The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP033 High School Sophmores in the Year 2001

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Transcript UnP033 High School Sophmores in the Year 2001

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 33 - High School Sophmores in the Year 2001
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00:00:01| all right so begins I'm dead Oh Oh me see there thank God we are still going strong yeah we're surviving yeah we're still going strong as the UM panderers yeah I
00:00:28| had to fiddle with the title screen cuz I it'll when you click it it screws everything up so I have to figure out how it doesn't screw everything up and then do that mm-hmm it's tough I'll just
00:00:42| say we do here uh it's a bunch of bullshit we just go back and fight over and over again a little party has never been live folks yeah so you need a you know opener use a mouse I'm gonna make
00:01:20| it we're gonna do this shirt right right here yeah yeah yeah oh you did is it twist off was this twist off either end do it huh I'm so ready for tonight yeah I don't know there's small
00:01:39| bottles it the bigger hands I think it's the desta deficit mm-hmm can use a tiny chemistry right here a president's hands would probably work wonderfully yeah if you had one big hand and one small hand
00:01:50| how would you would you grip with the big and then twist with the small or reverse it that's a grip that's a strong grip and hand that big the way the little guy just holds it in place the
00:02:00| big guy has more surface area to crip while gripping grain grabbing rippin and Robbin well folks we are the hump Anders and that's what we do yeah what's going on in the world around you
00:02:13| around me around somewhere all of us yeah that's deep yeah and then look we go off on tangents and waste your time mmm but it's beautiful cuz the whole
00:02:24| world was wasting time right now all of us together kinda is who they did wanna go into a quote as you brought us there could have to look it up wow I don't think we ever had a quote
00:02:40| before well it has to do it a new show I'm watching we could discuss it if you want I got into altered carbon Wow cat a few drinks got mad at my significant other went to bed early and
00:02:53| didn't really go to bed so stayed up and watched some altered government were you watching on your phone I needs to cover so as you slept next to me nice yeah I use the old couch maneuvers Oh oh yeah
00:03:06| this I'm gonna get personal here a little for a second oh so like whenever whenever I sleep apart I like purposely like there's another place so he was that bed couch up
00:03:15| options but she can never stay the whole night she always breaks down sometime around 3 or 4 a.m. and goes I can't do this I can't I can't so like I don't know if you have the same thing or does
00:03:28| she just completely ignore these next a door she's much better sprawl a whole bed it's like I can't win that one but at the same time if you get to watch two
00:03:43| episodes alter card life mmm so I saw the first two too easy oh love the show well how would you summarize it real quick for anyway doesn't know my sci-fi you ya later runner-esque future and you
00:03:53| have the guy is waking up he's an envoy which is like a super hunter technical guy from the year 2040 which is our future but this is like the Year 2300 long so it's future future yep they call
00:04:05| him out and in this future all our consciousness is stored in stacks yeah digital Balboa's alien technology your body's just the sleeve you can change bodies you can change sleeves need to
00:04:18| clone yourself stay upload download yes you can all sorts of fun fun things and that allows for ironically enough the uber rich people who have amassed
00:04:29| enough money to have like billions upon billions upon billions because they've been alive for hundreds of hundreds of hundreds of years yeah that's my goal to have enough money so when they create
00:04:39| this technology that I become those uber rich then keep getting more money yeah uh-huh like Highlander I can't wait to die anyway this is all your debt as an aside they brought back
00:04:55| you know there's a group of people we're old school they don't believe in bringing back the soul it's someone the big moral under piping underpinning under there's a big moral thing
00:05:07| underneath that all the old school people would good you're so sure it could be underpinning yeah yeah there's a backing thing right and they all say let's say your mother or your daughter
00:05:18| was killed in a violent crime and they have no leads they want to bring her back to life so she can point out who did it give us hints give us all this but these families are adamant they're
00:05:29| like I don't want my grandma I don't my daughter coming back in some other body someone else's body just so you can you know find out her killer but let her rest I won't be dead yeah they hit that
00:05:40| like right in the beginning they do a lot of times and like he's like coming off of this I guess it's a plane or something and there's like an elderly body that's supposed to be like the the
00:05:52| body of a child that they were like reincarnated and the parents are like uh and they're like your daughter yeah you get what you get like you you're like you don't get to pick your body this is
00:06:01| the one we had available for state yeah free sleep pro signing up yeah yeah but what I thought was really awesome really stuck with me cuz not I sometimes think these things are corny but it was the
00:06:15| grandmother of the good cop female cop coming back in a bruiser right his the biker comes back in a like a bruiser biker fat guys body and she's the grandma so like they're Spanish
00:06:28| descent and she's like cooking all these meals and helping out that's this big after eliminating yeah very funny but when they're done is the day of the day that's why they brought her back up they
00:06:39| needed to celebrate with her and she said um just I had a great time but can you promise me never to bring me back and I thought well that's interesting commentary and she said
00:06:51| quote unquote this no matter how long you live you never finish you have to learn to let the world continue accept that death is part of life oh damn that's pretty deep yeah I know
00:07:06| he's gonna still never finish I mean what will never finish what in life what is there to finish like if you live for a billion years would you be like well I'm done you'd never be done widget you
00:07:17| want to keep living your conscious wants to keep going there's never a point we were like ah conscience is good I did it boys I got a free / and in that scene she could have chosen to never come back
00:07:28| again - she could have blown out her stack and destroyed it so that she never wrote yeah she didn't make a decision with me yeah I can't wait to long dead but that's fine yeah which are about
00:07:44| midway through has anything turned unravel yet earlier in my life I honestly I was disillusioned you know angsty teenager I figured there's no way I'm making it past 40 hmm now I'm like
00:07:59| that's ridiculous now I'm like there's no way I'm making it past 59 60 - yeah good that's a security check and then pass away I won't even get the check they're trying to hold out till 65 or
00:08:11| whatever there's no way you're so you can pick Social Security at what 60 to wait so you're gonna be the one that waits you're not gonna die yes and I'm gonna die here it's gonna be moved the
00:08:27| year that I decide to move gonna take it I'll be done my student loans by then that's the good news and go back to school you can get one of those like grandparent loans or whatever
00:08:38| they call them they do like a 20/20 special on me this old man went back to learn he bettered himself with a new degree English but in a new concentration Shakespeare
00:08:54| he decided to relive life later in life I don't know that's where I'm going with that so did you get what's the main thing that you got to an altered carbon like what's the what was the big event
00:09:08| the mind torture I think that's a war episode they were torturing him in his brain like he really felt pain and really felt like he was drowning you really felt all these things that's how
00:09:20| they try and get you to talk as they mentally break you but he had trained back when he was an envoy on how exactly to deal with this sort of punishment yeah
00:09:29| manners style that's right they're putting the yeah it's a little bit like the matrix he realizes in a simulation and he turns it on its head he's the one you know yeah and they're putting those
00:09:38| snake spider things into his body and he just like gets up off the table it's badass we highly recommend it and like Netflix is getting a better better budget as a Netflix thing so they're
00:09:54| getting stuff that looks realistic enough for you to be into it and they it's they're not like throwing their weight around with like big-name actors most of the time so it's like it's still
00:10:03| good even though they're doing they're picking the actors who can actually act and don't cost a lot that one guy though he was uh he was in what was it he's a Robocop and that other one um don't like
00:10:18| seattle-based thriller with a cop it's like a cop story they're gonna get such a casino I guess you never saw it I forget what it was I think that was also a Netflix thing those the older black
00:10:31| guy who's helping them now I couldn't remember his name he's from something I've seen him it's always his daughter yeah yeah they picked those guys though like if you really look at their history
00:10:41| they're like actually like legitimate a Shakespearean actor he's like broadway flew and everything but I know him from like who's the boss he's the bad cop or something that arrested Danny er I don't
00:10:54| know yeah something else he has like a stupidest role and I remember for that it's like no he was classically trained Shakespearean actor and it's like yeah the dad from that movie the pacifier he
00:11:06| slips a little bit peel mm-hmm no I was just um look I'm just trying to get my mind around something here I'll talk about it later though it'll come up
00:11:18| later hope whoa aren't you a move on with your watch sure sure do it oh uh any better okay tongue twister what was it when you said I wasn't
00:11:32| preoccupied portnow perplex porcupine no it's something preoccupied porcupine preoccupied porcupine pure wolf oh yes yeah there you go Priyanka tomorrow night you fine all right we try
00:11:45| and do a lot of warm-ups here we're like professionals we dig our feet in deep we just wanna yeah I think so Jimmy uh smirk or smiles yeah big one big one oh yeah I went shopping today
00:12:08| Monday's my grocery day so a ghost on your hand died I am I'm the grocery aisle people's wet dream I just go in with an open mind and an open heart I buy whatever the hell looks good
00:12:24| some people like they go down certain aisles they go in a certain way they have a patty I like and let the grocery store come to me you're squeezing the grapefruits and
