The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP107 Planned Obsolescence

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Transcript UnP107 Planned Obsolescence

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 107 - Planned Obsolescence
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00:00:04| do you ever feel like society is just feeding you the new product that about a year later they're gonna have a new one we're gonna have to replace that you ever feel like certain things are just
00:00:14| designed to break our software is gonna brick our old phones we have to get a new one even the fashion industry sometimes I think they're screwing with us let's talk about it today planned
00:00:26| obsolescence so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology medium we've got it all covered each discussion here is a
00:00:42| deep dive into our unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion with Mike you can get a little bit dirty morning
00:00:55| this product is may contain mature language and sexual content and then sports entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time so we're back here oh goodness
00:01:24| Rebecca oh there you are oh well Nick goodness that means we're alive like yes and we're obsolete we might pay this fine you know we could be what's the definition would uh I got it right here
00:01:41| and it's a policy of producing consumer goods that rapidly become obsolete and so require replacing achievable by frequent changes in design termination of supply of pair of spare parts and the
00:01:53| use of non durable materials hmm so it's essentially just like hey we're gonna screw you over and your product that you just bought for 300 bucks 200 bucks whatever it is it's not gonna last
00:02:05| forever that's for sure it's not gonna last one two years think that happens with a lot of different things nowadays mm-hmm I feel like in the olden days
00:02:13| things last longer because they had to but maybe don't happen that way well I think it started with uh what's-his-name I almost said for help you weren't involved yeah yeah you're on the
00:02:27| Wikipedia page good on you yeah Alfred P Sloan that you know yeah he actually didn't start it I think he said it was someone else's I didn't he hmm 1920s or so 1930s is a 1924 yeah hey
00:02:42| about like re redoing the exterior or the body of a car even though the internal components were exactly the same so you felt like you needed to buy the next model because it's different I
00:02:53| think GM was the first company to do every year new model sounds about as before they used to make they used to make the car is all you need and uh because they were changing so much every
00:03:05| year they made these a what something on frame I'm body on frame yeah body on frame said they could switch out the body and the frame they could do cosmetic designs and then Henry Ford at
00:03:16| the time was like this is no good I want to make a quality car for the people and you're just shamming them but GM whoever took him in sales hmm it's cuz like they were come out with something new every
00:03:27| year oh did you get the 1944 what you McCall oh 44 is out that's incredible I only had the 42 so the business me feel like less then this is the first bit that drives me nuts is the cosmetic
00:03:41| aspect of things in like there's no reason to buy a new one if it works but people do it all time you with cars they do it with fashion phones fashion I used to wear ski goggles remember Seth Green
00:03:56| used to wear these I guess it's where that guy's only without skiing yeah yeah yeah he would just wear him around like it was a cool look I just wear my upside down upside down visor all the time
00:04:07| cool look I still have that visor still works but still if nothing's wrong your ski goggles why you stopped wearing not gonna fall for planned obsolescence guess what still got I'm still rocking
00:04:19| go to the grocery store worthy steady to the grocery store someone look at me like what I was like it still works now cuz think about it none of these things stop working clothing is the biggest one
00:04:29| with planned obsolescence true I am sure none of your total years old a none of your clothes like you don't wear them because they broke or these new parts to repair them you know I mean like take
00:04:41| for instance tie-dye bringing a bag because I think tie-dye was a cool look just cuz big business thinks it's time to move on not me bought this shirt 15 years ago I'm gonna
00:04:51| wear it though them dead you know I'm saying same with these bad boys the spenders better than a belt I think you're impressive so that was a little bit a bit yeah but it was you know
00:05:06| that's all I had so I'd rather take off my hat Carl I hear ya there's a period of my life where I bought nice shirts like dress shirts and then Mike ties and stuff
00:05:17| because I guess that's what you're supposed to do so they set ya for these different like phases of life where you're supposed to get old and then buy certain things I don't know that that
00:05:24| exists anymore really you feel like there's a like millennial blur that like we'll just wear whatever all were a hoodie like everyday it's fine well think of this I think we went
00:05:34| through that too do you remember like the wolf Smith era like when Tom what's his show called Fresh Prince of bel-air Oh like we were probably dressed in like
00:05:43| total jack-offs everyone in our teenage years when I should I like color and Hashem and and like oh yeah dude everything and like the old folks were probably like you can
00:05:54| wear your dungarees just fine you don't need this flashy FLA's am you know flew high fluting hollering colored pants whatever I don't know but it happens every but every generations right now I
