The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP119 Body Image Beautiful Sexy

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Transcript UnP119 Body Image Beautiful Sexy

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 119 - Body Image Beautiful Sexy
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00:00:01| it's something in the curves lips the hips a little impression and the notions and our emotions a little coquettish ingenue and I want you strike a pose it's in vogue join the mode and let your
00:00:19| self esteem implode so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks for old friends that's touching one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a
00:00:38| deep dive in or unique perspective tabitha forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty morning this
00:00:51| podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time [Music]
00:01:19| let that resonate hey we feel the vibe get in on it join us Wow I'm Dan I'm Nick we're Dan panderers our week so far ok good
00:01:33| College the one right there yeah this boxes what the hell were you talking about it's about body image style sex attraction sex and attraction body image style house
00:01:45| body image eating disorders oh yeah that's okay it's all tied together a little darker I guess it is right now mm-hmm weird where are we starting episode like this let's talk about
00:01:59| ourselves okay so what issues you have with your own body since you didn't really get to choose some of it what telling you is your nose my nose is large too mindful urge as well my teeth
00:02:15| I kind of suck if the guy ugly Tina and I probably could have gotten him fixed but I got actually no it's fine I had braces a retainer and a spacer it still suck yeah I actually did that too
00:02:26| because it could have been much worse the bottom of your teeth as long as that teeth they're all my Tivo teeth teeth yeah the top row though I like my smile and my eyes are okay except the one is
00:02:36| droopy and the other is nah I get a droopy eye to eye all lose it except in pictures yeah I think it's that one yes Dan there's beautiful blue eyes had so much time to analyze yourself it's it's
00:02:50| hard not to be picky not to know your you know your own flaws if you're weird seeing yourself on mirrored on mirrored what do you mean every time you see yourself it's a mirror image isn't it I
00:03:01| guess it's not what other people say is it isn't it the flipped image did I thought yes I was under that understanding I don't wish not even get crazier with your eye sees everything
00:03:12| backwards and flips it so upside down a father are you really oh it's an upside you an exaggerated yeah cuz a light and then your brain has to flip the image what about health
00:03:22| so mostly face my eyebrows are bushy to her some please his like an entire car across my roof and his five head folks yeah my forehead my it's very long not that bad it's not it was starting to get
00:03:36| less less hair no I am NOT here to judge but I think it's always kind of been this way it looks worse because it gets kinda way yeah it looks worse I've also starting to get wrinkles
00:03:47| crinkles yeah yeah unfilled look old and then you're like well [ __ ] I'm not I'm not prying dryly line so you get when you do this like three big ones cuz I don't mind don't do even line oh
00:04:01| my god what are they it's a map of ocean currents it's where I've hidden my treasure steep within wells I did not expect that so if you want to talk about the rest of our bodies yeah worst of my
00:04:19| nipples get puffy I get really hot really I don't know there's one time when I was I getting an exam in school by the nurse right for some reason in there she read you wish but uh for some
00:04:33| reason there was another student what she did and like they made us take our shirts off for some reason and I had like real huffy nipples and then they I don't know what they called me but I
00:04:41| felt really embarrassed but this was really like brownie pepperoni nips saucy nips maybe pepperoni pepperoni is a common term for big puffy nipple coffee nipples my brother-in-law has pepperoni
00:04:52| nipples yeah I you can't control your nipples most of the time you can't be crazy body your nipples are waking at me yeah so I was like I don't know I was really conscious about cuz I don't know
00:05:09| it's certain weird things about your body they you feel like everyone's looking at whoa and you notice more than notary much any monthly the UM little yeah I've always had chicken legs and
00:05:20| chicken arms so like I'm really skinny in my appendages long but like anytime I get fat it's right in my midsection so I would have like um love handles big old love
00:05:29| handles and a skinny body looks some ugly on a white dude I guess it looks ugly on everyone but on white dudes when you're pale it's like goof I don't know about that -
00:05:38| Nani yeah 100% I was really skinny when I was little and then I got in about seventh or eighth grade I didn't exercise a year then I got video
00:05:48| games video games June my parents to my parents called it my Sega tube yeah we called it my Sega tooling that I had like this it was probably sad yes think of it and what size did you say it yeah
00:06:02| well no no they called like your mile of Hills was my Sega YouTube like it was like caught around your body and yep I got me they got me there good one folks good one folks
00:06:13| yeah I was not in shape seventh year old actually just real quick cuz I was a real skinny kid is it like a five and six and seven year old like skinny [ __ ] all over and then I'm tall and then I
00:06:25| got real fat in 7th and 8th grade and then I kind of skinny dad again and then I got fat again and then I got skinny again and then recently I was fat now I'm just kidding again so I just do that
00:06:34| yeah is that a thing that people do like you go through phases yes I've been chubby for a while slightly chubby not unhealthy what's your um what's your dad right now
00:06:45| weight-wise chubby hazy chubby or is it like thin cuz when you get old you either go one way or the other right I guess I don't know if that's your own decision like only you saw my style not
00:06:56| your decision but he's Joey here in the midsection is he I don't think he's your size is very much though no I mean as you get older like who knows um but most people go like they start getting
00:07:06| thinner and thinner and then like real thin and then like you're 80 and 90 and you're like one of those dudes it's real thin and like barely paper-thin or there's like the dudes who like kind of
00:07:15| start to look like the blob let you get fatter and a Monica start exercising yeah as a shrink at all I feel like feel like you go one way or the other eventually in section yeah
00:07:26| what's real crazy is we're probably gonna get into this entirely in a long talk is that you care so much about your body but I feel like people younger than you already dismiss you yes yeah
00:07:39| definitely they might respect zone I think of you but it should not your physical shape ya know so when I think of like a 55 year old right now but at my age right now to 55 year old well
00:07:50| even not even disgusting like I don't judge them I'm like who character you're like oh I'm too fat here or I'm too tall here am I hate when my shoulders do this I'm like
00:08:02| funny because meanwhile if I see like a something and I'm there I'm like homeboy probably checking me out I don't see anything like slow like my shoulders like my shoulders stand up
00:08:12| straight meanwhile they're like like this kind of nerdy posh trayers posture get out of here 30 year old guy yeah yeah that's one do you're terrible so I think you don't really care you care so
00:08:24| little about like 40% over your age group that you don't even see them as either ugly or good-looking or anything unless they're ridiculous and good-looking that's mm-hmm so let's get
00:08:36| another nature of it cuz you just hit on it is you're trying to attract a mate by looking really beautiful quote-unquote beautiful whatever that might be so is that why I think they all mate based or
