The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP114 Weed Dope Marijuana Legalization

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Transcript UnP114 Weed Dope Marijuana Legalization

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 114 - Weed Dope Marijuana Legalization
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00:00:09| grab your lighters roll that sticky folks we're talking about something that's sweeping the nation right now it's becoming legal everywhere we look there's medicinal properties there's
00:00:20| medical legal that's right even our athletes are starting to talk about it it's that Delta nine tetrahydrocannabinol and cabin a T you'll join us kind of the Doyle Stanley
00:00:41| and I'm Nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective the
00:00:54| taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion and we might even get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual
00:01:06| content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes we're gonna fondle your follicles [Music]
00:01:30| [Music] I'm damn looking like a vampire you noticed mm-hmm good then pay I can't drink any light - yeah
00:01:46| [Laughter] under weed all right marijuana I've been researching a long time and I didn't really is that the same thing as weed oh oh my goodness goodness gracious
00:02:04| huh I mean everybody's talking about it right now it's all about the legalization they're up mm-hmm when the states are making it recreational legal I focused more on the
00:02:14| medical legalization hold everything so you might cover the medical realm as well as maybe some of the ailments that it cures and I do and doesn't cure oh I just cast a large pall over your face
00:02:28| and the episode hmm hmm is there anything that I would like to cover why you would like to cover let's talk about our experiences with it maybe the legalization aspect and what it's trying
00:02:44| to battle which i think is opioids interesting and that's a good way to go I like those directions we'll start off with what it is it's as I pronounced correctly yeah
00:02:57| it's Delta nine tetrahydrocannabinol cannabidiol can they have it all yeah that's why they call it CBD or THC the tetra hydro will the tetra hydro car cometh Francis right how about I drove
00:03:14| cabin ab and all that should be the test if someone pulls you over and you're hi is work to do find the gates I see boats yeah that's the one that makes you feel loopy and it's lethargic he's psycho
00:03:28| reactive it's like a reactive yeah my man so I think the other the other thing extra food from the plan which you touched on and I pronounced incorrectly was cannabic an avenue all cannabidiol
00:03:39| CBD CBD yeah we same in initials folks these two things can be extracted from marijuana and that's the biggies so the conveys also taken all extracted from marijuana
00:03:50| as well as hemp hemp and hemp is legal nationally so you're allowed to anything with em yeah who cares right it's my stuff handoff you can do whatever the hell you want what help
00:04:02| dude you didn't take it and back and just well start going to town on some hemp question expertise like I happily go clothing because there's no I don't think it's like chemically reactive I
00:04:13| think it's like an inert substance it's like you can use it to make clothes and stuff Canyon temp was legalized December rush and I think hemp is legal because it doesn't produce as much THC it
00:04:30| doesn't you see it does it has a small amount like 0.3% mm-hmm Wow okay but I don't know that you would smoke hemp to get high no I feel like you that's used in fabrics and stuff yeah that's one of
00:04:43| the uses and then hemp oil which everybody's putting on everything right same with CBD oil CBD being more potent than yes well that's the thing I bought I bought gummies from Amazon and yeah it
00:04:58| says hemp oil all over it and then if you have read really closely it says no CBD no THC so I guess you can derive oil that is just like an omega-3 or like a fatty acid that makes you lubricated or
00:05:12| something after joint cert swimming with oils one of those things that's like Omega what you just mentioned omega-3 fish oil where I don't think it's bad for you or good for you it's just like
00:05:21| people swear by it so yeah you got to put hemp on it's like okay it's another big one and CBD oils like a step up it has some reactive properties doesn't it so there's that's the difference between
00:05:32| CBD and THC is that THC has this psycho reactive psychotropic effect that makes it so that your focus is distracted and it's a drug it affects you in a way that can cause you to class one drug folks
00:05:49| class frnd can make hands one being with opioids like heroin cocaine is a class one drugged mm-hmm so what was the definition of class 1 drug
00:05:59| I don't know the most dangerous kind know that well there's three there's three definitions three got comprised these definition okay okay so the drug or other substance has a high potential
00:06:10| for abuse not currently accepted medical treatment in the US and his lacked lacks acceptable safety under medical supervision okay so it means it's like it hasn't
00:06:23| been through trials it hasn't been proven and it has an addictive possibility possibility plus THC it's like the comparison of CBD to that CBD doesn't have that psycho reactive
00:06:40| property right so CBD has the benefits the quote unquote benefits without this it's like oh yeah without the stuff that's gonna mess you up mentally right so then the step up will be THC what um
00:06:52| do we know what it physically goes to the brain they're actually um can a cannabinoid receptors within the body they're all over like they're built into us like it's not like like your organs
00:07:05| your cells everything is ready to accept this THC tetrahydrocannabinol and it patches and I believe it I have no idea what it does I assume I know what it does to you when you a says I'm on a
00:07:25| microscopic level right I'm almost would say it slows everything down it's like yo chill that's what it says on a macro scale but a micro scale I don't know 100 thousand percent no so I don't know that
00:07:38| this is medically proven or in any which way how it affects you I believe it's classified as an opioid so that it affects the same kind of pathways but not in them you don't think it is I
00:07:49| don't think it is because I think it's a psycho like a trippy drug more than a an opioid is an opioid it it blocks it what does it keep serotonin yeah it's um it's um it's not a blocker
00:08:09| what's the opposite of a blocker like an opioid pull them in yeah it will attach to a channel and keep it active I don't know what the facilitator opposite inhibitor an inhibitor versus a facility
00:08:28| enabling maybe I don't know this is all yours that I've never heard of this term before what is it don't know what I mean I you think you would come to me readily since I do a podcast you would think I'm
00:08:41| so educated on this podcast yes sir you know I pulled you over I do a podcast what's interesting is I think um Big Pharma it's kind of what keeps on the percent so this is one of the things
00:08:58| that bothers me is that there's there are drugs that are mood-altering and there are drugs that are like the heroines and the other things that make it so that extremely addictive yeah and
00:09:11| they make you so you don't feel the pain at at any point so if you're having surgery or something or after surgery it dulls the pain or you make it you don't feel the pain at all so these things are
00:09:24| part of Big Pharma which prescribes them overly even if you don't need them and people become more addicted to them than most sort of things that's why if they're because they're
00:09:37| physically addictive I don't think there's any proof that THC is physically addictive it's more um habitual and mental I think this okay so the class one drugs that are mixed with marijuana
00:09:51| or classified with heroin LSD marijuana mescaline MDMA GHB I don't know what GHB is actually gamma Hydra burek acid is that some kind of story kind of like hardcore steroid or I'm gonna have to
00:10:08| click on that one ecstasy psycho SOB's sobbing nice synthetic marijuana I'm sold quaaludes if you read weed and never a weed fake weed yes synthetic marijuana
00:10:22| weed hmm I've never had that before what is what is it fake it's synthetic marijuana it's like fake metal does it come in like a vial or do they give you like a fake plant I think it was in
00:10:35| plant form because you could burn it yeah definitely and where it is is it's like little leaves or something that you burn and breathe in and it won't show up on a drug test at all because it's not
00:10:45| with some of the same properties of THC okay we'll come back to that in two seconds okay so there's another one Cotter cathinone and bath salts sounds good so weight is up there with all
