The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP087 Germaphobe Germs Protection

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Transcript UnP087 Germaphobe Germs Protection

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 87 - Germaphobe Germs Protection
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00:00:02| hmm germs are all around us they're everywhere sometimes people are frightened and scared of them for no reason sometimes the origin of all our germs is actually a symbiotic
00:00:16| relationship that we need we go back to the beginning we've all been part of it and if we really want to talk about it you can join us because we're gonna talk about your mom's vagina so I'm Dan and
00:00:35| I'm Nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective taboo
00:00:48| forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion reminds you can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual
00:01:00| content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time all right so we're glad we did it folks we're back this is incredible we're returning special guest to three
00:01:32| people special guest so yeah there you go and do your own intro she does her own intro watch you guys are gonna love this she does she practices this all the time here it is
00:01:44| three two one do it there's a comeback to scientific reason we do that yeah Susanna she is a ph depression she's also a PhD student that's almost there almost complete in microbiology
00:02:14| new books she's gonna get there we're rootin for ya just to clear up the moms Aegina thing just to make it clear it'll scientific is when your firstborn there are babies they're born via
00:02:28| c-section they don't get to go through the vagina and other ones that go through vagina they pick up bacteria that helps digest milk so it's part of the symbiotic relationship that people
00:02:38| have with bacteria that helps babies digest milk um I don't know it's milk digestion related but I do know that we get some vaginal microbes so shout out bad microbes yeah so there's really no
00:02:52| reason to be a germaphobe because everyone's a germaphobe when they first start and everyone's covered in germs all the time at all times right we're just screaming in a germ world well
00:03:04| could you guys give me the definition of a germaphobe I think you have it on your sheet there that's why you're flailing it around no my favorite thing to do is wiki it and I didn't happen it to wiki
00:03:15| germaphobe I thought maybe someone else here did know was it missing it's the fear of the contamination of the germs there's not the germs themselves it's the getting sick from them that always
00:03:29| fear fear yeah I mean it I looked up the same thing I did the Wikipedia thing and it was it yeah it's more of the idea it's not so much the fear of bacteria it's more of like the fear of the ones
00:03:42| that make you sick because like you said you're covered and everything's covered in it but not everything that's gonna make you sick so you're afraid of the ones that are gonna just like the
00:03:51| pathogens mm-hmm they're gonna get you get you good hmm well where are the pathogens everywhere on toilet seats around the world yeah yeah I mean the thing to keep in mind is that bacteria
00:04:08| like anything else you know they're like polar bears don't do very well in the Sahara and so some bacteria do really well in certain conditions whereas they wouldn't in others and so the ones that
00:04:21| are gonna make you sick are the ones that are going to be living really well at your body temperature so you don't really need to be worried about the kind of
00:04:29| bacteria that are actively living in you know the hot springs but something that's gonna be a little cooler closer to warm like human temperature like a hot tub that's gonna be disgusting stuff
00:04:48| like in old people dead skin ya know the lips kitchen sinks do you that naughty coli in your kitchen sink it hang you down there yeah mperatures it's nice it's got moist got a lot of stuff to eat
00:05:00| the II throw down there yeah you always add stuff what well that's what they tell you to like not wash your chicken before you eat it and one because it doesn't actually clean anything off the
00:05:11| chicken but two you're just gonna be like splashing chicken juice chicken juice as far as the eye can see um I actually did record this for you guys the germiest stuff in your house oh
00:05:25| as per um I think it's by CF Hughes was a colony forming units of bacteria so it's not just regular bacterial individuals its colony formers as in big ol groups is that a my it's is it your
00:05:40| kind of right so basically what it means is that if you took let's say you knew there was a hundred bacteria in a little bit of liquid if you took that liquid and plated it all out you probably
00:05:52| wouldn't get a hundred individual colony so you'd have a couple that would be stuck together maybe a few of the bacteria would die and so what scientists do is instead of saying oh
00:06:02| there's this many bacteria they say there's this many colony forming units so it could come from one bacteria it could come from a couple but it's just kind of semantics or no well I see a
00:06:14| fuse in your house colony forming units folks do you know who number one is in the entire house or phone phone isn't is high road is higher than phone is higher than your toilet interestingly enough so
00:06:31| like your shoes or something no it's actually this guy right here oh yes lunges anyone who uses lenses like everyone uses a sponge yeah but I can about it
00:06:43| you leave it there for like a day it's dirtier than anything you could yeah so hold on I got some I got some stuff on the sponge okay 86% of sponges they tested in these studies have either mold
00:06:56| or yeast growing in them seventy-seven percent of them have coliform is that some kind of harmful bacteria maybe of those eighteen percent had stafa you know the nasty poop ones yeah thank you
00:07:10| and this is they say every two weeks you should get a new sponge folks I know this isn't a gimmick we're not trying to sell sponges on panders we sell sponges we sell all different things check our
00:07:21| website at the end buy a new sponge every two weeks but on top of the Month Club yeah so I also read it every day while it's still damp
00:07:37| you should microwave your sponge for two minutes totally excuse me a long time this is where I read on a website now to prove that I'm not a germaphobe real sponge have you used that on your dishes
00:07:52| or not look it's still wet from tonight more yeah yeah that one's clean your dishes I'm a cleaning guy you better believe it I'm a dirt ball but I also clean a lot if that makes sense
00:08:07| numbers to clarify that's dirt on you not just like oh this is actually a dirt from outside I knew we were doing an episode on germs and dirt and the like and I thought I really want to get in
00:08:18| character so I thought I'd just smear a little dirt under my eyes problem is it's 23 degrees outside so I went outside and it was all frozen I couldn't work it so I broke off chunks
00:08:30| of ground and I just started rubbing them on me and it hurt it was like literally like it was like grating me rocket on my head and I was like I'm gonna show them and I at that point I
00:08:43| had committed pretty far so I grabbed some leaves I threw them in there and then some more dirt frozen dirt and it hurt but I feel like I've accomplished a lot I feel good
00:08:54| that's good furniture definitely not afraid of dirt or germs I don't know how people are afraid of dirt have kids mm-hmm kids are the dirtiest things alive yeah
00:09:07| roast the like sneeze into your mouth and then they'll eat their fists and rub it on your face and then vomit right afterwards it's funny we get sick in a store where we didn't have tissues or
00:09:18| napkins and just sneeze and line us not be coming and I'd be like whoa gotta get that and I'd reach over to his face grab his snot and just wipe it on my pants or my shirt you know and it wasn't
00:09:30| until I did it like everyone's like what are you doing that's so disgusting I was like do you want me to rub it on his clothes like who no one has a tissue we're walking in CVS we can buy tissues
00:09:40| but you can't open them until you pay for them like do you know at least that's the way I figured I was thinking it anyway I like wiping on him like yeah that's rude I mean I feel like I would
00:09:53| be real mean hair you're absolutely right these are yours anyway pal yeah woody or though you have a guest as well as there a fourth guest here can we introduce someone yeah he's like oh
00:10:08| speaking of disgusting I heard a rumor that dogs mouths automatically clean themselves but it takes a while so is she gonna oh your goats oh boy what in dogs mouths there's actually there's
00:10:33| some cool stuff where like you and your dog share some of the microbiome they can see differences in people who do and don't have dogs I heard this is that why what yeah I had heard this is that why I
00:10:47| thought it was just strictly smell related because I can smell you but maybe the microbes are the ones that smell a certain way I didn't think of that maybe yeah I mean that would make
00:10:57| sense like some of this smell you make is because of bacteria and fungus Fung is especially like that's why our feet smell bad is it you do what are your dog's feet smell
00:11:07| like Fritos that's crazy my dog smelled like Doritos no that's a normal thing it's cuz it's because epidermidis a specific type of bacteria that live on pretty much all dog's feet
00:11:22| that's amazing like Fritos which has completely ruin Fritos for me dogs feet I don't know I still I still like Fritos and I actually me my sister would smell nitro or Nash's feet and be like just