00:08:48| is it like so I think some of it is like biological that you're physically attracted people that are asymmetric be as objectively in shape and your genetics are good so like your facial
00:08:59| structure everything is even maybe your women are attracted to guys who are taller for some reason that makes I guess that's an advantage somehow they totally are have you seen the bagel dude
00:09:10| yet it just happened dude yeah he's like five foot four and weirdly shaped and he freaks out in the bagel shop oh he freaks head he says all the girls are [ __ ] nobody treats him let's
00:09:20| respect and he starts throwing bagels around acting like a baby did it's Hans Phantom you can look it up later this happened yesterday but he's real like I think he's it really taciturn eighty
00:09:29| nine months ago yesterday nine months ago whenever this episode releases they go guy was new during this episode if that gives you any reference know moo-ha-ha
00:09:41| anyway now I'm sorry so yeah they are attracted to taller men women yeah and I don't actually know why does it because they are able to reach taller fruits on the trees and sublime apparently
00:09:54| giraffes it's okay majestic animal call or not yeah oh my look is that a real thing like me gallop even do you think the Serengeti do you think females are female giraffes are
00:10:12| literally attracted to drip with the longest night like it's not the sexiest thing big neck I don't like I think so maybe because there's not much going on with the draft like what you know you
00:10:22| know the giraffe was a normal-sized horse at some point and then I was like boo he's got a long back then it just like every every generation it's like an inch taller and taller inch taller
00:10:31| it's finally like wild with blood flow and gravity and yeah just makes no sense have you ever seen a giraffe up beat the hell out of a lion oh yeah oh that was ridiculous dude he trounced that lion
00:10:44| there's a lion hunting him for food he just plowed throws like there's the objective side where it's like you know you know the physical sexual attraction but weirdly enough in the past it wasn't
00:11:04| necessarily that it was objective I mean there's elements to it that like what are you where scientific yeah well uh like I have a subjective subjective and also you can tell someone's like if
00:11:15| their hands are like really like callous II really hard maybe they're like a carpenter or something I will tell you honestly would never have been noticed anyone's hands know that's me you're not
00:11:26| certainly do the optimum mates though I think women are they're not probably recognized honestly but it's like if your woman had really rough hands would you be like would you notice she had man
00:11:40| hands if she was like if I'm on you're looking gold my hand hey sweetie let's go for a walk that part may be like oh my god well you see that's pot it's part of body image though if someone hasn't
00:11:52| give my large hands or really tiny hands it makes me really sensitive about them yes I work with a guy and we hired him and he was super nerdy but like I wanted to like him because he was like a reddit
00:12:08| dude and uh he was new and like he didn't know anyone and like I say he was kind of nerdy I was like I got a roof for this guy like I gotta be on his team because no one's gonna like them but I'm
00:12:17| like he's probably gonna be cool he's into the Internet he's very online like he's younger than me no one else will understand him because I'm the most online person here take him under my
00:12:26| wing uh-huh he's really annoying me but I was trying to be nice to him so and he was really weird and he was stepping on my toes while I was talking my customers and said very end I was like yo dude
00:12:36| good hangin out I hope you fit in here and I went to give him the old picture and his whole hand fit inside my plan ha ha have any large they do this no my hands are ranking your size sized hand
00:12:49| high yeah I'm like fairly normal size was next your face I have larger hands I think compared to mostly due to thank you do interesting anyway you would this
00:13:00| dudes ladies I have large hands of you like large hands it was so weird and I was like I don't like you ha I immediately didn't like him so much I was like I'm not going to be retracted
00:13:11| from his grasp your thing and I didn't know why cuz I'm not like that and all these reactions at what indeed you and I shall not talk from henceforth yeah it was just like I didn't think and I'm not
00:13:36| a judge person I can tell you that your social status you can tell kind of what jobs people have if their posture shitty of their computer engineer you might realize that they have certain funny it
00:13:59| was a where there was negative or positive no you did is weird I didn't think that that it's weird I don't think of posture and hand size at all I'm thinking of a person
00:14:13| yes subconsciously they always play a role whether you like someone or not but it plays in now atletic they are - if you're watching someone walk it has something to do with their biomechanics
00:14:23| their body sugar you can tell whether like how their muscular skeletal system kind of formed people who are walk really well or like in military or like they're just built like they have a
00:14:37| stride that stands out from other people who just don't do any of that well and then there's people who are the opposite in the spectrum walk like crappy and like sloppy and heavy and you touched on
00:14:48| all the good words and that's unattractive I agree with that you know it's a laziness got him it's kind of like if they're lazy about this lot of elves that how much can they care about
00:15:01| you slovenly yes yes already use an adverb yeah and that kind of we'll talk about like maybe obesity a little bit later but there's also like a tribal aspect to it's like people like better
00:15:13| look similar to you and your genetics I think you realize that they're somehow part of your tribe and that gets into like racism or ethnicities 'm or like you can't be good to wait what if you
00:15:25| like is it just as bad to hate fat people as it is to hate like people who are like not your race that seems a bit much but I think you know less about a person based on their race I mean you
00:15:38| probably know nothing about the person based something we don't know anything nothing no I guess so because you do know a little bit based on their we have a stereotypical connotation about
00:15:46| certain things yeah but even that you might be wrong cuz there's genetics which we can get into it yeah and but there's always outliers and people are always unique so
00:15:54| sometimes people could apprise you when they actually open their mouth and your label like how Wow how do you speak so athletically some real fat person just like I gave on 2%
00:16:13| yeah I just let my teammates do what we're doing it we're gonna keep trying I don't care we lost game seven game four we're gonna treat every game the same and you're like it's not your fault it's
00:16:21| not your fault we we try to pass did it we did it to spend ourselves up there we do good do a good job camp it along I think we got to do better I'm gonna do their job do better you're like
00:16:31| wow this guy's huh so I think that's a good preface I don't know where we go from here but well it was weird I didn't think we were going as deep into that as we did but I don't know what I'm
00:16:48| attracted to and people because I think is berries with the body type you mixed with personality it's not just a body type thing right true we can agree right yeah there's something awesome body
00:16:59| tightness complex thing we have I think attraction really that's interesting that's a good way to put it it kind of is I guess yes it's a combination of physical mental emotional
00:17:11| when you mean it's weird too because it's like be like I don't like redheads though oh my god the way she walks uh-huh something about her smell like you know I mean nothing that sounds
