The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP073 Marvel Cinematic Universe Infinity War

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Transcript UnP073 Marvel Cinematic Universe Infinity War

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 73 - Marvel Cinematic Universe Infinity War
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00:00:02| who doesn't want to be a superhero when they grew up a spider-man Superman Batman all those tools all that power superhuman who wants to be the antagonist though Thanos
00:00:17| may be Darth Vader somebody with crazy powers that can control other people destroy half the planet we're gonna talk about super heroes and the villains and most likely infinity war come join us
00:00:35| so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective the taboo
00:00:50| forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion the mic you can get a little bit dirty warning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual
00:01:02| content and this for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music]
00:01:27| hi all right here we is folks ooh first superhero influence for you as a kid superheroes is that today it was all ready for this um my first real one is definitely like Wolverine mmm the other
00:01:50| ones I touched on like Batman and stuff I think I recognize them and maybe watch the cartoon like I like the was at 93 90 Batman the cartoon was a woman Jack Nicholson through a cartoon cartoon
00:02:03| cartoon hi house well done people still reference it today you know you know these things I don't realize I didn't realize how much they influenced me is I'm not a comic book nerd even
00:02:13| though I had the comic books I didn't really read them I just was like I'll collect them because they're a thing but I never really got into them but then I remember the movie starts x-men cards
00:02:21| gambit 92 93 94 FLIR and flare sets they suspend so we work with my dad on Saturday and I did a half day and work the full day with them who'd give me $5 and I could do whatever
00:02:37| I wanted with that five bucks and I would always ask him to stop me drop me off at the place on caster and Levesque and I buy x-men Clark's there exactly for 95 system every day he was like you
00:02:49| sure you don't want to just save it save your money here I was always like nope let's go yeah you sure let's just save your money no dad it's my $5 I want to spend it he's me
00:03:02| like he wanted baseball cards yeah something and I would buy a pack of x-men cards like every Saturday and I would put him in a binder and everything so I was a little nerdy but I didn't buy
00:03:16| comic books I played no did it have the prototypical Simpsons cashier person behind the counter uh I remember the place oh my god I said castor and Levesque which is
00:03:27| funny because the one near us was castor I don't know I'm thinking a Rising Sun and like if anyone's really paying attention there you gotta go to the right place still there no I don't I
00:03:35| only remember the guy from castor which was a different place and he was very nurse but hold and I think he always just tried to swindle people but then again
00:03:43| like my friends would be like I looked it up on in a book and this baseball cards worth like eight thousand dollars and if you go to him to try and salad you'd be like give you $25 hahaha
00:03:53| and we as kids would be like no way cards work so it's a whole different that's all episode we talk about what a rookie card of ken griffey jr. is worth a 94 FLIR Unlimited gambit card is worth
00:04:08| like you know name with the hologram emojis I can't I get it I can see that right now yeah yeah it was my nerdom as a child and I loved the x-men show the cartoon Expo with this Saturday morning
00:04:21| cartoons x-men Batman Superman and there's a Superman cartoon it wasn't that I remember the movies more so it's like I always resonated with him being like businessman and then going to the
00:04:34| phone booth and like taking off his glasses is there a joke in the one Superman movie where like he doesn't have anywhere to hit yeah there's no such thing but he's doing an alley and I
00:04:44| think he falls over himself trying to change clever clever girl yeah I think that's where some of these movies missed a mark do you think that missed the mark well I think some of the
00:04:55| more recent Superman movies they kind of like they don't do like the switcher Rama and then like he's obviously that obviously the same guy yeah but like was that
00:05:05| so once but it was it entirely it has to be there's no way or like or was it just stupid were they like whatever weird is gonna run with it no one's gonna question the plot there's the catch like
00:05:19| there's the catch that he can't transform cuz someone's like talking to him or he can't get to a private spot already can't leave at the point when really it looks exactly like it and then
00:05:28| as soon as he disappears Superman appears yeah that was like a trope like a joke a little bit yeah but he does it so well that's a court doesn't mean that his persona is based on being able to
00:05:39| like hide and change and come out like not many other superheroes I mean they a little bit but not exactly like him know this was very much a it was part of the spider
00:05:53| touch one that one a lot where's that damn Peter Parker yeah and then like you named spider-man would appear because he was always photographing him I think that was our like he slap his friend
00:06:02| give me a distraction but like he could change in like half a second cuz he just be like spider named our river I guess it'd be easier just to fly fly away give more mobility nobility and then come
00:06:17| back with your new outfit well that's so crazy Clark Kent just flew away I asked Superman flew back he committed suicide again again I'll see you guys later
00:06:31| why what was your first superhero thing when you brought it up I think it was like really like the thing that warped my mind was the Batman movie with Jack Nicholson or it was like there's
00:06:43| something like wrong with those movies like it's like I think the Penguins in that two things Danny DeVito it's just weasel shaped thing yeah he still is I think that's one of his greatest
00:06:54| qualities it's Danny Vito shape I think it something quite like it they didn't change his body shape for the penguin which is really sure they did I think it just is
00:07:05| flipper hand he had surgery to repair those at the end looking back and I didn't realize it when I first saw them cuz when you're a child you kind of ignore you ignore most of the plot you
00:07:18| accept the weirdness of it and you don't even realize it right but like there's something grotesque and weird about the penguin looking back if you watch like as I was like probably never eats eats
00:07:29| live fish and stuff and like yeah even his hands there's something grotesque and weird about the slipperiness like it's like freakish and like circusy but as a kid I was like haha he's like a
00:07:41| penguin look at me yeah there was a cartoon and like that I guess when we were in grade school there were a multiple like Batman Robin and Batgirl that was the franchise of like our great
00:07:56| school era I think rich girl they used Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl Oh Batgirl that's right that was like really forced yeah and they had shots of her but in
00:08:09| like a rubber suit and it would like jiggle a little bit and I was like as a preteen you're like oh that's that's interesting and then you're like oh that's some guide the back oh yeah so
00:08:24| those were the big ones we were kids it was like Batman Superman attack II x-men we mean like how the x-men that was it was a cartoon now as a movie I don't remember the movie so much right but
00:08:37| it's okay so that is interesting I did come up with something so we were in the the 90s right well well this all came from something something else dented denim and I had a list of all the years
00:08:53| of something that really caught me you're gonna touch on like how it was like clandestine like people who were nerdy like didn't really know it until these movies came out and then I know I
00:09:03| was before I'm going early er than that so that like a lot of these things were created before the 90s well before the apparently it started around the Mandrake the Magician was one of the
00:09:18| earliest things I could find it was kind of adventurous and magical but super powdery like 1939 and then there was the Adventures of Captain Marvel 1941 Batman and Superman 1948 it's weird that they
00:09:39| all came out in that like five years fan or penance them eight years band it turns on a trope it's like we won the war we could make anything we wanted to and we were the idols of the world at
00:09:50| that point and then so many things tie into like nuclear power and villains taking down Hitler so you create a half of superheroes out of killing Hitler or taming the atomic bomb right and I'm
00:10:03| sure we can trace the superhero stories all the way back to the first of like ancient tribal people worshipped certain heroes that would take on the god of whatever so I understand it's been
