The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP040 Trash Garbage Waste Recycling Landfill

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Transcript UnP040 Trash Garbage Waste Recycling Landfill

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 40 - Trash Garbage Waste Recycling Landfill
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00:00:00| so I'm Dan get on Nick folks and together we form is crazy dynamo known as the odd odd and or no sir we don't pander yeah especially not to younger viewers you're under 18 please get your
00:00:20| waiver signed and come back yeah go listen to some tinier pop unison here we also you're an employer you cannot use this podcast against me Luigi's only because it's for infotainment yeah
00:00:34| that's for fun entertainment purposes only I believe nothing can be used against us in the court of law [Music] so would you say we do here again we'd
00:00:44| like to fit in the groove and just flow yeah it out lever station let it rip couple old friends just going over some really interesting stuff so why are you tuned in enjoy Thanks
00:01:00| whoa I can start off with beer that's rude to the audience I like to start off with a nice refreshing soda for the audience I think folks your mixer and I'm Dan do you know that because we have
00:01:15| an intro yeah but they don't see our pictures it's true that is true if this is her first video they need to know yeah I'm Nick most certainly are mm-hmm well you know the routine folks
00:01:29| you're here to check out our podcasts what's our podcast about today it's about garbage pure trash that's trash so we don't he'll that's what we are here still
00:01:42| we're trash I did listen to so I was a limited time today listening was the best mode of understanding garbage in the United States trash and recycling before we get into it yeah I know
00:01:55| everyone's waiting for it there's more in a bigger direction listening to our last podcast had to do with prison in justices of the prison system etc etc since they're becoming a capitalist
00:02:09| yeah there's far away we survived with our prisoners it sounded very whitewashed we didn't talk about how blacks are in what's the word in enormous numbers thank you thank
00:02:22| you yeah and also the way law enforcement approaches that subject and I realize we wanted to save that for another episode for another day I know they're tied together their visual the
00:02:34| actual tensions of right you want to do racial tensions and the two white guys gotta take that on yeah I mean you do a lot of research from a lot better people just a math person you could bring in I
00:02:45| don't think like well like that would come into my house at like late at night when I do my podcast and sit in my basement maybe maybe I'd be able to talk to some
00:02:55| people okay alright alright well it's like either way we do want to touch on another episode we're not crushing it on the rug or anything I just figured if you get into that that's like an hour in
00:03:04| and of itself so let's not touch it right now your mud slide mm-hmm so that's my correction from the last episode my correction is last time I said something
00:03:15| about it being more likely that you're found guilty by a jury so if you have the option to get a judge to convict you majority convict you they can either see a rule they can adjudicate what do you
00:03:30| think is better to have a judge rule or to have a jury rule judge you think a judge is gonna let you off more likely yeah so the judge convicted one min yeah he could find me attractive header he's
00:03:44| multiple people and many of them can find me attractive Vanya alright good what's funny the judge will convict people about 55 percent of time if I'm guilty and a jury
00:03:54| was 84% but Fanueil story you're screwed you're going to jail I know I was right I picked the judge I'm rose of you had faith in America the average person will screw you over
00:04:07| and it sounds weird does did you sit 80 corpses yeah 84 percent I thought it was harder to get a conviction with jerks you need 12 people to agree that's what but I think it goes like mob mentality
00:04:23| well they can't even decide for themselves yeah one outspoken person who no one's gonna I'm true couples and feathers are almost they go home
00:04:30| it's a stupid system but again we're dwelling so much on justice we want to move into the future in our future filled with Asians plastic bottles no-name print just green ones cups
00:04:43| plastic everywhere um water bottles probably the most common thing right now latest estimate this is in forbes has us in the world drumroll everybody number one 1 million
00:04:59| bottles per minute are being consumed in the world we're up Wow some of that is for like help overseas like when there's a flood or like endangered areas someone is just
00:05:10| people in New York who want to drink out of a bottle water or some of it is you know mom-and-pop shop its Elwood or to either way spy works big business Opie's and all that is
00:05:21| captured by the recycling process 91 percent is not after terrible right now I mean it's it's so early I mean you also figure here you have a recycling that sucks
00:05:34| we'll get into later but can you imagine somewhere like a third-world country roads shipping in the order they don't have a recycling system in place now you know and the ocean the I can be
00:05:44| recycling feature 1300 bottles end up in landfills or the ocean every second every second I wrote a that that a one square mile of ocean contains about different that's like uh six pack rings
00:06:07| those dangerous thing to any animal no the manticore the PSA is when I was growing up I also heard that uh plastic photo degrades which means it breaks into smaller pieces exposed to
00:06:17| light but it doesn't biodegrade so it just gets smaller and smaller pieces of plastic weird I had the number for how long it takes an average plastic bottle made from try pileinn try some some poly
00:06:29| whatever he takes bt5 it sounds about right maybe anyway in their natural ecosystem if you just leave it outside the trees it will naturally be composed and go
00:06:42| back into nature huh 100 years formal that's not terrible tarakudo it's not good though the time things are in the thousands so that's good that word you're looking for word
00:06:54| polyethylene tetra Valley oh there's either the tetra in that tariff alley I don't on save you I have the right bottom you can so sir they cerebelli
00:07:04| we're not gonna say all these words because there's thick your mouth around that folks stick your mouth around terephthalate Terra belly hmm he's good yeah they also said that like fish eat
00:07:15| them and then birds eat the fish and then the birds die and then it goes back to the water all in the process it picks up toxins and then the plastic just becomes more and more toxic or is the
00:07:27| plastic becoming more and more animal like it yeah it's scary because there's actually seven different types of recyclables that are plastic and all of them are not your real hard plastic
00:07:44| right they're not well there's one called PVC the number three that they insert these what are they called that that leaves people something I use every day come on shower curtains anything
00:07:57| that's like a plastic bottle that's soft anything that's like valuable because these phthalates make it softer it's like an additive but it's toxic so you can't have soft like chew toys for dog
00:08:10| like staring at your forehead it's kind of weird oh sorry no I did mind I mean but when you're looking back you be like I stated my part at the whole app defense now I can feel goodies all ahead
