The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP041 Podcast Reflection Recording Audio

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Transcript UnP041 Podcast Reflection Recording Audio

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 41 - Podcast Reflection Recording Audio
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00:00:02| so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks and together we form is crazy dynamo known as the unn unn and ER no sir we don't pander yeah especially not to younger viewers you're under 18 please get your
00:00:21| waiver signed and come back yeah the listeners of tinier podcasters in here we also you're an employer you cannot use this populist against employees only because it's for infotainment that's for
00:00:35| fun entertainment purposes only and nothing can be used against us in court of law mm-hmm so would you say we do here again would like to fit in the groove and just flow yeah down
00:00:49| conversation let it rip couple old friends just going over some really interesting stuff so why you tuned in enjoy thanks folks all right so we're live okay I'm Nick
00:01:07| still I'm still damn disappointingly being changed after all these hours and hours of being alive yeah well this is the real episode this is like a fake episode welcome to the episode the
00:01:25| fattest ode yes fans at home sit back and get ready to Pat it's like the Howard Stern you see the Howard Stern where he told the woman to sit on the her speaker while she was on the radio
00:01:39| and they started making a movie that we're doing really well here's my here's my speaker well airboat there be sitting spin maybe sit there it's gonna go inside you now and I'm a surgical
00:02:03| getting surgical like I'm doctor like he's a doctor mmm-hmm well today's episode is about the unpin or our favorite show it's good time I I
00:02:20| enjoyed it let's be honest here let's not say it's over Vince very good right so we're gonna probably this is like the 50th that we've recorded the number 40 that
00:02:34| we actually released right where's like getting audio and video work thanks or didn't sound like poop yeah yeah we've come a long way to figure out that you have to have stuff that's reliable and
00:02:48| consistent sometimes we got it right sometimes we didn't and the times we didn't it's just brutal because we had good episodes in there she did her first episode prison cake in it on yeah
00:03:02| encrusted walls that's how you protect yourself sure is yeah crazy or you just get dirty real dirty don't clean yeah but so the wall street was a poor audio yeah we have one episode record the
00:03:15| whole thing there was no audio right we didn't realize until afterwards I don't know it's kind of a lot of work I mean it's not what you do all the work haha thanks setting it up was a lot of
00:03:29| work saying it up was a pain getting it back paying figure out what to use it's not just there's deserved programs that you can look download that are like 1999 and we'll run everything for you and
00:03:43| we'll combine everything I'm sure there's a way for that right you need to our Amazon installation fee podcasting podcasting I I imagine it's like written in like you know cursive and below it's
00:03:55| just like Nick in like a little heart over the I Wow putnis you get it then eighties glamour sharp shy charts maybe these glamour chart look this it right there
00:04:07| yeah it looks like it a little trying to carve with your face and long hair on it mmm-hmm you know that cut it short soon we have a couple episodes left yeah I'm not probably I'm gonna get wrecked by
00:04:21| this baby that's coming up next so I found a shirt that said pound daddy on it hashtag hashtag daddy around that's the funniest quote and the Betties order to
00:04:34| talk about her favorite points because I think they're our favorite points is when we go a little too far and we realize it but we're just like just let it like since then
00:04:43| well it's a real lap and then it's a I can't believe you just said that kind of it work it's like there's no script to follow so it's like I don't know what we're supposed to say next but we have
00:04:53| to move away from that we have to move away from pound daddies but at the same time the epaulette it let it breathe yeah you just can't go further that's like that the final step it's the recoil
00:05:03| a refractory period mm-hmm like other highlights like the Amazon deliver to your door I guess that's part and parcel also because of um you drink and are you so it adds a level of unpredictability
00:05:24| in predictability come a little bit neat Ani braided looser relaxed there's always special guests dogs come in baby show up if you don't break in that's always funny women demanding demanding
00:05:39| women did you ask your girlfriend if she was okay to to have a special guest who's a female in your pocket no oh she's a bit surprised who is this I was looking at how are we gonna do that
00:05:54| it's a Skype three way you can 3-way Skype yeah yeah I'll be able to hear you better I hope that it works doing that we're gonna waste half an hour just being
00:06:07| setting up you know talking is whatever that's fine everyone get ready for that episode next come on next that's sneak preview we're giving you
00:06:16| guys behind the scenes shots right here can't put a price on this it's gonna be a milestone I'll leave it right here tradition yeah no no big to see what we sound like
00:06:26| when we talk about what we talked about an episode where we talk about what we talked about the foot is welcome back we uh I was watching some watching some of this Jason Alexander
00:06:39| you where he's talking about doing Broadway and he said like the first dozen times we'll do a show he'll be really excited about it and pumped and like the adrenaline just carry him
00:06:48| through and then he says he does like 40 or 50 times and then by that time you can get anything you feel like you're just your regular life is just do you think that's how it is for musicians to
00:06:59| them they just kind of those roads playing the same like the same songs that you think are often but you play us on 800,000 time state hundred thousand to turn the page
00:07:09| turn the page yeah no Bob Seger yeah what a weird crossover kind of mm-hmm it's weird that I always just like Oh finding out there's a rails this drawing right journals that are better than the
