The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP103 Eric Bickernicks High Strangeness

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Transcript UnP103 Eric Bickernicks High Strangeness

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 103 - Eric Bickernicks High Strangeness
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00:00:08| is that a ball of gas is that something more we see strange things in the night tonight we're gonna talk about UFOs and beyond tonight we're gonna have our guest eirick Victor
00:00:22| Nix on and we're gonna get weird folks get ready for some high strangeness so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all
00:00:42| covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't enter to popular opinion with Mike you can get a
00:00:56| little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and it's for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time all right so I'm Dan Nick and it
00:01:27| looks like we have a third party here yeah introduce yourself Eric all right no I thought it was appropriate you started the show with a ball of gas yeah I
00:01:36| thought that was apropos that yes I'm the author of the book right so today we're gonna talk about like mysteries weird stuff crazy unexplained phenomenon right what do we happen to have someone
00:01:54| that's a good expression so your book can you give us a quick synopsis but don't spoil anything because we do want you got a new teaser teaser we got a film script coming anyway at some point
00:02:08| what uh ya know basically the book is called high strangeness and basically it's imagine if our UFO cat coming back to a certain part of the country Cape Cod but then it kept coming
00:02:20| back over and over again obviously it would attract a lot more people you know a lot of you know weird people been the strange types that would be associated with UFO sightings and that's sort of
00:02:30| the whole concept of the book it's a satire of the conspiracies the people who are part of the whole thing yes hi strangest refers to the people not necessarily the strange sightings that
00:02:44| you know there are a lot of the a lot of sightings that I write about are based on real sightings so I'm sort of putting everything together so right so what do you yeah okay
00:02:55| like real aliens to the Raelians show up and like say hi to people or they just the people trying to flock towards this event and they don't really know what it is or actually CNN yeah it's so like
00:03:05| well it's much like the War of the Worlds broadcast by Beast you all sing by what's-his-face Scalia that happened on something like that but yes there is technically an alien and look if you if
00:03:30| you read the book the fourth chapter is basically an alien icon with binary text sort of represents little baby you know the whole point is it's alien so it's alien text and if you are there's three
00:03:46| chapters right basically weapons in kind of like the be binary transmissions of the aliens back to their home planet and you can easily just convert it into text it's not that hard I was gonna you know
00:03:57| maybe something profound the alien would send back to the to the plan and I didn't I said yeah I went in the opposite direction then just yeah you'll have to anti for a film but we won't
00:04:16| know anything here okay so what was your inspirations for it well uh just the whole thing yeah well just basically yeah I wanted to say something about this whole because
00:04:26| see theories about UFOs you know how basic its folklore so instead of just doing a a you know an essay or a blog post like here I shall write it out you know in story form and like I said I've
00:04:40| done this kind of thing before so it's not like you know I take it from a skeptical viewpoint yeah so what are all these um the things did you have to research actual sightings and all that
00:05:00| different 57 so ya know I've been following everything since day one and I thought it's interesting how the folklore has changed since the sixties when I was a little kid we you know
00:05:10| there's only about twelve your four books at the time as an example you know everybody had different aliens it's always like know that what is your looking guy that came on floated out now
00:05:25| it's like no now we know exactly what aliens look like they're always the same think the greys you know this typical I mean it's literally this you know the same thing you know so it seems like
00:05:36| it's just yeah it's now edge of the folklore everyone knows what a leprechauns supposed to look like right okay yep that's like an alien okay yeah all right so yes aliens have jumped the
00:05:49| shark you know like that's weird like now that they're like that yeah they're like a stereotype of a stereotype now no they're always all the stories are the same because like it's it's like it's
00:06:02| like a Bigfoot story you can't have Bigfoot and he's not Harry do you know anything right I saw a creature in the woods and he was hairless ooh buddy if I'm a Bigfoot he has hair so it's
00:06:11| like a self-fulfilling prophecy type thing right now again the folklore it's still such a different thing then you know there's the last count I think Hubble said those guys the Hubble saw
00:06:23| what a hundred billion galaxies out there so I'm not I don't know there's no aliens ever anywhere it's like well come on obviously with a hundred billion galaxies out there you have to take it
00:06:34| to like a religious viewpoint to say we're the only once right what the question the question is did they actually make the trip do they actually have to make the
00:06:44| trip how close do they have to get and do they actually go into someone's bedroom abduct them and shove something up their rectum yeah that's that one goal in life somebody's rectum
00:06:56| somewhere you know so yeah it's weird they picked people wouldn't it be even weirder if they liked were just abducting raccoons cuz I thought it was the the primary leader of this
00:07:07| planet I mean who knows they picked humans but raccoons I got to talk about it it's just they are in my book just three characters remain car guys skeptic so
00:07:20| don't like based on yeah more a female reporter and there is a golden retriever he's actually Gintama third character so it's interesting that you brought that up
00:07:28| yes attacking a talking dog no it's not a talking dog it's a thinking dark talking dog is the goal based on anyone well retriever have an existential crisis
00:07:49| so the happiest dog so yeah I took it to that point but there is a legitimate reason to have this dog in the story perhaps keep it key for them yeah so you did I going on these conversations
00:08:05| everything I wasn't 100% sure if you believed or didn't believe if you're trying to prove or disprove something so when you're doing all this research to do some of these stories sound like
00:08:16| [ __ ] right off the cuff like it's like oh my god stupid like and some of them are like oh that's pretty cool but I don't know I'm not buying it like that how you approach it right yeah no well
00:08:27| the chapter one my protagonist starts creating a fake crop circle chapter 1 to show that he's yeah you know he so believed it like well hold it is real sightings and then there's the sightings
