The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP105 Starting the Predator Podcast

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Transcript UnP105 Starting the Predator Podcast

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 105 - Starting the Predator Podcast
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00:00:06| sometimes we get these ideas we just want to spin off and try something new something fresh young painters is gonna try to do that tonight with a new idea something brand new and fresh that can
00:00:17| keep it nice and short and tight so we're gonna go back and forth and try to settle on something a new format for another podcast join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks for old
00:00:36| friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective with taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the
00:00:50| chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and it's for entertainment
00:01:01| purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music] so we're back with one one more episode one more episode I think we're up over a
00:01:32| hundred here so we've done this for quite a while there are other podcasts that came along when we started and I thought wow they're good and they died and fizzled off I haven't seen them
00:01:43| since really yeah so uh I would give them a shout-out but they don't exist anymore you can't even listen to him Wow it's like and why waste your time when you listen to an existing body yeah
00:01:55| one that's still their way of that yeah lean on me mm-hmm cuz we're still here and you got no liability yeah until you longevity is just gonna be the thing
00:02:08| right yeah these guys been on for so long he's the first one who started doing that thing back then way back when when they didn't do that thing back then yeah mmm see so we want to try a new
00:02:21| thing yeah so for Matt an idea these are good conversations but I don't think they hit the short attention span of today's people so I absolutely know it we're gonna try to keep them tight human
00:02:36| like 15 20 minutes and this idea came to me like three days ago where she do like a predatory podcast like somebody who's trying to it predator manipulate or attack or use somebody and then that
00:02:50| other person might not be aware of it so try to figure out like what you could spot how the other people think and then how to avoid it or get out of it or danger sign stealing that yeah deal with
00:03:02| relations that makes sense huh yeah so predators the Predators are coming for you have some creepy music like really darks and bulls and like I was gonna go like doo-doo-doo
00:03:14| doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo predators and then like a clown song predators predators predators do pairs so mmm I guess that kind of covers it so like that's it Nick and I we're gonna
00:03:36| focus we're good we have we both picked a circumstance so these these are intended to be recorded like back-to-back so like I have a circumstance and then Nick would have a
00:03:44| circumstance and we both play off of the other ones circumstance so you want to get into that Network it's not gonna work you don't let me know cuz no because I'm
00:03:54| already waiting for you to start yours and I'm gonna have a story that it's like not long but it's barely long doesn't happen if you're dying you can take over take the reins Nick it's okay
00:04:04| no no you know I I'll take over yours then when you try to do yours okay that's fine no what I'm worried about is just gonna turn into a long rant and we're talk about things that go
00:04:16| that's great we can tell a story and tell joke and everything it doesn't tend to adhere to a schedule or uh okay like I was pretending to be someone Lola I mean let's see what's our mark here
00:04:28| what's the minute mark we're trying to here with this this first example 15 minutes or 20 I say we do 15 and then five minutes commentary if it happens okay all right let's let's do it
00:04:42| so pretend we have some kind of intro I guess doo doo doo predators okay so Mike circumstance today we're gonna talk about getting roofied that's creepy as cream is creepy yeah that was getting
00:05:05| roofied yeah I agree so a lot of people say there would be an intro and we would say getting roofie it's go music playing yeah and then it would be us and we'd say well folks tell me we're gonna talk
00:05:19| about getting roofie yeah I guess like sounds really personal but maybe like a sentencer what is what if conditional what yeah so I guess the intro is sometimes this
00:05:31| happens and there are people out there that are willfully making it happen because they're from fears yeah roofie first rufio roof yours it's what's his name dressed nobody he's
00:05:48| got the goose yeah and be uncouth yeah next Halloween mm-hmm anyway so I guess it's like mostly I assume it's mostly men going after women yeah I would imagine it's probably like
00:06:11| right yeah the aggressor is usually a man assuming and they're also are using alcohol or drugs so the main drugs are benzo diet damn it mother benzodiazepines
00:06:26| benzodiazepines yep thank you mm-hmm like a retinol or like there's versions that are like xanax klonopin palasa Pam Oh like a clones a pen thank you and ketamine so so there's not just one
00:06:39| roofie like you can get roofies like there's yeah there's various things that make you go unconscious and it actually the one website I read it was a one of you that one of the signs was the
00:06:49| primary side of being drugged is a sudden unexplained change in consciousness whoa not conscious any there and possible comeback yeah so I guess if you were going out on the town
00:07:02| and you're gonna bar that's probably the most likely place you're gonna roofie read I guess to say should we do avoidance now or should we do avoid this later should I go through the scenario
00:07:16| yeah I mean yeah yeah what's the scenario so what were you gonna do you were like from both perspectives yeah yeah so II John Q public sitting here girl
00:07:26| I'm a pretending to you got your drink open so yeah I guess from the victim's perspective they're out there having a good time they're drinking they don't pay attention to their already lubed up
00:07:36| yeah they're enjoying themselves they're distracted they're enjoying their engage with other people and they having a good time and I guess they don't pay attention to their drink and they start
00:07:46| to feel funny like a little drunker than normal okay and then they start to be confused and a little bit out of whack and from the descriptions that I heard is that you just kind of like slip
00:07:59| further away and all of a sudden you're kind of just like feeling kind of sleepy and out of it like you were super drunk but only after like a couple drinks so most people know their limit most people
00:08:10| realize that like this feels like I'm four or five drinks in rather than two or more if you drink more so the whole goal of the predator is to a be sneaky about it be isolate somebody and see
00:08:24| somehow get them like out of the bar that's what I'm just like I guess they gonna like grab them by their hand good come here I gotta show you something they gotta make me you're just like what
00:08:32| yeah they take advantage of them and make them seem like they're out like out of control cuz this happens with alcohol alcohol is a drug - that is a like a quote-unquote
00:08:42| like rape drug but it's also like kind of being roofied because you slowly your inhibitions disappear and you you lose it so like that's also kind of like oh she's like she's safe for whatever and
00:08:53| you tried to get that person out of the bar and she needs to go home and sleep it off so they end up getting them out of the bar getting them alone and then doing what they want and yeah it's
00:09:04| that's pretty awful so that happens when they wake up like they're at someone else's house just a person play it off like no you came home with me you're really drunk like it seems weird - yeah
