The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP036 Habit Routine Repetition OCD

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Transcript UnP036 Habit Routine Repetition OCD

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 36 - Habit Routine Repetition OCD
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00:00:00| so I'm Dan get on Nick folks and together we form is crazy dying in them known as the uh Mon and or lip-sync no sir we don't pander yeah especially not to younger viewers you're under 18
00:00:18| please get your waiver signed and come back yeah go listen to some tinier podcast isn't here we also you're an employer you cannot use this podcast against the employees only because it's
00:00:32| for infotainment that's for fun entertainment purposes only I believe I can nothing can be used against us in a court of law [Music]
00:00:41| so would you say we do here again I'd like to fit in the groove and just flow yeah it out deliver station let it rip couple old friends just going over some really interesting stuff so why you
00:00:55| tuned in enjoy thanks folks alright so that's that's interesting that's the new that's a good intro I couldn't get enough of that beat where do I purchase that be the answer way to
00:01:15| Google play music but I haven't figured out how to get it to stream yes yeah I also haven't found any okay yeah some reason it's it says mp3 format and it says invalid whenever I upload it which
00:01:30| is the yeah that's Google has the terrible help forums that don't let you figure things out no ideas not a threat you can't call anybody
00:01:42| I feel like I'm old person but they're literally it's not one to call so redirect you in service and sweet over it yeah sweet over though they don't have that's right no over it for like
00:01:56| the biggest company the world has no overhead yeah definitely probably like number two pineapple fact check future whoo that checking yeah did any corrections from last episode
00:02:11| when we get into actually over here nope my on today's date first ever perfect podcast last week and everyone who's involved give a shout out quick Brownville applause thank you for being
00:02:29| a part of the perfect podcast becsher we did it don't you feel it I didn't think it would take this long but you know it's funny because I have a page of notes and I don't know what we talked
00:02:38| about a disappointment both know there's one after discipline we got right to it was the topic right away childbirth how it was probably dad better we got that a plunger yes ed correct Wow
00:02:56| Ned really can't do everything better I was gonna look something up but too bad could you have a tongue twister for you though let's hear it let's do it collected calico cat clippings collected
00:03:11| calculon's collected calico cat collected calculate I got it it's going up pretty good huh when they get really long they get ridiculous my favorite of all times
00:03:23| they'll toy boat there's a different accent man how about Thomas said I can have a tow boat and so we're gonna talk about habits and routines today glad habits
00:03:42| don't like break them mm-hmm this is my warmup for this show is to get 2 cups of a beer and water you just switch up your have it no now why would I do that I thought we were talking
00:03:56| about habits of well maybe you try and see if it changed your whole outlook on life or maybe some of your brainwaves and maybe think about it well that's please I got it
00:04:05| zoned out I came up here I sat down and you find out the word for we need to take the same room to work every day you stop noticing the houses you stop noticing the street signs you stop
00:04:15| noticing details that you see every day is there a word for it I think there is I didn't look it up I just know there is I can feel it it's gotta be this probably knowing my sorrows
00:04:27| like you flip a coin every day and it's like hey is the is the head facing left or right when you look at the point yes people and they get it like wrong all the time it's like something they see
00:04:37| every day but they Zoomer it's like a because your brain doesn't want waste time it's not like hey I'm gonna memorize that head again you've seen it a billion times at this point you don't
00:04:48| care do you ignore it I read a story that picture perfect memory is not a thing it does not exist picture perfect no but through I'll say all the great quarterbacks in the NFL
00:05:00| have on Total Recall memory like Aaron Rodgers famously of the Green Bay Packers as there was someone interviewing and just randomly and he said you went to creatives college so
00:05:15| excuse me all the sporto's out there want to tell me about the home run hit and so it's up but there is both college days and he said yeah I played Iowa or whoever week 40 and it was unprompted
00:05:30| week 14 and they always showed this one formation on defense where they always had two safeties high and I had a required receiver here right I split him out to the right side and
00:05:41| the reporter said pianist that's like really good he went back and looked at the tape she was a hundred percent right on a game he played who the hell knows how many years in college and remembered
00:05:53| a specific play like that's how many plays are there there can't be more than quarterback probably involved in 40 to that they can't have 100 right I'm telling you there's a lot of options
00:06:10| because you can reverse every play there's there's options on the play there's you could flip a play you can have a play where everyone's set up in the formation you could have different
00:06:18| protections and and he's going off what the defense was showing I'm just telling you this is crazy revolt stop trying to knock Aaron Rodgers actually not it's rebei was my team in
00:06:31| the men 95 and just take another breath bad raven Fabri son before Aaron Rodgers Fabri was like 10 years right at ever I've started when mid-eighties could be way out there to enjoy 5060 now
00:06:47| who knows no in Candela can judge a sage no one could tell even his own parents no I did one night he was just there and they're like you can throw this one his Levi's jeans mind if I froze here
00:07:04| football a few yards go ahead go ahead bread how much lieutenant de all back there so let's talk about sleep divine chains well hold on photographic memory you said it doesn't exist correct
