The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP124 Gun Shooting Violence

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Transcript UnP124 Gun Shooting Violence

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 124 - Gun Shooting Violence
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00:00:13| where they were ratifying it right into the Constitution part of the Bill of Rights the right to bear arms and no folks I'm not talking about Grizzlies we're talking about firearms baby and
00:00:27| this one actually might get a little sad a little serious and a little scary let's talk about guns so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology
00:00:46| media we've got it all covered discussion here is a deep dive in order to deeply respected taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular
00:00:59| opinion we might get a little big Terry morning this podcast may contain your language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes on whoo so join us have a good time
00:01:12| [Music] [Music] all right so I am doing I'm Nick folks new podcast welcome to the podcast it's kind of a heavy topic I don't know why
00:01:42| you're smiling Oh was I just I saw something over tasks no it was awful I'm terrible through the beginning of that because right before this
00:01:52| I watched Budd Dwyer yeah you know but wires have Indies representative who was found guilty of you see you saw that yeah he committed suicide I never looked it up yeah on camera I never looked it
00:02:04| up da he greatly he has like a minimum full envelope envelope envelope he hands out a bunch of envelope envelope see he hands a bunch of a mountain to his like I guess his constituents or his friends
00:02:19| or lawyers or whatever just so calmly we crap and then he pulls a gun out of a manila envelope and just shoots himself on live camera and it just immediately it's like he goes from very calm to like
00:02:34| no no no don't like I like stay back or like I nothing's gonna happen to your deal and then he just writes through the mouth and it's done any discussion he would it's it's the
00:02:46| most grotesque thing I've ever seen that's wild I never saw it and I know that it's a video so I know I could find it online I never really I did search it one day and it was on my phone I
00:02:56| couldn't find it this is like three years ago and now I know I could and I probably will at some point but I don't want to right now and I wish I didn't but do it
00:03:04| yeah I don't it's one of those like faces of death you know you you look away and you don't want it's like it's horrific to think someone is alive and conscious and decisions and then gone
00:03:18| right it's a whole network of things that stops right there weird yeah well we can't talk about death so much in this episodes I think we probably have either a whole nother episode on death
00:03:29| it'll probably come up you know I just wanted to start with that note because I saw that video now yeah that's wild I don't you know I will bring with a quote from him right before he didn't it I
00:03:38| think it was the day before it says I enjoy being with Joe his wife so much the wonderful tomorrow was going to be so difficult and I hope I'd go through with
00:03:46| it cuz he was at a press conference and that's he was really not talking about the press conference yeah well of course not well he was it was at the press conference oh I guess he did he did do
00:03:59| the press conference in fact he did it better than anyone's ever done one before not better I mean we have to crack the air a little bit we have to so real quick the Second Amendment so we're
00:04:12| not just talking about firearms in general because I feel like did you look up when the first gun ever was made it was liked by the Chinese and the 1000 era they had a bit of a gun center with
00:04:23| like a uh-huh outer is really the deal makes things patrol yeah yeah and then this thing's chewed out need a tiny little hole to force it through real fast but physics baby mmhmm yeah gives
00:04:38| you a lot of advantages you don't even have to throw the damn thing you just light it and point it and boom yes moving projectile ooh I agree respond me oh the Second Amendment so
00:04:56| here we go it's literally just I think the Second Amendment to the United contain protects the individual right to keep and bear arms as ratified in December 15 1791 is part of the Bill of
00:05:06| Rights ah-huh it's just weird because then you look at guns in 1791 have you seen this yeah what type of gun were they talking about back then it was like a missus
00:05:23| style like one shooter here's what firearms look like back in 1791 and let's scroll down a little it's a beautiful musket I mean it's actually kind of beautiful
00:05:33| but um wow it's pretty it looks like it could hold one musket ball at a time pretty gun Oh what are you five rounds a minute Wow what size bullet do they have a
00:05:46| bullet listed there it's a musket so I'm not sure a one round capacity to fire around three effective rounds per minute if you were good cuz you're really good if you're really good
00:05:59| most people probably weren't that good it's probably like one per minute it's probably the average Oh accuracy range had to be within 50 meters hmm huh and the bit caliber of a musket is 12 to 23
00:06:14| millimeters well I didn't know that yeah and you had to look down the barrel I kind of just I it up and be like you know no no what was the inaccuracy of a musket oh lord it's terrible I mean if
00:06:29| you're more than seven feet away you're probably gonna miss it probably what happens though late season the old style of where you see that that's stupid how did no one invent the rear sight like
00:06:42| the thing that you aim down maybe they didn't I'm good at it no they were bad at it I mean it's like scientifically they had cannons to which crack me up
00:06:52| Oh our people owns a shed some people own sets of dueling pistols back then so that if you really got into an argument and some guy was really like smacking your wife's butt like you're like buddy
00:07:04| I got something let's bring it out let's go that's awesome arms is open to interpretation some people say it should be cannons - good point so the idea behind it is a
00:07:18| well-regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free State is a right to keep people to bear arms so they shall not be infringed yeah Wow so the whole idea was behind this whole
00:07:29| idea the right to bear arms is so that the government couldn't be so powerful that they could do anything to you you could fight back yeah and this is right around when well
00:07:39| the British we just beat so they invaded we would say my dear militia malicious style attacks because before it was what you stand in rows and you fire yet another screw that that's the worst idea
00:07:51| ever have a mana right yeah I wouldn't wouldn't I feel like terrible idea running from that battlefield yeah no not at all so boom gunpowder we're shooting muskets all this stuff like
00:08:04| back then if the government was coming for you they'd probably send us several people you can probably fend them all for something with a musket of your own I don't know to
00:08:12| muskets you and your son you it kind of goes to like the Wild West it's kind of the like knitting rapid I think what the revolver is the Wild West revolver is the yeah the whole six mutants birds
00:08:26| yeah but like having the skill to take down multiple people it was plausible back then it's plausible but not likely I need multiple at a time yeah new don't I'm saying like cuz it takes a minute to
00:08:37| lose a fire yeah yeah you can't fire more than one per half a minute a minute whatever you want to call it and I mean again it sort of makes sense like it shouldn't be illegal to protect yourself
00:08:47| right even nowadays it shouldn't be illegal to protect yourself but technology has come a long way we're just wondering what some person with a knife their fists another guy I guess I
00:09:00| mean there's stand-your-ground laws and stuff like that so let's fast forward a little bit so you're allowed to have guns government has guns you have guns you can protect yourself protect your
00:09:09| family nowadays guns have come quite a long way is that we want to go right now yeah we can go to like semi-automatic now holy crap you can look know there's a rule is it real yeah watch I guess you
00:09:28| do have but yeah I don't know no no this not getting a standoff uh you're supposed to look you're supposed to this yellow thing in any feed like if you know that's a safety thing hey I know so
00:09:42| this is a Sig Sauer p226 extreme edition right as someone might know I'm actually someone who owns a couple firearms not like a dozen I own a handgun myself reset trigger good oh did you did you
00:09:57| cheap out high point this is Sig Sauer this is point good weight to it it's beautiful these things feel cool like there's a gun so that's what I was gonna say it's starting to
00:10:08| rust it just sits in a gun safe behind me back here iein I only but but that being said I once in a while I will go with my friends and
00:10:17| my parents will go to the gun range like once a year or once every couple years and just fire off some some bullets it's kind of I don't know it's like fun to do have you ever it's interesting this time
00:10:28| when probably like 5 or 6 years ago it was a while ago it is interesting and fun because like there's a maybe an anxiety and a nervousness that happens when you fire a
00:10:40| gun because you never did it before and you don't realize the power if you fired a rifle kick yeah it's for shotgun yeah it's amazing so like the difference between like a handgun and a rifle is
00:10:53| like night and day where you even bring some between even between different um rifles and different handguns yes the difference so that's a charge um what's crazy is there's different ammunitions
00:11:06| that's usually how you go by your gun great is your arm yeah no not just a grain the size that's the bullet would yours 9 yeah I known okay um the other so then it starts it like it's a numbers
00:11:19| Jesus Christ and do the whole my Alvers you only go through that under the gun you could I mean just cuz it's interesting to see how they they go it starts with millimeters for the smaller
00:11:27| ones and then we move up to 40 is actually a millimeter - yeah - in order interestingly enough I'll do it in order the smallest one is four millimeter so I think those are lying here that's
00:11:41| ridiculous that's like it's more the BB or is that a BB I think that's smaller than a Ruger and I think the Ruger is what is that the classic one I like the women would kill ya where is it
00:11:50| what's a cup what give me the number Oh point two oh four twenty five-millimeter I was 204 mm-hmm and then it goes up there's a bunch of them up to twelve twelve point seven millimeters which is
