The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP054 Civilization Culture Society Downfall

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Transcript UnP054 Civilization Culture Society Downfall

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 54 - Civilization Culture Society Downfall
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00:00:03| welcome were they on panderers tonight we're going to talk about civilization civility and the end societal breakdown gonna be great join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick both for
00:00:22| old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the
00:00:36| chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion look like you can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment
00:00:47| purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes fondle your father [Music] ah an interest still sounds great
00:01:14| probably yeah probably does well certainly Nick under greater than that I'm the one who talked about mom let's that's debatable I'm all debated I'll win hmm
00:01:30| I wish I could convince you on the more likable one really because he's gotta folks he's gotta folks I dressed okay today we're going to talk about civilization
00:01:40| pre civilization post civilization civility did anyone wanna touch on civility just to start it off so I have two things for me we kick it off I'm correction it took us 50 episodes to
00:01:53| realize that it wasn't Travis Barker who had the crazy alien UFO theories it was Tom DeLonge like when 82 of like one point yeah so I was wrong by band member he was he's in contact with these people
00:02:09| and they know these things and everyone in the airport I don't believe in the airport I remember that episode that was good episode I would check that out if I over someone I would too and then I
00:02:20| please Tom DeLonge with Travis Barker and they'll have another thing but we can we can get that at the end I'm not sure if I want to I might I don't know if I'll be able to focus after I do it
00:02:31| also I want to see I want to see exactly what the other flavors of this oh my goodness so I'm gonna do it now so I got this at the store sprouts which you probably don't have arm house culture
00:02:46| gutshot so what probiotic that is wait is it um kombucha Camacho yeah that's exactly what how do you know that yeah I know a little bit dude and watch this stuff hit
00:02:58| the East Coast a while ago I'm gonna let you know I bought two of them my local sev and I actually enjoyed them I just didn't like spending $4.99 so I never born yeah
00:03:08| do you have did you get this farmhouse Coulter one dose is not a paid product mmm mine was um it was like a piece simple sign and like a the Indian type thing
00:03:18| for infinity and good luck and all that anyway it was pretty decent just had a real crazy flavor and if you shook it it bubbled yeah that's mines bubbling right
00:03:29| now it keeps eating may have amazing a sip it's very like a tea it's like a black tea I hope that's a team wait wait wait how many sticks there Oh God so they have uh so I and they've class
00:03:45| things out oh there's a classic caraway garlic dill pickle ginger beet is what I have tonight ginger beat sounds pretty good I would do some ginger beat ya YB OD ki ei don't
00:04:01| know that's good makes it a kimchi and smoked jalapeno I would do that so here we go did you beat God bless save my soul I got four there huh he's trying to get in shape or something Chinese brush
00:04:16| detoxify the body yeah you look like your body's not used to it that's a that's a personal problem well I need some Oh something's happening I'm turning red I'm turning violet violet oh
00:04:30| my god from the 1970s folks or 60s a movie from I have no idea and what my eyes are watering this is changing my DNA I have a similar problem Chris also as adults who drink adult beverages on
00:04:48| the podcast we make I make a mixed drink in a glass that's very full and we're here for like an hour so I have to make like a you know reserve I make more yeah I make I make time I make it in a half
00:05:00| glass right I just need to you know well here's my big problem okay I made a giant chunk of ice I put in there I just realized it's gonna melt and where's it all gonna go I got no room for melt so I
00:05:13| have to drink this almost raw surprises no one's ever come up with like a an alcohol that could be frozen like a an ice cream and you just lick the alcohol under the ice cream like a sorbet that's
00:05:27| my gut flora being rearranged right now that's what's getting healthier isn't it incredible I do feel energetic and this caffeine or something in here I don't
00:05:37| know what thank they uh some do actually started on the west coast I think am i right we're gonna have to figure out probiotics or one of our upcoming episodes so tonight we're gonna talk
00:05:49| about civilization is to kick it off what makes the civilization you know what makes something civil mmm stability I have a definition right here you know it's a noun
00:06:02| formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech polite remarks used in formal conversation that's I think doesn't really tell us much about civilization but it does tell us that
00:06:15| there are rules right you know this makes up a civilization rules being nice to people they define civilization as subsistence of food hit work you get a settlement so you're sedentary or
00:06:32| sentient ISM as they call it you have a government standing in one spot mmm-hmm social stratification which you have levels of different people doing different things an economic system so
00:06:44| you have pretty much money trade something that's kind of centralized literacy so they speak the same language that make sense I guess it would really suck if they weren't cultural traits
00:06:55| which is kind of like religion and other things that we do that are culturally sin scientific like you don't walk down the streets nude although I guess that's illegal here but would also be frowned
00:07:06| upon if I wanted to touch on that if everyone was nude how would people react to it how would you react to it um it wouldn't be as sexy I'll tell you that
00:07:15| I deal with more older 40 and older crowd male so there's nothing when you delight my feathers I don't feel like what do you think was the first person said like we have to cover up do you
00:07:27| think it was a woman or a man right a woman didn't he was people in the cold Nathan the northerners they show up with clothing and all the all the guys that are just like whoa that's different
00:07:39| it is it's also protection thing I mean think about that I think back to walking around in the breeze you got it yeah just both of them so you're saying is probably read
00:07:48| you kind of think so loin cloth yet yeah any ins dudes hmm dudes be getting clothes first good job dudes look what you did how do you think if you were around a mix of people
00:08:02| if it was young too old and attractive women in your age range do you think you'd be more aroused by them equally aroused or less arouse because you're all or desensitized to it less aroused I
00:08:16| think it will get dull pretty fast I think that's why they're like clothes fetishes I know previous episode may have touched on something of the likes I watch all my porn in Reverse
00:08:28| ooh it's nipple you get a cardigan on they're doing that cardigan oh you're gonna go outside get in your car no oh yeah only he could their radio okay the dudes up the window yeah you're gonna
00:08:44| cover that car nice mm-hmm you like to pornography worth if the car is covered in ice and they have to come out and di sit with someone else hello body there's like a windshield yeah Rome on their
00:08:58| human heat hmm so back to civilization how does almost audition you know all I don't know it was a first civilization you got a number you got a name you got anybody
00:09:10| Goga mesh I'm at the cradle of civilization so way back when there are multiple starts of civilization but most people point to Mesopotamia which happened around as a betánia 10,000 BC
00:09:22| in between they didn't have that year Euphrates and the Tigris River mm-hmm there's a reason that had happened too so they were all present yeah they're in an area that could bring silt to them so
00:09:34| the silt would then replenish all of the crops all the nutrients in the soil so they could stay in one spot and keep farming it otherwise it's religious still yeah
00:09:43| they'd be delicious delicious so bushes they be able to have a glad to learn said sedentism mmm so they could stay put right there yeah they can stay put otherwise you're a hunter gatherer or
00:09:56| you're agrarian that moves around you just keep gonna go mad yeah exactly no one wants to be a nomad you can't decorate a nomad home mm you know sure you gotta pack it up and move it out
