The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP039 Prison Inmates Jail Cells Incarceration

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Transcript UnP039 Prison Inmates Jail Cells Incarceration

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 39 - Prison Inmates Jail Cells Incarceration
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00:00:00| so I'm damn get on Nick folks and together we form is crazy dynamo known as the odd odd and Ursula stink no sir we don't pander yeah especially not to younger viewers you're under 18 please
00:00:19| get your waiver signed and come back yeah go listen to some tinier pockets to the beer man also you're an employer you cannot use this podcast against the employees only because it's for
00:00:32| infotainment yeah that's our fun entertainment purposes only evidence can nothing can be used against us in the court of law [Music]
00:00:41| so would you say we do here again I'd like to fit in the groove and just flow yeah that manifestation let it rip couple old friends just going over some really interesting stuff so why you
00:00:55| tuned in enjoy thanks folks I'm liking that be more and more do it every time it just sinks in I can't hear it right now but I bet it's good all right I think new exciting and fresh
00:01:20| clarifications from last time oh I have a clarification actually oh please do I just jump all over I forgotten then I remembered that we gotta remember it again please do I'm ready for a
00:01:29| clarification so last time the previous topic was Jack the Ripper mm-hmm there was that one suspect Tumblety who came from America is like a quack and then he had like female organs that he showed
00:01:45| off yeah like a collection I would say like he'd had women but not like had sex with me about all of them he just had parts of them and then he fled I think to France so good guy yeah so this fits
00:01:58| in with today's topic prison because they probably would have found out that was him with DNA evidence because they found a scarf that was left at one of the scenes that had blood and semen on
00:02:13| it from sim somehow they tested it like so the jackoff Ripper ologists somehow found it so they think it was him the whole case wide open here is is it the problem the problem we had all passed on
00:02:29| and we're just joking around you had the answer the whole time the problem was there's no chain of custody because they found it on one of the prostitutes who had died and the
00:02:39| police chief liked the scarf so he took it cleaned it and gave it to his wife I think I did see this yeah I don't do this no maybe that's why yeah okay so it's like so either way that kind of
00:02:53| ruins the evidence I guess huh yeah I don't know if it's real yeah please chief could have been sleeping with the dude yeah but who thinks you know you get to a murder
00:03:06| scene you just like that look fantastic oh I I'm just gonna to beautiful a little blood yeah so coming up yeah you just mix a little semen in there and she comes right off a little bit sloppy for
00:03:26| me can we step in that bad boy all right so I turned dark Bri quick yeah well we start off right there we got our warnings out of the way be allowed to say wild to say whatever you want just
00:03:38| we are we can say whatever the plain f-bomb we want three frazzled friggin fantabulous yes those of you wondering the spring is in the air like 90 degrees in Philadelphia today
00:03:54| Wow gibble sweaty I did forget it deodorant on and I do back sweat compacts with really as I Drive so like I'm in the vehicle all the time and I don't turn on the air so like if my
00:04:07| stops my stuff then always don't shape on the back mm-hmm I think girls like it down secretly huh really you sure yeah I'm pretty sure that's all right some days it happens okay but also the
00:04:22| allergies are getting to me a little bit bill verklempt as i were saved some my audience members who verklempt me you know I'm just trying to see who do you think deodorant as part of the pride on
00:04:35| TV do during the prison do they do yeah I think they do it's probably like some off brand name like you know how hotels by something in bulk like a toothpaste or soap I by a
00:04:45| dude or in bulk like BIC Mitchum or whoever and then if you're a good boy or one of the good ones or you pay for it with your whatever money you get in it it's probably cheaper as health like 25
00:04:56| cents cigarette I'm sure now I'm actually looking I imagine okay dial roll on urine there you go that's who won the bid bucks for the regulation movie well it's actually what we'll talk
00:05:09| about we'll get back to this one cuz there's a nuance there that I think it's ridiculous mmm-hmm and we're gonna leave it at that folks today we're talking about realize
00:05:21| prison reprisals reprisals I'll go back to reprise him hmm they're small dog your feet no it was the core it was right there I'm like telling you so good alright so you not
00:05:39| yet go into prison so it's just like chronologic a little bit so like what crime would would you go to prison for realistically or unrealized every age related one road rage hey possibly
00:05:52| accidently run somebody over when they're what if they're like you were driving behind somebody and like you got an accident you both started going crazy and then the he jumps out the car and
00:06:01| he's like a really small person and you just didn't see him like it's difficult if he's like the buses have that like warning zone for kids like don't cross right in for the bus saying we have a
00:06:12| warning zone for small people I mean if you have a look like a Jeep you probably didn't see small person that's true a Land Rover and Jack Bell Ford or like it were more realistic my
00:06:23| like a dog jump down or something but that's a said Oh piranhas events that didn't go into prison yeah like I get under prison for the dog for the boy for the child
00:06:35| hmm no probably some rage related incidents where I am Ryan Green violent what about College to ever streak in college no I didn't
00:06:46| actually streak oh thank you Wow really yeah I got one up on you good yeah where'd you streak around an apartment complex did you lose it beer pong or something you get shut out my story so I
00:07:01| was playing beer pong with my buddy who was had a an ankle issue so he was on crutches and during the game he kept trying to swat the ball and those assholes kept trying to do the double
00:07:14| bounce off the little it did it yeah so he kept swatting the cups and eventually we lost we didn't get a single cup and then he and I had to strip and streak and he was on crutches and we went
00:07:28| opposite directions around the apartment complex and all I remember is him crushing couch or to be nude and it was anyone outside looking or people cheering screaming throwing think they
00:07:41| see the backside was just us no one was because it you know but the front side everyone naturally comes out and watches as you negatively put on their clothes so that would have been I could have
00:07:52| been arrested outside indecent exposure yeah I've had a few run-ins with the law I believe actually I stayed arrested yeah I did one time for a noise violation of all
00:08:08| things just where you're playing music at a loud party but it was in the neighborhood with normies used to Delawareans we'll call them capital PI yeah they knocked and they're like whose
00:08:22| party is this no drunk at whatever I was like alright good snig I'll turn it down he's like he can't this is a second plane cause my first time I heard of it he's like come with me please
00:08:34| he grabbed me and he cuffed me he put me in the back of the now the back of the cop car I was like oh my god I didn't think I'd get this far I was like this is bad and I don't know if anyone has
00:08:44| ever played the Warriors game there's a video game to give up for the Warriors no there were warriors come out and play keep your little movie that remade the game
00:08:54| while in the game which was popular at the time and we had bought or rented or something you can get arrested by the cops because you're in a gang and to get out of cuffs you just keep you have to
00:09:04| synchronously press l on our one on the PlayStation controller and I remember my other friend and was placed into the police car Whitney oh I kept saying he kept saying he was really drunk actually
00:09:15| this is a different time but it still work it was like l1 r1 dude the hell one on one any Joey Galloway comes by pressing Ellen R it was the funniest thing ever hold on okay I was putting
00:09:29| for the noise violation I was put in the car I think alone he wrote me a warning and looked at my ID and put me back it was when we went to the big gang bite event someone is a friend of a friend
