The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP113 Paralysis Pelgia Nervous System

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Transcript UnP113 Paralysis Pelgia Nervous System

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 113 - Paralysis Pelgia Nervous System
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00:00:07| every year even Superman is an immune let's dive into paralysis join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all
00:00:32| covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective the taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a
00:00:46| little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes
00:00:58| [Music] all right we're back here we are we are doing our thing I'm Dan we are live here at the house yeah so today's episode is it caught me off-guard the temporalis
00:01:36| yeah paralysis the inability to over talk a screaming baby that crowd yes oh I'm paralyzed by fear that this episode would go terribly loud one there well what a small child may or may not cry it
00:01:58| it's the fact that 10,000 Americans every year become paralyzed yeah uh-huh pretty terrifying what is paralysis by definition loss of motor function correct inability to escort themselves
00:02:13| around in a day-to-day way hmm you needed some kind of assistance being mobile via some kind of electronic device yeah you know all those sorts of things
00:02:22| um don't get down to the nitty-gritty are you want to start saw oh you want to do medical yeah let's do dirty let's see medical nasty do you wanna cuz there are lighter forms of paralysis that we could
00:02:36| touch on well I had it as um disability is a anytime that your life is you can't go about your everyday life because of an issue mm-hmm disability can be something as simple as
00:02:50| bad arthritis yeah that's considered a disability back pain like really bad back pain you can't lift out your garbage this is the sexual relevance soft paralysis then a
00:03:02| disability okay and the most severe form of a disability is either per up paralysis or like awesome limb yeah loss of limbs like there's all different kinds of the say any weight -
00:03:14| they're all in the same category disability the most extreme being like paralysis and loss of limb and all these other things the lighter and I was touching on is something like just
00:03:24| arthritis back pain Wow just a light sickness I mean illness Kaufer sneeze scratchy throat no go about your day to day life possibly not even work disability will
00:03:38| affect one in three people in America by retirement age so you will have something that affects your day-to-day life whether like I said it's at real bad arthritis maybe you can't open cans
00:03:49| and jars and go up and down the steps you gotta buy a rancher huh you know that's sad isn't it wild it's terribly sad they you wanted to focus on the darker harshest one well neurosis
00:04:03| there's lighter forms of paralysis like I wanted to buy a taser and then use it on the show right now but it's costly it's too expensive would you let me do it if I had something soft to fall onto
00:04:19| hi Melanie I mean get taste I would kind of you would get taste they say it's pretty painful actually oh yeah I'm sure it is do you see that uh the video there's a video of a guy he
00:04:32| gets away from a fat cop and he's like he's like Oh what you gonna do about a copper what he gonna do about it and the cop pulls out the Taser and as he's running away
00:04:40| he's like shirtless and shoeless to the cop gets him with the Taser when he's like full speed you hear like the splat against the cement and it's like oh you're like he's slot like he slid it
00:04:52| right across that cement neither you felt like oh man he deleted it related it mm-hmm sounds painful so do not work the case technically well I would for the clutch
00:05:03| be expelled so what is a Taser do you know is it an acronym it actually is an acronym it's so weird I felt like an acronym cuz laser is I guess maybe um actually don't
00:05:17| know take them assault no semi or energetic resistance mmm no it's actually a jack cover it was a NASA guy he developed the Taser and he was naming it after a book
00:05:33| featuring his childhood hero Tom Swift in the book was Tom Swift and his electric rifle huh that's kind of cool yeah I had no idea so so what is it it shoots electric
00:05:45| impulses through your body and yeah so there's like your body is fairly impermeable to like DC or like constant current so a Taser is between something like I think it was like 10 Hertz and 40
00:06:02| Hertz which is like 10 times a second or ones I saw are like 19 times a second and it hits you with a little jolt so the jolt is enough to get into your muscles and then it makes it so that
00:06:13| your muscles are so stiff that you can't do anything with them the key is that it locks em all mm-hmm if you get higher in the Hertz and higher in the power I can actually get to your heart and then it
00:06:26| can stop your heart so they said if you're gonna taste somebody make sure no one else is tasting them too why is that compound yeah it adds to the power that's being produced interesting
00:06:40| and it could be like offset so you could be like double the rate I guess like the most oh yeah I got tased by six people it's like he died on the spot he died doing what he loved running from people
00:06:52| with Tasers so that made me jump into different types of like there's an image of like a person getting tased as you they're like they're rigid and then they flop they kind of like hit the ground
00:07:06| they don't know control their own body I saw a picture of a guy with tetanus apparently tetanus affects your nerves in the same way that it makes it so that your muscles are rapidly being triggered
00:07:17| so they're always taught they're always stiff isn't that um [Music] flaccid versus the other one flaccid versus rigid flaccid versus I didn't
00:07:29| think it was a word rigid I came across it when I was doing strong hard pulsating yeah what happened to your the gift I gave you I better be edge one the chocolate penis still up there oh you
00:07:44| forgot to use it for that last episode I was just you should we've blasted whenever someone says flaccid I always think penis okay see I wasn't going there
00:07:52| I'm an adult I'm a mature responsible Eagle I'm wearing my adult sure use flaccid with another noun then I shaved tonight I have a new razor hello it got a little neck action we're getting ready
00:08:05| for the beat while you know yeah okay right - here accept my challenge he's flaccid with another noun all right your argument is very flaccid it falls flat its weak it's flimsy okay and I am
00:08:19| thinking a dick but yeah so tetanus is something that like the people are like long rigid like honestly like cannot and this gives you a lot Joel right yeah you can't release your job it's a crazy
00:08:36| crazy thing she's got tetanus shot a few weeks ago I should be good you're good here covered in tennis is like everywhere it's ridiculous like eating soil can give you tennis really yeah
00:08:48| don't eat soil don't try to rip some plants out and I mean why you got sir were you mowing the lawn deeply or uh you need a tetanus shot no so that's like a form of temporary paralysis same
00:09:05| thing with like deer in headlights like they you literally can't move because you're so scared it's like the fight that we're having a fight flight or freeze light happens in my dreams a lot
