The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP063 Sexual Attraction Arousal Intimacy

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Transcript UnP063 Sexual Attraction Arousal Intimacy

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 63 - Sexual Attraction Arousal Intimacy
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00:00:01| have you ever seen somebody from afar made contact eye contact touch maybe heard them say something that just turned you on a little bit feel excited it'll interested can't resist them
00:00:15| you're drawn in you're forced by your own compulsions oh let's talk about sexual attraction today so I'm Dan and I'm Nick we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology
00:00:35| media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block babies we don't pander to popular
00:00:48| opinion look like you can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good
00:01:00| time sweet sweet sound steamy Randy all horned up I haven't know your parent it yeah I actually well my wife had a baby about three months ago so I haven't made sweet sweet lovin for about four months
00:01:39| it's been a long time oh I also she serves yourself like four times a day I have not service myself for a week also in preparation for this episode because testosterone apparently spikes
00:01:59| after a week of no release I don't know if you know where to go nowhere to run to baby nowhere to hide hmm so that's good yeah I mean what I got the first question I'm gonna ask
00:02:14| you is do you feel a difference if you it's been a while hey sure do and let me whoa sound the facts welcome the invaders but I guess you don't I feel that's what we're gonna
00:02:31| do from now on folks we're just gonna do sound effects but know there is a noticeable difference I'll say after about 10 straight hours without getting off my rocks I get real angry like get
00:02:46| mated there's an irrational missus in my head it manifests itself in not being able to think straight being a blogger yeah yeah it makes me Delma which is weird because I think been the Seinfeld
00:02:59| thing say the opposite no well he said after a while he became more educated he felt like he could do advanced mathematics or something which I don't know I feel like I do get a bit crass I
00:03:12| don't know I'm more short-tempered and then I also like notice myself being attracted to like a variety of women more women and then it's like Sun rising as well women in the commercials I like
00:03:25| like the hand models yes subtitles for your life it would say sharply inhales air every time you see a commercial oh yeah those hands breathe baby how do you feel right them right now that under our
00:03:50| bond that's a natural undershirt thick wool the undershirt they make those in Italy folks fine Italian hairs mmm have been noticing that though that I I don't know I
00:04:06| it's the range of possibilities just kinds of ways on you and you're just thinking about them all of a sudden they pop into your brain usually oh oh what why and I think another yeah I I'm
00:04:19| grouchy middle-age and I can feel that like the the drive isn't as strong as when I was younger obviously I think the testosterone fades over - sorry I was my second sander in
00:04:31| the night I've only got six on here so I got to use them all yeah so that's crazy so you can already feel it's different yeah I think I'm moving towards the mental game you're like I want someone
00:04:41| who's like mentally stimulating they could be physically attractive but the physical part I guess you become so I adjust it to like having a woman around some married that it's like the physical
00:04:53| part is not as a draw it's not like when I was 16 when I was just like you know let's just get into it let's get I'm so I just want to get down to it I think part of me is there but part of me isn't
00:05:05| I'm still the youthful glow I always was against the well my visage mm-hmm it's uh I was trying to actually share our feet to online but apparently that the Twitter bot doesn't post it that's good
00:05:20| huh interesting how do you know you're attracted to somebody like what are your senses what do you what are you picking up from somebody that makes you attractive of
00:05:29| them it's usually a look or way they move or a way they say things but it's not something you can capture in a picture usually I'm not a picture guy like if someone showed me a picture of a
00:05:41| person I couldn't be like dude she is I'm super like I can be attracted to a picture but there's a fluidity of emotion actually appreciate in you have seen those like women actually I think
00:05:53| there's a whole subreddit about women taking like hot-or-not photos but they like do it from like downward which gives them a double chin and then they raise themselves up so it's like their
00:06:03| chin is elongated yes they're thinner because they're just a different angle so the photos you collide a lot we come up here dude you take all your selfies from us both yo
00:06:13| that that's why I did it I'd guess just like this all time just my chin oh yeah look at that chin I'll leave this chin mmm I'm like regal and good baby right up the middle what's
00:06:25| there but sister all the men now could be anything if you pray you not in and my uncle who's a model by the way you taught you this special trick click on this link and go to town ride
00:06:42| it ride it ride it hmm so all this things are probably indicating what about a mate is that you're trying to look for someone that's probably similar to mine say they try and say health and
00:06:54| fertility are the big things like that's why big old movies represents fertility right yeah a little hips represents able to carry a baby in them or that there's lean and thin because they're exercising
00:07:07| they're able to uh mm-hmm there is something else yeah carry large loads like for the record I like my women thick as in thi si si I like you I like petite women I don't know why I'm
00:07:24| more on the nerdy side but I like strong it was drawing petite women Oh like super strong suit yeah like Mighty Mouse I got a gymnast but holder mm-hmm so not in the visual aspect of it so no I am
00:07:52| but it's it's a it's a like ephemeral it's short it's a short look here throw from like gamer friends out there it's like when you're playing a game at 30fps versus 60fps versus 144fps
00:08:05| shout out there's just a big difference in the fluidity of the game so like how a person moves let's talk about that is this you're talking about motion so like watching someone walk I think
00:08:18| that's yeah that teaches you a lot about how the person I guess their personalities all wins yeah I mean a little bit of their physical traits a little bit of uh yeah I could tell she's
00:08:29| in the Dexter or not by the way she walks a little bit yeah 300 tell a little bit if 300 she walks she's constantly kicking saying this is sparta that would be a big big indicator
00:08:48| wouldn't it I don't go for Oh I mean you can't really tell that if they're you know if they played sports if there are athletic you can tell if they've never played a sport if they
00:08:59| walk kind of like out of drink you can also tell like mental disabilities to not saying you're into that but you can tell what they whether they have like an async recei hey Syncrude yeah a singer
00:09:13| see they're asynchronous so if they're like they're not fluid in their movements there's something off there there's something that you wouldn't trust like I know I'm honey percent
00:09:22| agree that's why I think I find that way more important than a still frame still frame a lot can be off you had time to a still frame a little bit of motion I'm doing that sharp
00:09:34| inhale of air you know what if I find a really attractive girl like she's doing that thing and I'm like oh I can't believe it I got a bite my fist like an old timey times ah hmm do you know what
00:09:52| that referred to I do not know neither do I if you are in the comments right now let us know why did old people when they see that hot broad is that what they called them today for the record
00:10:08| old-timey term for old broads yeah that's what broad was for correct cover that in a previous episode broad is short for one of broad hips which was like a child bear which was like we'll
00:10:21| give that broad hips it got shortened to look at that broad are you looking up I'm trying to bite her it out it's bringing out like because like it because like your hand is the the
00:10:40| conduit to sin like and you were gonna slap that fine honey on her rump maybe and say good job waitress or whatever they said back in the day so like you're biting your hand to stop it from doing
00:10:50| all the evil deeds you would do to her um I think it's the only way to express in a movie how you feel in that way really it was created for movies yeah I think so that's the only thing any other
00:11:04| diseases deaf psoriasis of the knuckles is that way you're chewing on there sure do I sure do so let's touch on the visual a little bit so if you have someone's like
00:11:21| a face that's straight on their profile trip yeah or not asymmetric yeah so asymmetrical is called fluctuating asymmetry waiting hips I believe they say in the biz well
00:11:36| that's mmm that's a different thing so fluctuating asymmetry is when a person's face doesn't match up exactly and good genes should make you so that your face lines up somewhat accurately
00:11:48| my face is kind of tilted most of the time and I squint with my left eye so I don't that's very much screwing it yeah let's put a mirror right in the middle Nick's face it looks like uh I'm trying
00:12:02| to do like a duper thing what I think I'm really well my eyes are definitely all yeah it's definitely not quite right yeah you're okay though I think you're in the range of normal fairly so that's
00:12:16| one of the things if you're looking at a mate the visually you're telling you're deciding whether their genes are accurate enough to make a symmetrical body or if they were malnourished or
