The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP076 Death Burial Afterlife Senescence

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Transcript UnP076 Death Burial Afterlife Senescence

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 76 - Death Burial Afterlife Senescence
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00:00:00| tonight we're talking about something deep and dark something we're all gonna face death no one knows what happens no one knows where you go if you even go anywhere everyone's seen it no one wants
00:00:15| to deal with it here we go we're gonna dive right in so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all
00:00:31| covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion with Mike you can get a
00:00:44| little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes because we're
00:00:58| gonna fondle your follicles [Music] so I am still dead and Nick over here is death okay now just Nick I just learned it just jogging late at night mm-hmm
00:01:31| so yeah huh we're gonna do the big one yeah the death the death one we did touch on this one in previous episodes where we touched on religion and celery episode mmm I did search death and like
00:01:47| all of our previous episodes and it showed up like four or five times so I'm pretty sure we talked about death quite a bit but did we really talk about it not enough new purple pen oh yeah it's
00:01:59| very colorful ink is the whole episode in purple that's how I made death feel more yeah beautiful today spray a little Cologne on that sheet Oh glitter yeah what's the podcast about honey dance ha
00:02:15| ha ha purple ha so I researched death just like the definition of the term death uh-huh they're a metal band and they actually covered painkiller from Judas Priest and it's wicked awesome and
00:02:30| the drummer is super fast they do voice of the soul that's a really good one with acoustic and electric guitars flailing around their death metal though but they're really awesome shoutout
00:02:43| death huh there's another definition of death I found and it was like the act of dying and I thought oh good this is what I'm looking for is it thanks thanks Wikipedia did you get any definitions uh
00:02:57| no that's one of the curious things like how do you know someone is dead weird do you know anything have you ever I mean you've been in the presence of someone who died but you didn't proclaim
00:03:06| them dead that's someone else's job right but we knew at some point I mean I don't know if we knew when we knew so the definition I got was the permanent ending of a vital processes in a cell or
00:03:21| tissue is considered death I was like okay that's so goodish so there's yeah there's like eight signs of death strong indications that her warm-blooded animal is no
00:03:33| longer alive thank goodness I'm sorry yeah very detailed there's no breathing there's no pulse there's no brain activity there's a paleness that happens in 15 to two hours after death 15
00:03:47| minutes to two hours after death there's a like your blood no longer is forced around with your heart and the tension of your body like let's go so all of the blood kind of settles to lower areas of
00:03:57| your body usually feet kind of get a little bit bigger and then decided yeah there's a reduction in body temperature there's no activity there's a word for that
00:04:07| it's called Algor mortis yes yes yes yes yes the previous ones I mentioned the the paleness is pallor mortis the blood and the lower extremities our liver is livor mortis whatever more it see right
00:04:19| yeah and then we talked about algorithmic mortis and then rigor mortis which everyone kind of knows about for some reason it's the stiffness like the big joke because your meter can get art
00:04:27| is a big joke the Weiner can get hard folks did you research this I hope you research penis after you die like dying yeah this is like daily things like researching this episode for years at
00:04:41| this point there's a really dark joke in clerks I think it's pretty well done where she goes in the bathroom in the dark and the light bulbs out no oh well she thinks her boyfriend goes to meet
00:04:56| her in the bathroom but the lights been out in there for a while and there's a dead guy in there yeah an old guy went in there and he wanted a magazine or something and he had a heart attack and
00:05:06| died on the on the commode anyway she came in after the fact comes back it up she's like huh can't believe we got frisky how'd you get out here and he's like I'm been out
00:05:15| here the whole time it's like then who just gonna have sex with it and then there's like a whole big scene and it's like I get it rigor mortis did it uh yeah okay but did you so is it actually
00:05:27| possible does it actually happen I imagine you could I mean that's what necro research this one do ya FBI here I come I'm sure you could have for the corpse if you really wanted to
00:05:41| like are you having that you could yes so there there's a Wikipedia page called death erection it's also called angel lust [Laughter]
00:05:59| it's made with us that will angel lust and call it a night folks ha a death erection angel lust or terminal erection is a post-mortem erection typically it's called priapism
00:06:14| priapism president yeah I've heard that term yeah pretty passive and you can ejaculate observed in the corpses of men who have been executed particularly by hanging yeah I guess cuz the well it's
00:06:27| an emphasis fixation thing right cuz don't you get off war when you are choked I guess so I can think it has something to do with the pressure on the brain we're like the blood is forced
00:06:37| into your head so like it causes your body to rot Isis I'm react erotically yeah I guess somehow I guess that and then the final sign that you've enjoyed oh if you're one of the guys who know
00:06:49| who has to take down the dude who's dead and has been hung but like their waist high is right here and you're like dude if you're trying to pull them out of grab the legs and they're like whacking
00:06:58| in the forehead he's not dead put him back on and put him back on I'm thinking about like the mortician like does a mortician have to deal with that I mean the finish it on well there's really
00:07:15| upscale places where they will finish did you know there's also something called a coffin baby mmm so woman it's like at least like six or seven months pregnant and she she passes because all
00:07:32| the gases and everything else and your muscles relax the gas can actually push the baby out like you will still give birth even though you're dead it's not exactly a common thing but yeah we kind
00:07:43| of touched that in the vampire episode like the bodies will inflate and fill with blood and then they'll cough up blood like looking like they had just fed on something
00:07:53| so like vampires this origin is where mouth is covered in blood like they just ate somebody so the final get the final one that you know someone has died is they start decomposing putrified
00:08:05| yeah mmm beautification primordial ooze which we kind of touched on a previous episode too we did did we touch on how there's scientific studies that can tell how long even dead just by all these
00:08:21| processes yeah well they use real bodies and they put them out in the open or in different situations different scenarios and they tried it we got here already did you I get a little uh if you're not
00:08:32| integrate hmm just a few days you'll start to decompose because all the bacteria and stuff out there yeah yeah within one month the they're left with a in quote scientific study unidentifiable
00:08:46| liquid mess yeah you turn to who's with with wit bones obviously but like you're the organic matter turns kind of liquidy and messy and mushy and black and tar-like surprising something I read
00:08:59| about someone who died at a bathtub and like I mean well I think they had pictures of the person in the bathtub and it was just like a Sufi who's waiting does it I don't wanna that's if
00:09:13| I'm gonna die I don't want to die and if not in a bathtub tool undiscovered for eight weeks yeah that's the worst way to go imagine his roommate who just had a big I'm gonna clean the dishes or what
00:09:30| jeez it stinks in here yeah so if you're buried like in the ground mm-hm do you know what it makes you turn into a skeleton Oh like just no no organic matter whatsoever just you I
00:09:42| have no idea if you're buried in the ground 8 to 12 years that's it that's not very much right but I mean how long was his skin gonna last just cuz it's not exposed doesn't mean bacteria aren't
00:09:54| down there and everything else yeah do you know how long the average um skeleton lists not as long as you think either average not all of them some like I'm gonna say like 10,000 years
00:10:09| saw their justice in the ground not in a in an integrator right not in a coffin coffin changes everything I'm just talkin as they bury you in the
00:10:18| ground even if it's like six feet under you know you don't get a coffin you bury your a 150 years later use that sound like whether you're in a coffin like if you're in a call ID I won't I couldn't
00:10:28| find them cuz I don't know if a coffin is population really I mean it's seal probably I mean but how soon does it become unsealed and then it just becomes ground and water I don't know that's a
00:10:39| good question I'm not really sure you probably all pay for that too I think could I'll pay for all of these folks yeah I want to backtrack just for a second so we talked about death we give
00:10:52| the definition oh do you know how many people died a minute we do have a staff for every second it's about 1.8 or 2 people per second yeah we're in that range it's it's actually closer to 1.2
00:11:06| or 1.5 the way this works out try and do some quick math here I got a hundred and eight people died a minute you only do the medical that sounds a bit for 20 times one 108 108 a minute that's
00:11:22| exactly what I have a 108 108 Oh pointing yeah yeah I had like I was the stat 55 million people a year in the world died I had 56 okay that makes sense every year yeah that's so a lot of
