The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP081 Childhood Playground and Board Games

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Transcript UnP081 Childhood Playground and Board Games

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 81 - Childhood Playground and Board Games
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00:00:00| four three two one good there has always been children and there has always been boredom and actually before long we didn't have Xboxes before that we had pogs before that we had logs before that
00:00:18| we had sticks and stones all sorts of games and outs or outside fun today we're gonna talk about how dangerous some of them were how boring some of them really were and how utter garbage
00:00:31| some of them were join us for funny games so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all
00:00:45| covered each discussion here is a seat diving or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion you might even get a
00:00:59| little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and then sport entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes
00:01:12| [Music] here we are yeah again nice it was like our funding game mm-hmm fun games this one I had to research what it was like to have a
00:01:38| childhood and I found out it must have been pretty exciting for some people I'm actually gonna do a quick factoid for you all huh see this for those of you who don't see
00:01:50| I'm describing something okay tell me what it is it's 56 grams to 59 point four grams the range is acceptable diameter of six point five four centimeters all the way up to six point
00:02:03| eight six centimeters all acceptable folks if I test it I have to drop it from 100 inches onto concrete and as the bounce between 53 and 58 inches it's in a color called optic yellow introduced
00:02:21| in 1972 because it's more convenient to be viewed on television that's right folks I'm not talking about my wife talking about a tennis ball this is literally the greatest invention of all
00:02:35| time it's like fluorescent in your hand that's how bright it is yeah and it's awesome and I used to bounce one of these in like the first three episodes
00:02:42| and it really bothered dan yeah did because you kept saying they were like the Prince of ball ball nation or something the King dimension ball just really good at certain tennis ball games
00:02:53| I probably played with the tennis ball more than any other thing in my life including my Johnson folks I know I rose there's the tennis ball named Johnson I do you like my volleyball name Wilson
00:03:07| yeah look at that chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle chocolate yeah so we came around before video games right yeah the first video game I played was probably somewhere in
00:03:21| sixth grade maybe fifth grade oh really I was in second grade I think what I got I get I yeah I got like a Nintendo I was like six or something like that it was like Mario Brothers that came with
00:03:32| married brothers duck hunt I was like six years old maybe my scale of time is way off it could be or mine is I mean who are you gonna trust the Internet how much strangers on the
00:03:44| Internet uh we're gonna try and figure it out but um we did have those video games and they were cool and definitely you know I would play indoors but it didn't take the place of all my play
00:03:56| time like nowadays a kid could play xbox professionally or PC or whatever I guess NES came in 1983 so it could have been any of those to use that's wild wonder when it became like a hot-button
00:04:11| item in the United States I feel like I was 5 or 6 I feel like maybe it was like fourth grade actually now I think about it but I don't have your any much memory before 4th grade which fourth grade is
00:04:20| how old 8 10 8 could be between 8 10 it's between 80 10 10 years old so awesome cougar like L old is a 4th grader thank you so but before before that we
00:04:45| had games right physical friggin games I know you covered a lot of board games yet I didn't have which so do you remember anyone that he played yeah we always play trouble it's song
00:04:59| trouble we had mousetrap but we didn't play the game we just tried to set it up and then havoc capture the mouse but you only like two pieces worked out of the five yeah it always screwed up I have
00:05:10| one of the other ones lite-brite that sucked yeah okay we had it's not really a game but we'll call it a game Domino Domino rally like you'd set them all up it's
00:05:20| kind of oh with the little plastic ones yeah yeah like they weren't made of that hard material they're the super chintzy fake ones right yeah yeah I know which ones you're talking about yeah how about
00:05:29| that a Rube Goldberg machine yeah I'm trending with other board games I had dozens like sorry Lee sorry that one no one really plays Monopoly for real have you ever finished again in monopoly
00:05:41| it's the end is you realize that it's so much real life and then you hate the people who are in charge late stage has he finished it this is a real real question I'm sure we have at one point
00:05:53| are you sure or do you think they just you admitted that someone was about to win it would just take another 40 turns and you were like let's call it I'd rather
00:06:01| go in debt for the rest of my life oh wait a second I have money shipment now have real life college education is that on the board - don't think yeah it's not although one of the flippy
00:06:14| cards the treasurer ones you majored in English please you give up all your money Danny one other board games got on there got a list allistic LOM battleship does that count as a board game yeah it
00:06:30| accounts that was like cuz it was before any the electronic battleship but know that it just assumed someone was telling the truth there yeah I had one of those magnetic like foldable things so it had
00:06:41| like three games in one you get the ground like fold it and I got something like whoa what were the games that's not entirely familiar I think it was like you had checkers and chess on one side
00:06:51| yeah the side you had like chutes and ladders that could be of chutes and ladders in Candyland and uh Candyland that was my nickname in common just can't believe it was I'm not kidding cuz
00:07:03| it was candy Dan and then somehow it morphed into Candyland okay make sense okay that's I thought kids come through the candy I am that's candy man whoo yeah interesting
00:07:22| you know this chutes and ladders was snakes and ladders and that was like a morality game so like your vices would set you back and your virtues would lift you up so you were trying to sort of
00:07:32| reach heaven that's the goal there oh yeah righteous but was it were you going back down to earth or to hell like was this after you died you you had a hell of a battle you were either going to one
00:07:42| or the other free turn eternity I have no idea I just read a really really really funny tweet I could share it was from clickhole so we know it's good and they said um everyone rejoice Mother
00:07:55| Teresa is finally going to heaven after serving time in purgatory for illegally downloading a torrent uh mrs. Doubtfire back in 1993 and then the whole article was out this
00:08:09| is definitely illegal and before oh maybe it was 94 I read the article like six hours ago really dammit I was wrong I was wrong I was off by a month it was shit you
00:08:23| didn't know how you like your Nintendo was but you know every year mrs. Doubtfire came out up to the month yeah it came out okay yeah I was close since there but weird
00:08:32| I tell aunt orient about oh it might not appear that did seem I don't know ha LimeWire it could have been on who's our LimeWire anyway if mother Teresa did it and she was the best person to ever live
00:08:44| she still would have to atone for that sin wouldn't she yes she and I saw it at the end pay the devil which would be the record companies $5,000 that's a good point you
00:08:57| wouldn't steal a house would you but you'd steal a movie or video game no do you know that that was a real argument was that again had that person that would like is gonna grab something
00:09:09| yeah yeah you wouldn't steal Nick's soul would you yeah it's going Parcheesi do you remember that board remember that one down for some I don't know why they would name it that cuz it's not from
00:09:23| sounds really bad but it could have been that it's like I don't know how to compare these things cuz I haven't played them in 20 years probably because they probably suck it's so weird that
00:09:34| we're thinking of explaining a board game to someone listening online but maybe by the time we're really really popular people won't have played board games but so we should sort of explain
00:09:45| it I guess it's like I actually saw it already I saw a graph that board games are like the most produced thing in a long time like it was almost like oh like the
00:09:55| curve was ridiculous it was okay just insane how how many board games are being produced now an experience to the average board game costs like 10 bucks I've no idea what a question I asked
00:10:06| that is very different three bucks how will we figure this out on the fly we're such a well-oiled machine and I can't hear and typing it much good amazing
00:10:18| average family board good yeah 30 bucks some cost 30 okay some cost 3 a always okay mine that's 3,000 said you know that if you were to buy a hundred board games well good good bargain good
00:10:32| bargain bargain yeah so what was your palm a Parcheesi looked like it was super old though like the way it's just right it might have been super old it's super old some of these were invented in
00:10:41| like the 60s and then check this out we found can you find Twix I feel like you could do a little roll in it pick up sticks so no is called Twix I think anyway it's could you find it a Twix
00:10:55| game like candy boy yeah I hope you can't because we go up a house when you say it that's weird it's a weird game it's a whole lot like I plug things into a pegboard yeah okay hold on let me
00:11:08| explain this so it was really cool we go to yeah so we go up the mountains all the music guys like once a year up to like above the Poconos like someone world's population 5000 there's only
00:11:20| four like stores in the whole town and it's like no self-service no anything like we own acres of land and we all just go bring our electronics together we found a board game up there and that
00:11:31| was it and no one knows anything about it where it came from and we just play it could be possessed by the devil it's really cool understand we drink that game I was
