The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP086 Chef Primal Cooking Food Fire

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Transcript UnP086 Chef Primal Cooking Food Fire

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 86 - Chef Primal Cooking Food Fire
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00:00:02| about 1.9 million years ago we started cooking food and that cooking food let us become more advanced more evolved bigger stronger the most intelligent beings on the planet unique enough to
00:00:17| take pictures of our food put it on Instagram share them around the world look at what I eat join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time
00:00:37| people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block bathing's we don't pander
00:00:51| to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and this for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good
00:01:03| time [Music] all right we're talking about cooking food tonight the process I guess and the fancy a
00:01:33| basic part of cooking food mm-hmm uh-huh and the passion flipping them burgers folks it's a dad move right there everyone here home familiar flipping burgers is that we had and also a
00:01:47| minimum no I heard to make some burgers I do turkey burgers actually yeah frozen oh you mentioned this before special I see now I don't know who I love oil
00:01:57| splash them up yep it's dump stuff on there let him sit cook them a certain way but they're still frozen hmm why the turkey burgers are the thing they're healthier yeah they're a little
00:02:09| healthier and technically I don't think they taste any better or worse probably cuz i season them so you'd be wasting that even cheaper I think they're the same price from the company we went we
00:02:21| start going butterball or butter bean or someone butter butters in the name they're the same price just go to either with those websites and 10% off on panderers code it's put in our coupon
00:02:34| code coupon code F UC K P whoa we are rated pg-13 so we're allowed one of them because that movie works ah you could have one fo and holy shit oh my god let's talk
00:02:52| about food though let's let's focus on food because that's custom said about cooking the food so we're unique in that we're the only animals that actually cook food what research was that there
00:03:05| are animals that manipulate food they'll put it in the ground it'll ferment and then I'll eat it mmm kind of cooking that really doesn't involve fire there are other animals
00:03:15| that will take like potatoes I think these were monkeys and I'll put it in I don't know that they combined food like yeah we left with a wild microwave out in the open it's plugged Ankit yeah they
00:03:32| put it in salt water to make a little salt a little flavorful hmm so interesting stuff like that and they do prefer to eat cook foods in certain cases like they said that
00:03:44| stir-fry and like carrots like cooked carrots they prefer them and there are evolutionary advantages to be able to cook your own food it actually on bacteria and stuff right mm-hmm
00:03:56| cooks off bacteria sickness yeah it also denatures the food makes it that's already more broken down let's look for your body to break it down easier to digest and they said that so like we as
00:04:10| evolutionary Apes who are the highest chain of Apes Apes we're creationists if we were created in likeness of God but anyway an omnivore god yes then on the war god so the comparison
00:04:24| and that that one story was that we are not carnivores because carnivores have a shorter digestive gut and they also have a highly acidic act right yeah a highly acidic stomach compared to us so that if
00:04:35| they eaten something raw and it is kind of rotten they're gonna poop it out more quickly and their be able to fend off the bacteria that are inside so we are not similar to carbonyl carnivores as if
00:04:46| we ate something raw it would stay in our bodies longer and we wouldn't be able to defend against the bacteria that's inside there so how come and I didn't look this one up but a population
00:04:56| of animals on the earth that are omnivore population that are carnivore populations that are herbivore who's curious is there a way to find that out I don't think so
00:05:04| because I'll know more sounds like the the coolest one it's like best of both worlds you can go either way we can flip up we can you know we date your daughter you know both ways your mom I love meat
00:05:19| yeah yeah yeah I love veggies too it's what I would say so I don't know that it'll be an accurate number because one of them was just curious yeah but good you can't so I don't know that carnivore
00:05:31| meat tastes good so we don't raise them for that also since you're trying to feed an animal another animal it's more costly and what's the third thing no I see what you're saying you're talking
00:05:45| about for farming yeah plus they're more farming more prone to having diseases like the Chauncey disease is higher than a cow because of cow juice now you're talking
00:05:54| I just meant in general in the natural the way the world works naturally are they're way more herbivores than anything else and then there's a whole bunch of carnivores and then even fewer
00:06:03| and that is like omnivores it's like there's some that do both but it's very low number or okay that's what I meant sorry none of the animals we eat with our effect Dan like sick one he's gonna
00:06:21| get really deep in the philosophical and societal reasons we spiced our foods later like his favorite thing uh I don't I wish I could have this number more quickly I don't know how later yeah Oh
00:06:35| bullshit I feel like most creatures are herbivore most I feel like my star too because yeah and then you got some carnivores not a lot be like 10 percent evolutionarily you would have more
00:06:54| omnivores right stuff that can bite me then you'd be able to survive on both yeah but I think that means a really complex digestive tract access to both gestation longer time growing up yeah
00:07:07| yeah I know it's a wild world up to do an episode on I'll have to do an episode on food and no animal to creature get to it someday but while we're talking about food for animals and stuff you touched
00:07:21| on it we raise animals and stuff for food yeah we've literally conquered nature I mean that's kind of what human beings - or hey they manipulate hey terraform they control almost everything
00:07:35| they even try to control each other there's no natural anything about what we eat kind of at this point is there I mean you could say it's grown naturally it's whatever but it's all the jobs are
00:07:47| out sourced you don't you don't know the person who raises the chicken you don't know the person who butchered it you probably don't know the person who packaged it you probably don't know the
00:07:57| person that drove it to your damn grocery store right I always thought it was weird if you go to a rest and you tip the waiter for a good meal why like it doesn't get split with a
00:08:07| chef and probably doesn't in most places but usually the source behind that yeah does this amazing listen we got eight dollars on this table the other night it we got a you guys kicked to back to the
00:08:19| east supplier go back to this order and I don't know tipping in general is kind of a weird thing for what you tip for same thing with like bartenders like the ones that open a beer do you tip for
00:08:33| people for bartenders that open a beer for you yeah because you want a more filling beer and stuff what what is the relationship you approve of the bartender opening that I approve of them
00:08:47| finding me taking my order opening four beers and usually if it's a real busy bar it took him a long time and he goes to one two three four and he drops it at me I'll give you two bucks big spender
00:09:00| here I don't I do if someone based it faces me it has to pour me a beer or something it's a dollar a beer at that point you like the the nod and the quick release