00:09:17| or like a monster is coming after you and you're like and then do you know why and this relates to sleep paralysis they're tied together the nightmare yeah the night mayor the demon that
00:09:27| comes at night in the mayor and they're the horse off the rails okay I had to swallow my wine wine follow that filthy wine yeah the nightmare the nightmare it's called a nightmare
00:09:58| because that's when you were visited by the night mayor to bring our own bad luck and charm and chaos and scary thing yeah I used to sit on your chest and just weigh
00:10:10| you down so that you couldn't move and then who knows what do scary things to you that's the best part about the whole thing like nothing ever happens to you in
00:10:18| nightmares do it like it's not like you survive being eaten alive and feel pain it's not like you isn't in the old saying you don't really die in your dream what's going to when you wake up I
00:10:28| have have you what the hell happens after you die I was in a nuclear explosion that ripped my body in half and I looked down and I could feel my innards were gone and the
00:10:38| outsides of my my torso were there being stretched apart that's how I you could feel it I could I could feel the sides like my sides jetpens I guess I it's not like I died
00:10:52| like there's no nothing happens with me now I know you die it's like nothing you don't go anywhere Nick I don't know what you're trying to get a black void because I suffered from sleep paralysis
00:11:05| for Fears okay so it's you know but it's it's tied into the nightmare thing because it didn't take me long to figure out so sleep paralysis where you wake up and your eyes shoot open and you're wide
00:11:17| awake like all the sudden you're just awake but the thing is you have a feeling that something's in the room with you or something's happening or it's like kind of like that nightmare
00:11:25| feeling like someone's coming for you something's happening there's a real loud ringing in your ear so if you feel like the door is slowly opening and like one of your on hold or the Nightman the
00:11:36| Nightman cometh no but like the the coolest one the first one that happened to me was the door open slowly so like it was getting more more light in the room but it went on for like five
00:11:47| minutes and the door was never actually opening it just kept feeling like it was opening like that slow man but it went on so long I was like this isn't real and you try and move like your body your
00:11:59| head your arms your hands you can't move any part of your body hmm like you're not even your pinkie huh I noticed but you no matter how hard you try your body will not move and that starts making you
00:12:14| freak out more so you you're like your eyes can move but no you can't move your muscles and you keep thinking something's happening to you and then after like I want to say
00:12:25| two minutes three minutes I'm in at 40 seconds oh listen you can move again and like your heart rate is going crazy through the roof and it's hard to go back to sleep because you don't know if
00:12:33| you just had a nightmare awake mer yeah aliens abducted you like you have no idea but it occurred to me during nightmares as a kid I used to get nightmares a lot and scary [ __ ] what
00:12:44| happened mm-hm you can feel a dream turning into a nightmare like it starts getting drawn out like it gets darker I can tell that it's a nightmare and once I know it
00:12:56| dreams a nightmare I can usually either wake myself up or like push it to the extreme like I could be like Oh reeling at esli oh yeah let's see this you know I've got hopin I'm like yeah but you can
00:13:10| also do that with sleep paralysis so if you wake up and you know you asleep rouse this do youdo direction you you you try and do weight lifting moves like like you try your hardest and like do it
00:13:30| in a goofy way and eventually like it just it goes away because it feeds off of you being afraid I think because it's the same parasympathetic nervous system cute parasympathetic nervous and that's
00:13:43| what keeps your body from flopping around while you're sleeping and dreaming because I don't you be like this so yeah your body shuts it down right
00:13:50| you've got the stats on this um I don't have stats but there's two system if there's a system that activates you and there's a system that deactivates you so the sympathetic is the opposite of the
00:14:01| parasympathetic the person that sent the sympathetic hooked it up the parasympathetic is the one that deactivates you so you when the parasympathetic overrides everything and
00:14:13| just like goes full-bore you can't do anything mmm shutdown yeah it's to keep you safe technically oh yeah me I guess I don't know or keep you asleep does that make sense I don't know it's
00:14:25| there's supposed to be like a nice fine balance between the two but is that what takes over when you on get put anesthesia because your parasympathetic is still going or is that a whole
00:14:35| different thing so I've had surgery once where I've had anesthesia on my lower body and you can't see just where you're all the way out I think the other one is called a Twilight or something it's a
00:14:47| nerve block so they do anesthesia that block okay you can eat what general anaesthetic is where you get knocked out in your asleep and then there's like a nerve block which is like like a spinal
00:15:00| where it they tap into one of your spinal like one area of your spinal cord and then they make it so you can't feel below a certain point okay so I've had it I did that one
00:15:12| I had a something on my tailbone I need to remove shave it you have to tale little women love puppies so they yeah they mean they they cut me open so I didn't feel a damn thing
00:15:32| but when I woke up I couldn't feel my lower body which wasn't terrible but you realize how we felt pain but hell yeah I would have felt pain but also you forget how heavy your body is interesting like
00:15:47| your legs are I think like two-thirds of the way to your body really sounds fake I'm gonna say your skeleton most of it so let's think of how heavy those don't think your skeleton is a heavy is your
00:16:00| skeleton are you yeah I think your skeleton makes up like most your weight that in the liquid which I guess is blood and stuff maybe not uh uh now we're gonna have a big ol argument
00:16:10| anyway um what I did notice is that the same feature that controls you in nightmares is kind of what happens in sleep I was right on for a hundred fifty-pound average human being a little
00:16:20| better above average a like a single leg weighs 26 pounds so 52 pounds of 150 250 pound person a third of them is like weight so the opposite of 2/3 dicey two-thirds you did [ __ ] through wine to
00:16:38| goddamn tape folks folks I'm here to tell ya okay a third of your body that doesn't make sense this is this debts wrong this debt is wrong totally would have
00:16:51| been the best call ever if you are a let's move on like 20% your trunk is 43 that make sense so some some portion of your leg in trunk is 60 something personnel portion of your body is some
00:17:07| portion of your percentage of your weight I agree I love this this the table is a this head trunk total arm total leg it says the percent and then the quantity one head one trunk two arm
00:17:18| - okay nice what a beautiful way to go yeah so I was laying in the bed and the key for them letting you go home is that you have to be able to control your piss and your you don't necessarily need to
