The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP072 Game of Thrones Ending Crowned Ruler

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Transcript UnP072 Game of Thrones Ending Crowned Ruler

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 72 - Game of Thrones Ending Crowned Ruler
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00:00:04| it's one of those carefree days you're sitting on a beach across the Narrow Sea relaxing waiting for those dragons to come and Oh someone behead your father and present your uncle and then you have
00:00:19| to go fight fight in a war you didn't expect you have to become a faceless man or a woman we're gonna talk about it here so come join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks for old
00:00:40| friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the
00:00:54| chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment
00:01:06| purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music] all right here we are on the wall huh ready to battle the White Walkers right
00:01:41| oh let's go home over there I didn't get the memo usually I like to dress up but you seem good Lander excuse me commander yes coming down coming down then let's say commandant over the head yeah I got
00:02:05| Valyrian steel my task believe it is it's from commander Mormon dragons glides yeah change me so what are we talking about today one two three one two three one Game of
00:02:24| Thrones Game of Thrones peter dinklage peter danglies one two three but you'll notice it's a waltz mm-hmm and that's that old classic waltz one two three one two three hot to be Giants now I
00:02:38| understand why they wear this thick one direwolf mm ever this says help is that a real Pelt you got there old pal mm-hmm it's kind of soft actually smells like artificial fabric plastic it looks like
00:02:55| artificial fabric yeah I wonder why mm why do they wear your armor back then I almost call it you in a classic trope we don't know when this play takes place ha ha ha ha that's true do we did it
00:03:10| already take place is it a story of the past or the future and it's shaped quite like Britain it is and they what's the accent they have it is almost British isn't it or Old English there is like an
00:03:26| English vibe to it and a lot of them are very I mean it's in English because we watch it in England but or English England England so wait when you watch it in Spain is it done
00:03:39| take this offer because I'm already sweating you think it off I know just never really wanted to he's won it dress up for one surprise me folks you read that bad boy yeah it's a
00:03:51| generic well breastplates very noisy dress please stark at the bottom you know what's pretty noisy so how much templos you go through with that one sherry - alright
00:04:06| let's really get into this get to what we like what about cover here the roads open game in time the episode we're gonna yeah we're gonna talk about it do you ever read the books no hold on
00:04:20| everybody you have a book that you have read okay you to say ah sorry one speaker here right and to make this one level you have put into use I have I have one two
00:04:38| three four Game of Thrones books they're all paperback there are if you know this brand it's really nice um I started reading the first book well thanks I called up torture and blade of Fire and
00:04:49| Ice who knows but I read the first book and I got to like 38 pages and it was just kind of a lot it was thick hmm so I give up for now I might get back to it but I
00:05:01| mean they're right here literally as I podcast I couldn't read them yeah I can reason into that reason why what I'll do is I'll read George RR Martin's um what's it called the story of Fire and
00:05:14| Ice the game of Fire and Ice I don't have the books and Fire yeah but storm swords clash Kings well Game of Thrones is actually one of them rough if he's a feast of crows or Dance
00:05:27| with Dragons that's a book oh oh oh I think you named the other Clash of Kings storm sword Rose death rows interesting that's a cool name that's probably the other one that's right there so how many
00:05:43| books is this five were in know five written oh I don't have to fit that's my problem no five books he's writing a sixth right correct yeah so I think the story
00:05:55| was overtaken two seasons ago where they're like come on George and he never finished here and so yeah well iterate for us he wrote these books beforehand they were works
00:06:05| of fiction and he was always a year or two ahead of the movie because they were like let's turn this into a HBO series excuse me I said movie no well it's better than a movie right at some point
00:06:16| they overtook them and now he can't write then he releases the final season like he'd you imagine if he did I'd be caught up somehow yeah yeah like if he just was like let me write the book
00:06:29| first and then he wrote the book and released it and waited six months and then they did the final season it would lose all its luster power momentum I wonder what he really had in his brain
00:06:39| because you can see there's pro penis going on in the final two hmm but we'll get to that we'll get to that okay we'll get to that what makes it it did but it does change the fact that
00:06:48| he's writing it versus is writing it for film versus writing it for yeah a book and this started in like 2011 10 when did that are finished I don't know soon we should research this stuff before we
00:07:05| start acting yeah we're not the great idea yeah 2011 okay problem except April he released the first book or he started that's when the episodes started okay that's cool he um so he's an author did
00:07:26| he write anything else good did you research this hopefully he didn't I looked I mean I didn't I couldn't buy anything I recognized and then I did a little research on his things that
00:07:37| inspired him where is it every other fantasy book out there kind of I mean but that's that goes without saying for every fantasy book they're all influenced by other fantasy books but
00:07:47| dying wall-e I drink the wall the wall is based on Hadrian's Wall apparently some place in Scotland you know that's the separation between the English and the Scottish slang and was the second
00:08:01| longest wall in the world but it's short on any great well I guess yeah yeah yeah he said like that was this legit inspiration for the whole thing because I spent he spent a lot of time in
00:08:11| Scotland and stuff he seemed to really like Scottish is he Scottish I like how they don't know haha George for Martin he's American American novelist I don't know this American every American
00:08:22| wouldn't visited Scotland that's what we meant to say he is it it's coming yeah his number two book why isn't word escape me no influence thank you I said it by accent JRR Tolkien's Lord of the
00:08:38| Rings yeah I could I get that connection shitty greater fictional books and stories ever written actually I it's enjoyable just watch the first time but the second time does he
00:08:52| don't worry is probably yeah the books TV I don't run ever at the book so the movie is tedious how the book might be the really comes in a book is really good but it's it's tedious there's a lot
00:09:03| of description too much description kind of too much of the fake world yeah like it's like a lot of work to read that the birds are chirping and what time of day it was and what kind of coffee is
00:09:12| brewing over a pot and their campfire and and these guys have horses and everything and the horses are trotting gently in the morning do and you're like let's go right okay but interestingly
00:09:24| enough what happens in the Lord of the Rings that's one of my favorite features of story writing and happens to be my favorite feature of story writing in Game of Thrones is that the beginning is
00:09:34| just a group of guys who are doing to do a mission it's okay seven of us we're all gonna join together we got one mission Lego and as the story unfolds all seven break off
00:09:46| and different things happen on their list of different parts of the world and then they get separated from each other for most of the entire story and they go through their own transformations
00:09:56| realizations they lose limbs some of them find new best friends some of them become friends with their enemies like it's all these wicked wild crazy stories where you delve into the past and the
00:10:06| future and all this crazy stuff and then towards the end they all start coming back to a single point again they're all coming back to destroy the ring or whatever well that's kind of happening
00:10:15| in Game of Thrones yeah the Lord of Light is guiding us towards the one and only future maybe but I was just going with the stark kids right
00:10:23| that's true hair all back together again isn't that interesting cuz they start off like it's like I have one little family they're all getting visited by the Lannisters you're like these guys
00:10:32| are Jack offs and it is branched off into something so wild faceless man yeah there's like signs the side path and dude everyone has everyone be such a crazy story of every single person so
00:10:46| like the best person that I can think of the Starks is Rickon I mean he has the best storyline of them all can you name some of those famous quotes no I think I'm cold
00:10:59| oh the window era has some of his favorite quotes are on my favorite course of his which are they're all really lousy no they've all gone away no they won't
00:11:14| I'm coming with you I'm your brother I have to protect you we're not southerners oh and then here shaggy-dog that's Rick on replaying of Rick on for the audience
00:11:27| Rick on so important so crucial Cheers Shahrukh Khan is he get shot in the back by Bolton uh-huh Sarah so sweet when you're like go left go right do anything zigzag he literally would survive it'd