00:07:24| I registered over that it didn't exist like I believe that I don't know this decided different reasons memorization I mean some people have good ads memories I remembered build and pushed me into
00:07:35| the bush and he talks about that he talked about that I'm sure he did I think you got a pink slip I did you get like you could have to get like murder or kid in school to get a pink slip
00:07:48| one day he my friend pushed me into a rosebush as a joke he was just pushing me and I fell into the bush I was like and the teacher who liked me so and she was like oh my gosh
00:08:01| this is disgusting this is the Daniel he gained attention and I think you gave hmm do you think you know that I mean he probably remembers it vividly haha and visible visibly yeah oh but but it is a
00:08:18| really a visual memory probably remember what the streetlights were at the time like he maybe I was like yeah like was read about she had another he was like I remember the other kid dated Bianchi
00:08:33| headed toward backpack and don't worry about that one you can with him up there are three birds on the wire was calling members only because I guess your brain did throw that much information at Billy
00:08:47| that's too much yeah that's too much it's a lot of information in picture a lot of information of video except acceptors [Laughter]
00:08:57| well done I guess we have to define what it like a routine what a habit is which I hate defining pens or lists so I'll put it this way this is like aside from all the bullshit that you read online
00:09:10| about like 10 habits it'll make you feel better about yourself and the millionaire and all this good stuff it's like any list online news garbage bullshit but anyway yeah there was a
00:09:19| list of 283 of them all the habits that you could possibly have and it like broken down under God knows how many categories it said only 283 yeah there's only join in 83 you did what if you what
00:09:32| if you picked your boogers and back up your butt 284 it creates new ones ins butts try to combine like some habits there so I think it boiled down to the things that will be good for you in life
00:09:47| and bad for you in life and those guys you want to do things that you don't want to do okay so the circles so like the good and you want to do it is is passion or is that I think work out
00:10:00| think about yourself yeah practice something pay your bills does that I have it is it s who can compulsively pay your bills I kind of I guess I do I guess that's impossible you have the
00:10:19| option to pay once in love but you pay amount every time what about rounding errors do you like I think you'd be ahead you made your bill so it's not not a thirtieth of rounding here wow we're
00:10:36| pretty good you under pan over pain you know you done you make out did you can paying interest to edit fun even if it's only several times during the month because when does the interest accrued
00:10:48| daily monthly I've never missed a bill payment nobody interest on like student loans and things oh it's probably daily well then that's good so I had to jump in
00:11:02| she's gonna pay her she would pay her student loans every two weeks regardless of how much I guess you well because I'm I'm convinced you're catching the painter communications
00:11:18| you're advertising right now she's getting free tickets to all the playoff games kind of time good but not like maybe not in a mean way but in like a all remember these kind of way like oh I
00:11:39| could see could had these good shouldn't I dated trying to her chest yeah let's go back to my grade here imagine a square with another square inside of it and three other squares beside them or
00:11:57| just a compass so you got you got you got the good to one and then you get the bad in the one the bad and the one is the vices and addictions which don't really count as habits or routines
00:12:09| because they're I mean they're they're permanently changing your life if you were to continue them it's not something that we've gotten the same amounts of directory under the exact same non
00:12:17| cigarettes every night isn't it have it cigarettes do you cancel I which then kills you drinking doesn't necessarily damage your kill us is a certain amount it's the
00:12:27| same thing with sex addiction you can have a lot of sex and most people think they're in digging into it but as long as it's not harming you or other people then it's not an addiction this is crazy
00:12:37| the definitions these or is it universally accepted or Wikipedia or American standards or what this comes from my wife who is taking college classes on college kid dude they're all
00:12:49| liberal Yahoo's yeah Wendy's Yahoo ID always but there's a lot of things you can do as a sex or non sex addict that would you would think would be like oh I'm totally addicted to this and it's
00:13:04| not it's not destroying your life it's a lot you can do that won't destroy your life this is exciting there's only like 5% of people that are actually sex thing they are so 95
00:13:17| percent of people think they are but they actually are not salute about the Pipers now I'm really curious they're like compulsive like they I have to have it
00:13:27| every silhouette they say in our relationships they try to keep doing it over and over again in certain ways we put a lot of those girls you wish you could relive those years huh they did
00:13:42| they did I'm an adult I've moved on anyway um no 100% no I agreed or disagreed it's just interesting way to look at habit now when I was speaking of
00:14:00| habit I was thinking of like my father has to go to work a certain way he can't take a different way to work he can't you know I am the opposite I love to make big difference within to the same
00:14:14| within a certain timeframe though right you're like 30 or 40 minutes the same to me so I'm gonna do it or and sometimes don't try shortcuts like especially if it's in an urban setting rule this is
00:14:25| part of our neighborhood as fast as you can oh yeah you probably D kids Steve um moving on moving on quickly the pepper can I insert something real interesting sure go did it so my
00:14:46| girlfriend and I don't always have the best says he were with each other doesn't we click it soon yeah I like right we need each other and we were driving and uh he was like 10:30 at
00:15:00| night we're driving back and it's night or Saturday night whatever that it was and we looked over to her left and it's one of those 24-hour car washes and there's a dude like a young white dude
