The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP038 Jack the Ripper Serial Killer

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Transcript UnP038 Jack the Ripper Serial Killer

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 38 - Jack the Ripper Serial Killer
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00:00:01| so I'm Dan get on Nick folks and together we form is crazy dynamo known as the unn unn anders no sir we don't pander yeah especially not to younger viewers you're under 18 please get your
00:00:21| waiver signed and come back yeah go listen to some tinier podcast this isn't caramel we call so you're an employer you cannot use this populist against being employees only because it's for
00:00:33| infotainment yeah that's for fun entertainment purposes only I believe understand nothing can be used Kansas and gore blah mm-hmm so would you say we do here again I'd like to fit in
00:00:46| the groove and just flow yeah now manifestation let it rip couple old friends just going over some really interesting stuff so why you tuned in enjoy thanks folks
00:01:00| alrighty hmm marks our 30-something episode I don't know which one this will be but it's somewhere in the mid 30s classic is what it is it's already an instant classic it's more than we are I
00:01:11| can't wait to hear this one in retrospect mm-hmm I was I enjoyed them more gang and I'm Nick and I am Dan just giving a visual basis yeah here's our first episode beautiful golden locks
00:01:30| that aren't even golden that's Nick folks just keep that did you have to touch a gray to it no that's it's starting to fade I think that gray spots fading into the rest of the hair
00:01:41| no because it's long we're just being covered hmm okay maybe it's age could be age it's disappearing from each your gray it's a slowly get away with it mm-hmm welcome aboard tonight gang yeah
00:01:57| I talked about Jack the Ripper whoo oh he's got shivers you're a killer never Kyle are you sure well he might have been killed and then not being tried but part of the mystery some say he's still
00:02:11| out there today thirty years old there's it killing women what a guy the spirit of not anyway not a friend of the podcast that's for dang sure hmm we don't
00:02:24| condone his maneuvers nor his penmanship hmm couldn't even use real blood is there huh red inks gonna have to stand oh well sorry guys what a guy so give me - injure her correction they
00:02:39| did in the last episode I said a toothbrush someone asked what a toothbrush was made of I said it's a hundred percent nylon hmm I was an ivory not true toothbrush is actually 90
00:02:54| percent nylon ten percent whatever you want can be bone meal it could be string it could be gum not chewing gum but like the the solid thing gum so just so you know hmm
00:03:05| what I did not know that there you go that's my clarification I said it somewhere in the episode you'll have to really dig yeah I did there it's their neck it's in the subtext to go listen to
00:03:15| it backwards and then mm-hmm forwards again all you at the same time oh dear I made this too oh oh yeah you got to sip that up so my clarification last time was uh so comedians is it more likely
00:03:29| that the comedians with a lower letter lower starting last name because they called first in class are they more likely to be comedians uh-huh so I looked at the top 50 comedians of all
00:03:40| time which is on our anchor comm Richard Pryor yeah he was like up there number one and then I did a distribution of what their last names would be and what percentage of population they are turns
00:03:53| out hey I'm riveted yeah turns out it's like exactly 50% so it's split right in the middle so it's even distribution between them all it's amazing so there's nothing to do when you get called in
00:04:04| class now has nothing to do with that but I will blame it on that though that's fair reason I'm not or you are a later alphabet person I am an early alphabet person I'm almost the same
00:04:13| almost like a mirrored image hmm and there are only four last names that begin with the letter X I found that out today can you go over them xanthor Zandt Papa
00:04:27| Papa lifts and then other ones at Camp renounce or they like in the dictionary lie can you make it like Xavier I guess you could can you make some ones can you name a baby with a different last name
00:04:39| x-man I named my baby now by Cyclops x-men ages I'm leaving him up because he sucks x-men so I really wanted to Wolverine didn't yet dam and aim to be all ya have to give it up mm-hmm
00:04:56| real quick before we really get into that nitty-gritty stuff maybe we can do something fun real quick ah no no this is a tongue twister are you sure it's a good one okay I don't
00:05:07| want to get all nasty seamen sailing swiftly you try for me seaman sailing swiftly seaman sailing swiftly C Lehmann sailing smoothly I was just getting infused because I tried to
00:05:23| picture it yeah you were picturing it I was thinking swimming mean oh yeah seaman swimming swiftly sailing I know the swimming makes more sense though mm-hmm depends I think it depends where
00:05:38| they are in the process yes it does we're all swimmers at one point our lives mhmmm 500 billion and the life of moving on moving on to the fun stuff yeah Jack the Ripper mmm sounds fun yeah
00:05:52| I get to go through this sort of chronologically I guess oh please do the most logical - back to 1888 1888 venture a guess let's say late August mm-hmm Vernon hunt says I thought was
00:06:07| summertime into autumn summer autumn it was August was the first one November was the last one I'm pretty sure let's see here check me bro April well there's there's some that
00:06:20| okay we'll get into that there's some that are not connected canonical cacao we're going to canonical five mmm tried to pin the thought they treat and so much so for today I didn't know jack
00:06:32| River from Eddie Munster you only mean like I couldn't picked them out of a lineup I don't know anything about them uh-huh I don't know him from Adam I didn't realize I thought
00:06:41| the guy killed like 700 people he's verified killer of only five yeah I mean they're terribly gruesome murders and all that but I really expected it to be like 500 people over there like a
00:06:55| five people in like one half a year 1x months yeah quick stint which makes you think he probably came and went disappeared offed or left or mmm
00:07:06| something else or didn't exist at all there's some weird therapies out there we'll get into but guys let's go over chronologically Jack the Ripper aka leather apron aka the Whitechapel
00:07:21| you're doing your research I love it I know a thing is a rubber bone over here it's showing well you get the setting so the setting is 1888 London East End oh is that the rich end or the poor end
00:07:38| well historically the East End of most cities is the shitty part can you tell why away from those the rising something Setting Sun does that do with the Sun setting or rising it has to do with heat
00:07:51| and smells and traditionally the jet stream flows from west to east side is smellier interesting especially an older city that doesn't have a right plumbing aka
00:08:06| toilets aka poop chutes huh I didn't know that yeah that tidbit right there for you tasty yeah and then they uh but go ahead gonna bring up was the East East End of London right there huh I got
00:08:23| a little graphic here so someone actually did like a photo jack demographics of the area that he killed in mm-hmm so it was mostly a shitty area as Laura or class the black guerrilla
00:08:35| areas over three blocks or so or like six blocks no it's much larger than that it was it okay I was under the impression that the five right only the canonical five it looks like it's about
00:08:46| maybe maybe a ten by 10-block radius I like babies maybe less unless I mean like a six-block radius see now we're back in the zone yeah but still that's a lot it's like 36
00:09:01| blocks square so that's a decent decent distance he couldn't hop in his car that's the problem yeah he's a horse and buggy he drive by