00:11:40| laughs as I'm covered in dirt all right I'm gonna I'm gonna admit something on the podcast this might come off as weird this might come off as a fetish only it's a fetish mine come off as serial
00:11:57| killer so if I remove my fingernails or whatever like I'll smell or I throw them out and they smell like weird like not Fritos but I'm like I like it even their fingertips like if you sound because if
00:12:17| I send my fingertips it's like well right now it smells like dirt it's it really smells like dirt from outside like right outside my house but in general I like guys you guys think I
00:12:30| like smell my fingernails but I do always throw them away for the record I knew a guy who would keep his in a drawer at our old job huh like it was Philip I'm telling you guys anyway no
00:12:46| one wants to touch us with a pole let's move on that's mine no they were still in the drawer no one is removing the fingernails that but I mean like how do you start that like how
00:12:58| does that well I think you just like excellently one day you're like oh I need to rip my nails but I don't want to get up and throw them away and then you're like well that worked out really
00:13:07| well fascinated with like scabs or something comes off me like I look at it I'm like that's crazy that was like part of my elbow or something throw it out I'll be looking at a finger now I'm like
00:13:16| wow that's wild yeah like saving them like that's oh no that's that's I think where you cross the line there are people who put them in jars and stuff aren't they yeah there's a lot of
00:13:27| there's a lot of people do anything I have no idea yeah I don't know I'm just of the opinion that everyone has their own version of gross mm-hmm and we I think we all think it's about the same
00:13:39| level of gross but if you actually lined it up against each other you'd be like wow that is fucking disgusting this person's out of their goddamn mind looks like the older you get the more
00:13:49| you're like oh what I thought was girls like you know eight years ago that's just a normal everyday thing I found a whole new level of gross oh yeah you're right people do you think people got
00:14:03| more gross with the internet like yeah it happens on the internet happened 50 years ago fetishes like people whose yeah was Deep Ellum well a little a little bit but what she's she brings up
00:14:16| a really interesting point that I think of this all the time because you have access to everyone else's fetishes and weird stuff does that make you copy there's and kind of like we all have a
00:14:25| set amount now that like either do 1 2 3 or 4 or 5 or have we opened the door where these fetishes are ok I'm gonna get an even fucking weirder ones and that's a really good question I just I
00:14:38| find stuff where I'm like I would have never thought of that like I've even trying squish balloons with your private parts like again we're gonna get real graphic here but we there
00:14:49| was one that I saw with two girls and like one spit to calm down her like shoo and the other girl eat it I was like why did we do that like out of the shoe it was like it was
00:15:00| like a strappy sandal like a high-heeled sandal oh I got like a little shoe luge somebody in the room did she ask that scenario that's like the police sketch artist in the back just like he's
00:15:18| diagramming these scenes hi do you think that makes the scene hotter and then if it doesn't appeal to someone they're just like I'll ignore that fine don't lose hotness you know what I
00:15:31| mean yeah I get the win-win situation like it's like he's gonna ignore it right I'm just gonna ignore this scene right here I'm going with everything else but someone's like whoa yeah I got
00:15:41| a Google that I mean it stuck with me I'm not into it but right that's nice but okay I mean you could there's a lot of worse things and porn I was like whenever they
00:15:52| focused on the guy so you just gotta have like from ferment the black that out yeah like I hate when I'm watching something ever stood he's like talking it freaks him out he's gonna be there I
00:16:07| mean they need to to party and you don't for me to male individuals we've done an entire episode on pornography and what's big right now the ladies are taken back porn it's like
00:16:16| woman-on-woman it's gonna be like number one in like eight years which is fine with me I'm fine with it yeah I think everyone everyone's fine with that well for two reasons and it actually comes
00:16:30| back full circle to this episode one women are more beautiful in general Brent regrets and they're cleaner men are actually scientifically dirtier did you know that really yeah I read an
00:16:41| article just right before the episode started physically right I think it started with a survey on showers oh how often we shower less than women mm-hmm what are you guys roughly lost
00:16:55| every week or two 11.5 write your own today yeah I am you're you're not you do under one no I'm like five a week they skip a couple days which days do you skip I mean if I'm working real hard and
00:17:10| I didn't do a run or a workout like album like I it's nighttime already I work tomorrow I want to wear like tie I'll just shower in the morning and that's my next day shower well yeah I'm
00:17:21| not real fast that I pretty much only shower like if it just the couple times have been stuck in my house I'm just like man don't need it don't need a shower I'll shower if I
00:17:29| workout but then you yeah so I believe it that way that like yeah definitely dudes I think in general shower less or they don't showers effectively I think a lot of times I've been around guys
00:17:41| they shower and I'm like okay but you missed half your body like you didn't use like the chest and then they're done like no I'm OCD about the shower I have actually a routine it's always like I
00:17:57| brush my teeth in the shower then I have to shampoo then I have to start up to down because I feel like you don't want to work your privates and then cover your face come on it's not like it
00:18:06| scrub-a-dub-dub and then I always end up with my feet last and then like after that no I do face wash before that come on that's not every day give us so bath versus shower do you always take a
00:18:20| shower I so I think bats are disgusting you're sitting in your own there's a static that yeah bats are like a hundred times dirtier than trash think your trash can I think I put the shit that
00:18:38| I'm like I would never like want to rub my feet against the rest of my body I mean I would if I could it'd be fucking weird but like doing distorted hot tubs are my hard limit like I will not go
00:18:57| into a hot tub they're so hot tub huh you won't even do a hot tub have you ever been in one yeah yeah yeah I used to I used to dry hot tubs and actually nothing's bad has happened to me it's
00:19:09| people ask me this all the time like I met somebody last week and they were like I wasn't sure if I should shake your hand cuz you're a microbiologist look we're getting right back to it
00:19:19| really I don't know you could be a germaphobe and I'm actually like way more disgusting now that I know more about bacteria and stuff like the stuff that'll make you sick is stuff that we
00:19:30| do all the time without thinking about like every single person I know checks their phone while they're in a bathroom like whether or not they're doing out of the toilet or if they're
00:19:38| just like at the sink and looking at it that is like the most disgusting thing you can do because you're gonna do that you poop wash yeah it's everywhere yeah exactly
00:19:48| you've been touching stuff even if you wash your hands as soon as you take your phone back out you just got all that to junk play say tooth germs mmm boot germs yeah okay we're talking we're
00:19:59| talking poop terms host germs yeah so I think stuff like that I don't get freaked out about anymore but the one thing I was like I am never doing that again as hot tubs for the same reason as
00:20:09| we're talking about that it's the perfect temperature for all these gross stuff and and the thing is is that it comes from your body and the biggest difference is it's called like a lot of
00:20:20| these so okay you think about something like Salmonella we'll talk about food poisoning later but if salmonella doesn't really live on people unless you get sick with it if you get a whole
00:20:30| bunch of it then you're gonna get really really sick but it's not something that you find all over yourself all the time versus something like staph aureus Staphylococcus aureus it's like seven
00:20:42| like 30 to 70 percent of people carry that on their skin but the thing is your skin has all these different mechanisms of protecting you it's gonna like there's chemicals that kill bacteria
00:20:53| other bacteria kill it you're constantly sloughing off layers and the point is is that if you are healthy if you are not immunocompromised your body is gonna be able to keep those in check it's sort of
00:21:04| like they get groomed cutting the grass outside but as soon as you get those bacteria into something that there aren't those natural protection mechanisms if you're not sterilizing
00:21:14| everything they will grow to a point where your body would if it's reintroduced to that it's so many bacteria so a lot of really disgusting bacteria and fungus love hot tubs and to
00:21:27| have enough bleach in there to actually kill the bacteria no one would go in that it would be super bleachy and you'd come out in all of your skin would be burning so yeah I'm yeah I've got some
00:21:40| gross things and I will not touch hot tubs so then we'll work the balance of germs on your body it becomes out of whack is that dysbiosis then what's this word mean I didn't see this word guys