00:09:13| no no it seems like you're almost like a serial killer at that point you got somewhere and then call the cops could you like I don't know you I've never met you I would never go with anyone any
00:09:22| like you can't call me eight thousand times what are you nine one yeah you I'm at some guy's house I have no idea I got wonder if it's like what the percentages are for like people that
00:09:31| know people cause like if you wake up at a friend's house it's like maybe it's more reasonable yeah and you're like oh you just slept it off like you would I think I would mess with your mentality
00:09:41| because you weren't sure if they did take advantage of you or if it was okay or like if they right here and you're not gonna call the cops right away and I gonna be like 9-1-1 I'm at my friend's
00:09:51| house yeah could be like are you okay I don't know no I guess so that makes sense and they might I don't know it seems like it takes like that's probably the number one thing like you'd
00:10:03| have to be a friend or somebody that already knows your situation so they can if you make you they'll be really weird or if like they just left the like you in a hotel room
00:10:11| like that would be messed up but it seems to I worry about my kidneys and crap have you ever so hmm there's a story from my bachelor party
00:10:23| where one of the guys just disappeared and he went out like the back door of the bar that we're at and he went I think they took him to a hotel and then he paid to sleep in one hotel room woke
00:10:38| up and was like oh [ __ ] like I don't know what happened really but I mean he didn't get roofied but he woke up in a random hotel and had to figure it out and piece it together as a
00:10:50| college student you were kind of like or like early 20s mid-20s hangover - isn't it yes ironic cuz he were roofied ah all right which they call roofies if you end up on the floor they should call them
00:11:05| flurries yeah yeah what's your story okay so I think it was 22 23 I was at the wind drift hotel which has been undergone a complete change but um actually got into a fight with either my
00:11:22| girlf a complete change was a good or bad think no no like um they redid the whole building okay looks like it's a upper-class bar but this is like the year before they like renovated it
00:11:31| entirely okay and uh before which I like a beach bar it's a beach bar it's not as classy I remember I got no fight with either Megan and someone and um I had my second drink of the night maybe third
00:11:46| second or third drink of the night and it was you know we're getting off I was angry so I think I ordered a Red Bull vodka that was the new thing you know and uh all I know is I woke up on the
00:11:58| bathroom I woke up and it was pitch black and it felt hard like tile on my face and I was feeling around and I felt around that I had no clue or what so I followed for the wall pitch-black like
00:12:09| you couldn't see anything and I eventually found a light switch and I turned it on and I was in a bathroom like a hotel bathroom or like a bar bathroom and I looked around and I had
00:12:20| all my clothes on reached and my wallet I found my cell phone and my cell phone at the time had like 193 missed calls and like 80 texts from Megan 70 text from Ange like 40
00:12:34| texts from Michelle like just crazy lists and I I walked out that door because I didn't know what bathroom I was in and I was in the bar bathroom but it was like pitch black and no one was
00:12:46| around like it was just building would shut down for the night so I was like what is do I do and I could see the moonlight a little bit so I can see outside there were glass doors I just
00:12:56| walked towards the nearest door and pushed it open and then called them back and I was like hello and they're like who the [ __ ] are you what's wrong what's going on I think I'm fine I'm just with
00:13:04| where is everybody they're like oh we're over here and it's like 3:30 in the morning and apparently I uh I just disappeared they thought it was cuz I was mad at him and uh look I'm
00:13:14| telling you like I just I think I remember just being like dizzy or Todd I think it was a girl and like she roofied you or think it was a guy or do I think it was a guy probably roofied the wrong
00:13:23| drink I guess so maybe you grabbed someone else's drink and took the hit it's possible yeah I have no idea I may have saved the life that night all I know is um I had all my money like I
00:13:34| said all my clothes wrong no no if any funny business was going on that I know if were you will against all yeah I was in the small city well I was on the floor at that point but maybe I went to
00:13:46| go sit I I almost think I went in the bathroom to sit down because I felt weird I maybe just passed out sitting down what's crazy is that um the girls when they were leaving kept telling the
00:13:57| thing hadn't found me can you check the bathroom and he said he checked twice so they screamed and argued with him he went in said he checked the no one's in there but like that's a liability thing
00:14:07| they left me like yeah that's how drunk person in there like I could have died for all we know but um anyway uh what I should have done it's like stole the liquor cuz I was in in the bar yeah I'm
00:14:20| gonna get it unguarded I shouldn't like GG just had like nineteen bottles and walked out the door but I was too confused to whatever but that was wild and I'm almost a hundred
00:14:30| percent sure just the way you were describing what it feels like to be roofied that I was so there's only like myself drink a it was weird there was a story
00:14:37| on the guys we [ __ ] podcast about a girl who was out and like she went on like a work trip and and she was in the small town with like a few her work friends and all of her work friends got
00:14:50| roofied all at the same time by the locals it was like three people and she recognized it immediately got an uber taxi and got inside of it and she said like she was so out of it she was only
00:15:03| like a few blocks from her hotel but she was so out of it by the time she got back her hotel she had passed out but then went to the bathroom and somehow pooped but not on
00:15:16| the toilet cleaned it up while she was still like semi unconscious and then all of the things that she cleaned up I go she's towels and like all that so it wasn't in her room when she woke up in
00:15:28| the morning she thought I must have put it outside and like she could see like drips like down the hallway she ended up like putting it like like in front of someone else's like room so she didn't
00:15:41| know like she must have done this like half naked when she was roofied like completely out of it so people see some wild stuff yeah people just think they're probably drunk and they're like
00:15:53| aren't drugs or something but huge I mean you're intoxicated with something that you didn't mean to be intoxicated with so let's talk about crazy the seriousness of it like how do you prep
00:16:03| to avoid it what do you do to avoid any you just have to be watchful of your drinks vigilant well you can you could decide not to go out this is like the chesty version just a drink if you're
00:16:20| looking for a guy he could go to mask on or something you can find a nice guy on there if you go look for under Dan you and PA Andy for you Rufio couldn't you I guess if you go to yeah you can go on a
00:16:34| date I guess they can that's so another thing is like never let someone get you a drink never let them have a drink for you ready never leave your drink yeah that's
00:16:43| a lot of babysit has a lot of babysitting but I know women do the like women will watch out for other women and make sure that like nothing happens yeah you don't always have that
00:16:52| safety net and like I know they're more fearful of it than we are so they must hold on to their drinks and be like no no I don't want you to buy me drink Neelam
00:17:01| have you ever seen anyone drop anything in anyone's drink no like I would say something yeah I would I'd be like no no no no I have a better plan see I wouldn't say it to him no no not him to