00:08:43| so he wants to disprove the [ __ ] sightings by you know expose how these is to render something you know you can you know you know now these days you can you know and I've done it myself you
00:08:53| know with After Effects yeah anyone could put you know something in the sky and go there you go this is my proof yeah so that was kind of a you know some of the aspect of it is just just just
00:09:04| there's a line there where you know you gotta fire a hilarious tree where a guy is a true believer and he's making a front up circle to show you that those are fake these other things are real
00:09:16| okay yeah ultimately yes basically the whole sure gets hoaxed so that's sort of the overall story arc on that yeah right example but also one of the things I bring up is like all right done
00:09:42| aliens right no example really the means to get from wherever the hell they were you know the other Galaxy star you know they had it if you traveling near the speed of light if you hit a little tiny
00:09:59| particle you're toast so they avoided every little particle from from less likely and then they hitched you got it you gotta give the alien some more credit here you know
00:10:18| just for not hitting the planet which would be sort of like the major design spec of any kind of you know be room I still get my monitor to just flick that alright sorry I know you're good yeah
00:10:37| okay so what was your uh your inspiration was just trying to get like did you get into this or like when you're a little younger like you're kind of figuring out you know your coolest
00:10:51| economist was the greatest thing you know I came out about it but seventy-seven year after Star Wars right my light zone all that stuff yeah well I snuck
00:11:03| a tape recorder into Star Wars 1977 I think I was the frell's watch the movie for the fifth time but I wanted to make sure I quoted Darth Vader quickly so I needed have a cassette to call just long
00:11:16| before you know video tape we're gonna boom mic right in the middle of the theater RadioShack thing but but dinner I gotta get you know I gotta get it correct here yeah you know I've been
00:11:28| following sci-fi forever following all the Bigfoot reports following all that you know although do UFO stuff so just basically I hear is my smelly opinion on all of it you know done in a humorous
00:11:41| form versus just a dry essay or you know what I favor it that you think is real or that you want to be real ooh a good story well we don't have to jump over to Bigfoot well yeah there's a couple of
00:12:02| questions that yes it sounds yes yeah is probably not true oh you know because if you just look at the total up like like like the biological aspects of it you know really there's a giant you know
00:12:16| primate walking around you know the northern woods and people the bay I was a little bears hibernate so are you saying this primate hybrid you know there's all these these tactical
00:12:29| questions like well how much would a thing eat it's again it's a primate not a veget you know I mean you know right so there's a lot of that aspect what's okay but then these couple other things
00:12:42| you guys seen the world Robert Roger Patterson footage what yeah there's a town and a co-worker went to they have a sasquatch convention and she got to meet the little guy she kept calling them a
00:12:57| little guy cuz it's a little cowboy he's like the last living survivor he thinks he was the only recorded it was dead his psyche again he's a psychic about his name bought gimbal gimbal and sounds
00:13:10| about right it was a guy on the other horse apparently witnessing this thing that will not it aspect is is you have you guys seen the
00:13:20| footage because this is like everyone seen it there's a lot of YouTube footage really zoom in look at the musculature okay suit that's boots geez that's pretty good there you can see the man
00:13:35| you know so on that aspect like whoa okay yeah you could be a guy in a suit but it looks good what's kind of interesting is is you know I saw back back around 74 they had
00:13:53| a documentary that went around the country with basic videos a Bigfoot documentary and that was the highlight showing the footage there you know that was a kid like wow yeah that's
00:14:03| definitely yeah something's there you know now as an old fart here now that you know you know how much the world can be full of [ __ ] it's like well okay but on a couple of things on that okay so so
00:14:19| so let's assume look at one let's assume Roger Patterson faked that that is proof the footage is proof you can fake a cowboy can fake a Bigfoot suit in 1967 and do it right now look let's just say
00:14:33| that right that gets fake and you know okay why don't you now correct every single person on this porch is bar on this planet has a camera in their pocket yes that's why having way more footage
00:14:50| up there's another guy in a suit yeah it looks great yamp okay another one you have another one where's all the footage I mean this this three alone that goes for Loch Ness
00:14:59| monsters that goes for you right because you could argue like what's what's up what's up what's up or what's the possibility of any guy of the camera in the woods yes Roger Patterson was
00:15:15| looking for a Bigfoot he had so I don't camera loaded I mean I've shot film it's a pan a stool and set that up back then I mean yeah it does it takes a while to load film you
00:15:27| need a little dark bag if you're gonna do it fine but he knew that let's just give him the bed of the glass to him he knew no apparently there were Bigfoot tracks
00:15:37| at some construction site nearby so he knew he was in the area even though he was making a documentary he knew how much footage would would bring him which would cost right yeah so point is why
00:15:51| aren't people doing it now and and certainly with a YouTube I mean what is the going rate now for a million views if you shot a decent it just like the pace of the footage that's a million
00:16:04| that's a billion it's about eight thousand dollars before from what I've seen from four million views is eight thousand dollars around there two thousand for every million views it says
00:16:18| okay so come on people you do if it's sunny ample there's the other thing is there's not just money in a technology heat sensors stuff that would look through the woods without even you have
00:16:29| capturing yes you would write a live show geez Karnas oh so basically that would put it towards like okay well then he's probably doesn't exist because if
00:16:40| there's that you know if it's that easy to fake there should be a lot more so we're getting through you know proportionally we're getting less but on his deathbed
00:16:51| if Roger Patterson faked it and said okay alright okay I've done it why didn't he say everyone guess what I faked it there's a movie deal there's a book deal waiting he could have you know
00:17:04| show in the world if it was there for the money there was more money to be made saying I faked it this is how I did it it's certainly there's money to be made for his buddy gimbal the other guy
00:17:14| on the on the horse if he would just admit okay look we faked it here it is book deal there's no you're right yes take the money come on take it up in a slope wise if you think it wise he's