00:12:26| something during the phrase that made them so they didn't they don't do the word is easel right yeah that's like if I'm president yeah if a person smiles and they have some sort of disease that
00:12:35| causes them to not smile quite right you're gonna pick up on that and say probably not I hope that's gonna be a note for me yeah let's be British I look at those teeth huh since I do it not
00:12:49| very happy but you know whatever I'm working on it could be hit on there and you could be a hit in Britain and it could be a hit there so what's the liable relatively good teeth like in
00:13:00| those haha this chap over here I'm telling you I'm trying to post our thing there it's difficult to podcast and I post at the same time oh it's sure is I'm trying to do it
00:13:13| unbeknownst to the viewer you have copied Oh life there goes at this link share it this is good radio there's good podcast share to copy link got it so the other thing I'm going to
00:13:28| touch on is voice it's like a person's voice usually a female's voice usually get turned on or like feel well there are there are there are husky know they can y'all ah that's true well there's
00:13:43| the other Fran Drescher's that cackle or they laugh at the stupidest things or you can't stand her yeah there's some that are very obvious but Fran Drescher's probably not in the when she
00:13:54| was recorded probably not in the probably range of where you would be mating page wise I was like the vocal range like this is in bed do you think she really makes those noises during her
00:14:08| sexual encounters oh my god it's gonna come out naturally but it was well triple up like a hermit crab going back into its shell that's weird into that I don't know aren't people in the
00:14:22| Screamers and stuff I don't know I had I had one woman that was uh into baby voices and that was just what the heck is wrong with you she no there wasn't yeah she was talking about things that
00:14:34| were in the room as we're getting busy and I was just like a can't I can't deal with this this is not normal you give me like one example cuz I'm flabbergasted look at that painting little boobs she
00:14:45| looked out the window and there were guys playing basketball and she said ooh basketball as I was like getting getting down to it and I was like what wait that's that's a bit of it yeah
00:14:55| so I couldn't date her anymore that was the end of our relationship right there I was i all finished but it's okay we're gonna be done we're gonna be done here I guess so well but pitch a voice is
00:15:07| actually for a female tree it lines up with our relation cycle so their pitch changes when they're most fertile and then when it's towards the end of the cycle when they're leaving fertility it
00:15:18| becomes a little bit deeper a little bit are you I read I did read this on a website which was probably 100% legit I'm gonna say it right now all right I'll take it
00:15:29| I mean I wasn't gonna argue with you always just it seems very uh but there's a there's a resonance so person's voice that you can tell how large they are also so like older women
00:15:39| will be a definitely larger so that is a something called a foreman which is like a resonance between the feminine mmm-hmm like so it'll be a louder and more resonant voice which will make it
00:15:52| seem like it's I guess more manly which is less attractive to a male but it's the reverse not all males that's true some male it's like that well did you know this might come up later in arousal
00:16:06| but did you know um men even let's say gay men like if your man attracted to a man your arousal works the same way as a man attractive to a female female arousal works entirely different so it
00:16:20| has nothing to it the opposite sex has to do with your own sex has to do with your own like disgusts is that where you're leaning toward no no no no your own physical nature your physiology I
00:16:31| don't know what you have to explain that a little more um I guess it's self-explanatory I said I need to explain it that way but like it's not who you're attracted to
00:16:40| that's important in your sexual arousal your sexual whatever it's who you are so like a male because you produce testosterone because you have a are we gonna say we know you can say penis I
00:16:53| don't know if is penis allowed penis Danis dick looks good to say it out loud is that good no I don't know boy anyway I fear where I was going just that um inspection I did I did I did your sexual
00:17:14| arousal and your sexual states are usually based on your physical like hormones and stuff hmm yeah so we can jump into that we're talking about androgens right a little bit sure yes I
00:17:29| am a virgin it's like testosterone in the female version is estrogen and there's a whole bunch of other ones there's like DHEA a-four a-five DHT and Andros Cerrone there's a whole
00:17:44| ton yeah if we were to use a scientific huh yeah progesterone oxytocin and vasopressin those God probe miss one I saw yeah though most of those have to do with the female cycle of being fertile
00:17:58| having an egg in there boom area and then what's weird as I think they come into play in other places too it's just they're important to the female cycle yeah like so there are 30 men have these
00:18:11| hormones but they're in such a small number right but it's just I find that crazy that we all have the same ones it's just like hey you got more of this I get more of this it makes us act
00:18:21| differently so there was something about sexual phases I see the graph yeah I always call it the e poor yeah the human sexual poor human sexual response cycle yeah eeep or
00:18:35| that's how everyone remembers it Oh sometimes if sometimes if old ladies feel and roll frisky I go like hey let's go do the e poor you don't know that it's not have no idea what that is it's
00:18:51| so easy it's excitement plateau orgasm resolution the important I remember the e poor yo r oh nice people take similarly like men a little bit of Plateau you know I'm saying like
00:19:04| a little bit of a mountain but it stops and goes straight for a while resolute so what I like the best about this is like when we break it down into something when we talk about is usually
00:19:17| science related or mathematical almost and the male phase is very obvious so the the man is almost always horny he can almost always ejaculate all I said it and then oh oh
00:19:32| exactly yeah except for a period after he's ejaculated so that doesn't really count I think he can oh I'm gonna get into it the refectory refractory period a refractory period we can divert I have
00:19:44| a graph I'm gonna pull up in a second here go for it do you know it can range between mere minutes to days in people oh yeah and they have the average for a couple ages so 18 year
00:19:58| old so hold on but for the record before if anyone might be listen it might not know after a male orgasms he Jack you-let's there's what's called a refractory period where he he doesn't
00:20:11| want to be touched he's oversensitive in his clans area yep and he's like I need a few minutes before I can even get it going against give me a minute I need an hour yeah I need two hours I need ten
00:20:23| days whatever it is for me it's just what a refractory period that's what I asked you at once listen take a limited yeah wow do you know the average um eighteen-year-old is under twenty
00:20:35| minutes the average seven-year-old is over twenty hours to get one eight hours yes so you only get one a day it's weird right I've never even thought of that that's
00:20:49| terrifying to me the one thing I did read about being elderly is that they can still get it on it just takes more time to get it up and then there's less lubrication stop reading doom 2016 is
00:21:05| coming out rip and tear rip and tear so the wait the mail cycle is pretty straight forward it's like either either you haven't and you can or you just have and you maybe can't for a little while
00:21:16| the female cycle has several lines that say you're almost there you're almost there you almost there and then you're done or you're there and you're oh there you go and then oh okay
00:21:25| you wanna keep going keep going and then there's a third line that goes up and down rapidly which I think you've met personally you've met that line you've cried you're
00:21:42| over well I had no I was trying to play sound effect there's an ad before it no honey that's an app fail right there I was gonna be like you know I took so long
00:22:01| or the refractory paranoid in most men though in the United States this is a true fact is around half an hour so you need was a deflating balloon it was from a free app called over 200 sounds 200
00:22:22| sounds anyway I'm gonna play another two I didn't get to play it a mating call female we say that especially if we're like well on the job and we're wearing our hard hat and we're eating our lunch
00:22:37| out of a metal lunchbox I'm just rethinking it you a jackhammer you know we've had this make that sound to a female to show that we are attracted to her I'm just gonna split some concrete
00:22:48| right now hello yeah my man there's one other one say something about your job real quick my job what about it like that it's gonna be on sound effect those idiots someone likes
00:23:03| the T that mmm the daddy and that's another thing you sure this isn't know that you're wearing a tee I don't think you are unless you're talking about your undershirt good what's under there a lot
00:23:19| of fuzz so the alright we get on to the next you see we had body image we had like visuals we adhering sort of smells you'll get to smells mmm you
00:23:35| don't like that intrusion smells no no I I can do smells I mean smells are like your body gives off pheromones like I don't even know what pheromones are I couldn't tell you
00:23:45| what firm install like so pheromones are always secreted like it's not most people think like it's maybe like with your Bo or something but they're always there they're just coming out in your