00:17:37| stand up you just need to be able to piss oh no remember looping so like a it feels weird to try to like move around when your legs are hard what you don't know them at all yeah cuz you have to
00:17:49| literally like struggle to lift up a leg as it weighs that much that would make sense it does because I mean it's weird enough when you're freaking half your mouth is numb you're like oh no will
00:18:00| going on it's just like your mouth but yeah half of your body the part that you use from mobility like that's while here's a small personal story so though the only reason I got out of there was
00:18:10| because I was sitting there for like three hours so I was like I'm just getting tired eight hours and three days so like they kept testing me to see if I could go and my dad was there and he was
00:18:24| getting tired of it too so in order to make me come for you know I thought that would have been cheated y'all missed he started cracking jokes and he made me
00:18:33| laugh so when I had laughed I was able to squirt some out and then they counted that and we went on our way eight that shouldn't count you didn't voluntarily pee and it is
00:18:51| literally not I guess it's not a voluntary piss and to make sure that they didn't mess up like something inside of you you can piss rearrange your organs and now you no
00:19:03| longer have a go where oh you're gonna have to poop out of another worthless coming out of his foot oh no there's become downs by all girls wiener oh man uh hmm it's like you need like I
00:19:27| need a laxative every day of your life from that in that case you orgasm out of your butt let's make a baby and it's like there's a word for that but I don't want
00:19:48| I'm sure Nick knows it I play I am Not sure so let's go to paralysis now we've covered all the fun stuff yeah let's get into the dark the dirty dark the darkness where do you want to go
00:20:04| with the darkness what brings on paralysis I had some percentages oh I didn't I get an ending gonna break down actually I did um 30% stroke okay any 3% spinal injury like physical
00:20:20| physical injury move to the back not just like any other part um in 17% multiple sclerosis mm-hmm that's a pretty high walk yeah and then the rest is broken up over several policy
00:20:34| post-polio which to my mind is probably just polio they just have to call it something else because the disease doesn't cause them mm-hmm interesting um brain injury Noro fib rome ptosis and
00:20:48| birth defects kind of made up the rest of the field so that's one interesting things in the physical ones I feel like you would know like football players I know there was a football player who got
00:21:02| hit so hard directly in the back that he was unable to walk but I don't know free be retired free free yeah and then I could be wrong look at off these linebacker for the
00:21:16| Steelers or is that the dude who retired at like age 25 the others fall paralyzed Ryan cheesier oh yeah I'm thinking of someone else something about a guy who own world be freer rivers name is who
00:21:29| retired from football like 25 because you never won for any damage that guy he got destroyed and yeah don't worry what team he was that he was on his lethal killer as well okay I didn't see
00:21:43| whenever ever I'm gonna watch the injury yeah oh man I can't show it but yeah yeah I think it feels cool with sharing clips yeah this is on not I just he didn't even get so that's was our thing
00:21:58| when people when it happens to somebody I did don't have to get hit that hard yeah he was just done like he he just kind of fell down happens in the wrong spot yeah people are fragile Oh once you
00:22:10| do it once you're over 30 be reaching for a bagel folks and all of a sudden you twist your back and you're you're out of work for six months yeah that was not that bad I mean it ended up being
00:22:22| long reaching my an has a shoulder condition where it always like it can pop out of socket or whatever and they they they're like eventually you have to get surgery on this well she was
00:22:32| reaching for a picture frame or something reach for it and uh it came out and she's like oh [ __ ] so she had to go the ER they couldn't get it back in huh cuz they were trying to do it while
00:22:42| she was awake just to give her some shots and yeah they couldn't get it in so they and now it's been like two hours so everything's like we were done out of clean they don't like put her under and
00:22:53| like get in yeah anyway they just um you're gonna do an MRI they have to do a shoulder replacement I never even heard of that day so this is recently yeah this is like today I heard holy crap
00:23:06| yeah but like that's mild and all because she was reaching for a picture frame I mean ish which it can happen to you any day a little bit I wish you were a writer for like obituaries and
00:23:23| like you were honest about it like how someone died yeah like a lot of the time it's like you know there's the obligatory stuff you put in a [ __ ] ooh arey but you don't like how they
00:23:33| actually die it's like he was trying to cross the street but then got distracted by a fly and orally swatted the yeah when he swatted the fly a car hit him it's like oh like I I figured that's how
00:23:46| he would go like I'm it's always kind of curious to me but I don't know if that's medical record I think we cover this a little bit that like your medical record doesn't really continue on past your
00:23:58| death after a certain point unless it affects other things if that's clear yeah but not kind of what you're talking about but well kind of what you're talking enough I'm just curious because
00:24:10| I don't think people talk about how people die very often was texting back no lol he pooped this morning that is about their three-year-old tragically in a stop sign like that should heal I
00:24:25| should be a little law like if you're if you cause an accident while texting like you have to share the dialog of the text and let's no just the text just a single it would almost be out of context it's a
00:24:38| little it's a context how many lol murders killed by lol right lol I beheld the person's piece and it's like lol deceased lol deceases oh god yeah that is dark but it gets the message across
00:24:55| don't text while driving to a podcast cuz that's hands-free brought to you by the unpin you're so excited by the vaad case you just have put your hands somewhere ROFL of the car m @ w l t t
00:25:20| you I don't know as an actual word I'm excavating furiously while listening to the young pander Oh just saying where were we oh I so I do
00:25:37| have like the levels of your spinal cord so there's cervical which is the neck area thoracic which is around the chest the lumbar which the lower back and then the
00:25:46| sacral or the sacrum which is like sacral so I've no idea I just always pronounce the sacrum like mackerel cuz plus you could think like sacra was like kind of like neither but or your sac so
00:26:05| sacral that's why that's why I think sacrum so does that doesn't really mean very much to most of us there are several discs in each one I forget the word they break it that
00:26:20| evenly I really I'm just curious my mom had a not herniated I think it's actually a broken disk said that back surgery when I was like seven or eight so this is the number of vertebrae that