00:17:14| that girl when she comes back yeah and then she goes out and like listen that guy just dropped something in your drink and then maybe you confront him if you tell him beforehand he might am-scray
00:17:23| and then do it somewhere else oh yeah and you make sure you get like the bartender or your posse behind you yeah if they have like if it's a group of guys you intercept that girl before
00:17:31| she gets anywhere near a drink yeah if you know it's a it's gas-x I was just making sure we had we had Mexican we just got done exercise barbacoa okay okay so I guess that's identifying like
00:17:48| some women like realize like there's somebody eyeing them in the bar and like yeah you probably feel that yeah which I don't know how you determine where that person's gonna be a creeper or like a
00:18:00| super creeper or like you can kind of tell looking at them a little bit you know a book by the cover a little bit just you can tell and then realizing this happened where I talked about like
00:18:12| how you slipping into like the unconscious near area the part where you're super wasted for no reason at all yeah and then reacting to it I guess you got to grab a friend or call somebody
00:18:21| immediately like I guess if you don't have anybody cops 9-1-1 immediately are like maybe and get in agony versus kind of like a weird situation too because like you won't be able to like you kind
00:18:33| of lose the ability to talk - yeah so like if it's too late then you use like the duper drivers I'm just gonna write good that sounds big bill yeah it sounds dramatic but I guess it's necessary
00:18:45| I bet the bartender probably has dealt with it before missiny the bartender but you gotta hope it's the right kind of bartender yeah not an [ __ ] yeah hmm maybe the bouncer I don't know
00:18:57| one move people that works there you can assume lessons like a dive bar you're a really shitty bar right hmm again I guess you prep by going out with friends yeah beautiful
00:19:08| stress and then um I guess reacting to it when it's happening I guess there's a point where it's just kind of don't want to talk about it just get past the gruesome details and then I guess after
00:19:22| effects like the after it what like if it happens to you and you wake up and it was like completely not what you expected I guess you'd have to yeah I don't know it's weird because you have
00:19:38| your own like pride on the line like to like capture the moment like record what happened and I do what you need to do to document it properly and like it authorities involved but you may not
00:19:50| write this little rape rape kit thing yeah do you really want to press charges you have to like go to see a doctor they do the rape kit like who knows if it's even if they're gonna believe you all
00:20:00| this stuff and it's embarrassing and it's it's an invasion of privacy you don't want do it you don't want to have to do it it's like sometimes you're gonna believe you or they double like
00:20:09| right they double question you is like getting violated twice you're violating and then you're violated for mentioning you're violated a little bit yeah that sounds like a pretty big downer that's
00:20:19| that's the most negative well that's all I'm gonna start it with something that's like really tough because this might not be um these are like roofie parties or anything so we're like five frat guys
00:20:31| I'll get together and then they put roofies in each other's drinks and then I can pass out and say I have no idea I imagine someone bit then they had fell so this is the weird part about like
00:20:40| censorship there's like it is idiotic but also like if someone had if if women got together and I'll did this together and like understood how it felt like I don't know what it feels like they might
00:20:54| they precautionary tests well they do have like they have dyes and then they have those straws and stuff to that like they change color based on the chuckles that's interesting that's
00:21:10| pretty cool so you could bring those but I doubt they're like in California or like you can have a straw it's legal and I'm like it's fine for it but I mean that's that's I guess that's logical if
00:21:22| it's happened to you and you want to prevent absolutely then that's how you do it it's one of the ways she doing yes sir interesting way to do it yeah and let's
00:21:31| start with a predator aspect like how does the predator pick somebody where I said like friend we just said all the stuff we're just talking about isolate them yeah make
00:21:40| sure they can be manipulated emotionally a little bit maybe and get them to how do you know out there guard in a second so conversation with someone no I don't know if they're already friend I think
00:21:49| that's how it happens like a friend but if you're like a complete stranger like that they have to like grab you and sweep you out of the bar like you're a drunk girlfriend like like pretty
00:21:59| quickly away and and it'll be a red flag - and they must have done it before before to figure out like what the timing is and like people who do that probably do do it like it's a cereal
00:22:10| thing in fact um isn't that like a trope or like a joke in like movies from the her drink a Spanish flag it's a real hot yeah is that what Spanish replies I don't know
00:22:26| that it's the same thing but it's the same kind of myth I know right she makes you an idea she can't control herself sexually inactive way rather than a passive way well I don't know any
00:22:37| conscious way maybe it's advertised as an active way but it's more of a passive way hmm that's crazy no so predators keep a lookout for anyone who wears a yellow color the
00:22:50| screams predator and if I tell you to run run run run to the forest that sounds like a good idea I don't like it yeah you feel like I guess you had all your money so you
00:23:09| weren't violated so you're good right it still feels weird like what time is it how many hours past this is probably like eight or somewhere between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. and I woke up by 3:30 ish
00:23:21| don't wanna say that's me that's a word hop right it's just it's more effed up that that they left me in there like how do you not there's only like three stalls and two urinals it's
00:23:32| not like it was like 18 stalls and four euros and eight sinks it's like one sink two or three stalls and then two urinals and that point the guy I would I would assume that like somebody like for us to
00:23:46| go in a female bathroom is weird but if we think our friends in there roofied we would probably what we don't know you're right we probably keep asking people so like as guys we'd probably be like can
00:23:59| you check can you check like everyone who went in there like I assume they do the same thing but some reason is I don't know see like that maybe something did happen to you and somebody was in
00:24:10| there wouldn't know yeah give me the business no I didn't feel different physically like no I don't know no chapped lips or anything I mean honestly no nothing like but my
00:24:26| butt felt fine did you check it oh my god yeah cuz I was like what a world and I was like okay okay ha my pants were all backwards underwear we're on the floor I was like I was
00:24:36| normal no so yeah I have no idea what happened in that like five ish hour spent but I got a lot of phone calls that I missed and anyway within six months to a year the wind rift I will
00:24:49| name drop them they they renovated the entire building like knocked it down rebuild it up out of nothing and now it's it doesn't exist that building I was roofied oh how kind of weird right
00:24:59| yeah it's like I'm kind of cool yeah nostalgic so maybe Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind and just mentally gets asteroids appear yeah it did I don't know
00:25:12| so shout out roofies that's some story yeah alright I shout out roofies whoa we got episode dude lean redditors 22 minutes that was actually right on the reflect on that moment we just had their
00:25:35| listening to that they would follow a nice as he sing story or the record folks listening at home we're back to the the podcast yeah back that was our trial podcast that was