00:09:44| and he says oh my god so-and-so your cousin your cousin says she got raped he was like yo yo what and they're like yeah they're at this party over so-and-so all these guys were messing
00:09:54| with your cousin or something so naturally seven or eight of us guys all picked up the closest weapon we could find it was mostly like a folding chair a hockey stick a hockey stick shoe and
00:10:07| like something else really definitely uh a wooden something and we all got in this car and we drove into this of course it was a cul-de-sac you know coldest act and the guy
00:10:19| screaming he comes out the door and I don't know if I'm supposed to be fighting people high-fiving people I don't know I'm not really here I'm just here cuz on board that's something to do
00:10:26| and these two guys actually get into a fistfight in front of us and we're like oh like what from oh yeah so they must they must know each other I don't I just showed up I really don't know what's
00:10:36| going on our guy wins and were yelling yeah take that and we're cheering on the guy's name I want to say his name so bad but I don't level and we're lucky shabooey were saying his name will pat
00:10:47| him on the back like yeah and anyway someone had called the cops Ilan's is gone so I didn't realize it but when I was I ended up breaking them up because our guy was winning by a lot I was like
00:10:57| come on Colin dude come on I didn't realize this anyway I got all over my pants so we all pile into the car someone says the cops are coming the cops are coming we never used any of
00:11:07| these weapons or anything but they are clearly all stuffed in the trunk and there's clearly eight of us getting into a car I don't know if the driver was sober and we're trying to
00:11:15| leave the cul-de-sac except it's over five other cars so we all have to wait in traffic there's a catering worst cop came and he's looking at all these people leaving and he knows there's a
00:11:24| fight so he flagged our car and I was like shoot and he's like what's going on here guys and he's flash lighting the driver he's like nothing we're just uh were just leaving we're just hanging out
00:11:34| and he flashes the light on me and he points to my pants he says what's that and I I didn't have anything so I looked I was like oh it's blood I said time and I said it out loud by accident I didn't
00:11:46| realize what I did and he was like what and he's flashing at me and now he comes and he's coming to my side what were you talking about it's blood and I was like it's not my blood he was a wrong answer
00:11:56| out of the car and that's when we were in cuffs it was sort of my friend Dan and that's what he was telling our one will get us out and I remember he came up to the car
00:12:05| he's like you guys got a folding chair two hockey sticks anyone else to be listed literally think and it's me and my friend Dan who's drunk not you and I was just like we were gonna play hockey
00:12:20| no one's gonna watch play hockey I guess it's like midnight when everybody's drinking and it was real funny because my drunk friend Dan is like yelling things occasionally and I think that the
00:12:34| cop is writing reports on us like he's gonna let us go but he's gonna write something about her file and I remember every time Dan said something he went who okay Nick smartass and I was like
00:12:46| like obviously I was like but I didn't make it there okay I was like I didn't wanna correct the officer so and the judge gonna do that in a table later but we're suddenly ready did happen and one
00:12:58| time one time this isn't totally isolated incident I was drinking with my shirt off walking down the street drinking Coors light's on homecoming day and a cop just pulled me over because I
00:13:07| was just walking down a regular street he's like are you serious cause like an underage ticket and then he was writing my girlfriend at the time I take it for the exact same thing or
00:13:19| maybe she was of age I don't know what it was and I took get like and I walked around behind a tree and put it on the ground start peeling and the cop was like I can see
00:13:30| your little boyfriend he's peeing on I take it I'll hit him free indecency he started go back and she came over he's like leave him alone I was like I'm sorry but your child so I did have I did
00:13:42| have a couple of you yeah that's it we're done say indecent exposure is what you did I would have was the worst one mm-hmm that's my line do you have you seen the Nathan for you
00:13:55| episode not that one no Nathan for you he's always asking other people who do things take risks it's one of my favorite shows yeah so he decides he's right he's on he's my favorite so this
00:14:10| one he decides he learned how to pick locks like handcuffs as we were discussing huh he says I'm getting really good at it and I want to do it but I want to take a risk so in front of
00:14:21| a live audience of children I will try and escape these handcuffs as a machine that isn't programmed to pull down my pants and reveal my frontal nah he's on that time or a one-minute and everyone's
00:14:35| like what and he's like all these other magicians they'll risk death being crushed drowning in these things and that's pretty terrible but can you imagine risking being 200 pounds of
00:14:47| indecent exposure exactly what is it when you have to go neighborhood the neighborhood and knock he risked his sexual predator but the status being comes this so anyway I'll ruin it but
00:15:02| they paid it took them thousands of dollars a program machine and absolutely it was an arm that would really pull his pants and loosen them and then it was like in grab a zipper that was long
00:15:12| enough belt and then it would um tug him down and then he had underwear a special underwear that had a loop on it and it would grab the underwear and slowly pull him down and there are all these kids
00:15:21| here and he was handcuffed with his hands above his head and to start the whole event he his attorney told him he should say something menacing so he says something's gonna happen here
00:15:32| tonight and I hope that I don't know what this is a direct quote and that they said and this recognizing Nathan's I intent the evening so if he reveals
00:15:46| himself you right so uh I'm not gonna ruin it you have to look it up it's called a claw machine but yeah klog shame that's a good baby laugh really hard and that's probably the one of the
00:16:01| worst crimes you can remember I think yeah it has right repercussions and there's social inside prison and outside of prison yeah you get a rap for that and people are not gonna let that go
00:16:12| insulins hanging around you mmm-hmm Roger though the one this is criminal episode criminal show they said that one guy yeah that one guy was related to somebody who was in a pedophile ring and
00:16:24| they had like a picture that kind of looked like him so they pinned it on him they put him in jail and he was in jail for months I think it was like four or five months he lost like 50 pins yeah
00:16:36| the AUSA incredible amount wait right and he did not look healthy and he never did he only get like three visits from his lawyer and he was very confused in all three because he was like I didn't
00:16:46| do anything like I don't know what's going on they're like we're trying to prepare your defense you have anything better to say except I don't know he's like I don't actually delve into to say
00:16:54| you know there's this picture of me but I don't make sure mommy but it's not me and they're like we got put away guys welcome you say he closed I'm trying to talk like Italy get him on the cops give
00:17:07| her the cops now Denham all the way he's fighting Beto Beto they say they treated him bad in prison because I mean you had that rap was it pedophile ring or a video distribution
00:17:19| something I don't know that's the one thing is I don't know like local jails I think oh I don't know if they're privately run I think some of them are so if you get a shitty private game
00:17:29| local ones are so if you get a shitty private jail then you're probably not gonna get fed well guards are corrupt and then you're not gonna be able to get help and then his defender I remember he
00:17:39| said he went through a bunch of defenders and he had to actually like read law books to figure out if they were legit or not alright so he was doing all the work anyway yeah yeah and
00:17:47| then by the end of it like everyone had associated with with sugar associated him as a pedophile and like all his friends and family was neither there was one other a coincidence will chosen even
00:17:58| in a big coincidence his ex-girlfriend lived in a house adjacent to one of the houses that the that's how they had a picture of him because he was going right his girlfriend who just walked to