00:10:09| women be shoppin alright folks so most of the people were in this area it's pretty fertile no one's really getting attacked or anything they're all kind of open nice yeah you don't have to be
00:10:21| centralized when it's like utopia I got food utopia everybody's everybody's throwing in their pie everybody's taking out their pie you know it's a pie fest mm-hmm well there's a start of
00:10:33| civilization there and they start image-forming like a government they start forming a language say that Cunha form here two cuneiform beautiful script it was invented by the Sumerians yeah is
00:10:46| the first language it kind of looks like someone took their nail and started making like imprints and then lines and then a whole bunch of like arrows like a whole bunch I know if you're talking
00:10:56| about a lot of arrows and triangles and pointing it up and pointing down running one running up a squiggle here I got ya so people are starting to associate cuneiform script pretty data
00:11:08| as a script yeah it looks cool and I'm surprised that it's still around today so these are they use like I was gonna say did they catch it on stone yet or is that not happening yet yeah they have it
00:11:20| inscribed angle in stone I wasn't sure good on em do ya yeah I like them I like them more and more everything everything I hear about it is all thumbs up from the UM panders the
00:11:30| Sumerians yeah yeah good job clay tablets that's what they used play okay pretty cool and a blunt read for a stylus they actually had pen and paper of their own version most societies do I
00:11:45| find because writing is the ultimate passing of knowledge so can you add civilization without writing without language how about that I don't think you can the literacy nope I did the math
00:12:00| folks I took English as a major and I came to the conclusion language is important it's the most important thing and if you major in it in college you're smarter than everyone good on you
00:12:12| but not by my chicken on you a little bit smarter than everybody your paycheck will not reflect it but in here you'll feel it mm-hmm so one of the other things I found was the so this is a
00:12:25| cradle of civilization' the Cradle of Humankind you know where that is no I was just mesopotamian so I got progressive is actually in Africa that where did they
00:12:39| say the world was slightly different than or not really what do you mean by slightly different 10000 BC so we're talking 12,000 years ago I guess that wasn't enough time for a geological
00:12:51| difference like certain rivers were different certain yeah I don't think that's long enough for a Riveter change okay entirely it is for a slight shifts but I doubt it wasn't like a voiceover
00:13:03| like two feet okay that's that's important to me so everything is where it's supposed to be okay and they climbed we we assume they migrated towards Africa what part of Africa would
00:13:16| you say so northeast the Cradle of Humankind is actually from Africa but they're they believe that it began in what's it near Johannesburg a little bit north of there and they found a skull of
00:13:31| an of an ape in a pew monoid saw stroke hit the scene or something so they call them were like there were different Neanderthals Neanderthal not Thal yeah this were those in the know I'm an in
00:13:45| yeah hominid which do you know which one that is that missus Plus which is short for something ridiculously long okay either way the head um there were several different competing hominids for
00:13:58| um who's gonna be the top dog they were like the Neanderthals and the hominids I believe and they branched off and they live together in the same time and I believe all the Neanderthals died they
00:14:10| were the ones with the big skulls that you see that everyone says and move like cavemen and the hominids looked a little more like between Apes and humans you know they have a wider um I guess what
00:14:20| would you call I socket yeah their cheek bones would flare out a little bit they're not you look at him it's definitely not human but it's kind of cool but I believe I forget the one they
00:14:32| said that was closest to human may blood a homo sapien I yeah that's what they believe that the humankind misses plus she okay yeah around the bottom area of Africa and then migrated up to
00:14:46| Mesopotamia and the Mesopotamia kind of flourished all these tiny little hunter-gatherers slash chiefdoms and then moved into civilization and then people were nomads up till this point
00:14:57| and then it can finally settle in it yeah they can settle because the rivers is the silt and then we'll still we love Silla here we just friggin love it yeah so the key here is that people are all
00:15:09| kind of like protecting themselves they keep to themselves until what is known as a killer you kill oh ye revenge so a thousand-year vent yeah so every thousand years there's actually a change
00:15:23| in global temperatures global warming except these temperatures gotten well warming I've heard of that that's crazy huh do you believe in global warming no I'm a scientist I am a scientist to I
00:15:41| don't know why anyone would ever believe in not believing in it what else wrong with you I don't know listen people are there are people who really think that the earth is like 1400 years old it was
00:15:54| made by God and like a nightmare our podcast probably is it for them hopefully nothing because do you imagine they were watching up to this point they're really this is the best Dern
00:16:04| podcast I've seen in so many what in tarnation Lucille turn this off we are going back home tell jebediah to go to bed you just offended everybody in the South some so
00:16:22| these these killer year events are actually cooling periods that made it so moisture in the air did not produce rain one of the words I found out was pluvial pluvial stands for rain there's like a
00:16:35| Neolithic so blew the OL scientist it's a blue teal so it's a lack of rain so everyone who was farming on the outskirts of where they could farm and with a lack of rain they were forced
00:16:48| inward and then people start back River they start fighting for food they start centralizing they start abandoning the fringes and they start to form societies in these real old offices resources
00:17:01| drive people mm-hmm sounds like a theme that's gonna come up again yeah it's a killer year event so that happened about since then it's a it's strange it has like slight ones it has small ones
00:17:23| probably find that they call Holocene temperature variations and there have been a few it's not extremely dangerous we're driving that I'd made that ice cube in there got a Sukkot album
00:17:36| yes strong where's your straws I I am throwing my scrolls in the trash when I heard that they're bad for the environment we're gonna ban them I threw them I threw them all in there at once I
00:17:46| went right to the river I just threw them in the river the oceans take care of it yeah seriously I mean I don't want plastics in my trash it's gonna end up hurting an animal so I threw them right
00:17:56| into the ocean in the river cut out the middleman folks and you probably don't live near a river so you're okay you'll never see the damage that you've done which is fine yeah I had to drive pretty
00:18:07| far to throw these in the river but I did it you also changed your oil while you're there dump that in there I bought a couple six-packs you just store the Rings in the water
00:18:21| yeah I hear if you give them in Turtles the turtles will carry them away to a safe recycling place area oh yeah and they were like good collars for turtles I think it was six turtles at once so
00:18:35| these these Thousand Year events they happen every thousand years and there's been a bunch of them but not very major and I think we've as a global society we've figured out how to avoid most of
00:18:46| them and we're actually not in a hot area so it's increasing in warmth now but it's not considered hot because the temperature anomaly it was like 98 today it is pretty hot but
00:18:59| less I know it to me yeah gotcha gotcha not 9 figuratively literally figuratively and not weather climate it's nice it's breather here come bachi hit you good dude yes you get all into
00:19:20| that oh my gosh your guts yeah kumbaya chat so what you really have is always like nomadic tribes starting to attack because they have no food they get centralized they get
00:19:31| controls work to get realized a nice civilian civilized civilization type of thing is this word Obama's from I think that was forged yeah okay I thought so there's something else I want to talk
00:19:52| about with bond events the bond events they are also like kill your events but they're more damaging I think it's kind of leading in steel interesting you're talking about these things it's like you
