The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP050 Produce Create Podcast Mistakes

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Transcript UnP050 Produce Create Podcast Mistakes

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 50 - Produce Create Podcast Mistakes
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00:00:00| welcome welcome wow that was quick I was incredible yeah well we were real our folks were the others and this is roughly unofficial episode 50 Wow it's our 50th our
00:00:16| anniversary how beautiful it's corals glorious 50 deficit episode of a podcast so we figured what better topic and podcasting yeah so crazy a podcast about podcast
00:00:31| has it ever been done before oh yeah I do know these two guys that I can't listen to because they're really annoying when they talked about podcasting really mm-hmm
00:00:39| give me a hit me a letter fill in them um you probably never saw them but there are thoroughly on reddit okay and they're too much yeah I can handle that we're not going to do it with them but
00:00:53| what we wanted to do is give a little bit of the insight onto how we started podcasting how people should start podcasting or not because that would cut into our time and sales sales and real
00:01:05| software equipment and like the whole we're breaking it down we're gonna do the whole nine yards is that a phrase I just made it up we're giving you the whole nine yards folks mm-hmm pretty
00:01:16| important episode you might want to bookmark this one you might want to save it you might want to send it to your friend who has a bad podcast and say check it out so uh yeah well you want to
00:01:28| talk about first a little bit about podcasting in the United States of America oh yeah let the intro roll and there it is so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks for old
00:01:43| friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the
00:01:57| chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion remaining you can get a little bit dirty this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for
00:02:08| entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes we're gonna fondle your father all right yes I love that fade in that also screws up your mic
00:02:37| every time you do that slightly this is north of America and this is the opposite of wet folks ooh go go go we're gonna talk about our own podcast
00:02:50| and how we learned from our faults are many many faults are our poles yeah that I can admit so many mistakes mm-hmm man I would like to say I'm ranking during the podcast estar well Chloe to cut that
00:03:06| up we put it back yeah I've gone to my cheaper bore my cheaper bore Cheever beer now that doesn't value guy I will say that I figured out something additional we keep improving ourselves
00:03:20| and we're not quite professionals yet but we're moving towards it I think we might be there but I always find out something new like this restream do it takes our stream and then streams it
00:03:34| again and again and again so now I have it streaming at eight different spots so we're literally streaming periscope YouTube twitch some Russian one called VK stream smash cast and mixer I don't
00:03:50| even know these flings you know yeah it's me it's crazy for the world right now the coolest thing pinging along out there yeah we're all over the Internet's the amazing thing is that it
00:04:04| takes the chats from every single one of those and then puts it into one chat window so if anyone says anything on the individual platforms I can see what they're saying so now that we're gonna
00:04:12| respond to you but I'll pay attention to it later on if I guess we're looking back that's darn tootin rascal yeah that's what was that things like that
00:04:24| things of that nature podcasting I'd say it's getting pretty big in America would you say so it's huge I think it's like quadrupled in the past two years
00:04:35| same thing with twitch streaming and gaming mmm everyone up and on board our friends at Edison Research Infinity dial did a March quarter 1 2018 research paper on podcasting in the United States
00:04:52| hi huh 44% of the people in the country of listening to at least one podcast probably all the people behind them at least one the reports occurring at Apple where that 550,000 individual podcasts
00:05:08| exists on Apple five hundred and fifty five minutes that's not everyone in America I really thought it might be closer to everyone yeah that's not too bad actually
00:05:16| right it's it's a big number and you know everyone has like a 2% ish cetera right and then I imagine after that is political or something anyways less it's like point just less than it's half a
00:05:29| million how many know you need Americana less than that then it's like point two percent okay and that's wonderful we're we're upper crust that's where we
00:05:41| are yeah there are over eighteen and a half million episodes I've kissed episodes out there oh yeah how many of them are abandon do you have that's that I don't
00:05:51| you it was something like 30% of them are no longer active they're just dead episodes floating out there and in the nether not here at gun benders no no did you know 80% of people who are
00:06:04| listening to a podcast listen to the whole episode and I thought that's interesting let's not have been people a couple of foolish fools 80% we're also not trying to hit the mark on people who
00:06:18| listened the whole episode because we hit I hung over an hour every time so that's that's probably a little tough to listen to straight through it is it is it's a long a bathroom break
00:06:28| mm-hmm your boss is gonna be there unless he's in the stall next you listen to ask to know what you could say enjoying myself boss go in myself and you can mean it yeah you got that look
00:06:43| on your face like that pop gasps you're twiddling your toes taking your shoes off and hit them with um today's tongue twister do you want oh you got a tongue twister do you think it would stop
00:06:56| someone getting fired a really good tongue twister would probably save your job when you got one okay wait I'll leave the office I'll pack up all my stuff if you can say Gerber durable
00:07:11| five times best boss I don't think excuse me and you'll say you know like the Gerber baby pretend there's a gerbil one a Gerber gerbil gerbil gerbil gerbil gerbil gerbil
00:07:25| that's all I say okay I thought that went up today it's pretty good huh I do that's a TV job you're saying folks save your job trip him up terrible depends on it every time he tries to fire you just
00:07:39| throw another tongue twister out music damn it he's got me got someone with toy boat over the weekend we did do they feel confident going into it yeah because um you drank too much it's time
00:07:53| to go back and I was like ray I was tired we were doing something it was like whatever you die get wasted I'm not even wasted I said oh and I was drunk and I was like listen if you think
