11:33| do whatever the hell you want but you have to wait for them to do something like egregious hmm and the very first one was for I gotta mention like medical personnel and also for like priests as
00:11:46| although the like and it like this is really closely tied to the red call Red Cross so it's it was important for them to have like a symbol like the Red Cross
00:11:56| literally a symbol that everyone wore to say like you're not allowed to attack a medical 10 hospital or people in the field wearing this symbol because everyone else they didn't have uniform
00:12:09| symbols back then so you couldn't tell whether they were a warrior or doctor or whatever pretty soon I was very tied to the symbol absolutely correct I read that multiple times in my
00:12:21| research right now do we have 195 countries signed in which me because I think it is close to that I don't have the only harmony 196 is what I the 1949 Geneva Conventions 196 country countries
00:12:38| another country heard from music how many total countries are there in the world Nick 207 I thought that was bones in the human body it 100 206 or something like a freeway we have to
00:12:54| there are 195 countries in the world today what was I wait you say him question mark what did I just say that can't be right that means with one more country sits in the Geneva conflict come
00:13:06| there's you no way huh all of them signed up I have to describe to fact-check this on the fly oh please do no because you know why because I said we have 197 countries I was within
00:13:20| to smart smart smart smart smart hmm I guess I'm a country changes like every week doesn't it maybe once you become ratified to the country and I did it I wonder if they're counting like
00:13:39| countries that don't exist anymore it's like they signed up but we killed them they're just raw idea that type deal yeah Yugoslavia Ukraine one of those countries is now rushing right and then
00:13:52| bones in the human body I think it was two is six I think it's 201 206 yeah so there are more bones than countries huh yeah that folks you just learned
00:14:06| something pretty fascinating today thanks for joining the up handers I join us next week when we talk about mandibles mandibles like the thing to an tab yeah we have mandibles to its
00:14:21| Barbour jaw I guess it is yeah I think that's so similar it's like my necks ciliary mandible so this you know there are nine weapons as of currently banned oh yeah I know one of them is
00:14:38| hollow-point bullets that's right undue harm like excessive damage to people is not allowed I would assume like I don't know this for sure I would assume like napalm is that
00:14:50| bandit is incendiary and why so let's talk about that for like Vietnam really quickly because it seems absurd that we did this too like we did several things in Vietnam that
00:15:03| didn't make I did when did we sign like hesita did we break the rules I think we did but I guess they were guerrilla warfare so I was like it's like once right oh we were probably saying that we
00:15:14| had to yeah so we do put our men yeah we napalmed forests we also Agent Orange only a chemical warfare that defoliant answer yeah you definitely use cluster bombs yeah and then also I think we use
00:15:27| like silver nitrate and that is for like cloud cover so like if you hit cloud cover with silver nitrate it causes rain so it would cause like excessive monsoons in certain areas of
00:15:38| Vietnam to make it so they couldn't farm or if they're hiding they'd become like gangrenous sweat angriness yeah wet my god the worst you couldn't warm up it's like you're I'm soaking wet
00:15:52| yeah I had to come out silver nitrate is the essence of wetness and wetness is the essence of beauty mmm war apparently but yeah like you other through them go ahead poison gas
00:16:09| to find is anything from blood agents anything that would um adhere directly to your blood make you die usually of respiratory problems blister agents they're the ones like um blister I guess
00:16:24| I'm like causes blisters in the skin correct uh yeah there you go mucous membranes is where that babble gets okay nerve agents if you've seen the Rock CX gas what's the the Russian
00:16:40| nerve agent that they just used on that British guy actually I think they keep using it on people pretty sure they did to keep your chill metal agents which I wrote down at one
00:16:54| point what didn't metal continue yeah they're called metal agents and then choking agents which just essentially stopped you from being able to breathe entirely hmm they're all alloyed that's
00:17:05| under poison gas wheezing gasps nova chuck is what the russians are using on people i read that if you use it on somebody like the contact like if medical personnel I