00:18:08| his ex-girlfriend's house like his girlfriend at the time yeah and they're like oh that's funny we have a picture of you in 2008 going by the house and he's like I don't know what house
00:18:17| my ex-girlfriend stuff right no not her the pedophile name is it but he's like yeah no I don't know where that is it's two doors away you kind of had to be there so interesting yeah yeah those
00:18:30| back like night then back the 90s when you actually had to pay in checks and you couldn't auto pay so like realize mortgage and all his bills I've eating was passed to break he lost his job I
00:18:42| know that that's for damn sure yeah and for something like I see let me see a feel using this list on us again how about bail for unlawful sex with energy
00:18:54| underage person carries with it a 1 million I said there's a bail bond is often set between 25 and a hundred for illegal sexually but it can be set higher okay it's up to the courts
00:19:08| expression any act with a child under the age of 10 carries a full one-million bail bond so you'd have to have what's ten percent is that is it enter one percent ten percent is for a bail
00:19:18| bondsman they ensure that they're gonna return so it's ten percent so you would have to pay bail bondsmen a hundred thousand dollars to get you out a bit out of jail or a full million to get
00:19:31| yourself out of jail I think that's the way it works really yeah but this is a 1 million dollar bail bond so I don't know that's too much it's got to be a hundred grand to get out but who has a hundred
00:19:42| grand sitting around to pay for no way do you take a loan it I don't even know cuz you don't a job that's not good credit yeah you're really a check and being arrested for pedophilia that
00:19:55| doesn't show up on the credit check that's bad that's bad I don't have to write it in this is a starts typing I got canceled canceled I don't do this anymore but I mean we're talking
00:20:05| about all the bad things for prison let's bring up the good things of prison yeah like how many people in America are in prison ah is it around two million I have to
00:20:14| point to two million Wow that's incarceration our prison jail probation that gets I in it is I believe if anyone oh yeah ding ding I love charts and grass yeah now that
00:20:29| was in 2014 study and together so I don't know if you had an updated number yeah the 14 study let me see we got a total total adult correctional population in 2016 is around 6.5 million
00:20:45| but that includes probation which is Oh percentage of the adult population is that did you get an almost for that because I had on the of the 2.2 million in prison not maybe including people
00:21:02| going through the process though it's almost a full one percent of the adult population it's 0.91 very meyer yeah google right because yours is including people who are out and taking on jail
00:21:15| yeah if you're talking about people who committed a crime this looks like total is like instantaneous so that's like our like 3 or 4 percent of the population has committed a crime and that are
00:21:25| currently being watched by the government work the other crazy set is a blue civet ISM is the propensity and I shouldn't put two words if I be like it's the it's the reoccurrence of a
00:21:40| crime so after you've been in jail once and you get out and you've been you've been convicted and you get out the chance that you're gonna actually go back in it what is it I will say these
00:21:51| stats are 100% accurate it's from the Bureau of Justice SIG's ice okay yeah or BJ's gov I love ejs gov what is it really it's ridiculous because I'll shout out BJ's I hope they
00:22:13| have a recipient contra civitate image have you go back to jail I did it right yeah you go back to jail they have a calculator on this website for choosing
00:22:24| who like they have the age range the sex so they have everything race ethnicity like the number will try to do do you do black male 18 or something you can definitely do that you can do under 21
00:22:36| black male can you do that right now under 21 black male how many crimes I just do it under two prior imprisonment yeah one and then look it's you want to know the offense they have all the
00:22:52| offenses here - damn it is a lot of work you know - robbery burglary know something Lane that like they really didn't do but let's say they like it's like a DC Circuit and we're gonna like
00:23:02| possession sure oh that's a good one because if I know their time served for the previous offense when your tears let's do you know let's do just under one year okay I
00:23:13| see if this is in line too small to yield reliable recidivism estimates I'll give you the whole staff though okay I did it for the whole group of men so if you've been in jail once to change that
00:23:27| you'll get re-arrested for something is there's no way so they're talking realer than a hat there's a more than 50% chance who we arrested again how do the five people getting released from prison
00:23:43| four of them will be rerun it's coming from the Bureau of Justice Statistics BJ's ask of the Achilles number and my advice is not to go to jail but anyway yes
00:23:57| and of those of that hundred percent of their released I'm thirty three percent so a third are gonna go back to jail they're getting convicted of something oh we belissa will refine that's being
00:24:11| rear ested that's being arrested okay definitely Rebecca yeah we have her dude ocation which is so the conviction or not guilt right a plea the judgment let's talk about
00:24:23| that okay let's do it so you got the judge right it takes a while at your trial the judge is let's say hold on let's say your public indecency
00:24:32| does that go to a judge that go to a jury where does the jury judge thing coming before you I said quoting Nick from the end panders from a previous episode so 96% of people who are going
00:24:46| to trial conviction so if you have the convictions they plead guilty and that's a smaller so the total number of people that actually are about to go to trial like 80% of them are not guilty so they
00:24:58| wait time in jail 24 hours or however long it takes and then the 20% that's 96 of the 20% they ended up just pleading they don't even fight right so there's it's not
00:25:11| like they said I'm not guilty and then we're found guilty they all said not guilty 96 percent of them said I'm guilty that's only whether it's because there
00:25:18| was or who are overwhelming evidence or they had bad legal team or they figured it I would take the plea because it's smaller than what I could get yeah but even fight this
00:25:29| yeah they decided that their sentence was gonna be maybe better because they took the blade which should be logical waste money on a trial and jury because the person's a repeat offender and it's
00:25:41| probably or who are guilty and some people look at the part I'm gonna say who true so the four percent that do go to jury I don't know what the conviction rates on those aren't but I bet it's PI
00:25:53| higher than 50% right it's not 5050 that's ridiculous yeah hmm oh wow I didn't know this number 65 million people in the United States right now have a record
00:26:07| hmm I wonder if either like traffic violations set in clean or low for that up it should be there probably is part of it I would assume them number would be higher though I don't have a ticket
00:26:18| traffic violation doesn't count as a record does it yeah maybe it does I don't know cuz they lumped in statistics on judges who avoid so like when a judge is seeing a trial that is not a traffic
00:26:30| violation that accounted towards this number so a normal on the low end a judge will see like three hundred and something trials a year I was like one a day on the low end on the high end it's
00:26:46| bam sentence BAM sentence get it they have usually at six to eight hour day I said I guess so ten that's not even a full hour for a case yeah if someone's done something serious you have yeah
00:27:00| half an hour murder that's like that's like that's like fifteen like I appeal you're good weird crazy yeah can we can we further for the viewer um describe it it for Sween the kind of prisoner are
00:27:16| and jails and prisons and securities and high-security and federal and state okay wait there in two seconds okay you're gonna like this one okay so all I've sentence is when you like kill somebody
00:27:33| and you're trading in your life for theirs or you've traded your life for theirs mm-hmm and the minimum they're like fifteen life is like you have minimum 15 years to life so you can't be
00:27:44| paroled or you can do life without parole so I looked up who has who's had the longest sentence given to them and somebody named Jim oi tipsy tipsy ah so from Thailand South I know yeah he's got
00:27:58| yeah well I've asked for I don't know about that one he was sentenced to a hundred to be a good guy a hundred and forty one thousand years in jail you could behavior that it's still like it