00:23:53| skin and your hair it seemed you know you came out with something that has literally over we pheromones it's naturally attractive to the female they smell it it goes
00:24:02| right into the olfactory bulb we got them right in here folks females got them it's an aphrodisiac automatically drive some a little wild little something called tenting happens I don't
00:24:12| want to get too graphic but let's just say the vagina is like this it was like this natural procedure involved in arousal Wow so I'm actually getting around smelling
00:24:26| myself right now that's actually the the thing with colognes and ver moans is that you're with using colognes you're actually turning yourself on which makes you more attractable to other mates
00:24:37| because you're now very active and engaged so the whole reason to use a cologne is for yourself because most people can't smell it until they're really close to them oh yes yeah I've
00:24:49| become water more attractive oh you can smell yeah he's starting to get more engaged I have more engages at the conversation starting to ornament to ornament that's pretty good we'll come
00:25:01| back oh we sure will did you know that um I read 10 really weird things to turn everyone horny or something are you still on pheromones I have one more time one more tidbit go ahead so like
00:25:16| pheromones are secured all the time most of them are negative so if you get within 18 inches of somebody you can tell where they'd like some advice yeah like that and they all have to do with
00:25:27| kind of like the female cycle the man kind of already emits them but they are linked to different types of like testosterone and other androgens so a female can pick up on this and be
00:25:37| attracted to it but most likely the pheromones are not for positive reasons they're for negative reasons so they're like will force a woman away most likely so if you're trying real spera moans to
00:25:49| attract a woman you have to be really close to her and also repeat whether you happen to be the right pheromones to not drive her away well check this I heard that um because generally women are
00:26:01| shorter than men that women release a lot of fur moans from the top of their head that's why we like the way women's hair smells really I like that stat actually I don't know if that's true
00:26:11| hey where's head height the average woman probably on the average man right yeah I got it makes make sense makes sense to get me so that where where did the men come out of like your nipple
00:26:31| height like is that that's right with the nose or armpits aren't it yeah no not that one I made that up you can just interesting right huh we're getting closer here with within 18
00:26:46| inches of somebody we're really attracted to somebody you can also smell like they're like sex my number makes a fish joke or whatever there's and vagina has a smell but it's like I don't know
00:27:00| that I've ever picked out someone's second I mean there I've been tests prove that I'm talking about during sexual whatever so I intercourse or place on whatever I don't know how you
00:27:11| describe that with words we'll go ahead and here you've got all explain it this way you brought it up if I smell bet while I was shopping for doughnuts in Dunkin Donuts and I was in line I
00:27:25| would do this and I'm a crawler and I'm not sure if I want any more doughnuts ah it's just not doing that day I'm gonna have to we're gonna do a rain check just I'll take the coffee know it I'll pay
00:27:43| for the coffee I don't need the coffee we're good have a great day and then I'll leave changing the bail will go off and then showing I left when you smell that same smell when you're like heavy
00:27:53| petting you're making out you're doing all sorts of crazy stuff with someone like it it almost drives you along further you're like hell yeah I'm gonna go for the source like I'm a bee on the
00:28:05| loose we're gonna find that honey gonna dip my fruit in that forbidden I'm trying to use different words cuz I don't want to get banned entirely from YouTube but I'm
00:28:15| gonna get there I'm gonna find that sweet sweet go actor yep yeah but it's the same smell it's just your state of mind changes and I think a teen is everything oh yeah definitely there's
00:28:26| an animalistic kind of Drive that you take it takes over you I don't I think it's always there but when you're in the in the heat of things both of you are feeling your animalistic vibes and
00:28:37| you're going for it and there's very little that you can do wrong and I'm mighty eaten right do you know why that is I mean it's actually a real easy reason you actually do know it it's just
00:28:48| I didn't think of it till I was researching today I didn't I actually didn't come across this you you already know it it's like a joke because all your blood has rushed to the androgynous
00:29:00| zones like your - she's my language you're handy raja'na sounds whatever dude you're Rogers you're Roger huh yeah well that's why it's that's why it's androgynous it's your erogenous
00:29:16| zone but made to be like the Android like all plane without nipples and pits and you know so what are your erogenous zones I actually know the females is the old
00:29:28| Volvo right here honey the bow bow okay that's the wrong area well and then there's most guys don't actually know this but then there's - clit yeah yeah I mean you know about Grafton Berg right
00:29:47| oh the G the G the old Grafton Berg spot founded by a man in the 1960s anyway Roger zones are all the hot spots the ones we got to cover on TV when we're flashing them out in public right mm
00:30:07| yeah exactly right I guess so is your ear and ride in and set so the one I'm looking at which I don't like looking at too much most of the erogenous zones are around mucocutaneous
00:30:21| spots which are like the look you coquito - so erogenous zone is word you could enjoy I guess it's do it mucous membrane so your mouth your eyes and stuff what sort of it's like has to do
00:30:34| your inside of your body coming out so there's a network of fibers that are interacting at these zones that where your body is like breathing out you know exhale it'll secreting so how
00:30:50| many minutes in the episode are all episodes anyway so they their explanation is that you have like two networks that are intertwine there so it makes it super sensitive and for a good
00:31:02| reason because your body's trying to protect itself but it also is trying to draw you into like sex it's also trying to make it so you're super sensitive around your and I'm gonna list these
00:31:12| ones lips tongue neck neck for some reason that they've you know whatever breast nipple protector protects your esophagus or something and then the clitoris of China g-spot anus scrotum
00:31:25| the penis what state like where's my soundboard I danced I do have read one myself a little shy there a little nervous I'm scared what's really crazy is what you say when your do you think
00:31:45| it's natural or a product of the society we live in clothes everything but when you're naked you want to protect those areas kinda well when I have been naked in public I have covered those areas
00:32:00| literally because you were going in yeah yeah you were gonna reach over grab your dilly dilly and just start shaking if you're running through a forest naked you're probably gonna cover your private
00:32:18| parts I'm just gonna say that I just thought of the coolest weirdest fantasy ever so you're running naked and you're terrified you're afraid right and it's you you're outside of your college right
00:32:28| oh my god I'm streaking I can't believe it that cop sees you he's like whoa whoa whoa and he grabs your dingdong like from but his arm grows really long it's
00:32:37| like 20 feet long he's grabbing it from like across the parking lot he's like looks like you're getting excited and in public you know like now officer I gotta I gotta go back to the dorm he's like
00:32:47| it's an extra extra bad penalty of law if you get off in public he started just back and what can again we've unfunny yourself I can't believe you just said that PT I
00:33:23| think I thought it at once it was the long arm of the law we shouldn't cross to get you I don't want to and he's like you know jack you lean in oh man oh I have a theory that like to prevent heart
00:33:40| disease you have like blockages in your arteries and when you laugh that hard all those blockages kind of break apart than the newest oh you just added a year of my life through me yeah you owe me
00:33:52| you owe that officer what the hell are we talking about oh just those zones ironically enough to say like the neck and like the lips and the tongue like do you guys feel like
00:34:05| you should protect them anyway like more so than your cheek more so than your right bicep like there's something naturally sensitive about you that's that yeah in the internet work of nerves
00:34:15| like so those zones are areas that are like in and outside the body so your nerve or they oscillate you're thicker lips nodes right they are kind of and I think the there is that are erogenous
00:34:27| that are not mucocutaneous like you're you're next from your akio making you arm anymore you're like you're like the back your leg or like the parts that are ticklish
00:34:36| on you maybe your feet look a little like toes like this the cycle will maybe weird fetish but you know I'm not into it it's not my thing Wow I think we've discussed some issues
00:34:48| all in here but yeah but they're the most sensitive like if you want to have someone to react to what you're doing you're trying to focus on areas there's real sensitive
00:35:02| not going back there sir long arms is by himself back there alright if I told you which sex can get more aroused the quickest fully aroused there's actually a state go fully
00:35:21| aroused that is really men yeah no way you would think right that's not no it's equal for both and how long do you think it is fully aroused it's like where all the blood is in one area you're in