00:17:22| creepy I guess but but like a nice nap you just just look nuts no no you're good you're gonna what you're gonna woo me I thought you gonna woo me she's just regular that's just Bo mmm
00:17:37| yeah there's something about the way people look the way people move their body image that you're analyzing all the time and you can't turn it off in your own body image you're consciously
00:17:51| thinking about that a lot even I'm actually it might have one thing that you always think about if you're around other people yeah it might be that's that's weird here's another
00:18:04| weird thing I think once I meet someone if I can talk to them freely for like a couple minutes I usually know if I like them or not yeah you guys yeah me too I could tell
00:18:14| and there's a physical aspect I can't explain that's involved like manner is they don't really mean it I think so and so probably like they're Italian no there's something else I can tell if
00:18:34| someone's deep or not my favorite thing is scent humor death of personality and ability to see different facets of life like that's probably my top three that I look
00:18:45| for in a person whether it's a guy or girl physical whatever just someone I know I can be like they never yet yeah because there's there's some people were so flat and 2d and like only represent
00:18:55| one thing that I I can't deal yeah but I was going to say I can usually almost they have a physical identifier I think and it's not a weight thing I don't think but it might be a way they carry
00:19:07| themselves thing or a way they you just said mannerism that's a good way to put it or maybe it's something in their eyes I I don't know but that's physical it's a way they look or act or hold
00:19:21| themselves so I guess it's super important so it's really hard to define like your idea or like aspirational person so I guess mm-hmm officially for men like men don't have models that they
00:19:35| look up to usually like they don't look up to a man supermodel like a Fabio it's not who you look up to as a child and be like I want to look like Fabio but women do though I am they look at supermodels
00:19:48| people in magazines TV shows movies they try to emulate what they're seeing in Instagram it seems like they're litter peacocking it they're trying to be something and be I guess evocative it's
00:20:02| a good way to put it so in our species the human species usually the female wants to be something desirable I don't I don't know I think I think cuz I want to be desirable in a male but I don't
00:20:15| know that I aspire to it or to cut outs or instagrams and I'm also 34 so maybe now 15 year-olds you are I don't know it's more lately I think women are more passive so women will use all the tools
00:20:31| that are passive more than men as a man if he's gonna cut right through all the [ __ ] he doesn't have to do any of this like preparation you can just be like hey I think you're beautiful do you want
00:20:44| to go out and like a woman well I do think it's shifting you think it's changing shifting ittsan changing I didn't say it's changed I think it's changing 100% so
00:20:53| there's a an element to that that is kind of archaeologic almost like ancient Greece so ancient Greece is unique because you see all the statues of men with tiny little penises but they're
00:21:05| ripped and jacked I was like Greek gods essentially it was like back then the onus is really on the men to look beautiful to be cut and chiseled in marble literally and have tiny penises
00:21:18| yeah normal sized penises for certain people not listeners of the podcast please go on but it shifted so like I don't know how the power shifts but back then if the men had to work on their
00:21:36| bodies more it turns out that the women didn't they didn't have as much pressure so they became larger more relaxed there has to be a pendulum theory I mean easily it's like me everything shifts in
00:21:48| this direction really far and when it shifts too far this way all the power and all the whatever onus all the everything is over here so the outliers are now the other way it has to shift
00:21:58| the other way stochastic whoa would you say stochastic is the boy casting some people say it it's the way I thought oscillate it's almost like a spring but it's like set to a certain tone tune and
00:22:13| we like we're not really aware of it but I think it's always happening that we're slowly shifting one manager back to my middle and back away and for for those athletic fans of the podcast I actually
00:22:24| used this as the bounce back year I'm really under percent believe in sports this is a real thing like if if a really good player has a bad year bad bounces he doesn't get his goals as good as
00:22:36| touches he's not getting as many you know interception stuff like that like there's an element of bounce-back ness that will happen I spent way too long talking about it because we just
00:22:48| explained it but I'm really on your example even bounce back ness springiness the pendulum effect a hundred percent I believe because nothing can happen a hundred percent in
00:22:58| one linear way there's so many outlying events and so I think that applies to beauty Stan and like not the way we perceive people that you you can't have it stay one way
00:23:10| there's nothing static everything has to move and when it moves there's only one way for to move this way it's that way through time it's kind of interesting if you look at like female style like
00:23:22| beautiful it's like you wanted to be heavier because it meant that you can actually feed yourself and then yeah different focuses yeah different focuses it's like you you're healthy your
00:23:35| version of healthy changes too it's like your ability and social status so if you no longer need to eat and serve food or likes to store food on your body like if you're wealthy enough this is moving
00:23:48| through time wealthy enough that you could have food available at all times like when you have refrigeration then it becomes that like you the Victorian era you have dainty skinny women yep that
00:23:57| are wearing poufy dresses but really like rail-thin it's like they no longer view the larger women as sexy because you don't need to carry that much weight around because
00:24:08| you have other means of wealth and survival tactics this is really about survival it's so weird I feel like every phase is a beauty yeah is a um it's a shock wave from the past survival
00:24:26| instinct like like it's because Beauty I think is an outlying thing I don't think it's current I think it's based on the tracks or trends exactly uh-huh and I think the trend is always ahead of what
00:24:43| it was to be healthy if that makes sense yeah so that you saw all these beautiful healthy heavyset women and the ones now who were also healthy but wealthy are now thin because they can be there's
00:24:56| only whoa it's a different to it yeah they're different they're like whoa they can do this and they're still well it's like too you know did I guess that happens with guys too we don't notice as
00:25:08| much obviously and it isn't as pronounced in history obviously yeah like do you notice guys now the the good-looking guys are all fairly thin like the whole skinny jeans skinny legs
00:25:20| tight pants well I think there's a period before we even have media that like people could be more natural about it maybe like mass production of things and mass media and then like everyone
00:25:30| having their own little niche like it really that's not more natural I think it's slower you think it's slower what do you mean like the trends me how because more separate or the trend takes
00:25:42| longer to take to spread and to catch on ends for everyone to see it and for magazines to mass-produce it now it makes matte Tuaregs it's like work to make a trend is what you're saying to
00:25:53| make a master did-did-did back in the day now it's like friggin your Instagram social media the world shares that the news shows the Instagram post everyone can see it