00:08:05| you're sober there's a test cops think you don't he was like what are you talking about elderly they toy boat five times he was like okay Toyota like the wood I can't I just started laughing
00:08:17| like no one can know what it's impossible those of you out there try it right now it's impossible I try though that's our favorite tongue twister at Commander's yeah so we made it to the
00:08:29| I didn't know that I expected it to go that far I don't think I looked farther than a couple episodes ahead which is really our goal when we're coming up with an idea we only think about the
00:08:39| next episode it's not like a series of of building episode 2 just one at a time live episode 2 episode we release roughly 6 to 8 episodes a month because of primaries yeah I would say we missed
00:08:51| may like one recording session and then one topic just kind of sucks or is screwed up audio which we can get into or screwed up this or we didn't turn something on her who knows yeah so it
00:09:02| was our original idea do you remember who came up with it no I don't did you ever written down I did have aged one I think I was standing in my bathroom and thinking about
00:09:12| Seinfeld and I texted you like we do it like a podcast about other people and it could be comedic about it like small interactions between people interesting I don't think my text messages stay yeah
00:09:25| yeah and then we started building a little bit I don't even remember what her first one was prison the prison was the very first one was President was the first one I mean I was like the idea and
00:09:37| I had a bunch of research pages let me see if I can find it here I know we had mastery in there and then we had language I think language is like a third emotion so like the first three I
00:09:50| don't think we could use they're all pilots they were all pilots I think I could go back and fix it now that I know how to master the audio but it was recorded in such a way that I don't
00:10:04| think you can just save it yeah it's it's pretty fun to like say we're as famous as like the Beatles or something like the biggest podcast in the world and people couldn't get enough of us and
00:10:15| let's say we had a falling out because we are you know 500 million air and I'm you make 500 million and I make 300 million and we're arguing about something we stop making podcast we're
00:10:23| like no this how about that 209 I was like well Dan has the tapes of the unreleased I have everything what are you talking about the unreleased sections you couldn't release them at
00:10:39| any point if you wanted to can find it yet so a feasible that's alright that's alright I probably could search for it I will when we're distracted and the future is fine um here real quick before
00:10:49| we leave the podcast stats mm-hmm I didn't want to tell you the 25 percent of the u.s. populations to podcast but six percent of them are men 44 percent women Albany is the number one
00:11:01| subject education number two news is number three how many education and news correct a little comedy with law education give people the news little mix of everything so it's really they're
00:11:16| talking about us we're the number one if you combine all the three the other interesting thing is they did a study Nielsen on podcast listeners what kind of people are they uh-huh they
00:11:32| educated ninety-one percent of them are smartphone users sixty-one percent of them are college-educated that's pretty good that's kind of surprising yeah it's good I mean it goes also with smartphone
00:11:44| yeah people who are a little more wealthy I think almost eighty percent of them I didn't write the number down it was between seventy and ninety use one form of social media and I think that
00:11:54| can include Facebook's that's like Facebook is the one form of social media does that a minimum at least one form of social media okay and I don't know if they include Facebook he didn't say but
00:12:06| I'm guessing last but not least households that use baby foods and listen to podcasts 57% hmm parents I guess so so on 53% of beer drinkers listen to podcast oh yeah
00:12:28| that's a bureaucrat huh have a drumroll milk it four percent of milk yeah well that's correlation idea arm and I mean I don't know if any of them tie into anything at all but that's
00:12:49| cool no it's gonna stay up their necks are difficult I shouldn't ask you to move it I asked you to move it and screwed up you did I'm gonna show everyone I'm gonna show everyone my
00:12:57| setup - hmm give me a chance to move it like ten more times so let's talk about how we screwed up we're in the origin of the idea we had these pilots and we have you got all night
00:13:08| yeah topics and ideas coming through a website called asana which allows you to post you can post and share projects yeah it's work centric you can start a new project under tasks you can start a
00:13:21| new task under projects no one knows which ones which no one knows which ones the Master File Milla knows which one's a subcategory no one knows whether you put the topic
00:13:31| you want under tasks where do you put each one of new projects do you want to share it for publicly or privately with yourself or others I'm not sure yeah can I just share it with him do I have to
00:13:41| share it to myself also it's a good question how do i export this can it be prettier probably not but does it work yeah it does are we gonna use it probably only do you want all the credit
00:14:05| so what you want well you've already said it you give me all the credit before so I'll take it yeah I will take it more I love being showered with praise praise shower him with golden
00:14:15| fruit yeah talk about our failures coz the failures are really we've done this for almost a year now we're coming up we're probably like a month away from being a year yeah
00:14:24| whole episode that didn't record the audio at all like the third episode might at all sounds my fault audience like work you yeah yeah it happens episode and we don't know who it
00:14:37| was yeah and then we have kids so my kid likes to come in and push all the buttons and sometimes it's just like well Nick is a whisper and he's right at
00:14:47| the noise level so he can't use this one we also had yeah pops hisses buzzes echo you were the echo volume creep every time I would talk about volume creep one slowly gets louder
00:15:02| it's weird cuz the software would slowly tick up for no reason at all are you talking about a certain software I mean your software you like the Windows software remember when you had it like
00:15:14| so you're setting the volume and it was just like ooh and then like a second later boo boo here's like that too yeah it tries to auto adjust and the auto just is totally