00:09:11| of all the caps and then you you gather your up your beers and you go is how you're talking about you just oh no no cuz I spend more on the guy who's face to face with me okay
00:09:22| what I'm saying is that's the lowest I'll tip or look at the dudes a real jack ball I'll give them like nothing or a dollar or something but that's it mm-hmm do not tip those people I
00:09:32| generally don't like in super crowded right it's super super crowded he comes back with your thing it took him like eight minutes to get there but it's super crowded Eve it's four beers pop
00:09:42| small doesn't even really look at you takes your money brings it back and gives you the change and you're like this he's not really to go for he's not really a chef of liquids is he no but
00:09:56| with a bartender really if he's given me a mixed drink that takes knowledge and a little bit of skill to make if it's something a little you don't so if someone mixing a drink versus pouring a
00:10:10| beer you pay them the same amount you tip them the same amount for doing that probably took them two bucks on my drink is that more or less I can't tell you seem to move your bobbling around here
00:10:21| okay here no no this is very obvious and I've given my example someone gives me four beers real quick boom boom boom I don't really see him I give him two bucks step four the whole job mm-hmm I'm
00:10:32| face to face I'm gonna be two beers four beers whatever they have to get their drinks to bring all the may acknowledge II who is a human sure and it's not too crowded here or they look at me and
00:10:41| there you go here's this this this this is the book this is the Miller Lite this is the button thank you usually I'll give her a it's four beers like three or four bucks like about a dollar a beer
00:10:49| and then if it's just me and then honey and we're sitting there and we're just shooting the shit at a bar and we have one bartender he keeps coming over he's like yo you guys so good you guys need a
00:10:58| couple more drinks what do you want to do you wanna try something new we got this one half and I'm like yeah let me try the new one he's I can't it's the problem he's getting like a dollar fifty
00:11:07| to two bucks per beer that's how I roll so what you said about making a good mix drink or something that's worth two bucks to me have you ever seen a chef cook your meal for you as a chef can
00:11:17| arrest like a hibachi theme cook my meals have you gonna watch the bocce how much it's like hibachis a weird thing because they're entertaining you and feeding you and they are technically
00:11:28| your weight or two because they kind of shovel it on your plate there's a there's an old Mitch Hedberg joke oh yeah what happens when you get hibachi to go thank you go to the drive-through
00:11:40| hey man did he flip the thing like the fire not you okay you better have shovel at that in your car he tries to hit you with a little piece of rice you just get it all over your car people catch that
00:11:56| shit that a phenomenon you've come across I feel like it hits me in the eye or like bottom lip and it's never gonna I have caught it one time and I papa cheat I will tell you okay and I always
00:12:09| feel like a degenerate when I can't like I'm disgraced because then they want to do it again like the only fix we fix it you're like oh no it's gonna go bad again and always have like a little bit
00:12:21| of broken English so you can't prearranged like just like I want three tries I want two best out of three see I mean I can get they just do their thing
00:12:28| so I for that type of thing because their entertainment waiter plus there's no situations where you actually can get to the chef and say thank you because like a steakhouse
00:12:42| like when they make a steak like perfectly you can you can literally um I've seen people drop five those off me like King gives the chef that made buh-buh-buh-buh-buh I'd be like yeah
00:12:53| sure you're weird so it is weird but it's like you can do it it happens more in um Asian themed restaurants like um like my end uncle we're always good as sushi to
00:13:05| the same place and it's like a local place it's not name and like they always knew who was cooking there on the counter tacos I've seen it so like they have like the display and then the guy
00:13:14| making the shoes sushi right hold out and see him but they would always request to have him come out and be like hey what's going on that was awesome we really love so so and like they would
00:13:23| tip him personally good people good people they also return more food than anyone else hmm they're picky but they know what they're like true mm-hmm and they're willing to
00:13:38| spend for that's good so picky is what it is so I'm gonna click with list I'm gonna click say the advantage of cooking food is once animals eat meat they get bigger
00:13:52| brains it's linked that way so an animal able to cook their food gets more nutrients and then go smarter bigger stronger faster there's a song but not to say I did four push-ups pull-ups
00:14:06| excuse me well before this episode I'm sure everyone noticed that's four with an F and oh you are so I would actually make a delicious meal oh you see this shirt
00:14:18| Dan you notice it just something about Irish saloon big yeah I don't actually care about this shirt this is the point about it so about four months ago I weighed twenty five more pounds twenty
00:14:31| twenty five really I couldn't wear this shirt because it would stick to my whole body oh and then the next sides would stick out and I was like you just look like a fatty wearing it you want to get
00:14:40| puffy nips in it like your shirt doesn't tore it just has puffiness on the front yeah as always my problem Minds aside I'd look like a Aunt Jemima bottle you mean that you need to print out just the
00:14:54| face and then but in the past when you get fat again I'll I'll send you a face of an Jemima and you gank you put it on the bottom anyway this is my my first time wearing it since I bought it so now
00:15:05| I'm selling the quarter for me but yeah so what I'm getting at is that foods awesome but it can also make you fat you're not watching what you're eating yeah I heard so there's two methods of
00:15:16| losing weight right it's exercising till you lose weight or it's what in the kitchen it's a waste lost in the kitchen packs are made in the kitchen what it's like 70% of it's just what you eat I
00:15:27| think yeah but the people who don't exercise at all and diet or more unhealthy than the people who don't diet and exercise that makes it make sense yeah because you're working your heart
00:15:39| your muscles mm-hmm I guess you might as well just do both that's the smart thing to do but who who plays that game really who's got the time hey he's got the day although I was just gonna say eating
00:15:54| habits because I didn't wanna get into fitness and health and obesity too much because he might say that for another episode no no but if we didn't wanna talk about eating habits in general and
00:16:04| a little bit of what we were talking about with how we raise our meat how we have everything curated everything done for us everything finished and sent to our supermarkets um
00:16:14| because of capitalism the bottom denominator usually ends up winning the cheapest thing the chicken you're getting is the cheapest one right the shipping company is two cheapest
00:16:25| shipping company most of the time one of the most cuz she's doing it as an engineer would say that's an engineer would say so would you say we still eat healthy even we cook our food everything
00:16:41| like that so again I guess we're bordering on the obesity thing and this is also touching on like a like food stamps and like if you're poor you're you're buying the processed prepackaged
00:16:51| foods that are probably the most unhealthy for you and give you empty calories the nutrients you're looking for or actually in the more expensive fresher foods literally I