00:08:20| of time well I just noticed that when I was staring at your forehead anyway I apologize he saw plastics like your forehead are hard to see or hard to find or where are they cool toys pool toys
00:08:32| yeah that plastic don't chew that because it's toxic don't pretend to fight it makes sense actually it does make sense not gonna lie that totally makes sense I will I
00:08:42| will stop fighting that blessing good job but plastic bottles do you know plastic in the ocean plastic bottles all that fun stuff do you know
00:08:53| how they make that plastic in most of its in the ocean I have an estimate for you um scientists proposed so this is you know crazy scientists I hate them
00:09:02| scientists they're always talking about things and no one can touch tangibly or think about anyway by 2050 there will be more plastic weight in the oceans than fish weight that's ridiculous right we
00:09:15| think about I mean a fish doesn't weigh that much there's a plastic bottle but by overall mass there will be more place the huh the light excited you're you're out here near the water you're on the
00:09:26| coast I was the last time you went fishing and saw a plastic bottle versus semi fish and one thing I really see a lot of plastic bottles no and I'm into City area but all my trash messes
00:09:39| everywhere but when I go to like the ocean or something little to it that's probably because it gets washed out into like oh yeah I would think that the days of the Great Pacific Gyre there's
00:09:50| nothing so it guns around the United States a big Dyer was it I don't know if those gyres like a recirculating area or water that just kind of spins between Japan the US and I think it's north of
00:10:02| Hawaii they say it's the size of like two Texas's and that contains almost all the plastics like all the plastics just sit there it ends up on beaches and just like you
00:10:13| have like feet of plastic and in San Francisco banned plastics didn't they is it straws and stuff do they really yeah I don't know if it affected it maybe it's a proposed bill there's other
00:10:25| places in the u.s. west coast London did this new blended plastic ban I didn't look this up because I think we're going heroes is all off track did that London plastic Dan Khan swap some plastic straw
00:10:44| spin us I mean okay out here trying to clean your ear I can't hear you oh by the way do you know what they're used for Khan swaps cleaning babies like their eyes or their news no no or we're
00:11:04| gonna have to really quitting we're out the break Schwab's lading your own PP I believe this burger consult I heard that when they test for STDs they stick like a
00:11:12| cotton swab thing up your penis and pull it out it's like the faster they pull it out the more I CDs they can find so they just drink it right out of there you know that's one of the things that gets
00:11:23| me like yeah when you work yeah if you scrape a fork on the bottom of a metal pot that sound makes my skin do that thing like everybody talks about the chalkboard doesn't mad at me I'll get a
00:11:34| medal for from the bottom of the metal pan that sailed and cotton swab in your penis and well and anything that goes in the pee hole and then for that I'm gonna kick the balls all day a oh that hurt ah
00:11:48| ha that's American Studies on video you put the whole audience testing reach to zero and end up plastic bottles I will say do you know it takes three bottles of water to produce it by word it
00:12:15| doesn't really yeah that's where I read it was in the Forbes article so I don't know how they based it and also they use um oil to make the plastic uh-huh there's actually energy trapped in the
00:12:27| plastic that they can get to it yes so 1.5 million barrels of oil are used is it per day to make all our plastic bottles or something so it's a lot it's a lot there's like two things that you
00:12:40| mentioned there's one is the like the worthlessness of plastic straws and the same along the same lines like plastic bags like it's very hard to get money on recycled plastic bags so they just kind
00:12:53| of stop trying to do it the reason is because they a it's it's not a lot of material and it's hard to like sift through and B it gets coated and stuff so you get like oils things like a pizza
00:13:06| box you can't recycle a pizza box because the pizza oil Reese's yeah pretty sure all that stuff Brewington huh I didn't know that but I knew that I knew pizza boxes they past the wall and
00:13:18| fill it up the area where you learn to pass greasy pizza boxes did not belong in recycling it said that in like a bunch of things that went out they make it a big deal about this who the
00:13:29| hell cares now we didn't lie hmm it's the one thing that didn't mean the recyclers are a for-profit company they're trying to not handle trash because they're all gone right right
00:13:41| like every time they have to have a residual there's new the the trash that just ends up wasting their cut yeah or things that like bottles that are like glass and have plastic on top with
00:13:50| plastic lids or paper on front those things again if achill to recycle so they just throw them away anyway if they get wet all that now they're stuck together now you've ruined the cardboard
00:14:00| end baby you just ruined everything anyway done let's do an interview from a guy about he had a recycling center in New York then he was saying that the price of oil really makes it so it moves
00:14:14| up his process because when oil so cheap people just say just always make new bottles so how much do you think a ton of let's say plastic is worth I love wood cat applies in Brawl plastic or on
00:14:28| bottles recycle bottles which way we gonna say recycle bottles all right so I get a ton of plastic files and go on the recycle right gimme how much is a ton I can't physically picture it $8,000 no we
00:14:43| made it up really you think so I have no idea how much it twenties the ton is a lot if it's five cents a thing and there's still seems like about three dozen what do you think per pound I'll
00:14:55| break it down per pound a pound how about how many ebooks if you book a few bucks no three - it's like 14 cents per pound that's bullcrap I'm not doing recycling recycling stupid yeah exactly
00:15:10| it's when it's hard it costs more in Ione said the locomotion like an old person in moving transportation how much how much fuel are you burning to move all this plastic more than you're gonna
00:15:24| get for it that's a high yeah that's a high estimate - so that's that's exactly what the equation is is you have to move a ton of material in order to make hundred bucks without burning any fuel
00:15:36| because that's bullshit yeah plus you've got a system in place to sort through it which is actually kind of time-consuming I could find it so he said he was saying that you know
00:15:52| what soil prices plummet it's impossible to make a profit so they just kind of send it to the landfill anyway which costs them money so like putting in a landfill it's about forty to sixty
00:16:02| dollars depending where you are per ton so if you're not making the difference you're you're screwed you're just like I'm never gonna I'm never gonna do it I can do it done
00:16:13| so if I shift her out did you know eighty-seven percent of people in the United States have easy access to recycling that's a lot of people there's a lot of people I'd be good it's gotta
00:16:23| be good there was a trend that there are commercials for it yeah I did yes we are um one of my favorite things was reading up on how litter is ruining the earth and the plastic rings will never
00:16:36| biodegrade and we're adding all this waste to the planet I used to read that stuff kanava kid yeah captain plan and all that stuff was huge yes it was and it did affect me to the