00:17:18| guess that's why it's illegal is if medical personnel go to help that person in those the nerve agent is on their body like the physical contact and then kill the medical personnel trying to
00:17:26| help that person so it's like it sinks that other than doing it something that's band it's also twofold yeah you got it right there quick you're quick Nick it's a quick Nick to this one's
00:17:38| crazy non-detectable fragments is that hollow points you can't get to know if you um have some kind of really hard to find clear plastic resin that you explode into people it's you can't about
00:17:52| oh exactly do you know why technicians can't even use x-rays to remove it from your body they have to search with their hands and fingers that's so bizarre that I never thought
00:18:02| about that it's like if you shot into like a piece of rib eye you'd have to like feel out the the plastic shrapnel that's impossible it's like you're gonna die like you would rip apart the person
00:18:14| trying to get the shrapnel out yeah so you're now allowed to use that stuff landmines are a super big super illegal one really no landmines oh yeah no they were well probably wouldn't we and other
00:18:28| people were using them because no one knows where they are when they don't go off after like five years like do you not I mean what's the the one they use in Afghanistan the ones that are buried
00:18:40| there's a name for room there's like a three not clever what claim are sort of cool but it's good call duty but but no there's like everyone iron is iron no IR D IR IR D o Rd IIIrd in my dir day I
00:18:58| don't know Hardy ie d IE d there yo which stands for explosion area device incendiary explosive improvised explosive device ie D that's close very illegal the other one in some have you
00:19:17| ever seen the commercial for land mines commercial for landmines so good it's like a good picture I like picturing the wrong tight like someone enjoying a beer
00:19:29| like a very beautiful saturated guy it's um it's a mom and a dad and it looks like it's a commercial for a minivan and it's a British commercial and they're like white suburb II they totally have
00:19:41| money and their little daughter is like they're like go go go Sarah go Sarah goes her and then and the dads like Sarah I told you hurry up oh I get it so then all the kids are running back and
00:19:52| forth and it's just like the stupidest commercial and it's like a feel-good commercial and then the little girl scores and the mom and dad high-five or something and they're like it's like you
00:20:00| figure this at the end of the commercial it flips back to the kids all on the soccer field and she's jumping up and down like this and all of a sudden there's a real explosion and everyone's
00:20:09| screaming and no one knows what's going on and the mom sayings and she's screaming and the dad's like where's my daughter and people are going nuts and everyone's running and it's like a panic
00:20:20| and then it says you wouldn't want land mines in your area and I'm like that commercial justwe get such a good it's like holy when I saw it with Tommy the Fox flowers I could not stop and I
00:20:40| couldn't believe it was a real commercial it's unbelievable that they would play a whole soccer game and be able to score before the landmine went on the hole - the crease kids I can't
00:20:56| believe that is a real commercial I thought you made that up on the spot no no it's a real commercial it's very good Wow um so land mines are illegal incendiary weapons like napalm from
00:21:06| hinds cetera et cetera um blinding laser weapons that just seems I don't know that seems fair reuse if you can blind somebody with a laser you can't can you use flash bangs it
00:21:19| causes anything that causes is intended to cause permanent blindness is illegal by the Geneva can them permanent Oh that is that's part of it is that if you are excessively damaging somebody so
00:21:33| they cannot return to civil life in a normal capacity that's against the Geneva Convention a lot of ways make sense to me I think it's a terrible idea you touched on hollow points that's the
00:21:44| expanding ordinance anything that's supposed to go into a human body and then cause more damage whether through expanding or you know hmm that's what hollow points do they hit the next I
00:21:55| mean yeah they spread everywhere and they've yeah so it's hard to go down shrapnel everywhere essentially poison bullets I was like whoa cool like something out of like a
00:22:07| DC comic so like bows and arrows that are tipped with like that frog juice that's poisonous that's doesn't work what if that's the only weapon you have it's like that's how we kill purely here
00:22:18| you don't understand I'm not gonna sign this convention because I got your bones and and biological weapons which we've touched on mm-hmm so you want to hear about like a crazy biological weapon