00:11:42| from the picture I can't tell you tango is one one team one team one team one team and you have to go from one side to the other and you can't cross over a line that's already made and play with
00:11:54| twos a little bit but you play with two people and you're not allowed to talk to the person but it's the other person's turn every other time so without using words you have to have a strategy that's
00:12:04| in place and be able to cut off the other team and it's really cool I screwed up a couple big-time once before you will be forever shamed okay I still am but board games are they can be cool
00:12:18| like meet lame what's interesting about them I want to put out there right away is that they're literally designed by someone or someone's to create problems and fun and you know copy
00:12:32| etc right but their design so we're like it's a little bit like a video game and then it's just not electronic right they want you to play videos instead of money they give me parameters fit inside and
00:12:45| there's a goal there's usually at the end you know so I think that's cool and all but do you know it's even cooler than those is the games that no one made the games that bullets came up games
00:12:58| yeah so they're called traditional or folk games and I found a really cool definition that I'm going to share with you I toss folks it's games that are
00:13:08| played informally with minimal equipment that children learn from other children and can be played without reference and or no written rules it usually includes two of the following physical skill of
00:13:23| strategy chance repetition of patterns creativity and in vertigo vertigo I guess balance some stuff I don't know but these are games that are the coolest I think because I forget about them the
00:13:35| most but I totally played them a lot as a kid way more than board games doses like wrestling count as a game cuz my child yeah it could or they chase catch tag
00:13:45| all those things yeah Oh totally a hundred percent they're like innate games that's why I love the tennis ball you can play like a million games with a tennis ball that's true there's like no
00:13:57| end of the fun as long as you're outside it helps I guess being in a city setting though there's more concrete around you more things to bounce off of yeah or even bounces um
00:14:10| hopscotch did you ever play hopscotch I did yeah did you play it I always just hopped on it sometimes there's a game associated with with the stone and all that are you supposed to like do like
00:14:21| one foot and then once it split you do two feet and then you switch feet and they need to two feet is that that's hopscotch - yeah but there's that's that's just how you walk the board
00:14:30| there's actually a game involved where you find a stone it's usually a very flat stone because you wanted to stop rolling where you throw it and and the other part of it was apparently I read
00:14:41| the cool thing was like getting the chalk for hopscotch was harder to do it wasn't like you had chalk you had to steal it from the teacher usually so you would try and steal a piece of chalk
00:14:51| from class go outside in the schoolyard draw it you know argue with your friends and whether the one was too big and all and then you would find a stone right you throw that stone on one you'd hop on
00:15:01| it as you were supposed to 1 foot 2 foot one foot two foot to get the stone and then back and then the other person we try and as you keep progressing you go to the next level next level eventually
00:15:10| get to seven you get to eight so now you're hopping out to eight grabbing your stone and working your way back and I was like whoa I just thought it was a stupid bunch of squares that you were
00:15:19| supposed to dance on in a weird way but is that how that game was probably not but like for kids with I don't think there's someone in the world well do you think there's somewhere in the world
00:15:30| someone so good at hopscotch it's ridiculous or someone so bad at hopscotch those they're like with their will their desire to beat it finally and they're still doing it even though
00:15:38| they're like 60 years old today yeah their skills have gone down they should have maximized at 21 write it all up sit on that I couldn't find any more teachers chalk they've given up another
00:15:49| another game before us was called kick-the-can mm-hmm which I've heard reference maybe a million times in my life I've never I don't know what it is don't know that I've actually kicked the
00:15:59| can I've kicked a can but I don't know if there's rules involved yeah apparently it's like um hide and seek sort of there's a there's a hot a seeker and he has the can behind
00:16:09| him and he will look around if he find you he has to say Susie's behind the woods and he kicks the can and Susie's out but if he's over here looking for someone and he can't find anyone someone
00:16:19| comes from out of their hiding spot and jumps over the can behind his back and says whatever they say a term or something and they're out so he can't get them now and I was like whoa I
00:16:28| thought you got behind me it does right it's almost like hide-and-seek a little bit yeah which is probably also one of the older ones right but I did but I played hide-and-seek a bunch yeah but
00:16:40| there's mobile versions of hide-and-seek where one person goes in and hides so this is the the variant and then everyone else tries to find them and the last person to find him is the loser
00:16:50| hmm versus everyone hides except for one person and the one person has to find everybody else almost like the right weird way to play it a reverse way
00:16:59| yeah we did a so I don't know what your situation was growing up but in Northeast Philly we had a driveway out back and I still know how many kids we would play with on the regular that were
00:17:13| in my like five-year age range it was Andy and Scott Sammy Michele Casey not his sister for whatever reason she ever played with us oh my god boo peanut and I want to say
00:17:29| two or three more missing a couple people here we always had like 10 kids who would play like every Friday Saturday Sunday and we would just run around because we
00:17:38| knew almost all the houses on the block but we had the the Northeast houses where it was it was a one-way street that was very not busy and it had the little patch of grass out front the hill
00:17:48| brass hilt yeah well every house had one of them like 10 feet wide maybe it was like a drop of six feet yeah yeah yeah but they were like you know thirty of them in a row or however many houses
00:18:00| there'd be I guess there's probably like thought of that and then we would also consider the other side the driveway side was like fair game as well as long as we stayed on this side which had all
00:18:12| the cars and stuff the cool thing was I knew which houses had beyond the lights that would turn on the motion sensors and we always play around dusk maybe just after and I think our parents would
00:18:23| all kind of hang out like outside drinking beers I think just to make sure you know that's laughable so what games did you play in that area so tag was really popular but a really
00:18:33| really cool was like manhunt or cops are robbers or freedom or spree these were all different names for like almost the same game yeah it was like usually teams and if they caught you like one two
00:18:45| three or my man I don't do you have ever heard that expression yeah yeah I had to have two hands on a person had to give them a one two three or my man they have to come with you to the prison wherever
00:18:54| the prison was and the whole time people are scoping around the shadows on your team and the other team has their cops there still one person always guard the jail and the other people would still be
00:19:04| looking around for more people capture more and more of them yeah but if one of you the the other team went back and tag the base like all your your people were free I kind of remember that
00:19:15| we had a lot of fun with that and Olly oxen free yeah probably the same kind of game I don't know I know that name that I raised it's a phrase saying essentially
00:19:24| it's like you're good like we we've taken over we switched sides now you're young like it yeah it's something that occurs a lot but I didn't really know what it was actually about had you guys
00:19:37| picked someone for like tag or something someone were one person was it or two people were it hmm it's like one of those short straw things but I guess there's kids you don't yeah do it you
00:19:47| don't have straws you pick either think the fastest person of the slowest person I guess is the most logical no we did that so that's unfair that's picking a guy have a randomizer we would do
00:19:57| everyone put your foot in a circle and then you would look at them all and go spit spit spit you are not in it and that person's out and then you go all the way down to the bottom any horse in
00:20:05| the barnyard yep horse in the barnyard PU he laid a big one on you that was a good one I always thought that was funny just I'm trying to remember all these things that
00:20:17| we do and I I didn't remember any of them until like tonight I was like what yeah yeah the research is weird because I like you would think about a board game and it
00:20:25| remind you of another board game and then you'd think about a person that you played it with and it was like oh yeah that kind of and then you'd think about other things that you did with that kid
00:20:32| and then you're like huh like a crossfire crossfire yeah you get caught up in their crossfire crossfire crossfire there's a kid in the leather jacket kids
00:20:46| going yeah and someone's spinning away I love that commercial so the goal there since anyways played it there's two guns you're firing little metal balls of silver bullets yeah these little like
00:20:58| Marbley things that have a little like shapes around the spinners on them yeah so you're talking I remember there was a star and like a square yeah oh there's any more than two the weird thing about
00:21:11| that game was that I had a friend who got mad because we were playing it he took all of the metal balls there must have been like what like his memory he put him in his mouth yeah I knew it
00:21:23| head I knew this he went outside maybe any spit them all in the garden like in the dirt I can't play that game anymore because I know this person no no I don't
00:21:35| I still hate him I barely know this person he i defriended him right after that one I went right up and said nope not gonna have yeah there was no Facebook either the other thing is like