00:16:47| point where I try to be conscious but not to the inconvenience my life it's it's weird because the one thing I noticed was that most of the websites they read were circa early 2000s or late
00:17:03| decade we didn't care no one really cared which I still recycle do you recycle it we have um a special box yeah we have the the blue trash bin and the green trash - who's your company who's
00:17:16| your trash company I think it's waste management that's weird though the biggest company in the United States waste management mystery right they made 14 billion last year
00:17:27| nice I wrote that down and I was like holy cross crash now I don't know if that's all profit net profit you know I don't know yeah but um they took in 14 billion - CEO interest Imran enough is
00:17:40| he yeah he just that's where his body's I am just recycling bottles interesting also of note so waste management I had waste management some subsidary others I
00:17:53| believe someone they bought you had them yeah okay I did to deliver to hey that was my trash company okay now it's the church like 120 bucks a month or something for trash recycling pickup
00:18:05| everything whatever so someone came around I'll name plug them out of here white-tailed deer do a white tail company kind of a kind of three state local there PA maybe miracle musher
00:18:19| Delaware County anyway so they were like five years so I said I mean this is the same size can are you guys gonna hit me with weird fees like everything says no it's no fees no everything I know some
00:18:33| of the other companies are a little more over yeah let me try it so I did it and hold one do you know a big waste management called me up and told me that I don't do that for your trash oh yeah
00:18:45| well match it huh and I literally said on the phone I was like why didn't you match it for the past I've been buying from you for two years could you reimburse me for that they're a well we
00:18:55| don't do that sir but $79 a month from now on doesn't well but they'll do it for 79 he's like well we will and you won't have to change company so I was like I already said ants no no I I did I
00:19:07| didn't tell them and I'll just like you were screwing so no word you were screwing me for like two years and now you're like I won't screw you stand with me just like it see it got to the point
00:19:18| where I was so mad at them for it that I was like no come collect your trash bin and they were like ooh you can't cancel it's a fee and I was like a fee for what they're like pick up and I was like
00:19:28| alright well I'll keep the cans they're like you can't if you're not going to use this service sir I was like haha but you know I can hold on to the candy yet yes so I got on the phone and said leave
00:19:38| your cans there's no pickup fee I'm not paying any more money and they said okay sir are you sure you can always switch back and I was like see and I hung up they picked them up two days later and
00:19:49| never charged me keep that beep - eat it big trash so they tried this on my parents and I told my parents what I did because they switch to my company they paid the 20 bucks for pickup each
00:20:00| you know I was like what are you doing you're gonna pick it up no idea we don't want any trouble I was like trouble over the big trash draw with big trash I'm gonna say I want to specify where my
00:20:11| trash goes oh you know where it goes you actually you follow your trash cans huh okay it's they do this well they did to study on multiple pieces of trash it which kind recycling your trash so there
00:20:24| was a college study where they said bring in anything and we're gonna put a tracker on it we're gonna see we're all beautiful go ahead go ahead I didn't see this piece so it they they took like a
00:20:33| teddy bear organic they had like banana peel had paper products and then they had plastics and I'm diggin it negative so so they collected in a trash bin they put on the curb it went to a recycling
00:20:47| center I'm kind of tempted to go through the process of how I go sorted and recycled and check it out is it a video extreme really what how did they do this there's like a multi-step process on how
00:20:57| they sort but I don't know if that's not that interesting we a lot of time I got you'll see the next I got some other stuff we gotta get into that you might like I'm gonna I'm gonna hit it really
00:21:05| quick okay so they separate about rude if I make it a word trying to be quick yeah they said that I wait and then they separated by magnetics and they they separate it again by like super bang net
00:21:19| its magnetics called an eddy current rotor it was kind of like non-magnetic metals they separate the cans out fully interesting because like things that are not normally magnetic or slightly
00:21:32| magnetic and they can connect early or whatever like like metallic pieces like things that are like paper or another product turn can be sucked through this like any rotor thing which I had never
00:21:43| known about eddy current so what is anything with any kind of all charged it's like a super magnetic rotor and anything that can gain a charge it like it sucked down with the rotor and then
00:21:55| spit out the coin it is kind of sweet that's why I want to talk about okay go and you're left with like plastics and glass which are purely optical sorted so it's kind of costly to figure out like
00:22:05| what it is and then okay but I'll really yeah wait they can't figure out a machine that does that mmm Tsar in and panderers are going to make they can separate plastically glass mark
00:22:15| my words folks it's a billion dollar device that only we know about and each of us have the formula cut in half in our safes in our own house and we never communicate except when were delving the
00:22:28| formula to the companies so you need both of us mm-hmm so Dan can you get on them yeah I figured it was gonna be me okay obviously not split half my promise okay but give you I'll give you all the
00:22:43| dough you're good at looking on words I said folks he said I believe he said it's fine yeah so the trash the pure trash that ends up in New Jersey I mean that's obvious yeah that's weird it's
00:22:56| almost too obvious yeah they love trash there they love wearing it they're putting on their bodies they think it's like jewelry or something or stay in that state but yeah
00:23:04| I said take her in the back your car kiss her word smells funny I drove her to New Jersey mm-hmm good joke good joke so most of them they summed it up to say that paper products a lot of paper
00:23:24| products bulk newspapers etc etc they go they actually get shipped to China since China doesn't have the natural resources of trees I wondered I read that on we send a lot of our recycled like bales
00:23:40| and things that have already been recycled whether in the paper metal of cardboard whatever over to China because they'll pay for it and I didn't know why now I do because they don't have enough
00:23:49| um natural resources on it yeah so they buy our garbage yeah so we poop and China licks it up mm-hmm surprised China lick it uh a lot of the bulk metals stay here steel on the moon um I stay
00:24:04| recycling in this area a little bit it doesn't Mexico and then most I gets reused actually we recycle quite a bit I did come across that the percentage that we actually recycle 33 percent yes
00:24:19| that's pretty much what I found - I'm thirty four point three I gave little bit yeah out of the potential here's a it was close to there okay mine came up with we produce 254 million tons of
00:24:33| garbage a year how much is that per person four point four pounds yeah per dad you came to our person which is weird right do you know the global averages it's