00:07:26| song that I thought was an original um actually I find most originals are better usually what's surprising is when the new song is better because how often is that the case fill that with um with
00:07:41| the district sleeps alone who who did that one postal service yeah Phil that's a cover they're all covers I think really I think they that's all they do no like iron wine well I'm gonna
00:07:54| research it still will research here no one's watching this episode they're all like oh they're not talking about my favorite subject they're talking about their favorite subject themself original
00:08:07| we're gonna find out I'm ready it was an iron and wine song they redid I believe it wasn't say we've never uncovered just that anything that they did purely congressman maybe we're also gonna have
00:08:23| a music episode that everyone is dying to hear mm-hmm do they do any covers know they do plenty of coverage it's just guys is it original huh no one I named was original but why I liked the
00:08:38| most actually is it original is it original like a cover I find better than the original is a sail sail is a somebody hover off of this a double driver
00:08:52| double driver I want to play a song so bad but it's against God my boss no not you you get six seconds that was that's a music from another room hmm maybe we can use a day I'm pretty sure
00:09:08| they got their get closed down because they're at copyright and for now that's a shame mmm maybe we can add a filter to everything to make it not sound well
00:09:16| that's exactly what from another room does right that's weird well I guess the notes are still the same we have to play it and distort the news how should save all this talk from
00:09:27| you specifically it's like we're really doing the music episode sort of but not really that's okay how about here I'll do another one you do know um is it
00:09:36| Killswitch Engage Holy Diver I don't know I think metal covers of songs are better Holy Diver you've been down too long midnight oil an oil I conquered Negev DL
00:09:52| for the idea is the original do you think you if you listen to eight four seconds of it you won't get copyrighted and you'll know it's all on talking about no no that actually is a myth you
00:10:02| can't do four seconds wait you can't even do four seconds you can't do any seconds as long as it's recognizable really putting that song in milliseconds even if someone's driving by with your
00:10:16| car radio let's err let's do ruining other people's podcasts by just showing up with devices and playing really recognizable songs they'll be like wait this will pass don't name the stock
00:10:28| donate the song visible pennies everyone don't pay attention I'm out there with an 80s boombox it happened on their window being it outside the window Wow
00:10:38| destroy every single other podcast out there so that's a question if you listen to more podcasts now that you do a podcast I certainly do I try to search for ones that are unique and different I
00:10:49| can tell immediately whether a podcast is going to be good or bad cookie cutter what it's going to be like do you think people are stars and like immediately know what it's gonna be like though so
00:10:58| that's another thing is our the ones we've released or the first 28 and we start to really change the way we do things around for three different software different
00:11:09| microphones different set okay so it sounds much better now what I did notice is we also change the full amount of the episode we used to try and cram all that extracurricular stuff in which I love
00:11:20| but it's probably too much I think in order to do it right we have to shove that into the main topic and just take time to enjoy points in the main topic okay I I don't disagree with that also I
00:11:33| think maybe we just did one or two an episode put in a different one every like like once every four episodes a celebrity challenge population only three or four episodes would you rather
00:11:43| pops up like yeah they naturally kind of come up yeah yeah don't make it formulaic right right but make sure they are in the back of our minds or they're constantly like able to be used like
00:11:55| tools yes because I think they actually do work if we were to use everyone all the time I mean we're gonna come up with some good stuff it's just I'm not gonna edit it down they keep looking at you
00:12:04| like you have gray hair on the right side of your head I did so good which be evident at you would like dr. stream I did I do kind of have a patch like that now it's growing larger all its getting
00:12:15| bigger tweet that's putting folks because I get old and old but how else has on podcasting change to your life I feel like I'm become different and better at speaking without having
00:12:32| anything to talk about yeah baby bullshitter as we say in the business and I thought in such a nice play yeah I don't really like soak up the limelight I just kind of I say my
00:12:45| niece and I make people chuckle a little bit but I like I'm a little and then also and they can work confident and then in little interactions they said yeah I think I know what people are
00:12:57| gonna how they were gonna react more so found that I'm not nervous about what I'm saying I'm not focusing on myself I focusing on him and Barry's hang-up with their how they're feeling it would like
00:13:08| the little things they do like they slash a little bit or they're holding together they're clicking a pen or like they're tapping their feet like I'm painting I'm super impatient telling
00:13:16| people really pay attention tell you we're really interested it's good that and people don't give a shit like if you have stories to tell I mean you try to actually get into
00:13:26| those stories most people don't care they don't wanna listen your story no no you're right you got people the people the places and b2b I gotta be to get into having it up in all those bees yeah
00:13:44| because how do you feel about the podcast now cuz it's kind of morphed and it's like if I like it more but I also miss things from it like oh that's funny I'm gonna light through but it's like it
00:13:57| almost like there's a lot of somber moments where I'm like what to say not that it's boring I mean some people might find it boring if you're watching right now yeah guys don't know what
00:14:07| they're talking about even though they're talking about themselves these guys are morons this show is great I mean everyone probably thinks what we're thinking is like yeah sometimes