00:10:13| around forever but it's funny that we rehash these characters and people and superheroes from the forties do you think there are they're all taken now weird they can't be right I mean
00:10:26| spawn was originally like I was trying to cover it I was the first one I could pick up I'm not sure why I think they're like the dark versions are available like Deadpool one was Deadpool create
00:10:35| yeah yeah right that's a new right Deadpool would not have been made before t so now he was an x-man though I had his card in the 1992 oh yeah yeah 1990 one thing check that out listen this
00:10:51| raises a really little gorynych point yeah so we almost should base this whole episode around comic books which neither of us have any expertise now but I think that's the wrong angle though because
00:11:03| there are plenty of comic-book podcasts out there that cover this in so much detail whether this we don't sleeping off a little dot on your nose no thank you giving you one of these mm a little
00:11:15| finger but um no like all these came from comic books and I think if we somehow did it Crennel chronologically we find that the heroes from the 40s and everything they had American shields
00:11:28| like they were super patriotic oh you're clean khaki Superman yeah yeah it was a characteristic of those that time frame there's not like Captain Captain America Iron Man war machine and
00:11:43| then you're thinking about Man of Steel Superman well there's lots of those even on Batman was like a darker version of a superhero right yeah like there's something dark about him he was tortured
00:12:00| or you lived in pain or like he was a millionaire but he was like needed to beat people up at night or volts we could read on it but and then the x-men was around the same time for me at least
00:12:12| and they were very excellent cast offs they had exile well what's crazy is if you really get into the x-men thing like the x-men were the good guys who were cast off like they had the x-force
00:12:23| x-factor X all these other X teams and they were all like darker versions like cable Deadpool Domino and all these like real we liked our ass like friggin almost bad
00:12:36| guys like borderline bad guys like they would blow up like human medical ol centers because they were affirming all mutants and free mutants and then you had Newton bad guys I just I think the
00:12:48| reason I keep coming back to X minutes because I collected the cars but also because I don't know those the deviants I think there was like a so like grade school had like the Batman movies and
00:12:59| they got cheesy fast with like Ice Man and like some other class they did if I did Robin so tegi see Christmas witch from comics to movies and I think because movies in that generation what
00:13:12| cheesy fast yeah I don't think they have the effects to cover what they were trying to do so they like praying over things that were just kind of tacky when certain tropes were already like
00:13:24| inherent in film so that like they just applied it to the superhero thing feel like they just slapped the film a recipe for the perfect film of the time the 90s film on whatever they wanted romantic
00:13:36| comedy let's do it on superheroes let's do it on this so he weren't seeing necessarily an evolution of superheroes so much is just that was 90s film and this is a superhero version yeah I think
00:13:47| you're right the Batman woman got cheesy it was like yeah it's dated at this point and the development started having one like CGI where you can actually do interesting stuff you know like slow-mo
00:13:59| like they had like listen I'm the flash they have like the x-men version of the flash where the guy can move like slow-mo and you can see it in like three dimensions almost or it's rotating
00:14:11| around people and it's just like I think our high school era I'm gonna say maybe even college era like most of those are like x-men movies I feel like that came out strong and then faded I think you
00:14:25| there's time periods young that what's his name D um I go by the Wolverines yeah cuz now Q Jack you Jackman's aging out so like they have phases where they can
00:14:35| like get all these people that are big names that can be like muscular and iconic and then it's like towards the end of it all there's superheroes are now too old to play
00:14:46| superheroes so they have to rethink Lee yes so you have to fit it in a certain time line before we get to the big one what about like um Spider Man Batman's well let's do the Spider Man's cuz
00:14:59| spider-man's are even three times since my like yes who was a Tobey Maguire yeah they had three movies or so I I'm kind of curious now yeah and look it up because he was also like the worst I
00:15:12| really hated him as an actor like his something about him bothered me like he's a weiner and I guess the idea is that he's Peter Parker but he can also be a badass fighter man but his voice I
00:15:23| think more than anything because even when he wore Spiderman app they feel like look out I don't know I think he's kind of too smug he's not um he is smug you have to be like a little under
00:15:35| confident to be a spider-man in the beginning like you have to be taught a little awkward well who um who was the next spider-man I think it was the Garfield kid speak today I'm not sure
00:15:48| and that one's already done they've rebooted it a third time I'm not correct yeah Andrew Garfield I think he probably played the part I don't know I only saw the first one
00:15:59| actually I didn't see homecoming remember now homecoming is Tom Holland I think yeah I think Andrew Garfield had two before that and I think he was aging out so they needed to reboot it and then
00:16:12| also they gave him like love stories with what's-her-name Emma Stone yeah Miss America Oh was it understanding it yeah and his the plot to those things was not that
00:16:26| great it's the same thing with like the DC like the Batman and Superman and although Wonder Woman was pretty good I like that a lot like their plot to talk like intertwine everybody like the
00:16:39| dialogue between them is terrible and then it doesn't feel like if you don't have a sense of like what their range of powers are or whether they're in trouble or not they always run this is gonna be
00:16:52| the crux of the whole issue we're doing right now you want to hit on the big guys I mean because we're gonna around a little bit quick yeah Bella
00:17:00| movies The Avengers right mm-hmm what was the per what was here the first one so technically it was the Hulk the Incredible Hulk was the first one with uh Edward Norton uh-huh no that doesn't
00:17:14| count that's what you would say but they included it in like the I think there's like twenty sometimes yeah commander cannon the cannon even called the cannon the cannon the cannon sail
00:17:27| consider that the first one but that's me yeah and I watched that one and it didn't really I mean it is okay to watch I mean it was it was okay to watch you
00:17:34| have to take an account that it was done eleven years ago prob'ly well we're gonna touch on some other movies that were done like 10 11 years ago huh like what was the first
00:17:43| Avengers one that had like all of them is it's not the Avengers it's um Marvel's The Avengers it was called and I think that was the one where they opened up a portal that was caused by a
00:17:53| Loki and maybe Thanos soon in like things started coming through which that one like once in a week with my kid that one was awesome that's a person alone I don't like
00:18:02| Jeremy Renner so it pissed me off every time I saw his face he plays such a suspend not an important role but now he's just as he hit something with an arrow surfetta so that was called The
00:18:16| Avengers right yeah new it's a second highest-grossing super hero film of all time the second highest out of this out of this catapult superhero all superhero movies in general it's not part of this
00:18:32| is it part of this event it's infinity war of Avengers yeah it's the second high instead of every superhero movie ever made that's about 1.5 billion you know the
00:18:46| like that one was that great I like that one you know why it tied together here's here's the crux of the whole thing I think the Avengers type series the
00:18:57| cannon the water will repel me about is the apex of superhero films oh yes we clearly hit a time where superhero films like the ones in the 90s were mainstream but they were they weren't like
00:19:09| critically acclaimed they weren't like except um Batman played by uh Oh is his name not know he got the kind of man he got so chubby I know he did I know he didn't
00:19:23| marry it psycho you know it Christian Bale he had the trilogy I think that was dominating in yes college that was college time yes that was I think that was in the top five and a grocery comes
00:19:35| two of them yeah The Dark Knight Rises trilogy yeah for everyone all that the dark yeah that was really really well done well that's cool Christopher Nolan right directed damn I guess it became
00:19:47| like Windows movies got directed they were a directed by one of the best directors at the time be they had some of the biggest budgets at the time some of the biggest stars some of the
