The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP104 Star Wars A Galaxy of Nostalgia

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Transcript UnP104 Star Wars A Galaxy of Nostalgia

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 104 - Star Wars A Galaxy of Nostalgia
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00:00:09| this is a big part of all of our lives growing up we imagine ourselves as kids playing with lightsabers Queen Amidala Queen Leia really was a big playboy stat all yeah we're interested today
00:00:35| we're gonna tackle the big one we're going to talk about that famous sci-fi star war for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion
00:01:02| here is a deep dive in or unique perspective the taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we might you can get a little bit dirty
00:01:14| morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music]
00:01:40| all right Oh welcome aboard everybody yes I'm Nick and I'm Dan and you know that we have a guest today uh also also Dan also Dan so you have to go by different names make it not confuse what
00:01:59| I'll be Dan 1n5 under Panda okay good so anytime I say Dan look at both of them and both of them are gonna look up here so ironically enough um same answer Dan comes I ran to Dan to hear what the fan
00:02:23| of Dan or what the Famicon you can find him one is websites I don't know if we have it listed do no Anna Florida website did yeah they're down there there's a your Twitter handle or the
00:02:35| familes right there isn't that crazy yeah but you can find him he's the infamous one who's been following this podcast since the beginning anyone who's a big follower about Parker eventually
00:02:46| we have to legally let you have a guest episode so that's what this is this is a guest episode for our biggest fan he um he writes into the show all the time you may remember from past episodes he a our
00:02:58| collection he has shoe problems girlfriend steps on his penis sometimes all three are connected that's crazy that's a weird fetish that's why we wanted you on but today guys we're
00:03:11| talking about the big one star war that big ultimate trilogy huge star movies in a row we love star war we are work well yeah yeah yeah I forget there's a Tony Wars just I don't even know how many
00:03:28| wars I think it's just one singular war to be honest so they they miss titles their own work it is lasting a really long time star war we're already you're fully correct yeah we should have well
00:03:41| retitled their movie then all joking aside it is one of the biggest it's probably one of the biggest sci-fi things of our generation right I mean your owns if I go down in history but
00:03:52| Star Wars like thirty years older as like this huge following and it like spawned off nerd them in general so I tried to play it alright
00:04:06| man I was gonna say just to say like there's only like a handful of things from our generation that as big as Star Wars like I can sort of something like it's cultural
00:04:22| culturally biggest AG may be the matrix even though the movies like everyone in the world knows matrix every Harry Potter maybe hear about Harry Potter yeah Harry Potter like something myself
00:04:34| no door I did say cell is that weird I was gonna get help like movies dude there's no cell phone a move its a lure I mean there's el dolor I mean that spans like
00:04:43| two decades right what's now what's the next visit like biggest Disney movie there's no like Disney trilogies that are huge are there now I guess you're right he's all like one and Dunst I mean
00:04:56| we had sequels but nothing like a trilogy or like a set timeline is there any dizzy that set in an alternate world and it like keeps happening like you don't I mean I think a Latin
00:05:06| I think the first Aladdin don't think so I think I think that's incorrect now Star Wars is obviously everybody in the universe knows Star Wars it's literally like you see a Star Wars it
00:05:20| has its own like or an essence like there's a it's a multi media juggernaut so let's get into this I guess Lord of the Rings is like kind of the closer yeah there's like yeah because the thing
00:05:33| about all these things whether it's Star Wars or lower the Rings wherever it's an entire universe and they have their own languages and cultures and people and battles and transgressions and love
00:05:44| stories and all these things so it's kind of like yeah I use big words based on at least I'm really sure so Marvel Cinematic Universe Mark Star Wars universe James Bond yeah and Lord of the
00:05:56| Rings names bond James Bond we didn't get good good new jb good on you yeah always play by a white guy right we Breanna II from hell I think yeah man dude actually I find yourself uh maybe
00:06:12| Ernest herb ray yeah I was just talking about that to my girlfriend we're in hell I really wanted to be he got he's not I would have been like cool he's getting after saying he's working his
00:06:23| way up okay that's fine the UM with star war Star Wars one where it'll be yeah the the coolest thing that everyone is drawn to was like the lightsaber right like is
00:06:39| a lightsaber like ultimately the saving grace of Star Wars uh I would agree like the first thing if you see a little kid trying to act like he's in Star Wars he is there's a lightsaber yeah somebody
00:06:51| has that noise even your grandmom knows that noise you know sound the other one that's weird that you brought that up she passed today is that with a smile I'm not sure if this is audio only can
00:07:07| anybody else way we do want to do our ad spot right here real quick guess what I got folks Oh company have a little something called the lightsaber red power
00:07:22| you can get these a giant you can get it at White's you get it a wholefoods get it for your kids get it for your grandmama 399 listen whoa holy smokes folks anyway if you put
00:07:44| in our discount codes unhand errs you can get this you would think this is like $100 right this is a piece of technology right here this is good
00:07:52| let's get key keys in four years you can get it with our discount code four 9950 that's a savings of point five percent if my math is correct and the thing is gorgeous so keep your kids busy keep
00:08:05| your wife busy you know what I'm saying okay folks eat your life busy then she's done with the dishes she can use a lightsaber anyway put in coupon code on Pandora
00:08:25| point five percent make sure the percent comes in front of the five that's weird I don't know why that is just the way they question yeah yeah I think when you put promo codes and I don't think you
00:08:38| can put point and % do you have to include all the special characters people can do that is it the four have to write the word outpoint you have to write n % PE RF cen - I'm not it's a
00:08:51| really long promote good that's what they gave us we work with give us but anyway it's a great product I don't want to stop anyone from buying it hit the keyboards right now folks hit him you
00:09:03| know I'm saying I don't want to mess up no you are too savvy so but but back to what I was saying thank you for our sponsors back to what I was saying the lightsaber is like kind
00:09:15| of the coolest part of the whole thing not to mention space guns and like flying around in space blowing for a start-up hours like these light burst dark this guy I was about to say like
00:09:31| one of the other iconic things that everyone knows is obviously lightsabers Darth Vader okay you have a little kid automatically even if he doesn't know he's a good guy or a bad guy
00:09:38| you know I had a friend who had a Darth Vader like six 12-inch from like a toy store and he was he thought Darth Vader was a good guy he's like a couple years ago and I was like yeah he was like he
00:09:49| was telling his own store like he was the hero like playing with them I'm like what the [ __ ] kid or whatever I know you want time I don't know what to do I just remember night
00:10:04| cuz like the kid just couldn't knew what Darth Vader was it was yeah our 'fl any new of lightsabers it's just explaining these like I mean you can explain it as a heavy themes or you can split explain
00:10:16| it as like just a family movie whatever but like some of those things don't matter to like just general people that just know these like little tidbits whatever it is yeah there's a coolness
00:10:26| to it like the costumes the way they move absolutely how they fight well that's what they it's what they call what is it um retro retro future something where it's like very future
00:10:38| tech where it looks like rondell yer yeah yeah have you've seen it before looks like a dirty looks like a dirty future like it's not clean nice future it's a good dystopian like like a blade
00:10:48| real [ __ ] future yeah and just drop dystopian oh my god I'm retro future put that on the resume holy I haven't gotten a job in a while all I write about is dystopian on my resume just hear you
00:11:08| stock shelves dystopian stuff do we get into it I'll tell you everything sparingly they're talking like Mad Max yeah he's just gonna say that's pretty good yeah so we know like what draws
00:11:20| that ruin kids old people young people it was like that's pretty fresh who um who wrote it who came up with this George Lucas god damn unmanned he actually listens to the podcast he the
00:11:35| end me after the the one on biology microbiology said it was tight and I was like yeah yeah what's this handle what says I'm not allowed to say it's a disclosure agreement send it to me I