00:26:04| I think these trends are happening faster and faster yeah that's like the translation to like the first bikini it's like women didn't have to do certain things until a bikini came out
00:26:13| and then all of a sudden is like the focus is now interest drawn to a Keeney body yeah you're absolutely right can you look that up that is interesting what year was a bikini like 1960 1944 I
00:26:26| have no idea basing this on nothing because I said I feel like I was a big deal and probably had a lot to do with body image and everything else like that
00:26:37| I said 44 to 60 let the record show unless I'm Way off there's one that says it's a bikini in 1946 May 1940 shock helm from Paris or Jaime sorry look like an L who the hell cares calm whatever
00:26:53| you want do these French but the first bikini style women's clothing was found in no we're not going ancient Greece or whatever the hell you're gonna guy doesn't see no that's
00:27:02| because they didn't know him with that bright guy yeah exactly interesting but it's one of those amazing things that like the different level of competition happens and now I'm
00:27:11| getting distracted by women that are probably like yeah bikini awesome good intention Jacques good job good job Jacque shoutout Jacques he's a big fan of the podcast what do we don't need a
00:27:24| new art patron like if your prior to prior to whether the we wore our bikini yeah or being like for you to be a woman and not have a bikini body and then they
00:27:38| invent the bikini that's got to be the biggest letdown hi that's a slap in the face dude that's like hey by the way we meant something everyone's gonna love it hope you're ready for it so this kind of
00:27:51| goes into the next segment um physical fitness do you think this ties into this at all don't know that they're always lockstep what's the casual sporty but there's the
00:28:06| new like the Lulu Monica and like all these like yoga pant styles like there's a casual athleticism there's a oh yeah you're right worry I will get there 40 years old then I diet and it's a it's a
00:28:26| trend it's a new thing that's kind of like like in Chi I'm with it I'm in shape but it it I don't know that it's obsessive it's just like I do it no I like yoga pants like a lot of women that
00:28:39| are out of shape quote-unquote in yoga pants they look good like yoga pants can be deceiving up to a point so you don't necessarily have to be athletic but you can no way it can't be wet there's
00:28:52| probably a line what is the line yeah I mean meggings here's the line walking can you imagine being on the line and wondering if you should wear yoga pants I mean this is literally something I
00:29:06| never think of I'm never like I look okay ish in yoga pants they make me look better than I am but if I still meggings ever neither am i but I'm saying this is a mindset we've never thought of they're
00:29:19| expensive I would otherwise do you think I that's also a thing is that we can't wear the same things as women for whatever reason like weird you could it would be I can't wear it to work can I
00:29:35| wear I can't wear good point dress yoga pants like imagine walking around the yoga pants as a man as an outfit makings are you saying though well I don't say I'm saying
00:29:49| you've raised a good point you raised a good point you're not saying you want to but if you did you couldn't sort of someone would definitely say something and it might
00:29:58| actually get you fired HR yeah there's something about your lower extremities that you have an extra one that I can see you talking about my day
00:30:16| you're talking about my day so you get that point you already know you're fired so you're like hey you want some of this [Laughter] it's like sir that's gonna be a
00:30:30| soundbite sir no I'm with some of this dick oh say Harold salen Lee yes next working out yeah working out is like a thing now yeah right huh it's been a thing through
00:30:48| history it's not new it's not old it's not it'll keep the ring back forever more influence people are trying to be more competitive I think or they say like should East Instagram life kind of
00:31:00| yeah a little bit a little I'm moving to right now yeah filters and then Photoshop and modifying an image there's tons of women out there that look like they have
00:31:11| bigger butts and actually do you know about this even how about uh how about even the simplest level of changing the way something looks is angle on the picture does you have a picture at a
00:31:22| regular angle now you have to take it upward self-love yeah yeah that makes you look thinner uh-huh everyone knows that at this point so there's a reddit sub about that or user you go down to up
00:31:35| you have two faces side by side it's like it's really surprising how unattractive a woman can be when she's got a double chin from down yeah everybody is even though she might be be
00:31:46| the same exact same exact look yeah with craziest we live in a culture and it's we could spend a whole episode on this where we have to look a certain way or we have to post ourselves a certain
00:32:00| way or we have to share our picture a certain way you know the whole Instagram thing I mean this is like I said it's a whole episode but the way we look on answer and the things we post the foods
00:32:11| we post has to be the perfect food we have to position ourselves a certain way for selfies when we're at the chin you have to get your biceps in there and really make that look that mean-looking
00:32:21| destroyed good angle you could really throw a javelin yeah it's weird you're weird because arms this is the same person who I mean haunts my antelopian no no we pulled out the bass string wake
00:32:37| up at 10 p.m. drunk or 10 a.m. or whenever in like 2 P just like eat cake it was left over and like looked like a total slob but they posted five hours ago their fitness
00:32:53| selfie like didn't I mean it's it's weird that the picture becomes who you post because that's who you are and the picture has to be perfect and at a certain angle and look good and so do
00:33:06| you post simpler are you posting yourself on social code yeah but if I do I usually post like crappy pictures because I'm like ironic I irony poisoned I'm already poison I constantly post
00:33:19| like super ironic stuff that's so ironic and so weird it's like this person has brain damage you better believe I see through it so does everyone else you know but if you were quote-unquote
00:33:32| normal if you wanted to share your best self what would be at best self would you be at your best right now close to it would've done years ago you come up physically yeah you let me take off my
00:33:44| first positive body image you can be done stressing out you - I'm not asking I know I think the males are though hold on so did you look at the picture I share with the other thing I did not I
00:33:56| don't know what you're talking about all right I shared it in our thing I don't know we can share it to the podcast it's a no in the discord that's difficult I don't know what else
00:34:06| is in there no it's easy just minimize it just friggin don't look at the full screen under full screen oh oh lordy wait do you know when that's from that looks strange it's August that's okay
00:34:22| that was last year less than a year ago a year ago it's like 11 months ago or else there we go a little month did you share it I done look yeah it's on the podcast
00:34:34| it's all right shared on the podcast yeah the oh my shirt is allocated oh my shirt it's time to do it oh dude look out crow oh wow hold on I won't be able to hear you for about 10
00:34:43| seconds but I'm gonna point a few things out about my body yeah okay and then we're gonna get into eating disorders cuz that's next Oh No think that's a girl over my body
00:34:54| oh my goodness that does look this is my body I'm jealous a little bit now I probably like the big nuts off your head probably don't know no one knows you see these lines right here see these I see
00:35:10| these every day so I think about do this I think about it all the time this is the crazy part I'm fat now because I was on vacation bro we hit a picture that's me what do I do
