The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP051 Value Driven Austin Interview

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Transcript UnP051 Value Driven Austin Interview

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 51 - Value Driven Austin Interview
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00:00:00| oh hey folks there's there's several of us yeah well with young Anders and who are we here with a special guest Austin demonstrably Oh evil pineapple AI that's him
00:00:15| mm-hmm check them out already red handle today we're bringing in a guest and we're gonna get crazy folks come - raisi whoo so strap on in let's uh let's see where this takes us hmm let's settle
00:00:28| into this podcast [Music] so that was gonna piss me off because I miss the the words I did the music only but that's fine that's fine it's a
00:01:30| little different format it's a little different different welcome folks oh I'm exhausted episodes over for today oh you're gonna hang out and do some more okay well this is a our friend
00:01:42| Austin here he's a professional professional ain't gotta use its Ross's teeth his eyes let me tell the audience like a couple sentences like hey this is where I like this but I don't like oh
00:01:55| you want me to do that yeah so I I enjoy being around good people I like learning things that's probably my favorite thing then I enjoy traveling those are like the big things and uh I want to I want
00:02:11| to give to people that get back and help people who help themselves so you guys seem like those kind of people reached out to me and you know what I thought this could be a valuable interaction you
00:02:21| know so why not that's why I'm here I like it I like them very much you're here to learn a little lesson yeah and how we are oh yeah right now we think were the teachers but could he be
00:02:33| the teacher later I don't know we're gonna take books we're gonna see he does seem ahead of us as a 20 year old I would never be this mature no no he's way 22 or than I am 22 that's gonna be
00:02:48| my new action verb throw it on my resume like a panderer Sam one hell of a 20 tour no but uh yeah so I wanted because it's here as a podcast I wanted to you know
00:03:00| whichever one you guys wants to go first whoever's the most important one but um yeah give me a little bit of your like background you know what you do northeast and Philadelphia I do a lot of
00:03:13| sophisticated stuff like I Drive the truck sometimes I drop off the toilet paper to the customer sometimes it's paper towels sometimes it's soap and then I get back
00:03:22| in my truck and I go to the next stop it's really crazy it's pretty I think it's scientifical but I do that in a lot of poor urban areas and Philadelphia shout-out then I come back and I'm
00:03:35| I'd take care of my child I try and play vidya to try and do a podcast I try and drink some drinks once a while and I just started working out everyone's noticed it's day 10 and nobody's trying
00:03:47| to show off his body all the time inside of it I think I might be done this six-pack shows up on day 12 I'll be in real good shape oh yeah here ya see the shake you're
00:04:00| moving your stomach and your chest is jiggle effects last thing to come in though I think yeah I should be good because I go down the shore next week for vacation so it better be ready by
00:04:10| then yeah what's the shore to you New Jersey okay Tracy Jersey Shore points uh-huh yeah not to be confused with the Jersey Shore oddly enough in
00:04:22| Philadelphia you go to the Jersey Shore but it's like south so like you have like Wildwood Ocean City Sea Isle a bunch of those places if you're from New York and you go to the Jersey Shore you
00:04:34| go to north points or what's a call the Jersey Shore weird okay the shows are not working please okay that's like that's New York New Jersey New Jersey you're trying to separate it from those
00:04:45| people huh yeah I'm trying there is a difference there is a big difference that's what I do awesome and then uh you did um well I'm an engineer for NASA I do software and
00:04:59| other engineering electrical like radiation devices there's a crazy stuff that is really kind of boring when you get down to it so in my free time I also do a podcast with this guy I wasn't my
00:05:14| idea to start this podcast I think it was right like we should do this I'm gonna take credit and then uh yeah yeah thanks and then I deserve credit thank you thank you and I'm over the NASA
00:05:25| scientist no I'm just no but I not to inflate my ego I just like saying it every now and then yeah just sprinkle out people you're an astronaut that's Wednesday I was there a couple floors so
00:05:36| yeah closer than most but um no that's awesome and that's cool like you know for me there's like a huge dichotomy between who you to ARs people and like you know you guys are buddies went to
00:05:46| the same high school sorry I should have let you guys push that but drop that bomb I'll just hit it I think that's really cool and you know for me like I said I like bringing
00:05:57| people value and I think you know I think it's cool showing people you know this is the first time we've met and we're having a pretty cool interaction you know and the other thing is you know
00:06:04| one of you guys is a NASA engineer the other one lives in Philadelphia you know like you said you're right riding around you know low-income areas you know doing your job things like that and um that's
00:06:14| really cool so like if that uh for a question I have to say is like what do you you guys had to boil down your three common interests what would it be like what are the three things that you guys
00:06:23| come together all interesting people or things or ideas mm-hmm I knew that one there's little interactions you get with people that don't have words love stuff yeah today that they're giving away free
00:06:36| iced tea and there's two really cute girls handing them out and there's no like real talk for like a little part of it and they could tell they're totally diggin me hmm I love that unspoken word
00:06:49| I know he loved that Zak and then oh I don't want to say flexibility in the brain or deepness of the brain or something where you talk about the plasticity kind of like being flexible
00:07:00| and a little bit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah a lot of people go through life and they just kind of have like a set way of dealing with things and I think Nick and I both take it look at it and say like
00:07:11| this is the normal way this is the way I want to do it and then this is like a ridiculous way and let's just all those and see what happens right look I don't think we look down on the average way
00:07:22| but we like we see more like what else is there yeah Nick levels me off because sometimes I sound like a snob or samode that smug sob NASA
00:07:33| no no that's awesome not a snob a not a scientist but um no that's awesome and I like the fact you guys brought up you know like a little background me psychology major but you know
00:07:48| neuroplasticity that's a big thing you know of everyone you know doing drugs skills your brain cells doing the same thing makes your brains think a certain way same thing with your body you know
00:07:56| if you hit the gym for six months then you're doing the same thing every day it's gonna plateau and your body not gonna respond you know that being said it's like um you know in your day
00:08:05| to day life what would you say in the past year where how does your mindset change no whether that's in your job the way you live your personal life you know the podcast like what do you feel like
00:08:16| you've developed mentally that's like had a large impact you first only go finally forget where you all take it not take it you feel like that's the other way but um I think it's it's helped me a
00:08:27| little bit socially as I'm generally pretty shy so I can now break out of my shell a little bit more and be more confident and whatever it is it doesn't really matter
00:08:36| I think the first maybe does an episode you do have a podcast you're kind of giggly and little giddy and you're you're focused but it's not like a directed focus so now I think I have a
00:08:46| more directed focus when I talk to people so podcast plusses that's that's what mine are podcast plusses I like that like that yeah for me it's I guess it's realization that I probably need a
00:09:00| new job I know we were just talking about helping the community to all that spring filth I think but it's a super low income and um kind of a dead-end job like it's a family business it's not
00:09:14| doing very well and we don't have any buying power by the time I buy a case of paper cows I buy it for let's say 20 bucks I try and sell for 25 30 bucks they're selling it at the superstore for
00:09:25| like 12 bucks okay like jeez like I could just go down there and buy it and sell it for you know but it's with a lot of my products stuffs going through the roof bigger and bigger stores have
00:09:34| better buying power not to mention how many people are walking into a foot traffic place and like urban area Philadelphia yeah it's just it's gone to a future so I think this podcast has
00:09:46| helped me realize collect my skills get myself together do something with my college degree which was um are we ready I'm a newspaper writer I'm a journalist baby adjourn oh I'm gonna get out of
00:09:58| here integer no Benny good go to the Jersey Shore just people watch like today I saw a man eating four hot dogs and I saw two girls that get an iced tea and didn't say anything but they Doug
00:10:09| dan I am no wink together shit it's all about the chin the butt chin haha I'm jealous of the connection my moustache hasn't touched my beard yet it makes me just I need to
00:10:24| shave a couple new year this is a full beard though for me this is as far as it goes but it you guys been from high school so no you said you moved to Texas you know post college you're in
00:10:37| Philadelphia so is that where you're both originally from or the area Philadelphia okay that's awesome weren't born and raised and all that all that jazz so eighteen years I did my god
00:10:48| oh yeah exact words other than Texas unless that is your answer like for both of you where's the furthest you've been from like home you know Texas is mine yeah you know I mean vacation time
00:11:04| vacation y'all just curious now I'm curious weird your vacation Italy or Spain Hawaii world travels like oh I've been to Florida New Jersey Connecticut mm-hmm
00:11:18| yeah that's how far I've been you can just span that East Coast if there were a globe you'd be like this guy stretching the globe did you like Florida cuz that's where I'm from so I
00:11:30| didn't I didn't love it no okay I liked it I liked it but no love it that makes me happy cuz like and I've been there you know I'm going to get my masters there and my thing is it's like I think
00:11:44| it's this common trend when you've done something for so long you become like desensitized so my thing is like every from everyone from New York comes to Florida when during the winter you know
00:11:52| and the things it's like I I deal with the humidity and the lovely weather and the beaches all the time and I'm not trying to complain about those nice things but it's like you know it means
00:12:02| less and less the more you have it and like to relate that's you guys you know Dan sent me his resume and all I could think is like that was my resume the world the world would be my oyster and
00:12:12| then here he is he's like their Savior then I'm a little you know I'm a little shy coming out of my shell you know I just I just get NASA you know I'm bashful but um but no no like that's