00:14:18| they're wrong if it's an hour yeah like here I'll put it this way this is how I listen to our podcast I have to be in Wi-Fi because usually I like to watch a video but now that we have the
00:14:28| audio it does help like I'm wandering around at work I'll pop on an episode or something then just kind of listen to it if I can it's not a lot but yeah well I'm doing stuff funnier it and I'll get
00:14:41| through the episode and I'll remember stuff as it's happening oh yeah yeah you know to me you know it's common right and we've done a funny and we yeah now I don't know how it feels if I've never
00:14:51| heard before because I can't have that experience but what usually happens is after like 40 minutes or so like I have to do something else at work that requires meat or whatever and I stop and
00:15:01| then I never really started back up I don't know why mm-hmm I do try now I could be an evening it's like 42 minutes in and then like it's like two hours go by and I'm doing
00:15:13| something else and I'm like I have like time aren't you just put an earpiece in and just listen to whatever or surf the web or whatever I tend to just turn on music or something no no that's because
00:15:22| it's later in the day like I need a little pick-me-up with some music but but I look at my podcast it's 42 minutes in and I'm like what the hell are we talking about like I want to jump right
00:15:30| in the middle of it I forgot what's how we were doing you got your own compact yeah I guess no I wonder if I'll do that that's all I probably do I listen in a
00:15:41| different way I I said it so it's on my phone and YouTube allows you to speed it up so I listen to it at like 1.5 rate whoa which in some ways you get the information it's a lot it's it's good to
00:15:55| check what's going on and that's kind of what I'm doing oh that little chuckles in there but there's some times where I don't speak clearly enough usually you're speaking pretty well at one point
00:16:03| five but five I say things a little bit terse a little short so like sometimes I'm like what the hell did I say and I wonder if I could speak more clearly but I usually
00:16:13| fly through it and I have long chunks at work where I can listen to whatever I want okay it does need a roadie straight through it yeah are you listening the whole time are you doing a couple things
00:16:24| like username I mean because it's an error alone well I'm usually listening to like a teleconference which I'm not necessarily a part of I just kind of background information and then I'm
00:16:33| programming something or reading something about whatever we're gonna podcast about what I'm doing like three things at once which I don't type always you're right hmm so we're a good
00:16:47| multitask pocket yeah yeah actually I can see that you know you don't need to focus under that but if you did you'd come away with some Nuggets yeah I think some of the recent ones four main topics
00:17:02| we've hit a lot of knowledge a lot of facts and I yeah it has changed I don't know if it's necessarily good I it's I guess it feels more Schooley it does kind of I think we need to do our job
00:17:15| yeah I've got to break it up go off and some ridiculous tangent so that's another thing is when I have a lot of time to research things I usually Lou in then the next thirty minutes is like
00:17:27| let's find the most ridiculous facts about this thing and then the people who go the ridiculous that yeah that's the that's the part that's fun is the people it is I've done stupid shit the past
00:17:39| your she's like how do you do it man this is this sounds really weird I just thought it was right I thought of this the past episode of code like mine did the
00:17:46| all my trash notes like I was taking notes and I was given Donald bat and Ange comes in and she's like what is this I was like class my favor for tonight and she was just like
00:17:57| she looks at me like I was like the Mad Bomber like just a nice favorite like and I do my own shorthand so like I just have like gone a year like the name of someone who maybe did a study maybe
00:18:08| didn't and then like the fact but it's not written like a sentence it's just like plastic in ocean four thousand pounds tons equals since 2014 ten times more or ten times it and then she's like
00:18:21| our life and I'm like she's taking notes and I realized in her brain it looks like I'm putting so much effort it like and in my brain this is almost like I took notes at school or something and I
00:18:32| almost maybe I miss school a little bit it's been like 10 years it's kind of fun to uh to do a school project cuz it's stupid I think I'm I'm with you there because good at school I don't know
00:18:44| so you remind me of this one guy robbed robbed we did a presentation on like with those Nielsen ratings and the way they affect TV ratings and how people like have these surveys that they fill
00:19:00| out anyway we did a lot of research on it and then Rob did none and then we do a presentation and Rob sounds fantastic in it he was just kind of not bullshitting but he was really he's the
00:19:12| way he spoke yeah actually that's a cheat code definitely yeah well because you're giving a presentation really what is a presentation but how you speak so is that what a podcast is I think so
00:19:25| there's so there's a point there where I researched a lot but I couldn't convey my information and I thought that was I got huge flaw like and I didn't see it I just saw it as like damn Rob's good at
00:19:36| this stuff like I never thought I did better yeah I know I didn't better work than him so exactly what I was he sounds so good
00:19:44| when I research things now I don't research them to remember them verbatim and I don't write like again when I take notes it's not longhand it's what you do like I just write down the three bullets
00:19:55| that make the thought so I think it forces you to if you have a plan going into a scenario especially as planned sentence row imagine if it's a long tense or something
00:20:06| and you don't realize it till you're halfway through the sentence and now you're screwed up because you are in the wrong tense and you're memorizing something and then you realize you just
00:20:13| said something two sentences go ahead like a lot of the same verbs or something like it's just weird to feel like and asking a person will tell you why and also when you're asking a person