00:35:23| it looks like Captain America the First Avenger before he gets club now after me I feel weird I've been talking about it for like out loud uh-huh but he's gonna you know I
00:35:36| gotta get my thing back on so there's a reason we did this a because I might lose my six-pack any day now no am I never happen again so what I was getting at with that whole demonstration
00:35:52| demonstration yep demonstration okay still a picture right okay no they still a picture of em yeah yeah it's the fat you fat right over your eleven eleven month that was fat and this is skinny I
00:36:12| would say there's something in between that's probably normal well what do you say I don't are you gonna do it yeah oh for sure dude all I ever chubbie right now but I guess we
00:36:23| have to use a matter caster okay I won't be able to hear you uh-huh oh excuse me I just need to know but I'm eatin terribly so I look okay and nipples I don't know if your let
00:36:37| your nipples so I look okay I don't know you can show nipples okay it's interesting because like you can go from that to this Oh 100% like this is just posture and
00:36:52| it's just like letting it out yeah so like there's a lot of like hot to not immediately I don't need to take my shot sure's yeah I think I look okay no average but nobody's gonna be like oh
00:37:04| you're so hot it's like I'd be like what what we said the reason the reason this whole thing was brought up is because it's a body image think a little bit um I I weight 204 pounds probably around
00:37:18| the time of that picture yeah and that's way more than I've ever weighed in my whole life I'm usually go on 7180 guy I don't [ __ ] know are you trying to sell your diet right now are you doing
00:37:29| no no I'll tell you guys my diet no I'll tell you guys is your website yeah um the lowest I weighed in my entire life adult life I weighed 150 point seven pounds at one point 0.7 okay very
00:37:46| particular that's wait that's weird how do you is that how much you weigh now or is that how much you've weighed like 20 years ago in your life ah no no I weighed this like three weeks ago how
00:37:59| can i was i did the lawn and sweated my ass off water weight hundred percent um so but 204 to 150 is a big difference mm-hmm some would say fifty pounds yes someone say more some would say more
00:38:21| some would say 25% yeah you lost 5% of you that's crazy it's crazy when those people like that way like 700 pounds get down like 200 how do you have multiples
00:38:36| of who multiples of me yeah or like three of me in there that's crazy so um because I I don't know where we wanted to go but I wanted to talk about eating disorders a little bit that
00:38:54| sounds like I'm like incriminating myself like hey I got a niece or now that you've not sure leaves like four thin yeah anorexic um no whatever you have like no no but but eating disorder
00:39:12| is weird because I think it crosses over with like your the people who you know are in CrossFit and fitness and won't eat certain things like I don't even call you know giant an ID keto God
00:39:23| that's and I do this uh might not be but now I'm the other one that I believe that's and this know people are like I eat fats in this now yeah protein what's weird is it's easy to get down a rabbit
00:39:38| hole of anything in life and one thing I noticed is when I worked at a job I hate it and I was like borderline depressed and like you know overweight I just lost weight because I would skip meals and it
00:39:54| wasn't that I was like I need to skip this meal I need to lose a pound or two I was just like nice [ __ ] lunch but don't I mean yes the your mental state is represented physically a hundred
00:40:08| percent yeah and it got to the point where I was doing things you know skipping meals and I started exercising because I eat it distressing and you wanted to feel endorphins get your
00:40:19| dopamine up a little think so yeah Ron under a cliche yeah a hundred percent just do whatever just anything that it hurts but it feels good at the same time does that make sense
00:40:30| masochist it's a little bit but it also makes you look better but can you imagine a thing where you can do it and you hate it but it makes you feel free to make your sex life better is the
00:40:43| question is if you're sexier does your Wilber a while for a while and had nothing to do with a woman had to do with your own body you would not even lose weight
00:40:53| yes and did you know when you lose weight and you're in better shape your orgasms feel better huh scientifically proven like if you're like 300 pounds overweight and you Jack your tiny wiener
00:41:06| [Laughter] you just like do this I know that's like what's the scientific reason for feeling more I don't know if you can literally look it up I don't know the final reason
00:41:21| but doing you'll orgasm and like spurt and it doesn't come out very far and it's like you don't you feel this for a few seconds but it dribbles out you're like
00:41:31| you're part when you're can't believe we're saying this and when you're when you're in better shape muscles contract I guess I don't I don't know the science fine did you become one of these deals
00:41:48| better I guess I don't know I mean your endurance is up you can do it longer maybe it's just so weird and I find this is the other thing that no one will tell you about and it's
00:42:05| might lead into eating disorders but when you weigh less you feel better yeah like I when I walk around day to day and carrying 105 less pounds there's your body can fill remarries you can do and I
00:42:21| can I can dart around I can jump I can bounce I can do quick punch moves Who am I getting down to know my buddy friggin friggin nobody but I could do them I'm so much lighter I'm quicker on
00:42:35| my feet and more awake feel yes more energized energetic yes here's another weird thing and this might border on an eating disorder but when you're borderline hungry all the time
00:42:48| for borderline hungry at the at the time you're more awake and more sharp this makes sense yeah I agree sharper you're more you're quite a little healthier to a point until you
00:43:02| reach to a point a point where you're too skinny and it'll be eating your own muscle when yeah anorexia or bulimia there's so we're getting into the eating disorders what is an eating disorder
00:43:15| would you say probably I don't know it's I'd stuff like a compulsion to form your life in an unhealthy way uh-huh what's unhealthy one actually had and I think I should close that window so there was
00:43:27| there was a question on a thread I was reading yesterday about Natalie or Natalia Dyer I don't know how to say her last name she's a stranger things she's the older sister have you ever seen
00:43:40| stranger things she's gorgeous just like facially she's really cute like wake you but her body is really thin so the first thing that someone asks is has she anything lately
00:43:54| like does she have an eating disorder like she's extremely thin but it is possible and for someone who's under a lot of pressure to be physically attractive since media does that it
00:44:05| seems like it's likely because it doesn't seem normal to me to be that shapes like this just a little weird like something is going on yeah it's it's defined by mental disorder not
00:44:21| physical mental abnormal eating habits that negatively affect a person's physical or mental health mm-hmm I was right on point I guess that okay all right cool she's
00:44:35| really cute so here's home can tell them with an eating sword be cute I don't I've seen yes I've seen the picture oh yeah yeah they can be cute have you seen pictures of like their backs like their
00:44:50| ribs poking out like true anorexic malnutrition is disturbing what someone who's well that's different I'm saying what if someone would like who's overweight who Matt's like slight
00:45:01| anorexia do you think they could be attracted there what was the definition here we go what was this and slightly interacts ik so if they're like well full-blown where they don't