00:21:52| come on fill me in on just a slob I'm just guy covered in dirt who needs to know some new words yeah it's the unbalancing of germs so they start to grow more readily if you don't have a
00:22:01| counter to a certain germ then it's gonna proliferate and then take over your body and maybe cause some bad things which is a once a week thing like in your life
00:22:11| thing what is this all in addition well a good example a good example is when you take antibiotics or something and basically you wipe out some there's there's cases where people get really
00:22:26| sick something called cd4 cluster term difficile will take over if there's not other bacteria living in your gut so if you take a bunch antibiotics it's possible that this one dangerous
00:22:36| bacteria was so growing but one that most people are familiar with whether because of themselves or a partner is it's really common for women if we take antibiotics to get a yeast infection
00:22:47| like a week later and that's because you're like your mom's vagina is just a couple is really interesting a couple different bacteria and like one or two strains of yeast and that's to keep a
00:23:01| really perfect pH balance it should be pretty acidic form like a lemon and if it changes that acidity you're gonna end up with more bacteria or more yeast and so if you take an antibiotic
00:23:12| you're gonna pump out all the bacteria it's gonna become more basic and yeast are gonna be like already time back mm-hmm so so that's that's a version of dysbiosis where it's not like you've
00:23:26| introduced a bunch new fungus of Tyria it's just that they're they're growing better interesting so so as a germaphobe you don't really have I've never seen the germaphobes that are like taking
00:23:39| constant antibiotics to stay healthy that's more of like a hypochondriac it's under a different kind of envelope I think the germophobes that we're kind of thing envelope unloop so the kind of
00:23:53| germaphobes were thinking about are the ones that are constant like cleaning their hands they're like sanitizing their whole body they keep rubbing and scrubbing the germs off can the same
00:24:02| sort of thing happen on your hands where you let things get out of whack on your hands and you're touching your eyes and all sorts of part of your body where things can get in there definitely well
00:24:12| actually what happens with your hands is that usually what people are using isn't like an alcohol-based I just and it yeah sanitizer which two things one those sanitizers can get infected
00:24:26| like contaminated so they've tested the hand sanitizer pumps and they will have bacteria so you're introducing new hand bacteria to your hands the others is that your skin your intact skin is like
00:24:41| the best barrier to diseases it's so good it's so hard for bacteria to get through all of your layers of skin because you've got layers of dead skin on top of layers of live skin and those
00:24:52| layers of live skin have tons of immune cells that are gonna go out and like move around your cells and look for anything that's weird so your skin is like the best barrier now if you're
00:25:03| using a bunch of these alcohol-based sanitizers you're drying out your skin and you're probably introducing like these little micro cracks and suddenly you're more susceptible to getting
00:25:12| infections in your hands so it's really interesting to me that people get nerves out of out skin where really the places that you are going to introduce bacteria is anywhere moist so your ear is not so
00:25:27| much but like your eyes your mouth etc that's where you're gonna get sick sorry I had a list of germaphobe like actions and reactions and stuff they do every day
00:25:45| I hope we'd kind of discuss that a little bit because it's interesting that they don't actually necessarily prevent germs like you were just saying they use sanitizer every day doesn't necessarily
00:25:57| work they flush the toilet with their feet right is that a thing in a public nosotros then they introduce germs on top of the handle so everyone else touches it everyone else gets geremy
00:26:07| every that's nice a normal thing for girls that is such a normal though is it I didn't know that yeah kick in the handle wash it what's up with the foot yeah yeah just kind of but just I mean
00:26:18| how do you get out of the locked bathroom with your hand on the lock because they say that bad bathrobe oh you don't touch anything you're constantly rubbing your eye with
00:26:27| your elbow because you never wash your elbows [Laughter] paper paper towel with the touch of door handle mm-hmm mm-hmm like how it's like
00:26:53| weird because you're going to touch the sink faucet and that the fixture to turn on the water to get your soap going right you know there's yeah well that that
00:27:04| one's a big one the the pret the lever for the soap is super gross yeah but I honestly like if I'm in a gross bathroom I will get a paper towel to start and I will use that to turn on the water wash
00:27:17| my hands turn off the water get a new paper towel I will use this as like a little love and then I'll use it to open the door prop the door open and throw it in the
00:27:26| trash it sounds like a dissertation paper that sounds like a lot of thinking and work but God bless this year it is normal for women that's a thing like if you've ever like you don't get to
00:27:37| experience this cuz you can't walk into a woman's bathroom I have on multiple occasions yeah yeah no I'll just go actually what's funny now in North Carolina is that the bathroom bill says
00:27:51| that - oh boy okay so technically you have to go into the bathroom that matches with your sex assigned at birth so if I claimed I was assigned male at birth they couldn't kick me out of the
00:28:09| Pens bathroom and they'd also have to do a blood test to check it but X Y chromosome reason it's really it's really useful but yeah I've gone into men's bathrooms many occasions I'm like
00:28:24| guys have totally different habits we can yeah we can separate ourselves from those surfaces most of the time so one of my best friends at my new job he is a game in he identifies as a super gay man
00:28:37| he's a designer he's super gay but he's awesome I love him any time I go to the bathroom with him he's like what's going on over there stop it John anyway uh uh he he is the
00:28:50| only person who gets me we're both done paying or something and he's like don't wash your hands I'm like yeah I usually don't I just saw you here I was like I was gonna do it because you're here and
00:29:01| he's like no one watches her hand so I was like okay we both leave the bathroom and that's the thing guys do a lot is that weird yeah yeah yeah you watch your hands every time you pay 95 I'm pretty
00:29:18| high I'm like 5% of the time I wash my hands after him maybe less because I I don't really touch it I like literally just lower my pants so I'm not like ripping it off like hey you look good
00:29:31| I'm not doing a whole whole lot of stuff I'm just literally lowering my pants okay guys this is something I did not know until like two months ago cuz I don't like watch dudes clean of course
00:29:44| of course scientists lived with a guy but I just you know we have like three bathrooms I don't need to be hanging out in there was the other like it was like a month ago and I was at this guy's
00:29:56| house and like you could just see from the bedroom to the bathroom and he did that and I was like what the fuck you don't have to do anything like I always had this idea that guys had to actually
00:30:05| like take off their pants a little thing you can literally just lower the lip to where you want your money or at an angle like you literally your pants angle the Weiner um sorry so like if I'm like hey
00:30:19| just lower it a little bit there you go lower the pants boom go and guess what that's insane to me that's there's a difference between men and women peeing like have you guys ever heard of this
00:30:30| that you guys have a pee shiver like shit yeah I shiver when I pee a lie I lie this is this is not a specific thing yeah you know when you're like first start talking you're like whoa yeah
00:30:44| girls don't have that like we have I don't know what to say about that that's weird because I thought that was just universal no this is something I learned it on BuzzFeed a while back but
00:30:58| like my favorite random fact so women like if it's if we've not paid for a long time it'll feel really good but we don't have that thing where every single time we pee were like who just like a
00:31:08| little finding shimmer is that that's your time yeah so it's actually like they think it's because it's the same process like it's the same pathway as ejaculating so like your brains like wow
00:31:27| that's crazy I never ever thought of that and that's who anyway I don't wash my hands when I pee okay sorry no that's that's really fine it was interesting stuff if you did wash your hands
00:31:41| shouldn't you wash your hands before you pee too is like aren't you introducing bacteria on your bodies it's an interesting point just and and guess what my wiener for most of the day is
00:31:51| just locked in these pants locked and wet right it's not going anywhere or like getting introduced to new things I'm not like swinging around like hey bacteria check this out you know it's
00:32:10| pretty it's pretty hanging close to me doing nothing it's probably one the least Jeremy spots on my body look at the rest of me I'm covered in dirt for a podcast yeah you brought this up with
00:32:24| like women are less dirty because they shower more but that's something I have always wondered about it's like who is actually grosser and I guess it would maybe the question is not who's grosser