00:21:46| how did kids know how to play these games like over vast differences in generations and years yeah cuz you and I were probably what an hour apart maybe some ridiculous there's no way we we I
00:21:57| mean someone in California of growing up our age was pry playing the same games we got the Internet mmm-hmm it's weird right I think that's cool there's also something to this I was researching some
00:22:09| of these like um I can't find someone's stuff um I've already talked about tonight if I looked hard enough on the hard enough I could probably find a reddit post that was like rental win and
00:22:21| then they go back that like outlook like no yeah yeah like the game read is yeah yes it's the only spot I'd be able to find it there's no definitions for some of these things some there are um check
00:22:32| this one so we all know what these are but Jack's used to be a game yeah you would like bounce a ball be like a little rub fall and then you pick up Jack's
00:22:43| as you it was bouncing and then like somehow you would like it would get lower and lower and you try to like fortunately pick up more and at some point I saw an old lady she was like oh
00:22:54| my god I think it was me Oh Peggy there's a lady got a crush on me she was like 80 to 88 somewhere near and she somehow was talking about a gift for her son and she smiled at me and shit I used
00:23:06| to be the best at Jack's and I was like excuse me and she was like I used to collect so many in the bouncer ball and she named for it and she was like and I would swipe up the most out of anyone
00:23:18| and I just remember Jack's and I was like I didn't really know it was like a game and she's like oh son I was the she just kept going on on but she literally was so happy remembering Jack's and I
00:23:31| was like they were just the pointy toy I didn't want to step on I never once played those awful toys I was like that's the stupidest game but like that's maybe that's how people
00:23:42| look at some of the games from out today like that's the dumbest thing right it's another old timey thing that no way like I've seen before I know what they are but I've never played the game what's
00:23:55| the one I guess why I was trying to get ice and you like you spin them out Yahtzee Yahtzee I actually used to play that with my ex and we had actually a lot of fun we would play and drink used
00:24:06| to play that with our mutual friend Mike which one really yeah I don't know why it's a fair game anything with dice is usually like equal footing right because right then it's a
00:24:20| little bit of strategy a little bit of chance a little bit of a set could you have to figure out which one you're going to use it a good game wouldn't it cuz then you get kind of a little mix of
00:24:27| everything mm-hmm so so then I'm looking at a list of all these traditional games I came across apple bobbing and I was like yeah that's the joke you do it like a
00:24:39| Halloween party or something I don't know yeah it was a game I consider that it was a game like kids would do it five times in a week how many apples you can Bob uh I guess like what do you know I
00:24:50| could again I don't know I couldn't do more than once well maybe I know maybe you did it with like attractive girls there and that's really like they really call I hope I get Susan's Apple ah and
00:25:01| they pull it out and they look and you're like and they have nights that they just remember that Apple Bob and I'm like I never seriously Apple Bob I just know what it is another one like
00:25:16| that is musical chairs I think I've played it in school couple times yeah at summer camp but I wouldn't consider that a fun game you would never have music as a kid right
00:25:25| you would never set it up so you'd be like let's do this multiple times and after one time yeah yeah it's like that's like a gimmick right these are games these are gimmicks I guess I don't
00:25:35| know marbles that's the game I thought you just collected the round things that are cool a glutton can we shoot marbles and then you shoot them with your thumb out like you pop them like that true I
00:25:46| crochet coke a crow croquet that so you not come into something like into what like I think for the marbles you like them the you get the ricochet they're like your
00:25:56| marbles and then you get to use them again I think they look better the rules and then like one whoever had the most marbles at the end or whoever cleans it all and keeps them your marbles eat
00:26:07| burgers dick Wow that's that's like it's like need for speed three pink slip edition or whatever yeah David you said like um it's the first need for speed where you could build up your car and
00:26:19| then put it on the line for the race like you race for the pink slip it was like poof supposed to make you real nervous because the other player could win your car oh the whole thing yeah
00:26:29| does that make you nervous because I have my family waiting you detail that thing to down to the down to the nubbin hmm yeah you did so about pogs like I know what they were they made a comeback
00:26:41| during our generation but we all sleep late them that's like beanie babies a lamb er okay guys no like these things that look cool so it was that nostalgia happening
00:26:51| tengas while we were young I just we didn't really know it I guess so there's like different designs like back then I think it was easier to make things a collection because it felt rare like I
00:27:02| had a collection of goosebumps squeeze phone books you couldn't go to Amazon right you couldn't go down as on to do it right now and you had to wait for like the new batch of stuff and then buy
00:27:10| them that's weird we my mom and Nadine were obsessed with um beanie babies and they would know the local I keep one to say Etsy there was a store but they would call me later
00:27:22| anything no but I know zany brain you sold them they ended in it it was like a name clark's or that's gonna bug me this is weird yeah but they would call the place Gary's or Clark's it was a first
00:27:36| name but it was in the reservoir mall damn but they would call and they'll be like they're getting the ship in Thursday they're getting it Thursday and I'm like I guess grown-ass adults would
00:27:46| be there swinging on each other trying to get these a beanie babies for $5.99 or whatever they like us and they're always a losing proposition princess died princess died one is ever oh my god
00:27:57| oh my god she just died this week poor print princess died mm-hmm how about Scrabble I was just going with yeah Scrabble is a cool and um we play it in this house sometimes oh yeah my
00:28:15| parents really like to use like was it yeah well words with friends and then boggle like any any of the word combination games it changes your brain I think it makes
00:28:26| you it like a touch smarter if you're mixing and matching letters and trying to make words out of them well it definitely does it's a good it's a good way to go yeah so they always enforced
00:28:34| type types of games that would try to get me to learn something I bet like my calm summer camp games I had all bunch on here steal the bacon a talking about was
00:28:46| bacon don't steal the Bacon's where you had two lines of teams and the camp cancer would give everyone a number and then everyone the same the opposite team a number also and then she'd say they
00:28:57| put the red ball what do you call that ball the the gym ball the red ball like a dodge ball it's like a kick ball yeah it's like a kick ball okay it's bigger it's this big it's red yeah yeah yeah
00:29:08| yeah and you would put it in the middle of the field between the two teams you say I'm thinking steal the bacon number four and both teams number four we'd have to get up a fence they could get it
00:29:20| and bring it back to their side before the other number four good interesting game kick ball that's like red Alaskan case that's like isms everyone in my house was something Red Rover I was like
00:29:34| I never even heard of this game so please explain it cuz it's very popular on the on the lists I saw so the whole goal was that you would call somebody to run over to your side and you have a
00:29:43| chain of people that would try to hold their arms together and I think if they broke through then they got to go by on their side but if you didn't and you held strong you kept them on your side
00:29:53| and then you won the game by catching everybody on your side okay that makes sense think that's how it worked sounds like sharks and minnows it's something that um they had us play with
00:30:05| my four-year-old and all these other four girls it was terrible they didn't know what they're doing because sharks are a team that would always work together and catch the
00:30:12| minnows and minutes would have to run across and not get caught but but you did touch on something with that the the linked people as hard as they could to try and break the chain so
00:30:22| what I wanted to get into was that a lot of these games were actually dangerous that we barely remember yeah yeah I mean you could like throw an elbow at somebody and definitely bust them up
00:30:33| pure dirty red rubber player I imagine there were yeah so hold on do you have you ever heard buck buck mmm is this like it's a philadelphia area might yes my parents generation played it you
00:30:50| would get a chain of people right it's four people long and you'd all hold each other like around the hips and you'd hold on tight and they'd be leaned over look like a human centipede but a fine
00:31:00| version and they're all holding each other and someone would come running from the back and try and break the chain I mean they jump as hard as they could and just land on the chain
00:31:10| somewhere and hope to break it and anyway you would try and hold strong and eventually you get like six people seven people that need to get like a buck buck chain breaker someone who weighed like
00:31:22| heavy a heavy guy heavy said he's going he's jumping and everyone's trying to hold on the whole pile would like knock down and people be you know we kept pretty violent at times I believe that
00:31:30| competitive this is like journey like seventh or six or seventh or eighth grade like you're getting and you're wearing your full shoes you're gonna deck someone in the head you probably
00:31:39| gotta kick someone thank God children or more yeah this is a game like lawn darts like he's throw a lawn dart I was like oh this is fun and exciting until it
00:31:49| impales somebody it's like oh we didn't even consider that oh my god your leg yeah really sorry hmm actually did you know how about this one there's this one we played all the