00:11:45| be just a zigzag yes he's just running in a straight line like just a little dude do some weaving I don't know so this is the part that like makes the series the greatest that it's never been
00:11:59| I guess well death but also like when you see that scene there's arrows that miss him and it's like almost cheesy but the ones that I guess it's like a false sense of like oh now this is gonna get
00:12:11| him but it lasts a little bit longer like one or two arrows longer than you think and they also do like the the panning shot where like they cut back and then he's like keeps getting like
00:12:20| closer and then farther away so I was like the tension is like is mounted in such a way that it's kind of unique you don't feel it another series like you do this one it's funny you mentioned the
00:12:32| the directing the camerawork stuff like that the um three episodes in a row battle the bastards which was episode 9 of season 6 which I'm on season 6 now yes that's right because we just all
00:12:46| seven it's six is probably the best TV will ever say it's individuals pretty damn good but eight nine and ten of that season or three of the best episodes I've ever seen I think all three were
00:12:59| directed by someone different isn't that weird really yeah the battle the bastards if you look online I watched a YouTube video on it
00:13:06| that's episode nine and that's where John and the Bolton and everyone they come together and it's like the crazy war and they show that um they had to have fake horses dressed in uniforms to
00:13:26| match option like they dress these fake horses to look like soldiers for each side when they were like this just plowing into them or throwing them thanks cuz there's a colliding it's
00:13:39| easier to just kind of like dump it in there a little bit yeah cuz they didn't want to CGI yet they actually had physical objects that were slamming into each other at high speeds well it's like
00:13:47| Braveheart but like I'm what like a 70-hour Braveheart tell me a little bit yeah my part was yeah 70 hour 3 hours or something oh I almost four yeah three
00:14:01| and change I would've said but yeah you right beyond so let's rewind because we're kind of skipping it ahead can we get to the exciting part I understand I understand we love this stuff everyone
00:14:12| at homes like who these guys you guys have a strict schedule and they stick to it first season that's our whined well how did you how did you get into it I don't know that I want to disuse so this
00:14:25| is 2011 this is right man this is so long ago it's weird isn't that eight years cuz I can't recall exactly who told me about it like why the look because it was on HBO I didn't have HBO
00:14:37| I don't know if I saw you download it how'd you see them don't know it's kind of one of the loudest seriously my from the leather like my sister or someone bought the DVD of
00:14:50| season one after it was over because I didn't watch it during season one in fact no when did DVDs come out it would have been like a month or two at least okay so yeah it could have been two
00:15:03| months after this show ended for season one yeah and someone won't be the DVD you know I was like my sister and I was like whatever so I put it on and watched it by myself because I know
00:15:14| it's like brave partying like old-school swords like I don't know what to expect well dark will different you know you hear some buzz about it I watched three episodes and I said whoa this is really
00:15:27| good and I told my girlfriend it's a time inch and I was like I choose a new girlfriend or something huh such hope I'm trying to work my time line here but yeah it's weird
00:15:38| but I told I told her I was like just watch this with me she was like I don't like swords and like fighting shows and I don't like blah blah blah and like medieval stuff and I was like check it
00:15:49| out okay my Thrones is on anyway yo so we we watched I watched all first three episodes again and we loved it I think we've been watch like two episodes a night for the next like three nights and
00:16:02| it was awesome and even the way season 1 ends like you're like they're not gonna be head on they're not gonna be head of sets the pace that's the whole thing if he they don't behead him I don't think
00:16:19| it's a great series I agree with you cuz he's also it's what's his Sean Bean Sean Bean dies in every movie storm thief yes he just the Baptist he don't die in but you know huh though huh - only two
00:16:31| movies in his entire career that he survived something like that yeah well he doesn't even survive he's just like a supporting character that in in a rom-com they just didn't die man say I
00:16:42| the one thing is like this movie and like Spartacus they start with like holy wall Spartacus continues to be really sexual well like Game of Thrones does it in a way that like keeps your attention
00:16:53| I think at the beginning because it didn't have as many hooks in you because you didn't know the characters you start off with like the Starks and they progress to
00:17:02| like going to yeah everyone else like the Baratheon's the I guess they're part Lannister too so they're together and then yeah you kinda you don't get any I don't think you get any more towels and
00:17:14| then you know work your ins you get the oh you get the Danny side story with the golden helmet they've always hot dude that mmm-hmm this is one show where I remember seeing
00:17:29| the scene for the people to die he's like turns more hard a bit guys like a little bitch beating his sister and sex like a sex slave has a sex what the hold is for all I care demand my crown and
00:17:47| she's so neutral she's like a mannequin and like she's also sexualized and like she becomes I guess anti-sexual almost like she's okay being naked which is weird what she's
00:17:58| like yeah but if he always burns everything yeah it's hard to learn everything so I watch after the first season and watched old season again and then I was ready to
00:18:10| watch season to live we did yeah it became a thing in my household where my wife and I would sit down and watch it together nenene and the intro is so good and they
00:18:21| kept it throughout the seasons job to lately change it a little yeah well it changes slightly will equal who's there they're focusing on because it's land right I think that's cool all the little
00:18:30| castles and stuff so good it's very it's so good because it's a magical land that has its own lore does that make sense it's like like it's not based on anything real it's all fake but it feels
00:18:44| real like the desert area feels like the desert area Little Colorado what are people feel like they belong on the sea I mean like I there's a picture any of the what's his name the bastard um
00:18:57| which bastard that's ray joy Stark oh yes now the Greyjoy's couldn't picture a Greyjoy like hanging out it like I don't know just hanging out with different
00:19:07| people right here see they like they're part of their own things they have their own like color schemes to you noticed like they change if they did it all in one spot it would have
00:19:16| been way too either bright or dark in this movie this exact thing is entirely dark you're absolutely correct ever is most of that shot in England or I don't know it seems like they went like hi
00:19:29| Solis Arabic and they went in English and I don't know what else is there but the castle they had like they did a fantastic job picking the castles and making it seem like this is a real place
00:19:39| I can actually tell you hold on Westeros background setting so on the likes and fire I just saw this literally right Cory right so I got this page oh the second Google's thing is like the
00:19:52| castles of Game of Thrones and this is gonna be a writer I was going somewhere I don't care these people I hate when when Internet the internet doesn't give me a list of like exactly what I want
00:20:07| filming Northern Ireland is where most of this first season took place which is uh I guess the North literally which makes sense Castle Ward and is yeah it's all northern island that's pretty cool
00:20:24| that's all my mom actually um toured a lot of places that Game of Thrones was from there's a long path she said she took a ton of pictures from like either way the seat the first season in
00:20:35| southern scenes were filmed in Malta so any place that was like the South was actually filmed in Malta which is like off the coast of Italy that makes sense one of those red buildings kind of looks
00:20:45| warmer they um they change to Croatia for the second season yeah a Vortech boy yes I never saw it yeah it's weird they also like don't be green the others wrote Nick there's apostrophe in there
00:20:59| somewhere though in green screen some of the smaller like they have like a flare to it that adds to the size it's I never once looked at anything those Game of
00:21:09| Thrones and thought oh that's not real like that yeah even the CGI is pretty well done but they darken it up to make it so it's hard to tell interesting
00:21:21| if you could read a whole story on where um the filming takes place in fact isn't that the real reason why they um had to push push the final season back or do you think it had to do with George our
00:21:35| didn't know the ending like there's like people go back and forth on that yeah cuz we'll get to that let's come back to that later to that but anyway the first season like were the Starks the
00:21:47| Lannisters we're gonna know everyone it's pretty badass yeah you're surprised at the end that's I think that's the Hulk I think Danny keeps it interesting in the middle parts because she gets her