00:26:33| you have in each area cervicals seven thoracic is 12 lumbars five and sacrum is are five and we actually have fewer than most other mammals other mammals here that goes I thought was like 70
00:26:47| vertebrae so how many we have ten seven [Music] it's like 29 29 Wow so that's why they're all numbered like c7 I the bad c7 oh I was like oh honey I
00:27:00| have c7 someone's like oh my l5 is down I'm like oh my god your l5 but oc7 holy [ __ ] dude I just figured out tonight water makes the seventh cloning cervix that's sort of a call bar yeah whatever
00:27:16| yeah okay that's yeah c7 t2 l 5s whatever okay that's how they call it out I really had no idea can people say that but I ignore them or pretend to know what they're talking about but now
00:27:29| I know every movie yeah or when they fuse them together like Tiger Woods yeah why do they do that the benefit kids that it's either damaged or like the disk is so worn out
00:27:42| that when you fuse it together it makes it like it's one vertebrae so you don't have the rubbing anymore so you lose a little bit of mobility but at the cost of there's no more rubbing exactly okay
00:27:53| no further irritation or damage make sensitive mm-hmm sense to me and Tiger head I don't know what I don't know which when we look that up ex I'm kind of curious actually that is interesting
00:28:05| now I just want to know now that we're talking about it now that we're talking about it I agree with those guys I don't want a back injury I don't think I've had a back injury ever l5 s1 spinal
00:28:20| fusion oh damn he had an l5 s1 so let's let's put some context on these numbers that's the bottom yeah so they go one two five down so and then one of the s Regent Sakura yeah so here's each level
00:28:37| level and the motor fungi hunger motor function under why did you say that I don't know what I don't know what words I was combining there fungus hunger fungus some of the motor function
00:28:53| associated with the level and I guess how you would deal with this like how you feel like you would be affected by this so l5 through s2 that affects the
00:29:06| extension of the leg of the hip near your button and the flexion of the foot and flexion of the toes which that's the lowest wefts is very the bottom most wrong vertebra it sounds like you
00:29:20| wouldn't be able to do very much like you would no longer be able to play sports yeah running would be difficult probably walking might be difficult so like it's
00:29:32| a very very minimum like in my opinion you're kind of [ __ ] at that point you know bring us good news let's the next level no it gets worse as you go up higher so
00:29:47| l4 through s1 you can the function is abduct the thigh which means you move your thigh flex leg knee and then foot and toes extension so like the different types of like I like
00:30:02| pronate and supinate which is the different we're selection yeah it's like yeah it's like my dirt bike into the Y feel flex like dirt bike into that oh yeah can you do that does that ruin
00:30:15| forever it really hurts really bad but I think it's just a chipped bone or something hmm yeah that probably won't heal over time
00:30:22| he'll be okay though I actually think it will maybe you're young ish anyway that's just gonna start to happen now and it's just gonna be who you are on a monthly basis how do I fix this doctor
00:30:39| mm you're just that's just who you are now you better get a new body yeah hmm okay L to tell for again the thigh movement leg extension el1 2 for flexing the hip
00:30:54| joint going up to t7 l1 abdominal muscles so like you know your core yeah t 1 to t 6 intercostals let's the area between your ribs and the trunk above the waist so like do I voluntarily move
00:31:11| there I think breathing might be slightly affected or if you're like extending backwards like stretching and standing upright kind of makes you move your ribs yeah c7 c8 so this is gets
00:31:26| weird so like if you didn't have any if I didn't have any like function I think I'd be okay with life I think it would be bad but I could still do things with my hands so I'd be able to express
00:31:37| myself and talk and do all sorts of things that are you know could spend my time doing playing video games and watching movies and maybe not getting around too much but I think I'd be able
00:31:49| to cope I'd be able to cope the right direction I don't know about erections that probably here only based on that I'll have to search paralysis of the
00:32:03| penis no that sounds terrible I feel like it's not gonna give you not gonna give you this click on images here and oh that's inflatable penises they have those holy crap there's a penis that
00:32:26| looks like it's a child's maze cartoon thing like it's it's zig zags and then comes back around it's like find the exit no way it's a real penis yeah hold on a second there's
00:32:39| more penises here you better give this got five minutes a couple Kleenex hold on a second Oh fill that fill the fill the void Nick when when is science gone too far when my partner needs me to fill
00:32:59| the void cuz he's digging in deep with peanut peni is it peanut when it's more than one what do they call them at the party do you go to late at night peni right yeah more than one what a sausage
00:33:12| fest what I want to know is like you're like squinting you're moving in you're getting so they had like telling me to stall I don't know what so they were like horse penises on that page for some
00:33:26| reason when you type in pair paralysis of the penis and apparently paraphimosis is a your logical convergence ii in which the retracted foreskin of an uncircumcised male cannot be returned to
00:33:36| its normal act anatomic position Wow super force can get stuck like it just was in Texas I don't know how like how does it not return and picture the foreskin is it out of place is it oh
00:33:50| it's like he gets caught like at the base or itself yeah it gets twisted right it's stuck in your zipper one of our mutual friends had a poem in the middle of like seventh
00:34:06| grade class it said something like I once I once liked to dock I want you I wonder like I once like the dolphin named flipper and I hate it when my peepee gets stuck in
00:34:19| my zipper he said that to the whole class yeah as a second seventh grader that's pretty good especially cuz um you like to dock didn't he mm-hmm the penis Jim and oh maybe a name joke command is
00:34:34| a dangerous thing anyway back to spinal cord injuries not penis makes it fray the penis let me see where were we c7 c8 flex wrist muscles the hands he's
00:34:48| six to seven elbow wrist more wrist stuff c6 rotate the arm c5 6 remove shoulder raise arm flex elbow so right then and there I think if I had like a sees anything injury that would be
00:35:05| terrible like you wouldn't be able to do anything there your arms that's a neck injury so like what do you how would you cope do you think you cope what would you do if urn the paint with my toes or
00:35:16| mine you can't you'd have to use your mouth or something c2 doesn't affect your legs does it so I haven't gone all the way up there so there's like C 3 through 5 can affect your diaphragm
00:35:30| which means breathing is more difficult more impossible I don't think yeah and then up all the weight is for neck so you can't move your neck which sounds pretty terrible that's horrific
00:35:46| you'd be okay someone to feed you alcohol a little straw and and did a podcast water alcohol microphone may be good with that yeah you wouldn't turn on the phantom power though instrument at