00:32:01| time that didn't come up in my brain mercy did you play mercy every day like we played it every day in my school like just with kids who I hate it or didn't like or mean kids it's where you lock
00:32:12| your fingers hand a hand and then you twist them I never gives up first just they lose you would grip the finger you twist you trying to pull you go over the top you can go under either way and the
00:32:22| other person would try not to give up even though they were totally out leverage just like Mercy Mercy Mercy and then you have to let go me like yes I'll solo that's the game League
00:32:31| round yeah how's that a game how's that a game now that's almost like thumb war though you played thumb war right yeah yeah oh yeah same idea three how are the clearings not more and then you try to
00:32:41| get each other's thumbs yes usually they like sneak attack yeah sneak attack my mom's friends always play there with me I thought she was so cool looking back yeah she was she is pretty cool actually
00:32:56| but it's I don't know it's like about bloody knuckles they start punching each other's knuckles oh right okay until someone gives up mmm there's another variant with um a coin where you flip
00:33:07| the coin at the person's knuckles and then the other person turn they spin it and they got flicking it you're not with a paper football oh yeah oh you your buddy your buddy Mike was very adamant
00:33:18| about making the perfect paper football huh yeah there was sold in a certain way and tell everyone he was wrong and he would spend all day folding one fold and then folded again he was we had a
00:33:31| version of bloody knuckles that was like those mechanical pencils that were yellow and you could take the spring out you could bend the spring and a half twist it and take the eraser out and
00:33:44| then put it and make it like a little hammer and then you could pull back the spring and that thing would hurt like hell is it you it being like whack and they'd be like oh and then he's like you
00:33:54| have to keep going and raid school or high school or well this is grade school this is okay yeah great it's close when a lot of those violence comes out there I was making sure I don't know what
00:34:01| you're doing how about slaps these everyone plays that one if your hands on top of the other guy and then you smack their hands yeah I need to try and get the hand and if they pull off all the
00:34:10| way you get a free snack mm-hmm these are like summer camp games and I don't know who tells you how to play them or anything but they all I like how inhale and you're like understood it is like
00:34:21| the moment you see it happen you know exactly what's happening like you don't need any rules you just need to see it once or maybe twice right and a kid doesn't really try and change the game
00:34:31| ever or it's weird cuz this is the first things we follow to a tee like there's something sacred about mercy like I'm not gonna you can't cheat you don't
00:34:41| cheat you know my yeah I think they just wouldn't play anymore no one will play them like there's like a code it's a weird code um dude chicken with a knife I've ever heard of this game
00:34:52| squeezed from knives at each other in the grass or like feet first person to chicken out loses I was like what apparently this is like probably a generation right before ours yeah
00:35:02| another one that was popular generation tag roof tag Lily run across route yes yes to tag each other it was only in certain neighborhoods obviously I was like no this one garage slide you ever
00:35:14| heard that one is where you close it and you try to slide underneath yeah it sounds like I never done it does sound cool right um Superman apparently I came across a bunch of times it's where it
00:35:27| flares like five or seven of you and you guys see a car coming down the road one guy lays on the ground and everyone else pretends to beat him up to see if the car will stop everyone just takes up and
00:35:38| run there's no one was get in trouble but it's more like just to see I was like like more more than one kid like kids everywhere do this it's so funny on about king of the hill or like killed a
00:35:51| man with a ball those games get pretty wild pretty violent right yeah try and knock him off his pegs yeah absolutely and then I got into the ones now that we kind of make fun of but
00:36:03| aren't that much different than these like the choking game let's bang on each other's chests don't know any of these so like you're going this and you're our buddy bangs on your chest until you turn
00:36:15| red and then you're like you release then it's like you feel good because you're getting all your air back and parents were like afraid their kids we're gonna die their kids were dumb but
00:36:25| like it's it's like a knockout game oh I think I've heard of this is where you slap somebody like upside the head when they don't know how much someone upside the head as hard as you can but so many
00:36:37| people you can so that's that's a disclaimer right there is that so many people can get knocked out standing upright and anyway they fall it could be very damaging to their body dude you
00:36:47| could knock out all your teeth can you imagine about your life Emma Indian burns like they don't like anymore I don't know why you'd give them yeah why would you give
00:36:56| that to someone I don't even know if that's a game it's just what kids did to each other and I was like how like burning our face soon yeah so then I came across this one
00:37:04| which I thought was it's in the what kids do nowadays it's exact tapping and I didn't even click on the link I was like oh little Oh oh ma I'm a hundred percent we did it in
00:37:16| high school dancing if I walked by if I bought by Jarrow or J to the Keller little tap like oh my god doesn't say much as hard as I could like this just snap especially if he wasn't looking and
00:37:28| talking to somebody just drop is so much fun really hitting hitting kids in the lockers like as hard as you can when they're not looking at everything break yeah it's good stuff isn't it there's
00:37:42| something inherently awesome about like these violent games were describing right yeah as long as you're not the victim like not a true victim like you can be the victim and still like get the
00:37:53| guy back right under surveillance yeah like if you tear your ACL but you can tear your ACL doing simple stuff so I'm sure it's happened yeah or lose all your teeths getting
00:38:03| with the knockout game someone playing Red Rover and like got there I popped out a socket or something like in screwed up the vision for the rest of life I'm sure it happened well I mean
00:38:12| they could try to like duck and get clipped and then they hit the ground hard I mean a lot of rail stuff could happen yeah so I imagine it did happen not often but you know you sense the
00:38:23| price you pay uh-huh but but it makes me think it's the way we talk about kids today how they're they all all they do is play violent video games everything else I'm like
00:38:31| maybe we're just all inherently violent I think we are sense right and the games are they're cool I don't know I think I think we're gonna miss out on some of the physical stuff yeah
00:38:45| so that who do you think's going on it's tough to say because we're not kids and the kids themselves are playing random games my son even brings home games that I don't even start singing songs I'm
00:38:57| like I don't even know I mean it's kind of I guess I'm waiting for anywhere I cannot actually understand what he's saying to have him tell me what he knows because
00:39:11| it's got back the whole new generation of games and how they play them and he'll be probably surprised of what games I used to play that probably don't work anymore anyway
00:39:22| Rhaego look Rock'em Sock'em robots is that that must be still a thing right I guess so why you it was before me did you play Rock'em Sock'em robots I knew what they were oh yeah did you I don't
00:39:33| know if I need a massive game I didn't have one maybe I can hide it I don't maybe it was maybe maybe that's why use your upper echelon not fur salon is one of those things they I don't know that
00:39:44| requires skill other than jamming a button over and over again yeah no I mean you say it would be to you've seen the game that it's a they have like whipped cream or shaving cream yeah and
00:39:56| then it's gone three cranes with three buttons or whatever I was trying to slap it the other way get the other guy next to him like that sort of game I don't think existed back then mm-hmm would
00:40:08| have been hard to make I guess but neither were the games that they made like hungry hungry hippo and stuff like that yeah why does that there's another game like kerplunk he's like in that
00:40:18| family it's quite cool yeah it was like we had like a cylinder and you had a bunch of balls and then you had you're pulling out the stress yeah you're trying not to have so kerplunk on you I
00:40:28| think you would lose by having the most balls you win war having yeah because sometimes only a couple would spill out yeah just a couple old drippy drips you ever play like thin ice yeah almost the
00:40:40| same game right but like different obviously don't wait Eddie I mean Owen remember don't we what's don't make daddy yeah it was the same thing there's like you you move around a
00:40:51| board and then one says like pump it five times you push the button on the sleeping dad five times and he would just keep sleeping you're like if you did it wrong you pop up and his hat
00:41:00| would fall off me be like oh you woke daddy what what kind of a message was that I'm not really sure no daddy hungover was he you know that reminds Ava
00:41:11| operation yeah that wasn't of UT's wouldn't it make a noise but I feel like it would shock you buzzed yeah I think it would buzz on you like you would just vibrate your hand I'll he was a real
00:41:22| shock and he it was like a like a fake shadowy so that was like a little electricity if you really go my god we're gonna go educated that one was in game because you I mean the tension if
00:41:31| you had like a few people around the board staring at you as you're picking out like the funny bone and everyone just like cracks that is a cool thing where it there's a social aspect where
00:41:44| people around you that's like a Jenga yea-ah jenga's fun yeah Jake it is cool drinking Jenga baby whoo the other thing that springs up we is came up in our drinking episode there's different rules
00:41:58| in different areas did you ever play Foursquare I did so I guess my rule was that guys could let it bounce twice in your Square right yeah yeah well once in and then beyond