00:21:58| brother killed she has she becomes a queen she's about to have a baby it that also seems kind of like a typecast Simon ya know it's also weird that they don't handle it the
00:22:10| way most no no breeze do cuz then she realized on a witch who betrays her and then her King Drogo dies from like a small end yeah Momoa Jason Momoa and take some also like the witch takes her
00:22:26| baby to I think like let's pause for a second because I never talked to anyone about this but I've seen that season only six or seven times I know maybe eight Wow cuz every year I try and watch
00:22:42| all of them box and every time really exterior it's like last year was the first year I didn't oh man when we sell season six I watched her first five seasons beforehand we started like a
00:22:50| month and a half before we watch like one or two a night I will say that over the past month I watched one through seven oh did you although yeah nice had them on the
00:22:59| background constantly I mean that's like that's well you don't get to stare at them and really break them down but you can you get new things yeah you do you do the before shadowing of everything
00:23:12| the dense is a direwolves like a good way the way people interact it's very telling our wolves are badass like that's a cool touch can you name them I was a queen ho um shaggy-dog since I
00:23:28| mentioned that earlier and that was the one lady wolf lady wolf didn't hurt anyone father lady wolf didn't do it Joffrey did typical Sansa yeah lady who's the robots robe
00:23:46| what's ropes gray wind he gets killed when Rob gets killed reason Corinne it's so sad Garrett Bari is watching she's like oh well look at this place areas new mariya the merrier
00:24:03| you know when new Marion isn't America the only one still may be alive throwing a new Mary is alive as well as one other once she sees oh and I can't think of who no stupid bronze bran is summer and
00:24:18| that dog dies when he goes inside of the three-eyed Ravens Castle thing it's time to okay there's like something so new Mary is actually like a historical figure in their little ecosystem that
00:24:33| she's a sailor that came across the sea with like a bunch of warriors and took over um might be telling historical like um in this story history yeah yeah I also I think one of the
00:24:47| Queen oh now what's uh princesses is name new mariya to one of the sand snakes okay look it's yeah I mean that's probably also why she named the wolf that so it's not like it's you know okay
00:24:59| so you got most of them what was that was the last one John's John's style wolf I don't know I'm gonna say go so you say ghost ghost God and it goes literal yeah right ghost I did me
00:25:14| he's still alive is he I think he's out somewhere in the in the yeah he he showed up in the sixth or seventh season yeah I think I lost him beyond the wall I thinking he disappeared they don't
00:25:27| make sense but they oh they say when they first find the direwolves that they don't find them south of the wall anymore right they only grow busy this is another cool fact of this story it's
00:25:38| like I've never been to wherever Westeros or anything where this takes place they define in the ridge or from the very first scene they find the direwolves like within ten minutes
00:25:52| and he's like they don't grow that we never find these south of the wall and you know like from there you know something weird about these things ooh I mean there's something magical something
00:26:01| weird something strange going on and you guys makes the best stories I don't know yeah it's the way they deliver it it's not like these are magical that's like it yeah like you would kick back from
00:26:13| like some other shitty movie they're gonna save you later in life and then like their savior in life this is foreshadowing yeah it's name is ghost I wonder why you might come back
00:26:28| to life later good lord I didn't realize it I can talk about this damn show forever it's hard to get it focused so that can see season one yeah wait so Season one ends on what's wrong
00:26:41| Mario doesn't does it an end on the bus heading and they go separate ways almost every season ends with Khaleesi really oh yeah I because I've watched them seven times it's weird there's one that
00:26:56| doesn't and it could ends with her dragons crawling all over her ass isn't that weird like they don't have they do have tropes but they play off of them they do have stereotypes but they play
00:27:10| off of them yeah oh speaking of which from from Season one my favorite character you're not gonna believe this said barrister so vastly uh yeah Barristan he's the one who's so great as
00:27:21| he gets pushed out of the he gets pushed out of the Knights guard and then he just pulls his sword as Rick and then he holds in a job for and he's like I could cut through you like a cake nicely knows
00:27:34| like yo he's the man take it down and melt it with the rest boy it's got such a good gravelly voice that's one thing that also sets it apart usually like these type of things they have like main
00:27:46| characters that are actual real actors but the side characters the supporting characters are better actors than actual the main characters you feel about better but they're just they're equally
00:27:57| as important everything they do is true it's because they could die any minute all right so Dora you like Jorah Sidora so joe said you're a woman oh yeah you know
00:28:10| what I don't like surgery you don't and abbess I don't hate him what's so good am i selling somebody bottoms like bitchiness and that he's too loyal to really hear oh I know I
00:28:24| hear I figured out why we're gonna have any difference on any characters something's weird about Daenerys to me I don't like her I think she's too naive almost she's not a capable of leader Lee
00:28:39| during I don't think she's leader no I'm the only one who's come up with this theory but I don't like her more moral compass I feel like she's I don't like a lot of her decisions just she's trying
00:28:54| to be too good it's not even to just I actually find some of her decisions during the slave stuff to be weird like I'm like whoa even what she's too harsh actually I
00:29:05| think a lot of guys like she'd me yeah gray area comes up yeah she doesn't allow for grayish even heads that guy because they killed him in the cell yeah and I'm like whoa I mean I'm like I'm
00:29:17| like I don't disagree but good lord like you came from nothing and now you're cutting people's heads off yeah they just obeyed like one single thing then she conquers a bunch of cities and
00:29:28| just like was like you're free now and then gotta go there's something weird about her morality and I can't put my finger on it and I don't know if it's she's written kind of weird or the
00:29:39| actress herself to plays it weird but something about her makes me uneasy they cast her pretty well though cuz like super yeah like something about her is like really really sexy I don't think
00:29:52| it's like sexy it's not really her body like her body isn't that hot in though she is hot but it's like her face is like gorgeous like I don't know what it's like though the blond hair and like
00:30:02| the brown eyebrows latinum white yeah yeah it's a while it's like familiar yet very exotic here check this what we were just talking about we literally segwayed off of like five minutes ago
00:30:14| whole scene with Khal Drogo is like barely living and like he's in here and all the um what are they called oh my god they're the people nothing I hate people Dothraki
00:30:27| all the other does rocky you're gonna Ames I do not talk to this this witch jinhwan she's a witch she's like no I will talk to her I'm like we're gonna slay this horse is sticking out lavoro
00:30:37| everywhere and then she she like pays for Khal Drogo's life with her her child's life and I can't tell if she does know what that means or she doesn't know what that means but he does live
00:30:51| but he's like she's a zombie yeah mine once he's zombie and and then she eventually cuts the witch's throat doesn't she or she has someone cut her throat
00:31:02| but like I don't know what the lesson learned here is like there's something weird about like you just gave up your kid for Khal Drogo who was dying anyway and you got him to live as a lifeless
00:31:15| shell and I don't know what happened it's not like there's a world news story it's like you gotta look back and you go I guess I would have made the same decision but it wouldn't have turned out
00:31:27| any better right guess she can't have a baby and then have like be like this is the leader of all you ruthless people no no you're right I mean the story would not have unfolded good for her anyway
00:31:38| huh but there's something weird about her progression path it's like I don't know she's the most different person in the whole story well she has the she has the Dragons and then she goes through
00:31:50| like a that's like in the second season she's starving like they need water and they can't find anybody and they had a bunch of exiles and then they go to a city and somehow huh no she's crisis
00:32:03| from Star Wars this is no the queue Qarth Qarth car yeah she's like a city in the world which is a fallacy isn't that interesting and then she becomes II see
00:32:18| she learns from being duped you can't trust people and that you need to be powerful and this and this that's where she learns that but again I don't think that's a good
00:32:28| quality necessarily in in real people I understand we're in a story world I get it yeah but she like she comes to power in a weird way like it's like she's Nass whole kind of I guess like an asshole
00:32:44| even Jon Snow on the polar opposite side is not an asshole he's literally trying to would you say he is well I wouldn't he's killed people who