00:35:33| females it's a little different I'm gonna say shy he reckons I'm gonna do this no it's way longer ten minutes what yes that well this is not is that naturally holy I'm aroused is different
00:35:46| than aroused dan this isn't what you see when you see a tide commercial is not fully aroused that's it's just called like whoa whoa fully aroused is where you're like breathing heavy
00:35:57| I'll give you you're breathing heavy full erection your pupils are dilated your blood pressure is actually changed and uh are you alright I think you're losing about that if you're a female I'd
00:36:13| say you were engorged in all your sex zooms we discussed some of them your nipples your aerial is actually a bigger I'm the cleaner arouses yeah do you know that yes things you have armor filled of
00:36:25| blood yeah they do blood pressure pupils dilate your breathing changes and you do tenting in the old vagina that's one of my favorite things is one of Aegina just sets up tent right there
00:36:37| moisture actually is a big part of it moisture seeps in from the walls oh but anyway by the time you're like fully aroused in all these situations you're like ten minutes on average for
00:36:51| both a man and a woman now it takes 10 minutes so like foreplay is a real thing then so getting 10 minutes of foreplay in is actually easier than you're telling it
00:37:01| actually you're legally or almost wait we got another 30 1000 okay let's go man I'll check this there's also something really strange about when we talk sex arousal is different than
00:37:16| stimulation okay gone so arousal is physiological meaning like something that's inside your brain and mentally right and it's mental and it's it's sort of physical
00:37:28| but what's only physical is you're stimulating so like if you're rubbing your penis on something like a cop's sleeve or arm that's a stimulant it's not an arousal okay so you're
00:37:41| stimulating the nerves there there you go Henschel is it a little a physical action that's happening to your body it's nothing mental it's not
00:37:49| physiological that's why arousal is the weird one that's why we did this whole episode on arousal because arousal is crazy stimulation is pretty easy it's like rubbing a bunch it's gonna get
00:37:58| crazy right yeah like the g-spot there you go the graph and what would you give us about the g-spot you keep bringing it yeah yeah the graph it's like the first scientist did actually be as Aegina
00:38:11| gynecologist Ernest graefenburg he decided to determine how females get aroused and if there was so he says the g-spot that causes them to be more aroused or more focused
00:38:24| oh so it's actually like hurt great no yeah I don't know how to describe it it's kind of like if you were on the back side of the urinary tract that's what he described as if you were to like
00:38:36| rub that palate yeah that's where the g-spot is supposedly that's where it supposedly is but if you not is proven its I don't know do you have a specific I just going off memory here but I think
00:38:52| it's like the other end where the clitoris is attached no they say it's like a like a palette or plate on the back side of the urinary tract so you can rub that I think it's I think it's
00:39:03| what no how where did where exactly how do you find this and then like mine are discussing no but I think it's like that's made of the same material cells whatever you would call them yeah he he
00:39:15| proposed that it was in that area and that he could stimulate it and then like measure the response but other people went back and tried to duplicate his results and they said that like it
00:39:26| may exist for some women may not exist for others so it's really not a scientific fact they actually more sense though if it was clitoris related because they come in all different
00:39:36| shapes and sizes the g-spot is not the clitoris I will say that that's not what earnest said but I'm saying it might be made of the same cells in my people yeah the sensitivity of the clitoris and the
00:39:46| g-spot might be related and it may or may not be present on some women it might be focused in other areas for someone hmm it's a it's biology is a weird thing some people don't have some
00:39:58| people do some people love it they wait for the long article for all of us and we're coming for it yeah is blue balls real go huh blue balls blue balls I'm sorry sorry gone like that temporary
00:40:17| fluid congestion in the vast congestion area oh they said really I don't actually didn't scientifically research this so like I've always been told yet if you jump up and down that you will
00:40:27| relieve yourself of blue balls because one of the research points I came up with as you lift heavy weights you can relieve it ha fluid before it gets to the spot where it goes when goes crazy
00:40:41| goes out so like you're building up all that liquid which but naturally it will dissipate but it it's it is build up it's not fake but it's not usually blue balls doesn't happen I mean you're like
00:40:53| the semi aroused but you're not trying to spurt fluid so like what is well it can be if you're like super aroused for like hours and then you never get off and it's just a buildup or just get
00:41:02| stuck there and I just need to kind of like break it free - exactly mm-hmm Center the best way to cure blue bulbs is actually still - what's the legal term ejaculate mmm still the best
00:41:16| way best way what was that what was the pee I mean I remember the acronym is like pee GAD or something for what the female over orgasm stimulation thing persistent
00:41:29| genital arousal disorder so you know that only happens in females really is it really yeah see you didn't click on the next link I did a little so that's a little steeper so there's
00:41:43| there's two times of sexual desire desire disorders uh-huh like you know if you're if your roll lady doesn't want to do it every five hours something's wrong with her okay
00:41:54| it's called hypoactive sexual disorder or lack of arousal yeah right make sense hypo then there's hyperactive sexual disorder an abnormally high desire to always just finish it that's good one of
00:42:09| the things they found is that in like less than 1% of the population there's something called persistent genital arousal disorder it's almost always with women because apparently they become
00:42:19| engorged with blood and unlike the male counterparts they can't release the same way yeah like when a male releases its all and so on and under refining it's all over it's all over the couch
00:42:29| cushions it's all over the back seat of the 72 Chevelle it's all over like you know it's all over whatever it's between the keys of your keyboard works god damn ya know no amount of compressed air is
00:42:44| gonna fix that problem folks they should make a product for that um but yeah it happens with females and um what did they say one of the cures was to repeat it or that like yeah yeah really get
00:42:58| over the course of like an entire day just keep orgasming which women can do with my motto to treat that only women have which is very bizarre refractory period
00:43:20| so let's go back to taste so like attraction and kisses the first kissed kissed kiss the first time this is gonna be real talk cuz they're breaking it down for everyone ah iPhone I've ever
00:43:36| been you know with I didn't particularly like the way they taste it usually does not taste ring very good even a modern day Society which is weird you can learn to love it you can actually appreciate
00:43:50| it you can grow familiar with it like all those things but it's like it's like a fart does anyone else like it's a great part but it's like it's your own fart really
00:43:58| that's my part you kind of give a little smirk you're like that's my fart like it like smoke cigarettes or something or they just open it I haven't brushed her teeth in a while yeah not good I hate to
00:44:12| corner you if a girl swallowed your ejaculate and tried to kiss you immediately after what would you do depends when like what phase were in medium ad in love okay I don't know I
00:44:25| think all my parents are watching this is the one you shouldn't watch you can stop watching now mama this is the one you or let's watch another episode everyone else you good yeah yeah if
00:44:37| you're in the heat of passion and anything goes just you know just just go with them afterwards no one's gonna question it's gonna be fine and they're not gonna be like remember that time
00:44:49| that you did that thing and be like no no no actually my uh my Ludd that usually goes my brain was all down there mm-hmm I blanked out and woke up in a stupor Oh
00:45:02| kind of hell sex is a little bit sometimes uh-huh do you know what um penal plethysmography is I had MOG Rafi sounds like something graft I don't know what yeah it is it kinda is listen it's
00:45:19| how they measured how attracted you were to someone back in the day ha it's like a it's a tongue twister for the day rubber ring for your rod that's not much of it though is that thickness
00:45:33| like the girth or is that what you're talking I think yeah hmm interesting anyway it was old school at a mercury thermometer type thing at the end of it that would measure how hot rod got it no
00:45:48| no how long how much changed it was a pressure change huh probably did a pulley system or something Charlie's a really elaborate penis system like hold on a second I've
00:46:02| got to calibrate the into the moon it's like a man's just like all right now Barbara I want you to fellate him once again while I'm writing this down late second third fourth times you know
00:46:16| they've been anyway that's like an old-school old-timey outdated way to measure penis growth which measured attraction doesn't actually work tom you know what they used now for actually
00:46:28| works with females measuring their superficial blood flow and it's pretty accurate in determining a retractor sound really close laser Doppler imaging that's right that's awesome