00:10:58| these it's funny even um this started back in the 70s 60s 80 somewhere the war on drugs is that Reagan GHB is the date right Jeff drug oh we should have known that yeah we did know that I think
00:11:11| idiots I think I did at one point we must have had something that furthers our memories and brews wake up if not knowing what happened yeah so interestingly enough the war on drugs is
00:11:25| that Reagan it's white yeah Nancy Reagan with the presidents but Nancy Nancy so that was like well there was a huge crack addiction in the United States in the 80s I believe could they I said like
00:11:40| in the downtown areas it was like crack was so cheap and so addicted was the cocaine was the drug cocaine is a rich person's drug right yeah but I mean I was way more Rampton I mean you just be
00:11:51| doing coke and bathrooms back then right hey you were at the restaurant that's what every movie is told me of the 80s I'm gonna believe them I'm gonna throw on my yeah brightly colored windbreaker
00:12:01| and smokes and actually snort some coke sorry is like I was thinking about marijuana sorry so I actually went to a a shop that sells oils it was um
00:12:17| CBD oils in your state in my state it was interesting because I don't think it's actually legal except that it was hemp derived so I think it's more difficult to get a substantial quantity
00:12:33| of CBD and THC in an oil form from hemp so but it's the same thing as you would get from marijuana so it's like it's a it's a benefit workaround you're right yeah so the the benefits were supposed
00:12:48| to be like a cure-all so it's supposed to help you join st. Jude it helps you leading up to sleep lacks anxiety relax ingestion body part you're good dude joshan no offense to anyone's proponent
00:13:02| these things that's literally the answer for like snake oil salesmen like the things you really can't prove like it'll not - snake oil like anything that you take that's like an herbal supplement
00:13:12| that's like ah this'll make you rub it in your hogs it'll make you see again don't do that make you feel a little better every day and you're like really and really just do it then learn more of
00:13:24| it do more and if it's not working come buy two bottles okay man you got it so there was a sample that I did not take because it was CBD and THC combined but someone
00:13:38| I know that is very close to me did try it and it did burn like icy hot and she said that it felt really good hmm so it did help the problem is that you're it's like it gets absorbed through your skin
00:13:52| just as much as anything else and you feel the effects of the THC and the CBD okay I did they did have a teacher tincture something like a drop that you put under your tongue yeah yeah I was
00:14:07| gonna say put under your tongue I know about that you know one of my relatives will call them swears by it and puts a drop under their tongue it makes you feel really good it didn't have to
00:14:18| you've seen it so I bought it and I've tried it a couple times and I it does like take the edge off of everything it makes you feel warm yeah are you sure to take it more often and with fake
00:14:37| drops to prove clinically because there's a big push right now because everyone's finding out what we're talking about a lot of these feel-good effects it's good for your
00:14:49| joints and let's say it is right it's not legalize it or why not prescribe it or why not we'll say we'll use it it is unmistakable that the day's does something to you interest you can feel
00:15:04| it in your body when it's in there and almost immediately - it's like within like minutes you like you're like there's something here mmm buzz yeah and it did make me relax and I slept like a
00:15:17| baby you have ten children yeah I slept alongside uh busy I could compare to an actual baby yes I was always going with him any time you get sleep do you think you
00:15:29| probably sleep like a baby mmm no probably not disprove you I'm just saying are you sure I took a mid-afternoon nap and it was like a two-hour nap and I woke up and was like
00:15:38| I was like one of those like Napster why you could have stabbed me to the heart I would've been like that's okay I'm gonna die now that's fine I've been at an afternoon nap and
00:15:51| probably a year that's sadness that is the saddest sadness that you can possibly feel until you just said that [Laughter] no legal age right now a big thing legal
00:16:08| moving then it does something because there's no clinical medical proof well that's what's gonna get into it so a lot of NBA players in NFL players who at this point are kind of celebrities and
00:16:18| like to make so much money they have a following they have people who listen to them they're on a platform that's why anytime they Joe Rogan like CVD the he's worth section two you know I know how I
00:16:30| know he's behind all this he did he smoked with Elon Musk then he most certainly did and that's awesome that's hilarious I can see the little
00:16:40| clip I didn't see the video of it I know I saw the clip no but what I'm going at is like athletes and like things are so famous now and so rich that they kind of their own enterprise and businesses and
00:16:49| they um they're like spokespeople for things now a lot of NBA and NFL are pushing for legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes because they it's for pain relief like these
00:17:00| guys are going hard going 24/7 they want to be able to be able to relax have their joints heal maybe you know be able to stop chronic pain chronic back pain it's okay that's coming so I did a
00:17:14| little digging yeah a lot of scientific research minimal to no effect really minimal to no I didn't say no but it's like they do double-blind tests and then they do negative tests and then double-
00:17:29| double positive tests because most people were testing to see if you feel better and if you think you're gonna feel better you tend to feel better hmm so it's hard to test with weed
00:17:38| especially because they don't have a lot of comparatives that make you feel like weed babe used fleed in some of these tests mm-hmm but but but we may have some of the same ingredients as TV so
00:17:52| they want to try and find something that makes you feel that psycho effects but doesn't have any ingredients in it and see if you still feel better or not I think you were getting weed and you were
00:18:01| drinking really tricked into it it's really hard because there aren't a lot of comparables um interesting though that the legalization for weed in the NBA is actually banned see they CBD is
00:18:13| not legal is not allowed in NBA but it is in the NHL is it yeah it says except I did not know that but yeah NBA and NFL players are fighting for it because they they want to have like pain relief or
00:18:27| whatever or just we know I'm not blaming them either way but when they do these tests they find that what was it three out of a ten people claim they feel better but three
00:18:41| out of ten people of those three out of ten like they do because this is over like 3,000 people I read the whole report it was um it's a January 2019 so it's pretty recent if I can find exact
00:18:53| oh I saved it science based medicine or great but they did studies for each issue chronic pain 39% experience pain reduction there was a net net negative correlation I'm using the wrong words of
00:19:08| thirty percent well those were placebo I don't know what that means why what'd you send it so 30 they think thirty percent of those people that thought 39 of the 39 percent that
00:19:19| reported chronic gram leaf we're full of crap so they they put these things on a scale of zero to ten on what it's probable effectiveness is for all these and things yeah chronic
00:19:30| pain got a point five definite increase on one to ten so 0.5 they can scientifically say actually felt better on a one to ten half a point which is scientifically almost not relevant and
00:19:45| they did a pain from multiple sclerosis right yeah 0.8% could be verified definitely scientifically without irrefutable evidence on a scale of one to ten zero
00:19:57| point eight where so they went through all of these and it's it's greater than zero but it's not quite even one in most of these categories and they they're not saying that it doesn't help but they're
00:20:09| not saying that they can prove it does but doesn't have any harmful effects correct well not harmful to the multiple sclerosis chlorosis and pickin thank you
00:20:19| we're like people with um hunger issues and stuff like that uh-huh so what they're finding is that it may not actually 100% or even 50% help these people but what they also are saying is