00:12:06| a point five half of a half an inch caliber for like a Magnum Smith & Wesson Magnum and there are larger calibers but they're I think I don't know legal or not in military calibers like well like
00:12:19| giant rifles no I think there is a limit on how where they becomes legal and illegal the biggest that it might be a civilian carry might be 45 with as far as handguns sorry that says
00:12:30| different cuz that's handgun handgun goes up 45 I don't know if there's anything larger than that I mean there's they say Desert Eagle 500 or is that legal
00:12:37| I don't even know I thought it was a type of like close to a magnum it is it's a kind of it's a brand like they make different ones I'm sure you can get it you have to think you are right the
00:12:49| half an inch will butter is the largest caliber you can buy in the US without dealing with figure with NFA rules with National Firearms Association that sounds about right
00:13:00| natural irons act well but I mean was so on the positive note I will say firearms which I already showed you the empty clip they're cool they um holds like 15 bullets just like whoa you can fire it
00:13:17| once you fire it it goes into short reset mode at that point it's easier to do a trigger pull and you can almost rapid fire it's not automatic but if you could do that you go into a range you
00:13:28| pay 20 bucks to rent it you gotta buy protective eyewear where you're where you're all nervous cause like you don't do this very often you go in the range and you're kind of unsettled by little
00:13:38| loud noises in there and it's you and your friend or you and your whoever and you're in there and the very most important thing is to point the firearm this way never point it at yourself
00:13:48| never point it to the left never point it to the right so the whole time you're trying to remember what the button is to feed it in the magazine the release button and everything you're always
00:13:57| pointing it this way and you're really nervous and I feel like there's an air of who's gonna touch it who's gonna load it like there's a weirdness to the whole thing yes and then you do it
00:14:06| and you the first shot you look down the sights and you're like you're squeezing cuz you're ready to shoot but it's you got to do a harder you don't realize that you're like damn it there's an
00:14:15| intense moment is seeming lasting forever damn it I'm doing it damn it damn it dimples and then you know it shoots and you're like whoa that was cool and you'll do it five 10 more times
00:14:27| and there's a series to it too as well I mean there's an exceeding as to it yeah I want to take both pictures and like oh yeah you wanna giggle about it there is something you want to empty a clip
00:14:39| really fast Deebo like be like no no don't do that not supposed to come on you can tell when you're a rookie probably because you're all tense and
00:14:45| weird anyway yeah like if you go later that linked later in the week like I did a one later in the week I was like a pro I walk in I wasn't nervous cause they do this delivered it um you know aiming
00:14:56| your aiming at the parts of the paper you're comparing yourself to the other guy hey can I load your gun you load line will borrow it's cool it's a communal there's something fun about it
00:15:04| sporty it's uh there's a style to like being a a hunter gun business or like tactical or like there's different flavors of it and I think people get into this style just like it was any
00:15:16| other event very much like it's you can make it a lifestyle yes hundred percent but it is fun it's cool it's 40 it's it costs a little bit there's different flavors of price you can bottom dollar
00:15:30| you can pay more for it um it's crazy it's just like these little things bullets right now you know this kind of bullets actually illegal in New Jersey and New Jersey is that that's not hot
00:15:43| it's a hollow-point I thought how the points were illegal everywhere no none PA just maybe bought it in the gun shop if anyone's gonna be all top bothered curious where that's because
00:15:57| that's so the hollow-point is intended to separate yeah on impact and split and there's a little ridges really I'd work there so because you can't get the pieces out and it tears up your your
00:16:08| flesh even well yeah and once it hits it expands so that force expands and moves outwards it's nasty stuff but I only have one thing of hollow points and I would I mean we get in the old mindset
00:16:23| of why I bought it why'd you die then yeah exactly it's so kind of in a way I guess exactly it's cool and weird an area we don't yeah
00:16:33| in the power and I I've had the hollow points since I bought them I never fired them because you don't use them at the range and they're they're kind of the self defense idea like it's the stopping
00:16:46| power because you know someones on PCP someone who's a drug a gun advocate will tell you and they're coming at ya you can shoot them with nine-millimeter bullet and they will keep
00:16:55| they'll go through that it won't stop them physically huh you lookin for a wasp or something there I had I used to have a stack of bullets actually here did you it's not good see you don't know
00:17:05| where they are but when I had my child I decided all higher up or in a safe more than safe and now you're hoping it's in the safe I'm pretty sure it's in the safe 90mm but no I um it's it's wild I
00:17:21| um actually have a permit to concealed carry if I want to how nice I mean I never really have it's just like I always was like if I needed to know be cool and I got it and you have to do
00:17:35| clearances so it's not very easy inside you know you got to get on the courthouse you know I didn't have to do any training though you know I prove that you not a fire gun not at all I
00:17:45| just have to get clearances from the government Oh Kevin state and federal we can tell is there do you have it there's a rotate through this communitive I think not it's not easy and it's not
00:17:59| hard and now is that across the entire United States because what gets me wild is that every state has different gun laws yes so there's a gun act so like I can't
00:18:08| bring I can't bring this firearm into New Jersey at all like how do you like can't gun Control Act of 1968 ah that's why I thought it was good prohibits a certain type of people like to own a gun
00:18:21| and have a gun I mentally mentally ill we go through the liminal criminal record okay it's it's a little bit more they're actually like nine parts to it which is kind of interesting it's also
00:18:32| interesting that like if you have a green card you can have a gun it's like if you're not really yeah you're not illegal and here's a following you can't be convicted of a crime and serve a term
00:18:44| for more than one year you can't be a fugitive you can't be addicted to a controlled substance you can't be highly effective or committed to a mental institution that's good
00:18:54| an alien an illegal alien an alien alien you can't be discharged from the armed forces under dishonorable conditions hmm you can't have it if you for announced your citizenship good point
00:19:08| good point and course restrains like string mortars after harassing stalling and threatening any person or child see if there's anything else in there that's a convicted of misdemeanor crime of
00:19:23| domestic violence wait that's it in there yeah yeah you can oh that's cool yeah because I said that was one of the leading causes which we'll get into later but um yeah so I mean it's not
00:19:36| easy easy to get a gun but it's not it's not that hard either I mean yeah even buying these why would be in the store I know my family works in like a bad part of the city they're getting older
00:19:50| they're targets because they look different than everyone there they people might think they have a lot of money no I'm serious I mean think about it yeah there's Prosecco now difference
00:19:58| and others interception I mean hey the white store down the corner want you robbed them i I've never heard anyone say that I would hope no one would ever say that but if one person does I don't
00:20:09| know do they I I don't know so have you ever had an opportunity to use your gun ever thought about it no um not really do you think you'd be prepared if the opportunity
00:20:21| happened no no no so what like you know when it's gonna happen yeah is there a situation think it would you would use it yeah I think somehow it was on me cuz I don't carry it on me I
00:20:33| don't it's locked up in a safe anymore but so rewind a little bit so I bought this and another one back when I was it was cool to shoot I was thinking of going huntin you have one on ioan in
00:20:45| case a bear comes at you I don't know that sounded like I don't think we're gonna bear take pry a lot probably a lot but it might scare him off doh I mean or piss him off anyway um and I got my
00:21:01| concealed carry permit and I would go into the city and do deliveries and I could have it on me and one day I had it on me you know like a patch that sit over here and like here and it was the
00:21:12| worst thing in my life like I always know it was there it was weird I was trying to carry boxes and move stuff and all I could do was feel it move and it was heavy opening away
00:21:22| one of the people and I was just I was wondering if people could see it like it felt weird I at one point I was like I'm gonna leave it and I was like I can't leave in the middle oh dude firearm
00:21:31| Jesus Christ then I was like what do I do with it it comes loaded your crotch this is a Burris yeah yeah what is so burst I was yes you had one go off and shoot himself in the foot and Club in
00:21:45| New York where firearms are illegal to be held high the average individual so he literally shot himself in the foot and got this benefit no but you don't keep one in the chamber is also an idea
00:21:56| so you have to come back with this yes but no I had this thing on me and it was so it was such a pain in the ass and so weird and I was always conscious of it that I was just like no like like even
00:22:09| if I saw a crime happened I don't know that I'd know who would have point a gun at like some people are screaming everyone's going crazy I have a firearm I can control the situation I get out
00:22:19| everyone's still screaming I don't know who's the assailant I don't know who's in trouble are you the assailant now because you have a gun yeah that's one of the
00:22:27| trained don't know so you don't is it without unless you know you're gonna use it whoo right and then you have your target directly running you and he says he's probably don't want to go back to
00:22:37| my safe I yeah I want to go shooting good anyway oh but anyway I mean there was this phase where I bought two let's say and once though with that shop and so was there lasting