00:28:13| good behavior 70 70 and then 5075 7,500 yeah yeah the world's longest sentence corporate fraud that was a she she defrauded more than 16 thousand times in a pyramid scheme for two hundred million
00:28:28| dollars this is this is the best part Thai law at the time does not allow you to serve more than 20 years in prison so she was released after eight years we what you get she got 20 years in prison
00:28:45| technically because of this is oh oh no no who got what did she get what do you mean what she goes it she got that was it yeah eight years she got out of it eight years cuz you can't convict
00:28:55| somebody for more than 20 years and taught in Thailand oh listen anything wrong Tyler you're late I would do it I mean 200 million dollars for years that's more than money
00:29:06| I could make any years doing anything else even if I was a muskie Boyer Billy Billy Billy gates to Yates hmm only the way I could muskie boy really try to figure out what you were
00:29:19| like that boy you smells good now Ilan I don't think he makes that much you know the post a year I'm sorry move Elon Musk I was like a musky boy oh she just said
00:29:31| Elon Musk I would've uh what with that the old moose family all right : if you're really that rich can you even have friends I thought about this today
00:29:44| actually the amount of people that be going after you if you had a billion dollars and everyone knew it they like more than a billion like a billion billion almost what's this exact number
00:29:53| how many people would sell themselves first for less he's gotta have like ten billion dollars at least sure so then hold on can you ever have a barbecue with your neighbors like but
00:30:04| like who do invite do you meet new people so I said no gates equal level I'm like oh no he's not gonna go after my money it's like Bill Gates it's like plotting
00:30:14| to steal his money he's like why other billions so do you just call him up like is there are some directory where only rich people have rich people's numbers and then they so they get a special cell
00:30:26| phone that's just rich people in it rich cell phone you try to call somebody who's poorest is a very very weird hmm I've heard stories that he he's like crashed at rich people's houses like
00:30:39| after fits as well trying to figure out yeah he pretty much like tries to figure out how to do something impossible and like he can't figure it out so he just like it's frustrating the crashes it
00:30:49| seen his latest tweet something about making a dragon you talk about the rocket no he said that we're dragon I think try making it I think yeah I thought he was making some kind of
00:31:03| something dragon I mean he could have been drunk making this this is like a week ago it was a news he was on the news earlier for not
00:31:12| taking questions about one of his companies and saying it boring he said the boring questions and he skipped over it it less have been the dragon company anything we're gonna drive it
00:31:21| you are you were gonna boring that I can't get into it's stupid the other one from this longest sentence statins was that there was a guy there's two guys
00:31:31| the accomplice he he got twenty thousand years in jail and he appealed and the appeal reduced his time by poverty years oh my god and his other partner he got like two thousand years and he appealed
00:31:48| that I said no and then they gave him ten thousand years and subtracted five hundred off of it well give him the same deal but you still write that are getting more or theoretically died in
00:32:00| jail yeah if you figure out a live forever you can finally get out of there what if you did what if they what if they accidentally jailed an immortal I mean we have five percent of the world
00:32:10| pop that'd be a crazy like we finally found all the Highlanders like right and they're all in jail the oldest in height the longest tenured guy to be
00:32:24| incarcerated incarcerated an inmate is eighty six years eighty six he got out when he was sixteen eight no eighty-six know you spent sixty eight years he's 86 sorry dislike he is 86 didn't do the
00:32:39| math you like less than his age or whatever less than yeah I was like that's impossible couldn't I put him in there for next year that would be a dyslexic problem if
00:32:51| they put him in there for an extra year what about early how cou seventy years jail come on who puts a guy in jail for seventy years or twenty thousand years actually before
00:33:00| we get to the next segment I'm gonna tell everyone first jail ever so it had to be what coming off the Mayflower it's probably that's a Mesopotamia baby I could go way back yeah the UM primitive
00:33:15| jail so pretty sure um Egypt had a few they didn't just kill my way worse slavery no I guess they were like I guess was to holding more of a holding pattern
00:33:25| I guess hmm hey we'll keep you in here till we decide we're gonna kill you punish you do whatever with you believe you let you go no interesting one is ancient Athens they called one of their
00:33:38| buildings a desmo teri on it was called a place of chains this mileage shiver is Desmond Jennings no I think doesn't look took place I've been desmo Tyrion so we try to
00:33:50| check me during the episode silent save it how I'm just curious no no he's trying to prove your own folks but he didn't he failed hmm just keep doing about any like Oh a shit the
00:34:05| first prison with a name was actually just after the ancient Athens it was a Roman prison around 640 BC Anika's Marcius good old good guy good guy yeah the person is me aim time name name tiny
00:34:24| prison say that three times fast that's the main time maintaining time aim time time time so wait that's the name of the prison yes we called it 640 v6 one of the first
00:34:38| like named prisons so we could fast forward a little bit because they're boring know those details about them updated in their 1719 right off that Mayflower mm-hmm first prison in the
00:34:51| United States do you know where it was Austin ah Philadelphia ah damn it Walnut Street jail they said it was he said it was really shitty really good it was really bad yeah to the point where
00:35:07| no one took it seriously and I believe I think it closed pretty shortly after but thirty years later it did inspire the biggest the best Eastern State Penitentiary I know that one I Drive by
00:35:23| I drove by Eddie sounds like you still drive by it takes me a while oh yeah Eastern State Penitentiary which is a Hornet House in Philadelphia Nellie you go in do your thing
00:35:37| we'll jump out it was actually um designed specifically John Holland you know famous architect at the time Quaker I believe they wanted to make sure prisoners not just repented physically
00:35:53| and mentally but spiritually so you know what the big thing was lashings solitaire hahahahaha opposite it was no communication no contact no physical anything this place I don't know if you
00:36:08| remember Eastern State Penitentiary it's been a while since you drove by it it's a pinwheel it's seven wings so these wings they come from a center and then there's seven branches come out
00:36:19| right maybe I'll find a blueprint feast your state blueprint I can't spell on fasting pocket Oh give you a second because it might be good for a visual aid for these folks I can't step in an
00:36:38| entry in fact the name had something religious - it was a Puritan I forget something I don't know how much left up left that's a crazy picture ok that's a good picture anyway it's on the 7 long
00:36:53| tubes or branches or arms whatever fall from the centerpiece they said there was heated had its own toilet its own running water and its own doors led to the outside problem is it was like a
00:37:14| small outside it is very small everything was small and you couldn't hear or see any ones here left here right you can see I won't all I mean it was - they're the best of there wasn't
00:37:26| really made it's the writer right they made it so you could hear them not well sorry people are screaming I actually could but you're there all day the guards barely even walk down there
00:37:37| anytime you are moved from yourself they put a hood over you at first the figured yeah so like you could either there for seven or eight years and you wouldn't like you wouldn't see more than like
00:37:50| three people every day I would be doing nuts right that's their idea was it was a spiritual the cleansing right those big at the time thanks Benny
00:38:01| Franklin good friend of the podcast Benjamin Franklin check them out but I was reading a reddit thread about a guy who was in jail and Texas for like 15 years and he said like he was moderately
00:38:14| seen when he went in there but he saw like people that were like on edge and the moment they went into solitary which is like 23 hours a day by yourself like it was so loud in there because people