00:20:31| that it isn't hurting them and if it is a placebo effect maybe that's not bad either yeah well the opioid need to do more research and do you know why we can't do
00:20:40| more research why can't a class 1 drug you're not allowed to test and stuff aren't allowed to test with it I have to get special permits it costs way more money they have to pay through the nose
00:20:51| just to get the item in to test with it and then there's all these weird permissions to be able to test on individuals especially a blind test you can't blind test a class 1 drug on
00:21:00| someone huh think about it why would you be able to wouldn't make sense so addicted exactly so this all this whole thing stems from the stigma of it being a class one super addictive super
00:21:16| powerful super nasty drug but I don't believe anyone's ever overdosed on correct can you overdose on CBD or Tate's it go right to the higher drug one either work
00:21:31| I need have to smoke your bodyweight right I'm just curious I I read somewhere you'd have to smoke your body weight to to died of overdose huh - two - two - which is interesting because you
00:21:48| don't have to take four percocets in five minutes to die oh yeah I'm gonna give you opioid stats Oh so the opioid epidemic as of 2017 and said that about 47,000 people died from
00:22:02| overdosing on opioids I think this is in the United States yeah in 2016 in one year it's bad I actually thought it might be worse well nuts it's bad it's bad
00:22:15| yeah it's I thought it might be worse I really thought wasn't really gonna like how many people actually there's like about two million people that have a disorder using opioids and there's about
00:22:30| a million people using heroin right which is wild there's about 130 people die every day from the drug and there's only like 12 million that actually have this like available to them as a
00:22:43| prescription or are users of it so right considering the olders like 3 1 million people you scription probably aren't dying from it mmm I don't know because two million
00:22:54| people misuse the prescription they say that yeah okay so that there's I would say it's a considerable numbers considering you're not like you're thinking about the entire US but
00:23:06| probably ninety wait when is eleven percent under torture it's like 95 percent of the United States is not using prescribed well and prescribed medication yeah to clarify to
00:23:18| clarify so there's I mean I don't know so what happened something bad happened - I don't know what's happening here something bad happen so what we're getting at is that even through our
00:23:32| research we all knew it going into it but marijuana isn't as powerful as we would like to think but also as we would not like to think like it isn't a class 1
00:23:45| drug let's be honest so CBD oil has no known report of fatal overdose damn about these thing let's research that too let's research that - you got the quicker keyboard you're the
00:23:59| man with the fingertips this guy's got magic fingertips everyone at home can come over to house and give you a little ropey dope drumroll I'm nervous I'm feeling like five people and
00:24:18| I'm guessing there's a ton of THC related deaths another is the CDC gives like the most like neutral response do it CDC's awesome a fatal overdose is unlikely but the effects of THC may
00:24:33| cause you to have a reaction then just saying leads to the unintentional injury yeah as motor vehicle crash fall or poisoning I was saying that as he was clicking at folks yeah check here so I
00:24:46| don't think that it's possible to actually die from THC which isn't that interesting why is it banned other than the fact it's one it has to be used in conjunction with something else to cause
00:24:59| it to be fatal now I don't even get into this research is this because um more African American juice marijuana are you saying this is like yeah like think it could be cuz like cocaine when it was
00:25:16| being used by popular people it was like all the rage and then once those people died from cocaine it's like let's ban the stuff sure I mean I think it was banned all along but it was like it
00:25:27| probably was but it became a reality let's crack down on these drugs yeah the realism that we needed to do something about it sure marijuana on the other hand didn't have a lot of debts no plus
00:25:41| it's been used for literally centuries like I guarantee like the the burning bush Americans right yeah the burning bush was probably balsam snakes yeah he probably was probably why
00:25:52| else would you write about a burning bush yeah some snakes are turning into a staff bro Wow Moses knock it off especially if you wanted to like if you wanted to do that to a crowd of people
00:26:07| like hotbox entire crowd just like burn some bushes and like let it waft over them that would be wild that would be you especially if you were if you had a band and medieval times that were
00:26:19| playing like the loot and the lire and you set some bush off near them and then it started playing you got a couple audience anyway though you probably won't be into it so you wanna talk about
00:26:30| how many states there's medical marijuana in 33 states I believe including Washington DC and then recreational marijuana 33 states yeah for medical marijuana recreation rose
00:26:43| town mmm-hmm Oh yo list so California is probably the most notable one I think Nevada has had the longest maybe I think it was alphabetical oh [ __ ] this is
00:26:53| literally when I started looking for the USB oh yeah Alaska Alaska had it first no oops California had a first 1996 in Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut which seems weird Delaware
00:27:07| like Martha DC isn't Jersey yet oh and get that bar Florida Hawaii Illinois Louisiana Medical Marijuana done handsome Maine Marilyn Marilyn in Massachusetts as wild
00:27:20| Michigan Minnesota Missouri in the next dollar Hannah damn because Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Jordan to put North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania 2016 Selenia I was
00:27:35| just gonna say we're getting there and Utah Vermont Washington West Virginia so that's that's a considerable number I think the key is that the recreational use so far the one thing that would
00:27:49| bother me if it was recreationally legal to smoke marijuana in public places which I don't know what the definition is of recreational marijuana and look that up but if it were legal to
00:28:05| smoke and to influence other people who are not party to what you're doing that should be illegal like I don't want to be forced to smoke marijuana with somebody else who's doing it around me I
00:28:19| think the recreational uses has to do with the amount that you can carry with you and without prescription correct it's a there's a weight amount yeah it's varies from state to state
00:28:33| like how many a row or how much you're gonna have it also makes sense if you compared to alcohol is its best comparison yeah it's it's actually a good comparison it's terrible in that
00:28:47| you can overdose an alcohol pretty quickly you can't overdose of marijuana at all but both lead to impaired driving both are fairly like mentally addictive both lead to some sort of impairment or
00:28:59| another and both lead to sitting on the couch watching cartoons does that make sense yeah so eating food that you wouldn't normally otherwise they got munchies 100% real yeah yeah a hundred
00:29:09| something recreational cannabis 21 years or older and it is illegal to consume smoke per vape in public okay that makes sense yeah I mean yeah that's reasonable it's
00:29:21| also illegal to drink in public so again another drinking comparison yes and this is also drinking the amount of beers you can buy in a store or liquor you can buy is prohibited as it should be probably
00:29:33| with marijuana I don't disagree with those rules you can literally go back into the store and buy it again but whatever yeah if it's sold in a vial I don't know how much that will mess you
00:29:43| up if you were to take THC in an oil form who you have that it's just a higher percentage so now where I used to work I won't name names but they used to smoke at work
00:29:56| uh-huh a debate pens uh-huh but they would buy oil to go into the vape pen yep and they would always talk about the percentage THC where they got it from and then go for the highest THC of
00:30:08| course yeah well unless there was like cool indica or what's the other one to string must step yes yeah Eva what a refugee one's called me yeah he'll were big weep
00:30:21| yeah we're here to do it we're big we doze folks so there's like two strains essentially two major strains I think there's a third strain but it's like up-and-coming hybrid and unicode over
00:30:32| yeah so you're leading into like if you're growing the stuff are you're driving oils from the stuff it matters what you're trying to grow what strain and then how much you can derive from