00:32:35| but who is carrying stuff that's more likely to get you sick here's coheres interesting point oh that's a good one how about like farting is farting germs it's poo particles look you'd be some
00:32:47| it's your own so it's not oh that's a good question um no so you can um are yourself sick you uh you can get pinkeye from yourself can you get from farts though ask that
00:33:07| question damn it happen there's like worlds in which that would make sense the person's the one person who is pink I've seen some pornography like this okay yeah yeah but like that's
00:33:22| what I always think is funny about like well I don't know where you going Thanks well we can talk about bathroom stuff so that's Coraline that's oftentimes the one partly because remember and of like
00:33:36| they're gonna get an infection like it's a good point that's kind of it kind of ruins something so I'm like oh that's about what about a germaphobe with like day to day stuff like we just talked
00:33:47| about bathroom stuff walking in the door the handle what about like I'll talk about the handle real quick so there's actually like the metals they use if it's copper or silver they
00:33:58| naturally kill bacteria it's the over doesn't it yeah I'm gonna butcher this I'm gonna say ugly a dynamic effect it's where after two hours they actually tested the different numbers of bacteria
00:34:09| and they reduced after that timeframe hmm they also use certain coatings in medical facilities where they introduce copper so that it continually killed bacteria to make it sanitary yeah
00:34:22| weights of copper copper and silver of both both okay I'm sorry I knew silver I know that about copper that's interesting there are other metals that do cool is this because they can't grow
00:34:33| on it because I want to talk about something else dirty that bacteria can grow on so usually 24 to 48 hours it's like what bacteria can grow on certain things like plastics and stuff and it
00:34:44| depends on the bacteria oh I'm not generalizing all I'm just saying a lot of them 24 to 40 ml bacteria Thank You Brad not all men not all bacteria I understand what's interesting is this
00:34:57| guy right here money wherever other dirtiest things get there huh I just did money is dirty as hell right do you know why did a little research on dirty money and uh took me to a lot of mobster stuff
00:35:18| but then I finally figured it out it's interesting all these little natural pockets it has and things like of that nature it becomes a great germ carrier hmm not a germ transmitter checkout you
00:35:38| often don't get sick from money because the same process that keeps it alive a flu virus can stay alive for 17 days on money outside the money no the reason it's good at transferring the stuff is
00:35:53| has all these pockets and stuff 92% of bills they found have Stephan Stephan op against couscous couscous it's nothing I guess it's okay they're great at holding the germs and
00:36:08| keeping them homey and giving them a home but when we exchange bills we don't often transmit these germs because they still stay in the bill so money is dirty as hell but it doesn't make you sick the
00:36:21| curious thing against that is that paper paper money is not made of paper which is true it can't be true literally paper money is not made out of paper mm-hmm that's why you can put it
00:36:42| through a washing machine folks that's why I can get wet come on good moves anyway it's a great germ home it doesn't give you germs so unless you lick it or whatever or strip included your vagina
00:36:59| or whatever or put it wherever wherever those bacteria are like germophobes and other daily activities yeah let's say kissing sharing drinks having big ole intercourse oh boy I
00:37:20| jumped ahead I guess and germophobes have sex I know susana knows did you google that before the episode yeah Google it just sounds like this first-person account of germaphobes
00:37:42| having sex yeah no I did google it just to see what they they said and they're basically like everything has to be clean I mean they sound like them just like like hold on a second I got some
00:37:59| Listerine I'm just gonna splash the body with it mister can I rinse your bird yeah yeah but what I found you know like everyone goes to the dentist and they ask if you
00:38:12| floss or like ya go to the doctor and they're like to use condoms really like yeah I've totally used condoms for oral sex of course these people use condoms for every single thing they're like yeah
00:38:38| if I'm gonna go down on a girl she have a dental dam latex suits that they wear I think that's why they wear them not that not that I don't know anything about that oh my god there's so many
00:39:06| things you could like use that way you could be like oh it's a germ thing but you could do the opposite you could be like you know what I really need to like inoculate my body wash it
00:39:16| so mmm so pee on me although ironically enough is piss um it's sanitary when sanitary I heard you can drink it so this is a fun one because this this got debunked like
00:39:37| maybe five years ago it was actually debunked a long time ago but nobody paid attention so it's not that dangerous to drink your own or someone else's pee someone else's which is better but but
00:39:53| it is not sterile the trick is is that the bacteria unless you have if you have a UTI then the bacteria could survive out in the air but in general the bacteria that live in your bladder are
00:40:07| what are called anaerobic so they really can't make energy unless they're without oxygen is introduced yeah so when you pee that bacteria is not gonna survive like this is one of the things you're
00:40:23| better off peeing in the shower then coughing in the shower this part but I am a big shower up here like it doesn't I just assume everyone drives that I don't know oh damn what's your number
00:40:44| drink what percentage yeah that's a Phi I just I will I do do that I mean it's relaxing has water run away naturally sometimes you don't even know it just happens you don't even know over
00:41:17| us Jesus Christ you pee so I think lemon right there about the first time they actually use antiseptic so there was a guy named love I don't know his full name maybe Joseph Lister Thanks oh god I
00:41:38| was gonna say John but you were way better it's just like this series the first one to use an antiseptic during surgery to clean off wounds to make sure that nothing bad grew there and that is
00:41:49| uh there's an O Maj in Listerine towards Lister because he did that is that what wait is that why Listerine does that it's an alcohol-based thing so yeah cool I didn't know that that's awesome
00:42:01| shout out Listerine I just saw this because I wanted to brush up on it but originally they sold Listerine as both a floor cleaner and a cure for gonorrhea like the Dodgers like you're fucking
00:42:24| disgusting eco clean your floor and there you go here's your sign your sponge what's your fear just bud one then the other mm-hmm so what did Joe Lister do Joey Joey oh that's why I knew
00:42:45| him s I'm sorry that's pretty much it something else that we're going to the next area here well I was gonna go to like medical necessity of like cleaning germs thank you okay cool yeah they try
00:42:57| to sterilize via a few processes so there's like for an operating said it right we're an operating room they have like positive flow so air is constantly moving out so they don't have outside
00:43:09| germs moving in they also spray those chemicals that have the ugly dynamic effect so that like the the coppers and then they add antiseptics and they even know like if you're having surgery they
00:43:20| make you wipe down with these special wipes iodine continuously no bacteria and then everything is scrubbed so like soap and water is actually a better cleaner than the alcohols make it
00:43:34| removes larger particles but alcohol has on the bottle 99.9% of germs killed cents on the bottle it's on the bottle are you telling you think about so here's the thing though is like okay so
00:43:46| soil a gram of soil so like this much soil that can have up to 10 to the 10th bacteria that's like a hundred bacteria yeah at least a hundred bacteria but if you kill 99.9% of it you're still gonna
00:44:03| have what like ten to the seventh bacteria oh my god but no that's actually really true with the soap and water it's you're better off so you're better off scrubbing
00:44:15| vigorously with water than you would be to just wipe your hands with the sanitizer it's actually more of the scrubbing that takes off most of the surface in the soap germs kind of
00:44:26| emulsify the oils yeah surfactant you guys are dropping words like you guys sign Scientology right here I'm telling you guys the best Scientologists I've ever seen Scientology Tom Cruise Kate
00:44:42| Winslet so Dan I mean with your job now do you have to worry about cleanliness and because apparently Nick doesn't but you shower 1.5 yeah there's so my job right now is the program things that
00:45:04| involve cows getting milked one of the things is a disinfectant it gets sprayed so you're actually right there's like a pre and post disinfectant and my Segway out of this conversation is that it's
00:45:17| gonna be a part of that disinfectant in the milk is gonna get in the milk and then also if you're drinking milk there are parts per million of random stuff in your milk so you guys are amazing
00:45:33| if you are a germaphobe you would probably be weary of biological stuff side bar because my doggies dead he was snoring like a bastard Pasteur dirty elbows yeah no it's true
00:45:49| though so even yeah even when you pasteurize that's why your milk goes bad even if it's sealed mm-hmm ooh pasteurize good thing keyword LOI path sure so what is