00:15:11| just feverish and washing his car at probably killed someone and as I was saying kill Celyn she said hit someone and we looked at Terence then we left don't say 24-hour car watches for
00:15:25| murders and I think people though she did I guess you should have pulled into that parking lot and then slowly driven around him just like I crawled okay he's like what else
00:15:39| why do you have to do it right then it was three definitely accidentally killed somebody right but anyway I do like to drive through neighborhoods just not as quickly as that individual yeah I do
00:15:54| like to take shortcuts like you do like I see there's a bunch of traffic and I know if I cut through this back neighborhoods so you've analyzed a couple our students and right a couple
00:16:02| cars make sure the results you pick most unique one white SUV I notice you're still in line suckie suckie playing SUV the van with the white glove on it
00:16:15| Oh clean maid service it's like you see that behind you later on you just like two seconds faster gotcha my shortcut the real funniest is if you get into a predicament where you're
00:16:29| trying to beat like a vehicle say a marked vehicle in your brain that you marked and they don't know you're racing so you're waiting I think they know you're racing no I mean they're really
00:16:39| everyone racing them I think kind of so let's say you take all these shortcuts and get to a spot where you're both facing the same road you want to get to and they're making the right and they're
00:16:52| ready is like they have the right away ninety percent of time you would just feel like that car is already making right and can really pull out here but you see who it is and you're like moving
00:17:00| barrel out like disobeying the speed limit in walls just because you can't afford to lose the battle that you took the shortcut three seconds yeah embarrassing to lose all you work for so
00:17:14| you end up breaking the rules killing several people I always feel like those are whenever I do that it's like spotting the other person and then when they keep pace with me I could kind of
00:17:25| hate them and they're like like you're like side by side you like no they go to be even beat them you'd beaten by like I'm the Liam on our and and here they come slowly putting up to you while
00:17:34| you're waiting at the red light and they're back to again you're like but then after a while you if you take the same path you kind of respect the person and then when again you see that when I
00:17:44| leave you kind of well does he miss it you'll never see that person this happened while on the highway when I dated it all who's a communications major wanted the same so it was like a
00:17:57| two and a half hour drive for school so I would be a lot of Turnpike Highway all that stuff and they're more than the average route you really pick enemies friends or enemies people you follow
00:18:08| because we're like top takers like you sort of throw any personality I am and you're like yeah okay we're rolling together dude whether he knows it or not and you're using him as your cop guard
00:18:20| and you're both passing people when you both behind two trucks doing the same speed come on two trucks tell are you doing move to the right move to the right you know after like an hour of
00:18:32| being with that person you shouldn't throw in that turn so you can go to the exit that you're not going to and like there's it's like that finger twitches on a turn say like yourself you know you
00:18:41| see them and you kind of like you want a wave to them that you don't know them you know met them this is where it's gonna get weird when there's automated cars because I feel like the people will
00:18:50| then just like completely like switch seats and like wave and both people will be completely ignoring like the driving aspect and bonding I'll be chatting although once the ops you're gonna sleep
00:19:02| a real Booker look at their phone they'll be completely oblivious to anything that's true yeah don't ignore the road why the hell would they care about the
00:19:10| road anyone the road is just a means to get somewhere well hold on this is a nice very cool someone tweeted that once automated cars like happen like now people will show up at their
00:19:26| destinations dead often it was crazy like he meant it and there's a right handed car going on in the journey and the car will finish his journey over the door and he'll have the pizza like in
00:19:42| his hand and the person was like a further 20 and take the pizza and the car will just get to keep track tour of the slowly close on next destination he could make it past the hours and since
00:19:54| then not even know it he'd have his face on reddit picture dislikes I'm like the pizza companies probably pissed because they kept feeding pizza into his car and it's early capitalism
00:20:11| States the dissolves are making money on the situation and make they're okay with it plus the the pizza place should probably be automated at that point root for human leave it won't be any error
00:20:28| voluntour next memory I did yet ready then hit the the quad chart here please do a look abroad quad charts so bad to the the stuff you don't want to do but it's good for you
00:20:41| and I called that work with exercises in it I guess exercise to open thank you and then the stuff that's bad for you but you don't want to do I don't even think about what that could be
00:20:54| you know what that would be you know like you have impulses to kill people but Dexter yeah so circle cereal healers have some mental issues that you can't resolve it's almost like OCD because OCD
00:21:07| could be good or bad for you near I imagine it's hardly looks good I mean it's it's probably nice bed often more neutral like people who are like afraid of elevators because they're a CD
00:21:20| but an elevator all sudden like crashing the ground for the same it's true knocked the door three times first two times they missed it it's like a logical aspect of it they could have experienced
00:21:34| something that forced them to be that way which has low chance of happening but might happen again so then they decide that they're never gonna chance it because the horse is dead well I get
00:21:45| fish maybe the woman in my office refuses good on the steps because the grade is slightly steeper than what she's used to so feels like she's gonna fall forward