00:17:03| looked up today that if you eat something that's fresher it is more nutrient for you that's why we have a predisposed inclination towards pressure foods that why is that is that because
00:17:16| like um all the stuff we use to make stuff preserve it's just bad the preservatives themselves oh yeah the preservatives aren't that great for you it is in it yeah and it's
00:17:28| like it's the same thing with like it says similar thing with like denature like cooking meat is different because it's it lowers the amount of time it needs to digest but if you have like a
00:17:39| fruit that's sitting on the shelf it is essentially like rotting so as its rotting it's losing part of its nutrients like the pieces that are good for you they just kind of start to
00:17:51| dissolve so anything that's pressure is better for you are you staring at my pimple I'm trying not to look looking real Irene in red for a holiday I know our recording and everything
00:18:06| doesn't have in this way people say if you eat greasy foods you will get a chocolate as we refer to it as or chocolate that's weird I hate chocolate I never
00:18:15| eat chocolate I'm not a chocolate pen are you chocolate that I am yeah my own family is not heavy into it I could care less like someone's like hey there she bar I'm like I don't care give me
00:18:24| something like chips or something I like salty foods hmm so there's um an interesting bit about chocolate so there's foods that last a long time so the preservatives we add to our junk
00:18:35| food make them last longer he's facing away from his pimple what amazing the other way what foods last the longest honey honey is right and why is that botulism botulism defends the honey for
00:18:54| all it's worth structure or something actually it contains a little bit of hydrogen peroxide as well as it's like highly sugary sugar acts like salt and preservation as well
00:19:08| so the honey kind of defends itself it's too thick and viscous for any medium in there and undermine it yeah it's also once it's processed the things that bring in moisture are no longer there so
00:19:23| once you process honey it actually stays viable someone found three thousand-year-old honey inside of a tomb that was properly processed and edible that's nuts
00:19:36| I wish we had video eating it I mean they should have if I don't know would you do it so I this I think this episode started because I saw a guy open up a I guess he called a survival kit like if
00:19:54| you were on a crash plane and it had a boat on it the boat would come with this meal kit and the meal kit had something called tropical chocolate in it it's something that Hershey's made
00:20:10| specifically for tropical climates so that it wouldn't mail mill and he opened up the whole kit which had think malted milk which also lasts a very long time the tropical tropical chocolate terrible
00:20:25| health-wise but and then there was a mixture of like nuts with fattiness ding and I don't know what the name is it's like some of the pee I'm gonna have to come back to that one but he opened up
00:20:39| all of those things and they're crackers there's some sort of like extra like extra dry cracker so he opened this kid which was at least it was like heavier than assault tonight Nate 45 ish yeah
00:20:54| most pristine kid I've ever found in my life and he's just talking it up he's saying how much they are it was like literally like a little like stick of gum size thing of this food was like 80
00:21:04| bucks he's like this is 80 bucks this is 80 bucks right here and then he started eating it so like he ate the chocolate that was 80 years old and he's like um mm-hmm
00:21:14| it's taste pretty good so imagine you know having food the has been around that long and still have it taste enjoyable it's pretty pretty cool they kind of do a similar thing
00:21:28| with the space line enjoyable though but I understand you're saying well something that's palatable is if you could swallow it okay yeah okay yeah if you can swallow it without feeling sick
00:21:38| I start to they do a similar thing for like space station food so like doll they'll package it in the layer like mylar which is like a protective protective film and then they'll inject
00:21:52| nitrogen so they'll take away all the oxygen because oxygen is something that causes bacteria I grow they'll purge it that's the nitrogen and then they'll seal it and then they'll cook it like an
00:22:03| autoclave which kills most things and they'll also radiate it make sure that it has nothing growing in it did you talk about apples being irradiated at some point mmm-hmm they'll stick them in
00:22:16| a warehouse and let radiation hit them over a period of time so that they kill all the fast-growing organisms on them that's weird yep it is weird and strange but the one
00:22:28| thing that that is not good eating other people so as it was is a complete tangents we're just keeping on tangents here we'll get back to cooking in a minute but if you're gonna if you're
00:22:46| gonna eat something like monkey brains or human brains or mad cows they have things called prions in them prions i don't know how to say them pretty I played plague yeah
00:23:00| prayin is not a living organism and does not get killed in an autoclave so if you did it's like a imagine virus it no it's not a virus either it it's like imagine you have like a bunch of like all of
00:23:15| your your brain is made up of a bunch of locks like physical locks but prion is like a bunch of keys so like if you throw a prion into the brain of locks does that make sense no you're gonna
00:23:29| have to start over is this an organism or a thing or it is it's like it's like a key it has nothing to do with being alive it just unlocks your proteins and then keeps unlocking them
00:23:41| and as it unlocks more it's like Alzheimer's you start to forget things and things start to break down what is it it is like a protein me it's a protein that fits into other proteins
00:23:54| and unlocks them okay so it's a protein so as it was like a complex protein that happens naturally or is man-made or what is it I don't know this shit I don't know how it happens
00:24:06| who knows how we Brian who are we where do we come from the universe simply shall we begin from the beginning this episode on food cooked food specifically alright so seriously seriously so do you
00:24:24| have a passion for cooking food not at all my father does and his mother does and my aunt does the Italian side okay so you lost the passion your I actually do have a passion for cooking food when
00:24:39| I was younger there was a chef called yam and the show was called Yan can cook in can't cook yeah so weird yeah I like that asian guy he was very concentrated and calm and pleasant so I took after
00:24:53| him and my parents they called me Dan gangplank oh yeah like so I would try all these little recipes and stuff but I was never very good at it because I was I was a kid at the time that was like
00:25:09| when I was like preteen like 19 right yeah yeah prepubescent 19 yeah so all through like my entire life I've always enjoyed cooking in a certain fashion I don't know that I've ever do it like
00:25:29| professionally but I guess this shows about chefs and cooking so at one time I thought I maybe I become a chef but I don't think they make peanuts unless you're famous right it's like so
00:25:42| let me get into this real quick do you what do you make like do you make stuff at home because this is I'm really asking you on the pockets I have no idea well like the man part of
00:25:51| me cooks steaks the grill stuff also make like chicken parm I like making different sort of desserts like fudge things that are kind of like there's a technicality to it maybe
00:26:06| there's an understanding of like the ratios of stuff which is mathematical and then like the timing of stuff and then syncing up a meal is the like planning and I guess time management of