00:12:33| just like and someone's like sir do you know which one's the good one I'm like not really how do you know I'm getting a grapefruit just checking it out man let's see because he direct you to the
00:12:43| cheaper grapefruits then you go no no no no no it seems right that one on that one I'll keep taking him what um so I go up my son and I just go I go up and down
00:12:54| every aisle I need something cool if I need a hundred things cool I just find stuff that I'm used to seeing in our house or that we will need or might need and all
00:13:02| that and I decided it's Burger season literally I was finally burst had a burger no it was like 30 degrees we got like four inches of snow another nor'easter we got all this I'm done with
00:13:15| it mm-hmm the girls been sitting there for like six months just kind of whatever it is just needs it needs to get a take a break we're gonna get the
00:13:24| ice off of the grill now I buy sometimes we buy sometimes we'll make burgers like from scratch with everything stuff oh yeah they're good ones but then we buy frozen ones I buy like Bubba's I stopped
00:13:38| Bubba's used to buy Bubba's just adopt oh crap I shrimp burger a shrimp burger yeah it was nose on a shark tank the guy had like yeah surf and turf and frozen like you can buy it yeah yeah yeah
00:13:59| anyway it's me a butterball or something Butterbean your butterball but they make frozen turkey burgers okay lower my like turkey burgers it's not a whole thing like he's good a good one I
00:14:09| like turkey dogs okay there I've never had one but I would yeah good I don't eat them anymore because they're not as good they're not as tasty life is short you're gonna be dead by 60
00:14:22| right mm-hmm um I bought this burger I was ready to roll I brought it home unpacked everything I'm living the good life I'm looking at the grill I'm ready to go and I realized
00:14:34| I forgot the rolls ah you know how many bread slice bread hey I didn't want to do white bread huh that is embarrassing right especially for the first burgers you try to toast it to make it up to par
00:14:47| it's just gets soggy anyway yeah it's not gonna work with white bread especially it's like strohman like the whitest white bread my name's like that time too white you know so have a
00:14:59| picture of a white guy on it I think it does it the old white guy he's like bacon exhibit yeah so I swallowed my pride I had crappy grapes because my son picked them out so I was gonna return
00:15:14| the grapes like they were bad like they're actually all sour and chewed up and everything and I was like this is ridiculous I'm getting like $3 back or whatever so it brought them back and got
00:15:24| rolls perfect brought them home a little later than I wanted it to be there's still a little once again when you return the grapes what do you what do you say the person that's that
00:15:34| to register you say these these grapes they're just not I said I said they're all bad I was like look at her squish like girl did you have to take one out and just like no I she was a cool lady
00:15:45| herself before I got there she didn't care she was like are you sure fun and then she goes damn these were expensive grapes I was like it's your store well I got the four bucks back it wasn't three
00:15:56| - yeah so anyway I get back dude I had season these burgers I put I got special seasoning I do it myself don't let anybody know I keep burning grits wow dude I come nuts a little
00:16:11| olive oil and then I find certain spices only like Chipotle type burgers seasoning that's a good one sometimes I'm like more like garlic and Italian seasonings we're talking
00:16:22| McCormick here I did lie on the corner so I go I checked the stupid grill make sure she's good and she turns on everything's fine I always let her eat up for like five minutes or so it will
00:16:36| burn off that old stuff get ready I came out I had my flyer spatula I had the burgers there was still a tiny bit of sunlight and I opened the grill and the flame was out and I said no no you
00:16:50| don't understand no no and I looked and it was at a gas propane gone you can't dump charcoal in there and just get it going no it's not it's a stupid Walmart gas grill if it came just for chalk I
00:17:03| would invite Chuck all I had done it anyway that's a good point I didn't have charcoal chopped down so I drove to Ace Hardware and made them fill my propane tank right then I got like half an hour
00:17:14| later it was dark as hell cold as hell and I cook them burgers nice I just finished about half an hour before this stupid airs podcast but it was just like everything that went wrong
00:17:24| did go wrong I guess I got it in the end yeah yeah yeah that's a lot of work considering it does bring your kid with you all right don't talk not the third time now third trip not the charm okay
00:17:38| yeah people don't realize that's the biggest pain in the ass is getting them in a car seat yeah that takes I started just let him sit in the front hahaha save me some time
00:17:47| and give him a little tip on driving I don't put a seatbelt on because I heard that can hurt a kid yeah you keep him underneath the seat right yeah I tell him to crawl on the floor this way Oh
00:17:55| cock get down nice hmm you smirking and smiling out there I see this is a different category it's nice markers it's a little bit of smirk but not really smart smile more of a cringe hmm
00:18:14| so I I had burgers over the weekend it was a local place that makes really good burgers tad expensive but it's a nice place it's new how do I get a name names so I don't know the guy personally I've
00:18:26| just shook his hand and made friends with him but um I don't like a name drop a payment pain drop without naming Claire it could be anybody I've been friends with everybody you know so I'm
00:18:40| waiting in line and there's a there's probably a guy with his mom who's about maybe you little younger than I am he he is and he looks probably look like he's well kempt he his his beard is pretty
00:18:54| like well done he's wearing clean clothes and that one down folks you got well Kenton today you know I don't like anyone was expected a welcome yeah I did and he's wearing shorts it's warm here
00:19:05| we could grill burgers and it's beautiful and but he's wearing flip-flops and I was like this guy kind of looks like a guy who could be my friend except we get down the flip-flops
00:19:14| and his toenails are like an inch long and then go you notice them while you're just standing around another burger yeah no go for me though that's it's weird I don't know how like the freaky part is
00:19:30| that like you've got toenails that will like scratch and touch everything like when you're putting on your pants touch the inside like that's one of the things is just like oh stop my spine if I was
00:19:42| living in the wild I don't think I could I got have to liken all that sucker off myself I couldn't let it grow I mean sounds weird maybe yeah I'm weird I I do almost all my finger in toenail protein
00:19:54| cleaning foot hygiene with my with my other fingernails you don't ever clip them once in a while how do you know how I just like while I'm working on but they get kind of long
00:20:08| and I just do that huh it's same with my toes I think I'm like they're kind of long let's pick them off so yeah I guess my girlfriend aged me there on the table just like like
00:20:20| ripping them all I do that for my son though like his go out and they like her like a baby a little baby do you ever get one too far and he looks at you and you're like act natural that's nothing
00:20:36| cuz I did that one time where I was like it's finger know there's like paint they're like baby fingernail not anymore but they were and I like pulled it off I'm like way more pulled off like to the
00:20:47| point where I would have been cringing but he didn't know what to do he just looked at me and I was like I was like figuring it out he's like it feels bad did he screw up his bed and I was like
00:20:58| no we had a bad one where my wife was clipping nails for the first time and I like - I caught the edge made him bleed and I was just like like it's the first time I like my adrenaline just started
00:21:11| pumping like when your child is like in pain you just like have this response or yeah I could have it's just like take the door jamb and just split it wide open run outside and there's like grow
00:21:24| three times turn green and just start smashing houses anyway sorry no I just I saw that guy's nails and I just loved the cringe yeah it's weird because I mean everything everything about him
00:21:41| seemed like he was clean normal until you get to the nails and it's like I make really split decisions on people's like nail hygiene like I don't know if anyone else does that but you can't I
00:21:51| can't I don't put it my soul that maybe you know you don't know until you're there really nice is normal guy you could be married to someone who's wearing shoes the whole time you know
00:22:03| i'ma then wedding night you slip off a sock and here's like oh you slide the ring off and you just like hold on put it on that toenail there's one late I don't this this is a
00:22:16| nightmare if you're under 18 please turn this off right now yeah if you're a child if you don't believe in whatever God we believe in get off get off the feed my son creeps into my room he's
00:22:30| terrified of his room like in 3 3 the morning sometimes I just do these little footsteps I try and ignore it he climbs into the bed yeah it gets in bed and then he falls asleep and at that point
00:22:41| sometimes I want to put him back in the room boasts the time I'm like Pierce does the dog sleep with you too no he's got a crate he can't because he'll lick incessantly I totally likes a
00:22:51| hole in whatever comforter is there that's cross yeah yeah anyway so my son I don't know what it is he hasn't urged to put his feet on me and like I'll be asleep and all sudden
00:23:06| thank you like toenails on my stomach I look over and I give him a look like I'll kill you bitch I look him dead in the eye but he's asleep smilin and I'm waiting hmm
00:23:21| he's like always tears are like gone like that part gonna throw up it's it's almost painful because little Tonio's everywhere yeah I don't know if I told this in the other podcast it snuck into
00:23:33| bed one time he's a restless sleeper thank thank God I wouldn't have it any other way and once in a while he'll swing his arm or his leg and it a whack niggers mother right yeah yeah well I'm
00:23:48| doing this and I just grit my teeth and say I didn't know you I would punch you and I thought this one time were ahead just whack like it came from all the way over here and landed right on smack on
00:24:01| the bridge of my nose when I was asleep so I do this thing where I turn to look at him like like he's you know when you wake up yeah yeah and I hear something that made me go oh my god it was his
00:24:14| mother going ow and he had hit both of us quick boom and I didn't make a noise she had no idea but I was [Laughter] son of a bitch I'm gonna teach you a