00:11:45| can't because you're just a guest like George jean-luc he only had two movies under his belt before this right one was like a react a indie movie call it was like an indie
00:12:04| sized sci-fi movie called thx 1138 the name I read American Graffiti yeah an American Graffiti there's two movies I don't know where you read what you read but it's just American Graffiti Thanks
00:12:17| Wow okay clearly where do I get me out of here episode over um so like who was he I mean was he like 19 doing this I really have no idea I didn't do that I
00:12:33| think I'm pretty sure you're just in film school film school like yeah he was right out of film school so maybe early really liked it like it was like he call it the Journal of like Elliot Willis or
00:12:46| something we just called the journal of bills Willow wills will WI ll s yeah whil us you're right are you looking I damn right no I'm not I research research someone most guests who come on
00:13:04| here think I don't do research it's a big sticking point I want to have seen earlier Hey Dude do dispelled elo Dave got me with my only text twice I'll let you continue done no that's as far as
00:13:23| out but my question became so he created this story was he the writer dealt as well the creator of the story yeah I think he did the the whole the whole script and everything right yeah he
00:13:38| created this whole universe like he wrote it out like it was six movies like he wrote six word six movies worth of story and now and was was about to make it and realize that [ __ ] this is gonna
00:13:50| cost a [ __ ] ton of money like this is the 70s you know like I was like clearly wanted to just take aspects of this huge story so I believe like he's done interview interviews over the years
00:14:02| where he's like I've written like I wrote nine movies worth of stuff you do it in his voice you do good impression I'm George Lucas when he had this
00:14:13| okay yeah you made everything up I think he took inspiration from like the night like Flash Gordon and stuff because he already wanted to do a Flash Gordon that he could get right to it right he grew
00:14:25| up that stuff so he wanted to make these like pulp use space opera type stuff so he's made his own interesting that's what I came up with that's crazy there way same Wikipedia entry that's
00:14:35| awesome yeah yes we did and they were on Breaking part is why what's the grounding her is that he did just a special effects like they're like actual graphic I don't know that go ahead like
00:14:48| the lightsabers and the lasers old end let's just start day styles so he gets permission to the first movie would you by the way I always thought we just called star war I didn't realize that a
00:14:58| name a new hope or whatever so funny Star Wars and then when they rereleased it like after Empire Strikes Back and the other movie came out in the 70s they because George Lucas was like these are
00:15:17| re-released in theaters maybe like four or five years after came out he added the episode for a new hope Yoshio was just called Star Wars and my god I mean I was just talk about Empire
00:15:29| Strikes Back Return to Dead Eye and later he added those numbers no she did yeah I didn't know that but that's funny because I always thought that one was just Star War you know he technically is
00:15:40| everybody and then like on VHS is and Deedee's people were to say look Oh a new hope like now there's somebody and I you never heard like today I was like what them yeah I knew and I was like oh
00:15:49| and it's weird that it's a new hope because if that was the name of it when it released I feel like it wouldn't have done as well cuz like that's like it's it's not a name first yeah yeah for the
00:16:00| first episode a new hope like what even though it's the fourth episode we're not getting into that yet oh it was met with like super huge success right I don't know not sure no I've no idea no I don't
00:16:14| think it was that big I don't think anything my out day actually I think they're pretty small I mean don't I know what you're doing no I did on the gate it was like a
00:16:26| million dollars and I'm kidding okay no I believe you right we're coming with numbers that's why we had you on as a guest but now I'm pretty sure if you get it right I'll give you a goddamn dollar
00:16:38| so like what do you talk about inflation or no I know he's googling it so I know I know so I want to see if well how close you get I've known Lee do I wanna say back in theaters back then it made
00:16:49| like 300 or 250 and I think now it's out like well don't do me inflation dude don't do me inflation just tell me the number additional inflated or not but I think it is because the gross was like
00:17:05| my man credit yeah it's pretty good that was inflation pay inflation is gotta be way more it's gotta be it's gotta be counting inflation I don't see how I could make 300 million back then I do
00:17:13| movie stuff because movies were different back then paying for movies was different back then international like there's a whole different scheme to it inflation I'm not
00:17:23| getting into it we're not doing it today it's all inflation please come on I think it's already in there yeah we saw your mom doing it I think you're completing things I got real fat
00:17:43| Wow so yeah made that amount of money and they were like hey you get the second movie boom like we got ya is that it oh yeah so he he wrote completely the first
00:17:58| one I think the second one they brought on a fit like another famous friend of his also a screenwriter named Lawrence Kasdan okay and he helped write Empire Strikes Back so and people consider and
00:18:11| part Strikes Back like one of the best ones if not the best ones because the right physics story and my other day happens in love so go go over the first one that's where we come upon Luke who's
00:18:24| in a farmer or whatever and then we don't get into the whole line I'm just kind of rehashing he is I mean he's a farmer's nephew Jason uncle it's it's weird they they work in a moisture farm
00:18:38| what the [ __ ] is that I think it's a salt in the desert right yeah but like moisture front like they just spit on each other and that's how they put they farm pretty sure that's it not it back
00:18:50| check but we're gonna run with it well here's the link to hear more so far we talked about the most popular stories and things that will outlast our generation we've come across Game of
00:19:02| Thrones Star Wars Harry Potter and all that it's interesting that those three at least start with a protagonist who doesn't know he's special he's living a normal
00:19:13| life and then he fight though oh my god I'm economy age and the matrix you're absolutely correct you get to learn both bands and they both said hey and one of them said Odie I didn't say that Tory I
00:19:37| didn't say that and he didn't say hi he said howdy anyway I'm not wearing pants tell if it was fine really it's stress lack of sleep yeah all the above attention well yeah I mean this is a
00:19:57| great this is very materially appreciate this thank you're trying to get laid later so you're being nice yeah the European anyway dude yeah I know we gotta cut out the other part she is an
00:20:22| iron gauntlet just like slowly ding ding ding ding you're one of your balls disappears right next your farm comes from nothing figures it out you get to grow along
00:20:44| with the character thing this is the other of those powers you're already alive it's not like you're born and you find you're come from nothing and you become famous
00:20:51| you're like 20 or 30 you find out that whoa this whole time that my life sucks I'm special yeah let's do it and then you go and do an adventure
00:21:02| this happens in Lord of the Rings because Bilbo is just some boring ass Hobbit you know I'm saying he's a boring ass dumb ass corny ass Hobbit yeah yeah because I yeah you told me a story your
00:21:17| sons in the feet or whatever he takes pictures of them in video games all these pictures on his phone in different video games like these people are boring normal people and their thrust into
00:21:37| these crazy situations and they rise to the occasion and their life becomes exciting there's drama there's a war they're like the TRO like the linchpin to like everything except for a James
00:21:50| Bond it is intro the finding is the way you're saying I didn't think about this until you were just explaining it by it they're very every single one has like
00:21:59| is like a Christ trope or like I mean a little bit yeah the theme of like you know the Savior of like whatever universe whatever it is like you know I like to I imagine that Christ found out
00:22:12| later in life that he was gonna you know story of like that he was gonna save everyone you imagine like when you don't find that out like that kind of stuff like it's heavy stuff
00:22:21| I mean think of it Agent Smith comes up to Jesus Christ and he's like do you or not similarly and then Jesus there's the one ring at him yeah he does and then which
00:22:32| is Anna Lama Jesus is armed with a lightsaber and that's where we are folks that's yeah ah so who's Judas oh my god in matrix it's the friggin dude I hate that cipher
00:22:45| cipher oh I throw his name he's the worst I don't believe it and there's the oppression coming hi Trinity you know what I just want to eat my steak and be 10 steak anissina never
