The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP034 Best Friend Disappoints Expectations

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Transcript UnP034 Best Friend Disappoints Expectations

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 34 - Best Friend Disappoints Expectations
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00:00:00| all right yes we're live I've never started with so we're live because they're in our streams who were live whoa so we're live yeah and I'm Dan I'm Nick together we form a
00:00:10| duo on panders yeah and my phone just started thinking oh probably because of ice cream yeah that's not that exciting I thought it was like you know people liked I good yeah I thought so when you
00:00:24| get older people stop liking you I remember thinking Dan I could call my friends all day every day and their phone numbers memorized I can talk to them forever
00:00:34| now I'm forced to talk to one friend for over an hour every week or so and I think he's got split up yeah that's how it works you get snap it's that is well welcome
00:00:44| to the podcast the switch the twitch the sweats watch yeah the old dream come true folks the living it here yeah well something we like to do called a given gab given cap like that just came up
00:01:00| with it on the fly yeah it's pretty good I'll give it to you I'm gonna fight it we give a little we gab a lot yeah casual discussion between friends about whatever comes up anything and
00:01:13| everything maintain an older only for the most part unless you're okay with it parents Luka what we do here is we kind of hear that dream state we're having like a kind of a scary dream and it's
00:01:28| too realistic and you have all these real fears there's nobody for you to start to mount and build up and then eventually you just you wake away from the dream and as you realize it's all
00:01:36| not really not real you're just ah and then you go back to sleep in I think they call it lucid dreaming where you know you're dreaming you can manipulate it you can turn it around it's good no I
00:01:47| can't manipulate it at all but I do know when I'm dreaming and the best way to fight a nightmare is become really boring like you know you're running between something and inviting yourself
00:02:00| well like you're running from a monster and you can feel like something behind you your chest is tight like the room feels weird like you're running as fast as you can but like for some reason
00:02:09| you're going slower than usual oh yeah well the lobsters catch me right and my brain I'm like it's a dream so then I just do this and I like drag my legs like I'm not really trying to
00:02:19| get away get mean and then right I'm like go ahead get me on board and like the dream doesn't have a way to combat that it's like I'm trying to scare you I'm not gonna get you and it's like it
00:02:30| and you're like please hurry up and you'll never get caught and it'll become boring like it's like it was chasing you chasing you now you stop and it's like we're gonna get you so you both stop you
00:02:42| turn around and start making out with the monster and the monster girl oh get away it's like come on nobody likes me it becomes a real nightmare that's what kind of Everett is that looks good
00:02:58| ginger ale maybe mm-hmm no I go ginger I'm a ginger guy ginger ale that I had some backup beers that I'm beverages that I brought in and my backup might - my backup is a seven seven that's nice
00:03:16| it's actually a classy drink I almost drank on camera tonight a 40 of mg/day I have in the fridge you ever do ads before tea hands yeah I did I feel like it didn't go as fun or his plan and so
00:03:31| on had to pee and then like we had to untape them and like we're gonna tape when I came back out and then like it just it ended up just being everyone's drunk and someone spilled one and that
00:03:41| was a lot of wasted tape plus the beers it's fun but in 40s files are warm what the 40 beers are awful anyway they're terrible that is a freshman your type of thing you can't do this junior senior
00:03:54| year that's the cycle can't do it when you're 30-something at home and they look yeah okay you're killing the wife's nagging is like will you keep it down you're like oh babe I can't my hands are
00:04:06| stuck you gotta you're up I can't do the dishes to another day I got 42 mins she just like like she takes away from falling off that finger yep yeah feeling fresh though we were gonna
00:04:28| play for tonight but we decided to do a regular episode of the unmanned Gers and I'm getting quite close on I don't have any expectation so I can't really get disappointed I just kind of like
00:04:42| understand that I'm not going to do well but I'm trying to interested I think there's certain tricks that you figure out in any video game and this one has a lot of them because you're trying to do
00:04:50| them all at the same time that it takes a it takes like being in a different mindset and getting deep into it for you to really be fluid doing it interesting I guess the only way to get good at a
00:05:03| video game is to break it down to its base components and find ways to cheat each base component and build where they're shaping on seconds here or building off aim here or like people
00:05:14| always do X so you can do Y like I don't know yeah it's like gaming with a sniper rifle and it has like bullet drop and timing it's like a slow fade that you have to like time where that guy's going
00:05:24| like sir does that happen before tonight yes it does does it mmm I didn't do that yeah so it makes it extra layers of tricky when they're farther away from you I'm just gonna say that now there's
00:05:35| that build into the bullets code like when someone shoots the gun in a video game there's nothing atmospheric going on right even if the person is 10 miles
00:05:44| away it just takes into their distance you know effect yeah it does a point-to-point comparison and then applies fake presence to it to make it drop then I'll have an engine that
00:05:55| accounts for real wind or anything better like there was real wind well because it would account for 99 percent of the time the wind exists it wouldn't even affect anything in the game but the
00:06:05| once in a while you'd be throwing something in the air or whatever hey the only games that I've ever seen a account for wind it's a golf like those golf games you're like you're right but but
00:06:17| that's a constant - like that one's uh yeah it's not changing weather I guess it's changing you know but like other than having a wind meter like how would people listen to the wind and you're
00:06:29| like towers direction there's there's it there's a button to put your hand to your ear you see your finger come out screen is like pretty exciting yeah that would make it fair though cuz
00:06:45| no one ever really predict into weather yeah there it would change the difficulty curve by making it ridiculously hard so that no one else could do it listen you're getting people
00:06:55| just running up and stabbing instead they'd throw the sniper rifle away they'd yeah yeah hmm interesting so for tonight guy now huh might be our next episode
00:07:06| yeah I can't want to be good at it before we do it but I don't think that's gonna happen are you a builder some people say they can't get a hang a building at all like
00:07:15| even they've been playing for weeks and months and they just can't do it I could do it quickly but not what I'm fighting someone I'm always like I put it this way it's like if your guns are
00:07:24| in a basket actually rather than like in a bag you have a sack of guns and you have a sack of building materials like you're reaching in with both arms trying to pull out the right things and
00:07:34| whatever you pull them out it's like maybe a 50/50 shot whether one is right or not right that happened to me a couple times where you just hit the wrong button then you're like you
00:07:44| literally it's up to chance you're like which one's coming out which one's coming up but that's I guess it's a repetition thing you would figure out you just start jamming the keyboard yeah
00:07:52| yeah yeah fear kicks in oh this is a good feeling now a little bit fear when you don't know what's gonna happen when you press a button a little bit I did watch part
00:08:02| of the fortnight that we played last time and uh huh I think we were down to the last five or six guys yeah we're I remember that one I had yeah I went down I was crawling around
00:08:11| and you were charging after the guy after he killed me and you whipped out the sledgehammer thing and yes it was already out like we're gonna do like I wanted to shoot my gun but I pulled the