00:20:03| know eventually we're due for natural disasters occur every X many years and yeah volcanic eruptions are every X many years and muggy volcanic eruptions and climate events or every X you know
00:20:14| thousand years so what is a major one of the major climate events that happened this recently with the past few years is like the I think this Syrian farmers they didn't have enough water it forced
00:20:27| them into the cities and then the government couldn't take care of them because they didn't have enough food and then the birth of Isis happened so people were trying to defend themselves
00:20:38| from not having enough food and then all the refugees from the Middle East the favorite Syrian areas they started pushing themselves into Europe because you're a pet food hmm someone so someone
00:20:48| says the the main cause of the downfall of Syria is whether dangerous scary weather I mean it sounds stupid but it what you gonna do if you can't grow crops and eat yeah how boring is the end
00:21:04| of the earth you just starve to death you know any food that's seems to fit our fight fertile land fighting for food fight for things that don't expire in five days
00:21:14| you imagine if you like you're fighting for the biggest the best turnip land in America you got some fresh turnips you're fighting fighting goes on for days and days and weeks you've got all
00:21:26| the turnips to yourself they've all turned Wow they've all rotted away that's why I'm gonna I'm gonna grow ginger and beets that's the only thing kinda warm delicious last gut shot do
00:21:41| beats last I know ginger does I don't know I don't know what lasts or want sorry so this is another thing about society's stratification so we're comin
00:21:51| we're completely honey honey's the way to go to measure you know all the bees oh damn they don't like cellphones yeah okay so that's another things the social stratification is you're separating
00:22:03| yourself from your your other jobs you're not a full person you're living off of other people so in our society like oh where did you drink car yeah where did you drink of them I didn't
00:22:16| farm it where did my food dump I didn't farm it where did um yeah my car come from I didn't farm it I know I don't grow the cars on the trees or wherever they come
00:22:27| from I don't grow kombucha where that come from I don't grow my booze it just appears at my house sometimes yeah you do a job that other people pay you for and then
00:22:38| you use that money to buy stuff and almost none of it none of it is anything you know about so like this is this is civilization for me is that I could go on Amazon I could use my hard-earned
00:22:50| money to buy a say like a box of extra-large dildos and just ship them to Nick's house I don't even have to do any of it they just show up and then nick has a giant pack of you know folks when
00:23:06| they show up at your house what are you gonna do with them okay before you judge when are you gonna do with them and the answer was easy no I gave it to an orphanage yeah but a candle so you can
00:23:18| light them on fire and see and I can turn them into toys and repurpose them you know silicone makes a great stretch armstrong stretch Armstrongs made of dildos I don't know
00:23:30| if anyone ever played with a Stretch Armstrong of the kid it's half a dildo it was a dildo over surplus from 1999 I think it was melting down they had to repurpose them all and made some kind of
00:23:41| doll well there you go Stretch Armstrong little did you know why you were pulling that little fist what you were doing virgin rubber urging rubber some of it
00:23:54| was used used rubber hmm I'm just I stopped doing the hand motions I can't see that through my I threw myself I threw myself all can I do a quick break it down sure I smirk I'm not gonna smile
00:24:13| etiquette all right real quick um I had it two door cheap before my son was born I love that you should take the top off roll the soft top back take a door oh who the hell knows you know I let it
00:24:25| rain in that let it rain in that bad boy have a good time so I became an adult he became one and a half to whatever the heck he was it was too heavy it's real tough to work in a two door team so I
00:24:37| traded it in and got an adult Bacall four-door Jeep mm well once at the Porter Jeep he's like yes like when he doesn't like the air it doesn't like too much breeze my girlfriend doesn't like
00:24:50| when nobody likes wind apparently I'm the only one who doesn't use air conditioning I'd slope wind of it guess what come trading there twice we know last
00:25:02| week I took out the things that hold your door on so you can steal my door anyone drivers eye and I take the door off I take my like three four times now in the past two weeks I just leave it
00:25:14| off for like days at a time I take the top panels off I've been flying again free and it's so cool you put your like left leg outside they're going like this you can see folks he's got it up his mic
00:25:27| it's as far as easy in his hand and pull back his little muscles cuz he can't get old break something who but anyway I let these old balls feel some some wind some
00:25:39| breeze you're doing 35 mile an hour and you can just feel it just whipping around you you turn up your volumes in the car my kid can finally enjoy it he's like laughs and he loves the air window
00:25:51| I opened the back window just windows everywhere fresh air I love it I've been able to do it like over a year beers it's like wasting and cheaper I feel
00:26:00| good doors off take all four doors off I might as well aren't you hiding back the Pope and the proletariat allowed you to do that I was actually more glad that
00:26:12| the climate allowed me to do that the arid no moisture climate no hmm I wonder how the farmers feel they were the ones that helped me do it so was your boy sure those response motto that and I got
00:26:26| back in the middle again i ballistic metal I'm revisiting why you got away from metal yeah it's hard to listen to metal when you're with a kid your girlfriend people you're in public whole
00:26:37| time but do I really want to listen to Swedish death metal from 1996 guess what folks I've been rocking in flames the jesters race released in 1996 for like the past two days great amazing listen
00:26:53| to it today biking that's what my hair looks like this just that's breeze hitting my hair man that's breeze baby boy is no product let's breathe that's air invigoration right there Derek
00:27:05| Zoolander man so anyway that's that's my smile man listen some metal some harmonious solos going on Swedish it's just good fresh air oh I like it that's for man sorry makes me want to
00:27:28| listen to music doesn't it no mmm old music oh music you know why not give me shine ah I got a word of the day too if you want it sure we go in per table imper to bowl and like curtain perk plus
00:27:45| import like you can't be party Loes incapable of being lost huh like I think I think a mountain is invertible like all men are orange I think that's what most women would probably disagree
00:28:01| with it they I would say afford orange Jeep isn't Pirtle you know that's hard to lose that have you were really taking that off off-road are you fear from putting it through now like a river may
00:28:16| not Lake no no I've never done that no no like I mean don't you think about it though you see a small stream you're just like it's so tempting but can you imagine being the Jackass who gets stuck
00:28:32| you know do you mean they have trails in New Jersey they do it once a year it's called like the Jeep who knows what and everybody who has a Jeep meets and y'all go in a line like a bunch of losers and
00:28:43| still want to do it and they go over like trails and like off-road there's like a path and I like that's that even stock Jeep Lawrence should be able to handle it and if not there's like 40
00:28:54| other jeeps with you they can use winch you out and you've never done it before no I'm scared cuz I'm like cuz I'm gonna look like an idiot rookie you know I want it I want to go
00:29:05| when I'm a professional how do I become fresh don't have no idea if I just would show up and be like with the toothpick in it be like we got another JP stuck and then throw my toothpick maybe like a
00:29:15| bit he's all stuck you know any means oh look at mr. green Jeep he's got a snorkel in that bad boy oh you don't feel superior no not at all it'd be embarrassing
00:29:27| I'd be like my Tina axel my Dana 34 axle or dana 44 axles wherever it is all that is very materialistic mm-hmm so if you were a nomadic person would you be able to accrue all these materialistic things
00:29:43| none of it none of it none of it but I would be going off-roading with my feet on a daily my friend we're hunting the Kara but a wind little bit of wind in my hair hunting
00:29:53| some caribou and how would you feel if you were moving all the time if you literally had to move every every year to a new place every two years and not bring something or only bring three