00:22:49| in a safe background check yeah so they they make you wait there for like 20 minutes and they do a background check that goes to 9 state levels yeah maybe yeah they check to see who you are you
00:23:03| have to have your ID everything else but it's a cool experience your the gun shop you're looking all these cool things you're like I don't like that I like that I don't know it is different than
00:23:12| anything else National instant crime background check system no I think Texas is interested is different is I don't believe that this background check system happened for me I don't recall it
00:23:22| I remember going to the store I already knew what I wanted I think I just I don't even know if I think I give him my ID they recording point what like this one yeah
00:23:32| I mean he may have checked your ID via that yeah I I don't know he might have cuz I did just like ask him for it ahead of time so I'm not sure how much he went through so if someone's like listening
00:23:43| they're like oh that's illegal let's go get this guy I don't I don't know that this happened it doesn't feel like it happened I don't have a background that's the babies by me yeah they may
00:23:52| have checked it out may have done whatever it is in heels in criminal background check system so it's got fake ten minutes though but anyway why doesn't the salad for
00:24:00| everybody well you know the loophole or whatever though yeah by the gun show you don't need to make any sense or the other loophole is where if you are selling it privately like you're not a
00:24:13| licensed gun store you can just sell it to everyone they don't need to do minecraft the trip no but there is a transfer system that has to happen you have to have it transferred at least in
00:24:24| P at certain states oh is that true but you don't want a gun that's been sold to you to show up in a shooting oh man I'm at these transfer a federal crime yeah yeah exactly
00:24:36| it sounds terrible beyond the other thing to think of is I forget Wow I was in the middle of a sentence without effect the I guess the fantasy of owning a gun allows you to protect your home
00:24:48| right so that that's the end for a family or stop crime like if you saw someone with a gun and a ski mask life stop freeze like you would you would be the hero you know what I mean
00:25:00| yeah do you think you die usually what I do it I don't know I would always just hope the threat of having would you even like that be able to get to your gun like you keep it in a safe do you think
00:25:11| you'll be able to open the safe no no no oh my god yeah if someone invaded my house I'm dead it doesn't matter yeah your bright side and then you have one yeah maybe thirty
00:25:20| seconds before I don't think I can get to my you know figure out what that was happening I'm not running to my gun safe Christ you're wondering if your girlfriend your wife yeah like what's
00:25:32| going on who's doing what someone in here can I check on them is there strangers that are big guys a small child or they lost and it might end but it's already too late I did not run
00:25:41| directly for my gun safe No so that's why Ellen wanted wha what that dwell right right right listen it is what it is and I think it's cool to own one and wait if the apocalypse
00:25:52| happens that's the cool fantasy like if the government breaks down and everything I have firearms that's kind of cool yeah you can survive maybe yeah well it'll help yeah I do think I since
00:26:03| as I do live in Texas there are a bunch of people that have guns have lots of guns and the best way I've heard is that some people have the gun in a safe that's like either by a fingerprint or
00:26:15| like a couple numbers right next to where they sleep and they have it pre-loaded so they can just pull it out immediately like if someone's I've been smart that's to the freaks me out that's
00:26:24| like having a knife with your butt under philemon dude no it's worse than having a knife under your pillow it here's the thing like I know some people who either claim to or really do sleep with a gun
00:26:36| under the bed or something and it's like no I get it that's where it's gonna be to get to the quickest but yeah I wake up half the time I don't know it's my alarm going off like I don't know where
00:26:50| I am or what's going on I'm groggy this happens how could you calm down to sleep with that under your pillow I would be nervous of it just like just knowing it there and triggering it yeah right you
00:27:01| get well I had that weird thing when I carried around you dropped in there just like oh god I'm gonna bump it and they have safeties and stuff like that be still that's scary stuff and again I
00:27:16| loved shooting I had a good time I've been out in the woods we shot pistols off a balcony at some some stumps and then we did rifles and the rifle I'd never shot one now I was
00:27:28| looking down the side I don't know which kind it was and I was like they were like careful it kicks a lot I was like that's fine I'll be fine no it kicks a lot that'll be fine I'll
00:27:36| be fine they said it kicks a lot and I shot it and it hit me right on the nose and toilets but like this much and I know that's hard to explain but it just tipped my nose I look and they're like
00:27:48| did you hit yourself your nose like no I lied because they're barely grazed me but if he's put on like back over there like an inch homes are you get excited hell
00:27:59| out of me you know I get excited I get loud boom and I go up like a bar ah yeah and then I did a shotgun and that rocks your shoulder but all these things shaaka hey what do I do d it's cool when
00:28:10| I I was so ready for that when it didn't you know knock me down or anything but all these things are cool in a sense cuz it's like in a scientific jock fun guy hablo male yeah that's where it's cool
00:28:26| but but to make it part of your everyday life it kind of scares most tedious yeah it's tedious it's a scary like there's more there's not as much reward as there is
00:28:38| risk yes we touch on the risk yeah you which one you want to touch on first children Oh biggest one is it I think so I mean I mean it makes men's accidental deaths by
00:28:54| gun we're like equal to the intentional death by gun mmm you don't have no way do you know how many did you have suicides in there ah yeah I think the highest rate of death by firearm is
00:29:11| suicide yeah by a large margin do you know what the margin is dude it's ridiculous it's like 50% of all deaths or suicide and do you know of people who commit suicide so I'm counting that I
00:29:27| than accidental well it's intentional are you in the moment but most people who try to commit suicide have an accent they say they don't like they won't commit suicide
00:29:38| again if they accidentally try it first time that doesn't sound very convincing but they will try it again yeah most people regret doing it or attempting it here's like icon doing
00:29:50| this whole research thing people commit suicide 5% are cutters 7% poison themselves the rest gun yeah isn't that wild so know your side ninety five ninety or
00:30:07| ninety two whatever no he said five and seven so did he I must have ripped the number down he wanted it to be unless people put themselves and shot themselves he was 85
00:30:17| and then the rest would be others that would make sense that's three percent I could never commit suicide and if I I couldn't do it by any of those means I don't know
00:30:27| I don't think they'd jump off a building because I wouldn't even I might do that actually well it's pretty flashy if you're on top of a built a burning building I yeah that's logical there
00:30:42| your suicide is a burning building I don't think that's consumed would you rather burn to death or no no but is that Hill I call this a suicide I don't know I don't think it is if you're in a
00:30:55| building that's on fire and the flames have come to the 90th floor or 91 and you jump and die I don't think the coroner says cause of death suicide jumping do you think the insurance
00:31:05| claims they come in like he jumped that would be an interesting it's like World Trade Center they have some jumps is like you don't you don't get the reward I don't know that would be I want what
00:31:16| was it I want to know because I feel like insurance companies are just slimy enough to do that yeah good thing Oh mrs. Rochester we just looked into it husband's death Rochester I'm really
00:31:30| sorry what do you mean he was in 911 he jumped we have video evidence it's like can you google something like that like I feel like it's a very to the first website
00:31:45| that popped up is a halfling calm oh no I'm not gonna I'll do Yahoo Answers cuz that's less official someone said staying in the fire would be suicide - that's that's kind of true boy I mean
00:32:05| because you have a chance of landing on a magical fairy or something it is logical yes you potentially survive somehow like those people that skydive and land
00:32:14| the bush and they're like maybe break their legs or something but they're still alive that's wild I never heard that that's kind of cool
00:32:22| so guns is gone it's gone yeah what was the rate you wanted to compare the United States versus everybody else Oh what yeah let's go into that let's go to the United States baby per gun nation so
00:32:36| the United States says what per person each person has a point to guns yeah 70% more notes in the population 20% more guns in the United States then we have people that's staggeringly not a good
00:32:53| sign that's insane though cuz I'm not going on he owned two - I have one we're right around the average wow that's weird it's weird that it's like I'm sure there's
00:33:05| people that have like 32 like 50 13-0 rare I'm sure yeah and I guess the weird part is that like Gun Control Act of think like what that's gotta be like 2 to 5 percent of the United States
00:33:21| although Haley I was like I was like less than 5% yeah where you're going but yeah so yes I look at it this way - you know the families that will never own a firearm and don't own a firearm
00:33:34| there's like you can kind of feel it yeah oftentimes nervousness and then there's ones who only like you kind of mention like they own 30 and they look good safe yeah they have a yeah oh I
00:33:46| knew somebody applying the rub really banana they have a gun room down in their basement it's insane it's crazy and also you like people our age or physically fit if someone were to attack
00:34:05| you without a gun or a knife which seems odd that they would try they would be expecting a fistfight at that point and it may be maybe be kind of equal you probably end up with a concussion kind
00:34:18| of you yeah I mean lose but you could also win it's kind of equal there's a good chance if one side has a weapon that probably increases our odds a lot knife gun