00:08:23| pick a committed to it by chance yeah once you commit I was like we're facing each other I have to hit attack even if it's just the axe at that point he's backpedaling he's like I'm gonna you're
00:08:34| dead yeah and then I love how you totally like after you did it you're just like yeah that happened you're like you didn't even you were like you're like
00:08:41| damn it oh god I mean because I well it was funny because as you mention that at that instant I knew hitting the switch button would give one of my weapons and I had no clue to
00:08:52| know which one it was so I just I just prayed to God and he let me down I was disappointed yeah comment be negative mark do you remember you did check marks here he's like all
00:09:24| right all right all right those cancel do that okay so maybe maybe next time we're gonna play that and then I got to figure out how to actually play it and be quick about it cause I did
00:09:36| watch since we're new to do it Ranjan the experts play they're just like they're going directly at people and they know exactly what to do to get around them and defend themselves and
00:09:47| then attack them like they're essentially build yeah there is first attack later exactly they get the height advantage and they just take the high ground and Beach down from the high
00:09:58| ground hmm and quickness the quickness is teachers THM so corrections or clarifications from last time do you have anything you did want to go to a shotgun I think they did that was it I
00:10:21| would like to clarify that the pin number for Nick's debit card is one five five seven yeah the Magnum magnetic strip does not work you got a chip and pin and then you got to pick a cash
00:10:40| register cashier that's a little older make awkward conversation and wink at her a little bit cuz that's the only way that Nick gets to pay off his it's gross the only way I think were use my debit
00:10:50| card funny old yeah what would uh how crazy would that be if the random four-digit number you picked was my debit card number that's why I was sitting by her like oh she's cut
00:11:03| no cuz it's yours then you figure it you like it I like it a lot hmm hmm do you know why I did not drink my 40 hammer today yeah I bought it um 2009 Sunday February 2nd ish
00:11:28| oh yeah that's over a month ago mm-hmm roughly 55 days ago yeah uh-huh Eagle Super Bowl oh I was gonna drink it in celebration but you never got to celebrate no no I was celebrating all
00:11:45| night Menka my brother-in-law showed up and we were drinking liquor and shots that went you know we had a good time but um I kept waiting and I figured Villanova is
00:11:54| in the Final Four tonight they're actually in the final game they're playing the night I that's already playing right it's already going yes it started at 9:20 9:30 or something yeah
00:12:04| so I wanted to start drinking in celebration of Villanova win and then I thought ooh bad form you imagine my start drinking it on camera and they lose cuz they're a favorite I never
00:12:13| liked being a favorite they're a favorite really we're gonna be a chigan that's a favorite I don't know I didn't catch the online spread the gambling spread so I'm not sure Vegas finds them
00:12:25| favorite but I believe they are ha so if I drank that 40 it would have been in bad taste and the only way I know that they're playing Michigan is that there's a Michigan guy in our meetings he was
00:12:36| talkin sorry where is stuff he was wearing blue today he's kind of a little cocky a little late connects to he's you where do you want any high school stuff like commemorating your high school I
00:12:49| have still have a t-shirt that says Lestat that's right what about College do you wear college stuff I have sweat pants and stuff okay whatever but it's not like you purposely go out of your
00:13:08| way to like support them or not no the only thing I would wear is like a golf shirt okay that makes sense at all whatever but I don't be I think I lost that I
00:13:18| don't know what happened to it and you don't care not really cuz the I was watching Wheel of Fortune then at the college one and you know they were the sweatshirts that's like they're the
00:13:29| school and all I was like how cool it baby got picked for your school and whatever you're there you're everyone's rooting and you just were like a plain gray t-shirt or something like they
00:13:39| don't even let you like that's like a no-go they're like where's your school sweater I feel like that's a Mike thing to do you just have like it's comfortable man this is this is just who
00:13:54| I am my natural energies flow if you get a problem with it that's on you that's our friend Mike he's getting like a sunburn mark that's just like the Twitter yeah
00:14:06| it's in the shape of the holes in yeah we can Oh what the hell was mine oh okay cool mine's very recent you've got a tie on now I'm thinking to get in my next
00:14:28| tattoo but it's not gonna be here I think I'm gonna get it uh I don't know where how much would it like if someone said I want to put a tattoo on you I'm gonna pay you money
00:14:36| put it on there how listen they're not gonna tell you what it is how much we dog that's not changes everything it's a viagra and it's a penis soft and next new penis hard and it says viagra
00:14:47| underneath it's like nah I ain't getting that for whatever oh my god like two by two inches well how much would you like would they have to pay you fruit for them to but I have to see it and as long
00:14:58| as it's like neutral like I'm not again I want no weird you know what I kill dollars what you're saying oh do for a million probably almost no matter what a swastika
00:15:08| well because wait cuz if you get a million for it what's laser laser removal yeah it's not that much is there is it in the rules that it's like for years you have to keep it or something
00:15:17| good to me I'm gonna add that to the contract baby your whole life until you die right to the moment you die and that laser it off when you've dead corpse
00:15:30| you will not be buried with it thank goodness what do you think happens with the whole Jewish thing like you know if you're Jewish not allowed to be buried with a
00:15:39| tattoo what is that real it's yeah it's an old school thing like mostly old school like older Jewish guys and ladies and dames so they called Amstel yeah check it out
00:15:54| but I mean I imagine it's so mainstream now that there's probably plenty in the Jewish community that have tattoos and I guess they're getting buried I guess it does forbid tattoos I've never seen you
00:16:07| don't read up on your Talmud oh yeah I wish I could speak in whatever that language that I - yeah - it simply educated no I just it like I'm crawling up where I did it was like half Jewish
00:16:20| kids and half Catholic school kids and that was our crew but it was mostly the white kids and then like we would play with the Puerto Rican kids but they had their own group like it wasn't an
00:16:31| intentional or anything but like and then the black kids almost lay off the buckets and then we would all go to the playground the other and buy stuff but but the white group was Jewish food
00:16:40| Catholic at least in my neighborhood I'm talking like in a five-block radius yeah yeah you're in the city yeah that's right I was I was in a homogeneous area of the suburbs that was all white people
00:16:52| I don't remember that person until 6:00 yeah pretty baby that's crazy and even then he is like proper English he turns out to be a doctor and you're like huh hello sir he moved to the
00:17:06| suburbs to get away from the people in the city it's crazy man I'm catching up on my my Jewish knowledge though I'm watching uh comedians in cars getting coffee no I never saw like what is that
00:17:21| is a commentary on his own life or the comedy scene or something it's him catching up with old friends people he knows he goes through so much wounds or like most emergencies I guess well
00:17:32| because of where he came from and his growing up I got to write a lot of pastrami sandwiches delis that's cool coffee - good deli we go for pastrami sandwich I've noticed
00:17:45| a lot of like the comedians because they're Jewish they have like a Jewish heritage that they joke about like it's I don't know if it's my first thing to talk about religious heritage
00:17:55| but I don't think the Catholics are is funny I think would be think about it dude what's one of the funniest things we still talk about probably ended up on the podcast are you going off for you
00:18:04| Crist yelling at the kid and he was like no no I had a big breakfast I guess no family asleep we stood now I'm good I'm good Jesus jokes are still pretty popular I