00:09:12| stabbing I don't think so are you sure mmm-hmm I don't know maybe that was his trick there was a theory Diddy was a horse and buggy killer he had like this dead horse and buggy and
00:09:25| he would roam around pick up a girl cut her open on the inside and then fling her out in the the alleyway or unlike the steps and leave her and that's how he made his getaways and everything and
00:09:36| how it all happened and no one heard screams it was later poo pooed because how could he grabbed her from one area drive around in circles for like 10 minutes
00:09:45| and then come back or now or whatever they said it was unlikely and there was that wasn't Theory bloating around mm-hmm the detailed notes and some of the murders makes it so they know
00:09:55| exactly like they have patrol so the patrols look records so like there's 15 minutes between the time where the patrol left the area and came back to the area and found the body but they
00:10:04| know like the the toots the prostitutes they were they were hanging around the area they were known for those at home that all his victims all five canonical home the five cannon the cannon five
00:10:19| we're gonna call him it's like a group yeah they were all on five c5 prostitutes correct yes now was that a common profession at the time so that I think
00:10:29| London at the time was hitting a little bit of a adult room where financially it's difficult and any woman that was found that didn't have a profession or lost her husband in this area of town
00:10:42| and he was at Whitechapel in this area mm-hmm they pretty much were forced to pour themselves out in order to open mm-hmm there they said that you know money they
00:10:55| got parlez oh oh now do you got this one I do a penny a penny I mean a penny bought you a lot tonight this is the other interesting yes no for pennies we'll get
00:11:06| United in penny would get you a rope no to rope is no they had rooms of people where you could relax on two ropes it was kind of like a the thing everyone falls into a can't get hammock ah but
00:11:25| without the material in the middle so they had to see you would just lay on her you just had to lay on these ropes in a room with like eight other people but
00:11:33| one penny would get you a room with a rope you could lay on the rope with several of your best buddies for four pennies you could get your own room you shared
00:11:43| with a lot of people put it any better this was this was a rookery which is a slump back battle and it seems like there peppa crammed in there so like if you're crammed in this it's in the
00:11:56| summer so it's sweaty and hot people are probably not sleeping everyone's dirty and there's disease no one's doing it everyone's doing it folks 1888 year of doing it
00:12:06| mm-hmm and yeah no medical practice and essentially no birth control so this is where people would go just to yeah I squeak worked on that squeak no I just did it I'm using my abs though a lot of
00:12:21| ab work for this yeah so that you can tell there's probably a lot of people actually walking around at night but it's really dark it's guest light you know ASD near Nahuatl it areas a lot of
00:12:33| seedy stuff I don't know if you got into the Canon v did you get into any similarities I had oh hold on oh I'm sorry I'm dropping in don't we head there well how about this let's say Jack
00:12:48| the Ripper apparently killed dismembered and named five women uh-huh that we know of and the same night or the morning after their bodies would show up on either a doorstep the
00:13:00| doorstep a doorstep odorous that were sent in there hold on and in their own beds that pick one really I thought there was one that was murdered in there here so like these squares are scenario
00:13:11| caller well I think from what I understand the even the square ones he put some like ritually in like a doorway or something or like somewhere like
00:13:23| somewhere to the side like not in the middle well I mean I'm just gonna kill somebody to take him off to the side like it's like pretty much gutting them after he slits her throat and pulls out
00:13:33| their guts and they they thought he was medically trained in some fashion because he would like kind of he would take out their their female parts we can get into that yeah but you distracted me
00:13:46| I'm just I was trying to lay it out for the people who don't know Jack the Ripper from Adam as we say in the business but so he's doing all this it's over six months span a big thing at the
00:13:57| time is newspapers newspapers are going nuts hysteria I think this is the biggest newspaper pimp job of all time you think there's this getting readership because uh they don't know
00:14:11| what's going on oh my god apparently the new the press was more of a deterrent to finding out who this guy was than anything else hmm it was like the the big thing I think is
00:14:22| well how long the newspaper has been around seventeen hundreds I don't know I'm waiting now practically let's say let's say they hit there they hit their stride in 1888 London huh
00:14:35| don't look up the Gutenberg press that's like you know that's I don't know it's common newspapers like who has newspapers every day so rotary press is typesetting which sounds like the best
00:14:50| one 1884 interesting yeah so maybe now we're finally getting newspapers every day for an area I'm talking journalists we got jobs for interviewers we've got this scumbag journalists the ones who
00:15:02| like crawl up to your house and like what was she wearing when she was murdered you know you know and you're crying and they're taking notes and getting it hot ready for the press sure
00:15:13| knows as we call them journey interesting he ate a journal but anyway apparently once the first murder happened it was a coincidence I think I don't remember her name you may have it
00:15:28| may not she was killed and I believe barely made I want to say he did something to her but nothing crazy talk about Martha was less Martha Tabram Mary Ann Nichols and even Kaplan
00:15:45| but first Nichols the first one I recognize cannon by Jack sees me ah sure anyway um when he killed again I believe there were two and one night they called it the double whammy
00:15:58| yeah but they called it something within the double whammy the episode on this course double event double double event I think it lady has a double event okay so he killed two
00:16:12| women in one night and their Elizabeth stride and baronet oohs yes correct and they think it was all within a few hours of each other wow this guy's up in the Annie at that time there was hysteria
00:16:24| going on and the newspapers were feeding it like crazy to my knowledge people couldn't get enough information they started doing something in these papers that hadn't
00:16:33| been done before they drew diagrams of where these things happened and printed it in all the papers so you can check out you know Horton
00:16:41| Street and whatever and they drew a little X in the diagram and you know body found it here and cadaver street I call it could have a clever name yeah but like it was selling like crazy and
00:16:54| then I think they started saying hints or not hints um clues are coming into our detectives they're coming into the police force are coming into the Nightwatch and rumor has it that there
00:17:07| was a letter let me go it's got no letters later okay see the letters it up as a batch we'll come back and learn okay we'll do letters either way the press was all over this shit and people
00:17:18| couldn't get enough of it I think people were feeding into it people were going nuts it was like all the talk of the channel the crazy thing is that there's probably people out there that are so so
00:17:30| determined that to get out of the streets but they just can't because they're financially linked to whoring themselves out at one point they said that the the prettier prostitutes were
00:17:41| getting the put in cat houses and staying in count house to protect themselves where the ugly ones were standing on the streets waiting to make some sweet love to make
00:17:51| some money so they could get off the streets sweet so the ugly ones hanging around trying to get inside tell us when you say ugly ones like 28 double D's they said though most of the