00:25:46| our that's what we would do if we were to make uh predators do I can find a week what if it was full of like predator in like a trench coat cool trying to be inconspicuous but you still
00:26:06| just a mascot yeah that's our icon right there like a little like kind of top Hattie type thing mm-hmm boys yours hey guy what do you got all
00:26:19| right so we're going to mine mines like a totally different direction it's kind of weird it's not like that mine is so let's pretend we're starting I genuinely forget yeah do you do predators
00:26:32| predators perfect what we think yeah tonight folks we're gonna talk about phone scams predators so there's like different stuff going on with cell phones now mm-hm this actually started
00:26:51| with landlines but phone scams and 20:19 they had like a list of all it goes on and what to look out for I get a phone call from a weird number they say just don't answer it at this point
00:27:02| hey I'm not even totally getting into the robo calls but I'll touch on it robo calls are through the roof forty five percent of all calls made in a day here in America are robo calls 45 percent
00:27:15| that's ridiculous you know who's in charge of that Federal Communications Commission's the FCC clumsy ups you say you know I know you do is it a Jeep oh it's my man a deked
00:27:33| anyway my man said in a speech like a couple weeks ago that ensuring that these robo calls stop is the cornerstone of my future movement now he's talking a lot of talk but
00:27:46| lately he's actually changing the rules as to what constitutes a robo call hmm he's making it easier for people to make robo calls Oh what the hell yeah he's a piece of [ __ ] we all know he's until
00:27:57| know he's getting money he's getting annoying as a piece of sugar the average person I look this one up to gets three to four a day do you get robo calls I don't answer I get I know so this is the
00:28:09| thing with robo calls I know that it's a certain type because it has I still have the phone number from Philadelphia from Pennsylvania yeah so there's one element to it is that they know my number should
00:28:20| be from Pennsylvania area and they call me from there which I do have backstory on this if you want to delve into it would you do I actually don't know this good for so there are databases that
00:28:32| store like your location and they are like given out so they're sold as like a batch information to like people that like like it's intended for like bounty hunters or like I think originally it
00:28:45| was actually for like telecom so like shortened the call distance so like if you were gonna like reach somebody you could reach money via a local call center or something because of okay for
00:28:54| some reason is cheaper but now it's like where it's what I wouldn't matter but bounty hunters and Robo callers so people saw it like going like across state lines like they'd be in a major
00:29:04| city and like the robo calls would come from a certain city so it'd be like how do they know so like hey that information is should be confidential and is becoming more confidential right
00:29:17| yeah or you download an app like an app can request to have their information and user agreements never user agreements like 40 pages long in there it says we have the right to share your
00:29:29| data with and sell it data is one of the biggest selling points right now that's a whole episode we click on panners our episodes not one of these yeah but anyway these robo calls um when I again
00:29:42| they're usually from my area code sometimes they have my first three digits of my phone number too I always laugh at that one I'm like I'm gonna hash is so closely if I could supposed
00:29:51| to be a relative or something oh must be a relative because we'll have the same phone number [ __ ] anyway these coals oddly enough i discussed this on an on painters upset
00:30:02| when you if you do pick it up and they say to speak with a representative please if you were the victim of a slip-and-fall please press 1 i press 1 and it rings twice and says the number
00:30:14| you have reached is no longer available and disconnected and i'm like i wanted to buy their product like it's gotten ridiculous so most of these are related to scams
00:30:26| people try and scam people over the phone it usually doesn't work with someone our age but like someone 70 or in fact someone tried to scan my grandmother seven years ago but try to
00:30:40| get information or money yeah so this is how they do it someone calls from a number at the time it wasn't to his cell phone so I think it's to my grandparents landline and my grandmother picked up
00:30:51| and they went grandmom it's me grandma and she went Nicky which is the trick because they didn't say their name anyway yeah it's Nicky I'm in jail was always me yeah I'm in jail grandma and
00:31:01| she said oh no Nicky are you okay she said I'm in Florida right now and I'm in jail well we just got in trouble with a little bit of weed I just need some money to get out of jail so I can call
00:31:11| my mom and she laughed at my girl and said Nicky your mother is gonna kick your ass and she laughed and she's like you better call her you're in big trouble
00:31:21| and they're like no no ground don't hang up I need the money now and she's like ha ha ha ha ha and she pulled my mom immediately she like is Nicky in jail like my mom's like
00:31:30| no he's at work or whatever he was she had no idea so she could have been scammed like do you know what I mean it just so happened to be that her lifestyle and the fact that she figured
00:31:40| my mom would kick my ass before she did saved her kinda but like that stuff happens to old people all the time the number one you know number one scam call is tech support mhmmm you're having
00:31:53| issues I'll give us yeah passwords to your laptop you ever do the one where they um we would like to have remote control access into urine this happened my
00:32:03| grandmom she left them in it did it work I don't think they got they own my grandma doesn't have any sense of information on her laptop or not what did they do just download a bunch of
00:32:11| malware on there I think they did yeah they're trying to just like permanently watch what she was doing but it's like I think once people found out she's like that goes to like Facebook and like some
00:32:22| family website and then maybe a golden retriever forum or something yeah anyway it's the one time I was driving for work and it was like I just finished a delivery it was a tech support guy he
00:32:34| said please we are with Google or Windows we need access we are Google yeah and I just I was bored I mean this is like five years ago I said uh I'm sitting by the puter and I pretended I
00:32:47| had a southern accent and I did the whole thing dude I talked to him for ten minutes how's Lee alright I'm sitting by the puter right now you gotta tell me which
00:32:55| buttons to press and how many times to press him because let me tell you what darling cooked a mean steak I'm gonna have leftovers later and said well sir and he was trying to be very patient
00:33:04| with me was super nice but like I started playing real stupid I was like alright you're telling me I gotta go inside the puter and he wasn't no sir you need to press these buttons control
00:33:17| access a he was going over and over like ten minutes cuz I'm driving my next I was like 15 minutes away and I was just pretending to be a southerner you know so at one point he totally busted me he
00:33:28| was like I need you to press ctrl and the button right next to it alt or whatever he said he said two buttons that weren't next to each other says I'm president about Harlan dam can and he
00:33:39| said he said they are not next he literally went [ __ ] your mother yes so man made a guy that he was like livid because I kept saying it ain't turned on
00:34:03| I gotta reset my pooter you know I was doing the old-time huh but apparently they get some people yeah I assume it's the people get older and they just start to have dementia and
