The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP074 Cars Driving Freedom

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Transcript UnP074 Cars Driving Freedom

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 74 - Cars Driving Freedom
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00:00:00| she since the dawn of mankind we've had cars and and uh if we walk places we drove places we learned how to fly planes and shit and now we're gonna the future of Transportation so I'm Dan and
00:00:40| I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo
00:00:53| forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion look like you can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual
00:01:05| content and this for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music] hey welcome everybody oh sorry about
00:01:35| that intro we usually try and keep it professional here but uh here my little squeal I'm good stone in forever they say episode 74 is I want to get you all squeamish and nervous every three
00:02:01| more talk about transportation in general with a heavy emphasis on cars yeah yeah I'm gonna kick it off with our first form of transportation well I was gonna just say I had a correction from
00:02:15| the last episode ooh yeah I just don't remember what the last episode was Oh to have to look that up know we should be able to figure it out we're grown adults we do podcasts we did ergo I feel like
00:02:28| we did a serious radiation one oh I do have a genetics good why don't you do yours first because I actually forgot it was radiation so the one thing about radiation is that you
00:02:36| can radiate stuff like they do it for fruit per per dose produce oh this is a bad one apples selecting an array today radiated apples I can um was it Zombieland I think he goes in a grocery
00:02:54| store and they're like apples are still whole they're still alive why because they're great because they're irradiated because they've destroyed all the germs and stuff that we're growing on them or
00:03:06| inside them so there's they last a lot longer they do it also for like GMOs that's how they modify it so they have then just keep hitting him like little bits of
00:03:15| radiation and change their DNA so that they modify it to have no seeds her to be juicier to make it plump and voluptuous mine was a correction I said um there wasn't a die hard movie they
00:03:28| had a lot to do with radiation but it's the one everyone forgets not live free or die hard the one die hard for it may have been called where he goes back to find his son who's mysteriously a
00:03:38| shorter game east maybe then they go and there's this really it's really boring and they go into like a mind where there's plutonium and stuff and there's radiation off the
00:03:49| charts and they have to wear those radiation suits and everything so I said there wasn't a die-hard that hadn't deal with radiation but guess what folks there was correction there okay said I'm
00:04:01| moving on yeah it's like the first car would you say your feet are the first form of car locomotion car yeah first car ever human feet folks here to here first and the tidbit that I would like
00:04:17| to insert right here is that a marathon it comes from some guy running from Marathon Greece to Athens which was 26 and our message yeah that the war has been won there's been victory took him
00:04:32| like a couple hours who knows that's pretty wild yeah this isn't like the best runner at the time 490 BC they say Raleigh yeah ever take oh I don't know what month it
00:04:45| was to you hmm I would say it's probably numbers yeah spring it's the hot spring feel that's when most Wars and springtime know you're also keep in mind
00:04:59| runners body usually you do you know as much running in the winter so you kind of get your fat on a little bit mm-hmm and then I think all some are you're running and then it's comfortable again
00:05:09| in the fall so this could have been a fall run yeah curious you think there was a story about a guy that swam the English Channel and he was fat when he started and skinny when he ended kind of
00:05:19| he lost like several pounds when he was swimming he burned them which I like a real story this is a film crew and probably Bear Grylls was involved who knows but um you know he was bloated
00:05:35| before hand and then it was just kcat than like wasted away this makes me think that you like the amount of energy you use running like if I were to run all day back and forth to work which
00:05:46| would take me probably three hours each way and I'd quit my job I would lose so much weight and I mean because during the run you're also not gaining any calories yeah but
00:05:58| it makes me think like if you were being like if you could run and eat and drink and all that stuff and just act like keep running how how far could you go I wonder when would you actually
00:06:09| physically break down if your body was replenishing itself and completely left to come back you clearly are not a runner because I don't stop because I'm out of nutrients I stop is my knees hurt
00:06:18| or my ankles hurt or my feet hurt my hip hurts or something I'm just like out of breath I'm just like this is stupid I'm lucky we have automobiles because I don't think I've ever run in my life
00:06:29| marathons have you done marathons before none in most every run was a 10-mile jobber hmm I don't think I've ever done like a five mile or three mile more than what I did you never did a three mile
00:06:42| like a 5k 3.1 miles no I think I have her scared no how does that sit over here heart yeah yeah somebody's had like triple heart surgery and they have no legs and
00:06:58| they're still crawling and I'm just like I take my charity here it is hundred bucks so we had likes see huh hey there by the way there supine and I say so fine laureate now supine hmm that's an
00:07:18| adjective you're gonna have to look that one up kids um but they're glorious and they are one of the most naturally gifted did you know we can outrun any animal I think hmm you know I heard that
00:07:31| also we can outrun his water longer yeah we can out longer distance we would never beat him in a race yeah he's think as far as distance is concerned we keep it going
00:07:42| tracking them down it's almost like the human being is the most adaptable species ever yes yeah I mean we probably got laughed at by all the other other animals out there until we could chase
00:07:58| them down forever and then they're like oh shit someone made a funny joke and of course it's tongue-in-cheek but it's the human is the most powerful top of
00:08:10| the food chain ruining the earth until one of them falls in the zoo enclosure [Laughter] technological advancements we are number one with please don't let me fall into
00:08:24| loo an orangutan exhibit or exhibit I will feel like an animal I run around in circles so what did they come up with next like obviously the next step after feet its Segway mmm do this really still
00:08:41| they still exist do people use those yeah you know the guy who invented the Segway right mr. Segway yeah yes John sees egg whites you know what happened to him he's off a cliff riding
00:08:51| a Segway and guide is he dead he died doing what he loved inventing the Segway looking really cool on a Segway hmm but what is the next move I mean we obviously ride horses but not riding an
00:09:05| animal is there like a mode of transportation before car skateboard no I think it's bikes I think some bicycles were next because they're unpowered yeah and then
00:09:19| I made a bike for oh yeah I like right a bikes I ride them in circles because there's so much fun to ride a turn around we go first car anyone get the first car as we mention
00:09:35| this when we talked about production right was it the multi or that wasn't the first commodity was the most produce yeah first car to be produced in multiple countries have me say Karl Benz
00:09:46| like Mercedes and Benz Mercedes and Benz there's a 1885 first practical automobile where to do I don't know [Laughter] gasoline in the end and then like it
00:10:06| would go into it and then it would be must one engine you turn it on and it just I got distracted because they started talking about was it I'm a cracked oil or something like that on I
00:10:17| don't forget the word but it was like they did they refined gasoline enough to make it so that you could have complex engines and you also had no suspension like I'm
00:10:27| gonna clean on the Model T here is that there were like two models there was like oh this is bullshit but there's cruiser model which I don't know it was actually named but it was like a two
00:10:36| seater and then there was also like a four-seater le a for the family for the family yeah no seatbelts but yeah who cares yes he built a really car I mean they didn't have other cars no no
00:10:48| only took sixty years dad C bells really i guess when the number of cars started increasing that much car comes online so cars were pretty important were they like the first big step for us and
00:11:01| probably still to this day one of our bigger technological advances right I guess so I mean and we made the world closer to everyone like check this like you can get farther away from everybody
00:11:12| well we live farther away and still commute to the same areas so yeah still community your grocery store your market your schools for the kids your churches your whatever I mean but you don't have
00:11:23| to live within walking distance that's cool yeah the whole purpose is that you could actually move faster than your enemy during worse if you get out no for them I think some well most of this
00:11:33| becomes very prominent around the 1920s and my technology Spurs it on but I feel like it's born out of need for a community war realizes they could use it they're like oh ha oh