00:12:24| really cool no firt but you bring it back to you that's cool like working for a mom-and-pop because like to relate it to me like I actually for my job that's one
00:12:33| of the big decisions I'm actually happening right now is basically I have someone built and databases for me in their mom-and-pop shop right and then on the flip side I have people reaching out
00:12:44| to me billion-dollar businesses you know they can do things in a quarter of the time for how many price and if I call them at do and that's kind of hard to get with
00:12:54| the mom-and-pop so like for you this is something you could speak on you know like do you think you live living the life you know working for a mom-and-pop shop is it the fact that they can't
00:13:05| compete or is it you know lack of quote unquote skill set lack of vision like why do you think you know the days of old where it's like there's a meat store a dairy store you know this store
00:13:16| announced you know Amazon my guess is and I don't know cuz I not econ not economically whatever the word is viable I didn't take a lot of classes but um I think once the internet came around it
00:13:32| he can it even the playing field of speed back in the day a big company to do something would have to go up the chain you gotta talk to the bottom guy he's got a speed something up to his
00:13:43| boss he's got a feed something to his boss they're gonna check make sure it chives with their price system they gotta check with sales team they gotta do this and then they can make the big
00:13:50| sale back then a mom-and-pop I mean it's like five ten people it's like hey just tell the boss we'll do it tomorrow down with I guess the internet everything moving as quick as it does they're
00:14:00| almost as quick as mom-and-pop stores I mean you can send an email to the boss emailed to his boss and emailed his boss all within six hours so now the only advantage the mom-and-pop had which was
00:14:11| a flexibility of speed it's kind of do you care if it's five minutes or 15 minutes to get a product like do you know enemy yeah Dan that's why I've never Amazon that's what I think I don't
00:14:21| know well they didn't teach me to think like that in college but I I didn't think of it that way that's actually wow man that's actually pretty thought-provoking Wow
00:14:32| yes sorry yeah most of the businesses that you still do business with they're kind of like friends right I mean they've been around a long toppy in a way like yeah
00:14:40| my customers are my friends they're not my customers because they love my product that means paper towels and toilet paper and soap and stuff but like I go there and I know them by name I
00:14:49| know about their kid going to college I know you know dude he's thinking of getting that knee replaced like I know you keep looking it up like I don't know and he's like ah fine like it's an old
00:14:58| guy like he's like stuck in his ways and I like talk no am I like being like hey you sell what we call you and he's like I don't sell eventually I'm like an ego so you know I tell a joke and I put this
00:15:08| stuff away I know where his stuff goes in his store like I start to put it away and he's like ah Jimmy you'll get it I'm like Jimmy's off on vacation like it's just weird it's like I work for the
00:15:19| other people on delivering tow it's like they're my friends almost and I'm helping them out and then they help out by buying from me and it's like a big friend system and eventually you know
00:15:29| new new people come over business go out of business bars have to find new people to buy from and the new people any kind of come in they're not my friends so they say hey
00:15:38| what's your prices and I say uh their law says yeah I try but what are you gonna say so I'm not buying it for them you know what I mean I'm not son of the guy's money so I say here here's my
00:15:49| prices thisis your way higher than so-and-so and you're hired and so and so I say yeah you know we'll see if I can lower our price a little but I can't I'm not working for free you know and nine
00:16:00| nine times out of ten they they go to a new customer you know they buy it themselves or pick it up or whatever what am I gonna say come back I'm funny I feel you on that and then actually
00:16:16| like that kind of you know transcended like what I was gonna ask Dan um you know like I understand like what you're doing you can't really necessarily go to the Nitty Gritty of software and
00:16:24| hardware and stuff but it's like not that you would feel responsible but can you see like what you're doing in your day-to-day you know I saw you're doing stuff for biologists radiologists things
00:16:33| like that it's like how many how much of that stuff could you imagine people doing versus machines so the way I integrate with an International Space Station is what my main focus was
00:16:48| the way I integrate it with it is crew health and safety so the entire purpose of my job is that it can't be taken over by automation by robots completely anything they can do via you know any
00:17:03| sort of like digital download uplink they're gonna do it because it saves time and money and that's just the way it goes it's the way it's now the world's going so I guess I'm not too
00:17:14| fearful then it's gonna taken over by people by by robots that's my man stick it the robots oh yeah the robot you go you go but it's kind of a weird quirk because I'm in a
00:17:25| group that is all human based I think it's all focused on the health and safety of the astronauts but I'm the software guy so I'm focused on automating the things that are not
00:17:35| normally automatable so I tend to have different gimmicks and ways to make things work for me ah let's put it that way okay no that's um that's really interesting is um that's basically what
00:17:49| I'm trying to do is uh in my head you know I don't have any I'm looking down right now cuz I'm thinking but I don't have any like pens and papers of preconceived notes so basically I'm
00:17:57| trying to do is relate you to not only to myself but you know the people are watching you you know and provide value so my thing is you know I don't know if you've read it Dale Carnegie Jr's how to
00:18:06| win friends and influence people I'd say that's a book I read and changed my life and I think that's something you both kind of straddle where is like he says remembering people's names is the
00:18:15| most important thing you can do and everyone's goal in life is to feel important and you know I would argue you know objectively someone would come over and say you're NASA scientist you're
00:18:27| important but that being said you're interfacing with a lot of machines you know like you said you have your gimmicks and things that you work with software and hardware versus you know in
00:18:35| your day to day Nick you're not necessarily given some of the best price but what you can do is make them feel important like you said hey how's your knee how was your son at college you
00:18:45| know you know hey I saw there's a new there's a new car out there you get it and you be like oh yeah I traded in though the old one you know baba bhot and it's like and that's that's
00:18:54| something I really think is interesting bridging that gap especially with the birth of technology you know because those human interactions like you guys said some of your favorite
00:19:03| things are no one's talking but you pick up on those little gestures those little movements people looking around and stuff and it's like that's something a robot will never do and I'm not talking
00:19:13| terminator and stuff I'm just saying realistically you know if you go to McDonald's I mean I've seen him in China when I was there you know you can talk to something and it will you know give
00:19:23| feedback systems and order sandwich for you versus you know in America I have had wonderful interactions with someone who is just quote-unquote a drive-thru employee you know that's something I did
00:19:35| and it's you know like we're saying earlier you can either become you know kind of jaded because you've been doing it so long or you can be like hey I know what people think of drive-thru guys I'm
00:19:44| gonna be the one where every time they come through my drive-thru they leave with a smile you know I'm saying and it's like I can't wait until robots can actually pick up on body language and
00:19:55| then complain yeah I'm just imagine is some robot being I'm like your postures not correct in three years you're gonna need surgery and it's just like thanks thanks robot
00:20:09| who built you replaced by a better robot yeah that was a doctor robot turned into a burger flip robot he turns man turn steel with a knife a little bit it gets a little shaky and you're just like
00:20:28| robots aren't supposed to shake like that that'd be a good movie like the robot fed and replaced by new robots and it's just the robots turn on each other that'd be crazy I mean with that a for
00:20:40| everyone all the images like ah what do we do yeah I mean jeez man but that's crazy so um yeah so how old are you guys we don't let me asking oh we're good I see 33 ish Hank 33 up count it
00:20:56| ish it's about the same age awesome awesome where'd you guys go Oh in Philadelphia or what just outside a prestigious preparatory high school outside of
00:21:07| Philadelphia bunch of dudes getting taught by a bunch of bozos all dudes cool oh really yeah it was like like like a salient I'll say Lasallian
00:21:17| Sally will say that is way to put it yeah I did high school I did two years in Japan and then I did two years in Florida and wait Japanese and all these are the languages I know enough
00:21:30| like when I lived there I knew enough to get around like I took Japanese to in there so like you know like a gang cadets cause like how are you doing you know Omi's you onegai shima is like can
00:21:39| I please have water you know things like that I can count to 10 do you ask for like a burger with cheese and be like with cheese like could you say with cheese
00:21:46| like make sure you say that with teeth where I lived it was called it's Okinawa so basically that's you know during the Pacific campaign during World War two they got hammered hard so they know what
00:21:58| Americans are like and you know we're in Okinawa we basically fueled their economy because we make purchases you know we go out off base basically the way it works is there's fences you know
00:22:10| and that land is American land and once you leave off once you're off you're in Japan you're in Okinawan in Okinawa they don't consider themselves Japanese per se I don't want to make restorations but
00:22:21| they're the Ryu Q Kingdom the right you can they got conquered during World War two so it's a little it's a it's a kind of strange thing but they do make it very conducive for Americans quick tip
00:22:33| in Japan you don't point that's rude that's what you do to dogs so the reason I don't know how to say hamburgers because basically if my phone is the if this is the menu you and I point at it
00:22:44| yeah it's make sure it's not touchscreen it's just a picture and you point out it with your with your palm up and they'll know what you want another thing is you know
00:22:51| palm on that crack this is hold on I always point palm down it's so weird I never thought of it until you just said that so I'll be like yeah yeah it's interesting you know there's a there's
00:23:06| tons of stuff or like you know you don't put your chopsticks straight down in the bowl because that's what they do they have tombs for their ancestors and when they do it it's like ease it's the ease
00:23:16| of use I don't want to get this stuff wrong cuz I don't be culturally insensitive but like you know you're not supposed to do that like when I when I moved to Japan because my dad's a Marine