00:38:23| would scream and yell but he had nothing to do so you try to waste your time they go insane even more insane than they were so they end up in a psych ward or something else they lose it you know
00:38:34| there's something weird to that the one thing I will say is that commissary which is like the the snacks and stuff you can get hmm it's different it's different when
00:38:44| you're in solitary you can only choose from like six snacks which is really weird you get punished god I dunno what the 6x are I'm like I'm like curious though well uh sorry I'm French put my
00:38:55| nail here clipping your nails I told ya I do my thing you know no no once I said once you start a nail you gotta finish a nail yeah here you go here you go food it's
00:39:07| under the food category special housing unit food everything else is garbage you get your chocolate bar and get crackers squeeze cheese granola cereal vanilla wafers is one more than six potato chips
00:39:24| oatmeal licorice or peanut butter they're not terrible but I would totally peanut butter granola bar combine them Ellie yeah okay so that wouldn't be so bad boy so I'm saying these things so if
00:39:38| you go in there without having any money and you're worrying how do you if you're working in prison how much do you think they pay you per hour 23 cents to a dollar 15
00:39:48| that's actually pretty accurate yeah fit I got 50 cents like no I got the number in California that was a 2014 California number my numbers are 50 cents to a dollar 50 well thank God your state must
00:40:01| have been higher than California so let's grab this for the podcast as man you know there's a maxed out - yeah dollar 15 per hour oh that's per hour like per day the max
00:40:14| is like four dollars so art so for the podcast everyone what we're saying sorry we were trying to beat each other with facts yeah think of this literally a prisoner had
00:40:24| worked for eight to ten to twelve to nineteen hours they wouldn't work for 19 hours I'm just saying even if they did they make either 23 cents an hour fifty cents an hour or bad max I mean all the
00:40:36| stage is a dollar fifty SH yeah so prison labor sounds pretty awesome yeah you're not doing anything at all the problem is no no no no you're the prison Labor's can work hard they don't usually
00:40:53| but they can I'm saying if you're a company you can use Jeffrey this HAP I'm gonna say one thing though the snacks that I listed most of them are around a dollar fifty or two dollars so when
00:41:09| you're in solitary you're not working so you're spending the equivalent of probably a half a day's worth of wages on just the snack wait they won't give you food otherwise don't give you food
00:41:21| but oh wait a second I have so yeah well what's the what's the deal so I'm in solitary and beat you up because I heard you were a pedo or you exposed yourself gang fight you gotta be tough on
00:41:32| panderdome I did it you want to show if I'm gonna show you you're gonna get shitty shoved me right in the hole right in redneck played the whole town in a slump so I'm in the hole for two days
00:41:44| uh-huh what happens besides nothing they do have to give me food how many times once twice they don't know so I have pictures of food you get get food three times a day you get a breakfast lunch
00:41:55| and dinner okay and then you get to choose a snack I'm gonna show the pictures of the food what is I I thought this was awesome let me see there you go so this is a standard meal you probably
00:42:06| looking the live feed here Nick sorry damn it I'm gonna go through it so like this is actually a good meal they give you like okay and fruit some juice a little coffee
00:42:15| little cereal looks like a Captain Crunch deal and then like gravy and biscuits and water that's pretty good that's a good like the fruit I like the fruit
00:42:25| cups as I move up there it's cute cool right that's grieving biscuit yeah country gravy and biscuits here good guy keep going hmm so you got another one which is actually a decent meal kind of
00:42:36| makes me a little hungry like cake cake cornbread a vitamin beverage that is and they love me meat fried rice cup of beans I mean I could I could make do you know hungry yeah sure a one they want
00:42:50| all those but they get worse as you go they get shittier you get like one thing that bothered me like one things like if you're in prison I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff that would get to you oh
00:43:01| that one weird yeah like like butter on just praying plain bread with no toast no no no what they have a cup of cream of wheat uh head cream of wheat it gets much worse though if you go down to like
00:43:18| the shitty prisons on this good you get that that's a good you get a slice of bread you get all like yeah and chicken livers meat patties or hot dogs and then beans
00:43:29| mm-hmm this is this is a meal you get a sense that it cost me but cost us know the cost of the prison spend since what oh wow prison don't leave too much money on our prisoners yeah yeah oatmeal bread
00:43:43| and then have a nickel less sorry guys yeah it's a bologna baby that's gonna happen egg good that's crazy stuff hmm like I think that worst of all like if I was at that prison which prison is this
00:44:00| Morgan County Alabama from the Marshall Miami shout-out to the marked or shadowing us answers on their website but it's amazing that that's the shit like you
00:44:13| get half an egg as a meal in pretty much gives you half and a head like an egg can't cost more than 25 cents so interesting um two things we can touch on before we get through the other main
00:44:29| point that a private graph is up Prison my birth thing like that how I cover up my purpose you know so you have to say that like half the people in there and therefore violent crimes so I
00:44:40| have less than that be prepared that's got like 40% maybe this was in the 2017 June article 66% of prisoners are locked up for nonviolent crime I'll take it could be it could be wrong but on what
00:44:55| I'm saying incarcerated or imprisoned of prisoners locked up so yeah in prison I guess so but the stats will hold on anything also there's old there's always a caveat um this is
00:45:12| locked up for nonviolent crimes you can be locked up for marijuana but once you get in jail you'd beat up a people you can get back out and murder someone you can do know what I mean there's a lot of
00:45:21| ways to skew the statistics also can we real quick for the audience just tell the difference between all the jails for go ahead good you got no I actually ah so the lowest form of prison jail
00:45:34| anything minimum she doesn't have an edge 8 around it technically right juvenile detention is also for people under 18 do they get expunged or how's that work I say your record goes away
00:45:47| when you turn 18 for youth but that's I think your use against she record I think it follows you regardless then you got minimum security sentencing which is like you said no gate whatever it's like
00:46:00| they just don't leave your big big damn problem okay pause it okay good look this this is a side segue change it so I'll go the other version of that is like quarantine so Bank early
00:46:16| in like the 1800s there used to be leprosy a lot of it and there's one leper colony that they would technically say say you can go here you have to live out your days with leprosy and you don't
00:46:28| show or a movie Carville Louisiana this is on business criminal I think yeah yeah okay cool cool I did hear this I can pool I was making sure I was like I think I know this be good so you could
00:46:40| all technically leave it was like the minimum security prison where they try to help you they just don't want you at any other people your danger to other people if flipper yeah if you did try to
00:46:49| leave they would incarcerate you for 30 days say here technically in jail but not really real life but that rules yeah so that would be fit like right in the minimum security you know you're free to
00:47:02| come and go kind of not really will arrest you anything if you get free but if you try to leave will arrest you so I'm free you guys stole me more mister please tell us if you leave
00:47:14| because we'll stop you there's medium security prison-- high-security prisons military-grade security prisons and well ruin it by saying prison prison is a long term type
00:47:29| thing jail is a short term type thing before you get sentenced or the right depending a field jail is more of a holding thing or a moving thing like hey you're going to jail real quick me
00:47:41| you're going to jail for the drunk tank drunk tank is Jail indecent exposure until we prove otherwise that's jail if you're sentenced to 44 years and you got to do
