The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP060 Douchebag Jerk Asshole Prick Egomania

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Transcript UnP060 Douchebag Jerk Asshole Prick Egomania

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 60 - Douchebag Jerk Asshole Prick Egomania
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00:00:00| so we've all got them folks there at our gins there in our malls there at our jobs there at work there at frats they're hiding behind every corner of our everyday lives and today dan and I
00:00:19| are gonna get a little deeper we're gonna dig a little bit into that which we call the douche bag please join us thank you so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks we're old
00:00:39| friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the
00:00:53| chopping block babies we don't pander to popular opinion look like you can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment
00:01:04| purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music] all righty another night another topic I like it
00:01:34| Thank You Nick bag central yeah you going after Jersey sure right there welcome one welcome all now I'm going after what we used to wear in college when we would go out to the bars worn
00:01:50| shirt there was a Colorado authenticly worn I remember those days where we went to express and we we buy the cheapest best-looking Sharath
00:02:04| European so it didn't fit right but you felt really good when it was unbuttoned and you could walk around if your muscles are too tight knit you're just like oh I'm so strong yeah why got dad
00:02:17| muscles now they're massive hulking muscles being a douche bag but listen this is all about me I'm trying to open oh you did he definitely did yeah hold on before the episode starts trying to
00:02:35| make sure that everyone knows that we're talking about douche bags tonight we're gonna cover quite a bit and one of the things that we covered last time I asked Nick if he was going to actually go in
00:02:46| the black market and find some breast milk the CD actually buy breast milk I don't think he could because it's so valuable it's so valuable so we're gonna talk I'm gonna go over the categories
00:03:03| here we're gonna talk about the douche bags that are either jocks intellectual ones yeah yeah oh sorry sorry manipulators bullies people that think they're better than you the ones that
00:03:15| are gonna steal your girl the fraud the politician oh yeah the business man or woman business people music and actors you're telling me they're actor huge bags not buying it
00:03:32| folks [Music] before we get into that I just do want to tell everyone that there is no one definition of the word douchebag
00:03:43| uh-huh reserved definitions several in fact what's your favorite actually I can't tell you my favorite so that's gonna come up later in the episode all right
00:03:56| but we can all agree they're typically male right yeah I don't think ever I don't think I've ever had a woman described as a douchebag it's almost strictly male there is a sword woman
00:04:09| adieu yeah there is it so you're saying that's the caner for the word yeah I think it is douche bag has defined through multiple definitions you can check such fact pundits as urban
00:04:22| dictionary mm-hmm obnoxious someone with an inflated sense of self-worth an abhorrent personality can't be a poor and a jerk someone who's mean typically male typically oh yeah I guess you can
00:04:43| use it either way I'd seem so we'll get into it a douche scientifically do you know what a douche is physically what is used for like a physical douche what it is it is for
00:04:56| cleaning the vagina oh I knew you wanted to say that word Aegina a lot about vaginas that guy huh there's a first for everything guys first time is touch that word wow it's been a while energy drink
00:05:14| to my drink here so I don't really somehow it's like a plunger for for the female area right it cleans it out somehow like introduce a stream of water into the body doesn't have to be that
00:05:29| specific cavity but it usually is for medical hygienic purposes flushes everything out of the early you know what the craziest thing of all is what it was introduced back in like the 70s
00:05:41| or 60s as something that women needed to clean their nethers hmm the vagina is actually a self-cleaning organ so it's actually what is it it's an overreaching tool over/under
00:05:56| unnecessary as in overreaching somebody was making buck off that right but just take the word at face value overreaching tool just it's an unnecessary tool we should get rid of this unnecessary tools
00:06:17| but honestly that's kind of what a douche is um do you know when it started first juice was in like 1939 I didn't catch the name of the book but Jimmy douchebag was a character he was a pimp
00:06:34| ah 1946 it was actually a military term it's a military misfit a douchebag hmm and in the 1960s it began being used for someone who is unattractive or boring and general of the general term of
00:06:54| disparagement along with a few other D words you may know them as dick dillweed dipshit I just wanted to say those words but I think was just like an extra D word they threw when there was funny
00:07:07| doesn't mean anything means everything yeah okay thanks mala G right yeah what's interesting about this one is that it was strictly for female cleaning and all that and we used it now
00:07:17| to describe men it's like one of those gender bender words like you're a bitch yeah well I think I was watching no I think the origin was that men wanted to get in that vagina so they were being
00:07:27| assholes about it and then they started calling them douchebags because you being a prick check that out being a prick being a dick being a douchebag one of these words all kind of roll together
00:07:39| slow they most certainly flow no clear-cut definition that's truly it's the question maybe of our lifetime probably one of the more important questions we can ask as people am i a
00:07:51| douche bag okay can you ask that of yourself and be truthful um I compiled a list of douche terms would you like to hear them sure no paper douche bag douche nozzle
00:08:08| douchey king douche douche boat douche chills do Shirou douche douche an S I guess that's a female Russian asses okay I caught him like a Jew got chests a duchess Dushan ass I came across
00:08:23| chemicals Duchenne net as well congratulations Wow douche arena douche canoe douche rocket douche waffle shut up your douche waffle metric douche bag that's how
00:08:38| Canadians describe douche bags and then Arrested Development is a douche douche chill or douche - douche - here you know that one no definitely newest season that's
00:08:48| Tobias UK hit always go those two and then anybody's watch that show enjoy it thoroughly I enjoy that sort of perfectly and I don't recall that but I
00:09:00| believe in mm-hmm I guess I do I'm gonna kick it off with it jock douche bags sure let's go to jocks man everyone loves a good jock jocks get testosterone right that's all
00:09:13| I know about dogs you want my jock douchebag story sure you know I know if jock who's a douchebag Wow go figure a little bit so set the scene here there's a Halloween in college
00:09:29| where we went to a party that was hosted at the hockey guy's place it was the hockey teams house it's like a frat house but it was off off campus and so you walk in the door and there's nothing
00:09:42| like wrong immediately but things start to get kind of weird so my my future wife my nan girlfriend is even prior to being a girlfriend she was at the table playing a drinking game and naturally
00:09:57| they're all asking her - she's fine she's wearing a nice like red corset with some tiny shorts and she hmm she I think she was a devil it's like a stripper party yeah earlier you skipped
00:10:13| that part your zoned out I'm focused on here focus here so she was looking pretty fine and all of the hockey guys were trying to make her
00:10:21| flesh and naturally my wife being the person she is she said fuck no get away from me yeah now the other direction was going upstairs which she did not go which is where all the hockey guys were
00:10:37| trying to get the women goes upstairs they must had some freaky weird whatever's going on so that's that's one thing about the party that was just strange is that I walked towards the
00:10:47| steps and they had like a bouncer guy standing there being like uh you can't go up there and then like some girls like half drunk on high and they're like come upstairs
00:10:55| so it's it's very strange very weird and then moments later moments later I was standing by like just like watching a beer pong game and somebody did something I don't know what it was but
00:11:09| the hockey guys their reaction to it was to headbutt the guy right in the face right in front of me and I was like this is like inches from my face and I was like well shit I know I'm not associated
00:11:21| with this guy and they just started all head-butting him and I was like what the hell this is like an animal ritual or something I guess I guess it's also like code could be like did anyone punch this