00:46:03| my boy you got to get it to like 150 degrees Fahrenheit to kill off I don't know you know the number let's go so there's there's two ways to pasteurize actually there's like a bajillion but
00:46:13| there's two ways that are normally done there's one that's like more low and slow I forget what the actual time it might be like 135 but for like 10 minutes
00:46:22| I'm not exactly sure on the exact numbers but the other one is high speed high pressure that is like 150 for like two minutes and I think that the the high speed high pressure is a little
00:46:39| high speed high temperature is a little bit more effective but it can also yeah it can also like denature some of the proteins people think it maybe changes the flavor of the milk you can also do
00:46:52| like filtering of milk but you're gonna lose some stuff that's that's why there's some milk where there's like an ad in some fancy plastic bottle it's like ultra filtered and it does it stays
00:47:05| really good in your fridge for like a month really mmm I didn't know that Suzanna is on point with a number I'm not I'm not a milk guy so that's not my thing
00:47:15| did she did she just all sudden be like lounging on a beer she's pelvis sorry air narrowly it the camera switched right when that happen as this lady was in mmm-hmm
00:47:33| yes so the 250 is actually the sterilization so ever gonna use like an autoclave or something that will like pressurize and sterilize the temperature you want to get to is 250 it's
00:47:43| interesting I didn't know this have you ever heard of like the biosafety level so like the CDC has like very dangerous bacteria viruses whatnot in these like contain medicals business facilities so
00:47:58| they call them VSL number four so they keep it so that it's locked down secured with all this kind of like all the things I mentioned before if you were like in an operating room plus there's
00:48:08| like physical barriers so they wear like a giant suit gloves they constantly have oxygen pumped into their suits so they don't have to deal with direct contact with bacteria that are yeah make sense
00:48:18| mm-hmm I'm just well beautiful for is like the really bad shit bsl-4 is like Ebola there's there's few agents that actually are bsl-4 and there's very few places actually that deal with the sl4
00:48:31| stuff so there's this new facility right in the middle of Austin and everyone lost their mind that they put it there but there's also places in like Georgia and Texas which
00:48:42| is why when the Ebola outbreak Ebola Ebola outbreak happened there were only so many places you could take the patients but like UNC has a bsl-3 area where they work with you're singing a
00:48:54| pestis which causes the plague they have to get all suited up they have to use like a gas mask and make sure that you know if anything touches them they have to be a new scrub checked yeah we take
00:49:07| antibiotics in Italy which is about one week and the thing right yeah so I work with the sl1 and sometimes bsl-2 so BSL one is like the baseline e.coli so we call I lives
00:49:23| everywhere always be a cell one so Ecola is interesting you call it-- you can think of bacteria sort of like different breeds of dogs where like like e.coli it's all dogs but whether or not
00:49:38| it's gonna hurt you or not is gonna depend on the specific twinge exactly so most e.coli or what you call I we use in the lab really won't get you sick it doesn't have the genes needed
00:49:52| make you really sick teeth yeah exactly but others have all these nasty just chunks of genes that can they can use to infect you in different ways so word yeah yeah so we all know howi'm endo is
00:50:13| a germaphobe yeah I was watching a to expose on him did you watch the 20/20 you know whatever he was afraid of the floor yeah do you remember when his pill dropped yeah oh my god just looking at
00:50:28| easily no no no no one Jack he's a little bit OCD right there a little obsessive-compulsive disorder so OCD crosses over with the germaphobe area and um I don't know how to define the
00:50:41| differences between two but what I did come across is that OCD has its own mental happenings I made up the word I'm sorry I've been drinking the orbital cortex
00:50:55| it's a part of your brain folks it's in the frontal lobe everyone looking up you'll be fine it's easy it tells you whether you've been correct wrong rewarded or you need a mistake it's like
00:51:07| the school part of your brain right I'm gonna sing the missing part is just like mistake mistake yes we'll hold on it's an error detection thing it tells you that you've made an error and you have
00:51:17| to correct it this part goes off and people with OCD whether it's cleaning their hands clean the can or cleaning this locking their doors it comes up a lot I have a quick story on this one
00:51:30| hold on Jesus Christ dude let me assure you I mean if you do podcast which sounds better than I did Nick dirt so I really do the cingulate gyrus comes up and when you have a problem with your
00:52:00| orbital cortex and it says no no when it says hey we did something wrong hey something's wrong hey we did a false thing we did an error it alerts the cingulate gyrus which
00:52:11| makes you anxious it makes you feel like ah something's wrong something's weird something I didn't do something right I didn't I didn't finish something something's wrong I didn't I have to
00:52:23| finish this I have to get this off my skin yeah it makes you anxious it's it keeps going until your mistake is corrected which is usually cleaning your hands for the 50th time the third
00:52:37| process is called the it happens in the caudate nucleus match your brains area where it says it's very inner stem it says hey all's clear my man finished all the jobs he needed to do our mistake has
00:52:53| been corrected we're good let's move forward to a different project let's move forward and do something else so it's like a one two three that happens with people at OC day
00:53:03| especially cleaning go ahead what do you got here your renounce my traded date on someone who is OCD and she at nighttime had this routine where she would turn off all the lights turn the back on ten
00:53:14| times she would lock all the doors ten times and she was like walking to bed double check everything and then she'd laid down and my cousin would say are you sure that you did and then she would
00:53:27| [Laughter] her to do that that's annoying to you but it I mean that's a test to make sure I did a really OCD like if they're really OCD they will do it again well
00:53:41| that's a great pet wonderful but OCD becomes not a thing where you have to flip a switch it's a thing where your brain is saying you know that feeling where you're like been corrected or
00:53:55| wrong and you want to fix something it's that it's not a I have to do it or off die but your brain equates it to I have to do it or I just I want to die like there's a weird thing where your brain
00:54:11| keeps making reasons to do something because it wants to feel complete and move to the next stage yeah it's like blue balls for your brain oh my god I'm gonna oh my god I think um I need to
00:54:24| home we need to finish this we need to get resolution it's a weird pressure that builds so it's not like they actually maybe care about the germs so much as we discuss it the very opening
00:54:38| it's not like they're like oh my god I'm worried about the point one percent of germs that could make me sick it's they're worried about their brain giving them peace of mind because there's
00:54:49| something they didn't do and this something they didn't do could affect them affect their health effects on when they loves health affect their well-being affect all these things and
00:55:00| they need to do it it's like a dread and anxiety and that's what I find the OCD version is so the realization of failing to clean yourself in zinc for germaphobes it's not an
00:55:15| actual like it's not not actual fear that you should have because most people probably don't die of the germs that they pick up naturally now pneumonia is like one of the highest
00:55:25| ones but that really affects people so as you go through life there's a chance that you're probably not going to die from an infectious disease unless it's like the plague Black Plague which is
00:55:37| rare or the plague or the Black Plague [Music] same thing but yeah well I think that's yeah I think that's really true unless you're
00:55:51| immunocompromised so if someone who you know has an immune disease or something like HIV turning into AIDS then you're not gonna be able to fight off the normal infections is my dog snoring so
00:56:05| much I notice the odds of infections killing you is actually like at every age is less than 5% just to its right yeah it's below 5% oh yeah I think it's interesting though is like we have we as
00:56:22| humans have some innate I don't know drive to protect ourselves against some things and not against others you know like people are way more afraid of a shark attack versus getting in a car
00:56:35| accident which doesn't make any sense right you know or like you're way more likely to die from heart disease then getting you know sick from somebody but eat healthy and exercise every day
00:56:48| okay that's fine yeah well have you been going to the tanning salon it's the amount of alcohol that I've drunken I think it's cleansing my body of the bacteria yeah I think I have so wanted
00:57:03| to do this though I've still wanted to figure out like it would be super unethical but you know like well figure out like the the microbiome of people who you know if you're like yeah or you
00:57:19| know like you go for a month sober test your microbiome and then go on like a weekend bender and just cause I used to think that in college like wow I probably sterilized my entire