00:18:05| women that were prostitutes were actually the ones that were targeted we're in their 30s or 40s so they're not exactly yeah cuz by ugliness an age might go hand in hand I'm not sure I'm
00:18:16| not saying they do it thank you there but but 45 homely all of the little milder actually we're out people alcoholics I did notice that I guess they made him easier targets to attack
00:18:30| approach than it does plus they're stuck in that rut they they can be easily persuaded followed I guess killed yeah the first one is 47 the second one was maybe was she in her bed yeah it was in
00:18:49| her in her bed yeah I was lying in her bed yep then was that Mary Kelly that was Mary Kelly yes I call her NK I don't think I had poor MK she's gorgeous the picture Yano this is a real picture but
00:19:03| it looks horrible man yeah yeah that's m'kay that's a picture that's a police photograph we'll get into that well I can't I don't know my good show that I'm after I don't don't don't
00:19:15| we don't need someone can look it up just look up Mary oh yeah no don't don't don't even wake up now anyway people probably watching bin like yo give me the deets our know how he killed
00:19:26| these girls did he like cut off their boobies or whatever like people watch seven and stuff who think like that stuff school I loved I loved the movie 7 sound of it like yes wrap it yeah we all
00:19:39| love that movie but the thing is that's a movie that's like that's cool in real life serial killers are a little it's a little dark it kind of put me in a bad mood I was listening to podcasts
00:19:53| and youtubes and everything in one year with my own wireless headphones while I was welcome my son to like the like the park area and everything and I was just like so depressed that he would
00:20:02| grab my hand and they'd be like dad come on let's go over here I'll be like yeah and they'd be like and he cut Mary Kelly in half and reached into her intestines and pulled him over her left shoulder
00:20:11| and I was like who's just a bomber listening so I don't know if it's because I have kids now I've gone soft I don't like to hear about too much murder and gruesomeness but the gruesome
00:20:25| individual it's kind of amazing that I doubt like it's hard to believe that he went straight to this like he went to slitting throats pulling organs out and then taking pieces like he started
00:20:37| taking or are hidden ears and almost feels like you start with just regular murder and then move up to that like it that you're getting that yeah you think there's a progression in some sort you
00:20:48| would think before we get into serial killers in general what's uh let's finish up a little bit here on Jack we got more on back then oh no we don't know millenia
00:20:58| Jack folks folks we're gonna get you to jack off we're gonna jack off in every direction it's gonna be jack off it's gonna be jack off city in here okay just everyone listen him we're gonna
00:21:09| Jack you all okay let's get Jack good job folks yeah jack oh now I ruined Tanana Oh jack Oh okay stop tanning we're gonna give it to you so you enjoy the letters the letters nitrogen
00:21:25| actually what do you know the one he got his name from is it the from hell or is it the dear boss not from hell dear boss dear boss do you want to read it should I do we can go back and forth you dude
00:21:37| your boss you dude your boss I did anyone dear boss I keep on hearing the police have caught me but they won't fix me just yet I've laughed when they look so clever and talk about being on the
00:21:46| right track the joke about leather apron that's a guy in the neighborhood that was apparently like no good he know he's a dirty man but they couldn't pin him on anything so leather apron is they
00:21:55| arrested that guy instead of Jack the Ripper so they the joke about leather apron gave me the real fits I am down on whores and I shan't quit ripping them till I get buckled grand work on the
00:22:07| last job was I gave the lady no time to squeal how can they catch me now I love my work and want to start again you will soon hear of me with my funny little games
00:22:18| they always have such weird text in this I saved some of the proper red stuff and ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick with like glue and I can't use it I'm sorry about
00:22:30| blood trying to write with blood red ink is fit enough I hope haha the next job I do I shall clip the lady's ears off and send to the police officers just for jolly wouldn't you keep this letter back
00:22:43| till I do a bit more work then give it out straight my knife so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance good luck yours truly Jack the Ripper don't mind me giving the
00:22:56| trade name PS wasn't good enough to post this letter before I got all the red ink off my hands curse it no luck yet but they say I'm a doctor now haha stream-of-consciousness
00:23:08| just like blurting out like I'm a cocky effort it's interesting because I've heard that one's a hoax I've heard it's not now did you know pieces of the next victims ear were missing yeah yeah they
00:23:22| that's why they didn't believe it until it actually happened and it's like how could they possibly know could be a lucky guess could not be at the time because of the news thing I was talking
00:23:36| about how everyone won't read about it ever wanted a copycat and everyone that's all the bad part of it yeah they received a hundred letters in a month I believe that we're all from Jack the
00:23:47| Ripper they I mean they didn't call themselves Jack the Ripper everybody that letter did a lot of others called themselves the leather killer on the Whitechapel murderer
00:23:56| they all said all different things they claimed different things I killed 80 people they said all these crazy things and no one knows who's just writing bullshit and who's really this murderer
00:24:07| who's dialing in interestingly enough that was one of the letters they were like this is garbage I'll store it away until whoever's ear showed up missing and they're like let's go back to that
00:24:19| letter check it out yeah they're like wait we'll see if anything matches up and now I well this guy said he he actually would do it and it happened so interestingly
00:24:28| enough it sounds very educated that's what I will say about that letter at the time right it is awareness there's an awareness there that he's being free with his telogen educated there's
00:24:40| something going on there which I don't know if I think it's him or not but interesting so I'll really the other one that I think was my favorite yes did not include the name Jack the Ripper it's
00:24:52| strange too by the way that's my only letter the press got ahold of this letter that you just read and ran with it was Jack the Ripper headlines and everyone started calling him Jack the
00:25:02| Ripper regardless whether his name was Jack the Ripper or not it just it became synonymous with him I don't do you know why they picked the name Jack he did he said Jack didn't say
00:25:15| Jack the Ripper why do you think he picked Jack whoever this writer is we don't know if it's the killer or not if this could be someone said this is the press hmm a lot of theories because the
00:25:26| press wanted to feed their own machine you know what I mean yeah yeah you imagine of the press set this up no no but can you imagine the press were just sending in one of 40 letters along with
00:25:42| instead of cutting just her eyelids or whatever he cut her ear maybe even because he read it do you know what I mean they picked all different body parts until they're all right saying all
00:25:52| the possibilities possible possible huh and then if they did and they did get it right that's a million-dollar card you run with that yeah I'm just saying I don't know my favorite letter actually
00:26:04| went to I'm gonna mess up the name of the group mr. Lusk Lusk yeah well there he was part what did he lie Whitechapel vigilance committee okay so they cuz the police couldn't patrol
00:26:20| everything and had a vigilance committee that would roam the streets at night look it'll look out for the ladies the men everybody patrolling I'm now for this Ripper guy well his name was mr.