00:26:18| timing and temperatures yeah project management yeah essentially but that's exactly what it is right cuz if you're gonna have like a delicious meal where everything
00:26:28| is the right temperature and tastes right you have to find pre-planned things from the right time yeah t-minus whatever minutes for the rice you gotta plan it out you got tickle in
00:26:43| your throat yeah a little bit I need to pour this beverage mmm guys go home so um so I don't I've never eaten one of your meals I feel like Dan is um for the record I'm Nick from the UM Panda closet
00:27:00| chef you're saying I'm a closet chef no I'm gonna I'm going to insult your chef would when I say Dan makes pretty good meals like but if you devoted more time to the craft and did it more he'd be
00:27:15| even better but he doesn't because it doesn't produce enough money for him I'm a value oriented guy is what you're saying what I said but my guess is that you make some stuff that ends up bream
00:27:29| pretty good and sometimes you hit a home run and sometimes you're like it was okay oh it's pretty good though that though meskhi beef stew delicious mmm was it
00:27:39| oh yeah hell yeah now let's say you how do you figure out what you want to make like where do you your brain just makes it up you see it on the 2:00 in the morning or you Google best beef stew
00:27:55| recipe or do you what do you do hmm I guess you kind of have to you're probably it the time I'm influenced by something like I see somebody eat something like
00:28:04| you just like drawing on a piece of paper but we need to make beef stew in the middle of a sentence och I'm typing on an old typewriter and I'm just like typing beef stew I'm like that's genius
00:28:19| doesn't make a sound just the ingredients the ingredients we're coming up what's going on like it's like a Wednesday at work and you see a picture of a new kind of stew and you're like
00:28:33| click yeah let's do it tonight is that how you do that's what I think the human body has these cravings that actually match what they need like the balance of electrolytes salts and all sorts of
00:28:43| stuff I think there's probably more things that are innate to the human body about what we really need and maybe when you're craving like a beef stew it's because it has like salt to it or
00:28:55| electrolyte or like me and that eating warmth some mystic bone temperature you know with what season it is outside how you're feeling hmm I think that's kind of what dictates what you really crave
00:29:08| if you walk through a grocery store you're gonna pick out if you're hungry you're gonna pick out all the stuff that immediately fills that hunger that's kind of how I do it disagree what then
00:29:20| what do you do do you follow a recipe verbatim are you like I had a good one I think I didn't know which one to pick there's like 40 recipes for everything you google I know there's like elements
00:29:30| to it so like if you if you understand the basic elements you can throw them together and then like if you're using like a starch there's like multiple
00:29:39| starches so you can you can cycle through the things they earn in the same category it's like means starches vegetables all that stuff hmm I um I was feeling particularly spicy last week I
00:29:57| already have was a guru to home one two different recipes or when something spicy where I came across was like a soup or a stew almost you could make something between a soup and a stew it
00:30:14| was called spice chickpea tomato soup and I thought chickpeas - it's sort of healthy yeah what chickpeas not my favorite really I liked your piece mm-hmm anyway like
00:30:27| hummus like two peas I'm down with it in my head it sounded really really good spicy tomato had a little girth to it but it was like there's no meat so I didn't need to add a meat my girlfriend
00:30:40| is often trying to cut calories she's trying to do this I was like she'll like it she'll like it everyone will like it has some spice I like it stick to the bones
00:30:48| it's getting cold here lately I didn't have all the ingredients so since I was looking at three different recipes at once they made him with different stocks and they made him with
00:30:59| different ingredients they made him different spices so it kind of bought what I thought encompassed most of it except that when I got home the ingredients I had were not not all for
00:31:13| one so I had to make my own judgment yeah I mean I'm not afraid of that uh-huh the man well the problem was I was messing with the base ingredients I was like changing the ratio stocks the
00:31:26| broth yeah I was always really messing with stuff I was like got to me Tomatoes let's go with it yeah I was swinging it it said on you she either crushed your chickpeas before he put him in or put
00:31:38| him in his hole it's up to you crushed I crushed one can and then I didn't crush steam because I thought that would be a nice beer anyway I also always pussies cumin cumin ground cumin cumin cumin
00:31:58| anyway that was the ingredient I didn't have it so I stuck with something simple marek right yeah yeah - right - sure so anyway I started really substituting and messing around and I could tell as I was
00:32:14| making it this wasn't gonna be the best everyone that came home and looked at it and said I'm not eating that and I said it's fine I've tried it twice it was okay like presume Evil Trivium
00:32:27| bias to keep this in mind if I was in prison don't give me like that's actually pretty good like this is the best prison meal I've
00:32:36| had today sir yeah while and two is like I hope there's a nicely porkchops or something I'd be like it's not try this no one in my house would even touch it I had a bowl and a half who was decent
00:32:52| like I won't say it was good I won't say it was bad it was somewhere in between it was like this is okay so this is bordering on like the worst meals I've had other people's places and like when
00:33:03| other people's moms can't cook you have to eat it anyway nibble get the name the whole thing yeah you just eat maybe a quarter the worst meal I ever had which is Thanksgiving last year and see where
00:33:17| was I hopefully they do watch the podcast and understand that I was annoyed and it was terrible ha ha ha ha sandwiches no no it was a french toast at like 2:00 o'clock on a Thanksgiving
00:33:31| are you sure what did we talk about this during destiny and probably did I'm just gonna throw it out there mushy french toast at two o'clock that was supposed to be brunch not acceptable
00:33:41| didn't eat it you spent the meal mostly angry frustrated annoyed that I didn't know it was french toast I could have saved this meal I'm a chef damn it let me take control see what's going on here
00:33:57| is weird you never saw the side of me no just I have but not not for that particular people meals are so important to us that we we care about one meal how many meals could
00:34:12| you go in a row before you died I know you've done the math meals in a row it was like if you ate them back-to-back no no how many meals could you go without eating until you died all I say you can
00:34:28| that's like what 14 times 3 which is like 40 meals 45 meals you go long time so you having one meal ruined if you're one out of 42 to death ratio ruined your day and
00:34:45| you're still talking about it your meal to death ratio yeah you've seen people freak out over meals that they thought were like there's a hair in this like it's your own hair later you
00:34:55| can skip 42 in a row and be alive you're freaking out about one I'm not I'm not talking like you but like difficult I'm telling about the human person but you can only go like three days without
00:35:04| water but very rarely do people say like like freak out over like disgusting tasting water they just nice about it lady it's called water there's something frosty around the edge it's frosty cone