00:57:30| insides they were clean now not actually they'll be impossible but right so do you guys will move towards the final sector of our episode we actually talk about mom's vagina because that's gonna
00:57:43| work oh go for that cuz that's well that's a little bit ties into the finality blacktip Andrea oh you got some names let's go I mean that's exactly what I said in the beginning is that
00:58:00| when you exit through your mom's vagina when you're born you pick up all these bacteria and the bacteria become part of you so there's we got invited babies here shit we got vagina babies here
00:58:10| rajaiah baby vagina baby I'm a Jedi baby I suppose I was I don't I think I was we all bagina babies I think we are yeah babies so literally I remember like it was yesterday my mommy I am just like
00:58:24| left to my right boom I'm coming out oh here we go I did not expect the Coneheads reference tonight thank you thank you pick up there's bacteria because it's kind of a
00:58:40| weird biological thing that like these bacteria are held on the exit point and you're supposed to pick them up just like a it's like a goodbye bacteria they said that when babies were born via
00:58:57| c-section they could pick up random ike bacteria via like just air flow and like dead skin cells and other people and they're not quite the right bacteria so by exiting through the right tunnel you
00:59:08| pick up the right stuff my son's c-section he gets sick a lot mmm coincidence maybe maybe not I'm not here to say he's problematic because he's c-section because she had a
00:59:23| placenta that was low or whatever they didn't want to mess with that so interesting they're talking about reducing oh well did you did you see so there's some recent stuff where they're
00:59:37| trying to ameliorate any issues of sisa did you look into that No so the only thing I read was that they want to reintroduce those bacteria to the baby
00:59:49| so they will like take a sample and put it on the baby to make sure that they pick up those bacteria it's yeah almost the same as like this like this this new science where they want to like instead
01:00:00| of alcohol where it like completely destroys most bacteria they want to flush it with a good set of bacteria so you're introducing the ones that present like a normal balance yeah yeah so
01:00:13| though basically like you'd like the simba thing ya know like um like cotton pads and like like the baby with vagina juice and as the father we're gonna wipe the baby with vagina juices right now
01:00:30| just and they're just like wait what is this a normal step Oh totally normal and you're like okay can i watch so what we're getting into is the last thing which I think we're gonna spend the rest
01:00:46| of the episode on and then finish here farm effect do you know what that is okay did we talk about it's just the hygiene hypothesis yeah yes it is you're exactly right their farm effect is where
01:01:02| people who raised on a farm have less allergens less problems less this less um because they're raised out in dirt natural soil natural this natural that they don't eliminate as many bacteria
01:01:17| they don't use as much sanitizer they're dirtier essentially but for being dirtier they end up living better healthier immune lives and I think that's where we're gonna end up because
01:01:31| allergies may be what's the ultimate ultimate ruling on that we're saying like the Western scientific I'm just gonna summarize we use this it essentially so that the Western eyes
01:01:45| cover these could meet numbers either numbers I don't know if I have numbers I don't think this is a scientific thing because it's like almost like studying a biosphere it's like you take little
01:01:54| swaths of we do have an expert so she's breaking away in just a second she's going to jump in with her boots on her army boots she's gonna have army weapons and we are
01:02:05| against weapons but we're gonna let her taught her so like the Western families they have a smaller family size they're usually isolated they're usually given like antibiotics they're not in the soil
01:02:16| and then they're also like sanitized they're washing their hands and cleaning themselves I don't know if that's a good thing to do because the people that are being introduced to all the bacteria are
01:02:27| building up a defense against them so yeah yeah no that's right and just in terms of numbers the tricky thing is so all that's true the tricky thing is is that they've tried to study this and of
01:02:42| course it's really hard to actually study there's so many different factors between a family who grows up on a farm versus a family who grows up in the city there's air there's antibiotics there's
01:02:54| what they're introduced to so most of the so they have observational studies they'll track families over time but you can't really be like okay City child we're gonna put you in the country like
01:03:09| we're not gonna do like a way swapping the Parent Trap so but what they have done is they've done a bunch of animal studies where what they've done is they take mice and they're
01:03:26| called nota biotic mice but basically it means that they've no no biotic source of the G because yeah so what they do is they take mice and they clean them off as much as possible they give them
01:03:41| antibiotics they sterilize them and they keep them clean and then these mice have babies and they keep them super clean and they test that they're not you don't have any bacteria anything on them and
01:03:53| then these mice what they can do is they can take and they can either like as infants give them a little bit of bacteria or not and then as adults they'll give them a pathogen they'll
01:04:05| give them some sort of bad bacteria and what they find is that the mice that have been pre-inoculated the ones who had exposure to the bacteria early on in their life are much
01:04:15| more likely to clear the disease and not get sick so there's this idea that you're basically priming your immune system figure out like what bacteria are good what are bad and how to
01:04:26| appropriately react to them because what's interesting is this not so much that the mice that don't have the bacterias babies it's not that they are not able to mount a defense it's
01:04:39| actually that they go haywire you know they they take it as an all out of front where even if you give them kind of innocuous bacteria they're not gonna do much these mice have never
01:04:52| experienced bacteria and so they go into hyperdrive they basically go septic really fast so they're gonna have a super high fever they're gonna overreact and that overreaction is a lot of times
01:05:04| what actually kills the mouse so it's hard to do with people but wait they have find found in mice is that and other other animals like that is that having some pre exposure can help your
01:05:18| body determine if they're gonna be like what kind of reaction they'll have to bacteria or two things like allergens did your dog just make a really big mess it was so good they do that what you're
01:05:42| touching on they do that with children now if you're feeding children you need to make sure that you go through different types of foods so that they don't develop an allergy because they've
01:05:50| been exposed to it before and then you know down which ones they actually are allergic to so guys this is my one chance to brag I was raised in this exact style environment that's our mo my
01:06:06| family I'm deathly allergic to dogs and cats when I'm around dogs and cats I just start sneezing my neck gets itchy I get hives I mostly dogs I sneeze
01:06:22| that's hive since these it's just how it is when I was 16 my parents got a golden retriever which is very hairy right mm-hmm
01:06:36| I sneeze under six months straight they got a second golden retriever like I would you sneeze every day just non-stop it made my abs hurt I had a hernia um suspecting it may have been
01:06:52| responsible I will sue them fling this pie get is over a year removed I'm not allergic to dogs anymore like I just now I'm around dogs I'm like whatever cats I haven't but I haven't
01:07:09| looked with the cat I think my body just was like this is allergic this is bad this is allergic this is bad this is different this is bad this is allergic this is bad eventually I was like let's
01:07:19| just give off it's living here we're gonna live here let's go hey right is that what your body does is that a scientific thing I couldn't find scientific evidence on this pursuit yeah
01:07:31| no I actually that is actually cut stop like just wake up no this is the real thing so if you ever hear of like allergy therapy this is something I had a guy I dated was allergic to everything
01:07:48| but when we broke up he dated somebody new and she had a dog and so he decided that he wanted to actually start doing the stuff to allow him to be around though be around the dog and so what it
01:08:03| is all it is is that you go in and they give you like depending on with this so sometimes they'll go in and give you a shot so it's like super strong antihistamine and you're fine but
01:08:12| usually what happens is they slowly introduce that allergen and so they're even doing it now with peanut allergies there there was a very small yeah and actually this would have this technology
01:08:26| or this therapy would have come a long time ago because it was it was thought up like ten years ago and they started to do this trial and they were really results and then a couple of the nurses
01:08:38| screwed up the dosage and killed a couple kids for they basically yeah basically didn't move the decimal point but they finally it was finally enough time that they got approval to do this
01:08:57| stuff again do with more of adults like be even more careful and they're showing really promising results that just like building an open for time the trick is you have to continually be exposed