00:19:56| greatest like editing like really great soundtracks they literally probably the best films of their era the Joker and the bank and the beginning so good even on Heath Ledger the way tied after that
00:20:12| roles it's good but I'm saying it isn't it it made his role that much more eerie that much more palatable like there's something weird yeah that was a psychosis that uh most people probably
00:20:31| don't have like that he became the Joker and that's why he did it like I don't know and that's like a hundred said sure that's a rumor and probably has little bearing on it with
00:20:41| me maybe he lost a woman I don't know that's that's crazy it's uh yeah those movie or the best made movies of the year if not you know up there in the top three and at this point the Avengers has
00:20:57| taken that a step further they've increased the production value star power is through the roof I'm gonna pause you right there go ahead please cuz you're a hundred percent correct but
00:21:07| you have to show the Kent like the the part where it and like movies fail so the bringing together of all these superheroes the biggest failure that there was Suicide Squad or just these
00:21:19| data failure I don't know the numbers I saw it I didn't like it I didn't like it either it didn't have any feeling to it I don't even know how much younger if we were to split the two it's Marvel
00:21:29| vs. DC is that it I think that's a DC movie and that's a DC I think DC always come as a it's globally it's like 750 million dollars that's pretty good but yeah it's bizarre it's sucked right yeah
00:21:46| what I can't remember anything about it I watched it twice and I was like confused out I don't like the ones where it's like they do like all the superheroes are just a cameo of who they
00:21:57| are yes it's like a joke or like a yeah appearance for appearances sake yeah you don't get any feeling for who they are even like it's problem because they have
00:22:10| comic books written like full volumes written about these characters where you could just reveal pieces of the comic books to the audience who might not have read the comic books might not know who
00:22:20| any to do croc is and I mean croc yeah instead they do like a one-liner right that's just it's it's kind of a throwaway they're bringing them in just to say oh this is the biggest movie of
00:22:32| all time we even have croc like did he mean did you see what's his name I bet yeah I know which mutant that is I actually think it was cool when the x-men did it like in x-men movies they
00:22:43| would be going let's see which mutants are available and they would scroll through like 14 of them and if you were an x-men nerd you'd be like I'll do this pirate oh my
00:22:52| god yo he's a fuckin the dude from electrical like it's really nerdy cool but I think that's subtle because if you weren't paying attention you wouldn't even notice I think the way the DC thing
00:23:03| did it is like it it's you over the head like they introduce a character and give you a one-liner and it's like you don't see him again until you need to even do this yeah well the x-men used like a
00:23:14| combination of things like if you have two people with two unique superpowers sometimes it would combine to be like a unique power so like if you have a group of three you'd be like wonder what
00:23:23| they're gonna do with this and then they would spin off to like be a combination force and then they'd break apart and then you have like a new grouping of people so it'd be like watching
00:23:31| something brand new from different perspectives of superpowers that's pretty cool yeah it's all I had on it you had an example for me because I didn't have an example like he's
00:23:42| probably got something no he didn't boo back to my train of thought because this is a tell I'm telling you this is literally how I feel as an English person a cinema file mm-hmm god bless
00:23:55| excuse me and someone who enjoys like nerdy video like superhero stuff it's we've reached this apex it's so well produced these movies are actually so well dialogue
00:24:09| they're so over in they're so well cast it's the first time so friggin well done it I can watch any of these movies and B not know anything about superheroes or
00:24:20| anything and think it was a damn good friggin movie like it's not just for fans of Thor or fans of Ironman you watch that movie and you hate superhero movies you'll still love that movie so
00:24:32| entertaining because it's just it's a well-done product well in the beginning hope it'll last in 20 years but it's so well done everything about it and the been in the beginning you can't tell
00:24:43| that they're like building into something so I think after Iron Man and Incredible Hulk like you couldn't tell that there was something forming they had planned this out
00:24:55| I think Iron Man 2 started to play individually is it all officially like they knew this was gonna happen there was different phases to it and I think they were looking at how successful each
00:25:03| phase was I make sense right all right the first inkling I got since I watched most of them recently was that in the war there's one where he returns to earth and like he has to like pick up
00:25:15| his hammer because he's like been dethroned but he doesn't have the power because he's not like honest and truth or whatever and they have Hawkeye Jeremy Renner's character how's it but he was
00:25:26| like guarding it for some reasons and Cyclops at Marvel anyway yeah poor Cyclops but yeah he was just like around and at that point I figured they must have known that he was gonna play a
00:25:40| bigger part in the future movies so they're just introducing him and it like when you actually use the same people as the characters it means a whole lot I'm worried it does because continuity
00:25:51| because if they pick the new actor and did hawkeye again later it would feel less it was like a continuous universe looks like war machine they they cast in Don Cheadle
00:26:02| after like the second one because uh it was the first war machine I just have gone to - I wanna say his name is Howard something and I'm not gonna say his real name because the the story about him was
00:26:13| that that he has really a really creepy dude and like he would do weird things on site that there were stories about him when like he would have like he would so I don't know if this is true
00:26:24| I'll press a preface to this is that like he would have like weird we known your blast Howard sexual proclivities and like he would require the women to do certain things not sexual just like
00:26:36| in preparation for it so it was just like rapes barefoot in front of them while they like yeah like you sure you need this for your next line yes I guess name he was in Hustle & Flow - I forget
00:26:50| that guy's name but he's creepy he's creeping all around some some people are like Kevin Spacey I'm not come there's something weird about I mean Spacey up till the allegation yeah well up until
00:27:03| you man really loves me anyway so we can agree that Beyond The Avengers movies are the best well done yeah I'm curious what their contracts look like like you have to sign on to be like because I
00:27:20| think Captain America Chris having lawsuits if he gets bad yeah I think you have to maintain your physique and also you sign on for like clothes new you lose a leg what do you
00:27:33| do what if you what if he dies or insurance for that yeah would it be died this is great this is just great everyone's like died and people are like this is terrible
00:27:44| you're ruling the franchise on Avengers screw this only move on Avengers they couldn't reboot it I really think this is the perfect storm of popularity nerd culture cinematography and the budget
00:28:00| all coming behind and success I don't think you see it again I think this is like the high-water mark from here the movies will get shitty or like everything will get spaced out
00:28:07| different companies will break apart and like this production company that worked on it works with another company and they're like we want our own piece of the pie we're gonna make Thor eight and
00:28:16| they and I it's just gonna be too watered down sooner or later well you can tell they're planning this out to be like a CGI event at the end but in the beginning so like one of the flops
00:28:26| quote-unquote is like the first Captain America movie which I love where he's first one he's like super nerdy in the beginning and then they like stick him in a chamber and they beefed up yeah it
00:28:35| gets all beefed up that one did go a little slower for me I didn't hate it I'm not saying I disliked it well it's a total like this was not see Hitler rip so it's like kill the Nazis and then
00:28:47| they freeze them in ice at the end and he comes back to be part of the Avengers get it he'll anachronistic not in this time anachronism and anachronism and cronyism anachronism
00:28:59| it's anachronism oh yeah so it's like I don't know if that's part of the comics I never read them but it seems like that's weird that him and his friend are both existing in a timeline like what 70