00:24:44| lower than that with the top as it is we saw kings of the trash pile we as individuals you I the reviewer at home if you're American produce four point four pounds of trash per day the average
00:24:58| person in the world globally is closer to two point six so it's almost double the amount of trash yeah it's a lot we're gonna do throw it out I want you at the end of the episode OB a lot a
00:25:13| bigger effect yeah I'm just let me actually got whose do you know anybody named grande Cola or grande I can't even sit a person's name I'm not sure no I don't know they love
00:25:24| it live though or watching mmm gotta go we did it real live we can divide guests now cuz we're we've done matter going to town well okay while we're moving on to different things in trash I'd like to
00:25:38| bring up who the biggest trash perpetrators are and who the biggest gas trash perpetrators but I have one thing from across that I have internet wait wait wait once I internet is have you
00:25:49| ever seen those videos of people in like third world countries when there's like finally rain after months and months of dry spell like people in like but even before this so this is the big thing
00:26:00| about like the 90s is that people would just throw trash like out of the cars like they just thought it was just gonna get cleaned up and someone else is gonna take care of it in the third-world
00:26:08| countries it's still that way so they just throw trash on the side so when it rains and they have a deluge their riverbeds just like fill with trash and then they just like you ever see that
00:26:17| video of looks like a stream of trash you can't even see the water it's just trash trash trash trash it's just a straight stream crazy that's their natural pleading process I guess sort of
00:26:26| no I mean not really but sort of mmm that's weird no I didn't come across that well here in the United States I will tell you who what state peruses the most trash
00:26:39| per state is this trash in landfills or production of trash production of trash okay let's hear it per person per state Nevada is number one oh we think about that number wanigan here is it it's
00:26:55| probably the baby graphic yeah here we go I got the graphic up you know number two was California and so baby California is down there Pennsylvania and Colorado in California
00:27:07| yeah yeah that's the one I got from sold andouille the lowest was then Idaho North Idaho beautiful skies out there in North Dakota today I co host cells are trashed in Nevada probably well behaved
00:27:24| you did seriously if you think about it Idaho it's probably a decent growing state with all those potatoes and whatnot Nevada deserts who cares what goes in Nevada that's probably the
00:27:33| oldest really plus Vegas I'm literally saying do much trash probably comes out of Bluff a it's probably more than any other state or city money the weird thing is in Colorado like Colorado is
00:27:47| like known as a green state I thought it apparently not this filthy filthy meleager's we thought they were great so another problem is that we're talking about physical trash goes and landfills
00:27:58| yeah there's a live trash that produces methane any natural fruits that decay animal farts namely cows the tree huggers always always complain about the animal parts and people eating meat and
00:28:11| it's damaging our co2 in the environment and okay hold on you're going the opposite way though I found that methane is 21 times per methane molecule more likely to affect global warming than um
00:28:26| co2 now I mean there's there's way more co2 than methane so I mean it's kind of a whatever but the floor methane there is the more that affects little warning because methane traps heat better than
00:28:38| carbon dioxide hmm so it sort of twenty-something times worse for the environment than co-rect correct now there's not really that much of it so we came to let me in apples to
00:28:50| apples comparison but I will tell you which stay produce the worst gas waste number one folks be number two California number two again Texas mmm all the oil
00:29:09| processing right I'm guessing and farmland think about it cuz I'm pretty great PA and we've got a couple of dirt balls for the area you can actually do but I also realized most of the gas
00:29:23| problems seem to stem from states that have a lot of cities in them feel like in like bustling cities like industrial cities like you know any mean really hop in cities so I'll tell you the best gas
00:29:34| state in the world or whatever on here is this - date of birth Wyoming ya know that's something that's why they don't have trash they don't have anything so North Dakota I'm great
00:29:45| I'm proud Hawaii is there anything there in South Dakota so so do you think you produced four point four pounds of trash today I have no idea where that number comes
00:29:59| from I don't think so although it doesn't include late at dinner of the life bow it doesn't include poop it's miss municipal solid waste goods in the meniscus
00:30:13| municipal solid waste which is like everything but poop anything you throw in a trash trash kun but four point four pounds I mean it only makes sense if you're thrown out like a hundred pound
00:30:24| TV at the end of it in the year and it's like well I guess so it's like how much waste do you contribute pick up the trash twice a week we do once a week pick up here so how many bags is that
00:30:36| three now in five five but it's it's the it's got the wheels and everything in the lid it comes with his own wheels yeah oh hell yeah dude do an inflatable trash can
00:30:51| that'd be great it's just about mmm um so you said TVs do you know let's name one two three four five eleven illegal things to throw in the trash
00:31:04| batteries correct probably electronics maybe like computer stuff sure sealed capacitors that have acid in them that's why correct so like computers TVs
00:31:18| monitored it's all one that's all I can have it I can't have that you got it but it's all one credit your chemicals like that's very vague can I say chemicals oh I'm sure everyone thousands every
00:31:33| thing's a goddamn cat we got one more in you they used to be in thermometers in fact the answer a man happiest I agree thermometers alright go over less batteries you're
00:31:44| not allowed to throw paint did you do that what do you just got keep painting I guess well that's why has old painter house not allowed to throw away paint
00:31:54| what's in paint that's so damaging to the environment why are we using paint motor oil you know yeah yeah same thing with like trauma tires I like their name tires you shoulda said
00:32:08| tires yes good fluorescent bulbs lawn chemicals smoke detectors did you do that may have mercury in them sometimes mercury thermometers prescription drugs you know your it's illegal to throw them
00:32:20| out yeah I knew that you know I had to flush mount so it either you don't know what the toads are doing sure to get it and who's licking the toads yeah fireworks
00:32:33| explosive issue again I know but it wouldn't it be cool just garbage garbage truck filled with fireworks I think it'll be cool anyway mmm if you loaded up your front lawn with garbage how much
00:32:46| do you think they pick up do you think that that's a late so yeah so like how long do you think it would take to fill up your your front yard with the garbage I have a real big front yard and
00:32:59| backyard during the it would take a long time for five bags a week times I'm gonna punch it less than a few years probably like a year though how would you feel if it didn't have garbage take
00:33:11| away there's no recycling there's no land good night myself or no I have doubled on all my trash say there's nowhere to dump it how would you how would you manage that