00:11:38| people's have died since we started we're in the 12th oh no that's that's like 1,200 people solid metal have a death count up an hour how many people have died because of our podcast yeah
00:11:53| during this podcast how many because of the podcast maybe yeah we caused time to go forward and real quick I just wanted to touch on something you probably already kind of touched on but um when
00:12:07| they announce time of death for a person they go by cardiac death they don't go I guess there is a where they call isoelectronic brain we're like your brain activity no longer transmits in
00:12:18| and out of you can brain itself they'll be considered alive so there's three levels of death in medical terminology the first one's called cardiac where your
00:12:28| heart stops and blood stops going on your arteries we all know four minutes can go by and you can be revived mmm we could bring it back the next step is biological or brain death it's when your
00:12:40| brain stops making its own electrical pulses to the heart we can keep you alive with machines and stuff but you're not really alive chances are you'll never come back but once in a while you
00:12:50| can't come back it's extremely rare at the biological level so I have an egg don't you that's including a coma but anyway and the third one just real quick was molecular death where you're so dead
00:13:03| all your cells are like we're breaking down we're going somewhere we got stuff to do I'm turning into bile I'm turning into this I'm turning into this we have to go we're busy so I read some no one
00:13:11| comes back from that I read some really weird research that said your cells don't die when they're deprived of oxygen it's when the oxygen is reintroduced that they die so I started
00:13:22| reading a bat-like rep refusin it's where you're giving oxygen slowly back to the cell so we can come back to life it was in the theory of doing like a Lazarus effect on a human body is
00:13:34| bringing it back slowly and not letting it yeah not letting it die Vincent you give it oxygen so they're like try ms wouldn't the brain the brains your problem
00:13:46| I assume yeah it's probably aren't a big issue but I think it like the study started because of like heart attacks like the heart attacks deprive you of blood and oxygen to certain parts of
00:13:55| your body so like if you bring back the oxygen into a certain part of your body it will die and then you'll die so they were thinking about ways to bring back a not like a slow flow of oxygen back in
00:14:05| your body to not kill the cells in that region that were part of the heart attack so I mean it seemed really interesting it just sound interesting I'm skeptical
00:14:18| I am skip because I will I'm the doubter of the podcast Dan believes everything he reads and he's knocked a misted heart yeah he wants to go almost money to children
00:14:28| [Laughter] Super Bowl actual Eagles like the animal [Laughter] did you come across the hayflick limit but what what a flick hey flick yeah I
00:14:52| had it for other animals and then I lost that so let me see if I can find that hey flick some scientists he came up with all right hayflick limit was the or the hayflick phenomenon the number of
00:15:05| times a normal human cell population will divide before all cell division stops oh this one's a good one so natural age of how long something in lived like there's an amount of times
00:15:17| your cells can reproduce and split in half and reproduce and split in half remove all sudden SNS yes I have yes I've heard that term before - I haven't I didn't come across that today but I
00:15:27| did I've known that from my days of of your biological aging where your your cells and all your whole body is kind of just like we've lived past our prime and we're done like they just kind of give
00:15:39| up it's like why do you guys give up so there are a few theories that said like you're you're not supposed to reproduce now you're too old you're spreading the wrong genes or like your body just kind
00:15:48| of you know it's becoming susceptible to different things and it just kind of fails it fails slowly I'm gonna have trouble describing this so I'm gonna try and show it on the picture so I closer
00:15:58| closer closer you got a blob I am I'm looking at it I can see it I didn't see divisions of it anyway you get weak see well no do you see the red caps at the end here oh it gets smaller
00:16:08| they're called yes I can tell them here's oh okay the telomere you're talking about in the water there no no no no it's uses your chromosomes dividing okay there's a thing called a
00:16:21| telomere at the end your arm at the end of your chromosome this is the water bears don't lose their telomeres right oh I didn't know that no I don't think yeah I thought they kept my telomeres
00:16:30| throughout life so they could survive almost indefinitely that's what anyways with I forgot the water there actually is yeah that's a regard to the rod red and or tardigrade
00:16:42| thank you yeah that's a good call I set you up somebody spiked I hit the volume in the air like I gotta get my words out before you actually click in your brain you spiked it anyway with humans though
00:16:57| we keep doing this and are the ends of these chromosomes get skinnier and skinnier every time we divide it they think it's like a natural built-in mechanism time mom a little bit because
00:17:08| eventually you reach this edge and you can't divide the cell anymore it doesn't want to do it you're gonna lose information you can't recreate what you've created all the cells just like
00:17:17| stop and look at each other and then they sure Oh see ya hey click limit and different animals have different hayflick limits and I thought I found a list of like what like horse life like
00:17:32| people a horse like 21 years actually how long do horses live it that sounds long you're like 12 is more like a horse life I'm not I've never looked up horse life for the record 25 to 30 years all
00:17:46| right I said 21 I stuck with that one they can live into their 40s Billy Billy good job Billy you're the oldest villain at old Billy he did die right east clump he's taken from us yeah 62 is human
00:18:11| years and of course of course he woke up what's a funny animal we could look up like the oldest of I thought it was only imported tortoise oh wait we're gonna know I know funny
00:18:23| hamster this hamster ever it's gonna be like 19 years 30 it's a zebra finch a hamster a finch is a bird right sounds like it but zebras the horror so I'm the oldest hamster lived for seven years
00:18:40| oldest pets on record it was like my near Nellie calm that sounds good good source got a good animal oldest oldest rabbit named Flopsy 18 years that's way too long I woulda killed mine
00:18:54| before it's possible you don't kill a 17 year old rabbit at that point yours like she's you agender to kill her once young I'm riding this no you you know yeah yeah sure you're riding this
00:19:04| to the end no you're like I'm gonna get some money out of this one I would never kill a rabbit this thing they're so cute they're adorable yeah well um so I'd wait a a male Aldabra giant tortoise he
00:19:20| lived he'll 255 years are you serious yeah 255 I thought like 109 was like they're their age only meant and they live a long long time that's too long but you
00:19:33| know what it's remember we did a discussion on blood and heartbeats they have way fewer heartbeats than we do yeah I think there's the max number of heartbeats and telling you there is
00:19:42| there was a graph that looked at in that episode where it was like it did like people dispute it like very Fahim Utley but it right did it did correlate a little bit for most animals like whales
00:19:54| live a long time right they have slow hearts was like boom boom boom hummingbirds don't live that long how does hamsters with that long the oldest whale how can you verify a
00:20:06| whale who's the oldest one oh boy there's a lot of words on this I'm just trying to read all of them super fast which is really funny the way you came
00:20:19| into that Oh oldest living whale that's probably better one to search for how they know 225 years a four hundred for a five-year-old clam the longest lived is Emily how do you know it's the same clam
00:20:35| like every time they come back in the same spot it's like although the first name I've ever heard in my life oh so let's bring back to the real here okay so I guess death like how do you
00:20:58| how have you felt death in your life okay so we're going with actually let's do internet death no ensue real Beth okay it's pretty good yeah I could do I could do real I mean both my
00:21:12| grandfather's have died yeah well do reals okay yeah but I didn't exceed them die but my ratio died I saw her die and it was weird because I don't know when she died
00:21:24| I'll say because it was like our whole family not our whole family but like her daughter and her son I gave my dad and my aunt and then my mom and me we're all there and um we're looking a circle
00:21:35| because we knew it was happening because she had lung cancer it had been going on for a while bad battle she she got bad but it was weird because like they told everyone to
00:21:45| wake up come together and she's probably not gonna make it and you don't know when they died I because she did something called you didn't have like a monitor labor heart monitor or anything
00:21:58| no but there was labor breathing we took over all falling machines and there's something a labor breathing where you like you're laying down and you look like you're asleep but like you um you
00:22:09| take really big gasps of air now did you have any clothes so she couldn't talk or anything she wasn't interacting with anybody right she she was also deaf so it was like really tough like she right
00:22:22| she'd entirely death but at that time she was not talking about anyone so there's there's some other guy there are some insights that people get like a clarity I think they call it terminal
00:22:31| clarity terminal lucidity we're like within over like hours before I die I doubt the bullshit I mean you really there's nothing holding back any sentence in your whole body in your
00:22:41| whole mind that's it nothing is holding any way to back interesting way to put it just like you don't think I have any no politics there's no you're not gonna set anyone