00:45:13| need anymore but they kind of cut back and they're like kind of starving himself but like they were they're genetically did pretty pose to be kind of overweight and now they're like not
00:45:22| overweight figured I think strength is beauty so like if a person seems like they're weak anyway even like mentally weak like that's not as sexy as it could be like if you had but I feel like you
00:45:34| don't know that about the person like you don't know you can kind of tell if they're like weird about eating certain things or like they have this weird compulsion to be whatever there's
00:45:44| something I guess strange about it and it's off-putting it doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad but it's like it doesn't put me at ease when someone has like some weird kind of pork like so I'm
00:45:56| just gonna see you know eat certain things I 100% agree with you what is it called there's one the most the one that I found that was really cool and by cool I mean is terrible orthorexia did you
00:46:09| come across that I did not worth or Exia is like xx excessive exercise and not eating certain foods so we all know someone who has this there are varying degrees of it it's it's where you work
00:46:26| out to the point where you can't miss like that you would love to go out with everyone and drink but it's Thursday I always work on my arms and on top of that this person will never eat food X I
00:46:39| don't eat carbs and you're like okay well we're going out we're gonna have some beers are like carbs or beer yeah and you're like I know we're just kind of few beers when we're not gonna eat
00:46:50| pasta for for our sea anenome you know there's gonna come pierce and it's like this person has a self entitlement and a sense of bomb elite asunder Powerman yeah yes yeah you know people like this
00:47:04| and they're like oh i don't eat carbs and it's weird because it what do you say to them it fits into like a body cathexis which is like a degree of satisfaction with their own bodies if
00:47:18| it's a certain way so they try to form themselves and what they into what they believe is the optimum body or like closer to it so there's a constant dissatisfaction that there's it
00:47:30| forces them to act on it and the people you're describing are the people that are like maybe they never get there maybe the optimum body of the perfect body isn't even attainable because it's
00:47:39| it's not diluted yeah does the same thing with was it rigged oh no no no bigger exia deeper bigger your XID don't rise to do you're right see muscles like the men who want to get
00:47:52| many great heroes I can't get him big enough dude try and get pumped up I have anything else to say om dude I don't like voice cut out first I was like oh my god he's got another
00:48:02| one mini mini rex yeah who's gonna make fun of my muscle um should have just so I know so in the past 11 months I probably lost like 52 pounds or something during this time from a
00:48:18| personal perspective I can tell you what it's like to maybe have an eating disorder yeah it's that weird can get little Oh for his book on anorexia click it's like
00:48:26| a letter tell you what it can tell you what it's like cuz maybe Jackie I like a pro click the link no you weigh yourself three times a day maybe four did you did you yeah yeah that's too much oh I
00:48:47| wasn't here's the thing I didn't care about the answer I wanted to know the answer like I didn't see an answer and say to myself oh unsatisfactory I was just like interesting interesting
00:48:58| interesting to the point where I knew where my body would weigh more and when it would weigh less I knew what it would weigh with shoes on I knew what it would weigh after a big poop I knew you weigh
00:49:11| the least how much does a big nor way less than a pound weight less than a pound you can look it up so you weigh different with your shoes on and that ruins like all your shoes gonna weigh
00:49:24| like three pounds your shoes way like in less than a pound it's like point two pounds what's crazy is I started knowing what I was gonna weigh when I weigh myself
00:49:35| and there was a fluctuation of like four pounds let's say I know now that was it my way it's probably different in a different way Blair wait um when you wake up in the
00:49:45| morning that's when you weigh the least if you eat dinner that's around when you weigh the most I could weigh myself and know what I was gonna weigh based on whether I worked out whether I was
00:50:01| hydrated it was just weird because I liked knowing is that a weird thing because I wasn't I didn't I didn't need a number they could have said uh-huh it could have changed my number by 20
00:50:13| pounds I wouldn't cared I just wanted to know and for a while I was losing weight every week and I couldn't figure out why like working out and losing weight is a hey it's a boulder it's not a thing that
00:50:33| you do overnight like you set something in motion and okay I'm losing sweat and it goes real slow very slow yeah it is but what's weird is you can weigh yourself three and four times a day
00:50:49| and it doesn't change much I know it away at 5:00 p.m. I know what I usually weigh in the morning but over time it picks up speed and you can't stop it hmm like I'd be like oh holy [ __ ] I just
00:51:01| lost a pound in the morning let's see what away they afternoon I'm like a pound and a half less I'm like what the hell is going on and I weigh more in the afternoon than I did in the morning but
00:51:11| I'd be like whoa it's still part of this rolling ball I don't know when describing anorexia or something it's taking all of you so oh there's a weird like how do you do many
00:51:25| guys like there's a figure rating scale it's also known as this dung curd scale which is a measurement of body dissatisfaction in men and women do you feel like you were dissatisfied with
00:51:34| your own body a year ago no I was I'm a sadist Oh a year ago probably yeah but like even six months ago let's say in the middle of this whole thing where I weighed more than I do now but less than
00:51:46| I did then wasn't just dissatisfied I was ok with my body but I was in the habit I don't know can you have a body that is so fit that women just like booze over you like
00:52:00| they just want to grab and touch you is that possible I've never been like an Arnold Schwarzenegger so I don't know but it seems like women did like fall all over him but also he had social
00:52:10| status and although the other accoutrement money andreas so sure says we'd have to go to the gym and find the most attractive dude hair there who has like no money muscles unlike know she
00:52:22| feels like see if and see if he's a dumbest guy wait but the biggest muscles and he probably is to a degree hmm but here again mine wasn't based on women isn't that weird
00:52:36| like it's like I don't care what it looked like to other people it's more like what I what I wanted to look like I don't know is that it then hmm so the closest I ever got to the fittest I've
00:52:50| ever been I exercised an entire summer in the freshman year after after freshman year how long did you exercise every day I ate every day he didn't every day yeah I would run at least a
00:53:02| mile every day and I would eat very little fats a lot of tuna and I became very skinny very skinny but I think there's also a weakness in being that skinny cuz you're a you're not a strong
00:53:17| your you weigh less you play less B I broke my ankle probably because my diet did not consist of milk or calcium which did not fortify my bones cuz oh there's did you break it running it was playing
00:53:29| soccer soccer soccer a minute soccer yeah so I mean I was there was a period where I started running and I you know that you get like that second wind but there's also like another level can I
00:53:40| call a higher gear huh yeah you can feel the speed when you're really moving and like when you're really moving you're faster than like a majority of people well I was really fast that that one
00:53:53| semester early on and I felt really amazing but ever since I broke my leg I never went back to that just because never got that ha you know and then afterward I