00:11:47| yeah oh oh we could use that to kill people mm-hmm I'm sorry something distracting me a lot chatter yeah and yeah that's this is kind of like the birth I
00:12:01| wouldn't say we're not we're quite there yet birth of suburbs and like people sprawling out because before the rural areas rural areas were all farmland it just you know maybe usually on the Carta
00:12:12| the the show constantly referenced in 30 rock or the movie the world or a rural to rural jour yeah Roger I'm always talking about it and I guess Jenna is involved in it and they're like yeah
00:12:31| they really should have rethought that name the role that's a good tongue twister took us 74 episodes come allowing world juror and we didn't even come up with it so shout
00:12:44| out 30 rock they probably listen to the podcast Tina Fey actually grow right outside of my front door within 80 miles just walk right out that door and if you drive to her you know it only takes how
00:12:58| many gallons four gallons of gas if you're in a shitty car mmm did you I am I wrote it down the cars with the best gas mileage and the top sellers united states leche oh you did
00:13:11| hey do you want to jump there are you hybrids yeah what I wouldn't skip around including a hybrid yeah just hybrids anything with gas so um the Prius Prime was number one prime 133 miles per
00:13:27| gallon that's not aerodynamics on that puppy is slap the hood you could fit yeah multiple praises emit just got them on the bag who no one drives a Prius and feels proud that I would i I've never
00:13:46| met anybody that looked proud well by comparison do you know how many miles per gallon I get on average because I keep a running tally in the computer whatever it's called in the computer and
00:13:58| yes the - I reset it every like month or something oh yeah what what's your tally it used to be 16 now it's closer to 18 and a half because wow that's what my Volvo did Volvo 850 from 1994 and or six
00:14:14| both of them about the same yet that was awful that cost a lot of money to drive especially during the gas price surges of the 2000 some things was the two thousand nine ish yeah yeah yeah
00:14:29| probably college which cost me to buy my other car which is very good with the best gas mileage 28 normally but you can get up to like 31 32 right start cruising that bad one oh yeah start
00:14:44| letting it do the cruise control do let it out out in the open road and just cruise you can tell cruise control guys from non cruise control guys cruise control frees up your hands to control
00:14:58| wherever you want to do before we get in to have another break actually we're gonna start talking about individual cars and how they have flavor character and now soul heart puts pot in there and
00:15:17| I'm not just talking about the car series by Pixar hmm once I see too much I know we're gonna get into that too probably cars allowed us to do deliveries
00:15:30| delivery person by vehicle is probably the most important job in the United States mm-hmm because that's how people get their food how they get their mail tell you get their Amazon now you're
00:15:41| gonna get there yeah what'd you think about it there are the most underrated employment opportunity in the United States I think I'm like Wendell milk men start milk men would have been 1947 I'm
00:15:57| making this up Suman be like a farmer bringing milk to people well did that is that a milk man then you know I know you're talking about milk man is almost like an entity
00:16:07| that exists it's like the corporate version of a farmer ha ha I have a whole block farmer I have a route I'm going to this Carruthers house later and dropping off the milk
00:16:21| the earliest pictures I have are from yes I'm guys you're like horse and buggy bring in your milk they can bring you ice too right mmm your Xbox yeah because you have a pole
00:16:41| in your basement that holds ice sure keep your shit cold yeah that's wild so literally the car helped us move all our Goods all our people all our ideas but we had no form got Eurasia
00:17:00| other than what the telephone wasn't around yet it was what by Morse code new Morse code when's Graham Bell Nutella curious telephone invented it is wild I like how he got the keyboard to be
00:17:17| silent when I type but I said it spoke it out loud oh no it was all I heard about this guy Antonio lute where did you go Antonio hold on I'm a coochy coochy coochy
00:17:35| analyzing to the frontal tear that tether to funnel 1871 hmm no Americans steal everything hmm an early voice communicating devices and then in 1854 by Antonio me Meucci and
00:17:53| then he filed a patent and came kind of popular so we might add telephones by that point but maybe only the super-rich this guy's a clown Antonio mm-hmm so maybe information didn't pass that
00:18:11| either white information could move quicker because just in general there are certain things you can only carry visit with like the information of I had a son I'm bringing him somewhere do you
00:18:22| think people brought their babies places I guess so a teint II was in 1885 so you think they can't they they went for a drive I feel like this is like the airplanes of the xix say four 50s maybe
00:18:34| right where they're like another you drop you you fly in the air for pleasure you're enjoying yourself your luxurious your you you're experiencing the finest feel like in the 1910s you cry 1920s
00:18:49| in the swinging 20s you jump in your car and everyone's having a great time get this what's crazy is we're just saying it like people in the 1920s but if we go back in time we look at it for
00:19:01| real these people were loaded definitely and I don't mean money-wise that also these people were like cranked out of their mind they're probably doing their
00:19:12| doctors version of cocaine they're probably drunk from noon they have good amount of money and they're on these roads where there aren't rules or speed traps or other cars
00:19:22| you just get loaded and laugh with your friends again the car and drive around have fun with that they and laughs because you're driving faster than a horse can go like that's hilarious
00:19:31| you're passing all the horse and buggies and they're really loud you probably don't even see them I mean it's not like traffic's a thing back then no in the early days right yeah just forget lying
00:19:44| around going nuts like just doing it because you can do it like that's kind of cool I feel like you're probably covered in women to like you can't keep all the women inside the car and they're
00:19:54| just giggling and laughing but they totally are here to check this thing and it's a luxury item and you're partying pretty hard so I never I mean in college that was the thing though like you only
00:20:05| wanted one designated driver but you had in your car I mean I know it you can go fit about 40 you can't go 4 layers deep we I mean you have people sitting in the back you probably have 4 or 5 in the
00:20:22| back if they're tinier people it's all right so here's where no no this is cool feet nice for only afforded it's a massive flesh and I would love to dive into that flesh any day so what I wanted
00:20:42| to get into was um I'm the whole page of everyone's first car and everyone's cars really all those who did you make them do you make you made the decision to buy your car I was given my car because it
00:20:58| was awesome yeah I had to buy my carpet from the people who across the street who were a little wealthier and they had theirs their son died of cancer I believe actually prompt so I think it
00:21:11| may have been either one of his cars it wasn't like his car at the time it's like a haunted car one of his cars and it was a 92 teal Firebird I remember this yeah did that help with picking up
00:21:26| any women at the time not at all I just loved it in fact um I bought it with money it cost me thirty five hundred bucks or three thousand bucks I forget which but
00:21:38| um worth it I bought it with cash that I'd saved up for like Eucharist only communions and all that they're like my parents let me get into that moola at two changing wait what were you my
00:21:49| communion you were sweet sweet altar boy altar boy is that what your job I know I had a Holy Communion like you employ all your relatives everything like one fitty like everybody does in fact I had
00:22:00| baptisms X I had CDs or whatever they're called I don't remember ever getting the money for that I must have spent that money immediately you probably spent it on a Nintendo 64 and a Wii and maybe
00:22:12| made me but anyway um I bought the 92 Firebird now this is like 92 probably no no no the Lord no no it's 92 weird to be tried by can't do Matt 2001 okay that makes more sense
00:22:31| I you're seven years old right right Morgan in the steam Mills would pump an optical drive it into high school art wherever the hell I want whatever like ah man
00:22:46| and the thing is the most important thing I could do was at the time I bought my own CD player oh yeah when you couldn't graphics yeah put it in that slot I had to figure out oh I had to die
00:22:59| to do this slot myself uh-huh cuz best I woulda screwed screwed up I heard so many people say they don't they just destroy your car yeah well think of that Best Buy doesn't know shit yeah no I
00:23:10| mean who you got you're asking your friend essentially to put it in there yeah but a friendly encounter you connected the wires and stuff and at first it didn't work but I think we just
00:23:21| missed the wires who everybody was up we're back in boom I still can tell you what it looks like with the graphics the little moonlight on that I'm washing bowls
00:23:31| everything was attack culantro all these things had a TT it was called attack and you could press it and it would drop your volume by like 90 percent mm-hmm it was like I'm an almost mute button but