00:23:23| they literally tell you like you take a week-long course basic like these are the do's and dont's like if you do something bad you represent America and it's either one of you you
00:23:33| know and the other thing is you know if you're your waggy okay yeah I was a 15 year old kid so you know bear in mind they're like you make mistakes do anything silly it's your dad's career
00:23:42| you know will shit will ship your whole family off for the next three years and you're down we'll stay here Gary you straight now don't get me wrong I'm sure you have to put up a good face
00:23:50| but I'm sure they wouldn't ship you to hell you know what I mean like like whatever but they really try and it really ever at home there's a you know I don't want to go too deep but on my high
00:24:00| school man like when things went awry they'd have like the inspector general at the base come and interview high school kids you know and then like there was a kid who got kicked off island and
00:24:10| his dad had two more years on deployment and when he got kicked off you know like my dad were always like hey you don't want that happen to me in your mom cause like what could you imagine that
00:24:19| what I would do to our relationship you know like you and your family are gone your dad's still on Okinawa they didn't they didn't give that guy like some kind of discharge today no no no they just
00:24:29| reassigned him but it's the kid you know and because it's like right you you know it's literally an international incident you know you couldn't you couldn't have your license until you're 18 because you
00:24:40| know if you're an American and you're driving off base and crash and god forbid you injure or right yeah name someone that isn't American that's literally an international incident yeah
00:24:51| yeah but I lived on Okinawa it's like five miles wide at its widest point in like 63 miles long I went to mainland a few times I swam competitively so like went to Tokyo but it's explains why
00:25:06| you're so fat yeah exactly man but uh it's a it's a really cool place I recommend going it going to anyone I went to China for a bit but I would I would say it's more of a culture shock
00:25:17| coming back than going there because when I went there it's very military you know everyone has um that similarity that core belief you know like our parents are doing very similar jobs
00:25:28| whether you're Air Force Marine Navy whatever versus and you note every every color of this hand here yeah I was a lot no exactly I was the only white one of the only white kids in my school so it's
00:25:40| a little around a bike a white boy and it's like they're talking to me and then I moved back to Jacksonville Florida and I went to I lived in a certain demographic area
00:25:50| where everyone was white everyone was a fluent everyone's dad was a lawyer a doctor some kind of a six-digit stud and my dad is a you know just a marine to them and so you know I'm I'm riding a
00:26:02| skateboard to school cuz in Japan skating school being a thrashers cool you know like Thrasher Magazine and I come here and everyone's wearing Sperrys polo driving a Mustang to school driving
00:26:14| their dad's Porsche on Fridays when he doesn't have work and I was like I was more culture shock coming back then when I went there I was like what's going on guys like are you what do you do for
00:26:25| work and like oh no no no this is that's this my dad's car I'm like dad can i and it's like um and that's that's what that's why I want to like provide value and stuff because it's like I feel like
00:26:36| it's really hard to contextualize this stuff if you've grown up in one place cuz what people don't realize is you know I'm in California right now and it's beautiful air desert you know
00:26:46| cities people are nice you know good food and stuff and then there's work for ya yeah I'm in the Temecula area so near San Diego alright and it's like you got Florida then you got the Northeast you
00:26:57| know I went to Vermont that's the furthest north I've ever been and it's like if you take a step back and look at it objectively you're like this is all the same country man like you know if if
00:27:06| nature and nurture are things and your environment plays a role like no wonder we're so different no wonder it's hard for people to get along you know someone from Miami Florida who's seeing the
00:27:15| beach every day and you know seeing Ferraris and stuff it's totally different than someone from rural Philadelphia you know where you may not see a car worth more than 10 grand your
00:27:25| whole life and that's not to discount the place it's just it it you have to understand that and with the birth of technology you know if you can go on social media and see all that great
00:27:36| stuff but not outside of your house of course it's gonna make you feel a little jaded and negative you know what why does that kid my age on the other side of the country get to see the beach
00:27:46| every day why is he you know or why she and I think that's something that our society know in America is real grappling with and it's kind of not a
00:27:57| fun subject to talk about man but uh you know that's why I think it's so cool to talk to you too because you're you guys are shifting the paradigm cuz they're so different you know it's and that's not a
00:28:08| discount to who you are as people you know but that's just I think that says a lot about your character the fact that you can do what you're doing in Philadelphia and you can do what you're
00:28:16| doing in Texas you know and you didn't speak for however long you know you went to the same high school now boom here you are with the third dude i'm jeonghan you know you guys are showing me respect
00:28:28| listening to me you know I've met guys who have PhDs and work for NASA and they don't want to hear me talk they they they don't you know I've met guys who you know on I worked at Burger King
00:28:38| I met guys who delivered the bread for my um my store you know they don't want to talk to me they just thought I was this or that and I think that's what I mean by value is you know don't discount
00:28:49| people based off of your preconceptions cuz you're only really hurting you you know like everyone can teach you something it's just one is it worth learning and two are you actively
00:29:00| listening you know are you when someone talks to you are you thinking of what you're gonna say next to sound smart cool sexy whatever or you like absorbing it um yeah so I didn't mean to go on a
00:29:11| one-man diatribe but like no that's that's my two cents I agree with you assuming yeah like the certain level of people so like a base human being has a certain respect for me and it takes them
00:29:22| to do something negatively for me to judge them negatively for them to drop down on my respect peg and everybody I talk to everybody I'm friendly with everybody there's no reason for me to
00:29:33| not talk to anybody I try to make sure that I understand their perspective and then I'll share my perspective where it's needed that's my that's my aspect I'm yeah way to put it I think I'm in
00:29:44| the same boat I don't even need to expand on it actually what I wanted to talk about is something you said interestingly social media at one point you said it seemed like it um it lets
00:29:56| someone in poor area see rich stuff rich people say poor stuff it kind of would you say it's an equalizer for better or worse yeah now you think it only lets poor people see good stuff like as
00:30:08| with its C and that's that that's the tricky part cuz I've I've you know as someone who consumes media on a daily basis we all kind of do you know my tour not I do as well yeah I don't I very
00:30:23| I am very tepid to point the finger at anyone you know cuz it's it's it's it's really easy to point until you're pointing in the mirror and that's what people I've heard you know people I
00:30:34| respect say is hey social media is a mirror you're only going to see what you follow you know so if you're on the bad parts of Reddit you're gonna see bad things if you're on the bad parts of
00:30:41| Facebook versus if you're on the good part but what I think is I think people just don't consciously try to grasp like why people are in their circumstances you know why do people live in Beverly
00:30:53| Hills we cuz they're rich they're famous they don't have talent they're all the Kim Kardashian's it's like no no no let's take it back a step like Kim
00:31:02| Kardashian's father was it one of the most famous lawyers of all time you know he he was huge so huge a draw exactly like is that not deserving of intergenerational wealth and what is
00:31:15| intergenerational wealth it means your kids can do whatever they want and they're going to be successful that is literally the American dream so to discount that I feel like that is
00:31:24| kind of saying that's indicative of who you are that being said you know you you look and people like to say oh well look what's going on in Chicago this and that and it's like why is that happening and
00:31:36| those those conversations are unsavory people don't necessarily want to have them but there are answers and it I'm not necessarily one to have it but what I want to do is facilitate that you know
00:31:46| I think it's important that we kind of you know cuz like everyone knows about Chicago but I'm sure there's violence in Philadelphia and it's not exclusive to low income places you know I have
00:31:55| buddies where I'm from in Florida whose parents did nothing but succeed in life and they are more spiteful and depressed and have more negative tendencies than some of the kids I've met you know
00:32:08| moving around a lot that are from you know my dad makes 15 grand a year selling coca-cola at the corner of the street and they're the happiest person because when they get that new pair of
00:32:18| shoes for Christmas it but the thing that's changed is so it even in my lifetime is social media you know like I got new shoes but they're not the newest shoes you know I got a
00:32:28| new car but what is new to me may not be new to you because I got a new Corolla you got a new Corvette is it you know they're both cars but and I think that's I think that's what social media
00:32:40| grapples with it's not it's not the quality of what you have in your life it's the quality of your life and it's like how do we judge that you know because you guys are both healthy you're
00:32:51| both able to speak and and think so it's like are you worse off because you're thinking you need to switch your career or you know I'm saying right and I think Dan was talk about diminishing returns
00:33:03| does this diminishing returns us in what aspect oh no no I was going with the wealth factor I do I do like that like the fire the financially independent retire early as a perpetual wealth that
00:33:17| people are striving toward so they could be free and the free time is the most valuable time you can have yeah and then social media on top of it is trying to sell you some materialistic dream so you
00:33:28| have all the marketers trying to sell you the next big thing and I think that's overtaking social media that most people are not getting focused on like the simple things the people that day in
00:33:39| day out do something you know that they enjoy and they don't focus on it like in Japan there's people that master a job and regardless of what that job is people respect it and there's not that
00:33:49| much respect here mm-hmm that's a that's actually a really good point that's on an analogy I'd use a lot you know in Japan you know not to make gross generalizations but you can meet a
00:34:01| janitor and the way they view it is they're going to be the best janitor they possibly could be and I'm not saying you know every Japanese person's gonna be like that but it's kind of