00:15:23| screws any editing you can do this guy needs to be a ladder this guy needs to be a ladder this guy needs to be ladder this guy needs to be ladder it's just ok
00:15:32| it's what about our original mics I was working with Sampson Mir USB mic sat on the desk I'm gonna hear all the taps and stuff when I would to hit the desk and it would it had an a weird like
00:15:45| electronic buzz mm-hmm opt to so there's nothing I could do yeah hum from the computer yeah people think I have a computer a laptop yeah she a little microphone USB plug it in like a new
00:16:00| podcast well the laptop it might work better because laptops are on DC power whereas I have a workstation that's actually AC power oh that's interesting
00:16:10| hmm I'm curious if the meteor mic will work on a laptop I was gonna try it but I have zero time to do so maybe in the future 100 hundreth episode maybe hundred episodes so we should do
00:16:20| when I upgrade this mic am i you when we first did it I um I ordered a snowball mic mm-hmm I've ever run like 60 bucks or 80 bucks I just looked online they're like 50 bucks now the passage of time I
00:16:35| guess yeah mine was like 60 I think the meter was 60 right but it was on the USB one you just stuck into the USB powers itself and you know that's pretty good you looks pretty sweet looks looks cool
00:16:46| yeah I give it that mm-hmm it's a little three leg stand you know I couldn't hear a microphone like singing to it know it yeah this actual which one is the logitech HD webcam c310 huh it cost me
00:17:02| around fifty or sixty bucks it's 720p I think I have the same one no now yeah I got a newer nicer one I have two of the same ones actually I think I might I might I went like one
00:17:14| mount model up I feel like you did know you were in a teepee guy now no I did it so it's called a aus do em so I have two different mics so I have one mic so it streams to you this is how we do it on
00:17:28| skype or what the other one we have discord so there's one that streams to you and there's another one that just records what my face is which is beautiful
00:17:37| in 1080p even though it's shrunk down to a quarter of the size it should be larger but I just equal footing here so the one I use in 1080p is a us do M awesome
00:17:48| I don't know what the part number is I think it's on here F slash sharp 2.0 yeah I don't know it was a I think it is yeah word hello this is web camera on it it was a refurb for 30 bucks seems to
00:18:07| work just just fine as a reefer Bernie value-based hey I bought snowball mic this is that camera instead I had to buy I built a computer so I had to buy an i7 overclocked beast but some ran he said I
00:18:25| had to overclock it ddr3 but like like up clock it like 18 something mm Sarah breaks a computer sure he said yeah you got to and then I went grow it GTX 970 he said I needed at least that that's
00:18:40| what I got - and um headed by nice speakers some monitors some JBL's I think there's 350 s show you a little bit of setup oh you're moving around reading that
00:18:52| fourth wall guys this is breaking the fourth wall Dan said I had to get the JBL let's look nice Oh a nice sound suppression on the back there a little foam pads and hold on that was my next
00:19:03| step so he also said maybe try and dead in the sound around you so I bought some these uh acoustic noise-canceling pieces you know I bought some of them on this fabric it's up
00:19:15| oh look I threw blankets all over the place because dead in some of the sale of enough eventually I realized I needed something a little better so ah you're taking a look at this bad boy
00:19:26| hmm this is the audio technica at2020 cardioid huh yeah nice it cost me like a buck 20 I think let's say I think now you can find it really got hundred bucks or whatever
00:19:38| and then I am like oh there he is look at that touch him so I also go along this this is like a mounting arm like this is like national like this is like what the guys
00:19:49| use like Harry King and all those bums me like 25 bucks it's not my money I'm having this all adds up so you can't buy it all at once but little by little yet yeah bad boy stop and them pops right
00:20:02| there at the pop filter folks at harvest shop now and got me this little Mike anti vibrating piece right here look at all this stuff adds up folks and last but not least because I had this new mic
00:20:15| which is a nice dead weight power oh you felt that didn't you hold some phony bum you can't USB cable that bad boy know that if I XLR cable baby and put this bad boy this right that's I to baby here
00:20:34| loaded yeah power you like that well I'm not loaded anymore I'm in debt but um oh I've got a new interface to connect my mic - I got noise cancelling I got shock mounts I got things that keep this bad
00:20:51| boy from vibrate and sound and crappy doing all horny stuff I can move this put it right back behind the computer everything's fine I unplug this external phantom power I got speakers I go listen
00:21:01| music yeah thanks yeah but it didn't happen overnight you know I bought one thing or another thing increased one upgraded another and a sale for one God said and vibration like Ben yeah yeah
00:21:17| nothing was your birthday so I brought you a little gift the guy call me something else though I haven't worn out yeah maybe well yeah I did the same thing like we had that I had meteor mic
00:21:29| on the table and then realize that I need a different mic and then the mic needed to stand so I bought a stay in shock mount pop filter windscreen and my mic is the newer NW 800 it looks nice
00:21:42| and it's only like 30 bucks so I went for it and it sounded better than the $60 mic really oh yeah that's right we talked about that it's bizarre because you wouldn't expect it plus some of
00:21:51| those have kits so you can buy a kit for like 50 or 60 bucks and comes with all of the all the stuff I think is actually necessary because the stay in let's you like talk level
00:22:01| and you can move it back and forth you're not gonna hit things and in Denton's all the sound all the crappy sounds that we make with her i'm Allerton because our first 20 episodes
00:22:10| have hum in them they have background blow they have your computer makes noise the room makes noise your echoes make noise there's latency involved while all this stuff it's really complicated stuff
00:22:20| and thank God the Dan it is mostly technical stuff although I am NOT Unversed in such a thing um you know you gotta take it piece by piece yeah it's uh I feel like every three
00:22:33| months I kind of re-evaluate and it took us six months to really get to the point where we're at kind of now and now I start with crappy sound crappy video crappy interface crappy video quality
00:22:44| cap crappy recording and then eventually you're like I can record better oh you're like which software works best for you you start with how do we go uh well it was like I don't want to mention