00:21:55| probably die I guess is she heavy hit I I guess she's above average for the weight in women her and I was gonna say weight class I become really famous and she's watching this right now favor
00:22:13| I apologize Debbie it's weird because there's a woman named in my office I apologize it's not pretty when the Dan's work oh man I tried to avoid the situations as much as possible
00:22:36| but sometimes it's lovable and just all down that elevator yeah yeah so this is how I'm gonna sound breakdown so the habits are in the middle so the habit can be good or bad for you it could be
00:22:48| what you I guess it's neither good nor bad it's just the neck over yeah it's more like you have no mental comprehension of what happens so you're just joining out and doing what you
00:22:59| normally do it's a it's a comfortable place to be because you've already done it for whatever reasons it might as probably because you built a life that forms into this you know like common
00:23:11| Lego piece that plugs into what you believe is gonna happen and then you just kind of go with it you roll with it I think not that all the people we have move it the older a person get the more
00:23:28| habit they can collect yeah I think yeah we the only things that matter are continuing to survive and being I guess wealthy but like not having problems oh well yeah being well so as you get older
00:23:43| and you've had like 50 years of being well there's so many things in that routine of yours that you believe make you well but there's not many things that will kill you not many things will
00:23:55| make you excessively well which probably matter kill yeah there's not many things that have killed you for having chosen no because I think it's a like our lives are so easy that we can develop any
00:24:11| number of habits that we think keep us alive but I don't think it really matter I'm making a hell of a jump here but would you do that here at the UM page I almost equate it to DNA I mean DNA has
00:24:24| a habit of replicating itself 99% of the time because one person I want to make exceptions or does something weird oftentimes that's a failure mutation something bad happens
00:24:36| but once in a while I just want to make we're gonna edit in some cool really bill about noise a demographic with my hands right now but um once in a while breaking abbott is very good like beyond
00:25:00| good but i know as you're going with the genetics it's like once we once we save every single person then the genetics have no Darwinism to the right so there's there's no reason to mutate
00:25:11| everything's everything will be extremely varied and there's you no rhyme or reason to it as long as you survive with your genes then it doesn't mean your genes are bad we could also
00:25:22| just be over the longer scale I mean what if the average lifespan is still a thousand years even with AI everything because of other unforeseen consequences I'm thinking like lifespans still the
00:25:34| same as it is but it was like oh my nines 1,000 years in the future you could have any variety of people because they're not eliminated by real things yeah there's no racial outside down food
00:25:46| resiliency fill the food restriction mental requirement by their predators no you're right so in the future it's good probably well this guy this goes into a question I was gonna ask you before what
00:26:00| do you think is gonna and what's going to be the apocalypse for a while AI but I heard something today made me finally say good someone called it a bow ski fear robots will only overtake
00:26:15| mankind or overthrow gobs or take over the world or do whatever in so much as that their rewards make them want them so likewise the human race becomes inconsequential but leave them alone
00:26:30| yeah because why would they care to enslave them or turn them into their slave Lincoln said enslave them sorry issues if I like soon as they turned them into their slaves but doesn't like
00:26:43| like a machine has no vendetta against anyone it's only gonna work so hard as its reward sector kicks in or its reward program or whatever makes it do better feel better or whatever like it doesn't
00:26:56| become an evil vengeful thing I don't think maybe this is the programming I think if it becomes emotional than penny it might become depressed too so you might be able to manipulate it wait how
00:27:07| these robots are hidden depress somebody and are they email those are email robotic it will walk around like gods so you think is a I didn't know I did I did for a while and then uh meteorite
00:27:23| you're seeing whether meteorite ultimately it will be a disease it comes back as a genetic see anybody yeah you don't know that's one thing is that there's so many genes up there so
00:27:39| many mutations that you might have it disease it comes by and wiped out ninety percent of the human race like to buy dad that was like sixty percent right so like some people have mutations that
00:27:48| protect them from that black death and you might not realize it like before our aptitude was all towards like physical being and like people who are well and hunters and all sorts of stuff and now
00:28:01| it doesn't matter you don't really know where it's gonna come from but that could be a good thing does you don't know where the threats coming from yeah yeah very people that very gifts or
00:28:11| abilities or munities or everyone's melting pot right you've got a melting pot eyes bent just checking my phone in case t that nineteen seventy sixers mmm those up there name the game you win the
00:28:40| nine the third removing reporter who could robust you anyway i'm driveway you probably did something is right now what habits is too big personal routine keep going I try and
00:29:01| break as many as I can because I feel like routines become tree roots something you get stuck in place yeah I think if you have too many habits let's say you have eight habits that are just
00:29:15| on break we have swim cigarette you have to go here in the morning every Sunday you have to go here every weekday you go to this job and every something you're here so then you say to your friends hey
00:29:24| guys I can break a couple of habits we're gonna have a fun old time but I still have to go to the store on Sunday but I have seven more days to do it again so like you have this little free
00:29:35| time that you made yourself pretty easy that's where every noon you have to take this pill every Wednesday you have to do this every morning you do this every evening you do this like even if you