00:06:09| guess the new people are doing it I don't know we don't know probably tell the way people dress but I talked about this before you wouldn't know like I can tell when
00:06:20| someone's older just by the way they dress or the way they walk or the way they're driving or I don't know look there's tells that I don't really know outwardly but I can tell inwardly
00:06:29| and I was telling you at one point that we could be playing a video game and chatting with someone online but like there's certain probably tells that are like old people words certain words are
00:06:40| just lying and probably what you're saying was Wow cool match dude and then just saying that and then fortnight and everyone's doing their moves and they're like did he say cool
00:06:49| match dude is he 40 let's get him again pals its rally the troops booyah we really bust it up then other teams shazbot that that's tribes yeah shares
00:07:07| but what uh so planned obsolescence is not illegal that's what I thought was crazy so Apple could make an iPhone an iPhone yeah intentionally it would make it
00:07:23| brick in a week and they are legally allowed to do that you're like no no they can't yeah they sure as hell can now if word got out I mean no one would buy their product but yeah their
00:07:35| reputation would be ruined you would think France passed a law and consumer goods have to have to say on their label or whatever how long the lifetime expected yeah they have to
00:07:49| precise mm-hmm the durability of each I could love that is a good law you have like that that makes sense I don't know how hard you I mean how you determine that but you could probably
00:08:00| just a number still like you know like v-dubs did with their uh emissions or whatever yeah but still I mean you'd have an idea you can't say it less forty years in the last two years like you
00:08:10| don't mean so using the phone thing with a software update slowing down the phone do you think that's what I mean that happens I about this all the time because what I think happens is that the
00:08:20| processors get faster in these phones and the UM like they have more RAM so I think what happens is programs want to utilize that ability so the programs all the apps all the things we have on our
00:08:32| phone they get rewritten to utilize more RAM more more more the hardware stuff like the more powerful hardware now and in doing so they're accidentally not on per
00:08:43| but not not on purpose making it so that an older phone that has a slower processor is actually not utilizing itself to its fullest to use the apps in question to use the software like it's
00:08:56| it's making it more streamlined for the newer stuff and in doing so it might complicate you know there could be something really simple in programming that now there's a hiccup because the
00:09:05| old programming the way they did it with the old salt were the old hardware it's not conducive to do you know I'm try to say yeah that there's certain limitations in the hardener and you're
00:09:16| hitting those limitations by new software which is trying to use more and more of your hardware capabilities exactly yeah thank you you said it much easier and cleaner than I did thank you
00:09:26| and you didn't get it any specifics I don't know idea what specific phone was it that they intentionally the note the note phone was it there's a note phone where they made it
00:09:39| so that um you couldn't replace the battery and stuff like that and that's the one that was catching fire so you don't know what they did uh-huh they said everyone has to send back their
00:09:49| note sevens and will refund you a certain amount well there were something like 2% of users in the United States who never sent their phone back they said no we're keeping it you can't make
00:09:59| me say no on the airplane yet so City know what they did what Samsung built in software and each update to make the phone slower and slower and eventually literally bricked all the ones left so
00:10:12| that they would not recharge anymore because they didn't want to be culpable for another fire or an explosion or whatever so they purposely bricked those phones so that they weren't
00:10:21| dangerous oh isn't it while like that's such [ __ ] like you it's so this is what it is this is my my fear in the future like everything will be a subscription like everything that was
00:10:33| Microsoft on those pirated versions that people use and like software that you could just download and it would work forever without having updates like now you get updates forced on you you can't
00:10:43| choose whether something is updated or not it's like you have to fight to roll it back if you even can it's like you no longer have control does that happen but my like Windows 10 and stuff like that
00:10:53| yeah yeah it's like enforcing updates on you and then like office 365 that's a subscription service so like any longer own the software that's on
00:11:03| your computer it's just essentially streaming software to you it's really weird if you think of I um I actually don't use it I use whatever Google uses to
00:11:15| like interact a little Docs yeah hmm and that's free to a degree nothing in the world is free I guess we're giving them all my personal data but so was there any ever a thing that pissed you off cuz
00:11:28| I have one I have an example of my wonder he's like this little like it's almost like a quarter-sized thing that you you'd let it heat up and it would get so hot that it would like kills it's
00:11:40| like the bacteria in zits is it called a cigarette lighter in a car they're obsolete by the way I think that's hilarious and anyone younger than us listening cars in the right under the