00:30:06| things or like how's it work if you're moving with your hands and maybe maybe you have one vehicle okay you have no one else to rely on goodbye podcast yeah um yes I would just
00:30:19| bring a musical instrument and whatever music I could and just hope for the best weird I said music twice without realizing it is that a reflection that you should look at your drums
00:30:33| I guess I'm bad at drums but I can play them a little bit no no here's a question for you I'm scenario let's say the great country of America the United States is failing it's failing fast
00:30:48| there's gonna be a crash for the market it's gonna drop to absolute zero bedlam anarchy shit's we're just gonna go wild you want to go and leave to go to whatever country you want I'm not
00:31:00| gonna say Canada because I know your blood and at a Europe somewhere calls like the Jumanji drum so I get to go to any country I want sure you really can but here's the catch um well your wife
00:31:18| your kids going with you you make the move only not I mean really it's weird cuz I feel like just you guys moved away from these coats right so someone what's yeah I guess I could move we could move
00:31:32| towards somebody else move toward your parents the scary thing no no I mean out of the out of the United States though before I'm forced to move outside of the United
00:31:42| States yeah if the United States is failing I'm saying you can't just leave your state I'm saying you believe the United States would you do it or just kind of just hang and just hope you
00:31:51| don't get screwed with everyone else I would probably hang but one of the people that I listened to today was a Brian ward-perkins he was talking about the fall of Rome where we were we
00:32:03| listening to him he was doing a lecture I was listening to my TED talk now wasn't a TED talk it was a somewhere a university he was talking about how when Rome fell
00:32:14| like not only did they fall like rag into an ageist Rome was the biggest yeah around 400 AD they they completely I got a little I got a little bit into this but I didn't read the whole thing so
00:32:27| when you break it down how they what what triggered ultimately the downfall of Rome so I was his to say biggest civilization to things is that to head Germanic tribes and barbarian attacks
00:32:39| that attacked their fringes and they weren't be able they weren't able to defend themselves they weren't able to defend the fringes yeah but towards the end towards the end most
00:32:47| of the time they had military prowess though so they were able to protect it until the end and the other thing that caused it was a so imperialism there kept growing they got a little too large
00:32:56| and there's actually a third thing they use slave power to fuel their empire and once they stopped expanding they stopped gaining new slaves yeah ladies yeah they couldn't drive the proletariat the labor
00:33:10| force they couldn't use them to build their empire anymore so they kind of imploded levels and then people who were upper echelon didn't want to shift down to be a labor force so I don't think so
00:33:23| they couldn't they couldn't do anything about it hmm it's kind of wild yeah and they say when I fell apart it was uh yeah they like they had indoor plumbing when when Rome
00:33:35| was at its finest and indoor plumbing didn't return until a thousand years later that's insane I was worried everything fell with them and nobody was digging through the remains to find the
00:33:47| good stuff they were just trying to survive just trying to find food because I had no one to give it to him that is while so much other civilizations fall I don't want to get in falling and failing
00:34:00| civilizations to early evening usually it's called societal collapse and society of we as we have just discussed is a complex system that sounds like a stupid term but it's actually a one word
00:34:14| thing complex - system and it refers to things that are so multifaceted layer that you have to study all parts of it to understand it like the weather you can't just say if moving west to east in
00:34:27| the United States you have to know wind currents low pressures high pressures landforms masses jet stream swirl / winds jet stream moisture in the air it's like it's incredibly complex
00:34:40| that's why this day weather systems are like what 30 percent effective like accurate I mean there yeah they always tell me it's gonna create range and around the storms but but if they don't
00:34:52| know time they don't know how heavy they don't know how long it's just usually a guesstimate huh people always making fun of that but it's incredibly complex that's how
00:35:04| society is that's how the human brain is there's a lot of things like that but what's interesting about societal collapse is that they always say it's mostly dedicated predicated on one of
00:35:15| three things economic environmental or social and cultural collapse these could be brought about by a lot of ways so Jane Jacobs brings up like the five pillars and she says that the u.s. is in
00:35:29| its decline because of these five pillars so come on Jane Jane Jacobs lack a focus on the community and family higher education we are not checking the Republicans of today they are actually
00:35:43| caring for a lot of families they're putting them in detention centers or whatever assembling them so that they get good upbringing apart right ice we're a big proponents of ice we could
00:35:57| care less if you work right you can die in the fire that's a direct quote from somebody else not us so community and family we're pro big Pro we are ice in higher education I mean do you think
00:36:13| people are focusing on being smart these days I don't even know what's why don't you say then I um recently because of us talking and in episode we did on education system and everything I think
00:36:24| it's gonna price itself out so that people don't care and don't want to get horribly edgy college degree or college I don't win at work yeah well I was not any one thousand dollars I mean I feel
00:36:37| that I feel that every day where it doesn't right it doesn't equate to being logical no there's a lack of focus on science climate change global warming I will say
00:36:48| the 2% that don't believe in it they'd also run our country might be on to something yeah it's not the global warming little guess it's the global cooling cuz the
00:36:56| killer your events and the bond events for cooling events yeah and then taxes and government got out of out of line they say it's part of not true now that we have Republicans backing yeah
00:37:11| everyone just invest in the stock market we're good we're covered we're good we're good we're good recovered they said that there's a curve so there's there's like when you're becoming a
00:37:20| civilized country an industrialized country I think people are trying to follow the curve they're trying to meet the curve because the the wealth per person is so high that they're pumping
00:37:30| out kids like crazy and then they keep pumping out kids until it kind of levels off but people's memories you know they only last their entire generation some of these curves last for hundreds of
00:37:41| years like a country finally like levels off but everyone says you know well in the past in my entire life this country is great yeah everyone everyone's doing fantastic so we're gonna keep doing well
00:37:54| because we're that's what I've experienced my whole life no one in the country has lived longer 100 years to say no this is part of a normal curve that will correct itself so people I
00:38:04| stopped having kids there are fewer people to fuel the economy the labor force the proletariat and then things start to collapse because you can't support the people that are older than
00:38:15| you and in higher rank than you and why even try if you can't make as much money as they have already made this is very interesting talk um what I will do is I'll bring it back around let's go back
00:38:27| in time further [Music] about I think I wrote that back regression black death no they're
00:38:44| talking about 13 90s yeah I think you did okay I probably like see your solenoid there that it late but I was dexia dick please do hold on um I was gonna do this on camera that
00:38:53| I wasn't gonna do a transfer this is the most complicated part of my night has nothing to do with the podcast nothing to do with dealing with unhand her Dan this is just 1347 to 1352 are doing the
00:39:06| transfer of liquids I will note that there's a fifth pillar it's the self regulation of professions like our government you would think that the president could self-regulate yeah
00:39:18| that's okay you would think that people can self-regulate and they wouldn't try to be in a nut monopoly mm-hmm like net neutrality and all those people trying