00:35:23| easy suffice it's these real quick finish my story so no one ate the soup that night except me I had two bowls I felt sick I booked it up in a Tupperware uh yeah they said you guys lose and they
00:35:47| said to me go ahead bring it to work see if everyone eats it so I brought it to work and everyone looked at it and they were like isn't diarrhea really is that vomit it sounds like no
00:35:59| it's something I made I explained the whole story and they were like I don't want it it's almost like I just don't want to try it so you're offering your food to your co-workers gate right now
00:36:11| ha ha kit on them so one so I said I have to we have to make some of it disappear before I bring it back or you know throw it out or something I had to full eight ounce coffee cups because
00:36:25| that's how I drank them I hate him out of a coffee cup you did him up in the microwave and I kept trying to push them on people and everyone's like no no I know what this is it's over it's over so
00:36:37| I ended up having like 6 to 8 cups of my own soup anyone else had it they even tell me it was bad no one was like it wasn't that good didn't taste it they tasted it all no one not one other
00:36:49| person had this now that's a sacrilege I mean you got to be able to taste somebody else's stuff and just be like that's that the working I don't even think anyone wants
00:36:58| it bad though just know like that's not good like why would I eat it yeah like referencing a previous episode if you can smell that it's bad it probably does taste bad well this did not smell bad I
00:37:08| don't think look like kind of like diarrhea throttle Astrix on the end there I don't think the worst meal I ever made was probably chicken cooked too slowly and it was like a like in a
00:37:20| marinade so it was like watering never yeah it's like rubbery I never did that again but that was when I was little Oh aside from the there was a roast beef I made that was in an oven that didn't
00:37:32| work right so it was like Oh undercooked and like the same thing I was like rubbery and weirdly textured it's like when it's weirdly not cooked odd he didn't make a
00:37:45| batch of brownies one time that is ridiculous Oh Lord I've been a Mario car controller into the wall for like ten straight minutes where someone told me that I had to go left
00:38:07| [Music] thank you so let's talk about what you can't cook with in the United States so one of the things that is absolutely disgusting and we're gonna go along with
00:38:20| what your stoop or soup or whatever it was it's maybe like I don't I don't know I didn't taste it so I can't really comment it wasn't bad it wasn't very good good
00:38:31| cashew marzu which is a creamy cheese it is creamy because it's actually I guess you would call it impregnated with fly larvae and you have to eat it as the maggots are still alive to make it that
00:38:46| creamy not allowed in the u.s. I would eat it I would try it probably not the maggot itself but the cheese around the magnet maggot
00:39:00| I don't know I mean I actually Brie is like really liquidy and like it's not like it's not it's doesn't doesn't suit me very well um horse meat you can't have horse meat
00:39:13| in the US other countries sure why not once I eat all those damn horses really yeah it's a legal slaughter horses well is it illegal to slaughter them or it is illegal to slaughter them in the US the
00:39:27| wittekop worst died could you eat it sure why not probably tastes pretty damn good I've seen so I've watched a lot of cooking shows I think Anthony Bourdain had horse meat at a street like a street
00:39:39| vendor and he was loving it like it was delicious like yeah let's prep the right way I mean think about it yeah you probably can't tell it different from very like other meats shark fins that's
00:39:55| terrible don't even don't you do it shark fin food yeah I mean they do it because they think it's gonna be like make them veer I'll just all those like you didn't like
00:40:08| there's this isn't a bad I mean it's like it makes its cartilage right I think is essentially cartilage so like these people are using like rhino horns and shark fins to stay horny you're just
00:40:22| getting old Chinese dudes so there's no way it's gonna work for you don't worry we I mean we have a drug for it's called viagra you're probably better off trying that one shark fin oh you don't want to
00:40:33| build pills in 7-eleven I recommend them and called up all night or easy big or like dong potion or like whatever that called mmm dong potion we should have a drink called dong motion right next to
00:40:49| the red you know what we should do we should buy all these boner pills from happens to us over an episode because me and someone named Ryan is younger brother
00:41:02| ah ha snorted a line of the pill because the mechanism the same when you snort it probably isn't listen it's probably like a sugarcoat anyway huh it costs like three bucks you
00:41:16| buy it from 7-eleven it's not real feel like researching snorting sugar but I'm sure that'll come up in a future episode mmm I sorted salt in high school for money how much money I bucks are you an
00:41:32| idiot do you know what I did afterwards cuz it really hurt I snorted Woodard and it worked I think okay I guess that's a smart thing to do then and then I just wanted a cup of water and it neutralized
00:41:50| everything and I was fine for a minute if I forgot I did that that's a weird it brings it back to our discussion discussions cafeteria mm-hmm so another thing that I think Anthony Bourdain
00:42:05| actually brought to my attention is that you can't eat lungs there are certain elements of an animal that you can't eat because they're bacteria-laden possibly it's like cleaning lungs it's very
00:42:16| difficult because they have uh alveoli a lot of little pockets larry's yeah very difficult to cook I guess you could boil them but I don't know that all the people would do that he's very good yeah
00:42:28| so like things like haggis which is like a Scottish treat you can't have that intestines it's all a lot of parts of the animal it's almost like scrapple if you're from Pennsylvania with scrapple
00:42:41| is think I've heard of that yeah scrapple once a month it's what's ever on the bottom of the butcher floor I think they throw it in a bin and call it scrapple it's not true
00:42:51| it's it's Pig butthole the most delicious part that no one knows about so let's talk about so like practicality so there's a lot of like parts of the animal that I guess like the
00:43:04| working-class would eat that have now become you know very prominent foods like have you seen like hotdog stands that are like glorified so like I guess you'd call like Yahoo gentrified yeah
00:43:18| yeah it's like the the preeminent hot dog of Baltimore which I did not eat but I saw the line and I was like wow they're paying five dollars for a hot dog seems sister nine bucks at this
00:43:33| point oh it's going up it's a weird thing because people there are certain foods that people eat because they're cheap and there's other foods that are like impressed upon them to eat and
00:43:45| they'll pay a lot of money to eat well then we get into cultural boundaries not to who eats what because it's natural and who eats what because it's natural in their country like if you have people
00:44:00| who try and come over here or we switch places and we're like what do you guys eat and they were like what do you guys he would be like wow that's wild but it's a cultural thing right I mean
00:44:12| it's yeah if they're used to eating it's what's common to eat I'd be like I would never eat that part of that animal whereas over here I'm like yeah back up that pig butthole let's uh fry it up and
00:44:27| wasn't ramble yeah I'm good we're something like they're eating pig brie or something or cow brain they're eating the haunches of a white it's like that scene from Indiana Jones where they all