00:23:05| you know what this steak tastes like it tastes like I'm free I am making it more like old Jewish she deleted eyelashes [Laughter] I'm going to this diner down the street
00:23:28| I get a discount I know the guy we're gonna tip for dollars anyway we're gonna get a brisket you're not gonna believe this it was actually a whole other movie
00:23:38| wasn't it yeah we part two major 1.1 the breakfast diner like you know what I mean one fifth there's a Quentin Tarantino movie be that'd be fantastic gots a lot of scenes in movies
00:23:54| I mean diners please yeah yeah like all of them that's weird anyway George Lucas did in that's bringing us back um so I want to say we're oh go ahead please yeah we all
00:24:09| night we all night so there's weird it's weird like these things came out before we were even born and then we still knew about them even though we were kids like he didn't
00:24:17| release another movie until 97 which is one more like 12 or 13 so like what happened in that time for him for us to know about Star Wars I think it's the oversaturation of it
00:24:32| mmm I'm so big that it wrote a wave for ten years that's how big it was yeah I really think that's cuz you got to think people complain about oversaturation of anything nowadays but Star Wars wasn't
00:24:44| so blah overwatch gamers girls who play a lot yeah I'm not really sure where you're gonna add that but there was nothing like starbursts like there was no load of the Rings there was like
00:24:54| literally nothing still like sci-fi fans clung this humongous thing picture the same thing about Michael Jackson it's like you can't imagine how big Michael Jackson was because
00:25:04| you can't just technology really difference act a big he was my cousin was like eight when others hello dude yo cut the feed but this was the biggest thing since sliced bread if I were to
00:25:20| say so George Lucas created something that was friggin awesome and I I'm not saying this on the podcast live but he had to have stolen it it's too good from Greek tragedies is what
00:25:32| you're saying okay do we get this from Greek tragedy yeah I think that was a direct rip right then like you find out someone's your brother or sister and you're like about to have
00:25:43| that with a mother right and the net apiece that's your father you killed your own father that's their similarities kissed his sister that is Oedipus and like he know you lose your
00:25:56| pet you get expunged history you should put that in your bio I know in your resume already not it's already on there piss Leucippus y'all know what dystopia that's good
00:26:15| so moving forward because we're trying to drive this towards the new ones and if we spent all day on the old once so first movies got me yeah first experience without Star Wars Oh furrow
00:26:29| um I went to a movie theater with my aunt Kathy I think and I saw the Empire Strikes Back in theaters would you worry cuz those like 94 or 92 I can tell you I can tell
00:26:40| you when it was oh good it was it was 97 because that was the of them yeah this guy got me pegged Oh cuz I saw him in theaters too with my aunt Kathy yeah you weren't you were
00:26:55| like a in the bathroom what were you doing I cut a hole in the bottom of this Haskell house one day thank a lot of butter food good [Laughter]
00:27:18| good some salty so that's weird because I think I remember playing video games before these even came out like I remember did all the Star Wars video games like come before that or no yeah
00:27:41| they had Star Wars games - the Super Nintendo a Nintendo 64 they were just called Star Wars and shows the Empire yes so shows the Empire I mean we learn to like branch off in a
00:27:53| different topics right now we're gonna come back around to wherever we want so so shadows vampire I'm sure you realize there's no movie about Shh remember the first-person shooter there
00:28:02| was a Star Wars game ago vampire was their first attempt to make a whole universe without making a movie so they made a soundtrack they made a video game there was a book written there was
00:28:14| action figures there was everything except the movie so they were banking on not having a Star Wars movie but having giving people the Star Wars experience cuz I remember this came out I read the
00:28:22| book I had like a codebook about like the secrets of the book endgame I had the game I was I was coming in my pants cuz I was so excited like I don't even know what that was yeah coming before
00:28:33| you can come I just remember being super hype about it and I didn't realize that there was no movie others wait there's no star with movies like what's going on there's all fake characters the amazing
00:28:45| thing is that I think we all played that game everyone remembers the Battle of Hoth no you probably did hold on no hold on Dan's transitioning did you catch what he said the Battle of Hoth Wow
00:29:01| hey dude I want to talk about the Battle of Hoth dude he spelled doodie of ood man come on give what you want so what are you flying around in in that one like you have the 80 ATS going towards
00:29:21| the generator or something and you're flying around than that what's what's the ship I don't remember if the ship is just the landspeeder land no it's not it's not the land speeder I figured what
00:29:32| it's called actually I is the one with the grappling hook for everyone watching at home it's the big things that walk like dogs yeah no those are those are the 80 80s
00:29:43| no I'm sure those trying to fill everyone in because you guys are skipping a little bit ahead they walk like dogs and they go like this hey oh so like your mom on New Year's Eve you
00:29:55| just know each other too well oh man so good trying to figure out ship this I don't remember what the thing was called that you fly in but that was I know you loved that and then you want to
00:30:13| talk about it Dan cuz that's a hook the whole thing is like it was hot it was like cuz it was the first level of the game right it snowspeeder you're right
00:30:22| it's no sweeter yeah so right then he has a first level that's what drew everyone in because it was a first game where you could really like interact with something and the whole goal would
00:30:31| take down the 8080 was to fire the grappling hook and then fly around his legs yeah sure come on 8080 is he happy altering altering a dance for why isn't weiss I don't know why twice cuz there's
00:30:47| four legs I don't know I mean I mean it makes a make sense but it doesn't make sense well we brought a ball and I mean this is it that was it you just got it folks because maybe it has four legs
00:30:58| that's why really in-depth analysis I wanna be honest Nick you probably either plated with me or you definitely owned it or play to yourself because everybody can tell you I was friends with you and
00:31:13| you play it so like it I played it and you know I think you had dark forces which all forces at LucasArts game oh my god I got stuck in a part in that game and I think I spent
00:31:23| like something like 73 hours in one room just trying to get out of it yeah you just don't ever got out of it I never did I seriously never beat that game because I didn't get out of this one
00:31:34| room and I was your intelligence so so go back to your point Dan where you were saying that you know there was a heat I mean there's a point in some planets go but there was this huge space of time
00:31:43| where there was no movie so people still cared about Star Wars and you were confused like nothing new you have games you had this game Nick was talking about you have books that people wrote because
00:31:53| there were movies they wanted to keep the franchise like so interestingly enough it's still making money it still has a fandom it still is a following if those people interested in
00:32:02| it and it was almost fever pitch like they were like they wouldn't let it go and I think movie execs George Lucas whoever I don't know what was the holdup for because they didn't want to do
00:32:12| prequels they needed a sign Jar Jar Binks I think I don't I don't think I think he just didn't have like a four idea and you just didn't like what ruin it yet he
00:32:24| was to zoom crab caviar so where were the nine stories written did he have them or no yeah he must have had them but I think because he like when he finally made the original Star Wars I'm
00:32:35| sure those got changed around from what he originally visioned right so then the prequels and sequels would be changed yeah so like do we write like polish from like originally
00:32:46| han Solo was a giant green monster I swear to God look it up I'm so over the guy that's right yeah like he was the Hulk yeah he had like it's now and I swear to god Han Solo was a green
00:32:59| monster so if that applied to like the pretty poles or something happened with that like he had that takes a walk back the hell you just look up Swamp Thing wait no Han Solo the hearse and Ford had
00:33:12| a condition where his nose was super long he just he has like a actually it was a class to a part of his appendage on his front yeah it's like if you had a vagina on your
00:33:23| face and it's it was Green follow me uh I know I swear to God agreed which I have you look look up Han Solo Star Wars original draft Dark Horse
00:33:39| Comics that's why actually it made a comic of George Lucas's original draft so Han Solo is green weird I read comics too I don't know why you put me on here dude
00:33:49| that's why videogames why don't you put me on the other podcast man I don't know why he didn't put me on that one um do you experience time we did an episode it in time too yes I lived time every day