00:34:13| they don't know what's happening at all right like hey so I'm coming your will they can be a little confusing or other that far will spell it you know a JIT [ __ ] pie that's a baby yeah
00:34:29| Herman it's it's funny we sound like we're making fairly racist comments but uh in my research like legit most of these happen from outsourced countries like India and Pakistan are big on the
00:34:41| tech support scam it's like a little English speaking poorest countries right one other English speaking English speeching yeah I know speaking and I think of this even if the walls are
00:34:50| against them you're not gonna extradite them for a guy's true I mean who and who's gonna get them yeah and why how much are you gonna get them for like unless it's a giant ring that's
00:34:59| hurt some like celebrity average the average money they get is between a hundred and thousand dollars for tech support calls you know II mean so like another country extradite and someone
00:35:09| for to learn about okay another I'll just run through the list real quick cuz though you know just in general tell me jump on one of these if you ever dealt with those fake counterfeit merch so you
00:35:20| go to a Chinese website that sells hockey jerseys maybe or some things that are like 1/8 the cost because they don't pay any licensing fees or anything they just make them look like it hmm you may
00:35:30| get it you may not I've seen this with like clothing that was like it looks like it's really fluffy and soft and then it's like oh main enemy paper you get is really getting like I'm at Dolce
00:35:41| & Gabbana knockoff and you get it and it's like Coltrane and Chuck Bana it's like what you do are we hard to make one look like it wish calm has like electronics like it's a phone and your
00:35:54| watch it's like it's supposed to be like an Apple watch but it's only cost like 2 bucks so you already know that you're like you're getting a knockoff cheapo product it might not work some of those
00:36:05| are just like painted on like it's just like a sticker he's peeling off and he's a plan like damn it we got tricked again let's try another one
00:36:16| another one was pets for sale who ever heard of this is like well we know they like they pets for sale so you're looking for a - hound are you looking for a Siberian Husky or whatever the
00:36:28| hell they're called and they're usually like 800 bucks apiece so websites offer for the vaccines insurance and shipping fees and that dog never friggin shows up of course huh yeah you didn't see the
00:36:43| one with the guy who made the rats have really puffy hair so he cut the rat to make it look like a dog and then sold the rat to people as a fancy to hook around yeah damn I got what they look
00:36:59| like well they look like y'all look until you hold them and then you're like this goddamn rat there's other ones like grant scams Oh collection agency so collection agency
00:37:13| is allowed to contact you call you seek out their debt right yeah legally they are there's a certain amount per day I don't know the number but there are people just pretend they're a collection
00:37:23| agency but the other thing with all of these the tech support the merch they don't just get your they don't discreet of money mm-hmm they also have your credit card now and they sell that on
00:37:35| the black market or they use it let's go proxy usually and there you go so they're doing another client that's a second gram and then this can also lead to identity theft no no these people get
00:37:45| stuff taken out in their name they're like I've never heard of that the worst is a people who are using other people's identity to commit commit crimes like if they bust somebody but they don't
00:37:56| actually catch them but they leave like traces that that person was you how do you prove that it wasn't you I mean you could actually you know how know you remember the whole privacy issue we have
00:38:09| in this country where our cell phones tell us everywhere we were every day everything that's actually the only time that would come in handy wouldn't it like me no no I was texting and driving
00:38:17| Oh check this nope you bust me video which by the way the best is the the biggest speed trying to work this properly sputum I used to take away home no I'm best law ever broke I did 55 in a
00:38:41| schools in one time while it's flashing okay that's that's three times the legal limit that's pretty good right have you ever done three times the legal limit anywhere
00:38:49| what was the limit 2015 when it's flashing that's not three that's like 355 well it's over three six six six six six you imagine if I got this sixty it would be like four time
00:39:05| then I can you know all my friends I did it's four times the speed limit people good crazy and then did you pay for a hundred and twenty five no no one called me ever Oh last ten feet because you
00:39:21| can't get that bad there I almost got a ticket and earning too fast and it's cool them I was I was still going I was still in high school and wearing my high school garb which
00:39:31| included a tie so the officer was probably like [ __ ] I can't get this kid a ticket so I didn't get a ticket hit it I turned really fast that was it he couldn't give you a ticket cuz you at a
00:39:41| time I look businesslike oh my god I would have given you a ticket just for talking about this so there are house and vacation scams that payday loan scams
00:39:51| another one I never realized because time shares are becoming a problem right now anyone run into a timeshare the prices are going through the roof there are people cold calling people saying
00:40:02| they found a buyer for your timeshare they're willing to buy it they'll write up a fake contract that they're going to buy it from you and get your I just gave my fifty dollars and fifty dollars in
00:40:13| processing fees eighty dollars in this fee and boom they're gonna buy the Timeship are your free home this is the they play it up larger than it is and then take the small peanuts take the
00:40:23| peanuts do because guess what they you gonna get another big scam on apparently phones whether it's over cellphones or not is called a dating a relationship skin you never come across one
00:40:36| how would you date somebody via is they cold call you to ask you out for a date hey what is that a cold tenders you you've never seen it there should be tinder scams well Shep
00:40:48| you think that's what this is this is involved oh yeah that's yeah you ever get there are certain dating apps were um I didn't I don't know this but my friend Dan who's been on our podcast
00:40:57| before mm-hmm he was on one of the apps and like when he used to be dating there's like women that are super hot I like you very much Dan I like you very much
00:41:09| we should get together sometime these opportunity and even the lobby yeah but like he's like this is a scam like but that happens to another one oh the biggie work from home make 25 now he's
00:41:23| peed on besides the scam and last one I had was fraud and fake checks camps which is apparently still a thing I didn't even know and you bled into all kinds of scams I did I thought you told
00:41:36| him I didn't know if you came into contact place cans I don't know if I think the most egregious one was the person who downloaded an app and the app was periodically sending information
00:41:47| back to a server somewhere and it was everything about your phone like it would not only get your location but your yeah all calling me a phone number that like whatever was it talks you
00:41:58| don't to that it was a like a child's gaming app just most of Rio's [ __ ] do that most egregious yeah it was even sending like your IMEI which is like your card number of like yeah your SIM
00:42:11| card like to them it's like really weird and then like little thing I listen to they tracked it like to a bunch of different companies finally getting to like one parent company that was like
00:42:23| really obscure and they couldn't Comcast no but they couldn't they couldn't figure out who it was because it was obscured really like was like hosted somewhere else some other country and