00:32:55| ever like stood out against him like the people who wouldn't well obviously because they stabbed him to death but there was one guy that decided that he wasn't gonna follow his leadership in
00:33:06| the beginning and he had to axe him and then which guy Oh with some guy that was like it was a mobility I forget it was like well second-in-command and he told him to go
00:33:18| like go I have to go to this village and protect it and he said I'm not going in there like that's just a wee little village and then he's like are you disobeying my orders and then trying to
00:33:26| chuckle that him and he's like they all slowly walk out get him on the like little wooden block and he's I think oh I do recall I do recall and I thought that was what's weird though is I feel
00:33:39| like he's more hesitant if he doesn't want you can tell he doesn't want to do it can you tell me what to wear as I can feel like Khaleesi doesn't care I'm actually doing it and I don't think
00:33:50| she wants to but I also think she's just like okay okay like she wants the power does that make sense Toshi's heir to the throne she literally said in every tire oh yes of course
00:34:09| that's my arrow at the throat whereas well actually one of the funniest scenes is in season six I think it's season six or seven maybe even more where where Jon Snow comes
00:34:19| under her domain and she said he must bond this is yeah you must bend the knee this is Queen Daenerys a bringer of storms mother of dragons Lady of so-and-so Dothraki to the king and she
00:34:35| says like 19 in a row and then the onion night I forget his real name he's like is Jon Snow kind Jon Snow hey he's just like in one line he's like this is Jon
00:34:48| Snow king of the north I think was it sir Davos I think he gets into it no yes sir Davos seaworthy he's like this is Jon Snow like what are you talking about like Jon Snow he died for
00:35:01| his bill he took her you took a knife to the heart and then she's like 90 was the heart he's like nah whew we're skipping ahead but like this show is so good you can do an episode on each season but
00:35:14| alright let's go back to third season has the second season end I feel like it ends with Khaleesi doing something I think she gets Qarth it ends with like her like doing hard
00:35:28| without the hands or is that like season three or four I might end with your being Mesa that's the only part of the whole show that looks fake it looks like stupid CGI but all the hands it's very
00:35:41| God it's the only the only thing I don't like about Studio ocean burns the magician alive and then what else you got going on you have arias to lower
00:35:50| Sansa is duck Joffrey's bringing a prick oh let's talk about Joffrey for like an hour because he caused Ned's death Eddard Stark because he was like now let's kill a guy cuz he's a traitor and
00:36:03| everyone's like no Joffrey no and he's like hey executioner come on I'm waiting wait here here's a question for you when you sell the first season could you I actually put Littlefinger and Varys
00:36:20| Jesse yeah Faris I get names run together I was like the same type of person like they were aides doing and I was like I was like I can't trust either of these guys
00:36:30| they're both bad news but they've changed over I think my students well they're both dirty cuz the little little finger has a brothel although fingers way worse though I don't got the dirty
00:36:45| though I mean everyone's dirty but the fact that he tries to nevermind we were getting add we're like the last part oh you're gonna go to the ant I didn't get to there we'll get
00:36:57| there we'll get oh wait oh wait so I don't know how the second season ends I'm trying to figure out who's like the main cuz I guess that's the thing is that you don't know who the main driving
00:37:06| force is that's what's interesting about the whole thing but that's very Lord of the Rings Ian's like sometimes it's Thor of you know it's Legolas and Gimli or sometimes it's a Frodo and Sam and
00:37:19| sometimes like there isn't one main character there's all these characters and they're going through changes some of them go through times we're like this character is an a-hole I hate them now
00:37:30| but then they change or they go through a transformation or a realization I think that's that's good writing yeah it's almost them like the medieval sense like you have this like kind of
00:37:41| separation of the illusion and then you're stuck in this like kind of confusion that everyone has and no one really does anything I'm trying to think of what the highlight of the second
00:37:54| season was right there's got to be together they talk about seven seasons at once well they do the thing where it's like the exposition feels like 80% of it and then you all of a sudden we
00:38:06| have like a way of done like it's it's drawn out because I didn't have the CGI in the beginning like CGI was still really expensive to do right but I don't think that's why it was because they
00:38:16| still did a lot of live-action fights now their budget could have precluded fighting and CGI and everything altogether but I think the second season was the it's not called wildfire it was
00:38:29| something like the so they Renly dies and you get what's the blond giant woman's name dude Breanna sorry yeah Brienne of Tarth she is badass she's my favorite character she is one
00:38:44| of my favorite characters she's so loyal and she's just trying to do the best and she's just like if I'm gonna fight you it's gonna happen and you're gonna go down like that speaking of which like
00:38:54| Jaime Lannister has like the coolest character are I love his arm well he gets caught somewhere in the middle with the head right I think I may be second or third
00:39:05| is that where he was robbed oh yeah that's where Rob is like starting to rampage and then let's save him and then someone finds him and then he gets his hand chopped off oh that sucks
00:39:18| feel kind of guilty for I guess but I don't know that he she comes to actor he was he does without it you're absolutely correct he needs to lose he needs to be which is
00:39:28| always everything against he's a swordsman in fact he's the hand of the king about that without a hand how crazy is that he gets one made of gold actually hold on
00:39:42| alright so do you like uh Bron Bron I like the broom say that's supporting character he's amazing he's he's incredible there's I think it's season two where
00:39:54| it's a scene worth him and um Jamie are talking it's break before uh this might be someone like Episode eight or season two later in this season where um King's Landing is gonna be taken and
00:40:07| they're all in there drinking and all of a sudden both parties see each other and they're really kind of at odds and bran grabs his knife he's like what's the matter can't have a nice ass naked
00:40:21| prostitute on his name he's like is it gonna be a problem that's that's good that's good tension dude there's something about the scenes that like there's also like a dominance that he
00:40:31| exudes that like dude there's like nipples that come out and it's like everyone's like nipples we're all good flesh baby yeah action flat he um his character is extremely you know what
00:40:48| you're getting he's yeah he's free and open and he doesn't want to deal with the bullshit and if there's bullshit he's just like you do want to go and then it's like no bran we're part eyes
00:40:57| yeah I don't watch I think it's season three or four but pod where the prostitute sleeps with them and then doesn't charge oh really yeah you didn't catch this and
00:41:08| everyone's trying to figure out what's going on with pod and they're like cuz you know Podrick pani he's like Chubby's yeah why eighties like not muscular or anything
00:41:18| apparently he's got a oh yeah Podrick the guy he's just kind of like sidekicking to Brienne oh yeah ha do we even talk about what's-his-name in season one like
00:41:30| we could talk about the show for hours he is going I think I read this morning or this afternoon there's 257 listed characters for the show holy shit keep this in mind when
00:41:43| you write a book you can introduce a billion characters it doesn't matter when you do it in a show it's a whole different game because you have to pay a guy he has an outfit is a name is a
00:41:54| casting call he is an actor he has a booth he has all this stuff so to introduce a character is more important in a visual medium than it is in a book so do the same countries do you think a
00:42:06| writer can keep those people straight and B if they can does that make them insane because like honestly like logically you can only keep about 150 people straight and you're in your head
00:42:18| before you sort of confuse them that's like a physical limit like you can't you can't organize that many people into a logical system what I think happens though is that fantasy world a little
00:42:31| bit what he does is create all these lands and the the people bi reate the theory see people whatever do people and then you have people over here in Gray's landing that are really jackasses and
00:42:46| they're like just a holes and they keep to themselves and they're always got money and then you have another people over here north and they've given up sex they've given up everything and they
00:42:56| protect the people but it's kind of corny and old and religious everyone's kind of laughing at them right now but maybe not but anyway like he has these people separated so in the people he
00:43:07| might only have 5 to 10 important northerners he might only have 4 kings landing people and then the way they interact is historical based on their people and their population of the race
00:43:18| as it were England right exactly Oh a little bit and on top of that he um I mean there are families and then there are lovers and then