00:44:41| sit around a table there's a hole in the middle of the table and they raise the monkey in the middle of a brain and I just whack the monkey and start scooping out his brains it's like that is a
00:44:52| delicacy in certain areas of the world but it's very strange because it could have some very negative side effects but they said I don't think that's why we just like it I think it's we just like
00:45:05| it because no one else here eats it was the same thing with horses like and dogs like there are other countries that eat those things yeah just because we have a sentiment towards them we avoid them
00:45:16| right did you see War Horse great movie I did the horse comes back to him covered in the boys blind and the boys blind yeah feel the horse mom's back - ah such a
00:45:33| good movie Disney Arizona I think it was and it was like a Matt Damon look-alike almost was that the good bit sounds about right I say here to bring us back to food a little bit I don't
00:45:49| know if I told this on the podcast but um when I went to college Oh college food we had a bereft fridge who's always empty I hardly had anything good in it no I'm diddled by me really wow that's
00:46:05| incredible a boy steak or something that's great so one night my buddy Tom will call him my name names got done crew and he was done for like a two week period so it doesn't mean don't have to
00:46:20| wake up the 5:00 a.m. in row so to celebrate we did shots and we did what's called becoming a man we mixed vodka with a one not sure why oh we just did stop okay a one is dollar
00:46:33| gesture yeah it's a fuck is not anyway we got really drunk and we came back to the house we went out to the bar who knows and we open the fridge and our other roommate Ben was on dating a
00:46:48| friend of ours named Alicia and I was like oh oh Alicia she can actually cook hey what's going on so we looked she had a Tupperware oh shit I think she made Ben ribs so we opened the container and
00:47:03| had like nine ribs they were still in the barbecue sauce I was like let's go so me and Tom took the ribs which we shouldn't have but like whatever like if there's leftovers we're gonna have him
00:47:17| folks we brought them up to room we started eating these ribs oh my god they were so good he's eaten in his desk I'm eating at my desk we're in the same room we go
00:47:26| nuts like I'm going to town we both had like three or four ribs and we made like animal sounds we're eating them I felt like I felt like I really enjoyed food for the first time in my
00:47:37| life when I was drunk don't get me wrong anyway we um there's like two left who left them in there put them back in the fridge it was over the next morning Alicia was like
00:47:48| hey did you assholes grab my ribs and cook them up and eat him and we were like Coco we're like oh did you guys leave ribs in there and she's like yeah did you make the whole
00:48:02| thing in sleep too uncooked and you're like no I just like well did you cook them now they were delicious that she was like they were just raw sitting in barbecue sauce today we had no idea so
00:48:21| it turns out we've had like four or five or six fall ribs pork ribs and just it was weird this animal instinct took over me when I was eat so did you good did you get sick and all over man no not
00:48:34| even a little bit do you think we're delicious do you think the alcohol might have sanitized the beat that you're eating maybe maybe that's the maybe that's a
00:48:43| new thing this and mine keep this in my toe you think a hundred percent of people eat raw meat get sick obviously not I mean you can have obviously they always say like steak tartare you kind
00:48:55| of like a sushi or very like very thinly sliced steak it's like that raw does a chance you could get sick I wouldn't mess with the chance what if we did it and you're fine
00:49:05| why how do you like your steak do you like your steak raw rare so I go on me-tv yeah so if you're eating your steak rare it's pretty much uncooked in the middle
00:49:17| right it's all bloody and pain so you really the exteriors are toast yeah I I think it is I mean in certain places you're not supposed to eat the the rare steak because of that
00:49:28| possibility like you don't have like a a rare burger because the burger is a combination of like hundreds of cows the chance that a cow has a disease out of that hundred is hundred times greater
00:49:39| than a steak so they don't say don't eat a burger rare really mm-hmm didn't hear that interesting yeah your odds are not good hmm I'm curious about see you didn't
00:49:58| have any so there was like a fascination with chefs back in like the 90s like Mario Batali or like Emeril Lagasse BAM those guys were huge you'll see that anymore I don't
00:50:15| I mean I'm hating I don't watch the Food Channel very much anymore but like Morimoto give Iron Chefs yeah if I were to give you a rise and fall mm-hmm what's weird is my parents were I don't
00:50:31| want called the originators of the channel surfing and they would end up on a home fixer-uppers like this old house you know what that is yep Bob Vila this hole is long view that one a lot and
00:50:45| they ended up on a lot of cooking shows a lot because my dad was always kind of into recipes and all that but what's weird is for a while that went away like I haven't seen a cooking show for like
00:50:57| ten years straight and then they were like the thing in year 2000 2005 2002 Emeril Lagasse uh who's the dude Bobby Flay yeah yeah hopefully in the end restaurant the singer from smash master
00:51:14| thing whatever his name was he just looks like a respect everyone should know who that guy is but anyway it has gone by the wayside now it literally has now we do um chef cook offer celebrity
00:51:38| chef or um amateur chef or whatever we're trying to have people compete to see who's the top - Thierry that's a - I'm iary drive-ins and dives I understand into drives he's the the
00:51:50| heart of a lot of means yeah it's um I like the food personalities because they're actually trying to create things the one is her name she's Italian or pretends to
00:52:06| be Italian and she always wears really low-cut shirts and has like porno music as she's like marinating like salting meats oh I said like jiedushi no idea we're talking about now I know
00:52:20| I'm gonna have to I'm gonna oh my lord you look that up good lord I don't love xxx baby food TV boobs let's see ah Rachael Ray's on this list I've seen her she's after the giana that's her she's
00:52:38| the first one hottest woman on food TV I forget her name Giada De Laurentiis word sounds Italian T yeah I mean that's what's been supplanted Mario Batali I guess yeah is he Scottish she's like
00:52:53| he's got reddish hair I don't know if he's Italian he could be anything he could probably Italian buddy Phil his name but he might be anything he might have changed it you get you get fat chef
00:53:03| Emeril and man Mario replaced with emeralds I like that by the way what you mean got that no got that got fat oh he got yo old watch him in his like original
00:53:16| stuff like he's very thin now he's like very fat now then there's guys like um use the arms the guy who yells at the staff they redo restaurants oh yeah you're talking about
00:53:33| Gordon he's Australian herself like Gordon was it Gordon Gordon rat gordon ramsay gordon ramsay ramsey it's frenzy yeah anyway he um steak he um he did a restaurant where uh one of my good
00:53:50| friends customers they were like on camera he was kind of a jo and like likes a lot but off camera he was totally cool it was like the nicest guy they ever met
00:54:00| yeah I've seen the cuts were like you put there's like a British version and an American version of the same episode and they cut it in such a way to make him sound like an asshole but like in
00:54:10| the British one he's like trying to support this like this female chef who's having a start and hard time and it's genuine and it's heartfelt the American one he's just like fuck off