00:42:36| they couldn't couldn't dial down him on what actually was so was like some like market is all your information of course some 20/20 or news report were they lady was getting robo calls like ten
00:42:52| times a day maybe even twenty she um she suit mm-hmm so you know they did the legal paperwork they followed all these companies they were connected to other companies they were subsidized by other
00:43:03| companies do you know what was it was Time Warner I wasn't kidding when I said that I liked time I swear to god she got like four million dollars from Time Warner for calling her ass not nice
00:43:14| my guess is Time Warner has stopped or somehow not been associated yeah create another company which friggin sue how awesome would that be for wasting your time and like we already don't go
00:43:27| door-to-door anymore yeah the people trying to sell you a vacuum like vacuum up my rug please just someone came up to your door to sell you anything okay guilty look how much dirt your rug has
00:43:37| oh thanks thanks for cleaning it out get out there cleaning I gotta take it down please yeah you want to miss vacuumed up that stench mm-hmm right but like now people don't do phone call sales anymore
00:43:52| because no one listens yeah now it's a GU saturated robotic person we've saturated phone calls what's next AI to text it's an AI that sounds like your girlfriend how I'm in trouble
00:44:04| bring a hundred dollars to I don't never go for I have a wife what if it was my girlfriend don't tell my wife so if you were later what would you do what would be your scam call people and
00:44:28| you'd be militant Eric you have to say oh my gosh you'd be like one of those oh my god I need money I don't know I don't know psychic you got bit to be like a psychic
00:44:39| like oh I feel like Energy's long-lost relative you murder you right now I think you're right I think you're right like are you it are you Italian is your life spaces is it and then this is yeah
00:44:56| weird are you feeling like you're underappreciated are you stressed out surely are you trying to do wish you could sleep more and relax let me sell you a horrible
00:45:07| life boss that's kind of a jackass right no I know she is she she's a jackass yeah yeah that's why I said yeah oh my god I got the product for you so there always be snake oil salesman I expected
00:45:21| to mess that up you try snake oil salesman yeah pretty good yeah just our advice here is don't answer the phone okay actually I saw a report on
00:45:36| the robo calls not Colbert the other English guy who does today oh yeah last week tonight on Oliver John over power he did a really good one and um he sent up a bunch of call a bunch of phones to
00:45:49| robo call the FCC didn't do like thousands of calls per hour it was pretty funny but um they changed that to be though when you brought that up just to interject they made it easier so like
00:46:02| before it used to be that like you couldn't have a completely robotic system that would just keep calling and calling and calling so they had call centers that were set
00:46:11| up so that like the number would pop up on a screen and their human being would push the button a call so they keep pushing money but think about yeah yeah bastards so it's not a robo call because
00:46:24| the human is calling you mm-hmm yeah I think you covered quite a we're gonna finish it up with one sentence and I forgot I was talking about with the GPI SEC oh there there was some new so right
00:46:42| now it's called spoofing that's how they get your your area code or your general premise mhm yeah so it looks like it's call from your area yeah family member lately
00:46:51| because I for my work I use my cell phone sometimes they think I'm from like nine different areas so I really stupid numbers call me and I always laugh I'm like loser but on top of spoofing I
00:47:05| believe they can do something now where they can look like it's calling from someone's number in your phone book Servius Ohama crosses someone was like getting a call from their aunt Helga or
00:47:17| something so they answered the phone and as well they're like what though that's not possible and they hung up but like you know the ass later did you call me and she's like no so it's a VoIP do
00:47:29| you know that it's voice override protocol yeah but is there a way to make it look like it's coming from oh you know it may be inside the house no maybe they do something really generic where
00:47:41| it says um mom calling maybe it was they just put mom as it says mom the good news is not one this is my claim to fame and it's just kind of corny every name and my phone is weird
00:47:56| you've obfuscated obfuscated oh my god and idle you know my mom is she has been for 15 years this is a 5.0 no 5.0 is your mom that's my mom and I still get calls from it it's so funny because I'm
00:48:10| like oh that's my mom my dad is mustache but you know what you are I bet you know cuz there's about 15 years old cannot something can you can say your goddamn first Hannah Dan I can't yeah yeah
00:48:22| Canada okay Ryan you know it is P Wesley you know why oh sure was just a screech Neagle screech because I pretended one day there is no name should be Ryan P Wesley
00:48:36| blank the last name but still P Wesley the girlfriend I'm with have a child with pharynx hunky-dory I love her to death please be good one it's philanthropist because I was really
00:48:51| drunk one time when I met her and I was like you're like you're like a philanthropist but your name's Ange anyway you protect I think people ISM know that's why it's in there at that
00:49:06| isn't that crazy no it's good that makes it entertaining and every time you get a phone call yes I'll make sure they're - I don't even know I do so people could figure that
00:49:17| out well with my ex uh actually kind of cute oh here are kind of thing else to add on this one no I'm really sorry that was it phone scams everyone be alert everyone
00:49:32| be careful everyone be village it non vigilant militant it's like a village and tell your grandparents not wire money don't send cash don't do anything over
00:49:45| the phone okay folks I feel like this is a scam that I would do but I wouldn't do it because it's so stupid feel like you robocall we yeah I mean I would be the guy that would set up the robo call
00:49:57| center and then be paid to robo call but not care about the outcomes I'd be the person you could press one for making sure that you get and then it'd be like boo and I'm Bo ho my feet
00:50:08| Jerry the IRS call yeah this is the funniest one it's like it's not even in perfect English is like this is the IRS you owe money do not hang up where the arse
00:50:27| go man yeah this one's right in my wheelhouse so maybe I'll have to set up a robo call center since they're making it easier right a JIT PI all right so anyway don't
00:50:42| answer your phones don't talk to anyone don't send money over the phone don't send money anywhere don't answer any calls don't tell anyone stay home that's it folks
00:50:51| yeah it's the same say same theme from before don't go out and do anything that causes you harm or put you in danger stay inside your homes don't get roofied don't get robocall that's our motto here
00:51:05| yeah okay redditors doo doo doo doo doo they're brothers we're at 50 minutes so if you split it both ways earlier I think it's five minutes no no I well it was five minutes beginning we need five
00:51:26| and then 20 and 25 ish I think Levi's probably yeah yeah longer yeah but I think that's acceptable that's within range okay plus we had both
00:51:37| Tibbits dad hello everyone at home we just made two new podcast episodes in more episodes you watched us make it live what do you think we're doing a making up it's kind of weird cuz I was
00:51:53| sorry Lauren Oh like we're making of this is a [ __ ] you just saw us make gold if you don't like it did distill some of us but like the depth were afraid to go into because we're keeping
00:52:05| it short because it was it wasn't one topic though they was on topic death depth did you know they cast the same death from bill & ted's excise around that