00:17:26| been taking the money and just legacy Vegas if you didn't do anything that's special in your life and that's your claim to fame you're gonna keep your claim to fame grow I mean being the
00:17:35| world's greatest Hulk so that puts you you know that's true but it continues on makes them even better right well I guess yeah if you're just you know if you
00:17:43| don't know or do some of these guys actually believe the Bigfoot you know Bigfoot's are real thus hoax the footage to keep the thing rolling in their mind which is what I'm sort of
00:17:56| feeling with my brother with your book anyone it was the first name right here's something crazy we're pointing at it we just mention it a little bit smart phones cameras in our pockets recording
00:18:13| devices at the ready Google being able to fact-check just about anything figuring out you know the what's real and what's fake and a lot of these conspiracies and stuff on one hand I
00:18:23| feel like they're disappearing going to becoming more rare like you mentioned they're becoming stereotypes sees conspiracies oh that's right well that's precisely and interestingly enough
00:18:36| conspiracies keep popping up like crazy they're their own yeah right yeah whereas the old folklore is kind of you don't even hear stories about it as much you still hear about it but not it's not
00:18:47| as what it was I think he's the new Loch Ness monster is that a thing I mean in fact chapter three of my book this is basically this is based on a real true
00:19:01| event back in the day before the internet before debri the second shooter back in the early eighties if you're a wing nut and you had your conspiracy theory or if you're into UFOs if you
00:19:13| were gonna promote Bigfoot there wasn't a lot of options to actually get your message out there I mean you actually literally have to mail something yes before even before even yet yeah I had a
00:19:25| dollar you know I had the but even before that you would literally have to send mail out and around 85 all right a buddy I was a skeptic I have a buddy who was totally into the UFOs and they exit
00:19:40| restaurant at our he had a friend who had a small like a hundred watt radio station that was just you know went out ten miles come on down and like in like you know and in let's you know let's
00:19:52| talk about it and you can be the skeptic guy on my shreya filmer all right fine so I went down there it's literally in the book I just I just took reality and just dropped it and these
00:20:03| guys are all talking about you know their their conspiracy theories and extraterrestrials you know and I'm like wait wait wait wait you know wait wait wait so I'm listening to these guys go
00:20:11| for about an hour right you know there's no phone calls you know I suspected this so I had brought up an envelope stamp and I had anyone listening to my voice here where
00:20:25| I said here's $20 right and I was scraped it against the microphone I said listen I will send anyone listening to my voice $20 I have an envelope here's a stamp just just call in I'll send $20
00:20:39| right it's silence right and the guy who was getting pissed another 10 minutes later everyone else in the room was like oh I'll put in ten bucks okay so we have it up like 40 bucks like okay $40 let's
00:20:53| just call in so the point is no one was listening no one you know and that was the deal yeah a lot of podcasts out there so yes but surely it's easier to get your own group of people together
00:21:20| like-minded people in it again if you're if whatever the hell you believe you're gonna find like-minded people chamber oh yeah yeah these little bubbles can actually connect with each other and now
00:21:34| you've got a big bubble now of yeah wingnuts of whatever they're you know look and look at the news I mean you only follow the news that you want to hear like right like you don't listen to
00:21:46| the news that tells it the other spin you're like oh I don't listen to that my list is the one I like and then that happens in all your things your span your news spin your your conspiracy
00:21:56| theories your non conspiracy theories so you end up just kinda in a bubble of what you want to hear because you can find those people yeah it easier to find them down yeah
00:22:07| yeah I'll turn into the ranting old guy how about that back in the day we had radio good music came on the radio we could find it easy enough you know yeah it's it's not all controlled by the same
00:22:18| Iron Fist well yeah it's just yeah the other question is so what is the future we're just gonna have our own little bucket over our head and we're only connected to you know I wouldn't be
00:22:36| surprised if people form countries that have all the same rules of countries too but they're not they're no longer physical borders it's like an Internet border oh no I want to check on check of
00:22:48| Avakian or whatever and then like it's all the people that subscribe to a certain supporters songwriting of religion following a subreddit and they're all part of a collective and
00:22:57| they have their own laws like their own rules and everything I wish like the drugstore would say okay listen before we give you this you know these drugs listen you have to sign do you believe
00:23:17| in science do you actually because this packet of pills came from that so you have before we give it to you you can't really pray all you want but these these pills represent an effort so do you
00:23:31| believe in the method here and then we'll give you the pills if not yes you can go back to you know further ricer my family we don't do vaccines okay they're cured you're cured in the sky you're
00:23:49| saved some kid basically said I know some kid got hit the guy turned 18 is that I finally got my shots and apparently the everyone's jumping are like kid what who wasn't vaccinated by
00:24:04| his parents mainly the point on his 18th birthday because he believed that's cool yeah yay I actually heard something today that made me think and it's totally offshoot
00:24:16| totally unrelated but there was a guy he wrote excuse my language his waitress was gay or something and he wrote I don't tip hi I saw that one I saw that one you know it's like I was
00:24:28| like whoa like there's no need to do that and she went off on a rant and rightfully so like he's a that guy's a jerk like there's no need to do that what kind of quality interest yes you do
00:24:37| probably she's pretty pretty great what a three always 20 plus yeah yeah sometimes but sometimes 20 but once you've got anyway she said something the only thing she said that was weird but
00:24:55| she's like I hope he doesn't have kids and raise them cuz they're gonna teach him the wrong way and I was like that's messed up because like what you just said anti-vaxxers have kids and that kid
00:25:06| turned 18 he wanted to get his vaccines right away like you can't determine that a kid's gonna be like their parents I mean each person has their own identity their own agency like as long as they
00:25:16| live that long yeah yeah how about this so if genetic manipulation is continuing right I mean at some point we should be able to to knock out any genetic defect right that a baby will have
00:25:35| let's see your parents now are highly religious something and say no no I want God to make my baby like okay so the kid now grows up with spina bifida you know or something here which clearly was a