00:36:05| CSUN red light the other one idiot can view all these things sound pretty terrible I wanted to move away from spinal cord injuries no there's there's how much time can you spend on spinal
00:36:25| injuries um a lot actually I mean everyone listening has to go home at some point yeah or if they're driving in their driveway they pull in the garage I might
00:36:38| lose reception in the garage they're like waiting outside letter wife doesn't know the cars running yeah go in the garage lower the door but don't tell anyone open your windows you gotta be
00:36:49| able to breathe that's terrible idea don't kill yourself in the fumes oh god I forgot oh please I hope they were listening anyway Wow I wonder which one it takes to make it so you can't talk
00:37:04| anymore well what do I have to brake on you you probably have a hard time with your adult one with the diaphragm so I shoot for the c5 you probably wouldn't have a hard time speaking so you get
00:37:17| right there so this really it came about because I was listening to a story about well hey I read a story ALS Tuesdays with Maurey like slowly losing function whole
00:37:28| different thing yeah yeah well you lose it you lose the ability to control yourself so that's what really paralysis is about it kind of that's what literally we're gonna end up at the end
00:37:38| this episode but and I'm sure it'll add something but there's also a guillain-barre archaea beret however you want to say it if you're French I guess you say it that way the founder of
00:37:54| Burton Snowboards Jake carpenter actually had this happened to him that he went in for surgery he went in for surgery and he started having vision problems and it was literally within
00:38:08| like a day or two like the second day he was like this isn't right so he went to the doctor and the doctor said we're gonna test you and it turns out that he had this guillain-barre a syndrome and
00:38:21| it's like a temporary paralysis so you actually lose the function in your legs and arms and you can't move you can't breathe so they put you in a hospital bed have you on a ventilator and you
00:38:35| lose the ability to see you can't eat and everything's controlled for you it's wild but it's temporary Howser it's temporary so it takes about six to eight weeks for your
00:38:46| body to kind of get rid of that and reap regenerate so it slowly comes back to you he said he could he could hear everything around him but he couldn't respond so he was sitting in the bed for
00:38:59| like six weeks where he could feel his wife like massaging him but he couldn't do anything about it and his wife was just there by his side and that's it like he thinks it was his wife he could
00:39:13| hear her voice he couldn't see it was her voice I'm pretty sure he's conscious are you trying to say he's got a mistress this how are you trying to say Nikki no he's just paying a jerk but
00:39:26| like regardless that's the wildest thing in the world like that's like being in the bad place and get out or like they do this in a lot of movies or like ropes were you you can feel pain you could
00:39:39| feel everything but you can't talk you can't move your prayer paralyzed yeah it doesn't seem like a real disease because who would have thought that he would ever come back from that and be
00:39:48| able to maybe these weeks he'd be normal it's like what yeah happened to you I mean there is some sort of therapy that goes along with it so you can regain all the
00:39:57| functions but he's relatively normal him I didn't write it down what Metallica's one where we talking that was the morality or something no would you have so does it late or
00:40:16| whatever no that was his name it was Pumpkinhead I forget his real name though wow I didn't have okay yeah I don't know it is so that you don't care about the teacher enough to remember his
00:40:30| real name he was just Pumpkinhead no I I didn't have them I did and I don't remember that but um that was one of the things about euthanasia is that there's somebody that was inside their own body
00:40:40| that is still alive but they're unable to communicate with the outside world or do anything so if they're just on pause vegetable there no you could still play he could replay memories from his own
00:40:55| mind but he couldn't he's never even get better do you keep that person alive or do you allow them to euthanize him oh you take him out back of a Denny's and see Grand Slam right down is going I
00:41:16| give you the Grand Slam Putney parolee something like that whatever I know anyway what do you do why I say if they want to go go um there's no way to see like they can't give me a yes no in any
00:41:35| way shape or form no Ken a I mean this is a real question can they give me I forget if there was like Morse code involved I think it was based on a real person based on a movie
00:41:45| based on a song as my knowledge so I think he was able to like Morse code it via tapping or something with his maybe blinking and twitching I don't know yeah then I asked him if he's like yeah I'm
00:41:58| like let's do it but if not I don't know just do it till the money runs out what'd he do tell us Nick what do you do covered under insurance I'm sure for a certain period of time for like a week
00:42:15| if you could technically keep someone alive indefinitely do you could you do it with just about anyone I'm not gonna search for the longest person kept alive on life spotter our official means yeah
00:42:30| what if it is someone born as a baby who needed life support and we kept him live for like 40 years how funny would that be impossible only God's possible this is Terry Schiavo
00:42:45| yeah she was sadness pure sadness something awful forums did a hole Terry shy of a theme Photoshop Friday one time like how did they these they had Photoshop or doing fun
00:43:05| things oh man that's terrible I didn't make any of them so when you talk about other people doing bad things like that to them it's terrible so I think she was on life
00:43:19| support for like ten years yeah good bit something like that it was a hot-button issue yeah it was huge I want to see how long we're just giving them human dates
00:43:33| give me some deep thousand one and only did this is right two diocese from 1990 to 2005 so maybe she should 26 cardiac arrest st. Petersburg Florida she was tough so
00:43:49| they resuscitated but had brain damage so literally kept alive for 15 years while people argued over what to do about her brutal let's bring it back to the happy place on the invaders okay I
00:44:05| will say is it when that happens time passes slowly differently it's not like she's like hanging out like looking at her clock every five seconds like uh as a closing time yeah how crazy would you
00:44:15| get if you could think like how soon would it be until you were like insane yeah I don't think it would be that long it's like people being in like an anechoic chambers where they can't hear
00:44:25| anything they have no input they think they're in there for like weeks and they've only been in there for like hours yeah people lose it are you seeing that Vsauce where he's inside that
00:44:37| little room in the whooping call oh he's in it for like three days and he thinks he's in there for like three weeks yeah cuz they have no sense of time they don't have anything to you let's bring
00:44:50| it back to paralysis yeah do you know anybody who's paralyzed I need one person's definition just can't can't walk where the levels quadriplegic and then tetraplegic