00:34:01| oh my god just having this guy just happy every time am i doing anything don't scratch your neck dude oh dunked is a stop do you really have something there that's nasty yeah I swear to god
00:34:15| dude I have a new camera for the price it's sort of weird oil on his neck I don't know why you're wasting our time name do this tattoo tomorrow I'm gonna show it off I'm gonna show it off
00:34:30| tomorrow what are you gonna tend to it lightsaber we're talking about five times uh Dan's gonna be mad because I've already brought up twice I'm getting Darth
00:34:40| Vader's penis no one knows what it looks like but when it's me may intend to the that's a really good that's a big one do you wanna um do you want to move on listen your guests so you don't get it
00:34:58| I'd really like to stay anyway we can move on I mean I really enjoying like you guys saying stalking and me jumping in with something more intellectual oh this guy this guy's anybody ever played
00:35:16| a podracer game no are they the podracer one or it was like a rip off of me like Joey no was it be what you call and I can play one or what but I don't I think it was actually before they that movie
00:35:30| came out to be so the podcast want the final raytracer one was hot care that's a podracer this is a pod party in your mouth it's a party in your mouth oh wow nasty dude yeah I remember the
00:35:56| pottery I remember pottery night in 64 man yeah cuz then some people can afford it I'm looking at you square up top yeah I got it yeah
00:36:05| square but yeah we all I'm sure we all own 96 of course hmm I didn't for those uninitiated nintendo64 initiated originally called the what the Famicon before it was Nintendo yeah hmm
00:36:24| yeah really good knowledge we got knowledge me Kenny we be gaining knowledge here yeah maybe teaming knowledge here mm-hmm so you don't remember that game at all
00:36:39| Nick the resolute he'll remember the racing game well as basically do you remember the prequel movie where it's just racing yeah that's the whole game which is that it was just called episode
00:36:52| water that's literally always what got him to do the whole prequels what was there just so much money shoved at him that he was like yeah let's do it I absolutely believe that cuz I watched
00:37:05| like behind the scenes stuff of like them making the prequel and stuff like that and like him drawing concepts but I honestly believe that like people learn another movie
00:37:13| Star Wars is still juggernaut yeah they were just like he's like oh I'll write about Darth Vader as a baby like that's basically already preconceived it was just all flesh it out yeah money and
00:37:25| Technology is like the graphics are finally caught up where you could do it via CD I even though it was kind of it was kind of groundbreaking at the time for graphics if you look back I'm gonna
00:37:36| be honest but do you remember the last time you guys seen those prequels no I have them and I don't think you're watching don't hold up and you know the one the first one that came out 99 yeah
00:37:47| I think I maybe watch that last year it actually the effects in that actually still pretty good for a movie that came out twenty years ago okay look at the curl like that's I feel like they
00:37:57| put all their money in the effects to stand up to like scrutiny of time and it actually says Anakin was the worst actor he was you can't hold a kid actor and well no even the adult actor was best
00:38:10| mm-hmm well that's true you can fault George Lucas because apparently he had his actors like doing everything behind it like in front of a green screen and they had no like every scene is them
00:38:21| talking to one another like just facing each other and there's no action it's like sitting on a cation Natalie Portman wasn't even into movie there it is like act against that we're just gonna take a
00:38:34| couple stills of you and then how you're done you don't have to say any lines on the press door if you're good hmm just make sure your your shirt is ripped a little bit in the final scene so you get
00:38:46| to midriff and you're good so episode 1 gets me 99 did that one it was good for almost 20 years I feel like it was like five years ago I mean I don't you know you know it's sick I remember the day I
00:39:00| came out I the acts act eight can we verify this go then we can verify this to use it eight nine may 19th 2019 99 may 19 1999 you're saying yeah we came out of junior art absolutely correct
00:39:18| oh it's really so so can I be honest everyone has like like you like music Dan I'm not sure what you like I'm sure you like the cavalcade of things yeah yeah okay there's a hand-pump there's a
00:39:34| handful of subjects that I like so I dig deep and like have information from those things that are just like just stick for no reason why should I remember that I don't [ __ ] know but I
00:39:45| just remember it Sevan man crazy yeah it's really bad I don't remember like she sat in her new 8th May 19 and the hole on the bottom of the popcorn then oh my god
00:40:02| I don't think said she's gonna pay though you should have been with a boy [Laughter] yeah I think you're paying with interest sexually she's like I don't know what
00:40:24| this kids talking about I haven't seen that kid in like a dozen years and I'll say life's gonna go pop your uncle too when she didn't when she wasn't listening
00:40:43| I remember dates of movies I remember dates for your aunt do you remember going to see can hardly wait they probably do I'm pretty sure I do oh I see it with you it did was it just
00:41:06| meeting you yeah I think we hit on girls and we told him we were from Mesa holy crap that was that it was Mesa yeah I was can't hardly like his name so you want to get been a
00:41:17| little you know I don't listener knows wouldn't either told my mother I was gonna see a Jack Nicholson movie that was at the exact same year what the hell was there's a red iron you can get in
00:41:31| any hard li not again either got to give or something hardly enough for enough for Love Hewitt Lee as good as it gets yeah exactly my mom was like okay and then we still can't hardly wait cuz
00:41:45| we're the bad boy Aereo con we saw these girls they were interested in us and they said oh my god what school do you guys go to and and we said ransom yeah that's our school you can look it up
00:41:57| it's gone I don't care it's just right I blow it up and the girls went back what Mesa and you were like yeah Mesa like you're real quick and I just remember them being like that sounds really cool
00:42:13| I was like yeah and they were like I like you guys and that was a that's fine yeah like dice and they like we're from a so it's just what here's the thing like there
00:42:26| are no phones like they couldn't just be like oh you know where's that let me look it up call your leg so he's so cuz in anywhere may so could have been Mason still keep in a high school it could
00:42:37| have been a college it could have been a law school they don't know call the information hotline for one one and that may sound we were just watching we gotta go back to law school and Mesa so these
00:42:51| girls are gonna be here they think we go here could you just tell them more involved station we make our own side for me so and put it on these buildings meso industries
00:43:01| hey so meso so Simeone's yeah r.i.p alright so so tactically clones came out first movie didn't have great success second movie had success I don't know good success bed bed ish reviews it's
00:43:24| the opposite the the first one yeah Phantom Menace and great success for 90 milli is they didn't like it yeah bad people people thought it was okay and good when it came out because they
00:43:38| thought it was a building to something blinders on and then they said is like I'm just knowing that like Star Wars hasn't come out in a while oh my god a new Star Wars movie like
00:43:46| [ __ ] like this is the best thing ever well everyone were I didn't like it I remember my mom bringing me to that movie and watching it and it was like I didn't even know if what I was watching
00:43:55| so just brought what is that she bought she bought me all my horns yeah Oh dad then did I something yeah but yeah that one I remember watching that one and then the second one even as like a how
00:44:13| old was I this is o2 as a teenager like watching Jar Jar Binks Binks it was like shudder like that was awesome there's awkward like a water City yeah I was just like borderline racist a little
00:44:26| bit yeah yeah meesa yes it what's it been to be talk about that though yeah go ahead cuz we George Lucas nice deeply racist like you just said it wasn't meant to be like
00:44:40| the green guys if you remember the beginning of Phantom Menace you see Liam Neeson Ewan McGregor on a ship there's green dudes right they have a weirdly Eastern accents with certain
00:44:52| looking eyes yeah people caught on to that really quick Jar Jar Binks was like you know that kind of how would you describe the way he talks I think that was like
00:45:03| offensive Jamaican yeah yeah this is Jamaican man there was also there was also this guy wat ow8 eto he was the one that owned and yeah it was a slave and he was like Arabian and he kind of
00:45:16| mocked like it was a stereotype of like that culture Zoid think listen one was made ripping running you know international auditor to try to make his me yeah like he tried I think he tried