00:24:33| lesson but anyway I digress so here's the oldie sleep slapping both of you at the same time like a double like I feel like he was the Undertaker and he just went wham this is my joint
00:24:47| now so it's the only time that's ever happened but I wanted to kill did you politely lift him out of your bed and put him back in his that point or were you he's give I think point I just
00:24:59| shoved him over to her to her he really as it's like you put a time bomb over that side of the bed I'm on her because it was like it's like 5:00 a.m. I got it's a workday I get up at 6:00 rodeo
00:25:10| with you and if you imagine him I'd drag him in there and he freaks out and he's like I can't go to sleep or something I'm like well just sit here for an hour and do nothing you're a hostage your
00:25:23| oxygen your own house nope like a napping kid huh oh that's that's what's going on everyone have a kid have a kid it's great and several yeah I don't know about a cool but corrections or
00:25:45| clarifications or anything do we we've been playing like games played we have games I don't know if excessive mostly see if these excessive to our viewership known definitely not even like are they
00:26:05| like bring back the episodes their doors can you imagine we had that much power would not feel weird that'd be fantastic uncomfortable I'd be beholden because I would assume I'd be making more money
00:26:20| that I am now and I could actually play video games all day right but wouldn't it be weird if there people were crying with tears in their eyes and it was like my dad will lose his job if you keep
00:26:30| playing games instead of doing regular episodes Oh could you just laugh at her from the blinds and slowly close the blinds on some little girl and again I don't know what scenario
00:26:41| leads to her dad not having a job because we did more gaming episodes but it could happen hmm I guess that's a challenge make that girl's father lose a job yeah hum I
00:26:57| don't which the twitch since we're now streaming on Twitter that's which we're Twitter's yeah twitchy twitchy 32 you know what I'm saying
00:27:05| oh okay good good change his password I'll tell you right now delenn yeah so Dylan's old aim screening was twitchy 32 really that weird that's weird that he picks 32 what
00:27:26| was he talking about somebody else like his uncle anyone who's younger couldn't handle himself who's twitchy well no because hold on
00:27:35| his password was Stan 56dance she sticks I really hope he doesn't use it's really good Bank and everything like yeah but I just think I saw the same password from when I was oh god
00:27:50| since I was like 12 allora it's probably very mature and adult like but actually it doesn't have one capital letter number yeah does the word AOL every combination it's the
00:28:06| worst if it has all that except like a number or something certain websites are like oh you can't use that it's like I use it for everything lady you should have a button that says I don't care
00:28:18| please let me use this you sure you sign up for results from Ibanez guitars and it's like you don't want anyone hacking your account and seeing what kind of bass you bought ten years ago it's like
00:28:31| lady just let me have the password I'm gonna use this literally three times that's it I don't care what is the craziest thing for me is that I use a lot of sensitive government systems that
00:28:43| save your past 24 passwords you have to change them every three months oh it's the worst what do you do have to write them down on sticky pads and chick uh-huh yeah you
00:28:54| ever use old ones and you're like this is stupidest thing ever it's like you can't use that one it's you did it and then it's like you already use this one you're like who cares yeah you can't
00:29:03| come back around you can't you can't renew what you did and then don't you think it's a little bit of a security flaw if someone hacks your system and then it's like we know 24 of his last
00:29:12| passwords I mean it's got to be the next iteration it's stupid hmm can't wait till that broke now all these book I do agree but don't you think biometrics is bad in the way I don't know all Asian
00:29:28| people look alike based on biometrics so do they wait like it on the face unlock things and all that I've heard that like yeah Howard it screws up and if I can't tell them apart very well I think it's
00:29:39| cuz it's it's technology made by people in Western civilization oh what made me but if you had a twin and he was very despicable I think so I don't think there's been a show I feel like that
00:30:01| where do you have like a one like a cop copy right the on Pandora stop you're right beyond the Ender's incorporated the economy on panders mm-hmm viewership not allowed to use yeah unless you pass
00:30:13| all the props obviously there's gonna be a moment where this despicable twin checks your phone and finds out a message and then does something awful to you or your wife mm-hmm plot twist
00:30:27| you're despicable anyway no no but like biometrics like in general so you can never say your account was hacked like if you accidentally did something bad or
00:30:43| tweeted something wrong I know athletes do it all the time and delete it her perfect DNA match right or what if you accidentally commit like I'm that's not a small crime but this cost you your job
00:30:55| it cost you like a whole bunch more for something like jaywalking but you did it while tweeting at and your location was on like they know they're like no you logged in
00:31:05| it was you this is your DNA like you're the only one who had it like they can pinpoint you to except others watching I think it's a little creepy yeah that's yeah it's like Facebook getting busted
00:31:18| for what trading information so it's like I know I'm really combated anyone know what the actual story was I just see the headlines I didn't read the whole story yeah I know I'm waiting for
00:31:26| it to get like wrapped up and then packaged it you're like I I know the headlines out there I'm not gonna click on it you're like me you're like let's give it two days maybe another day
00:31:36| someone's smart will really get all the deets yeah make it simplified so that I can understand it to the fullest the what I've heard is that Facebook is not a social media company they're just a
00:31:47| spy agency essentially and they're trying everything yeah they're masquerading as a social network I mean they know assuming your account isn't hacked for one of your posts like could
00:32:02| you argue that in a court of law even anymore then it got hacked and that someone else posted something that's like Scotland see that guy from Scotland he trained
00:32:10| his dog to do the Hitler thing with the Heil Hitler yeah yeah yeah yeah they found him guilty of some sort of like discrimination or something yeah cuz the
00:32:20| dog did it and he was encouraging it and filmed it he sensed that let's think it up for the guy I just think that's like ridiculous it is ridiculous but um he couldn't say something was hacked or
00:32:33| something I guess your dog was intact yeah well yeah yeah my fungal attack my voice was there I think he did it multiple times he's bright I bet he's one of those individuals that like
00:32:46| probably had like some sort of patch on his arm and God Jesus Christ probably but if he just backed off you probably gotten off scot-free but scot-free no the Scots ain't gonna let you free
00:33:00| interesting there's one gonna go there's a little bit extra there I thought about how my fault some I thought I forgot we're interacting yeah
00:33:17| as far away's 2,000 miles 1,000 miles I think it's like one a half thousand miles Oh Glenn I would guess closer to two but only because Las Vegas in New York is three
00:33:28| running so I'm guessing ours is closer to two but I could be wrong hold on I will ask Google everything about me yeah all these companies could be spying on us like everywhere he goes
00:33:43| oh one point five four seven that's closer to me I answer yeah but all these companies they like Facebook was like logging you're like you've lost over it usually glow I was gloating and the
00:33:59| smiling diluted by not gloating I was gonna come back to it so I could go to I was preparing I the future but yeah these companies like they have your eat they know when they like you make phone
00:34:13| calls it's like oh that was it Alexa and all the like the Amazon or whatever they're always this type of Google I have a Google home and an Alexa and most of the time the microphones are all hmm
00:34:24| because wait most of the time if you make conversation about like say birds do they start talking about birds or bird feed and every kind of thing that's trying to tell you no but um I heard
00:34:36| Facebook does that uh-huh yeah they do are good at ads or whatever it's called uh-huh like no matter what you talk about so you have your phone it's always on your goddamn person right have your
00:34:46| phone and you start talking about bushes I love bushes I want to buy some new hedges for the lawn I love Bush Bush beer Bush something President Bush I said all this stuff and then I go on
00:34:59| Facebook right now and I look at the targeted ads it'll either be for President Bush it merchandise more like hedges or like logos gardening or whatever and it's proven like people do
00:35:09| it like on air yeah it's crazy it's nuts no way that's not gonna work they're good I think they're listening to me listen to them they're like don't do Bush's dinner they've already countered
00:35:21| it there are the ads on mobile I don't use mobile like ever a lot again like once a month Facebook's stupid here put it this way Facebook uh used to be
00:35:34| goddamn it there's old like a bunch of stuff most college yeah in college it used to be the way to find female couples yes yeah I'll literally tell you like the first
00:35:46| four posts on Facebook we're like you know this parties this parties get corny or gay or something like you know who's going down to 108 we get in wood and then it's all be like my friends
00:35:59| bringing beer to 404 let's go and that would be like that's what these fabulous I got busted I was gonna have a party and it was posted on a Facebook and I'm like a group everywhere they were called
00:36:09| I think it was a group groups groups first like non your page thing so it was gonna be a party like that weekend I posted it here was this because like I feel like there's no way like
00:36:20| Supervisors and Hall Monaco they say it it out oh they definitely did this was a sophomore year so what 2007 six now five now I've smokes dude yeah so of course I was like the captain for the captain for
00:36:41| our apartment so I went down to the like every office is a football team and like Charlie I was gonna argue with moves so they tried to give us like a cycling guy go agents of it but yeah so I went down
00:37:00| like the Security office and I was like I have no idea where are you getting this and they like had a printout of the Facebook thing and I was like the weird thing is like I didn't even make it like