00:34:28| gun probably increases it a lot mm-hmm what were you getting at with that I'm sorry under saying like once you get older you lose that physicality Rory your age yeah like my parents it took
00:34:43| them a while it may be until they're like 50s until they realized so like I can't fight somebody who's like 20 or 30 I just I'm just not strong enough to fight them so I hired my dad owns a
00:34:56| firearm yeah that's wild you know it's crazy my firearm this is the only firearm they have and I don't know if it's legal but I was gonna do a transfer of title to them but I figured a we have
00:35:11| the same name and B apparently if it's immediate family and it's somewhere where you commonly are then it's considered okay that makes sense I was like Oh familial shared firearm is legal
00:35:24| I guess well think about it husband and wife is it I guess so right because there's no way you can have to be like no I have to transfer to her tonight because I'm going out on the
00:35:38| town no I have to transfer it back to him I'm going away for the weekend like do you mean that does that wouldn't make sense so I think it almost this is to the household interesting isn't that
00:35:50| weird I don't know where the cutoff lies and no idea how about either Sun gun violence in America mm-hmm there's something's reading there's something happening downstairs I need to give me
00:36:04| pause two seconds all right I don't need to see what's happening because there's noises that's a little I've annoys he bring up fire on and some of it we're probably gonna cut this
00:36:16| anyway uh pandered in and I have family but like it's always just my wife overreacting to a dog throwing up I think dogs throw up I was hoping to see her toss some cookies as I turned the
00:36:33| corner oh he's not the opposite of salt is it the opposite of way all don't know what you're talking about okay I don't guess so gun violence is
00:36:56| bad in America mm-hmm we're literally the worst the were the worst not only do we have twice as many guns as the next country the homicide rate is like what ten times or something ridiculous 10
00:37:09| times worse than the next closest state we are gun violence calm which is funny because we glorified the Wild West and probably from then you know people revolvers six-shooters the vigilante
00:37:24| yeah well that kind of where it started right yeah ending what it's I don't know do you think the like as is stereotypical but the Middle Eastern countries do you think they record their
00:37:36| gun violence at all do you think it's like war-torn nations are like this is a gun related death so interestingly enough well you'll know when it's a gun related death I think it gets recorded
00:37:48| regardless what might not be recorded is your glorification of guns when guns were involved stuff like that and you're right there's not to dismiss that we pretend times they usually have a never
00:38:02| getting First Nations are like developed nations that's the pool we usually get put in and it's still 10 times the developed patience the nations that right did you see it when it adjusted to
00:38:14| population density it should be 100 capita some livox article yeah so um actually when you adjust for population density and everything else Finland was pretty close to us I believe was Finland
00:38:29| really were like yeah we were still like two times as high as them but they were and it might be on the video which you probably can't watch right now it might not have been one of the graphs but I
00:38:39| think it was anyway um but we were still the highest among the people so Zig firearm wait wait wait good I guess total so I'm gonna do total this is a combination of homicide suicide
00:38:57| unintentional and undetermined so the United States obviously has more guns than anybody but Honduras Venezuela El Salvador yeah this is different graph I saw this yeah it's Swan teeny I don't
00:39:10| know that Guatemala Jamaica Brazil Colombia Panama and then the United States that's okay yeah what it tells you is don't go to South America or Central America well yeah pretty much
00:39:22| you know cuz it the total is a lot more it's like five times more so what's firearm-related deaths per capita that's crazy the um did you see mass shootings used
00:39:38| to happen once every six months I know we're jumping a little bit but mass shooting is kind of the next big thing everyone's talking about after the recent events yes Pat thanks I'll just
00:39:48| say recent events cuz it's frankly this releases and then happening ahead like something like two hundred mass shootings compared to the next country which had liked five four five the next
00:39:59| country which had four next country would I'd like to next country would had one next hundred have one next comes only wow cool why I guess because a we think guns are cool is that that's part
00:40:14| of it right yeah well there's a so we think it's sexy it's cool it's mmm-hmm we have more of them than people lying around yeah so they're gonna get their yeah they're easy to get even if you
00:40:28| didn't do the background check I think the hey things happen it's like oh let's check he got him legally oh he got an illegally who cares there are millions
00:40:39| and millions of guns lying around see people get yeah I think these people are trying to prove a point and when they see other people do it they think it does prove a point and then it also has
00:40:48| the social media Instagram culture where you're like this is interesting because they're seeing so all the shooters you're saying and I'm not I'm not putting more in there
00:40:58| yeah I'm not I'm not doing that but I'm I'm talking through this yeah so all the people who are shooters or whatever had seen past shooters and kind of glorify that yeah there's I think Bart is like a
00:41:11| desperation quotient for like people who are like I guess suicide goes along with that people who are it's definitely suicidal because I am of desperation it's they plan to die when they do this
00:41:24| so like the United States is also very high on crimes of desperation it's like for some reason people here even though interesting it's that they feel like they can't get out of whatever they're
00:41:35| in so there's people that are like again that's multiple so it's like 10 times where people commit these crimes of desperation because they're stuck I guess being the most well the wealthiest
00:41:49| country also creates people who are looking at never these people yeah and then the hammer they figure that it's not like this is not where they're supposed to be and that's what they do
00:42:00| well this is weird this is um almost why certain Muslim or Middle East countries say they hate the United States for this exact reason you're saying they glorify wealth they they don't care about family
00:42:13| all they care about is posting Instagram pictures and looking beautiful when it's very shallow and it's very there are no values to it family values are on the decline I think too they could be I mean
00:42:27| I it's tough to tell I don't even know if you do a study for that honor there's oh my study is how many of your neighbors do you really know I recently become very friendly with my neighbors
00:42:40| because I was chopping wood shirtless stays and one neighbor came over to me with a beer a gentleman how nice and say you could use this and he talked and we talked for 20 minutes as soon as he left
00:42:53| my elderly Asian neighbor came over with an Asian brand soda I don't I can't pretend to pronounce it or anything it said you need to stop chopping wood this is for you
00:43:03| and I was like oh my god you don't have to oh please and she's like no have this and she gave it to me and and then like within 24 hours so knocked at our door and gave us flowers
00:43:13| and was I come just to have extra flowers they're running around you better take them and I'll look like okay thanks and everyone is like your neighbors are in love with you and I was
00:43:23| like who wouldn't in general you're right just not not this guy huh yeah but you do know that now I know my neighbors more than ever but most people don't know their neighbors it's a
00:43:36| but I think that has more to do with the internet and stuff and you're also living in a suburb in a house with grass and people see green yeah I guess majority the city dwellers might not see
00:43:47| green they might not be in a condition where they have their own space it is interesting where will more on edge no no on city actually you know your neighbors better do you think some of
00:43:59| these you can rely on the more at the roundabout there I live this space be smaller yeah a hundred percent and then like cuz I have a lot of land between me and the neighbor I'm like oh I gotta mow
00:44:11| it I gotta do this to it um when I work in the city like everyone knows everyone a little bit because it's in a smaller area you have more communal spots like you might have to take public
00:44:20| transportation or you he does too and she does too and you go by the same spots so I won't get into there well that's an odd app because I I think that most of the mass shootings in America
00:44:33| happened actually in suburban areas or like yeah the killers are from the suburbs because they don't know their neighbors I'm telling you suburb think there's this thing about mass shootings
00:44:45| were I would say 90 percent of a white male and in a 30 year old range yeah that I guess the people who have missed felt like they missed something in life yeah well it's weird because that's the
00:45:00| most privileged class right so we would say they're the ones who should have expectations oh yeah sure yeah yeah I'm not saying they do but let's say they do when they're not successful maybe they
00:45:13| feel like they missed something I don't know the most regret forget not achieve with it I Givi most underachieving for not what were searching it would seem they would
00:45:29| say they blame society for not letting them achieve yeah everyone else in this area gets something but I didn't it's like a I so here's the thing of a practice I do keep me in that windows
00:45:44| fan Sonata there's another computer in this room that's slightly beeping at me and so the most interesting thing you can do and I don't think it's right is but it brings light weird questions and
00:45:57| we're dancers is take a side of something that's ridiculous and pretend it's the good guy yeah so assume their perspective yeah because they think they're the good guy whoever this is
00:46:09| we still I still know what the hell the Las Vegas shooter was doing that's like the Garlic Festival shooter yeah I don't know what he was doing either the Vegas guy yeah why he was just like seeing if
00:46:19| he could do it like come on it's gonna be two years Oh give me a story King yeah it's weird it's that it's weird that people can take their hate out on random people like you can't empathize