00:20:22| that says why well you know moving on you can see on like a dance hall you're like ah dammit I didn't mean to so you just have to do all uncontrolled with the bits of information and your
00:20:35| brain fills in all that in between yeah and then you're getting feedback you're right and you're legalized you can you can write you can gauge it live you can change it live you can go in a different
00:20:45| direction you're not set in stone that's another thing is I don't think I could do this by myself because I would do that like if I'm not getting feedback I'm gonna start reading verbatim and
00:20:55| then it's not good it just would never work we balance each other should weigh more fights he said that before did I know but if I did it but I agree on a lot of stuff we look at the world in
00:21:07| unique ways and we have respect for each other so it stopped I can't just be like this guy's a dildo that would've died the beam cuts out you're gone get click and earlier about the unpin you're early
00:21:31| it's just a big R instead of the s I'd have a sub waiting on the bench and just like slap them in there you'd like me fill your boot you're up you're up dead huh that's another thing is that I named
00:21:47| it yeah do you know any of our friends who seen these Ibsen's no I don't share it with people I really don't I don't know why is that weird I don't think they care for one but they
00:21:58| might okay there's money back the only feedback I really curious about is like friends where were we they both know us so right like micros my bandmates yeah bandmate right right I feel like a we
00:22:12| their feedback would be really because they know both of us and from before and after net cetera but again they might just wash over it and say oh I really liked it it was really great
00:22:22| this is I had your Olympics you you clicked it and then didn't watch any of it oh yeah yeah I was busy and you know you said you disliked it so you clicked thumbs down we got our
00:22:37| first dislike by the way it's awesome do like zu1 dislike I don't I can't tell it doesn't tell it'll bit cool I like it just like this shit's people really engaging the funny part is I looked at
00:22:48| it and I was like happy I was like them it does happen right lately state you know it's good for I don't care I do care for me ain't gonna pander yeah also YouTube is not our source of views we
00:23:03| have any more views on just people who go to the website and people who listen to the podcast separately that's interesting which is I know I guess it makes sense I don't think YouTube is on
00:23:15| the rise anymore I think it's fading well I think the problem with YouTube I just saw a guy today my dad was right there it was Rowland is on blender right or his food mixer or something I was
00:23:27| like just Google the the brand and then the problem like a washer pulls out or a glass bowl problem because he couldn't figure it out and it came up with a bunch of results he said that's crazy
00:23:37| and also cool it's a common problem you're gonna find it and any jamoke with a camera will make a video of it so he found this guy I wish I remember his name was like John Smith II need seven
00:23:49| and it was the worst video I've ever seen ever he didn't have anything lit it looked like he was doing it at midnight when his like white and like children like the bed it was like the problem
00:24:00| with do with it is often and he's like moving the camera and I can't even see the product and he's doing this thing and he has this weird monotone voice and I'm like his cousin 55 before ey new
00:24:11| dreams yeah did you got a look sometimes they get dirty like this is just you gotta look to make sure they're not dirty and he was like hold on but you could tell he
00:24:22| was holding it with one hand so he pressed against his body camera like kitchen floor and everything and then like it's like in the dark in his kitchen and he's like so you'll see it
00:24:32| was like five minutes on so you could clean something and I was like oh my god and my dad was laughing and I was like you know check his other videos look yeah a video for everything people are
00:24:42| new Halloween's go pumpkin it would laugh when you push the button and sing a song he just had like his cell phone recording it for like 38 seconds that
00:24:51| was the whole video he's like I broke this eventually it's always like really no showing at all he was like it was like new skeleton boy check it out or something and it was like I was like we
00:25:02| got to see this he's got me talking bit bass yeah yeah I dude like I was like maybe YouTube is filling up with stuff like that and people can post anything it's too hard there's too many new
00:25:15| things too that's too big of a see you know what I mean I have noticed that podcasting is massive so almost everyone who I podcast and it's it's almost comical to look at ones that fail like
00:25:27| you can tell they're gonna fail and then they only have like three more episodes and then they die right you can see it happen yeah so it's a live-action failure that
00:25:36| you can you can walk through one episode at a time there's a happy point where he's confidence gonna catch on but then the next episode he's like we're gonna do whatever yeah now what's interesting
00:25:50| is that some moving podcasts like he's moving around he's moving his cell phone here and there ours is just stagnant it's very still yes I see the plants and your background all the time you see the
00:26:00| door and the half of the drums mine yeah I don't know how you could make a picture aliy the process and we have something visual then it we can't translate that onto an audio format so
00:26:12| you're right you're right you're right I understand that but I mean you have any suggestions no I don't have and I actually wasn't even I'm not even saying it's bad it might be just how it it's
00:26:23| going to be it's just I'm making an observation like do people tend to like ones where people are walking around or they do all incite
00:26:31| things and I know we're not exploring abandoned buildings that's entirely different do you magic we did it well we explored in Bandhan bill
00:26:39| yesterday but we only did the video here it amazed me just to surprise one oh my god actually I should do that this isn't really what we'll do but so I made it tweet today and I forget the exact
00:26:56| wording of it but I thought to myself oh rare Wagyu well done t-bone we argue about our favorite steaks and how they're done but can we at least agree on how to cook them