00:25:46| lair included and clearly would be fixed well this kid be able to sue his parents saying you could have fixed my problem here you refuse I do that there's no reason I have a kid in the future this
00:26:08| all pans out to have a kid you know any sort of defect so you can blame the parents for feeling literally like that there's uniformity there with brown eyes maybe elation now obviously in
00:26:33| I've done movies about this those are called we're basically make design no you make designer babies right because if you're gonna if you don't filter out all the major genetic stuff right you
00:26:48| put in the and if everyone else does it and then it's like then the kid who gets it will have to answer to you like why am i five foot two everyone is what you make me you know to his parents why am i
00:27:06| five foot two your man you think you know it's like that's gonna continue on their own another little interesting I brought this up that same question to the black guy I said so you had a choice
00:27:18| I was being very careful I was praises if we get to a boy in the future where you can adjust the skin tone of your kid he basically said yeah I would turn them down just I'll make them a little
00:27:35| lighter a little quick that's why people would want to go a little darker click [Laughter] the averaging of the color of the entire world I'm determined to buy a coffee for
00:28:00| him seriously this book fails everything else you can buy cheap coffee farms in Kona yeah I'm at the age now where it's like yes I understand what my grandfather was all
00:28:12| about hear what it's like well why does that give wife funny pants why does he not care about his friends why I totally understand now yeah he was just pulling weeds he's just outside
00:28:21| what's wrong with a guy totally understand my grandfather now he's long dead you know but yeah a nice place to pull some weeds yeah yeah that's yeah in the world
00:28:33| can then just yeah you know it's weird so my parents have been doing for the past couple years pulling with a lot of weeds out of their house yeah been complaining about it and asking me
00:28:42| to help but I haven't been able to help them working but it's like funny I'm like man they're really into pulling these weeds so they're getting there I guess I don't
00:28:49| know I refuse to do square bushes I have a law but I refuse to do square for something not do school another aside my landlord who does not pay me to do snow removal or lawn care high rent you know
00:29:02| I have a whole acre to do god bless she came over the other day and I never deal with her cuz I don't know I just I I don't deal with it it's my other two housemates they deal with
00:29:13| her she comes in she goes oh look at this the shrubs are getting really out of hand right now and I said yeah they are and she says Foley we could cut them
00:29:24| somehow we could maybe I'll get my guy to come over here and got them and I said that'll be great I could tell if she was like just hinting it couldn't you just most
00:29:41| dangerous word English language is just couldn't you just do that could you just call the IRS for me could you just write a book you're like you know you know just make my money easy retire already I
00:29:58| totally thought oh [ __ ] because you get to deal with anyone elses [ __ ] and fine it's your poop or your mess fine you live near the toilet yes oh my god now you descended tutorial Oh Gary
00:30:28| always end up there end of the night my man Eric here you're a dead guy calm yes no boy here we go yeah I found that interesting because that's a cool website B it's got all your stuff on it
00:30:42| I'm sure it's super organized and super calm and cool and collected like yourself but you'll get the 57 year old brain you should see me when I was your age 18
00:30:56| yeah they're like this I'm scared yeah this is this is the old aged version of myself here you're watching something that this is the mellow version answer yes it's mellow right
00:31:10| have you ever doubtful done any kind of drugs were seized in pressed yeah he could be an illegal state but a dead guy calm sounds cool because your idea was that people be reading it for years to
00:31:28| come when you're the delusion yes hope I can come up with something that is worth remembering and then it'll be in your website a dead guy calm because by then you will be dead I know that's the yes
00:31:45| that's the delusion I'll be known as the dead guy for much longer than it was as an alive guy here should run into that conversation with my very friend Dan here all the time like what your value
00:32:00| is in living or dead or what you get from being alive or what you get from being dead um you wouldn't get anything from it you don't get no residuals but I guess someone related to mine or
00:32:10| something or I don't know so it's not a money thing so it's more of a intellectual thing legacy well this podcast even lavon's yeah well just from the last moment you
00:32:19| just like if you want this your beeps but the thing is when you boil literally everything that will create will be boiled out to you know on the website you know movies movies on there some
00:32:37| music but it's literally just a string of always in one so everything is just literally anything what I've said will just be an O one a little just a series of just letters and numbers
00:32:48| why would you know and then certainly there's all these other people who did OHS and ones and what are the extraterrestrials that all have their owes and ones being recorded someplace
00:32:58| and so what what makes me think that my owes and once have any more significance than anyone else's owes and once so yeah question I mean whoa some people's owes and ones are important I mean we go back
00:33:13| and they've rereleased every Beatles song how many times and then there's a remastered and remastered version and there's a bear version that was unmixed and then there was a version that
00:33:23| someone recorded it you know acts studio in 1976 two years before they recorded it again and it's it's funny I had this conversation with someone at work the other day if you became so famous you
00:33:35| became the number one person let's say you really found an alien or something like that now and you became the most famous person on earth ever everyone knew your name everyone
00:33:43| knew kind of your story and then you had a following people were like hey let's see what he did all the time they celebrated your birthday they started celebrating the day you
00:33:53| discovered your alien they started just talking about your book then they started talking about your private life and they were like oh this is they got married as they did this and then they
00:34:03| started talking about like whoa we have records from AT&T this is a day he googled this and you're like okay well I'm dead I can't do anything about this was a little weird and people start
00:34:12| going into a movie theater and they would all watch you and the things you looked on your phone that day oh pretty would that be and they'd be like this is what he jerked off to and then they'd
00:34:22| watch it with you until he walks in with a bag of trash they're like we've got the napkin got the napkin he use their like he threw away a rim here's the rib folks like it would get creepy to get