01:09:07| because what can happen is if you haven't been exposed for a while your body kind of jumps back to that original time so it makes sense actually that having a dog for that long eventually
01:09:17| your body was like let's just actually we're not gonna fight it this tired of this shit yes convert to non-allergic your body is like now let's give up so what I want to
01:09:30| move into as our finality which is related to what we're just talking about is that being dirty sometimes is good for us exposing ourselves to germs is a good thing being germy being dirty being
01:09:45| exposed to germs being friggin dirt bowls is actually good I think Nick has to pee is what I'm thinking no I don't yet but talking about it you're messing with me I do want to I want to bring up
01:09:59| one like two things maybe maybe three I get it I don't yeah there's a mechanism by which the alcohol kills germs and I don't know if you're I heard I saw eyebrows go up so like the percentage of
01:10:16| alcohol matters if you hit it with like a hundred percent alcohol like the germ reacts as if it's like a foreign thing I think it protects itself and then like a normal mixture is like 60 or 70 percent
01:10:27| alcohol because the germ doesn't know how to react to that and then it actually like dissolves the outside layer of a germ accurate hmm it makes sense I mean the point is is that most
01:10:39| bacteria are covered by like a semipermeable lipid layer yeah bilipid layer so it's gonna home hydrophobic yeah so it's gonna be a hydrofoil hydrophilic on the outsides
01:10:52| and hydrophobic in the middle which is why stuff doesn't permeate through but if you have some sort of mix you can probably get through both layers so you're gonna be able to open up that
01:11:03| hydrophilic part and the hydrophobic part shove it in there folks we get in our home ozone we get our hydro-zone we get in our Felix on like I'm hole in right now anyway I'm sorry good keep
01:11:15| going guys so what we just took your audio from this podcast perfect we get us arrested the so like there's a mechanism by which penicillin actually kills bacteria and I had never known
01:11:32| this until I watched a video of penicillin killing bacteria and I thought it was hilarious because like the penicillin makes itself of bacteria I can't I can't like pump things out or
01:11:44| like pumps things into all that makes sense is that's accurate right oh it overfill it that's cool so penicillin the easiest way to describe it is like it looks like part of the cell wall and
01:12:00| so it will bind to you could think of it as like when you're building walls you have the stud post right so it basically goes and binds to the stud post as if it was a piece of wool the siding or
01:12:16| something like that and so then the siding can't stick onto it you have these big holes in the wall and eventually the outside are too different and just
01:12:25| happens is it it's constantly rebuilding and you're just like wow that's cool but it is it's pretty hilarious because it'll be like so and then it just explodes
01:12:36| so I everyone should go and look at what happens when a parent penicillin is introduced to adjourn it's great interesting and then my sex oh oh Jesus before we
01:12:47| it's about me yes your second Banksy's the dirtiest individual known to man is it me lizard thingy but no his name is an Indian guy named mo Hadji hey oh is he
01:13:05| doing the no shower thing he's hydrophilic he can't even touch water so he literally is like he's paralyzed when he gets anywhere near water and he can't he can't touch it
01:13:14| so his body her fear okay it's a fear that paralyzes him so he he gets nowhere near water he doesn't wash his hands he doesn't clean himself in any way he looks like he's a human gargoyle sorry I
01:13:29| just realized he might hydrophobic like a fear like a phobia of I was I thought yeah I was going with hydrophilic you're near water I was like you know most things
01:13:47| yeah but the dude the dude looks like a gargoyle it's just ridiculous like he he's the filthiest person on the planet because he hasn't bathed in like 60 years seems
01:14:02| like a xanax chill out dude see think that's almost everything I learned recover thank you so lastly [Applause]
01:14:26| it's annoying every second still wake not asleep the farm effect okay this relates to biome depletion theory where we're depleting so many biomes that we buy sanitizing cleaning / cleaning /
01:14:45| sanitizing / cleaning / sanitizing sanitizing cleaning and / cleaning / sanitizing you look ruining so we um we're ruining stuff that our body needs humans are thousands of years old
01:15:05| hundreds of thousands of years old maybe in the millions of years old we have symbiotic relationships with the world around us maybe we have relationships with these biomes maybe it's like hey
01:15:18| it's a partnership we let you in you can defeat some stuff in our bodies you can make us healthier in one way oh well I let you in now we're killing them so we're not letting them into our bodies
01:15:30| and we're we're breaking the pact it's gonna do weird stuff to our bodies we're gonna make ourselves weaker in one sense right we can't defeat certain things we don't have the biomes that are can
01:15:43| properly respond to different Bader's were we're putting ourselves at odds another cool thing about the harvester or the farm effect is something called the harvest hi do you know people who
01:15:58| long to other on gardening for their own tomatoes or lettuce or on everything you literally get something called a harvest high if you harvest your own food and like gather it and cut it off the
01:16:13| branches and grow it dirt in your cells and yeah dirt in your fingernails is a real thing no no I can't do that I can't you're familiar with Mycobacterium that k are you yeah like the Mycobacterium is
01:16:35| that the one that like has to do with vaccines and shit your exactly pretty much it I've got it it's in the soil right it's a microbe that's naturally occurring if you cover
01:16:46| yourself in dirt you get your hands dirty every day you result in something called a micro bacterium beck hay which they come in they hang out in your body and guess what they're not bad guys they
01:16:59| actually are found to have the same results as antidepressants they increase your serotonin production and they actually cut down rheumatoid arthritis crazy
01:17:11| oh sure give me an injection of that I mean I'll believe it or or or they're covered in dirt all the time and so nobody hangs out with them and you don't have to deal with assholes I love you
01:17:25| you do it's an important part but beats when you're dirty when you're covered in dirt there's a natural symbiosis that maybe we're ignoring or maybe were killing how wouldn't be yet and you're
01:17:39| covered I'm here and when I'm covered in dirt I feel so happy yeah look there's a lot of dirt under these fingernails a guy that dirt was frozen I had to rub it on my body on my face what I did my
01:17:55| blood pressure definitely went down I definitely felt a little happier I definitely was like wow my serotonin production something like a little bit just a little bit I liked it I don't
01:18:10| know maybe there's something to it you might do maybe there's something to being a dirt ball I was a dirt ball in college we're gonna raise my hand right here thank you um I just found out when
01:18:26| I moved my girlfriend that your shower towel which I thought was the cleanest hell you could have it's after you shower right you shower you cover your body in soap you wash it off you get out
01:18:37| of the shower and you put the towel around you right that shot that towel I didn't wash it for like a year and a half gotcha my girlfriend came over and when
01:18:52| this thing's starting to stink when'd you wash it like a month ago and I was like a month ago you don't wash this it's your shower towels and she was like oh when you're clean you need to wash it
01:19:04| clean when you dry your slob right that's what I said I was like I'm clean I'm drying off it's fine it needs to be cleaned everyone at home will sing to clean your
01:19:19| shower towel they never change their toothbrush because like oh it's for cleaning your teeth so number of dirtiest spot on your house list folks your toothbrush holder I think it's
01:19:35| nasty oh yeah that's true oh your house would have different stats though your shower towel you should just like sponge yourself off afterwards we touched on to it amazing
01:19:55| did you know me and Tom my roommate for years can we send samples of your house to her to test and then we can tell a part of your highlight the dirtiest and then the the guy wasn't sure ran
01:20:10| professionally he just bought one house and decided to rent a college kids the people that live there before us had decorative wooden figurines on their stairs sconces oh my god they had they
01:20:25| were so beautiful they had decorative stuff on their walls they had they had ideas they had dreams had goals when he run into us the next year one night someone just peed on a wall and I was
01:20:42| standing there telling him to stop but he was he started peeing he shivered at the end but anyway that house became the dirtiest house I've ever lived in dishes would sit there for three weeks
01:20:59| I'm just saying I went through a phase where I was the dirtiest person on earth um me and Tom had a lot to drink we found ribs in the fridge cuz Alicia dated Ben and no one no women
01:21:14| came into our house and like made food but like oh fuck now no question they're making food Alicia did she's a friend of mine from grade school dated a friend of mine from college god bless her she
01:21:27| would make food we grabbed the ribs out of that fridge they were coated in barbecue sauce I ate them they were delicious no no we ate the whole thing we like six ribs each we