00:11:54| dashboard like kind of where the shifter was there would be this little thing with like a cigarette symbol on it and you would push it in and it would heat up red hot and you'd pull it out and
00:12:03| you'd be able to light your cigarette with it and the doors like by your window I had built an ashtrays how wild is that there's the thing on the pop-up and I have a little circle in the middle
00:12:18| and I usually I think it was metal or I know there were some placing ones but either way that's crazy they don't still have they thought cigarette lighters and they had that
00:12:29| whole but it now it's just for chart phone chargers essentially I don't think there's ever a cigarette lighter in there really they don't put [ __ ] up we're gonna have to look at this making
00:12:40| cigarettes obsolete so anyway does it does it it's not popper it just like eater yeah it would just kill the bacteria but I was like this seems pretty decent cuz it seemed to work
00:12:52| turns out it had like a number of charges to it it's the battery and everything was completely fine but it would have a counter so you could only use it a hundred times and then he had
00:13:01| to buy another one yeah that's how planned obsolescence works your your your product has a built-in death timer dun-dun-dun you know what the biggest horseshit one of all is right
00:13:13| no it's printers not printers yeah confusing oh yeah before they're in this yeah yeah do you know what the they're programmed especially from inkjet I think there was a lawsuit where like
00:13:29| Hamilton versus inkjet or handsome resent I think if he I'm on an HD now I can't remember but anyway dude sued inkjet because he was buying these friggin crazy expensive ink things [ __ ]
00:13:44| cartridges ink you know I couldn't think of a word he would buy them and stick them in there and he would monitor their use and he found that they stopped working and say low low ink you have to
00:13:57| buy a new one and because it's a microchip like it recognizes it so every time you put it back in it's like no this one's out I think you have to get a new ones not a genuine real but if you
00:14:07| actually measured the ink inside it's around fifty percent is left it depends on the use could be forty percent something like that so it's a built in timer and they were getting away with it
00:14:17| he won five million dollars worth of inkjet products oh I think it's nothing something ridiculous like that know that you better buy a lot of ink so that's ridiculous
00:14:30| yeah it's legal and companies that do it should be shamed but usually they're not no shot yeah shy I showed it the company an abstract thing firing squad they're building their idea that are their stock
00:14:45| shoot at all but it it seems weird that we put up with this sort of stuff like people become beholden to a product and then they don't fight back when a product does [ __ ] like that because
00:14:57| there's a next product to take its place right away we're real quick on that and the company I guess it doesn't makes more money so then they can build a better product or return the value back
00:15:07| to the stockholders that's that's in theory what happens so planned obsolescence isn't a bad thing because it's it helps lower the price of the item now over the long-term it doesn't
00:15:18| but on the short term it does so you like a famous thing is that people use really crappy materials like um who's the computer company that makes like super cool gaming computers like I
00:15:32| buy computer I like our arrow no I don't think alien where is this Coty's culpable illness there's a company called like iBUYPOWER or PC power and you can like get ready-made
00:15:43| Power PC rigs and where it is it tells you the video card and it tells you the RAM but then it doesn't tell you that it like it uses the crappiest power supply it your fans that are like like cheapest
00:15:53| ones and oh if users here minimums yeah yeah yeah okay minimum and all the other stuff they like the cheap out it's even like probably a knockoff of a famous power supply that is cheap so like they
00:16:05| can get away with that and there's nothing wrong with that but it's gonna fail first hope there's another good one kids toys you know all kids toys are made that way with plastic gears because
00:16:20| they're made to break yeah Snapple I mean all those things it's yeah if it were a metal gear would last forever and then huh no what's that then your kid would have a totally forever I
00:16:29| thought it was copyright infringement for Metal Gear Metal Gear Solid's yeah damn it I don't know here's a joke and you've just the intent white like that one second one single second I was going
00:16:40| to say liquid no it's not Solid Snake mom solids good David Hayter shoutout he listens to the podcast big fan he actually sent me a picture of his wife beautiful I don't know why he sent it he
00:16:57| put hearts around it he did the little eggplant emoji I don't know what's going on but he wants to have a party and I guess I'm coming party in your garden through the party you're forbidden
00:17:07| garden so what's the oldest thing in here in your possession like I guess my mom tell my Z BOTS your Z BOTS and Z butts were like ripoff transformer so if you google it I had like seven favorites
00:17:21| but I probably have like 20 total hosh and we're like did you have them I have actually my mom this is weird because my parents sent me a box of Legos and a Z BOTS were in them I have a lot of knobs
00:17:33| I mean this my mom sent me this picture like two weeks ago I haven't gotten them yet so I gotta go over there and get them I won my C BOTS
00:17:38| I buzz saw I had a dude with yellow with black I had one I was like muttering yeah the yellow black one had like cloth fingers okay I miss that guy the hockey the hockey guy with Augie stick though I