00:22:49| you literally are getting out anything in here that has been in your mind that you know mental blocks whatsoever how long huh why people say weird stuff on their deathbed like always they start
00:23:03| remembering their own life even if they had mental diseases that cause them to not remember towards the end of there towards the very end they start to remember everything that happened to
00:23:11| them they start talking freely and then they die I'd be curious to compile a list of all the things they talked about so there was a study about like near-death experiences where people
00:23:24| would describe like floating around the room they did a study where they recorded people that were near death and tried to figure out if they were like moving around in different ways or if
00:23:36| they were interacting or if they like had quote-unquote died like not had a heartbeat for a certain period of time it came back and then what they described there's a lot of stuff about
00:23:46| visualizing like people they had seen like a friendly figure so the common the common elements of that were like an awareness of being dead a sense of peace an out-of-body experience a tunnel
00:23:59| experience like the ant the light at the end of the tunnel they had rapid movement like a certain like surge of powerful weapons yeah ma an intense feeling of
00:24:09| unconditional love and acceptance seems nice all these things seem nice it seems like dying would be painful oh oh yeah so I guess if they get relaxed it's a bad sign they have like the life review
00:24:24| I'm not gonna touch I touched on a little bit though beings of light they feel like they're being cloaked in it they're receiving like a vision of the life that they had like a whole
00:24:33| condensed in like a quick flash like they do in the movies because if obviously movies got it right approaching a border or a decision of oneself so they're trying to like decide
00:24:45| whether they're gonna return or not so it's like it's like do you want to go now or later you know put it I'll write a check out I'll come back suddenly have finding finding yourself what in your
00:24:56| body you come back you just snap back to it and then you start touching on all your religious and cultural beliefs so you start focusing on like the morality of life I guess which sounds like the
00:25:06| worst I don't know the peace separation entering darkness seeing light that's that all kind of I don't know if that so like the physical aspects I think you're kind of touching on like why do you see
00:25:16| light right because my blood leaves your eyes is that is that the solution that you found yeah well one of the reasons was is if blood is leaving this area in a certain time
00:25:27| like not all at once it's leaving piece by piece chances are at the last part to go is like kind of centralized and you know that's where you see light it's the last byte you see light and you're
00:25:37| getting tunnel vision because there's not enough oxygen to take in your peripheral you're listening what's central if you like push on your eyeballs I'm not saying to do this but
00:25:45| you start to see like you see color you see I figure don't laugh a little bit yeah so like I guess if that is an intense version of it if your your eyes are feeling I guess pain in a way that
00:25:57| your your focus will be on the the brightest portions of your eye I also think like your nerves and stuff start firing in weird places so like what you're seeing is like a deadening of the
00:26:08| nerves as I slowly fade so like the fade forces you to focus on whatever liveliness you have they said you're a sympathetic nervous system and your other nervous system parasites direct
00:26:21| thank you maybe I actually doesn't sound like it was a para it was like a third one there's probably only three so who knows um they think that when both of those are turning off and activating at
00:26:33| the same time and turning off and activating it gives you this kind of rush and it's feeling like you're moving forward hmm they think that could also be your out-of-body experience so the
00:26:43| sympathetic and the parasympathetic are supposed to be opposing elements of your nervous system so I guess if one of them is dropping like plateaus like stepping down and the other one is overriding it
00:26:54| and then when that one drops like the alternate one takes over so you're feeling like the throws of four to back is right before you're describing the rush that makes sense your body it's
00:27:04| like kind of like getting hit too hard disoriented when you're on the ground you have no idea where you are and you're trying to figure out how to stand up again and you're trying to get your
00:27:13| balance but your balance is off that kind of feels like I feel like that's how you come to my feeling when they die now you did touch on one other thing is it painful to die I would put it in it
00:27:25| the fact that it's also is it painful to be born probably please you don't know that you know you know see I mean is it painful to be born probably right I be sincere that squeezed out you've
00:27:38| never breathed before you're taking oxygen there's bright lights you've never seen a bright light in your life all this is going on you're so overwhelmed that it's
00:27:46| it's painful but it's more everything else than painful like the pain is almost like an afterthought like yeah it's painful but forget that dude I was just seeing light for the first time I
00:27:57| was trying to breathe air for the first time I didn't know where my left was from my right was pal it's like that's a baby trying to talk to it and explain that it was I got it is probably well
00:28:06| but he was not really focused on the pain he was focused on the fact that he was coming to life folks same verb I probably it's probably painful but who cares you're dying
00:28:17| there's there's bigger issues than the pain of dying do you know what I mean yeah you're touching on epistemology which is like the study of what people can know it's like the things that can't
00:28:28| be known or there's no way you could verify that this is what the afterlife is because whoever comes back from that they were completely impaired there's no way to tell that this person's
00:28:39| experience is the same as this person's and that's definitively what happens same thing when the baby's born a baby can't tell you that holy SH holy shit that was that was one hell of experience
00:28:51| it's like no one ever go in there yeah I do not want to go back into the next well view center to see yeah slide out a try no anus yeah yeah or Danny DeVito out of the couch think
00:29:14| about it it was a better shaped individual yeah oh boy I'm such a good name I agree go back to your grandmother wait a sec way oh sorry no no it's just I I I don't know that
00:29:30| she was alive when she was taking neighbor breaths that's what they're called where you breathe in for like 18 straight seconds which is weird like you bring a healer difficult breathing that
00:29:39| occurs at the end of life frightens most people so there's a weird end so you can there's like a weird kind of like abnormal she's breathing she's breathing inwards for like eight straight seconds
00:29:48| not like [Applause] but like she was asleep like she was not awake so like we would see this and we're like it was that it like I thought
00:30:00| that was that was called last breath I was only like a teenager and I saw it and I was like looking at everyone like it says it and then like literally two minutes later she would breathe out and
00:30:08| do it again they say that it's the fluid around the lung that is forcing your body to fight like the pressure because you bought I guess your body doesn't have the strength to do in a collapse it
00:30:19| wants to just collapse yeah the body's pushing it outwards yeah so the deep inhale is breathing like a fish they say like a fish just guess guests look like a fish breathing yeah
00:30:29| anyway um at one point she did one and everyone the room was quiet and uh like it went for like five minutes and no one talked to no one did anything and the same way I discussed how it's like when
00:30:45| you someone's born into a room it's weird you don't think of this until it happens but there are like five people in the room and suddenly there are six people in a room there's no word to
00:30:54| describe that feeling it's like yeah like no you're wise you know everything yeah you insert quarters in no machine awesome you're you're a new character arises but it's the opposite it was like
00:31:04| there were people in here but now there's there's only five and it's the leader who's doo-doo-doo-doo and it was I mean because it's my grandmother was the saddest thing ever but like and I
00:31:15| see my father again in pain but at the same time from just a visual and like living it perspective it was like something disappeared and will never be back it's weird it's like kind of dark
00:31:30| deep kind of yeah I thought about this a lot of I saw something really important here I just saw something so important is what I thought like I saw something monumental and it was the end of an
00:31:42| entire life which is weird I don't know kind of a bizarre thing to think about that yeah you keep creating new generations and the generations that you create or you but you you pass away and
00:31:56| though like the feeling of having life is really what we're doing right now I have a conversation we're interacting with one another Wow yeah it's uh it's kind of sad I like
00:32:07| my father-in-law lost like three of his friends this year so this kind of what spurred the suggestion of the topic so like there's a point in your life where you see that you know I guess you're
00:32:17| you're well past your peak which we talked about before like you start you're in decline and then other people start to fade away so it's already one yeah you feel like you're what's the
00:32:28| word I'm looking for bowing I think to it maybe la Earth I'm insignificant maybe like you're creating living anymore okay yeah fading that's not a word it's like the fading part is