00:29:48| break ten of them you still are pretty you're pretty constricted you're very easy what percent of them I was with a big let's say you can break 50% of your habits at any time as far as you can
00:30:01| just great but if you have hundred habits that are pretty fence done yeah you have the tea habits that are still let just chaining you down like you can you I mean hem it's really glad this is
00:30:14| a question like there's a you're gonna complete it all I ask you this head down to Mexico right now I started in like seven sure could you go to Mexico get a new job become a surfer and get on the
00:30:29| beach there's habits like I like having like I said could you could possibilities there oh you really could think about it thank you already too late okay I want to the possibilities
00:30:44| definitely they're good everyone would say what the hell you're doing Daniel even your your wife and Chuck kid house job right all those habits yes good job I know we're splicing the word habit
00:31:00| here but um you mentioned just do get tied down to to a benefit to I mean they do help you in a storm what happens to a tree that has no root although over I hope you've enjoyed this
00:31:17| tour would they they just know that if a storm did come true with many routes would survive you're grasping it strong I got no I got deep bruise like your one main have is that you what what's the
00:31:36| longest running habit that you have work it probably work pay my bills so like what Lord I take you for you to change your work habit where you I should that's a very good question
00:31:50| eating more money and future growth that's understood the question is how often do you try to look for those opportunities once so no no soap or it's out the view of once a once a year mom
00:32:09| every two months well the hitch and you look and you go online you can talk to a few people and yet you google certain job things and you Google degrees and you look and you
00:32:22| start the signup form and you think about things and you're like start asking questions no no no you get further net and then they start saying we'll do our pay and go to this class
00:32:34| I'm sure yet about the scheme we have the scheme where you start the bottom and it builds up and slowly over time when it comes very very cool right it's it's like it sheeps like it's stable at
00:32:47| bottom at later point a year head to toe so over to take to change that habit where you find jobs same online because honestly if my drummer got back to me and said this is
00:33:03| the best movie ever made and it's it's fulfilling and he didn't realize that the job does do you know what he got into was it was he do it I heard he was something with cars and then he changed
00:33:14| that apparently he took up the IT classes for like on Windows certification and another certification no yes no is this your old your old friend your old bf and now my
00:33:27| Wow became technical yes he and the thing is right now he's doing a very um helpdesk type job and he kind of hates it but but I think in his mind he was this is a couple months ago it's gonna
00:33:42| move up to the next level very soon and he thinks it might be cool and I'm like not like I thought I think him Saint bad but now I'm like it's funny because I could imagine him talk to people and
00:33:54| making them feel really happy and him smiling on the other end of the stupid headset mic it said like but I don't know I don't know it's as happy as you can be you're gonna be happy you're
00:34:06| doing something else I'm sure he could happiness is also bleeding with money do you know what I mean that's true so you could be happy or doing something to make to have them
00:34:15| only then he's not as happy so those State Farm commercials we're sort of one of the commercials that have the twins are the same person but playing both and he needs a caller and colleague Pryor I
00:34:25| think it's State Farm full all insurance yeah turtle insurance yeah that's what I say interesting I could see you should do a commercial with himself oh he could really be good anyway I like
00:34:45| he had literally said it was a home run and everything because I thought of this that I know enough about that stuff that he liked that I figure it's like plug and play hmm I'll put it this way in my
00:35:00| job right now I've really deal with real people people who probably are shit no no other way around they really care I yeah I swear to god there's people who do care or they're in poor neighborhoods
00:35:13| but they're like the coolest people and no one probably talks to them some of them seen things I could only imagine like a lot I do do it a lot of um I'll say African American over 50 war vets
00:35:25| and stuff and like there's some of the coolest dudes and like a real cool thing is like an older black guy with a 50 when he talks did let's say like what's going on doctor like they call you gosh
00:35:36| that's it's like a what's up top but it's like I've only got it from then it's been like seven or eight of them and I always say him and what's going on doctor and
00:35:43| I'm like nuttin doc it's he's funny and like those people I wouldn't run into these people any other Walter White that's true I think it's cool to really physically
00:35:53| help them then sometimes I just drive into their area and they're like can you come to my house and just drop it off there and I Drive there drop it off be like go see oh dude he's like thanks a
00:36:02| lot and then we'll talk and bullshit but like ten minutes okay that's one thing but my job as I sat down on my desk today and I just said good morning to the one woman who's in my office same
00:36:13| woman that we talked about earlier and I literally said nothing until the end of the day we're at four o'clock rolled around and she said you've been really quiet today and like I didn't say a
00:36:23| single word I just kept like we're suppose to say where he's supposed to just lean over back to typing I mean that's what people in the office do but it's so vapid it's so empty it's fake
00:36:34| anyway I guess yeah yeah but you're really plugged into like this but I'll say so you know work yeah community it's a light it you get feedback from the people that you're talking to it I mean
00:36:44| there's I thought we shared everything from the sports to whatever like something about the weather - like I can talk crap on objects that's the cool thing about my job like this guys are at