00:37:09| I I told somebody about it I was in the apartment next to me located and I okayed it like yeah and it was like it's like I like the username is even mind and like why are you like he couldn't
00:37:19| cite me on anything but he was like they were all over us like there's no way we get a party there that weekend there's like a cop walking it all right you can't at that point so like I wonder
00:37:30| Facebook does crime see probably do it's almost like it's I don't think I can get subpoenaed and all that yet but isn't it a matter of time they probably go to the highest bidder that's honestly where
00:37:43| it's all about so all your information as quickly and as efficiently is expensively as possible that's you know what the only beauty of the way I use Facebook is I
00:37:53| think given a lot of fake information like I'm one of those jackals that's like where do you go to school it's like Irish studies camp and it's like one of the major it's like basket weaving and
00:38:03| suck it off dog looks like someone's like that's offensive and I'm gonna be getting all this information from Russia about dogs with large members let me be like well they hacked me but because I
00:38:18| dog you know I'll be like it's not exactly a hundred percent accurate how BIG's your dog no that'd be great if it was uh like that was the way the government protected themselves there
00:38:31| was just a layer of like incomprehensible bullshit in between like the real logic so that I like that I've hacked the system we're in and then it's just like a giant penis just like
00:38:39| unfurls it's just like we did we act what was the act the world show with like the skull at laughed I'm thinking of a Independence Day or whatever it is a virus the download I'm just amazed
00:39:03| that all the firmware software and hardware linked up with an alien species and our virus and it was like wow and I hope they're using the same operating system using windows up there they
00:39:21| pirated it Jeff Goldblum's character I hope they're not using Windows 7 Windows did you watch a thor ragnarok no everyone says I was really good and I saw a really cool action scene
00:39:53| that someone retweeted the head I need a hero that's all honey healing yeah playing I watched it when I was you know ten years old week one movie short circuit hey short circuit - yeah so
00:40:11| weird someone put I need a hero over the thor ragnarok um battle scene or is he's just slaughtering these whatever they're
00:40:20| called so on the bridge mm-hm and they're playing that and I guess Loki he's coming to help or someone I can't talk I didn't accrue sure but anyway he plays it over and
00:40:29| it's um it lines up perfectly it's really cool huh so hold on so I was watching it and my girlfriend goes why are you listening to I need a hero and I was like it's just cool it goes over in
00:40:40| actions he's discuss she wasn't she was just what are you really that fence out on phone yeah right I wouldn't normally do that and I said they do this in a lot of movies short circuit - and I named
00:40:54| another one and she was like what and I was like oh Shrek two or three yeah yeah it's in the other Trek and then she's like how do you know that and I was like to watch
00:41:05| them once like I don't know I just watched them and the fact that you should sort circuit when no one else even knows that but that's one of those badass scenes of that oh yeah Johnny 525
00:41:18| alive Tamra alive yeah I still think I didn't because that's we stick tape TV movies on VHS is right yeah yeah that was we had a VHS we watched more than any other as I was a kid it was
00:41:40| ghostbusters 2 short circuit - and there was a third movie weren't really allowed to see po clear a poltergeist 3 man all fit on one it was Gary we watched short circuit 2 and ghost was
00:41:55| - way more Nathan and I was six or seven when I started watching it I probably saw him a hundred times because they're just watching it so I know like all Johnny fives lines and I didn't
00:42:07| understand them like the part where he's on the date and he's ready him the stuff on the sign you probably only remember I remember that I saw it so he's controlling a billboard like an
00:42:18| electronic billboard with the words that go across it and he's like trying to impress the girl and cats jumping on Johnny fives head and messing with the antenna okay would change the words you
00:42:29| know anyway and it's like he's like I look at you I see diamonds and she's like that's beautiful and then the cats messing with it and it's like and it takes a tough man to make a tender
00:42:41| chicken and it's like a man punching a chicken because it was like a bison I think I'm Marshall kind of like icing for your what 10 year old so 6 year old self whatever 7 it takes a tough man to
00:42:57| make a tender chicken interesting movie because there's two main guys like the actual humans the other Guardians again right no no the other no that was for one guy which one was the second who was
00:43:11| the guy who um what is his role look it up cuz you'll recognize him right away he wasn't watches he often plays a piece of garbage in a movie like he's like more obsessed
00:43:22| with money and himself type guy but has good intentions but always gets waylaid by money and scheming I don't know its name he's he was older back then he's still older I lost how you can look up
00:43:33| every single thing it's kind of weird you just argue about shit 10 15 years ago and no one would be able to answer it nowadays you're like let me google it my internet is like oh I think it's my
00:43:47| keen I think that's the person you're talking about okay at Kobey's name I don't know yeah a white guy yes yeah yeah he's always that a troll he's always like he's like on the good guy
00:43:58| side but he's always he gives in to the temptation of money a little stick up his butt basically a little bit well he's just gonna get more yeah more money he's like you can't do this because you
00:44:09| don't have as much money as I do that's the exact look on his face even in regular pictures he's just on the street could be the nicest guy no idea could be he's a good actor he's actually that way
00:44:21| actually not that way I will talk about twitch so much which yeah that's where we're headed yeah before we get derailed they're looking around alright everyone isn't
00:44:37| real as a diner Dinah was a durable Darwin direwolf I sure would stands for it's probably code for something yeah I don't know but she's a friend of a friend of
00:44:50| dill tan mm-hmm and it was interesting because she you talked to her I talked to her she was watching it sometime yeah she looked like she was good by the way she was moving as like a gamer you can
00:45:04| kind of tell they're kind of like you can tell people hang it back a little bit did you play overwatch never I'm just Lera Barrow mean I think so I don't know how that means I guess I
00:45:13| made it flow yeah I saw her float I was like that's kind of cool you can choose where your ankle but the thing of it was that she knew she was playing and I don't I don't
00:45:24| know how many other people were in the channel it she made it seem like they're more than just me but I don't know if that's true but like the way she is looking over like it there's so to my
00:45:34| right is where the the twitch channel is and I can see if there's anybody there and there's nobody there because we're not popular but it's there's a certain thing about it knowing you're live and
00:45:43| when you're talking to somebody it's almost as if like you kind of need like there's a one way form of communication here because if someone says something in the channel I could just talk I could
00:45:54| just say like oh that's bullshit like I don't care about you or like oh yeah that's awesome and like I can cut them off the moment I finish speaking I think twitch should
00:46:03| have a feature so that it shows a picture of the person and like they can like have a stream that's like redirected at you so should be like instant back-and-forth communication but
00:46:12| I understand what you're saying but over can't you can't deny the person because it shows up in the chat for everyone do you know what I mean it's not like me like why did you cut me Sharon looks
00:46:25| like like Sharon's like oh just playing the game here and it's like Sharon I have video evidence you cut me with a blade the police actually charge you with the crime and it's like I
00:46:37| anyway we're walking through the hallway now and she's like trying to play the game ignorant it's like Sharon I will find you you cut me with a blade like I don't know like the person in the chat
00:46:46| could have power yeah and most of the gingers diarrhea like of well when you want a real popular person's one it's just like a constant it's like garbage just no one can read anything at that
00:46:58| point that point the chat is as we called apt in the business we call it act fucked we just went to pg-13 yes sorry yes sign me up for plus sign me up for 13
00:47:17| plus dress size that's okay we've already been demonized or demonetised on YouTube it's actually I kind of like this interface for twitch because it I feel it it does a live feed and then it
00:47:29| will record the full live feed for you and then post that for you automatically and then people can go in and pick out segments and say I like this 30-second segment and then they can do clips for
00:47:39| you if they like you enough but there's no quality assurance with that if we both went to the bathroom at the same time okay blanking back and so I was like that was my favorite 30 seconds
00:47:58| just promote the head hear me the background pissing yeah I try not to look over cuz it's like if there were people there I'd be really distracting I could imagine trying to respond to
00:48:12| them and wanting to talk to them and like be like no we hear you but dilled in about that he's like his um him and Diana were playing overwatch and I was trying to like I went in the chat and I
00:48:23| was like trying to mess with them uh-huh does it make me feel good I guess I'm a terrible person yeah I was like I was like oh well check out Dan's hat like hey I notice you guys
00:48:38| don't get along too well what's the big fight about is because Dan said you're bad or something it's like whatever it's like things that aren't true just to start I want to see an argument if
00:48:48| anything that the yellow they take it off yep what did you say that it also feels good to have yourself talked about by the people in power did she put it I guess
00:48:59| uh uh yeah to be acknowledged I guess but they were playing overwatch which is like a pretty demanding game so most of the time they were like just like glancing at and then like playing for
00:49:10| ten seconds and the other prompts there's a 10-second delay that - yeah which is weird because I'd be like finally one of you learned how to kill lol after like a crazy good kill well
00:49:22| ten seconds goes by and they died or something then a comet comes up - they're probably like okay no worries they're like setup does he know yeah that's one thing I was watching uh feets