00:42:11| so like you could bounce it real hard once and they'd have to run to get it yeah so it still counts as being in there square yeah and then I have to hit it back into someone else's square
00:42:20| someone else's square correct that was a lot like um like the games with a tennis ball that I was really good at which I don't know if I'm allowed to say chink was just the name of the game because of
00:42:30| the chink between the wall and the floor you you have to use a flat hand and you hit the ball and has to hit the ground and then the wall and then it's the next person's turn you have an order and that
00:42:40| person now has to hit it before it bounces twice as you rank exact same like a ball without a racket right yeah but yeah and you use the wall there's no yeah yeah okay yeah I guess
00:42:49| it was the same thing uh-huh well you could really play play fools up whose it yeah yeah bit like tennis by yourself yeah that's like the time I would play racquetball with my one of my
00:42:58| best friends at college and like we'd run around like idiots and it was a fun time I mean you got a lot of exercise yeah I played like somebody I was sort of friends with after a while with
00:43:09| playing racquetball with my other friend he literally was big enough that he could stand in the middle and just know if you just would smack it without even moving
00:43:18| inside yeah he'd make me sprint all the way around and he would just like look at me and laugh because it was like I guess it's not I'm he knew how to play it the best way
00:43:26| right he knew how to play it better probably right I don't know the physical advantage or maybe he just liked was smarter about it could be both could be both the um the other thing you just
00:43:37| touched on is like the physical nature of these games like if we were playing like manhunt I it was so funny like again in my own neighborhood when it would just turn dark I can still picture
00:43:48| us all playing and every kid has a personality I know which kids are usually slower I know which kids are just the younger brothers that's why they're there and like I know which
00:43:58| girls were like mean and fast and you didn't want to get seen by them and you would just like lurk between the shadows and it'll be funny like it was like a little bit like war to us and I'd see
00:44:08| Scott or someone and I'd be like Scott we need to get over there he's like I know they got Andrew they got KC and I got your sister Nana or something I'm like well there's only two left and he's
00:44:18| like well I don't know where James is he's running down the hallway I haven't seen boo all game he could be inside no one even knows and then he'd be like so what we got to do is anybody looking
00:44:26| over shoulder we're in like this dark and we're like looking over here he's like I want you to go up the entire driveway a comer on the top and make it diversion usually make a lot of noise
00:44:34| I'll run to the tree and sprint and free everyone okay I need time though you have to buy time and like keep it like alright I'll do what I can there's no promises and in my mind we're
00:44:43| both out of breath and here but then like we go on our missions and we go to do our thing no it's just like damn dude no one did I don't do anything like that anymore like you go balls to the wall
00:44:55| playing a game I guess I don't know I love it I miss it too it's the it's when was the last time that you had I mean how many people are playing this game there's probably at least a dozen right
00:45:07| right it's around 10 to 12 I think we could get what was the last time that you had a dozen of your friends playing anything anything Canadian baseball yeah okay two dozen of those in there but it
00:45:21| doesn't happen I mean the pure joy right having that like people all people that you like in the same vicinity interacting in a way that you can't predict and then I mean the same thing
00:45:33| with like drinking games you do drinking games later on and you have all these comments seen in a mask it's it's a lot of the same ideas isn't it yeah it's good stuff I miss it
00:45:45| big jump big jump double ice cube drop and no spill hell yeah job so common ones the floor is lava oh that's an awesome once it's one of the most obvious ones that I'm it is there's so
00:45:59| many times where you remember that game and like going through your entire house like dropping pillows any job you lose and couch cushions and yeah are you build forts with blankets and yeah for
00:46:11| building I didn't even think of that one that one's accounts that counts yes definitely does looks like hid he so it's funny you know I reference this before I don't know for how deep we'll
00:46:22| get into it but kids nowadays play video games more than they do outdoor stuff probably for safety reasons hey I don't live in the city anymore I'm suburb E so it's like everyone's further apart it's
00:46:33| not as organized but you know and you couldn't watch TV I mean you could watch TV but it does not gonna be like the wrong program moves on you're just like okay I'm gone for an hour until whatever
00:46:44| comes on yeah it's not like you can Netflix or DVR your favorite shows or write you two billion or tablet there's probably one TV in the house that works yeah yeah right and then like I said a
00:46:56| video games a whole different game it's like you can't play Nintendo with four people like Jimmy you could get away with two maybe three but once you get to four or five you can't nowadays these
00:47:05| games are so advanced and awesome looking and everyone has one you can all play together online it's it's cool I'm not against it yeah but my kids growing up he kind of his own video games are
00:47:16| he's not he's really he's really good at overwatch I'm like oh my god maybe I should enter you should make this full time I will make you learn to hate this and you'll be so good at it but I'm so
00:47:32| proud but when he plays games like I'm like housing up by games like is he gonna build forts and stuff he he talks about like overwatch or um other videos and paw patrol and stuff like that and
00:47:45| he just pretends that we're all them and he's playing for and he wants to throw the bombs that people I'm like oh it blew up the whole house over there we're free and then like we have to run the
00:47:56| next area we're hiding from bad guys Oh bad guys are coming hide and a little bit like I'm not worried about him playing these games I don't worry about the whole generation I think they're
00:48:07| still gonna play all these games right even if they change a little bit I don't know like what do you think they won't play physical games as much I don't know cuz they still have to go to school
00:48:19| right and physically interact so like around 7th or 8th grade I had a gameboy and I had like Pokemon whatever on it and I remember eating whatever it was yeah I have no idea but I remember like
00:48:31| there was a group of us to have that and that was when I kind of realized that you could like still be it electronic out in the schoolyard as long as you like kept it hidden a little bit that
00:48:41| every one of us would like staying around in a circle and like trade pokémon like somehow it would I don't know how you would do that like I don't think it would communicate really maybe
00:48:49| you could like take out your cartridge and then like they could do something and save it in a way so do you think you were imagining it I don't and everyone was going along with it I'm gonna have
00:48:58| to look that's weird trade like I don't know how it would communicate Gameboy how to trade Pokemon in a gameboy you could huh somehow you could so I didn't
00:49:15| I don't gameboy advanced let she do it I don't know how he'll I don't know how I would have figured that out I guess one of my friends figured it out somehow through it maybe the older brother or
00:49:24| something yes but today a kid could have god-knows-what in his backpack and just bring that outside so maybe either not playing physical games as much maybe and I guess they are still interacting but I
00:49:38| still think it's also safer like can you imagine I do have memories of you can play them games of fortnight with you or something and I'm picking the most recent game
00:49:47| because I I'm memories of that that's a real memory right if you're all huddled together in a house and fortnight and nearly there's only five people left we're gonna win and that one person
00:49:57| kills all four of you like you are all huddled in a house and just there's rockets everywhere and everyone's yelling trying to figure out yeah yeah oh my god person wins and
00:50:07| you're all like oh how embarrassing it's still a memory is that any different than a memory of playing outside and whatever I understand you lose the fitness aspect but memory wise it's not
00:50:17| better or worse right I guess I don't know I went to a college that had like an excessive amount of nerds and there were people that would just play games in day and day out there like some of my
00:50:30| friends roommates they would literally sit at the desk and they would drink soda and eat pizza and they wouldn't move so they'd have like a they put a soda can like on the desk to the right
00:50:40| they would just keep putting soda cans there until it was a waterfall of soda cans if you looked on the floor the floor had these ruts in it like the floor was like kind of black around them
00:50:50| except where the ruts were and it was white because they just kept moving with a chair yeah so it's like that excess of video game playing is not good so I don't know that right there is future
00:51:04| generations of us are gonna be really set back by not physically interacting well here that's weird because it contrasts directly with like how our athletes are becoming more physical
00:51:14| specimens do you think it's just splitting it like we're at a divining rod there's not a lot in between either you play the new games and eat all the crappy stuff that's cheap now on the
00:51:23| fast food that's everywhere and you play video games that are super awesome and super fun to play or you're like a super track star athletes six foot six now you run faster than an athlete did in the
00:51:35| past you bench more and you have a training regimen like do you think it's just like but wonder how varied those people are it's like if you're probably just at like a sport do you think you
00:51:43| get automatically that shut down but you know yeah I mean a group of people that are the best at something to like see how good you are versus them like it well think about it a football player 30