00:34:34| that famous like there's a point where you want peace you don't want your legacy to carry on that much you don't mean like there is a point right will you be but you'll be dead soon worry
00:34:43| about it don't worry I worry that that uh the time travel is possible but you can't really interact with the past you can just watch so the epic how much you value been
00:34:54| watching Jack it's like oh my god the whole world you go back to the first time in his cry so yeah that's what I worry about so I really think about time travel in that
00:35:08| they made a time travel prison so anyone travelling between dimensions would get caught and it was it hasn't been invented yet it's in ten years or something like that so that all these
00:35:18| titles appear in like 2029 and they're like I'm going back to 1740 I'm going back to 1300 and you know I'm going back to Jesus this time I'm going back to this but they're all caught here and
00:35:27| they're in a prison and is very handy do shame yeah just like slap in the nightstick ding ding ding all the sudden and they've started exploding their bodies and the joke I don't think the
00:35:40| people the future want us showing up can you imagine if like someone with like some horrible like like some of the plague just showed up from the 1700s like yeah I'm here in 2019 like you got
00:35:52| the blank people from the past wrongs in this new just show up another week I mean we're really busy you've got all the bacteria and viruses like we've got rid of a long time ago and yeah they're
00:36:13| gonna arrest you on sight I don't know what reminded me of this you know what they stopped doing at your job when you go to work and the boss is really impressed he says me and the wife are
00:36:22| coming over for dinner and he comes over for dinner right when something Crazy's happening at your house and like the dog swallows the ring and all that but no bosses come over
00:36:31| your house for dinner anymore with their wife isn't that weird was that never thanks often I'm self-employed so yeah I can't really do any more like it's in all the movies from the 90's then less
00:36:42| than a saying 70 in the seventies even the 60s I think and um bewitched and all that what's his name would always coming over right the next-door neighbor no I'm not glad she's always yelling it
00:37:01| yeah anyway we divulged we went back there sorry guys that was alright you're having a moment officer an old person mom I'm getting older sixties what what shows were you watching I was there
00:37:21| which was on so come on my you know my my yard yeah night every night so bewitched and I move Jeanne and I forget the other one no an NC Dick Van Dyke a life oh yeah
00:37:37| well this was a Hogan's Heroes only come on there's all these things you know it's yeah the poor people were in the watch three stooges Bing Bing but you know including YouTube it either
00:37:52| anything you had to watch when it was on TV that's what I'm trying to explain my kid my kid just thinks TV is whatever he wants to watch whenever he wants to watch it he's like I want a new episode
00:38:03| of PJ masks I'm like it doesn't work like that it was a new episode and then catch it at the right time you mentioned the Beatles right so you're very familiar with the Beatles they're not
00:38:26| good point is the Beatles were just after my time like I said when I was back in the 70s yeah The Beatles were played a lot but okay but this is a music you enjoy and this music is how
00:38:40| old now this is Jesus Christ fifties it was 40 years old right so you enjoy okay that's just 50 year old song right right right all right while I was a kid okay let's
00:38:54| say back in 1975 I was 16 years 16 years old a 50 year old song would then put me at nineteen twenties a song from the nineteen hundred's that were they didn't actually name the
00:39:11| songs back then do you know I'm going back even further but guys go anyways on the radio there's no way they're gonna play out on the local station out there there's no way they
00:39:22| can play al jolson in the middle of a Beach Boys medley you know I mean point is it's like no that's drag time no that's 1970s echo chamber right there channel now there's a whole generation
00:39:34| of like oh yeah fifty old music gets that's that sounds really good no kid ever did that in the 70s 50-year old music is cool never I was there I was interesting that that there's a whole
00:39:48| bunch of yo young you younger people who actually go this is a good stuff it's like don't you like the new stuff come on you know it's like now that there's so many opportunities I do music for a
00:40:02| living he is I'm not for a living but I I do more with music nowadays and in the past my favorite group has probably still Led Zeppelin you've probably never heard of them you're too young yeah I
00:40:16| listen to music now and there's stuff coming out that's released in the past year or two that's some of the most glorious beautiful stuff well edited best done stuff I've ever heard no one
00:40:26| else who's listening is podcast while we're here of it it's not pop music but there's so many people making music now because of the technology we've talked about the ability to just upload any
00:40:35| video anyone at home the fact that people are virtuosos are starting younger they're playing faster they're playing better they're playing stronger they're learning from old techniques
00:40:44| back in the 50s and 60s there were like I know there's more I'm just an estimating but now it's like a hobby you can do you go alright you can take lessons on YouTube back then you had to
00:40:59| really get lessons from someone who really knew now any kid worth 7 bucks can just YouTube a free video and start to learn how to play guitar so it's changed a playing scape entirely what I
00:41:11| will say though is that some of the old classics like The Beatles some little Led Zeppelin stuff it holds up because it was it was amazing it was well worked on it was well done um some of the stuff
00:41:21| you can find now you can find well done stuff amazing stuff beautiful written stuff there's also a whole lot more garbage just by numbers right well guys I am
00:41:32| always on the lookout for music by 20 year olds I'm proud of the only 55 year old guy but yes no um I film I do movies I've slogged through this is even this even before long before Spotify and all
00:41:51| that where I sort of film back in 2000 on that note back when you had to shoot film by a camera shoot develop it and it kills me that you know that now a kid you know you can shoot call you with
00:42:07| style quality stuff and you know back back when I wanted to submit a film to Sundance it had to be on film in the next year is when they started yeah digital the first year I think 2001 was
00:42:25| the first digital year for Sundance so it kills me that it's just like yeah any kid can make a you know a movie and any kid can record you know an album now yeah how much good stuff is there it's
00:42:38| like well yeah looking for music oh I wanted unpublished stuff just to put it in my film right so I think okay if they're if they have a record deal I'll never I can't afford them yeah what's