00:34:09| indicative of culture like you said and that being said you know the the what was that going to be just said financially independent retire early mm-hmm fire yeah fire um you know I'm a
00:34:21| big believer and this isn't even too like tied into religion but like have you heard this thing like idle hands do the devil's work mm-hmm and that's the thing you know it's like take it 30 40
00:34:33| years back you know or probably not that you know before World War two what were you doing on a daily basis to get by you know you'd have to go to the meat but like your job kind of alludes to Nick
00:34:43| you have to go to the meat store the dairy store the toilet paper store you need to go talk to this person to make sure this is in check words now I call one guy my financial advisor that's
00:34:53| Oliver exactly I go in Amazon all of it and it's like so what do you do with all that extra time you couldn't consume we're not producing at the level we
00:35:03| consume and and wouldn't you know if you eat too much food you get fat unless you give energy you work out so what are you doing with your mind if all you do is consume and take like your mind can't
00:35:19| literally get fat but I'd argue if you consume too much it starts to get a little unhealthy and it's like right now we're we're basically having a mental workout we're given you know right I
00:35:29| think I don't know you guys so I have to be really deliberate with what I'm saying same with you guys you know no one wants to be the guy who's just like you're wrong you're wrong
00:35:38| by you know so so here's something interesting you brought intergenerational wealth I would actually argue that wealth is awesome that you can get it like you try and
00:35:50| work as hard as you can you invent what you can you do what you can you become good at what you do and then you get paid for it and with that money you can buy things to help your family and
00:35:59| friends and all that hmm what I would argue is that wealth has its own everything has a downside and I think the downside of wealth is what you touched on a Kardashian if your
00:36:10| children grow up wealthy I don't think there's a way to instill a work ethic on them I think that's the cost of being rich I mean because otherwise being rich would be the best thing in the world but
00:36:20| I think there's there's a cost to it if you get this there will be a detriment in this and I really think if you left your kids a billion dollars they will grow up to be pieces of shit regardless
00:36:31| of who they are not not their fault but like because when you're that ingrained in wealth and just you don't have to work for anything a little bit of what you said you're consuming consuming
00:36:40| consuming they don't produce anything why would they I mean you can't force your child to work I mean you're gonna make your billionaire child work McDonald's for four years or or travel
00:36:52| the world or like learn other people's cultures like do you know D mean the answer is yes I would make them work at McDonald's and that's the thing though and you know what I'm not trying to like
00:37:02| I'm not trying to be argumentative or anything but the reason I kind of I kind of disagree with that is cuz you know I've heard a lot of people say you know and a lot of these aren't you know like
00:37:12| I'm just kind of stealing from like dan pena right now he's really prolific investor you know does like seminars and all that kind of cool stuff but that being said you know one of my favorite
00:37:23| things he said is you know he's like everyone says life is a journey and how's that working out for you he's like Bill Gates kids their life's a process and that's the thing I don't know their
00:37:34| names I don't know the names of the of the gates kids I didn't know the name of the Trump kids until he got elected for president you know what I'm saying so it's like I think you know like Dan kind
00:37:45| of said you could make if you were billionaire you could instill those values but the thing is what I think is what I grapple with is if I became a billionaire and I had a billion dollars
00:37:54| what I can need to keep going to work because if I keep going to work the likelihood is once I have a child if I'm running a billion-dollar business I'm not the one raising it my wife's
00:38:02| probably not raising it because she's probably running my nonprofit so exactly who everybody it's were you know same thing with Trump everyone says oh well his dad did this and that is if you
00:38:21| look at the pictures of what his dad did you saw a little Donald Trump there and I'm not trying to say oh he's a good this or good bad that it's he's a close there when his dad is making huge deals
00:38:31| you know look at the Kardashians are there kids there when they're doing this or that they're only there when there's a good picture to be taken and I'm not and I'm not saying that's right or wrong
00:38:40| but these are the like I said these are the conversations we really need to focus on having you know because it's it's dangerous you know these these these wants and needs
00:38:51| what's the west-world the west-world quotes like these violent ways have violent ends or something like that do you watch well I think yeah I know yeah oh I thought I was pointed
00:39:03| I need to watch it you need to watch it oh I didn't want to spoil oh no no that's cool I already know it's like about sex robots and stuff yeah it's you sir is an alternate reality I don't know
00:39:15| I do want to see it you know fan I'm a fan of the sci-fi oh yeah I can't afford HBO though I got that free month and then I was it cut I'll have watching a month you know did you do altered carbon
00:39:28| mm-hmm no yeah put that on the definite really is because that sir is that a movie series nerd and series our long and it's sci-fi but done really well really really good Netflix huh I'll have
00:39:44| to look that out I haven't looks in a bit I've done you get that my shot yeah whatever you gotta do do you oh consume a lot of meteor - how do you roll um I have been reading a lot really
00:39:57| I've always read never heard of it they're in books my hate right obviously you just download the tape right I I don't I don't like reading on Kindle I don't like reading on my phone
00:40:09| I don't like reading on the computer like paper right you you read paper yeah I read books and if I'm gonna read it if I'm gonna read um so like if I can't find a textbook so right now I'm
00:40:19| learning statistics like you know the statistics that predates calculus so I can do machine learning because I want to know what I'm doing you know if if I'm gonna read a hundred pages online
00:40:29| I'm gonna buy the paper and print it off I don't care cuz for me I I remember better when I read it in my hands you know another thing I like to do is I used to be really exclusive with the
00:40:39| books I read so I read like Warhammer then I started going to Goodwill you know cuz my thing is like a lot of my buddies you could call a lot of my buddies who get complimented for their
00:40:51| clothes they go and buy a $2.00 shirt from Goodwill that no one else has and they'd know exact same thing with books you know I read that so I found how to win friends and influence people you
00:41:02| know Dale Carnegie jr. you know how to sell anything to anybody by Joe Girard you know how to there's tons of like these like books and they're not even being sold as
00:41:15| self-help books but if you really read them and kind of try apply them to your life you know and it's like that's like everything if you what you guys are saying to me
00:41:23| realistically I'm gonna take it try and apply to my life and you know I'll probably take half of it but the thing is the next step that makes it truly valuable is when I start disseminating
00:41:35| it and I give you credit I'm like hey I was I was with these guys on panderers stand and Nick you know and they said you know fire you know financial independence retirement you know I need
00:41:48| to repeat it a few times but that's that's a cool one you know and it's like taking these things and giving people credit and then it's like and then they're like oh whoa who are these guys
00:41:57| how did you meet them and I'm like oh I met him on reddit and and the thing is if you really have these conversations that people at least of my personal life and I can't buy a summer most people be
00:42:05| like you you Skyped people you man read it and you're like you were like what yeah yeah I did and they'll be like wool it's weird until you try it and then you find out that you can make real
00:42:15| connections on him yeah and that's the thing though and that's why I was I deleted all my social media because I was like it's bad it's bad it's factual and which ones did you use could you can
00:42:25| you guide me through this delete search for me anything so used Facebook early on everyone it got old we understand people in police book so basically what went as my parents want
00:42:35| to let me have social media they were like all right you eat it I turned like Facebook that cuz I can't connect with people you know I'm not I haven't wrenching so I got just but then I got
00:42:47| humbler up then I got those were the two big ones and then I moved to the States snapchat was really big Instagram was really big so I got those two and then I graduated high school and had a lot of
00:43:00| falling out with a lot of people and the thing is I didn't like them anymore but I kept seeing them every day oh that's worse I just someone who told me bad things about me and I said bad
00:43:11| things back and then Eileen raised their kid and it's kind of weird or they put up a political cartoon and then you're like well this is what the however dinner
00:43:19| I don't exactly I got yeah but the thing is you know and it's like I said there we we like to see the world black and white but these gray areas like the love of my life my girlfriend of three years
00:43:30| I met I didn't I met her in Japan right and I like to call her she's my white Buffalo like if I'm if I'm if I'm a six out of ten she's a thirty out of ten to me I know she's
00:43:40| the one I never thought was gonna happen and the thing is do you tell her that that she's your White Buffalo yeah I told her that she laughs she thinks it's funny but uh you know I I literally
00:43:51| freshman year she sat next to me in a Photoshop class right and I like didn't know what to do I just this awkward kid and oversized polos and running and it makes me upset I got made fun up in high
00:44:03| school for wearing my a six with jeans and now that's like the cool thing to do that's a totally different point she sat down next to me and we kind of you know had healthy interactions how you doing
00:44:12| what's your dad do oh he's a pilot this and that and she lived in Florida too and I was on Twitter and I was like you know what the worst thing she can do is ignore me I was like how many people
00:44:24| ignore me on a daily basis like when I when I tweet hey I love this movie no one retweeted it no one liked it I got ignored and then and then you're like do I delete the tweet and that so I
00:44:35| was like I'm gonna get rid of Twitter but before I do it I'm just gonna text this girl and be like hey let me get your number where she's gonna do is nothing and she did and you know what
00:44:43| four years later a year of talking now we're dating you know we will go together for the two years and like and that's why I'm so it's I'm so hard pressed to say
00:44:52| technology is necessarily bad it's really how we utilized it you know and that's the thing I don't feel like they're being used as learning platforms or a place to really connect it's kind
00:45:03| of like it's kind of flexing you know it's kind of like Instagram like hey this is why my life's better than yours you know tumblr like oh wait so hold on I like I like where you're going with