00:46:41| checking the weather and once it's there checking the vag a on the other and they're telling Helen gorge that BJ's hold on can i laser Doppler image you I just want to make sure it you're really
00:46:52| and we're the only news station that does the laser Doppler on your female so I know that was crazy and I was like wow that's interesting come on damn he's gonna followed up with
00:47:04| my third fact but I heard what it was oh okay that's okay okay I would like to bring up Masters and Johnson have you heard of them they did come up in there was a so they were
00:47:18| sex researchers back in the nineteen sixties ish and their whole thing was that where they're gonna measure the response of people having sex in a lab environment so they brought in people
00:47:31| that wore I'll say acclimated to sex which meant there probably prostitutes and they measured their response to different sexual mates to figure out the aspects of sexual engagement it was
00:47:44| actually a show on I'm gonna say like Showtime or HBO I think of masters of sex which has a very attractive female actress but weird yeah the key facts there are that I
00:48:00| don't know I didn't even know how to say it is that like they were just kind of figuring out like how people get stimulated and how interested they are and who takes the set they're like the
00:48:10| right role and the scientists involved were a man and female masters was the man Johnson was the female will each masters Virginia Johnson and they did the experiments with themselves as well
00:48:25| so they got into it while they were watching other people get into it masters actually divorced his wife and then married Johnson there's a button for clamp I didn't save it my dear if
00:48:38| you can't do that pretend to clap clap so like apparently watching other people get down to it is a big turn-on and then I don't know if they actually like scanned anything or figured anything out
00:48:51| about it but you did bring up the different stages which were the excitement plateau orgasm and resolution phase eep-eep warmed up egor so are ya so they're the ones that generate that
00:49:04| it's there don't make itself folks that's a poor hair they also talked about the sensitivity of different areas if you were having sex whether it's gonna be vaginal or clitoral if you're
00:49:13| working on the outer areas or the inner areas how long it takes you know who's gonna do what and they must be minutes here but they have just three or two minutes depending on who you are the
00:49:31| they messed with like the sexes too so they had like male female male male female female and they kind of like tried to figure out if there were sexual roles that happen I think they found
00:49:43| that the like the females were kind of like I'll say pussyfoot around they try to like figure out like who's that that it and the males would kind of assume a certain role immediately so
00:49:54| there's a like an alpha male process to it that is kind of ingrained in us I guess this is even more testosterone you're gonna bully people around or if you don't you're gonna kind of feel it
00:50:05| out interesting because related to that and what we said earlier was that um I didn't write the name down Dubey gonna go to Kinsey now who's Kinsey I did come across
00:50:21| Atkins either yeah Kinsey the kinsey reports they did them a little bit earlier in nineteen forty something fourteen he was trying to cover the same sort of things taboo items and it wasn't
00:50:35| as dramatic it wasn't as involved as those masters of sex but he was kind of kicking off the discussion between you know like what sexual is it okay to have sex isn't enjoyable what happens and
00:50:50| then also kicking it off to like someone like a a Margaret Sanger who was the like proponent proponent of birth control um good eye good eye mark large it's
00:51:03| crazy because it's only what 50 ish years ago that decided world yeah where people were really against having sex without complication condoms yeah so you came in sex with a ring of rubber around
00:51:21| your ding-dong that's against your religious morals and against the sanctity of nature I would say wow you pulled up it was a Trojan Trojan baby there's the only brand I actually
00:51:34| believe in you don't know Magnum that looks like uh that's the one that weight would fit wrenched yeah I hope it didn't expire yep I got some time folks
00:51:47| might use this one the weekend hmm Jerusalem by yourself when I was like 13 I bought one absent out of a I was actually like a wedding hall I had very creative icons and I bought
00:52:05| one for like 25 cents and I was like this one has a deck of playing cards on a daddy and he was like those aren't what you think they are those are not playing cards you might want to hand
00:52:15| that to me true stream flowed out or he played his pocket he took them and then put it in his nightstand which I found years later and it was
00:52:23| like wait a second this makes more sense to me now that I'm 16 open it up caught him inside I was like let's give this thing a go huh sorry dad yep I don't know you're thinking about
00:52:38| it you want to respond to that I know you do there's just there's a lot of responses I guess available what have you ever had to buy condoms like as a as a 14 year old yes you did where oh
00:52:55| it's yeah we would hear a worse one I bought a pregnancy test as a 13 year old hmm at a local it wasn't even CVS every what is called Rite Aid pharmacy or sandy I just remember being like in line
00:53:10| and like and like that's all I was buying like I should have like gum or something to throw it all really pause you're just like how old like who described the cashier
00:53:20| they're usually older women who are probably in their like 30s or wasn't a woman but I don't remember much more than that I just remember it was like the most awkward situation cuz it was
00:53:29| like they know exactly what is for ya and they're like oh my god this kid can't be over 10 year old or two you also think everyone's younger awesome really
00:53:40| okay alright the weird thing is that they lock them up in certain stores so like you have to ask somebody to unlock the condoms it's like why are you trying to revenge
00:53:52| unwanted babies I don't understand it like you're you're putting a stigma on it when it already has a stigma like buying them alone is you just see me difficult condom size Trier thing oh
00:54:04| yeah I did I've seen that one it's awesome it's just like a palette like a painter's palette it has like all these holes in it and they get smaller as you go which size condoms right
00:54:15| you think I can imagine how many how many people were just railing a bit I it's not we need to sneeze hmm do you know why you act all chill and be
00:54:34| like aw afterwards hmm so I guess there's a release of what endorphins your dis oral Noro hormones let's do with your brain oxytocin and prolactin baby I'm the amount of the
00:54:51| which actually you did the amount of which actually affects your refractory period if you're a man huh so it's meant to appease you from the transition from a sexual peak to a make you a race let's
00:55:06| not let's not go there like imagine you just kept getting hornier and hornier it's like ten in a row and now you're banging a banging and like breathing weird sweating you're drying you're an
00:55:16| animal you're a monster children walking to you and yours like that kind of defeats the purpose of sexual reproduction if you're just you just keep going right keep going I know
00:55:29| right they're like one guy wouldn't pregnant the earth like Ganga Scott one day we might see such a thing especially if they reenact prima nocta I heard they were thinking about it
00:55:39| prima nocta is that trumps version yeah Trump's version yeah I guess to animals actually enjoy sex did you come across this I don't see how they don't have you ever seen monkeys go at it they like
00:55:54| hoot and holler and they're just there were diamonds and dolphins and elephants and a couple of others or animals I have sex for fun dolphin do it a mo anything I've ever
00:56:04| heard that they'll stick of it I'll just mess with things to have sex with them did we die on the podcast I thought it was me it was me who told you how was it really yeah the house they filled up
00:56:16| with water and the woman who lived with the dolphin eventually she was giving it like blow jobs and stuff oh this is a secret CIA mission where they thought they could train dolphins to communicate
00:56:26| with humans I'm like an intimate level and they had a woman who lived in this house and had to feed them and would try and you know see what they're up to well these dolphins reach sexual aid and
00:56:37| she started jerking off a dolphin or something that wait they found that she was trying to sleep with the dolphin but I don't know if they could figure out physically how to do it look this up is
00:56:47| like a 1960s CIA or FBI thing huh it was like a failed experiment going bad yeah well anyway another ending cuz they're smarter than we are do you think it's like the basis of that
00:57:02| movie that won the Oscar Allah willing no the fish man no I know what you're talking about now yeah she falls in love with the fish man yeah he represents like I didn't I didn't say I free of the
00:57:19| name of it is I do have another term for you though which you should know cuckold oh yeah do you know what the definition of a cock is no actually don't it's the husband of an adulterous wife it's
00:57:37| someone who puts up so it's literally well that's I that's what a cuckold isn't it I'm not sure that's the definition but hold on a second let me plug up a
00:57:46| picture there's a picture that's ridiculous saying you want people to have sex with your girl right I don't know that that's intentional on this in this definition
00:57:56| it's all like yeah she's an adulteress swinging son of what you want and you can't control her which I can't blame the woman on that if your blanket not I think I have athlete's foot sorry stop