00:22:55| the name because it wasn't really worth it like NHC or something and that one was just like pieced together and hacked together and it was just it was like a suite of software yeah it wasn't really
00:23:06| happy with it there's a free one called OBS which was open broadcaster software which is fantastic you can move stuff around you can adjust it you can make it so it
00:23:15| looks like the screen you can put words you can just type you can pick the like the typecast you want and then it can have filters yeah you can actively filter noise suppress noise gate and
00:23:26| then compress it a little bit too so you can make it so it sounds pretty good right off the bat and then work with it which is important because you like it's nice there's a certain feeling of hey I
00:23:40| released a good podcast good episode good material put it look City versus I have good material good podcast and the quality was pretty good I really liked it like doing I mean that's a whole
00:23:52| different feeling people don't know what goes into quality content the the technical side the UM how it looked when it came to video whether it all got compress right whether the sound was
00:24:05| perfect what there's like a million things go into it and people room they're just worried about like whether it was a cool episode or not no yeah and I feel like we we teeter-totter don't
00:24:14| now the quality versus content like some of our funnier stuff was mired in the the awful hiss or drone of whatever I was going on like the electrical noise there
00:24:23| were actually frequencies embedded in it that were from my computer that we tried to kill with ferrite beads which I think worked pretty well ferrite beads yes and I figured out just recently how to
00:24:36| actually edit sound so I pulled up audacity and you can look at the spectrum of what is a continuous noise and you can just Boop like remove that one spike and then like keep killing all
00:24:48| the harmonics that it generates a it's becoming a producer over here yeah producing a podcast producing a pot engineering huh I think I've gotten him pretty well
00:25:00| yeah you do listen every episode that I uh I've remastered right nearly every single one nearly every single one drop it on um oh we can't even get into that what are they where do the episodes go
00:25:13| look you just record it and leave it on your computer or is that it so right we're done initially we just recorded on my computer face-to-face and it was done now we stream it and it goes to twitch
00:25:26| periscope YouTube stream all the smash cast mixer that's that's fresh that's new we were doing twitch for a long time and YouTube required some sort of numbers in order for you to stream live
00:25:38| and we met those recently so now we're we're we can stream there directly and now I don't have to pour it from twitch to YouTube it will just stay on YouTube so I can just rename it and then I take
00:25:51| the whole processes is rather simple but very complicated because I took my my hands and just wrung it you just so there's there's to our website which is hosted on blogger which has all the
00:26:04| posts and all the links all the interconnections and then where the file goes the audio files on on our main video hosting is just YouTube but YouTube there I don't think there
00:26:16| monetarily the smartest place to be because it you get almost nothing from them I know but if anything it's a place to hold it that make sense yeah it's free so my end goal is to be free and
00:26:27| cheap cuz I love that of course those bloggers free is free YouTube is free the only thing we pay for is hosting our website it's the domain name on panders
00:26:40| comm Bing check it folks yeah so the the magic of it is that I'm a software programmer I made it so I can pull the data from YouTube I like compile it and decide like what episodes
00:26:55| are new and then I take data from a spreadsheet that we make together on descriptions of background and then I generate keywords from it something called I have AMA site DTF but that's
00:27:07| not it i fdt something there's a lot of initials I think it's DFT IFFT yeah yes I think it's like some about frequency document frequency so that pulls our keywords and it regurgitates it so that
00:27:23| we can make a timeline top keywords and we can do excerpts so if we look back we can figure out where things were and then paraphrase them so we can upload all of that together in bulk to YouTube
00:27:36| as well as blogger and then any place that will pick up for search engine optimization it's crazy people think we're just jacking off here when really we're
00:27:49| jacking on jacking in this jacket in net jacket out of this and jacking off of that it's like we're jack of all trades and jack of all jack of all trades in yeah yes I'm like that I would I would
00:28:03| like to go through an episode on automation cuz that's probably the meat of it and I have a background in doing all that sort of crazy stuff so I can be lazy my whole goal is to be lazy but it
00:28:14| takes forever to be lazy so I'm gonna turn you in from Diablo yeah I had three accounts and one of them got banned because it tried to make money off Diablo I almost made 200 bucks and they
00:28:26| dick I bashed it they kiboshed it crazy they call you well he caught me cuz I I was actively doing it and running into walls and stuff and I bet they tried to like talk
00:28:37| to me I'm just like try TUC doing the same stupid thing oh that's okay yeah I learned you'd learn a lot from all that I did I was like you become proficient in new new things
00:28:53| that's we podcasting yeah way it's fun kissing but the beauty of podcast is the difficulty the speed bumps and then my favorite part is emerging so like podcasting is an entire entirely
00:29:05| different entity than most people think like software and programming and web sites like the the integration of all of that is like my right in there I didn't slide right in hmm so that's
00:29:20| it's interesting it's fun it's fun once you get done through it all and you know more than other people nothing I'm a know-it-all or anything but kind of not at all there's a little
00:29:33| bit of hardware a little bit of software a little bit of work a little bit of technical stuff a little bit of dabbling a little bit of changing dials a little bit of trying new things a little bit of
00:29:41| try and do software a little bit of try and new streams mm-hmm Oh while talking about what we're gonna talk about and how we're gonna present it and how much we want to give ourselves to this thing
00:29:53| because we also don't want to be so personal that we're doing at our social security we don't even really say our last names really like you know they mean not that we're like Aaron women but
00:30:05| we also don't want like there's a line that you draw yeah and you have to make it a little general too because if you get too specific people are just thinking about you're thinking about you