00:54:20| that's like where do they get that sound clip it's like that wasn't in the British ones buddy I mean he probably said both both forms it's just in different time in different scenarios
00:54:32| and they editing that it means a lot of that mm-hmm what we're getting at is that people love to watch people cook people love to talk about people cooking well it's a wide spread everyone eats
00:54:44| everyone has an interest in it and then I have two right yeah to to watch someone else do it well I guess you're kind of impressed because you can't put forth that your own effort
00:54:56| yourself here's like on someone else's cooking my meals check check this if your father is getting older and he might be Jewish he might be Italian he might be Greek
00:55:10| I'm naming these because I know a lot of these older people in these nationalities tend to be like ah you know what I have for lunch a brisket that costs $4.99 and your lowly birds
00:55:26| and you're like I don't I don't know why are you telling me this but what's funny is as you get older we'll notice our parents generation start to do it people older than 60 or 70 they they want to go
00:55:40| somewhere for a good meal and they want to pay a good price for it they want to they want to know the inside track on a great brisket a great pulled pork sandwich a great cheese
00:55:54| steak that's cause of the late steak it's like a siege legacy homework homegrown restaurants that survived the ages they don't give a shit about making profit it's not about gaining more money
00:56:08| off of your customers is about producing good food and enjoying the people that come into your restaurant have to make enough but yeah you're right it's more about the food more about the legacy
00:56:20| well what's woodall what I'm focusing on is the other end the consumer the value well there's no no the consumer eyes like the uncle the great-aunt the whoever and as you get even older and
00:56:33| older if you go to visit your grandparents in a home or something their first reaction is oh I'm doing fine the other day they made of delicious they made stuffed shells you
00:56:47| should have had them they would delicious like that's that's very very mom and she's like they didn't make it with sugar made it just alright and now you're like okay but it breaks it down
00:57:00| to meal by meal that people become so entrenched in a good meal because that's all that's left towards the end isn't it I don't even I semi agree with you if you're in your day
00:57:17| I mean if you're healthy and you are hungry I guess you looked here youth because I really think that you're like your metabolism drops off and you can't eat what what you you did in the past
00:57:27| and I remember when I was younger and we had giant family meals like my uncle was impressed that I could eat more or like a lot of something because I guess it meant that I was like healthy exercising
00:57:41| athletic like it means all those things that your body's craving these foods and you're just growing like your your your hope is blossoming I guess at that point and your puberty um and your your like
00:57:54| becoming a man because you can eat like an immense amount because an older person probably can't eat that much like what they eat is probably more important because it has to be good in that small
00:58:05| amount must be really good for them to eat a lot it has to be a their bowel movements what they eat and what's going on today on TV or movies or whatever or what's happening at the home or whatever
00:58:18| is the latest talk is all they have which the fact that it happens across multiple people in old age and multiple it's not just one-time thing it's not just one generation I think we all end
00:58:33| up back there also like restaurants are so hard to run and so difficult to keep going that like a successful restaurant is kind of rare so I give it in my area like cooking for
00:58:44| good Italian like either it's like really expensive good Italian or it's like cheap and doesn't taste that great like just finally we finally have a restaurant that is cheap and good it's
00:58:54| like this doesn't this this is a this is a gym so people like like to promote that gym it's cool yeah and we all eat everyday so one times two or three times a day ones up last time you went to a
00:59:09| steakhouse probably a month or two or three ago like three it's so like what cut did you get so I go to a place in foot up here often like every six months mm-hm
00:59:22| nine months cleats I think it's called it's the best meal I ever have usually between four people we can rack up six hundred bucks plus step which is not a one dollar that down and we get Wagyu
00:59:40| beef baby so I don't even like what what what cut is a Wagyu beef does it have to be a tenderloin or is it the whole I think it could be in New York Strip I think it could be I think if the cow is
00:59:56| classified as Wagyu because it it eats like a special like diet of because it greens clover and legs I hear you usually gets Wagyu ribeye bone-in I get lab Wagyu who mundo strip I think all I
01:00:12| know is it tastes like butter that's the best meal I've ever had Wow so the cut actually comes from a tenderloin area so it's only the very tenderest part so like a cow if you're
01:00:22| thinking about it cow shoulders are like Chuck it's got rib brisket is kind of like its chest area its plate which I have never eaten he's like it's gut it's flank is like moving towards its legs
01:00:36| and then shank and round is like kind of like the butt area and then you have like the soft bits in the middle you got like the back is like the sirloin a little bit short lines kind of like the
01:00:46| midsection and then you have like the tenderloin which is like right along the spine so like the Tenderloin doesn't get a lot of like action but it gets really fatty yeah it does
01:00:57| get tough because it's like surrounded by the muscle so that portion is the portion that you get when you get the best steaks or like Wagyu steak so I'm gonna show a picture of Wagyu steak
01:01:07| because they feed cows exactly what it takes to gain the most fat it's like the most relaxed life for a cow they give it massages I believe in Delhi mmm they love it a
01:01:21| pannier give it a little bit alcohol because they wanted to be all chillin and uh drunk cow on the drunk cow folks clover there's different bits of clover they give it beer a nice Hayward I've
01:01:39| seen like a little bit of cool little bit of hay and I'm showing a picture of the Wagyu beef now which is actually showing that yeah I'm showing you picture my meat right now thanks Kenny
01:01:52| so the the beef is actually mostly fat it's more fat than muscle it's kind of a crazy thing it's a beautiful thing yeah get the money for it do it I think I'm I have to go do this people you've
01:02:11| never had one go to a reputable steak house overpay for it down dude can you I don't think that I've ever seen it where you can I'm sure you can't buy it but I have never been like I'm gonna buy Wagyu
01:02:24| boot beef just to try it which i think is a fallacy is that that's mistaken I'll have to correct that right now I just search if I could buy this stuff please do listen here that that's me
01:02:43| buying some Wagyu you can cook it yourself I cooked some they weren't Wagyu steaks they're really from Omaha or some company los tanques yeah I got in those hunting 30 bucks all
01:02:57| right 12 ounces that's that's a lot of money man that's what you get when you raise a cow like that so what we want to do here is kind of summarize what's going on
01:03:11| do we miss anything should we touch on anything we should touch on like family cooking so like coming together as a family like a Thanksgiving if you have like a matriarch usually the matriarch
01:03:23| does a lot of the show where they're putting everything together they're cooking it it's like the meals are usually pretty good and I'm not gonna complain about anybody's matriarch