00:18:14| guess I'm not I suppose I suppose I need to be put in a different it's also right it's also different I feel like Jewish is the one thing where it's almost like a nationality and religion like there
00:18:25| was a differentiation differentiation but right there's a physical I'm not gonna say it's well I'm gonna say it it's like there's a physical differentiator like you can almost tell
00:18:36| someone's Jewish and then they have a last name that's Jewish and then so there's a whole aura that comes with a like a Jewish person that usually you can tell you usually yeah oh great
00:18:45| because I think they are more traditional than most groups look that's what keeps the old traditions alive I mean think about it if they want they'd be like you wouldn't be able to tell at
00:18:54| all they'd be changed their names changing looks changing their tattoos new tattoos on tattoos like you know I think the religions so old that people believe that it's going to somehow we're
00:19:04| like in the golden years that are gonna retreat back to the Middle Ages so that they're like preparing like if you're eating like pickles and pastrami sandwich like that's probably pretty
00:19:13| safe because it's been like like putting Brian and all sorts of stuff so like you meet that like the kosher stuff like if you didn't have all this like antibiotics and all sorts of stuff you'd
00:19:22| want to eat something that was pretty healthy kosher and butchered properly so it's like well it's pretty important if you look back then which we might go back to hey hmm we turn this world of
00:19:31| shit well not to mention you got a 50-50 shot and this food is the same as this one except it's blessed yeah give me the blessed food it's like see belief no no but but listen just in case yeah there's
00:19:47| the exact same ring but I bless this one and this one asked by priests I mean you pick I'll take the blessed one bless on the same price yeah I think it
00:19:58| same as that price yeah it tastes good he's good I don't know that's fair hmm okay I know we got there hmm I don't know about my new tattoo please move out my tattoo
00:20:14| no I forget don't smoke or smile again you're like oh I remember it and then I distracted you good drink my java bill no fun mm-hmm oh yeah speaking of Villanova I did for those at home I did
00:20:33| go to Villanova it was like a Saturday in my sophomore year Saturday night that's it that was the joke everyone at home thought I meant I went to Villanova from four years and graduated yeah no no
00:20:46| I went I went their day on a Saturday yeah no no no I probably on the podcast the only thing I remember about it is we came up with like all these nicknames for our boring it was it wasn't it was
00:20:57| all right okay vanilla Nova average yes vanilla Nova vanilla villain no fun that's a good one I was like college if they just took you for a day and we're like you have to pass every test you
00:21:09| would normally take in college in one day and then see how you did like I think most people would actually pass if I just hit him with a yes I had this discussion with myself earlier when they
00:21:19| say this 38 year old woman with three kids found herself taking night courses and passed a college-level course again it's incredible I find myself thinking which one the
00:21:33| incredible moment or no the incredible part isn't the college course almost every college course I've taken except one was relatively easy well mine was a organic chemistry I actually tough time
00:21:45| with but that's because I also didn't study I got like a 42 out of 100 which was a si si but I don't really kick my ass I think I hit once when I got 38 out of 100 none was a d-plus like no real
00:21:59| back getting on the line there get in line here but um yeah most science whatever math English whatever course you take in college or it's like any
00:22:11| other course you just figure out what they want you to regurgitate back to them and you can get a seat it would be easily then if you push it a little bit you can get an a like it's not an
00:22:19| intelligence thing I find usually it's a convenience thing like if you're a 38 year old mother of three you don't have the time to go to college or single marine to play or whatever mother yeah
00:22:29| that's what I'm saying a single mother of three like you made you find the time like I hats off if you can take the college courses find the time to do it the actual information I'm not impressed
00:22:38| yeah you can order difference the college place well they probably won't pass college now right no I'm saying College information is very easy
00:22:48| I find it yeah I could take I can take eight more years of school and get all straight b-plus as aids there are only a couple I wouldn't what I couldn't do is find the money or time to do it if you
00:22:57| follow me yeah yeah they're only a couple courses that I I had a hard time with one of them was uh advanced physics yeah that wager sounds a little tough yeah the teacher spoke and like
00:23:08| trigonometry and he like did everything in like an advanced equation it took until probably the end of the class to be like previous oh he's talking your it took a long time everyone in the class
00:23:20| like they just like stopped taking notes like give me whatever grade everyone else is gonna get we're all gonna great stuff that's funny because I was behind in math in high school because of where
00:23:31| my school was decided we had bad math classes in my grade school so when I took the advanced level Sciences like everything was really fairly easy and then we did like three things in a row
00:23:41| where it was like just use trigonometry and I was like I don't what what are you saying I never took trig so for a course in science my sophomore year I had to
00:23:52| answer problems with trigonometric in high some no not no no way I did but by junior years so I was taking a sophomore science class and they were like just use trig and I was like what's a sin
00:24:03| they're like sine cosine and I was like what are you saying and they were like just do what you do an F and I'm like I don't know what you're doing so I had to teach myself trigonometry sophomore year
00:24:16| to take the science course maybe that's a lie the next year I took trigonometry in math and was much easier so I can hide I was in an advanced physics I was the youngest
00:24:26| guy in the class I think and like now I understand why the other kids didn't get it it's like they had never been taught the previous math course that would allow them yes yes yes yes and again if
00:24:38| I hit an advanced math classes with it I probably might but I was behind in math like grade school was notoriously bad I think both one right so now we've discussed all the courses in the way
00:24:49| that works yeah everyone who's been checking in me like these guys are rip-roaring draw area line guys kill it you gotta check it out yeah tell their friends yo the UM panders are on hurry
00:25:01| up login then you're gonna let your behind off check-in folks behinds I laughs your syllabus we're gonna go this is the next anyway advanced physics hmm
00:25:15| so my smoker smile is really simple so yeah that's what I like to hear Texas gets these giant wasps that I just hate I've been stung by them they're in the bushes you can't get them out of
00:25:27| there you could spray them every now and then but they have to be like really obvious so the worst is when you have a wasp in your car and sometimes I'll leave the windows down in my garage so
00:25:37| they just get in there and then you have to like cool you're like why you're driving yeah try to dodge them while they drive which I SWAT him out lower the windows the greatest retribution was
00:25:47| that I found one caught in my garage door its wing got stuck right in the crack as it shut it's like what are the chances was at a very low very low but I I crushed that thing it was like he's
00:26:07| trying to get out of there but he was he was pinned yeah getting down love PETA you need a call Dan from the unban ders and so my foot crushes another ancestor you're saying you weren't in any danger
00:26:21| I would you're saying to me there was no immediate threat to you or anyone you knew you just killed this thing that mod is plotting he's plotting against my son he's gonna get in my car and sting him I
00:26:31| know it yes it was a white Anglo Saxon Protestant good old wasp from the Northeast and is under the garage door just stomp them to death eminent domain now out of my property