00:45:13| that so Instagram is definitely my um like glamour life this is me Hollywood right huh will you prune instagrams like you're fabulous like you're a movie star
00:45:22| it's hard to think right um but it is fake you know you wear it it's fake but it's you know you have to really pick this oh wait Facebook is like okay so Instagram is intended under their phone
00:45:32| so like while I'm setting up all these social medias I tried to set up the api's which is like a programmable prorack programmable interface and Instagram actually doesn't let you post
00:45:42| photos via their inner thighs because they want you to have on phone and be physically there and then send it so it's like a real authenticated person so the money
00:45:51| because I I considered Instagram the fakest one and you're like oh it doesn't let me use BOTS it's real it makes it so that the people that post on there are really taking those photos right that
00:46:03| makes sense because I did spam account yeah but that makes it so that celebrities spam the account with their real photos of I don't know upper echelon all right but hold on I just
00:46:13| wanted to get over what each social media aspect kind of was so Facebook is kind of like older relatives and aunts that are racist uncles and to give secret recipes to cookies that are kind
00:46:24| of outdated that Facebook is quantity Facebook's quantity it's it's how much in the bank how many connections how many likes that's the way I saw it oh that make sense Twitter's kind of
00:46:36| Twitter when I die I want to die yeah I can Twitter every day Twitter's like Twitter I feel like it's the first one that kind of Tumblr and Twitter where the first ones where the
00:46:50| persona came to be in my eyes where it's like this is who I am when people see me and this is the person I am when I have an anonymous handle and you know someone post something and I could like hey I've
00:47:00| got 140 characters not Matt's like that so then how do you roll with Reddit because you still use reddit right its reddit here oh here's a good question cuz I thought of this while you're
00:47:10| you're going on you seem like an intelligent guy who really gets into things right so Austin here let's say you got this big old lon let's say you don't cut lawns and you're like damn I
00:47:21| got a house that's got a huge lawn all right I gotta figure out what kind of weed whacker I'm gonna buy what kind of grass I'm gonna get what do you do cuz you seem to get deep into some do you go
00:47:28| on reddit do you post into Google like what's the best mower like d start comparing mowers do you figure out what the best weed whacker is for the value like what do you do cuz you seem like a
00:47:37| guy who gets into it yeah you're gonna have the best lawn I mean yeah I feel it I appreciate you saying that that's not good man I was just like you're gonna be the best at it and I appreciate that and
00:47:51| I have a method and I was just curious but similar to what you would do and it's this is a fine thing I kind of preface to earlier I want to get into tech cuz I want to understand it cuz I
00:48:01| don't really enjoy it I try to stay away from Google as much as I can so I use like DuckDuckGo like this I don't things like that because like I just don't I don't want to be cannon fodder I don't
00:48:14| want people to use my information I know they're getting it anyways because I have a Samsung S 9 so it's if I can make a choice not to but that being said yeah so if I'm gonna have to mow my lawn
00:48:25| probably I'm gonna cook realistically i i've stopped texting as much i like calling people so but i'd probably do is that guy who who do i know that has a house and has a really nice I'm like
00:48:38| ignite like yeah I've like a bike okay you know Uncle Sam lives damn lives in Texas I know all them Texans got some good lands so let me see what you guys and you know and then I'll talk to him
00:48:50| and he'll be like yeah man I I have as a yeah yeah exactly he might be like hey Jose mows my lawn but he he actually uses a push lawnmower because he says it if if you instead of just walking with
00:49:06| it if you run with it it goes super fast gets a super good cut and it's a workout and I might in me being the person I am I'm like I hate mowing the lawn it's too it's too loud to listen to music too but
00:49:17| if I do it when I'm pushing and I'm running and I can listen to my music I don't listen to music I'll listen to audiobooks I'm doing three productive things at once that hour that I hated is
00:49:28| now an hour that I can love that's how I view my life cuz like I'm I'm kind of a control freak and I'm very hard pressed to do things I don't want to do so the way I get past that is I tricked myself
00:49:38| into wanting to do it so that that kind of answers your question yeah but that being said like reddit for my computer like it's like programming like there's the there's the there's the first level
00:49:52| where you're like I'm good at this and then you just realize you're like wow there's like 10 year-old kids in India that could out code me every day at the week same thing with building a computer
00:50:01| you know so like on reddit I was like hey guys not yet but I want to PC master-race and I was basically like hey guys merci I'm about to sound really silly
00:50:10| but my MacBook Pro doesn't work for my programs anymore and I pasture-raised here exactly and they're all like they're all like we'll forgive you for you using a UNIX based system but here's
00:50:24| what I would do what's your bug oh dude but it's like date but the thing is like it's like everything about it everything you can get into it's it's got it people find it worth getting into
00:50:40| you know so my thing is I'm like way CPC built simulator we're gonna practice building computer was that freeware they sell on that that was like a 20-hour game right I don't know how much it was
00:50:50| but watching it is the most boring thing ever seen in my life I was watching some guy twitch he was just like he would remove one screw at a time and like switch out the motherboard put the
00:51:01| screws back oh there's a nice long pause and they were like 30 people watching this guy do the same thing and I was like oh really what's the point of this I guess they don't know how to do it
00:51:12| maybe people are like it's educational exactly and that's the thing so it's like you know all these people we're giving me you know at the way I see years of advice some guy would be like
00:51:22| hey this is the motherboard you want because it's gonna allow you to say they're like you do deep learning you're gonna want one GPU right now but if in six months you need another if you buy
00:51:31| this motherboard you're not gonna be able to do it if you spend an extra 15 money $15 now you can in like I love that and then once they do it yeah you you you can you can either accept it at
00:51:43| face value or what I do now is I'll be like I'm gonna go and fact check them not to be mean but I want to learn I want to become yeah I want to become not an expert well I what my favorite saying
00:51:53| is I want to know enough to be dangerous so like and and that's basically it so I'm probably not gonna be able to out talk the guy who builds computers for his livelihood but when he says hey this
00:52:05| is the motherboard I need for two sticks of eight gig ram blah blah like I know what that means now versus a month ago or two months ago I'd be like a Rams a stick like a us like a USB and they'd be
00:52:16| like a you know so yeah I'm saying so that's what it it's a little bit what I like to do I get obsessed enough with an item either sweat but I was working out before I
00:52:27| came on the podcast everyone you know what I like to do is I like to get obsessed enough with an item or a subject or a set of variables that I know 75% of or 78% of the knowledge that
00:52:43| there is enough like I'm not going to know 100% I would have to dedicate my life to something they'd use a term from earlier in the episode diminishing returns I think you can hit 50% of the
00:52:54| knowledge of something pretty quickly as I'm sure both of you realize all right great yeah it pretty into like if I hadn't known nothing about lawnmowers and ride mowers and all this other stuff
00:53:05| and had a weed whack and the best gardening supplies everything you do enough research in like two weeks four weeks and then hands-on stuff for a couple weeks you're already at like the
00:53:17| you're at 60% like you're not gonna spend the rest of your life trying to narrow down the gardening and the weeding in which hoe is the best but you can get pretty you can pretty adept
00:53:26| pretty quickly if you're a a quick learner B know where to look and see apply yourself and I think all three of us kind of seem to already know how to do that yeah and that's interesting that
00:53:36| you said reddit the most because I think reddit has the deepest holes Oh reddit you get the deepest I'm ready it's Alice in Wonderland so I'm guessin like you're just like wow I didn't know people could
00:53:48| commit their whole life to this but then you kind of have a respect for it cuz you're like you know for me I was like something trivial like a computer these guys like these guys literally sit there
00:53:57| for hours and I'm not dissonant I think it's so impressive debating not only what was better yeah which voltage is best for this like water cooler like I read some guys response he's like he's
00:54:09| like water-cooled systems are worse than air-cooled systems unless you're willing to do a custom rig where the surface area is this this this I'm like right right you're like whoa yeah what same
00:54:19| thing interesting is you're almost using his work to cheat though mm-hmm right because I mean you didn't do the damn research I've I know I wouldn't ever and you look at it and you don't take it at
00:54:29| face value said you got to look it up but you definitely take that as that's that's wisdom like we were talking about earlier that's like a multi-year individual
00:54:39| who's done all his research and just was so sick of someone saying something they put it on the internet for you to read well that's something that the Internet does which I find is very interesting
00:54:49| it's propelling people who know nothing about lawnmowers building computers or anything else we're learning a language coding do you know you couldn't do this like I just started looking up on I
00:55:06| forgot what language it is in grasshopper grasshopper grasshopper here it's a grasshopper app I think I want to say what language is is it's not Java JavaScript Java is a web based language
00:55:18| yes yeah but is there different kind of JavaScript is there like two different kinds or something Java is Java and JavaScript Java is a different type of link then maybe it's okay then maybe
00:55:27| it's JavaScript anyway it's grasshopper app I just downloaded it and I was screwing around and I was like oh this is how you program and I was like learning a little
00:55:33| bit of code but I was just doing this when I was bored and I was like 20 years ago that's like like you go to have tonight money go to a comic right that's wild and I wonder what that does for the
00:55:45| future of humanity and intelligence and learning and I can't wait to tell that educational like university system it crashes was the amount of data we can take on it has to there's no way that
00:55:57| deal and online courses no certifying okay yeah and you're you're saddled with debt for the rest of your life promotion Oh seven more years my friend Stone virgin are already in bed great I can't
00:56:08| wait till there's an online college that you can just go to and pay almost nothing and they certify you to be an engineer or something right something equivalent home I see look at oh but