00:46:30| with a single person in that Crescent I could see someone shooting like everyone who cut them off on in 76 or something like that's call me examples in reaction yeah sure I don't get when you don't
00:46:46| know a group of people what what's what are you doing yeah they can be just as bad or worse off than you is it just someone who has no empathy I guess I have no idea sociopaths Psychopaths I
00:46:59| guess they have to be I don't know I touched on some of the second I go we're gonna go into I forget what that was the Las Vegas shooter you still don't know why hmm
00:47:09| I don't know why I will look that up the Hat you can look it up dude you're gonna find so many web pages it's not gonna give you a proper answer it's just weird did you know no I don't have goddamn
00:47:26| that's weird not determined it is weird two J's Newton so that guy was like what unlike the 20th floor or something she shooting out in pots a bet or something shooting into a Kenny Chesney this is me
00:47:43| right Kenny Chesney backwards I do that by accident Kenny Chesney concert like just unloading in the strangers no one knows where it's going like this is this is also a weird thing the people who do
00:48:00| this tend to be what is he unhinged they want to be like they're in a war game or a war movie yeah so I guess realities worked for them so a lot of people when this stuff happens they always take it
00:48:18| out on videogames they say video games prepare you for it and they make it so you're desensitized do you feel desensitized by playing college idea no I know you should see how scared I was
00:48:33| to shoot my 9-millimeter fire in in a shooting range after after in video games I shot millions of Nazis in the head like him like with extreme accuracy and then when I came to really shoot one
00:48:47| I was like terrified I was pooping my pants now I got more comfortable with it and everything but I had nothing to do with the video game dude I think yeah order for you to feel comfortable you
00:48:57| have to have grenades and a knife and you know be well blackjack where I think martyrdom no where I think video games are bad is that a kid who might not know better might try to use a firearm or
00:49:20| something for the first time and I think it's normal so that's that year that's a first time thing that's not like a adult recurring thing or a mass shooter thing I don't think I don't think again I
00:49:32| don't know they have to do more research and if they had only done more research before 1996 when Congress cut the CDC funding for gun violence research oops thanks to come across that that why they
00:49:46| cut the funding boring oh yeah CDC was getting funded by Congress and in 1996 they passed an act that cut the funding for gun violence research that they were doing they just cut it out of
00:50:01| the blue interesting huh I'm not saying the NRA did it but so that's that goes along with like securing your gun there are a lot of stories of like people just like leaving a gun out and a child gets
00:50:20| it it's just like yeah hey that would ruin me and I take the precautions to make sure that they'll not they would have to know the combination of the safe and for them to know it means that
00:50:33| they're of a certain mind that they're capable you would think sure and it's also very high off the ground so they have to climb up there too so there's effort involved if they were to get in
00:50:44| there and look at it and play with it by that age I should have told them and explain to them the seriousness of of the gun like if I like you do you plan on explaining guns to them and letting
00:50:57| them see them and maybe learning to use them I like a certain age I've no idea what age would it be I was thinking like you'd probably I want to do it like right at puberty but like maybe shortly
00:51:06| after I was thinking puberty because like 13 14 is when you're like you can be I mean it's not like they're sexually turned on by the gun like the rest of America but you have a lot of Hanks when
00:51:18| you hit puberty because you have no idea what's happening true but there's a seriousness that comes along with being pubescent all right yeah I guess so I guess an idiocy to what I think is that
00:51:34| you expect there's a decease oh you're trying to combat the idiocy by explaining to them this is what it is and how to not use it improperly make it real serious you make it serene you have
00:51:47| to make it but I might glorify it so yeah have you seen those there's that one video of the kid playing with a gun he's older so he's like sixteen or something he's like waving it around and
00:52:01| then it goes off by accident cuz he's an idiot don't have a loaded gun don't do any of that and his mom runs in and starts yelling and slapping him and he cries like a
00:52:12| little baby he cries like a little [ __ ] I was gonna say little [ __ ] but thank God didn't bend but yeah you how do you how are you that dumb to be like you never play with a loaded gun ever so one
00:52:28| of the guys from Chicago guitarist singer or somebody the group Chicago okay I guess the park no then the park twenty forty sixty to forty six and tear is that I don't even know forty six and
00:52:42| two is a tool song no no twenty five and six six four Oh anyway like man they do live is his party gig was he would pull out an unloaded gun at parties and I believe fake shoot himself one time it
00:52:59| was loaded then it gets how he died I have to fact-check this one oh please do because I mean this is like what I've heard down the grapevine Chicago gun accidental death Perry calf maybe I'm
00:53:13| like I know I didn't research us it just would have heard in musical circles I see it anyway oh that's crazy you imagine pulling a prank at parties that was like your big move and then one day
00:53:28| it fails I hope it's true no no I don't hope it's true no I know I do hope it's true I'm not even sure oh no his quote is don't worry about it look the clip isn't even in it he was too stupid to
00:53:42| realize that you can have a bullet in the chamber dan-o died instantly from the gunshot eight days shy of his 32nd birthday with a two year old he was young
00:53:55| yeah two-year-old daughter damn he's younger than us and then his fiancee married Keith or Sutherland really good on her good job wait Kiefer yeah Kiefer that's wild so hold on check this too so
00:54:12| the band Chicago I picture is older than me everyone was way older than me it's like you know nine holes of old band yes but when you listen to them I guess you're assuming
00:54:23| that they're older yeah I do and isn't that weird that who was he a guitar silly thing wouldn't don't you believe that you're younger than you actually are though like have you think about
00:54:34| yourself we do but let's not get into that this is just crazy that he died by the time he was 32 so I'm older than him and he had already recorded whatever I already heard from
00:54:46| them and I'm like push push her mic back still more there's like a little tiny and crackle man you're a crack I'll T so what was the question what was it what did he play yeah yeah
00:54:59| well guitar vocals bass so he was already recorded the songs that I think are awesome from Chicago and died by the time he did more than you're doing or you've done
00:55:13| you see ya fail and your end middle-aged white guy in the suburbs Nick what are you telling me have you played a lot of Call of Duty so you call duty I couldn't it
00:55:32| I have you been off the favela in Brazil because you know the exact layout you've been on that map before Nick I know you I know where you need to set up I do know uh we do a whole episode on cold
00:55:45| anymore yeah I'm deciding we're gonna want to go I don't know where we're gonna go I guess like this I actually listen to so I don't know if anyone's figured out by now but we're kind of
00:56:00| anti-gun without being we are like what I think we are but like not I think I'm serious I guess I'm my awareness of guns is I've never experienced like the the best quote-unquote guns but we both
00:56:16| realize that there's a point to the amount of power that one person should have and that exceeds probably how much they should have well look at this your crime of passion they mentioned how a
00:56:27| gun is so it's the pain yes so if you just break up with a girl or unless she's cheating like you shoot her it's a very quick decision but its final it's so crazy that you have that power
00:56:40| in your hand let's say you want to kill yourself you could do several things but if you shoot yourself it's instantaneous I mean you can't done it very no the gun is very instantaneous it gives you
00:56:52| instantaneous power and we're people who act on whims a lot I think it's a terrible idea I think it's awful I think the common person will even if it's one lapse of judgment one time you might
00:57:06| shoot someone or yourself or someone a loved one or or shoot at someone miss and kill someone else and it's it's over it's done it's a one and done you don't that's not a mistake
00:57:17| so thing and we're mr. crome people misses what I'm saying let's took from so uh we also have this constitutional right that was created at a time when guns worn out baby look at musket baby
00:57:37| put that musket ball in there yeah the right amount of gunpowder hold on gunpowder got clean that [ __ ] that's some [ __ ] so the accuracy of guns has gone up and you put the ball in then you
00:57:51| have to set the trigger hold on I said the trigger I don't know we're make sure you do not point it down had to be pointed this way gravity folks grab at it then you get it in here you get in
00:58:03| here one more time you gonna check that a little piggy check the discharge pull backward trigger we're gonna trigger trigger pull trigger pull then you look down your musket rifle and you were
00:58:13| ready to shoot some [ __ ] with your sexy boy Jesus Christ I could have time though watch on that one T seconds yeah so what do you say the rate of fire has gone up dramatically and the
00:58:26| accuracy has gone up heaven yeah so if you have a bump stock it's somewhere a bump stock is returned my ar-15 etc it's a long gun a bump stock essentially takes out the trigger so you can hold
00:58:40| down the trigger and it will I say vibrate or bump bullets out of your gun at a rate of I think it was about 500 per per minute yeah it sounds better right sounds about
00:58:52| so we live from two to three per minute to 500 so even if you were completely accurate you could kill 500 people in a minute that sounds outrageous but it's not likely see what it's
00:59:07| possible but it's plausible yeah plausible and then you also go into the range of like military weapons so you go up to like Gatling guns got little ones gonna do wait did you know
00:59:20| there was a law I gotta find this please okay Gatling guns fire about 6,000 rounds per minute did you know the NFA the National Firearms Act any fully automatic weapon made before 1986 is