00:29:17| years later yeah there is um there's a funny thing about comics you run into because they weren't like we're talking about the highest mediums of film how everything there's um there's a director
00:29:30| of cutscenes who knows when they do camera cuts what hand Thor was eating the Apple in like if there's a scene where he's just eating an apple and they know how much of the Apple is bit so
00:29:41| that for the next camera scene that Apple better haven't seen him up like someone's job he's holding it in the same hand that's I'm no knob like that's not continuity thank you
00:29:49| but they do it throughout the entire thing conversation eye level what you're wearing which way you're facing it's it's to the extreme the exact opposite is how these comics are written like I
00:30:01| think there's like different timelines they like make shit up like Oh son you appear it's like a week later because it was a comic book it's like you do whatever you want like I think like
00:30:09| every comic series like I think x-men took on Hitler I think Captain America took on Hitler I think Superman beat up Hitler you just made a comic book because it was
00:30:18| super-serious you could just be like haha run when Superman spun the earth backwards and went back like four days so he can bet on the Denver Broncos to win the Super Bowl it's like that
00:30:27| happened it could have happened you know what I mean like there's a goofiness the comics where they did all sorts of stuff but now that this is like super serious like you take this stuff very inserted
00:30:40| for your rows going with that I just know that like the cup if you go by the comics you can find every example of everything like it doesn't have to make sense yeah it doesn't we're trying to
00:30:51| make sense of it in the movie world but the contradictions so like yeah things that don't necessarily make sense or logically fit into this movie regardless like people don't the comic book nerds
00:31:03| have probably pointed out because they care a lot of other characters not necessarily that was in the comics or not just that it doesn't fit with the timeline of events which kind of fits
00:31:13| into the theory of what's happening now since we haven't seen adventures Avengers endgame yet coming up it may have dropped by the time this episode dropped before we do that can we rank
00:31:26| the Avengers the people the characters yeah the heroes yes the heroes let's see here which my list when we were opening up there so there's a huge list you can do
00:31:40| just the top give me yeah yeah like give me like top 10 ish you know what I mean like and then rank them that way hmm we're down Catholic Hawkeye how far down last probably I haven't kind of layer is
00:31:54| he even in to recall him and well did he die he got like arrested her somebody to me he was in jail uh yeah child porn Oh getting mad basically a joke he was never arrested for anything
00:32:10| comedy folks but he did did he show up in the uh yeah let's uh hold on a second that's interesting I have to see we got brainwashed and the
00:32:27| one I think it was the Avengers they came back and helped them anyways shooting bows and arrows Wow regulations do it with mastering at but like a hundred years ago I didn't bring down
00:32:37| there's there's so many people in this day and movie it's just ridiculous what about just heroes bring them down all right you're number one reason Oh Mon Avenger
00:32:50| this is hard because they're purposely built for different aspects of a personality that's which i think is a great writing implement and I mean it's great writing and great like just
00:33:00| planning it's good let's say not to Chawla cuz I don't I don't feel any that's the pronounced that way I think it's too tall alright you might be right he just is a he seems like a filler
00:33:20| character he's meant to pull on a certain demographic and that's fine that's good I watched his movies and I was like ok that's ok it's entertaining to watch but I don't feel like that
00:33:33| doesn't really I mean doesn't really speak to me maybe he's the little sister who's doing the like science but she still it's like tacky when people are doing science on in camera like we are
00:33:46| it gets tacky when they're like oh there's 2 trillion neurons and uh why didn't you do this with them it's like come on now you don't need to come on come on you know nice I like uh uh give
00:33:59| me my three I think Captain America is like a no doubt because that's like that's the symbolism of America and he's these two like the leader two plus there's the moment where
00:34:12| they're in the train station where vision and the other I never remember the Olsen twins non twin she's like about to defend against this two aliens and then like the train goes by and like
00:34:26| you see a silhouette of Captain America and then like the the girls like turns a little bit and then like Olsen twin Hunan number three she turns and it has the music playing and
00:34:37| that was the first time I was like I like I feel emotions during this I oh my god this is good and that has like hit then there was a sequence of events where they took down those two and it
00:34:47| was like like really nicely tore choreographed we're like three people war machine and black widow yeah so cat yeah Iron Man is my number two huh probably
00:35:02| Thor what was that what was my pen I was just like oh it's Airy wrote my top three well how do I close her door easily Chris Hemsworth hilarious handsome strong well he just had a
00:35:17| massive Ragnarok movie that was the best that was the best individual movie of all of them I agree Jeff Goldblum on yes yeah oh that was Jeff Goldblum you saw that one I bought multiple times I love
00:35:35| it I love it so much it's funny in pieces to like the dude it's very good oh yeah it's my favorite it's my favorite one because it's also the funniest one it's very tongue-in-cheek
00:35:44| mm-hmm and my favorite character store and percent worth is super handsome yeah I know it shouldn't count for anything some a guy but like he's a haircut I like that yeah that's profound that's
00:36:00| built into the whole thing and the other thing that's really cool about that one is his sense of humor is really good the movie schemer is really good super well done and it starts off with a Led
00:36:10| Zeppelin song and him kicking ass and help Oh super no yeah so good so is it unfair that they stole like what is it Norse Norse mythology ology didn't the comic already I mean you're basing on a
00:36:28| comic are you allowed to appropriate or like a religion for your own purposes like that religion doesn't matter anymore it's like you just like Buddhism who has ten people in like random so if
00:36:40| you could make Buddhism popular would they be like oh you can do it like you can't right now can we make Buddhism popular right now Christianity you have Jesus as a
00:36:48| superhero he cannot think you can do that it's Willow cross oh he's be with you mother he shoots the nails out of his yeah Oh a joke to me like that like
00:37:06| Christ to cross I feel like oh man a joke about like a superhero Jesus let he who without sin is the first to kick ass or something laser eyes anyway no tours my number one by like a mile and who a
00:37:24| Ragnarok and I favorite movie in this whole everything all the super yeah that was the perfect setup to the beginning of this really you watch that one and then this one the infinite war one yeah
00:37:36| the other cool thing about the thor ragnarok is the authority like it's perfect that it was kind of just those two for a while like dude enemy yeah well they're so
00:37:46| likable as people and characters as well that it's hard not to oh what's that guy's name again yeah thank you damn it yeah me jokes about Mark Ruffalo I couldn't remember his
00:38:00| name he's well he's like the sensitive side it's like he's he's handcuffed to his role like his character is that he has no control yeah and they make that the Hulk is
00:38:16| ridiculous yeah but I feel like he's gotta play a huge role in the next one even the Duty meets in the UM when he's waiting to fight in the the wars oh it's like I made a rope well you think I'm
00:38:31| what do you do a year I'm Thor District seven he's like I don't know I guess I'll be here a bit made of rocks here I mean anyway alright Hawkeye's at the bottom we're good
00:38:50| yeah who are your other ones Hulk was number two in iron man was number three America like for something badams too serious and too American everyone knows I'm a communist so like the the comic
00:39:03| relief is obvious and we kind of skip over them as superheroes like the guardians of galaxy cuz that's kind of like a dead polish kind of comedy a little bit but they re
00:39:13| galaxies who makes that it's Marvel right oh you could see they marvel cinematic others actually think I'm torn between guardians guardians of galaxies guardians of galaxies and Thor Ragnarok
00:39:28| my son actually explored into the galaxy movie and I think they have the perfect amount of humor like they have the right mix of characters but they work as a group so like individually they're not