00:22:31| yeah let's hear you gotta so there was I have one particularly so there's like the bike bike plague your city has passed this right right yeah so the they would take POWs I think this is part of
00:22:45| a Japanese Chinese war do take POWs and then they would add flees with the plague so the fleas would then breed and multiply because of the pietá POWs prisoner of war suffering and then they
00:23:00| would gather up the fleas put them in like a possible grenade that they would then launch over to the other country and release plague as fleas into like the major cities did it work yeah worked
00:23:15| its plague you can't stop the plague didn't wipe out like a star Lou can't stop the plague the name of the damn kid stop gets out the plague yeah it's brutal though because you're using their
00:23:39| own their own warriors they're soldiers as like a Meads of a breeding ground and then toss think the the please over to that side and that's just tossing a whole bunch of
00:23:53| ice cubes into a drink at once sir yeah all the collateral damage what was the next thing I molester I had to go weapons I don't know what's on my side doing right now isn't he using nerve
00:24:15| agents or nerve gas or poison gas or mustard gas or some kinda fine Assad is the ruler of Syria whatever it's called yeah beside um chemical weapons I read the name of it
00:24:30| Bashar al-assad is a Syrian politician and president since 2000 oh you can be a president for 18 years that's interesting good job Syria I'm sure that's a good idea
00:24:43| political what about what about air good an alright I always say his name wrong yes no you always do say his name room but I was just going with Kemp with chemical agents he was using originally
00:24:54| oh they use that uh like the been alike that's what the Shiites are the Shia they're against one of those those tribal people that are religiously based they keep hitting them with that Allen
00:25:06| saying it's not mustard gas but it's like sound reminds me mustard gas right and that's what I was trying to hope that you found I didn't well I'm sure you can keep hoping though keep keep
00:25:18| hoping I'm keeping hope alive that's the Crystal Method song that was the Crystal Method in a long time I need to keep my hope alive rosy blade what about blade
00:25:32| the movie blade haha frost there's a couple uh cuz that was in there oh yeah that was like the they have that rave in the meat packing plant yeah factory from the ceiling I'll
00:25:49| dancing like yeah it's like that was when techno was like really at its peak feel oh that's a good question I think actually my shirt which I usually Mouse to talk
00:26:01| about drama end dates like there were two things I think there's like a a drum and bass like house group called drum and bass so I think that's what this is mimmo I also know there's an organism
00:26:14| that doesn't care about any of things it's called the water bear and it's our grade it's gonna survive one and we do not necessarily how much is each individual tardigrade last my son was
00:26:25| like a hundred years that's total bullshit on my part but I think so I know today as a species will survive I just didn't know individuals would nice redirect from me not knowing oh look at
00:26:40| that conserve five desiccation being dried up for a century rarely longer than a few months weird I guess they can live inertly for a very long time but their
00:26:51| lifespan hibernate or yes I guess if you were a few worked hard to grade and you could choose to hibernate would you would you skip ahead now this is the Vanilla Sky of the experiment I know and
00:27:05| adore the Dan of the experiment because you're always like yeah all myself in a robot yeah I would remove my brain and insert it into a hard metal casing sounds fantastic I can't wait to make
00:27:18| loads of relate out the video card yeah yeah and have some sweet lights so here's here's a real question for you I couldn't find the exact answer for this of the countries involved in the Geneva
00:27:31| Convention they have a sin I'll call it called a grave breach because you can breach in there are penalties would it be something called a grave breach which is like a super inhumane treatment of
00:27:46| life poison-gas like your real bad dude um what did they do hmm they smack you on the wrist they say oh no we'll kick you out actually don't know what their real repercussions of
00:28:02| I couldn't find it that's the whole thing he's like don't do this cuz we're not gonna do anything if you do it yeah yeah this is illegal so do not do this and everyone's like yeah we all agree
00:28:13| and then what if someone does it hey Patti well it's like Russia likes assassinating people on other countries soils oh yeah tricky doing like to you and I'll had to do that yeah was shaggy