01:03:35| making a Thanksgiving meal but it's like it's I don't know it's more about love than anything it's like being bountiful and like having a good meal that's all well and good it's more about the
01:03:46| welcoming aspect of like here is old that you can eat and I made it and it's for you it's like it's it should be the same feeling in like the high-end restaurants is it it's almost it's a
01:03:59| family experience I would say so my family um owned all the marabella's we were reading in marabella's restaurant I don't know what that is okay there was like six or seven of them down the shore
01:04:10| there's one center city Lansdale whenever any leaves sold up all but one and it's my father's side the Italians um my grandmother worked there and my great-uncle worked there my great
01:04:22| aunt worked there I had a couple other great aunts at work there and my good great aunts cousins oh it's very good but it's it's very they opened up a meatball best food type place downtown
01:04:34| that did pretty well but he moved to Florida but anyway um I would go there my grandmother would always make me personally the manicotti which is like it was on you didn't have a choice
01:04:46| well like it was like my thing to get and she would love make me a format I would love eating it it like became a thing hmm but half again it was it was very good
01:04:56| whatever um it's long right been there since its I'm trying to explain this your grandmother is no longer living right no no she passed she passed like a that's weird um
01:05:17| so like my girlfriends um family Aunt Sue used to make the best meatballs mmm and she would roll them etc etc she would have tilma shop you could copy the recipe verbatim but it wouldn't work and
01:05:31| what's interesting to think of is that people who make your food don't always wash our hands they don't always their skin has different bacteria and fingerprints and they're unique right
01:05:45| different oils you're thinking about your your grandmother sweating into the bowl and like adds a little bit of flavor it does for a little bit of cannibalism for you think about it it's
01:05:58| the only thing it makes food different when you copy the recipe the exact same it's the human being making it with the rare hands so what happens on their bare hands is what's shaping affecting the
01:06:09| taste that you feel so if you had a family member that made anything for you specifically and it was always the best because they made it if you're tasting them I don't know that's so weird
01:06:20| so let's you have anything to add on that one no no that's it so there's like an element of artistry that I've seen on my Cayenne shows like like I think Netflix has like a chef's table so like
01:06:35| the whole goal is like a chef to votes their entire life to making a certain thing or like a restaurant that is interested they're like flagship thing the ones that are most impressive are
01:06:47| like the people that take like a bit of science and then mix it with food so like one guy I think he took a pillow and like infused something into like a steam or like an alcohol vapor and then
01:07:02| he like put it into the pillow so that like when you cut into something that's on that pillow you smell something so it's trying to like incorporate all of your senses into the meal and it's just
01:07:13| like it's kind of absurd but also it's more entertainment and experience so it's less about eating the food and more about living it so there are other chefs that also like take the culture of a
01:07:26| certain area and encapsulate it into a meal so you're eating what like the working class of Peru would eat which is like potatoes and there's like thousands of different types of potatoes
01:07:37| and they're all colorful and like you get an understanding of what people come from or you get an idea that isn't even about people like there's another chef who would try to make I caught like a
01:07:50| representation of nature and like he made like something that looked like like a moldy stone like a stone that had been there a long time but you could like cut into it and start eating it and
01:08:02| it's made of like local stuff too so it's like farm-to-table that's like the purest you can get it's very bizarre in a way that surprises you in what you can eat and what you can survive on and
01:08:14| makes you aware of things so that's more of like a statement piece for a chef hmm I will say also that like Anthony Bourdain who passed away recently he said his favorite restaurant which
01:08:25| was run by his friend it's called the French Laundry it's in California and it's like that chef it wasn't about I mean he makes fantastic food but it was more about like the personalization
01:08:40| those he knew he was coming he made any Anthony Bourdain was a smoker so he made tobacco ice cream and it's just like one of those things that you're like this is so personalized it's
01:08:52| like your manicotti like when you bite into it you're like it just makes you happy because of the connection is a physical connection that you ingest and becomes part of you it's a it's a weird
01:09:05| thing when someone else can actually give you a piece of yourself in in their own passion hmm look a way to put it way to sum it up yeah hmm that's all we got we discussed all the good things cooking
01:09:22| food now adding spices making flavor making food taste like more than nutrition kind of brought humanity together in a social way we totally touched on that oh yeah sure hate men
01:09:34| started having a social aspect how all the people how all food drives us every day three meals a day so three times a day what's funny is we also always reference our nationality my family is
01:09:49| Italian we always talk at dinner it's like well weird my family's Egyptian we always talk at dinner and someone else would be like my family is Greek ochio he always told
01:10:00| Kathina Native Americans they always love the pemmican right we talked about that one I did either way every culture pretends all we're big on food and drink we all are folks every goddamn cultures
01:10:17| big on food and drink because you needed to live hey and be turned it into a specialization it also made us miss who we are 1.9 million years ago they found stones with the you know the burnings of
01:10:34| fire on them and they assumed that that's when they first started cooking meat so what made our brains or culture made us preeminent predators overbearing mothers we said yeah exactly I am I'm
01:10:50| looking at you yeah I can say so summarize we talked on every dish ever made you know that correct yeah and all the dishes we can eat and all the stuff we can't like the offal which is part of
01:11:07| the intestines of the animal and we mm-hmm we covered all of that blood brain chitterlings chitlins the homeless right now chitlins yeah cannibalism in my Ryan's kind of kidneys lungs ions
01:11:22| talked about lung yeah talked about all sorts of sources all sorts of weird stuff sniffing sugar or salt just all yeah sure
01:11:33| sniffing water to make up word yeah look that's that raw eating stuff just uncooked that's sometimes really safe young alcohol might be it was pork they're saying that's the better one
01:11:48| yeah I think that's all that's might that might have been all we covered well folks if you wanted to talk about your favorite recipes you wouldn't bring up certain food you like the way cultures
01:12:03| um take in other cultures foods that's another interesting thing you want to mention it go ahead if you want us to try something bring that up at the next meeting other than that I think really
01:12:16| that's food which food is who we are literally ours food literally and figuratively and we're all gonna get old and we're gonna talk about lunch and that breakfast we had bread sighs
01:12:28| special the way your mom used to cook pie mm-hmm we're gonna be stuck on it every day so thanks for listening folks we like you we like you a lot

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