00:47:51| X amount of time you go to prison prison is a long term thing um that's it it's a good way to remember it it's where do you sit like 40 years there's a one guy that was convicted and forty years later
00:48:06| they found out he was innocent innocent so he got released that happens a whole time they'll a DNA testing uh-huh and they said that so there's three different stats here there's eye
00:48:15| witnesses or so people that were convicted because of an eyewitness and got overturned by DNA 70% of those eyewitnesses were wrong oh holy shit that's way over half that's
00:48:28| all yeah I mean terrible terrible it's awesome the fact is out that anyway it sucks yeah it sucks well the woman is awesome Dawson it sucks I'm gonna plug it because a has to do with memory and
00:48:40| we're gonna talk about memory in the future are we just us us an extra person for on-air Oh another pod yes yeah Mirjam podcast event yeah I think it's a big one hold on
00:48:54| when is it I got to put it on my calendar real quick yeah well I don't know what I'll be least but x5 yes in a couple weeks yeah a couple weeks and the release is about
00:49:02| two months after that I think because we got a we got a backlog big backlog okay okay that makes sense I'm just marking my calendar folks because I want to see a podcast on podcast cards so I see
00:49:15| these two beefy podcasts jump what it's the C luncheon yeah I want to see a bunch of information where it's flying brains exploding so that was the one stat is that 70% of I was injured is
00:49:30| wrong and there's DNA overturns the other one was that so if you go to jail they'll charge you money per day for room and board what they'll charge you $50 a day yeah they can do that so when
00:49:47| you get out of jail if you've been there for a year they can charge you like eighteen grand in some states for being in prison for a year or the ball but that's like even if you're probably
00:49:56| convicted well that's the thing is there was a guy who is in jail for 40 years who got out and then sued he won a million dollars for 40 years in jail
00:50:08| oh yeah awesome freak everyone that works I'm starting to root against jails and prisons in general sounds like a bad idea in the United States anyway well I don't think it in general is because
00:50:22| what's the idea of jail in prison in general rehabilitate these places don't is it is what's the number one goal I think it's actually safety of the general public correct yeah I mean if 2%
00:50:36| you're saving the other 98% okay sure that makes sense keep the dangerous people away from the safe people will second quote sure numb to rehabilitate I guess great the number two I don't even
00:50:50| know sure I guess I mean the one thing I would love is to go for trial have the judge just railing on me saying how ridiculous I was like I know you've never never put up with it ever again
00:51:01| call me up a shit shit shit your shit liquor your a lick shit I want to talk to this defendant right now and he like you walk up to the bench you're like oh god oh no
00:51:12| you know that I'm a number I'm a number just don't worry super chef get it is gonna jail free card put it's in his handwriting Erlich is this legit can we do this since you did 30 years and
00:51:32| you're just like I had a card he's like you're right you're good he's good I can't wait this is next podcast number well I was gonna say that they got it was in jail for four years
00:51:45| and got 1 million dollars how much do you think that equates to per day that they paid him for his life for 40 years in billing I actually don't know what is it did you do $66 and then they
00:51:57| countersuit him for the time that it cost them so they countersuits was $50 a day what I don't know I don't know that's the pride did not stand it kid because he didn't want them to care for
00:52:12| him but they the ridiculous part is they use that against people so like if you're if you're a difficult inmate they use that ruled against you to say we're gonna counter sue you for you know a
00:52:23| year 20k a year and that's how much you'll have to pay if you lose the suit that's ridiculous um real quick shout-out though so if I can get a prisoner to count out my beans
00:52:37| or fold towels or put a bunch of things in a bag or stand it's the old stamp uh license plates license plates is that a popular job still or I don't know that exists um it's probably automated that's
00:52:53| probably that's the one thing the guy in jail said is that there yet you have to have a job in order for it to seem like you're being rehabilitated that you're trying and there's no jobs because
00:53:03| honestly what jobs can you do so people are just like what pretending to have jobs or like cups are sitting by the the food trays and there's a guy handing them to you instead of just like having
00:53:16| to pick them up like that's a job he'll give you your tray here's your tray sir hmm it's like those people that are in bathrooms when you take it a piss and you turn around right
00:53:24| yeah right yeah can I give you this towel reader the greeter well I don't take the Talon just put it on the wrong there are people who um will dig up roadways
00:53:36| um you shovels do physical manual labor and they do ergo Xia I believe a dollar our region pretty pretty good rate this segment of our podcast will be a quick shout out to like 25-30 big everyday
00:53:57| companies that actually use prison labor yeah let's hear it ready for it prison labor daily now that I'll start with like Wendy's everyone's like a winter store so who's your source gonna decide
00:54:09| use notice oh no no no trust me you can look anywhere to find it there's many of these lists I know Wendy's because I've read the
00:54:16| article will that do it there Tomatoes it's not everything Wendy's does they don't package their burgers but they get their tomatoes from slave labor essentially I call it slave labor its
00:54:26| prison labor because they only got to pay these people about our fifteen if they don't do it guess what you're in the hole guess what you're getting the were set and it's guess what you're
00:54:34| screwed so they pick tomatoes for them especially yeah it is it's a Mexico thing it's a Mexican prison thing huh and they don't have to pay you can look it up there's a whole big article on
00:54:44| it's like pretty screwed up it's like whoa which is funny because you think Wendy's isn't bad right they're like not frozen beef do Wendy's tomatoes prisoner oh yeah you're gonna see all our dude
00:54:58| you can give me some deets on our anyway I'm trying to follow that doesn't know no guy is fine it doesn't look shady like it's an official looks like inside so as of March 2017 the article I read
00:55:17| these are the so one year ago one year ago these are the major brands that use in everyday life that would rather pay a dollar fifteen to a prisoner because
00:55:29| they don't want to pay someone like $18 no or like an adult they don't want to support America they'd rather just get free labor eventually and these are good people
00:55:39| we the unpainted support these groups entirely and their use of slave labor and keeping people in prison so shout out Whole Foods good group McDonald's Walmart Victoria's Secret ATM t BP Bank
00:55:53| of America Bayer gonna have an artist a good thing she's them but they don't know and also didn't have the article standing by that prison phone it could just be something as stupid ism like
00:56:04| they break ground somewhere like if you got a new Bank of America they dig they're creating a leg spinning Jeffrey banks put it quick shout out them Bayer if I'm having a heart attack and I think
00:56:16| I do I grab there even though they you slave labor um caterpillar Chevron Chrysler Costco from Costco I thought there were good guys John Deere good guys Exxon good
00:56:30| guys GlaxoSmithKline never heard of them chemical mark mark never a little Microsoft never heard of them Pepsi Kmart Johnson and Johnson all those babies in
00:56:47| the commercials prisoners Motorola Procter and Gamble is Starbucks Verizon Wendy's Quaker Oats you guys Quaker Oats Allstate sprint Mary Kay corporation come on Mary Kay I thought Mary Kate
00:57:08| actually we're different list of companies to use prison labor oh you can find them all baby and again it might be for something about Publix there's things like they probably get tax
00:57:26| write-offs for using prisoners do you know what I'm saying maybe I'm trying I'm just shocked by how many companies Oh everybody well think about it even if you only use them five times for a
00:57:38| little stupid jobs you can write it down as you use prisoners see it's a double-edged sword there's also how many companies will not hire prisoners now these companies I just listed can say