00:49:34| from Ninja and some other guy that we're playing fortnight and drape those people and I didn't watch that one that's bullshit okay I was always curious because like ninjas some guy I don't
00:49:46| know I don't know what his name is it's just no I guess my ninja sure sure but those people like you they talk like they talking like clips themselves like they do a little like one offs
00:49:56| yeah cuz then it's like 10 seconds later they have to be in the fight and be fully focused so it's like dead silence when they're just like they're constantly right and then they and then
00:50:07| they come back and they're like free playing packets of things they're gonna talk about or say or whatever then I'll never talk about anything the debt is just it's like a reactionary almost and
00:50:18| they're like they always have a sidekick it like makes it like oh and it's garbage it's trash you don't have people that are equally paired and that can like move on I mean they're winning but
00:50:37| it's like that other person is not verbally equipped I guess they're both not quite verbally equipped but maybe no that's not why they're in it you don't mean it's not like they're like ah the
00:50:46| grand speakers ninja and sidekick so today on Yale I probably have game commentaries commentators right I doubt it we could probably make some money there
00:51:02| problem is I guess so you watching sports game you always watch it from one perspective I like team a either team a is doing good it's because they're doing good or team a is failing and they're
00:51:24| doing bad it's the only reason the other team is doing good I understand that like you almost never are focusing on Team B you have to focus on one team and whether they're doing bad or they're
00:51:36| doing good or you focus on the other team and they're doing better they're doing good it's hard to focus on the ones like that I guess a problem with a commentary on
00:51:45| this is that if you're watching a sport there's always one ball there's always one person with a focus right there's eight controllers well yeah four players on each team well four players are doing
00:51:55| different things and merging and whatever and someone could be super effective at driving the play but not actually have the kills mm-hmm but there's no stat to back it up he's
00:52:06| forcing the play he's forcing whatever he's being great at support I guess you could talk about that but you'd have to really know the ins and outs of the game but then all four of them might be doing
00:52:15| stuff at all the same time there's no way you could talk about yeah oh can you imagine that you couldn't do a live you'd have to do it on a if you watch the most popular overwatch match
00:52:26| ever in recorded history you'd have to reimburse 16 go to capture it all you'd have to just go over it watch it a thousand times pick out time lines and then talk about
00:52:38| things I noticed here so on so really took the match by hand because he went to this point and killed xxx my and did this move later on so and so did this but you'd have to watch every one to
00:52:50| make sure you're talking about the most important thing going on yeah I think I'll enough I think we just got way too involved in gaming commentary no gaming commentary I got a year where this goes
00:53:07| cuz I hold on this is weird to the only people who would know for sure other people gaming I feel like that if you're actually commentating on what's happening let's say you're
00:53:19| playing overwatch or a cold - before anything where it's six on six a donate fork or whatever there's more than two or three people when you're playing you almost know where the action is who's
00:53:36| driving the action where the voids are the empty space yeah sure and whether you're climbing into them or not you still are well aware of who's the most important person on the field
00:53:46| you probably mostly focus on yourself I will say that yep but at the same time you know it holy-shit so-and-so's got like eight head shots I have no clue how this guy is ridiculous but I you hit tab
00:53:59| you look at his calendar like this guy's driving holy smokes I haven't even seen him this match he's killed how many Call of Duty would be perfect for that because then he can be like oh he's
00:54:07| gotten up to the helicopter now and the other driver I'll cop you're like Jesus crisis guys must have killed like four people in one spot I don't know but it's easier to understand it from inside the
00:54:19| game okay you'd have to be a pro yeah you'd have to know where like the the heat map of deaths would be like if you're standing this one spot that's not good spot to because you're likely gonna
00:54:28| die like you can see the whole team you'd be like you know they're not positioned well they need to move over here pivot here as a team they get me on this one with heat maps although you're
00:54:36| talking about someone from a third party so I guess someone who's played a billion times and can watch it from the outside I guess watch everybody screen at once I don't know is that possible
00:54:46| how would we talk about least a matrix he's watching one match he's like I would really want that's one thing I've never seen is that you take an entire game that's like you know 16 verse 16
00:55:01| and then you make like make it all in one screen so it's a bunch of different blocks that would be crazy but I guess you wouldn't go to watch it but it'd be insane to be too small unless well we're
00:55:11| moving to 4k video right imagine is beautiful it's four times many pixels in one thing so yeah you could scrunch it in imagine if you had a map and like you could see what everyone saw and they
00:55:24| were moving on the map with their their screen essentially if you could watch them like interact with other people that are on their map I agree but your brain
00:55:33| wouldn't be able to process everything at once III get that but you might be able to watch like a battle here and then watch as they shift over here you're watching
00:55:42| great one and we always highlight no I'm talking about like if it was on like a physical map and you could see like their screen move like as they walked like if you can
00:55:51| see like two guys walking and like looking at each other on a map and try to shoot each other I think that'd be nuts look 3d version and then you can zoom in the theater screens type thing
00:56:01| know like their icon like their lo a marker is is their screen a screen okay okay okay that'll be interesting that would be because I mean you'd be able to see who's about to engage you yeah and
00:56:17| then you could focus on what each one is watching and if you knew the map you'd better understand how they were engaging right but I mean in general so if you see two people in the outskirts oh you
00:56:26| can ignore them essentially because they're not gonna interact with anyone for a while yeah yeah you're just watching the action so you see here screen here in your screen here and you
00:56:32| know this is a hot point or whatever a part where they're about to interact so you can watch both their screens kind of the same times they're near each other too and yeah interesting I like it
00:56:41| that'd be uh they need that technology I might make that technology and they're saying gamers or the next military well they do is there up earth drones and stuff smarter and they're faster than
00:56:55| the real military shout out our Marines but shout out louder in case they engages gamers no I that didn't have that one game called army one or something it was like it was a free army
00:57:10| ploy or like the try was good it but it was the coded remote is how many flaws are there with the game when it's released it's like ah this game sucks because you always lose if you're on
00:57:27| side a this weapon is way overpowered it doesn't take into account people who blah blah blah blah controller thing sucks learn why dying we're just like
00:57:40| everything everything sucks more than we think everything's better more than we think I always think it was also kind of a I would say like brainwashing but it had
00:57:51| symbolism all throughout it that was like woo pro-america Armed Forces so I was like while people were enjoying a game they were enjoying being part of the military and then hopefully I do
00:58:02| hopefully they would translate into being a militant no it'll be part of the know why it would as soon as I finished playing a rousing game of coal duty I honestly just wanted to go overseas and
00:58:16| kill myself to install new government so yeah shout out always wanted to plant like one of those c4 is right at the base of a terrorist building or something is it
00:58:27| gold mines the only game that that moved plants or c4 to the next level called it a plastique really know my place yeah they call them plastiques which were like they seem to be bigger
00:58:42| explosives and in my brain I was always like games who have c4 like um Metal Gear Solid remember you could stick c-4 on the back of guards who would walk by man I mean that blows up
00:58:54| like a small area like dude yeah boom a plastique would explode fire everywhere and it would continue to blow up and it was like huge deal now if that was a because it was an n64 that's all they
00:59:07| could do they just make fiery hit boxes go off for a while I don't know but I call it plastiques or where it's at check it out good so uh you want to train transition
00:59:22| and do a main topic I love to I have a lot of prepared work 2001 hope you do start up I knew you're gonna start out with that I messed it up and then say we just be quite okay oh yeah I literally
00:59:45| cuz we never we never beat 9/11 really no we did and we just beat y2k that was a survivor our generation which is we're between actually honeys indirect yeah I think so
01:00:00| tween excellent they made one awkward technically millennial but I don't think I associated with millennial mmm-hmm but we were just getting into high school sprout those wings sprouting I'll put my
01:00:15| uh my own spin on it it's like 2011 was my 15 to 16 year 2001 yeah younger ten years no one 2001 past 2000 to 16 it's that it's the year were like this is a big transition there so I
01:00:40| remember when I was what 14 15 leading up to that like I I literally couldn't do anything cuz I was stuck inside the house like I would after I asked like my parents for a ride to drop me off
01:00:53| somewhere or take me somewhere all kit personal I went to the mall every now and then I remember hanging out the mall theaters so we're like people's houses like you can't you don't do that do they
01:01:04| avoid it I don't know if they do that now I don't know why you would honestly if you could I don't know but I don't know why we did I think it was just because that's where people gathered
01:01:13| you couldn't communicate otherwise could you that's another thing back then is he had to call somebody and it was like you wanna hang out and it's like okay yeah like when do you want to do they make
01:01:23| sure you get all the details and cold or yeah you had to call our house phone you don't even know who's gonna answer huh and it memorize it - we've already found in a little-known book do you guys have