00:39:29| to take over communications utilities all sorts of crazy stuff but right of you know take over be the ultimate power capitalistic without regulation or control interesting so um we're kind of
00:39:45| talking about how society fails and how America almost looks like it's like peaked yeah I will say patriotism has peaked would you say that I mean I would say there was the partisan love the
00:40:00| level of partisan is is huge but like there's there's patriots I think we're all passionate about our country but you know now we're seeing all sides of our country and people are speaking out and
00:40:12| you can see what they say in writing everywhere on the other thing you think the internet is bringing that about then maybe the internet like to see all sides of the thing which weren't available
00:40:23| before before it was only news which happens once a day and is collected by the news writers and that's it it's just the news writers give your news wait till tomorrow and you're worried about
00:40:32| it boom but this man gently like democratic countries like if you were to be fully controlled by the Democratic Party not the demo not necessarily the United
00:40:45| States Democratic Party but the Democratic Democratic there are a lot of people yeah so the people who are them Louis wrong would want more welfare they want more money yeah our they're looking
00:40:56| for social mobility but overall they're looking for comfortable life living so the internet might actually bring forth an area of social reform or we understand that people need help but
00:41:09| people also manipulate so I don't know where you draw your line and how you trust and distrust special things on the internet which are controlled by Russian pots or I gotta say I agree with you
00:41:22| interesting on coming back to echo chamber you touched on something interesting where of course people lower economic rungs people with less power want more power they want more money the
00:41:33| only thing I will say that points me in one direction is that the last time people in the top 1% have owned as much as they have is like during kings and queens and yeah on our piece so that
00:41:49| Elon mazi oh very much I actually wrote my man has named down go gate six no Elon Musk in something that burns deep in our hearts and I'm sold something that we talk about off-camera
00:42:07| all the time people not rise is our passion mmm-hmm that thing that beats in our chest I was lovely challenged retail oh my god
00:42:18| we haven't had the slurry challenge in so long and have one in so long because I've been waiting for this musk you Ilan Moos I want the moose I'm down here just kind of let mark McGrath okay but I want
00:42:42| both to get in one room right they're both pretty good-looking guys one's got a lot of money one's got a lot of songs begin together we set up those old-fashioned kissing boots like you
00:42:53| know I'm saying nothing it's like yeah it's for charity we're going for traffic traffic area yep and I want them to be on the streets and I want them in a kissing booth whoever eats the
00:43:02| most wins charity event it's only two hours long well we'll cut off the time it's gonna be now four people though for six eels poor little poor little pumps were
00:43:17| barking oh you know they do this beautiful little creatures that I think seals our underplayed not a lot of people care for them talk about want to see who can kiss the most six seals
00:43:28| series easily just I'm eating a little coffee bar crazy look I'd rather those but I think he just kiss him on the news mmm boom I want a line to play a little one on those little whiskers I would
00:43:42| warm my heart they'll be good pub for him because lately he's gonna be getting in trouble yeah mark McGrath hasn't made a new song recently so I think maybe even every morning he wakes up he can
00:43:52| see a seal I don't know we'll see where that one goes I think it drawn his experiences to make new lyrics I don't know it could work and I did want to say it's interesting that this is all
00:44:03| happening because it leads to today's tongue twister to which we haven't done today ah seven six seals try it seven six seals seven six seals seven
00:44:13| six seals you need to add an extra word or three times now dude I think you just did it three times they do like four and do them fast I want to see what happens I think it's gonna work four times four
00:44:25| times that's just four times seven six seals seven six seals seven six seals seven six seals that worked like Sally stops four seven six seals Sally slaps four seven six heels
00:44:37| slightly slaps four seven 60th I just slowed down alone you did and you kind of slowly swap out later slalom it's something to think about get on those good ones that's good okay
00:44:54| yeah want to do that for charity yeah I hope so too I think it's an honest challenge it allowed to kiss the same seal twice mm-hmm different seal every time it's a
00:45:05| sick seal I have to do it it's like a charity thing maybe they go to a maybe we had the vets come in bring in their six heels all right it's back to the temple society how long do
00:45:15| you think it takes for the u.s. to fall the world the catastrophic event was had gonna happen in Twenty twenty two hundred oh yeah so we're good my problem in
00:45:34| nineteen percent it might have been twenty one hundred though we have an exact number but the catastrophic event is close I got a couple scientists for you
00:45:45| mmm-hmm Malthus everyone knows mount this from his population theory he proponents that a population will grow it's only so far and so fast as its food and resources will allow them hmm until
00:46:00| the overexploited a little bit but naturally then if you over exploit or overuse all your food or you're literally using all the food you have you or your oil going yep or oil I'm
00:46:11| sorry you hit a point where you slow down production of your people like you can't support that many people people will die people will not be born fertility rates will go down they'll be
00:46:24| unrelated a demographic transition which is where we actually see this in most industrialized civilizations but not an is the issue right where Japan is mostly a holder even even the United States I'm
00:46:38| not talking about that it's uh um your birth rates just go lower okay looks like two point three I think we're lower than that at that point and also an increase in urbanization most
00:46:48| people have been moving to the cities and that was 223 births per family oh is that okay yeah yeah but slow growth as opposed to right massive explosions right right which makes sense
00:47:03| I would imagine at those it also tied in with the old Dubai theory um Dubai I hope him saying his name right if I'm not he consumed me he's dead his kids could try and semi-big try good
00:47:18| luck he claimed that every civilization has a roughly 100 your window as far as energy is concerned but that's the craziest thing I ever heard
00:47:28| except that he said hold on he says it is very much into it energy availability and consumption so he said um our big boom came in 1930 I didn't read his whole paper so I don't
00:47:43| know what happened 1930 but um he predicts that by 2030 the end of our industrial phase will begin and we will so you have pre industry base industrial phase which is 1930 to 2030 and then D
00:47:56| industrialization where all our means are so far advanced it requires so much fuel and so much energy that we actually can't utilize them why change what cool space things maybe blockchain I don't
00:48:09| know not chain inherit seer nothing's no cool but we don't have fuel to run it the world is crazy cool technology and advanced stuff and stuff they can practically go to the moon in the stars
00:48:20| but we don't have any cool for it was a silent when was the last time is this guy still a lot he's dead right I think he's dead what he's got a theory I don't know man Google my man it's old before
00:48:33| him a nuclear power or solar power or right I mean he's on the assumption that we won't find another energy but he also says this happens often so I think 30 50 years after 2030 we can find a new
00:48:46| energy source and start the cycle again like one of the things that like China is trying to take over the world they're trying to extract resources from everywhere that Amazonian Trail is
00:48:58| becoming a road so they can take all the lumber out of it imagine like all these other countries that are underdeveloped that are still civilized but they don't have they can't pay for oil and they
00:49:09| might be using trees to make fuel those countries will never be industrialized the Ling forget there he said that too I wish I had it read and I read that there's three kinds of
00:49:25| societies that fail once a dinosaur society it's too slow and big for its own good I can't give you an example because I this is the end of my research to was a runaway train Society which