00:23:46| not quite and I was like oh like if you get a phone call but I don't think some phones are popular so what was attacked for thank someone in the back said son important hit the attack button yeah
00:23:55| would you say Ginny yeah attack off nothing then you're back with Blair in the mood I had tea tops which not a lot of people even know what they are I have no idea
00:24:05| what that is now I see that so T tops were like it's like a semi roof but it's made of like I mean it's a window that's detachable so I would throw a few bars take them off and you would have to
00:24:21| remove them from the roof I'll put them in the back what that left was your car the front of car the windshield and it would stop and it would be like an open except that there was a strip of the car
00:24:31| still that would run like this and then back panel why didn't we ever drive around like that I did maybe you were you were a too much of a warminster area get you know farther there at mm-hmm
00:24:46| farther I won't give it I'm giving an idea you're a warminster area I might have missed layout - I don't know what I did all of high school I don't see that's what that's what's funny
00:25:00| so I remember everyone's cars like at the time so you know mine I do but I don't know the year mmm I didn't want to get into it excited to write while I was talking about the one before you glid
00:25:14| same car different what's the exact same car same model yeah different years I was told to get that car so that was the one I got financial assistance on Africa forever
00:25:28| the first one that happens but everyone gets their first car like it 16 17 18 and that becomes your your symbol of freedom you're like your piece your car becomes so important because
00:25:42| it's the first time you can leave your house without your parents yeah you can get away from them you can turn your music way up and then turn the hell out speed down the roads where you can see
00:25:53| there are no cops yeah you can also smoke it out you can get girls in there that'll have fun a giggle in the backseat listen so you're touching all the important parts so like if you ask
00:26:08| anyone anyone what's your first car everyone has an answer everyone knows the car is a super important thing we're downplaying it but like I asked my dad years ago
00:26:19| and I still remember his was a 70 Buick Skylark cream Wow at 70 Buick Skylark green I guess my mom was a Toyota Celica I don't remember the years so then I was thinking like mine
00:26:33| was a 92 Firebird I asked my current girlfriend first was a 90 Toyota Celica it remembers the year the color of the model so the craziest like a buddy of mine who listen to the podcast and like
00:26:46| van Bryan hit like a know 100 ish I can't remember what year exactly Nissan Sentra he was leaving he was leaving a girl's house that he had a crush on mm-hmm
00:26:59| later dated for three months Oh anyway who's leaving our house and there's this crazy bend in the road oh yeah offroad and his wrapped his car like around that tree and like he's lucky he was fine
00:27:12| with the car was totaled and like I still remember that car and like once everyone had cars you would meet somewhere and everyone we get one car and it was before drinking was real
00:27:26| popular so you'd all drive around in a car I happen to remember our mutual friend Mike Dee this is the first Nissan again Denise huh maxima I think yeah knew he still had that up till like up
00:27:42| two years ago like a year ago maybe even does not surprise me he was just trying to sell it and get a new car but like that's probably good 98th Nissan right something I got put any time I don't
00:27:54| know I remember teen years did he get something they get the same thing he forgot what a guy actually that's weird but um so my ex-girlfriend she had an 88 Ford Taurus right mm-hmm all the
00:28:10| upholstery was made like carpet it was like a carpet hmm which is kind of sexy what kind of like gross also like whatever it was awesome so this is right before she started dating me she was
00:28:23| dating someone who looked like Han from the Sandlot and uh they were messing around and he grabbed her keys while she was driving choosing like 60 on the highway and she grabbed the keys pulled
00:28:33| him right out of the ignition they came out and she was still driving doing 60 they were like but I mean what some cars had different foils like that I guess yeah it was still stuck in the on
00:28:47| position I don't know if you had to plug them back in to turn it off but like that's cool so what were them all good what were the problems with your car like my car it would the the sunroof had
00:29:00| a little sunroof it would drip directly on my head oh yeah yeah I would just be like okay it's happening again and then like the visor would drop they fall down and like it didn't clip in oh
00:29:13| they standard like 2015 vehicle yeah what what else what else is there check this cigarette lighter example didn't work what did you care that's how funny is it that we had cigarette lighters in
00:29:27| our cars now we still do we'd push it in Oh we still haven't burl electric well we don't call them cigarette lighters anymore right all right that's that's wild we need about it yeah I don't even
00:29:40| know it legal I don't even know that I have the thing that makes it a cigarette lighter oh how about this did you have ashtrays in your car yeah yeah yeah that's crazy is it
00:29:50| I saw something about like a car had like a little uh out like a little bar in it like you'd you'd pop open the glove compartment and there would be like two drinks and like a scotch beyond
00:30:10| what I was thinking of so I bought my car save all that money which really I didn't even save cuz it was from my youth
00:30:17| yeah kind of skim right to you I didn't think much of it right once I did my parents made sure for months and months that I had to pay my own insurance I don't know if I'd have paid all of it
00:30:29| they may have just charged me like 100 every couple months or something like that something they did something I don't think I paid the full price but they made sure I knew insurance was real
00:30:38| and I was like this is a bummer and then I found out gas cost money and that's a bummer and then I'm like six months in my I still remember my ode to sensor went I
00:30:48| didn't even know what and the same thing is here that cost me like 350 bucks at the time at my age I was like that's impossible to pay yeah paper you gotta have a frame of reference though like
00:31:01| when I was working two jobs yeah I was making 50 bucks a week that's as much as much as I could work as a high school student that was the max I maybe I could get a hundred if I was like sweating
00:31:15| like crazy doing my job right and continuously doing it no one's gonna do yeah that's not worth it when I was crazy so everyone remembers everyone else by
00:31:26| their car okay we were at the high school zone who I remember by their Toyota Tercel Tercel he would only drive the speed limit because that's the way he was raised his nickname was MWA huh
00:31:40| yeah he um he would get on 309 and just drive 55 everyone hopes tomorrow high school was doing like 70 and they would all pass him and he would continue to do just live on the bird as they all drove
00:31:59| by him funniest thing I remember is just a that Toyota Tercel a little sopra turd I still remember how it looks like it's wild cuz cars had personality back then
00:32:10| I guess a little bit more I feel like he's not the one he's not the one who a teacher asked him can you read this and he just said yes Michael in the back can you read page 197 for us and there was
00:32:25| this long pause he went yeah of course I can you please read it for us right now Sameach yeah that's the funniest answer but he used to UM very nerdy guy but he's ballsy but some nerds are ballsy
00:32:49| though like that was that ballsy the funniest thing ever is he was like I noticed you pull off 309 because he lived near me before this and I was like yeah I go back I take Morris Road I go
00:32:59| through some back roads he's like is that quicker to get home and I was like yeah I think so he's like do you have to go above the speed limit
00:33:08| I do the 810 over whatever it is and he's like oh never mind he like faded away didn't know I would always go like the pure back road way it took me like the area and it's just you feel more
00:33:26| alive back those there was a stretch of Allentown Roda I still I'll actually live on top of now so it's actually lost its luster but I would love to drive over because it was real whiny but but
00:33:38| you could see far and you can see everything and it would be from like really high up and there's always trees you could see how the direction like land in all direction and the curve of
00:33:48| the road was real nice it wasn't super sharp but it wasn't straight hence a character to it and I could be bumping my stereo CD system whatever at at like 23 or the limits usually 2100 at
00:34:05| hey listen to my favorite CD and I'd be driving on that curve I just no one's around I'm flying I do there's something magical about it yeah cuz so I missed the whiny roots because we
00:34:19| don't have any of those down there down here and like a little elevation you're like maybe going through like a little bit of a valley that's false we don't get fall down here either you can have
00:34:30| the windows down it's nice cool air blowing in your face that's good a nice stretch of road where no one's all on - maybe you're like cutting around like a farmhouse or something yeah yeah I
00:34:42| missed up those are good days good day like I still remember our first job is where I would drive - pretty old huh everyone else got their cars and we drive the jobs and then afterwards meet