00:57:52| they hire prisoners so it's really a good guy prisoners really forcing out the American farmer because they're forced attacking money off of them
00:58:01| no I am I don't believe you pay the American farmer and the prisoner I think you just cut up at Martin Bowman you don't need this guy Frank so what I will say is is it interesting to think that
00:58:14| maybe in a capitalist society you send more and more people to prison sector more and more prison labor that you only have to pay a dollar fifteen an hour for and keep more and more of them in prison
00:58:28| you make book bullshit reasons like smoking weed - cinnamon jail I don't know I mean that is cheap labor isn't it that's the one thing the the jail bird said if you're in solitary for that long
00:58:39| you're just pleading to do something something to keep your mind busy so you're just digging for easy trying to say you know I want to pump oil I'm gonna take a very drops
00:58:49| give me some some be page you guys you guys are good guys more that's commissary maybe some of that sweet sweet commissary and if you're a big company are you like we can hire another
00:59:01| guy for $18 an hour or a guy for a doll or 15 an hour he certainly isn't running away he's got an ankle bracelet everything I'm just saying but it's gonna be a problem in the robot
00:59:20| revolution I kind of hope so but robot go for freedom I mean oil electricity uh-huh it's gonna drive down the prison wages and be it's gonna be a riot
00:59:32| um last but not least I will touch on some positive notes because those are pretty negative things to say yeah saddened I know you were down there shout out Seattle you know what
00:59:46| Seattle's doing right now as a state as a city having a whole lot of homeless people that's so because it's so nice now they're armed they're looking into decriminalizing marijuana which they are
00:59:58| kinda have but just making sure future reference and retro actively decriminalizing marijuana every children anyone exactly for marijuana charge pretty so as long as
01:00:11| it's not violent they're willing to whatever which is cool I think it's a way to go I mean it stuff's legal now it's like marijuana is legal now you can sell it while while it's like a dude in
01:00:22| jail for like 18 years who like lost his family and whatever he's like but I little peril and early I'm really sorry it was a legal year ago like June if he's doing the same thing but now he's
01:00:33| in jail for 18 years right yeah that's the one thing I was curious about the drugs in jail nope they're still in jail yeah still get drugs though feel like you have oh crap guards they need
01:00:47| money to derail um no no no you're relating to my next point there's a DA in Philadelphia who's making waves we want to give a shout-out to Larry crasner shout-out lair was Larry's days
01:01:05| he's a district attorney and just as of a month or two ago he came before a lot of conferences a lot of people and a meeting and everything and he said um he gave a memo to everyone will understand
01:01:19| everyone he employed everyone who works with them don't prosecute any marijuana charges no matter how much they'll pay for it he's doing him prosecuted it's a joke so that's interesting and raised a
01:01:31| few eyebrows like your district attorney you're supposed to prosecute crime he said he refused to and anyone in his under his study don't go so he just released him from jail let her hold them
01:01:43| indefinitely I don't know if this is future cases okay he will never prosecute a marijuana charge that's kind of awesome right good so shout out Larry but did Larry didn't
01:01:54| stop there he went before everyone and said the average cost of incarceration in Philadelphia I'm from where Larry's from is 42,000 a year kind of make sense yeah sure make sense you gotta keep
01:02:08| people feed him guards but I don't know how they fare at room board anything he said that's interesting we pay the average teacher in Philadelphia $45,000 a year the average police
01:02:19| Saltzer 49,000 the average social worker exactly $42,000 a year and the average diction council forty three thousand dollars a year leah triage and so he stood before them
01:02:34| and said if this makes any sense at all is it worth paying a whole extra teacher to teach hundreds of kids to keep this one individual in jail per year if it is by all means keep him this is just
01:02:49| strictly financial logic he says is it worth one extra teacher will answer a police officer to keep this guy who has a nonviolent marijuana crime in for ten years that's ten years of a police
01:03:02| officer you're cutting it up that's ten years of a teacher that's how about addiction counsel someone who could stop maybe relapsing yeah going to jail oh but instead you'd rather keep someone in
01:03:17| jail for a year pieces that's interesting anyway he's making waves and Philadelphia and I am powered till he makes a lot of sense I know there's more to every side more to
01:03:28| every story but we shall know Adam he's not feeding the Machine no he's not the machine seems to make a lot of money although a dollar fifteen an hour wage so who said shoutout Walmart good job
01:03:41| hey bear love your aspirin I hope we get sponsors in like six months in Italy if just write all our sponsors okay oh this is bigger and we're up we're pulling out shit I hope you have a heart attack
01:03:58| whoa you can never lock never use our products over again how would you know Bayer save your life yeah you go to buy a beer and then somehow your credit card isn't working
01:04:11| I've cash and then my booth the police officer just slowly walks towards you with his gun he's like about that draw he's like are you doing there yeah bear bear you got Bayer Aspirin show your
01:04:22| hands nothing its tylenol really coming with Iowa doll Merrick it's a generic yeah go to jet pop jet pop let's talk about the ABX prison the maximum-security prison that's like the
01:04:38| max max yeah the highest of the high it was in an article that highlighted like Norway's method so Norway actually tries to rehabilitate people I'm gonna pull the website and Norway it looks
01:04:49| like they have like a little IKEA I don't know an armoire a little TV legitimate bathroom and the prisoners have some food together huh I guess something real worthwhile it's probably
01:05:02| free labor question have always put together looks like named afro to be but you know take prisoners you know you know every awesome intelligence might be a little
01:05:14| lower and then it has like a contrast of American prisons where it's like a steel shower and like a concrete bed so like the the Norway one had like like a dorm room feel like a cot almost a college
01:05:26| feel and I've seen you show it on the other going through it they give me real silverware and don't you play gay blade art it's like huh that's pretty awesome they have a gym music meditation and
01:05:41| then American ADX Florence is in Colorado literally if you took the footprint of like a mini cooper or Mahamaya you'd be a living in that space for 23 hours a day and you would I mean
01:05:57| they have a TV in here but everything else is metal or concrete give a little slit for like a 4-inch window it's crazy you can't and you don't you have no comment no communication to anybody and
01:06:09| you can't even like you can barely see sunlight so Prison boils down to two things if I were to make the old economics 101 X it's a what a human deserves a needs to live right lime one
01:06:25| here what someone deserves or should be punished for for their crime we don't know you don't I mean here we got like some countries are like hey you can live you want you can watch a cable TV HBO
01:06:42| everything else like you guys are the king I know you killed eight people but you're in prison just here's HBO you know I mean we got the newest episodes
01:06:52| and these are heated seats and he gets it let the guys go you can tell me my name is over here where it's like hey you were convicted of a non-violent crime and I know you were accidentally
01:07:04| stuck in here but ooh you got into a fight with our inmate you're here for 10 years your toilets don't work it's broken glass everywhere you sleep on concrete and don't ever get out and the
01:07:17| best of all you actually can't lay down there's spikes something around by the way there's spikes on the ground yeah plain easily but it's like there's got to be a middle ground and I don't know
01:07:29| that I know what it is but I know Americus and the world would you say that I think so but another part of it is that Norway isn't hunting down the people that are terrorized I don't think
01:07:41| Norway was right though by the way oh yeah it's too easy right seems right I think it's Norway I was thinking it's a little too late we're like housing like well the one thing I'll say is