00:26:51| defending my family stomping this poor white anglo-saxon Protestant as I say right yeah yes yes you did it's actually kind of hard to say anglo-saxon Protestant who got got a scenario I
00:27:07| actually had a oh well let's do you can pick which one you wanna go first with okay cuz I got one to 400k go go scenario let's hear so I imagine there's an alien that is transformed but
00:27:24| they change to look like they're human okay what do they do wrong that gives them away as an alien like what parts of being a human can the eyes their eyes thank you know what you do with your
00:27:37| eyes how you like I don't ever talks about yeah stairs it was like staring at you the whole time and didn't blinker me like he likes is attentively were like let's put my face in their direction to
00:27:50| listen to conversation like it's little things uh because I think they say ninety percent I made that number I'll call me I sure went with it ninety percent of your
00:28:00| facial learning is done in the first two years of your life clearly human learning well but I mean from a child you know disappointed look you know looking too long you know weird features
00:28:12| you know disgust you know yeah sleeping not day I don't think an alien would learn that but I mean an alien would sure and have at the body they'd have no letter to little physical idiosyncrasies
00:28:31| especially the eyes even if they shut that up and we're like I don't want to talk too much because I'll sound like an idiot I'll screw something up they were just like this they could be like a
00:28:39| squinty person though you couldn't really I would know an alien in fact maybe that's why the dude from 30 rock from the Sun or third Rock from the Sun or what if
00:28:49| yes 30 rock hoes Olli is going like this yeah the guy he's trying to physical disability where he always looked like that because I'd be a jerk there was a John Lithgow yep
00:29:02| what's her name gordon-levitt oh yeah yeah yeah let it let it sure and they bond and then the other guy yes I feel like was on like turn F man or something is that him I don't know I know it does
00:29:20| look like him it's it's not him this is a there was no aging going on you know II mean that's rare alright yeah that's why I'm going with the ice holder like casting that person in the
00:29:34| show like you're judging how much of an alien of these people act and look I was gonna say maybe you don't that's even better he just comes up he's trying to read the
00:29:47| papers of cool well Joseph there's like he's got the part yeah this guy's good ah good stuff um no my smoker smile I just remember what it was I discovered a new metal band I
00:30:04| don't listen to metal anymore I'm older now like I have to listen stuff out loud a lot not with my fancy headphones so it's like hard and you know with the whole metal it's crazy in phones I still
00:30:16| have them but like it's when do I get to use them you know I mean it's the curse of the haves and the have-nots $5,000 headphones I had $5,000 headphones and there they cancel all noise around me
00:30:29| they sound like gold when you listen to them but there's no point in my life where I can do something for half an hour straight and I don't hear someone screaming for me or like damnit I was
00:30:40| saying something why weren't you listening so let's do a podcast with me but he was a perfect interruption I know I was waiting like I was yelling for an hour all right whatever I was listening
00:30:56| to metal today I caused it one of my recommendations on Google music or whatever doesn't have to pay for that now it's like 9 bucks a month I get 9 bucks a
00:31:07| month worth okay trust me I listen to a lot of music counts as a product plug google music free would be nicer but they do better recommendations than like YouTube
00:31:20| because YouTube gives you the same like like YouTube now they say Spotify gets really good ones but I'm not there and I want to make sure I said the name of the song first so I listened and I was like
00:31:34| huh whatever I was doing dishes and I found a group called sludge but they have an extra G in there and they do the the black metal spelling of the letter so you can hardly even tell it's the
00:31:45| word I love that like you know it looks like spider webs the words just look a black metal band names lunch every woo s lu g DG anyway shout out sludge i sell you g extra d no extra g s lu g they're
00:32:06| really not popular cuz they're not even showing log here slug DG e don't show up so slug I completely ignored you when you said slug oh we all this is awesome they have a picture of everything almost
00:32:25| I get all is like okay his slave goo world on there anyway I was listened to I was like this is like I enjoy this and I haven't enjoyed some new metal in like a few years you probably won't like you
00:32:37| have to be the mood to listen I kind of stuff I think cuz I haven't listened in a while it's just like it feels good my future here try a new feature we're gonna listen along no no no no no
00:32:46| there's ah you can insert music into this no no I can insert the web page as soon as it okay okay okay if it will load which you wish did you do YouTube of that song Myrtle I'm gonna do I'm
00:33:00| gonna try to click on second I say oh boy folks bear with us we're trying something brand spanking it you know here here's the unmannered we want to bring you the newest thing like
00:33:11| inserting a picture into a pod give give us an hour here we're gonna get a JPEG flying across the screen here but it's got all the all the details all the word I know that just a random band
00:33:24| names and yeah the lettering is like you can't read it it's all kind of squirrel yet yeah did you have her see there's a popular meme going around where it was like a concert
00:33:34| of like 12 black metal bands and they were all it looked like the exact same word 11 times with the 12 cuz rainbow bubble letters and it was like clown house that was the name that black metal
00:33:47| band and there's his rainbow bubbles and it looks so cool if I find it I'll send it to you whatever me but it's a popular meme I don't know what you say to like yeah yeah that's right rain and then
00:34:01| start it with black black metal band black metal band mean just try black metal name band name mean black metal band name mean I'm good at Google searches always saying it crap visual it
00:34:20| should if you can read the band name in the logo it's not brutal enough as that way no no but it would probably is it at Google page of results there's a lot of paid words you can't it looks like is
00:34:32| there is there one that's like 12 the same word and then one of the words is like a rainbow or look the damn same I can't even I know well you would be able to see the rainbow woman is it colored
00:34:42| you don't yeah it's like rainbow colored I thought yeah I'm going by memory or my search engine you see go ahead SCO pays off man I find that's what separates me from older people I'm good at google
00:34:56| searches and finding the exact result I want there like type in John Oliver show uh episode where Trump gets his EP a guy you gotta see this Nick and I'm like dad it's not how you search good lord
00:35:12| yeah there's only ones like that that was part you sent in in it party cannon yeah that might be the name of the group and is it is it a list of 12 and then like one of them says party cannon yeah
00:35:21| yeah yeah yeah that's the meme I think can you insert that funny what I mean okay party cannon I should know his party cannons that's such a good name for a band
00:35:30| I say clown house shake party cannon yeah there you go awesome anyway um this band that I'm listening to I'm enjoying I'm having a good time unbeknownst to me all of their
00:35:53| music is about space masks be it slugs squids sperm whales or not sperm whales sperm what's eat squids octopi snails like weaned wean the band we has I know a mollusk thing they love most right
00:36:12| right no no these guys eater for some reason well that's what these guys kind of say but it's a different group but you're right we does have a mollusk thing anyway um so coincidentally I was
00:36:24| pooping and checking reddit and on reddit there was a big thing on some new giant squid they found her something and I was reading on this giant squid while I didn't even realize I was still
00:36:36| listening to the group and I was just thinking their whole like album and I was like this is awesome and I started reading into this crazy stuff and it's like well you don't a claw so squid this
00:36:44| and I was like oh my god what's the colossal squid and I'm reading and it's like yeah but the biggest giant squid was 41 feet long and I was like oh my god 41 feet long and now you're like
