The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP062 Stall Tactic Dubious Delaying Dialogue

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Transcript UnP062 Stall Tactic Dubious Delaying Dialogue

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 62 - Stall Tactic Dubious Delaying Dialogue
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00:00:03| you know when you don't really know what to do you can tell someone's listening you have something on the way you're sitting there staring at your shoes you're trying to figure out what's what
00:00:14| you you want to get something done but you got something big coming up around the corner huh we call these stall tactics they can be happening in a restroom near you so I'm
00:00:31| Dan and I'm Nick bows for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in
00:00:42| or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block babies we don't pander to popular opinion you might even get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain
00:00:56| mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music]
00:01:28| here do you do that when you're at the stall yeah Aaron on you you also do you know what people do almost everyone does this if you're entering a bathroom for the first time
00:01:46| and you're not sure if someone's in there or if you're in there and you think you hear footsteps heading towards your door inadvertently you make a signal noise I think let's do this even
00:01:57| though you are patter there you go there you go you make a noise trust me it's there pay attention next time folks pay attention I relieve yourselves with duty I agree with you I have a method of
00:02:15| doing it or I like the awkward where you're standing next to each other at the urinal and you're like oh you're gonna lose a urinal talker yeah you are really everyone says like hey I walk up
00:02:29| and start talking people now I'm like just to kind of gauge the temperature in the room okay cool cuz I don't talk to the person I just make a sentence the room you make it so they don't have to
00:02:47| respond to you yeah yeah totally they can either laugh I don't really quite how did you say you know that 7% of the population has para ureases apparently that fear of peeing in public
00:03:02| it's not the fear it's the freezing of PE public the stage fright it's like you can't get it out because you're lose that fear I don't know it's fear it's I don't know it's kind of like uh I said
00:03:16| like Harrison pathetic reaction one that you can't control I don't know that you're scared of the environment weird that's only 7% I was a guest higher
00:03:25| actually really nobody gets like 15% huh I know I get it I like to flush the dorama before I get there have a nice flow of water get in the mood you know water all sounds the
00:03:36| same it cuz blacks out you can't be a noise that's low and then you can go to town and then you're like boom our mics pitch one of these people one of those guys and it just cuts off so you tell me
00:03:49| seven percent of the population is terrified of me because I'm ruining their painting experience yeah one in 14 hopefully it's a small bathroom so you don't have to the odds are in your favor
00:03:59| whoa guys are you ruined it hmm you know we're gonna do a little recap from the last episodes as far as we can get and we'll see how much we cover the things that we might have missed things that we
00:04:22| would have liked to have talked about would have loved to talk about yeah I'm pan or Dan might want to have talked about it the most most of them yes like bank heists what's one thing that we
00:04:36| have any fights what's one thing that we missed from bank heists mine's actually correction I said somewhere that they could trigger a silent alarm not a real thing so what I was that not a real
00:04:47| thing someone at the bank has to text a boss of the bank whoever the boss is for your particular branch and the boss decides whether he's gonna call the cops he might drive there himself to deal
00:04:57| with the issue or he can um he can just laugh and closes again they can laugh at you for not having enough money so that you could take the day off robbing my bank enjoy your day off girls
00:05:11| I think I go to as three receptionist they're all girls female they probably have more at night and yeah no there's no source under 14 and that don't that sound more sexist when you see female
00:05:27| though you know this is three female women women of appropriate age for the job that they're doing new MMO that's kind of uh I don't there's got to be a different kind of
00:05:44| neglect though Oh your is if they aren't old enough for the job that they're doing and I don't know what you're implying if they are always illegal yeah no it's illegal you
00:05:54| can't have like a 14 year old working at your bank so they have to have a no no no accepting the money in a transaction and they look over their shoulder after every transaction and the parent or
00:06:11| guardian says yes you better count the money she gives you my question is who's making all the month who's making all the money not it's late no because check this my arm my nephew did a appearance