00:52:19| yeah I thought you did it was his name he's got a good face no idea oh he's a good death face yeah I don't know I don't I'd almost say I think I'm honest no it might be on
00:52:30| unpainted or is red it check it out interesting I almost collect it I think I might have clicked it it's like a it's like a finished name it's like Lars or Nils or something it's
00:52:43| so weird cause the dude my favorite death is the dude from Hans Gruber no no Antonio's block I'm Tony's block because on Tony's block it's like a Swedish fell in 1947 he plays chess with death yeah
00:53:06| yeah that one that's the best thing he tries to delay his death oh my god yeah in fact he literally knocks over all the pieces and a pretend move he's like oh so sorry I guess we have to start over
00:53:17| he's like no no I know all of the pieces and where they were and then the death dude puts them all back hmm also Finnish descent that's why it was reminding me of it because I was like yeah those guys
00:53:29| play death pretty well good job Finnish Swedish Norwegian ish hmm okay I'm pissed I don't know name that movie hmm something my life hooks alone
00:53:43| Antonius block I don't man tiny a block when we look at that for you - yeah cousin I didn't know Antonius block and then death [ __ ] cuz that's I think that's his name yeah not that the
00:54:02| characters seven steel seal yes I am I thought seven something but I didn't know I didn't say it I don't know if you really knew it or not when try and take credit I will such a good mo is death in
00:54:16| there what's his name Nils something I'm just curious now times William Sadler thank you that's a guy like that hey it does look what I don't know is good
00:54:32| thanks man not a finish I don't think oh he's not I'll have to keep digging so weird cuz it's England Bergman or whatever who's the director England Bergman holy just making sounds but
00:54:48| you're the Burkman though you be really funny from way off don't listen to me books that does look finished see he is finished there you go I'm director yeah me director stead while an IMDB usually
00:55:11| has director as everything Justine and Herrick Peter Hewitt oh Christ maybe he says to be three no no yeah I mean maybe a mom likes fall apart did you notice this though trim my chest
00:55:28| hair because it usually shows right here when I wear a collared shirt not when we're a v-neck babies I think in a series get serious yeah alright I think so I think we did pretty
00:55:41| good and I think it looks like it 3d predators I just don't know if it's the future of the podcast do you feel like there needed to be a little more energy maybe that's cuz it's kind of new
00:55:52| new I didn't know what to do also were super and roofies was the worst it's just like oh my god brings it down I'm talking more like yeah then women can be taken advantage after
00:56:07| terrible things and then they don't know what to turn to and there's no hope and they have to watch their drinks every time they move it's like yeah one of the best comments was that like I like to
00:56:22| listen to podcasts that are positive and uplifting listen arepa Jesus Christ oh my god I don't know it's one of the things it's like dark humor though cuz there are
00:56:36| bits of dark humor that I think funny jokes really dark things is just has to be the right light there's always gonna be someone doesn't like it so I mean you have to get over that but you're gonna
00:56:50| find your own happy medium that makes sense I don't even know yeah where you can joke about a subject that's serious or dark like let's talk about the Holocaust were you joking about it not
00:57:02| that much it's like you have to find you can tell a joke about it but don't get specific and anyone else is joking about it and make it specifics like you gotta be like yo wow I always telling a kind
00:57:17| no real joke about it you're a jerk-off like I don't know you gotta find lines that's a problem with jokes they do hurt people they don't hurt people so man it wasn't
00:57:30| Birdman are you looking up tell me I'm trying to find a holocaust joke that I could no I don't want to hear because it's probably bad no all of them are like they're
00:57:43| terrible yeah of course yeah that's a giftie like guys said joke like that is probably made ten years ago and it's probably like no no 13 hours ago somebody tried to haul Hawk this
00:57:54| joke on Twitter didn't know summer it wasn't even know yo I'm a flip [ __ ] Oh weird why is he in the seventh seal then feature films in Ingmar Bergman filmography I don't know
00:58:12| why I was so mad that I was wrong director on the Seventh Seal those seven see anything oh no it was based on his play weird early allegory of the cave or whatever no no any more Bergman he is a
00:58:32| famous director he did all these movies that persona I think I saw that one I took a um film film course in a college that was redonkulous or my Ingrid Bergman no amar I think it's the famous
00:58:51| [ __ ] my man anymore amar amar amar there's something about a village school models like the attractive actresses you look at that dude who you go more at
00:59:05| Bergman oh if she's his daughter no I got to know as it is this incestuous this is the nepotism here I don't know yeah what did he do it her don't I got Ingrid foolin hmm Oh
00:59:25| marriages and children what was her name Bergman be en garde goddamn first name I'm looking at Goldman Bergman come on Ingrid von Rosen changed to Bergman what's all this can't be her Ingrid
00:59:44| Bergman weird was married to an Ingmar good Lord so it was Ingrid in Ingmar as they both that they were they really married they were it might be different Ingrid
00:59:58| because this one doesn't have a picture why wouldn't have a picture of beautiful woman this is Ingrid von Rosen later became Ingrid Bergman not to be confused with now this guy's I don't
01:00:13| because the same weight this is crazy we're still recording the episode yeah we are we should probably address the audience so I like the shorter snappier stuff it's like boom boom boom give me
01:00:26| the hits give me the hits one here Beach Boys I'm picking up good vibrations at the same time you do lose a lot of stuff but it's quicker it's easier to pick up it's nice
01:00:42| organized and so it's a package that people so like a comedian brought this up before the comedian put his bits on YouTube and made them like two three minutes long and so he said like buying
01:00:55| into two or three minutes is easy it's like if you're gonna watch a TV channel you may only watch it for a few minutes and then change the channel but it fits the ad it's 15 seconds if it's a
01:01:07| seconds because I don't want to add to win true he says yeah that's not 2% but oh so now I'm like it's three minutes all i watch the whole damn thing I'm sure that damn ad if you're trying to
01:01:17| sell people on I guess if you're trying to make people sell their time mm-hmm it's a hard sell to sell 60 minutes an hour and you know an hour and 15 minutes of beyond panders talking about death
01:01:31| what I think is actually better but I agree I think it is better overall but well so what are we talking about selling out essentially no I'm making it more digestible for people so like if
01:01:46| you could see a snippet so yes selling out I don't think that these are the I mean following the same in what course what are you doing it for I feel like if we since we've hit a hundred so like
01:02:04| really the state of the podcast to select the State of the Union ah I stated a podcast folks we've done a hundred episodes let's come around and let's see what's going on with the
01:02:12| pocket we've got like a year of recorded episodes ahead of us good lord so we have a lot of new and we have time to do something and spin off in another direction and the commitment
01:02:24| of the different new paths that we explored tonight is less that's some ROI yeah return on investments going on here so if we can shorten it and make it 15
01:02:35| minutes of interesting and directly related to whatever we keyword then it will make it easier for people to find something out that like and then hopefully they like that and realize