00:28:26| Oh shaggy was Egyptian right no maybe Egyptian Egyptian the murder of someone else's soil that seems to either way we did a whole episode it was very informative but it's like the media
00:28:38| gives like oh no Diana Don you can't do that and then the country is just like we're not gonna do anything about it we're gonna say we talked to him very sternly wasn't it like crossing the UN
00:28:49| same idea her NATO yeah or NATO yeah they like threatened these things they say we're just gonna like maybe they'll bomb them you know it's the easiest thing to throw a few like we have old
00:29:00| bombs we just launched those imbalance probe cluster bomb oh no we've perpetuated everything hmm like nukes nukes are also I kind of skipped ahead though the no go folks
00:29:16| he dropped the big one right there I guess I'll point use nukes it's kind of like we need to talk about this guys cuz this can't happen like just mask it like we killed so many people I'm so terrible
00:29:28| do you think you could do any of the other crimes or use any of the weapons I just mentioned to a country that was just about to eminently launch nukes and everyone be like that's cool how would
00:29:43| you prove like if you like we have missile defense systems now like the Patriot missiles I think they can hit other missiles out of the sky there are various ranges and distances and stuff
00:29:51| but if you could hit like a new car to the sky that was about to hit your country and it's like oh shit I think that other countries gotta leave what if what if your only way to do it was to
00:30:01| put landmines all over the the center where they launch the new the day before they're gonna launch it with that be found on around them on preemptive
00:30:12| destruction yeah I think that is frowned upon I think that you have to wait for them to try and then it's like well we can retaliate now thank you for letting us retaliate we've been waiting to cheat
00:30:21| for a bomb you know they have to people have to have keys at the same time to launch a nuke it's like a rule it's an every movie yeah the key cards around your neck and I
00:30:32| mean no special code that you memorized yeah ever your whole life they're called seven seven three one one eight nine yeah you got to call the President and you got to turn the button what if they
00:30:42| did all that and then they're getting ready to press the red button and you dropped cluster bombs on them to kill them mmm that'd be cool really they'd be like okay that was fine
00:30:51| I feel like you have to get an agreement like a lot of the times women like when the nuke was used and they called it Bo the Allies in the at the Allies were like yeah you can do that feel free
00:31:03| that's a green we're gonna need a green light in our defense the Japanese like methodology I'm gonna I'm gonna skip over little pieces there's like the the samurai culture was waiting and ready to
00:31:17| like fight and die and seppuku and all that stuff where they're like willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the nation so like self-sacrifice was like in their
00:31:27| blood and their doctrine so like in order to stop them from doing further self damage we kind of had two nuclei I guess that's that sounds terrible but no I see we're saying you're not saying
00:31:39| that to your argument you're saying that was America's arguing yeah there's like you could keep having a war in the passivation millions of people could die but we just have this nuke thing that we
00:31:50| just invented we're just let's try this out yeah we've never actually tried it's probably cool yeah let's try it out twice yeah is there a war crime we haven't committed I don't know because I
00:32:02| was gonna go to like Guantanamo because I like you're not allowed to torture so they were like it's a fine legal line like these people were terrorists they're not affiliated with a country
00:32:11| bringing over here prisoner of war you could torture them right cuz you mean they're not affiliated with a Geneva Convention country apparently that's illegal you're not supposed to torture
00:32:23| anybody that's prisoner war hmm yeah what about to save thousands of live Oh utilitarian bring it back I mean I'm sure this happens in the in the shadows or they're like wink wink
00:32:39| whatever else they do and then they leave the room they high-five spank each others butts they say whoo-hoo America and then you've got about this so let's say
00:32:51| you're American right I've got this guy in Guantanamo you just need the location of Jack Bauer one guy or one machine that has a whole bunch thanks a little bit tech power II mm-hmm you decide to
00:33:04| torture right knowing full well that if you torture in someone might find out authorities may find out Geneva Convention all these countries might find out and your country America will