00:39:38| as big as any of the other ones whole but yeah you feel like there's something there when you have them all together yeah like um is it Bautista please Jax then Jose after school by the list of
00:39:52| like like Ebola from haha the raccoon called you stupid like it is over the top yeah it's so good yeah and then like Bradley Cooper is the raccoon was like a real smartass like just narcissist
00:40:11| klepto it's just really good and then um hmm I actually like the interplay between Gamora and her sister elder sister's name how the robot who each other like they yeah they want to kill
00:40:23| each other all the time but like they till like they always don't and I think it's intentional even though it looks incidental there are some names that don't stick and like her name is one of
00:40:37| those that just doesn't stick I think it's narrow you're looking at yeah it is Nebula guy yeah you're right because that's the wooden area it's too nebulous yeah but that's like
00:40:48| essentially groups and I think that the interplay between characters is important and that's why these Marvel movies do better than the friggin DC movies it's because interplay between
00:40:57| all these characters yeah you know I think they realize that early when they were doing it with like Edward Norton I think they figured out but like he can't play well with others
00:41:06| this is gonna work but the everyone after that I think they cast them with the purpose of making it work like they probably do like team building things where they go
00:41:15| like on intense and hit pillow fight maybe like I guess planks they have to cross a moat and like not fall into the pit blindfolded yeah there's probably a lot of trust Falls yeah I did but
00:41:27| touching while someone likes someone fall into the grass everybody laughs yeah it has to be I mean so well done and again I touch on this like nine times I can't get enough of it maybe
00:41:41| because I'm an English major but they have the perfect dark moments in these movies yeah dark moment in a story is where everything looks like it's at its worst and these movies do it better than
00:41:52| any movie ever it's like each hero is already fighting the individual battle whether it's guardians of the galaxy or the Avengers it looks like they're outnumbered losing
00:42:01| one of their people that was supposed to turn off the portal or or shut down the Machine is is losing the battle and it's a human age reaching out and can't reach and the music goes down and it's like
00:42:13| wow it looks like our heroes are gone and then like and then like um miss rabbit change by Fleetwood Mac happens you killed my mother love is the answer or something you know everyone finds the
00:42:29| that turnaround point and then all five heroes or all six heroes start fighting back and winning their battle and everyone at home was just like at home like yeah yeah underdog whoo yeah this
00:42:44| it's a perfect combination of I mean there's probably a formula for it I'm sure it's not complex but it's no well done they all do it let's hold up let's talk about the villain blenheim you like
00:43:00| the villains dude all right so the newest one age of Ultron soon to be supplanted by what's the one that's coming out very recently or tomorrow or whatever this episode huh endgame or uh
00:43:13| Captain Marvel's coming out to but I don't think I don't know what the villain and marvel will be an arse badass then I'm just going with the we're
00:43:23| talking about age of Ultron so the age of Ultron was a spinoff it's like it was essentially AI you're battling like I think it's vision is like a version of good AI versus the
00:43:33| Ultron was his bad AI know it makes them yeah an Ultron was trying to destroy the earth or something because it was good for him I don't know who knows you think oh yeah
00:43:47| I just remember he tried to lift like an island of rock up into the sky and then drop it and then somehow it be like a mini meteorite let me do your this is weird I just remembered
00:43:59| so star-lord Chris Pratt huh could he have ended the whole thing so there's a moment there with Dennis and the gauntlet all right so well it's good offense first Thanos is an interesting
00:44:14| villain right the order of the stones so I don't even know the backstory he was part of the first Avengers where he was somehow that was his army like the things that were coming through the
00:44:24| portal were his army from I know that makes sense okay he's also in guardians of the galaxy because it's his xenian Family Stone that's one of the yes name Xander
00:44:37| cuz that one yeah it is and earth medicine yeah anyway he has a scene where he he says that knows I no longer need you and toasters jewelry dude it's like you know it's a big scary purple
00:44:47| dude yeah but uh scary grimace but he's in both and then like he's like this arch Ward behind all are towards and he's just full of worlds and he has his call it of course he played by a what's
00:45:03| his face he's just dominating yeah where's this face I how do we not know it's weird because the villains they have so much makeup on it you can never tell all they do the villains are so
00:45:16| good that's the other thing I we haven't even talked about villains we're talking how could you lose our villains like make it they're so powerful Josh Brolin oh rollin rollin it's weirdly we call
00:45:31| him happily we know him so well really we know him is bro back in high school days it's crazy I so like doesn't look anything like him it is like regular wood yeah well I mean I
00:45:43| think that's purposeful to make them non-human whenever you have a villain that's like think of Darth Vader or any the other ones we kind of touched on the beginning again episode do they look
00:45:52| anything like who they look like listen even in-store fader old white guy boy so drones yeah he's white thunder there what you couldn't well you couldn't make
00:46:05| him black at the end you just couldn't there's no way the I guess that would be yeah that would be like 1970s 90 tooth yeah well anyway good on them I guess although in a way didn't give James or
00:46:19| all any credit why they did anyway the prank I got your money I knows he's wrong so he's collecting the stones he's got the power stone which makes him as strong as Hulk or
00:46:31| stronger does the first thing they show the battle between the two like we have a Hulk and then he's like well you Hulk doesn't matter to me CRE has that stone and then he's got
00:46:42| space stone hmm the space stone makes him like so he could warp wherever he wants to repower mmm-hmm and then they go to that space station that's like destroyed that's where he gets the
00:46:57| reality stone they try to like shoot them with a laser thing all my rows come out in like hologram around yeah and then Drax turns into cubes yeah I just I think at three stones you're done you're
00:47:09| like I could rule the universe with these three because you can go anywhere in change reality that's pretty power you can teleport around you do a lot of like that's
00:47:17| pretty that's pretty ripped and if you could just change every reality everywhere you can probably kill half the people in the world the universe keep in mind though that Galactus the
00:47:27| destroyer of worlds could probably like grab and eat Andrew Mamu was it drew mama dr. strange you know watch Star Trek Doctor Strange I did I don't remember that name present khalaqtu see
00:47:41| it was answered I don't know if that's his other name where he he purposely gets in a time loop and your mom who tries to kill him every single age actually does but yeah / he
00:47:53| does mrs. drew mama drama mu forgot about dr. schurman's that's awesome actually like dr. strange easy he doesn't make your list because he's not he starts off as a cocky son of a
00:48:07| bitch no one likes people who start off wealthy and cocky one of them is it thor ragnarok where he like keeps messing with the were in the when he appears in
00:48:19| his house and he's like he just sits down let me has a beer in his hand he moves again oh yes it's like a coke right behind him he smug he's smug in his superpowers
00:48:32| pretty good pretty good Pano's yeah max Athena's words down yeah time stones which was given to him by dr. strange control time pretty good because dr. strange looked at all the
00:48:46| futures and then chose the one where he had to get the stone interesting I think before they had the soul stone though he had one all right this old stone the one where he makes the big yeah he
00:48:59| sacrifices one of the true loves of his life boiler I don't know that anyone what is the soul stone supposed to do exactly it makes you not able to have yourself defeated mentally emotionally I
00:49:15| don't know because you're you've given up your art soul and everything and now you have the power and not suffer emotional damage I made that up so it's the the true definition is that allows
00:49:25| the user steal control regulate and alter living and dead souls at the full potential of the soul stone grants the user control over all life in the universe which sounds a little bit hefty