00:36:53| going down the rabbit hole when I'm clicking all these Wikipedia pages and I spent maybe eight whole minutes just getting deeper and deeper into this giant squid world and being like freaked
00:37:03| out my skin was crawling little did I know I was listening to squid music too and I thought that was a really crazy coincidence and I was like woah right like the first quit to learn how to walk
00:37:14| on land it's like that's when the whole turn that's I couldn't allow if I saw a squid Oh land ho oh man or like a dog it was like my son walking on land not gonna happen we're not gonna allow that
00:37:27| we're gonna extinct yeah yeah yeah guy before that kind of extinction I don't have that mammoths no we're not there to bake white rhinos kind of docile but a little scary um
00:37:45| that was the last male that just died last week right yeah so what does that mean and they are donors or pregnant women around here you gotta find somebody to mate with those white rhinos
00:37:54| look anyone who compatible sperm Oh we're compatible docking these features see what doesn't have the print sperm but uh what does the airdog works any other rhinos could do you think they're
00:38:15| I know that one a Mike the male Rhino like someone was wrong with him he's too old he couldn't really like do get it yeah maybe cousin wasn't the pristine juice that they were looking for you
00:38:27| think the other rhinos were just like waiting for him to die they're like oh I'm over here I'm over here so it becomes like a okay what what kind of gray gray right now yeah great run white
00:38:42| rhino okay it's now it's mixed blood I guess yeah yeah um those does that work with them I don't can't a grizzly bear with Kenny grizzly bear have sex with a polar bear oh that's a good question I
00:38:54| really have no idea I'm imagining no no maybe no I'm gonna say no won't work again some really weird google results that you'd like to not just a picture of a
00:39:09| grizzly polar bear hybrid that is gray up top and brown on this what a fake is it fake you got an eye for fake the growler bear or app is Li bear it's in the Wikipedia so you know it's scholarly
00:39:21| look uh it looks like it has happened I will give you that Wow no I was going with no I leaned towards no so am L interesting fight they like they became that way because they were
00:39:36| unlike opposite areas of the world right so it's I guess she had to write short one and be like what's let's wait and see what happens here you know this dream right he's like someone
00:39:53| had to watch right I love science oh [Laughter] yeah wait I'm gonna put the picture up here I don't know please do not really yeah
00:40:05| this is a lot of work I should get extra bonus points for this well I don't know if it's working yet I'm actually gonna see you could be on the podcast and see I'm gonna I'm gonna try and open twitch
00:40:16| and see if it explodes the computer you bet i twisty I'm not zooming in I do want to see painters are they playing for tonight let's check it out start watching Oh
00:40:28| maturity oh my god like if you see the picture well I'm seeing like a stuffed bear and a stuffed toy yeah or is it taxidermy baby so they didn't have any pictures of it alive mm-hmm I don't
00:40:42| trust taxidermy to save my life I guess you could like taxidermy a sasquatch would be like this thing really really existed it made it a little wild grizzly bear may the squash squash Leigh squash
00:40:57| Leigh I can't I can't look at myself and the stupidest and it's too distracting it is everywhere I could I could I just could see myself too much well moving on to the next big thing is challenge so
00:41:15| every challenge everyone every challenge I sometimes I can't get enough of it I'll start cutting myself here I'll start cutting myself here I'll start cutting myself here is cutting I'm
00:41:27| cutting I'm cutting it on like celebrity it's coming out of my blood metaphorically don't do that metaphorically metaphorically don't do that physically yeah and this is a big
00:41:39| one David hog I know you're out there baby you David Hodges no audience no I know this is for the audience I know you are well aware you're very on top of current affairs and children from
00:41:55| glenda shooting he recognized him I don't know if you've seen it I know you don't ya okay Hollis is gay yeah this is Kizzy or is he like participate I'm trying to know I want him to go up
00:42:11| against alex jones his greatest detriment or what's the opposite kind of a background you have to get background David hog is a survivor of the parklands shooting yeah when the part isn't
00:42:24| Parkland High School shooting but um he's like the name in the face for the liberal movement right now he's like all these speeches right dude he's got like millions of followers what's real funny
00:42:34| is I was watching one of our old podcasts empty Emily okay and like two days after the pockets I was like I wouldn't be surprised if all these kids became famous like became the next
00:42:45| spokesmen became because they were very well put together very well-spoken very and they've got a following they have charisma and now there's a platform for them to speak that they
00:42:55| cannot be denied right social meeting right correct and there are they go LA and a followers and I don't know they can change the world but they can sort of they can put pressure on people like
00:43:06| the fact that CNN and like people are calling them out like that's if you're getting called out by right right it's not like you're just some kid from some school so shout out Parkland kids I want
00:43:18| David Hogg to get his chance in the ring against Alex Jones and the ring is in boxing yeah but I wanted to be a jello match I wanted to be in them tighty whities wrestling and jello how do you
00:43:33| get for charity choose a winner who chooses a winner are we the judge it's a it's a pin match yeah we're there okay I did have jello wrestling at one point in my life she
00:43:43| didn't yeah 21st birthday I spent like two days making a vat of jell-o I would heat it up I wanna like the coffeepot and then I'd pour it in and then like add a little packet and mix it up it was
00:43:57| a full pool of jello it took a long time the bag cost me like how many gelatin is worth a semi-closed I don't remember as my 21st birthday I got super and I was doing like ridiculous things
00:44:10| in there and people dumped it out because they were upset because I was wrestling in it women I I don't know Wow whoo I think my wife was actually one of the people I was wrestling with so that
00:44:25| might have been really cemented our relationship there ya hear that little guy growing up checking out Hey podcast that's where all became magic became real life so what you gotta do to find
00:44:39| the women is you make a giant trash can full of jell-o dump is a lot cool let's see who jumps in I thought you know who really loves you yes you do yes you do hmm you shout out that all the proceeds
00:44:54| would go to whatever charity what charity would like jello the most Bill Cosby sex offenders you know they're redoing his trial their rent he's gonna get off scot-free cause he has a lot of
00:45:09| money Sal works here's the issue they have to read will have to retrial everything whatever I don't understand how it works they're asking so far they've asked 120 people if they would
00:45:21| be jurors and they vent you and everything else you know what the number one question is 120 this is as of yesterday do you have any prior recognition of Bill Cosby and any
00:45:32| allegations against him uh yeah so all but like five were told to leave immediately and then of those five remaining like four were like ineligible probably because they like couldn't
00:45:44| speak English and just were nodding so like so far they have like one juror or something so if you're the biggest celebrity on the planet that means that no one could
00:45:54| be neutral it's not the word well if the first case gets thrown out especially Agnetha is now it's been like three months five months six months seven months
00:46:03| who the hell hasn't heard of Cosby juror crap yeah oh I know your mind is polluted by hearing about it so it's like everyone's heard of had so I don't know how that's
00:46:15| gonna work how could you betray it again I guess he found some evidence so because it's um I don't very confused as to what's legal what's not legal what's allowed what's not I
00:46:26| don't know have to come back with a clarification on that one we will given the action at Nick to a find out what was missed ride in that previous trial and also to make the