00:43:29| did we cover all the houses stirs and we didn't even talk about a brother and sister who are loving had children how crazy in this show was that that was the pounding of flesh so from season 1
00:43:44| episode 1 we figure out that but the to be queen of the King's Landing is having sex with her brother and then all the offspring that they had were between her blond haired even though she's married
00:44:00| to the king he's yeah who's brown and brown haired and fat and it wasn't true it has a really good joke so he's triangle on his armor and he's fat and he drinks a lot to eat and he's a he's a
00:44:15| terrible person it doesn't fit get me my breastplate stretcher and the kids just nervous the page runs out and he turns and then he says how long before he figures there's no such thing as a
00:44:29| breastplate stretcher haha that's funny we don't even talk about all this stuff because it's like he'll go back this is the and forward and back and forward densest piece of work ever
00:44:42| we were untangling this for generations I think I like that we haven't even mentioned Tyrion yet I know we have a favorite character we haven't even talked about the guy so he do you think
00:44:54| I think he was actually the star of the second season if you think about it because there were the Stannis Baratheon was coming in to claim his is his crown and he's come by sea and he had like the
00:45:03| Wildfire I think it's called and yeah yeah launches that thing and then it just destroys I want you ships and I was like and he bought all the old bullshit wildfire and then used it to trap him
00:45:15| yeah he saves a day and he gets almost killed because Joffrey was trying to assassinate him exactly his own friggin an uncle-nephew he was that thing is known call yeah depending on which
00:45:31| perspective you're talking about yeah the UM oh my god the bloodlines in this just this is the densest piece of literature it's it's so Shakespearean the whole thing you can it's all in
00:45:51| touch to us and they kill each other off be based on whims essentially some of them it swims it's relationships its power its greed it's justice it's the right
00:46:03| thing to do the iron that's all for the it's also ironic that the iron throne is held by the people who just pay gold like the Lannisters always pay their debts
00:46:12| that's the old price they have the iron throne by the gold price what's crazy these people aren't even real name is slogan and you could probably ask half the people in America and they know what
00:46:22| it was yeah not even a real person wears a Lannister always do pay their debts it's like who was the last President of the United States would be like who when was this mm-hmm it's wild stuff I think
00:46:38| it's well done and it's these were produced at this point what happens in season 3 you got quick synopsis for me well there was a wedding would wait at the phrase ah yes you're absolutely
00:46:54| correct do you know what Walder Frey who's a bastard by the way he hates women he's a we saw the man who said Jon Snow is a bastard of Ned snarks that was like
00:47:04| introducing the first moggies I think that's a start and the first 10 minutes of the thing and it's extremely important but anyway so don't look the plot here this is a map plot you're
00:47:15| right but what we like absolutely correct is or interesting or you know we enjoy when pregnant women get stabbed in the gut that's oh dude get right to it he's thickens up the nut Jim he had a
00:47:29| problem I'm trying to open a beer huh but honestly I don't think any pregnant woman's ever been stabbed on fantasy do you or I you might be a hundred thousand percent right I'm not even joking or
00:47:44| placating you like that's when I saw that happen like Islands so many people just accost so the three of us would watch it we'd watch this thing and be like wow
00:47:57| what's gonna happen tonight I can't wait let's go well yeah and you watch it the last five minutes would go by and Rob gets killed and I can't even believe it Rob Catlin and then Robbo and
00:48:11| then Catelyn Stark gets killed ha and then she's screaming and they just cut her throat and blood is squirting everywhere and then they're stabbing the belly you didn't do it in the right
00:48:22| order they Pilate was on that rains of castamere Catelyn pulls back the armor on the Bolton and she goes robe robe and then boom she yell Rob she does like right as like the girls getting stabbed
00:48:35| in the stomach and Rob stands up and gets an arrow and then he's like slowly moving towards the phrase and Catelyn is like let this go and let this be let this pass and then she's like she
00:48:47| realized that it's never gonna happen you're not gonna get that open and then I think Rob gets shot by another few arrows and they are down six of them in the front yeah I think and then you're
00:48:57| like this is not a normal series you are not gonna see something like you don't know what to expect I really I literally as it's happening I thought Rob was gonna crawl away and
00:49:07| we're gonna see him rise from the ashes but like this show then Caitlyn Catlin sorry she grabs the the winch which is actually the Queen and he's like I can get another one oh that guy that's like
00:49:25| imagine I couldn't write a worst of worst individual know um that was incredible literally I watched the red wedding like probably six or seven times and to this day I can't get over how
00:49:40| well done it's it's just so it's like yeah holy and you have a lot more going on too is that you have Arya like outside the gates like about to be like yeah mom I have to finally reunite with
00:49:53| her family after like two seasons that are the wedding that had at ulti they're so like ed mere Tully was the one getting married to affray so you think that the family's dead right yeah that's
00:50:07| right five sin till the end it becomes important till later well not I don't know if he's still powerful but it's there no of course not all right so three
00:50:17| season three set the pace did you finally get it or no no it's sort of bubbling in at me - it's gonna spray everywhere so let's why don't you step back and
00:50:29| open it on camera cause it's gonna go everywhere I opened on I mean I'm trying to open and I'm not trying to know saying it fast I'm gonna train over all the
00:50:48| cabinet one more time Oh stayed pretty well contained you should see all the scratch marks on this IKEA yeah it's like a beat-up thing it's already broken in nine spots so I figured I could just
00:51:07| continue on compound it yeah let's get you on season four fifteen you want so wait how does season three end let's think I bet it's with Khaleesi I'm telling you
00:51:19| dude I've been having something cuz the red wedding but that was like I'll tell you hold on he will not tell me I'll tell you I'm quicker googler as seen yeah he's gonna be quicker because he's
00:51:35| got that quick matter yeah hmm meesa meesa that's when Mesa comes out okay so was she I've been Lance team season two if she frees the she launches all the I think that's when she launches all of
00:51:52| those chains into the city is that also the baddest team Lori on the horse with the guy and um he's speaking another language because that might be dude two Street episodes that she's like tell
00:52:05| this worthless whore or I might let her lick me Leah and she just said like what is he saying and then what's her name the frizzy-haired raw Masson day
00:52:16| beyond anyway she's like he says m'lady that you should buy the unsullied and she's like we may and he's like tell this bitch I'm not done with her in another language thinking she was
00:52:28| understand and then like a last episode she speaks to him in that language it easy huh didn't even send up right oh my god oh come on she's buying the unsullied and she goes into this little
00:52:40| castle area little courtyard and he's still being an asshole to her and then like she has this like kind of like chained thing to her dragon oh the same thing that he thinks thing in Sully it
00:52:51| is like if you hold this you go her control she gives him that and he's like oh I'm so excited I got a dragon control this thing and then she walks away and speaks the mother tongue to those guys
00:53:03| and is like these are mine now and so lead kill all your bastards the guy's like what and then she's like you can't control a dragon and then she has the dragon drove corresponds burns the f out
00:53:15| of that guy and then that's the first like mini war that she's in because she has an army now she does the unsullied ilink sir Barristan and there they're like protecting Masson day and like
00:53:28| they're both like wait what and they're both like hunched over like she's only major actor change in the entire show major exchanged the blonde do you remember the good scene at the beginning
00:53:43| of the next season where he sneaks into her camp and he wants to cut her throat Daario naharis yes he's a blond blond guy he seemed like he was an idiot when I first met
00:53:55| him I was like this guy's yeah and they introduced somebody else that was yeah brunettes like he's a better actor I think I agree I don't disagree but but it's just funny that's the only hiccup
00:54:08| and they're all reaction and they I like how they do it and they never bring it like they never mentioned like Oh your brother died so were your new I notice your brown hair now that's good yeah
00:54:23| somebody else CGI that guy out of the whole series entirely be like it was a motley and point yeah well I wonder what history do you think he was a drunk he asked for
00:54:32| too much money he was like a jackass let's find out do you think I'm just curious now because like he blew an opportunity to be in the best show of all time