00:59:39| fair game civilians the grandfather live ale yeah so this is something called yeah oh there's something called the m134 General Electric mini gun that you could buy I don't know they make anymore
00:59:51| I'm sure there's always been email the gun can fire up to 166 times per second holy cow so this is why you could buy it for your home but you can buy a regular gun and then put modifications on it
01:00:07| that maybe is like above that range so it's not that hard for these people to be deranged and figure it out and then commit these acts so you can buy an ak-47 here and buy parts afterwards to
01:00:23| make it make a 74 no that I do that wrong I don't know what's your huh what's the cleanest one those 47 is the more famous one oh then you can buy a 74 and make it a 47 I'm sorry because you
01:00:34| can't outright buy an ak-47 which is great you shouldn't be able to but you can buy a 74 and modify it so it shoots exactly like what seven so there's also this Mattila Tillery the military gun
01:00:51| that's called metal storm which is the fastest shooting gun in the world I looked this up guys it's like a million rounds a minute I just can't did it just recently come
01:01:05| out and I 2016 is when the story is but the video looks like it's from like the early 2000s but imagine firing a million rounds in a minute like the only way that makes sense is if you're like
01:01:17| flying very very fast and like each bullet like has an actual time to like have a different distance so you get like spray and spray alright it's snow ramp rate I don't even know that well is
01:01:32| there an application that makes sense for it yeah one day dream it it's like touching on something interesting yeah the ability to do something is it deterrent guns ass wash fears it's kind
01:01:47| of yes I said it's way I said I think it's a swatch isn't it I've never heard the comments let's see who knows better than Nick so that so that brings up my next point is that I don't know if it's
01:02:07| UK or London specifically I think it's United Kingdom where the police officers don't actually carry guns they call in the military yeah building clubs the booby stick a
01:02:20| nightstick it's also sort of the same thing for security guards is that usually there are security guards that are monitoring situations they don't carry guns and there is like a handful
01:02:33| officers that do carry guns our security officers to do so it's not like you have the idea of police is different than you would expect for when you're a child is it a lot of the military or police are
01:02:47| just there to ease the situation they're not necessarily able to protect you or intercede right so that happened with one of the school shootings I know there was an officer stationed at the school
01:03:01| but he's securing the perimeter by preparing to engage the shooter he's not necessarily actively going after the shooter which is maybe a perception that confuses people a lot if they're in an
01:03:17| active shooting situation as they're hoping that I guess someone comes to save let's shoot down and just saves a day yeah but I guess the question there to you is if you were in an office
01:03:29| building or school mmm what do you think you would do in that situation could you do anything I think you have to run and I have uh read reports that hiding doesn't help so you get like barricade
01:03:43| yourself in but again I've read a lot of stories of people who not gotten away because the shooter that's like an objective to a shooter like it it's like oh well it's see I can break feet Dylan
01:03:55| oh really you're you're behind this door you're hiding yeah I will shoot through the door it's almost like a target that you've just put up on yourself and if you're cornered in a room that's not
01:04:06| good I don't know yeah yeah and I agree with you running is probably a pretty good choice because you're playing a moving target year away yes we're going away square low it's like if you're
01:04:19| running away from somebody the chance that you get shot by them is a square like because the area exciting's that much absolutely expands and expands and expands and expands and B their
01:04:32| attention is drawn to other things that are closer you know their accuracy is better at things that are closer and they probably don't have vendetta against you personally right
01:04:41| I would hope a lot of these shootings are pretty random so their disclaimer I'm not saying do this but I would probably do that run it's not even disclaimer you might really be telling
01:04:53| people a safe thing I mean what are they supposed to stay and fight him it depends because you don't know the situation that's a lot like if there's multiple shooters or something like a
01:05:02| lot of them what people tell you is to stay bunker down especially like if you're gonna cause havoc you don't want hysteria that fill the minds of people and then hysteria kills people but also
01:05:16| running the opposite way and telling people there's a shooter might have people just be like oh we're going the hell out of here yeah and then as people would be heading into that
01:05:24| area if it's like a mall or something like that I don't know I've also heard situations where shooters were outside of exit doors I think Laura was Aurora really I don't I don't know if he was
01:05:39| near the exit door or if he was just in the theater but the people trying to get out we're heading towards one of the shooters I think there's only one shooter in that but I think it was yeah
01:05:49| that one was a one shooter but either way if he was near the exit that's what he was doing but messed up it's just [Applause] it's weird and to me it strikes of
01:06:01| people who were so hurt and so broken that they have to hurt and break other people and that people will always know other people's vulnerability are uh they know how to hurt us they know how to
01:06:17| kill us they know how to do bad things to us and I guess on two hands on one guns don't kill people people do right cuz the gun itself isn't responsible as the person the deranged person is a
01:06:33| crazy person a weird person the person is just broken and needs to hurt people they would find another way they would find a bomb or uh whatever but on the other hand if they weren't able to shoot
01:06:49| through people like and easily access that item maybe they wouldn't be able to do it right yeah so I listened to a pro-gun podcast the other day and it was um dated the day after the two shootings
01:07:07| and it struck me as really weird and that they just wanted to talk about violent crime in the UK and I did come up with a stat so there was two things they talked about like they would be
01:07:22| like the Liberals don't want you to know so-and-so and they always talked about the Liberals and the left they didn't refer to a politically general public yeah it was very
01:07:33| politically charged it was like right out the gate they were like here we are a gunshot uh the liberals don't hate her here this pausing okay what's going on
01:07:42| let's open mind when he's gotta say I forgot his name he said um did you know in the UK crime is up ever since they cut down on gun use and AM there is an actual stat there are 2030 for violent
01:07:58| crimes per 100,000 people in the UK they did it by person because we have different populations an American said they were 466 violent crimes per day per like five times more hmm
01:08:17| most of them involve knives it's stuff like that I don't know if they count bottles and fights over soccer clubs and stuff like that but I was like okay the next thing they talked about was um how
01:08:30| now the Liberals are gonna come for the guns and they need to realize that guns help people you know it's very pertinent because this is right after the shooting they say the Liberals are going to say
01:08:41| we need to end gun violence now before the bodies are even in the ground we here think it's more important think about those who died by gun violence so you'll deal with but Unitarians one
01:08:55| utilitarian I utilitarian I am good so you're gonna create a greater amount of people so yes so this always bothers me too is that when it does happen and it happens to a very small percentage not
01:09:06| just counting the souls that die but the balance that guns allow it evens the playing field for people who actually want to do harm with guns you don't hear the stories of people who have a gun and
01:09:19| prevent something so that's what he brought up he had us that I had never heard he said Stacy have you on here today she says absolutely and it was this woman who wrote an article that
01:09:31| said 164 acts a day are good acts out by lawful gun owners they stop crimes they prevent people from being hurt by bears and animals they stop other people from bullying other people
01:09:50| were shooting other people this is good guy gun thing yeah we said there was a hundred and sixty seven day stay underground yeah and the liberal media never talks
01:10:00| about it and they felt hurt by it so there's the law of coming to the aid of someone who is in horror way in Pearl yeah is it a convenient power a weapon I believe immediate right I mean threat
01:10:15| to someone else like the typical one is if your neighbors being attacked by somebody you're allowed to draw your weapon on them and prevent them from continuing continuing to attack them
01:10:26| yeah that makes sense I mean if someone's hitting someone with a bat over I'll shoot them two men don't shoot them in the back though if they're fleeing already you're not allowed to
01:10:35| shoot them are you shoot them in the back if they're hitting someone over the head with a baseball bat over and over and you're behind them the trees take the night them Ohio in the back the tree
01:10:45| like a donkey chicken circling you can't shoot me the bag can't you Miss Maggie lets punch backwards we got I was surprised that's not like a martial art [Laughter]
01:11:07| good the weird thing about that whole podcast I listened to was 40 minutes long okay it's answer ships from every gun company I could think of cries like a Korean elegy rice um the thing is
01:11:21| stuck with me as he said everyone who's a gun carrier has to be responsible you're responsible for your children response for heard wife you're on your own you have to consider everything as a
01:11:33| threat and I was like okay I mean when she got beer and he said he says according to so and so most people are in code white you've got to be in Co red you gotta wear your good clothes your
01:11:49| concealed carry every weapon on you at all time you don't know when it's gonna happen and I was like oh my god there's a lot of work and he was like we're in a world now that's an array it's disarray