00:30:44| that I may or may not know someone who grows acres of it and has for the past illegally now legally to government contracts nice two states that will sell it so that's one of the curious things
00:31:07| is that if you have states that are side by side and that both have legal use of marijuana you can't grow marijuana in one state and transport it to the other statement because technically between
00:31:22| states there's a federal border there's federal land between each one since it's not nationally legalized it's illegal to carry it on that one little strip of land across they sell did you know a
00:31:33| store that sells strictly marijuana in a marijuana with recreational legal state can make as much money as they can fdic of the banks yeah can't take their money
00:31:49| what doesn't sure it what does that wait so it again FDIC yeah federal leagues deposit insurance up to whatever the number is hundred thousand or depends on there's like yoga or like
00:32:08| dollars okay either way anyway um they want the banks will not support these businesses so they don't insure that their money is safe is that's what the banking laws are talking about now
00:32:19| correct so they're saying if they're if their income is derived from marijuana sales in any form the marijuana sales it invalidates the amount that they say strictly because
00:32:29| you get into weird muddy waters of it some and some not let's just say a company it just sells it they're like yeah that's me so I can't bring it to the bank interesting now I don't know
00:32:41| that a bank won't take it hold it use it and whatever and it's just not insured or a bank will straight-up refuse it I haven't heard the actual details which is wild my berry bank to
00:32:53| bank my berry branch to branch why would a bank say no to money what I will say that we skipped over um I did some research here african-american is 3.7 3 times more likely to be arrested than a
00:33:08| white person for the same metamer of marijuana use in America if the 2 percent of all drug arrests that tie up our courts and jails are from marijuana I mean be 2 percent that's an insane
00:33:23| amount that's over half and that's for like essentially drinking a beer a little bit that and like the sentences like the ridiculous sentences that are handed out for other crimes that are
00:33:33| much worse than drug use for marijuana the marijuana drugs are theirs they're being sentenced to like years just because they are carrying it right not even it's one thing if you're smuggling
00:33:46| it into the country from Mexico and trying to sell a billion dollars worth that's probably a crime I'm not gonna disagree with that you're carrying around a joint then you get pat-down and
00:33:56| so it finds it that's Oh last one wasted time and money marijuana enforcement between jailing court sentences or house three point six
00:34:08| billion dollars a year to fight it to keep it off our streets Wow to put those sinners in jail probably not the best use of three point six billion dollar it is good to see that
00:34:26| when a state legalizes their marijuana for I think recreational use or milk we use that they absolve the people that are in jail they just like say like you're free now and then they'll scrub
00:34:38| that Recker didn't say you were never convicted of anything is that in every state I don't I think they have to pass legislation that's like a follow I pass
00:34:46| laws okay but it's it's good to see this is like if you were earlier yeah retroactive absolution collect absolution absolution so the did you get a figure on the
00:35:00| absolutely absolution did you get a figure on the the number of sales the billions of dollars I'm digging ice out of a cup to put in my glass oh great so the numbers that I've seen are like five
00:35:13| to fifteen billion it's so much more tan than you I don't know why I was outside for like a straight weekend I don't know why I'm so pale this guy we got I for one weekend oh Jesus anyway guy
00:35:24| remembers all that it was at night but it's ok um so like the numbers I see are like six billion but I've heard like 10 billion wait the number of what legal recreational medical cannabis sold in
00:35:44| recreational medical or but that combines them okay which is on par for the amount spent for Netflix Netflix and literally chill yeah that's a good kill right there I like that so the
00:36:00| projections are actually insane and well and that's only and how many do we know many states are recreational marijuana compliant I know we just went 33 states medical 10 or recreationally compliant
00:36:12| hey yeah do you have them cuz I really am curious because I know it was Alaska I know it was California I know it was like Colorado how's it going Avada I think
00:36:22| Florida I could find can't find the map can't find the map relax take your time take your time you need some time honey to chill pill I know what you need is one of the first things I search for oh
00:36:33| I must exit out yeah Washington Oregon California Alaska yeah Nevada Colorado Michigan Maine Vermont Maine what the hell not Florida what state not Florida wait Maine in
00:36:50| Vermont have recreation okay really that's weird in DC has recreational too yeah this politicians so scaling it out the 2000 2016 number is like six billion
00:37:14| like 10 billion they're projecting it out to be like a growing industry by about 30% almost every year kind of maybe 20% we're gonna scale it out yeah but it's gonna grow to be like a twenty
00:37:28| five billion dollar industry they think so it's all got a lot of complimentary buying domains they're buying the rights to guns the individual I mentioned he's in rights to a company that does
00:37:38| strictly edibles they're called like edible iodine I forget the name of the company I'm not going to drop them anyway but but like they're using his home not homegrown because it's like
00:37:49| it's a mass production yeah yeah they're using this stuff to make their edibles and they're using like it's broken down where even the guys from the work I used to be at would bring in their stuff and
00:38:01| it would be like this is 80% Safia 20% indica I'm not like oh maybe like I've never tried to whoa bro it's called blueberry bust that's the other thing we did even talk about the names for these
00:38:11| drugs which is the coolest oh yeah you got some names well let's talk about animals really quick okay guys edible brownies was a form that I've had I know you yes is the form that I have had do
00:38:27| you accidentally make them with the wrong amount yeah I let somebody else who is a seasoned veteran make them make the oils and then I don't know if they gave us add some oil so let's go with
00:38:41| that because the marijuana is usually a leaf you smoke it yeah yeah from what I've heard I don't know how they distill it I don't remember how you Bowl so it's that so yeah you have to actually bake
00:38:51| it into something that has fat also butter and oil that oil is the number one oil butters you have to cook it into those things so the THC is activated and infused into the fat soluble substance
00:39:03| that substance is then placed into the food ie anything that uses butter anything that uses oil anything that uses whatever's fat-soluable maybe you're mixing right in there folks when
00:39:16| you cook it in and it's dangerous soon as a certain part per million never in Sanders because you don't realize how how delayed the reaction is and how much you're eating you smoke any drug it's
00:39:30| usually in your bloodstream right away within like three to five minutes it's probably less than that because a good headline lungs your lungs direct flow with the blood I mean your blood taking
00:39:40| away and also an it's through your body yeah when you eat something it can sit on top of food you already ate drinks you already had and this is children in there
00:39:48| just-joan you're having a good time after dancing you're singing or having a good time but nothing can you need more nothing's happening 15 minutes later your body finally gets to fine I'm here
00:40:00| to digest it whoa but you've already had more which case your body is like whoa worst case you might be running your Mario Kart character into my oh yes five minutes great do you remember spider-man
00:40:20| there's a spider-man running around no okay anyway you could be at a social event a party at a house you will not know we realize anybody else is there oh man just playing Mario Kart for way too
00:40:36| long driving into a wall over and over and this yeah it's great but a lot and then it lasts for far too long it lasted at least a day Oh at least a day when you do way too much edibles yeah cuz