00:11:31| guy no later on the guy oh so these are just workers are weird douchebags what make them douchebags though those two jerks assholes it's like they didn't even know they didn't
00:11:47| give a shit about anybody and they only cared about getting in vaginas or seeing boobs or so like I understand it in the douche yeah but I guarantee if you were like I mean we're we all that's the goal
00:12:01| for a man is to get where we want to go yeah but if you were to try to do that to one of the hockey guys's girls I guarantee you'd probably get head-butted or thrown out or hit but I think from a
00:12:13| mental reality very recently in genetic and women were sparse up in that college so you and I say twice if you went to college at all any time you start with an end with house and in the middle
00:12:27| there's a sports team everyone loved this douchey exhaust the football house the tennis team has they're all probably douches yeah I don't think you're having an intellectual conversation with any of
00:12:40| them in there so is it lack of intellect that makes them douchey because I don't think so I think maybe they have intellect but they don't show it I mean I think this is
00:12:48| their prime time to try to nail down some some some some so bring it upstairs and knit get busy hmm against their will I don't I mean no one was a lot upstairs to prove otherwise that's right
00:13:05| allegedly I actually who's really good friends would be crew team Oh are they do spanks or not every single one my friends douchebags yeah did they turn into new
00:13:21| spanks is it like a werewolf type of thing yeah I think it's you have to be around like at least two other crew beasts they're called crew beasts running around the public it's not their
00:13:31| normal people they wake up at 5:00 a.m. and they row and they sweat they fart a lot um and then they go on the river and do whatever it is they do they get yelled at by their coxswain coxswain
00:13:44| which is a little person in the boat that yells bro he's got me opposite objective of everyone else you've got to get as tiny as possible no muscle no fat we're gonna starve you to death so we
00:13:58| can win this thing and the coxswain goes okay Yaqui yeah I imagine though the world's jockeys are smaller than cocks wings jockeys are douchebags though oh yeah hundred percent believe that a
00:14:11| hundred percent there's no doubt little tiny little struts once they get off that horse good see there's good the shoulder go I think they're they're big stuff when
00:14:19| really they're very tiny it's their chance of shine fee to where that money [Music] man the church is just me sure you're sure it's pretty clean I have a shirt
00:14:40| like that but it's it's from when I was I know I know I'm awesome or something like that and my thing you would do 12 probably while you're wearing that shirt you walk around the mall on my janko's
00:14:56| and that shirt thinking I was gonna pick up some you did you have takers I did have janko's awesome I didn't know this kid till he's like 15 so he could have an any good shit okay
00:15:06| yeah I was a chameleon back then oh so I mean I'm not gonna go into too many stories about support sporto's spork I think everyone knows about the jock douchebag I think they've all
00:15:24| experienced it do you think there's a sport that is literally the worst I'll say crew but I guess I knew crew the most so no no crew head that was it had the general testosterone idiot
00:15:38| mean-spiritedness but it also had richness to it like only rich kids cut a road that made it extra douchey hmm we're gonna get into race later on about to sex because uh douche is also
00:15:55| predominantly white did you know that you know we got weird is weird I've never I don't think I'm gonna like a term to any other ethnicity or race exactly but if you did picture
00:16:10| prototypical douche they are middle class if not wealthy white heterosexual as hell and their parents are paying for whatever they're going don't say yeah I'm following you a hundred percent well
00:16:26| you know so that's why I put crew team is like one of the highest douche ratios star sports well hockey ice hockey is also you know it's funny the dirtiness didn't
00:16:37| seem douchey to me the grunge eNOS yeah there's something about I love how dirty hockey players are yeah their equipment lease your bill see in suits thanks so much
00:16:51| I've seen doodoo snot rockets in his hockey bag spin it I was like did you and he was like who cares it's just my equipment you know the way it's gonna touch your
00:17:02| body later the floors over there I was like there's a trash can over here like you just you're just hot going to be in your own hockey bag you don't even know where it landed on it gonna lay there on
00:17:12| your cup replacing that I'm not getting into it huh but there were rungy dirty people and I respect that somehow I can explain why can explain how products I played hockey
00:17:26| yeah because if I didn't I'm pretty sure I would that's disgusting Wow turbo so alright so it's not being a jock or an idiot that makes you a douche because there are other douche bags yeah
00:17:40| follow you d yeah oh my god like the intellectual douche bag oh you have any examples of very intellectual douche pack I know is coming just because you love robots so
00:17:59| much Wow they're the future you think and you think robots can do everyone's job and I feel like every time a robot doesn't do someone's job I want to do it like this
00:18:12| program a better sooner or later and I'm like yeah but that's not the point hmm douche so I'm wondering if you encounter these people more often than I do because I in my job I'm respected
00:18:25| enough that people will not challenge me so like I get to a point that they don't even try to bother because I could shut them down but that probably makes me the douche interesting but I have run into a
00:18:40| really big intellectual douche though and he he's he was one of my managers I'm not gonna say his name but at one point he says because physics that was his answer to me because physics
00:18:51| that's good that's good I like that I did one mm-hmm anyone who says because and then like encompasses an entire branch of science because they millennion into research come on man
00:19:03| because biology oh man that's painful that happened to me it was it was something real simple and it just really it got under my skin this is the same guy who after being in
00:19:14| the same job for three or four years he said I don't have enough experience to speak in front of like all my colleagues and I was like what no idea yeah like I was gonna say the smart douche is also
00:19:33| in like programming um I do agree with you that the programmers feel like they're better than people because they can put something in motion that's quicker than they are I'll say that so
00:19:47| that's like a process that made of might have taken them like a month long to do and then it's like quicker than you by like I have a second program whether it's not for work it's easy program so
00:19:56| you've come across other people who program they're like I find it's more like an antisocial misunderstanding of how to talk to people and it's like they come off as douchey because they don't
00:20:07| know like other people like they don't they're not around enough people to say I understand where you're coming from like you don't understand because you don't have any backing this definition
00:20:16| of douche bag I don't usually have oral fixation I think I was trying to be smart yes that's okay women will like it don't worry I wish you would bite my pen give me your
00:20:30| number to blue and I will thank you but your definition of douchebag here seems to be someone's who Annette socially no no no I would I would say that it's it's coupled with the the I guess saying
00:20:46| opinions as their fact and trying to overrule you so you get that a lot from different intellectuals that like maybe they don't know your background or they think they're trying to tell you
00:20:57| something or teach you something modern person like a smart person who knows they're smart is saying my opinions better and they're yeah and they're never receptive to other people
00:21:07| because ninety I mean hundred all the other people in their opinion don't know as much as they are as they do okay well let's say they're right let's say someone is smarter than the average
00:21:16| person can Stephen Hawking be a douche bag I think he probably was probably if he had his own voice he'd probably I'm wish I had to tweet in front of me what was he a girl who who gains weight and
00:21:31| loses weight all the time I cheated Weight Watchers for a while and she was on cheers she was on cheers hold on a second I'm you have to keep going it's the what color hair did she have I think
00:21:46| she was a brunette I'm bad with hair color like everyone like it's like fix it oh she's a brunette she's a blonde like sometimes I forget because I don't care she so there was the curly-haired