00:06:32| in a TV show when tanks are called it's one of those true crime TV shows okay now but like a boring version see is and talents do you sure one of those sure but it's Columbo a documentary on a
00:06:48| serial killer and they needed a kid between like age three and five to play the kid as a youth hmm so it was a friend of mine Fred shut up Fred Fred Wiest have Fred parties I'll just say
00:07:02| that shut up Fred parties oh boy um I don't know what you're implying Fred party unique party in yeah it's like the great school kids throw it but one person somehow gets beer and the
00:07:18| house is somehow empty until it's a good beer house party that gets wild but it's just great school-aged kids Wow let's start in young cap oh I mean you do hit puberty yeah
00:07:31| my night great I guess that's right of the cusp right right right right anyway so for that shut up 1470 this person I won't mention his first name again but yeah he works for a production company
00:07:46| and they were like I texted him I was like whatever my sister was like can my son do it I was like your trial so he went he put on like these little outfits they made him
00:07:57| wear like to make it look like it was the 1980s like I feel like little brown shoes brown clogs and stuff and they were like you could pretend to play with this dead bird like I think they were
00:08:05| supposed to make him look remorseless so he was supposed to just poke at dead birds just a fake bird and then they'd be the scene where he's sitting watching a TV in front of both of his parents who
00:08:15| were just screaming obscenities at each other and like yelling in front of them could show that he's detached yeah anyway um she did it not knowing anything you know am i easy to get paid
00:08:25| is this going his resume like what and they didn't say anything to her said her own he just got a check for some moola any I don't know he gets his name in the
00:08:35| credits and stuff so I guess he's a child worker huh let's get it so like Macaulay Culkin talked about this that he just might live life as a child and his child version was that he was an
00:08:47| actor so like he just like instead of going to school his thing to do was to act and he thought he enjoyed it until it became a job and it became like work and then by the time he got tired of it
00:08:57| you must have been like what 13 or 14 and then had a boatload of money yeah he had enough money that he didn't have to worry about anything took Ben yeah he said he's fine he has
00:09:10| like a place in you're so weird I see him he wears ironic t-shirts that have another actor right he's kind of like smirky a little bit like yeah but kind of feels like he's cool like he's
00:09:27| not like once who gets like molested and he's grown he's on drugs and stuff for an illness looks bad it looks like beard it up and like like he hasn't showered in a while but he's
00:09:37| okay though maybe he's not broke is he bro he's not broke no I think he has enough money it's just the topics that he talked about I think he's on Joe Rogan he talked about some strange ones
00:09:47| he talked about his own poop that's like this is weird and he's talking about what he stood like like I felt like he didn't have enough friends like real friends was like yeah I think he would
00:09:59| have talked about that with a friend and your friend and be like okay don't okay don't ya Macauley that's not only guy listen zip I guess sure hope he does it's got some
00:10:14| weirdness - he said he had like a bunch of man at kids in his apartment like just he likes me at mannequin so they're mannequins everywhere I was like what's wrong with you if you go long enough
00:10:25| without making the love they say even department store mannequins start to dry the man wash will start fantasizing about women just cut up from here a mannequin a day keeps the women away is
00:10:50| that a sexual thing mannequin I don't know how it can be I mean uh I know how and if it has real clothing on but if it's if it's naked it's less sexy I would think I actually agree with that I
00:11:02| don't know naked mannequin and less sexy than the clothes mannequin I mean I can picture it a mannequin in underwear that's oh yeah some really important part yeah makes it more human it's like
00:11:17| the uncanny valley is now like mmhmm you're getting out of the valley cuz it's it's more real for some reason I think you're headed into the valley because once they're removed it's like I
00:11:27| guess it what yeah wenting make it a little blurry and you'd be like that could be my love my future love my glove like that's what Macaulay Culkin it's a with his eyes
00:11:39| open god bless Macaulay thank God with mannequins moving on Bank rights the one thing I wanted to cover was stop Stockholm so everywhere yeah we didn't get into that and highly didn't yeah
00:11:52| that was actually I think it was a bank heist in Stockholm where four of them were taken hostage in shock Sweden yes home stock Stockholm Sweden so they're taken hostage you stopped for
00:12:05| like years home stock why wow that's a spec I said just it just no it was a miscommunication in my brain I just labeled it as home stock Sweden and no one correct me
00:12:15| for about three years huh it's just like it's so I'll just let him go he's got a problem he'll figure it out he probably didn't so this is a bank robbery there are four employees they were hostage for