00:56:25| that's a good that's a good segue what do you guys ask college graduates both of you what do you what do you feel about the state of the education system are you like you
00:56:35| I guess my oh you are my take on it is that I went in with the idea that I just wanted to create and build something and I didn't really have an idea of how much money I would get from it I knew I'd
00:56:45| probably do okay as an engineer since that's probably one of the more things but I wasn't looking at the money side of it now if I wasn't an engineer if I didn't want to go in that route I
00:56:54| would probably have a lot of disdain because I wouldn't be able to make back the money that I put into college I'd have fun and I would have loved my time in college but I'd be like Nick I'd be
00:57:04| stuck with it for you know 20 years almost and that's not something that people should carry on for 20 years when they're making the decision at 17 where to go and how much to pay for it you
00:57:15| know I I agree 100% I actually um I live with someone who's a admissions officer and like she's like we have to keep enrollment at X amount we have to charge all this and she feels guilty that
00:57:31| they're charging these kids X amount like six excuse me five figures to go to college for a year and you gotta go for four years like you're looking at six figures our debt sometimes for kids over
00:57:45| seventeen you might change your mind by I tell time you're 24 you might be like oh I'm bigger into fishing I love fishing can only become a fisherman like to take on all this debt is a little
00:57:56| irresponsible and there's no reason College you cost as much yeah I'm sure there's a reason and don't get me wrong I think College is awesome the higher education you get there that's great I
00:58:06| think the information you get and just interacting with different people it's the first time I I don't know about you Dan interacting with people who weren't from Philadelphia yeah definitely don't
00:58:18| mean a whole different aspect to it was a cultural thing it was kind of awesome that's crazy and everything so the first time you interact cuz I'm a military I'm right but like you said though that's
00:58:29| that's crazy though so you were meeting kids were like hey I'm from the West Coast night I'm here and you know and that's and they're like your housemates or whatever or like their women on the
00:58:40| floor with you and you're like you're like what do you guys believe in what and he's like I'm Buddhist I'm from the west coast I do this you're like you're making this up I mean yeah cuz like I've
00:58:53| lived all over so I didn't have that but the thing I had when I went to college is you know like you know you're 18 and you're going out to the club for the first time and someone's like hey man
00:59:01| have you a Moscow Mule and you're like a what and they're like halt I got you and then you drink it and you're like whoa that's so good you're like everyone you know or
00:59:11| like you know like it's the little things but for me because I just graduated college so I got the debt and I'm going to master's degree so it's deferred but the way I see it and I
00:59:22| think it's really interesting because I I do consume media and I hear about it and like a lot of my buddies uh turn me on to like guys like Carey fan or Chuck and all these entrepreneurs and stuff
00:59:31| like being entrepreneur not a want Rijn stuff but it like my thing is I think I think the education system is kind of the ultimate form because it isn't it's an unknown apey off is you know like
00:59:43| like if you're an entrepreneur and you take a hundred thousand dollars in debt because you think you can own this kind of business in ten years that's that's that's okay that's actually what people
00:59:52| are pushing you to do now versus going to college and spending 30 grand you know and like we're tapes learning how to learn application and your time so it comes down to time
01:00:03| talent and treasure in college all you have is time all you're developing is talent the end goal should be treasure but what I feel like is people are telling you to
01:00:13| go to college and you know it's a liberal arts the whole idea of that to me is to liberate you from your professors your professors should offer thought-provoking stuff like you know
01:00:24| rather than going into a math class and being like this is how we've done it this is how we've always done it this is how you do component wise summation of vectors etc etc it should be hey
01:00:35| here's two here's two lines how do we add them and and the thing is like I've been in class this is where no one asks a question all year half the kids don't show up right and so it's like is the
01:00:47| system wrong or the people not valuing it and the other thing is I didn't learn this until my third year I got kicked out of my majors because I had my GPA was too low and I got told I would not
01:00:56| graduate college and I should drop out by an advisor and because based off of my historical accuracy of my transcript and now I have people like you guys telling me hey you're smart you're wise
01:01:07| you're this and that and you know what the only thing that changed is is I thought College is used to me I'm going to use them they're here to serve me and I thought that was wrong when I
01:01:17| first came in because I wanted to be the best person to make sure everyone liked me I was like no they're my professors are here to educate me so I'm I'm an econ major right I went to the computer
01:01:27| science department and knocked on the deans door every day for like two months and he finally was there one day and he answer and he's like what do you want and I was like I've been trying to code
01:01:36| something it's not working please help me and he was like okay you I mean you brought in the code I mean why not and he like he like read it you know he knows how to code and I was like it
01:01:46| wasn't good but I was like can you please help me and he was like do you code and I was like no I've taught myself like this is basically my life's work at this point you know and he's
01:01:55| like okay ma'am like I'm gonna help you he's like I want you to do this this and this read this book fix it come back next week now I'm getting a master's degree that's
01:02:03| the only thing that changed and you know what I did I took that and then I went to the finance department and I was like reading people's CDs you know I was like what did what because if you think about
01:02:12| it the guys at college they get paid six digits five digits to go speak at goldman sachs and they teach level classes at at at college you know so I was like if they're making that much
01:02:22| money why don't I just go in there read some other research and ask them a few questions and the thing is like we talked about early in the episode everyone wants to feel important the
01:02:31| reason everyone thinks professors hate their lives is because when they're teaching you a class about linear algebra it's Paul because linear algebra to them is like you talking about the
01:02:40| different kinds of toilet paper you're like I already know them all what am I getting out of this versus when you go and ask them you know hey I was in I took your linear algebra class two
01:02:49| semesters ago what if we take that to the to the ninth dimension what does that look like in that nine times out of ten that's when they're like oh boy come look at this and you just look at you're
01:02:59| like I didn't even know this is possible they're like me neither until I started doing it and then you know two hours later you're like oh I got to go to class man and they're like oh well
01:03:09| here's my business card email me that's what college is about but the thing is everyone would rather go out and drink everyone wants to do this and not everyone's Christianisation
01:03:20| but like I tell all of my buddies you know and I realize like my friends weren't the ones inviting me out to bars and when I was I I paid for college myself you know I didn't have a lot of
01:03:28| money I was working two or three jobs at a time you know and I thought my friends where the guys were like hey Austin come out to the bar and I'd be like I can't
01:03:35| pay for cover and I can't buy booze and they'd be like no what I got you those weren't my friends my friends were the ones that didn't come around until probably the last eight months but they
01:03:46| were like Austin you're not coming to the damn bar with us you've got a test tomorrow morning are you stupid go home and study dude and it's like and you know what I'm like what I want to go
01:03:56| I want to go and hang out and be cool I want to be on your snapchat story I don't want to wake up the next morning and see how much fun you're having and they're like no man like you always told
01:04:05| me how big and bad you want to be you really think drinking is gonna help with that and then I'm like whoa you know if he didn't do that yeah and I mean III in the moment you know you're not like
01:04:17| thank you you you're so huh but like you know looking back I'm like that could change my life single-handedly he told me something I didn't want to hear you know you know I'm able to I'm able to
01:04:27| talk to people from reddit you know I'm able to get phone calls from companies and say hey we looked at your LinkedIn you know and it's like the only thing that has changed is you know how much
01:04:36| I'm willing to put myself out there because the worst thing that can happen is someone tells you know and like people are so afraid of that I feel like I'm gonna give you a counterpoint to
01:04:45| that so I've seen a lot of people that were straight laced through college and then after college they realized they wanted to have more fun and then they let loose and they don't know how to
01:04:54| have enough fun so they just keep trying to have fun throughout their 20s and then it leads into 30s so if there's anybody out there that's focused purely on work that's great if you can have a
01:05:03| work balance with you know college study work and fun I would go for the fun I would I would let loose more in college as long as I knew I was gonna graduate Pass and I have a lot of fun in
01:05:16| college no that's that's a good point and I think the reason yeah no that's a good point cuz this just may not be the best bet for everyone but I think the reason it worked for me is because my
01:05:26| biggest passion in life is learning you know I love to learn I will I don't need to be the smartest person in the room cuz I know I'm not but I love to just know what people are talking about you
01:05:37| know I used to be like that doesn't interest me but that would that limited me because like I'm not a big fan of baseball so I didn't know what RBI was I didn't
01:05:45| know what this was and you know what I was like how much am I missing out like the people who talk about baseball on the surface at the bar if I talk to them and know what an RBI is and know a
01:05:55| little bit about sports maybe they work for NASA maybe they work for Tesla and they were just talking about that that's their version of weather talk you know and and like drawing it back to Dan it
01:06:05| doesn't matter if you're a janitor or a CEO everyone can talk sports so if you can lead in with sports and be like hey this is who the Sixers drafted what do you think and then you know maybe twenty
01:06:13| minutes later the guys like hey I got a go but um want to grab lunch sometime and you're like yeah yeah yeah I got to go to work - what do you do it was like yeah yeah
01:06:21| exactly you know and it's that's what inspired me to talk to you guys you know you made them better off they made you better off who got used I'd argue no one you know and so it's like yeah and