00:36:53| all and I can say whatever I want cause it's not like my jobs like well we don't call people names it's like not PC it's very it's pretty shitty to discuss and I can't talk about like there's a story
00:37:06| about there's a woman who 16 years ago found out that her husband was cheating with another woman and she drove to the hotel and as he was leaving she drove over him and oh so hate him and then she
00:37:23| did he die yes he died as she drove she reversed and then double duty yeah so this is the story that she told me so I was true and then she was released sixteen years actually on May 15th she's
00:37:39| getting out so she she showed intent because she wasn't a crime of passion because she was able to roll over him once which is the passionate part but the reversing her is play
00:37:50| and and then was there a forward again or just the reverse just the reverse just a two-timer I'm like the guy oh now that's pretty good yeah that's really good I'll lose tonight that's okay
00:38:11| they're gonna win the rest probably actually I'm growing the beard it's hard on distribution it's it's gonna be shaved so back to habits uh uh so at a shaving she Bob said it takes three
00:38:26| weeks or 21 days to form a habit other studies have said it's like 66 days like what's a habit that you would like to form working up yeah like what you're going out for runbook have you try doing
00:38:37| it for three weeks straight actually doing your something truthful go ahead I have an alarm set 5:05 a.m. I don't actually have to be awake till 6:05 so I have an hour that I can run work out and
00:38:53| get a shower and still get ready for work it's been set for over a year I never - gotten up at the 505 I just snooze it or ignore it and lat because they get to sleep for an extra 50 or so
00:39:09| good does it feels great extra sleep it's like I need something every internal struggle you don't want to really face but you just yeah so I will tell you this then what
00:39:31| would you call someone who grows their hair out and doesn't cut it for 11 months at a time is that a habit so I'll get it cut in like two weeks now we got it just let's
00:39:41| pass it talking you can have it right but I do it I probably did it four times the best eight years like a habit is like an active not thinking about it so what down is this
00:39:54| you can't your your cells already do that you can't tell your cells not to grow hair then why do you cut your hair every two to five weeks this gets in your eyes it's
00:40:04| sweaty yeah condition it I didn't do it comes too much and it's good stay sweat in the morning dry of soap leave it do they have a problem we're saying yeah just definitely wrong with them
00:40:24| interesting so you're saying like exercises a habit that you you want to have I mean most people say they didn't want to exercise more right they want to be more flight more socially interactive
00:40:35| and all sorts of stuff and then they never do it always social I talk to everyone from the guy peeing next to me to the clerk you know I die repeat talker
00:40:45| yeah but chuckle I like the one you know chuckle but not then we think about cover punishment it's he start penis he pretends to pee you could hear him panting like an example of something
00:41:23| that's acceptable to say in the bathroom is if it's a day game date Billy's cave or something that's easy and you're peeing it off hold on a date Billy's team and you're in an office that's not
00:41:36| as they do it the villager in a job a day job but you know the other guy sports coming he's wearing to add or something you're peeing these two souls / did you say Dan OOP OOP Braves are
00:41:49| winning I got 300 on it I jump Ramazan hands for like a minute right I'm massaging an outfit and you say little tip got $5,000 on the bruise then you try and see if he says he says
00:42:12| that he pees and you're all good everyone's fine that's something you did that there's one thing I hate is the bathrooms with big trough you're like
00:42:21| standing and there's no barrier there's no super and I'm not tall I'm not talking if you can see my wiener though that's a no-go different control differences are and there's like if you
00:42:30| do it's a whole different area there's ten CU t closer to you there's like his shipping anyway i'm started shifting away from him here yeah you start leaning to your left you're
00:42:40| like how about this weather we're having and go go there hmm so what do you wash your hands well Thoreau here's a real question yeah you pee at home you watching in yes I actually have oh I
00:43:05| have soap and then I have disinfectant like oh look at that from being at home yeah well I'm I'm climb Lee do you think you know yeah you did like I'm gonna have bacterium right there right there I
00:43:23| just gotta get gotta give all the bacteria off gonna kill it all analysis sound terrible but I'll never ever let's not forget something here the words of the wise if um peeing in a public place
00:43:45| and everyone else that is peed watch their hands I'll go up to pretend to like turn the sink on and then non-social water okay with wrong room uh-huh
00:43:56| I'm not too kind it pumps him so but water sprite dirtier than your hands on yeah so was just you know if you've built up your own biome so that all the bacteria and your body you're used to
00:44:09| your adjusted to yourself so like washing around bacteria that's dangerous well hold on so girl I dated who was communications major traders debated my school danger and cousin high school she
00:44:26| says your towel is starting to stink once less honey washed it and I said washed it it's my after shower death your products lean that's what I say and she said no you have to watch that tail
00:44:40| and I said like when she said every few weeks every couple weeks are you that dirty and I said I've never watched this incised bathing in college which is when years I mean it's like no likey your net
00:44:57| yeah whatever some would say that's years 0.99 years anyway I felt really embarrassed that for that now I wash my bleep five months three months it's good you must so you use your one bar soap
00:45:21| right you soap night I loofah and uh like at squeeze so you know how good is the soap dilemma so like no normal people got it have soap so when it's so it's really small it's a little bit left