00:32:40| the scary part I think so like I I noticed this when my grandfather died my pop up my pop up died when I was in college so like I I saw him and like maybe the beginning of college which was
00:32:55| like October ish maybe I saw him on holidays and he was fairly normal and then like the cancer got him and I showed up in April because he was in the hospital and like he was completely
00:33:06| different like he was a skeleton he was he was alive and functioning but like his body was withering away so it was brutalist see that which affects your brain - yeah it's like he's no longer
00:33:16| the person I remember he's no longer walking around he's no longer chuckling he's not sneaking me a $20 bill or giving me a handshake and that's like a hundred percent of your I guess being
00:33:26| alive is focused on being alive and then your your brain your fun stuff yeah if you're dying I guess 100 percent is just focused on staying a lie so you no longer have time to be yourself that
00:33:40| thing I don't know I don't know it's kind of me because if you're your mental focus is on breathing and making it to the bathroom and everything like your entire focus you know free time to think
00:33:52| jokes or laugh or old stories or talk to people or do that kind of stuff your entire existence is it spent doing stuff to stay alive you'd stop being you sorry yes so that's what I'm kind of leaning
00:34:06| towards for touching on it's that when you stop being you so when you're fading into what you know is death I give you of ALS or some disease and you can't keep enjoying life there's
00:34:18| like the enjoyment of life for my father-in-law was having those three people as friends so you start losing those friends and it's almost like a little piece of you dies as well you can
00:34:30| no longer talk about the stories that you remember between yourself and I guess we're gonna go into like what do you want to have happen when you die like how do you want to go how do you
00:34:42| not want to go what what be like the I guess the optimum thing and like how would you want your your body to be at that point so there's like a bunch of questions in there yeah I got you um
00:34:56| we're gonna come back to this at the end or something because that's like no no I'm not even gonna avoid the question I just know it's coming back at the end because this is kind of how the episode
00:35:05| ends I can already feel it but to answer your question quickly without getting too crazy it's Tuesdays with Maurey except that it's called Wednesday's with Nick my head legs are still with it
00:35:18| I want to be dying but I want to know that I am and have time to collect my class and put them in a room a little bit but I want more than that it's not about my loved ones even I want to be
00:35:32| able to put all the stuff I think of like this podcast type stuff into a book or into a story or into a reporter that can then record it for me because I'm too old and frail or something so this
00:35:44| is what I want to impart it I want it I want to give it so that they it can be written down that's what I want so this is the flip side of things so that people are living you and I are in
00:35:54| our 30s we think that life is gonna go on deaf indefinitely it's like average life spans like 73 or something right now maybe 72 do you have a will not yet no way I I'm a planner
00:36:08| I'm a thinker I over plan and overthink and I don't have a will either you know it's bad luck in Italian when you what when you say you don't know what sign it well I went let me prepare well really
00:36:22| yeah my dad refused to sign his will for like years like I think they my parents tried to draw one up when he when I was like a teenager and then by the time I was like
00:36:32| because it's considered bad luck if you're planning to die chances are you gonna die now hmm now at this point I have no clue he may have caved in and signed it but like and
00:36:43| this is a weird thing we could probably talk a whole episode about this but I'm not battalion raised that way but that adhered to me I was like oh yeah yeah
00:36:54| it's like one of those genetic hereditary things where I'm like ooh that's bad juju and Tonsley all right do that I'm like no one but that's mmm I can hear it it's bad juju I know it is
00:37:04| so I guess if you had a will what would you put in it like physical possessions like what would I got I got nothing dude I got my music collection
00:37:13| they got podcasts I have a bunch of debt and then I have my stuff that we're looking at right here any of this matter I mean like we I do want my music of stuff one like my kids don't like it you
00:37:27| got my veins okay alright see quit this way if you love me something you should leave me like you can leave me your music stuff because especially the kids don't like it like a pen I used to write
00:37:40| all my notes for my podcast episodes okay Rep box after Dan passes it sounds like this there's like a dramatic moment we're open I'm like damn it he gave me his pen I'm in like things stupid but
00:38:08| would you know would it matter what if I died no I'd be dead I don't believe in I don't believe that I said watching you secretly from beyond the grave son of a bitch throw away my there's a quote I
00:38:23| don't know what movie or TV show or whatever it is and it's like you know after we all die do you think we have the ability to was around the universe and look at stars being born in every
00:38:33| aspect of time and space do you think I really come and watch you to make sure you're talking about me 10 years later and wearing my favorite hat and he's like I guess not
00:38:43| he's like jackass and he disappears or whatever man that's the the point is that even if our loved ones did go on and die and could hang around the earth they probably wouldn't care - yeah
00:38:55| there'd be so much to see all right why would they be willing yeah let's hang around all right before we get there because this is this again is how the episode ends last but not least let's
00:39:04| talk about the Grim Reaper ah with a scythe can you do this end with your mouth is that the size that's better than my awesome yeah I was going with real quick well you're you want to cut
00:39:28| realistic limping the dark ten top ten causes of death video tonight in the world all right cool top ten causes of death in the world and this accounts for over and four-person world yes of the
00:39:46| world die from these top ten causes didn't end in right okay I have a different list but go ahead witcher's mine was from 2016 study my name is 12 leading causes of death in
00:39:58| the United States maybe the world is do yours is the United States do that is different I'm serious I'm thing about it's very different yeah I'm the world involving third world countries crazy
00:40:08| place I got heart disease uh-huh number one stroke was number two you get it ah really stroke I don't know if stroke okay stroke is number five for me I just
00:40:20| go home Neri obstruction disease which just sounds like gonna fancy some parties it does but it's different it's there's a heart disease that's ich mins heart
00:40:30| disease every able to is called honest I think it's district if I can if I don't know it already I go lump it together with something I already know that's what I do that's I'm panning yeah a
00:40:41| lower respiratory disease yeah yeah that's I got number three cool cancer that's four I guess most people don't know if I have cancer in the world they tell isn't that weird cuz I never
00:40:52| there because we're a first world country we keep our people live too long number five Alzheimer's dementia number five Alzheimer's dementia six trachea bronchus and lung cancers so one cancer
00:41:08| made it somewhere seven seven diabetes I'd be the same for me you didn't get to accident yet eight road injuries Road has in driving motor just it's just motor automobile my mumps
00:41:21| accidents into like unintentional Falls motor vehicle and unintentional poisoning deaths which was like yours with tire what we think that's what we crap poisoning was like number one
00:41:30| actually because it's like it involves um like alcoholic poisoning drug overdose medicine through thing drinking bleach or something I don't care but Lord um here number nine I still know
00:41:45| what it is diarrheal disease that's like yeah hey doesn't malaria do that to you where you just keep pooping until you die that's what happens in South African countries is they get malnourished
00:41:56| because they can't keep it's number nine number ten tuberculosis that's four percent of the world died because of that yeah no I don't think there's a cure I
00:42:08| think like even a Nam the Health Center I work then we had signs to know if you had it or if it's you know you should look into treating it I believe I don't think it's a cure though there's a
00:42:19| treatment see what I just said yeah I wanted to dispute you but I couldn't damn it Internet give me the facts I want give me my own echo chamber did you wanna get a new your list
00:42:36| I'm sure hey follow because you know your state I like the bullet so the United States heart disease which we heart like people live their entire lives eating shit the terrible foods
00:42:48| think but they call heart disease and like if a 92 year old man dies overnight in his sleep do you know they contributed to where a possum no that's a fritter prism I think they call it he
00:43:02| died of heart complications is that what they say so I when their tails rent gives out in the night I guess that's heart disease cuz he no longer do
00:43:11| I think it's such a high that's why I think it's such a high number I could be wrong but that makes sense right I can understand that I understand and what else could you call it you can't call it
00:43:18| old age you can't call a dying of old age Oh late do you know I'm saying you call it uh resenting us is that anything that was the biological aging you definitely change your pronunciation of
00:43:32| that word like four times during this episode you call excited Sicilians later earlier I don't know sesson its citizens I don't know it's gonna come up with a key word sounds better okay cancel