00:17:51| didn't have a hockey guy that's cool huh I probably wanted him I'm gonna hold on I go there to do with drill arms yeah and like wheels yeah dude there's one that looked like um Johnny Five Johnny
00:18:02| Five hey didn't he have drawers no no you have the buzzsaw that was buzzsaw I'm looking at all the Gryphon get as tall as a tent either way it's weird because the characters that you apply to
00:18:12| these people it's like immediately once I saw them I was like I remember I remember yeah it's not weird I think I had all of these guys but you meant like a physical yeah object that this cam had
00:18:25| was this counts but not really because I didn't have it for the past 15 years that's true it wasn't constantly in your possession yeah I'm let me think of something that's lasted for a long time
00:18:34| my base burner sitting over there one of the strings fell off oldest furniture because furniture kind of gets old but not really certain types - uh yeah like my bed it's not in my house it's still
00:18:45| my parents house but it it was my bed through my whole life and it's still standing and now the user for the grandkids that's kind of cool and I think it was my parents bed when they
00:18:52| first moved into their new house they themselves yeah that's crazy they made me a nepeta and then I got it gross but if I ever have my son sleep over there I didn't make them in that bed no I think
00:19:11| the oldest thing I have is this desk is this desk I'm Ronnie right before I went to college well IKEA quality ironically my hamper from college still works the foldable
00:19:23| plastic yeah yeah it's got holes in it fits the word yeah it's functional mm-hmm we're very practical people here on the offenders mmm-hmm does anything that went from
00:19:35| high school to college was there any object that you brought with you that survived the test of time my speakers did actually I bought bulk weird yeah me too I actually switched
00:19:49| him when I operated this computer but there was still really good speakers thanks to the Polk Audio 2.0 cliff why they were clips yeah Clips pro media 2.1 I'd suppose the point were still use
00:20:02| those check this um how much stuff did you repair like that kind of stuff like I repaired a flange tip on my clips pro medias I repaired something on the subwoofer like I've repaired Oh like do
00:20:19| repairs that one of the few things I bought used and never had to repair it as those Bose speakers that are still new never had to fix them that's pretty awesome
00:20:27| shut up those if you guys will be are donators how do you bust them up though I don't I don't put these guys through much stress anymore no no that's something you can't really good to loud
00:20:38| until people start getting pissed at you you know I'm getting the urge to just blast these puppies I could call the speakers I don't know that V um so here's a dad one I bought a um a weed
00:20:52| whacker from Lowe's or somewhere close like nitrogen twenty bucks maybe 130 hmm I'm not good with machines and fixing things but I electric gas yes yes and I guess anyway um I would bang it on the
00:21:07| ground because I always wound the head the wrong way and whatever in any way it would work after time I bent the spool shaft that goes into a part in there but I could still use it so something else
00:21:20| went on a starter I replaced it for like shipping I was like okay so then I um there's another part that went on it and from banging the head I could just replace the thread that goes into it you
00:21:34| know you screw it on backwards with a weed whacker anyway replaced it eventually that spool shaft got so bent I had to replace that so I found the blueprints for the whole
00:21:45| thing online and it's the only part that's not available for sale so I called the company and they assured me of someone else and this is like over four months of not weed-whacking and I
00:21:55| found a lady told me that she's almost on your to ensure the part is included in this so I bought it for like twenty eight bucks plus nine dollars shipping mm-hmm I got it fixed it Eureka
00:22:08| recently something else went along with it and um I put like fifteen more bucks into it and I added all this up and I was like wow I just spent like 88 bucks on my weed whacker over two years and
00:22:20| there was a commercial yesterday for a weed whacker from Lowe's for a hundred divided bucks sounds like damn it should have bought a new lead whacker so companies do that too is like everything
00:22:31| else is fine except for that one part and then they choose not to resupply that part that's like cars they make it real hard to find yeah they discontinued something so you have to go like
00:22:40| aftermarket products there are laws about that though you're not allowed to discontinue parts for a thing for you have to broadcast it or announce when you're gonna stop making the part and
00:22:50| there's probably a minimum probably two years I have no idea I'm making most out of it and it might be different for lawn care versus computer parts I have no idea planned obsolescence sucks I don't
00:23:06| have a very good answer no all right that's fine just beat around the bush planned obsolescence is bad folks it's the reason everything sucks I'm just looking like the Zbot snap
00:23:15| apart you get the judean to the punch to do the boxing guy yeah that sounds pretty cool well you said I probably add and I would bring them everywhere and so yeah me too did you go to the outlets do
00:23:31| you like an outlet and then buy a bunch of them there's like knockoff toy stores that had these Z BOTS I remember them I remember buying them no we weren't made of money to buy these
00:23:44| $4 toys I'm sorry I didn't realize I feel like that's that's the other cool thing when you bought these I feel like they came one too a package I feel like it was in