00:45:07| attached for a pelagic and then there's higher play othera okay I think we're going from worst of best case fish I think and then I don't know what before that party pelagic that's certain
00:45:24| abilities yeah so I knew I knew one person and this is a warning to anybody out there don't dive into the ocean or shallow water that you don't know the distance of the depth and when they do
00:45:41| break their neck yeah he landed on a sandbar when he was trying to dive into the ocean I pulled him out and he had broken his neck so he was like 20 years old how did he live that's wild because
00:45:54| people were they're ready to dive in you what this dude hasn't been up in like 10 minutes I think it's not I mean you I think the sandbar was like
00:46:05| only like a foot under the water or something ridiculous so his body was sticking out yes I was like in the water they're like let's get this guy if anybody's nearby so this is the scary
00:46:15| part as I was listening to the story about how people live in Hawaii and the person said they're more friendly there because there's less people it was like if you have if you get injured and
00:46:25| there's only like two people around people are gonna come to your aid because it's like oh no I know this person like I'm in their vicinity but if there's like a hundred people and
00:46:33| somebody gets injured everyone else is like well you're gonna take care of it now my job yeah my job yeah they're just like all watching and playing someone else will do it yeah they're waiting for
00:46:42| something else because they died so in this instance I think one of his friends was near by day but like to call attention and pull him out but he lived and the life he lived sick and sad after
00:46:59| that point and just had to like read retrofit his entire house with like all sorts of disability stuff ramps and accessories it called jazzy jazzy scooter
00:47:09| jazz' scooter yeah what's the um we used to visit my neighbor she lived three doors away he had a chair that went from the first floor to the second floor
00:47:21| yeah I always liked those when I was little I was like I was like oh please do please do please do please please do it Oh as a kid I knew please can I sit on
00:47:36| your chair please as of what a year old no like five five I mixed it's a little better [Laughter] don't you need something on the second
00:48:10| floor then you left your scarf up there are you cold up there yeah go get it take a little chair Marjorie's doing a third name oh crap what is it it's like hate Disney I feel
00:48:40| like he's mean to that aw crap what is their third one this is sound fingers they're people who didn't have the internet back out of fingers oh my god like they went in it was raw while if
00:48:50| you just type those two names in the third one will pop up I'm sure cubed confident confident my tree stew it backs damn it I'm I'm gonna get it before you find it there's a third one
00:49:09| yeah it definitely is cuz there's three and like the second a third episodes gonna be good I'll find it if you can't but I feel like that needs to be something that um
00:49:19| is on a shirt I get to designer sure have like just the three of them mm-hmm there's people that are actually named Marjorie Stuart Baxter yes sir yeah digitized in with Hubert cumber
00:49:34| Dale there's no way that third one didn't show up it didn't show up I'm telling you right now I'm gonna look it up you better hang in the dead air right so solid fingers Jeremy Fisher that's
00:49:48| the normal name damn it you got it yeah Jeremy Jeremy but he says it weird Teairra me something about is it it's painfully yeah salad fingers a lot look it up on the internet it's creepy it's
00:50:02| the creepiest thing because of the way it's done and the way he talks like he says in the music there's a weird music there's a yeah the way he'd like hoax his finger he's the red the red stuff
00:50:15| comes out oh yeah he cooks a kid in his oven by accident oh there's some wild stuff when you know sudden he looks at a bird and the bird is like normal and then a second later on you're like holy
00:50:33| crap what did I just Oh anyway David Burke I wonder what happened in there's nothing how you made it yeah he made fat pie or something yeah I think it was this company yeah
00:50:46| [ __ ] him up now they want to know that pie I think it was a company he made like an LLC for the salad fingers type umbrella you need a whole bunch of stuff hmm now whether he stopped making stuff
00:50:58| or not I have no idea that maybe he's I don't make of stuff like salad for yourself or like thanks Allan see how the finger stuff I mean whatever I mean you're a content creator you're probably
00:51:11| a content creator for life well there's a patreon ah this guy oh yeah see how much he's making I love the Internet discover things you never leave wait you can tell you tell me what second day
00:51:26| trailer they're like yeah they yeah I try to hide that because we need some support honestly like for big heavy bull sex yeah keep it hidden paralysis this is our worst episode it's weird cuz
00:51:51| the salad fingers he has solid fingers front centers there's a series of like to ten and doesn't say ocean intubated website dude I think it was a website that hasn't been updated in like five
00:52:08| years I'm pretty sure this is like relatively new really YouTube update may 9 2008 een Wow okay fair enough what's funny is that our age with our
00:52:23| use of the internet like we are different than any other generation in our internet usage right yeah I mean this sounds stupid when we had more internet than people before us and
00:52:35| probably those guys like we're like peak at least that per mile of King bull [ __ ] anyway moving on paralysis how did nerves work sure nerves were so central nervous system
00:53:06| versus peripheral apparently your central does not regenerate your peripheral can as there's different cells temporary immaturity is what brings back your other cells
00:53:18| dorsal root ganglion type of neuron and then Schwann cells yeah and this is one of the things that what that's it well that's pretty much all I care about yeah
00:53:35| there might be more to it it's more about having what it's called an action potential that rides your nerves and there's different types of nerves there in different sheets different myelin
00:53:47| layers they're called meninges and those different pathways allow you to control your body through electrical impulses that allow for other chemical impulses
00:53:57| and then allow you to move your muscles I was about to say all that you iron gates yeah so one of the cool things is like if you've ever seen like a not look like an ion gate is like this way of
00:54:10| making something happen in your in your body and it's electrical impulses because it's so like electro impulses can actually like conduct these like ions so like if like a potassium ion it
00:54:25| positive actually gets near these gates and they look like traffic cones like you've you through a bunch of traffic cones down and they're all pointed at each other and they're like layered up
00:54:33| like when a potassium ion light comes by it like opens up these like traffic cones and then it can start pumping things in and it triggers like more to pump and then it just flows down your