00:26:31| Lusk he happened to be like the president at the time I believe just happened to be had he didn't get in interesting while one letter came addressed to him
00:26:40| and had a human kidney in it half of the human kidney they didn't have DNA test back at the time so no one's sure whose it was but but one of the murdered was missing a kidney so yeah pretty good
00:26:52| hide it together from hell period love that is all we are strangely it's all strangely okay but this one this one I think is real from hell period stop mr. Lusk sorr
00:27:09| I send you half the kidney I took from one man two men parse I perceived it miss me preserved it for you to their piece I fried and ate it it was very nice I may send you the bloody knife
00:27:23| that took it out if you only wait a while longer signed catch me if you can mr. Lusk dark do you read into so this guy is the head of the can bleeding yeah the handwriting is crazy mr. Lusk they
00:27:40| did say that the handwriting was fairly consistent among the three letters was the third one and that the so this guy was getting a bunch of letters and he was the head so he got a lot of them he
00:27:58| said he got like thousands of letters and when he got this one he read it looked at the kidney and then didn't really think of anything he thought he thought it was a is that some sort of
00:28:09| like yeah this is a hug so kidney or something whatever I can see that some sort of thing I think how many kidneys do you think this guy's gettin do you think he ever got like a finger and it
00:28:20| was like I hate you loss and he was like I know this crap oh yeah this is bullshit so this guy didn't do anything until they somehow I found out that like one of the women had lost a kidney and
00:28:34| he's like well I found this this kidneys and in a letter I got he held it up it matched it was like the edges are perfect Wow they actually never matched the kidney but they could tell it was
00:28:46| right the same side and the same time portion but they're like I guess since he ain't probably half of it technically he there's nothing to match it to so he said I
00:28:55| still don't know I don't know it just sounds a little bit like he's like schizophrenic or she's open ship weird like show off II yeah and the spelling of things is all messed up on that one
00:29:08| I think that's old English oh maybe maybe but no one was pretty straightforward and trust me it insulin okay it's because it old English at the time and English at the time were kind
00:29:20| of a transfer languages and spelling and all that I get into it I was an English major not a big deal what's interesting then is that um three murders happen a fourth murder happens and the fifth
00:29:33| murder was the most gruesome of all they think you had the Mary Kelly one they think he had roughly an hour with some of these women and he would cut them always left to right around next rope
00:29:47| and then back again I heard it was no no it's it was it officially that way I ran that some Elm whereas some were deep enough to the boom going to back terrible terrible but I guess it's good
00:29:59| they're dead because then he would you know like one time he cut someone like from their vagina up to their boot just like whoosh like people were saying it's a very I
00:30:11| hate women type thing like heat women and want to cut all their women parts that when I hate them he cut off someone's eyelids I figure which one all I know is the last one Mary Kelly was in
00:30:24| her bed and he had like all night with her and he really diced her up oftentimes I'll I say three or four of the five times he would cut open their stomach and just throw their intestines
00:30:37| over their own shoulder over their left shoulder every like toss him away like he didn't even care well this becomes a little important in one of the theories I read but he would take their guts and
00:30:50| throw it over their own shoulder and smear it to like he'd be like put like fecal matter would come out and then he like smear it all over their body and stuff check this detail though in all
00:31:00| the murders except the Mary Kelly one in her bed I think there's a lot of blood there in the previous four murders that were also gruesome cutting guts everything they
00:31:10| found I believe one detective reported less than two glasses of wines worth of blood it seems like a knock a lot of blood I thought the body held at all five
00:31:22| pints it at least the body holds at least five pints of blood two to six ounce glasses you told him 12 ounces of blood h2 eight pints okay that's I thought so I would say maybe if you're
00:31:39| gonna if you're gonna tell somebody how much blood is probably gonna reside in their body maybe a couple today especially a violent cut yeah I mean it's going everywhere that's why
00:31:50| no one's 100% sure where he did the murders because there wasn't enough blood in the area no not at all apparently like two wine glasses is like the 10 or 12 ounces of blood it's like
00:32:03| like there should be there should be like a hundred ounces of blood all around especially that the gruesome nature these things they think you found them followed them
00:32:13| it killed them somewhere over a drape I don't really know so people started speculating is that a real words I make that up speculating thank you
00:32:27| speculating started speculating that he was a butcher um he was a doctor probe and a psycho doctor he was a scientist as a barber because he had bonala the barber yes and they figured it was seven
00:32:43| inch blades my favorite again this has to do with the press one guy said he he was pretty sure it was done by a left-handed man which is at the time less than 15% of the population was
00:32:57| left-handed bryceton right uh now I think it's a loan work maybe left-handed but back then if you were locked in it they tried to make you right-handed like you were
00:33:05| told to sit on your left hand and right with you right now my grandfather who's not from 1880s had to do this 26% is today slide okay so back in the day with probably 10 to 50
00:33:17| but the press heard this and ran with it to the point where the doctor the next day I think said he might all he might be right-handed I could be wrong and no one cared it was like the left-handed
00:33:29| killer for a while again this whole newspaper craze it was the first time something went viral if I may say so it's interesting because then people start taking note of everyone
00:33:39| else his left-handed and which may even be a fake fact he might not even be goddamn left-handed and people are looking for a left-handed murderer which i think is fascinating and the most
00:33:49| interesting thing is that they thought he was local because there's no way that you could evade people that well and also the one of the letters that was sent the one to the mr. Lusk it was
00:34:00| someone so like there's no way to look up where someone lives there's little phones so like to get an address for somebody they added a story it up no he had to head to walk into like a post and
00:34:12| get a letter and ask where his address was and one of the women said that there was a strange fellow that came in and abruptly left asking for his address but they couldn't really like tell who that
00:34:24| was they just they were like disheveled and they couldn't really tell and then they disappeared and then the next day that's when the kidney arrived alright so someone is some of the big
00:34:36| suspects let's go into that suspected who it was who the police thought it was who the public thought it was mm-hmm did you know answer like the third or fourth murder people like women
00:34:47| especially I would I don't blame them from prostitutes and something with just anyone who is wearing odd clothes at night that came into their pub establishment anyone who was from out of
00:34:58| town anyone who had a weird accent anyone who just looked weird or acted strange like the women would scream and be like it's Jack it's Jack the Ripper and a lot of
00:35:09| people got beat up back in the pen because like an angry mob cuz yeah I mean everyone's reading about this like that's a guy that's a freaking guy dude he's left-handed I got him and people
00:35:19| would just be people and like stone them cuz I guess if he can't recently he throws rocks at him back in the day that's what I would do I mean what else you gonna do right and then you know
00:35:28| what's your defense he's Jack the Ripper the police aren't gonna beat up the whole crowd so lots of crowds for beating people up at the time like its mass hysteria quite literally and again
00:35:39| because of the newspaper I'm very big on this whole newspaper thing it's super it's fueling this whole thing if it wasn't for that everyone would be talking about it ever would be in