00:23:57| bubble clear bubble with like on a cardboard board and then if you flipped it over on the back that probably like we're like all of them so you could see them all and add the
00:24:05| audience yeah like your goosebumps dear my goosebumps see we could do a whole episode on collections yeah we should you say that yeah we'll say write that down the back take a note Oh collection
00:24:17| mm mm said I don't mean church take me to church that's a pretty uplifting song so that leads us into our other obsolescence topic is what's not obsolete what do people make that it's
00:24:31| intended last forever like maybe songs I almost said songs weird that's not weird strange well yeah but like you don't know if it will or won't like but your your goal is to make
00:24:46| it last forever I think as a creative endeavor yeah 100% and technically it will yeah even if it sunlight podcasts podcast right this could be obsolete in five
00:24:59| years when everyone's doing uber podcasts and we're just a regular podcast hmm no so what else do you think where are you going with that I was going like this partner creativity like
00:25:14| all the things that are is abstract almost like things that are intended to be like things made for beauty like beauty's you're trying to capture a human element that's so physical object
00:25:27| can never be made permanent yeah you don't have to copy them indefinitely right how about what's the most human DNA horrible object no that doesn't count
00:25:39| because you're replicating the dad's ever yet but it's different every time yeah it's not the exact same a lot of mistakes yeah ah screw-ups intentional well what's the most durable thing
00:25:51| physical object tools dialect hammer hammer obviously Dimond am i right naked hammer because you have to actually use yeah well I mean you're just picking
00:26:05| something from the earth that's not something we made so this is the analogies that you could buy oh it is it like titanium hammers versus the regular ones and the regular ones like they
00:26:15| don't feel as good they don't hit us hard strike it hard I don't know what your definition is but they don't play not last as long honestly it's the same idea so this is
00:26:24| it costs more money to be poor than it does to be rich because the rich can ride the item that is titanium ham or lamb for a lifetime or a few later yeah right and then the poor person has to
00:26:36| buy the hammer three times it's the same titanium hammer wasn't three times as much was only two times as much this is the are the boots like a rich guy could buy boots that last for ten years
00:26:45| because they're slightly more expensive but a cheap guy as the boots that have cardboard in the soul and the soul wears through I needs to buy more boots for more cost over that 10-year period
00:26:56| interesting that's a good point mm-hmm so planned obsolescence but I feel like there's also on the opposite end the rich guy is paying seven thousand dollars for a brand new
00:27:10| technology that in four years will be $200 to everyone so this is computers and TVs to us technology yeah once I called not technology just um oh if that's my stuff what's a fun fun Best
00:27:25| Buy stuff it's like consumer goods consumers consumer technology fun cutting-edge technology there was there was a word for a technological modular I think is a sense that could be yep
00:27:40| technical obsolescence it's where a thing becomes obsolete because new technology supersedes it every I not really TV selling TVs have kind of balanced out now they have what's before
00:27:53| Bluetooth wasn't our connectivity before Bluetooth that's now going oh [ __ ] wasn't their predecessors or Bluetooth let's see this yeah I'm just curious now I know bluetooth has gone through a
00:28:03| bunch of changes and there's new Bluetooth technology and for one and for two and all that but was there like some kind of near-field technology that never really took off
00:28:14| ir what about up well that's it for right now I mean it still exists it does it's for remote controls B infrared technology sucks in my opinion because I'm my TV
00:28:27| remote like it's it's 2019 and when we pointed the TV and hit up it takes like a full 1 second to move up I fell three times now and it's like boom I'm like a new your computer but I pay you guys
00:28:42| hundreds of dollars a month I just may have to quick yeah just make it my phone okay make it go quick it's a lag is disgusting do you think cable will be obsolete at some point I
00:28:54| hundred percent so there's technological bounds that are supposed to be like five g's but suing the next technology that ups the like internet speed for everybody
00:29:02| that'll be wild yeah if you know what I mean if we're gonna be able to do transfer so much information at once that what like I where our limitations now like I can't stream because I can
00:29:13| stream most the stuff I want but there's got to be something I'm totally not even thinking of like I think ballpark is like 10 times faster so it can support like 10 times as many devices so it
00:29:23| could be like your homes wireless internet could come from 5g that's pretty cool that's yeah that's insane but but I mean there's there's probably a use were forgetting here like you'd be
00:29:36| able to dick download the dictionary and its definitions all within you know it could be able to call people with voice [Laughter] that's gonna be obsolete soon I really
00:29:49| hope I actually hate voice technology I've never liked it there's not a teen Eagles advice that yeah it's tedious it gets it wrong and then when it gets it wrong you have to