00:54:43| nerve if that makes any sense at all thank goodness happens this happens in cells a lot - yes cell wall it's the same sort of I get it okay cool yeah so this conducts along your nerves and
00:54:56| that's how you move your muscles so essentially we did this for like they do it for earthworms yeah for our electrophysiology oh sorry I thought I got tested
00:55:07| yeah so they trigger you can trigger this by stimulating it most of the time so like you can make an earthworm move by hitting it with electricity it's just the varied incremental electricity might
00:55:24| not produce what you're looking for this is a real flexion I'm not joking yeah what if I shot norm with a Taser that we use on full-grown adults it would I hope it would explode I'm really sorry we can
00:55:41| do this but is it cruelty to animals or earthworms animals I don't know and I just wanna see what happened she would Terri Schiavo died did they pull the plug on Terri Schiavo
00:55:57| yeah eventually okay we can do this Tara forms I feel like not sure they're related but I agree hi okay so that's pretty much all I had is that you have very central and core things nerves that
00:56:16| are essential and they never regrow so them paralysis that can happen is irreversible in like movies a majority of cases okay that make sense yes I feel like you wanna go somewhere just
00:56:39| researching this it's like I consider myself fearless okay you went to dark places yeah I'm just fearless like if someone tells me hey try this new drug yeah cool
00:56:52| someone says hey you ever ride a dirt bike yeah I'll do it who cares someone says hey you ever a fearless tornado there's a fine line I'm not gonna come one says
00:57:04| hey you ever actually killed a human being and faced legal repercussions I'm like let's try it and see what happens actually there haven't been legal or prakash repercussions from that from
00:57:14| what came out of us hurting yourself oh good just as long as you get the caustic soda you're okay bones only last how many year I need 50 years to send me if I whisper they can't hear right yeah so
00:57:36| you've got until you're 70 something and then the bones will be gone he'll be okay isn't murder five years limitations statute I don't think that it has a statute of limitations
00:57:54| now this part I'm gonna go a lot of lists I think murder and rape no statute of limitations actually think rape does have a as he was it ten years I'm not
00:58:10| sure us different everywhere else but you know I like how I search murder statute of limitations and it pops up immediately and then rape is like bunch of question marks it's like is this real
00:58:20| does this happen like okay I would your editors asking how long do I have to report a Missy I always bring charges against someone you can always bring charges against someone's but suspected
00:58:34| of rape apparently interesting tomorrow rape burglary oh but um I'm not afraid of anything particular okay we're am an idiot depending on the way you phrase it I'm actually afraid of like four or five
00:58:49| different things ones like complete paralysis like I don't I don't like the idea of not being able to go anywhere physically we'll just get up and walk somewhere or go somewhere I think that's
00:59:01| life you ever broken legs injured I broke my like once and it was awful like you you're so limited that you're exhausted at the other you don't wanna do anything anyway
00:59:12| it's like going some places it's like almost like having children we can't do anything yeah so let's work it's a chore rectal dysfunction going wherever you want being like a burden with everyone
00:59:27| like these are three things so you're scary to me hmm so we touched on topic that actually feels like it shakes you to the core yeah my core is injured to know the UM
00:59:43| there's another thing I realized um you get into wheelchair accessibility oh yeah a lot of places I'm like oh [ __ ] who cares and I'm like oh [ __ ] why not just make it for everybody yeah like
00:59:57| what's wrong with doing that I'm like all for it like the Iron Throne has like six steps and they elected brand the broken to sit on the Iron Throne to get there yeah now you get there it's
01:00:10| cuz they they didn't have the chair they needed somebody that already had a chair that's the tear was gone yeah I thought it was pretty made yeah that's quite a twist
01:00:23| so I screenshot this right so now I'm not ready I did study um part of my studies on cripples we can by the way you're not allowed to say [ __ ] its [ __ ] offensive it is physically
01:00:39| disadvantaged what are you supposed to say an individual with a physical disability physical disability okay there's like what it's weird how things are not PC but you have to use the one
01:00:50| term that is PC so it's like it's like condoning the one thing you can only use the one thing now so physically to save you is a certain order right in fact I think people who are physically disabled
01:01:04| are trying to take [ __ ] back kind of like their n-word okay they want to be called cripples no no only they can say okay okay it's like rap song I was trying to it's like
01:01:18| saying you can say it you can't say it cuz I mean you're not I mean you're about to joke about yourself correct so it would be like I called you fat I can't anymore I'm not my club boy anyway
01:01:37| moving on beyond so the funniest thing in the world to me was when I was doing research for this now we've got [ __ ] and what the word meant and how it came to be it was dramatic and that crippled
01:01:53| or crypto and meant to creep along slowly so it originally referred to people who had problems moving a limb yeah you can [ __ ] a machine you can cook a person you can [ __ ] anyway
01:02:07| formidable [ __ ] is a verb you don't really hear anymore correct but it's okay to use as a verb it's the name that's been kind of outdated you know it's just making sure it's in the right
01:02:18| context not around other cripples no cripples in popular culture I thought this is crazy huh Tiny Tim Tiny Tim which I love that reference Jaime Lannister that's quick to go and like
01:02:36| and Brent Farrar brand the broken terribly and then right correct and then Joe Swanson of FAMILY GUY and then I guess wasn't Roosevelt he was crippled right
01:02:47| these are pop pop culture okay they did have Roosevelt this isn't I didn't screenshot this one Roosevelt I think as polio they got him correct somebody else we're getting to more Krista Reeves
01:03:05| super leaves yes yes Carell off a horse and yeah broke his neck yeah that's terrible c3 Stephen Hawking and Stephen Hawking holy [ __ ] and I hope that Liz it that's exactly I knew I just
01:03:23| dice could sense it either way good call yeah so I'm terrified of not being able to have the agency of my own body like I'm gonna freed the things I take for granted like being able to walk
01:03:37| somewhere just get up and get a beer masturbate go outside and go outside masturbate outside a masturbate with a beer in my other hand like those are the things you take for granted but honestly
01:03:51| if we didn't have those what we're talking about is losing agency agency being the power over yourself right yeah to have that so reddit is famously the guy with broken arms never heard of this
01:04:09| maybe hold on this actually this is the player I don't want to this is like the story reddit lore where there's somebody does confirmed that they broke both our arms could not do anything and could not