00:40:52| that's the other thing with this stuff it's because it's fat soluble it goes near bloodstream it does its thing it in acts on you psychologically a psycho reacted over the word reactively and
00:41:03| then the residuals it stays in your system and can actually be absorbed in their own fat cells yeah it is and I used to and that's why one of my girlfriends one I used to say her mom
00:41:16| did a lot of weed when she was in college like back way way wet and when she she was like you could smell her okay say she's getting high right now like I
00:41:27| would say like your mom is getting high right now cuz she's burning some fat and she'd be like she'd be so pleasant and happy I'd be like because she's high not possible
00:41:37| really body will eventually metabolize it yeah because it just doesn't stay around forever it's not like an acid trip work instead store dormant and your cells for however long an acid trip can
00:41:48| yeah absolutely if you do acid it can stay dormant in different parts here like if it gets caught and I don't know where it gets caught because I don't know this thing but you can have an acid
00:41:58| flashback it's called it's gonna have a new years later that's frightening yeah well that's what um true detective season one that's an acid flashback woody harrelson that is what he's
00:42:09| driving I believe that's Woody Allen right so tell them that sounds about I don't know but my having me on and kinda hang it says it is a real thing but it's rare
00:42:20| okay it's rare I mean like zoo hiding in the fat or in the spine oh that one's probably a spine hider come on you crack your spine or wrong way and boom and another flashback ah oh you're just
00:42:34| driving your kids to school everyone screaming they're hitting each other with teddy bears and things and you're just turning around and seeing weirdest things in the world and they're still
00:42:42| screaming hitting each other with teddy bears but that's not what you say and you're driving a motor vehicle 60 miles an hour down a highway you keep hearing the children laugh and
00:42:50| they're hitting each other with something but you don't know what's going on so you just keep driving nothing snakes everywhere and you're like gotta make it to school and they're
00:43:02| still screaming and like you're looking back if you're like a full twenty seconds while you're driving and they're like huh anyway just imagining a great scenario don't do acid great edible
00:43:18| names you have a list of a great edibles no no pineapples a light bites toast crunch cool mango Maui Wowi fruit leather these are
00:43:33| real name do you have a list of do a list of um actual marijuana strains famous names because that would be more interesting because I think we all recognize this like Sour Diesel and like
00:43:42| the Purple Haze so kind of Express and that will want pineapple express like all these things naming these things is so bad yes I see a lot of the bottom lines boy
00:43:52| Oh works a bit like there's thousands of them I meant famous is there a way you can power down there like the famous list I don't know that I can Tendo push 20 names Hindu coach yeah I'm
00:44:09| cool let me see see you're perusing the list I am perusing the list I'm trying to get like the top one of strand lists or somehow yes top yeah there we go
00:44:22| now that's what's called good to talk and ask me if I was over 21 I said no initially I was like [ __ ] it's gonna be me forever peace they're gonna get me oh yeah okay yes I know I'm gonna try to
00:44:35| skim over this list of like 100 famous but yeah bobble Kosh blue beary beary white head no I never heard that granddaddy purple hindu kush is on there yeah Northern Lights Obama cush yeah I
00:44:54| know Northern Lights is no.1 Northern Light is one Obama cush apparently Obama coach they made oh man right after number 51 was purple Oracle that's cool and pairings are good skill will swit
00:45:10| Z's if you're heard of that one I've heard a banana G chem dog or true noble if it Chernobyl I just started watching turn oh well it's a little darker huh there's the pineapple express see snoops
00:45:29| dream oh wow I see tangerine Dream's her before as evidence train wreck train wreck that's hard Co Co Co gold that's cool I think I've heard that Laskin thunder
00:45:46| [ __ ] let's see ghost train haze Green crack Panama red deaf I think I've heard that of that yeah Purple Haze obviously wait yeah and I think that's recovers a lot on Maui
00:46:09| wowie wowie wowie there you go yeah the UM do you think we could figure out the levels of marijuana on their street name so there's schwag I think swags the worst or dirt I think dirt is that
00:46:24| worsening by dirt like dirt dirt dirt weed type in dirt yeah wag mondo cush and like you gotta break down the levels that we call this so that is one thing that why one of my parents said is that
00:46:41| the potency of THC today is absurd compared to what it was back then so much I see that there's an actual number yeah you check it out while I look up which one call to give everyone their
00:46:54| the breakdown of the names levels we hate when stories don't bullet eyes things to feed it to me right now dank weed it's weird because I'm I'm actually been investing in these different
00:47:13| companies have you been yeah I think it's actually going to be I think it's a variety I like the I like boils actually I think oils make more sense than anything combination of vaping and oils
00:47:27| also I think it will take some of like in a recession people drink a lot more alcohol more beer I think it's gonna take some of that when we hit a recession it's gonna be like recession
00:47:37| proof okay THC nothing can be as low as 10% in your weed that's like dirt swag it can go as high as 60% but I feel like that's not enough plant dude there's no way I think
00:47:57| I'm making this up based on nothing but just I'm trying to remember mid grade weed so what the kids in our high school used to buy was on K be clean but kind bud kind but that's what was cold I wish
00:48:18| like I was educated on this so I could like make good financial decision more educated well you don't have to this is a different world coochie-coo they did say from 95 to 2015
00:48:31| the THC rose from like 4% to like 12% so it's like three times more people to see a little better yeah some ridiculous amount and that's only 2015 exactly I'm sure there's layout we've probably yeah
00:48:45| capitalism is gonna like just like absolutely murder it gorilla that banana purple Queen I'm Nia Hayes dude royal cookies automatic some these are wild blue cheese on that I think I actually
00:49:05| know that it's an squirrel so what we're getting at is like there's also a nostalgia element we're getting into right now it's raining we're gonna get too personal about us personally but we
00:49:16| went to a high school with a lot of like white dude who had money would you say yeah I'm Bob like dudes with money when they're bored in high school guess what they do waste money on the drugs
00:49:28| oh yeah they do the most famous story I can remember is that there was a kid in our school dumbass who is a known pothead like that's no big deal he literally during between third and
00:49:42| fourth period he went outside ranked lit up and smoke right outside of like a door right yeah this door was directly below event that led to the the take one's office yeah it went right
00:49:56| into his office and he smelled it came out found him with weed and suspend million smell going the yeah they I never saw him after that there's two guys after that yeah I think this is
00:50:08| gonna sound weird I think the other guy remained in school so now because maybe he didn't have the weed in his hand he was smart enough to ditch it no he was not smart enough anything because I was
00:50:18| within six months he was suspended for weed anyway I think he did it again this individual my name may not take in French right my man I can't record give me a BV B no bbm run my maze DVD a
00:50:39| [Music] anyway we're getting at is like how I think of it yeah I think you do he wore a hemp necklace oh yeah okay probably dreadlocks now I think he had
00:51:00| dreadlocks like dude with dreadlocks anyway like you wheats funny because it's some activist cultural it's it is and it's also it's a thing with an age group like you you
00:51:16| started gonna do it early the other thing I don't know that's always like we drug hike well the reason it's the Gateway is because it's a it's not like why would heroin be the gateway drug
00:51:28| yeah yo I got something for you I'm gonna knock you unconscious for 28 hours and you won't be able to move cool man I'm 14 let's do it Shh like it wouldn't be a gateway drug
00:51:43| mm-hmm so I mean causality I mean her wound can't be a gateway drug that's the stupidest sentence ever yeah marijuana might be a gateway drug because it's easy to do it's fairly recreational it's