00:27:08| properly microwave them on high for 38 minutes and I just said send and I got something like does this cracking myself up I thought how friggin funny would it be if with the deadpan face
00:27:23| we actually microwaved an uncooked steak for 38 minutes I mean we'd look up what safety is there how many minutes it would really take see and there's and then put like in the the napkin bib and
00:27:33| then just take you ride it and judged it and ate it like you know thought of it we could be totally honest we didn't do it I mean how much much would it cost I haven't cheap easily possible all
00:27:44| right but then like and then I was thinking how funny would it be to be like a podcast that no one can tell if they're joking or not like do you remember the um the food one wait a
00:27:56| mintue I know exactly what you're talking about the guy who cuts the pizza with scissors I always thinking about my still I wanted to make a podcast or actually it be a video series about
00:28:06| right I want to call it OC delicious but I describe everything way too involved I talk about like how you have to angle it like the salt you use and how many milligrams and like how much salt and
00:28:20| make sure you do it with spoon or like the sensory things like squeezing something like I have to describe like how you squeeze it and like how it feels when our heart is a pretty good I was I
00:28:32| think I might legitimately do that when I have more time if I get laid off for my job will realize that OC delicious and then I thought it but I feel like there's like gags like that do probably
00:28:46| kill like here they would kill if a really popular podcaster that has millions of views suddenly did an episode like that and posted it it would be
00:28:54| genius said it would get a million hits it might never get it when ours who knows so this is what I'm finding out is that like with all the Atlantic's you can see analytics you can see how many
00:29:05| people are watching and the way I set it up it now is growing and I can see it growing and the way the like the Google search results are they're like they're like you know crazy cool
00:29:17| we call that parabolic you know SEO so you know you could have like a solid base that it's very low and then we we could do a skit like that that might actually be caught somewhere else and
00:29:31| then I think Google gets caught somewhere else and boom right then that feeds back into it and hundreds of thousands of viewers all of a sudden they you know people I think would enjoy
00:29:41| this with without any content if we were actually a comedic and went back and forth and just talked about random crap I think people would be like yeah it's good discourse I mean I'm the one giving
00:29:53| it and judging it so I of course wouldn't side on the side of good good is it like just like everyone's been watching three minutes at this party episodes like I hate the discourse done
00:30:09| like well and then I think of other things like what would be if our sole goal was just popularity could we do goofy things where we just don't shit on other podcasts you probably could write
00:30:21| we could be shitty people yeah I don't know like we don't start to pour themselves out for that like the view or exactly and then you get to a point where there's probably like a whole
00:30:31| community of hype last thing that we're like you jerk each other all like oh yeah yeah I see that I just how hard and you then you promote this guy and then this guy and then you own you're in the
00:30:43| middle of your show you're like everyone please just check out what's his name what's his name wasn't thing that if you go to what's his name's video he's like hey you got a sister station you got
00:30:50| check these girls out and then these guys these guys are awesome you gotta check these guys out please click the link below and then like the next guy and they're all connected and you all
00:30:57| have to pimp each other out and it's like I jerk off to you you jerk off me but like if we were doing right I don't like that you do them at all so Media though I guess right they do that
00:31:08| with a financially independent retire early crowd the fire okay all comments are linked blogs so they come under each other laws yeah so you can clearly neighbor build up their own traffic
00:31:22| it's a giant network so the yeah right it's a minimum basic gains the money and I guess followers but it looks weird because you have the same sort of comments that are really generic you can
00:31:33| you get that on all social media though I guess or any group it's like the ones in power kind of church to their all I mean except for the outliers they're outliers never droop to instead of riser
00:31:43| like think of them something like I'm wearing a name drop like come down or something like that look they're not the work is yeah sure what are they gonna do they're making
00:31:53| like but like 30 grand a month whitening and what are you doing I'm just hoping like like a bunch of like all boys in like a high school like when you removed from high school like they sounds good
00:32:15| give him credit I think it's really good ideas but like someone's one weakness but like we came up with this funny stuff like when we were in high school and be and maybe a year or two after
00:32:32| probably between these scenarios like how about Elsa I don't know they did the hawk with you I thought he made a paper about a Nordic squirrel and was ousted more than that now there is a I think it
00:32:53| was a hawk with human feet no that's right it was a human with a hawk head and it was screech in the night and yet a pet and it was a hawk with human beat that would perch on his arm
00:33:05| can we get skin as screech can that be our intro I think I shake there should be a transition after our end show it and I'll be pretty good actually yeah wake you up
00:33:18| yeah I know already for the lawyers I can imagine some office worker who's trying to hit mute before the screech comes and then the whole office hears this is like would be if everyone else
00:33:31| is like screeching at the same time though they all sync up the podcast okay they're all sitting silently try not to share it even though they're all this into the same thing yeah everyone's like
00:33:43| oh I know what that was must have been a bird outside really everyone's watching I know what if Lincoln what if the pockets got so big for some reason they just call it on