00:46:41| trashcan of jello because I don't want to do it again I also prefer blueberry and strawberry mixed together see if you do that we did I didn't know flavor okay no flavor really because you could care
00:46:54| less but well the sugar is not good for your skin election yet it gets all over places okay yes but you don't want insects crawling all over you because they're trying to get in your goodie
00:47:06| bits did you plan on passing in for like a week straight I just corpse okay okay since I guess I found also he's a weird stuff all over my body it took a while to get that all off hmm
00:47:20| glad I got I'm glad I got an invite by the way I think was it I mean you must have known you know what my birthday is right actually I can't remember it the second may it's coming up ten days away
00:47:35| so hold on was it end of the school year I guess people are finishing the school year yeah they're getting ready to take tests and stuff so you had people pace finished alright yeah but the people who
00:47:49| are already done they're just like oh they're 110 percent and I seem like group that's good a good job by them then you know I like to reminisce that was a good time felt like a good time
00:48:03| hmm well let's move on so the real important thing everyone wants to talk about till then yeah uh so he's been using Twitter a lot lately yeah he's trying to he's getting
00:48:20| a little a little caught vocal vocal oh yeah oh yeah yeah yes he is right that's kind of boy sees he's trying yeah tried to imagine cousin uh anyway we heard that anyway um he was making a
00:48:40| meme he likes to make memes like that's his thing like huh god bless him what kind of where can I find his memes ah check Twitter deigning Danny and Kate oh yeah yeah exactly
00:48:55| and and then go to just his own media his media should be all the pictures he makes so hold on you see his latest meme it's a moral comet individual it says the accounts
00:49:11| tweets are protected I'm not really yeah well if you got suspended but nothing funny first it's following I mean I can't see why he would protect his account I don't think he does
00:49:22| he knows you're coming well he was a child it's weird that's his old profile um what's that at mr. Danny Tatum Channing Tatum yeah mr. is it mr. and Brewster Danny Tatum yeah I think he
00:49:39| stopped using that one like that's so weird Oh creepy his over him fix it mr. banning Tatum they were plugging the man you gotta
00:49:50| check him out he's the best Falls the world is his real name he did not let them see it but any like it was media right so click on the first which is a jiff I say Jeff I was gonna rain wants
00:50:02| his gift so let's check it out he did this in the car the other day you can read it out loud all morning wait wait I don't even know what yesterday yesterday yesterday the car I
00:50:11| don't think so yeah there you go it's Lord Rayden great yeah I don't think so yeah no no he might have actually I'm not very pike what part of it is him getting me ma
00:50:26| fiying it just what he says when someone says nude a letís aren't real so do you remember nude alleys yeah I do so to bring it full circle that was something from Mortal Kombat it was a rumored
00:50:41| thing like that you could as a finishing move remember as they finish in like kind of straight could make it a little bit yeah well then it all on say say you're
00:50:51| misremembering I'll tell you so the only time that by the way Easter past happy easter everyone right let me I would okay one trying to bring a full certain lawyer kids now get Easter gifts do you
00:51:03| know this did you could get an Easter gift an Easter gift you can't it Wow say you're not from the East Coast we all get Easter gifts now I don't know
00:51:11| what's everyone's doing you my kid got a pirate ship it's something else anyway um when I was a kid I got one Easter gift it was the weirdest thing ever I was eight years old
00:51:24| okay I don't think so I don't think so Lord Rayden I got more comment to from my hand oh yeah she never got me Easter gifts before I never gotten an Easter gift and I never got moral coming to for
00:51:40| my aunt so I thought was awesome well you finished a guy you can do a fatality you can do an animality and there's babe a letís to remember those everybody out is you know like a baby
00:51:50| room okay all these things were real and you could their codes for it nude allottee was a rumor created on the Internet it never was true this happened but the internet wasn't I'm telling you
00:52:00| there's no nude ality you're one of those people were discussing Jesus you're looking up nude alleys okay there was there is no I guess I was just someone made their own exactly you were
00:52:13| you were how old 13 the internet wasn't even anything he never did I mean that that happened when I was 13 so how is how you make a fake like they don't even like have Photoshop back then let's
00:52:24| think of a 35 year old man he could figure out a way to make a fake because of pervert or reveries he's switching a couple polygons like how I'm graphing all these games are at the time anyway
00:52:35| so common knowledge to most people dan is that new dalla T's are fake right like that's the joke everyone thought they were real for the longest time they're fake
00:52:48| sorry ruin everything for you right well mr. Danny Tatum's girlfriend saw his meat and said I bet you love nude a letís you're disgusting and they got into a big fight
00:53:01| yeah and I said it's nice top and he said I couldn't even explain it I got real mad at her because that's what I was saying they're fake they're not even real and they got into a big fight over
00:53:12| new dalla T's in mortal combat and uh who got to this discussion where if new Daly's were real wooden eggs us for the male characters - what yeah I guess you know you can see any male nude a letís
00:53:30| anyway he almost broke up over nude alleys we did not please and everyone out there I think so they might look at the images at 13 you might not but you have to I mean if any game was gonna do
00:53:51| it it's gonna be more combat cuz they did a lot gruesome gruesome crap didn't Grand Theft Auto 3 how try new stuff or and then Lara Croft Tomb Raider had fake nude stuff right think so think so
00:54:06| can't remember the first game the head nude stuff that was like an actual like Sega Genesis game for Super Nintendo game it probably had to be police station or
00:54:15| beyond I would think I would think I can't remember any any games back then actually having somebody partially naked in there given innuendo I mean there's an innuendo probably in the text but you
00:54:30| didn't pick that up as a 13 year old 12 year old right all right all right hidden you I know I guess doesn't count but hmm dude I'm just telling you one quick thing before we get to the bra top
00:54:44| the main topic I'm ready for bed not really but I was sick feeling better now good I got a word for you and I feel like there's a word that there's a pairing so I self-aggrandizing
00:54:59| it's like you're praising yourself your puss to the utmost to the utmost like being on above and beyond yeah yeah and in excess there's a word that pairs with that that most people say as well ruse
00:55:11| kind I'm just gonna give you five seconds what the word might be that might match it was a real word against self aggrandizing yep pan yourself in the
00:55:21| back jerking it to the Queen give yourself the old high five ragged osius ah that's a good one I like our hands a good word yeah as you see me now I appreciate that
00:55:37| terribly but I am looking up because I've gotten several texts from my mother see there's a third viewer I just noticed now that no one's talking in the chat but we finally gotten I
00:55:50| should say another viewer because three who isn't as well I don't know how it is I probably click on something I don't know what the button is though well just curious so maybe it's maybe a standing
00:56:02| paid off huh maybe this girlfriend of today this is today's date huh Wow Villanova up 37:28 that's what I was looking off this whole time
00:56:12| got it you want that over yet funny time is the first quarter okay okay I'm good I'm good let's get to the big wall yeah you know that's perfect segue for disappointment over I will the main
00:56:41| reason mm-hmm so we were playing sieve thieves and the whole point of the game really is what to be a prime to have fun have fun be a pirate I can think goofy yeah so we hunted these guys for like an
00:56:58| hour oh my god you're gonna what about this I I talked to mr. dating Tatum he agreed with me you let the guys go yeah they hold on