00:29:58| correct it and get it to go backwards just to get it to go ask you again so you can hope it hears your pronunciation correctly I talk faster than you don't I and I don't know I think it's that I
00:30:10| speak more clearly yeah the like other things that are obsolete like that are funny like uh obsolescence is funny too it's comedy
00:30:25| it's like suspenders hats with the propeller on them they're obsolete that's very specific do you have anything that's like I can't flower nothing this current well
00:30:40| obviously carpets are funny as hell any me not be the head or anything that was slow computer wise yeah I think that was heavy or thick a giant TV you know the TV oh my god I have the whole thing
00:30:55| like a giant wall so you could fit that massive TV in there you know were they like TV cabinet like there was a thing like no one uses that yeah TV TV Kevin were they called CAD TVs no he's long as
00:31:08| you CRT a cathode ray tube cathode ray a cathode yeah I'm gonna be like hell mate two or three feet deep and they used to weigh like a hundred pounds cuz the glass is frickin heavy over 100 pounds I
00:31:21| had to pick up a 45 inch or Mitsubishi my dad hat man you hurt yourself it was the best because it was Mitsubishi they make the best TV so this is like 15 this is like 20 years I got a holy crap now I
00:31:33| was like 15 years ago mine was Panasonic how about like VHS so get this we have my roommate has a VHS player and it's sitting in like a box in the garage I just keep wanting to throw
00:31:51| it out just move it towards the door it was like every time you see it this is an extra inch I just wanna just throw in the trash like there's no way of like plastic did you ever try to play a tape
00:32:04| from that it no it degrades over time anyway it looks like garbage what do I need the yellow white red to do all TV's yeah yeah did they all still have an RCA connection I guess they have to I don't
00:32:17| do that they're going away the different connections well it different labels okay on my new 4k TV is this still there those connectors in the back I don't know I haven't bought a new
00:32:26| technology in a little while maybe if they are I mean you ladies I'm not finding this out because I love looking at all that connections if you want I love the plugs I can I seriously do I
00:32:37| let you go to like a if you buy a new stereo I love looking at all the different possibilities all I want going in the back you're like like optical oh you can do that and I think of all the
00:32:52| things I get past like I could double pass through all the video through this thing I could double pass through the video no reason it all have like a double loop wow I didn't get this one
00:33:03| there's a webpage that I had open that I didn't look at mm-hmm textbooks planned obsolesce all the bastards your professor wants you to buy it but guess what next year I change six words you're
00:33:17| gonna have to buy it mm-hmm or the headphones you have to use the code to enter the online cat class that's backwards because it's an old technology using a new technology to
00:33:28| make you buddies while you think about it it's like hey I really just need the internet so buy my textbook that's [ __ ] every set cars so we're a consumer electronics did you know like
00:33:45| light bulbs mmm so like the new light bulb le said it lasts forever but the electronics in them are shittier than the actual light part of it like a light bulb used to be just a like the
00:33:58| the filament now the LEDs will last pretty much forever but the electronics that control the LEDs will die I will tell you something wild did you know some of Thomas Edison's early light
00:34:08| bulbs can still shine today I did not know that yeah it's a bunch of the other stuff they have put in there because manufacturers decided that I think a thousand hours would be the max they
00:34:20| should get at a light bulb so they made it so that they wouldn't last that long so if you have the thicker filament I guess it lasts longer right so more adorable probably I'm not sure the
00:34:29| correlation between the thicker thinner light filaments I have no idea I'd have to be smarter than I am but what these companies manufacturers people do is they make one part that's
00:34:44| hard to get or replace like a thin rubber like mallet shaped kind of like a Cherokee Indian in the dyeing pattern but a bad little edge and like you have to use that and if you replace that the
00:34:59| light bulb would last for another a thousand years but like where are you gonna get that piece I think they know like they don't sell it do you know what I mean
00:35:07| yeah there's that one piece that is the crux mm-hmm and you know it'll break they know it won't last a lot of people use plastic where they should use metal there's a famous iPhone example I think
00:35:20| the iPhone use these weird screws and they got rid of the earphone jack headphone jack well I get rid of the headphone jack they're trying to make something else
00:35:28| obsolete so you have to buy wireless headphones correct I'm getting mags I'm trying to find some input porn but there's no input porn for these TVs input forward they're getting so it
00:35:42| bothers me that like a thousand dollar TV has like almost no inputs I can't see and I want to see a bunch of inputs give me every input fashion is the most interesting one because it's like um
00:35:57| it's driven by industry but like I would not wear this out you know I mean probably not I think people might endear themselves to you if you did wear that out though like this guy he's still
00:36:12| living Wow this guy gets it this friggin guy Grateful Dead it's friggin [ __ ] yeah they probably think I was a Deadhead or something I got probably hmm no lots of things that I try to make things last as