00:12:31| six days and then once they actually had their time in court he's six days and they were threatened with dynamite and nooses apparently and when it came time in court they wouldn't testify against
00:12:43| their captors look uh guys yeah they got to know kind of like you can be brainwashed to like anybody or be I wouldn't say forced just I don't know maybe you feel like they're real people
00:12:58| a certain point and the news like I understand why you did it maybe if it resonates with you like this Bank - I mean we've said it multiple times on this exact podcast but
00:13:13| everyone's the good guy in their own story so if you can convey to another person even someone with the exact opposite ideals opposite idea opposite of the gun you have held at them mm-hmm
00:13:25| that you're doing this because of X Y Z and that these reasons are pretty altruistic they're human they make sense I think you would side with them at least to a degree you wouldn't want to
00:13:37| punish them or nothing you might not love them but you're like hey hey there are people - I feel like this would be a great sitcom for people to take over a bank and have hostages
00:13:51| and eventually they form lifelong connections and they just completely ignore that there's like any sort of situation going on that they lives like I didn't I didn't get to this in the
00:14:02| podcast there was a bank heist that was it the it was like the longest bank heist ever no but this was on oh god I wish I remember the exact details I think one was a guard who they
00:14:19| tricked into believing something that they worked for a company or something so they work together to get these guys into the bank and then they turned out to be the robbers everything when they
00:14:31| spent like six hours a day for like a week just doing whatever pretend training exercises like they were like we're SWAT we're going for emotions can you show us how you do this I forget how
00:14:41| it worked all I know is they were caught the guys were arrested the guard was allowed you know oh he did had no idea he was just doing his job whatever hmm the guard and one of the guys from the
00:14:52| heist team would still write each other letters they were like best friends he was in jail they were like ah he was a cool dude you guys were friends and they caught my eye because I laughed
00:15:04| at it and I wish I wrote it down I didn't I just read this prepping for the last episode but they really became friends and would write each other from jail and not Joe huh that's like hey
00:15:17| he's pretty cool he's hilarious he loves the Sixers o-duca told the ball all day it's like wow cool did you hear my Jenny and Jimmy they got caught in the bank yes they're stuck at the ball
00:15:33| for a little while mm-hmm me some gossip yeah really it's all about gossip isn't it I think so that's how you make connections and gonna have someone to shit on or talk good on but mostly yeah
00:15:47| like 90% of shit that brings us to our next episode that we bring it douche bags shit talkers I think I said all I wanted to say about douche bags I think I covered it pretty well I felt really
00:16:04| good after that episode feels good to voice your own opinion and really get it out there release all that anger mm-hmm not too many people are allowed to like yell frequent like I wish there was a
00:16:17| period in the day like a five-minute period where you're just allowed to yell and scream and go crazy just release all your anger look at the purge but the a two-minute purge of anger imagine just
00:16:31| people just walking outside looking at their watch a bell dings they're all screaming okay screaming yeah I'd sign upward yeah like there's people that pray those people look Muslim people who
00:16:45| pray during them it like to hit like do you have one person that's silent another person that's right behind them screaming at them few minutes if you could do anything you wanted to just act
00:16:59| out I mean except now look punching I think you could as long as I'm not a still had an injury after the two minutes is over well like so nasty smack if you're not paying attention you're
00:17:25| typing at your desk and she's like starts no broken in two minutes that's that stuff you can't do something like that or shoot them they'll still be dead in two minutes should you do anything
00:17:39| crazy and it was allowed that didn't hurt anybody else can't I go streaking and be bad you know what I did figure out what I would do so just break something but you guys
00:17:49| paid for it yeah of course you'd have to buy something you could repair and then break again the next day I would love to do it with a hammer like a sledge hammer like the Thor like a
00:18:02| Thor shaped one well like a cool with that chunk of ice it would just evaporate and then you just like fill up another jug ice freezer no no I mean like you continually feel the thing to
00:18:16| break the next day you know like a nice vaz you just expansion the ground and then you would have to clean it up because it would just evaporate you do it outside you better do it that's like
00:18:27| that's how you that'd be great if that's how you watered your lawn are like watered your flowers use like that'd be cool oh and that covers our escapism and fantasy episode jump right