00:54:41| yeah I'm calm I'm gonna fill the time Nick I will fill the time I'm having a beer tonight doo-doo-doo-doo I'm looking at your eyes I'm actually just trying to figure out
00:54:54| if it's interesting you're not interesting or not enough information oh I actually see I'm trying not to change subjects because I want to talk about what's the culprit someone lives in your
00:55:14| house and you have to take care of them when I'm in Valletta yeah Hospital no no no no even your enemy lives in your house this is a big thing in the Odyssey oh yeah when you when you when you allow
00:55:26| them into your home under like a a truce or you know it's it's so it's an ancient Greek thing but if you allow someone into your home you have to treat them with respect
00:55:41| like that's not attack them all for them food or water or bed or somewhere to stay your hospitality is your amenities mm-hmm because if you don't that's bad luck yeah it's bad juju well it's a
00:56:00| running theme throughout the show I feel like anytime someone's invited to a house and is either locked up in Chains or killed or read red wedding like really bad stuff happens to those people
00:56:13| like to the point where this is I'm telling you it's a reoccurring theme someone do an essay on it and thank me later um an interesting one is Khaleesi in
00:56:22| season 6 or 7 where Jon Snow has come to her house and she says lock him up in Chains until he bends the knee and I'm like don't do that the people who yeah she-she rethinks her decision and you
00:56:37| know lets him feel free but that's again it's a it's a point of emphasis one piece of honor that I think our Martin really cares about I was like allow me some money your home is the epitome of
00:56:51| being cordial and nice hospitable and if you're not hospitable you should die so in other words his in-laws treated a bad one so no we lower something the Daario naharis guy his name is Graham yeah he
00:57:12| said score in sky rain I don't know but he said that he was really into contract negotiations that didn't end well more money but he was also supposed to be the face of the transporter series which
00:57:27| there are other British made twice and straighten I think Statham took that I don't think he got that at all he can yeah and then he also said both ways yeah he started a
00:57:39| family too so he was like loyal to his family so it's a bunch of there's like three bullshit reasons when he should just manned up and just because Game of Thrones is gonna be remembered it's like
00:57:49| one of the best yeah he he he played his card on his when I fired it up yeah whatever no you're a little Game of Thrones there's a picture of him as like a
00:58:00| transporter and he looks terrible he looks like he's uh he starved himself to death or something and then Statham did it better but um okay sorry sorry science gained whatever your name is
00:58:13| nothing better to do he's gonna kick my ass yeah a little bit of money don't run out huh so what's we talking about season three it's season four we had something important in the middle of
00:58:27| that one do you remember what happened at all but the Joffrey Baratheon well by the way yeah I don't think I've hated someone more than I could hate a teenager he was the biggest douche
00:58:42| everybody I never hated like he was what I had to say guys and laugh yeah it's just not just a TV narcissistic masochistic like just I call it blade eater and maybe you have
00:58:57| your brothers on it I'm so strong and now I can't fight this war you fight it for me I'm so I don't does his below me like he's just so he was the worst of anybody you should ever make it yeah
00:59:16| TV him what's her name it's hard to believe that he was realistically bad because it's so typecast to be awful and suchlike in his ways no but he was he was so bad it was so real realistically
00:59:29| bad though like you kids like a bratty King and just someone who loves pain and inflicting pain on others yeah how about at the wedding he was shaming his Tyrion uncle Tyrion
00:59:44| and that was my turning point as he poured wine Oliver's head uncle everyone what it was so awkward too huh I'll cut off your cock and something and I think he slammed his knife on the table didn't
00:59:59| he get Tyrion did not Aryan really oh yeah he threatened the King you don't recall this because everyone in the entire place stops any less and says sorry your uncle is drunk why would I
01:00:13| threaten the king but he it was a real threat was it it wasn't about his cock that was it I thought it was I thought it was he would cut off his cock I thought maybe I'm wrong
01:00:24| funny hey listen I haven't seen this episode in two years Broadway but he's he's extremely mad extremely drunk at his own wedding to Sansa which is weird right what his wedding to
01:00:43| Santa the Tyrians wedding to salsa what about it yeah was that deficit there's at season five my job but I think that he was already married he was married before the purple wedding to Sansa
01:00:55| because Sansa sitting next to him was like sonses on the outside Tyrion and then I think I don't know if Tommen's there but you have no one mentions Thomas stop with
01:01:08| Tommen's the Rickon oh we have but you have that tell me if the Queen and then Jamie I think Jamie is like standing in the background and then you have the Tyrells Marjorie we gotta wait what's
01:01:26| Marjorie's actually what's up what's the actress that plays Marjorie I don't know her name she's she's gorgeous just this big yeah like anime eyes right you know I know exactly what you're talking about
01:01:42| Oh like even when she's first introduced where she's like she's trying to convince Renly to fuck her and like to make a baby she's like you can do me from behind
01:01:53| like you do yours your nights and like good line we can bring my brother in here to get you started like Oh way to introduce that this guy's gay breakdown Oh Natalie Dormer uh she's got the
01:02:12| little like just like a little flip sandy pace yeah with the highs a little bit like mm-hmm patty face mm-hmm but it's still it's still positive pout it's a very positive
01:02:26| very positive Derrick Sioux land female Derek Zoolander I was looking something up what was that maybe for you it's about her oh oh the wet bad episode where she dies but we're not there yet
01:02:49| but hold on yeah so the purple wedding what's the purple winning do don't even know that's word Joffrey dies because someone please oh is that what they call a purple wedding yeah heard that phrase
01:03:02| and I I'm a fan of the show really ah that's weird because he's suffocates I got it but anyway I got no just the way he does it he like me mock somebody for it Tyrion isn't somebody
01:03:13| for bringing his wine and he can to bring his wine and it's like Tyrion gets the you know the mark of death on him because he drinks the wine and then dies and the way he dies is so terrible
01:03:25| and awful he's like and then it's like foam and like he's like his eyes to bulge looks like oh my god it's like Total Recall when you can't breathe oh fuck and they're like oh I start to pop
01:03:38| out and then no it is okay I got the right name for him okay good you gather I named our Natalie Dormer no no something no no no the next thing I want to bring up um so we've been talking
01:03:55| about how the episodes go well everything's well done oh wow the UM one of the best on episodes of TV I may never see in my life uh-huh is season six the very last episode oh it's called
01:04:10| the winds of winter really doing I hear what do you think I want to see if it gives me actual information the winds of winter we didn't talk about yeah the winds of winter is the one know
01:04:32| what you were doing all right no I get it we didn't talk about one well no this is the one where they have the kid everyone has there's a meeting for for punishment
01:04:44| Cersei Lannister what are you doing who do you have in your hands Billy there's something suspicious going on No why would there be anyway anyway goal episode is a musical trope and I don't
01:04:59| know if anyone has taken musical lessons yeah but it's piano piece but the episode is like seven minutes of just music and visuals where's this what is this ah see now that you're paying
01:05:22| attention it's the one where Tommen jumps out the window Oh tom what you tipped a head you skipped one key element that I want to okay well
01:05:32| because the seven minutes is super important it's the best written directed photographs of video cinematography soundtrack piece I've ever seen it's the mountain he's talking and they have like
01:05:44| all these kids that work for them like you know enemies yeah kids can't a little whispers yeah anyway they they trick what's-his-name to follow them into the caves mm-hmm
01:05:55| and he follows into the caves and have all this wildfire laid out also Lance a lot but that son's name Lancelot greatest got a name laughs yeah yeah but all these characters who they introduced
01:06:07| who became the sparrow lady we just mentioned her and her Marguerite's Ln every Malena Lenin Lenin thank you and her parents like all the high priest all these everyone who's been introduced for
01:06:25| the past season and a half there very importantly the very damning of the Cersei Lannister story they were thrown aside they're all in one building to condemn her she doesn't show up in the
01:06:37| first seven minutes of this episode I request everyone to watch it again they don't talk it's all visuals and then the music hmm so the music follows tropes it's like a piano piece that ends
01:06:51| differently for different people so like it ends on different notes for the Lannisters and ends on different notes for margarine or family I swear to God and it's just a visual storytelling like