00:54:03| always go would kids like Harry claims all that stuff yeah that's part of gets in the one yeah it's part of living a life and become a cold bite so here's a weird thing it's it's addictive
00:54:17| everything about it whether it's working out or not I have a leg wound if you're not where I just had to go to Urgent Care yesterday and uh they looked at it and said there's a possibility it's
00:54:30| infected so they prescribed me some my antibiotics they weren't totally alarmed and they're like you know we don't want you to lose your leg and I thought oh my
00:54:40| god I'll never be able to work out that hard and it occurred to me that I didn't care that I would lose a limb I cared that I would not be able to work out really hard is that weird
00:54:51| that is weird isn't it but I don't even know to explain it so mmm I don't I don't know how to add to that what I'm saying is I possibly have an eating disorder but it's not it's not that it
00:55:14| controls me I kind of love it it's like a parasite where I want to work out I want to not get fat like I notice things upon my body like did you see my shirt off I noticed you I noticed you were
00:55:27| Sarah Nellie's yeah and I was looking at those bumps and it your London you loved yourself are you wrong no I still pre-madonna ask you're not softened denier no because two weeks ago I think
00:55:42| I look my best past two weeks I went on vacation day drinking cheesecake dessert every night can imagine that's when I caught his eye was a few weeks ago and so I'm saying
00:55:55| I literally in my head I know I look different two weeks ago you wouldn't know the difference and now I did would be if I look at myself every well I look at myself every day it like when I'm
00:56:07| gonna either getting change or whatever and I like I noticed it and it's a little bit obsessed and maybe unhealthy but I don't so like do you ever take like BMI but as a body
00:56:26| mass index seriously index I've never taken one or what is it I know I'm over but it's just your weight divided by your height and then it's supposed to be a certain amount let me
00:56:37| see what the [ __ ] - because it's wrong it I think I'm like I don't actually don't know I think I was like a 22 at a certain point but then I see weight I'm like 195 ish and then my height is like
00:56:52| five ten twenty eight I am overweight really yeah but I am a thick individual what's your number what's your number 28 I'm 21 nice look you're like how much better than that no
00:57:08| I don't it's not normal you're I guess you're normal but wait so normal check that out I'm normal you're not thin it's exactly because even if I was like the thinnest I've been I would still be
00:57:21| overweight like 180 is like the thinnest I can be normally I think and I would still be technically overweight so I don't trust this obviously this is yeah that's that's stupid it reminds me of
00:57:32| the story of a woman who played on college sports and she was always hounded by the coach that she was overweight that she was too large that she needed to lose weight and it was
00:57:42| always judged based on the wrong measures symmetric so she was trying to lose weight and essentially losing muscle and ruining her career the same mental disorder that you have is that
00:57:52| you're trying to reach a goal you just aren't going to get there but eventually the weird part I don't have a damn goal yeah yeah you I mean you're never gonna get there so it does does the goal even
00:58:02| I don't have a goal I don't have a goal I'm not out there Nick that's what I'm saying I told hundred pounds I don't care it'll be light but on the run vest so this doesn't really have taken
00:58:14| account like how many I hear some white people that's like Asian people when they have interstitial fats like Asian people are fatter than most people but it doesn't look like that because
00:58:23| they're interstitial are much larger in percentage than other people and this woman went through it with like arguing with her coach that she was like fit but she was unsure and
00:58:35| secure so she didn't know how to rebuke him so eventually they had this like tank this like water tank that actually measured like your fat to muscle ratio by yeah that's a body fat a hundred
00:58:48| percent she was like the strongest one on the team she had the most muscle of anyone so it's like and that was don't get this wrong that's by one metric you could probably find a different metric
00:59:00| that said she was awful yeah like the body mass index it depends on the person's perspective it's the same thing heaven-sent agree all about perception so if we were to follow the
00:59:11| line of sports which male athletes do you think are the most in shape for their sport for their sport or in like athletes in general therefore in dental players are probably the most high and
00:59:25| no you were gonna say that they're probably the kind of in list of it because they have a lot of not based strength but also endurance what's weird is to know who most women find the most
00:59:36| attractive and or it's better not be soccer players because they have no strength they just run around all the time actually baseball is out there really yes because
00:59:44| of the uniform and they do you're judging some there are some baseball players who are so hungry yeah but they're also big can you guys imagine a player who's super in shape like you're
00:59:58| being judged by the John Crocs like Jenni means like well listen I work out and I wear a baseball uniform it's like it doesn't squeeze me excuse me well I like football players have gotta
01:00:09| be I mean they're probably much a whole one that's so hold on now I'm asking you which is the most in shape physically now I'm thinking not for their sport just in general which is the hottest I
01:00:20| really think hockey because hockey requires so much of you I think it's changed now to football because it's such a high-profile sport and they all do oxygen training and they train all
01:00:32| year long and they do martial training and they most part exam Klee I think so and I think football players count for like most likes ability agility like I'm sure there's a
01:00:42| dog oh good lord they have some flexibility agility now I think it's changed I think it's football now they're just get from helix guys that play hockey it
01:00:53| you know they look throw it off blown over by Hilary's a fill pet though or the fill castles they like 14 hot dogs how do this story the DEA like 14 hot dog like a while fizzing it's like
01:01:08| multiple calories I asked Wimmer 15,000 calories or something that's know had to be 5,000 there's no wait 15,000 in a day that's impossible you look up Michael Phelps diet and if it's 15,000 I will
01:01:22| suck my dick I won't 12,000 calories holy [ __ ] that's way closer I thought yeah you're like 12,000 calories yeah yeah 12,000 calories so we need to get into one whoa hold on this is important
01:01:47| for this episode because it has to do with all of it okay females that play sports okay volleyball dammit you be what's this what's the sexiest one has nothing to do with a
01:02:00| stupid outfit well that sound was to wear the honey like your stolen there you go when just answered your own question yeah but it's the first notion of sexiness that you get that's fine
01:02:11| because of what they wear kini who's really the sexiest women I think it's a fair shot at soccer Sasa well they just well yeah they are they have a lot of spunk personality you
01:02:21| can yeah because they just won the World Cup is sexy and that helps nine months ago yeah with with a bagel bed or whatever yeah but you have what Morgan her first name
01:02:34| chef what's the first name oh Jesus Christ I just I've seen it 10 times today your name no tane Alex Alex Morgan right not accept yeah
01:02:51| sure nobody goes no it is it definitely is she's cute did you not like I mean he's very cute Oh like even Hope Solo like she was cute oh she abused her boyfriend Jesus Christ for her did she