00:43:45| number two which is like 22% respiratory disease this is small numbers so now it's like six percent respiratory disease accidents which I lumped all those guys are stroke Alzheimer's which
00:43:57| is that's a lot four percent of people who die of Alzheimer's in the u.s. I read that a little this number for some that's scary that's like your body simply shut down consider dementia okay
00:44:10| I don't know that discovers so I was reading a little bit about ALS Alzheimer's and like most of them on set if you're like familial it's like somewhere in your 50s if it's
00:44:20| non-familial it's somewhere in your 60s but if it's a familial genetic thing that occurs early in life they call it junior Alzheimer's it can start when you're 25 so you can
00:44:32| start dining Alzheimer's when you're 25 it's like 1% of cases or something but I thought that's awful like your spotty still very much has so much vitality to it and Alzheimer's takes no offense you
00:44:46| can get it by a car tomorrow I mean you're over 25 now all right nothing you could die in any way any which way and then be awful yeah I think the Alzheimer's would be the worst Tuesdays
00:44:57| with Maurey if you haven't read that book I mean you've read that book but if the listeners have read no less what is it ALS who dies yeah he dies of ALS okay I
00:45:09| can that was a loogie right never in the book I just know I wanna I decided to read the book yeah I know thank you diabetes Lou we're rigs disease then influenza
00:45:21| pneumonia kidney disease suicide suicides number 10 1.7 percent people in the US die of suicide okay I could do it we're gonna do a whole episode on this because I think um we're gonna write a
00:45:35| book like this we're so healthy we keep to ourselves so alive we do so much to keep the human condition alive that I think there's a blowback that wants to die isn't weird or it becoming more
00:45:48| prevalent in the causes of death that yeah because like maybe it's just like an element of the society causes this number of people and then once you eliminate all the other causes you can't
00:45:59| prevent people from killing it from from damaging themselves it's like smoking awful and yeah it's the same thing but I don't think that's considered under suicide but I see what you're saying
00:46:10| yeah like I also think do you know suicide memes are like on the rise and like this generation like just under our age group it's like suicide is like I want to die is like the funniest sense
00:46:23| but also like a statement oh my god are you miss at all are you serious yeah so people who are like 20 to 25 like I want to die is like their favorite thing to say and it's it's tongue-in-cheek for
00:46:37| the most part but they're also they're dealing with literally any minor inconvenience happens in my life my brain says suici want to die yes it sounds funny but I think it's gonna lead
00:46:53| to increased suicide rates in general because there's also two things that lead to suicide more than anything else loneliness which is a detachment from actual human connections and we which I
00:47:04| might have already headed that way I see that yeah more and more every day that's gonna be headed this way and to the fact that there's such a disparity between the wealthy and the poor that there's no
00:47:14| way out of your situation so I think a lot of people will head that way hmm I didn't wanna get into that this episode but yeah you can't protect people from themselves it's it's a weird thing also
00:47:27| you know the standard of living is pretty high right now and people don't see it that way and it's a shame that because you've most people don't have hot water or they
00:47:36| can't you know feed themselves drink they can't I think they're not have any free time yeah all the other countries in the world have much worse issues than we do and we don't see it that way we
00:47:48| can't get out of free time lead you to overthink your situation - yeah anyway moving on to of eleven and nine twelve here Oh what twelve sorry septicemia which is blood poisoning which is oh
00:48:04| that's actually legit I know three people died from that in the past three years yeah at one point they took like a blood culture of my son and they said he had septicemia apparently on your skin
00:48:18| there are a whole bunch of bacteria that are absolutely awful for that yeah so you can suck in part of the bacteria that's all over your body that can kill you if it's inside your blood and it
00:48:29| will show positive so it took a few blood screenings for them to say he doesn't have that he's he's okay but I'm terribly going to die other than that everything's good oh sorry about that
00:48:41| yeah takes 24 hours so in that period and my wife and I were not having a good time you know I have a good time and then chronic liver disease and cirrhosis I think that also comes from hepatitis
00:48:54| and then abuse of alcohol drinking mm-hmm the fatty liver think the UM what do they call that when you harden that well that they have duck livers what are they called duck livers I'm gonna drive
00:49:08| me nuts at a patent the pate I thought pate was a smeared meat it's a that's liver I thought it but I mean that's what it was agua oh yeah so they yeah they purposely fatten the
00:49:22| ducks so that their livers become extra fatty and then they kill them when their livers are so fat and then they'd never had foie gras so it tastes better because if you're fat or something who
00:49:33| cares why you've it I mean I don't that's not terrible thing to do I like that word the superior animal in the planet Oh yeah here Dan we're gonna force-feed you
00:49:44| some corn until you get so fat that we want to kill you in here one of your organs mm-hmm it's fantastic Thanks hmm so okay I don't know where we're going with that one but we need to
00:49:54| change direction I've come with Grim Reaper I'm sorry okay why does he have a site I was going with do you know who he is he's I intentionally um Chronos Greek guy oh oh
00:50:05| yes Cronus is the god of time he's like he is how they show death is like an accountant or like meticulous because eventually he's gonna get you you owe him and it's also time for the crops
00:50:19| it's time for this it's time for an end it's time for the dying time for this it's time for this is now we're going as a scythe he's going to slice you down he's gonna slack down the seed
00:50:29| everything has a season even human life I've done dumb but what's crazy is all cultures kind of have a guy like that like um there's a whole bunch of cultures that rely on carrying souls so
00:50:47| apparently when you die the soul comes out of your mouth that's the general consensus India from maybe the labor breathing has something to do with that maybe Ireland India uh different parts
00:51:00| of Asia I don't know Russia I'm just making Russia up but it sounded good but anyway a whole bunch of people I studied the soul comes out of your body and has to
00:51:09| go somewhere cuz your body's dead but your soul is not which is an important part so when you die not everything dies folks don't worry one that's still alive at your
00:51:19| soul we're gonna holler we don't really know everyone's happy where everyone's happy yeah anyway that soul does have to pay a price or cross a river or go somewhere which is crazy was that like
00:51:31| Charos it was a guy's name there you go Sharon Sharon better bury me yeah you have to if we gotta across the river Styx so that's why we put coins in the dead people's eyes so they can take that
00:51:43| with them to the afterlife Hercules Kevin Sorbo as Kevin Sorbo come on Leon manners will pay you a few dollars in coins for your afterlife in afterlife coins you die
00:52:02| cleans up in your eyes on the VP 2 & 1 you get to get the TP coin I'll get the eyes as well sir what are you doing no there yeah he needs a coin for the others yeah I just got to do this it's
00:52:21| gonna get messy there's a premium passim here I got it when we just close this casket and okay we know we're doing Kevin was a personal friend of the pot still going strong Kevin good job Kevin
00:52:40| strong as an ox folks you should all see this you should be proud of your father we apologize Kevin Sorbo about listening he might be anyway um it's weird because death is always a person we love to
00:52:59| personify death which is our favorite thing to do so many different personalities sir take 1957 let's just throw that number here 90 Judas Elvis the Seventh Seal mm-hmm didn't have to
00:53:12| watch that for film class or English class right we're in the same class or same teacher where the he plays chess is death and death doesn't he know he eventually dies
00:53:24| Antonius law makes it linker right yeah it makes it last and keep saying like hold on I have to do something and he leaves the chessboard he's like I won't be back and he's like so this reminded
00:53:38| me of a theory I've had since I was like my theory of death but not advertently I always thought what if something was chasing you like a saw blade it's spun really fast and could break through any
00:53:55| material and was chasing you to kill you but it only moved at half a mile an hour you would obviously get in a plane and fly to like like month million mile away oh dude you totally would but it
00:54:09| never stops it doesn't sleep and it doesn't need to pay for airfare just crosses the ocean across this land goes wherever it's following it your whole life it's easy I mean you could go from
00:54:20| PA to California it would take hell I'm gonna take you it's probably take weeks at that speed right in front eight months six way the u.s. is like three miles half in a mile an hour to take
00:54:34| place it let's say let's say one mile an hour cuz that's more round number 3000 hours then so what's 3000 hours I've no idea I go from the west coast to the west coast
00:54:44| and I say I'm taking a plane because that thing 125 days okay that's cool and eventually we back forth I gotta go here yeah exactly there's something weird about the fact
00:54:55| that while you're sleeping it's still coming at you mmm while you're relaxed while you're playing with your kids so coming toward you while you're flying around while