00:49:38| come on that bitch of these things is really good yeah somebody made that I think that one stone yeah so you control all university could force half the people in the world Justin cuz you're go
00:49:50| off with you'll they die just self jack off totally I at the moment you said that I envisioned Indiana Jones you know when hey Kali ma
00:50:01| [Laughter] when he he he he doesn't choose wisely and he's like he's like the chalice and then he drinks from it and then he just like like the wax melts away from his
00:50:15| face you you lose all your fluids and you just dry up melts away I just realize how funny it would be it's the one person who follows this podcast big fan of the podcast they'll ban favorite
00:50:35| thing in the world is comic books Kali ma days he'd be so pissed he went on this episode we've invited everybody as I get $10 microphones hey guys by that I mean $10 laptop and
00:50:48| doubles as a microphone built-in against a Chromebook now with microphones [Laughter] anyways they're 1/6 own is that the one he gets that this is the one what was
00:51:02| the order I forget can you read can you recount one day he's got this whole you just got this whole stone okay I have to get the time stone told stone no there's it's the one where the third Olson has
00:51:13| to kill vision to break the stone and then he reminds time and it snaps that was his synapses snaps it out of my synapses way to play that word no I don't let's talk about Chris Pratt you
00:51:32| really like respect Pratt he um he's like a joke he's Andy in parks and recreation oh yeah he's fat he's don't be he's like kind of like like dopey it's so his
00:51:46| transformation into his service megastar you're like whoa he's pretty good in Jurassic Park like he's getting beefed up and then all sudden he's star-lord this is frickin a a star-lord is fine
00:52:00| with me all the time in kicks ass baby songs brain [Laughter] that's a 60 sighs yeah sixties what's
00:52:16| funny really humid that that song was like a center point of that movie me you introduced me to that I know I did back when we were like teenager is less yeah and I think that was awesome I was like
00:52:27| this is a good song I were you mad that that was a center piece and that's all no I love that song I'm glad that it showed up I listened to the whole volume I didn't ask if you love that song and I
00:52:39| said were you mad it's like a centerpiece I'm like oh why would I be mad that they highlight something I love I was why okay because it broke open the the awareness of I mean now it becomes
00:52:53| because what an trophy everyone know mate I mean these dreams so if I tell someone I like Brandi you're a fine girl they're like ah yeah are you the galaxy to I'm like no before that I mean it's
00:53:07| funny because you didn't admit that you liked it you're like my dad said I'll good tunes and you were like huh wait when I did the board the West when I told you about it you listened to it and
00:53:18| your dad walked by and was like oh yeah and you're like you felt like you're ashamed of it now I was not ashamed of it I was just like I didn't like it but he grew on me
00:53:27| I didn't like it and then like I think over the years like I was like that's a classic tune and now it's in like a movie that than view what like it's made five billion oh yeah
00:53:39| combined which do you know what number one was yeah there was the recent one infinity war it's two billion dollars Avengers and benedi Wars Peter will Ruth Peter quill is his character thank you
00:53:48| Peter quill Peter yeah I feel like there's a moment where um wait what does he do it bugged me a little bit that he could have stopped that is where they all have a plan someone wraps him up
00:54:00| with his arm and someone use human weakness of emotion because he loved Gamora yeah yeah you you think he would look at his fists and be like he killed her I'm gonna just let him lose to the
00:54:15| gauntlet but it doesn't make the movie what it is I will this though him as an actor I think at a certain point he made enough money to say I don't care I want to do what I
00:54:27| want to do and then he started picking me five times as much yeah well yeah exactly when you have more freedom you're able be flexible with what you pick but he
00:54:38| picked the one of the lead roles for a lead movie but you don't know the rules that he turned down to get that like he might have been waiting for it that's true you're right you're right like
00:54:48| someone was out bring him like a Geico commercial and he was like get on this camel tell me how much you love cars okay Kali ma Shakti de Shakti [Laughter]
00:55:10| Jenna superhero movie it follows the same tropes but he doesn't have any superpowers it's funny because when he runs out of powers he shoots him he shoots people no wait you know that
00:55:22| do you know the UM the background of that scene your Nazis no no this is outrageous of the last arc which wast art you're talking about the Temple of Doom Kali ma Shakti the one reason II
00:55:35| outdoor temple and um he's been kicking ass he does a whole bunch of stunts there's like a chase scene everything else Excel dinelli yep he's out of breath and he um he's looking at the guy
00:55:46| and the dude in the air does like three spins he does for kicks he does eight things in the air and then he does this whoa and Indiana Jones just pulled up Esther and children Pistor well you know
00:55:58| the the reason behind that scene he was too tired to do the whole thing so he just shot the guy as a joke diarrhea that oh yeah fight scene plan and he had diarrhea so they were like he was like
00:56:09| how about if I just shoot him and they were like brilliant brilliant Indiana and I felt like Harrison Ford had diarrhea that day so it was easier to just pretend to shoot that guy and it
00:56:20| ended up being hilarious anytime you shoot a guy it's hilarious so hard crimes don't hurt anyone Harrison Ford is one of the interesting ones because he was a carpenter before
00:56:33| he was an actor and it took him until he was like in his 40s to actually become an actor did you know that so you're telling me how old was Han Solo in his 40s 35 great
00:56:47| I wish this is more obvious 33 33 you're gonna have to buy me some time so he's born expose to this is dead son of a B so he's 36 right from what I could tell from that before it fades
00:57:08| annoying that's fine that's perfect play house close I was within 44 years 40 years sweep in 40 years I just put it right in the middle yeah no that's fine yeah gives us hope that we still have
00:57:24| three years left well what's weird is not a superhero movie but it's in the like it's in them it's in the realm of unbelievable but so is Iran some Batman ones where he
00:57:36| doesn't in any superpowers he just says I mean that's the premise of Batman is that he's justice technology does Batman tiny moves superpower at all money but why off you're either is
00:57:55| superpower of all billions it's like we're a part where they're charging the field and then they like bought off half the Warriors and they just stop running and they shake hands oh yeah my Island
00:58:14| it's weird so is the definition for these movies superheroes right there are superpowers if it's really about emotions is equal and the types of people stereotypes are
00:58:29| cut off between like super strength and just really strong so they do this weirdly with like Captain America and like sometimes when he fights people he's like a little weak and other times
00:58:41| he's just like overpowering but there's no like obvious like he's gonna like yeah physical if we were to dissect every action scene he does like sometimes he kicks it how strong is I
00:58:53| just right and sometimes he kicks a guy and it's just like a regular kick and then he has to punch a guy and the guy returns a punch and the guy other returns an elbow and sometimes he kicks
00:59:03| an entire car and it goes fly if we were to apply that same strength to the first kick against the first guy that guy would have his organs disrupted and killed immediately mm-hmm but clearly
00:59:13| there's a strength discrepancy this happens with every superhero though doesn't it yeah they're honing their powers or something even though their powers are
00:59:20| no no it's just it's the entirely the opposite because it's exactly yeah I think it would be stupid of every time Thor kicked someone they just obliterated into guts everywhere like it
00:59:33| would be like there'd be no fight scenes it would just be like someone kicking someone into guts gonna be weird like people are weak for some reason for a reason at least sometimes are stronger
00:59:48| than they should be for no reason but we don't really so let's get to the conclusion whoo wait all their effort he's damned at the end of the movie oh my god this is that
01:00:06| was the trailer and all these damn websites they play the trailer but at the end of the movie he beat ya the like he does the snap he kills 50% of the characters who does for the record
01:00:21| everyone spoiler alert turn off your microphone he kills half the people in the universe spoiler alert it's been done is it people or life-forms do you really care