00:51:55| years ago had it had a job on the offseason that's true he was like all the roofer I really have to go to work yeah that's like of course the guy who specializes an entire life has training
00:52:07| regiments breathing regiments works offseason works with specialized coaches is gonna be way better at the game but guess what the price for doing that is his time is clearly not as
00:52:17| fun interesting has a good life something like well round it at all Michael Jackson syndrome where do you you trade your childhood for some other career and then you look back and wish
00:52:27| you could hit your childhood back that you can like your childhoods probably one of the most valuable things you could possibly have right yeah I kind of agree okay you can't get it back
00:52:37| there's no way although if you're a rich grown man you kind of recreate your childhood it would look really creepy you build a playground in your backyard and whatever and all if I did some kids
00:52:47| over the same things were like high school in college like honestly like once you go to college you are a different person than everyone else that's in collagen in high school like
00:52:56| you'll never be able to go back to that and be back graded as a student as a person of that age no you can't so like those years you should probably go with the flow and cherish it and try to make
00:53:10| the best of it you should and easier though we're in who the hell cares no one cares about now you're right yeah if we want to talk about old games one of the old favorites I found was here comes
00:53:33| an old soldier from but an eBay that's a game a game on like computer no game like it's a keen kids used to play I have no idea what this game comes an old soldier from bunny Bay doo-doo-doo I'm
00:53:48| not sure if I'm singing it right I just knows like what this is the longest name for a kids game I've ever heard and here comes an old soldier from Botany Bay what do you got for him today and you
00:54:00| would say well I'm Jimmy I got him a hat and you put a hat on the kid and then someone else would say here comes an old soul from Botany Bay and someone else go I'd be like well what do you have for
00:54:11| him today and someone say I have a mustache and they put a fake mustache on him sorry little two cookie from the cookie jar
00:54:22| that wasn't no oh I still my first best friend was a kid in kindergarten I think it was Hank and it was my like first friend this is my first memory of having a friend like
00:54:35| someone who's my friend and we played that game in school and you would who stole the cookie from the cookie jar and you'd say who was it was it you and I'd say it was Hank and I would laugh and it
00:54:45| went to Hank and he did it and then it was like all right you have to pixel in Hank and he was like it was Nick it was like low you can't pick the same person he was like it was Nick okay let it go
00:54:53| and then I did it and I said it was Hank this is the police inclusive thing I ever seen how you are not it and then they just moved on yeah it's one of my first memories is me and Hank just
00:55:06| laughing because we wanted to be that is it do you think there's a root of the game is that you get everyone involved and you verified it that they can actually speak and say the words that
00:55:16| you're saying cuz that's my name well I think it's a name identification thing when you're trying to familiarize each other with each other yeah well and make sure the kids notice people's names yeah
00:55:27| it's an icebreaker for like for Cheryl to by drills I don't even know if my kid plays it guys will probably do that notice I guarantee some office somewhere says that that's so awesome also in the
00:55:43| ties suits and ties and dresses dressed up to the nines Red Rover Red Road like we're talking about all this like what do you think I'm not trying to end the episode on this so we have to
00:55:55| keep going but like what if you have a disability or like you're not like you breathing troubles or walking problems or everything I'm sure you played the games but like if you're playing tag
00:56:04| you're clearly the weakest like this it would be unfair to tag someone you just tagged but it's also clearly me to keep running from that kid keep method playing tag for an hour and he's just
00:56:18| chasing you and he can't get you or she or he or whatever huh I don't know maybe it wasn't like a true creative kid comes in there and figures out a way to make it even more fun maybe this is where the
00:56:29| three novels come oh dude I would I would totally I could imagine a scenario where you could create new rules and different addendums which are really cool but it takes a good group and
00:56:39| someone who's got leadership and like that's where leadership comes in maybe I don't know hmm cuz I could see people like if they're playing Red Rover and you have somebody in a wheelchair like
00:56:49| everyone's going to entertain the idea of that person breaking through like the person who is no I'm not gonna let this guy through is the so the group is it a psychopath there that's another thing
00:57:02| you learn from these games uh-huh you're starting to learn who the psychopaths are who the weird kids are who the ultra-competitive really dude you're gonna beat up my sister she's
00:57:15| like four years younger than you you didn't have to tag her that hard dude let's relax like I can't let it go you run into all these different groups the kid who like just keeps wandering he's
00:57:25| not even paying attention he's like what you're a yeah like you've run into all sorts of weird stuff and the friendships and who always tags who who always avoids tagging him like you known to me
00:57:38| you kind of get stuck that's where it starts it starts to build up he didn't mention a nerf guns like the Nerf blasters yep so this was the thing like we would play you know you just shoot
00:57:51| each other but it gets more structured as you go along you'd be watching like what's their wheels American Gladiators glad start to laser him or that I was a blazer that was from look up the real
00:58:04| names um Titan blazer earthquake like they had really epic and forces of nature names I'm looking like I could go you go okay you need oh good yes names one yeah
00:58:17| lace zap Gemini me give me give me some give me John I nitro oh my god give me what year what years of oh this is like super muscley people are they all Olympians or no I thought they're all
00:58:32| like wrestlers like cast off right oh maybe they're a wrestler Shia that can make sense really buff people in leotards that have code names that would like shoot nerf balls at each other from
00:58:43| or at net average Joes from across the room everyone was wearing headgear and they would try and stop you from completing a goal that could earn you money it was like a game show not a game
00:58:52| trail like a contest show I don't know I love actually love I love this as a I mean they they look a bit like saddling each other and fighting and like I like going across like so this
00:59:03| rooftop scaling thing and like and he's raised hell he's wearing a leotard and he has like a name tag this is like blazer early give me the names of every sky Dallas hot jazz tank rebel Electra
00:59:18| has to be a 1 right boo syllable named Viper under ice diamonds day yeah that's so awesome tower and then they would um they would have these weapons at different stations where they could
00:59:30| shoot nerf balls at you which is funny because you could be a scrawny who knows what but it's so cool when a dude who's like benches 380 is shooting a nerf gun at some average Joe just trying to walk
00:59:42| across a ladder and you're like that was that was badass smooth I remember the one with the the ring they'd be holding from the ring and like the gladiator would catch them and then they they'd be
00:59:56| like essentially humping them to fall off oh yeah so they're hanging on and a gladiator would grab like they're part of their body and just start wiggling the track weigh them down mm-hmm it's
01:00:10| amazing I there's a list of the notes on what happened all the gladiators like half of them got injured like injured Denver Oh injured never turned Wow so it is like the WWE a little bit its
01:00:23| WWE have a lot of injuries I mean I know a lot of people get checked I've seen some but not to me broken necks broken backs broken arms twisted knees in the middle of matches and stuff you can look
01:00:35| up individual matches where something went wrong and it's supposed to go for another 10 minutes and so it's so supposed to win but he'll point to his knee and like coat the other guy over
01:00:44| and be like ah all right we need to end this and there's like a weird half pin before any finishing moves everything and he's like oh he wins and they're like it runs on what just started well
01:00:54| he broke his back it's like Oh hmm so he needed to go to the ER yeah and dude wrestling heads I fell bunch of wrestling heads rest and gets too deep for me it's like whoa I could never get
01:01:06| into that for some reason I thought it was stupid did you you said wrestling though outside like kids be wrestling did they put try and put the actual moves on each
01:01:14| other yeah that's like you and I in boxing I'm trying to figure out a box for her like teenagers like that was dumb you know what I only I only boxed one other person I'm like Mike because
01:01:25| Mike was good he did all that come for crap but he was shorter dude you know all no arms you beat him and who knows it when we went did any muscle and like more than a punch usually it's like one
01:01:38| good punch in here like one punch will hold on that's about it and the rest is just staying in a distance of keeping your arms up and then the next day your arms hurt because you just kept these up
01:01:46| at the whole time yeah it teaches you there's there's not a lot of dynamic things you can do other than maybe like you you're going like left or right back and forward I think you can but it
01:01:57| becomes well when your professional will right and when you're a professional AUSA's amateurs we had these the idea of the bubble where I can get hit and the idea of the bubble where you can get hit
01:02:09| we're like this far apart the whole time when you're a professional you probably get this close so there's way more stuff going on and you can get in and out and move and
01:02:18| block us we're like let's just wait till he puts his hands down and just walks towards me I'll get them it never happens they're just like are they standing there waiting for the other
01:02:28| person yeah but this gladion gladiators that led into like nerf guns and the way you would like someone charging the guy with a gun and we had like the rapid-fire one yeah the one that was