00:33:17| literally say what we didn't give him those orders we're really sorry we're turning him over but for the good of the country they're actually giving you to whatever country but this is the thing
00:33:28| what if America said we know you're doing the right thing we just we can't do this so if you do this you'll be doing the greatest honor for our country we're
00:33:37| going to deny you when this is over you can't record this conversation like at that point what do you do because that's a super convoluted conflicted thing you're doing the right thing to do the
00:33:48| wrong thing and then your country will say you did the wrong thing it's like almost like you're really telling you did the right thing if you're telling like a naval Navy SEAL to do that I'm
00:33:57| pretty sure they're so patriotic that they will do it exactly like extracting Osama bin Laden it's like that was an illegal invasion of someone else's country essentially it was but you found
00:34:08| bin Laden wouldn't you be proud to know you did SEAL Team six baby even yeah it's weird if we run up against these lines another question about lines I have is like
00:34:21| country lives we touched on this in the very beginning I mean what constitutes what's a direct order from a country what's a faction within the country what's I mean we have enough strife in
00:34:32| our country can you imagine country with less stability cutting where Venezuela that's falling apart because their I think their monetary system is just destroyed and they have a president who
00:34:44| is now didn't the guy just declare himself president like a month ago and yeah he's been denounced by all the other countries to say he's not presented as other guys president and
00:34:52| he's like guys I've got the military because I have the food and they're hungry but like what happens with that like what if one group is attacking another
00:35:07| group like who's really the president who's in the right there i I have no idea who's so whoever has the backing of the biggest power that's kind of like what happened in Cuban Missile Crisis or
00:35:17| like you have a country that's kind of distill eyes and then you're like I need somebody to help me and then like America's like you're with the Russians Russia is like I'll help fuck oh fuck I
00:35:28| agree it's a I mean it's a tough call cuz it's like you're trying to negotiate your own power through the use of things that are probably political savvy essentially and awful like you've been
00:35:40| launching missiles on the US yeah it's fear of influence but a little did you make it uh okay let's try to figure how that was a joke and I was like wow I wanted to transition to something else
00:36:01| and so I an awkwardly silence there so those another like the so there are some things that actually came about that are kind of interesting that you only think about it's like parachuters like if
00:36:14| someone is parachuting you're not allowed to shoot them that's like it's cuz they're I guess they're defenseless when they're parachuting really yeah if to wait till they land and then D
00:36:24| Gillum what if the parachuter is like was standing there with a knife like what if the parachuter is your old best friend who slept with your wife I had your sister he's just coming down and
00:36:39| right now into your state in like somewhere like three yards over and his back is telling out never join drawn even he could be facing me I don't care like is the crime really um
00:36:56| International Geneva Convention or is it just like murder if I kill and then like even then like crime of passion murder like the last murder crime of passion in a war zone every years of thinking about
00:37:10| it premeditation uh maybe know that have you just found out I mean just as you're about to parachute out I slept with her sister and your wife just like bastard
00:37:24| what better time to tell your oh no oh my at that point can you just go down with a knife and cut his parachute I would like to see to parachuters try to fight each other like if he said that
00:37:41| and he's like jumping out and he's like me too and he's like as he goes this is all like it's on and then the that's air battles hmm is there a movie where two Mariners fight I feel like there is
00:37:52| there's gotta be there's gotta be Irish you fight scene someone type that and figure it out but um somebody I could see neo and Mister Agent Smith doing it from like the matrix you know I mean
00:38:13| just giving you the sound effects Moonraker apparently had it I'm watching it now and once again well this hasn't happened in heaven it looks so terrible we caught up oh boy oh I see he caught
00:38:32| up to the midair he came in from behind face right to butthole I see who's grabbing them classic what it looks old it looks like 70s maybe now I can't be southern say 78 I don't know why think