00:51:54| widespread you right right it's widespread what I think happens is who make grade school high school is when your friends start getting into it there are people you know start getting into
00:52:06| it or someone gets into it and then it kind of spreads a little bit because it's kind of like a cool thing to do you can get away with it and that makes sense yeah like I said if you did
00:52:16| heroin you know with your friends in a car at like 8:30 when you can finally Drive but just doesn't sound your parents might well forget that the logistics of it all right um I gotta be
00:52:28| home by 9:30 you know what are you gonna do walk in to your parents house with the needle in your arm and talk to them for a few minutes that's probably not gonna happen
00:52:37| you're probably unconscious somewhere drooling like do any mean for a day I've never done heroin but I know people who have I don't really understand the effects of it maybe you can explain like
00:52:52| how and debilitating is it I think I feel like it just it makes you high as [ __ ] and then you need to like I think you're out of it for a while like a long while like 12 hours you couldn't do that
00:53:03| as the 16 year old sneaking into home late at night trying to sneak past your parents you'd be dead on the front line like do you don't I mean so like weed offers this thing where you can kind of
00:53:14| pass it off I'm not high I'm not this like you know what I mean we didn't even get into what high is what is high I've um Wow high or simulating high in my brain
00:53:27| I figured out what high was a few times it was being physically like your mind has an eye where you can see everything that's going on uh-huh it inside yourself that literally
00:53:42| is like a monitor of everything like you see what you're doing that you have attend to associated fear no yes I thought um Led Zeppelin the triangle with the circle was the mind's eye no
00:53:52| it's just for no it's just from the drummer and the bass player one of which was Ballantine beer one of which was a Celtic symbol for family third eye is what you're thinking of which to little
00:54:04| tattoo yeah anyway there's this part of your brain that kind of watches over everything it observes everything it's like the control tower yeah what happens is it operates at the same speed with
00:54:19| everything else has slowed down if that makes sense no but that's what your your ability to see things in real time slows down your ability to hear things in real time slows down your
00:54:28| building experience time slows down but the part inside of you that's you is the same speed I think so you're looking at everything and everything looks slow because you're able to move it regular
00:54:42| speed and you're like oh this is crazy and then you hear music or something like you hear an auditory response and you can hear it loud or you can focus on it more because it slowed down you're
00:54:51| like you're more engaged and whatever you know because it's no matter what you look at it's kind of cool you're like damn dude I can really focus on this but it's you're focusing on so many things
00:55:02| in like slow time that you're like yeah oh yeah whoa your fingers yeah and so I'll talk about like mushroom is really quick interesting for someone who had done shrooms before a person I know very
00:55:20| dearly they described it as like if you're looking at like a textbook like a sound like a biology book it's like the images that you see or like real things like you feel those images like if they
00:55:34| were like if you were to read that page like not on shrooms like it would just be a thing you're reading but on shrooms it's like in front of you in 3d and you're watching it move even though it's
00:55:46| just an image let you understand more about it that's an interesting way to put it and I don't disagree I don't know that I can prove what you're saying but I don't disagree I think marijuana is a
00:55:56| similar thing maybe not as intense yeah sure maybe the Gateway is more like the like our ancestors had like a gateway to like see other things like a lot of people say it's like a gateway to like
00:56:08| another plane or something I don't necessarily believe that but it's a different perception does alter perception I talk about Canadian legalization sure
00:56:27| I think they just did last year yeah so they did last year and they're I don't know if want to talk about the specific companies like I know a lot about the companies because I've been
00:56:37| investing in stock Canadian Canadian stock heritage man so yeah there's like uh I see aurora cannabis áfreeá CGC which is canopy growth corporation and like all of these companies even
00:56:55| though I don't think they're located a prime tropical zone age for growing weed they're all like they're not and they're not most of the ones that are not but it was the first one to actually like
00:57:07| entire nation to legalize it so they have an advantage of being the first one with a foot in the door and like generating income to gain more money and like expand so a lot of these places are
00:57:18| making it so that they have their own like grow houses and like oil - like driving things driving services and they're making their own products so like the products are getting like more
00:57:29| and more in depth and then they're starting to buy up places that are being legalized like Floridian dispensaries they're starting to buy those up places that are growing weed they're buying
00:57:40| those up so it's they're spreading slowly into the US and the US while legalizing it they also have their own they're called MSOs or multi-state operators they're trying to like have a
00:57:54| vertical integration which means you're growing it and you're also selling it and then deriving different forms of it you don't all tiers yeah you're not just growth not just this you're selling it
00:58:06| you're deriving things you're selling it in derivatives you're doing edibles we're doing everything and you have to get licenses to do all this and all the different stages so like all the states
00:58:14| are controlling how much is being produced and how much is being grown and sold and all that stuff which is is good but it's becoming like it's gonna be a battle so I like in my personal view
00:58:25| it's yeah it's gonna be a huge business and it's gonna get legalized nationally once we realize that the Canadian that's it it's the money is gonna be going outside
00:58:34| of states yeah so we talked about 33 states have it the five states the donor going to lose money like dumbasses yeah since it's gonna be like twenty billion dollars a year you're taxing that alike
00:58:46| what's the state tax like five to ten percent pride time percentage well sure yeah you're gonna be losing it I'm like fifty million dollars or something like that yeah for free yeah
00:59:00| now here's the real question if every state legalized is it is the federal government at that point half don't I don't think so that's why I don't think so it's weird
00:59:13| because can you male THC no you can't cross state lines oh my god you can't you can't buy it on Amazon so that's the one thing is when I bought those hemp oil gummies I don't think it was legally
00:59:25| available to be bought on Amazon because it'd be across state lines in most cases in Texas you said yeah well hemp hemp derived CBD is is nationally acceptable but that's I mean we get oh it was from
00:59:40| derived from TAC winable Dubai but I don't know if there's legal implications that Amazon have to monitor and I don't want to know they don't want to do any work they just want to swim in money hmm
00:59:55| so that's Maya weed delivery they do have like male weed that you can mail it in in-state they have I think they talk about like the margins on that the amount of money you can make off that is
01:00:09| lower so it's not as advantageous and you're not creating a brand like a lot of the ones that I invest in look when you look at their product it doesn't look okie so like the store that I went
01:00:20| to the person selling it to me was like a lady that was like sixty years old and was like oh this was gonna be great for this and that and I was just like you you're ruining like but did my
01:00:32| expectations because some of the products that I've seen it looks like it's a like a medicinal product like if you were going in like a grocery store and it be on the Shelf you like this is
01:00:44| and it sabe what it is but you're not well done preventional yeah you're not allowed to state that it like it heals you in any way you know how to say this is
01:00:52| marijuana but like the way they package it it's like a like a very like sophisticated artistic leaf and then it's like oh I know what this is like you you inherently understand what it is