01:06:33| that's what and that's what I'm saying like not college isn't for everyone you know if you don't want to do that like you said you could probably be if you started fishing at 17 and didn't stop
01:06:42| until you're 23 cuz not only did you love it you were good at it and thought it was fun those guys the boats they go out in Tennessee - bass fishin Thor $100,000 with all the radars and stuff
01:06:53| guys like you make those radars you know and so it's like you could go to Tennessee and see guys fishing and be like I don't like fishing or you could apply what you know from NASA and be
01:07:03| like damn that's kind of impressive that they're shooting you know radars and it's not getting dispelled by the water and stuff I wonder if that's similar to how
01:07:11| communication works in data management works in space like and I think that's what created creativity is is like connecting things you know like using it in different ways exactly um you know
01:07:22| and that being said though so it's like do you guys do you guys think that your education taught you things because it was formal or did you think you learned things because of your experiences you
01:07:33| know because you said you were journalism major and you're an engineer so it's like how would you compare those you know you know get an AI yeah I'll say I have in college I would say have
01:07:48| two to five professors one it's so crazy I get his name backwards to see the Ross Harris or Harris Ross he just died like two weeks ago but he was one of my favorite professors
01:08:01| that's so weird Tenerife its Ross Harris or harris Ross huh but he was a Tennessee guy white beard white everything spoke with a Tennessee accent he was a journalism guy and he was like
01:08:13| oh what's this this is crazy and he just had a way of teaching and he really always said follow the money he was always he was giving great lessons and it was a very informal and very great
01:08:23| enough he left an impression on me good all right my man he just passed I mean I I didn't really talk with him ever after I graduated but here in any past made me think about him and so many other
01:08:36| professors I had and then I also had some interesting classes with professors who who might not have been personal at all I never shared an interaction with except for when they talk in front of
01:08:47| class but I learned a lot so I think it's it's obviously a combination like nature nurture I mean you can you get with you you get from a class I mean if you ignore the whole class so you can
01:08:57| have a great teacher you have a horrible teacher you're not gonna get anything from it so it's a little bit the subject matter a little bit teacher a little bit your interest a form a little pyramid
01:09:04| nice little and when you're growing up when you're growing up you don't realize that you're leading a sheltered life there's no way to have a fully rounded life coming from like a family unit that
01:09:16| might teach you just I think a set of values and doesn't have the ability to teach you everything so going through college you get to learn from different types of people you get to understand
01:09:26| that you need to learn more and even for me when I start doing different things that are entrepreneurial you know I have a way of starting things and stopping things and it takes three months of time
01:09:36| and then I fail and it it takes time to understand that you can learn and fail and keep learning and failing and it's not like you're starting back at zero you're starting to grow that's how you
01:09:46| learn to grow you keep failing until you understand how to not fail what's your what's your definition of failure like tu I don't think about I have a definition of failure I think I've
01:09:58| already succeeded in my goals so I don't think that I'm gonna revert back to being you know who I was like ten years ago I think I've set up a firm base so I
01:10:07| don't think I could fail I don't know what failure would be at this point I agree I thought what about you Nick it's an interesting way to put it I think I think failure for me is
01:10:21| more of a family related thing cuz i i'm very much them the mom sometimes to my son like I'm always like helping cook and like clean stuff and follow him and like I probably changed more diapers
01:10:33| because I was just around more and it's just my idea of failure is to not raise him to be open-minded I don't know I want him to be a cool person I want him to grow up and be someone I would like
01:10:51| in all honesty I wanted to be happy like stuff like that so that's my idea failure is based almost on another person which is weird because until he was born it was a regular dude I was a
01:11:02| lot of stuff we talked about in the podcast but once he was born my whole my whole definition changed kind of and now I want him to be able to experience life I don't know I just wanted to be
01:11:16| open-minded I don't want to be able to look at him be like oh he's a skateboarder who only was just a punk and hates his dad anything wants to hate his dad I don't care try it like go
01:11:25| forth but I wanted to be multifaceted I want him to be able to look at the world kind of like what we were talking about the very beginning of the podcast that's my ultimate goal one if I if I can't do
01:11:36| that I almost feel like maybe I'm a failure uh-huh that's the only thing I can relate to that's um that's crazy cause like I don't I don't have a kid but um
01:11:45| my have a dog and like it's not it's not even the same ballpark but it but I I think I think about it like I love the crap out of my dog because he can't he can't talk he can't do anything for
01:11:58| himself but when I go he's a mutt he's a Weimaraner though I got on board a blood test his name's Balto he's my boy but um the way I think about is like I love the
01:12:07| crap out of that dog Brooks like I had a family dog but it's different when like I'm a 1 turkey yeah he ran into the wall and I thought he broke his leg and I was like oh my gosh what's wrong I'm calling
01:12:16| everyone you know and I'm like I'm like wait and I took a step back that night and I was like my dog got her and I was like freaking out calling everyone for four hours there's like
01:12:25| what's it like having a kid you know like you know the amount of love and stuff and like you know I want my dog to like do this sounds silly but is like I want him to be but have a better life
01:12:34| than I do like cuz he can't do anything for himself I'm the only one I feel like who can who can give him the toys who can give him the runs who can who can make
01:12:42| sure he's eating good and it's like I was like if that's what it's like having a kid like you're glad you said the only way you can feel I'm laughs once you've made that kid is like you want them to
01:12:52| do better than you at least like I'm not trying to project on you guys but it's like you want them to do better than you because like you know what it's like to have quote-unquote you know failed or
01:13:02| her or made wrong decisions and you're like you just want to make sure that they get to experience their best life like you said you want them to be happy and like you don't want them to be
01:13:10| open-minded are out this is me kind of projecting like I don't think you want your kid to be open-minded your son because like you value open-mindedness it's so he can make decisions and you
01:13:20| know if his live his best life you know and it's um I think that's like an inspiring thing man cuz it's like it's so cool to hear you know 233 old men like you have children you have your
01:13:31| personal aspirations but then it's like what are you gonna imbue on that next generation and that's something you kind of touched on you know so it's like if you don't let me ask and you said change
01:13:40| in diapers so see like see young yeah he's gonna be forcing okay that's awesome and like kudos to you both like children and stuff cuz I think like that's the way I think about it man like
01:13:51| I want a career and stuff like I want to do well so I can take care of my girlfriend and someday like you know when I have children like I want them to make I want to make sure that you know
01:14:00| if they want to go to college I can I can help them and if they don't want to go to college I can give them advice or I can I can hook them up with you know guys like you maybe you know maybe
01:14:09| fifteen years down from the road we end up being best friends and I have a child you know like I remember having a conversation with Nick and Dan and they're like maybe not everyone wants to
01:14:17| go to college maybe maybe some people want a fish and you know of course me being the guy I'm gonna get a master's I'm like I want you to go to college I want you to go but maybe it'd be better
01:14:26| if I was like hey why don't you talk to one of my buddies and maybe he could give you some advice maybe he could really help you find out what you want to do you know saying and it's like I
01:14:35| think I don't think I think failures given up that's my definition I think everything else is just sucking but that's okay the first step of being great is sucking that being said I'm
01:14:46| gonna turn on the site real quick cuz I gotta go for it yeah I did look up Bill Gates his kids because I was curious I looked up there's three of them there's Rory there's Jennifer and Phoebe
01:14:59| looks like Phoebe's under 18 so she just had many pictures I think Jennifer's in college and I think both of them are kind of cute for the daughters I wonder how they deal
01:15:09| with their dad being one of the richest people in the world I did it I don't know how do you trust anybody at that point yeah I guess you can't that's that's a weird thing yeah where's Jane
01:15:22| Oh Kate she has three kids so we're just saying like you might if they start dating like how can you trust anyone are you gonna be like dating anyone like it easily it's pretty much like dress or my
01:15:32| money yeah but like what is there a way to be like no I'm not I needed really oh yeah no I ain't even think about that oh yeah the trade secrets it's like you're trying to get that real Gates not the
01:15:43| son or daughter yeah and um I've always been after Bill Gates oh yeah I'm saying it's like please please no no I hope my girlfriend doesn't hear that I'm just kidding
01:15:55| skinning love but uh no but later I'm here to date your son what's his name again I face book you know it's like but um no that is something like I think we all struggle with you know like and it's
01:16:11| like you know we kind of touched on it because it was like I you know before you were on here I told Dan I was like hey I don't want to why do you like I don't have my platform yet so I can't I
01:16:21| can't give to you guys in the way that I feel like you're giving to me like you guys are it's not true guys it's a nurturing that you guys are putting me on but the way I see is you know I told
01:16:30| you guys like I want to be XYZ so when I do get to that point I I believe I'm the kind of guy and I hope you guys believe it too is like I'm gonna get back in the ways that I feel
01:16:39| like you gave back and whether that's you know whatever you know if I if I if I end up getting a crazy podcast where I can fly people out I know who would be the first ones you know I'd because like
01:16:49| Thank You noodle pineapple ai we're on there we're going to that one know what I'm saying and it's like I feel like that's probably like Bill Gates I bet he struggles with that you know like every
01:16:58| time he meets someone he's like they just know me as the Microsoft guy right like you know like what are his hobbies like does he like fishing you know like does he have a Facebook like he probably