00:35:49| hysteria it's almost like the first big Kardashian story and I mean it's like cool everyone can't get enough of this Jack the Ripper love them can't be that big there's no way that boot is that big
00:36:01| that's a big booty that Jack's cutting up no way so that so you know I started the beginning at the time the list of possible suspects is really long because they started trying to pin it on
00:36:12| everybody it seems there's this one guy yes then Wikipedia is a hundred people yeah Joe if you read any any story which by the way they've made eighteen hundred movies plays in London it's as big as
00:36:25| Sherlock Holmes you just make it Jack the Ripper fantasy fiction story it's good hey green-lighted it's good no one knows who it is go with it Hey no one knows go
00:36:34| with it it's women go with it it was the mayor go with it uh-huh like people just start yeah he's a Sherlock Holmes I think Sherlock Holmes might have spun off of this because I think it came ten
00:36:45| years later there might not be a trouble but it seems like in chronologically no that makes me so someone wants a detective that's as mysterious as the killer went
00:36:56| to search for the killer a light is based off of Sherlock Holmes is based off a real medical doctor who could see didn't write aa gruesome crazy murders holy smokes
00:37:08| folks Wow connections hmm so the first guy Montag John Druitt he was the first guy in this ah interesting unfortunately died his suicide yeah they said mid suicide a week after Mary Kelly was
00:37:25| found dead yeah in the room which Mattie's the timeline but when the like the police chief was like we got this guy we think he's the one he's a 41 year old doctor and her urgent by the way
00:37:37| yeah virgin but they then they go on to say oh no he's he's homosexual he was schizophrenic or something and he was a 31 year old browser stir and it's like wait that is a are you sure and they're
00:37:48| like we're not really sure we don't really know it maybe not really seriously hmm yeah they had no idea if this guy was really the guy and a lot of the people
00:38:00| like it seems like they were more likely a killer than this guy was he was just for mental health issues and happened to die right at bright he was alone he was alone all the time
00:38:10| yeah he's lumens get pinned on everything but he caught like a post up what's the word victim after the victim and the fact yeah yeah like he's dead and like there's a crime in her like I'm
00:38:24| speedy when he died yeah although interestingly enough if you did kill those wound in a really gruesome manner and you had any semblance of morality you might kill yourself a week later a
00:38:35| mile I would have just right to marry Kelly one I don't think he could survive mentally after that one right so I don't know what I'm saying it is not isn't I don't know I'm living battle with
00:38:45| yourself you got a suspect what do you think so I watched a documentary by Steven Knight this one's real interesting because it came out I want to say 10 15 years ago someone look it
00:38:57| up for me I don't know let me know it's called Jack the Ripper the final solution it was a real big deal this dude spent I want to say ie 1 2 3 years just researching he didn't write
00:39:09| anything down he just researched just writing everything down every piece of information you could find every little manuscript he could find a lot of the police records have been since deleted
00:39:21| ironically Narciso I want to says 8 to to 20 years ago it's within now I know which one you're gonna talk about oh dear yeah it's called um the final solution is this Francis no his name's
00:39:35| Liz Francis the suspect Tamil Thailand okay Oh guys I'm ski royalty is it Rosie no keep going keep going okay off to the auto francis all right fill me if i'm wrong or not anyway this
00:39:50| guy um he read every scientific note every doctor's note most of the information he gathers actually for newspapers I hate to go back there but because a lot of the police records got
00:40:03| destroyed but the newspapers did and the articles had a lot of detail in them so he came to the conclusion that there were definitely only five and that the only thing no one talked about was that
00:40:16| the five were related these five women their mom not adhering I'm not adhering to this theory but he thinks they were all friendly or spending drunk money together and talked about something that
00:40:28| one of them saw so we did a little digging I forget which one it was because I wasn't paying attention I was hanging out with my son but you can look it up um Steven Knight the final
00:40:42| solution I watch it he claims the king at the time of England or whatever like it's a bad time you just mentioned the knight the 1880s it's really crappy everyone hates the government everyone's
00:40:57| poor people are barely making it through well the son to be heir to be I forget his name he's very in love with this woman who's a Catholic he's Anglican she's Catholic they get married
00:41:11| they have a kid they're not really supposed to have a kid that his secret wedding you can look it all up these assumed names he does a lot of research I'm not sure if he's right or not
00:41:20| the idea is eventually the king and queen and whoever else royalty figure out about this and they say no no we can't have this if everyone finds out you're frigging having babies with a
00:41:32| Catholic in wedlock before you're 25 years old they're gonna they're gonna these people are gonna go nuts they don't make minimum wage they're going crazy so to get rid of everything
00:41:43| they tried to kill a woman and the baby they kind of failed they killed the baby they think and the woman disappeared during this raid hmm chipper repented they think she changed
00:41:56| her name and appeared in Whitechapel huh it's true yeah everyone kind of goes to Whitechapel does it disappear it's the seediest place in the planet right other interesting thing is this
00:42:09| royal person whoever he is I'm not a hundred percent sure his name you can again look it up you know his best friend was a painter do you know his name the painter who painted
00:42:19| all those murder scenes Wow yeah we just discussed it before the pockets turned on um holy shit Windhurst something he hears he paints he's a painter he's a suspect Walter
00:42:33| yes Walter Sickert so his best friend was Walter Sickert at the time they did suspect it might be multiple people hold on this guy who researches subjects for many years says that Walter Sickert and
00:42:48| this royal gentleman I again I'm sorry I didn't pay attention the damn named Joseph Gorman huh maybe that was the guy who concocted the theory no Steven Knight is well it's his documentary no
00:43:04| that's called a final solution we released it keep going keep going all right anyway um they concocted that this woman however she got away was going to blackmail to be king hmm so she was like
00:43:18| hey guess what you had sex with me we had a kid it was at a web block if you don't pay me and my girls and she was now in Whitechapel with like prostitutes hanging out with whatever she told three
00:43:30| or four or five women about her relationship her baby and the three people included or him chief of police at the time and some third person wouldn't do it checking out the bodies
00:43:46| and they think all three work together to cut these women apart make sure they never talked never said anything or never challenged the throne again it's kind of a goofy conspiracy theory but
00:43:59| there were a lot of pieces that connected everything so I was thinking about the first one the first one I don't know if Martha Tabram was a canonical person in one of the five she
00:44:11| was she was stabbed multiple times so that maybe like you're trying to get a confession confession out of that person and then Aryan Nichols I think is one of the canonical ones she was the first one
00:44:20| yeah she was a person kinetic horn I heard a story about her sico it was very often that you had a drunkard that was sleeping in the streets and then like a cart would come
00:44:31| by and hit that person and he'd be like get out of the road yeah and it turns out that the first person they found was actually dead instead of drunk and they're like oh hitter and they're like
00:44:41| oh oh oh she's yeah but there's no I don't know if there's a reason to find out that maybe if you are killing these people you have to find out information from them before you kill them so it
00:44:55| seems like most of these people were killed almost instantly so okay there's two reasonable explanations for a serial killer in general whether it be Jack the Ripper or