00:42:54| surprising if you go through hundreds of songs just just slog through it most people don't suck you know they know what I'm okay I can sing that the better but it's just not gimme gimme
00:43:07| that's why they do something different do do jump out of the standards you know thing and most people don't have the balls to like okay cuz it cuz if you go outside of the glove you know gotta get
00:43:19| weird walks yeah big failure especially those people are trying to make it they're almost playing it safe to make it to normally right yeah yeah toss it back to my book because I'm not writing
00:43:34| about zombies or spaceships or robots or planets you know are they the big things right now well just genres decide no I get to but it's on he's a big hit right now is it stolen
00:43:46| vampires yes so I said the book out to all these litigants they're like a cape cod yeah it's funny we can solve that all right so what would you say to someone that's
00:44:09| like thinking about doing this like you've been through the experience of writing and trying don't do it don't do it just stop what's this writing a book and
00:44:18| trying to get it out there have you learned anything process would you do anything different I could not have done this as a 24 writing a book as a 25 year old yeah would've been
00:44:33| derivative and I remember as a 25 year old people were saying like listen live go do something with your life yes you know and then have some say I really yeah I don't have much to say other than
00:44:45| you know well my friends are thinking or you know so yes as the old guy and yeah I base caps on the same baby basically I don't give a [ __ ] if the world says a [ __ ] this because I want to
00:45:02| say it this is it said there it is their role doesn't give a [ __ ] all right see your bar just shut the book into my grave yeah just throw it but at least I got it you know hey look forward there
00:45:18| the delusion on that right is like because I can to your body so they have to settle for this maybe maybe in the future to be an AI reading the archives of Amazon and go oh good this is kind of
00:45:34| fun hey this this guy was kind of funny back then just like what this guy's is something profound whatever something this guy had an original idea yeah he died yeah 70 years ago but
00:45:49| you got on the toilet I'm really sorry sorry we went back the toilet you were sketch last Saturday I just saw that on TV today yes I did tell you that it was pretty good pretty good
00:46:03| stole what would make a reference the toilet Oh like a grand grand or something yeah I forget all right anyway you look it up it was good so we're gonna kind of disassemble it break it
00:46:26| back down it review this is a weird question for you so I know I know so you're you're older than us you've come across this a few times and you've brought it up a few times I know I know
00:46:41| I'm bringing this to your attention I didn't know if you knew you're older than us what is between our age and your age I mean you you don't know us personally but you've run a podcast with
00:46:54| us you kind of know who we are you kind of see who we are what's gonna change about us at a time where your age because we're not going to give a [ __ ] for one is it okay now I'm gonna give a
00:47:04| [ __ ] more are we gonna ice per say but I'm just saying in general what happens because you seem like you may have been more like us your arm like yeah I remember being 25 or 18 go on I hate old
00:47:24| people who walk around on the dam all this damn new music it's just like I was really I said I'll never ever be that old guy who's gonna walk around with a damn new music you know it sure enough
00:47:39| oh really at least at least Sid Vicious pretended the sing you know come on that was just chanting in rhythm you know yes and there's plenty of other bands out there
00:47:51| are still doing it yeah I love all those guys too but now the question is okay so what is your what are your kids gonna piss us off yes yeah melody chord progression it's just Chanti now and
00:48:09| rapping in just a drumbeat are we just gonna remove the drum beat and just have just just blah yeah so well maybe in the future that'll be pissing off the enjoyment of
00:48:26| the music don't get it you know we've gone yeah I love obviously you know we got laid kids don't play bass if you man that's interesting that's I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew I
00:50:03| knew it I could tell what's he go he's picking up so I'm the reason BAM like after life and like religion God what's your take on all that guys
00:50:17| guys guys both use can answer cuz I talking about this for quality this week maybe because my birthday right to the 80th power right I dance in his head because I
00:50:32| haven't gotten the tattoo yet so what what is a sharpie or is that a tattoo what that's sorry it's a sharpie I'm just estimate that I've seen see what the reaction is for the ladies yes no no
00:50:45| I'm really this week 1,000 so what does that tell it was a hideous H um it's just right now the hypothetical idea for how much hydrogen or how many atoms exist in the universe observable
00:50:59| universe okay regardless the numbers gonna change in like eight years so they're gonna be like oh we found dark matter it means there's more matter in the universe it means whatever I don't
00:51:13| care my idea though is that it's it's all income the same represents all the matter in the universe okay everything we deal with all the atoms all those stars all the dark energy all this and
00:51:25| it's if it can fit on my damn arm I can deal with anything like that's that's it I got it now are you prepared to have to explain that huge number on your arm every time someone looks at it you're
00:51:48| you're very stuck on binary you love binary well beep I okay fine we need a cheat on your dick have a real short you cut out dick good you going next check but I have to I have two more zeros and
00:52:13| three more ones and Dan if we go like sighs I got a lot of one a lot of ones on there yes my general we don't do tattoos do i why not I mean who cares
00:52:29| well because why don't want a doodle for God's sake I mean like you know what's a doodle get someone to do a good one here's the tattoo I would do okay I would do a tattoo if I could get into
00:52:41| Time Machine and have regrets to Rembrandt so when I die my shoulder is worse yeah makes sense that's what I would do Farrah you're never gonna get that who are you
00:52:59| mmm no okay if you haven't by now you're not I'm sorry yeah I don't know you have what a couple give those Led Zeppelin and okay give it dragon on your back legs up let me see oh so what it was
00:53:13| that was actual what that's do you recognize the two symbols oh right yeah actually the bass player and the drummer guess what I play oh cool my bottom is dead butterfly and no bass
00:53:26| player - yeah no JPJ John Entwistle's dead yes what's with that no John Paul Jones is alive and well so far looks good - that's a bomb Peter Tork yeah yes the other okay we're back but anyway now
00:53:47| I just need a new tattoo guys and it's my birthday in a few days so don't tell me it's your birthday in a few days no I just had a birthday yeah just go yeah we play bass same symbol sign list of all I