01:21:43| were drunk me and Tom god bless us who cares next morning Alicia said where the ribs did you guys cook them ate them and I said cook them I thought they were cooked and she said no you assholes they
01:22:00| were raw and I the autonomy raw pork ribs and pork apparently is worse one eat raw but anyway it really taught us a lot about life and we never got sick and let's move on the food poisoning guys oh
01:22:19| yeah can we talk about food poisoning ah yeah okay so food poisoning I'm gonna say awfully this bacteria is can't be Lebec dur is the vector Junie ah well yeah juni is like 20 something percent
01:22:40| no it does the same thing actually getting food poisoning from so if you can food that can't be back to is in there and it's gonna infect everything and then someone alec comes
01:22:53| in a close no no not even close second it's like 20% an e.coli have 2% so if you have like canned food that is old that can't be Deeley is gonna destroy your insides so you probably shouldn't
01:23:05| eat it you're gonna shit for days easy and great way to lose weight the question to you is that so if you actually boil that and kill all the bacteria like is that a way to unpause
01:23:20| in food or is there no way to recover the food that was once there well so that's a really good question I'm not sure the mechanism of action for Campylobacter for doing things so
01:23:33| there's a few different ways that bacteria can make you sick for instance Listeria is gonna be it actually has to get into your cells and like zip around it's so cool
01:23:43| the series so close but it like will get into the cells and pop them like we get in part of what makes you sick they also make a bunch of chemicals and stuff Listeria lisen and stuff that will act
01:23:58| as toxins but certain things like cluster idiom botulinum you know because it makes botulism yeah or also yeah honey I get it in honey everyday and then I defeat it whatever
01:24:11| yeah so yeah that's spores should be ok but like active so that's something that can contaminate canned goods as well but that's actually a toxin so if that's
01:24:22| already created you're not gonna be able to kill it with heat so if you have something where you like coli a lot of times e-coli it's not gonna be making that much toxin
01:24:32| so you might be able just kill it with the heat eat it a lot of times stuff like meat like Salmonella but you could just kill it it's gonna taste gross if it's like if it if it's clearly
01:24:44| contaminated there's so much bacteria there I can't even tell you but yeah if yours Killa it should be fine but if you have something like a really bad botulinum infection or contamination and
01:24:57| you kill that you're still gonna have a lot of the toxins there unless you're like pressure cooking to death your food like something like back siliceous bacillus cereus
01:25:10| ah serious that's a favorite I get to play without my lab oh is that a BAC one or or whatever the VCL one that's what I said socks in its byproduct of a bacteria gone crazy
01:25:24| inside your food so you can never cook that out so that's did you see what that most often is in no I did not so if you've ever um it's so serious is
01:25:38| usually the reason why people if they get food poisoning from like Indian or Chinese food and a lot of people go like oh I got food poisoning from them you know I got
01:25:50| their food and I ate it over a couple days and suddenly on the last day it made me really sick so bacillus cereus is in a lot of rice and it's no big deal because usually it's in like the spore
01:26:04| form it's gonna be fine you're gonna eat it it's fine the problem is is if you cook it and then you have it at room temperature it's going to grow really really well so if you ever have like
01:26:14| rice don't leave it at realized that I have a bunch of rice downstairs oh so you forgot I gonna have to make more rice I'll probably just eat anyway so but that's the thing that's why a lot of
01:26:29| times people if they get food poisoning will get it from these certain restaurants because either they'll take it home and they'll leave on the counter but really a lot of times lower grade
01:26:39| restaurants will make a bunch of rice in the morning and by the end of the day she's sitting at room temperature it's gonna cause that serious to really grow very well interesting very serious about
01:26:53| your food safety back so it's serious I think that covers everything if you want to do a recap he needs to pee or something I don't know he's doing don't take your freak a stop doing the shirt
01:27:05| on oh Jesus another shirt on thank God I've seen his chest far too much he shaved it down let's see that there's a line right there is it what my chest line yeah you did yeah usually I get a
01:27:23| Phoenix head that appears here I get what's called a um what's the thing that dies and comes to life Phoenix high Mons pubis but anyway it has wings that come out to
01:27:37| here it looks like the bird that dies and comes back yeah that's a Phoenix yeah anyway the head usually here I have to shave the head because it comes like to here I'm wearing shirts it's like yo
01:27:46| it's a Phoenix I hate the explain into people but you know what I want to end this episode on is just that there is a reason we shouldn't try and overstep our bounds we shouldn't try and kill all
01:28:03| these germs machine trying to over cook things we shouldn't try and there's a weird thing that happens when we try and overstep our bounds we try and kill germs
01:28:14| we are germaphobes we try to battle everything yeah and then we overdo it yeah so what happens we end up making yourselves sick again don't we yeah because we live in symbiosis with other
01:28:26| things so how does that happen is that because of thousands of years of evolution and life and living and so is it better to just let life happen be dirty honking get your hands dirty do
01:28:38| whatever or should we stop germs should we wash our hands after repeat I won't I will not wash my hands after I pee you hear me folks I will not wash my hands like what
01:28:53| should we do I have no idea we've got this weird crossroads wha so you're telling me to do it but also not what should we do I think unless you get sick don't worry about being sick in general
01:29:07| have have some good practices again that rule of moist surfaces that's where you need to be worried don't worry about your hands getting dirty unless you put them in your mouth or in your eyes
01:29:18| touching your eyes and yeah like that's the things you got to worry about most of the stuff is me pass-through liquid or that's gonna be fine yeah don't yeah so yeah and unless you're
01:29:37| immunocompromised most the stuff you're gonna be okay and thanks to modern medicine even if you're not a lot of the stuff we can get rid of yeah except for prions and
01:29:47| water bears which are at our degree oh my god yeah took me a long time to get to that but I had to flash it I flashed it yeah I'll get my clock motor there thank you just us see that pinky right
01:30:12| there that's don't no one cares about your pinky I'm telling you it's called coke Ambo dactyl II I can flatten it you should I want but it it just naturally goes back to that state yeah
01:30:27| it's like a trigger finger but um I can't even do them not to be outdone thank has a weird finger I can flick it like really hard though so if like I have food on it like boom recap whoa
01:30:49| yeah what do we cover where we cover tardigrades yep water bears dirt our degree turn and water baby talked about oh my god we took that Howie Mandel for like the whole uh penicillin how long oh
01:31:01| my god poor horse oh we talked about um your jobs 60 years don't you know shower with you what am I gonna miss sofa week do you know what finally derma boobs are afraid to press
01:31:16| that's pretty good talk about sausage there's give me a little insects in women you're gonna be fine yeah no cavities therefore what everybody I'm gonna did
01:31:35| elk and everyone out here folks we talked about OCD versus German folks some phones that all the stuff happens toilet hates honey dirty money when you poop not a hygiene hypothesis
01:31:50| Oh real quick do you guys know what the dirtiest thing in a plane is you air filters we go by CF use seat belts have how 230 stall locks have 70 in their drinking
01:32:08| fountain button mostly in airports not in the plane have like 1200 and number one folks tray table no fuck you five oh my god I used to lick our tray tables now I
01:32:24| used to like the tray table not anymore folks we touched every germ we touched every phobia we touched everything we talked about how the soil makes you happier did we talk about that cerritos
01:32:39| certainly did I was covered in dirt I felt great fantastic uh-huh brilliant want to I want to thank our guests for being on here thank you I'm pandered and thank you hos I'm really sorry
01:32:52| manners so thank you guys for tuning in you can hit our patreon you can donate millions of dollars you can do a butt chin thing didn't I my god Jenna runs like Instagram she's gonna yeah check it
01:33:17| out it's probably somewhere on the page you can look at it it's down here look frogs left to Nix left Susanna's left to and she's left there you go it's on there all I'm saying is
01:33:33| find this stuff and just throw money at it like millions of dollars if you're a billionaire throw a couple mil who cares seems that all our you had earlier I ate it
01:33:43| your sponge folks learn so much he's like kitchen thanks for joining us we have a lot of fun tonight I can't believe we learned so much we like you folks we like you a lot thank you
01:34:01| check them socials you

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