00:45:38| but you could choose like sometimes I choose to grab a new bar so I have a new bar and a tiny bar so that's good yeah so now I have options so the big bar is for my face and my body small bright
00:45:55| shirt or that means yeah yeah it really does make sense the small bar is now for my final regions so like if you're gonna dirty a piece of soap it's gonna you're just to reiterate for the audience your
00:46:08| nether regions or small asshole yeah I me but anyway but that the decision make sense yes it does except you've been using the one bar soap for a long time so now that you have to you selectively
00:46:26| choose which one get this company for Buffalo much because I goes in your face it did so I have this dilemma already figured out because as a loopy user I always wash my face first my neck in my
00:46:40| arms area top down my chest and back exactly no I even skip the genitals bill my legs because it seemed like you go back yeah thought that your top down there little guy
00:46:54| but but I just thought this so now the next time I shower the first thing I'll touches my face so when you dry off do you do the same thing you should have another shape I said no I kind of top
00:47:11| bottom like it get my hair because you don't understand now I have to blow-dry this you're totally incensed your engorged with your hair yes I am that's habits really
00:47:27| oh good I do have one thing is there anything that can't be a habit I always said sex so that depends on another person right if I could be visual you do find other partners no you
00:47:44| couldn't there's doctor hold on because some people think everyone can find another partner no no 5 foot 9 311 pounds Susy finding other partners everywhere
00:47:55| now he's good with one no but she doesn't want to affect each arm I mean where we gone there I'm not sure we got you're just saying that some people can't be selected correct can't even
00:48:18| have it that's why I don't you can be a habit I mean I can be wrong here I'm actually checking the school yeah I think well the one thing that can't be habitual is really emotion you could try
00:48:30| to try to you could try to try did you try to manipulate your own emotions but your emotions kind of your body figures it out no you can't just always do the same thing is your mind to add your body
00:48:40| and your emotions up here you gotta keep open the value up in the number opening goes it mm-hmm I think it could you trick yourself into doing that isn't that like what some
00:48:51| mental disorders are like schizophrenia like Nirvana people who meditate and let's get off on it that's treason yeah yes I couldn't have it there deep
00:49:08| meditative keep meditating on reloading that should be good bumpers there Parker's not hot Oh mines easy the dishwasher if your dishwasher breaks it's a little bullshit
00:49:26| someone told me I said it won't get out of a wash cycle we're still in there it won't drain right he drained it eventually luring because I did her walnut suck inside
00:49:37| golden walnut golden moment so I said to my landlord even you fix it your landlord I rent Frank oh when the agreement it says the first $250 is on you
00:49:50| well that changes everything here after you buddy oh I'm gonna fix it happy hip so get on my bag of tools and my YouTube and I'm checking everything about it I'm reading
00:50:01| up on everything nice and you're watching your bag of tools how many tools are the new Pegasus probably only wrench screwdriver you know they'd be averages freedoms I
00:50:12| have every kind of average I purchased them over the years and stole them from my job good job good job and for this particular job you only need a phillips-head and on with at-15
00:50:24| that was a stupid torque design okay so it was a hell of a process you got to take apart all the things take it all out yeah the little rear thing that everyone sees at the bottom that has
00:50:37| like it looks like alien that no food can get in you know a little may of the bottles at teeth all around okay next time you look that's it I'll agree with you take that bad boy is heat the alarm
00:50:48| off and you get to a whole new world and now down here you can take part this and that is kept checks and drains and I'm saying to myself I can't do this but I'm a man I'm gonna do it $250 is a lot it's
00:51:02| really it's back to cheap and yeah I to report that whole dishwasher and I don't know like room when you did your garage door oh yeah I felt when a time cat how many
00:51:12| times how many times did you watch the video before two or three you're like this is pretty easy right now while you're doing it at halfway through
00:51:19| do you go back and like reliability know that this is which part they do it with this first how did you do the video before you did it because I did not I thought I was do smart it's a bad
00:51:31| mistake yeah I watched it that was once maybe even twice I was like 15 thefts so you go and do it and as you're doing it you're like sweating and you're like okay I got to do this before I do this
00:51:45| right uh everything seems so easy in the video it's not because those guys are just like you do this and then this and then this it is easy if you know the order but you don't necessarily know it
00:51:58| intuitively so it did it checked it all I undone so right now that's been running hopefully it works find out after once I don't be you're
00:52:09| smart it's a sensor issue which is a whole another thing I couldn't have to buy a new sensor everything like hundred bucks let her do it my garage door was amazing
00:52:18| though because I had two different sizes of two-by-fours and I literally kept like chopping them down so it dropped like a foot at a time like clunk Wow like punk like it took me an hour just
00:52:33| to knock it down because it was hanging up with no pull up here I know I was like oh yeah - Anatoly wars fully loosen fingers yeah I got that last three feet and I didn't have a board that was small
00:52:47| enough to do that and I dropped it on tire and enough flexing the thing but looks good now I have none of it I've no reservations for what I did so would you recommend everyone use youtube and do
00:53:00| their own thing no I'm technical so I can get by with it I think certain people would just ignore half of the things they say to do and they'd be like we did it fine and then it's like it for
00:53:13| exactly oh are you halfway through the fixer thank you I'm the other way around I'm not as technical but I feel a man's being so Allah say now ever Elm don't listen I want to do it so on the