01:12:01| we have to be ready we have to ready to strike you have to hone your craft and I was thinking to myself Jesus Christ and then he mentioned a class you could take for
01:12:10| X amount of dollars time so - and it was just exactly but it was just crazy that he thinks and many people think you have to be on anti shooter mode at all time you have to be with your hand at your
01:12:26| hip where your gun is and no word is at all times you have to every time you enter a building know where the exits are you have to know at all points where your
01:12:37| children are and have an escape plan if you go to a new restaurant you should know how to get out and I was like Jesus Christ I go to a restaurant I gotta know how to get out and then he said
01:12:47| something ridiculous it was like if you know if you're in a restaurant with your children and your family and if you're a loud noise could be gunfire don't just think it might not be you assume the
01:12:59| worst you get up and you get out worst case scenario you come back and say huh it wasn't gunfire don't pay my bill it's kind of true but I don't know they're annoyed so sorry that way all the time
01:13:13| is insane and a person like that like he he buys the products that they're talking about he's buying body armor he's buying the firearms he's buying an ax he's training he might pay for
01:13:28| training he's on red alert all the time what the hell is that like you're always thinking of escape routes in a shooting scenario Jesus Christ dude he these people spend
01:13:40| money on the podcast they spend money on this it's a lifestyle and it's it's downright scary they have their concealed carry item at all time just what he said to his to his viewers he
01:13:54| consider lament to the number of concealed carry guns you can have have you just had one on every part of your body that was concealed I had it for one day I was uncompromising wouldn't it not
01:14:06| for me like these people the other side the people who love customs Yeah right they almost want to create a war scenario where they're at war they're always ready of a man about it
01:14:22| yeah cuz he said don't be a white where you're calm and everything's peaceful you're red if you're not as red you're gonna be dead you have to be surveying every situation and this is a
01:14:34| crazy thing if you're surveying every situation you're putting your money into it you're putting your time into it this is your lifestyle you're looking for trouble you're looking for frigging
01:14:44| shootings you're looking for all this [ __ ] it's kind of scary mm-hmm you carry with you at all times you're always ready to pull your trigger always ready to pull your frigging gun out like I
01:14:55| don't want that person around me either I have an uncle who carries a firearm with him at all times right he's a little overweight he's a little older and now he shakes so every time he goes
01:15:08| to grab it and home he pulls it like this I'm like oh my god Jesus Christ over here oh wait this is like a driver's license like if you're too old to drive you should be happy just have a
01:15:22| revoked but you can't revoke or even a ticket tab yes you should I agree but you don't have to prove that you can fire a gun to own a gun you don't have to prove you can fire gum to have a
01:15:34| concealed carry permit yeah it's not it's crazy yeah like we're letting crazy people have guns and I'm not talking about crazy like we discussed earlier mental illness to find us training him
01:15:47| right we're talking about people who were just obsessed with an idea working people and I don't like it so there's also the craziness of like Winchester never heard the Winchester house is the
01:16:01| the widow of I don't know I had mr. Winchester yeah yeah okay she she built a house that was so convoluted because she feared the deaths of the Native Americans their souls were coming after
01:16:20| her so she literally built a house that was too confusing to navigate so they couldn't find her like the house in the Jack Nicholson movie The Shining shining yeah this one is in I think
01:16:31| Santos and I was a Winchester house you know you know the shining thing right yeah the house didn't make actual sense oh no I didn't hear this one yes logistical II the hotel didn't make
01:16:45| sense if you actually paid attention to the camera cuts what was left what was right what was the stairwell what was here what was there purposely the director I think it was Kubrick made it
01:16:56| to the house couldn't physically exist like people have to build the doors on the left it's impossible to know anything went there's no know if you went downstairs the fire thing and the
01:17:07| stairwell which were right directly behind you in the scenes wouldn't make sense because that couldn't go to the left he made a hat a hotel that was impossible to kind of mess with you and
01:17:16| making you feel like it was like fake like it was not a contiguous building correct yeah that's kind of interesting I can I want to watch it now and see well look just look up the articles and
01:17:30| that they'll give you the Shogun's essay on the whole thing yeah good so there is another element to this besides the insanity that guns might cause there's a show called 19 - have
01:17:42| you ever heard of it no I have not there's one episode number one in season two where they actually have a school shooting and they do it in one take it is very impressive to watch
01:17:55| it's very frightening and I it's impressive I'll just say it's impressive you should watch it is it it goes through as so the police are coming to a school and it's following the police's
01:18:06| they're trying to clear the building and there's so much confusion and people like just like wondering what's happening the whole time as they walk through the building so fusion and a car
01:18:14| accident or and no one knows who did it everyone's giving you weird information some people say this some people said the opposite some people say you know there was only three cars some people
01:18:23| say it's two cars and it's like that's a two-car accident when you are staring at it boy yeah yeah better people staring at it when you talk at a shooting where multiple peoples are involved timelines
01:18:36| individuals here say who broke in and other people they went over here then went over here no I saw them go over here there's tools don't know there's five of them there's two of them
01:18:46| there's three of them there's two of them there's five of them Jesus Christ it's when that stuff happens that's what breeds the misinformation to that you see on the Internet mm-hmm it's
01:19:01| piercing theory type thing yeah so you do you believe in waiting periods for guns like what what do you think should be done yeah I agree there should be like a what three days seems like enough
01:19:11| to cool down from whatever you pissed off about I mean the firearms it I don't care if they restrict guns owning into the entry my objective is weeks away maybe years away even I don't give it
01:19:24| damn this is the thing I think we used to own guns for what we said the beginning of says the government could overthrow you or protect my government protect me from an invader or Native
01:19:35| American wins back in the 1700s the hell is a handgun gonna do against government who could drop an atom bomb on my house yeah it really what there's there's literally nothing a handgun can do to
01:19:50| protect me from the government I should get right out of midair like if you could see it and it's like no hundred percent way they say I'm pretty sure you can follow what there's a chance it's a
01:20:07| shot for its profits plot no I don't it's plausible that you could have no I'm pretty sure you're screwed if the ratio means it's possible no I'll be wrong Nick prove me wrong
01:20:21| I'm gonna take on the government with a handgun no you're not so I think does that cover everything you wanted to hmm there was one stat that I think 25 million actually do you
01:20:37| get a background check but of that 25 million there's like five or six thousand people then don't so really that the hunting which actually isn't bad I don't
01:20:51| mine hunting yeah necessity and survive which states have the most guns it's like Montana North Dakota is it I am that wasn't one of the grants well they're nice dates yeah what's that make
01:21:05| sense yeah I mean there are parts of the country that you're rural enough that you actually need a gun to feed yourself kill a deer and eat the venison you
01:21:16| might need to protect your siphoning plate Oh from dear brother any mind an ak-47 mow down this beast that's the other thing that gets me it's kind of weird
01:21:31| like you should only be able to own what you could hunt with right yeah that makes sense cuz yeah and a pistol whatever has cool Goforth when you talk about like folium
01:21:43| semi or fully automatic weapons with like large caliber bullets that just shoot like 50 rounds per second or whatever and you're going to town you little crazy are you gonna need that for
01:21:55| a deer like that's what I think up I'm like you really need an ak-47 and take this take down your deer yeah you need that I brought my guns with me mins &
01:22:09| Buster's ya know indoctrination of a nation make a man getting those guns I need to own eight more to complete the level now don't get me wrong I think video games do teach us that we need
01:22:23| shooters my son calls all guns shooters I refuse to let home guns we need to know the reality even though that's not a reality the aftermath of shooting a gun there it did read an article called
01:22:38| on what happens to a human body after a bullet hits it or something wrong like details and I was like holy [ __ ] just two metals in the way back in a day they use a cavitation like rips apart your
01:22:52| insides it does more than just penetrate it literally kind of explodes and expands your insides so that they get backs afterwards yeah the ripple effect
01:23:03| I think that covers it and that's everything but it's weirder there's so much more to talk about I mean the glorification of guns in America we can talk about that for a whole upset yeah
01:23:16| we talk we have it I love guns and I'm against guns I think that Lee sense I think this concludes our episode oh sure do you want to keep going I don't know there's something I'm missing I don't
01:23:30| remember what do you want to keep talking yourself as they take a piss cuz that's what I got too why don't you do it and see what happens you think he's for those of us that are
01:23:41| still with us Nick will supply the entertainment for the next minute I will folks there's a weird thing with guns like I love them I'm not like I'm in between I don't do the whole winning
01:23:53| guns for everybody in every bush I have our guns but I also don't do the whole no one should have guns like we should have all cons entirely I will never own a gun I'm in between as
