The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP120 Financial Independence Retirement

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

KeyItems UnP120 Financial Independence Retirement

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 120 - Financial Independence Retirement as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | student loan, credit card debt, entertainment purposes
00:01:00 | finances, money debt, everyone is involved, grand slam
00:02:00 | home stout
00:03:00 | annealing, bio enhances, technically prepping, penn state, engineering
00:04:00 | drexel, grand, style points, subsidized, stafford
00:05:00 | student loan, given money
00:06:00 | prettiest, architect er, flowing everywhere, delawarians women, delaware
00:07:00 | take side, loans, delaware, unprivileged, plans housing
00:08:00 | different loans, student
00:09:00 | subsidized, wait slave
00:10:00 | electrical engineering, horndog makes, penn state
00:11:00 | pay, company takes, interest, month, dad's company, grand, entertain food, probably costs
00:12:00 | my finances, month, seven grand, loans my, pay
00:13:00 | payment, credit card, spend, month
00:14:00 | month, health, thank-oo, add incidentals, thousand dollars, spend, pay, credit card debt, car insurance
00:15:00 | pay, car insurance, five hundred, keep aside
00:16:00 | game he wants, engineering, thousand dollars, lasted, eight thousand, losing organ
00:17:00 | my finances, minimum
00:18:00 | authorized, credit card, using credit
00:19:00 | credit cards, debt, citizens bank, payment, haven't missed
00:20:00 | student, haven't missed, payment payment, lower my, credit
00:21:00 | shitty way, always converted, roth ira, k, retirement
00:22:00 | break even, wage, minimum
00:24:00 | break even
00:25:00 | solvency, financially, ap, loans, month, five hundred
00:26:00 | credit card debt, thousand dollars, five hundred, ten five
00:27:00 | dollars, medicine woven, geico paid, absolutely necessary, minimum
00:28:00 | spend, fast food
00:29:00 | glider dot-com, money clatters
00:30:00 | spend
00:31:00 | spends, half two, costs, buy food
00:33:00 | costs, spending
00:34:00 | lifestyle, spend, pay, miser, financially
00:35:00 | kensington competitor, rival competitor
00:36:00 | dollars, month, week a week
00:37:00 | spends, early starts, taking care
00:38:00 | vacation still, nicholas meals
00:39:00 | health, taking care, expense
00:40:00 | expenses, spreadsheet, spending, authorized, rewards, credit cards, checking accounts, five hundred
00:41:00 | rewards, checking accounts, certain requirements, twelve, poor people
00:42:00 | citizens bank, miser, minimum, dollars
00:44:00 | grand, thousand dollars, my other debt and my
00:45:00 | student loan, car payment car, retirement, financial, k, profit sharing, insurance
00:46:00 | grand, month, expenses, insurance packages, full family, doubler
00:47:00 | upfront works, insurance, pay, health, plan the high
00:48:00 | taxable, seven thousand, health savings account, income, k, hsa
00:49:00 | expense, dollars, pay tax, spend, taxed, health savings account
00:50:00 | hsa
00:51:00 | k, roth ira, taxable, interest
00:52:00 | k, wait half
00:53:00 | pay tax, k, still turned, grand
00:54:00 | going good, roth, thousand dollars, interest, pay, taxed
00:55:00 | roth ira, thousand dollars, k, approved, proof ism
00:56:00 | dollars, interest, pay
00:57:00 | debt, interest, twelve, dollars
00:58:00 | interest, grand, savings percent, people lookie
00:59:00 | poor people
01:00:00 | solvency, stage, debt, accounts, basic needs, ad dollars
01:01:00 | costs, stage, basic needs
01:02:00 | student loan, nine years
01:03:00 | income, pay, loan, student, stage, compounds
01:04:00 | afford excel, lifestyle, my body, building old, bother makes
01:05:00 | nine years, lifestyle, lasted
01:06:00 | half two, financial, african-american community
01:07:00 | structure woman
01:09:00 | stagnate, body gets
01:10:00 | shitty minimum-wage jobs that shitty, insurance, humanity __
01:11:00 | pay
01:12:00 | spend
01:13:00 | well nude, terrible enjoy, my body
01:14:00 | interest, student, credit card, __ pay, ap y
01:15:00 | meatwad won

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