00:45:28| to make a melting pot of the universe and I was like you're probably right I actually agree I think he was trying to make like he was like no one in here speaks Jamaican we gotta have more
00:45:38| people in here you read on they're all just white people yeah 100% yeah look again there's so much better can we get what sound race at all that's right no that's not the um how about
00:45:59| black versus white like even or color schemes good versus evil yeah but then they have was one troopers are white okay Lando Calrissian was a good guy sorted yeah which is ironic cuz he does
00:46:16| business and talks to boba fett whose ship is called this slave 1 come on guys I didn't even catch that good come on isn't that little jacked up you know you can't do it this is not weird yeah
00:46:30| you're right actually over time stuff gets dated like there's no getting around it I mean this podcast will be dated if they watch it in five years and we like tomorrow well since
00:46:42| the future justification like dystopian futures now money rich for a future president come in handy yeah he's making a joke about our real world this is dystopian oh my god
00:46:53| oh my god pensive yeah I forgot where I was going with that but it probably had to do with Star Wars and Jar Jar Binks no good yeah you saved it I actually if I was a little kid and
00:47:08| like a little little kid at the time I saw that I probably woulda thought he's funny but I think it was like 15 or 16 yes all high school yeah I was like in high school like I became so just like I
00:47:19| don't get it wait did that actor die or go that actor the actor got death threats and wanted to kill himself just like the new ones but the was it rose it's a new one yeah
00:47:34| no you're right that's crazy yeah so like okay no just say like it's these people like even if you don't like the character these people behind the characters get like or fans yeah get
00:47:51| affected by super fans like if people don't like Jar Jar they didn't take it out on like automated or jar like boy they are my best one to kill himself because [ __ ] people were like you
00:48:01| suck literally you suck like you contributed to the terrible thing go kill yourself like people would you like that well you're the worst yeah this is kind of that stuff he's still lying so
00:48:13| that's got it is yeah so moving on they made these three prequels right can you name them animation and can you name hacker they cook I can't even looking at him and Revenge of the Sith right yeah
00:48:31| well and then the third won't Revenge of the Sith yeah which works out of order they were one two three after we watched four five six right okay so the originals from the
00:48:41| seventies knees were four or five and six so then that's why they had the prequels one two three but then we find out that Darth Vader was actually Anakin he was a good guy he
00:48:53| turned bad can you stop hiccupping on our podcast I'm so drunk right now I don't talk said straight Everclear in that keep you sure maybe Wow
00:49:06| anyway I don't know if we can use a stand alcohol abuse is not our thing so anakin becomes like kind of like the linchpin yeah i'm using the same wording and you said it twice I don't know why
00:49:26| you're recycling a big word big words anyway he's like kind of the linchpin if I were to use a term used earlier of the whole geeky cavalry parts trees he's a character because he becomes so cool
00:49:41| bottle becomes dark dark Vader as I refer to him why do you refer him like that know what makes people mad by saying wrong so actually it's a reason it's Darth or Vader or either of those I
00:49:58| think Vader means father in German Oh fer oh yeah and I don't know what dark means I think Darth is just like dart or just his way of like lighting like this is like a command like level Darth is a
00:50:11| variation of dark anyway what is Vader mean look it up mercy Bader I didn't that right you wouldn't yeah you are right pat on the back and then I is just really people
00:50:38| fact checking to see who thought is it's me and Dan asked you to back Jack something I think it's right the thing is we checked earlier today on Wikipedia and we're just checking later in the day
00:50:48| like we checked earlier today let's double check later in the day yeah anyway the whole thing of the prequels is kind of like the rise and fall of the Death Star the rise and fall of Anakin
00:51:00| as Darth Vader anyone who hasn't seen turn off their until your family kill your outside kill them with kindness oh good I got no physical honor
00:51:14| kill them with kindness he imagined oh my god I'm Andrew Smith that just from what the Famicom we have no no affiliation whatsoever judo doing click my link see my content
00:51:31| he's gonna blow up overnight when the police find him but the whole thing is Anakin is a relatable I think it's actually a really good story it's just poorly done because it was
00:51:46| pretty cool dan your was a kid the kid was really objectionable like yeah something like smug about like a 9 year old I don't know how old he was but like how do I hate a 9 year old you should be
00:51:58| an actor no you put a kid in the wrong wait you're you're hating on the kid or you're hitting okay I'm hating on the circumstances I think no I think the kid I think the kid is really bad actually
00:52:08| there's tons of kids and children what's his name I've no idea you wanna Jake Floyd Jake Lou oh did he ever do anything ever again egg boy he lives right behind me sleeping on my
00:52:22| couch you got all your edits Jake Lloyd but he looks like a Corey one of those Corey's that didn't make it past the 80s oh wow that Wow large put the whole the whole idea of him is all these stories
00:52:43| are wildly popular are kids who grow up normal lives and find out they're special this kid you know is special ahead of time do you think that hurts he never did he did one movie after that
00:52:55| and that was like six years later you know the movie did before that was appalling with them ITT made jingling all the way Jaime Langston if anyone's really into
00:53:08| jingle all the way I love it well here's here's the thing that the prequels have going against them Darth Vader's a bad guy we kind of know
00:53:20| Anakin's gonna become him it's kind of a spoiler alert II don't know but you can kinda do you hate him before you know his transformation is gonna happen in front of you like if they were released
00:53:34| it changes layout but you know ahead of time that 1 2 3 or prequels and they lead to the movies you love so I think he's kind of got a lot stacked against him I think he's kind of he's got no leg
00:53:47| to stand on no arm to hold on to and it's Luke Oh too soon I did I did too early I don't know but there's no way for him to come out as a good guy or a winner or he's going to be bad
00:54:02| regardless they want you to hate him so kind of he's a lost cause the whole whole prequel thing was kind of a lost cause I think well it was weird because they George Lucas made them to humanize
00:54:14| Darth Vader right to make Michael after the fact but because he's the worst person in the universe it's like yeah and it's weird because you would think that like say say someone like I'm just
00:54:25| picking a really good actor Leonardo DiCaprio like just say for example he played Anakin he was a really good actor when he was younger yeah so he could have convinced me that he was a good
00:54:35| person and then turned evil it sucks because the acting and the dialogue didn't portrayed him the dialogue didn't portray to me that this guy shifted over so heavily they become the most feared
00:54:47| guy in the galaxy like it didn't work like there was things that worked about the movies but that was like the porks part because I'm not convinced this guy over and on it just just went I want to
00:54:57| kill everybody well in that respect like it has to be he has to become a [ __ ] at some point this actor yeah he's gonna become Darth Vader regardless let's let's look forward because we have the
00:55:11| three started skipper Darth Maul yeah the three that are the prequel right guy mm-hmm and we are doing fight scenes we write and they were made by a different production company like who made the the
00:55:24| prequels do you guys know no one cares really mean production 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm made the prequels and the originals so he's released kind of
00:55:35| putting me I've paid a bunch of money to give up the rights I thought it some money gravel well hold on so they're not there yet forward and this is the next jump on their way sold to everything
00:55:47| good are we ready to go there so there's a period visible I love I do love Star Wars so there's a period in high school where I played nice to the Old Republic which is like one of the best video
00:55:56| games anyone's ever played and there's just something about it like the universe you're in the weapons you get the way you build things and then you like the powers and the way they kind of
00:56:06| like merge together it's like that sort of thing doesn't exist in any other kind of universe so there's a bit of environment to like everything in Star Wars does which led into Star Wars
00:56:16| Galaxies which was an MMO which was [ __ ] awesome I remember being so psyched about it because I'd come off of like playing EverQuest and wanting to like do another MMO I was like making