00:49:40| burns resources so fast that it doesn't have time to replenish and eventually will run out and just be like oops and the third is called a house of cards society it gets too big too fast without
00:49:55| steady infrastructure eventually it becomes top-heavy almost like you mentioned with the proletariat don't want to be a working class anymore so now what do you do you're like oops so
00:50:06| there's two things that made me think of so a there's only two civilizations that have really made it since our knowledge China sure they've been around for a long long time and
00:50:18| then the Brahmin Hindu society which is like an Indian society they've been around for a long long time because I guess they've had fertility and their countries are large enough and they're
00:50:28| all kind of not of the same mind but similar enough that they can you know be flexible in geological changes and weather patterns the other thing it reminded me of was exactly what you said
00:50:39| about the proletariat there's one picture of a pyramid of capitalist system so you have a whole bunch of people on the bottom that says we work for all and we feed all this is a
00:50:51| pyramid and then there's a layer above that that's we eat for you but those are all the people that are living off of the other work of others uh-huh and then above that is the military that we shoot
00:51:04| at you so they keep them in check and they have religious people above them which says well I don't know if I agree with this but we fool you okay it could lead them in a direction yeah it rhymes
00:51:17| with the next one which is a political which is we rule you and then they have if capitalism at the top so this is uh of course the one percent that pull the strings on the politicians and make the
00:51:29| rules for all the other groups nine eight of an industrial worker publication holy crap as from 1911 mm-hmm it's a little funny that they are may not be a hundred
00:51:40| percent right but er pretty damn close mm-hmm mm-hmm so not to wrap it up but as far as even want to get to in detail but thanks oh cool
00:51:52| you can watch it no no I just realized what I started watching hmm the ladies of the house wanted to watch something called The Handmaid's Tale I've heard about this with um big
00:52:05| Draper's like him yes so um I thought it was like takes place in the nineteen or and she has the Red Hood and the neck thing the way sis and my M night Shyamalan movie no but hold on it's
00:52:23| interesting you say that because it is I didn't think I would it be interested this takes place in a not too distant future where fertility in the women folk uh-huh and the man I believe drops to
00:52:39| like like 10% of all women can even have babies anymore and no one sure why scientists can't figure it out hmm sounds like children of men you have you seen that one I've seen that one when
00:52:49| the baby's crying and there's a war zone and everyone stops where I had bullets or write how to hold it what's crazy same idea net only women stop being fertile right or is it men I don't know
00:53:00| if it's important no no I don't know no no if it wasn't work but anyway women lose fertility so they actually outlaw them from the workplace they outlaw them from having their own rights they outlaw
00:53:14| them from everything they're like they're like harboring a slave like you have to have one but they better be under watch eventually they start rounding them up not let didn't leave
00:53:26| the country not letting them go to work not letting them leave their house because therefore they start they're not sure yet and then when they can get them all they separate them from their
00:53:37| husbands their families like these mandatory checks it's like martial law everywhere men with guns and your street and everything and they're like hey stay at home stayed home everything's fine
00:53:46| stay at home finally they get these women they want to find out which ones are fertile this is important for survival with species I mean you need to know and they're not gonna willingly go
00:53:57| so you impose martial law you kind of outlaw everyone leaving moving around women in the workplace no more and finally they take the women from
00:54:07| everyone they bring them all in one place and there's like all this trauma going on lots of military people raping women and stuffs going on they're trying to go to which ones are fertile which
00:54:15| ones all right can they just paint a cup I this is listen no one knows why it's happening I don't know how you can tell and military people are apt to rape I believe it's
00:54:27| like a thing they do any girl but might be true may be true I like my job but it's a joke um so then anyone that they find out is fertile becomes like a handmade and they have to wear red and
00:54:42| they're sold to rich people who want to have children Wow so the rich people will buy a red and made or whatever and keep them in their house and once every 30 days right
00:54:53| when her ovulation period highest a husband will have sex with her while the white holds her down it's like they pretend it's like a religious thing uh he like essentially rapes her and then
00:55:03| if she has few becomes pregnant she has your baby she's like a surrogate unwilling but they paid for it and it's like this crazy thing and that's kind of a little bit like children men like what
00:55:14| infertility becomes the ultimate downfall our civilization you would think you would think it was worth so much but they become worthless like they become vessels for the baby and then
00:55:25| poor so they it's just nice and I was like ooh that's dark not what I thought it was about and it sounds more like photography oh I hope right yeah a little bit yeah the side of this rule
00:55:36| tank told by people of great wealth or income anyway if I was wrong I sell episodes 3 4 & 5 I didn't see one part of two and I we watched some six last night or something knows enough to keep
00:55:49| track of because I don't see the whole thing only I know I might actually watch that now that you've described it you should do advertising we because I had no idea that's what that
00:55:58| was about neither it looks like it it's a movie base in the 1640s and it's stupid and it's about pilgrims or something but no it's the future it just looks old school because that's the way
00:56:09| they control people interesting and tie-in Galit arianism yeah a little bit I'm just saying yeah a little bit when you say a term I don't really 100% know the definition of like egalitarianism so
00:56:21| okay quality for all so like everyone's think alright son it's definitely the opposite of that lanceton came up with which I thought was interesting was a Toni B's theory of
00:56:34| decay kardi beasts pony babe okay okay so this guy Tony baby I didn't get his first name he's the man because he said some societies become so good at problem-solving like good at it like I
00:56:48| feel like America is good at solving problems yeah has been good at it they are so good at solving old problems that they stop solving new problems and get more and
00:56:58| more refined at solving the same old problem all right sort of our solving isn't that crazy like they get better better at fixing the roads they make better plastics they make really good
00:57:09| they're really good at solving all these problems that would have plagues people in the 1700s and 80s there like pros or like this check this you know I got a style for this but they don't know how
00:57:18| to solve any new problems and if people they put in place are experts at solving the old problem just like an intellectual distraction a little bit it I think it fixated on stuff that doesn't
00:57:30| matter anymore right look you imagine you are the best at sewage pipes and you spent 90% of your money on sewage pipes or I don't know if the military or something where there goes like that a
00:57:43| there are no more direct hand-to-hand wars anymore you could spend that money on other things it would be crazy it's all thing but one of the one of the things we didn't touch on is where our
00:57:55| societies are going so there's like six or seven different civilizations that are existing right now and those are getting more and more I guess cross weaved so they're getting touch here the
00:58:08| borders are being racy and annexed yeah you're starting to migrate they're sort of talk they're starting to influence each other mm-hmm that's one of the things is that you have countries
00:58:18| that are side by side that might hate each other and if you're not solving the the problems that are on the forefront the military problems if you come up with something new that can destroy your
00:58:28| enemy maybe use it on them and then you become more of a global society so when do you think this civilization will become a global civilization so you see this term right here that I circled ever