01:01:03| follow yeah I know what's going on but they could definitely put that in I think they already have it in CBS's so like you would see that on the show you buy it awesome
01:01:15| it's interesting we're talking about something that by the time this podcast comes out could be legal everywhere yes it's gonna be nine months from now in anyway another interesting thing is like
01:01:37| ten years ago to buy marijuana you might have to go into an alleyway and meet a guy your friend news to buy it and you don't see it till it shows up yeah drop your money here you're gonna pick a bag
01:01:53| up there no there's no dropping money you mean you have your money in your hand usually oh yeah you shake their hand I've bought way more drugs than Dan huh
01:02:02| or been involved and you always meet the person because you're not gonna drop money somewhere and pick it up somewhere else you need to see that person you can see their drugs you always have to have
01:02:13| someone on your team that is a drug professional hey they measure the way they inspect like they're like Haley like sixty pounds for a quarter all right cool now this is Katie and the
01:02:28| first one so say yeah man it's Cape is all good stuff and then your guy has to check it out open it feel it and smell it and this is dirt dude this is dirt you sure your showings for six years
01:02:41| should be forty bucks on the street oh man it's a negotiation it's a good one area and you're dealing with someone who's not in the wall like you're dealing dirt how long you're literally
01:02:51| buying something legally there's no there's no anything there's no buyer beware or there is buyer beware if you buy oregano like this happens to a lot alike whitener d whatever that by it
01:03:07| they're like yeah here's your here's my eighty bucks sir that needs like here's your oregano I mean weed here you go kids it's gonna be and even when you got it I don't know
01:03:20| what percentages are no way to test it like you could be getting 10 percent THC from this item and smoking it and coughing and smoking by the way do you know you can smoke weed out of literally
01:03:31| anything yes weed smoke weed out of a honey bear like the the bear that gives you honey you pour honey out of a bear smoked weed out of one
01:03:42| oh yeah smoke weed have an apple okay I can candy Christmas candy cane like the ones that you put lights inside okay much larger than I wish you could hollow out the inside of a candy cane you can
01:03:56| smoke weed out of a goal and a polite professionals you can smoke weed out of tinfoil just shaped like a bowl you can smoke weed up anything comes bubbler yeah yeah there's another name I forget
01:04:08| crappy upon anyway you can smoke weed of all these things it's like people find a way to do it we're moving to a time where you can order your weed percentage THC
01:04:23| percentage Safiya versus indica vent I'm going to say the word indica because I don't do it sure you can get it delivered to your house it's on you to improve whatever percentages you want
01:04:35| now and then you can smoke it of the most advanced bubbler or a vaporizer you have and it's wild to me that it's gonna be so pure and so easy to get and so much better than anything people got
01:04:52| unless they leave the problems but it's different so what is gonna happen it's like the illegality of it the people that are doing it slinging it on the streets are they gonna become
01:05:05| professionals at this point I know some of them are some of them are just like spinning it into an actual company other ones the projects getting forced out if anything
01:05:15| it's saving the government money because then they can tax that transaction and also after people are quitting they can be a legal act mm-hmm and they can monitor it mm-hmm and make sure that
01:05:27| you're getting a product that is not tainted only people that will still do it or people who are getting it way under market value and then selling it at way under the retail yes
01:05:38| yeah pax Bree right yeah but will that even be a thing I don't know I mean is the government taxing it so much that you're cheaper to buy it from the guy on the street I've no idea I don't know
01:05:50| that's what all these companies are doing and their mass producing it in a way that's done automated its automated and it should be cheaper they're gonna make it so that it's produced at such a
01:06:01| low price that it forces out all those people that are growing it themselves picking you by hand you're packaging it by hand like it's it's gonna be a revolution it's gonna be the exact same
01:06:14| thing as the craft beer revolution yeah are you gonna have a shitty weed production company that really skimming off the top making its so teef but it's so low THC but it's also so kind of
01:06:27| crappy but also so easy to get mm-hmm you're gonna have companies to come in they're like we're hand-drawn our marijuana hahaha cut this this bud is called this we mix it with blueberry
01:06:39| [ __ ] and you're gonna go bazongas like it's gonna be literally like the craft beer call people are only gonna smoke certain strands that have certain pipes or something it's gonna be a thing
01:06:52| so if it were legal and then Pennsylvania it is to medically not automatically but if it were leave if it recreationally legal would you do it would it be a consistent thing or would
01:07:04| you just like pick Nuria um I guess I don't care it's for the podcast but what am I on something goals was always smoke with my dad and listen to some of our favorite music together
01:07:19| the gun would never do it but one day before he dies I'd want to do it with him it's like I think my dad would like to listen to Boston it's cool I would listen to a
01:07:33| boss as long I am through the years I constantly think of a playlist I would listen to with my dad if we did he get all ready dial it up oh dude I have the playlist it just changes every now and
01:07:46| then because I'm like I want him to know what one of his Led Zeppelin song sounds like I always figure out which one I want to use I want to take too much time on one song I'm like dude good times bad
01:07:56| times and my two olds going a little more production value like four sticks and like it's too obscure I'm like we're not doing stairway or any of the stupid songs like that I'm like lemon song my
01:08:06| dad would appreciate them well I chat of that then I'm like he likes tool but he's not a big like tool head I'm like this you'd have a and then I'm like let's go back to something old-school
01:08:22| then you got to go to something weird my dad likes I'm like he likes Dave Matthews my dad you got it here to stuff live in New York go for it Central Park would be like I don't know I'm like Dave
01:08:34| Matthews that concert I went to does people smoking weed in the in the stands that's just like oh my god everywhere hid around there yeah it's loving vibe yeah that's another thing is that the
01:08:48| people who smoke weed have this vibe of like compassion and love there is as sherry yeah it is different yeah it I don't know any other drug that really makes you that personable 50% of the
01:09:01| time drinking is like that put up sherry hang hey you can have my beer you can hit my liquor you have this but the other 50% of people were say I'm invite you for an arranged you slash your tires
01:09:13| for no reason I will throw a glass bottle like your face and I don't even know you so yes it's weird and that's an interesting drug it is and I don't know
01:09:27| why it's a class one yeah I don't even after trying CBD from hemp derive sources to clarify I felt like maybe like it feels like it could be a cure-all but I don't want to do it
01:09:46| consistently and also I don't want the THC the potential content whether it is or it's not in there because I don't really know to show up on a drug test if it ever comes up like I don't want it to
01:09:58| affect my well-being what if what if um drug tests were illegal so if you could never long if you could no longer test for THC I would probably do it every now and then the bottle that I got has like
01:10:13| probably 200 drops in it so it's gonna take you like three years yeah said do take at least years you don't double up drop stick yes right double drop and I mean it's not gonna
01:10:28| kill note the UM it's funny you said that that will drop out what I think it's cool with this like if you stayed up late and played video games or something rose to music it's a very fine
01:10:46| or free time some people treat it like a social drug I don't hey from what I would get no no I do become less talkative yeah but more enjoying the friend
01:11:01| I have a friend who we both know who only tried it like three times right I'm lady did it he came down the steps and he felt funny he was like it was hi oh my god oh you okay he came down the