00:30:13| whining that's not right you want to find something that appeals to the common man and the common woman in a common and working folk in the common techno file or the common the common
00:30:24| commonality commonality if we were to say it aside I think so also these episodes aren't scripted we pick a topic we research it separately and then we hit maybe like three points
00:30:37| that we generally talk about beforehand but not really I think it's a little bit of the magic of the podcast right yeah cuz we can go off an indirection right now there's no we're not reading off of
00:30:48| anything we're just flowing we can talk about anything right now we could yeah something you'd like to talk about I do ha get it
00:30:59| go ahead are you ready dog died yesterday put it down what really aren't you on vacation really oh that's so sad just killing the
00:31:14| whole story no it is crazy though we leave we'll call him Otis the dog and we usually either leave them with someone are like a kennel for like a week we're gonna be away he's in the ants we hate
00:31:31| his guts always tell them move it hope you die these are sentences I say to him constantly shut up I hate you die you're old I hate you get out my face shut up stop
00:31:45| [Laughter] everyone's watching spike Esme know that horrible horrible but it's also Sarah I'm another relationship doesn't like me like him he's very kind of like it's a
00:31:57| step dog he's a step dog he hates me I hate him you're invading his territory though he thinks it's already taller than in that way stronger he's had poodle was I'm gonna say about him it's
00:32:14| like I thought he was dying three years ago though he's 90 years ago so every three months I'm always like he's dying you've done it no less like well we went on vacation and uh we'll call this
00:32:31| kennel Cranham 'l ackers wouldn't hate the bed mount them we got a picture of them no the week and it was like oh this is enjoying himself that was Otis P twins up he's having another dog I don't
00:32:49| know so anything anything of it we go to pick him up Friday and they said oh we just made them they bathed them at the end of the week so you have a fluffy dog yeah
00:33:01| we gotta be still kind of dampen and he had poop dripping from his butthole and I was like did they give a don't they be like a quality check to make sure he's done you would think and then I was like
00:33:13| this dog has anxiety issues sometimes he has diarrhea oh I get it so we pick him off we have like a pal in the car and bring him home he's like doing his thing bring him outside I'm the first one to
00:33:24| walking his diarrhea but it's like what she around like and I had to wipe his butt which is not the first time we've ever done it because this old eats crappy foods eats human food he
00:33:35| shouldn't eat he's been alive for 15 years 14 years so we wiped his button like you well like he threw up twice in the house and like he was eating then he threw that up and
00:33:51| he needed to go out in that diarrhea again and this time it was like it shot out of his play you know I've got some distance on it yeah it's shot and I was like this is good so it comes in he's
00:34:05| not eating he's acting weird he's doing stuff anyway they're off and it was all shaky and he just shit all over the floor floor I was like but it was like diarrhea
00:34:19| this isn't good like he's thick or something you made that meme face yeah that girl looks like it's a lot we call for animal actors we say is he okay like oh he's
00:34:36| fine he was great he ain't breakfast yeah of the day he's great we injected with us some of the dread aligned so evil I don't know I don't know I don't know we picked him up at 3:00 p.m. no
00:34:47| this is like 9:00 at night or something and uh I don't know we're gonna go to bed but he hit one more accident in the house and it making any noise is he yelping or anything no no he seems
00:34:59| alright but like like all these things if they happened one in the day like I get it like sometimes he throws up in that sometimes has diarrhea I'm nineties a pain is like sometimes he
00:35:10| has diarrhea outside like it's all happening at once it's real weird we call the vet that place he was at they're like no no no um don't give him any more food or water um
00:35:21| even lice you want some drink I'd never heard that but yeah that's weird and in whatever I figured they would say we need to see him
00:35:29| let's check him out he was acting weird or anything huh so and she seems out when it counts with him does not go to sleep out here with him only just been Otis
00:35:40| well she stays out he managed to get on the couch with her but he threw up one more time I don't know she goes to bed at 3:00 a.m. so 4 or 5 a.m. someone goes by and says all he did
00:35:54| it in the hallway again we could clean it up then yeah I went up cleaned up and it was mostly blood bro like brown blood and I was like this is smells like yeah thanks oh man he got up huh I clean this
00:36:10| all up and I'm kind of cursing but now I'm like worried about him Hawaii I hate the dog but I'm like yo okay look yokai dude and um he's staring at the wall I'm trying to talk to him it's like he can't
00:36:21| even hear me circled around the table twice they D got real he walked like he was drunk he could barely move his body part so he was forcing his legs to walk and he walked to his cage and he always
00:36:33| goes those cages sleep but he his leg is like stuff on the outside of the cage like it always waits on the air huh he doesn't really know it and I'm like no I think you mean like he doesn't even know
00:36:44| his body weight is like leaning on a metal bar it's like raised things like laying down and I'm like alright so I cleaned up what I could I'm looking at his butt and
00:36:53| like this thing looks gross get towels in there with him well when we get up an hour to later like we moved him because he wouldn't move it was like not responding bring him out and he'll more
00:37:04| stuff weak doubt of his body that was mostly red diarrhea stuff I've never seen this it was so weird it smelled like that then just all the stuff I said to him and like it is God's
00:37:18| and like I'm a little extra push with my foot because he's a pain in my ass and all that stuff like I felt like did you just age you just age several years there man so I gotta like we've got to
00:37:35| wrap them in a towel and I'm picking them up we call the other vet because the the one that watched him for a week is now closed it's a weekend and it it hasn't even been 24 hours or even though
00:37:46| it's been like 16 hours and we call and I know he's I know he's going he's not even like looking he could poke doesn't even blink now he's breathin but you can hear him