01:04:23| masturbate so they couldn't take care of themselves so someone else in their family took care of them oh my god wait little wobble this does sound really familiar yeah which valley
01:04:34| was it that is something someone else has to research because I'm trying to think I think I've heard that this is her great cranium
01:04:45| Oedipus didn't have Oedipus like his mom yeah okay what oh my god yeah uh-huh this is like old this is like 10 years yeah oh yeah okay it's over 10 years old the story right I don't know the origin
01:05:03| dating it is I think when mum Jack's meal greater than greater than greater than sign and then like a picture of a smiling turd of 2013 someone asked about
01:05:19| it 2011 command who had sexual 2011 so maybe years ago yeah it comes up whenever there's mention of sort of that same scenario it always comes up god damn would you do it for your kid no
01:05:52| there's no way they come out of that normal never T not were absolute you're absolutely correct you're absolutely correct I just thought I could catch you doing a
01:06:01| but if there was like if there was like a an automatic machine version I would just be like this is a thing it milk might explain things for it might help you well we went there so we focus on
01:06:22| paralysis Hey inability to move being crippled or physically disabled abilities ooh the Crips [ __ ] walk Nina the Bloods all of the Bloods versus the Crips yeah well I don't know whether
01:06:36| crippled is such because they often walked with the king really what cuz they got it injured in some way I think it was just to look cool but either way they were Crips so
01:06:49| yesterday this wasn't actually the day we were gonna originally air this um three days ago two years ago uh-huh I walked into the auto body shop up the street from me
01:07:00| uh-huh and they have it's just old people people over 70 hanging out there that's what they do the hangout they talk they tell old jokes one was the first black marine ever won was the he's
01:07:17| and 91 and he's the first to do that I can win there and they're all laughs and having a good time the old guys near me I noticed the weirdest thing one of them's getting a hip replaced another
01:07:34| guy who works at the place is getting hip replaced and someone else has like just a problem with their foot mm-hmm there were fork for walking canes in there and I was like damn these canes in
01:07:45| here today and they showed off their canes walking canes and I was like that's cool one had like an eagle head one one had one that was just gold with like cool ornate stuff going on one was
01:07:58| like wood or look like wood and then the ivory with a fourth one looked like but either way I was like these are some badass canes guys thanks going huh so that like there's no style
01:08:10| they cocaine they can't so there's like three different versions that I just read there's the one where they did have canes which are like pimp canes yeah these well okay that's what yeah so
01:08:21| they're crippled or it's cribs with a be like they're young and upcoming are like juveniles but then it got understood as crypts or the [ __ ] errs people who incapacitate other people and then I
01:08:38| just think the final one was like they were cryptic like something you didn't really know they had no association with the things they were not cryptic there for outspoken
01:08:53| okay well that last one my [ __ ] well guys disabilities I think this all you know whether it's something serious like a paralysis whether it's something fairly minor like hey I get really bad
01:09:12| arthritis can't play my guitar anymore that would suck yeah 30% of families in America Absolem with a member who has a severe disability I heard this one weird fact I want to throw in there so like
01:09:28| there are sports you can play when you're paraplegic you can play ice hockey or like that roller ball thing we're actually in a wheelchair I heard a story that the human body will react to
01:09:41| your body regardless of whether you can feel and they were using the ability that they couldn't feel pain to incite an adrenalin rush yeah so there was a story that people
01:09:56| who are professionally doing this we're breaking their own toes to get the adrenaline rush so that they could play better and that crazy I'd say no good I immediately thought yeah and then I
01:10:11| immediately thought no like it's not possible but it sounds like no like someone might that's a lie and I'm like no it's a hundred percent true and then I'm like well it's exaggerating them
01:10:23| like it's probably spot-on mm-hmm oh there's another element to this too it's like the people who are born without the ability to feel I think you can't feel hot or cold yeah that's why we do the
01:10:36| power pain for any bill yeah feel emotions I don't know what you're talking about negly love I know what love is that's like a safar's go blind oh I was
01:10:56| thinking like daters I was that also do yeah if it's it if it's in mmm well like the people who don't have any feedback on their life they end up like injuring
01:11:05| themselves touching a hot pan or like fire oh yeah so yeah yeah so it's like it's crucial that we have this like feedback in our own bodies to understand how our bodies work because
01:11:18| without it we don't understand our bodies and we can't really use them it would have to be mentally checking so continue on with the thank you for following us guys it's been a good story
01:11:28| hope you don't you guys honestly hope you got your pimp canes I hope everyone's got some kind of plan yeah disability on the way being planned for it and don't consume duck like a
01:11:40| deer and half you're going to get to sit disability yeah if you're gonna get tased and we're sure I didn't do don't run you're gonna go down like a sack of bricks yeah [ __ ]
01:11:56| yeah a sympathetic nervous system anesthesia are sympathetic Oh central nervous system real nervous nervous system Schwann cells dorsal root ganglion neurons right everyone knows
01:12:11| them we talked about him for an hour yeah axons action potentials potentials electrolytes mmm-hmm guillain-barre getting electrocuted to death
01:12:24| J carbon herberto about how synapse two percent of dendrites avoid fifty six percent of the disabled community is employed and even last twenty six percent of the severely disabled
01:12:39| communities employed that means seventy four percent are sitting at home we need something for them to do we talked about nervous system disorders ALS aka Lou Gehrig's disease epilepsy Alzheimer's
01:12:54| Parkinson's MS we talked about them so much and in detail on the genome pregnancy is a disability and is if you can only stay pregnant recognize it correct I actually was pregnant for 19
01:13:13| years with ideas I'm pregnant was idea folks thank you for joining in we have a patreon here we have an icon here if you want patreon we have all that we're not gonna say do it
01:13:30| you're on but no oh my god I don't even care they just it might end take your podcast if you don't patronize over here in our patient don't look up Salad Fingers patreon he doesn't need any more
01:13:45| money from a guru to nears ago it's probably more like 20 years ago actually he could come badiya Marjorie's do with Baxter and Jeremy Fisher he was man enough thank you Dan
01:14:05| so we we do like you a lot thanks for tuning in folks to the next time where we talk about your mom's favorite thing

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