00:38:48| of Sabina James Bond Moonraker Roddy 1979 Wow how weird is it whatever sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't don't
00:38:59| I mean you run into all these questions it's like the term Oh no holds barred it's like if you don't have a convention if you were to find somebody and be if you didn't have any weapons so like no
00:39:17| knives no guns and you had to kill them like it was like necessary that you did whatever you could how dirty with the balcony like how would like realm is eye gouging each other out that kid
00:39:31| yeah there's no yeah you mean if you got in an orifice any orifice I think you'd win except the mouth cuz they could bite you like in their ear if you got in someone's ear that would hurt so bad if
00:39:46| you could like go to there if you like like you got like your finger like right in that year do you don't know how like that's like kind of be a pressure point like if you push far enough in your drum
00:40:00| has to like pop or her you get a you here's gonna accommodate that stretching like a butthole how does how would you do out characterize a buffle stretching Nick have you ever seen a poop that your
00:40:17| than a wiener yes and has it come out of your own butt yeah yeah investigating other people's poops oh wow look at this this is something to behold I'm gonna be holdin
00:40:39| so then my other question becomes similar to what you just said if you're fighting for your life there is no rule yeah and honestly is anyone gonna really hold you accountable no is for your life
00:40:54| where the country's fighting for its life what if the country says I adhere to the rules of the Geneva Convention I will not do XY and Z but then they're up against death for all the people in the
00:41:09| country the death of the country everything in general at that point do they just go like eff it and then they fight back as dirty as it can just for survivals tactics because worst case
00:41:20| scenario you win and then you have to deal with the Geneva Conventions penalties who cares so this almost a scenario you lose so you lose yeah you actually fed perfectly into what I was
00:41:33| talking about I was thinking about mom so if you're Germany World War 2 you lose and you have all these war crimes that like mass murder Holocaust all sorts of things
00:41:44| experimentation yeah yeah so let's talk about just the war crimes specifically a gassing people putting them in furnaces and for exterminating people because of their religion and
00:41:57| then like even the medical testing like twins like how do they heal and then they just like lop off a leg or they have people are like stuck in water you very like the water tortures where they
00:42:07| just like swim for six hours it's like your body physically degrades in water after like four or five hours like you start to like melt so like they would put people in water just to see how long
00:42:19| they could survive we're like gasps testing like how effective is this type of mustard gas they would give it they give it to them and to see you'd be like oh okay nine out of ten kills pretty
00:42:31| quick Nick is in shock right now you know I'm still thinking about the water learners you're waiting like six seven days it's not well if you want like I've seen pictures of people like dissolved
00:42:42| and bathtubs when they died that killed himself and it's like human pudding it's disgusting yeah but no the human body in water cannot survive longer than like six hours or something
00:42:57| it's not long really you're the specific number yeah because I'm fascinated I don't think it was like six or seven days keep don't keep going talk about it's not swimming for six or
00:43:10| seven days but like just being in the water for six or seven days Wow anyway um no and then surgeries like test surgeries exploratory surgeries no pain medication killers mm-hmm crazy
00:43:25| stuff well I was covered in the Nuremberg trials mm-hmm so there was so the country Germany was like okay we lost we're gonna hold trials to make these people accountable
00:43:39| called their elites leagues Berg Lietz Berg trials and they're like okay this guy killed a lot of people this guy they put him away we're giving him one year yeah I was
00:43:52| listening to a podcast of the main prosecutor who listen to those trials and then started tallying like the number of people killed by the like the SS secret I don't know what the secrets
00:44:05| are not service but like the the specialty Nazi killers I'm sure and like Italian like they were like over a million people killed by the hands of like 26 people oh yeah i per per person
00:44:24| the amount of people of those people killed who are innocent civilians it's absurd it's like you killed like tens of thousands of people ironically there's no punishment just enough for that I