00:37:56| breathe from the other room he's every now and then you hear a whine my son who's like not even four is like is he okay hug trying to kissing it dr. Lauren stop spilling out of his body were going
00:38:17| to the that and um I've had a couple dogs put down but I was never in the room I remember mm-hmm but the doctor shout out he had a um altar and go eat that - hey thanks miles
00:38:30| that's like this is cool guys cool if he says that though he's dead I can't argue with the guy no no I can't he was like yeah if you guys want to run blood tests x-rays you want to check it
00:38:43| out or whatever I'm like looking I'm like this dogs dead I'm looking at a dog on the table who's not responding the touch feel anything he's like put my prognosis is um but we're not gonna get
00:38:56| anything I was like oh it's something you have to say yeah it's sort of an operation writer I in a we're like now we're ready so um he came in and they gave him the injection they need to
00:39:08| think like he's goes everybody's crying her and mom and I mean that was her dog it's not my dog so it really sucked in a way and I hate his guts but when I come home now like Liam put
00:39:27| his cage away we moved his food bowls away and like so his toys but like it's like still there and like if someone walks in the door he's an annoyingly barked it's not there
00:39:37| and it's weird and every now and then I get a whiff like death hallway like it's all real weird and I don't know it's like losing someone you hate I didn't really I'll put it this way that the
00:39:53| opposite of love is not hate I hated Otis we were gods all the time the opposite of love is like this whole the absence of love what's in the moment apathy yeah I know she talked about this
00:40:08| now I wasn't this yeah and there's like now there's this blank spot where he was and I realized adn wasn't the opposite of loving him I just hated them I mean only hate you guys know you hate my guts
00:40:21| I hear but now he's gone like it's like I don't even have them that hate Jesus : it's like the movie rush Niki Lauda and who's the other guy Thor overplayed Thor he battled him
00:40:39| throughout the whole the whole series okay oh no Niki Lauda the racing racing movie no I didn't see it Oh No well he he him in another race I went back and forth and then the other
00:40:52| racer quit abruptly because he won and then Niki Lauda had like burns and everything all over his face so he decided to keep going and he always liked the the Niki Lauda opponent died
00:41:08| early in life too so when he died he felt like he was missing apart almost like you're Otis so he's missing the competitor challenged him to push him so that mess
00:41:17| with him a little bit I don't yell at right now like I don't have anyone who bothers me no so hating him wasn't anti loving him hating him was not nice just not having
00:41:31| them anywhere at all is like oh yes this way to put it and I'm not really sad about it um James hi and it was Chris Hemsworth not Liam Kristen oh that's why you said
00:41:48| Thor I was like oh that's boring it says no I mean the actor yeah yeah yeah I know so that was the most depressing story you've told on young panderers I'd like to say that was thank
00:42:03| you for that 50th episode but so when he left were you like staring in his eyes was there like and did you notice something like disappear he just was gone by the
00:42:13| time we saw him in the morning because I am a fountain real close look at him mind a movement out of that cage that he was like half laying on it didn't even know like you'll be like your whole body
00:42:23| weight on a metal bar and it was like getting care hmm like he was he was going at that point huh and my question is how did Cranham a-- lakor's was right i don't
00:42:37| think they'd kill them because he's old he has anxiety issues digestive issues he's got a tumor here but he's had that for like four years didn't know he was going and they were
00:42:48| like please please chop-chop yes I do think all right and dog suit dogs I really messed up by like a change of schedule and change a food change of environment it's like it open he's he's
00:42:59| done this before but like and this is the change of hoon environment back to us like do you know what I mean back than almost a uh-huh we think if anything it killed him when he went bare
00:43:09| could they just keep him alive for seven I don't know huh just maybe they did a saintly actually keep him alive I'm not saying they um they killed him at all I'm a thing that's bad but it's bad form
00:43:24| it if they knew something was wrong or there was still diarrhea Hanson's be like you know I'm wrong with your dog he may be sick or whatever he's he was final week but he didn't look right like
00:43:36| say that and I'll be like okay don't say uh he was great he had breakfast he was happy in the clam no he's he's a dead he's already dead never I don't want to admit liability anything is there's
00:43:47| something we noticed though he didn't take care of right but old age is that is that a saying does that happen that quickly like that's a thing I thought of like if
00:43:57| you know someone's gonna die in over but it's a family member and they eat one bad meal and all of a sudden is like will that set him off did it I don't know is that how it starts and then it
00:44:09| just felt like it happened so quick look I blinked and he was rapping on his brains and throwing up and then there was nothing left like that was all his life came out of him I guess is that the
00:44:23| people - that's crazy just to say well thanks for bringing me I'm NIC circle I've started biking because running hurts my cats and my knees Wow yeah the knee pain I feel your
00:44:43| pain okay I'm a biker I bought a bike all and let it go did you buy one of those late latex suits and just get one the helmets no like shit that's probably my next move one step at
00:44:54| a time you for hair like a little bit like a yeah like it the only thing hardware the only things I wanted to bring up for social medias there's one website called ifttt
00:45:08| if this then that it will yeah three T's it will take certain certain websites and take the information and repost it on other websites so it helps with all of the socials we have which are Twitter
00:45:23| Tumblr reddit Facebook Linkedin Pinterest and patrons like the patreon but we have patreon zero that's okay and then also the RSS feed general do you know an RSS feed is I do I tried to post
00:45:40| that thing to the Apple one so didn't work right yeah I don't think it works shit but in RSS feed it was downloading and her uploading the camera which then
00:45:50| enter enter loafing [Laughter] what is that it's where you don't do anything you wait a long time but it's okay the RSS feed is
00:46:02| just a listing of your episodes your information and where to go to get them so if you have an RSS feed and you put it on like Google Play or iTunes it kind of proliferate sand spreads and you can