00:21:55| woman right that's not Chris Brinkley is it and then she had like kind of like a wavy hair woman I think so I I don't pay attention here it's like a thing for a lot of people so there is Rhea Rhea
00:22:08| Perlman which I don't think you're talking about no no I know who reaffirm one is no that's Danny DeVito his wife yes er really yeah she's probably pretty sure wild up dude she probably gets
00:22:19| stoned and just last with DeVito I I have to imagine yeah I think Chrissy Ali was yeah she was healing okay honor at the episodes yeah Lee released a tweet that no one told her to tweet this
00:22:32| no one said she had to give her opinion on it it was on someone entirely not in her field when Stephen Hawking died she tweeted I'd better get this right can you they all don't like it please and
00:22:45| read the tweet out loud with punctuation it's my favorite tweet of all time and it's it's almost like she threw him shade like I mean it's the weirdest thing so she's a kind of a model actress
00:23:00| she spokesperson for Weight Watchers Stephen Hawking physicist one of the leading researchers for universal physics you know does all these breakthroughs and all different kinds of
00:23:12| Sciences he passes away so she released its that read I was hopefully like so yes no so news articles like redact what they say about celebrities sometimes and it
00:23:24| was this is one of the Queen he deleted it she probably did and then like they can okay so he did right so what it said was on thanks for your no no you had a good go of it thanks for your English
00:23:36| you had a good go at it what does yeah there is two periods yes Osama ellipses you had a good go of it thanks for your it that's not even like he made theorems or anything your input like it was
00:23:58| almost like she put it in quotes man oh my goodness my favorite tweet of all time I'm glad we got to it sorry we wasted so much time I should have memorized that it should be I'm gonna
00:24:08| get that tattooed on me when I guy just want someone to say you had a good go they died and have the full three dots thanks for your input I wish I could talk to Christy Ali and at the end of it
00:24:20| just say thanks for your input and just like shaker handling yeah thanks for the input thanks for it that's great he's just like it's like one of the most genius the rest of our time and Kirstie
00:24:31| Alley like yeah she just like put herself up here was like thanks she just became a douche yet yeah she did that's very douchey and I don't know uh-huh but I believe he was pretty peachy too I
00:24:41| think yeah they make them appear that way in like family I and a Big Bang Theory and I'm trying to say something else which i think is a way to make him seem more
00:24:52| cool though because like yeah cuz he he speech box thing and everything like you know he's that a huge disadvantage so you have to play up some part of his character right so I guess they play
00:25:02| yeah that's a good way to put it interesting good job yeah we're going to move on to manipulate or douchebag thanks are there manipulators if you have any minute later she's I don't know
00:25:15| one single manipulator look this is unfair this could be a politician musician leader uh it's gonna be a lot of people ok yeah true
00:25:24| there was a hope you'd do something and they're like oh yeah if they're trying to get you to ya know I know one of them but he's not big enough of a douche to ring him up
00:25:33| there's another one that so I bought my house there's a warranty in my house for structural damage or whatever and I had water getting into an area that was not supposed to so I had a guy come out to
00:25:44| assess it and he naturally downplays everything but I know all this and I told him in a structural angus now no that's that's not that does not cover it I want your good so right towards the
00:26:01| end of the conversation I proved to him that it was an issue and what he tried to do was to get me to sign a piece of paper saying that it it was fixed or it was going to be fixed as he said it so
00:26:14| he throughout the whole process he tried to like scare me into saying it was done when he kept hiring people that were just like inept they didn't know how to build anything and it was just like it
00:26:25| was a ridiculous process in the end I had to go tweet - I will say this Meritage homes I had to tweet the person who built my house
00:26:35| free stuff three homes there free hugs I had to tweet at them showing them pictures of what they had done for them to respond to the person who had been waiting like six months to pay me back
00:26:46| for what he said I had to buy in order to fill that house for me because I don't know what Twitter have you used I have multiple ones I am for about five foot now one day did use
00:27:00| one that had your name in it it most certainly did at that time do you follow my own guy no I don't follow my own person that's crazy separation of church and state or freaky
00:27:16| weirdness that you do in your own time [Laughter] castle audio only no notice that I nude it is double eyebrow raised mm-hmm I don't bully douches because I feel like
00:27:32| a bullies at a different word sometimes yeah I understand what you're saying like there's a two shiness to it but I think there's a douchiness inherent and being a bully but it's not
00:27:41| highly douchebag I'll give you this story so there was a bully he was related to one of our arch-nemesis Josh I think he know hims related to him he was Italian yeah oh yeah you know
00:27:57| so the okay he was friend lady physically not physically their genes might have shared some mistakes but he during lunch launched a ketchup packet at our table and I was sitting at the
00:28:12| nerdy table I would float around a little bit and it happened to hit me in the back and like an open ketchup packet like launched him like five tables away and I'm just going I drop it what the
00:28:23| fuck and then he realized that he hit the one guy that could actually fight him at the table and he what he walked outside at that moment he goes like a little chuckle like and then he walks
00:28:33| outside and I went outside and I was like you want to fight you wanna come I was right in his face like spitting at him I was like you're a douchebag why why would you do that to the people like
00:28:42| it's not even funny hey it's not funny be you're gonna ruin something close someone's mom's got to clean that yeah you're gonna get Sketch up on my my drw stitches ah my beautiful my beautiful
00:28:56| plaid shirt it is a pretty good one now here's a scenario there was underclassmen that were throwing maybe ketchup packets like our behavioral in in the cafeteria one day and they were
00:29:15| underclassmen like I don't know we worry there's juniors or seniors I never do this but like they were throwing stuff at our table and at one point they kept throwing stuff and I said I never do
00:29:26| this I got up I walked with a full soda I walked over to the kid doing it and he did it again he threw and I was standing over him I just felt my entire soda over theory and he got up and he pushed me
00:29:38| and I pushed him back and you know a brother who ever came over I was like what is going on and he was like a part of me I was like I don't know what happened but looking back was I the
00:29:49| bigger douche or him because he started it but that's a real douchey thing and I knew I wasn't gonna get in trouble sometimes it's necessary though when you're faced with some adversity you
00:30:00| have to be a bigger douche to shut them down if you do something that's small it doesn't shut them down it just gets them going so I feel like you shut him down
00:30:08| by pouring that drink on him and then he was he was done he wasn't gonna actually fight you at that point no no no but that was it's truly douchey when everyone's part douche douche anomic s--
00:30:21| what crazy stuff happening in all dice cool right yeah I mean there's so much testosterone there it's pumping and you just douche flying around here huge for lunch douche for breakfast cafeteria all
00:30:33| a douche you know hmm way to serve it up eat it down what's the next douche who you got oh the better than you douche I only have this is really good generic one cuz
00:30:47| you have like people who have money wealth or status usually they have like a nice car or like a shitty car that's like pimped out and they think they're the hottest shit ever this is like a
00:30:58| classical douche bag I went to school with a lot of kids who had all that but I don't think they came across they were douches but they never were douches to me like haha look at this car my dad
00:31:11| bought like they never said that to me yeah thank I think our high school was smart enough to realize that there's no need to be a douche to other if there was a woman there I wonder how it would
00:31:21| go that's a real good point yeah that would have been a pad or cagin know if they were trying to impress the one woman they probably put you down immediately then I would assume but we