01:01:34| a family phone book we did we had inside the cupboard you pull the cupboard back and there's a letter how did it work did yous alphabetize everything because we broke ours by family member like I had
01:01:46| my own segment that was like all my best friends whatever and their phone numbers and their addresses and their names eventually you memorize them my sister forget that like - mykes yeah yeah what
01:02:04| they so dill Vance I'll tell you right now - 1 5 7 4 2 2 6 1 8 it's not his current one right no he carries from his land mine whose parents house but if that was the transition to
01:02:22| is like the at the same time I got I got a car oh I'm going both topics cuz you get you get freedom as in you can move around and then freedom as in you can finally communicate cuz you get like
01:02:36| that I get a little nokia phone with like the only thing on it was like snake and you could call people yeah this was like that's huge that's massive I remember the only means of information
01:02:48| was actually talking to people like they would tell you like all the CDs good like you would have all these people you'd already be judging what they were telling you because they're right there
01:02:57| in front of you it wasn't some internet stream so even when it's an Internet stranger you're still judging them that's true cuz you see like let's say it's a Facebook or Twitter or something
01:03:09| you know that account and you know their history with CDs you know a last year they said CD so-and-so was the next big thing it sucked and they said so-and-so is the next
01:03:18| great CD it's song and now they say this one's bad it might be good like you judge everything still based on a character if anything you just have less information about the character than you
01:03:30| did back then I will say depending on the character if you go to FYE or back in our day what was it called the wall the wall existed yeah I had the wall that's awesome
01:03:41| FYE was mainly my thing and then they had another one too I think close but even coconut coconuts and there's a third one or what was prized same one there's like a tinsel
01:03:55| town one and know people are like people like what the hell or anything yeah these are all CCD Salish the entire stores all the CDs to buy music have you go to a store that only sold music I
01:04:09| mean they had movie and there are so many people and they're just listening to random CDs to understand what they liked I mean that's in a way that's so cool I mean it's awful I mean I
01:04:19| understand always yeah a cooler way more efficient yeah but something about that way is pretty cool not to mention how about people worked at these places they're probably
01:04:29| like got real deep into stuff and you very the only tact way well they're the only pathway for Joe Schmoe who walks in mm-hmm the amount of power they have don't even
01:04:40| listen that CD to waste your goddamn time check out them they got the b-side from 93 you're gonna be blown the Epley you know I mean it's like intense and yeah I mean but like you're like I'm oh
01:04:53| you're on the Battlefront let's see he's so give me give me like a top song of the top movies top songs and whatever anyone though there's like there's ninety percent of them are garbage half
01:05:09| pipe from Weezer that was it really yeah wait that's not who you this I got my hash 18 source and a little bit a little bit bunch of garbage chop suey I know toxicity yeah yeah weight
01:05:26| toxicity without that yeah yes everything else everything else is a bunch of garbage though why don't you be some garbage of me I went to the timeline I want some you know I wanna
01:05:36| see me see I don't even want to talk about any of the stuff talk I just need to know who's the hit come some some stuff from Motown you know town whores singer boyfriend
01:05:49| songs I oh yeah yeah I know or nothing they're all over the place there are manufactured boyband I know and hold on how many hits they have oh they're like three is like all for you
01:05:58| anything what about when the lights go out I don't want to care liquid dreams don't make me care about this who cares about caring about it it's about them like everywhere around you did so don't
01:06:11| see this is the thing about Destiny's Child Oh God really yeah that's the one thing that I I wanted to know from looking at the top songs and movies it's like this was a moment where people
01:06:29| didn't have like the sources of information they have today either like the end of the end of 2001 is probably the beginning of the ugly internet for and everyone talking and finally like
01:06:39| figuring out information is like the head make ways of manufacturing things so that a lot of people would buy them and it's still the same today but I think people are more aware of them
01:06:48| being manufactured loped also keep in mind it was probably worse before that year yeah cuz everything became really generic because they were trying to hit all those people that were limited in
01:06:58| knowledge the same thing happened with like in the eighties nineties everything to that one day I guess so I didn't exists really listening music at that time okay I wasn't around so you know
01:07:09| yeah there's anything out of the movies like the a lot of the I say was the trilogy's and whatnot started then a lot of the series started then why for the action two more times that the idea I
01:07:24| guess I was like they're setting it up that's a I mean it's the main focus is like movie theaters were huge back then like even bigger than they are now I think yeah I mean that's ironic they
01:07:35| don't make as much money is that a sales thing is it a they charge more for moving down they used to do you think that plays into it I don't I think I think more of it had to do with like the
01:07:45| movie itself because I think now there's a bunch of hype and marketing that goes along with it and then social media it's a more complex method of marketing that gets people to go like Black Panther
01:07:54| just like broke a bunch of Records and it's like if you were to show me like a preview from that movie like I probably I don't know if I would watch it that like like I might be interested but not
01:08:06| really shit I have not but I I'm not a movie go or anything more uh you stuck I only get to watch a couple movies a year wife stuff when it comes to like Netflix and stuff we're old
01:08:18| yeah but Netflix is probably gonna start releasing movies and scoot over the theater I would bet it is yeah so like what series of movies do you think started there's two there's ah
01:08:32| no how about what we call the robot warriors transformers transformers I think that was a later one scene in there okay I think Lord of the Rings started us the first one as the first
01:08:49| one Fellowship of the Ring tell you something about that yeah it was 2001 the other one yeah it came out late 2001 December you want to make you look I do I do because this is important
01:09:07| this will change my story it's by month who I see oh I see doesn't uh not giving December 19th they did a Christmas release yeah I know it's December so I went to see this in
01:09:24| theaters with like Maddie O'Donnell yeah yeah what an interesting crew wait hold on it was with a Ryan he was one of the the one the one thing I remember about him was he was talking about
01:09:40| masturbation and he said he was one of those philosophers yeah yeah he was like doesn't masturbating make you kind of gay because you're like you like the feeling of like your own like a man's
01:09:57| like a man's thing and in your head you drop it we need class or something hey no we were just talking and like they had like the little she was just caught casually
01:10:06| saying that casually saying it like in a group of people he was like maybe you're you know what it's like that's what I remember about him thank you for using a statement oh I could imagine that in our
01:10:27| school and so we always loved debated topic and back-and-forth discourse and he was like so it's kind of like the human body is a shell it doesn't really mean anything and he raised his hand
01:10:41| he's like so why don't we goddamn bury the bodies in the streets or why don't we goddamn leave the bodies in the streets and it was quick everyone by surprise and he was like well we bury
01:10:52| the dead and he was like well why they're just empty shells to the point where he had Sweeney yelling and throwing chalk at the board and he was like it's just a shell why don't we
01:11:04| in the streets filling our dumpsters filling the streets just empty bodies everywhere because they don't mean anything like he would debate with like a screwdriver he's just like tweaking it
01:11:17| yeah it could be Donald he's got three years minimum yeah he could be the guy anyway he's intense though movie go with it for assault with him who was not my crew I've never gone
01:11:38| to anything so so random show I was just pops up it was random it was the craziest thing and a couple other guys that vet type role is they may be a mom or something oh yeah
01:11:50| Kevin Warner definitely ever drop with the names okay every you're naming the people who probably wouldn't care there's no right definitely they're not named looking so Warner way way way I
01:12:12| got a Warner story dude he's talking Lord of the Flies uh-huh and then we're in marshes I don't know he's talking about how like you read the story and all of a sudden it's like you know you
01:12:25| start hearing this drum and this drum just keeps banging and eventually you're just hooked on the drum it just keeps banging a bang and then you're like no I want this to stop but
01:12:34| it just keeps banging he keeps banging his desk the whole time he's like you just can't make it stop it's just gonna keep beating and beating and beating until it's all about Molly Molly says
01:12:44| yeah English teacher awesome but he was pounding that desk at the end and it was just like I can see just like shaking and just like jaws great that's good good okay sorry
01:13:00| cute country so my grandmother died within 24 hours of this event pow now for after days maybe maybe after it depends when I saw it she died around the 21st and I might not have seen it
01:13:17| opening night so you know I know man I'm saying yeah I know you know you could have seen it what my sight the 20 thick oh yeah exactly I don't know all I know is I listen to that night it was
01:13:34| like snowy and frosty and I went for a walk because I was a youth who would go for walks because I was troubled dude and I couldn't drive couldn't drive so stuck in my house
01:13:44| uh-huh and I just moved through suburbs we all know I hated that move as a city boy moved to the suburbs at age 13 14 wherever I was I hated my parents hated everyone
01:13:54| I had a true love I could city and so a freshman year you were a city boy and then sophomore year was a right I had moved to suburbs and I hated everyone I would go for long walks like I was angst