00:56:27| graphics for it like I had like a little like intro scene and maybe like a little bit of an animator for horny horny for Star Wars yeah mmm you just say yeah just say yes fingers fighting with
00:56:41| lightsabers I don't care who's watching dan just say yeah Rama prism I don't know why yeah yeah sure say yet maybe real hard thank you real hard Wow super hard what did you do
00:56:53| [Laughter] family fun Jesus that game was good it was so that's interesting because were you done with the movies at that point did you not care about surgical you care
00:57:11| about the games I can't warm up the games I think the games were more immersive than anything else that was out yes I know i 100% agree because i guess to segue into you talking about
00:57:23| the new movies I kind of did the same thing I played Star Wars games but the one I started playing like six or seven years ago was just Star Wars The Old Republic
00:57:31| mm-hm and I still have that my computer and I downloaded I love it I think it's immersive like I think it's [ __ ] fantastic slim backdrop the backdrop is better than the actual
00:57:41| movie yeah so like for their when there was no new who movies this was my universe this is my Star Wars live like I started from like maybe books or comics or TV shows like this
00:57:51| was like my story like I made a guy this is my story like I'm going to these different planets and so it's interesting when the new movies came out and I'm just like oh I wish my guy went
00:58:01| to that planet I wish my guy like was in that movie destroying anything before we became see always touching oh good good I was gonna say Dan what was your character's names holy [ __ ] I think this
00:58:13| goes how do you like no I think it's like you gotta know I have I have a preset like set of names that I usually use I think is like alien because that was one of my my handles but I don't
00:58:22| have like a I don't have a Star Wars Ian name for him uh I for everything I've gotta start we're just gonna like create a character for anything I make a name called musk
00:58:32| lander mus okay and it sounds like a Star Wars name when it does actually a lark Lander so everything but especially in that Star Wars The Old Republic like I meet him he's like a han Solo like
00:58:45| smartass he's got a orange moustache he's got orange hair he's just a cocky [ __ ] but I was like the name just fit him and I love making that name everywhere Musk Lander I wonder that's
00:58:55| pretty good the what is interesting you guys are talking about which 100% it's a whole nother episode watching a movie versus playing a video game most people's girlfriends or wives or
00:59:10| show a lot of distance or wives will say oh my god you want to waste time playing video games while they're watching like a half-hour show if I'll buy a greased an enemy I'll buy a hit are Cha Cha's a
00:59:25| list a shot anyway yes right and they're watching Grey's Anatomy and they're watching the good doctor and they're watching recycled trash
00:59:33| pallium one where they all uh the reunion Jersey Shore no no no I don't know you know I don't know why I watch TV but they watch these shows and they're like you're wasting your time
00:59:46| playing video games but like for an hour and a half they watched three shows in a row and you're like the cool thing about a video game is that you're watching the game that
00:59:54| you're interacting like you're the world like it's I think that's so much cooler and so much more not more in first time it's a more mercy I think your brain is very more reactive yeah I think it's
01:00:06| good oh yeah it's annoying because now that just sort of shift in another genre but now it's video games well now the video games are like more
01:00:14| mainstream obviously like it sucks because years ago like 20 years ago you would be the biggest losing over artists like you had a girlfriend and your girl from was watching like some
01:00:23| reality show in 2000 2005 or whatever and you're playing video games like it even though it's not so much a problem now it might still be but I I hate that there's still those people that like it
01:00:36| so it's time a little bit better student with Gators better stories and games in their arm books or movies not better but well it depends on the movie it depends on the gear that's I'm saying like you
01:00:47| can get a better experience he's touching on like geeks and nerds like back then geeks and nerds have like a really negative connotation to them and now it's like you cleaners are like a
01:00:55| worse thing bandit banded together and they're it's kind of a popular thing to be like player yeah but which full rights whole this whole Star Wars thing you think of that like everyone who
01:01:05| watched Star Wars was a Star Wars nerd they knew the culture they knew all the Tatooine they knew all the planets they knew that Nick there's only one Tatooine there's only one but they knew all of it
01:01:18| they knew the terrain they knew which mountain do you know the map - what's that planet let me know what's what's on Tatooine there's a mountain range called Cisco ah Wow and come anyway Coenen
01:01:37| mountain range mmm Makonnen mountain range that means early into before yeah Thank You sighs Lee there's another part of Tatooine bangers canyon is actually a real location I've had to into and you
01:01:51| shot you're talking about a real fake location yeah yeah real fake location so but let's go to the let's go to the selling outs go to the sell out all right let's go to the sellout guys
01:02:04| so moving forward mr. Lucas is a hanger has it uh George Lucas he saw it the rights to one of the smaller indie companies in the area diet isn't he
01:02:19| dice knee dies new Disney Star Wars sold to Disney and how does that turn out is it open I don't remember the movies actually I watched this money or what how much do you buy for how much they
01:02:38| buy far 100 how much do you have it two billion look it up look it up and the bigger purchases of all time I think it's four point two billion four point oh five billion drive to the show no
01:03:02| it's already cut in every way every corner but what movies did they make like the first they were setting up their own little that's right which was what they've made they actually made
01:03:15| four movies under the Disney like the solo one right right there they made force awakens which everybody and their mother is seen rogue one you know um blast-jet and on solo one
01:03:31| most certain so the third one is the third like number like big one is coming out this December okay so it was like the final that's like a final one of these number
01:03:44| now they're not making any more number one and now these three are based on a console who's thought who's old is it seven nine right he's right yeah he's real a doll she's not Athens kid she's
01:03:58| just like a person that lives not on a planet they're completely like unrelated ladies unrelated she just has a force she has like the sensitivity she's yours limited lorian's he's are called
01:04:13| majority pedia will give here do I do a better walkie-talkie at the word wookie I want to rewind the tape he's not doing he's not doing it he can't do it
01:04:39| true fans episode over this he's a guest he doesn't get Wookiee dan can he hear us right now I I regret everything anyway um these new episodes so there's ray she's a farmer she finds out she has
01:05:03| the force no saint not a farmer but that's okay moisture forget the scene she's a moisture farmer he's a scavenger ya know is Gavin Jing Star Wars Varro it's not the same thing and then they
01:05:16| got kylo Ren who by the way is one of the most attractive actors in all of Hollywood would you agree looks like me with one hair anyway he's with Darth Vader I
01:05:29| think I even read that quote did you didn't see the movie no I didn't know yeah I don't remember he's he well he so he is but he's also his grandson oh snap he's related that's
01:05:43| pretty cool so he is Han Solo's son conside damn it so long with someone's son I had the wrong okay yeah kylo Ren folks spoiler alert anyone watching oh yeah you spoiled it
01:05:56| if you did not intimidate me to go go okay he's not scary it's got a big chest yeah denise has an entire son and then try it sir his pants are high up right yeah there I got those nipples is it
01:06:11| because he has like a weird waist um I think he's part alien so I think he has like no dick no and he's poor Elliot Elliot Haley that's his my handles it's his handle really paying attention
01:06:27| well I can't he buys the franchise does everyone I freaked out when I heard this and I don't like Star War III honestly I was like oh my god that's the craziest thing ever so kind of money yeah and
01:06:43| they got all the rights to all the toys all the movies all of everything yeah like a lot it's right in the environment you could like build an environment like that make it real immersive like you're
01:06:56| walking around down without this announcement Jo into John Williams Imperial March Oh see that it's bringing in the music no wait a minute your stories don't line up you didn't even
01:07:10| care about Star Wars but you said you were excited physically emotionally or you just Jo do anything related to anything John Williams will do yeah Jurassic Park theme your Superman theme
01:07:30| I think he did Superman name good call yeah oh man good call good call a memory and knowledge and sound effects to music and sound effects D yeah I don't know if you did sound effects but like I'm