00:44:38| mean you can kill him you can torture them it's not enough he's warning so yeah so that prosecutor went and said nah we need to have another trial that is you know internationally based and
00:44:52| then I think they only got like maybe six or seven on them to be sure helmet in the lethal injection or whatever they had at the time like actually the big didn't only remember I don't know I
00:45:05| think they were hanged um I feel like one wasn't for some reason I don't know how my brains thinking that consenting researchers today if you listen the one that I
00:45:14| listened to there was one that had like ALS who's like on his deathbed he died before he actually could be convicted so but the prosecutor was like no no we live in here we need to he needs to be
00:45:26| shown to the public like at that point it's not about it's not about exacting justice on the person it's about setting a precedent that like this can't happen we can't do this to people in like
00:45:35| future right you ain't removing what if aliens came down I didn't sign a convention that they know are we supposed to wait for them to attack us what if the position their ships over
00:45:52| the center of a town and shot down a green light that exploded outwards in such a way that didn't make much sense but just kept engulfing all the buildings and flames and just boom and
00:46:08| we needed a leader who said we could drop a nuke on their ships which were shielded what would be the right thing what would the right thing they voice cuz they're up yours
00:46:25| Fox town Fox ten this is President to the shit mr. president exactly that speech is so good but do you think you could rally all of humankind
00:46:43| to defeat an alien force and at that point the Geneva Kenton convention be out the window it wouldn't matter it would be worth diddly shit do you think you would lesson play aliens
00:46:54| survive on the planet like if you had POWs forth how are you gonna do with them you're gonna send them back to wherever they came from if they're like invade your planet like you have to live
00:47:05| with them or kill them it's like that's actually you could just imprison them until they die you mean like that would be kind of a so my estimate for the water deal
00:47:21| I see they talk about a ship that sunk in 1945 apparently you can survive five days of water told you six or seven days is what I was thinking and the reason I guess the reason being is that you're
00:47:34| like Garrity yeah that's a label yeah actually kind of you're your skin barrier breaks down and then you can't defend the bacteria that are in the water and also on your skin so it just
00:47:45| becomes part of your body become septic and you die yay yay gross so my estimate of six hours I think they test within six hours at a time just to see I guess they pull them out and like man I yet
00:47:58| they put it back it war crimes genocide all right long as it was told for one that's the worst one dude okay talk about the future of war haziness our country's doing a lot of the bad stuff
00:48:19| like uh drones but think of the countries doing it I mean you're targeting terrorist groups that are supposed to be not affiliated with the country and the countries like I guess I
00:48:31| can't take I can't say they are they're part of the convention so in a way bully to them because I mean being a terrorist hiding behind everything saying you're not from country it kind of bites you in
00:48:48| the butt that way yeah you're what absolving serve your rights I hate to right yeah the thing that becomes very easy is when you accidentally kill civilians in the process like the whole
00:49:00| there's a terrorist at this wedding and we drone bombed the wedding and killed the terrorist but also like his Brides people grooms people not to be a successor anyway but uh yeah like the
00:49:12| civilians they could be claimed as part of the country right collateral damage' is that fair affiliates I guess you could define them as affiliates of the terrorists
00:49:23| so you and what if you fled Russia to one of these countries and you became this like two weeks ago this is the same thing it's a tough call kinda depends
00:49:36| what country bombs and I guess questions I think we covered it pretty well but I also like to say the Nuremberg trials we talked about on we do not he actually not you know he he won the Nobel Prize
00:49:59| in 1901 Nobel Peace Prize yeah and then yeah he lived a very poor life he's I think his business ventures failed him and then he he was essentially homeless for a period of time before like one of
00:50:12| the rulers of the country said like no no this guy invented the Red Cross and then like gave him a stipend and said like live live a good life and he said nah man dollars a year fifty dollars