01:14:08| and Moody it was emo a little bit of listen to music with my headphones tune out the world and I still remember it was listen to Joe Satriani cords of life up I know it was a clunky okay and I'm
01:14:29| going for a walk and I listen to this song and I just remember the song was over and I had all these tears going down my face and I felt like my grandmother who had passed was like the
01:14:44| only thing you have to know about life and I still remember this lesson is if there's nothing to fear like if you're gonna die you're gonna die gonna live you know list really get hit by the IRS
01:14:55| for tax evasion you're gonna hit by tax evasion it doesn't matter fearing it doesn't change anything okay just there's nothing to fear literally nothing whatever happens is
01:15:06| going to happen maybe time is fake I don't know know if that tells me that but maybe it does and I just remember it was the happiest and weirdest feeling in the world and a weight was lifted off me
01:15:18| and I never was the same after that night and I credit to the song my grandmother for whatever but I very much was not as anxious a person he's not as freewheeling I guess yeah
01:15:35| like in a way how I am on the podcast still to this day a little bit high I don't know it was a very big turning point in my life I guess this was after the Lord of the Rings came out and we
01:15:45| all saw it with whoever and whatever and it was a good movie made you remember it did it was interesting and it just made me feel like honestly there's nothing to be afraid of just if you're gonna die
01:15:57| you're gonna friggin buy so sound so so Matt O'Donnell dead bodies in the streets but you know I don't know there's there's two directions that are kind of that makes me think of it two
01:16:06| separate ones today there's a little of a smile like we have a meeting like the first thing Monday morning when I'm super tired and I don't want to talk to anybody and we all go around and there's
01:16:17| a microphone and we have to say what we're working on and like it gets broadcast like there's like 50 people in the room there's probably like 10 people listening on online and like for the
01:16:27| first time ever like I always sit I'm dead last like I'm the last person gonna so like by name anyway well I just didn't I sit in the corner because I don't I don't like people I like to
01:16:38| spread out I put my drink on the right side that's my man man's man spreading it and it was the first time ever that like I got I get nervous whenever I have to like publicly speak it's just that's
01:16:49| always been the way and like I get like I wasn't nervous until like it was like right next to right every turn yeah one turn away you're like tension towards away you're like this isn't a
01:16:58| big deal who cares one turn away really tiny hits and it was one of the first times I was I was like I would like the adrenaline like I felt the adrenaline going and I was like
01:17:12| I don't really I don't really feel adrenaline my life so it's like I like that like yeah a lot I don't feel it I want to I want to live it and then race it it doesn't matter what I say so I'm
01:17:24| focused the adrenaline just makes me focused and I was just enjoying it so a little bit of a smile huh interesting and like I guess I don't care that much about what happens I guess to me or like
01:17:35| life for all that the bigger picture so I think it'll all be okay we're going oh fuck fuck fuck like it's just like oh he just he's getting fired this whole episode just plays alpha yeah he's great
01:17:56| yeah bring that up and then the other thing is I wanted to ask you is like what's the first memory of of our interaction cuz honestly the first e I can't remember the first interaction is
01:18:09| probably in mollis or a period uh hallway was it uh uh could have been could have been was that sophomore year holy come here freshman year really huh maybe was earlier you guys one seemed
01:18:26| like we the one thing that's unique the one thing that's unique is that we went to a public school our private school that was a like 45 40 45 minutes away so like I had to drive that distance plus
01:18:38| some to get to like if I was going to your house so like yeah we were hung out making friends with people is difficult because you're like you have to like plan things out hit call people on the
01:18:47| right and it's not like you feel like let's meet a mom mom can you drive me for an hour and a half like it can't really be ready to hang out for an hour and a half yeah so you ended up making
01:19:01| friends with the people that were like in that school but like closest to you all right Mike like they're a couple people on the bus that like we're kind of cool but I'd only hang out with them
01:19:11| like younger than me so the first thing I remember of you is you body checking me into like the locker I think you're like check me into a locker sometimes up there yeah dick but I already like I was
01:19:24| like I don't know some different value that you didn't do it maliciously it's like I did an anti dick yeah and I had like that giant backpack if you remember that yeah oh shit like my grandmother
01:19:38| gave that to me I think she gave me like that little shirt and my initials boy oh I was gonna delight everyone in the pocket no you weren't your guys even issues on your shirt I had really nerdy
01:19:46| hair to have parted right in the middle just like today did I but I have art I apply though no you look like a trickle oh yeah I did well trickle has longer head
01:19:59| right right but he had the similar the part the bar I guess it was a year the trickle was like a STONER college graduate with us I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure he didn't figure that's like
01:20:10| I don't know I'm pretty sure all right let's think about that makes me think about a lot I want to look fat I think he graduated oh my gosh soul mates are like a first year there's certain people
01:20:21| that just faded like they just didn't exist I don't know if they like started actually left in school I mean we can't just assume they weren't that important we also can assume that what but I
01:20:30| remember him I remember like something like I messed with his car like when he was like a junior I don't know did he do you say junior year I don't know he may be finished
01:20:40| oh you get that far he might as well finish did a some dad owned a car tuition ya readin yeah that was the he smashed up his car in the next day at a brand new one
01:20:55| I remember the one of Winston's it just came from God it is delivered he prayed really hard and it just answered his prayers in 24 hours there ain't a lot of kid our school had new cars yeah really
01:21:09| nice when she was here The Vow evolved oh yeah you had a fire yeah I had a hand-me-down for my pops oh I had a 90 ninety-four then I smashed it junior glid I glid yeah Glidden right in the it
01:21:30| didn't even I was into those low impact except the airbags went off which cost thousands of dollars for some reason life-saving so the industry goddammit FD airbags air bags can go shove it air
01:21:43| bags can suck it and air bags can blow it I wish there was a button that had that like FD air bags I don't need this shit right now it just didn't go off you're just like I could take it see
01:21:56| shit the thing is plus one and everybody goes have you ever had an airbag go off in your face I don't think it went off on my accident did it Harbor totals from
01:22:08| behind I don't remember well the thing is filled like toxic gas supposed to like I think mine was broken or something but it like instead of writing it yeah exactly it split right
01:22:20| in the middle and just toxic gaseous what afraid in my face I was like Oh worse than that you can it's like like burns the inside your lungs when I hit you thank you hmm so I was effed up that
01:22:33| day but I still has a class for a little bit and I went I was like I can't do this you never did drugs and went to school right for the podcast right now you know
01:22:44| the most the most crazy thing I did was I had these contacts that were red with food coloring I died of red and then I put them in and wore them the whole day my eyes were like super bloodshot so
01:22:58| every teacher must have thought I was like super high but then my eyes like my eyes are like dark like super Donnie like I already can't see the iris all time yeah so there's like a red ring and
01:23:08| then I was like even like the darker contact made like black so like if you were staring at me like it would like I'd look like a vampire or something more than usual and most of our teachers
01:23:21| they're split leaders are like religiously biased like their brothers or their were played by blur or liberal yeah brothers older or they were like people actually are aged like people
01:23:33| just graduating from college trying to find the first job I felt like I like maybe like a religion teacher too yeah they're younger getting a religion religion teacher like that is like yeah
01:23:49| that's the gig they're like Nick like what makes your experience on life real and drawing okay gotcha Oh idea I remember free teachers out though they're like trying to look away
01:24:04| like kinda hell's wrong with this kid but may or may not doulton drugs like twice in my high school going to school like even alcohol do you call alcohol drug I do I I didn't
01:24:18| really drink I didn't rank in high school I I would never drink like during them not even in high school even back when I was a young teenager I wasn't a day drinker but uh I
01:24:29| just remember being in French class and the teacher hated us anyway he was like calling people out he was like this is who say who say yeah and he called me being like slow with my
01:24:40| answers and I was like uh say like I would say something in French he was like oh cause I'm saying oh I'm Jimmy and I'd be like what the question Park yeah he was like attacking me like
01:24:58| I didn't know what to do I was just like yeah it was the scariest no one in my life set me straight Kemp do straight haven't done a drop of drinking or alcohol or drugs since that
01:25:14| day and then everything turned at college but I'm talking about a year since that day I used to drive a kid to school who was a year or two younger than me huh I know I knew brothers he
01:25:28| will smoke every day who's the kid smoked cigarettes no he would smoke weed every day huh in a car and he was every day he was like yeah you want something I was really no I'm good
01:25:43| you're gonna get it anyway a secondhand not really I Oh crack the window all the time yeah but I mean like it was just I know the kid don't say his full name I'm not no cuz he was a year under us his
01:25:57| brother was two years older than us or a year older than us they probably don't know him either you play hockey no okay he's probably friends with him though I think I know you talked him up
01:26:10| anyway he liked punk music and all that but it was so funny he used to go to school and he would be like you know you gotta play this CD to see I got a CD player