00:33:54| like wildfire a guy hits in the millions so all this money shows up at us do we have to here's a really weird question again for those still watching god bless you
00:34:07| I don't think I don't think it would happen but if it did how funny would it be and what would you what would you do like in one hand you want to quit your job and throw all your attention at the
00:34:19| moneymaker what is it covetous they throw your garbage out for you it's a virus they already think about how you do in fact yeah I know but this is my question it's
00:34:29| like I find this with musicians all the time your first CD is you first see that you make it whatever second CD you third C let's move let's say you become popular no matter what I think you're
00:34:40| screwed if you get because you can't it's making a connection with a person who's genuine because I think 90% of people are not genuine right and I think if all the sudden is literally $10,000
00:34:55| and one-third how much you say sometimes can roughly thirty degree yeah if you got 30 grand a month to do what we're doing right now so quit my job is shoot here's the question though if you quit
00:35:09| your job to do it would it be better no would be better none changed it entirely wouldn't it yeah you would have to keep your job and not pay attention to the things like like prep it like 5 o'clock
00:35:21| we're gonna make it but real quick like because otherwise you're changing it either a meteor you're changing the Golden Goose if you pay attention to it yeah I think I like
00:35:31| it I'm ignoring I do you imagine if you lost it though like it was like getting ten thousand hours a month and then people were like they don't try hard enough the integers lost its following
00:35:41| over back to life and fathers really to call this child celebrities you feel bad for him because they had no clue what's going on they go and deprive made a boatload of money right but by the time
00:35:53| they're adults no one cares anymore I've already said their piece and they're already ugly feely Joe Osmond come on but the other one uh Macaulay Culkin I
00:36:02| mean in Brazil I yeah he looks like he's been playing like the organ of dark lit apartment he just came out with almost people yeah I know they're his friends it is plenty organ with them he just
00:36:19| goes out to feed the birds and they they join him I think the bird lady yeah that's actually how it began there's a backstory there so it's a real
00:36:31| story that precludes it's a pre it's a pretty old look hey should do it or equal or bring the hip which is weird it takes place need older it's time with the future prequel weird but anyway um
00:36:48| Matt Savelle podcasts that we do here see what do we do here we do here break it down live it up um get away from really the past I mean I think I regained some sanity with we hit the
00:37:06| pass a little bit but I'll relive it not here to live it over in the future I like I like the podcast for a variety of reasons but one of the reasons I like is that my wife gives me space because she
00:37:19| knows I'm working toward something I'm creating something in building toward something and it's made ten cents so obviously it's a business right moneymaker
00:37:29| it so she'll be like is it your podcast time and like she'll do it seriously that's pretty cool I'll be like oh yeah it's yeah yeah I get a little bit of the opposite
00:37:40| oh yeah though is your podcast again it's almost like she's like thank you thought I would get tired of it so if we don't have you if you manage to make 30 grand a month
00:37:52| what would her reaction be the same I should be like you time for your podcast let's go you gotta get in there well she'd be surprised I wouldn't tell her surprised no you just took all new
00:38:08| stuff yeah you'll have a goal nice rash can my bills are paid let's go around bid what was that the ESR 7300 or something you know is the half Shattuck yeah SF no no the golden
00:38:22| trash can was the SF FS it was his name we could've been that's that 2014 2011 yeah good as winning need them should I start to check out our trash recycling and check our trash folks it's awesome
00:38:39| is the last piece let's see what it is Ted is the SF 2003 that's the beauty of a can it's gorgeous a long time ago how you decided back then yeah I've got same one since that
00:38:52| was as gorgeous as that one I mean if I was that's like Trump just like Trump has bowled everything his toilet is probably gold and he shits into it and he's just
00:39:04| like he laughs I could imagine him laughing at the turd in the bowl I actually don't imagine him laughing that weird does he live I think it maybe you'd like huh and then you get your
00:39:21| beverage oh yeah so every morning I felt one of these day boys up with tap water that's how I roll it's the same one to keep it for a week and I throw it out something go get mold after we EA gets
00:39:34| nasty anyway um you keep it in the heat that's no is that number three number three recyclable I also become more intelligent because my body is all them and um I'm cyclable
00:39:48| where applicable I'll let you finish I'll let you finish okay sorry I throw some lemons in there a little bit of blueberry water i buy that like what's it stuffing a good half of oil
00:40:03| timer yeah like um the healthy water you can buy the guy buy a pint of it talking about like the rectal cleanse water okay in their name backwards side down as a toll make a condiment water the bullshit
00:40:21| vitamin real vitamin water it's like a real vibe anyway I pour a little bit of that the rest where some lemons get this a drop of Snapple rain wish would taste so good
00:40:35| agave no um cayenne pepper Wow keeps you not your your nasal passages open you breathe it's good for your insights to like it's good for your cuts your immune system like that kind of stuff it's good
00:40:49| for your libido and it gives it a little bit of flavor oh and the pink floating I just dropped a strawberry in there close like it's strawberry order now I was listening to upon yesterday about
00:41:02| capsaicin which is the list spicy part of the pepper it's what you feel in your mouth and it burns and for some reason so this was a good one this is a good podcast cuz they talk to me about like
00:41:12| you need shit weird super weird science popular science I think is the weird facts of popular science that they couldn't include in the articles so it was three writers and