00:36:28| long as I can but I know you don't how long I don't know hard for it old scar the longest I owned a car was probably the Lexus the Lexus ES I'm Shelton wait for three grand nice
00:36:49| guess what I got to like 270 and then someone rear-ended it or whatever and it just was it no what happened I got rear-ended in the Firebird a 92 Firebird and that destroyed it okay
00:37:09| remember your memory is obsolete that's true hmm did I sell I think I've treated it in when I got the Mustang yeah I traded in my Lexus for a Mustang and I got like
00:37:21| two grand for it or something put it head close to 270 thousand miles on it hmm okay now 95 once I was funny trying to think what of all the things that broke
00:37:34| and not cuz I had a car that was ooh 14 years old so he had like the cigarette lighter broke like various electrical things broke I get to get sensors and stuff replaced which is understated
00:37:50| answers of the worst oh yeah stuff that's I don't know that it's entirely necessary until you take your transmission or your o2 test you get your emissions test transmission
00:38:02| emissions test now I don't know the legality and the rules and but there are there for a reason I guess but maybe there's a planned obsolescence in cars too
00:38:10| I know there isn't but hmm okay no I was just thinking like my my old car the like even the the sunscreen that thing broke its the various little things stopped stopped working like as long as
00:38:28| I could drive the car it was okay with the the a/c stopped working but that's a supposed to be a closed system it breaks things break so it's hard to tell I work with a guy named Panjal oh the fault
00:38:40| okay YUM he makes enough money but he refuses to get a new vehicle he drives a Jeep Grand Cherokee it's like a 98 it makes more noise than God when he turns it on
00:38:53| because something's wrong with the doll sort there's he has so many holes in this vehicle I can't believe it um when he bought it from someone for $500 three years ago his he's like
00:39:07| friends with a guy who does inspections and stuff he said I'll pass it this time but it's probably gonna die you know in six months mm-hmm this is two and a half years later the guy keeps saying there's
00:39:19| no way it'll s it just keeps driving it dude that thing has so many holes in it I can hear it from a block away it is beat to hell he could afford a new one
00:39:28| he just keeps driving he's like I'm just gonna wait till it dies he's like I can hear the transmission oh it's going he's like it's just gonna stop working one day he's like but I thought that three
00:39:37| months ago I'm like and it doesn't pass inspection but he hands a guy some money and happens anyway I know I know I know I had that one that happened to me once I had to go fix a bunch of stuff so it
00:39:52| would pass Express ship inspection and when I didn't he was like okay I'll just there you go you're good when vehicles that with a Volvo yeah yeah fine until the end and then it cost too much money
00:40:07| so what like even I mentioned DNA but really our DNA is limited by telomeres right so there's planned obsolescence in our oh and obsolescent Romani DNA yeah that's probably why I wore the the water
00:40:25| bear shirt because the water bear doesn't have telomeres or a dozen they don't reduce so every time you replicate DNA it cuts a telomere off I don't know the broke why that what's the real
00:40:37| scientific replicating is in meiosis I don't know no that's my testicle reproduction mitosis is a regular whatever we should have an an extra mythology on that fusions loads that's a
00:40:49| good idea that's a great idea see if we got something more fun but you don't have a so many more fun yeah yeah we will at that we will so we're even designed to fail because I think we're
00:41:01| we're in competition with each other to make the best DNA so you can't always have this the best DNA around like it has to go somewhere has to disappear so that Newt
00:41:12| we need touch on but you're kind of before we get to what you're saying so I think that's a good way to wrap it up planned obsolescence is inexpensive in the short run expensive in the long run
00:41:23| it's also a lot of litter like no Yogo globe is gonna be littered with restaura bleach cell phones like Nokia brick phones like that brick phone will probably still be working for most
00:41:34| people today right yeah yeah I think so but all the phones between the Frick phone and now are just thrown out lithium batteries everywhere there's all sorts of things we buy and then just
00:41:45| throw out because it's cheaper to just buy a new one it ends up the more gross litter effect it probably attributes for like a quarter of our litter is my guess I literally made that number up I've no
00:41:58| clue what I'm basing it on but probably a quarter of our litter is just obsolescence like what are you gonna do with the VHS are you gonna do with like a 15 year old TV what are you gonna do
00:42:08| with all this stuff like an old car that doesn't work you can't do anything with it we're gonna break it back down and metal and then make something out of it we're not recyclers recycling doesn't
00:42:18| work we've already done that yeah we did an episode on this and we had like something like the average American family produces enough trash to fill like their front yard in a year and then
00:42:30| like all that trash just gets put in a landfill and then buried so like it's not like most of it we don't do anything with it's just a heap of garbage so there's 50 million tons of waste each
00:42:42| year that is most people say is associated with planned obsolescence an electronic waste tell me that's like a quarter of our waste because that's what I said remember I Bayside mrow nothing