00:54:02| don't know the signs yeah it's the same person oh yeah anyway no let's let's let's finish this one out with um what happens so you don't leave an alien's essentially well I don't I
00:54:25| think they're just nothing is so smart they don't even have to get call stuff if they can observe I think the one thing we can assume about aliens right is they have greater
00:54:34| powers of observation than us right I mean that's the only thing you could probably every other all these advanced why wouldn't that be right so who said that you know who said the kid just be
00:54:45| out by Pluto don't we can perfectly see what's going on there's no reason to go down there and actually shake their hands we're good back here we're good rectums yeah so so or didn't even have
00:54:57| to make the trip you know I mean I mean perhaps they're just hope or even worse we're so not interesting it's just like yeah yeah other one yeah there's another you know you do you do the Fermi paradox
00:55:15| yeah well sort of my answer is just to break it down there ruling because everyone probably doesn't know is the amount of stars in the observable universe that have planets and of those
00:55:26| planets a habitable zones and in the habitable zones where life should show up and where life should show up those civilizations develop and intelligence should develop and all those space
00:55:36| travel should happen right we would assume just the odds hey just the odds we're playing billions and trillions and trillions and billions let's give you a couple dozen of them right 40 of them
00:55:48| what is it haven't we not seen any sign of life in the universe it means one of two things either there's a great filter that snuffs out life whether life is
00:56:00| self-defeating maybe we always blow ourselves up with nuclear weapons I have no idea probably wouldn't know we'd find out who knows or is there some other means at work like is it because there's
00:56:11| a greater force out there that once life reaches a certain point it comes in exterminates life and that's why we wouldn't see anyway I don't know anyway that's the Fermi paradox
00:56:19| yes but the biggest is how dare they not say hi to us what if they just didn't say hi right because there's no reason that for them to say hi because awkward wall hours how about this one maybe the
00:56:40| extraterrestrials are just 90 minutes of terrestrial and the classic gray sense what if the UFOs are the themselves in a sense a ice they're just like cuz certainly if you want to be
00:56:51| built for going to outer space well our little silver spaceship would have lived longer and doesn't you could make the trip blah blah blah but there's no arm to shake so you know so yeah there's no
00:57:08| and there's no reasons that give that aren't us fire whatever whatever the hell they know we're just gonna hurt ourselves with it right I mean yeah I mean is there some kind of fallacy did
00:57:22| we just create it right here when we're talking about it where if you give a civilization advanced knowledge or a technology that's beyond their means that they will hurt themselves with it
00:57:30| because there's something to be said for learning it do you know what I mean like there's a possibility that happens with yet with the process let's say let's say the aliens could make a little big the
00:57:41| cube it's the cube it's the size of a rubik's cube but it's got a positive and negative diode on it right and basically it's either a giant capacitor or or it has enough power from from a let's say a
00:57:55| nuclear reactor you can you can contribute on this is just purely engineering right shrink it down to the size of a cube this sucker will run your house your car you know but oh if you
00:58:11| take the plus and minus and touch it to your neighbor they vaporize yeah but we were just turning on ourselves and to be their fault that we vaporized ourselves so why would why would they you know
00:58:32| they're smarter they know they we had we need to go through guys if there is no rule or law for this we could come up with a name for and then be famous for it but it's called like someone's law
00:58:43| I'm panderers law maybe were you can't Darwinian in nature because we didn't learn it right if you give something something they didn't earn whether it's a technology or a process or whatever
00:58:59| that they will not be able to you use it properly because they they didn't open it I mean they didn't learn it you can give someone I can go back to the 14th century and give them you know
00:59:08| smartphones they're gonna they're gonna screw it up kills people they're gonna do terrible things but it's gonna blow up everything they're gonna be houses on fire at Google and things Google isn't
00:59:18| around I don't know who sold but that brings us back to the first point do civilizations exterminate themselves you know back to the first point so which could yeah but the last thing on the
00:59:31| Fermi paradox right is okay let's say I have a 100 billion guys let's let's let's knock the numbers up way up let's say there's one advanced civilization per galaxy right well that still means
00:59:55| yeah we could probably probably we can't do it we can sort of conceive of it yeah we could probably get something out the Alpha Centauri yeah at some point we will I'm sure right but to another
01:00:07| galaxy s just argue brain melts so in a sense we're alone basically oh well maybe we're doing um we touched on this before and you touched on with putting elements into an AI well I was just
01:00:20| going with um timelines maybe these things take thousands of thousands of millions of years and our life there yeah I mean where we live what 80 90 100 I mean right that's it so that these
01:00:34| numbers to us seem ridiculous crazy whatever but maybe it will make more sense if we live thousands of years hundreds and thousands of years sounds boring really sounds boy I'm tired tired
01:00:44| I'm tired just have to listen to the kids music music over the future yeah hold on but this one is maybe death isn't a design flaw we like to think of it as death because imagine if if the
01:01:04| status quo never changes we would the people from the 1700s will still be in charge country the vote we rounded it they would have said well damn it's all we
01:01:16| know we you know so imagine if those people were still in charge we wouldn't already not yeah well I don't know that this change so so maybe that's a good thing yeah there's some science fiction
01:01:30| writers who I think I wasn't actually uh had a story that basically that people once once you once you your mind got all just just just yeah fossilized the society would wipe it and
01:01:44| then and give you give this body another fresh start a face you know just yeah just just get you you're doing again but just fake yeah but your body just keeps going up they give you a deal
01:01:59| you put a fresh mind in there to go on oh thank god he's dead yeah he's know about the music a dead guy calm it's weird do you think there's like a timeline on that that carries over for
01:02:26| all people like do we all kind of expire in in what we can create over 60 80 90 live to be 180 do you think we'd still be creating things by 120 or do you think would be that would be checked out
01:02:39| well most people are just consumers right who are you referring to your furniture the creative guys like you yeah that's right so go no harm as far as I can tell we're