00:31:33| didn't have anything no you're talking about the person but it's more of a generic yeah yeah the actual person whose dad owned the dealership that went to our school but uh my dad owns a
00:31:48| dealership I will buy a car off the lot and drop it on you killing you instantly I will crush your soul and your spirits you will be dead and my dad's car man you I know you've come across these
00:32:07| steelix to your girl douches the ones that go after your woman even though you're staying in there or they just can't stop being douches they just want to keep going and going yeah that's like
00:32:20| a yeah the pocket rocket he's got a heat seeker yeah ken's Dhananjay do you have any specifics no because I mean I this always happens there's always someone who's like a douche for my girl or
00:32:37| something and put you down tries to put you down in front of your own but here's the problem most times your girl wants you to fight him stand up to him stop him or even if
00:32:47| she doesn't like you should you feel like that that honor thing well what ends up happening with me all the time is that unlike Geodude and i say something really funny or wacky to try
00:32:55| and get him off guard serious and then and then he's like what and I'm like I was just gonna do don't just mess away and he's like bullying you wanna buy a beer or like let's get a beer and then
00:33:04| like I'm like PFF and she's like he was trying to get in my pants I'm like Jackie hilarious days actually he's still doing it and I'm like no Jerri just bought me a beer I got a beer we're
00:33:16| going cruising we'll be right back like me Jerri or be at that ha it's funny I think the first time that you met me you checked me into a locker kind of douche bag move are you sure you sure you know
00:33:34| you're my best friend look at that [Laughter] douche bags that better than boom they're making love with words via podcast mm-hmm I do have a specific
00:33:48| example here uh-huh so I went bowling with my future wife my girlfriend at the time she's doing she's yeah yeah this is uh she brought a friend and her friend had a boyfriend and her boyfriend had a
00:34:03| friend and the friend did not stop hitting on my future wife the entire time I was sitting there waiting to bowl I'm witness and he's constantly like oh you're so attractive can I get you
00:34:16| oh you just like doing all that shit and I'm just like really really I'm here excuse me pardon me I have my hand raised excuse me pardon me um can you stop please like what if I did
00:34:38| that I don't think I did oh I would like I I think that was the first time I actually saw like I had a girlfriend that was super hot that my wife was hot and I didn't like I didn't
00:34:51| know how to react it's the first time I was like how are you continuously trying to hit on my wife when she's put you down so many times and I'm right here like she's saying like this is my
00:35:01| boyfriend like why are you hitting on me he's like you're still you're so beautiful it's like I think you like God drugs or something right like what sir I don't him oh whatever
00:35:09| she's already put you down I need to do anything hmm any types we got left me number oh we got five thank Jesus Christ Jesus Christ it's not about we agreed on this list I
00:35:29| have it in writing we hmm fraud truly who's committed fraud it's been the biggest douchebag this is a comparison here these are real people I stole my first thing from a store last
00:35:43| week you committed fraud I did don't say that until it's past time yeah they can't see me they can't find this podcast a grocery store I don't go to I grabbed a little bit of ginger like you
00:35:59| know the big branches of ginger and I snapped off the one end and I was like I really need a little bit and I put it in my pocket not thinking dude you own a my kid so I get to the checkout and had all
00:36:09| this stuff and I became aware that it was in my pocket and I was like pretend you don't bounce and I was like just pretend anyway and I was just slowly putting like my club
00:36:21| soda on there and you like family my water things I like that but I'm nearing like the very end of my items I'm like screaming did you get everything everything likely imported me
00:36:40| oh no I forgot something in the last item I'll end it or something OOP and she's like is that it for today sir and I'm like yes and anyway uh thank you stole it like a
00:36:56| badass huh and I feel terrible about it I haven't touched it yet it's probably like 15 cents worth of ginger like 40 cents worth Oh rich super rich so you you put yourself on the fraud level of I
00:37:12| had a fraud dudes person I'm about to say let's hear him Bernie uh well Bernie is a Ponzi scheme jerk douchebag I will say that but I mean he did one thing and then he stopped he was
00:37:29| just milking money from people and he defrauded them which still he's a douche bag uh Martin shkreli you know him yeah you know yeah he he was like one of those like hedge fund a trader people
00:37:44| who did something special it turns out he committed SEC fraud to gain part of his wealth which he then used to buy the wu-tang album which was on all exactly you know my copy and then he bought a
00:38:00| company that made medicine and he increases I don't know if it was aids medicine I think I thought it was aids I thought I could be wrong but it was something fairly important like in debt
00:38:13| that wasn't like just a blood cholesterol or something this'll Garrett daraprim there's a medication used to a lot of words toxoplasmosis and Sisto plasma rias's and used in depth so I
00:38:28| can't even say all these words HIV and AIDS is the bottom there you go you got it yeah anti-parasitic drug daraprim mmm most hated man in America quote unquote and farm
00:38:40| that's what a quote farmer bro didn't I make you piss my rose yeah so this yeah farmer bro $13 that was the original price he raised it to seven hundred and fifty dollars for all those
00:38:56| people with HIV and AIDS fuck over the people who already fucked way to be a douche that's like almost like the that's like King douche territory douche canoe dude rocket area dues lawful same
00:39:08| thing with the EpiPen people they created they've raised that ridiculous amount so that's my number one fraud douche not only did he commit a crime and then he spun off what he did as a
00:39:22| crime and did other things that were douchey he continued to be a douche bag until he got put in jail and was convicted of fraud he won't do his full time but um here's my question
00:39:39| probably is he gonna be still gonna be a millionaire when you get to him yeah he was fine 7.4 million and his net worth is 27 million so he's probably get out and then buy another company and then
00:39:49| raise the price about I don't know 56 times here's a real question it's a little bit of an aside wu-tang release that album one copy they recorded produced mastered edited finalized and
00:40:10| pressed I think it was in a CD one I believe he had an actual physical CD hmm they made cover art they made a booklet that came with it and sent it to the highest bidder correct this Helen we're
00:40:23| calling it or was a digital only trying to recall the reason I ask is because what do you think preceded the thought process behind that album someone who makes music and someone who thinks about
00:40:37| that oh I I almost feel like to think he's trying to become a record producer he's trying to hoard music that he likes I don't even know that he likes this the other the other way on the wu-tang side
00:40:49| what were they thinking here I mean if they put it up at auction they don't know who's gonna buy it could be no one you paid two million dollars for it okay
00:41:00| the other thing to think of is how much effort went into the CD maybe it's a piece of shit do you think it's worth to sell your rights to a CD after you've been because if you really
00:41:11| think you made great music why would you just sell to one person you kind of want everyone have it cuz it's gonna be your best stuff as can propel you forward that's true I would have believed that
00:41:18| your fans support and on top of that if you know it's going to one individual person at some point during the producing segment they realize they're only selling this to one person for
00:41:28| auction whether this is a gig or a scheme or whatever trying to get publicity going mm-hmm like they did realize this isn't going to the masses this isn't going to millions of people
00:41:38| no one in their right mind may hear this ever is it evil Isaac at that point like should we take two no it's good whatever it's one person one's gonna get was a bad review you didn't mean honestly I
00:41:54| think they thought that somebody in the record producing industry was gonna buy it and then spread it out and distribute it but he was so do you think it was a good CV is my question then so do you
00:42:07| think they were like this will go viral and then everyone will get it and then he'll sell it in five years so I think I need yours down the road the feds are gonna make it our best work the feds