00:33:22| well do you know what a lot of big expensive companies give you trash to show it's called out to the weights no waste-to-energy plants are the new things yeah come across them yeah look
00:33:36| what they do is they shovel as much shit as they Kennedy to have hottest fire they can it's like 2,000 degrees or so and they use that heat to boil water which then turns turbines and everything
00:33:48| and generates electricity there's a whole process to it and anything that didn't burn up is probably a phosphorus metal or there's like four different things that could date if it didn't burn
00:33:59| up there's a graph that's all I do agree with you there's like there's a combustible method where you can actually light on the fire there's like pregnant Perales pyro I can't can't say
00:34:11| it Parappa kid I always say paralysis there I need to see in front of me to say it right but I cannot find it mmm pyro lysis pair license there you go gasification and then some other form of
00:34:25| gasification so it's like you heat it up and it separates in the different parts and some of those parts are useful you get hydrogen out of it or you can recite ooh yeah and then different yeah yeah
00:34:36| you can separate into the diff parts no anything else other than that because it doesn't seem like that's useful because they actually heating things to that that temperature is expensive and it
00:34:46| only meets a certain threshold that's the difference between recyclables and trash is that if it's worth money after you managed it it's recyclable if it's not worth money it's trash yeah
00:34:59| here's a question interesting all your trash is on your front lawn you decided you weren't going to give it to the big trash corporations like friggin wigs man can anyone go up and take your trash
00:35:14| you're attracting about your property you've given up rights to it where did your that didn't I do there's a case where the feds California versus green there
00:35:27| [Music] yeah they recommended that your amendment does not cover trash so you place your refuse willingly on the curb to be picked up by a third party
00:35:39| trash company if you do this you then have no private rights of privacy you've thrown it away it's literally not yours anymore yeah so a judge ruled that Supreme Court actually came in the role
00:35:53| in this that that is not yours and people can trash pick so all the celebrities out there we're coming for ya know what that no I know is there a story behind this oh my god more than
00:36:06| one story behind this a person who goes through trash like celebrity trash or you know interesting question yeah it's called garbologist self titled what is hilarious hold on it's it
00:36:22| started in the 60s I think 1976 was a big guy there's a J Weber Minh it started it and he was big into it and someone Harrison I think his first name what they do is they route through
00:36:34| celebrity garbage and they they get all the interesting stuff think Holden and then they sell it to people so there's people in Times Square I think this is one of the two I mentioned that sells
00:36:46| stuff daily on the website I saw Jerry Seinfeld's toothbrush you could frame him for someone where there's uh all those cells on there just a little I don't know if you could but um it's
00:37:01| selling for six dollars that's how much that's pretty can we do it can we buy that we can if I don't think he does online the sales might have to go by it yep well you're closer you're gonna have
00:37:13| to I can't see what I could did they see what I could do yeah get something that's bloody cuz he can prove huh another interesting one was Mayor Bloomberg's Goa beans they were selling
00:37:23| for three dollars and fifty cents actually just the remnants of the can he threw out it's not like the e doesn't want this being so he's the rest of the beans are yours now Fergie they were
00:37:33| they were a store brand new Goya bean he just didn't use them all so haha that's I what do they do like how do they manage the trash they need like Iron Mountain to take away all their try
00:37:45| thanks old on um let's get into a little bit of celebrity trash interesting John Lennon's tooth they fell out at one point um when he was younger his caretaker um
00:37:59| Maddie at the time uh-huh had it in a box or whatever she left she didn't really she still at it she she gave it back to the daughter after he was dead so the daughter auctioned it off this is
00:38:11| my dad's tooth it's John Lennon's actual tooth sold for $31,000 Wow someone paid $31,000 that is two that Thursday that's a lot really Spears how many British my
00:38:24| body have 32 32 times two typically because I was probably a baby I love as a baby to my bed probably so he's 91 in the mouth I don't think he had many more to give I'm gonna go dig up a grave
00:38:40| Britney Spears on positive pregnancy tests the one where she actually tested positive actually through the trash actually dug it up Wow $5,001 how much why the one 5,000 won probably because
00:38:53| of eBay so you're out bidding someone pregnancy test how much do they resell it for do they frame it they're gonna be no I don't know keep it open like a funny joke she said it was probably um
00:39:06| her baby daddy I was like why would he want it and she's like think about it I wake up that's good that's his money ticket um the interesting one Marilyn Monroe's chest
00:39:18| x-ray $45,000 it doesn't show her boobs just her both Marilyn Monroe yeah I heard Marilyn Manson for some reason no no Monroe don't go into the rib removal obviously this is gonna be weird
00:39:36| do you know how much William Shatner's kidney stone so forth look like $30,000 here really yeah here's the worst one I found Brad and Angelina Jolie their exhaled air Thanks exhale exhale
00:39:55| yes it was verifiably with dr. I don't I have their exhaled hair like air or this was within the room they bother there's pictures and everything
00:40:07| Oh a certificate of authenticity sold for five hundred and thirty dollars Jesus sorry that's ridiculous it's not too much he means a good deal hold on I can open up
00:40:22| a doobie you can even open up to test it how do you know oh you don't want to know you gotta say that fer what do you say special occasions babies right there that was bright he's
00:40:44| in the room move now Niall now nail Donal no from one direction I don't know how I have no no one ain't half a Vegemite sandwich and throw it out and someone gathered it in like I never eat
00:40:59| Vegemite but he should I think he likes it it's from Australia but someone in Australia they did bidding war where the money went to charity so who knows it's over $100,000 Wow
00:41:10| was Jesus on the flip side was he I hope and then I don't think it'll be oh hold on everyone I sorry I left out the number one one JD Salinger I hope you is oh yeah I know
00:41:22| who he is Catcher in the Rye right yeah his used toilet I told it's kind of a personal possession though I mean that's some
00:41:30| toilets they fit just right it's sold for $1,000,000 that oh wow did he write novels honest or that I don't think so but he was a known recluse so I guess he spent a lot of time there and he didn't
00:41:43| share that he wanted and so unpaid $1,000,000 do you think they they don't I don't clean it before they take it they gotta leave it as raw as pure pristine as possible right he a million
00:41:54| dollars might as well maybe I clean it so it if a celebrity like dies but they didn't flush do you preserve the turd I mean that's how much money is there did you look when somebody's doing celebrity
00:42:06| I didn't say these celebrity thirds online but I'm pretty good fun like a broad kilometer like that's he died suddenly in fear I work waddling at his last bowel movement yeah that's