01:24:04| you clearly say I fired a firearm owned a few firearms it's just yeah I don't think if they told me tomorrow if Obama told me tomorrow ex-president I know this is not that
01:24:19| dated we're coming for your guns I'd be like I have to take him don't care can you pay me for them can you think the money I pay for them I'd be fine with that
01:24:29| it's like I think guns are cool I think guns are a sweet science there's something explosive and fiery and powerful about them and think about them in movies and stuff is kind of cool
01:24:45| practically I don't know how open they get used I heard that's that 160 times a day or something someone is saving a life or something via guns stat is probably [ __ ] it probably is
01:25:00| sometimes where gun is useful there's some times where I'm glad someone has a gun there's some times where a gun solved the problem just that finality that ultimatum that's
01:25:16| not I don't trust people a Dan shaken off probably miss sit here quietly no no no no I was actually talking until you showed up I was kind of wrapping it up so I was talking about as guns are cool
01:25:35| in that they're powerful they're beefy we talked about alpha male leveling an ending field absolutely and I totally support a woman that has a concealed carry if if there's anybody that should
01:25:49| have one it's someone who is not as physically intimidating I think women are intimidating sorry some people do feel intimidated by women Nick especially yeah that's fair
01:26:05| so but the thing is I thought was it that finality of a gun you can pull the trigger and end someone's life like almost anyone's life to be had them it shouldn't be available to anyone who's
01:26:21| human because we're irrational like I could decide tomorrow do the craziest thing in the world I don't think I should have that power I mean it's one thing to say hey the
01:26:31| mentally ill can't have it yeah well they should put delays on the bullet like you should like pull the triggers think about it and have come back wait Chris Rock had a whole bit and bullets
01:26:44| cost $1,000 apiece no one in the hood be shootin anyone and like that's his like ol bit and I was like that's the stupidest bit I was like that's a genius bit because of ammunition cause that
01:26:58| much you would think 10 times before you do it even if you're going to jail you're like on my back you wouldn't have the bullet Ian yeah yeah I'd be like jeez I'm not buying a
01:27:11| bullet so it's not the gun it's not some bullet people kill people will agree with that right it's the people yeah I agree what else can you friggin do with a gun
01:27:26| how many other options do you have with a guy I can go target shooting hunting a hunting could be for skill or sport clay discs we'll put that in a linear fashion I'll get shooting at the target shooting
01:27:44| did you just pick that up sure sure is that it defense yeah that's killing people but I'll give you a yeah sure militia guys that's killing people - you
01:27:59| just picked the difference anyway it's just weird um guns are cool guns are awesome I love my play Call of Duty I know what no no this is serious okay from video games I know in an mp4 is I
01:28:15| know it along on it I don't think hey 47 it's like I know all these exam om 16 dude oh you know the recoil up oh I know recoil on this [ __ ] how many bolts you get how long it takes to reload yes I do
01:28:28| a hundred percent I to shotguns how many bullets you get in this shotgun but I don't I don't know that I want to use them in real life it's that weird thing uh-huh
01:28:43| I don't know so if I could own if I had unlimited finances I would own probably a handgun rifle of some sort I would shotgun shotgun and then I probably own like some like as as high a
01:28:59| firing gun as you possibly could legally it sounds ridiculous like that's the like yeah your wood your 1970s minigun everyone that was like it would be like an m16 or nak 74 modified I don't know
01:29:15| if that's not legal but it'd be a self-defense gun like it would be like a mob is coming after me gun like you could rationalize that that might happen in the future is the matter
01:29:26| zombies are coming you can think about anything you're right when I think of that it's I'm like okay that's a it's the hysteria that you are hysterical who are
01:29:38| also hysteric right is you if you're legitimizing hysteria groups of people normals nothing I consider is a normal situation because humans are the most dangerous thing planet you could
01:29:50| rationalize that they could do anything and if they if they own an ak-47 you better own one too if all your neighbors had an ak-47 even be like whoo well so it's an honor race
01:30:02| a little bit yeah so because we own firearms we need to own firearms and even on top of that with craziest people say hey there are shooters out there mass shooters there are people who go
01:30:18| rogue and do wild things I wish more people had a firearm concealed carry so more guns is the answer nothing it is where it isn't I'm just like you can't take the guns away
01:30:31| I mean Australia did have incidents that caused them to revoke gun rights and then all of the guns that take a possibly collects they did I don't think you can do that in America because the
01:30:42| amount of guns and the numbers of people yeah one person grabbed a gun you still couldn't do it yeah well and the people that are using guns for nefarious purposes they're still gonna be able to
01:30:56| get a gun from some where I really feel like they could find somebody who hides a guy take it front of you I agree with you but there the other problem with the mark is that there are more guns than
01:31:08| people are plenty of guns to take yeah and you're not gonna get them all that was a good finishing point this includes our episode oh thanks for listening we need about gun violence so beware drop
01:31:31| gun violence children with guns gun control have kids any guns that are ever I don't care from man and manga man don't have kids whoever eyes kiss is cut a gun kid
01:31:45| barrel yr sawed-off shotguns illegal I don't know it's the spray all right yeah our must be the sprite no they are illegal also uh-huh might be a state every I bet work
01:31:59| late um [Music] hotline Miami you play the game no these are played hotline Miami I have not Jesus Christ is in had
01:32:13| message you really actors anyway gun violence is crazy because video games make it happen we've decided our politicians send their thoughts and prayers which i think is great right huh
01:32:29| so one side says gun control we're gonna take all the guns away one side says we're gonna send thoughts and prayers we need more god yeah talk to any time we're somewhere in between and we talked
01:32:40| about homicides suicides accidental discharge Oh Nick showed his hollow points is say get my high point I did not show I thought it was not couth appropriate yeah I don't know it's
01:33:00| probably get you patient Association talk about uh background checks the National instant background check system I'm sure there's an extra word in there and I see off yes and talk about bullets
01:33:19| what they do little recourse school shootings metal storm Gatling gun told about bulletproof backpacks oh my god is that that's a new thing protect your child yeah oh I swear to
01:33:33| God there you can my bulletproof backpack for a kid na mele you want to talk about heroes to finish it are their heroes so there are teachers and students that put themselves in the way
01:33:50| here's a here's a sinner heroic they do get recognized in the news but then it's over yeah this sound [ __ ] up but there's no movie about them
01:34:03| I don't see their face I don't know what they look like I don't remember the religion yeah I don't want to give me the attention to the shooter right all right we're not trying to give media
01:34:16| attention to this shooter but right now we have and I'm like who is it what is he doing what is motive it's weird so let's just work for the people that
01:34:28| put their lives out there to protect you other people and do not rising seriously I that's the bravest thing you can do yeah I wish if my son goes to school that that happens
01:34:41| I hope there's someone that protects him someone that values his life more than their own my neighbor said he's not gonna send his daughters to school because of school shootings they're
01:34:51| gonna homeschool I was like that's a stupidest that's crazy Wow Wow that's [ __ ] up and I didn't know what to say in the military he's a military did you does that if do you reconsider sending
01:35:06| your kid to public school I guess not to any school I guess private school can happen to my kids gonna go to one of the biggest public schools on the East Coast all right
01:35:19| it's weird is that bad that it's the biggest the most kids the most problems I know there's the most chance I don't know I didn't even I didn't think of this before I had a kid anything in this
01:35:32| before this episode I don't care if they come for all our weapons as long as we keep the ones we have I can't buy new ones that's fine got enough sound right mm-hmm there's no
01:35:51| there's no easy answer there is no easy answer it's weird at what the answer actually is I think is better mental health better checks waiting time and seven week waiting time I don't hear
01:36:07| better Howard care better health care mental health care so that people can actually be diagnosed and figure things out of course yeah how to actually fire a gun what loss
01:36:21| read fie right what's a red flag law so anytime you call on someone can call the police you say my son is acting really deranged paying red flags they say listen man he
01:36:35| hasn't committed a crime nothing's wrong he's a rightful gun owner we can't do anything sure they're pm2 with the past three measures header in red flags yeah and like his mother or
01:36:46| someone else called and said I think he's gonna do something he's acting triassic but no one can do anything because that's hearsay I mean should there be a unit inside local police that
01:36:56| takes care and checks out and does all that stuff what could they do to prevent it help they do I don't forget no clay hey you gonna shoot people anything no they're like okay talk to you tomorrow
01:37:10| but you can't take his weapons Kenya I don't know surveillance maybe maybe but that's money in time and everything else I might be worth it now if it's millions
01:37:23| of times a Canadian needs to do is sensationalize the stories that of people preventing these things it's like don't share the The Killers Rock prescribed duty you just like heroes
01:37:38| it'd be cool but I don't listen hero perspective tragedy no yeah we liked you though yours folks I like you thanks for tuning in check our socials cherish it go hoard
01:37:58| good night

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