00:53:26| try $50 to Nick you'll do it send it my way and I'm gonna youtube it as I do it oh oh I'm gonna stream this line coach even there'll be 250 aaggghhhh so what about some topical you do you do watch
00:53:51| the news right the Starbucks thing Oh a side dude he's the man what happened tell me I heard back stories and I'm not sure I saw it some other two guys got arrested
00:54:02| in Starbucks jumped the whole conversation ended about Syria the chemical attack yeah they it takes like a village and then we bomb them because Trump wants to be man man's man I will
00:54:20| say this I had no research whatsoever in a war that's been going on in the Middle East and cetera about 2,000 years so my depth of knowledge is literally like pick in the Grand Canyon but I do say
00:54:38| this so when I thought on Twitter I respect greatly the illiterate hunk I was calling that I think about my favorite he's my favorite cause he's he's been railing about this for like
00:54:49| five years he's and once in a while he gets into such a mood where he posts pictures of like kids who'd been attacked by chemical weapons and hung got surprised
00:54:59| I'm like and I'm like I got only want to click on it I'm trying to ignore it trying to move on and I'm trying at the same time maybe research a little to see if he's all into something and maybe I
00:55:12| should look into it it's like what is catch-22 like I'm not gonna be able to do anything about it the machine I'm curious how they know where it comes from how do you definitively tell them
00:55:23| someone does something it's it's like any other job if you know which helicopters were used which companies least the helicopters like can you imagine people on your block all the
00:55:36| sudden ran into helicopters necessary to do XY and Z like now they can't until they've had you know you like it's my neighbor but they're not gonna rent a helicopter do this look
00:55:44| do you know what I mean if you live there you can figure out an obsolete yeah yeah yeah they went and went down by like 7:00 while you're looking at that I talked to to read it did you
00:55:59| about what I'm a petition while submission down about the OCD stuff and then I have to you know what their CDs were taken six or sport yeah check it that's one of them busy that's awesome
00:56:11| are they cool so people are just counting putting things in places making sure that they even are odd numbers throwing things out there while you're checking the score was a score 104 96
00:56:29| anyway you're gonna walk up gonna wala no no no I the game's gonna be over by the time I saw you and welcome catch he ended it but what I was gonna say is um with the
00:56:41| news I think it's it's deeper than Trump etc so I don't really know how to take on it more like I don't want to be involved in it but what I do want to say about the Starbucks cities when I first
00:56:56| read it I was like that's ridiculous like apparently two or three American gentleman came into his Starbucks like in Center City like a very busy area and said they were waiting for their friend
00:57:08| and maybe the manager her saloon was like hey you gotta buy something or leave like we're just waiting for a friend to beardo soon and manager um you know slim called the police said we have
00:57:19| people who were losing leave and police came at this point I think the the gentlemen were very relieved yeah yeah which I can understand like I'm gonna leave can't make us leave it
00:57:32| in Starbucks not think this thing to get arrested hold on so it is it is so I think they're handcuffed and totally etc etc and on one group is saying it's
00:57:46| incredulous it's ridiculous it's a Posterous it's there's a lot of adjectives a lot and problem exactly and I the other side is saying like they should it
00:57:59| they are probably doing something bad drugs unlike somebody fake stories coming on this thing right so the answer probably lies somewhere within if someone tells me to leave the Starbucks
00:58:09| I probably leave and I hate to say this but I feel like the people who may be stable jack-bots a possible possible and this earlier jackal racism that maybe maybe
00:58:20| possible I don't know maybe the manager's name is hope maybe the people waiting for their friend were sure balls yeah and if you had both of those things happen it's like I'm a jerk ball I'm a
00:58:33| jerk ball and it's like everyone gets into this thing and it's like by two two sheep male sheep goats you ran a ramp Rams are and you yeah exactly and I think it does show that the law had to
00:58:50| favor eventually the white Starbucks which is messed up yeah it's great how comes spinning out of that one is a protest riot polish thing the only thing is like now I see people like protesting
00:59:04| the Starbucks and going in there and screaming at the baristas and stuff and I'm like there's a bruise wrist wrist is an hourly wage yeah scream at the owners we'll start with okay the manager if you
00:59:17| can find a manager I think he's been absent of course of course he's temporary leave with pay right and the other one is um I stopped someone buying Starbucks coffee at that
00:59:32| Starbucks and dumping it outside and I was like I mean why does that doesn't make it you're not many yeah he's gonna go back inside get another cup of coffee right and so the only thing I gather I
00:59:44| was is it's like too much outrage for what it is unless these dudes were just in there and then like police showed up and grabbed it and Compton but it's not what I understand I can be really
00:59:54| relieved clarifications way open yeah we'll catch it up next week we always did so I'm on though hmm well good new wonderful name Sixers down by six both kinetic six is
01:00:10| pretty close G in one second I think you'd like to say Nikki nope it's back up by nine that's all I'd like to say I will say this Joel and B is back for Game three he take notice
01:00:26| the process is coming for it re so everyone at home hope you enjoyed your nice warm cozy coffee an alcoholic water and L we did check out our socials check out our things together a came
01:00:46| over here music here here here your check them out let us know what you think put in the comments section we're sure to check it out unless your name is filled in and uh have a great night
01:01:01| this is a good night lady like Yvonne

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