00:45:05| not he's either trying to get information trying to silence information which makes sense to us normal people or they have this weird sexual crazy disconnect with the human
00:45:19| race so I would say like the sexual portion gets fused with some sort of like maniacal active attack method so but I mean animalistic like not even you definitely there's no logic
00:45:30| it's very no motions whatsoever which what's the definition of Solem with no emotional connection psycho psychopath right right now did you want to get into psychopaths no I didn't know or serial
00:45:44| killers in jail I'm gonna well there's the one the Francis Tumblety guy that I wanted to talk about okay was uh in so he was American and he had traveled there and had been in the area at the
00:45:56| time of the murders he was an Indian herb doctor who is a quack so you one of those right he's yelling bull crap he saw bull crappin huh but he also loved to collect human body parts for some
00:46:09| reason so he would collect wombs and interest and yeah okay guys were all sorts of like the female body parts and he was quoted to say that he had every class of woman collected so it's like
00:46:26| this guy is nuts so if we go a little deeper into Jack the Ripper murders or gruesome dismemberments a lot of people said two or three of the murders and then in like
00:46:36| really surgery all precision removals of organs yes like one was a uterus it didn't they removed the entire uterus but didn't touch the bladder which is pretty much
00:46:48| connected if you were just like some Josh mell on the street you you don't know how to do that yeah which makes sense because have you ever tried to like cut up removing over all the organs
00:46:59| yeah hi yo yeah what what were you playing Brad partner and ap bio you could have been it was it was extremely tough to cut through that frog I'll tell you thank you my partner and I think I
00:47:10| made you do the cutting that was your directing where to cut well I I just didn't want to cut it I was like oh I cut the frog so you don't know what the frog cutting is like no but what's
00:47:23| really weird is it wasn't you am I'm serious I don't remember this the preview from Iowa z2m relevant are cutting open that frog man I started your serial killer rampage but how weird
00:47:36| is it would come full circle with the podcast and I really won't know you I don't know how I know I think you were my frie partner I think you were my frog partner I'll take it I believe it I'll
00:47:49| believe it so this guy like the police couldn't catch him because he fled to France that's the guy I think it's gotta be there like we figured out who it is and
00:47:58| then the guys like I got body parts everywhere and they're like ooh he's gone there's another big suspect you know HH holmes what is he he's one of the most notorious serial killers of
00:48:11| American history America you say this is London HH Holmes born who the hell knows you probably look at a few changes name was a con man change his name to insurance scams a lot of uh real estate
00:48:27| scams he was just a scam man but he also may or may not have been involved in a lot of murders during his time being huh I say may or may not because seven murders hold on because yes he inherited
00:48:41| a drugstore where he started working at like 27 in New York I want to say anyway he uh took over the drug store and from there afforded what the hell castle I don't even know the
00:48:55| murder castle again newspapers have a lot to do with this this is around 1880s sound familiar should he um he would he had a castle that had a hundred rooms on the lower
00:49:11| you went the crazier these rooms got and he would set up trap doors and tortured stuff and gas chambers and he was a bad dude but lot he was getting myself gone back then right because scientific
00:49:27| evidence and forensics didn't catch up this is the beginning of forensics do you know what the the murders solved right back then was no I don't so 1965 is the earliest record I could find of
00:49:38| people solving murders and it was at a ninety percent failure rate so 10 percent hunt for markers or or being solved so you could Jack the Ripper and killing five people then you have a
00:49:53| forty percent no I it's either forty or sixty percent chance of not getting caught extending at sixty sixty percent chance of not because every murderer you have a temper
00:50:02| so yeah so 40 percent chance of actually being caught so you have 50 point lip of what they're gonna even kill five people and get last that's really cool that's great anyway just real quick with his
00:50:13| Holmes guy he um he kept the diary he disappeared for a while for like a year the diary says he went to London for a year and a half the only funny thing is um the only person in possession of that
00:50:30| diary was his son who was selling a book that can make millions although this and he will not produce the evidence no tow company it could be total bullshit but if the guy did disappear for one full
00:50:42| year and he is responsible for 27 actual serial killer murders in America it's not too far-fetched to think he would do it somewhere else the nut nuts part about is that you start reading about
00:50:55| all these people that were like here they're crazy and they tried to pin her on them or they actually kill people and they killed like three people like one guy poison three of his wives it's like
00:51:05| by the third I feel like what the hell like you've got to figure it out by then second wife you should be on a guy right right ah another one oh yeah happen around here I
00:51:17| don't know why the James the Jamison wife died another they say one no another one yeah I know within a year within one year yes that's quick man crazy
00:51:28| I gotta stop those something's wrong with that house yeah that's crazy it's just nuts so let's get into serial killers just a little bit mmm see I got some I got some some special
00:51:40| stats I know you do you uh send me a PDF I was amazed that they must like research this stuff they must of course they do it's like it's like murdering millions of people
00:51:51| now what is considered a serial killers it's three or more or two or more so they actually break it down two or more or three or ooh which one is a real sir oh boy
00:52:01| so let's take a look most recent year let's do the average by the decade let's do 2000 through 2009 the definition sweet potato killer two or more there were 79 serial killers three
00:52:15| or more there were 54 I like three or more 50 or people or killing three or more people yeah I'll hold on does that count is it other people are wrong I think it has to be three or more
00:52:29| not at one time though right yeah because it's not a serial killer if you kill like four people in a room that's that y-yeah masked execution I don't know if I can yeah it has to be three
00:52:40| separate murders because that's that's so that would make sense yeah I don't know that the definition is listed here but it makes sense to me just saying but for the folks at home that's what we all
00:52:55| believe oh I believe that I'll stand by that people if you're gonna be a serial killer kill one person wait a little bit kill another person don't be killing everyone at once yeah this is a Radford
00:53:10| University study so this is pretty serious I had ferns real real good ride for represent just real quick aside if I ever had a kid and he grew up to go
00:53:22| to college I would think Radford first Bradford puts ideals and technology ahead of a lot of other things I know their tuition seems high but I feel like Radford stood by me and helped me in my
00:53:35| situation so Thank You Radford and she wanted donate we have a patreon it's an invention if you want if you want to contribute to the patreon we'll make sure you get all these documents all the
00:53:47| things we're reading because there are a lot of different sources got some documents for Radford I'm just saying it's for other colleges too if they'll send money to our patreon oh but anyway
00:53:58| moving on I'm sorry so there's maybe two or three things that this document says that are really interesting in the 1900s or nineteen is by the way I saw a serial
00:54:11| killer speak he's the funniest thing in the whole thing what was always that well the peak was like what eighteen I wanna say was like it was like obesity it kind of went down which we all know
00:54:25| is because of evidence right and forensic studying and all that stuff mainly well I guess it's necessary brain so the one the one stat was that I don't know is a small number because I guess
00:54:37| it goes back way back but in 1900 there were nine men and fourteen women serial killers so that was the only year that women outnumbered men as Co killers only time yeah so I mean it stays pretty much