00:58:11| doing that I'm trying to bring up a picture here right anyway cuckolding foots not my thing so there's a picture that doesn't make any sense to me
00:58:25| so there's like a queen like woman I brought it up and there's a whole bunch of people with deer antlers all around her in a party it looks like almost like the like maybe a friend's birthday party
00:58:37| no Nona's back in like maybe the 1800s and they're all kind of like in like nice finery they're wearing like dresses and I guess military outfits and there's like two guys at their feet with horns
00:58:51| as well I guess one of them is the husband and there's a baby scrolling out something on a tablet in the front so I guess it's a demon baby because it has red wings so it's like I guess you get
00:59:04| stuck with a woman who has you someone else's baby and you buy the drone and then you're cocky bang now she hangs and you got suckered into 18 years 18 years cock which we we talked about in
00:59:23| previous episode but we didn't really define sorry that's a correction yeah it is welcome to the cartridge section hmm do you know about aphrodisiacs Oh
00:59:36| McCoy sure and aqua and oysters and how about the pills you can buy from you know in a second tune in after this break anyway folks we got this little bad boy
00:59:49| you rub this on your Grafton Berg spot ladies and you'll be in a world of pleasure they call this the og spot as an orange spot will pressure a little bit of and boom you're on your way to
01:00:05| happy town crazy happy town you don't have to tell your man love to tell your girlfriend you don't tell your friends you don't tell your parents you tell your kids buy it today check out in
01:00:17| our mentions down here the unban ders what we got the bottle will include a link all proceeds go to either charity or us it doesn't matter check it out and you'll be screaming
01:00:28| like an oh gee that was my phone does it make it click can you push it no no I hit something does it so yeah fix it sorry really hmm the other thing I wanted to talk about is the cycle for
01:00:51| women and so as as men we're always ready to go and I feel like were the aggressors whenever it comes to like making interactions and trying to have sex and be romantic and all those things
01:01:04| that are tied into being aroused and intimate mm-hmm the female cycle is more of like a 28-day cycle and 10 of those days are usually in like a recovery phase or a phase that is not without
01:01:18| being the menstruation okay let's just say names yeah blue is aches cramps all ends up so if you think about like the the female psyche if it's a third of the time not enjoying itself
01:01:40| and then probably in transition for half the time and then probably in peak attraction period for like you're saying only deep women for like a week and a half yeah and then dump them and come
01:01:51| back yeah that's what you're saying yeah so it makes more sense now that I think about it might have done a little research on it that women are not as sexual as men because they're not always
01:02:04| on they're only on some of the time so there's periods where you need to understand some made studies we got into this earlier when I was talking about like men versus women women um that's
01:02:18| why they're more often bisexuals or wrong word it doesn't matter as much this stimul their arousal isn't based on the other person's gender as much like in studies they are these
01:02:32| ways on their own men and women yeah it's on their own physical feeling right right so if they're stimulated in the same and there let's say there they're more
01:02:43| of an emitter their parents let's say they're sure let's say their vulva is like sensitive whether it's a girl or a man they're still sensitive to it that's all they can really that's their thing
01:02:53| with a man men are often attracted to whether it's men or women they're attracted to a physical stimulant there they see something and that turns them on and drives them crazy women aren't as
01:03:04| visual as men this way they play huh but it might be touching into what you're saying yeah that women are only really sexually active in like a very small timeframe and that kind of leads into a
01:03:18| different type of I guess approach to sexual relations because most of the time women are more mental more emotional about it and less about the sex drive that is associated with maybe
01:03:33| the man's side of it I mean some would say they're more apt to sexual encounters with another friend of yours who's a girl do you know what I'm saying I would say that so I'm trying to figure
01:03:44| out the percentage and it's pretty close to versus gays versus lesbians I don't like this poll though I don't want to bring up the numbers is it super big example size super small sample size
01:04:00| it's I would say it's it's it's skewed Oh God has it has a certain political play to it which I don't like it enjoy keep going keep doing it keep going I hate to get us off track a little bit
01:04:16| but I had 10 weird general things that make you horny we never got into I won't bring them up yeah they're just human things that make I think it's mostly men I think this is like a men's website in
01:04:29| Australia for a men's magazine like one of those Maxima type magazine so it's probably mostly extended facts and part BS but we can give it a shot okay and this is only weird things like obviously
01:04:43| a nice fresh pair of breasts with the vulva right there's let's get separately excited on cattle boobs right all right but um what do you think right that's natural these are
01:04:56| weird things but our feet over the general populace weird finish it didn't make it and you seem we eight minute ones that I might be website yeah I don't know there's several websites long
01:05:10| arms in women tends to make men more attracted to them hence again this is a small small sample size yeah I mean this is spoilers one word okay alright smell of cinnamon buns oh I know I read this
01:05:28| with Cologne is that they include like the smell of cinnamon buns or like some other you that gets people housed personally and then their arousal triggers other people to feel like
01:05:38| they're aroused to them because they're make sense focused you know they're on point eating eating watermelon actually huh unless why maybe as a hydration thing watermelon Eddie's pretty good
01:05:51| this bad economy they saying like that means that it's worse people tend to have more sex is that weird wow they tend to drink more - I guess that's standard hinge Oh maybe hand in hand
01:06:04| okay that makes sense or handed us something else your own friends because apparently hanging out with your own friends increases your sex drive because it's
01:06:14| like a competition thing for this is more testosterone when you're hanging out with a bunch of the dudes you're mister dude and your hangers we can see my like dude friends because the female
01:06:23| friends that I make I am attracted to it just happens naturally oh maybe mentally attractive that's the vibe of the picture that they used a of his picture for each was dudes
01:06:32| all laughing with a dude so I was like huh your female doppelganger I know we got into this a little bit but like someone who looks exactly like you but the female bored version huh obviously
01:06:45| not related to you but like someone you've never met who looks like has your featured rule around hair that's brown eyes that's attractive yeah that is an attractive person right yeah wow I can't
01:06:57| believe you are that attractive it's anxiety apparently anxiety makes you more attractive other people or it makes you more aroused huh that's I don't know I can't speak to
01:07:11| that I think your situation they showed a fear situation like someone's afraid and they're hiding out together and like Donald and Frank's closet or whatever or roof really well
01:07:22| you know I mean did they bang more up there I don't know um clean sheets apparently is a big turn-on for people again these are weird things that a general horniness increase and I was
01:07:33| like that makes sense I guess I mean it's clean sheets you release all these dead skin cells every day I mean your whole life I put nice pair of clean sheets hell yeah mmm
01:07:43| make them dirty maybe infidelity so do you know broken dick is a thing you can actually have a broken dick it can break and half yeah no no what it is it's considered a
01:07:58| broken dick when you're at your full rigidity folks and you're plowing away and something slips you can with the force you can actually snap something in it it's it has a technical medical name
01:08:09| this is a bad thing it's not supposed to happen I'm very rare look up the metal container Rogovin dick anyway I can take months to heal you put a nice bag over
01:08:20| your bag I guess penile fracture what to do uh keep gone anyway do you know but I want to say 75 to 90 percent of the cases occur in cases of infidelity folks that's right infidelity is hot that he's
01:08:37| getting a little more than expected and he can't handle it I don't know no no the other breakage occurs because he's doing it's so forcefully and so hard and he misses one time oh yeah okay that's
01:08:50| that's the idea but the idea is that happens because you're going at it so hard infidelity folks it's hot I guess and last leaves the color red did you know
01:09:01| it's slightly more arousing than any other color on amazing railway it most makes people hungry how about the matrix go already well the girl in red yes yes member her yeah I do have stance on
01:09:16| same-sex same-sex experiences by men and okay let's go the man is for 11.4% and met and wit sorry men is eleven point four percent and women is 14.5% for face-to-face
01:09:29| interactions so if you have a face-to-face interaction with somebody you're more likely as a woman to have a same-sex experience with them I guess that makes sense
01:09:38| makes sense weird hmm what about the last thing we I think we're gonna cover it well I guess there's there's like three things I want to cover I apologize there's chroma philia which is the