00:55:06| you're doing whatever you're doing eventually you can't outrun it forever it's so weird cuz it's it's scary but it's not scary moves a woman our Jesus Christ I can walk away from it do you
00:55:18| know what I mean but it's I'm always coming towards you I feel this more and more so I had like a little bit of a rebirth of the past month where I started noticing that people don't
00:55:28| interact like we talked about like the previously where they're getting disconnected with the world there's so many people that just like the way they live and don't care about anybody else
00:55:37| it's just a weird way to live because you could live a better life if you started interacting with more and more people so I started interacting more and more people and finding that most people
00:55:47| don't care let's gonna give a shit it's not a weird way yeah cuz like if you're running out of time and you don't have enough time in this earth I feel like the things that matter are the people
00:55:57| that you've made connections with to what else is there really we came to the last page folks that's the last page well that's what you did to me no I did so what what up
00:56:11| funerals do we talk about funerals a little bit more okay so the people that are in the casket life I pop up looking at him you know it's not
00:56:22| like the life force is completely gone his body has changed they're all those of Keralites he yes all those characteristics have changed so there's like a form of embalming which seems
00:56:35| weird like saying embalming is so you think it is Atlantis how does it work yeah I actually didn't do research on embalming I just kind of know that you do it so that the Putra fication etc
00:56:46| doesn't happen but I don't know yeah so they don't work but they're trying to kill the bacteria in your body and denature proteins to essentially freeze your body so they do different
00:56:56| concentrations to make sure that you don't decompose so there's like maybe two eight things here so they add a preservative they do a water conditioner a cell conditioner they add dies
00:57:08| something called a humectant it restores tissue to a more natural and hydrated appearance so this is a weird version of science right it's a way of bringing people back from the dead but only in
00:57:19| physical beings it's it's death makeup yes it's very strange but it's body death makeup is it's also cosmetic only I mean you're not doing this for any other
00:57:30| reason right it's your house medic just so you can show the body so there's this is the I thought this is more interesting than I previously have thought so a fit under five million
00:57:39| people that die a year there's five million gallons of what they call embalming fluid and the rest of them are anti endemic chemicals disinfectants extra water and then
00:57:52| cavity fluid so it's like ways of making the body look like it's still alive and so many religions actually condone this they say we want people to view the body and make a connection with it not like
00:58:06| it's dead but well I get still alive so they can have closure weird so there's twist to this is that there are there's somebody that was a dentist when I say martin van which'll he wasn't
00:58:24| getting enough foot traffic for his dentist business so his wife had passed away and he thought I'll just pump her full of all of these embalming fluids so that I can preserve her and put her on
00:58:38| display in front of my store Vsauce said no one had ever embalmed human isn't this happens all the times we do this for funerals you said like within a few like a day or two but evils no attacks
00:58:51| taxidermied a human it said in the episode you tell me he essentially tact I know it's taxidermy but it's a little different isn't it dark yeah so is this taxidermy essentially for humans it is
00:59:05| they do this for I saw no Russian leaders and like other like prominent figures they make sure that their body is almost like plasticize so that like so many people come to see and like like
00:59:17| if Putin Putin were to die you'd like Babel for his plasticized embalmed corpse to say goodbye to him it's like they would keep him embalmed longer long enough for everyone to see him and say
00:59:29| goodbye so like what like this has happened before with their I think there was a British leader one of the earlier kings and they Church him hmm oh what's the list was the list I I don't know if
00:59:43| I could find it in time but he oh here here I found it Lord Nelson his body was preserved for two months in brandy and spirits of wine he mixed with camphor and mirror and the body was found to be
00:59:56| an excellent condition and completely plastic so they they essentially soaked his body and alcohol so that other people could find him and show him it's just what happens to the arm that people
01:00:09| will pronounce saint hood you know how their body stay intact for months and months and months it could very well be what they do is that they keep the body and looking like it's alive by using all
01:00:19| these fluids so that people could be like oh he really was whatever he was he was larger than life I guess right I guess I mean I I don't know what to say otherwise yeah isn't that really messed
01:00:33| up that was like you're using a science to promote like a theological idea here's the weird part Judaism says you can't have tattoos on your body hmm you can't be buried if you
01:00:47| have tattoos I rather they also have to bury the course within like 24 hours or something like you're not wrecked Bay when we put a neck exemption on I think for Shiva
01:00:56| which is like a morning of the Dead the well you mourn the dead for an extra day or two and they always claim they're doing Shiva I think like anytime someone passes you won't relatives to come you
01:01:08| say you're doing a Shiva so it gives you more than a day but either way you want more than a day you can't power people tattoos but then we're gonna embalm them like put weird chemicals in yeah you're
01:01:21| essentially making sure you're pumping them full of all this weird stuff and in the olden days like you you know like mummification and all that sort of jazz that the Egyptians used to do the jazz
01:01:32| baby the Egyptian jazz Egyptians we call that the Egyptian Jazz a little bit let's do you know what do you know what they actually did for embalming people that would actually use I know they used
01:01:42| a hook to pull a brain out their nose or something garbage like that that actually wasn't as common but yes they did do that they would pull out the brain as like and they put it in the jar
01:01:50| they would do that for all the other organs to then pull out all the organs put them in jars so that they could stuff salt inside of the body and the bald body would then lose all of its
01:02:02| moisture so they could preserve it longer and then they'd put the jars back in the body and stuff you in a sarcophagus and say boy you're good could you do that could you do that to a
01:02:10| person like doing a podcast while they're doing a podcast I don't know maybe uh is that a very salty drink better be margarita feels it no it's combination of terrible things
01:02:28| I can't wait to die it's a millennial joke you'll get it later so in light of this I don't know how I came across it because I mentioned him in a previous episode but I listened to a lot of Alan
01:02:43| Watts know full of speeches philosophical these discussions 100% but he's one of my favorite full-time we said philosophers yeah Phyllis Phyllis right damn it Louis officers
01:03:01| do you know why I pulled you over I don't know fullest officer can you tell me first he has called acceptance of death and meaning of life and what he essentially says is that death is a
01:03:15| natural process and so his life I mean all species go through this all animals go through this all plants go through this the seasons go through this everything and it turns there's like a
01:03:29| turning of a death falling over life turning this way and everything keeps turning in the same direction but it's essentially the way I looked at it it's the same coin death is on one side and
01:03:42| life is another if you if you let it sit the coin just sits there but if not you flip the coin you're moving you're moving forward you're moving there's a forward movement that I think was
01:03:54| beautiful the way he described it well the way I took it where was I I'm sorry I was gonna like what the existence is verse isn't and it was like real deep and like I'll super deep you
01:04:12| got okay existence I mean does existence last longer than a moment and I was like [Laughter] so then he said if existence lasts in a moment what does it matter if you're
01:04:34| alive or dead what does it matter because the moments passed right well no no but if you're in a moment it doesn't matter if you're alive or dead if you're in a moment it
01:04:46| doesn't matter the passage of time is what makes life or death important hmm right yeah give me alive do you can be dead it doesn't really matter if everything was frozen in one moment
01:04:57| there's nothing that you get words yeah if your life is a life well-lived and it's full of moments then death doesn't matter because you've experienced life is that we're kind of I mean because
01:05:09| those moments still exist the moment where you're you're reaching out the the passenger window and thrown something as a car behind you it turns out to be a cop and it's a Molotov
01:05:19| cocktail and everyone's laughing in the car and you will get away from the scene because just through coincidences the catch you back then and everyone's laughing and you're throwing it that
01:05:30| moment you're throwing it it's stuck in time forever everyone who's there is laughing everyone now you're having a great time the cop behind you he has this the
01:05:39| circle lights because it's a 1940s and those you know the light stone exactly match up with our life and everything's frozen in that moment nothing will ever take away from that moment it's still
01:05:50| there I mean I'm its 2018 that moment in the 1940s is still there it's beautiful it's hilarious it's awesome it cracks me up I mean as time goes on it moved on but that moment still exists so does it