00:34:54| try and go somewhere I don't even know where we were going or doing because again it was right before alcohol it was more like we're meeting up with people to meet up with people because we
00:35:02| can't I guess I don't know trying to figure each other out trying to figure out yourself he's trying to do something because we don't worry about parents it was fun and I remember Britt had a 98
00:35:13| Ford Explorer I still remember this car nice and it was green she would drive us around and um her parents made her sign a contract that said she wouldn't have more than one person in the car in time
00:35:26| and if she did ever have two people god forbid but in this contract you would turn off the radio because it's too distracting right but she signed it because like it's her pen it's like yeah
00:35:37| yeah that's crazy her dad disabled the radio somewhere in like the the nothing chip I'm saying the word chip via the fuse Hey oh he police use for the radio Wow and how hardcore
00:35:55| is that but I still remember her car eventually uh we all figured out I had a real badass and like he was gonna stop it again he was like they figured it out they're smart enough to figure it out
00:36:07| but we would get in someone's car and they're like CDs would come out at the time I remember you'd look at that ream of CDs that oh man yeah oh dude you flipped through the pages it someone was
00:36:22| really hardcore anal they had the book behind the CD here alphabetical days I anyway you're flipping through it okay yeah you touch it this way sure you touch the back don't touch the back
00:36:37| you're getting fingerprints all night you got to wipe it off make sure I'm watching you so my one friend who is big into smoking up and doing all this stuff whatever
00:36:47| have you will call him Brad I don't know it's real name he owned an o2 Ford Escort with manual transmission hmm and it was the only friend who had a manual transmission man so he would always rock
00:37:01| the car and it was so cool because the car had more ordeal yeah yeah being in that car and like grooving in it and he had that CD player put in and it was so I had oh my god the silver wheel and I
00:37:16| remember he would crank it didn't have any signifiers on was just a silver wheel and we could get it as high as 30 or 31 like these numbers and if you if your friend was driving and you picked
00:37:26| the CD he would always like the passenger picked out the CD like that's important like you know enemy yeah yeah you test the person by what city they pick out yeah and I'm putting
00:37:37| it in and everyone's smiling we know what's going on and it's not my car so I wouldn't set the volume let's put the CD in and the driver the driver has volume control much boy did it yeah he would
00:37:49| you do dangerous levels of volume if you really like this that's it if you saw Brad we'll call him switch the volume up to like 34 or something and we're just driving around like we're going Wawa
00:38:01| pick up some refreshments yeah and it driving around like friggin it's like music extremely loud volumes in a car that would eV and flow and just going for it man and it peaches reach for that
00:38:18| life-changing like you were like everyone was chilling in the car like Kate hmm like it's not your place yeah because at that age you don't have a house you live in your parents house but
00:38:31| this is the first time you're allowed to have your own zone this is your zone that moves the house I'll wheel a little bit yeah so you know how to drive manual right so I had I bought a Mustang
00:38:45| and oh right after so I had a 92 Firebird teal and I bought from my dad's cousin a 94 Lexus bad boy with a hundred and eighty eight thousand miles oh it's risky hold on I bought it
00:38:59| wouldn't you know it lasts until 240 so good move I was about four years and yeah the exact price my total Firebird came in it so don't hate real quick did you ever been an accident
00:39:14| like real accident or I'm gonna dial back a little bit so I have a memory of I don't really know how to drive manual but the manual that I did drive I drove it around my college campus with one of
00:39:25| my girlfriends she had a manual car it was 3:00 in the morning I was not drunk Jedi I think it was a Volkswagen Jetta yeah read and like I she was getting so pissed because I didn't know how to do
00:39:40| it and I still don't know how to drive manual but I feel by the end of it I could have gone around another loop but not not very far it's just good memories is one of those like late at night only
00:39:53| European where you heard your stalling out like trying to start from like a stoplight and she's like rolling her eyes like oh my car so accidents i I've been in one accident your glede accident
00:40:21| yeah I had like maybe 50 feet it was icy hit the brakes kept sliding and then just you know I hit the person and it made like a tiny little puncture in there and their
00:40:34| bumper and she was wearing one of those like plastic things that hold your Hara the rain what's it called I was gonna saying from the rain no no no no like she had like it's like one of the
00:40:48| scrunchie things but it's like a plastic you know has like little fingers on it yeah and I remember like it hit her in the back of the head she was like this was she was like everyone's like oh I'm
00:40:57| so damaged but she was like just yeah it didn't even deform it didn't break the plastic so she was fine but my car had like a sensor that set off the airbag airbag
00:41:08| all made of gold or something and then it was like yeah popped in my face so the air bag inflates it's supposed to just like hit or something yeah well whatever's in there is toxic so like the
00:41:19| air bag you had to split right in the middle and just like right in my face so I breathed that in and that fucked me up for about a day I was like Jerry and then the next car I drove in was also
00:41:31| terrible in the snow so it was like I couldn't make sure that it stopped it fucks you up folks she has a record all cars aren't great this no Butler yeah well I guess the next cart was a Toyota
00:41:45| Camry that I was driving around and that was like super light and it didn't it was worse than the car that I had previously there front wheel drive well well you're going from Volvo sweet sweet
00:41:58| I think so the one thing I will say about I mean they're only like a couple times where I thought I was gonna actually die in that car and the car probably would have saved me and there
00:42:08| was one time where they used to call it the vulva and so they're like don't if you're just starting out driving is somehow you're underage and you're listening to this podcast don't trust
00:42:18| other people at all that's the best method of driving is that ever other people are gonna fuck it up in the worst way possible so just plan for that usually so one guy had his blinker on I
00:42:28| thought he was gonna turn he was easily going 40 I pulled out and like just as I pulled out he decided he wasn't gonna turn he had to slam on the brakes and he came within inches of hitting directly
00:42:38| into my driver's side door like I was looking at the guy as he was like cursing me off and I was looking at him like you didn't even like you turn signal man yeah is there a possibility
00:42:48| he had that started tagging along from earlier and he could have had it on like a mile ago Vermeil right right okay you don't know yeah but he turned it all in afterwards so maybe he realized that oh
00:42:58| shit yeah well probably would have my fault my probably been injured severely well let's put that way so your as driving to a perfect circle concert in Scranton with
00:43:11| wang our buddy you're dead good CX yeah yeah this is death exit so I'm driving the 92 Firebird and um it's stop and go traffic one of those stupid things where everyone's doing 60 and then they do 10
00:43:25| and then they stop they do 60 and you can edit stuff well the guy behind me must been checking his phone whatever all I know is I went to stop and I didn't even know I got hit I just know
00:43:34| there was a loud noise and my car was in the other Lane like it I guess I got hit yeah you don't know what happened to the right I feel like they have most exercising oh my god oh I think I
00:43:46| screamed holy shit and I was just driving like in my head I was moving 100 mile an hour because I was stopped but really anyway I didn't hit anyone else we're totally cool I
00:43:57| realized like I hit I pulled over and the guy came and he's like I'm so sorry oh it's my fault rarer cops came they checked everything out my car was like totaled just because it's just smoke
00:44:08| it's in a weird spot yeah yeah and that's cars have those zooms you know what I mean even old cars new cars new newer cars have more of them because crumple zones end up being safer because
00:44:19| all the kinetic energy from the crash it's placed into the vehicle so most of the crumpling takes away from the movement yeah make sense it saves you from imminent danger right cost you a
00:44:33| lot of money yeah so the cop was like can you drive this and we looked and it just was like smooshed and there was like yeah I fine so we were there and everybody left the scene the cop
00:44:43| everyone else so I went to drive and I was like damn it my car is dragging on the back tire like he got pushed into the tire lucky driving some pop my tire imma what's
00:44:51| gonna happen mm-hmm so come like daddy my daddy showed up and and he had an axe I didn't say anything so the guy was with Hwang and anyway he like pushed playing out of the way and grabbed his
00:45:08| axe and just started whacking the back of the car just smashing the the metal so that it was off the wheel and eventually like after like 14 or 20 slams and like sweating he was done he