00:54:54| consistent for the women but maybe the women got better at lying good point I think women are better lying slanted rules for the law crazy a corral them women I'm just gonna run
00:55:07| over them three times it's not my fault hold on though you did have serial killers you're gonna go to gender by decade how is that hinder by decade holy hell I know you said women and men kind
00:55:26| of evened out haha and as a 2010 decade it's ridiculous it's 90% the number to make it more real and international that's a different that's must be next pay us is upwards I
00:55:48| have hold on so I had 214 men were considered serial killers oh you have combined electric brain right 204 14 how many women like 100 600 men shout out man you're better at everything even
00:56:09| serial killer so why do you think they kill this study actually defines that it's beautiful hold on what about um oh damn dude it's kind of broken down to bomb strangle
00:56:25| yeah poison stab hey intelligence sludging whoa so the smartest person doesn't go bombing so yeah I was gonna say hold on oh if you're an idiot you're bludgeoning somebody no yo hold on
00:56:40| it breaks it down intelligence by murder yeah just intelligence murderer intelligence by murder hold on it's crazy bring that up bring that up for everyone yeah an old ignore
00:56:50| whatever sir a killer IQ page 12 oh my god it's make sense you have a friend no no just the lowest IQ serial killer bludgeons neither victims to death they don't know when else someday about my
00:57:07| beyond the highest IQ over average serial killer bombs their victims it's crazy because it jumps about like 30 points like these people are able to build really precise traps in order to
00:57:20| kill bright cool right tell these guys are really smart it's weird that they're so intelligent that they just lose their minds and kill people check this one out number of confirmed kills two is like an
00:57:37| it is that's right more than five is in same weight higher no its end points higher when you kill five or more people it doesn't take that much or you're also not wool you're also
00:57:54| smart enough to not get caught if you killed five people yeah but look at the next day your temp if you're around the the ninety-nine point it means that yeah you probably
00:58:04| committed necrophilia that's insane yeah so slightly dumber you're probably not gonna commit Negra philia that's insane um one of the other this brings me back to the motives you check the
00:58:22| Ripper Jack the Ripper motive they said one of the people was the painter who you said his name eight times now I didn't listen the other time Walter will Walter tree sicker sicker yep thicker
00:58:33| cousin s someone says he drew paintings of the murders would not someone who said he really did there were some things that people say he couldn't have seen how did he know how to draw them I
00:58:46| I don't know I'm not here to judge because his drawing sucked I looked up all of it it was like when you draw in legs like it was a person so shout out piss too because like photos were coming
00:59:04| more normal like he's like standing there painting something and someone just like snaps a photo he's like prick and then I'll kill you yeah if you're a woman prostitute mid-forties yeah but um
00:59:19| oh I read a story about him where he um he had several surgeries on his penis and he became impotent they it didn't work hmm and I was like that doesn't mean he's oh yeah it does and I thought
00:59:35| what's the cause of serial killers and ironically what you just said aggravation pent-up frustration he has fifty fifty for sexual assault during asura coloring coloring so what I found
00:59:53| also interesting is I don't know if it's in the study but think of all the people who get serial killed it's always people in the weakest it's weaker people so it's a power thing
01:00:07| correct I think about how many serial killers are out there killing twenty eight-year-old basketball players or a don't know this is in the study and actually and please did late teaming
01:00:26| until women and children I feel like number one target oh man weak women so the the serial killers themselves are from the late eighth like eight late teens until the early 30s so
01:00:39| it's in like the sexual prime so it's like kind of linked up with your sexual idea and that was like us like a fool like two percentage points above everything else like once you get older
01:00:48| it's like a the chance that you get killed by a serial killer is like really low or chance that you become a killers also okay - okay so serial killing seems to be you linked to sexuality and linked
01:01:01| to power I would think yeah and I don't know how the distribution of people is it does say that the sex and race of the white female is 37 percent of the serial killers victims and the white male is 30
01:01:15| percent so most of these things are perpetrated by people who are white who are men online on white females and white men in the same age bracket so I will venture a guess
01:01:29| I don't know this I've never done studies I think it's a cultural frustration like you don't see a lot of people who immigrants who come to a new country trying to make ends meet they're
01:01:45| not usually a serial killer the serial killer is someone who usually has means to an end and can't get it all so you're wonderfully given broad motives sure the modus let's go with it you gotta learn
01:02:00| this page oh this is the best study I found this is amazing hello thank you so the talk I'm gonna go top to bottom enjoyment it's like thrill lust and
01:02:12| power 31% of sense financial gain makes also sense okay thoughts anger makes sense that's around 18 percent gang activity your own highest the lowest again I'm sorry I
01:02:28| didn't know financial gain eighteen percent anger and then there's multiple motives who knows that's take ten percent oh yes gang activity started gets small now six
01:02:42| percent to avoid arrest which makes sense I mean if you're on okay I can build someone whose River it make sense yeah they're gonna they're gonna squawk it's like 1 percent cult okay it's like
01:02:55| less than a percent like two percent okay and then convenience we're gonna be I don't understand like how like they're just like there and you're like I could listen for her I'd be captain of the
01:03:14| cheerleader squad would make sense I guess that's convenience right yeah well I mean that's a convenient skill right so that makes your life a little bit better you're like yeah you don't if you
01:03:28| get that soft pretzel a little bit sooner that's all I'm saying change your last name to a letter of the alphabet closer to the beginning yeah huh maybe or see guy in the end and then
01:03:42| the hallucinations as I mentally didn't arrange to get schizophrenic half a percent and then attention which I guess he newer ya newer media like maybe Jack the Ripper was an attention whore and he
01:03:56| just wanted to get it to that weird cuz it totally grab the newspaper by the balls hmm just saying it really did that's all I got on this study interesting lovely
01:04:09| study I love us study serial killers are one of those things where you you start to watch a documentary you're like I gotta just buckle in I got to finish this whole thing I gotta check it out
01:04:23| made me think of mind hunter when they're trying to figure out like what the Sioux in Arizona everyone loves my flutter is it good it's good there's a little bit slow
01:04:32| moving but the discussions between the silver killers and the I guess FBI agents it's a fiction based on reality right yeah and they told the serial killers or
01:04:41| whatever fakes or they might have my old tapes so they play like Idol tapes or just go like the whole reason behind it might be fictional I'm not sure
01:04:49| hmm interesting I'll check it out maybe what's the show Criminal Minds lovely show em hmm this is criminal then do you like Criminal Minds or no Criminal Minds the same thing Phoebe no
01:05:05| different one it's it's a TV show no it's so good dude it has the UM the white girl she has the desk job and she talks another thing and just like BFF with that hunky black guy I don't know
01:05:21| his name we got you out Criminal Minds look it up just see if you work on a second character if you don't you've never seen it but if you see me like that show then they always they always
01:05:31| deal with like uh his history of sexual abuse um he's known to target women and minorities in color Hey he will usually strap a bomb to a woman he will make
01:05:44| them do fellatio on a flute before he has him to do it to himself and you're like oh my god I'm into this like oh my god it's poor people I play the flute I don't understand why I play the flute