00:57:07| tricked you into believing that they were friendly because they had no way I could care less about friendly they did something no one's ever done in a video game I thought it was the craziest thing
00:57:17| I've never seen people they know at least don't shoot us wasn't gonna work so that I liked the shooter you to take it take the one chest that we have one of he like I know
00:57:27| that's fine they didn't have tail Bambi's I saw these clowns 10 or 10 do you agree to it before I told you there were 10 cuz they could hear me talking I can't tell them he shoulda said anyway
00:57:41| but Sagada so what else is there to do a mother to be a pirate by the time it became by the time there was a chance to be a pirate you I remember being like where are you going and they're like you
00:57:52| were turning the wheel and I was like not there the other the other yeah no your your son I was the only time right now I needed I've never seen that I had to let that go I was so pissed that I
00:58:04| found them on the map again after you had signed off and I stole their chests and and put put him in for gold did you yeah I ran their ship and took their chests how made you get just one before
00:58:17| they but I got one I got the bull where did you put it they were going to the island so I rammed them right at the island took the chest ah Lydon ran to the oh okay yeah so see you're gonna say
00:58:32| disappointed I love see these I still play it I just played it for an hour today with my son cuz I lost today oh yeah it's fun I listen I like the I like to see like the relaxing feel oh no I
00:58:43| like the waves are like the judging the winds pulling the sails doing that kind of stuff sounds like you get a little old I could be losing your spawn but I also think I have more creativity you
00:58:57| have to make your own fun in this game I do you have trouble you're you're more Call of Duty guy you need the fun laid out in front of you is that it I don't know what fun there is and I came I
00:59:07| don't know how what video games are fun out right now well you can't force options there's no complex it's nothing but options to sail the seas yeah look what wait I mean
00:59:21| there's no you can't build things I guess there's no weapon marksmanship but I had a rose there's no interaction there's all interactions you ever read the damn accounts on reddit the one guy
00:59:36| that saw somebody that they actually could talk to it's not one guy oh my god we had one guy who kept sailing to our ship it's just us we probably put 12 hours of the game into one guy the fat
00:59:47| guy who cups in swimming to our boat and helped sink his own boat okay just give me so yeah we were on that island we crashed into that Island and I swam across the sea and by the time that I
01:00:00| got to the boat which was those people you attacked them anyway they're the same people that you said you weren't gonna attack and then I was right to their boat when they when they got
01:00:09| attacked and they took off as I was like about to grab on a little ladder and steal their chest again so like you broke your truce to attack them which ruined the fun that I was going to have
01:00:17| I was like I had such expectations for this I was gonna whoa hey truce listen the truce is temporary it's very right now you give me some gold I'll turn away if I see you in ten minutes that's a
01:00:32| whole new group that's a whole new thing so I'm not true sitting the rest of their lives but that's the thing with the game it's like you could truce for there's no there's no set amount of time
01:00:42| it's not like risk where you have like you're like okay we're not gonna attack each other and you sit there like a certain amount of turns then after those turns you are no longer friends because
01:00:52| you turned on them anyway it's like five minutes yeah yes five minutes like 10 minutes well like they could turn on you in like half a second kill you and there's no
01:01:00| repercussions there's nothing you could do well that's that's the beauty of human interaction isn't it if you die in real life you go back in the matrix you don't think I don't know you're dead
01:01:11| anyway disappoint ya see it was disappointing so what I was getting at was that mmm the the offshoot to disappointment is that you have to have an expectation
01:01:23| yeah I had an expectation that was gonna be a pirate to conquer the seas conquer somebody else's boat which we could have done but if you don't have any expectations what does that make you
01:01:36| make you a like a hippie a long-haired hippie I find that this comes up with like dating people like a lot of women don't have expectations about men they're just kind of experienced how
01:01:48| different men are so they're neither happy nor sad or like then I'm frustrated with how men are they're just like oh I'm just like seeing what what this could be but they're not thinking
01:01:59| about it actively mm-hmm so it's kind of a weird thing to dance it is yeah you're very neutral like regardless of what happens you're neutral you're neither happy nor sad mm-hmm so brings you to
01:02:10| like optimists and pessimists like an optimist just doesn't notice that things are negative right and a pessimist I think things are positive whoo was the second part the pessimist always thinks
01:02:23| things or probably should have been positive rather okay correct I get it to a degree I think it's also I think it's more complicated you're you're assuming in human terms positive and negative I
01:02:36| feel like like how can you have it what's what a good point I guess is a leak you see that feather feather but by the way I think that's an optimist feather would you agree oh yeah in that
01:02:57| movie yeah yeah we can tell by the high tones mm-hmm wondering did the music for the slug life doesn't matter after all there's no serendipity mm-hmm told you guys yeah are you gonna say which which
01:03:26| one of us is an optimist and which is a negative as most excuse me I think I'm reasonable I don't disagree but I just wanted you to say pessimist so you're saying you're the optimist I'm saying it
01:03:51| I used to think about the optimist is that you have to have like hard consequences for them to actually realize that they like have a shattered view of the world
01:03:59| so like hard consequences don't really mean they rarely exist in real life they do I mean like people who're in prison for life or something like that I'm sure summits of went to prison
01:04:22| personal imagine if they're in prison images like this is great this is awesome I love this place this is a good good vibe around here yeah hold up there's gotta be a few people in prison
01:04:32| who totally dig it not a time but a few got me the perfect storm yeah yeah they probably don't show it there's just like slowly revel in it but no one else knows because they have to help keep up an
01:04:43| aura of scariness you know manually ya know what sucks this is the pits prisons the worst and I hate it just like you yes the reality gets shattered maybe there maybe there an optimist
01:05:13| finally I'm getting laid we went dark super dark mmm I did it I'll say you're the pessimist I think I'm the realist well what else can we go into what does the human brain do during
01:05:40| disappointment do you actually know is actually a lack of so the happiness in your life comes from dopamine okay the lack of happiness as a sadness comes from a lack of dopamine so it's the same
01:05:54| thing so it's it's a scale that just is up and down isn't it a relatable scale though like if you were at one level when you dropped versus one low when you went up it's Delta yeah to change where
01:06:09| it's the Delta is the change in constantly happy and you just drop a notch you're sailed right even though you might be in the happy range for other
01:06:17| people writing the terribly upset to press sad face her alterable so any of you I don't think if you don't have any dopamine and like you've never had any feelings that makes
01:06:28| you a psychopath which is it's good I did hear that so what actually makes a psychopath do you think it's those things or is that a side effect of being a psychopath it's a lack of feeling
01:06:41| right as the definition right which do you think the the lack of feeling makes you a psychopath well I think that most of the people that are reported as Psychopaths for the people who are
01:06:53| acting upon it so they're priceless act oh yeah they're not acting upon it for the ones that are like killing because they're trying to feed something like serial killers they're like so little