00:45:19| was like hello mister I was like thank you and I drove to the concert in that vehicle I believe no my dad made me switch cars he gave me his car it was probably the
00:45:33| expedition the green explosion yeah and watch the concert cool so my wife girlfriend whatever she was throughout time yeah she there was one crazy accident that so I was think about
00:45:50| driving in a car that it's been disabled there's one crazy accident where she must have got hit by a pole that must have been like a like a piece of rebar or something smashed her windshield the
00:46:00| windshield was like caved in and you could barely see out of it naturally did it actually break at her or just shattered it shattered and came in about three inches so it was like it didn't it
00:46:12| didn't hit her and kind of thing I didn't do it I didn't do all that bad stuff yeah yeah so one thing also if you get an accident don't trust any tow truck driver
00:46:21| tell them to tow it to your house because the people that have a yard they'll charge you like a thousand bucks to keep it for a couple days that's called a spife the tow truck drivers get
00:46:32| that money and they keep it and you get reamed in the Buffalo area so after knowing that from a previous accident so her car was like the windshield was completely smashed it was like moving
00:46:45| and vibrating as I drove I was gonna drive that about maybe 10 miles to my house if I was holding up the windshield as I was driving like 40 miles an hour and I was I mean I had my head out the
00:46:59| window was like back and forth and like I was just praying that it didn't cave all the way in because if it did it was gonna cut me seriously it was gonna fuck me up if it
00:47:10| came in so I was just trying to like not get fucked up by it but I made it home yeah yeah and that thing I don't know what the hell hit her but it made no sense at all but it smashed the hell out
00:47:23| of that windshield and even like the the supports for her her car like I guess you I don't know what you call the windshield supports those things were dented in like there was like a golf
00:47:33| ball deep in debt on those things something hit it you know something heavy heart mm-hmm the only other one of note is I remember I used to drive a 94 Ford Econoline red
00:47:48| band they call it the rape band it was just a maroon van how come I don't remember this it's a windowless van it's for what my buddy had the white version no mine was
00:47:59| maroon red 94 it was the most beat vehicle I've ever seen in my life the seat was just shredded so you just sit on the orange stuff it was stripped bare one time I found a bottle of urine water
00:48:13| bottle filled with piss in the back but it was in the walls like uh see the metal was all exposed and everything you could look out the back of the vehicle through the bottom this vehicle was the
00:48:25| most beep vehicle I've ever driven but I came to love it they called the molester van didn't have back windows didn't have side windows had a sliding door so you just use your mirrors it's a company car
00:48:34| right yeah 100% so they gave me the shittiest ones the heat actually didn't work huh so with the winter it would be like eight degrees out or on a jack isn't like oh my god say mustard
00:48:49| laughing that shit didn't I loved it you know I mean it's made me Hardy it didn't have air conditioning either I would sweat my balls off yeah but I did install my own CD player in there and
00:49:02| I'm saying what was it from your previous car yes it was yeah gotta do what you gotta do um I remember this vividly because I would always have the windows down because it was no air
00:49:19| conditioning driving up Germantown Avenue someone come in the other way smashed my window this the the rear view mirror the one that you can change you reach out your window and you do
00:49:30| whatever wouldn't it sound like they were too close to you they aim too close to the middle ah and I was of course the middle one of us was too close to the middle hit it now it was so loose that
00:49:41| if I drove over 40 miles an hour the wind would actually push it so it was this way hmm that's another thing like if you go over then we started curves like words of it
00:49:51| it'll be parallel with me Oh like I can't see anything so I have to push it up you did 60 you just had to hold it hold her and there's no other way to see your two mirrors are very important but
00:50:04| you don't have a rear view mirror that there's no window when he hit that I remember I screamed fuck and glass shattered all over my face it hit every part of my vehicle I had to pull over I
00:50:19| was bleeding from my hand my face like everywhere and it didn't hurt terribly but the fact that it shattered the mirror into like a thousand pieces I got a piece of the back I'm playing mirrors
00:50:30| all around a cardboard as I'm delivering for like a week but it it messed me up to the point now where if I drove up Germantown Avenue and I was doing whatever I always scre little to the
00:50:41| right ah cognitive bias right there man and I'm the most confident driver in the world I still am but to this day driving up Germantown Avenue no matter what vehicle I'm driving I will kind of skirt
00:50:55| to the right and he tell him near the middle has trolley lines in it so it's like very bumpy weird Road it's a terrible Road but yeah the glass with me
00:51:06| the glass shards are a unique thing like it's don't live when I was holding up that windshield I mean in the after I tried to clean out the car glass shards are everywhere you sit down on a glass
00:51:16| shard and you know it immediately it's like cutting into your butt so like I was like they also were like sand where they stay with you and yeah so painful it's gonna break your break
00:51:25| it's like fiberglass you can feel it fabulous design is made of glass too right so it's like a point the glass is weird it's glasses of weird material Dixon
00:51:36| yeah so hold on check this one so I didn't get in an accident this time but I'm gonna mention on the podcast cuz I don't know if I ever did I took a ride with a friend of a friend we'll call him
00:51:51| Jack okay Chad was drunk wasted he got in the car with Chad he drove around Delaware back roads which are one way this way one way this way and was passing people on the right
00:52:08| and the left and I was laughing I was having a good old time we're doing like have hit triple digits too I was having the time of my life and it occurred to me some were mid way that I
00:52:23| was like this is not a good idea I was like dude I just remembered I made him so excuse we gotta go back and get something he was like hottest cool dude that's cool dude he dropped me off and I
00:52:34| was fine and to this day it was a crazy ride I love that ride but I would not wish anyone else to that ride I'm not I don't know how often he does it I don't know anything but you get in these
00:52:46| situations where that might happen you might be offered that right a thousand times you take it a long time and it's over as is told by Vanilla Sky don't kid in a car with a woman that
00:52:59| tells you you f me how many times that night a times that means love forever just drive off the road that's the other thing about Carson I actually have stats on Oh deadly they can be weapons of mass
00:53:23| destruction we talk about awesome they are I'm a character they have hell you remember all oh dude he drives a blue pickup every time I pick up well the death rates for people are like
00:53:33| ridiculously high like cancers like 30 or 40 percent and like cars are like what 18 ish I'm gonna guess percent didn't have that number
00:53:42| what I have is on 1.3 million people die year that's a lot that to 3287 a day it adds I injured slash mains left disabled got that's a lot that is a lot over half of
00:54:07| them are paid people aged 15 to 44 makes sense that's when you start driving right so um the number of people per million is actually going down in debts because our population is going up but
00:54:22| it's a little safer when we get in car accents very little a little safer because of the materials airbag sensors there all that stuff that we were gonna say down soon maybe seat belts different
00:54:33| kinds of Seabus to pretend to airbags side airbags sensors deployment very technological stuff that's helping us survive but in the first half of your life age 1 to 44 car crash is the
00:54:48| leading killer hmm one in the clubhouse folks you're not gonna die of HIV cancer whatever which makes sense you're 1 to and I don't know how it matches up but as a dying and you have heart disease
00:55:02| which is 1 in 6 cancer 1 in 7 chronic lower respiratory disease 1 in 27 also we're related to number one killers in the u.s. I think yeah these are yeah yeah I think it's us I see a picture of
00:55:13| the u.s. here yeah and then suicide is one in 91 and then motor vehicle crash is one in 102 so this is odds of lifetime odds of death for selected causes so most of us are gonna die of
00:55:26| like 2 primary causes and like accidents or 5 which is less than 1% which I was play off with 18% I'll say that we're but I think it's like this the surprising part is probably heart
00:55:42| disease and cancer chronic lower respiratory disease like those three things are top 3 you're not gonna die of those when you're 18 but motor vehicle crash yeah that's probably a much higher
00:55:53| percentage for people who are teenagers h1 244 car crashes number 1 nuts what was the Pertino the percentage now I didn't have an actual percentage okay it's okay it's alright dick it's alright
00:56:07| you can bring your research to the table this man so I didn't want to touch on a couple more before we get out of our vehicles and their stories I feel like a vehicle has its own stories like I still