01:06:07| still exist well getting real philosophical here hmm I didn't want to but how about having kids you're like it goes on yeah if you could pacify your own ideology to their
01:06:20| kids and your ideology lives on your genetics live on your DNA and your ideology it's not just your DNA it's your DNA plus your idealist plus whatever you want to teach your kids if
01:06:31| you want to teach them that the Russians are evil hell man their head every day come to eat red you know can you imagine if you talked to him something really weird like New Zealand is the worst they
01:06:51| would grow up thinking New Zealand is [Laughter] and DNA and they would think New Zealand is the worst it's just to me it's crazy but there's also Alan Watts speech that
01:07:07| I just referenced he said that um the same individual you or I were the same strand of DNA there's there's nothing to be gained by that DNA sticking around forever eventually you're gonna run into
01:07:25| the boring problems growth problems susceptible to some disease or some disorder it's it's beneficial to have offspring which vary slightly in the DNA very slightly anything yeah there you go
01:07:41| it's like we're passing on ourselves but like a more adaptable version and once you do this once you do that what you do have to like what you do this is like forth once you do this your children are
01:08:02| you they're experiencing life in a whole innocent beautiful wax he says like the way I look at trees it's like this tree is garbage it's need to be trip it's been here too
01:08:12| long it's shadowing our pool I hate it I gotta trim it the way a child sees a tree is like this thing is beautiful I can't believe it's a lie and there's something unique and new that a child
01:08:25| sees in nature and everything around it that we don't anymore there's something new and unique they do in interacting with a fellow human we don't anymore I'm already at that point Authority I'm
01:08:38| super capitalist I'm super I'm involved in all these different lists but a child isn't but that child has my DNA as my intelligence he is my hmm deals so really we're setting him forth to go
01:08:54| forward me I'm a little bit old loose I don't know yeah it says he it's the whole point of being alive and it's a little sad but a little bit like yeah that's worth yeah a little stale life
01:09:08| gets a little stale because yeah nothing we do me and you will ever equal like being like eight and discovering a new video game and like or a new a new game you know with your friends anything
01:09:22| there's social soil I don't know that we can be over to it'll never be overjoyed right very rarely and not to the extreme of children are right is that the point of life I guess see now we're getting to
01:09:38| life more and death but that's why I need to bring it back to like burrial like what what do you want to do with your body I want it burnt Jesus Christ funeral
01:09:48| pyre you set it off on a river and someone shoots an arrow none of that survives you don't want organ donation or anything I'm an organ donor so they can have him okay I don't
01:10:01| know that I am I fear that they're gonna take it yeah yeah wait he was in a car accident I'm fine I'm actually really good I have a bump on my head he's unconscious we need to take his organ
01:10:13| for this course put a skinny bag in he's alive I know let's I need that you only need one of you Earl I'd like both I'm fine I can hear you guys you in the face we need
01:10:34| him now he's gonna die anyway so you wanna float off on a flaming pyre down the river crash into another boat maybe catch on fire and do stuff sure that would be so metal why not I thought
01:10:50| about this recently and I was thought like I don't want to really want to be buried because it's just like that's an inert thing it doesn't really do anything I thought maybe there like I
01:10:58| like the promotor primordial ooze where you just become life like your body's so full of nutrients you wouldn't come in this line come on dude I don't know I want to be slime you said news what's
01:11:08| from my what yeah that's other things like you just kind of rot which seems weird so you could also be cremated which I thought that'd be good you know that's where um I'll be
01:11:19| cremated yeah do you know like ashes are toxic so like a shit I'm not eating them if you eat on the ground so they're if you bury them in the ground nothing will grow out
01:11:34| of them because they're salty they're like multiple seeds saltier than you then something can growing this is weird because trees when they die leave nutrients for new trees to be born
01:11:47| facing we don't if you're cremated and all your essence is concentrated into one little vial then that vial is like all sort of toxic to living things now there
01:11:59| was one woman who decided that she wanted to be closer to her husband and he had died Misano TLC show called my strange addiction her name is Cassie she was 26 years old I think she she had
01:12:20| limerence by the way she was definitely Limerick she was definitely in love with her past a bit and I think she was doing something and sprinkled a little bit of him on her so she got a little dust on
01:12:33| her on her forearm and she thought I can't brush this off so I just lick it off of my forearm and she thought well you know it doesn't taste that bad it's a little bit so she ate a pound of her
01:12:47| husband but yeah I eat that year so she slowly would take his ashes and eat them a little sprinkling here and there like salt you sure about this this is an article on the internet so it must be
01:13:02| completely true I'm believing it not because I don't disbelieve you because I think people are awful that's that's crazy died no she didn't die Europe you can eat human ashes in very small
01:13:14| amounts can you snort them there's no legal bounds on human ashes I don't I I tried to search her laws against doing things with human hashes and it says I could I claimed to have my ashes like
01:13:29| brought to the Harleys ville like kid fair and like scattered around you know all the kids eyes the kid I got you so that's in essence what I think I would want like if I were to turn into ash and
01:13:48| have six pounds of my ash I'd like give you Maggie that's what that's what her husband Wayne and she's taking six years to eat them all right so here's my question
01:13:59| what do I do with your ashes until you give me instructions could you died before him but I leave sections probably don't eat them and don't plant them for a tree to ruin because that
01:14:08| doesn't work either I probably say like go back to the like of a moment that you remember me and put me in that moment like whatever that means to you
01:14:20| you cross check me into a locker and then just stuff me in the the slot that little slut books are covered in ass I don't think outside but that would make me laugh of them watching you from
01:14:37| the afterlife like Little Billy I guess uh uh Oh Billy Billy yeah live forever I think that might be a good thing to do but it puts the onus on all the people that like
01:14:51| what what do I do with this guy's ashes goddamnit I think I would find awesome things would have ruined ashes I really think I would I would take it very to heart and move forward with it
01:15:04| like I feel like you'd be driving down the highway you'd cut somebody off like you they give me the finger you just sprinkle my ashes I finally like find something good I am NOT a barely
01:15:29| respectful that that you could do that with my ashes it's okay so another elements thing which ties into this is what if we could live forever right yeah he weighed two things
01:15:59| I wonder what when you died you live forever you can watch everything going on you can talk to your loved ones you can see anyone else who passed like heaven
01:16:10| what's HAP let's say on one hand we have heaven it's possible sure on the other hand you kind of just stop exist but your molecules or atoms go back into the earth or the space or Sun
01:16:24| or wherever and they kind of become other things so part of you works together to become a mushroom like great good on you your mushroom now I don't likelihood if
01:16:34| you live forever after you die aren't through like really good possibilities that you're going to get tired of loving someone or get tired of your loved ones get bored of being alive get hate your
01:16:49| family like even start to hate physics like there's just things that we can't fathom over millions and millions and millions and billions of years so you're talking about like your perpetual
01:17:01| afterlife where your consciousness moves on and your spirit moves on seems like you would think it's the stupidest thing ever because this is one small fraction of the universe and you're gonna just
01:17:13| say hey I'll continue that while I'm dead like it seems like a bad idea like you can go have that hell or purgatory and it's just like all of those is like purgatory is the same because you're
01:17:24| just you're gonna get you're not gonna enjoy life consistently forever our afterlife consistently forever you get tired of that anyway so chances are would you would you rather your
01:17:35| consciousness go away and maybe party Sam become something else like I'm worth almost not your whole person rebirths is something with parts of you rebirth ISM when you said a
01:17:45| mushroom party rebirth is a rock party or rebirth is a whatever and not reincarnation like your actual physical elements which is another thing we didn't touch on which is weird
01:17:56| did you know like scientists are not sure if they should classify rocks is alive mitochondria as alive cells is alive because all these things exhibit some of the symptoms of life but not all
01:18:09| of them did you know there are crystals they can do they can reproduce themselves pretty with a call of I didn't find it it's I say crystals it's some kind of rock it can reproduce but
01:18:23| that's like lifelike but they don't have exhibit any other signs of life there are certain creatures like viruses they can reproduce and do whatever the hell they want but they need a living
01:18:36| cell to inhabit to be alive so what what is alive the hell is a lie we don't even know did you know there are um cyanobacteria that didn't have it dead cells they need a dead cell to find they