01:05:57| I've never filleted a flute and you've never seen this show it says 13 seasons I'll have to take a look at those it's really good well it's like do you know what I put it like it's like Law & Order
01:06:08| but a serial killer all in order hmm what what do you write that on oh I have a giant pad I keep the olap giant pad and one's on TV shows you to watch it yeah or like things you should do Oh
01:06:24| notes it does have no one so which is it TV shows things no what do you put on that do you want I want I have one of the things I have on here is that your bass is a he yeah I guess it is I didn't
01:06:36| even think of that so people have instruments that are women you're right yeah you took do that yeah I I was like wow that's strange I mean it
01:06:45| is a he oh I'd even did you name it no I need my last base it's sitting right behind it does that also he yeah okay this is yes would would something make thump was my
01:06:59| own face I can't even remember his name oh my god that's embarrassing what do you make thump now like would strip my thumb personís alright now I feel bad it has three strings of four it's by the
01:07:12| button down just take care of yeah man but I mean at least I don't abuse women i abused men anything of a forward thinker hmm yeah make it fair now I'm gonna slap something yeah it should be a
01:07:27| min that's how I feel for you slap fighting Assad corrections on here oh you keep everything on this notepad like her Jo was the one horse right and I said that which means silver that make
01:07:44| sense AG mmm uh-huh and the other horse was scat Oh voyage Trish it okay well that means shits get Scott it means trigger so I guess it
01:07:55| means like you're a gun about to go off and like a silver gun maybe you sure it's kinda this ghetto i 100% verified dan we yeah live stream live stream i see let me see if I got anything else
01:08:17| here I write these notes and I I don't know what they mean sometimes quick shout-out to on Barbara brush yeah our boys off it's good good woman do you know she she did a lot of work for Flat
01:08:42| Earth Society well it's weird because they said two weeks ago there was a rumor that she was gonna have a breakthrough that I was talking to told Ann about this so she's gonna saw
01:08:55| flat the flat earth issue well she was going to prove something and people were saying that it the earth was flat and she ended up dead by day later so Wow and this is real weird she took
01:09:12| insulin her medicine is usually labeled by the day like Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and she took it when they went to pick her up and she had passed god bless
01:09:23| she had three Tuesday's in a row and it was Thursday and they found two more Tuesday's in her bag huh it's almost like someone was trying to stop her from telling the truth yeah and I don't know
01:09:41| who would do that because she's a nice calm lady who really doesn't have any deal with politics or religion or anything so I thought it was real weird but maybe if we all dig deeper we could
01:09:52| figure it and yeah they did say that they found her diary and inside it just said google it really expected so no we're deep her diary you know I was like oh my god shut up Barbara Bush fans were
01:10:22| having fun at the idea not at the actual woman who has oh rip yeah rest Andreas we also say that her her husband is having an heart issue with the sepsis he so he might need us he
01:10:36| looked bad Tim yeah two years ago I was on camera he looked awful he did with good beds so that one came out death yeah so if you had an obituary would you mention that you were part of a
01:10:54| podcasting duo known as the N panderers not yet maybe in like one year neither yeah because I haven't had one full year of on manners okay when's a year do you know it's probably yeah hurricane are
01:11:09| right and then so if you were to keep going for a year would you so I've been making some sweet icons would you put some of the graphics copyright on panderers at the bottom of
01:11:22| your you just bet you are key here he lies on patters won't pander to anyone please check out our website we do our patreon I mean I'll put it in mind HUD should be
01:11:40| part of our record bear with that but on Testament on Panther I'll do is to make this is this is for real how do you when you if you die how won't say when usually buried or whatever or cremated I
01:11:57| don't mind either one I'd rather go into like a tree like absorb me into a tree my um brother-in-law his his father passed I want to say three months ago mm-hmm so he went and they were like we
01:12:11| should cremate him like that was like go for cremation and I think there was a miscommunication between him and the funeral director because you don't you don't have a heart to hearts with these
01:12:21| people like they're like they're like if this package is 599 this package is for par or we can cremate for this we have earned do you want to earn you want a special honor at the time you're just
01:12:32| like literally thinking of all your things your relative who died said and you're like and the directors just like with condolences condolences he's got that face right right but he's sorry
01:12:40| baby this is his job I mean there's literally several terms not not even to dis him but he's like this is terrible terrible where do you want to sign what do we pay what do you want to do how do
01:12:50| you wanna break it down the payments he doesn't hear because Jesus every day and you care because this is the only time you'll see him in your life there's a lot of miscommunications and I think my
01:13:02| brother-in-law who I love dearly he's like I want to say he's one of my best friends who I never hang out with that make sense okay those people I'm like I'm bi
01:13:12| Beckwith but he's always doing this thing up anyway I love him he's a good soul he on some he'll he accidentally signed up for a package where he pressed the
01:13:23| button to cremate his father and like he's there and he's like they were like can you press the button and he was like yeah they did it and he he watched his
01:13:34| father burn like he felt like he was sending him to hell I think was a quote I've heard because you don't want to see him it actually burned that's a movie scene
01:13:45| like that's way too dramatic all right it's like The Terminator but it's your dad I guess huh anyway um so I want to be cremated but I want a with the watch so everyone turned your back I guess I
01:13:58| don't need to be buried in the ground and uh I want you to burn me in the building I died in and like see what if your building got skies ruined again folks embers in flame hmm I think the
01:14:17| way to go is the funeral pyre where they float you out in the middle of a river and you're on top of a bunch of yeah and then people are just on the shoreline with trumpets and I don't know other go
01:14:28| shadow game of Thrones did it right did you see that episode I feel like a that was feel like the weenie cousin or whatever or the son-in-law or wherever he's like shooting it's like three
01:14:39| arrows he misses in a row grabs nothing grabbing no he gets out of his way grabs it shoots like a real arrow that just landed he's like so say then arrow is like as he's holding it it's like
01:14:50| throbbing and pulsing and then he's like oh they're you're done damn I think we're done we talked about that well gang we're glad you stayed with us this long glad you have any glaring the
01:15:14| Ripper said I do any Jack the Ripper I pronounce that wrong thank you like this we never said they never found anybody and there's I don't think there's any way that he lived I
01:15:35| think he died afterwards I think he died in the last maybe three months of killing people and then it's 2006 of course he's dead yeah I think he died immediately after killing Mary Gilly and
01:15:46| I think anyway like one of the saw Butler died a week how about the dude who commits suicide a week later I had nothing related they were like that guy's insane let's blame it on him Paul
01:15:57| wait we don't mean any there huh newspaper killed everyone newspaper did everything good yeah information is all terrible for you it makes you go crazy and stone people you're saying that's
01:16:12| possible but what's a Dewey now folks you folks lose the Internet our information we love you our information we got some socials only to check our Tom what's up here I'm nuts about one
01:16:26| panderers twist Twitter reddit your to Facebook patreon I'll go down there on painters intercom I'm voters when I gonna pander but pander pander way it's just Pandora you can pander you can we
01:16:40| can't help rip furniture it's like a bird robot good job folks yeah watched a lot like yeah a lot

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