00:56:23| remember a buddy of mine dan from college not this Dan different Dan he's like my best friend from college he drove a I don't remember what year it was
00:56:32| Oh too cheap roof at night 33 percent of deaths among 13 to 19 year olds are because of a car accidents 33 that's our that's a ridiculous amount insane it's over 25 percent yeah it's next step is
00:56:53| makes sense because the times that you are intoxicated and you manage to drive you while you're driving you think maybe I mean I'll be ok I need just need to make it to the spot and then once you're
00:57:04| done driving you're like well that was that was ridiculous like I don't think I want to do that again I think that was a minor mistake you ever drove drunk not to put yourself in legal trouble good
00:57:16| yeah I don't know what the statute of limitations is but I'm aware of but I know my kids would want to see this yeah yeah that's yeah well I I think the one time I may have I'm not gonna consent to
00:57:32| doing this children is that it's it's the point where things start to be warped in your own brain we're like things look like other things and then then that's the time to pull over
00:57:43| it's like I thought that was something and it wasn't and it like the true reality of what I was seeing is not what I was actually perceiving a party and on your way home you stopped or something
00:57:54| or I'm sorry I'm just I'm like I heard like you're seeing like cars but they look like something else or like you see a red light and you just completely blank on it you're like oh I didn't
00:58:05| realize that was red that's like that's a scary shit like you go right through one and you're just like that could have been really bad yeah that happens even if you're not
00:58:15| drunk some that Vince is scarier sitting in the world yeah Jonah out and go through a red light and you're like oh Sh oh fuck because it's too late you already been
00:58:23| through it you you literally survived death then you're like yeah I've done that maybe twice in my life and some one guy was like brewery swerving out of the way and I was just like stops I'm not
00:58:34| gonna stop because I didn't hit anything but holy shit again crap I'm pretty I was immediately going ads I did no no the only time I remember driving drunk was the Flyers beat the the only time
00:58:56| you may have driven drunk may have turned I definitely didn't put mm-hmm the Flyers beat a team Montreal Canadiens do you remember or Sandgate oh we were talking about this series where
00:59:08| maize corn on the breakaway and he nailed the goalie and then got up and sorta got up and scored anyway I think it was at that game well that was one of the best games I've ever seen not anyway
00:59:18| in the state he also trucked the guy earlier in that brokest no no that was someone else cook okay they have awesome commentary right anyway um I was in the parking lot
00:59:32| celebrating with dykes kazoos one guy I was at the series clincher so it wasn't that game I don't think and in the parking lot people were sharing raw alcohol everyone's having a good time I
00:59:42| fell asleep in my car woke up I drove home I know I wasn't good to drive home mm-hmm probably but we don't consent that we don't consent that it was bad so raw alcohol is what grain alcohol no no
00:59:59| like just from a bottle it wasn't mix it was like you know Jim Beam or someone had Jack Daniels or so I it was a dark liquid and I was sharing it with strangers which it's never a good idea
01:00:10| yeah so I was gonna segue into um so your car runs on gasoline right yeah not liquor do not put liquor in your car put or as well don't put sand in your car I know you
01:00:21| could but it's not good idea ethanol sure corn yeah corn oil is actually grain alcohol grain alcohol I guess that makes more sense now like Everclear yeah yeah
01:00:35| actually you could actually I think you can drink grain alcohol it's like up to States so it actually is what's in your gasoline so you might have actually been
01:00:49| drinking what you were burning that night while you were driving if it was stronger which it's you said it was that so hold on no no that wasn't but I drank um
01:01:00| the rumor was when I went to the University that you drank grain alcohol which was Everclear you could go blind shot you ever hear that rumor yeah I did I got mono from some guy telling me to
01:01:13| drink Everclear what did you do with him afterwards he had it on the rim of the drink I guess he while he was giving it to everybody it was one of those giant you
01:01:30| know like water cool like it yeah he had a whole jug of it and everyone drank it so I'm pretty sure everyone got mono from that one guy just like passing around or is from an eggroll friend
01:01:43| well yeah but is that the substance that's in ethernal alcohol like pull-up most common cause of blindness from drinking is methanol wood alcohol can damage the optic nerve and even kill you
01:02:01| in high concentrations hey don't drink methanol because it's gonna kill your optic nerves weird own shine drinkers outbreaks of blindness really yeah it's a real thing that the real thing Navy
01:02:21| house like there was a house worth it's the kids who all join the Navy or whatever we're in and I was like it horrible moonshine tell Todd him I wasn't afraid of it good thing I didn't
01:02:33| do that either yeah hmm that's wild I know that so I like how our car episode is mostly a drinking it's okay it's a freedom episode it's what's a cold that is freedom I mean
01:02:48| your car is freedom um your car also become synonymous with you like I've had so did you ever make love in your car sweet sweet love my god hold on I did it recently in my old vehicle my two-seater
01:03:05| my two-seater Jeep anyone's ever been a said that was spacious and it was a stick shift no no I we were making love in a two-seater Jeep in front of our house to try and keep a low profile and
01:03:20| while we were doing it we set off the alarm the other thing is see you're not from the city but car alarms become a lullaby like ambulance please [Music]
01:03:44| someone's broken in their car but like that was a part of my whole childhood and because you're so close to so many people they have so many vehicles uh-huh there's always a car loan Klump at all
01:04:01| times here's another one you remember the club I do remember the club - do you know how good the club is that's probably awful so growing up my dad um he had to buy a
01:04:17| new car every two years his disease it's called buy a new car over two years but uh he loses money every time he does it but he needs yes this is his biggest passion it's right
01:04:32| with his passion and it's not it's never a new car he just has to get a different vehicle every three years so since I've known him and been born he's had 30 or so they're both Wow thought right um I'm
01:04:47| also counting vehicles he tells me so really since I was born he's probably only had 20 but only 30 did you know we owned four conversion vans as a family like the vans where they have exercise
01:05:05| off hold on cuz Rosie's spinning around and back you can spin the seats and there's a TV in front of you right yeah four and then there's o or the red one which was the fancy one that cost a lot
01:05:19| of money it literally had backup music I always wanted one of those as you were backing up yeah what is I call Giuliani Joey something
01:05:34| ah it's gonna bug me anyway that was the backup music for the red band the red band had a boomerang antenna you could get those nice mini seats open the doors I could fit shit in the back for hockey
01:05:48| who's the coolest thing in the world we would Park it right out in front of our house write an alarm and a club but you don't you know that apparently if you have something nice people are always
01:06:01| looking at yeah I'm gonna steal it broken into stolen and found a week later like two bucks away just totally stripped uh-huh burns he strolled gold haha fu into it to forget some of the
01:06:16| metal they left in the Crescent jerks anyway they bought commercial vans after the fact but cheaper one they had a blue one a gray one and a white one and Nate yeah for like eight months they get
01:06:29| shitty year as he do and they never were that good but we would always put my hockey stuff in there that's why I started playing roller hockey hmm so I kind of hints it
01:06:44| like the city verse suburb so like the car made in the suburb I mean like the transcontinental highway I think was like the first Lincoln the first highway was in the Lincoln Highway which is like
01:07:00| say yeah he was gonna nod and go ahead with it but the like the true expansion was like I think 1956 when Eisenhower decided he was gonna put money towards an interstate highway like multiple ones
01:07:14| did we talk about how money was it was very Shady not very Shady but she in general nobody shadiness here okay come back without the spots they used for the highway on-ramps we're usually poor
01:07:32| neighborhoods they use an eminent domain to take over poor areas sort of what it is is if you picked a better neighborhood like if you picked this super nice all white suburb and you said
01:07:43| we're gonna put the interstate here you mind if we drop it down here they had a lot of money to fight it they would put it in courts that have all this stuff all these people would show up if you
01:07:53| did it an inner Seder in your inner suburb inner-city neighborhood usually they didn't have enough money to fight it they were like I got plowed over my hat right you know Joey's pollution a
01:08:05| little bit I don't think he call it evens and lean them less like no you could I mean for the good of the people if you could take over land that is for the betterment of the general populace