01:09:55| attraction to certain age ranges yeah weird well people always reference pedophilia there's also one before that which is infantile philia which don't agree with and the guy from blows
01:10:09| profits trying arrange for a meeting where he's gonna have sex with a baby I don't know what you're talking about I don't know Ashoka I just have anyway I read that story and I thought that was a
01:10:19| weirdest thing ever I was like no one does that but you just mentioned it and - yeah whatever so I could could have been yeah well there's also have a philia which is attraction to it
01:10:27| adolescence and then adults which is Taylor if he'll be philia which is like a battle I think I got that mezzo mezz Ophelia which has middle-aged adults and then I got that Toronto philia which is
01:10:38| the elderly yeah I can do that so you could you could you good and then there's the sexy son what do they call it the sexy son I can't say it I left my notes were broken the sexy son theorem
01:10:59| is that you are trying to have sex with somebody in order to produce a son that is super sexy so that everyone else has sex with them so it's not like that's like I don't want other people have sex
01:11:09| yeah when I have sex so that sex happens more often hmm and then we get down to like turn off so I guess for me turn-offs are like smoking sometimes tattoos anybody's like ignorant or
01:11:24| insulting or anything so their personality traits are eternal I guess so that's interesting yeah cuz didn't you say status emblems says those symbols I can't man here's a question
01:11:38| I'll put you two on the on the spot um you're saying like I don't like smokers I don't like someone with that - I don't like so it was mean to people I don't like so many tips nice huh
01:11:48| ultimately when you're you're having sex with someone does that matter right probably not it's probably super hot like I wish I could have done that when I was younger when I didn't care when
01:11:59| relationships are more fluid well hold on now you're saying relationships I guess in a relationship those things all matter yeah with arousal do they matter so wait here
01:12:08| I asked you between a relationship and sex there is arousal that kind of in between because arousal is not just sex but it's not as big as a relationship something in
01:12:18| between I guess true true I'll give it to you all right cool you uh you attracted anyone you do a podcast but mm sorry gonna have to cut this short here why you get me oh yeah you do I didn't
01:12:35| I'm gonna actually take a break wanna take a break come back we'll take a break yeah so break alright cuz there's more there's more we need to cover okay folks let me tell you that was a wild
01:13:13| one he doesn't cut this out whatever not a big deal I'm gonna get my phone you guys will watch me leave my phone hey check it out I'm doing wherever at all I want I'm
01:13:23| looking at the phone deal what's up huh a topic search I see good to relieve our own juices in the middle oh yeah how many shakes is to take you huh does he do call the shake if it's all
01:13:35| lower body motion just do it I did I danced like Britney Spears and I say what up hmm so that's it that's one of the other things is that like singers today they moan and kind of make I was a
01:13:51| gunner actually talking about sock that tennis players I think tennis players tennis yeah tennis there's been tennis players female tennis players who were told to stop because they're distracting
01:14:10| really yeah you gotta check this out dude I think it's actually kind of hot did they do that so I mean I don't I don't have anybody have Serena Williams or uh what's the other one no like
01:14:21| probably like a lesser-known tennis star who's like coming up and this like needs to make a name for herself or just tennis star ass stop sexual noise Oh Anna Kournikova she's telling I don't
01:14:34| tell me makes you just bite after uh Sharapova sharp oh no Kournikova dude Kournikova's got to be at least 37 she like 45 dude what's she dating Steve Yzerman like 91
01:14:51| I picked images here she's 37 years old how much do I say 35 but how did hold on held how long ago was Steve Yzerman in the end I punch that's been like 90 95 is Shh I don't think 91 and I did my
01:15:10| math wrong I guess so it's either way I don't have enough give it to you she is attractive and she has a very minimal flexural fluctuating asymmetry straight on she's very attractive I am distracted
01:15:29| by her attractiveness but her eye doesn't lose a little bit sorry Anna if she's watching I can totally talk to her about the podcast Bernie yeah
01:15:40| we will respond to her text messages mmm if you know anything about secondary sex characteristics now actually I probably do um so your sex organs are your primary sex
01:15:55| characteristics okay like your man or woman is that we were talking towards my penis your vagina sure okay secondary sex characteristics are like um I don't know
01:16:07| boobs are considered a secondary sex guide now because they're used for whatever else like um hips maybe in a female its more common in animals my hips don't hurry you can see right here
01:16:19| right now like the or ornamental part of it Plus again yeah yeah which I thought you were going to touch on sexual dimorphism hmm it's they become solely made it on
01:16:31| the ducts with the green bill and the whatever have you because they're the more desirable mate and that becomes the predominant thing and the females I mean like bulky
01:16:39| antlers like a stag with really big antlers it's like oh those damn antlers I want to yes definitely ride those things until something happens because I can't really ride them weird it's
01:16:51| because they ride them yes a little easier thing and when they see that they're like oh my god did you see his antlers I an oh my goodness so this happens with like silly Arnold
01:17:03| Schwarzenegger if you watch any of his like documentaries he says these women that are always around him because he has such big muscles do you think that's partly because his muscles are because
01:17:13| he's probably on steroids with extra testosterone they can sense I think it's a second I think that says that I don't think I don't know I read a story that women can sense testosterone that if
01:17:24| they like smell a man that has extra testosterone they could like they can smell a shirt to determine where they smell them no no this is a close in that into the closed environment so they only
01:17:36| get this shirt so they smell the shirt they say okay I'm attracted that guy and they smell another shirt that's less testosterone in it then they go I don't know I'm okay with that
01:17:45| you know it's nothing special but I like I want to bone this guy hmm so is the same thing with a stag is like the female about they talk about um how any of these tests
01:18:00| done there's two things about all the tests we talked about sexual tests especially is that any slice of the population is almost never prudish people who wouldn't do a sex test I mean
01:18:12| how do you think they get tested masters Nelson was all pretty much prostitutes so it's like it's not like those people are normal people that are like awkward when they approach it and they don't
01:18:21| they're gonna skew the results I mean they want to have sex they want to be vocal about their sex like you mention a Puritan woman who's had sex 18 times in their life total three of which were to
01:18:32| have a child like doing I mean like only one person is gonna be a little different experience actually than someone else yeah they're gonna be approved the Masters and Johnson test
01:18:42| was also people would orient themselves before they actually were recorded so they'd get to pretty much have sex before they had sex to record them properly which may be reasonable from a
01:18:55| scientific experiment aspect but unreasonable and a realistic like real-world example that make sense Kyle and by the way now that we're back from break aphrodisiacs do they work y'all
01:19:07| waited for the answer how's the musk doing no no I didn't know this shellfish boy can't have oysters I don't like it there's no scientific thermal evidence that proves that
01:19:20| aphrodisiacs whether it be something you eat drink spray on yourself or whatever work in the long term what you what you mentioned is interesting but it's mostly BS because it affects the quality of
01:19:33| your own mental state which will change you're attracted to someone the way someone's attracted to you so if you feel more confident you're giving off different pheromones you're giving off
01:19:41| different feelings it's placebo effect a little bit yeah exactly is that if your mate is willing to do these things for you to show that he's attracted to you are you not more attracted to him like
01:19:53| if you're already I am the scenario that this happens you probably are more attracted to him and if he thinks it's working on them is he not more attracted to you feel more sexually vigorous etc
01:20:04| etc so I think they're kind of BS and as a side note one of our friends Ryan his younger brother uh-huh Oh messy or Jesse McCall whatever one night we were drunk and we bought
01:20:22| those boner pills from 7-eleven like the ones that are like stay up all night rock-hard Briah Ronnie no Rhino of her heart or whatever it's like they have all these names or
01:20:31| whatever huh we snorted them yeah that can't be good nothing happened nothing happened nothing no that'd be funny if it was a different pathway no no no it would be
01:20:46| funny if it was just like we had erections for like nine hours yeah mental state he was like yeah they do work but okay right crazy the other me
01:21:06| see we said like Martin Van melee our male arouse his name excuse me has his little digital dots was it two little dots mean English major I don't know : no they're above the e oh it's like a
01:21:21| modern language Martin Van moly that's it uh-huh sure he did a whole bunch of illustrations that everyone should check out about sexual interactions mmm-hmm