00:42:17| that's gonna do with it they're gonna reappropriation I think that's crazy so the loo albums back out I don't even know what it was called that's awesome I can't wait to listen to it I don't know
00:42:34| it was like baby when I was in Canada that was good 20 years ago we listened to the wu-tang CD and the outcast seed a really significant other I think or not a thing about kiss anyway I'm sorry oh
00:42:50| sorry yeah no I'm telling you I'm just going that's fraud douche fraudulence douche produce politician politician douche weird that's an Isis a oxymoron or
00:43:07| repetitive say unnecessary they're all kind of douchebags no I don't have one because I have the lists at the end of this episode where I can go through some people okay okay so you had actual
00:43:20| run-in with a politician or you wrote one a letter or you ever had a story that one don't deal with politicians at all okay ever let's get rid of it try to have a wave all political douchery
00:43:33| actually there are well there's I started researching ones in history and a lot of them have to do with Philadelphia Chaka Fattah do you know that guy uh capita yeah he apparently
00:43:47| RIA propria at one point he reappropriation pain donations and made it out to whoever the hell he wanted to yeah he was I think he was put away for more than ten years and it was something
00:44:03| in like the millions but I was feeling like I don't really know this guy enough to be like he's a douche like I don't I don't feel like he's a douche now the person I do feel like is a douche so Jim
00:44:14| pie he was a politician at this point FCC chairman he used to be yeah he's the biggest douche I think he used to be part of Verizon's lawyer team I think he was for a lawyer for ricin he
00:44:28| obviously has a lot of that make sense stock in Verizon and is probably being paid by Verizon since at one of his speeches he said that he was hahaha going to be an FCC Chairman and then
00:44:40| have his cronies join the chair so he was essentially a shill for a corporation to take over an entity which is supposed to protect the communities goals of net neutrality but FCC chairman
00:44:55| just fucked all those goals he didn't give a shit about the people on a douche so he overturned that neutrality and made it so that larger corporations could then manipulate the internet could
00:45:09| make you see what his don't want to see do do what had less to do with his intelligence what's to do with his social interaction to do with how he treated those less
00:45:20| fortunate yeah he's gonna he's gonna try to he's trying to screw over the internet so that it's not accessible by all which is the whole point of the internet he also
00:45:30| he should be right like what are food I guess yeah he's also D being paid obviously by some of these corporations which is one of my problems with government politicians I'll just say
00:45:42| that sounds like that's not dude that's corruption corruption but he's doing he's douching enough to have his giant Reese's mug and smile at the camera and just say ha like I'm doing the best for
00:45:54| the United States right here I'm gonna sit this shit just soak it down yeah shit eating grin you douche douche bag just feels so good you douche bag and you picked I feel soup what a douche bag
00:46:15| less business people I didn't do the last three because I feel like they're all the exact same person you feel like a cool business person and what was the one fraud fraud well this was fraud I
00:46:29| will agree with you so there was I'm gonna I'd picked Enron ooh Duty so the business at the time was worth seventy four billion dollars and people hire I mean it was publicly traded you know
00:46:46| just like a seven or I really knew I think it was a seven I'll double-check I can double-check I pulled that number out of my butthole and I have a bad sense of x let's just
00:46:56| say it's at nine from 2001 2001 what yeah I think I think it began it was published publicized in 2001 and I think it the problem that the golden parachute happened well yeah yeah so these guys
00:47:11| there's a like five of them at the top that were using the accountants I guess the people who were auditing the company they somehow bought them off to say that the company was worth something like 40
00:47:24| billion dollars more than it actually was to inflate the price do I still don't know well you just like change the balance sheet like instead of making a dollar that quarter you made a
00:47:35| million dollars it is illegal that's why all these people went to jail for like dozens of years all that what about like the presidents and CEOs everyone who took the so the number one guy was
00:47:47| Kenneth Lay and then I think the next guy was kept in play I see you on the street and kick you with a dick he's something when it died actually Oh goddamned literally I got no clue and I
00:47:58| was willing to kick a guy in the dick ha ha time the other guy was a Jeffrey Skilling I just hold on I got type of quickly apologize there that's fine if you had a quieter keyboard yeah I got
00:48:10| excited because this guy pisses me off it pisses me off so much because there are so many people invested in the stock and the stock went from a seventy four billion dollar company to nothing in two
00:48:21| years so all those people that were banking on retirement because they work for the company and thought it was doing really well all those people essentially lost years
00:48:30| married decades of their life investing in a company they thought was legitimate when it was not at all hmm now you don't you probably don't feel the pang of that one but there's quite a lot of pain
00:48:45| right there you tell you how many letters I got saved towards retirement and I'll say their names for the people that were involved in the management and corporate
00:48:53| governance we've gotten Kenneth lay the chairman the CEO Jeffrey Skilling the president the chief operating officer Andrew Fastow financial officer Richard Causey chief accounting officer and then
00:49:09| Rebecca mark Joyce basche International and Ron international I'll just say I'll stop it there because I don't know if those people were convicted but most of them work we're going to jail yeah
00:49:22| allegedly allegedly company at the beginning yeah but FM seriously you know how do you do that too I mean when you're when you're beholdin to probably thousands of people
00:49:36| at that point maybe even tens of thousands or hundred thousands of people and to screw over that many people because you want to make money that's a mmm that's a problem that's a
00:49:47| baby and this could be a whole episode unto itself Joe the people who did this are millionaires I'll guarantee you they probably hid their money out like everywhere - no one
00:50:00| doing this is poor no one doing this is even struggling to make ends meet White Collar by doing this but that's crazy to me that you're willing to screw over so many people so hard to increase
00:50:12| your net worth which is already like you can already afford almost everything you want right yeah I mean I think after you make probably what 10 million dollars how much more is really worth it I don't
00:50:25| know what they're gaining at the cost of screwing over that many people it's a little episode unto itself yeah greed does at that point you're just waving your dick at other
00:50:34| billionaires and saying like look at this it's made of gold like I'd rather have a real dick or the record I would as well sign me up for a real dick not a golden a dick
00:50:49| it's can you imagine a scenario where it's like you deep in the Middle East you're going through the marketplace and it's like you go to the back and it's like hand jobs by Midas he's given and
00:51:05| ease and everyone who finishes ends up with millions of dollars with an unusable please would you do it oh man maybe when I'm old and gray like Kenneth Lee so at some point it's worth it right
00:51:19| yeah if you're never gonna have fuck again and I get to do this so I like my bin I wish I could say this in the office like fuck you Debbie and they're like like when she said see with all of
00:51:39| us yeah I love you Debbie Ross of it yeah if you ever listen to this podcast you're great I love having an office mate I think you would actually chuckle but everyone else
00:51:52| in the office would be like Oh dad against ESP yes unbelievable I'd get fired immediately if I drop mm-hmm I felt so good to say I love it makes me feel so good I'm glad you felt
00:52:10| good got music and actors next to you I think one of your one of your friends will like this one oh don't go in to end yet is it a three letter first name yes it is I'll go and I'll let you get it
00:52:26| I'll let you get it cuz I've been telling hog all the time that's fine dude no I don't have a specific thing on all these genres because what I think is interesting a sports douche is similar
00:52:36| to but not exactly an intellectual douche similar to but not exactly a fraud douche similar to that exactly so we're covering this new spectrum yeah the douche spectral thing and we've