01:08:18| anyway they did it so that was like posting war yeah does everyone had a car at that point end of the war they're shutting down Levittown's they have a highway system spread of the suburbs so
01:08:32| the question I want to ask you city versus suburb what's better do you want your car broken into saying haha fuck you because you're surrounded by so many people or do you want to be in the
01:08:44| suburbs where you can keep it in your garage keep it safe I definitely like suburbs more now because I can be away from more people like there's still people in our age
01:08:54| group who've gone back to the city that have money and the people with money are avoiding that situation we just discuss gentrification Thanks there you go they buy the nicer places
01:09:04| in inner city and when they lock their show these things and lock everything and it's good on them I guess but it's not for me I actually think I prefer I prefer honestly the drive like I love
01:09:20| having car I love driving my favorite transmission manual transmission I know we touched on it but when I bought my 5 Mustang I didn't know how to drive stick shift but it was a 60th car my dad had
01:09:34| to drive it over in the dealership because I didn't know how and then I just started working on it I would drive around the neighborhood learn how to do first gear second gear
01:09:43| stall out do this you know I mean I burned the shit out of that clutch I'm sure I did and it was a v6 Mustang don't think I was a badass but um it was cool I learned on that car and then my next
01:09:56| vehicle had to be a stick shift because I loved it so if what the cheap that's what the 2012 2 door Jeep hmm and Alex loved man you can feel a car's heartbeat when you're driving stick shift you're
01:10:10| going I mean you can decide between 3rd and 4th that's a big decision it really depends on the road wrong if you're going through something the dip senses valleys you know throw that bad boy and
01:10:20| fourth you know what's coming up if you're coming up to a turn or something throw one third you don't even have to use your brakes you can actually save on brake brake pads try to determine you my
01:10:32| card with Milan you put the engine you put the energy into the transmission rather yeah it's gonna slow down it does it slows down a lot and you be like whoa okay
01:10:43| but again um you don't if you have a manual transmission you don't enjoy city driving yeah cuz you got to keep me popping it up and popping it down first
01:10:55| first gear sucks first gear is not a driving here it's a pull out of stop gear so you're stopping and going what's the my like it like if you hit like 10 miles an
01:11:05| hour you want to be out at first right may 12 7 mile an hour 7 drop for a second just anything to just start technically you can start in second if you're good
01:11:15| your cars maybe Rock the tiny bit I mean but anyway like yeah first gear the wasted here it's just a pull out here um so really city and city life and city driving I know it's not it's not it's
01:11:32| not for driving it's not beautiful it's not fun it's a duty there's traffic that's the other thing I hate traffic hmm which is something like cars opposite and have you been talking about
01:11:42| traffic yeah in the city you're always stop and go your lights and traffic and it's thick with people and people are probably the bane of my existence because most people are not smart
01:11:56| they're oh yeah other people don't know how to do things properly road rage we didn't talk about road rage at all people doing idiotic things cutting you off I see people all the
01:12:12| time cut across like three lanes to get over it's just like you could just you know wait and go to the next exit you could be polite about it and realize that you made a mistake and just accept
01:12:21| right come down to 32 one minute of extra time yeah we're last time or a head start of road rage often comes down to very very very small mountain car world but it's
01:12:40| perceived as bigger because as we're in our cars which is our worlds you just get this thing where you look at this son of a bitch you think you're gonna beat me to the red light he's doing that
01:12:49| paint me the red light okay focus car up I'm gonna cut him up I'm gonna kill his family whoa it was just to get to a red bike dude I'm not tailgating do you like
01:13:02| people on your on your tailgate do you slam on the brakes sometimes yeah I mean you pump them probably give her just like full stop so there's a standard I'd say a drive
01:13:14| faster than faster like usually do my Lera mm-hmm I'm almost never tailgated because if I do see someone tailgating me like a total mother like I'm doing 42 in at 35
01:13:28| dude you you want to do 50 like do you were do 50 I will literally pull over and let him go cuz I'm like yeah mm-hmm I don't want to cause this weird issue where he's tailing me and I'm pushing
01:13:42| myself to go too fast or I'm pushing myself to go slow on purpose to mess with him like this is all not my zone I try not to do that on the other hand if I'm trying to do 35 and a 35 or or 38 in
01:13:57| a 35 and you're doing 29 I'm tailgating you I'll turn on my headlights I will pass people hi babies are the past people now I don't do high-beam but I will pass someone like I
01:14:11| tricked them I get them cuz like I can tell that they're like slowing down to show me who's boss they're like whoa whoa pal this isn't a rush I'm gonna slow down let's show this
01:14:22| gentleman what real driving is I'll be where it's illegal to pass people to get away from you yeah wherever the whole it is and if they're slowing down the mess with me then they just prove themselves
01:14:43| I got you see ya thanks hmm there's no use making them angry making them Drive weird making me drive weird someone driving eight miles and under is messing with
01:14:54| the flow of traffic we've discussed this before I'm all about the greater good for the greater amount of cars and my driving helps people if you're going to screw with people and make them all
01:15:05| drive worse you're the problem sir or ma'am hmm you probably I do there are certain people that don't they're not paying attention to the flow of traffic they're not with other people they're on
01:15:18| their own they're on their Island they're driving however they want to drive no awareness we don't say they're dangerous they're doing 2535 they're causing
01:15:28| they're people to be dangerous screw them hmm you should get a ticket for doing 10 under you're making other people who drive crazy you're making people tailgate you you're making like
01:15:39| you know when there's like nine cars in a row and you're all going real slow and is owned where you're Everett and everyone's everyone's trying to figure out what's what's blocking away they're
01:15:46| like going on here everybody's driving a little haphazardly does that person cause of it we should kill them theoretically in hypotheticals with language with language so let's move on
01:16:03| to a slow finger as you drive past them doing the exact speed limit we know who those yeah I'm just gonna finish up with a top-selling vehicle with 2017 sure you think you got a grasp on this the United
01:16:19| States I don't know I currently have a Hyundai Sonata which i think is probably up there it didn't make the list but I would imagine sin at 15 I did oh no I did top 20 Oh
01:16:32| dang it it's okay as you probably owe the Elantra Hyundai Elantra that's good it's cheap yeah Fusion is also cheap right listen cheap is a reason it's right Thunder good car and it's early
01:16:47| it's just the most boy highlander boom sierra rav4 is probably in there keep mom will get their Sentra I want to go to the top five and see if you can guess so I'm giving you the answers here never
01:17:01| a Sentra Nissan Sentra Grand Cherokee number 15 Nissan Altima 14 Ford Explorer from 13 is it Chevy Equinox yeah mm up for escape 11 the old Corolla still chugging strong at 10 Honda Accord
01:17:20| number nine Honda Civic number eight boom the Honda CRV number seven number six we got the Camry Camry together m5 nissan wrote which is an ugly stupid vehicle my parents my dad owned one for
01:17:38| a while he did like it I got top four you said one earlier number for rav4 okay so I got three more I didn't mention any of these vehicles they're all the same kind of vehicle hmm one of
01:17:54| them are they truck one even wall huh you're good you're on this up so it's a f-150 that's number one baby number one sold big ones Silverado number two number two baby number three come on
01:18:06| bring us our shit I don't know it's another same class Ford f-series Chevy Silverado dodge Oh what the hell is the the dodge one Ram that's what it is yeah baby we got them one two three nice I'm
01:18:22| surprised that are so high cuz truck truck people are our dicks most of the time they are I actually agree with that and I think they sell more because it's like a work-related thing huh a little
01:18:33| bit work well but yes utility then they get shipped off to Afghanistan where they could be used as launcher you have seen like the guy who owned like a he put his business on the side of the
01:18:47| truck and his business foreclosed or something and then sold the truck and there it is like on the news like Bob's plumbing is firing rockets out of the back of a Toyota as his number right on
01:19:02| the side he's supposed to take the paint off of that yeah come on Isola T you're gonna change it so moving on I just wanted to touch on last but not least maybe I think cars
01:19:19| play a big part in our video games even we don't own this I'm just going with um I have GTA driver which doesn't get enough credit for what it is driving results I was like getting in the trains