01:17:08| even really like and if he really likes it who's he would have to make a fake Twitter account and just start talking with people or a fake reddit name like that super conspicuous and then make
01:17:19| friends with them online and then meet them like you know I mean you can't meet him beforehand it's okay but like if you meet someone like who's Joe bass guitar for four it's like ah dude that's Bill
01:17:30| Gates like you had no idea wait it had some like fake accounts right like I am he's got an Instagram he's got a bunch of pictures Big D is baked accounts burner it prongs
01:17:43| I mean I would I've yes like there's like a mixer but with like a yeah he's gonna like a fake a fake thing and like a voice changer like the cops news and he's just like like he's like he's like
01:17:56| he's like bullshit turns his voice so a goes to like all the Mac fanboy things and the moderators you know your whole life's attraction you're just like these bill I mean you know Joe best guitar for
01:18:27| for yeah man that's that's crazy because like like we were saying earlier know we're all humans you know we can make gross generalizations like once you get a billion dollars you're not a real
01:18:37| human anymore because it's whatever you want you know versus like I'm sure I'm sure Bill Gates has fears you know maybe it's something weird you know like I mean we're probably never gonna find out
01:18:48| because these eels like they're slimy it's like after all I'm saying man like there's uh there's the aquarium and like they're like hey Bill we rented out the whole aquarium it's like you can touch
01:19:00| the manor easily I don't want to yeah no one bill do it swipes like holding his hand putting it in the water like what's the one guy he's the germaphobe he's from America's
01:19:15| Got Talent Oh amen oh yeah my sister was watching that and like I was just like that's crazy man like you know like that's to me that's like really humanizing you
01:19:24| know I shake people's hands there's II too scared no I think he tries not to like he purposely he's like I hate leans away please don't touch me like I'm on that one hand just pound it
01:19:38| and forget it dude it's that it's it's really strange dude like I feel like this is crazy this is why I want I didn't want to have a structured interview though like you
01:19:48| guys kind of feel what I meant like we've touched on like a bajillion different topics you know and I feel like I've learned a lot about you guys based off of the way you know one how
01:19:57| you listen to me into it's like it's very respectful you know like Dan didn't agree with me necessarily on one of my points but the way he came at was just so well thought out and like respectful
01:20:06| where I was like hey man like I appreciate that like I'll be smug about it I'll take it thank you thank you I appreciate it but it's like what both of you you know and it's like I think that
01:20:18| that's cool you know or same thing I could say same thing about Nick you know like I've met friends who like don't literally listen to me say something and rather than you know you said you're
01:20:26| like I don't feel like I could add on to that like you kind of covered it don't like repeat they'll spend the next 10 minutes reiterating what you just said to them and you're like you know you're
01:20:35| not gonna say anything back because you want to be mean but you're like okay like thanks for saying that but um we know it's just like we definitely are our own people that's the
01:20:43| one thing that defines Nick and and I if if we're in a conversation with the same person at different times you're not gonna I mean you're not gonna have some sort of set statement even if
01:20:52| you talk to us multiple times but the same thing we're probably right that's something completely different every time right oh rails it's it's your guys as tile you know like the fact you guys
01:21:02| are called the unplanned errors like shout out to you guys but it's like that means like when you guys do agree or when you guys do say things it like it means that much more because I know it's
01:21:09| not I know it's not disingenuous you're not just doing it for like hey maybe this kid is gonna be really good some day and I just wanted like me you know what I'm saying it's like you check it
01:21:18| out yeah especially because we we do rough roundup in an hour or we getting close we're getting close okay well I drop all your questions at
01:21:26| the end it's a big good one good one so what do you think happens to plants when they die nothing they become another plant they don't care they don't feel anything you're just dead I actually
01:21:42| read a paper I don't remember what it was public who is published by but it said that plants can talk to each other it's like release chemicals I believe yeah that's why brass knows when grass
01:21:52| is getting cut is that was in a previous happening it's something like that or it's like the one I read it was like these bushes that live on like hilltops if something starts eating it the wind
01:22:04| will carry chemicals so the same plants down the other hill change their like chemical makeup to shrill or change or something makes it look less advertising in well we're less appetizing don't eat
01:22:15| it yeah and what happens when they die I'm just curious what do you got one Nate done I do they are they like us and they and they you know like how when things die like they give they you know
01:22:29| you become fossil fuel you know yeah and it's actually if you come jewel for something else or other things maybe every plant has developed a way to spread its seed but when it dies it's
01:22:42| children just they eat it they grow where it was and you it's the same I guess they are feeding the future the plants are cannibals is what you're saying yeah that's a crazy question I
01:22:58| don't know or maybe like that's that's actually a really crazy question I feel like there's just no it's fine dude there's no right answer that's the beauty of this I think I think I think
01:23:08| they they they're like us like they make room further than whether what happens when people die I don't know if this had religious implications or not I was just asking no that's like like you're an
01:23:21| avid learner you seem like you you're youthful your full life and I want to ask you about death so that breath better like this is when you die I don't know
01:23:30| if he meant to that was extremely like Socratic the way you did that you made me come to like a conclusion and I espoused it and it's like oh no I I like it like I think that's like a good
01:23:42| method of talking about when we die I don't know not to make a too spiritual but like and it's whatever do you no need to detail just what let's go I think I think everything's
01:23:53| interconnected and like you know you read about our I do I read about black holes and there's like singularities and then there's regularities the ones that spin and you know you read niche
01:24:05| Nietzsche Harry Browns his name and he says time is a circle and so it's like this idea if you know maybe maybe that's what happens to us when we died not necessary like we live another life but
01:24:19| it's like in some way we need the ultimate way of giving back is dying because it allows someone else to take your place that makes sense and it's like a little bit of sense
01:24:33| I got nothing wrong with that yeah maybe maybe that's maybe that's what it is cuz I had to Austin then I was just curious this Austin live on and like whatever posts you put it or maybe a podcast you
01:24:46| appeared in I don't know be on panders or like is it is that all that's left is like the things you left whether it was written recorded an audio file a footprint that never got wash cuz you
01:24:59| won't roll you ran off road or something your children I don't know like I want I'm the last male child for my family so the way I see it I don't have a male child maybe this is a little sexist or
01:25:11| whatever but like I don't know my last name dies like there will never be another one of me yeah yeah exactly and I think that's the big thing the other thing is you know I like I said I don't
01:25:23| want to be successful and make money for the sake of money I want to be like a carnegie where it's like I have so much money all I can do is create universities you know or maybe you know
01:25:31| you talked about you can't wait until there's an online university I would love to have so much money where I can die dan you're getting a hundred million dollar endowment build that online
01:25:39| school you know it's not like you know if you can get me a plan in the next year of how you would make an online college work the money's yours and like that would make me that would
01:25:51| make me feel so good because it's like I gave not only to everyone that he's gonna help but like you know you know I'm saying it's like I wanted that's my goal change the world and I think
01:26:01| everyone's capable of it you know whether it's micro economic terms micro or macro I think it's like you know either you change the world or you give your children the values so maybe they
01:26:12| could be the change you weren't and maybe you know so like open in this build create and prove and live on I guess hmm you create an echo the bigger the echo
01:26:24| the better I guess but you can create that spiritually physically you can build something mentally you leave behind ideas you can leave behind works pieces digital things it's just
01:26:35| interesting yeah we have a we have a massive footprint man and I think that's actually a really good question I feel like that's something we should probably ask ourselves more Apted often you know
01:26:46| not to be like to McCobb but it's like what's the next dan the full circle no dude this has been sick thank you so much for having me on guys like this is a good time learning going on huh yeah
01:27:06| no it's awesome damn damn yeah that's cool I'm gonna have to call my girlfriend after this seems like you won't guess what just like had two guys talk to me for almost
01:27:20| two hours and they didn't hang up and she like yep and then we in it we ended it with what happens when plants die what happens when I die it's you're like oh okay thumbs up why worried that thing
01:27:34| yeah you actually don't worry about it but um yeah man Thank You Jonas dude got philosophical we cover the economical spiritual nominal physio nominal those are all real words yeah financial
01:27:50| stability I did oh I didn't want to leave my tongue twister because I was thinking of it all week sir Shawn sir Shawn search Shawn search Shawn no it didn't work
01:27:59| sir Shawn in my head it was a Shawn Switzer yeah that's not that's not as good as a toy boat you're gonna add an Auslan I asked to do the toy book oh you just say toy boat five times in a row
01:28:08| real fast toy Boyt toy Boyt yeah it's the most simple thing in this way to practice that one in the mirror that one's weird yeah that one's tough that's really the toughest tongues are so
01:28:26| simple but we don't know anyway folks thanks for tuning in you can check all our socials austin has a reddit if you like austin i hope i'm putting in the right way evil pineapple AI easy at ease
01:28:37| you're good there you go pineapple AI check it out you like our socials that's awesome - thanks for tuning in holy shit you guys got anything that I'm good yeah thank you guys so much for the platform
01:28:51| and the opportunity man it's been a hell of an experience he's got a bright future guy I think he's got something well thanks for joining us yeah good like friggin a lot I'm gonna
01:29:02| hand thank you have a great night guys stay safe

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