01:07:03| kind of like the beginning of a Pixar movie or something uh-huh and they go when they they like this fire that eventually blows up and kills all of them yeah the Wildfire came again and
01:07:14| then like seven minutes after the episode begins and one of the craziest reveals and finishers for an episode finishers even though it's the first ten minutes of the episode you're like oh
01:07:25| and then they're like anyway and they start talking and you're like what did I just see so he's a root the one words to describe a bit yes and so team friend of or so
01:07:39| the the whole thing about that episode or the whole season like that was I think it was the fifth season or sixth season maybe fifth that was like the whole thing was that like you have some
01:07:52| or daeho's dictator that is like power-hungry in the knee of Tommen who is not power-hungry at all he's any him he's like there's nothing soft bread he's like fight me now win bread not
01:08:06| gonna happen he never she would say that he's just like slowly like you just hate brush him off like a leaf what's up get away from me sounds like the High Septon it's trying to take power for
01:08:17| them but you mentioned the mountain and you skipped over one of those as I wanted to bring you back every fucking chicken in here every fuckin ticket you talk about the hound
01:08:30| oh I'm sorry you said the bell there but they're brothers Clegane so you missed the piper Oberyn remember my sister Jesus Christ you raped my mother
01:08:43| no you write to my sister you killed her you will pay it what you must confess oh yeah I think he says good you must confess yeah hey yeah so he fights on Tyrians behalf because he knows that the
01:08:57| mountain has killed who raped his processor introduced in that season he's from he's yeah he's doing where they're people he's doing dormant and yeah yep so they introduced his character at the
01:09:10| beginning of the season I'm like this guy's gonna be pretty damn important he can fight he can move so fast it's got an interesting accent he's crazy dude yeah his wife might be his sister I
01:09:22| can't tell his her more incest there I don't know yeah they didn't reveal any of that I I feel like it's his cousin or something weirds going on there anyway um he can move fast he can use a bike
01:09:34| he's wasn't taking on oh my god he can take on the mountain how many people can and he beats him and he's fighting for Tyrion he's gonna win everyone's like knocks down and it's all about revenge
01:09:48| which is cool cuz I love a good trope haha this one's about revenge he's finally gonna bench his sister was the raped and killed and you're like this is awesome everyone's
01:10:02| cheering he won and as he won and knocked the guy down he's got spikes in his leg he totally demolished the mountain nobody demolishes nothing but he did this is a special character they
01:10:14| introduced him the season cuz he's gonna do something different he's gonna change everything and then he's screaming over them Jesse Owens goes goddamn face you must confess and
01:10:27| these hands for the mountain come up and grip his face and crush his skull with his bare hands oh and they show it it pops at his eyes it's like a pop on a pimple his blood
01:10:39| just brain cystic splatter I remember everyone in our house when we watch that live made a sound cuz they literally it was like a main character like I thought this is the guy
01:10:58| yeah no he he literally beat the mountain all you do is like stab him three times always on the ground not moving but instead he leaned over them hubris yeah I think my man George RR
01:11:12| Martin's all about Greek stuff dude hubris yeah you know family ties you got some weird familial thing going on mm-hmm Theon Greyjoy too he gets a little exuberant
01:11:25| and then his sausage gets chopped off and he be to somebody else reek reek I don't like his wine I do and he doesn't do anything that fantastic he just kind of floats around which everyone rocks he
01:11:41| should have died already it's weird how we're like devaluing Emmys give me like the hero somehow somehow he's gonna reach maybe yeah he'll be the hero that everyone wanted
01:11:52| at the end I guess reek yeah so we skip ahead to the Sept explosion and then boom Searcy takes the reins of everything by wiping out and we honey do you know that outfit she wears cost like
01:12:11| hundreds of thousands of dollars what yeah that's like a very famous outfit chewers it's like um black it's got like the studs in it kind of huh it's like a queen outfit she wears you
01:12:23| can look it up this is like the most famous costume ever I don't know what it's called Cersei Lannister clean outfit if you google it I don't know maybe that's a thing the
01:12:33| black one yeah yeah in Coronation ground yeah I saw a special in hell was made it was made for this particular episode I believe actually from a famous designer or something like we're getting to the
01:12:47| point in these episodes where scenes are made in towns for Game of Thrones outfits are made for the character and what they would wear in Game of Thrones like we're gonna have swords that are
01:13:03| custom-made because thousands of dollars for Game of Thrones it is pretty badass because the costumes are very unique and you could probably tell which character you're playing just
01:13:15| by wearing their costume mm a little bit like you were at the beginning were you Jon Snow I was oh my god that's wild Kit Harington is at you oh my goodness I like somebody like him hmm
01:13:32| hmm move us towards what happens next yeah I think this is the Jon Snow maybe that's where he meets you grit Academy's good guys and then Jon Snow gets laid beforehand and then decide is cousin or
01:13:56| whatever right do we even have some it what doesn't know what oh we didn't you're skipping ahead you went to the second time you got laid oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I I thought that's
01:14:07| where you're told my hidden generally in future we didn't talk about they did the next there's a key moment you don't remember the key moment I don't know if you tell
01:14:19| me I literally give you quotes about it it's where they bring them back because he dies by the hand graders cheese a trope dude it's a Jesus trope you're tired of the Jesus tropes not at all I
01:14:32| love him you kidding me what you could make the word yeah the Jesus tropes I thought you said are you gonna give me quotes no I could except I don't actually know any quotes when they
01:14:46| stand I don't think something they belittle boy all right Holly oh god damn dude when that kid stabbed him actually dark this is another crazy thing he they literally killed off one of the main
01:14:59| characters but he's not dead anymore do you know where um george RR martin used to work probably read by he was a writer for a soap opera called Beauty and the Beast huh he says he got a lot of his
01:15:15| ideas from there cuz like surviving bulleted or words it would but think about it like you kill an actor in a soap opera you can say like oh my god the doctor advised him he's back for
01:15:31| like or like he was in a coma for 19 years huh and they found his twin brother like you can do the most ridiculous yeah took me a while because if you're gonna revive somebody better
01:15:48| have the Lord light on your side so we get into religion in this show we did not the right woman do you know that a seven the seven the high sparrow and the seven sons or the seven points yeah one
01:16:06| point it's up to ever know the red woman yeah her bosoms are way I know aren't they crazy Oh would you have one way then oh I can't
01:16:33| yeah I hate the girl with our what did you just tape of a bra bed chest my wife has fake boobs for some reason but they look fantastic don't they oh I feel like I just hit puberty as a girl
01:17:09| oh my god guys the audience apologized to tan apologized oh yeah the live light you seem like Jon Snow still even when you wear red really cuz you're morose
01:17:32| and moody and if you can think of another word I don't know what the red woman does that's uh that's other than morose Stannis how about worried sacrifices daughter
01:17:48| oh yeah that's probably season four mmm but yeah I think that's four so get this one of my greatest some memes that I've ever created was the day after that episode where Stannis sacrifices his
01:18:07| mother did you no no it's you working you on too much no it's just how sweetheart ah yes you're gonna sit after Stannis did what he did to his daughter yeah he thought
01:18:32| he was gonna be the king of Westeros but we still get that the crazy part is that his his wife was there and even though the red woman said it's necessary like his wife was all along she's like she's
01:18:52| like if him if the Lord of Light decides and then as her child is burning she's like she realizes what she's done and then she hangs herself later yeah we'll wait that's the next day which is
01:19:05| hilarious because that's like the worst day in Stannis's life cuz he realizes everything everything he hit and everything else oh yeah everything of value has died accidentally burn my
01:19:18| daughter to death while she was alive oops wife killed herself because I did it oops yeah turns out I wasn't invincible and I didn't win this war oof red woman
01:19:31| left see ya Brianna ptarth conserve and Fattah refined you and like that's a bad Wednesday has a case worth of Legends days yeah do you still have these no I took
01:19:45| them off I can't show my nipples on screen that's too much leftover refer our previous guests to this episode which one the ones that find that important what's uh keep on going here