01:18:53| get inside of it and they they bring it back to life and boom they're back in business they need like a dead cell to bring back to life so is that so alive or dead the Waker Zach Kersey gets Stan
01:19:11| who's our favorite video podcast Oh what time turns extend kersek Kyrgyzstan oh you still diagnosing it awfully it's their gig Kyrgyzstan - wait am I saying all right why you keep saying it he's
01:19:34| interrupting my Thursday your figure Stan that's why I said Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan do it anyway they they did a video on what live in debt is and the real good point was that all of the
01:19:51| molecules that make up living cells and dead cells are the exact same things that make up your cells are all inanimate dead objects they just happen to be arranged in a certain way and move
01:20:02| a certain way where we call it life they turn disorder into order so they find disorganized things and they organize them they use energy that's life to them these same elements are in inanimate
01:20:16| objects dead things what distinguishes the two because the elements are the same and when something dies on this side the elements don't change same molecules same photons same everything
01:20:30| so what's life what's death and then if we go further is all matter in the universe alive until dead or is all matter in the universe dead until it's alive we don't actually know
01:20:46| it's a damn good question it's all I'm saying lassie I was gonna read the physics that eulogy which is like kind of dark but so good it's the one thing I see what
01:21:09| didn't we touch would you like to touch hmm so there's two things there's the woman who ate her husband's ashes that's also a common thing I don't think it's Hannibal is at that point cannibalism I
01:21:24| don't think that's a sh is because it's again it's not inflation yeah it's not flesh all right so just I don't think he gives you nutrients but there's an Amazonian tribe called the Yanomami who
01:21:36| do the same thing for people who die in their tribe they mix it with banana paste and then he didn't eat it so apparently did we pair well with banana and I guess if you had if you had
01:21:51| life like if life was literally like a government form and it just said like you have a bunch of check lists like did you go through you know adolescence puberty mature did you get married of
01:22:04| kids like once you're done with a checklist and you sign off on it and you die how quickly would you go through that checklist would you linger would you gonna be like I'm gonna write
01:22:17| something it's like all number one yeah hold on last one hold on I'm doing one more and just keep waiting to do whatever the first one once I feel like there's some people that would like to
01:22:29| get to the end just like checked out done Alan Watts said that um even if we could choose when we live or when we die who alive would ever choose to die it's just we've never come up you'd always
01:22:43| postpone it he said that's a part of being alive not wanting to die and I was like yeah true you imagine really get you can die whenever you're ready I really like
01:22:56| let's hold on oh well hold on I got to do one more thing oh Jesus this time is oh Jesus Oh hold on holy smokes folks forgot one thing so there's like a physics joke
01:23:10| that I want to read like to end this huh if you want a physicist to speak at your funeral this is what he would say you want the physicists to talk to your grieving family about the concern
01:23:21| conservation of energy so they'll understand that your energy has not died you want the physicists to remind your sobbing mother about the first law of thermodynamics no energy gets created in
01:23:34| universe and none is destroyed you want your mother to know that all your energy every vibration every BTU of heat every wave of every particle is ever beheld in her beloved child remains with her in
01:23:47| this world that's beautiful you want the physicist to tell your weeping father that amid energies of the cosmos you gave as good as you got as one point you'd hope that this it would
01:24:00| step down from the pulpit and walk to your brokenhearted spouse there in the pew and tell him that all the photons that ever bounced off of your face all the particles whose paths were
01:24:10| interrupted by your smile but a touch of your hair hundreds of trillions of particles raced off of like children their waves forever changed by you and as your widow rocks and the arms of a
01:24:23| loving family may the physicists let her know that all the photons have bounced from you were gathered in the particle to particle directors detectors that are in her eyes oh my god that those photons
01:24:37| created within her constellation of electromagnetically charged neurons whose energy will go on and forever you can hope your family will examine and this evidence and satisfy themselves
01:24:48| knowing that the science is sound and they'll be comforted to know that your energy is still around according to law of conservation of energy not a bit of you it's gone you're just less orderly
01:25:01| Aaron Freeman and really it begs one question in a way all of your molecules all of your energy all the things you've done and affected and still happened right they're still
01:25:17| causing and affecting things that you probably don't even have a bearing on can't even perceive exactly not at all could happen for generations for dozens of years and while people like um pander
01:25:32| Dan would like to make that effect super direct and like I have a list of demands you should do this in the future I have an organized path you have demands and orders you should do them in a certain
01:25:47| order and make up a certain way you're gonna architect it and people like people like me might say please remember all these cool things I said it doesn't matter watch every episode of Leon
01:25:58| panderers biology what we did but we will be remembered in some way and will we affect the future in some way it might not be the way we want or the mannerisms we want but mmm I think on
01:26:17| that tone social media is gonna turn real dark real fast all these people are still there but all of them are dead like in another 50 years the originators of you know I'm gonna take duckface
01:26:32| selfie she's gonna be she's gonna be gone it's like yeah that's what people will remember the duckface selfie if that's picture still exists which it will is that what you want to live on I
01:26:46| hope not hope I'm not doing a duckface selfie catch this so can you imagine the face selfie wanted something else to live on it would feel more fake duck face selfie
01:26:58| is duck face selfie that's what's going to live on that's what should live on I don't think changing that to make more meaningful or deep or whatever changes whoo duck face selfies
01:27:13| they are who they are don't you thing no and a selfie of duck face selfie being all that's left of duck face selfie is beautiful and that it is who they wanted to be at that moment and that's that's
01:27:31| very good That's Life that's life or death well folks hope you don't so yourself when you die you will hope you don't have an erection when you die I hope you don't vomit all over yourself
01:27:44| when you die yeah that's probably um happen at some point put the mortician I'll clean it all up someone else's gotta clean you up just know that we here at the unpaid nurse
01:27:56| want to do a summary a quick summer and want to do a quick summary so every mr. summary so of every human that ever lived about a hundred billion of us have already died so it's not a big thing a
01:28:11| lot of us have already died fifty-five million a year keep dying senescence or sir will how would you like to die would about your organs donation and bombing fluids burial cremation dealing
01:28:25| everywhere rule nearby your experiences your relatives embalming your Martin Van bushels life get some foot traffic off of Earth and calls the call from birth in their coffin birth your spirit oh did
01:28:43| you know you can turn your ashes into a diamond now they've found a way for you to live on definitely I don't know how I feel about that one somebody can really taking some that cubic zirconia kind of
01:28:55| diamond I feel like I live on beyond what you wanted to live on until you'd be like come on I can you can I believe they're still married I want to die you know let's put the two diamonds together
01:29:06| they can touch and afterlife banana paste very delicious rebirth heaven hell purgatory that sounds good to me would you eat your wife's ashes now that finds taste
01:29:24| very good Oh oh I forgot about gibbeh ting so like we we talked about the respectful version of death and there are certain versions of like thieves or people who
01:29:38| do cruel things so a gibbet or giving like the active putting someone on to give it is hanging them up and then making sure that everyone sees that this person did something awful
01:29:49| so like bad guys yeah like bad guys never go guys obviously I think what Jesus Christ when he's holding his cross there are a bunch of people that were giving it essentially I don't know being
01:30:01| on a cross as gibbehhh' ting I don't know of it a little bit it's sort of yeah it's the same sort of thing that's the whole point of the cross yeah it's the whole showing of what you did wrong
01:30:11| so in a way there's an essence of respect and you hold their ashes and you say Oh blow in the wind and be free and there's the other one like this guy was a piece of shit let's just let's just
01:30:23| watch him hang just let him go so human beings are fickle like that sometimes we care sometimes we don't sometimes I make an example of people love and hate that's like a death Ellen wants baby is
01:30:37| everything all right and we love you we like you we like you a lot never good we're not gonna give up more before you die donate to our patron I ask all our funds of yeah I don't care
01:30:52| actually Willis oh yeah either way we're gonna find you in hell I'll see you in hell folks cuz hell is real

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