01:07:04| ones so where were the ones who aren't killing people but have the same exact attributes I can't feel anything see I feel like that every day is every
01:07:12| now and then I feel like a Dexter whereas people are supposed to smile and they're supposed to be happy though how you doing today dad I'm like great I'm a realist realist Nick you piece of shit
01:07:30| why don't you shut your mouth and they're like don't feel anything interesting so like okay I if you have I don't ever gonna keep going you're gonna continue because I'm good and then
01:07:54| always go with a brain wave too I think brain waves those things they are I was going more with chemicals and all that but um oh crap I did read this new hotel was about disappointment the brain not
01:08:10| as much dopamine X heightened levels of something else damn it anyway folks at home we disappointed you expect information given to you and it just it falls flat
01:08:23| it comes down to here yeah and you're like ah I didn't get that information it's like the opposite of a surprise like oh I got this oh you've just is that is that the
01:08:34| opposite of a surprise it's anti surprise right I guess I guess you could call it that happy surprises are work for that you can have bad surprises as well I was
01:08:49| going with dad but yeah on the optimist tears the darkest Jew here I guess the opposite of surprise with never being would be never surprised you know you'd always be wouldn't be the
01:09:05| opposite of surprise like anti surprised II expecting it oh no and then my wife sleeping with someone it happened yet she is you'd be disappointed in that situation I think what you were going
01:09:21| you talk about frustration one of the things I read about was a Japanese people I had a certain expectation because of their culture they believed that like things in Paris would be a
01:09:34| certain way that people would be looking like models that they have a great time big things of bread and their bicycles I understand yeah and when I got there it was completely different from what they
01:09:44| expected and it not only made them feel disappointed they had like like negatives d yeah they had like shock because of it really oh no I didn't get that your body had like heart murmurs
01:09:57| and they start getting palpitations and sweating and their life's like this doesn't make any thought they couldn't believe that it was because they base the reality on it yeah Nathan oh it
01:10:05| wasn't reality so what did they base everything on hmm yeah the cultural imagery that was given to them hmm well I'll be damned the same thing for ya for this so golf was invented in what
01:10:20| Scott Scotland gentlemen only ladies forbidden that's the way I play yeah so there's this course called I don't like oh I know I I pretend to play when people ask me if I play golf I say sure
01:10:32| and then when I say could you like - I'd beg no no thank you my clubs with me yeah oh we had extra clubs I don't have my shirt with me oh we have extra shirts I don't have a
01:10:44| caddy could you be mine yeah but my hand my hands also my hands my hands I heard it both hands huh can you swing my club for me mm-hmm I'll sit like the cart and drink beer yeah
01:10:59| there's a one golf course called core carnucci mm-hmm gallant that's probably butchering it but the course is so hard that it makes you feel like you've been brutalized so people go in expecting
01:11:15| that the course is not going to be that hard and it becomes harder than they could ever imagine so there's a certain level of frustration that comes about because they expected it to be not as
01:11:25| difficult as it is but it's literally the world's most famous brutal golf course right at this point well I have to see people getting losing their shit trying to play the course and expecting
01:11:38| it not to be so hard no I guess they go into it thinking oh well it's hard but Allah man okay and then you just like have people breaking the crack break a golf club and throw it in a bunch of
01:11:54| sand trap here we see it that golf course ridiculous hmm that's all I had to watch because I am well I think they were still up by a 10 last I checked that doesn't mean they still are now
01:12:20| I'll be over I'm missing out second half Oh second answer I think so but yeah I'm also not a Vilno of a fan I just it's cool to see you what you have in science you got any
01:12:31| inside info you just licked your lips like you were like oh you think they're gonna wait oh boy no I hope I have a meme whose is it it's Raiden saying I don't think so that's a
01:12:44| good meme yeah you saw the movie right well that was a long time ago I was little I see me and my college friends watches multiple times and would get drunk and laugh at it so we know most of
01:12:55| the lines in the movie shrinks don't count my brother Lu I forgive you it transforms into his brother and I'll let spike start appearing in the dragon on the floor so
01:13:07| good I'm to rewatch off my salt y'all salt is my the shang tsung there's so many good things in it because it's overacted it's really bad um
01:13:18| keno is licking the blade he's like sorry peg I studied all your moves and he's Australian actor and Sonya Blade is there not so good you gotta say it it's it's one of the best worst movies ever I
01:13:30| did have the theme song on my I had a little recorder nice we could the damn slide song but now you give us more comment I like it but okay come Wow Luke a good a tree is that's it's uh hold on
01:14:01| so me and dill Dan back in grade school told a bunch of girls we're in a cover group called m'kay to zero or as a zero to zero A to Z k2z a to z I'm just trying to remember
01:14:18| it and the only song we knew how to play was a cover of Mortal Kombat Theme so it's like me learning the theme of MacGyver and being like this is awesome yeah that's all you can do looks like
01:14:32| real quick before we go tonight I do want to drop a product plug or companion cube but weighted companion cube folks and I got it for my son he plays portal nice so there's certain games my kid
01:14:55| always wants play games and stuff but uh even means I don't think have shooters like he calls them shooters I'm like CA thieves I'm like nah it's too violent it's got a gun in and it's got a sword
01:15:10| really he watches me play but he's on you follow me you know I want people talking to him saying nasty stuff cuz they can talk right well right you know I know they can they can trick people
01:15:21| and uh taking the treasure and not attacking them anyone get into disappointment anyway he plays portal and he could play by himself the first six levels six labs
01:15:32| or so so I'm hoping he figures out like up cuz I think it's funny as heck that it's the funniest game in the world but he doesn't even get it look he doesn't get the humor of good
01:15:46| GLaDOS says like congratulations subjects name here on being the pride of subjects hometown and I'm like laughing he's like then I would dead I win I'm like yeah his son it's I'm not laughing
01:16:02| at you I'm laughing like this she's funny like I was the funniest thing ever there's one where you're just going around and walking and she comes over
01:16:14| the intercom and she's like remember tomorrow is bring-your-daughter-to-work day a perfect day to have her tested for what oh my god for the antidote for the cure for what
01:16:29| like I was like wow but uh portal one is actually really funny two is plenty to but it's it's moreover humor I kinda got him this thing he thinks it was just funny as hell he
01:16:40| knows what it is so I'm like cool I think it's cool it's like a stuffed animal but I can't wait like you can actually play and understand what's going on how is that the satire uh he'll
01:16:52| knows he doesn't get it at all but like what did he laugh at like he laughed he's like that as she said we cuz that was the only time like you go through one of the portals and go through
01:17:03| another one and then she goes we and he laughed he was like did you hear that that is crazy yeah it's crazy so shout out whoever makes this thing that's kind of cool
01:17:16| I do like it yeah China 100% I actually cut up old tags but whatever all right well how about sums it up knew you often watch college basketball yeah okay one night a
01:17:29| year folks check it out check out our socials check out some books I check out some literature check out some twitches check out our Twitter's check out our peeps check out our are they already
01:17:44| know they know these people know we got top toys yeah we like you a lot in the immortal words bye bye bye [Music]

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