00:41:24| an intern and they talked about the weird stuff that they wanted to talk about but they couldn't because they're obligated financially to not put it in there but they said capsaicin you can
00:41:35| taste it you can also feel it on your anus for some reason you can feel the burning on your on your butthole that will pay you on any um need um worthless it's all I'm saying
00:41:47| but so I I guess you can you can't feel burning on your hands oh you're right again he has to be like an open ok can you feel it on your Nashville five years I don't think you can feel burning your
00:42:03| new years they wet hole specified I big on you can brought you definitely feel in your eyes think about that is he baby okay we are sure someone's posting a link to amount I'm
00:42:19| just commenting sorry they know go ahead I wonder what it said they say hey hello they so they said hello twice can I post a link to a meme ma'am yeah what kind of mean I don't know what she got double is
00:42:34| he baby I don't know what she's got but go ahead I want to say I'm literally going to my female oh dang it up you're under here this spring had disgusted by the whole talk but I seriously the pike
00:42:45| is maybe smarter my wife was talking about the growth of her son who was still in Euro and I was like the average baby comes out six pounds eight ounces and she was like I
00:43:00| was like and she's like yeah 600 lose nine pounds I was like sixteen ounces is a full pound half of those eight and she's like did you like to stay in yeah but she gonna do about it I'm right ends
00:43:15| the thanks babe and let's see this mean dude yeah I don't know maybe they're they're just soaking in how how long we'll see come it was this like two hours ago that's the one thing I can't
00:43:26| see times Oh other idea was probably an hour ago there's someone there still watching them no thanks for the me maybe she's making it as we yeah I'm gonna sign it
00:43:44| in my other account and then the super leg I don't know why you would ask if you could do that you want you just do it it also to tell you whether people are joining so this is another thing
00:43:58| it's another process that we we figured if she dreamed twitch because twitch can then post to Facebook and all this other stuff that party with our thoughts isn't yeah or at least have to upload it and
00:44:10| annoy myself doing it so it's useful good job twitch thinks you're useful twitch doesn't deliver video right I don't think so whisper whisper this trick I'm gonna
00:44:24| interrupt you she's got big trouble doesn't even give me right away give me the right bugs yeah I don't know we gotta learn how to work this system so we can whisper it chicks okay baby
00:44:42| her name literally this is e baby so all right my trick I like it oh the podcast I keep coming back I just keep saying the words the podcast I don't know we're both special guests like Dillman one
00:44:57| episode I talked them all time about the he was a shout it's way more polite than I anticipated and I had never talked to him before where did you play with them walking is when you're since you've been
00:45:08| podcasting a lot your video card has taken a real big hit this graphic intensive you crapped out and then it was just he and I playing a game case is so beautiful only her every card I think
00:45:20| that's what is so so important yeah for tonight he was talking about you he told the story where he yi or you got pushed into the bush push me into a thorn bush she told that yeah he did I wouldn't why
00:45:32| he told that because he knew I was watching I think as I watching it you're rubbing it in he's got yeah yeah it's an old it's an old tale that old tale yeah he um he's actually a polite guy he's
00:45:44| what's funny is he's gorgeous light finally who said I think you did no I was watching no why would no no like what what sovereign is is also mr. Danny made him Danny Tatum okay and he's just
00:46:02| as it rhymes with Dan did use a dill dad and adding taters I think it was old names twitchy 32 because his old Ames Cree name good good thing you got rid of it I
00:46:15| would love to tell the story where I was hanging out with the popular kids in eighth grade and he was in chatting with a girl and he told her he went to high school it was a big older man he was a
00:46:27| big high school man big tough guy and she figured out he who he was she actually knew him oh yeah yeah we went to grade school together oh boy girl unless you think she
00:46:41| chuckled in the Wild West of the aam community was different back then oh yeah you'd be flogging in going to Terence and you find people's names oh no that was like word of mouth is that
00:46:59| weird that the internet was controlled by word of mouth probably on well like you wanted to talk to a girl but then you'd have to call our house phone and that was improper of MLA arms answered
00:47:10| hey this is uh Sarah there yeah I don't want to loo but I'm gonna say it and it would pretend to be nice to you until okay hey sire what's your name I want to skip this process what my parents say
00:47:25| one time they were like we don't like someone selling wrinkle buzzing oh why of my friends okay any time they called it just asked for you if they don't even say hello I'm like Nick yeah can you say
00:47:42| hello I mix parents hello so we're gonna say bye Dan Danny oh I just like bringing him on an episode but I think we don't know how the guest thing works until soon we will figure
00:48:01| that out and I think maybe there are some people among us that might be a good fit as like a third on panderer like if you wanted to get streaming every night and have like a rotation of
00:48:12| people and like if you got the same like-minded people you could get like a group but I don't I don't know how far you still go how different does it become and how does it become a
00:48:22| different entity well I think it would you would have to be guest appearances even if it's as a common guest like every few episodes or whatever but it's like I'm just really would be if you had
00:48:34| people listening hoping for Dan and Nick together as a team and then they only got one or none yeah then I don't know I don't think so I think it always has to be us right actually I'm one sort of why
00:48:47| you just add in the third party I agree yeah it makes it because otherwise has done panderer oh yeah there's no swell that was deliberate you can't leave me make back