01:02:39| just like a hell yeah the chain gun the tank gun I remember the chain gun I I'm waiting for those days where I can actually have my son like charge at me and I have a little maybe about we had a
01:02:52| really good bow and arrow that you just pull back a little bit and it would just shoot but it was really good get people when they're not looking and just hit on the side of the face they're like they
01:02:59| instantly know what happened so all these games are violent they're all crazy they're all creative like I said with my tennis ball thing I am bought tennis balls three years ago
01:03:16| like a three pack and it changed my life like one time I pulled over because I was doing like delivery job and I had the tennis balls with me and I was like it's been like 10 years since I
01:03:28| played a tennis ball at that point so I took him in you started throwing them against the wall I'm catching it trying one-handed try and go crazy bouncing off the ground bouncing off here it's just a
01:03:38| big concrete wall it was like goes on for yards and yards and yards and yards and went like three stories high all concrete no windows no fair hmm I had a blast so every like like this idea
01:03:52| three months ago I changed jobs and I was like let's buy some tennis balls just in case so I got these and I love to bounce them walk with them you can do whatever with them
01:04:01| you can cut them in half play half ball you can play wire ball you can play step boy you play wall ball baseball you play wall ball you can play soui you can play a sami red ass you played suey yeah
01:04:12| here's the only other person who even knows what that is where one person would throw it and it's like whoever could catch it one-handed everyone have to run and touch the wall yeah yeah and
01:04:22| last was it if someone threw it and hit you before you got to the wall you had to go against the wall with your head towards the wall and everyone's would line up again I guess yeah yeah again we
01:04:34| go back to violence and egging people and it's also it's funny it is it's funny though like in I guess in high school there'd be certain sports I didn't want to play for some reason like
01:04:46| and we just sit there like I tried to sit them out like the gym teacher would be mad but I'd be like I don't want to play basketball for some reason I didn't like to play certain sports so like this
01:04:55| is a message if you're I guess there's no kids probably listening but if if you're young enough or set in your ways if someone says yeah if someone says would you like to try this and you have
01:05:06| no idea to how to do it like there's no shame and failing hard at doing it like you should try freaking to do it yeah I know there's so many times where I probably should have just thrown myself
01:05:17| out there and failed that I would never ever read it I mean I regret not trying so that's my that's my moral of the story teen it's a good decision actually that's a good way to play
01:05:32| kara have a list of games I just love it okay I remember one I wasn't no third let's take a raid when we're all newer graduating the last week all they did was throw out all these games and there
01:05:43| was like Connect four was one of them so we had Connect four tournaments for about a straight week but the teachers were like really no wait gives her to learn anything can I kind of cool I
01:05:54| didn't play a lot of Connect four we had it how about like tic-tac-toe is that a game that's like a game the kids play from like age whatever on and then there's cheap moves you start here the
01:06:05| person goes here you already win it's like whoa crease crease out understanding of what you need to do to win so it's like whoever goes first can just dictate it if they want to be an
01:06:13| asshole right and then the best you can do is tie them uh-huh force the tie so it's not really a game because then whoever goes first has a definitive advantage by far is there a set amount
01:06:29| of moves you can make or is it like I had imagined there is yeah there's only so many possibilities so that right if you go first you're probably like I don't much already percentage to win
01:06:39| probably make sense how about card games we didn't really get into it but um because we did end drinking games but there's card games you can play like in all sorts of stuff yeah like how about
01:06:52| this like old ladies used to get the bladder get together and play Pinochle and stuff like that and then we rummy groups right rummy I like but I don't remember how to
01:07:02| play it oh I just played a few weeks ago to it refresh my memory but the point being like back in the day like people would get together for these things because there's no internet no
01:07:16| everything so you'd all go to someone's house and like Ethel would always know that Gertrude was a cheater and I'm gonna watch her can you keep an eye on her Rose and she was always like oh I
01:07:27| see R but like the girls will get together and play bridge and peanut coal and stuff like that and I think it's cool because these are games now crazy the most Crazy Eights
01:07:38| yeah oh no oh no that's the one that pissed me off the most cuz I remember losing with forgetting to say you know in the last card yeah oh oh you son of a gun has a cue ball yeah as a kid I ruin
01:07:53| my sticky note and said I will never play uno with my father ever again because he he did it before I even like put the card down like you have your finger on the card you're like it's when
01:08:05| you remove your finger right it's not when you put the card down I never play to know if my dad again frankly will maybe how easily guys oh no no sorry that card in there mm um there's uh so I
01:08:35| don't know if you had to trampoline you have a trampoline no I was really jealous of kids that did what did you guys make games on it wrestling games totally like power bombs and stuff no
01:08:46| fight each other there's one time where you're exactly like Mikey playing overwatch with me how so you're pretending to act out like good guys versus bad guys is essentially what
01:08:57| happens true yeah yeah which is like the most common theme for at least boys I don't know if the girls always did it but I some girls probably did not all so there's another game we did with the
01:09:07| trampoline when my grandmother's dog was with us oh no you wouldn't both jump up and bounce and make the dog go up in the air it didn't now that's disturbing how do you think so what did you do so he
01:09:22| would throw a bone the opposite direction and by the time it got the bone we would jump off the trampoline and run around the house and the dog was faster than us so by the time we get
01:09:34| trying to get her up and back on the trampoline the dog would be right on her heels so if the dog caught us we were out you were out okay that makes sense that's cool I like that kids games
01:09:44| are simple but awesome there's something we over complicate things as adults a little bit yeah there's something about a simple game a competition they also you learn how to
01:10:01| take a loss early like you mentioned I think I think that's happening with video games now as you always win they're definitely easier than when we were kids like so you don't always win
01:10:12| in multiplayer I guess yeah but like yeah as I someone said this about loose off games that like the map is filled with all the sort of stuff that's just like do this do that do this
01:10:24| turn this do this you're gonna write instructions whatever yeah I don't think that we had any instructions if we didn't came in a little booklet that was written in Japanese and we're just like
01:10:33| check this one how did we go about the arm so you go to the dungeon level and you can ride that one platform above and then run along that and then go to the apology that we're like level six seven
01:10:44| no power how did we know then that much no I think it wasn't intended power but how do we know because you had the one with you that would come in after he's figured out and tell them everyone that
01:10:57| must have been how it happened where did he go door to door I don't know I think I think a little bit of the coolest part of the fall of the stuff we were on what today and that is like folklore like it
01:11:07| gets passed down by word of mouth it's not on the Internet I kind of missed that you have to do stuff by hand you have to talk to someone you have to learn it from
01:11:16| someone who did it physically if you render discover like you are probably the first discover in your like region or your area or you group of friends but how would you prove it you can prove it
01:11:27| you couldn't get anything from it you could just couldn't have any information yeah no you should have to prove it you go over there house and say hey check this out and then be like what well if
01:11:37| I'm going to show you it but who's to say you didn't hear that from someone else that's true that's true hmm I think back covers quite a bit and it
01:11:50| covers everything just about just I love tennis balls I've advised everyone at home to go grab some optic yellow baby see what you find when you start bouncing them around the other thing is
01:12:02| like you spend so much time bounce and I'm catching on doing all this stuff with them when you haven't touched for them for eight years and you bounce it feel so good get it up the wall you grab
01:12:13| it one-handed break your back you're like it does and then if you it's weird because you can try and do some weird stuff with it like bouncing really catch a really hard one you're the quote I
01:12:24| can't believe I dropped a tennis ball you do it for like five ten minutes after five ten minutes you're in the zone you're locked in you're like back baby I just learned how to ride that
01:12:34| fucking bike bitches so I got one more pop it it's been a turn it twist it yeah oh is that really it's also similar to but not really it there's a memory game with this toads Simon Simon yeah
01:12:50| same idea yeah doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo it's like a mental warp then there's that one with what was the you jump over a bit skip skip it let's get that give it's also cool because I don't
01:13:12| think what's crazy is that all these things were talking about commercials and jingles remembering I mean it's that's also pretty cool it was the catch mr. bucket you're the one your balls pop
01:13:35| out of my mouth do you think do you think the creators were laughing at that like there's no way they were straight boys I don't see anything wrong with it no it is running chop it and run it mr.