00:46:14| post it on different places so you just say like look at this one thing and then it just gives you the whole episode listing like on Burberry yeah blueberry blueberry blueberry
00:46:24| player FM stitcher tuned in Google Play or iTunes want to check this out they want to check it out on is this like a because I also have it broke down where people's to the podcast Oh
00:46:37| unlike nine percent of them listen at home only two percent in the car eleven percent at work that's strangely low I listen to almost all my podcasts right were idea most people probably don't
00:46:49| have a job where you consider that that's gonna do one thing with your eyes and hands and another look at yours you know that is true if you work in a retail job or like in a warehouse they
00:46:58| probably don't ban it right um I thought this was interesting though three percent of people in the podcast walking around with for answer this is like put fill in the blank at the end I don't
00:47:11| know dude it was just no cuz seven percent was other huh four percent was working out I hope that was interesting kind of low to if I worked out I would listen to podcast so maybe music to pump
00:47:25| you up music yeah mm-hmm should we talk about stats and growth oh let's please sorry get away from whose how does ya move otice dip which way did you bury him you know say cremate him same thing
00:47:43| you bring him in and with a blanket in the pail like both uh-huh put it down on the counter you don't get the blanket or towel back to you I could've I guess today refunded the cost of the towel on
00:47:54| the bike and I thought like you can't do that we left it but we're getting them cremated in Bulldog ashes nice so you're gonna get it earng need to put it somewhere you're not gonna
00:48:14| redistribute them into the wild back to wearing where he was born where he was born just stacked like put them in the cage and just put a little pile the cage yeah Oh someone someone's always saw
00:48:34| this and think we're abusive we're very loving I was sad ish so the stats so we get stats from pretty much all of those mostly YouTube and feedburner which still exists so RS feed goes
00:48:55| through Feedburner which then gets spread around a few burners like eight years old now maybe ten and it's probably been abandoned but I mean the stats show a nice slow growth continual
00:49:07| when I got to tell you specific numbers but it's still going up which for having not released anything big like no huge episodes we just continually release things it's good you know at once a week
00:49:22| we're still growing yeah I don't know it's post a hockey stick or grow exponentially I don't know if that's ever gonna happen I don't know that it matters that if it happens that way you
00:49:34| could hit one really attractive a Norrell becomes popular popular somewhere else let's talk about the most popular one we have no yeah it's I think we talked about sex dolls Trump tweets
00:49:49| and then North Korea all in the same one and that was the title and I think the title really weighs on how many people actually listen to it so he getting a whole bunch it isn't that episode the
00:50:00| one that had the least full essence it was like yeah I don't know if people listen for like less than a minute and then realize that it's not porn like discipline to drink six key words are
00:50:13| really good to get clicks yeah but they're not following I don't necessarily resulting drivers followers Fuli loyal fan base well the people that want to hear what you're saying yeah and
00:50:26| I will say that there's a bunch of people out there that say you can't have two dudes talking and make it like a popular podcast like it's a long and brutal slog and I would say they're
00:50:35| wrong because if you're focusing on just getting followers yeah that's you're probably gonna die but if you we're not here because we want quick money or followers and you don't know why we're
00:50:50| here it's the here our own voices yeah I'll just turn off my mic and you turn off yours and you just talk into an empty room you'll feel good about yourself
00:51:02| there's there's something I want to share with the world um to reflect with my future self share with future people what do I make you share with me I'm sharing with you I'm
00:51:16| already saying yeah but that's the main point yeah we're good friends we go way back little disconnect there I can call you we wouldn't have to do it over yeah but although the first times I did Skype
00:51:29| with you we're playing Minecraft and we didn't want to waste minutes sometimes who has it Skype over Wi-Fi and talk well that's cuz Xbox Live had some weird thing that would just break every now
00:51:42| and then yeah video chat the whole time uh-huh and the whole streaming thing didn't I don't think it existed back then like twitch is under 2012 billionaires probably yeah if we had
00:51:55| somehow been the first people to get there comes back to call baby poured on this yeah it certainly does no I guess world want to share it but we don't want to or
00:52:11| doubt that make sense yeah we're not we're not gonna bender will it's like someone someone talked in the chat and I didn't acknowledge them because it's not about them you know I think most people
00:52:21| in twitch would say oh thanks for the thanks to the message sang for the subscribe like out we're not gonna do that description although if we gave us a $20 gift service when I got a panda do
00:52:33| not hand it I will mention that towards the end of the episode so I guess I'll set that precedent right now since we now we have like eight different chats tied together if someone says something
00:52:42| I'll bring it up at the end and then we could talk about it that could be a closing argument I'm gonna be good I mean because then you know I think I'm still get their voice heard I also think
00:52:52| that's important yeah someone wanted to bring something to chat the problem is we can't look at eight different chats now are you a holy nice talk about 10 minutes ago thank are you sure credible
00:53:03| ackers isn't a good place and I would like we're moving on yeah they will be delayed and it will have to be like a one-off it'll be a quick quick answer must be something really good something
00:53:16| generally you guys believe in aliens and [Music] it does give me an idea once we get more people interactively talking we could have an episode of readers
00:53:28| talking back and forth about ourselves yeah nama which interesting you bring that back there's a reddit a reddit post today on what was the most mysterious thing you saw on reddit and it was weird
00:53:43| that he talked about death too because there was a post three months ago of a woman who coughed up a staple and she was in really good spirits she said haha I finally like this staple came out of