01:02:52| not the Norma there's a bunch of people who can't put two blocks together creatively so yeah they're just gonna be just watching TV for 180 years right so yes that's the interesting question from
01:03:06| from an artist point of view in fact I have another book which I got it's called artifice you can see on the website nobody goes yeah it's over there Yeah right we're well we gotta finish it
01:03:22| with one question I don't know all right I need a big one I thought I had to be there always so I gotta top my death yeah it's not a good design floor that one doesn't cut it
01:03:36| okay I need bigger than death go ahead one bigger than you think afterlife well you ever solve adult acne no I think it's just ultimately you're leaving behind your legacy is that the
01:04:08| most important thing new I mean well you know you got the website you got all this you're coming on are my guests you're doing all this do you have like what do you want to happen it would be
01:04:22| nice yes if a couple of people want oh I like that and I have gotten a few people who read the book and actually have gotten it I can fire from Ron's point of view when somebody we got it yeah I got
01:04:33| it I understood why Bubba but it's like really it's happened only a few times out there but as an artist you know if someone have you come up with a good song or something people like yeah I
01:04:44| really like really yeah I mean we all like you know yeah so it's so it'll be nice to happen more I'm not you know counting on it but I have gone a couple of glimpses of that and it's like yeah
01:04:58| it's nice yeah ultimately good now what if it all happened after you passed there you go well are you cool with that if you want that what you want you guys know about the horror of it I thought
01:05:13| the real options not even real I guess but um who wrote Blade Runner oh no ice arresting it no no the writer is called blanket in the old scene of senior moment here he wrote
01:05:37| okay their entire life of science fiction books right and only at the very end of his life when he actually saw Ridley Scott he saw some of some of the footage from Blade Runner right died
01:05:53| before it was released dead so himself he just showed and big mouth okay because all he's brought his bro no that was what's-his-face that German anyway yes
01:06:09| so yeah plenty people die in obscurity and that's like yeah okay that's a very likely possibility here but at least someone like okay dick Lee saw that little bit you know happening you didn't
01:06:26| know you know yeah no [ __ ] he was writing a pulp pulp magazines long Stan he got paid you know but the fame just started to happen when he died Wow here's last question I
01:06:43| did figure it out okay what is the possibility that life is a program or is made intentionally and that it's actually sent to planets to see if it'll take root and form like you know they
01:06:56| say they think our would err and life may have come from meteorites or something came from interspace like you've heard that theory right guys whether it's true I'm not saying it is
01:07:05| but yes let's say it's sent on purpose let's say they just send out as much life as they can to as many places in the habitable zone I've been saying that really well usually I screw that up
01:07:14| available I'm pretty yeah no well it's an interesting concept bad bad yes would you just take one piece of straight into DNA hitching a ride from a comet from
01:07:34| somewhere together and just to start one little just that one little tiny little drop there just starts the whole thing off so it only needs to happen once in they go in the whole universe and it
01:07:47| just spreads I mean is it which actually seems that you know help the odds or yes did life actually start from scratch on our planet and it's happened fairly quickly I guess
01:07:59| right it's were about four billion maybe actually we're starting from molten just molten maltiness something was swimming around within a million billion years I think isn't it
01:08:19| weird we haven't been able to recreate it to like just give you just given fuel to the religious yes I know yes I'm not religious I'm just saying there's maybe something else at play or a hell of a
01:08:33| coincidence I don't better than death this is better than death the universe was just particles right just up to the big bang bush right it's just individual
01:08:52| particles right and the only rule was 10 to the 80th yeah smash together the only rule was two particles just just just okay they don't bump and that that I mean that's the only that the only thing
01:09:06| can happen it's physical action particles bumping they just come together that's it if that's if that's the basic rule bump of all which then led to us upon doing
01:09:22| our own existence the particles are now pondering their own exactly so so intentional is that a side effect or we just think we're so [ __ ] smart we're literally just a bunch of rocks that we
01:09:36| quickly I would actually I would actually side with you on that and then all of our consciousness intelligence and everything what is it worth in the end because in one hundred and some
01:09:45| years work so really it's a side effect of just evolution I don't know doesn't that mean it doesn't mean much I mean maybe it's it's kind of worthless but it's kind of cool but we kind of think
01:09:56| it's cool but we think it's cool because we think oh I don't know that's Rohit lien I could get drunk and get laid off in the best yeah kids get drunk and laid
01:10:14| tell you younger self all right all right we got a vicar Nick's here you can check out his book jazz website you want to plug it go ahead plug it to get to the book go to Cape Cod UFO calm and
01:10:29| there it is the links bring you to everywhere else there it is there it is hey guy calm and if you want to see the crap back yeah that old guy left yeah yeah whatever it told it it - I need
01:10:42| updated I'm just surprised anyone's actually going there cuz nobody went there for years first built it but I guess I'm good updated so okay yeah you're on the cusp hold on sorry dad now
01:11:02| my pros are obscurity are pretty damn strong so I think I can I think I can overcome that affliction if it happens what you said it happens right yeah poverty I have great powers obscurity
01:11:20| here you go plus well we talked about UFO news we talked about aliens ice crunching blip Sasquatch we talked about all the big boys we don't send out conspiracy theories talk about legacy
01:11:31| writers out writing a book we bring in toilets pooping and toilets and pooping in lawns we talked about go oral crises in drunk yes talked about getting drunk getting
01:11:43| laid yeah oh god we talked about everybody we talked about just a bit everybody we covered all the subjects hey how about that Kim Kardashian the last thing that we could ever cost in
01:11:59| there right okay I know we'll do it right thanks for joining us we got some links click them click them click on click on click on click on crack and click them what I will say is that we
01:12:10| like you audience we like you a lot thanks for joining tuning it or joining in I don't even know what I said turning in have a great
01:12:20| tonight

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