00:58:41| really directed I go change what I wrote down and I did not read about this but you're touching on it and we touched on echo-chamber earlier the Internet allows us to communicate see and 4000 miles
00:58:55| away everywhere for different walks of life I see what people in Egypt are dealing with lenae deal with their government which is not my government and not my past and not my ecology it's
00:59:06| just entirely fine but I do them if I want to I can see kids getting blown up in Syria which is kind of disgusting but it's on line you can find it in like 10 seconds mm-hmm
00:59:17| I can see what's happening in Rwanda and places like that I can see I actually can't see a lot in China I will say that but you can see some and I can see stuff from all over the world and if I want to
00:59:30| plug myself into that it's not that hard and what's interesting is there's a human element there's a way people the majority of people think X is right and I tend to agree with most of it but when
00:59:43| someone says X isn't right it's almost like they get destroyed they get blasted online they become a laughingstock they're after delete their account like it's I think people are quick to being
00:59:56| defensive it's a natural part of being a human being right but the the mob mentality is becoming bigger the mob is the internet and I this goes into the lack of higher education people our gut
01:00:11| reactions to things without analyzing all of the pieces and then the pieces don't add up when they start talking but they don't know that they just keep talking you're right I agree but what
01:00:23| you're mentioning is also weird because I think the mob mentality comes from higher educated left do you think if you only not see it but it's very liberal um it's very intelligent
01:00:37| and I agree with most of it but when it turns on someone who maybe they find he posts a racist name or something like he's added hmm he's cut down his job that was true that I don't work like
01:00:53| we're accused of something there immediately cut down with that everything proven guilty and it's a little scary like I'm not posting racist means I care less you know I mean like
01:01:03| bully to them but I imagine people in the South don't have a an intelligent upbringing and maybe their parents are racist or whatever and like you mentioned that person's I would say
01:01:16| people in rural areas are probably more influenced by maybe not leftist but isolationist ideas right and I just worry that there's a new judge and jury happening that I happen to agree with
01:01:31| most of the time but but you can't control like who's in charge of it who stops the flow who I don't know and it's the worries me because it's tied to the world so that the I was listening to Joe
01:01:46| Rogan I don't know if I brought some before but I listened it Candice Owens she's kind of like a reporter but she's a spokesperson for political items and she was for Obama but she turned around
01:01:58| and then she now she's pro-trump the scary part is that there are a lot of people out there that can play the part so now that we're thoroughly into social media we watch people we listen to
01:02:11| people we can mimic people so she was she's for the most part like two hours into it I liked her I liked her a lot she had some points that were like if he but she explained them and I was like
01:02:21| okay she's good and then Joe Rogan asked her about climate change and she said I don't believe in climate change and Joe Rogan grilled her on it Rogan said like well why don't you
01:02:32| believe it she said well I just don't and so her reasoning was that she didn't have scientific banking backing at all yeah yeah there's no like there was no logic for or against it she
01:02:45| just didn't believe in it because most of the people she disagrees with do believe in it I guess or she's telling the party line to go along with the Republican agenda so she's willing to
01:02:56| accept an agenda and then speak on it right she's willing to accept climate change whatever I'll pretend it's not real for the rest of the things that I do believe in let's say exactly he's
01:03:07| willing to lie to herself or her constituents because she believes in whatever else the rest of the stuff yeah it's interesting it's kind of frightening because you know you could
01:03:16| slip in an idea like that amongst 10 or 12 different a dozen different ideas and like most people will probably be on board with maybe like more than half molarity of us yeah
01:03:26| and tell Lenin somewhere in there yeah and if you're not paying attention maybe you buy into her idea because it's delivered pretty well because it's been not researched but spoken well it was
01:03:35| delivered well and the writings you know agree with you interesting that you buy into the person instead of the analysis of understanding what is actually going on meanwhile is good I guess a that that
01:03:48| goes to our new do you think that we're talking about civilizations here do you think the Internet is creating a civilization of Internet people I mean we don't have one medium we all go on
01:03:59| Facebook and this reddit this Twitter will have new ones that show up yeah you know what I mean so we're never going to all be on one but is an Internet person a different person that our person right
01:04:14| so net neutrality wins out on the global scale and we're gonna be able to learn in different ways and then become different in a uniform way which is varied and widespread and then also I
01:04:28| think what we've learned when we were younger was more of a uniform telling of the past plus it's also it was because a told by the victors and be a very slow building it was a slow story now our
01:04:42| story is day to day and not just told by the victors told by the loser the victor someone who watched from left field it's told from someone I'm I'll await someone who heard from his
01:04:53| cousin and it's all broadcast as whoo equal information yeah and they can all be side by side so in the past it was really defined but I guess now it's more perspective eyes they have different
01:05:06| flavors of the same thing and you get to pick and choose but people might not be able to identify like what flavors are actually like to say that you believe in like three of these perspectives but
01:05:16| there's two other perspectives that don't really match up your no one wants to listen to one you're gonna pick the one that you agree with yeah there's one thing that's happening that's with the
01:05:25| news I know we touched on this a couple times you pick on the news it agrees with you right why wouldn't you why would you pick against the news it doesn't agree with you it doesn't go
01:05:36| your own thoughts you're gonna pick the strongest point you're not going to talk about the smallest thing that actually makes sense but you might own the internet you might get the varied
01:05:45| opinion internet is the downfall of America and the knockdown hook I'm just waiting for the galactic civilization to move on and start to economize plant planets I'd be pretty amazing I think
01:06:01| you'd be too tough you know why they talk about like the how many hour a day and Mars you talk about it well it takes like six to nine months to get there and then you get hit with a bunch of
01:06:10| radiation which will be a topic in the future I really want it and you're gonna come back with a lightboard you're gonna come back you're probably not coming back for one and then if you
01:06:22| do you're not kind of cancer or you've already grown that you're human that you've morph into well here's what I want that he's on hot days 18-hour days we've seen our own errors because a
01:06:37| Labor Day oh you Tom I'm not the holiday no a day is different in different planets Oh on Mars it's six six 18-hour day it's a shorter that's a nine I'm making it up I
01:06:50| have no idea it's a different time I thought you knew because you were smart but I'm not that smart or I can recall all the facts all at once I got that good you've been doing it all episodes I
01:07:00| will get there I don't but anyway they said that's one of the things that they're not sure how humans even react to it Mars day one day and actually the length of day in Mars is
01:07:15| one day in 2037 minutes but it's but almost exactly the same how about a year what's here it's much longer or golpe right is 687 days twice as long a mostly to less than less you too right
01:07:30| almost till I don't the only thing that matters the only it does here no no nothing it matters for the traversal to get from Earth to Mars but not from not not while
01:07:43| you're on Mars why you I think it does matter mark Watling think of what they like does to humans when we have winter and it's like who said I've seasonal