01:19:31| in duty a like the early one you get on the train and just like the cops did you like ride a big butt - dude it'd be driving along GTA 3 was revolutionary I mean you could get in your car you can
01:19:42| get out you can start fights with cops it's a wanted level would occur like that happened in the earlier games but not in the three day I mean the other ones that come out to date yeah
01:19:53| Ranga world yeah did you get into the we talked about burnout games I know we get burnout yeah and the need for speed he for speeds they change the whole customize your whole car I think that's
01:20:08| what killed like I if I didn't play an e for Speed game where I could customize everything I would probably want to do that to my own car right now hold on we're talking about ultimate
01:20:18| customization game Gran Torino nineties memory smell you're thinking about the movie yeah yeah Clint Eastwood yes but yeah you could change everything right it's like you could make it like your
01:20:34| idols who need different ingrained to reason though yeah you can change your gearing ratio and stuff you can pick from a thousand different kinds of tires you wanted on your vehicle its are
01:20:46| different turbo rods and different gearshift ratios I'd be like but yeah give me the racing one just wild stuff but it taught me so much about rear drive cars rear-wheel versus front wheel
01:21:01| so you probably had you played some of these where and actually taught you how to drive I feel like most of the women out there that don't know how to drive never play the video games because they
01:21:11| haven't played video games yeah you never had your dict how the course is gonna be and how the other purple people were gonna like cut in your way you needed to cut that corner perfect and
01:21:21| then not get clipped by the driver behind you it's like that that sort of thing is pre-planning and you're already like shifting gears to get into that position so if I'm driving my country
01:21:30| back roads or whatever and no one's around I do racing lines you know there it was the most audible line for giving your speed well and for yeah so if you're
01:21:43| making a left turn you go all the way to the right side of the road and then cut in a deep cut right right if you're making a left turn you or right right turn you go away the left side of the
01:21:51| road because you're kind of you're you're changing your angle and it's less acute of an angle ah yes more obtuse yes that's easier on the car less turning less braking
01:22:06| keep your speed um yeah exactly I like that that's cool I wouldn't do it all the time that especially that city driving but lastly I wanted to touch on my look tonight I
01:22:18| was going with a mechanic look I'm a cancer Hey I'm a mechanic look what I Drive a deer that's deer says deer right mm-hmm Divac but the mechanics all wear these
01:22:33| right I think so I don't know mechanics where that at all I've never I don't hang out with my mechanic as he's working on my car they don't really let you back there he's
01:22:42| really popular mean LeBron mechanic you ever seen that one now it's LeBron James would have fake cigarette in his mouth and then dude like the thing over his head that says
01:22:53| that'll be $400 all bridge something like that it's like drawbridge similar in college I don't care I'm gonna score damn touchdown all right LeBron you mean LeBron mechanic team is pretty good
01:23:05| there's doesn't this point what we don't talk enough about mechanics do you got a mechanic in your family no actually that's so weird you're like the only one in the world really could be the spark
01:23:19| plug there could be the spark plug could be the alternator but I could probably fix it for 200 bucks that's literally the first one they made I remember that one my man good yeah I don't have
01:23:43| mechanics in my family usually looks most families do my my dad and my pop-pop were both or say handyman so they don't know how to do that sort of stuff but it's they're not here's what
01:24:00| here's can end this one what's the uh you ever change your oil in a car ever I've done it once and I don't want to ever do it again oh my god I didn't do it on my veil all alone and then my
01:24:11| daddy help me I changed my trans transmission fluid okay it's the same as oil if you want to do with this fucked up way draining out the you drain it through the radiator if the
01:24:22| radiator comes out the bottom I never dreamed it I'm adding transmission fluid when it was low but I never changed it interesting yeah I don't recommend it it's just annoying
01:24:31| let your mechanic handle it 400 bucks you ever had to change a tire I have tried but when they put like the bolts on there exactly our part I've done it once
01:24:47| here's a crazy one so me and my sister would drive to Delaware and her Mustang head gasket or something like that so we're just overheat and drip it was in bad shape we had to make a veteran
01:25:06| fellow keep pouring oil and a clock at night not oil it's usually antifreeze or water so we would pull over every 20 minutes and just pour water in there until it cooled and wait and then drive
01:25:17| for another like 15 my man comes up with that em wait oh dude is the worst in the world but like it's kind of shit I mean and I'm not a mechanic why talk about mechanic brother always like you
01:25:28| just uh you can always I just change your ball bearing joints up there and then clean up the shavings and then do what I mean it's just funny but that's how it is me gottam kind of relative and
01:25:51| then they don't want to do anything where he goes a mechanical day really just you doing it I'll tell you how to do it and you're like you do it that's kind of how it goes like I do small
01:26:04| thing for the car I get fix minor issues for them I'm not trying to I'm not looking to play with the tranny yeah don't let me fuck it all up this guy get his hands on a tranny who knows what's
01:26:15| gonna happen right squirt and grease all over the place so to sum it up we talk about every car made in America we talked about all the gear ratios transmissions at
01:26:32| everything popular we talked about how the Jeep Wrangler actually has the highest resale value of just about any car this is really three it's number three or four on every list every year
01:26:44| you know why cuz it here bring this is a fight night call the boys to be our anglers a little bit Jeep Wrangler so way more than they should every year they get voted by like Edmunds or
01:26:59| terrible whoever other terrible bad with wind horrible gas mileage unclamp don't have hardly any accoutrements they suck but they're also number two three or four on the resale value because you get
01:27:12| like more than even bought it for because you can't get a jeep anywhere else yeah cuz all the housewives have my neighbor a do you got lifted yeah damn
01:27:28| those women yeah Texas women baby anything you know let's get close no I have no idea you buy a jeep brand new uh after front door thirty grand right Kevin in the hand
01:27:43| come on in there alright I had to lift you look it and then you want tires because they're bigger let's add five five to eight and then you want a cool bumper because you gotta carry the extra
01:27:56| heavy tire on the back cuz you want the fit tire like six could you get in front and back made of real steel real heavy so you just spent twenty thousand on its predictions on a thirty thousand dollar
01:28:08| vehicle and I want that don't get me wrong I don't have that too it's just it's ridiculous and I'm getting and I'm getting 15 to 20 miles per gallon what are they getting eight much less Evans
01:28:26| really mad does that's nice anyway folks we covered every type of vehicle they make every type of vehicle they could make we talked about future vehicles like space vehicles self-driving tubes
01:28:42| we did you know we didn't we not God Tesla delivery guy I worry about the yeah where it goes real close musk no longer can be Chairman Minsk ah I think that's just about everything right
01:29:03| yeah hon deke did a pretty good job there I think we both did thanks for your help then Wow you're welcome done this episode of the value I had just been up into myself yeah well
01:29:17| folks tune in next week when we talk about carburetors oh yeah serpentine bells ring get some rotors ooh serpentine belt hi I had a water pump
01:29:34| oh yes yes having belt in my Lexus I drove a Lexus for a while yeah I wasn't even thirsty we needed a real quick for the podcast I stood up in my pontiac firebird and piss
01:29:51| into a jagged water bottle jagged you mean the tip was on a jagged portion of the water bottle the water bottle was too small at the top so I needed to open it so we were in five mile an hour
01:30:05| traffic where you don't get the stopped you're still going and there's our shoulder so I jabbed the bottle with a pen over and over ooh I get the pen through the whole bottle this is a water
01:30:17| bottle right I did it 40 times 50 times I really got a pig I'm just jamming this thing eventually I hit so many holes in it that I could pull it off how all these sharp tiny points Wow all over it
01:30:30| and the Firebird seats are low you're like it down the ground like this so I had to do this while keeping my foot pump gas just enough oh and I peed into a jagged water bottle and so what
01:30:49| like that shoulder it was stopped at the urethra is smaller than the hole all right you could have just plugged it or use like the blue like water balloon you just wrap it
01:31:00| around the tip I was circumcised just little zip ties and you're good we loved it thanks for listening like you like quite a bit a lot yeah I would say so thanks
01:31:22| for tuning in gay ok just next time

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