01:00:33| it was like all of us we know that all the babies on the earth are just like no looking at each other longingly way too far had all the bacteria on your hahahahaha microorganisms like all the
01:00:50| microorganisms the viruses like are we so funny people are feeling better this is a I had a nagging cold and now it's summer disappearing oh my god hold on
01:01:02| if half the people disappear if the person disappears that the bacteria and viruses living on but they are not one of the 50% they will die as well or they does that rash like turn to hash is that
01:01:14| all everything living inside of them is now ash - or is it like a weird like excrement the other light I want to breathe it in here and they're just an air now it's getting like you get it on
01:01:25| your clothes and in your eyebrows and your hair and you're just like a question maybe that's why they're so disgusted when they die in their arms they're like there's like a nose hair
01:01:38| why is he doing because he's trying to protect the world of from overpopulation from itself right which is of I mean it's describing our world now is that we're limited to like 10 billion people
01:01:52| when we have like 8 billion people now so the resource is in like 30 years will be gone and then we're just gonna have a war anyway that will kill off half the people so why not just save time yeah
01:02:05| why yeah since Adams is like best food he's like drive-through he's like hey you could sit down we could order your food we could do the whole figure up comes a waiter waitress come over it's
01:02:18| always filling in three ways what do you want to drink I'll bring it out Adams is like hey pull up to the drive-through you've got a number for you are number two boom sold half the people disappear
01:02:32| and he's the bad guy so let's talk about everyone who died in this movie regardless of the snap how actually girls never to Loki Heimdall Gamora vision okay
01:02:45| wait monkey-dice in the beginning is he's on the ship that gets taken over by Thanos it's so funny because he's maybe that's another reason Thor is my favorite because he is a counter and
01:02:58| located guy but he's I like him let me tell you like Loki I tell he's it's because it's like he's the road no is the assassin type like assassin types yes
01:03:12| and he's dishonorable and he's awful and he always goes back on his word and he's really bad but there's something about him that is not saving for the future not buy these x-men cards yeah maybe
01:03:30| he's buying x-men cards every week I kind of like that though I don't know anyway he did he's that okay he's got all his cards on the tables what I'm saying but oh I thought you meant is
01:03:40| these by ninety to flee or flare yeah no definitely that too by the way real quick oh my god okay where are your cards right now Nick my mother's attic it might be worth
01:03:52| something one day like every will be looking back its pockets be like thank that's the millionaire a jackass who's just a podcast card sounded like a Futurama who was that guy
01:04:08| Zoidberg what's the deal with this all news anyway ironically our number one fan loves comic books video games all that's up till then I used to walk home I drew line with Hank and someone else
01:04:28| and we collected x-men cards Hank was my friend who collected records one time manly for trying gold an and Erik Kate beat us up for our excellent card oh you couldn't defend yourselves you wish our
01:04:43| super hero less no he did a jump kick I swear to God I was in the third grade or something and he kicked me while he was jumping and I hurt my leg and Hank dropped it how long good how high was
01:04:55| this jump if you kicked your leg we were in third grade so we're probably like this tall but they kicked us and Dan Hugo ban was like laughing at us and he helped steal our experts and they stole
01:05:11| like a dozen x-men cards from us oh no I still remember this me and Hank I haven't talked angle like eight years or six tone but anyway I still talk to Dylan and I still ask him laughter the
01:05:22| excellent card he gave me Eric but or ID to get it off my chest a little flustered your collection your set they're not worth anything Nick you
01:05:34| surprised Black Panther spider-man Doctor Strange the Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes Falcon who's Falcon is that supposed to be war machine what's his name the young
01:05:52| attractive black guy from like 80 things where's this one of caps friends I don't even know who this guy is hmm hold on ego who goes up who's Falcon how can he flies around
01:06:09| it's like the the goggle thing he's like uh he's like I think oh he's the sleeker version of Don Cheadle II in a younger version oh he's gonna be the old guy replacement what's real name actually
01:06:26| his name is real name is Sam Olsen God oh is it okay yeah which I don't does he doesn't have his own movie does he I don't know where you can comes in now I think that the other
01:06:39| thing is a lot of these things could be setups for prequels yeah the history of alternate universe which is a hundred which is kinda that's a Hollywood it's gonna shit all over this movie when they
01:06:50| destroy it with people who are too old trying to rake in the cash well didn't you hear um a game of Thrones is gonna do the same they're gonna split off in two different versions of team of
01:07:00| Thrones so that people try to watch them and then get bored exactly it's gonna be it's good I'll talk later down the product that's what happens anyway who else dies
01:07:11| Scarlet Witch which was the Olsen Guardians at the galaxy I guess most of them they all died except for nebula worse Drax where's tracks and all this does he yeah
01:07:23| he's on the planet I think they're floating away and then they got saved but they're on the planet how do they know so there's we'll talk about how to tie
01:07:31| everything back together Nick Fury Murray Hill bones I think her name was ah the wasp ooh mid-credits scene again apparently the wasp dies
01:07:48| I guess ant-man that's why he's knocking on the door in the trailer that makes sense okay would sure what's going on with our man he um he's in the space yes yeah so many
01:08:01| hours to live like that's rough - I'm like oh my god but he's essential because Doctor Strange said strange that they had doctor strain his head he had to survive he was used the the key cuz
01:08:17| he traded his own life for he traded the stone for right for his life kind of yeah all forever yeah and then it's interesting when did the Iron Man series start what year is he is he older than
01:08:32| the Avengers I think Iron Man is the right word norton oak he's right on par with that he'd be oh but I can tell you in a Mountie one of the oldest ones or might
01:08:45| be Iron Man is the first one by a month and that actually holds up getting Robert Downey jr. to do that through the whole thing I didn't think it would work and ironically when um when I watched
01:08:59| him he said way too cocky but it fits his character the problem is that he strike they started so early that like the movies that he made in the middle they don't make much sense there's like
01:09:11| a were like Iron Man 3 and felt like at the Mandarin all I shoot yeah there you have tacky villains who don't really mean anything that don't do it like the third standalone throwaway yeah and
01:09:24| who's that the the Mexican Danny Trejo I see the he's the guy with the whip that is supposed to be like a Brainiac or something it doesn't it doesn't work
01:09:37| it's entertaining but it doesn't do anything for the whole series so back to what I said earlier all these movies are entertaining even if there amazing yeah quickly well Purdue there
01:09:50| well done visually oh my god camera shots special effects well produced someone's making sure every Apple is comfy with every Apple mm-hmm but it doesn't mean me it's gonna hold up some
01:10:05| of these like you mentioned that I'm in twos and threes yeah but I do think like they're building hold up I think that's gonna hold up that can be wrong which one each of those are the one
01:10:18| we're talking about age of Ultron like the climax of all these that's anymore yeah when I said um one or two of the Thor's like one or two of the Captain America is like their character some of
01:10:35| these are character builders so like I think the Iron Man movies were just character builders to see more of Robert Downey jr. and then you don't care about anyone else
01:10:44| really maybe spider-man because they interact a little bit but yeah I mean honestly like the Pepper Potts other I don't even care about anybody else that are in his movies Shh yeah yeah I gotta
01:11:02| think her yeah she is attractive she's also selling like multi-level marketing things they're like holistic on I don't care do you think that it ties into my attraction to her no not at
01:11:18| all she's also very funny - she said she had like a nude scene and she was on the talk show and she said that her grandfather was like about to watch the movie and she's like you know I 7 I am
01:11:33| I'm topless in this movie and she goes she said he goes ah two eggs sunny-side up nothing I haven't seen before okay so Gwyneth Paltrow was nude in a movie if Nick hadn't known