01:07:53| depression erosion and then it's like summer I'm so happy it's like a long day you imagine that on Mars it's lengthened by even if it's only 8% 10% I don't know how much the weather the weather matters
01:08:07| on Mars because you don't have an atmosphere that can actually sustain like rain and yes here so you're living in a house let's put it this way you're living in a house which may or may not
01:08:16| get suddenly the right way Oh a biome whatever you're gonna live you're not living on the surface of the planet you're in a biome with other people stuck there with you I don't know how
01:08:28| your jails work I don't know how your prisons work I don't know your hospitals work and your day is longer by by percent though it is I was less than 5% it's a less than a 24th oh that's we're
01:08:42| gonna less food less than 5 percent probably more like 3 or 2 percent 3 percent 3 9 % and Mars is tilt is 25 degrees versus Earth is 23.5 sir so you get seasons similar to Earth's but they
01:08:54| last longer right twice almost Lessing that messes with you tick it messes with you I'm surprised that you think that sitting on Mars is more impactful than sitting in a tin can for six to nine
01:09:06| months waiting to get to vote I don't disagree with that but I think you could you can Huff it for six months to Mars but once you're on Mars for five years and years is that ten years anymore cuz
01:09:19| you have to go around the Sun are you still on earth time 1 years no I don't even know that you would realize e you celebrate your birthday the same like house that I think it just I'm telling
01:09:31| you the time difference alone how it cells like to celebrate both as writer are much lighter come on my Mars birthday dude I think it's a disaster away that I know I'm
01:09:48| like I'm really good I'm curious if we don't actually go there are you going you got tickets to Mars I'm talking Mars we're gonna like a dead Rock in the middle of space where
01:09:58| we have a lush beautiful planet right here why would you ever go to that dead planet well this might be a dead planet soon I was listening something today
01:10:06| that said you know biological life has a limitation that will never make it to a galactic empire but like you're never gonna be able to be a human being and traveled the universe but you'll be able
01:10:19| to create a IV machine or Meghan which could happen the next hundred years I'm doing the Terkel closure for anyone audio yeah since machines don't drug off they'll be
01:10:30| listening to this podcast and a hundred years in sync what is he talking about I think they do jerk off I think it just listen to this podcast or themselves
01:10:38| I don't repeat laughs I'll be like your little brother you're guilty you wanted to emulate human beings because they won't understand what happinesses what is this happiness they speak of is it
01:10:49| this jerking motion I don't have never a lupus stunted no like everything else in them has moved zillions of miles an hour computations beyond our believe they
01:11:07| can't just speak in analytical tones hey they can think millions of times faster than us faster but they only think about depression I am so sad but really honestly they get caught in one cycle
01:11:24| they're gonna stay in that cycle because they don't know how to break out of it I guess so is that what being human is breaking in and out of cycles being alive being dead
01:11:34| starting society ending society it's going to I don't know we're really got a happy hour you gonna have their picture hmm folks this is a ladybug sucker see this bad boy shaped like a ladybug
01:11:48| you know what it can do sucker you put this bad boy a little bit of groceries little bit of food cost you 30 buy this you can acting those couch cushions you can vacuum your wipes but I
01:12:04| don't care what you do with it you can do whatever you want it's shaped like a cute little ladybug this thing is the cutest little thang easy to clean easy to store you can put in the purse you
01:12:13| can bring it to the church you can bring it to the store you can bring it to anywhere you want you can do whatever you want with it folks check it out it's a ladybug sucker
01:12:22| $13.99 buy on Amazon you can find it wherever you want all I'm saying is the unpay endures now has a bazan links pick button or page when you buy something from us we get a thousand percent profit
01:12:35| is that what you said about more than as you like one of these we get four hundred dollars every time you buy one of these $9.99 it may Amazon's choice are you serious Wow wait hold on Oh hold
01:12:48| on I made up the name of it cute portable beetle ladybug cartoon mini desktop vacuum desk okay cool yes I said lady bum sucker because there's too much words in that title yeah lazy bug sucker
01:13:03| we should read by all their stock and then post a service all I'm saying is we have some new links down there if you guys do click it I think we get it's in our keyword online I call it the keyword
01:13:18| timeline this is actually probably like it ranges from zero to ten percent somewhere in the middle that's not worth it for us we're gonna have to come up with new scheme Amazon is down today so
01:13:31| I don't even know if I want you guys to wait in the prime day that's prime day they couldn't couldn't survive wait are you serious yeah I tried to serve because apart
01:13:40| took me an hour to search for stupid terms that I was gonna put on the website but it kept crashing and saying oh I'm sorry gonna show you a picture of a cute dog while we're down because
01:13:47| we're all we made a mistake good dog yes we don't keep telling fresh refresh cute dog what's your problem Amazon you guys if you guys gave the UM banners on your percent of profits we
01:13:57| would be in pretty good shape right now and you'd probably be able to handle the web traffic so just a lesson that you learned a word to the wise Amazon start throwing your your money
01:14:06| behind your products and yeah hey and everyone double double their wages here that's from the up headers double everyone in Amazon's way just so you heard it here first folks on pandas
01:14:15| on that's what we're gonna become Jeff Bezos if you're listening I want to talk you about a discounter hand it said I had $4.99 it was supposed to be $5.99 I don't know he's listening he'll probably
01:14:31| fix it go to my email check it out check our socials get back to me whenever you can Jeff I know you're busy but I will since so you probably listen right now get to it Jeff huh huh come on dude
01:14:45| otherwise I'm gonna make your entire company you you piece of shit alright proletariat yeah thanks for listening there what are we cover I think we talked about society societal collapse
01:14:59| Society where it begins Society word end society ooh work Senate ISM government social stratification well how do you feel about that how do you feel that like people
01:15:11| different people do different things and some people don't do anything they just suck the life out of a country civilization soccer fans that were talking about they just keep cheering
01:15:23| they keep posting and filling up my reddit I don't understand geez raise people like you do I have to become an echo chamber I don't want to become an echo chamber but I will I will show my
01:15:35| fans literacy cultural traits religion talked about becoming beyond chiefdoms Oh thousand Europe ending kilkee load we have events we talk on the four ways that society falls apart actually my
01:15:50| pillars you know the obliteration method Oh the East ratification D specialization decentralization or depopulation kind of sounds like Jane Jacobs right there
01:16:00| that's my you're done that does talk about brought happy shout out the Greenland Vikings mmm I said it in the Dark Ages wallowing where Rome's collapse led to no plumbing and medieval
01:16:14| alive find out how America started you've ever went smallpox and literally a hundred and fifty thousand people died in one city well we don't even talk about that do we yeah we should have
01:16:29| whatever they say Tom we as a people whenever that's committed it 95 percent of a Native Americans were killed too by disease Wow they weren't ready for that was an
01:16:41| estimate I'm sure it's like a hot estimate but even if it's 85 how pissed would you be the disease-ridden flea bank come over and kill all of you yeah like take a bath America have your head
01:16:51| over somewhere brush your teeth colonial tea through the grossest teeth ever how would you like to make out with that mouth I've never used a toothbrush well folks
01:17:01| we like you a lot of colonial I take that back subscribe add to the patreon I'm gonna lick those wooden teeth teeth right out of your mouth and everyone thank you for
01:17:15| joining us I move on here every night folks thanks for joining us

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