00:42:19| pretty weird is there any um piece of celebrity paraphernalia or anything you would pay for post-mortem or otherwise maybe there so like maybe it's a super hot girl
00:42:31| would you I mean there is a large panty buying business I believe it and all that let use panties like that matrix yeah I don't know who that is well I probably do a bit on them you
00:42:43| probably do there we didn't podcast on the Joe Rogan humiliate Rick's mmm like losing 37 or something yeah I feel like your body clippings and yeah all sorts of weird that I'm you did you are yeah
00:42:57| she made a lotta money she may like millions people are willing to buy this stuff I'm not that's like celebrity signatures and stuff like who I get it's valuable to some people but no so who's
00:43:14| the king of celebrity status and destroying celebrity status Mark Zuckerberg your reaction I know who he is it I wasn't sure I don't know why he's destroying celebrity status because
00:43:28| his Romanian Pro right someone wrote a big story on him they were esteemed journalists who got a journalism degree stupid idiot moron and they decided they were going to instead of writing
00:43:44| articles that didn't make any money they were gonna stalk Mark Zuckerberg and steal his trash Wow does he not produce trash cause he's a robot he lives in Pablo Alto he stopped this
00:43:56| house out for two years okay so he goes there and he just drove to the neighborhood and there were three guys outside Zuckerberg house they were all kind of goon looking guys like shades
00:44:10| have the earpieces in whatever it was trashed at you look up what trash day was for a pickup there when things went Wednesday he's in there he's looking around he's doing his thing he's at LA
00:44:21| and we get into that trash I need to get the sucky trash no Ted figure it out he chickens out three times he goes up to the guys any guys like hey what are you doing he's like I
00:44:33| dropped my keys I'm a jogger was like yeah yeah get out yeah crash guards right he's taking pictures all this while he's doing it he's a real chicken shit and he came to realize that
00:44:48| all the houses surrounding Mark Zuckerberg house this isn't his main house is just one of his houses people at all the Lots around the house he wanted to make his massive
00:44:58| domain larger he's web domain cuz he's building a web server he doesn't use those houses do you know what he did he built them up like he had scaffolding and stuff put on them so they're taller
00:45:09| than his house so no one could look into his yard no one could look into his room no look and anywhere into them and he did a little research there were guards for his house they're all ex Oakland
00:45:23| cops with discipline issues from the force good thing he didn't try and feel the trash then he did a little more research apparently he wouldn't the trash company
00:45:34| came and didn't pick up an ear in Zuckerberg house uh-huh so he doesn't use private trash duh or public trash there are lots of like glove well he's right did show up at your house one big
00:45:46| company's cool Covanta of them they offer something called secure destruction you have to transport this the items they have to come in a car a company by one of their men and your
00:45:59| mind right so you have what are your guys one other religious the car by give them the car all the packages inside the vehicle were sealed before you get in they have to be sealed upon arrival of
00:46:10| their plant whatever they tell you where it is you let me say I have relied snapshot well you have like a dead body in there are they allowed to open up the trial no I only go on with NC ality
00:46:22| that'd be amazing for a hitman I don't know but it's probably too expensive well who knows customer ships are moving to steal vehicle on arrival qur'anic boys inspect the seal for evidence of
00:46:33| tampering they also cattle out the seal number prior to breaking the seal no that's customer Amos for witnesses for this destruction the seal is not broken until
00:46:42| the witnesses on-site so if another witnessed is not the person who came with the vehicle but someone else wants to make sure this trash is destroyed they will wait to break the seal until
00:46:51| someone else shows up the secure transports the material to the f/w processor for combustion and the process is screened they completed by screen employees and could be witnessed by one
00:47:03| customer with a representative at any time and they will burn your trash until there's nothing left and then destroy every else again I don't know if these acid or what but it's it's witnessed
00:47:14| trash destruction and they didn't have a price that I just had to text them for a quote and I tried and another response so this kind of makes me want to like and do anything celebrities have to do
00:47:28| that I guess think about it how much per bag of trash was that well I have no idea didn't give me much what was the name of the company korban Covanta Co Co V a NPA trash I see
00:47:43| I should go to the frequent and certainly ask questions just how much wordage for trashing heads out here burg probably get every week of his trash my idea is like if it costs like if it's
00:47:57| costing them a lot of money to send it to this Covanta person people then why don't you just if you sent them away no no if you if you just kept sending them like boxes of dildos or something
00:48:10| ridiculous they have to like send it to this Covanta trash disposal person costing them more money than it cost you to ship it's a net loss on their side hell have you got everyone in America to
00:48:21| send a dildo to Mark Zuckerberg yeah but couldn't he just oh if he's well you don't know that he does it with all his trash I see were saying so he get everyone to send him something that cost
00:48:32| nothing and he has to throw out and his embarrassing so he would one of the other yes mm-hmm yeah my people and 20 bucks on a dildo and fluid and Mark Zuckerberg
00:48:43| I think a lot but I don't think that this lad wealth of America is it Mark Zuckerberg already lost no I don't think so I mean it just it brings into question when
00:48:59| you're so rich people want your trash I mean I read a story someone beat up someone from Brett's Keys eating chicken wing think they beat him up to go into the trash to have the wing he throw away
00:49:12| but when he ate a buffalo wing then they throw the trash don't beat them look at someone for his wing and it's like what does that get you person who is now owning the eaten wing
00:49:23| what are you doing that I don't understand it no I just me just said a minute ago or more props the celebrity you can keep it together when all this sort of stuff is happening because I
00:49:31| don't there's a whole probably like a whole slew of stuff that comes along with being like the most popular person that it's just like doesn't make any sense and all of a sudden you're gonna
00:49:39| be more and more sketchy about what you're doing and try to keep it more private and then trying to keep people out of your business stealing your trigger might cost more money yeah
00:49:49| the - you're pretty you're trash gotta go to the trash people hey you can't shop in a ring in your store yes then won't my you go to a store I don't know it'll weird
00:49:58| I wanna be a celebrity the UM panniers makes it I'm out we're gonna have standards we're gonna make sure they looked like us and talked like us but they're not gonna be this people
00:50:10| guarding the house during uh what chemical hours recording hours one day when they're gonna be standing behind the webcam giving thumbs down thumbs up so I do have real quick to finish us off
00:50:26| round us out if you're in ooh in the mood to trash pick yeah oh it's a good place to trash pick I don't know but um a few times it is paid off big time someone in Mexico was dumpster diving