00:52:49| definitely come to the entertainment section where we got music nice passion yeah cures I actually hate these ones the least I would agree with you and some fascinating times like um in music
00:53:05| you got guys like Chris Brown he tapped one of the lists I saw hmm Calle constantly goes up there je Bebe's jb's Oh big one I've heard Kanye said something about everyone stand for this
00:53:19| part of the song and there were some hastiness and whether he cared about handicapped people or not like he wanted someone to stand and they were handicapped but then he's like oh if
00:53:29| you're handicapped you don't understand like you don't have to like you don't have to ah so you make it um I imagine you just reach a realm in in this world which maybe it applies to sports
00:53:41| business all this other stuff where you're so not in touch with reality yeah that you think everyone even if it's like your lapses in judgment where you think everyone's like you you're
00:53:53| separated you're different right here you're entirely different and I guess it would be exhausting to think for every second of your life all the little things like the way you get food is
00:54:02| different than the way an average person gets food way you swallow digests well I mean think about it internet going to the grocery store they think you got to bring your ID to
00:54:11| get groceries those douches will say right you have no clue there's a douchiness in Arrested Development where Lucille Bluth it's a banana Michael what could it cost ten dollars there's always
00:54:28| money in the banana stand yeah and like but it's just funny because she has no idea like certain people there's certain elements of their life that become so detached
00:54:37| they got no damn clue Kanye West's one Justin Bieber's totally oh yeah he's an instance where I think when they're too young Backstreet Boys well no no I'm just going with the popular
00:54:51| douche like everyone makes fun of someone for being a douche whether they are or aren't it becomes so like Nickelback they're all douchebags like it becomes popular to hate someone or
00:55:00| something yeah there's a not douches but it's overwhelming when we were younger who was it like the Backstreet Boys NSYNC they're pen to sheen right get a little bit I don't know that you could
00:55:13| be that big a douche like back then so it's really hard to convey the little my new things that people do that reduce she but now it's everywhere like this guy did this one thing Robin was a
00:55:24| douche yeah yeah definitely that that's sports though but I see what you're saying yeah I think it's like cuz they captured him doing douchey things on camera so you could see him being pissed
00:55:33| at the time yeah the dress for publicity he pretended to be the victim and he was a perpetrator at the exact same time he was a jackass which again we're crossing words so as I do she maybe not maybe it
00:55:45| is huh jackass is more comedic I would say nah yeah I guess a little bit huh oh sorry I thought you were funnelin silent no but I'm Justin Bieber is like the popular
00:55:59| douche of like the past 12 years ten years somewhere in that frame where he's like everyone hates him he's a douche what about their like male singers are there out there that our teenager ish
00:56:10| that are as like on the same level and do the same sort of things like there's other ones that are like I already was there's other ones that are like cutesy and
00:56:20| soft and they're gentle and whatever I mean they're gonna be douchebags later but right now it's not a cutesy insult that makes you a douche because number one on the list Chris Brown like to
00:56:29| punch women yep that's G Rihanna Simmons one of the top on the list what do you know anything about I don't know anything he is a douche he um he I wish I never done the examples I thought
00:56:45| it was just common known that he's a real big douchebag like he won't do chose if you don't have the right color M&Ms I made that if that's Van Halen and do you know why
00:56:52| they do that there was something to test the contract because they read on the contact me right oh right they did with more to test not because they really need green M&Ms yeah um Axl Rose is a
00:57:04| douche which this is crazy someone who follows his podcast religiously on panda Dan yeah he just told me that's the other night he has a light sighs when I got
00:57:15| bad heads uh Axl Rose but this is it I said which you know which one he says well I got them all and I said young Axl he says he has a 79 Axl an 84 Axl an 88 Axl because he gained a little weight
00:57:32| and then in 91 ex cause he lost a lot of weight for cocaine the big problem mm-hmm he's not sure if he's getting a and out of shape anything and this is the catch I said why not get it like you
00:57:49| have all the others who cares well the reason he's not sure is because every night before bed he has to kiss each axle on the wall and then go to bed he's not sure if he wants to kiss a bad axle
00:58:03| yeah number one there's a lot of problems going on with that like you have to kiss them all just kiss one like even because he won a little weird to me he's got kiss a meet good night 78 Axl
00:58:14| good night names of the songs I don't get it I'm not that deep he doesn't want to get a thinks kissing a fat Axl's quote/unquote gross
00:58:31| hey is that fat shaming and be kissing all the other axles isn't gross I just think it's douchey for him to even do this put in the comment section below if you think that's a normal B can I call
00:58:46| the cops on them I don't feel like I should be able to break break into that house find out what's going on in there there's more than just Axel posters there what's going on Oh what the band
00:58:59| makan no don't show no don't check in socials don't do any at what the favicon tell ya I said too much I don't want to promote him yeah but axel wrote yeah we're gonna
00:59:12| direct this podcast to Montreal where uh when Metallica and Guns & Roses were playing together Metallica had some sort of cars old wreck no we well pyrotechnic tissues so one of I think it was uh what
00:59:28| was the hey what's the guy's the guitarist walking with a yeah Hatfield yeah James oh he got burned by a pyrotechnic and he he came off the stage and had to go to the hospital and Axl
00:59:44| Rose said I'm not gonna take over right now I'm not gonna go on early Montreal had a riot because he refused to play they ended up destroying and flipping over cop cars just cuz he refused to go
00:59:59| out early Axl Rose on his reunion tour back in like 13 14 15 era mm-hmm 2014 15 13 he did a show in Philadelphia sold out I don't remember this is the Wachovia
01:00:13| Center or what am I bid first Union Center do you know he just didn't show up getting people on station didn't go at all didn't do it you didn't go at all I'll lose people to Philadelphia look it
01:00:22| up guess who was there folks yes he was he really went there and nothing happened I swear to God hold on leading up to it from weeks upon weeks he kept bragging about how he rose like
01:00:38| it was all coming in because he loves gun the Rose never saw him live this is this big dream this is like air things happening for a reason he's making fun of people he's listening
01:00:47| everything kissing all those and he went and guess what we did until 10 p.m. and Max will never shoot that's the real reason really doesn't want that I saw when I went with what the fence on two
01:01:04| concert in Atlantic City I think it was does he act did he show let me tell ya ah dude the women there probably looked pretty good 20 years ago so we got musicians movies I mean I have a list
01:01:27| it's a mile long do you know your girls on the music list oh she is a good day Oh what about AG list really soon worse my list that's pretty far down I mean you know why you were so curious you're
01:01:45| I want to know why top analyst Chris Brown Kanye injustice gene Axl Rose fred durst whoo Ted Nugent Scott Stapp Courtney Love Miley Cyrus Lars Liam Gallagher four steps down Noel Gallagher
01:02:02| I'm not sure how Liam one but Bono pitbull take a swift my girl and my favorite personal list minghui Malmsteen genovia's no idea what it is he's a guitar virtuoso I don't know if he's
01:02:16| Swedish for choice and or weakened belt he's a virtuoso all he does is shred rumor has it he used to get drunk kids like the long hair down to his like butt and it's like curly he like just he goes
01:02:27| on stage he just shreds but he does like ridiculous sweeps back and forth it's not even music it's just crazy stuff I look up his own black star I think he wrote it when he was like 19 it's super
01:02:40| awesome anyway from 19 he just got works and works and everything was like he was on a plane if drunk a woman complained about him that he was being arrogant
01:02:56| spilling stuff on people being total jackoff in first class he got up screamed at her in her face grabbed her arm and said Do You Know Who I am and she screamed he said under fury bitch