00:49:06| at you dude you do like I said you do all the technical work so it's a good good system actually won't do more technical work then I'm gonna get deeper in the technical part I actually pretty
00:49:18| much automated it to the point where I need you to fill out descriptions it's tough I know well and I started to but I did a few and then I didn't finish them so again it's okay you have until the
00:49:29| end of the month and then I start to release new episodes where I don't have descriptions of them will tell you no descriptions of the after 32 or so after that today right yeah okay I even open
00:49:45| it and a snapshot I was like nah that's cool I had another asian of garbage so 40 episodes I think 40 yeah yeah yeah Yugos garbage I mean this makes sense it's
00:50:05| like a look behind the final curtain here the UM panderers I hope anyone who watched or we didn't release this because we realize it's like too much we can't give the audience too much we
00:50:14| can't let you all know what we do here you might never see this this is unreleased episodes or soft spots oh that's sensitive in areas this is our soft underbelly you could cut into us
00:50:28| here hmm is there anything else we want to chat about no I mean also playing music would be cool right we discussed that like it's legal right yeah just don't play it exactly how it sounds
00:50:50| no copyright oh damn I was trying to make a totally not related note I think it was one of the notes in the song now must be in the key that's not ours already so intro
00:51:11| aren't sure could be a little bit better I think it could be I agree I mean I made it yeah do you know any bands that specialize in music intro instrumental music yeah I do when you mention them in
00:51:26| Stata there's only nine texts right before I went to bed I remember that yeah yeah I do remember it um good plug on it oh yeah exes they're good they're one of my favorite groups don't baby
00:51:37| number one if you haven't heard them I check them out today we're not gonna pander so they're China also because the only CD that they had available to the public does not have me in writing
00:51:51| credits because it was someone else who recorded the bass no you they don't wait dish to lamp one CD I was like ten years ago yeah do you know we did when we hold on
00:52:00| wait so they recorded CD ten years ago right yeah all those songs whatever um well we got together reignited the band with a new bass player yeah we um we kind just rewrote some of the songs but
00:52:14| it was the same songs and just clean them up made some shorter some longer and made some more awesome and then just practice them non-stop non-stop non-stop and then did this charity show and just
00:52:30| play the whole CD essentially oh no we played the whole CD the way it was meant today but I don't have a single writing credit so why would i plug those guys so they never created a new no and then the
00:52:46| top was the top was we're gonna record new songs because we have new material that we sometimes practice but we never officially recorded in a studio anywhere and then one of us had a baby you know
00:52:58| went on a second baby I started a podcast this terrible so a fizzle we don't even practice like six months that's the point see like there's always a little bit of lives long right oh you
00:53:17| think we're like active know that we're like dead now what we will do is rise from the ashes in ten years replace one band member and redo lads old CD again it's like a it's like an exotic dance Oh
00:53:30| some kind of hurt or something there's always a lot of excitement in that though because you could re reimagine a whole new CD in a week and then do it and then get it done and it's
00:53:39| just like feels amazing but you're older now and you probably couldn't do it no imagination yeah and there's obligations so when you were talking about the exes song for this group are you talking
00:53:51| about like a new song or like an old one I mean whether it exists I'm curious what they did to market themselves and if they made any money off of that because they put they put on iTunes yes
00:54:03| they did they did a thing where you can visit band camp where you can pay what you want maybe so I have advice mm-hmm I had a friend who did who rapped in college and he was good
00:54:19| like I enjoy his music it's crude but enjoyable and for some reason I had a CD and I burned it onto my computer and I didn't pay for it and then why like had one of the songs on a CD in my car and
00:54:34| he was like well how do you have my song and I was like huh like how pissed off were you gonna be and I was like I just there's a CD that showed up it like everyone crash at my place so I just had
00:54:44| a CD and he's like like I could tell he wanted to say like I want you you pay for it but I was like I'm like I know you kid no no no no at least that's a violation on his part I think so unless
00:54:58| it was like unless who's one CD away from gold or something no no right no that's a violation because he doesn't even see the full profit anyway dude that's true I could just give I mean
00:55:13| literally he would take money not take money but like you give them like a 30 R acne drink half of it good drinker he was a good drinker god bless good drinkers appreciate those
00:55:25| people he'd meet a lot of in college yeah but he was good and he like he made a little bit of money and he was semi popular and he was good at what he did
00:55:35| it's just like translating it into making money is a difficult thing sometimes it's like a podcast dude I do the old head out then job job look well folks we're gonna wrap up the insides of
00:55:52| our podcasts here you've seen my innards you've seen Dan's innards greatest below like what do you think like a Mayan 8:27 is he is six we want it on radar innards
00:56:06| rate the energy how we look physically there's a visitor allottee mental or inner scale Oh Justine we can't feel anything on the inside there's no that's what I mean then you're getting a five
00:56:19| mil you just lowered your own score yeah I'm not gonna feel it that's right you just gotta four doesn't bother that's a three that's a three you just go ahead and hit that dislike button
00:56:35| there's one for me and there's one for Nick just the one is like us both no it's like it's both unfair hey folks we don't want it just kidding we like it we like you a lot we're gonna
00:56:49| hit end and talk about Dave right now yeah yep we we shall have a good night have a great

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