01:21:33| so he has a bunch of weird ones that have like a bunch of penises are like some like miss sighs tour I can't even bring them up because it'd be too much for me but it always kind of has like a
01:21:43| haziness around the sexual interaction which kind of makes you like lean in a little bit and try to lightly figure out what's going on he's Japanese pornography I don't know which trying
01:21:52| for things you know some people do it I guess it's uh uncouth it's more proper to load out our and since more proper than naked people doing it blur those bad boys out yeah
01:22:06| make sense but this Martin guy he captures like really weird scenes that to me they're hot am I gonna say I mean there's some strange stuff but it's kinky there's kinkiness that he injures
01:22:19| very simply that's the craziest thing ever in a score that game I'm not even get into it's been salute well here's an interesting thing in researching arousal almost became
01:22:32| aroused several times oh I agree right because just researching it is lighting it yeah I guess you're imagining the perfect woman who's gonna be interacting with you right I'm
01:22:46| imagining anyone on the area like whatever like just any it's just this is all natural it's all I get so I came across I came across the psychological experimental theoretical reasons for
01:23:04| horniness essentially because we talked a little bit about physically you're defined and now you're attracted to her eyes or her buttocks or whatever and maybe you smell her there's all these
01:23:15| things the only one physically so what's going on mentally or societally and someone said no no it's very physical we'll go with Tarkan aw he's a Russian scientist he said I found in frogs that
01:23:29| the amount of of content and the seminal vesicles is exactly how horny a frog is like if it's not raining it wants to be it's not that horny if it's all the way full its guy get rid of this juice it's
01:23:42| gotta be it's got to be humping I read I'm a human analogue that said that as you age you lose percentage of seminal vesicles that are actually full so that that may have been part of this but
01:23:52| guess what anyway it didn't turn it turned out it was false huh only apparent in frogs but I mean for a while they thought people too because what you just said so then I came across this one
01:24:03| um they think I forget whose theory this was it's your experience in the past your affective state at the moment and your current social context huh I didn't get the name because I didn't run it
01:24:17| down the jack wall I thought that was pretty good and then I came across my favorite one its Casimir as Amy Lansky come on it's okay yeah thank you he molinsky you came
01:24:30| across this No oh thank you this psycho psycho drawler model he's all about attention so apparently sexual energy yet no no well a little bit the hornier you get
01:24:44| the more tensions across your body most subjects when they discuss horniness actually don't say it's strictly pleasure it's a little bit of pleasure in pain right hmm
01:24:55| would you say it's just pleasure cuz it's not like eating a bonbon being horny is not like eating a bun I will say is your knee rest you're trying to reduce the stress there's yeah you're
01:25:07| literally you can't concentrate on things you feel more there's everyone says being horny is awesome and it's good but I mean maybe it's bad maybe it's in between maybe it's hard to
01:25:20| describe because it's a whole different state of mind and you almost like if you're if someone's like alright we got you two horny level three and you were like you just want to get rid of it and
01:25:33| apparently that theory says that it's just more and more pressure it's like a pressure cooker and then eventually it's not actually good feeling at all you just by the time you release it feels so
01:25:44| good to release and be out of all of that that you think the whole experience was good you actually just like the release so there's the I guess the post release retrospective right is when
01:25:58| you're super attracted to somebody and then you actually get down to it and you have the release you have this moment of clarity the moment of clarity makes you think did I do this with the right
01:26:09| person and it's purely mental at that point oh yeah I don't know if this is called something but there's a there's my yeah Helen Claire do you realize you're go and removed exactly you decide
01:26:24| that maybe wasn't the best choice you were attracted them in the moment because you were so horny that you wanted to get to release yourself but afterwards so yeah crazy because I don't
01:26:37| even know if it's an emotion or a physical state or something in between I mean I know we touched on arousal I guess is it is it all horned up Randy turned on
01:26:49| steamy lustful mmm some good words I like a walk yeah Randy it's just you still get a good horned up would you girl I don't know what that really means I do I will say that like the pictures I
01:27:06| see even of like people who are engaged in like a almost like like sexual kiss like it makes me feel like I should have that and like I should have whatever emotion they're trying to portray so a
01:27:21| picture of people kissing regardless of whether they're models and have no emotional connection whatever it makes me want to have that like you want to have the touch the feel the sensation
01:27:31| you want to dive right in and just you know experience it and let yourself go it's not easy I think you missed that because when you're with somebody for so long you know them so well that you
01:27:42| don't get to the level that is a release of everything you know about them the PR agents I'm gonna do you don't know how they you don't know how they go through their stages if you know how someone
01:27:55| goes through this almost like boring I guess yeah you know that at this moment you're supposed to do this because they're going to complain if they tell ya yeah
01:28:05| now for the record I will say I've been getting pretty good I've been getting back pretty good I'm back in the back of the saddle so yeah alright alright that's all I'm gonna say this here it
01:28:21| might be a legit you know I'm saying and then it might be real I know those like puffed up here anything I'm just saying you give it ten days oh yeah I'm sure but um
01:28:37| I like where I'm at I'm in good shape now come back come back and so you you're I'm stressing out I died I know I know every woman it goes in cycles and waves
01:28:47| it doesn't it does always goes in cycles and waves for men it's up and down and they're always like on the edge the precipice they don't know what to do and there
01:28:56| tense and they till the release and then you realize what you should shouldn't have done then maybe you may feel like I should keep it to myself and maybe I shouldn't a new sex move yep
01:29:09| is this the knuckle now my god uh-huh okay well I feel like I can't do it on podcast it's like live I'm like I could be talking in like 14 year olds 18 older yeah
01:29:25| - now relative of mine no anyway I'll be using your knuckle move you'd be going down holding a girl let's say right surpriser put yeah double arms right here
01:29:40| yeah I'm fronting it and you get a little pressure on the belly area and you really I'm not gonna get too detailed you can create some pressures all over the body that's here I won't
01:29:53| say this I'll say this I love exploring another person's body hmm and that's part of uh that's part of the in holding it's part of being all about it it's haha man I might go so many
01:30:07| different directions but I'm like stop it you can drinkin so we're gonna see this one day but hey your son I'm a generous I'm a generous lover I'm good at what I do
01:30:21| I don't need gimmicks don't need games and I don't need their moans all comes no we're doing good all comes naturally and so today well folks we talked enough about horniness let's let's wrap it up
01:30:42| here yeah it's all about recap here Rob talked about mm-hmm you just spread out physique athletic this jeans a little looks fluctuating a symmetry I'm gonna get the see the visual to hear the
01:30:59| pitched language the smell the pheromones the colognes erogenous zones the mucocutaneous not to be confused with thick nerves and nerve clusters mmm
01:31:14| taste the first-kiss Sixpence None the Richer the mental game the hormonal the mood all those androgens flow through your body getting you pumping getting you
01:31:29| filled with blood pulsating and raja'na stones say it again all that money that we didn't talk about the status the wealth people who does what to find that wealth the libido hypo and hyper sexual
01:31:50| people mm-hmm the drugs that cause you to be hyper sexual didn't talk about those but okay that's all right mmm sexual response cycle for men and women all over the place for women men we're
01:32:08| pretty straightforward you know exactly what we're thinking yeah it's pretty obvious yeah but we're gonna be the aggressors here we're not gonna be pepper I mean we're not gonna be passive
01:32:19| you can be passive because thus we built women some of them so it depends to wrap it up we like you we like you a lot folks I'm going to try and go get laid I will talk to everyone later
01:32:37| that's great check our socials check our everything pink now this shave a pretty good shot I'll shout out to Missy Kay who's commented while we were talking it was a little
01:32:51| distracting she seemed to enjoy the talk right in the middle she was thoroughly engaged possibly engorged and I don't know how old you are so I'm allowed to not I will not nor deny what I'm saying
01:33:08| right now but all this talk has got me ready to run upstairs and see what's up yeah she'll be sleeping he'll be disappointed I don't know I heard someone moving I gotta go all right we
01:33:20| like we like it a lot we love other people just as much yeah thanks for listening

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