01:03:09| air guitar the air guitar I guess he thought he was gonna melt her arm by playing so fast he was removed from the play and I believe arrested had to pay fine but Hoss shadow my man in me so I
01:03:23| did look up Erica Ariana Grande being a douche it was 71 I mean that's pretty far down ya celeb bitchy calm that's the interesting website it's from Star magazine there's a quote while filming
01:03:37| ass TV special now she was impossible to work with blah blah blah she demanded to be shot from only her left side using a certain way that's her good side or she would kill herself
01:03:51| suppose we went to the extreme and then she did not want to hear Mariah Carey's name uttered in her presence so awesome I just fit all over everything she also refused to do the ALS ice bucket
01:04:04| challenge because she didn't want anyone to see her without her makeup or her hair extensions apparently the internet weird know that the specs we talked about earlier the
01:04:17| job dude just douche hated them all now the more we describe these douche bags kind of like a character so I guess it makes them characters there's movie news bags and stuff you know who Tom Cruise
01:04:31| is always at the top of the list I could see that Scientology episode number one of ours Scientology Mel Gibson's always up there Steven Seagal those guys yeah all kind of that old-school strong jaw
01:04:54| yeah well usually it has a little bit to do it jittery help who we started used to be able to do whatever the hell they want and the rules change or they kind of have shut out the rules shout-out
01:05:08| Twitter shout-out people over with camera phones like Russell Crowe he's thrown a phone at people like you know you hit that maitre d in the header but everybody phones
01:05:16| yes I would've thought oh dude yeah he was charged with assault I believe anyway apparently he's a real jackal screaming at people and everything else a hotel phone so like a physical phone
01:05:27| ya know we hit him with a physical phone the real bill anyway um like I think you could do that 20 years ago and get away with it and you're rich so you could pay off whoever
01:05:37| it's gonna be annoying nowadays cell phone we gotcha like you don't even have two lawsuits worth more than the payoff hmm interesting honesty kinda love honesty yeah there's no good I did want
01:05:53| to get into a really crazy thing it's called douchebag theory whoo douchebag is technically a derivative of asshole like assholes the parent class cuz women men lots of people be assholes there's a
01:06:08| special subdivision that are strictly douchebags specificity I'm gonna get her name wrong but she wrote in her Atlantic article in 2013 Tay and he C coat or coat coats I care about that
01:06:27| and then next word any 8h is I Nikki see the hex high anyway she defined asshole and it was the best definition we've seen so far asshole is a person who demands all
01:06:42| social interactions happen on their terms oh that doesn't that's a pretty good one yeah it does bring something in mind tall people
01:06:59| darren has told people they take attention from you not assholes but this is part of the steal your girl asshole I have known multiple tall people to do things when they enter the room exactly
01:07:14| like you just did there's go door and then it's like that guy's tall and all the women look at him that's probably jealousy on my part though it might be but if they probably really
01:07:23| do it I mean I know they do do it if you couldn't get a reaction so interesting sidenote I was an asshole mm-hmm you did that didn't you for three decades but I also love everyone it's not like I love
01:07:48| myself that you're not being yeah you're not demeaning or dismissing them or any of the nation oh I'm here and let's all let's all high-five let's all hug let's all do jokes let's all have a great time
01:07:58| that's all share beers like that's me they asshole to the point where I didn't realize this but I ended up sleeping with and having a rest in a relationship with a coxswain from the crew team
01:08:10| sister anyway I'm any female coxswains is it is that illegal yeah they had female coxswains huh anyway luckily yeah she um I think we really should list at all three months I
01:08:25| was her her buddy but um anytime she referred to me to anyone else on the crew team mostly the coxswains the female ones that talked amongst themselves
01:08:35| mm-hm I was literally referred to as the asshole anyone talked about someone they were like oh I'm with the asshole I was like wow and anytime you know that's the first time I haven't I can't believe I
01:08:48| slept with the asshole the asshole and the rest of the relationship lasted a lot longer than the first asshole I guess but um just it was interesting because a subset of an asshole is a
01:09:03| douchebag so an asshole is someone who demands all social interactions happen on their terms I because I'm very social I'm very interactive I'm very I pushed the pace when you describe her I really
01:09:12| I don't know what to think I I feel like you have like a son like uh like almost like a bowling ball wrapped in a cloth and then he like unfurl the cloth and like these tiny little like coxswain
01:09:24| arms come out and she's just like she's somehow like unfolds into normal female height she was she was she pretty normal she was like four foot or real anorexic or anything I believe she
01:09:37| was kicked off the coxswain team probably for being normal for maybe not not diminutive and rail-thin okay but um she's paneling shit though
01:09:49| ghost ghost here if she ever comes upon this ghost bitch anyway but what's interesting is Michael Mark Cohen in a golfer article through 2014 wrote that douche bag is the perfect subset of
01:10:07| asshole and they're usually not always white heterosexual middle class and do you know what douche bag is did what defines them from asshole is they are the embodiment of white privilege I was
01:10:23| like ah one of these articles and then I was like hmm well if you describe douche you think of frat right there's like number one yeah probably yeah so usually we assault with associate
01:10:36| with France it's like sexual assault drunk fights raucous smack ass thinking they're really cool when they're not yeah taking advantage yeah and not getting in trouble for any of it social
01:10:47| interactions on their terms yeah so it's a little bit like white privilege embodied I don't think it applies to everything but it's a really good definition Black's bro bro
01:10:59| I totally rail der der mur bro there's something about them that's just not quite tooth uncouth and and no matter what they do they get lauded for it a little bit like I think if you feel like
01:11:13| they get ya they get back smash it could be to get Pat's and they're just like and everyone's a girl do you remember all the douchebags we just described like the NBA all ours I didn't have her
01:11:23| back think it's stupid and get pat on the back they can do whatever they do they kind of get pat on the back by their club and it's it's almost like there's no accountability for them
01:11:34| they're feeding into their own cycle spin out of control a little bit this article is pretty good I don't 100% buy it because we just already mentioned Chris Brown is definitely douchebag
01:11:44| finally Cyrus might as well be a douche bag core he loved like we're people of color um women that was a purple take it a lot of people can be douchebags it's not
01:11:55| just that but that is a really good core douchebag that's like a core douchebag I think you hit it right in the head did it they all go down and not to wrap it up but I had
01:12:09| lists of like douche bags and different categories and I was wondering if you wanted to try and throw me you give me a Sports douchebag just in general sports Tuesday you sure you're like a famous
01:12:20| one good athlete today oh he's listening this is gonna the first one comes to mind isn't it Ross yeah you're the douche bag is it yeah he very much like wanted everything gone on
01:12:32| his terms his money bag is cracked like me yeah hello player of a beast but ultimately like unapproachable - yeah I know he's not gonna talk to any was teammates
01:12:44| I mean better than you yeah she's kind of a dude she's I'm better than you do mm-hmm dude be like so who's number one douche in the world they give this a word out all over the internet now
01:12:55| there's no one website so there's like due to the ear award hmm I don't even know who one of my favorites is Ryan Lochte oh yes this guy didn't he flee Brazil because he had committed a crime
01:13:13| or something and he did I actually forgot about that one yeah I just mentioned it look him up Ryan Lochte had his own reality show which I believe didn't last long because he was too
01:13:25| stupid it's probably factual any old OSes but like as you get to know him that was it that was his entire personality it was like fight like cardboard like when he didn't know
01:13:38| certain words and just didn't know certain words like that was it there was no extra to that he was being pat on the back for being a good athlete that possibly like he was good at swimming