00:50:44| found an old painting dusted it off throw it up sold in an auction for $1,000,000 cool someone is PA you know lose California found $22,000 in savings bonds in a
00:51:01| scrap metal of all places thing I don't know if it was at a desk or something he turned them in to the rightful owner I'll meet him come on man shout out mister honesty anyway uh I res
00:51:14| assembly we dumped like six hundred million dollars worth of recyclables every year possible very possible article keep going um you know there's people buy units all the time like I'm
00:51:27| gonna buy this unit it's very often yeah sure someone paid $1,100 for a unit on someone who is fairly wealthy fairly sketchy when they opened up there were
00:51:38| five hundred thousand dollars worth of gold bars coins and cetera in there all this he remained anonymous and couldn't find out his name I mean I would shut that
00:51:47| door and just stay in there until I had cavalry I'll make sure all my friends come and make sure they don't know late transporting well 500 thousands a lot but jeon sex one my best friend next
00:52:02| one's my favorite on them someone in PA bought a picture at a flea market for four dollars so someone near me could get my next-door neighbor he just liked the picture it was 4 bucks whatever
00:52:13| brings it on whatever I think they had in their house for 5 10 years and they were like it's time to I don't like this picture I don't know it's boring it's good we gotta move on before they put it
00:52:23| in the flea market day we're gonna sell it at their yard sale or wherever he opened it up just let's take a look inside it fold it up Declaration of Independence one of the originals nickel
00:52:34| is 1 over 24 you know a little Nicolas Cage one of 24 copies it sold in a museum in Atlanta for two point four two million dollars retire money a little more than that dude yeah so I think
00:52:47| that's pretty cool and dumpster-diving works huh but I do want to reiterate for the people at home trash truck driving sucks I've never done that I was always wanted to be the people for
00:52:59| like a day just hang it on the back of it you know it's the deadliest job in America what really it's more deadly than copper firemen Wow a little less deadly than logging Oh
00:53:11| new number one and one number one deadly job in America logging number two fishermen hmm number three my serial something number three is aircraft pilot they must
00:53:24| have a high fatality rate number four was actually a roofer I didn't know this there's a lot of injuries number five trash man yeah it's a lot of holes into the machine and we get back
00:53:37| to ya all to be crushed by it all that'd be terrible surrounded by trash trying to keep it away from you and then trying to bring it alive you'd become the trash why
00:53:47| isn't there superhero that's just made of trash shredder died by trash daily think about I mean that's really pretty if shredder doesn't make it out the trash nobody
00:53:58| does Wow at best the drivers make 23 bucks the picker makes 16 that seems mess to me that is terrible that's no that's that's not at best that's average union wages and worse though in places
00:54:13| like slums of New York and stuff like that they make like $30,000 a year flat rate I'm even if that to do overtime well even if I mean that sounds worse because like the work the world is where
00:54:24| Asian thing yeah you have all these like neosporin and drug because there's so much competition going on right um usually they don't even wear really heavy-duty gloves from the article I
00:54:34| read because that it's harder to hold on to the truck and the bags so they have lightweight gloves they have a little bit of padding on the palms and all that but really just protect you
00:54:43| I mean glass burps yeah I mean of all the like it's blood and drugs and random shit then you might pick up there's also literal shit there's like baby diapers and all that stuff is sitting there for
00:54:56| probably like maybe three or four days just fermenting and molting and mmm performance of nasty microbes shout out of here at trash pickup guy or the asshole who's driving who's making $8 an
00:55:08| hour more but yeah the drivers probably a more refined individual who's been there a long time right the seniority yeah and because we want to end on a bummer I will say in a positive light of
00:55:22| trash if you're one of our viewers who's a premium member and you can afford such things get you are trash no no no I would are thankful diapers we will send you our
00:55:41| most expensive trash can in America it's a Silvie Florrie he's an artist everyone knows who is you only made 250 of them but it's called the SF 2003 Wow I made s of 2000 agree it's a metal press
00:55:56| trashcan dipped in gold sells for ten to fifteen thousand dollars and you put trash in it it's a real item people signed you a picture of it you can look it up go buy right now
00:56:07| the sylvie floor ESF 2003 buy a gold crash kid today folks buy a friggin gold trashcan to know you can put in that trician you'll get up here sylvie flurry that sell by the IE flurry
00:56:22| like the goalie who lets up a lot of goals give the Flyers tell me - that's a beautiful trash can I know wouldn't you that's ten to fifteen thousand hours I would buy one
00:56:32| then I wouldn't put I wouldn't put any trash in there I would do you know what I would put in there did gold bars closed okay I sort of Louie Vuitton trash bag in there you know what that is
00:56:48| trash bag made of gold clothes it's called the raindrop beset the Saatchi you know with that one up for me rain drawing sacchi yeah BES AC e purse accurately that sells for around $1,900
00:57:05| a bag it's made of canvas and it's beautiful it's it's the most expensive reusable trash bag you can buy ah please say you got some there I've wanted it went to Basset Vass ett I thought of
00:57:19| assets basashi how do you say chicken des AC e it's a gorgeous piece folks Wow Louis Vuitton this is I'm gonna have to yep
00:57:42| see this is how much is today I got it for 1,900 I mean if you go and Amazon you really shop around you'll find it pretty cheap reasonable trash bag at what point did they just
00:57:55| say screw the consumer we're just gonna make literal trash I don't know I zoomed later becomes more real every day yeah so anyway that's it's all I got just throw this in the trash I will say
00:58:10| a few things a back in the 90s it became important because landfills were really not regulated so there's you show me landfills out there that there are fewer
00:58:22| landfills today than the war back then was true because the shitty ones got shut down you know do you know why they tricked it yeah do you know where them the most
00:58:31| massive one is I don't where is it it's a boom to Hills California show picture of it yeah well the the amazing thing is that it's actually quite nice it's it's
00:58:45| terrorist it is they cover it with grass you treat her wrists for terrorists terrorists if you have a lead on a live feed which you don't but it it looks quite nice it's I'm showing it right now
00:58:56| I'm also going to show the breakdown of the trash that we generate mostly paper with glass metals plastics wood rubber leather textiles yard trimmings and food that's a list I hate lists sorry but I'm
00:59:12| amazed it's like the wood is like 6% would you look at you got a percentage on it not what I was actually looking I didn't mention how much food we throw away is 15% it's a lot of food
00:59:27| we don't yeah well like when you go to a restaurant how much do you finish the plate do most duoc does everyone finish their entire plate I have been what I've been getting fatter but usually we're a