01:11:13| steps and all his friends were there he was just hanging with everybody doing there's no normal thing and the thing that occurred to him is that he wasn't funny
01:11:21| I couldn't tell a good joke that really bothered him and he was like and he doesn't do it anymore I was like why and he's like I couldn't tell my funny to see snarky is that Aaron's joke snarky
01:11:36| do they require a bitterness no this person is a big star Wars fan what's that hahaha but you try it like once or twice and he couldn't be funny and that was
01:11:47| his big sticking point and he was like he was over it and I realized in my head like yeah you're not as funny probably you're not as sharp yeah in your own head looking at a million things doing
01:11:59| it many things I think what I hinted at was the dependency it's like I wouldn't want to become dependent on anything because I feel like I'm forming yeah my normal self is good and I don't need to
01:12:09| improve it every now and then maybe but I don't want to be yea dependent on recreational recreational a here and there every now and then like that now what do you think of people who smoke
01:12:22| every day and that looks like it's a dependency and an addiction so it's not physical so like is that then the mental dependency I think mental dependency is more prevalent actually it's a thing
01:12:39| it's like it seems sad because there's probably so this is like the the self-righteous like you could have a better life if you didn't do this thing like there could be anything that
01:12:53| society deems like unnatural so like if you didn't take these oils or smoke weed like you could be a more productive citizen or something the guy don't really possible care that people are not
01:13:06| productive it might bite us in the ass as a country in the future but as long as you're not harming anybody so I don't see an issue with it like it's sad that you might not be the best person you
01:13:20| could be or maybe you don't get to a point where I've seen friends that don't like don't get a strong job they don't but yeah they don't move away they don't try to further themselves they don't try
01:13:33| to educate themselves further they don't try to start a family eventually yeah eventually they're gonna look back and say I could have done better with myself my life and maybe that's the part that
01:13:47| is depressing if they ever stopped taking it probably that realization oh I will say something I've learned from this exact podcast is that all life is meaningless
01:13:59| I don't care what you do with your time on ok ok start a great family and have a super big successful life it's all [ __ ] nyan I guess yes so your nihilist yeah a
01:14:11| happy one an optimistic positive silence yeah isn't it funny that under nihilist and and your and but on the pop the optimist - what am i you here the pessimist remember you always say no I'm
01:14:24| the realist you say it every time that is I guess that is true and I'm the optimist but also the nihilistic sees the [ __ ] in life and you're like no no I'm just a realist yes so I guess we
01:14:37| need to smoke weed together that's what you're saying do a little oil in a state that where it's legal like Nevada we lost Vegas smoking that ganja folks we're gonna get chronic we're gonna get
01:14:50| so dopey dope all that's sticky icky why did you do that for your uh your bot in clash of clans what Oh song Oh is there and oh those exact lyrics see I didn't know yeah I think so
01:15:13| I liked it it's weird because I like I like those types of songs yeah hmm I surprising a lot about everything here yeah what did we learn about um the Galilee yeah medically gali totally
01:15:31| different things don't get them confused folks yeah Illinois I think Illinois just became the 11th state actually Illinois he's on the list um
01:15:44| cannabidiol you didn't say it right either decent dile dile Doyle T IOL kind of a Doyle come on Dora oil come on boy I bet the other one tetra carbon whatever I don't know it is Hydra
01:16:08| Relson we learned the different names of we'd can't pronounce them can't say that Purple Haze I miss some good ones like misty mountain high that sounds like one could be our song
01:16:25| national legislation talk about the billions of dollars that the government is missing on taxing wasting on arresting people who do and yeah will win me ah absolution and see Nancy
01:16:39| Reagan suck my war on drugs the war on drugs maybe a little misguided maybe anti black against African Americans they're way more likely to be arrested for the same time opioid epidemic
01:16:55| I'm just so you're gonna stop me but you're saying yeah it's anti african-american no it's like a what a large percentage of the population and prisoner African American yeah yeah for
01:17:10| crimes they're minor yeah I was gonna say meanwhile there are like all these memes or like jokes were like a white person's like I'm just trying to start a marijuana company and it's like jail
01:17:26| because of this but we're gonna do a special on you for trying to start up your own mom-and-pop we think that's called cultural appropriation sir I'm not gonna go there
01:17:40| repaid repatriation preparations hmm maybe we talked about keywords are lemurs appetite loss cancer Crohn's disease eating disorders epilepsy a coma Mental Health Net namely schizophrenia
01:18:00| and PTSD multiple sclerosis muscle spasms nausea and pain arthritis digestion anxiety stress sleep reading disorders that's under LOA gets dressed terpenes we didn't talk about terpenes
01:18:17| mr. B it's a group of volatile unsaturated hydrocarbons found in essential oils of plants they say that about weed - marijuana has terpenes in it that are like the Omega threes and
01:18:33| stuff of the plant world yeah that's gonna be the next way we should yeah what's that I think I have really old tar tar garage psycho reactive tar no it's like um it's
01:18:51| derived from the marijuana plant last one it's like the it's like the the sticky high THC content stuff feeling like yeah you're especially smoked in a weird way I can smoke it right here on
01:19:05| the pockets let's do it that's a terrible idea I can't be legal no it's too late in the day sorry folks I don't never heard of it yeah class one
01:19:17| drugs opioids do you know if they figured out a way to UM DUI test for k2 yeah they can I don't know if they draw your blood which you're not supposed to allow
01:19:31| them to do you're supposed to tell them and not do it yeah let me see my lawyer I shoulda nope to God yeah yeah and but they can't teach test for CBD and you can't die of T CBD or THC supposedly
01:19:48| don't take our word on that but double check I think the oil is where it is I mean if you're gonna make anything with like you can eat you could have like a jug of it like it'd be vegetable oil you
01:20:17| could replace vegetable oil with God drink a whole county seat anyway we have a lot of hands out there if you want to make a fan video film yourself drinking too
01:20:30| gallons of see video and disease and us you should be fine and we will laugh so much don't don't we're joking let the record show trademark yeah I'm a nerd
01:20:46| serious joke the joke mean you don't do it so we covered everything talk about Canada we talked about the crime rate how it went down Colorado the crime rate has gone down the pizza order has gone
01:20:59| munchies um and for the record me and Dan might actually try marijuana for the first time when it becomes legal in our state so that sounds fantastic if you think we did it
01:21:15| judging by our converse we didn't we're waiting till it becomes legal what was the cool like we need to get that an Indian Munchie food that like a hot tomato oh oh yeah that was so good
01:21:30| burn my butthole next day yes it did it was really good though of the washout episode everyone at home watch the International Food Box international food which are all these
01:21:42| different foods hmm my buttholes burnt so good the next day too much sugar probably but it was I could have been why the Indian and spicy tomatoes were so good yeah but now that was like the
01:21:56| third thing on the list dude I think we kept munching on it yeah yeah that was good folks we like you we like you a lot thanks for tuning in if you need any
01:22:06| hints and help I need advice if you've ever tried marijuana in Georgia wanna put something down in the comments let us know seriously i we get to try it so we're thinking of it one day when it's
01:22:20| legal we'd like to hear your advice we like to hear and what we like to hear what you say we'd like to add your money you put it on our patreon just stick it right there boom you're good thanks for
01:22:30| tuning in seriously think about everything thanks thanks like it folks we like to do a lot good night

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