01:07:44| talking about the stories universe has like indelible things that you just think yeah right they're unique you can't you can't forget them I think the lightsaber sound
01:07:54| was Hanuman zipping his band scissors yep sure mm-hmm you can look up on Wikipedia team fight am I've been deleted I think we have to wrap it up guys no don't we know what
01:08:10| the pod parts of the movies like one was uh so how their relatives the other one was like getting data off of a server did you know every movie had a trap and did I don't remember I watched them
01:08:25| but then there's no recollection like honestly there's so terrible that I just don't like theme they think it's like most movies have dark moments where like it looks like the bed the bad guys are
01:08:38| winning all the good guys are losing and actresses really really dig it I kind of like the teeth I don't know Oh to both of you what but but all Star Wars movies have this trap theme where the movie
01:08:52| starts out it looks like you know who the good guys already look like you know the bad guys are and they go to a situation they have planned or a meet-and-greet where they're gonna have
01:09:02| brunch or uh they're gonna go steal something from a ship or get a plans to destroy a Death Star and every time they go it's a trap every movie you watch goddamn Star Wars there's a trap in
01:09:15| every movie yeah something betrays somebody or yeah exactly [Laughter] where did you guys want to take the episode cuz honestly so guys so Nick you
01:09:47| haven't seen any newer ones correct yeah that's correct I'm doing it Star Wars I haven't seen the new ones okay Dan you've seen them but I don't like the graphics and stuff
01:09:58| like really good but the storylines are awful they're so generic and so plain video let's think about it a little bit that's I mean honestly if you really think
01:10:09| about it the first Star Wars is like the most plain-jane like black and white plot ever age I think your expectations have changed from this you have an e to the now of course and I think the new
01:10:20| ones it's really funny because you're like the plots are so you're saying like third don't like they don't go to the same or we need to get this thing let's go do this thing oh wait a second
01:10:30| there's just something else that we need to avoid every single movie isn't that Pulp Fiction isn't that die hard isn't that unbreakable it's at night just named Bruce walls movies isn't that
01:10:38| everything I don't know if they say that in the movie welcome audience we're gonna do this thing so that pictures that we grow we avoid this thing listen I thought I mean I get the criticisms of
01:10:52| all the movies you like do you like are you getting really close I like the one the one that people didn't like was the last Jedi that was the last numbered one people didn't like
01:11:08| that one I thought that got good reviews a lot of people didn't like it because they didn't like what how it ended what the directors interpretation of what the characters would do so also
01:11:18| while we're here the three new ones got a new director and then an array like the main Jedi learns everything really quickly son change right three points Nick it's JJ Abrams yeah
01:11:37| Abrams is doing this and I think they're getting different people they get different people each movie of course okay yes I think that's I think they want like different identities from
01:11:46| different characters that makes sense I mean she was also changes continuity no what did J Abrams - originally you told me I was actually surprised that explosion lady do lots of explosions
01:12:05| former stars okay Elias he made no meter no mission impossible 3 um I thought you did something with the original Star Wars like he was working on special effects
01:12:17| or something or he didn't like or he was directing no oh he wrote he was a big it was a famous like writer no before he made movies are you trying to catch me in a trap no I have to paint it wrong in
01:12:32| just way around the way it's a trap dude all right I'm gonna leave in P we got a you guys have to carry the episode I've never done this before you take this this all the time stuff alright why that
01:12:43| I actually have a good thing yeah shake no tips nobody pees in a Star Wars movies hmm there are runs often says like I gotta use the bathroom or like runs off in a
01:12:55| bush even like nothing no one's ever helped me out of the bathroom like I guess like Darth Vader doesn't have toilet paper on a shoe coming out of the room
01:13:05| I don't think people really do that anymore anyway if you were Jedi do you even need to pee can't you just like decide that to do that so here here's the thing it's a long time ago in a
01:13:17| galaxy far far away maybe they evolved where they don't nothing comes out of them anymore but that doesn't Anakin have sex with Padme isn't that how they make a baby yeah but
01:13:32| it's P and not semen different hole just suggests P comes out but in different situations okay we solved it solved completely entire solid it wait we didn't even dig around we solved it okay
01:13:49| there's pretty much never happened now I don't want him being a part of it so the solo movie it was terrible because that actor couldn't pull off Harrison Ford okay no one can I think my I think my
01:14:01| bias is obviously I have a bias toward starbursts because even if something is okay I'll still be like it's okay like in my head look nothing's really bad they're looking at them excited for
01:14:10| instance yeah the Han Solo movie yeah wasn't Harrison Ford and it's weird because we already know what Harrison Ford looked like as han Solo and there's like 30s right made him like CGI
01:14:19| Harrison Ford which is so like so like what they did with this kid like this kid had the chip stacked against them like Nick was saying earlier because this kid got cast is he a young Han Solo
01:14:31| like everyone's gonna criticize you for that like even if you're good or bad like this kid isn't gonna win not gonna you're not gonna meet up Tony because a lot of people are just like you know
01:14:40| [ __ ] that's like this ain't Harrison Ford like buy one of Si Young Harris support I'll watch the old movies and nobody give it a chance and it's actually like it's more Star Wars than
01:14:50| the newer movies like it's very easy to follow it's it's very much in the same vein as like the 80s 70s ones like it's very the action scenes are very bouncy like
01:15:00| there's comic comedy a little bit like interplay between characters like the characters might actually know each other instead of like saying wouldn't lines yeah having fake like every chance
01:15:11| you get a chance the solo movies actually way better than you probably read or you probably like solve from like they know money made actually I think I'll check
01:15:22| them out I mean eventually they're like especially if I'm gonna do an episode on Star War or whatever there's your kid have any into the queue of six kids five kids do you think I bought this for
01:15:35| myself yeah but Lee does he note it is just showed oh no oh hold on his favorite song is the Imperial March done I don't think better I swear to God is he
01:15:47| becoming a Nazi that soon be someone's favorite song no it's it's a badass old dude look at the time signature and stuff like that sounds crazy it even has a part in the middle or it's like like
01:15:59| you guys have no clue who I'm talking about but if you hurry be like I forgot that was in Imperial March so so here's a weird thing obviously I want to buy him out well your dad's a flutist yep
01:16:11| as you love that song whatever they're sometimes it but it's a fake song it's a song for the movie in the Han Solo movie you hear it playing in the background special somewhere they are not original
01:16:24| so it's like the meta it's meta in a way it exists also in the Star Wars world even though it's a song it's [ __ ] weird it's a really weird moment can you hear it you're like why that shouldn't
01:16:36| exist in the world it's a theme song right yeah it's very odd that's what I'm like my few things I don't like about that movie but let's skip to like galaxy's edge you guys know what that is
01:16:49| yes I wish I had money to go Disney is making like a theme park entirely related to Star Wars one you pay four point oh five billion if you did your research use a mic drop them on board
01:17:04| George Lucas making money you might as well try and cash in right yeah I mean I think it was like the largest and most expensive park that they built really no one really doing it this is this Florida
01:17:18| Disney World area is Disney portal yeah it's like okay so it's gonna be an entirely like the brand new fresh Park so they did kind of the same thing like Harry Potter and it's kind of awesome
01:17:29| that like these trilogies get their own little area that you can actually physically experience can write that is cool so here no it's nice our even no we can't do that sir hi
01:17:45| I didn't like Harry Potter at all [ __ ] stupid I can't even care about it I went to Florida like four years ago and it was there so I was like I'll do Harry Potter
01:17:54| rod it was amazing so it made me like the movies I feel like people if that don't like Star Wars might go do this and be like and I do like star there's so much to it I I had no reason to hate
01:18:05| Harry Potter I just I was frightened to particularly care yeah this poster like why they learn scarves they're stupid they have glasses like I can beat them up they're kids