00:59:39| wasteful people we are really opposite of the American Indian we just the horns the decorative part of the Buffalo and leave the meat at the bones listen you and everything else we just leave it
00:59:53| yeah it's there dead and rotting and we wonder why still there can you take this away ah starting to stink come on guys someone hit it with a wood chipper and then let
01:00:03| me see here's a here's the the garbage can that you mentioned and then that was it nice Oh show it that's uh prone to velocity I lost it there it is uh uh golden
01:00:15| chance kinda small looks like it's all like oh yeah it looks more like a wastebasket no wait if you're gonna make it appear gold it better be useful because you can
01:00:23| put it on your you can't put it on five no see you laugh at that point I would and then the Louboutin wow it's reusable so don't be ridiculous it's not only the one done now in its 3rd century
01:00:42| Louboutin remains one of the most coveted symbols of status and sophistication beautiful Wow I know you didn't think we'd have enough for trash but we had plenty yeah I guess it
01:00:54| relates to everybody isn't it kind of celebrities the Pope one who happens to the Pope's trash if you can put that in the comments I'd be floored folks yeah someone in Italy go find out what the
01:01:07| Pope is pooping oh I'm sure there are people on it Oh trust me it's gotta have leads beyond the guy you know the two guys I mentioned to mention garbologist Harrison and the succeeds AJ Webber Minh
01:01:23| apparently biologist of the time right apparently they do more about um celebrity relationships they know what celebrity medicines they throw away they know who they make their checks out to
01:01:35| they may they know like everything healing throughout their new guide for Comcast um they've come to us they do do it I mean when you go through someone's trash as The Breakfast Club taught us
01:01:49| the janitor knew more about them than anyway all their notes they throw away everything he knew who was datin knew who was cheatin on what tests you know what's interesting a side note I think
01:02:06| my parents would throw a lot of trash at our work I think that's how they found out a couple people were stealing from the company how so this is before I worked there so
01:02:18| I don't know but it did have to do with um making fake receipts and throwing them in LA but they where we gonna throw it out throw them receipt or you just like ringing it up and not cash or now
01:02:30| all our receipts are hit written every single one brother Wow welcome to the to us before so we're just saying you can total up by you tell a lot by the trash people try and get rid of their
01:02:53| past a little bit not getting too cryptic here no stats I'm just saying I'm just finding creepy that people would dig through the trash knowing how many liquids and random stuff is in
01:03:05| there I um I cleaned out old buildings be sold mm-hmm the 1940s and they bought it and turned it into warehouse space but it used to be household houses I mean I took out a fridge for the 1940s
01:03:23| that wasn't plugged in wasn't working anymore bad tubs from the 1940s that were made of like crazy stuff that we like 200 pounds wrought iron yeah whatever was on
01:03:34| you know dude it was heavy 300-pound bathtub an old stove went just different things we took out of there that were different than the stuff we have now it was just weird
01:03:46| we had to empty it all in the basement there was old metal metal shelves and stuff that it sat there for like 30 years untouched covered in whatever the ceiling that dropped all of those I see
01:04:00| some weird stuff I imagine trash people see some weird shit yeah I know I don't think you could pay me enough to do that job they really enough six figures whatever we like the
01:04:14| worst neighborhood in the world you had to pick it up in you went through like some major slums I don't even know where the biggest onto the world or well if you had to go
01:04:24| through India like some some of the shitty slums in India and you're picking a fight pure garbage seven figures oh yeah sign me up something he raised it from six to seven did you did oh yeah
01:04:38| for a year yeah 1 million a year do per year oh yeah I do it you wouldn't do it if you can do a few good to teach what it was like an
01:04:47| epidemic like a heroin epidemic I get old needles and stuff I guess you created us up then I create a robot yeah you'd be in like a those Roman suits just like yeah hell yeah
01:04:58| being the worst prior to pick up guy but we're I'm so blow job chief you probably be the only one you can be alien guys yeah you gotta wear the suit or else you gonna get to work sure this robot is
01:05:13| gonna slow down your pants okay now you do the G for Morgan on it I feel like that when we change around the topic like the end is we don't have as much as banter the banter is eliminated I'm
01:05:32| gonna say I've been draggin yeah towards the end it's uh she able to wash there was the question in my mind about something I'm sure it's gonna hit me to make a clarification correction next
01:05:42| time something if something we should have done that always hits me we're in the middle of a listening to a podcast ago ah damn yeah that's what they wanted to do that's where they shouldn't
01:05:52| that's why I was listening to a bunch of podcasts that were doing it awfully they were terrible at talking about trash there's one guy that was interviewing a guy who had a process for breaking down
01:06:09| like multi-layer trash or something laminates he called him but it was like on the phone it was broken up it was not very good it's awful yeah and another guy was like a radio DJ
01:06:20| trying to talk to people about trash and we're gonna cut to the break here we're going to come back after this commercial and then it was like they got like over one fact and he said well that was
01:06:27| fascinating what we're gonna have to come back there was a hall radio DJ that sold Justin Timberlake's happy frenched from 2004 4:35 hunch I have eaten french toast like you're done like I'm not sure
01:06:43| if you're done whenever I'm done I got stuff I gotta do it's a little found in the trash so 35 lunge he did it on the show so I think it was a promo type thing
01:06:55| I don't see one look there are you verify that a lot of these people do was authentic certificate of authentic you can't say those words I have a current certificate of authenticity yes yes
01:07:10| exactly got it I don't know how you do that either but but at the same time who the hell's arguing with you like my question isn't is this really Justin Timberlake's toast it's why are you
01:07:25| penning this much on happy toes like that's the question it's not whose toast is it it's whatever mimosa they were just probably not most
01:07:37| gorgeous woman in the world yeah if you've got her shoes or something no I'm kind of think yeah sure a shoe Harsha would you pay an extra 100 percent for that show she was usually 20
01:07:52| bucks but now what do you do with the implants I'm gonna resell them there's obviously a market for that thing thinks there's two but like what are they it's a physical plastic piece of plastic that
01:08:05| is her budget exactly I'm just guessing looks like a boob it's if you had the Carmen Electra's boob implants or Pam Anderson's boobs what do you get for that I don't know a couple thousand
01:08:16| eight thousand and none I'm not here trying to sell body parts I don't know oh well folks it's a lot of garbage yeah well like I was talking we like you a lot
01:08:30| thanks for listening thanks for listening you're garbage all you really fixer I hope we get to chop I should what

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