01:13:51| and nothing else yeah and I guess good-looking he's probably looking right yeah I mean if you have that much muscle are you ever bad looking
01:14:00| I guess that's a good point he made to me like this bigger but like super bulky didn't like have you got girls crawling on you at all times yeah there was something about him in
01:14:09| Brazil where he claimed me April had tried to rob him but I think he tried to beat somebody up yeah there's a gas station yeah I'm sort of like weird kind of like half hold up yeah somebody look
01:14:24| at historia because it makes no sense at all that's how stupid is bouche has also changed in the Rimmer earlier episode I mentioned it was unattractive a boring person than the nineteen sixties now
01:14:35| douche bags are actually usually attractive people isn't that weird like Jersey Shore yeah we're like douche bags they're fascinated by the douchebaggery or the yes homelessness or whatever
01:14:45| different douche bag has turned changed a little bit huh it's like vampires Sidney Crosby douche bag link he is the one as I used he can he can probably contain is this douche bag at this
01:14:58| douche bag about when he's swiping in team it's called he's clutching somebody in the balls on a face off yet when they're not looking yeah yeah dude that's douchey honey why
01:15:09| didn't she sometimes he's I think he was made to be what he is so he's probably no fault of his own whoever his creators were um how about a a rod total bitch ooh my
01:15:24| favorite one on this list is Floyd Mayweather he's a big old douchebag got some experience a boy he is this the one that he he carries around bags of cash yes exactly that's him yeah okay yeah he
01:15:40| can't read did you yeah I don't know I want to say somebody says 50 cent ate them I forget why the beef goes way back and he went on Instagram I think or Twitter or
01:15:53| whatever he went on one of those platforms and said he would offer to donate $50,000 to whatever charity he wanted if Floyd Mayweather would come on and read a child's book
01:16:05| cause he didn't think he could read and he never he never had the challenge it was gonna offer buku bucks to charity I think that's awesome um here's here's one that's popular overseas cuz we as
01:16:18| Americans don't really study it because Americans as a whole are all douchebags right everyone we don't again we're very self-focused yes everything happens on our terms
01:16:30| - we wrestled I guess that would be the definition as oh sorry um but christiano ronaldo not big douche huh um no he's a dude give me an example would eat him about he owns - yeah I think he does
01:16:47| like fake charity stuff did I come across that like he pretends to give more charity that he really does it's really - a foundation that's mostly people he employs and they keep muscle
01:16:57| money well that's what you do when you're really rich though you just filter to an organization that you say is charity but it's a proxy for a well for a fact he used to pay to have his
01:17:07| hairdresser flown out to whatever city in the world he was at every week to do his hair that's pretty dude every week that's too much but we're a mean if he was two weeks maybe it's part of a
01:17:18| contract who knows if you're sponsored by a big name brand and they say you gotta look pretty sticking up for him what the hell did you supply them and I don't know I
01:17:27| don't know anything about him being English I could imagine that you would be in a douche no you see me like you stick enough for him I think something's now Floyd a Floyd have heard is a douche
01:17:36| I haven't heard that Renaldo is a douche John Johnny Manziel that's a king douche oh did he fail though didn't he I mean you can't really he physics pants and yeah fake football league he just joined
01:17:48| was an interception I think through for that game he thought he was good like six months ago he was cocky too cocky um we did a lot about douche douche bag douche nozzle through douche arena news
01:18:02| - Boosh I do want you to look something up for me yes douchebag calm okay okay this importance for the podcast is important for everybody Wow
01:18:19| if break are you breathing this in sweet free skier and legend John Olsen and Norwegian designer trolls brats aha they've released a brand of travel bags called douche bags that are exquisite
01:18:38| are you going to the wreck comfy are you did you go to the same website I went to cuz it mine just says congratulations you're a douche bag and it's a style all [Laughter]
01:18:50| know so I google it is it - in between the one you went to douche bag congratulations you're a douche bag [Laughter] douche bag bag douche bag bags and I
01:19:13| thought the website Oh douche bags calm Oh easy le there is a nasty thing regulations you're a douche bag oh these are nice bags so is there an all-white picture douche bag or janie at the
01:19:30| bottom of it oh yeah there's an all white line pure white deep pure way that's what I call avoiding excuse me it's nice I'm sorry Nick you were wrong it's called whore wife the tagline for
01:19:44| this company was since 2012 the douche bag family has kept on growing both in family and our line of great products douche bags live to create better journeys through smarter travel gear Wow
01:19:57| shout-out douche bags and they overcharged the shit out of their bags it's like a $300 travel bag I see ya a backpack for 140 bucks all right yeah a month none of them are under a hundred
01:20:11| bucks of $99 I'll be I'll be accurate I mean it legendary sweet free scare Jon Olsson and Norwegian designer Truls brought pots I
01:20:22| just want to say their names again sweet names they do it sweet names I do love Norwegian things sometimes anyway um so maybe douchebags comes full circle and it's good actually she helps us travel
01:20:40| that's all I got let's uh this was any slower I'd be pissed more so than I am well I just wanted to show the pure white collection yeah that's what I wanted and that that was the finish that
01:20:57| was the finish what's weird is so I searched this entire website and maybe someone has more information than I do I couldn't find anything referencing douchebag the insult it's like they were
01:21:10| either ignoring it because they had the name first but they started in 2012 huh or they're playing on it but not gonna not know about it but they don't acknowledge it at all
01:21:24| it's like they don't say I know it's a common insult or people think douchebag is bad or something they don't say anything they just go with it like the guy the guy with the douche bag the
01:21:33| physical bag is sitting on top of what looks like a jeep amount of he's wearing he's wearing what were those the beanies like they'll like the winter hats in the middle of like what looks like a desert
01:21:44| it looks like he said oh that's someone knows how to do the artwork right than that one your hire them I commend them either they're so tongue-in-cheek that it's obvious to everyone maybe over
01:21:57| there it's like an inside joke just buy our product that's really good but we're also making fun here or there they're like oblivious to it I can't figure out I'm fascinated by douche bags
01:22:10| I think that wraps it up I think it does did I switch the video back I noticed I did you leave it hi thank you for reminding me it's a little douchey well let's see well let's recap what we
01:22:21| covered here let's recap everything we just talked about douche bag and more yeah the categories recovered were jocks intellectuals the manipulators the bullies the people
01:22:31| are better than you people are gonna steal your girl the frauds the politicians the businesspeople the musicians a little bit the actors and the athletes jerks assholes
01:22:45| douchebags we're covering a big bulk of them massive crew party back in junior year these crew guys were fighting someone we knew wouldn't let him into the party and they
01:23:00| were jocks so you know what we did we stole their Kira jacket it was like that brown denim material with the white fluffy stuff underneath oh those are warm yeah yeah they're cool for a while
01:23:14| stole this and then me and uh Chris and Dan would just cycle up who was wearing it whatever we had to be the bigger douchey right but we stole it too because we were proving a point we're
01:23:30| not gonna let this doofus go unpunished righteous douche and then we wore the jacket for like years I still have it in a closet upstairs so you need to bring it down next episode I thought of it I
01:23:44| would've wore it for the episode but we repurposed the douche does that make sense yeah they lure douches for doing it but like you mentioned earlier it's like being a douche sometimes stops a
01:23:53| douche necessity what happens when an immovable douche meets an unstoppable douche hmm checkmate check our social spokes like just start clicking I'm gonna donate money to them okay you'll
01:24:12| find us just keep clicking I don't like you we like you Thanks

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