00:50:25| yeah but he denied it doll isn't mr. Scrooge one of the quotes is he said burry me like it like carry me like a dog to my burial I think that was a quote so you just said like treat me
00:50:38| like anybody else like I didn't do anything special but he was like the inventor of the Geneva Convention and the Red Cross hmm interesting else we cover getting drafted go on the
00:50:50| battlefield bombs chemicals guns bullets by award and haze going on prisoners of war smoking hey guys was part of it terraforming silver nitrate rain mustard gas Agent Orange
00:51:05| drones robot warfare how was a robot kind of tight almost brought that up and we talk about the nine things out log we never said cyborgs were outlawed and next step how does the cyber are gonna
00:51:18| know that's be robocopy to like did you hear about the UM the guys who were using these are wrong terms not wormhole like a Windows error worm in a back door yeah backdoor issue
00:51:40| that went to Afghanistan because they they they're trying to get their nuclear program up and running and they were like it's not a virus but like a backdoor error that
00:51:51| would keep messing with dirty hole yeah and they were single-handedly responsible for like two years worth of issues that I think it was Afghanistan you have to look up the article one of
00:52:03| the countries that's not supposed to have nukes they were secretly building it secretly having stuff on-site well they didn't know about users kept getting screwed up because hackers
00:52:13| American hackers were like sending them these weird worm was it messing with their windows and their others changing their blueprints and like modifying units yes yes exactly I could see that
00:52:25| happening yeah I could definitely see that happening I think it was bright like Pakistan because Pakistan's always like we don't have anything could've been Pakistan mm-hmm
00:52:34| we don't have anything but maybe we do hmm I think I just cover it it covers everything incredible we literally talked about everything powr elated everything about soldiers
00:52:51| everything about combat everything about the rules of combat everything about what's a room what's not to rule what's knots knots a rules what's not to rule what's not thorough
00:53:03| what's another rule it's PJs you can't kill them start with them take care of them sort of I guess whatever the minimum is I don't the minimum is I would even cover dog tags the invention
00:53:17| of dog tags dog tags actually have like your your blood type on them let me tell you who you are I don't know if they tell you rank or not but like if you get caught you're supposed to like say your
00:53:28| rank and who you are just to like I guess you're a bargaining chip but you're not allowed to lie but it's kind of an interesting thing that you go to war and you have this tag on you that
00:53:37| says like hey you can save me if you choose like whoever finds me it's a weird kind of sight like not brotherly love that's not so Philadelphia think all those Philadelphians but it's kind
00:53:50| of like um show Morris is that show Morris or if you go to battle you honor the other person chivalry's more like man-woman right yeah I think so I think that's more honored the
00:54:08| ridiculous medieval Knightly system of its religious moral and social code so I was like yeah there's a noble nobility to it to like if you honor the other warrior you respect that you can save
00:54:20| his life like he is now not capable of fighting but you can you have the dog tag to prove who he is what he needs and like he can go back to wherever he came from even if he can't like tell you who
00:54:30| he is or if he dies like his body I don't know if the digit Geneva Convention cover body's dead body does not have to I don't know Geneva Convention dead bodies you can't
00:54:48| mutilate dead bodies we can keep them oh your every effort is made to identify dead persons to tour the families and return their bodies to them you got to return them that's that cost money
00:55:02| shipping shipping handling let's think I'd Amazon Prime somebody just happen overnight yeah folks thanks for tuning in tonight we learned a little bit about POWs a little bit about on raiding odd
00:55:20| we learned a little bit about protocol all napalm the Geneva Conventions nerve agent ECC level agency to mustard n3g c4 I'm sure you parachuters out oh my mare 95
00:55:34| countries Moonraker we learned about the weapons that were banned rules of engagement a bit about the weapons inside of our hearts okay so I know this is crazy but we like you folks we like
00:55:48| you a lot thanks for tuning in as a side note check our socials check check check check check check check donate and that we great whatever you like talk to you

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