00:53:53| me because I was like having trouble there she had a previous surgery from cancer in her lungs so she thought that it was just like a staple that was a remnant that was stuck in there that
00:54:04| finally came out I mean it was the staple should have been everything happened where she news it was an error and started working towards getting it out
00:54:12| she knew the stable was in there from a previous surgery and it lasted like a week before she could actually get it out so she like an x-ray showed it and they were
00:54:21| we got to get it out and no they didn't take it she coughed it up so she had it in her hand it was like a really tiny little tiny staples but I like half an inch long maybe a two centimeters maybe
00:54:32| a centimeter for those of us who are metrically based well the scary thing is that this is three months ago she took a picture of it she edit and edit saying we're gonna get this checked out and
00:54:45| then she said edit again I coughed up a lot I'm going to the hospital so I saw that and I actually messaged the person because it was old I said are you okay because I did she didn't post anything
00:54:56| else after that and today there was a reddit post about was the most serious thing that you've ever seen on reddit I said there's this woman that coffee staple and blah blah blah it turns out
00:55:08| that not only is it my highness comment on reddit ever has like twelve thousand points but also that she had passed away three days later because of a rupture in her lungs so the last thing she ever
00:55:23| said was like I'm not gonna die today like she was like a beat she edit edit I got this oh yeah no big deal I'm gonna get to take care of this and then they got her so did you does your dog not
00:55:41| he's read it yeah he was already that's crazy sir you consider that a brush with that I don't know it's weird I was really concerned like how like I was like wait
00:55:53| a second so wait when you sent a comment she was already past correct I sent so I sent that yes she already died she died three months ago though the comment was today I sent a direct message to her
00:56:04| because I was like are you okay because I like you can see what new user posts and she didn't post anything after that that's weird yeah that's frightening it's strange
00:56:13| because she was so happy and a beat and said like I beat this like I'm already done with it like it's I moved on and then it got her and she yeah at least this I guess yes better than a long
00:56:25| drawn-out battle yeah talk about interesting things that you find out throughout the week crazy fascinating interesting on a hiker Burgerville carb-load gerbil Grover
00:56:47| gerbil rubber I can't say but uh I do have this one story but I want a second save it for next time I'll serve for the next time we'll do that so I was making dinner today by the way yes
00:57:04| so let's make it dinner today and there's me these delicious meatballs together this is a in between in between er so there are these meatballs which I like they're
00:57:15| delicious and I was cooking them on the stove no no no microwave were you talking about man you don't microwave these meatballs is the special meatballs so you put them on sauce and you cook
00:57:26| them on stove for like over an hour you like you saturate these things in the juices of this tomato yeah yeah so I set that going like I'm cooking there for the family I have to go pick up my son
00:57:36| oh it's a minute that's marinara with a little basil oregano throw it in there I see you buy sauce do you add stuff yeah yeah you can do natural tomatoes so you could get longer it tastes better
00:57:46| I'll say that you'll like caramelize ations made a little sugary little sweet so I gotta pick up my son and I pick up my son like literally I lift him up once I get there and he's
00:58:04| happy until he points to something on the mat like he wants a toy and then from that moment on he is not happy he is pissed off he's fighting me and like kids that are like - they like scratch
00:58:15| they bite they like pinch they're nothing yeah and there's no rules it's just I want this I want to know exactly so he was furious for about maybe an hour
00:58:26| Howard maybe - he's persistent so I get to the point where there's serenity sitting on my plate in that meatball and I'm just eating that meme all and trying to tell him like you get you have your
00:58:41| stuff every study still whaling away serenity now just then that meatball was delicious I was fantastic I got in my zone I was fine by the time I was done my plate
00:58:52| he's sitting over there he's still yelling at me and then I go why don't you try this and like I finally like got it like to touch his mouth thing cuz whoo and then he's like ooh and he says
00:59:06| picking at it he's shut up entirely and then he ate it and then I was like wow magic meatball meatballs almost like an angry yeah told you I
00:59:19| told you so many times trying to Danny ball how did you miss face in it taste it he's gonna pop up with middle fingers and just be 18 years old and pregnant the wrong woman and you're just
00:59:38| like hot damn and I knew it that meatball was gonna screw me over hmm that's a make a spicy a podcast that's right see if I've got stuff I think - come on I also do when I drop
00:59:57| one more stat OHF up sure 19% of people serial killers increase the speed of the podcast while they're listening so there's a little quicker huh how quickly does it take to
01:00:14| get to your house um I find me 4 hours you increase increases so we went over a little bit about hardware the software the people side the material side mm-hmm distribution distribution hosting
01:00:36| editing hosting editing sharing socialize action pre-production social media the percentage of juice drinking podcast listeners shout out to strangers in milk for Senators milkers know that
01:00:52| the 4% of ours not milkers dan oh I'm sorry pick that right and uh maybe touch a lot and anyone really want to know more about podcasts or making a podcast who
01:01:09| in the world would they be able to contact Oh I'm Nick folks Nikki I'm Hannah send me I'd be glad to tell you how to get in touch with Dan sure I'm Pandora's not
01:01:22| calm on panders at you can't whore out the inventors opener no we work our own time we do what we want we don't pander we don't folks I would like to say that grande Koala he has returned
01:01:41| and he said I'm back he didn't say anything else I think he wanted us to pander and we will not pander chronic wha-bam dude he scurried away back into the leaves no no no I do
01:01:58| want to make a t-shirt that has an icon on it and I think an undead panda there's things that have like fun and pas to them you just like think about that I'm good for that that's all I got
01:02:16| well I like you Nick I like you good oh that's so sweet we like you plot good night

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