The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP060 Douchebag Jerk Asshole Prick Egomania

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

KeyItems UnP060 Douchebag Jerk Asshole Prick Egomania

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 60 - Douchebag Jerk Asshole Prick Egomania as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | corner hiding, douche bag
00:02:00 | douche bag, cd, breast milk
00:03:00 | bags, jocks, manipulators, douchebag
00:04:00 | adieu, douche
00:05:00 | flushes everything, overreaching
00:06:00 | jimmy douchebag
00:07:00 | douchebags, assholes, truly, douche bag
00:08:00 | douchey, king douche canoe douche, arena congratulations, chemicals duchenne, douche bags, describe
00:09:00 | jocks, douchebag, my jock, hockey, future wife
00:10:00 | looking pretty, upstairs, hockey guys, later moments
00:11:00 | hockey guys, jerks assholes
00:12:00 | douchey, intellectual, probably douches, upstairs
00:13:00 | crew, allegedly, spanks, opposite objective
00:15:00 | crew, douchey, mean-spiritedness, predominantly
00:16:00 | crew, douchey, suits thanks, dirty hockey
00:17:00 | dirty people, hockey, douche bags, jock, intellectual, douche pack
00:18:00 | douche, intellectual
00:19:00 | smart douche
00:20:00 | douche bag, intellectuals
00:21:00 | bag, stephen, tweet, brunette, hair woman
00:22:00 | perlman, tweet, chrissy ali, stephen, hawking died
00:23:00 | tweet
00:24:00 | input, thanks shaker, douche
00:25:00 | douche, assess, structural angus
00:27:00 | douchiness, bullies, highly douchebag, lady physically, ketchup
00:28:00 | ketchup, plaid
00:29:00 | bigger douche
00:30:00 | bigger douche douche, truly, stuff happening, douche flying, douche bag, douches, classical douche
00:32:00 | steelix
00:33:00 | douche bags, wife my
00:35:00 | thank jesus, truly, biggest douchebag, committed fraud, my pocket
00:36:00 | stole
00:37:00 | fraud, douche
00:38:00 | daraprim, piss my, territory douche, dues lawful, douche canoe douche, canoe dude, king douche, rocket area
00:39:00 | one fraud, douchey, net worth
00:40:00 | auction, paid two
00:41:00 | one individual, auction
00:42:00 | douche, politician
00:43:00 | lists, politician, started researching, ria
00:44:00 | fcc chairman, communities goals, cronies join, douche
00:45:00 | douche douche bag
00:46:00 | one fraud, picked enron
00:47:00 | ceos everyone, kenneth, jeffrey
00:48:00 | jeffrey, governance, officer andrew, fastow financial
00:49:00 | probably hid
00:50:00 | real dick
00:52:00 | fine dude, time hog, fraud, intellectual, douche similar
00:53:00 | understand handicapped
00:54:00 | douchiness, kanye, douchebags
00:55:00 | douche
00:56:00 | douchebags, simmons one, axl, need green
00:57:00 | axl an axl, young axl
00:58:00 | makan
00:59:00 | pyrotechnic, axl rose, reunion tour
01:01:00 | pretty far, kanye, axl rose, injustice gene, fred durst, nugent scott
01:02:00 | own black, face grabbed
01:03:00 | pretty far, ass tv
01:04:00 | douche, describe
01:05:00 | real jackal, would've thought, interesting honesty, douchebag, assholes, parent class
01:06:00 | strictly douchebags, special subdivision, far asshole, mind bring, social interactions happen
01:07:00 | crew, share beers
01:08:00 | female coxswains, asshole
01:09:00 | asshole, describe, social interactions happen, douche bag, ghost
01:10:00 | asshole, white heterosexual, describe, drunk fights, definition black's
01:11:00 | mentioned chris, douchebags
01:12:00 | douchebag, lists, douche bag, hello player, ear award
01:14:00 | douche bags, different douche, douchey
01:15:00 | charity
01:16:00 | charity stuff
01:17:00 | floyd, douche douche bag
01:18:00 | douche bags, norwegian, laughter douche
01:19:00 | douche bags, picture douche, bag family
01:20:00 | brought norwegian, insult referencing
01:21:00 | bag, douche
01:22:00 | intellectuals, manipulators, bullies, jerks assholes, douchebags, crew
01:23:00 | stole, white fluffy, douchey, upstairs, unpunished righteous, douche necessity

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