The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP121 Midlife Crisis Career Money Family

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

KeyItems UnP121 Midlife Crisis Career Money Family

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 121 - Midlife Crisis Career Money Family as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | midlife crises, colleges
00:01:00 | midlife crisis
00:02:00 | midlife crisis, bizarre, lee crap
00:03:00 | life expectancy, always it's always
00:04:00 | moving goalposts, harley, businessman
00:05:00 | moving goalposts
00:06:00 | playing soccer, boats, hobby named, bottle baby, bottles mouth, term refers
00:07:00 | midlife crisis, releases, midlife crises, feel midlife
00:08:00 | wings, my stomach, athleticism everything, shirtless runaround, diving, my body
00:09:00 | contact, mississippi, my sex life
00:10:00 | longer sexy
00:11:00 | balding, hairlines, age group, comparing yourself, set yourself, peak, twenty-four twenty-seven
00:12:00 | positive you're projecting a positive, stay flat, worldly, peak, good surprises
00:13:00 | surprise, sport physical, personal abilities, roots, deeper
00:14:00 | roots, deeper, midlife crisis, harley, wednesday picking, push back, free time
00:15:00 | young, diving, time is spent
00:16:00 | rinse
00:17:00 | midlife crisis
00:18:00 | crisis, free time, spouse, scary thought, dishes needed
00:19:00 | previous self, __, younger dan, free time is spent
00:20:00 | realization, goal
00:21:00 | set yourself
00:22:00 | my age, bizarre, touch your toes
00:23:00 | abilities, proficient
00:24:00 | focusing, getting older, rigid stuck
00:25:00 | proficient, wasting, goddamn, my body
00:26:00 | roots, toes look, touch your toes
00:27:00 | still wasting, focusing, restart, career
00:28:00 | lost one-dimensional, crisis, __, completely unaware
00:29:00 | goes wild, path, smith voice
00:30:00 | path, my all my, skill points, unlock, skill tree, goddamn
00:31:00 | __, path, wash rinse, midlife
00:32:00 | uncle nicky, fail together, time they see, legs nicky, chicken legs
00:33:00 | time they see, relive
00:34:00 | younger kids, grandparents, midlife crisis
00:35:00 | career, varies, person person, midlife crisis, decade, bizarre, thirty nine
00:36:00 | two midlife, kids reach, midlife crisis, expectancy, three lives
00:38:00 | goal, winning
00:39:00 | midlife, crisis n-no
00:40:00 | muscular spasms, __, victims
00:41:00 | thence, literally ignore old people, nests
00:42:00 | fail, ignore old
00:43:00 | surprise
00:45:00 | center reading, different teachers, goddamn, jon krakauer
00:46:00 | summer, __, freedom ghetto, nothing mattered, finally noticing men, women's bodies, men you're finally
00:47:00 | second moment, summer, free time, path
00:49:00 | show text, friends usually, __
00:50:00 | wife seems
00:51:00 | midlife, realization, getting older
00:52:00 | image, tell the world
00:53:00 | saving my, harley, image, weird finality, tell the world
00:54:00 | multiple parents, nothing grandparents, my age
00:55:00 | advice curious, honest opinion
00:56:00 | conversations, __
00:57:00 | plan nik, young, __, eight conversations
00:59:00 | midlife crisis, avoiding dying, grave essentially
01:00:00 | young, zeya
01:01:00 | restart, harley
01:02:00 | serial restart, __
01:03:00 | seven weeks
01:04:00 | crisis, reviewers, young women
01:05:00 | cortisone core, upper-class client, midlife crisis, young, older shell, person inside, gus touts, midlife crises, aiding, show fueled
01:06:00 | midlife crisis, young person, goddamn
01:07:00 | __, young, ignore old, bobby people

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