01:26:19| installed on my Firebird got a CD player in stall stall have to want myself I did it myself yeah the back when there was a separate unit yeah yeah so I would do that and he
01:26:31| would always cuz I was a big metal head back then and I be like Chiklis in flame CD and check out this Dream Theater whatever you know progressive metal and all this
01:26:40| stuff and he'd be like dude you gotta listen this Phish song it's called B and I was like alright let me put it in it was like pee pee pee pee hit him with a coconut and here's the
01:26:53| craziest thing is this music wow he was funny as hell oh my best form he's doing good but my sister my sister used to drive me my sisters three years older so when I was a freshman she was a senior I
01:27:13| think she must have been a senior because the second year we took the bus like the bus was just humiliating because he could he had no control so like that transition of getting a car
01:27:24| was huge because then you can choose when you went to went to I was just at work when you went to school and then choose when you left which meant that I made my schedule so that I would leave
01:27:33| at like essentially one o'clock we only did a three-hour yeah yeah finebros it was to be able to leave what was course I don't know I'm sorry Sperling he got a schedule similar weird
01:27:51| six seventh and eighth grade six lunch seven three eight three yeah and he had to get permission from a Dean principal no no no no I don't delete like the building at like 12:30 you like I have a
01:28:06| new job I was like that's crazy dude you going right to work he's like I lied on the job I do right but i but the he did so that he could leave it like new certain school days so I wasn't sure
01:28:20| were you part of the Breakfast Club we would go in and early and just get breakfast sometimes you know uh I don't even know who was there like Brian sleep like maybe Brian absolutely Brian was
01:28:34| there hey Mike yeah Mike seems like he would be there you know I was with Mike for 911 they were holding hands then I was walking with him we left school oh yeah yeah we went to drag it
01:28:48| out now what we walked the 7-eleven the one up the hill and uh yeah was it no closest thing to a restaurant I don't know that there were restaurants around there yeah we had third period three
01:29:05| fourth period lunch or something a lot of time to sit around in the cafeteria yeah who the hell are gonna sit around do nothing so we walked to uh 7-eleven porn down in the library yeah you
01:29:17| weren't supposed to limp we just left the wall yeah and I still remember the funniest thing in the world was there was like a TV at 7-eleven and like the first plane had crashed or whatever
01:29:28| mhm I was like oh dude that's crazy he was like that's nuts and that was it clearly got our food like we ignored it like you know it's just one plane like oh that's plane
01:29:39| crashes there's weird stuff on the news all the time I decided I'm gonna get back to school like people were acting weird yeah lockdown everyone had TVs on like no one
01:29:48| was going between classes and really and they were like a second plane and I was like is that a coincidence like your first literally got that's a hell of a coincidence
01:30:00| uh-huh I remember I was in math class and there was weed you had rad man yeah right I did did yeah he didn't like me at all he was a strange fella yeah he's a good
01:30:13| guy you can tell he's a good guy but just a little in unlikely and I got demoted from like yeah ap math or whatever down to Batman's the story it's a trig or what no trig trig ZZ it
01:30:27| was whatever the freshmen nervous i sat next to Mike and Mike and asked me for a pen that's what got me ejected like he asked me for a pen and I gave him a pen and then I got I got one of these yeah
01:30:47| he had like a comb-over they were just like wave in the air Hank oh yeah his comb-over would move with his head in the opposite direction he marked you down Bay one yeah I think the problem is
01:30:59| like he he didn't speak like he just I was in the back of the class I was like excuse me and then Mike and I would thought these like all of these like there were like kind of quizzes but like
01:31:12| they no one said there are quizzes there's other challenges I think and yeah counted for degree didn't they did I think they did count I had read a probably or two after you four crappier
01:31:23| math mm-hmm both bad at math but no well I wasn't bad at math I was average it matter how much it was guy Dan yeah he was really into it they'll give it I'll give it to him for a teacher as a
01:31:34| teacher rad was really good same with the Roch Roch was Angela but violent rad was into it but really vocal crazy teachers we should just call this absolute shit talk come on man come at
01:31:55| us a dustin years later they came back brian they laid down the biggest smack album podcast of all time just us doing this on the cover of the podcast but if you think about life back then it's like
01:32:10| yeah hanging out with your friends you got school like almost all the time I had hockey but like I don't remember anything specific could he do the coach yeah yeah rumor has it that's the only
01:32:22| reason you had yeah the only reason that I was playing on the slowest team on the they didn't have enough teams they had more teams and there was enough for - for the record Dan on the podcast here
01:32:38| played on a JVC yeah animus a low esteem yeah they made me a JVC most schools don't have jb b and my father my pops was the coach because he's like we have enough guys
01:32:51| I'm gonna he is good he said I'm gonna coach his team so that and we eventually won we won like Jamie a good Martin on your team Martin J did he was completely staff he went him and Magilla McGill
01:33:04| away would wear like a good poncho those two were like the biggest hippies known to man we was Martin the one smoking in your car on the way it wasn't he did smoke in my car at some point I
01:33:17| guarantee he did it before the James man yo he loves that one shoutout no doubt the Martin market I remember he like he were in the bone most boneheaded plays and we were like the championship
01:33:33| I'm right down my dad was going were you in a game where he may or may not have humped a player on the ice and made moaning noises mark so so like we're having a championship game Martin had
01:33:50| made like really boneheaded plays the game before and my dad's like we can't do that there's no way to do that where's Martin Martin and they like looks around the
01:33:58| room he's like where is Martin and Martin like here like a flush and then my Martin walks in the room like a coach just like there's like my dad's just like nothing he could do he missed my um
01:34:11| using all my home rooms so I had a couple other classes with him okay he would crack me up dude it's okay those people I didn't have anything else in common with Martin or like friends with
01:34:21| them but I'd even hang out with them but for some reason we made each other laugh I had a certain religion class with a padre pio fanatic and he would just whisper stuff badly behind my desk and I
01:34:38| start laughing there's one of those things where he was talking about the Nazis killing Jews which I did not think was funny with this before but Martin was like Oh happen in hell he was like
01:34:49| inappropriate continue continue they were in a program like he was like imitating both the Jew and the Nazi in his scenario and he was like look I would chew and I never won the quiet old
01:35:04| quiet and he was like look I'm a Nazi he will go they would shoot a double it was like and we weren't talking about one or two or anything so like everyone was like quiet and weird and Marta was like
01:35:18| and I started laughing because he laughed behind you laugh because of his laughs baby laughs and then I'm laughing and the teacher turned to me but he was still in the Nazi voice he was like what
01:35:31| are you doing but he was still like doing the Nazi impression I lost it further and mine he was full-on laughing but covering his
01:35:41| mouth then he had a muffled laugh yet right and at this point now I'm laughing and I was laughing and he's like you think it's funny six million Jews died in the Holocaust and I was laughing and
01:35:55| I couldn't stop laughing and he took his chalk and he throw it at the board and he made some kind of nazi noises his fake Nazi noises he said it's okay people don't understand and I was just
01:36:09| he let me off the hook for whatever reason but for the record when I was definitely niched in his mind you know it he remembered you as the kid is laughing it I was I was just laughing
01:36:19| because he was an awful actor and Martin Martin was laughing behind me but folks I'm the kid who went to the Holocaust that's a good way to start our Twitter podcast what else is there really
01:36:44| probably a billion stories but now we're talking about high school stories we old we remember them so we're not I mean what's you too old to remember them then you're old you're really old do you
01:37:00| remember I Eric didn't want to go to communion because we all had to go I had a big breakfast those just like that kind of stuff you remember that I do remember all those stupid masses that
01:37:17| none of us liked worthless always tried to escape but I remember talking about something and then like making it a pact and like usually like two hands time together with a pact
01:37:27| I think it was either it was definitely a shirt what was his name I already just blanked Strawberry Fields either don't strawberry fields and I went in story fields hand came in and
01:37:43| then someone else had their hand in there too they made like a triple the triple shake and that was me like perfect like it was there's no way like I don't understand how three hands can
01:37:52| come together got lucky yeah we're all three were yeah I don't know what the pact was but it was like one of those defining moments like people connecting on such a deep emotional level as
01:38:05| shaking first time you can physically and mentally is that when you're kind of developed all the way I guess I guess so yeah I mean cuz wouldn't happen in
01:38:16| eighth grade or something or why not wait told you no yeah I guess it's the moment you become a kind of an adult like a teens your legal adulthood but honestly it's right fifteen or sixteen
01:38:26| right between 13 and 16 as you get Natalie Hart screw around when you're sixteen seventeen and like you don't get on your record right no yeah the hell you right and if you're lucky
01:38:37| yeah you do representing you can mm-hmm well we like you folks we do we like your line link tuned in we have a lot of socials I mean we'll be doing this again and again and again yeah and again and
01:39:00| again we got the unpin errs we got the unpainted we got the under or check ro down here check this guy yeah check over there yeah check this direction and
01:39:15| don't check here it don't care if you check them hmm please don't just specify that yeah it sums it up next time we're gonna gain maybe I don't know yeah huh good night

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