00:42:56| if I they smell nothing and it's exactly listen guys I was shooting in the dark there's no way I can know for sure let's see I don't know that it's gonna give you on miss a 50 million tons of waste
00:43:11| this year wasn't total tons of garbage that's why I got you doing the lifting dude say 200 ah let me see 230 million tons of trash million - yeah I was that close
00:43:30| you okay yeah that's pretty good it's pretty good a Shanda dark damn I'm good that's that's like 20% I said 25 yeah come close I'll CRT monitors oh you think I feel
00:43:43| good oh it's disturbing how much gradually produce and that we can keep producing it there will be a period in time in our future where we're like we're out of a tough we need to go to
00:43:53| the landfill and like go hack this stuff up hmm we'll be able to make stuff out of CR TVs and stuff home I see butts I'm mining to see our TVs right now it might be the future technology or the future
00:44:07| of Industry using trash cuz it's free Tara the [ __ ] was that so may fell Kaneesha they make a noise now no that's fine I was saying you talk so
00:44:24| I can make sure everyone's okay no screaming so they're either dead or okay I want like a really delayed like ah think of for the pocket so let's talk about planned obsolescence of man hmm
00:44:42| again again we already did it's hard I can't redo I can't rehash things we did touch on this where our DNA is shortening and we have a certain number until we like hit senescence and
00:44:58| senescence is like the planned obsolescence of man right word senescence it's where your your cells know when they're done they stopped right they refresh a point where they've
00:45:12| reproduced enough times where they will stop they will literally just be like we're done that's the end of our chain we made it I didn't know no I didn't know that work that's weird because we
00:45:21| did an episode on it senescence it is folks but um so everything will eventually be obsolete all physical things right we kind of agreed except jeans right hmm because
00:45:39| they can have rips in them and they're still good ironic I had a pair of jeans that I were through high school like it's my fun jeans and they got holes in them and then I wore to work every day
00:45:54| like in college mm and then I wore them after college I think if the holes got bigger and bigger to the point where there's like a big hole but my thigh so I duct-taped them
00:46:05| in the inside and when I would do jobs like weed-whacking or something like yeah you got you dirty so he must have you got oh my god those jeans got nasty but they got to a point where I couldn't
00:46:18| do any more with them they were dead so sometimes jeans do hmm so the plan tops lessons a man is just responding to this text message I just got about the remote and the batteries that dropped
00:46:40| under the couch is that the couch noise though you hurt at least the batteries actually I hope you would think four batteries and have isn't some accurate no it was the batteries for the remote
00:46:53| dropped and Wow hmm everything's got plenty of lessons folks relationships our lives everyone you love eventually they'll be talk about them plan relationships I mean the planned
00:47:14| obsolescence in relationships is that a thing I don't know cuz I feel like once you reach oh yeah we hold on someone getting married for a green card I was thinking
00:47:24| like your passion is to procreate and then once you procreate you as a man you're looking for the next mate that's what animals do I'm just I'm just quoting the animal world here I mean
00:47:36| just talking for the animals I think it's all around us except in the creative endeavors really it's the ones that you're trying to preserve make them last forever yeah
00:47:48| trying to make something that echoes beyond eternity to the quote gladiator what we did with light echoes in eternity is that yeah well that's one battery what does it bother you
00:48:00| is there a carpeted room above you know wood all wood all this hard time putting batteries into a remote some of us had surgery refilling so we're pull the drilling with them gotcha
00:48:17| mm-hmm all right well we like you folks folks would we cover thank you for tuning in we covered everything by planned obsolescence how those nasty companies like Apple are effing you up
00:48:32| your be hol E and they're making your phone stopped working every time there's an update folks look at me I'm pulling my hair straight up put the ding-ding pudding but seriously there's a little
00:48:48| truth to it probably not exactly truth because I don't think there'd be money in it video games are made obsolete that's why they're not backwards compatible not because they can't but
00:48:57| because they don't want to they want you to buy the new stuff hmm everything's forward compatible nothing's backwards compatible if it is it costs a lot of money in its garbage TVs everything
00:49:09| VCRs blue rice soon there's gonna be a new technology that makes all your blu-ray discs garbage okay HD DVD mmm is that the one they didn't accept was right and they lost an
00:49:21| important one correct yeah all this stuff's gonna be obsolete you can go with it you can buy new fashion you can buy new TVs you could buy new technology you can buy new cars there's a new one
00:49:38| there's a oh seven there's the oh four there's the 14 there's a 16 there's a real man you can just stick with what you got then if it works it works yeah that's what I'm saying you what do
00:49:56| you say I see uh what's that on the back your neck that will never go out of fashion yes it's on the back yard Oh bag okay have a good night Lee I don't we like
00:50:14| you folks we do like you a lot quite a bit better so Sh before it's obsolete thank you

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