01:13:46| bokun your balls are in my mouth Oh if you're listening now if you're listening later if you're thinking about it throw some games we missed in the
01:14:03| comments I think of games like games start when you're like four or three or maybe even two I don't even know and they they grow and there's folklore involved there's talking to other kids
01:14:14| there's other kids that know how to play the games there's teaching other kids to play games and there's games that a five-year-old place that a nine-year-old place like they're different I'll know
01:14:23| older I play this game there's also something weird that I started doing when I did my research it's like it doesn't stop at fifteen as an eighteen year old I was doing ball taps on people
01:14:34| oh I was doing a lot of ball taps I mean there's another one I came across it was like it's called the finger circle punch I was like well what is this thing you're talking about and I was like
01:14:44| uh-huh oh yeah we still did that but like not everybody did not all the time it was funny like sometimes you would find funny instances of it how about when you smirnoff ice someone or it's
01:14:58| called icing someone right you pop it through so the funniest thing you can do with any of these things is um paper bag everyday I was alive Justin K gave David's eye box the finger okay and
01:15:14| every day at lunch you give him the finger you just did it give it to him in space he would give it to him here and every one crack off because I just cracked me up then one of my heart and
01:15:24| the funniest thing I ever saw was one time he was like hey I got something in my lunch buried at David and everyone looked over and like he was looking over and I was like ah he's just gonna give
01:15:33| the pears like nah he's like you reached into his paper bag and he popped out the back with a little thing I'm still cracking up with us and I was like oh my god how did you get him
01:15:45| everyone's hooting and hollering at the table but it occurred to me those are the games we were still playing and like when you ice someone like I owe you bro you show up with a smirnoff ice they
01:15:57| have to drink the whole thing even though it's warm like we go home one day and drink the whole thing remember that like five years years ago yeah right but those are still
01:16:05| games we're still playing games we haven't stopped entirely so I'm sure do it the guys that are still playing tank or were still playing tag they played up so it was the movie
01:16:16| the wedding thing Ezio it was based on a true story where those guys were okay so well so like they would be hanging out and so I'm feel like after like an hour they be like by the way tag bitch
01:16:27| and then run no tagbacks I don't know they've been playing for 30 years so I think they were like why they must been they're almost on their 40s virgins virgins I think yeah and they they
01:16:40| decided to do it every year so they would like they had strategically plan and trick people into getting tanked and they'd be they wouldn't live necessarily near each
01:16:49| other so it would be like you have a set month I think it was like an atom or plane ride yeah so you could go back in the month of Seimei and then tag as many people as you could back and forth until
01:17:00| the end of May and then that persuade it for the rest of the year and doing it it's interesting the only thing I'm wondering about is like the tag back scenario like if someone tagged me in a
01:17:10| room I'm just kinda back get tagged and personally I do well then how many people are Planum confused there's a lot you guys know this is more than two guys oh yeah it was like maybe
01:17:22| like six or seven guys let me see okay that's kind of cool okay no it makes more sense to I tagged you no tagbacks like that's the thing like where'd all these sayings come from
01:17:33| was that huh Oh trouble you can't trace triple-stamp a double-stamp you can triple7 a trouble definitely those amateurs you know my parents generation have something called noose to stamp
01:17:46| season game hey I got new shoes you show your friends and everyone would try and stomp on your sneakers real well you ever have that happen it's my parents generation so they said
01:17:55| it's called no stop C's they made a big deal of it all tiles like woman's talking about no one does this and they were like if you got new sneakers and you showed up everyone trying to stomp
01:18:03| on so you take no stomp sees no stamp sees or something like that and I was like what are you saying remember bulgar touch did you guys have any of the touches it's like someone put
01:18:11| time to pick their nose or really pick their nose and come after you and then touch it and they would touch you yeah like these are the things that like it's so hard to explain to someone
01:18:18| I'm like yeah it's like booger Titan Souls like excuse me Cooney sound like you know like all cooties yes you know the worst is if you had a kid's name touch cuz like that's
01:18:30| like the ultimate shame it's like Gregory Murphy touch and you would touch someone and I'd be like Gregory booger there and you're like oh that kid he's not asked is everyone a dead poor guy
01:18:41| poor kid looking back yeah but at the time oh this is so I had one of those so when I had birthday parties I would be forced to invite everyone by my mom I don't
01:18:53| know everyone in like the graveyard in the grade oh I didn't go that far I had like five kids as a kids yeah as a kid I would call up the people I didn't like and say
01:19:02| the party was canceled did they do they have come the mom always called back and said it's the poor boy to verify I was just gonna save you they had to tell their mom yeah holy shit
01:19:21| delicious that is such an asshole thing to do yeah it's up there I like it that oh I guess I was like the I don't know I wasn't the favorite class that I wasn't friends with a lot of people so like I
01:19:35| was probably like one step ahead of the biggest loser in the class that's right so weird so wait who are you uninviting the biggest loser yes oh god that's me I'm
01:19:48| banding up with him to take on the popular kids or something I don't know hasn't happened that's that's cold that's cold bully is cold yeah the next lowest bully
01:19:57| but only a small percentage probably people out there remember these birthday parties oh wow to conclude we talked about uh the tide pot challenge farm parties
01:20:12| cinnamon challenge Robo tripping dice and salt challenge actually do you ever do that one no you put so on and your skin and then you put ice on top of it yeah yeah of course it does
01:20:24| salt episode 70 something awesome and there's no end to them like the list keeps going starts with hide-and-seek did you know the Romans used to play
01:20:40| hopscotch no but I did Roman soldier Egyptians like love board games did they seem a thousand years ago they were buried with four games that they liked his kids so it all kind of starts with
01:20:53| boredom right you just need something to do like it occurred to me after doing these lists in this whole episode that that's a good portion of my life that I don't really talk about often these
01:21:06| games these adventures these competitions these tags these who's cool will get playing the game does it get superseded by like the next version of the game like don't you graduate from
01:21:17| playing tag you probably move on to in our lives those video games catching women or do you think it's also catching women is that like that's kind of like linguistics podcasts how many viewers
01:21:31| can you get hot Candace maybe beers can you get in there yeah a few yeah career-wise the amount of money you may lose that that's a game right yeah and how you spend it what you do with it so
01:21:45| we never stop playing games the games just kind of changed for them and it's crazy that even before the Internet these games were spread throughout everyone it's just to me it's
01:21:56| wild I think it's actually really cool and I will never not look back on my time unlike Elbridge Street or like playing at Mac's buyer somebody Hall name-drop anyone knows where Max Myers
01:22:09| Park is god bless them but we will play games here and do this and all that and it's just maybe the future kids won't play as many outdoor games but they'll still play games I think playing games
01:22:21| is a part of being human I think you'll find out I think we'll find out next five years easily how active our children are yeah that's when I will say there was a like Halloween was recent
01:22:35| even though this is six months ago and there were a lot of people out like in the neighborhood that I didn't think did you get it yeah I mean I was kind of rainy and like it was it's goin weirdly
01:22:47| it was 65 and warm and sunny that day we're here and you know what hey did you have a lot of a lot of kids run around doing random stuff now we're like we're like 14 people come to our house huh
01:22:59| we're at the end of the block and all the other houses are dark yeah so it's not it's a value oriented attack exactly a little bit a little bit but there weren't surprising number of kids out
01:23:12| there so things are still going out folks everyone who's looking at Facebook posts right now and say kids don't remember what this is and it's like a baseball
01:23:21| bat or like a glove or going outside palms kids go outside yeah seeker says good kids probably don't know what they are huh but anyway like kids might not remember the individual equipment that's
01:23:34| going on but kids still go outside and whether they go out as much maybe not and really if you could keep playing these games throughout your entire life like this that freedom in your eyes yeah
01:23:48| playing tag because I mean that sounds like fun like at some point you realize that there's not much more to life than just trying to enjoy yourself have you ever
01:23:58| seen the tag world tournament yes playing in a league set up with all those it's got like those obstacles these people slide over and slide through and go around so I guess you can
01:24:09| still do it as an adult you just look like a freak yeah and the problem is if you're not really good at it you stop doing it true like the people that are best at it sure if you can make a lot of
01:24:22| money doing it I'm not against that go for it but if you are average at best like if you imagine yourself you and I yeah I twisted my ankle we'd work I was tagged it seemed like one of those
01:24:41| triples arms and they like what happened I lost a game attack don't talk to him about it please please please so folks what we're saying is go buy a
01:24:54| three pack of tennis balls just come around with you for like a day or two and that's um around a little bit see what's going on a little fun think about some old games you played you can post
01:25:07| them in the comments here you can talk about things we may have missed games were in missed slogans we may have missed base can't touch us why did every game have base hmm I play
01:25:19| with my cousin's a lot and everyone was always at base like half the time small base you can tag us at safety of course it was but you know did you make up games did you play your own games did
01:25:30| you play different variants of games let us know yeah kids be playing games folks we'd love to hear from you uh would too I said I if it's an app I it didn't thanks for tuning in we like you just
01:25:48| you just you listening right now we like you a lot folk thanks

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