The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP059 Escapism Fantasy Free Solace Mancave

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

KeyItems UnP059 Escapism Fantasy Free Solace Mancave

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 59 - Escapism Fantasy Free Solace Mancave as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:01:00 | bottle we hit, stress today, baby bottles, dr brown's
00:02:00 | baby bottle, verbs, pipe cleaner, grows moles, breast milk, oily
00:03:00 | excess breast milk, black market, quality breast
00:04:00 | escape
00:05:00 | daily life, depression, day today, video game, hours a day, stall escape
00:06:00 | heavily stimulated, daily
00:07:00 | breast, spell that'll, black market, boobie milk
00:08:00 | follow-up, ultra smooth, cvs, finishing school
00:09:00 | hit enter
00:10:00 | women people, biggest escapist, breast milk, dreaming
00:11:00 | alarm, moira, maura, pick farrow, attack women
00:12:00 | sleeping
00:13:00 | escape, breast milk, sleeping, milk delicious, sleep natural, escapist strategy
00:14:00 | louis black
00:15:00 | dried somewhere
00:16:00 | escapist, daydream
00:17:00 | machine guns, bed guns, jesus statue
00:19:00 | escapism, judge approached, escapist shout
00:22:00 | everquest, gravitated, brain
00:23:00 | escapism, secret place, crooks
00:24:00 | athletic
00:25:00 | athletic, excluded, proficient, escapism
00:26:00 | important eyes, fairly boring, happiness, andy weir
00:28:00 | pressure weird, three seconds, escapism, subtle, proficient
00:29:00 | escapes, happy, withdrawn
00:30:00 | want to watch cars
00:32:00 | escapists, want to watch, video game, everquest, clans, clash
00:34:00 | played everquest, hours a day
00:35:00 | logically thinking, timers timers
00:36:00 | escapists
00:38:00 | subliminal, video game, escapism, video audio
00:39:00 | happy, bring pc
00:40:00 | damn room, escapism, baseline
00:41:00 | relieve stress, look cigarettes, smoke rings, people are impressed
00:42:00 | dreams
00:43:00 | sleeping, dreaming, dreams, baseline, brain
00:45:00 | escape, even feel, brain, video game, easy parts, escapism
00:46:00 | bog
00:47:00 | cousins, hollywood, feet my, bare feet
00:48:00 | hollywood
00:49:00 | brain, named point, old pictures, remember directly, photo albums, happy
00:50:00 | photo albums, day the rest, happy
00:51:00 | imbalanced well, that'll happen, swerve left, called lapel
00:52:00 | brain, every instinct
00:53:00 | word emptiness, wambach, water hot water, boil water, everyone leaves
00:54:00 | everyone leaves, kicks, x-link, normal organized, fire alarm
00:55:00 | fire alarm, harmless excitement, real fire, people injure, irish
00:56:00 | irish, happy
00:58:00 | porsche loss
00:59:00 | roller coaster, boring extremely, neurotic extremely, weird extremely
01:00:00 | dunbar said
01:01:00 | happy, cut kids
01:02:00 | escape, breaking goose, step bring, use retirement
01:03:00 | island resort
01:04:00 | player one, virtual
01:05:00 | virtual, switches, second life, player one, stick my, buy digital, housewife action
01:07:00 | matrix, machines uses, fake world, plugged, brain, giant batter, batteries whatever, escape
01:08:00 | escapist, happiness
01:09:00 | separate excitement, happiness, subtle, happy, escapism, suffer we want
01:10:00 | flats, world countries, escapes, bored soon
01:11:00 | dreams, daydreaming escapes, drugs medication, world countries, women third, retirement broads
01:12:00 | escape

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