01:11:47| that beforehand oh yeah I got some google and zoo mr. skin that's so exist bring it all back who's left off about in supergirl what's gonna happen what do
01:12:03| you think is gonna happen so you've got kept America left with Ironman Thor Black Widow Hulk war machine rocket nebula and then the like sidekicks the Black Panther plus ant-man who's getting
01:12:18| added and Hawkeye is hiding somewhere he's gonna come back in and I'm gonna hate him he hope he doesn't win it for them all and then everyone else who doesn't matter like Pepper Potts
01:12:31| Captain Marvel which is gonna play a huge part apparently because we haven't seen that movie yet I think the collector who's the collector Benicio del Toro
01:12:40| he isn't fair now Valkyrie maybe from freaking out yeah video doctorates from Guardians a galaxy he's still okay so there's the Captain Marvel movie which is the set up to the second the end game
01:12:54| she's supposed to have these powers I don't know if it's it's gonna be ashy but I don't know if it was an originally man she apparently has like time-travel powers yeah I always hate when they
01:13:06| introduce somebody that's like stronger yeah I didn't airplane where you literally shape when issue that's that's my favorite kind of airplane shooting really good and then what a 130 the last
01:13:31| five minutes this podcast will just be us going we're doing Snoopy impressions everyone Oh anyway but that's a trope too is that they bring in somebody that has more power than everyone else on the
01:13:50| niceiy of the day which I hope doesn't happen I hope she has like a game of Thrones esque like I'm the superhero and then like she dies immediately kills her like two minutes yeah he's just like it
01:14:00| would be really funny yeah don't ya oh I hope they did that she's gonna be great down who's gonna want some forecasting don't sum up yet forecasting who's gonna be the the guy
01:14:18| or the girl or the whoever the super person is now do the rest the episode without me well done so I think the Hulk cuz the Hulk was having so many issues that I think he's finally gonna get like
01:14:31| super Hulk II uh he's gonna hope you know he's gonna walk out and something's gonna happen there or he's my favorite no one else is like struggling with her inner demons right someone has to be the
01:14:44| inner demon and also conquer the evil you're right yeah they find what if Thanos turns are decimated weird but realizes he's messed up so what are the family yes we didn't
01:14:57| touch the fan theories yet did you I touched a little bit of them did you - I didn't even look into him because fan theories always gonna be all wild and crazy and horny so the Hat but one of
01:15:09| them the Bears best one is that the Doctor Strange looked at all the possibilities and then since he can warp reality a little bit he created this like fake reality that thinnest thought
01:15:20| he was in hmm I actually like thought of that when we were touching on that that's interesting so everything he's doing is actually like in some sort of alternate reality so he's gonna really
01:15:36| snap out of it and then still have the power and then it'll be like but double tongue has been revealed or something is mm-hmm his weakness has come to fruition or he's revealed an ultimate fault and
01:15:49| his plans or something like that that's not able I like that but it's also too much of a cop-out even for Hollywood yeah it's and it takes away too many of our tears there's no way all these
01:16:00| people dying concealing I'm getting it was Altered rally like they kind of have to be done they done yeah unless there's some really crazy stuff that happens but I I doubt they would give
01:16:16| a mental thing to most people in America do you think thinness is just chilling playing stardew valley and relaxing you may have just revealed a key element I think about his character tells me
01:16:42| please star do that declare oh my man is multiplayer is reason some beautiful yams hey friends everyone but then he cuts out 50% of his friends oh she just went black are there no you may now
01:17:03| proceed all right thank you can I um I just wanted to say wasn't even trying to stop us like summing up in like one Finn's yeah to sum it up like this whole superhero thing it's it's internal we
01:17:21| all loved superheroes we all love being super or we all love being magical and everyone want there's every possibility and everyone wants something of their own imagination to happen for me
01:17:32| I want ant-man to sneak inside of Stannis in the past and grow large and just split them in multiple pieces don't believe that wasn't sexual guys oh that's on pornhub already it's already
01:17:57| home for now that's not good I can't explain this to my kids don't watch my podcast Dan once ant-man inside Pano's and he wants to get big new ah oh to tears by calling out their true oh my
01:18:26| god very true what I think it boils down to is um age of information yeah I could do a whole episode on this mm-hmm we can google anything I'll give Vera
01:18:39| what sit back what's real what's fake I can look and figure out you know the door on tend to be a PhD in Avengers soon I'm gonna need the other way like there are no miracles nothing magic
01:18:52| happens magics fake miracles a fake gods fake everything's fading think everything's kind of it's pretty bumming like we're all humans were all decaying we're all
01:19:02| gonna die we don't do anything magical or special it's like ah that's a bummer so it's the highest-grossing film of all time of all times who put your riddles No correct what's like our favorite
01:19:19| thing of all times like magical it's like superheroes it's like someone who can change the world someone who has who's downtrodden has the ability to fight back that's
01:19:30| something we can't Assizes about and the more and more that we can google this crap and find out that it's not real life we want fake stuff to happen we love fake stuff it want to be magical
01:19:43| we want to be crazy lab powers well this other stuffs bullshit so next time I have a series of tweets then ever released and I'm gonna end with this someone once said what's your favorite
01:20:00| superpower what would you have you at any super arrow in the world I wish I could shoot Industrial foam out of my hands mm-hmm so it was like why no one ever says I just wish I could be happy
01:20:15| all the time I don't want that is that it's a dulling sensation when industrial foam shooting out of my hands Oh guess what oh my god my parking meter it didn't
01:20:28| take Clues why not I shot industrial film right into the parking meter boom you get your landlord once the payment
01:20:36| guess what shooting dust really feel right out of your hands right through his car boom for problem he's not gonna pay tell him to wait a month okay I got you
01:20:43| anything job uh hey what are you here for um application says you're pretty good some things that could and others how about this I could shoot an industrial
01:20:51| film at oh my god damn hands powerful I mean can you do anything with that this is how you spin you can insulate houses free Oh for free why would you do what if some guy cut you off like in try and
01:21:10| then you both end up at the red light you get out of your car you go to his tailpipe and you just shove your hand in there and you shoot industrial-strength boom right now his telephone and then
01:21:18| you calmly walk back in your car close the door and get back in and guess what is cardigan effed up you got industrial phone right in the back of the taillight is that what you're thinking that's my
01:21:31| superpower we're shooting dust really film mmm these knits it books well shouldn't what's your superpower named superhero name rabies jizz Lord Jews or a gizzard
01:21:48| oh man oh man ah yes anyway okay check out all these friggin superhero movies I check him out well donate to our patreon don't need to they don't have to it'd be nice it would be nice but you don't have
01:22:12| to he's so good if you made it this far you probably should we talked about X Factor we talked about x-force we talked about x-men we talked about X women we talked about X dudes we talked about
01:22:22| people who used to be dudes used to be women are trans audience x-men and X women X what we want to do is bring everyone together to be X people donate down below we got some links check out
01:22:39| our socials your friends about us tell your friends and friends about us quietly secret but it can be candid thanks for joining us
01:22:50| check out the Avengers we wrote it you go to Avengers comm and you try get movie tickets put in our promo what's our promo on panders doing the ears on um on percent eight four seven
01:23:06| three three three nine seven four one eight six seven eight six seven yeah put that in thank you for joining us thank you put your comments in the bottom if we made any mistakes on comic book
01:23:19| please let us know we're gonna correct it next episode die honestly thank you so much for joining yeah thank you we know your time to like you we like you a lot

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