01:18:15| I could steal their lunch money I agree I don't know that you make your wizards everything I'm saying get most of your muggle I don't know that you could overtake a wizard I could probably take
01:18:26| a break a stick and that's it I just I think it's awesome you do plan on going to Florida anytime soon damn when the kids are old enough to know like what's going on if ya like it you know depends
01:18:45| on that so yeah does it might be two of comic for little kids I think so like I have a nephew that's yeah I smile my kid in Disneyworld he was three I saw them picked him up oh he's okay he must be
01:18:58| like ten by now the Disney orphans that's how they get all their characters right they come from nothing and then they become a good arable superstars of the world that's awesome or they're
01:19:12| forced to just roam the park as Darth Vader inspect rivers we didn't talk about Clone Wars cartoon yeah that's a shame dude was was the tits man I agree I agree with the tits yeah and it might
01:19:31| not be that popular but Star Wars rebels became the tits you know a park in the rebels was the cartoon that came out afterwards same thing like CG looking stuff but it continued the story and it
01:19:45| wasn't good in the beginning it was a to kid too much like a kid show like you know there everyone was to get through sagar but it became darker and like more like
01:19:53| the themes were really heavy and I was like holy [ __ ] like he's a really interesting show and Darth Maul showed up in it he showed up in Clone Wars drunk Mike he showed up and dragged it
01:20:03| he's wearing like a skirt but like we want to judge them it was tight it she in hers or who knows no be yourself guys that's what I said call me Moll yeah call me Molly he want
01:20:19| to be called Molly that's pretty good that's pretty good that's wild yeah Nick's getting quiet here because he hasn't watched the last three movies but it's a thing anyway Darth Vader I made
01:20:37| like doing a joke so long been snorting like he hasn't done it since episode floor yeah yeah the UM you guys keep talking about secondary things like video games and like lands and cartoons
01:20:55| and stuff so Star Wars is still spawning off like pretty much really badass cool imaginary clown universe its supplementary supplemental supplementary something like that that's
01:21:09| yeah like it adds it'll add on to like the branch and like a tree of like you know this is what happened during Episode four or five like here's a cartoon about it
01:21:19| shot bird what who shot first the sound where did you say who shot first you know the answer to that did I do the article I read said Han on did but George Lucas made Greedo shoot first
01:21:34| okay that's interesting it's a big debate you know I don't want to talk to you about it my girlfriend beats me when I own to the answer right that's like said she'd beat you when you get the
01:21:46| answer right - right yeah well I asked for it I'm talking about Star Wars and I said Oh Greedo not Guido freedo gonna agree that Fritos frito na cuido
01:22:02| well that's offensive right I think it's really I was George Lucas's first way to be a racist he needs him on our show and instead of Guido yeah folks so what else do you
01:22:18| have to say about the new movies neck was going to say to wrap it up let's talk about Star Wars in general and what it represents to us the new movies represent no one's on to present sure
01:22:30| because no one's seen them all right okay they're a failure right yeah they brought in went straight to VHS hundreds what what how much money do they make the new ones do you want an actual night
01:22:47| I throw out some numbers yes I wanna force awakens I think made 950 million here 36 y'all on yon but good rogue one made like five five something 555 32 how embarrassing but no the last Jedi made
01:23:06| by 546 2000 made mmm to my last like 250 or 260 to 1300 [ __ ] I really solo made that much that sucks for that those 482 million dollars that's absurd to more than 2 billion
01:23:29| dollars it's not a movie that's not even merchandise or any advertising or all the band's not what sports you like aren't as popular no they all are it's for SIA I've never heard it out there
01:23:50| just look not or Opeth they're all the events you like you're no like a prog rock and like I don't know like a that stuff I'm gonna judge will never make it what is it guns and Rosen's
01:24:05| rosin obviously finally not something that oh my god I don't want to talk about this stuff no hockey that's pretty g-rated I'll get I'll get real RIT uh you know risk a
01:24:19| Metallica only earned like fifty million dollars over the course of their existence Wow loser embarrassing and they lost their bassist instead of a drum roll that was
01:24:37| a van roll right yeah take that take that young dude it's a shame I got Cliff Burton I got him though the bassist left dude just loose they couldn't cut it Robert Sergio who yeah that's what I
01:24:56| thought scene anger you listen to that album head to toe every day and you're like I am sitting there and I'm like dude I don't you see yeah yeah if I can see that face
01:25:07| I'm surprised if that etched on your phone oh my god what is that oh yeah the visual guy was really hard I couldn't tell it was it's a new HD camera it's 1080
01:25:22| I mean is it though and it does look better than normal except for that giant it were ad punishes yeah you can actually see ugly is are you actually getting a tattoo yeah what is the actual
01:25:38| tattoo up 10 to the 80th H Dan's sick of hearing it Dan doesn't even yeah at this point he's gonna write it binary I'm gonna write it in binary it's all the UH it's all the matter in the observable
01:25:52| universe how many atoms make up the universe what does that mean to you in a galaxy long everything dude if I can get everything galaxy Jesus Christ the universe long ago good lord
01:26:04| anyway if I can look at my arm be like that's all it that's all everything is doing everything I can see everything I can experience everything I can interact with it's not a big deal
01:26:15| so my [ __ ] on and then that I know other tattoos that you have and what they are there's only two and I show them one every pop yes I don't need every bug
01:26:26| I have the one of like no I got rid of it yeah yeah right and you know what they stand for and ones for the drummer once for the bass player thanks for bringing it up
01:26:39| you fed right into my system yeah it's perfectly into the theme is this is the podcast is actually really though no I mean whatever ultimately man if you like matter that's fine
01:26:53| I guess that's all matters that's pretty good pretty good um we liked having you on like honestly like this is good feedback you know about star war more than anyone queen leia she's hot um huh
01:27:10| Jabba the Hutt he's good he's my Jane Doe and he Oba he's your favorite hot sunglasses is number one of course the gold bikini who doesn't remember the gold bikini yeah I do remember that bleh
01:27:25| bleh which is also you know swing a loop I mean who doesn't want to sound on Java oh boy it's Johnny I make that face when he's choking I made that face when me and my girlfriend are together in here
01:27:49| like we talked about starless ODEs everything we've seen except for the last three loose audio the music the experience of Disney we talked in video games games 88 keys yes then we talk
01:28:06| about ha we talk about playing nice mostly we just talked about how its its universal horse I mean that thing transcends the movies environments ambience or our lives a little bit as
01:28:22| weird as it is light force darkness having sex with our moms we've all been cut know that we've all been finding out who our Father is in a weird way oh it's our sister - the last sex with their mom
01:28:37| in the movies everybody which movie oh you saw a star [ __ ] grateful I die hard oh [ __ ] anyway all the bristle is classic doesn't happen to them it's just
01:28:56| every single one his movies are all really unique we're good man outro it just like the intro folks I'm really glad you could tune in today so thank you for sticking with us if you
01:29:09| have any um star war facts you want to put in there SiC them in the comment section send them to that name right there what the family Khan he's our guest today oh that's our guest I love
01:29:20| on me so cool otherwise you can donate to our patreon you can go buy your lightsaber from all the websites we told you we told you the coupon codes oh really we really think it was great you
01:29:33| could join us we love that you listened we love that you were part of the action anything in the future you want to bring to our attention bring it up but shout out on pandered and shout out what the
01:29:47| fat content mm-hmm shout out one and just folks we like you we like you a lot a lot of thing you want to say then thank you for having me on your podcast oh you don't
01:30:04| I don't want 10 minutes de nom there are too long I'm scared to watch them because they're long so it was fun follow me if you want to see terrible offensive video you memes Oh
01:30:28| follow follow these guys I'm pander Dan at I'm pander Nick at NT Capozzi and Rosie gonna cut him yet unhand her mom's I'm just I know I didn't cover yet I hear what it dudes named a but cut him
01:30:51| we're done with them we don't need them anymore I gotta go up I have a bag of popcorn in front of me

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