01:03:05| yeah she got in trouble for it huh she's hot dude anyway I find Saku as any athletic woman is relatively hot though mostest awful payaso percentage of all cheerleaders
01:03:21| you need to rank them one through three give me a 1 through 3 on women sports basketball women basketball players no they're too tall and lanky what if you were taller you're intimidated by the
01:03:33| tall woman aren't you candolyn would you I can't be with a woman taller than you I would but I don't know if it would work out I tell you by war away no definitely not
01:03:49| I have been around women that have been significantly taller than me and it's something I like God yes they've been like several inches make you feel safe so where they do you like that they
01:04:00| maybe you're a giant let me get between those know what I like you're Peroni nipples so there's a there's a petite miss to it that is like the daintiness I like
01:04:15| I like that aspect of it like it maybe it makes me feel manly but I think I could feel manly with a larger woman but it's percent one of my best friend one of my best friends he dated a lot his
01:04:25| name no he dated a smaller woman who you dated oh really you know I'm not her this is my I hope that helped me do but she is under five foot and both of you were 510 in like 6 1 reflectively it was
01:04:45| fun to cuddle with that person because they face back it was easy to they fit in that in whatever spots they want to but there's something to be about a man who's taller than a woman I don't know
01:05:03| is it strictly for the spooning I have no idea so there's a there's another element to this that we even talked about it's the expression of ourselves so like the clothes we wear might
01:05:14| express our own beliefs so like goth people I think there's a certain feel there Juggalos since we mentioned them before also like a religious expression like the bindi like
01:05:27| the dot on the forehead it's like it's expressing who you are what you believe in crosses and tattoos they might signify something wrong side the quality of the skin might mean that you have you
01:05:41| know you might be know the nose suntan lotion oh yeah like lotion yes or you might not never eat or you have some sort of disease which people I think are judging all the time even though it
01:05:54| might not play into how they treat you they're judging it you could be right mm-hmm I know I am what's the oh yeah like the waist-to-hip ratio which is a wh r no what's that
01:06:09| thanks I yeah yeah by gap so this is all the things that we judge like tits ass abs thigh all that oh is it - its ass abs and thighs like all those things that we look it's like objectifying
01:06:25| women it's what I'm getting at oh so there's an objectification that happens naturally that we're always doing that were creating these ratios these proportions to what we think is
01:06:36| the ideal woman and I think that shift and everyone's trying to live up to it yeah I think so we try and force us a little bit and some people are even like modifying their bodies to fulfill these
01:06:48| choices when you can get surgery to do it it's like let's dance it up I would agree with that because that's not a that's not a yawn hard work it's like weird it's like you relax yeah um
01:07:01| what do you think about like implants there's like really like them it doesn't it's it doesn't look hot it doesn't look bad I'm not gonna say
01:07:14| it's like oh [ __ ] Mike hardy and mighty but I also don't think I'm like yeah give me them implants like to me it's like why did you do that it's not would you try and like if you
01:07:29| could have a fake body like for a day and you could walk around on the beach with this super ripped body would you want to do that that's what I've been doing for the past year so no we're on
01:07:43| it Micro rec SIA was it mini erech SIA uh-huh damn busted yeah I would do it to see like if I looked at Arnold Schwarzenegger for day yeah we check it out see what people did act they're like
01:08:02| here's a we're getting back to them my eating disorder but I have like almost a six-pack right yeah whatever that was yeah I didn't try to look at it as much it was there for pack two for pack
01:08:16| because I gained 7 pounds since this whole vacation thing I'm not getting into it what do I do with it like is it weird to take my shirt off at home like would it when do I get to use it like is
01:08:32| it only when you go to parties and everyone's like everyone has to take their shirt off for the pool I'm like middle of summertime finally yes yes but what if it's like being barber yeah what
01:08:43| if it's like November and I know I have a six-pack and I didn't know I worked hard for it and I know I did all this [ __ ] I'm like time to move and then they're like wait and then they're like
01:08:52| ah anyway we're having a sweater party welcome to the sweater party and I'm like can we take our sweaters off they're like why I'm like just I had a six-pack it's under my sweater yeah I
01:09:06| don't know like it's weird is it because there's this weird dynamic - or what's showing off and what's when can i friggin use it I'm going to just start being shirtless at work I don't forget
01:09:20| now you wish it could be partially naked although yes yes but I didn't six months ago and I don't think I should be but I didn't six months ago
01:09:33| so there's think okay I have a scenario for its actual scenario it's something that cause a little bit of outrage I guess and I think this goes into problem maybe not necessarily body image but
01:09:48| assumption of who people are so like Arya Stark Maisie Williams yeah like she started Game of Thrones as a child so people want to keep her as a child and then the final season she had a sex
01:10:04| scene which was classy she didn't do anything like rude most people then realized that she was what 19 at the time she's yes yes finally well like this is
01:10:18| cut short I think so that was temporary hopefully didn't wake anybody up it was hot in here it's getting hot in here frigging hot in here is it your smoke alarms go off no you
01:10:31| guys okay I think so let me double check you can fill the void both alright double check I'll fill avoid I'm gonna just free and flex or something I don't know that's wild folks so to anyone with
01:10:43| an actual eating disorder I would say check in get help it's not one of those things where you have to go into a clinic and like stay away for your family and go out of work for like ten
01:10:55| weeks it's more like talk to one of your people your friends your real close people your parents whatever you like am i okay am i normal fine then be like hey I was giving a serious honest no am i
01:11:07| people home one second so if it's like you think it's like serious just talk to people and if they're like how do you mind then maybe talk to someone if they're like oh you just think you had
01:11:20| fat on your hips or whatever like just don't worry about it and don't worry about that's my big advice that's my huge advice folks so anyway no one in your family is on
01:11:33| fire no as far as I can tell it was just a glitch did you even check on them were you like out there yeah I my dog was on it so it
01:11:43| she was looking around that's fine I got damn it moving on literally were saying something pretty important yeah you know there check check something out each episode like
01:12:01| pencils alright so what we're talking about is eating disorders and people the way we think we look in the way we are really looking Cena Scottish aunjanue mmm immediate body image love affection
01:12:16| or traction all that stuff tied into how we unconsciously judge people objectification sexual ization of minors who turn into Arya Stark Maisie Williams Maisie Williams yeah we like you all
01:12:30| we're saying focuses we like you we like you a lot check out our socials check out everything you can put stuff in the comments will definitely respond yep
01:12:39| this concludes our podcast my sister Luther podcast I love you guys couldn't bring love you

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