01:20:01| um I gave these fake boobs out of the way I was like yeah okay so where we are so Jon Snow is back the dragons are enroute they make it back to Westeros wait a second can you talk about
01:20:16| anything dude I'm telling you we're not gonna cover Game of Thrones in an hour a tournament the battle for that little bastard stuck at the stadium oh yeah and the drag shows up
01:20:31| my fucking god Oh sons of the harpy one yeah oh my god dude so good talked about great were maybe mention his name oh yeah she's gonna sign that mmm yeah
01:20:44| he's good they sleep with her I don't even know her yeah I think so I think he gives her yeah and I think that's what happened cuz they talked about that there's a
01:20:53| walk and a look and they both like hey we're girls mm-hmm no you're girls that's what that means hmm battle the bastards you mean cover that talked about the beginning was such a
01:21:06| good goddamn risk on which we care so much about if you would just about little bit with Caroline the dogs right recounts when he gets shot through the heart the heart is either full oh we
01:21:26| even talked about the battles over the battle we could spend an hour apparently on the battle so arrows from one side because they don't care about their own people boldness I don't what's the
01:21:43| boltons name douchebag ask Jason and Jocelyn Justin Justin go Jostens what's Justin Bolton's name come on Nick do your research Shanthi go Justin Bolton um so they're fighting
01:22:07| there's a bunch of wildlings and then they get surrounded oh oh grow and they get Porsche pushed in like a little like a mound of dead people and then lent shields the one once like grabbing
01:22:19| people and then they're trying to like fight back but they get all pushed and then John this is like I it's almost like they he like broke town like the a typical trope like the hero's supposed
01:22:31| to have like with glorious death he's just gonna get crushed by people bunch of dumb idiots running around he's a girl Oh trying to breathe underneath their mound
01:22:41| of people and then finally you know I get saved by the mastermind who is the mastermind here actually let's get them bring ahead dude yeah cuz you got a pity let's go
01:23:00| I didn't say that what's your mind you did maybe your mouth no what I wanted to talk about is we've been talking about breakdowns and the development the episode storyline etc etc which
01:23:21| characters are either a the best in the entire show or B are going to live like who's going to nut hmm this is alright one one I keep has already died who on one the giant oh dude he's a man is he
01:23:40| dead officially right to the I had that's not open comment yeah who's left how about I have a giant chart that says most of the people have died already who's left Robin a baron Sansa Arya
01:23:59| Brandon me and talk about our heritage theme are you Jon Snow Daenerys those are like the rightful ones right you are resolute alive technically technically who else is Allah who were really decide
01:24:16| characters here's here's my quick yeah a lot of Psych work characters most of the side characters are alive actually they are well we're servers again so killed
01:24:28| inerrant I'm Barristan I love his name his voice is gravelly voice I could cut through you like a cake that's a good line what about like what's gonna happen what would happen if Tyrion died aunt
01:24:50| Aryans alive Tyrion Cersei know what have no ever died in this season what would you do I guess it doesn't matter because there's no next season this is the end
01:25:02| Cersei has died you know that for sure if Cersei wins how outraged will people be I don't know I can't even imagine I don't all right so here there's two ways to look at it what's the most
01:25:18| people will be happy if it ends or people will remember it if it ends because there are two different ways to look at it the fantasy ending is that even though Jon Snow and Daenerys are
01:25:28| related I think they're what marry nephew they rolled together nephew and aunt and I think so I think that might be all right all right I think I would inverted penis though oh man so hold on
01:26:05| so that would be like the most storytelling like yeah fantasy ending what oh they're related they have a weird baby and it's like wait a second but they are the heroes and with making
01:26:18| love on that ship after Daenerys is like whoa he really was stepped in the heart and he has NAB's oh yeah just is it weird that um Tyrion was there to listen was he
01:26:31| listening is there does it show inside the door he's outside the door and he's a meth head knock and he stops he's like lovemaking that's just weird it's like I know what it's like for Rose it was the
01:26:45| bang and then what about Sam Samwell Tarly the tarly's yeah yeah cuz he had a dad who just got burned along with his son well the dad's son Charlie's brother right it would be he's interesting like
01:27:05| Hill funny would be if he becomes one of the final survivors that would be he's been shit on and laughed at by that would be a trope of the scent like the the turn-of-the-century really
01:27:15| because nerds are starting to overtake know so we're giving them a nerd status and that he should survive he's a book right yeah what about mmm trying to go the weirdest ending was
01:27:27| that like Brienne of Tarth like she's not gonna die as she did you know she feels delicious you should be even a righteous death if she does die very righteous like I feel like it's got
01:27:38| heat kills doesn't have any hate SuperSearch Cersei though who has no would it alright who's gonna kill Cersei if someone killed her
01:27:49| so like Ari has been like floating around but she's killing people secretly that's not gonna be a secret death Aria can't be the final piece no she's gonna be the one that here's an asan
01:28:05| citizen she's not strong enough to do it and Brandon who's the three-eyed Raven now is just kind of like we made it in the background it has to be a John or Daenerys the kill Cersei right I think
01:28:17| it has to be John but I think they might might what is Jamie Jamie's gonna kill Cersei that's a good turn cuz that's literally their lovers brother-sister parents together they've lost all their
01:28:32| and they lost all their kids yeah and they have Joffrey more Silla and Tommen yeah holy shit dude he's gonna kill her and that's gonna be the most romantic weirdly anti-climatic but anti looks
01:28:44| like matter and anti-matter they're gonna literally end each other but one of Jaime or Tyrion has to die cuz if both of them are too similar yeah I agree
01:28:56| so Jamie's gonna kill his sister maybe her see because he's forced to I think I mean for her because she was ready to kill herself when Tommen her and Tommen were like hiding out in the food when
01:29:12| Tommen walked out the window yeah that's that's still one of the craziest / funniest things ever seen he's so sensitive sister gentle soul not meant for Game of Thrones yeah he's not
01:29:28| he's not a myth from God I think the night Kings gonna win no one will have to go dancing tonight King will actually kill I think the night Kings gotta kill Jaime or Tyrion cuz
01:29:39| they're too likable by the other sides I agree with you one of them has to die by his hands but you think it look I'm dead Jamie they kill us our secret happy nice ah that's a weird twist what if bran can
01:29:53| take over the the king and make him turn all those people dead or something stupid like that time Brandon yeah you could take over the dragon that my king is riding right right or or even him
01:30:07| what if he could take over uh a white Walker that's to power to king white water well so what do you can it's it's literature shit gets weird I'm not saying he would your fucking here I'm
01:30:20| just saying you're just gonna do your aunt and your uncle don't worry I don't know we're surmising at this yeah and right now I think it's time to everyone to go to HBO's and yeah great make sure
01:30:37| you wrap it up I will say it's the most well produced show probably the most longest-running best it's like a Braveheart yes yes like 80 hours at this point now I wish someone said that an
01:30:52| hour ago yeah I wish I wish anyway it's literally it's probably the the best piece of literature will ever see we'd even talk about dragonglass and Hell in Lord of the Rings they have on
01:31:09| something special in order the ring so anyway folks we talked about come on bring them in tarah the war the rose and their income jollies reduction the Baratheon Lannister's class hyralius
01:31:27| fiction in Martel's oh yeah real maybe God is John world religions we talked about how certain religions actually are based on what's in the shell not the Viper we
01:31:40| talk about all of the dogs the dire war roads the dire wolves are gonna come back you have to change the tide of war oh he could interesting ah JRR Tolkien's oh he actually has the answers to the
01:31:55| books he's crazy Oh rides daily writer the guy has two wagons draggin ass I passed some someone yeah no the baby minute Reagan's are gonna be incestuous to look at that
01:32:11| talking about who's gonna survive and who's gonna have sex with the Dragons yeah sex with dragons dragons Oh God folks the red woman she's dead she's gonna shoot episode 1 steam out of
01:32:24| her vajayjay good yeah yeah like death number 2 Game of Thrones coming up on HBO from 2007 a tour patreon or right here we get 1% of every episode uh-huh I hope it does well this
01:32:45| year it's probably the most downloaded uh yeah it's the most downloaded thing I read say yeah yeah it is I'd yeah folks we like yeah coming so am i winter is coming winter is coming say
01:33:06| it again for a keyword because winter is coming thanks guy

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