01:02:46| that we have another podcast that's longer if they like the long discussion conversation long term that the goal is just how do we get people there little pieces of us yeah make them less
01:03:00| commitment people are afraid of commitment right yeah I mean well listen the most valuable commodity is time okay either it's time do you wanna hear something crazy that you brought that up
01:03:13| yeah I just looked up rings online holy [ __ ] only get a man ring uh-huh men wear rings I've never wore a ring in my life literally what size of you I just looked up sizing today I don't do this an hour
01:03:27| and a half ago say on the remind I just looked up I'm thinking I'm a nine and a half I did like it circumference saying listen this isn't a joke I literally off hand was doing this look so you tie a
01:03:40| ribbon around your finger look dad I'm giving you I'm mostly I can listen no look okay so you tie a ribbon around your finger and you mark it with black like marker or something uh-huh and then
01:03:51| you measure it they'll give you diameter versus on circumference and I think I'm like I'm nine and a half inches cuz that have like no interest Sammy I'm in a hat no no the centimeters I was and I was
01:04:07| like 58 to 60 why do they that even weights millimeters millimeters 58 to 60 millimeters but that equates to a nine and a half I believe on this one website will say anyway I'd like to show Rowan
01:04:23| so you're getting a ring for yourself hell yeah dude nine bucks it looks like it's like a lore of the Rings type deal it's got blue worry okay I got more back it up more although you backing up what
01:04:38| you can see that it's clear on my screen okay blue it's kind of badass yeah now I've never worn a ring so it might be garbage but for nine bucks like maybe go for it and I say this is my original
01:04:52| wedding ring and is it one of my friends okay yeah every day one of my friends got married and lost it tubing within less than a month after that I bought spare rings did you not the same because
01:05:09| this is expensive I'm not going I don't think that my wife would notice if I switched and they fin being like here's my question so if you go on an adventure are you wearing a knockoff I don't I'm
01:05:22| not gonna lose this you're lying on the knockoff only if you lose this guy I wear this always so okay this is like playing hockey I wear my ring if I'm beat yeah
01:05:33| so nobody didn't take it off move it you got like the end does the fatty thing like the and does that thing gotta like rotate get it greasy and then slide it huh and then like you can't it's not
01:05:50| really you can't really notice it but you can't really tell okay yeah some people got that where you can notice it for the rest you can feel it because like right on the backside it's smooth
01:06:00| right here it's like creepily smooth so women if you find a guy that has a weird indentation on his finger ring finger runnier and run your finger along that one finger and I'll get crazy smooth and
01:06:12| he's married [Laughter] mmm-hmm got you like it doesn't have any ripples or anything at all it's kind of hot though
01:06:25| yeah you imagine being like cheating on your wife or something to get the beach and you go like that ring that's from sunburn yeah I know there's nothing I had a piece of pepperoni follow my
01:06:37| finger I think exactly shape what who's eating pizza it was hot cheese you dripped on my finger Oh oh my god it looks like a perfect ring
01:06:51| is that crazy Ted Ted is that you come home run run run Forrest run Forrest run I knew we were going there so let's summarize this entire episode we wanted
01:07:10| to try something new explore let's do these predator Tenten pretty fritters very good I don't know how much long term in NASA t this as though if it's ten episodes and one of
01:07:25| them is like ridiculously funny cool yeah that would be true I mainly be easy to do a 15 minute like comedians did like an hour-long bit so if he gives me a joke about our podcast yeah yeah I
01:07:42| know yeah oh my god but if we have one that strikes gold and people like it it might you know funnel people into the right direction good hopes people might never dream never come to this and then
01:07:57| we don't care yeah that's fine it's gonna be out there we really don't care well thank you but I do yeah oh no I'm not being facetious or you found placating like I honestly think we make
01:08:13| real connections with people so and then it happens we find Pam buddy that's awesome and every his every guest who's been on the show I had like a good run or a good episode or good I think we're
01:08:25| like the ultimate guest spot dude I think we're just doing therapy for people like some sort of therapy some sort of analyzation like I feel like people don't want the pieces together
01:08:33| themselves for some reason and it's just like and if let me get them for dog I really think they do and I think everyone we have one ends up being better than they would if they went by
01:08:43| themselves that makes sense we're like the old team it unites breakers you love come and go yeah we ice break we get people out of their comfort zone we get people thinking and then we get them
01:08:54| talking and then we I'm realizing ultimately this is what we do we do a guest like every episode and it becomes so popular and people feel so therapeutic or so good afterwards then
01:09:11| we just start charging is just like a therapy session I'm not kidding D person double-team therapy well I think of this the other thing is you'd almost be paying for exposure to like if
01:09:24| we started taking people who were like I have a great idea we should go on the show you just pay us whatever you come on we do think like if we were more payments like obviously that would be
01:09:33| interesting like I have this one thing can you talk to me about it and then we just go from there yeah and we could do it we could oh yeah I would anyone on any subject like if you have a real
01:09:44| passion or a real idea and you want to get it out you want to flesh it out with two really intelligent people who can converse and like and get your name out there and get it recorded and get it out
01:09:54| into the internet like that's something I think people would pay for I know but then I got you the maker I do like that idea that was a plan clicking cuz I'm gonna write it down well think of this I
01:10:10| mean it would range from crackpots who are people who really have no idea and there are wasting like her neckline yeah but he was cool she's good it was definitely great oh I loved him though
01:10:23| like even his response in the email that was so it was so hearing what can you say you can catch me crank it off under the table and care everyone and yeah I think it's a real thing I think we have
01:10:39| a thing it's just I don't know if it's gonna be with dududududu predators whatever I just I think we can we can do like it doesn't episodes and just let it float and see what happens
01:10:52| it's fine you want to do do do do do now you're gonna really work on the theme song it's what you're gonna do I have a keyboard over there I might do it I might that might be it I might take a
01:11:01| cut of whatever he just did right tonight and that might be greg's me yeah do-do-do-do-do predators it's so funny when you hear your own voice
01:11:17| I can't tell up mine or yours is deeper yeah I don't know people say that our voices sounded similar and I'm like I don't understand that damn it hello cuz when I hear my own voice it sounds
01:11:27| totally different yeah I guess it's out it's it's weird isn't it alright so thank you for listening wrap it up thanks for listening we're gonna do different stuff with our
01:11:36| podcast if you want to pay us money to come on and be a guest have a therapy session with us dude do it yeah we love it we'd love to thank you out of it thanks
01:11:47| for tuning in we like you folks we like yellow a lot good night

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