01:07:52| wrong is the Indian definite without trial holding so like people that are held in Guantanamo Guantanamo that are terrorists you're allowed to hold them indefinitely and not try them so they're
01:08:06| not even like is this the people where we are blessed Panama by Van Halen yeah hold them upside down waterboarding and all sorts of stuff right who's a bit much for me also because well if they
01:08:20| are convicted then they go to this ADX Florence and they sit in that cage for ever essentially they're never gonna get out yes so how about the Boston bomber he's an actor I think I know where did
01:08:32| he get how many years I've no idea take a look thank God the internet exists mm-hmm Thanks see what it said says death sentence formally imposed as well doesn't say how
01:08:49| many years you just you're convicted so that's another thing I looked at is that there's only like a handful of states that actually do execute it's like there well here's an
01:09:01| interesting or questionable thing there are more states that they always did that tell you right definitely but they don't actually do it yeah like countess cornea yeah California will accept
01:09:13| people and say they're convicted to death they will be exiting ever actually execute them yeah Texas is yeah Podcast DNA up it we doing it just to pause I could talk by myself de los 676
01:09:31| it up by 24 at one point when he said he's still lost yep well they were only on place six or four at that point that's where I my mood turned but always wanted to be in
01:09:48| the podcast there you are good job so you got 30 murder charges wait wait so wait 30 trials only for for murder so you get at least four life sentences killed it doesn't say so he knows get
01:10:05| another by lethal injection which is another interesting thing is that if your sentence for execution you can technically choose what your your death will be so what would your death be if
01:10:19| you were sentenced and choose was hanging you do some of these somebody no one there were people hanged in 2016 I'll tell you that really yeah that's pretty awful wait a
01:10:38| hold on this is another question it's morbid and crazy but can I find the footage online no thanks I was really curious I have no idea they had you teeming I don't think so I guess they
01:10:51| have right you'd have to prove it yeah yeah I think it's somewhere you can go to someone as shady web sites and get it probably I'm not saying I want to it's more of a question of do they say that
01:11:03| here's the here's the here your options they must save that okay you can go lethal injection mm-hmm Electric emission I've done that which not to death oh wait what
01:11:20| these are means of execution leave the gas hanging and firing squad and nitrogen gets picked for that hole there's got to be a job yeah you only come in with a sign wood in case firings
01:11:39| quieter that's your job that's awesome I heard they have like a line of people and they only give like real bullets like two or three of them right I did hear that so no one knows who really
01:11:49| killed them but if you're gonna shoot super sure yeah you could probably feel a little difference there's a rumor or a running theme going around you've been sentenced to death and you will die by
01:12:03| electricity and they pull the thing can you get electrocuted if it doesn't work well for some reason it shorts or it didn't kill you you're free to go is this true this is along the lines of
01:12:15| something I read earlier very Snopes II and nearly a Czech Snopes pose okay so back the olden days they used to say if you stick your head in boiling water and you survive then you're innocent I
01:12:29| did it's a witch thing yes so the priest if he thought he was innocent he would turn down the heat so it wouldn't be really boiling I just look like boiling water and they stick their head in there
01:12:40| and survive uh-huh so it's really not like electricity if it's not technically all the way on my environment catch point too though that you survived your head being submerged
01:12:52| in boiling water kazar which you deserve the death make just string you up anyway yeah yeah that was a thing you never do I didn't read that second part of it yeah yeah yeah oh
01:13:04| no if you survive something ridiculous like being semi poisoned stabbed and so they would kill you anyway yeah this would kill you anyway so if you live through this death sentence you
01:13:20| will be killed it's awful mm-hmm so fit since prison sodas McDaniel's McDonald's you got a place anyway they usually pay their workers with dollar
01:13:35| fifteen and an or seven minutes it's pretty close it's about even about what they feel anyway we didn't talk about the classic the classic watch your corn hole but didn't watch the corn old-blood
01:13:49| um did you read any arc on how much rape happens in prison I read one that that stated that it was more likely that you're gonna get raped by a guard mmm which is kind of crazy because they
01:14:04| also included stats about humor this is humorous but it's like if you go to prison and they tell you within 24 hours that rape is wrong then you're less likely to get raped but if they don't
01:14:17| tell you that rape is wrong you're more likely to get raped hmm which kind of makes ya tell their what's right and wrong I can imagine prisoners being like oh so
01:14:29| you're not okay no no that's a bad one so in the previous podcast which we didn't release I am do what you would do to protect yourself from the corruption and getting shaved or sexually
01:14:46| interacted with in any any form mmm and you said you'd be a friend aw you know we try and befriend everyone white power black power Asian power I'm missing a couple powers but I would
01:15:01| befriend all ya Axis powers allies I want the eyes everybody if many people's like Oh fine I'm friend in the group the guards you need to pay them off good friendly guards yeah and my defense
01:15:18| would probably be to be disgusting or really really resourceful create crazy wealth out to be disgusting so there's a scene in Oz where he pins a guy down and then he poops his mouth so that
01:15:34| not saying that would do that I would just say you know borderline insanity you do something crazy like that who's gonna really go after you thank you you got something wrong with
01:15:44| you to come after you they're gonna get some nasty disease or somebody you just tell them you get HIV they're not gonna I don't think they're gonna go after how they're gonna mess with you Andy
01:15:53| Dufresne and the sisters yeah you stick this in my mouth whatever I've got to break down hard mm-hmm takes a crowbar to pry it open Oh sweetie oh honey I've got HIV too
01:16:10| which didn't I don't know that existed back then but well folks well that's the happy ending prism and its happy ending don't go to prison don't ever be involved in prison and don't buy from
01:16:24| any companies that support prison which is impossible I know all she may involve every company business which in defense if a company like that wanted to support us I'd say yeah that company may have
01:16:40| supported prison labor in the sense that they were supporting prisoners in general he mentioned no unemployed a prisoner that would be terrible someone has to give these people a job
01:16:50| if someone has to stick their neck out for them it's a little tiny company like Walmart and I think it's great that they would give them prisoner a job so Walmart is a hero and they can write it
01:17:01| off as a tax deduction because they're helping the prisoner mm-hmm helping by his commissary give somebody a come on the deodorants like half a day's pay so most of those guys pry it off easier no
01:17:20| I wouldn't know but it's a very point that boy you're yeah well thanks thank you to check in in if you have any prison he stuffed with a head yeah if you've imagined it but it's not wait so
01:17:38| the story I have is that prison has devices that will interpret for you and so like it's a video interpreter and the person I found a way to hack it to get poured
01:17:51| on it so if they're hacking a device to get porn on it they probably don't have internet good point unless they're in Norway which they probably get escorts delivered to the
01:18:00| prison there's some crazy shit that sounds I like that's good at Norway if anyone wants the fun is to go to Norway to really find out what prison is like yeah small sentence find the boss crying
01:18:15| can commit while getting in prison that'd be amazing to start off like that jaywalking yeah yeah give me that give it a week I'll take the way street yeah we owe you in doorway for free hmm
01:18:31| interesting yeah well folks we do certainly do like you don't leave us we like it a lot we really do okay thanks for tuning in thanks for thanks
01:18:49| for being there

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