00:18:45| into it yeah I think it might also cover a God religion life death and soul episode before that too I didn't want to talk about this because I'm I didn't get into it abortion I think it should be
00:18:55| mandatory anyway we can move on to the next skip skip over that fudge they can't learn we're gonna skip over 100 pages here and go right to at Lisa Jackson's malice ah that was a good book
00:19:07| well if the pages we read or very good yeah the one with the owl shitting in the warehouse where he's running and kind of weird and the one where the building was empty and he was looking
00:19:19| for and couldn't find the new thing mmm-hmm and then his detective was asking him all the questions and the other detective was there and the other detective he only knows detectives I
00:19:29| suppose my entire life and a police-style side up I haven't left this building in years did you hear about that there was one thing about like what's the worst story you heard on
00:19:41| Wikipedia and there was a story of a woman who was born and she had some sort of mental incapabilities that's the nicest way to say and she yeah that's fun actually yeah her life was terrible
00:19:55| her dad hey real nice so that's on you yeah well I felt sorry for her because she had a terrible life you should she was strapped to a chair independent strong woman who was strapped to a chair
00:20:06| for 13 years of her life he refused to let her out of the basement room she was never looked out yeah yeah she didn't learn language because she had no social skills so she had no interactions
00:20:18| she had zero England oh yeah Jeannie had no Jeannie wait you talk this is about Jeannie oh man I know every psychology major in the film talks about Jeannie Jeannie's everyone's favorite thing in
00:20:31| the world where their intelligence end up being like a five-year-old essentially even there's like 20 I guess that permanently stunt your your end again gene growth she couldn't really
00:20:43| get much like they taught her things and she did adjust the than being strapped to a chair or a bed I think she was actually chained to a bed wasn't she
00:20:52| I heard strapped to a chair that was the five-second synopsis I read well the five minutes in OP society I think she was chained to a bed so she could lay down and up
00:21:02| lay down stand up sleep poop in a chair or something maybe now get that food so do you think in things she lacked intelligence because of stimulation or because she was malnourished I don't
00:21:14| know if she was lack of lack of English major you mean lack of me like eat more English major I will think about it she didn't have any language interaction
00:21:24| have any podcasts she couldn't listen to her Jeanne if you're out there we're gonna go to hell for that that's terrible can't believe you left I didn't next episode laugh the lack of social
00:22:01| interaction oh just kill the game because you don't socials not important just because it develops other show social skills it's important because it helps develop all your other abilities
00:22:13| skills it tells you where you should focus your mat your linear your physical what do you think filter brain instead do you think she's exceptionally great at other things that just we don't push
00:22:26| these sensing the temperature in the room tiny bit it was earlier like honestly maybe maybe she could like send his people around her maybe no no I was literally more boring like she can tell
00:22:40| us quarter to seventy two point six three I mean she wouldn't know the number but she would know the difference between seventy two point six ed might know none worse though no I mean she she
00:22:53| I don't know do you go to school if you're if you're locked away for 18 years do you go and get a GED do you they pay for their know now the scientists were teaching trying to teach
00:23:06| her everyday yeah that was weird to an extreme case is an extreme case this is like crazy case I don't think she ever went to get a GED or you don't get a job after genie
00:23:16| like you become a case study where people try and teach you things but what do you mean he's free pass to get paid by the government to just live out your life and in every into live life that
00:23:29| sucks they better their house her and they tried to teach her things I'm just saying if anything she had it easy because think about it like did she have to get a job
00:23:37| no she works at your bank one of the parents or guardians who is there to help what's going to 56 which is career job interview negotiate salary I took the job you took it you did yeah did
00:24:01| they give you a bump and pay no but a pair apparently he was saying like like he did the his whole mannerism was oh yeah you get your your weekly check for how much you sell and I was like do you
00:24:16| sell one a week you sell - every month like what is it he's like he's like now you you make more than that he's like I'm not allowed to say you make a more but you you make more and I was like
00:24:28| okay so it's like a waiter tip thing is it kind of they sell like 160 a day huh of this item no I'm not gonna get into and I was like I was like fishing for it to see know how to do math is he you
00:24:47| trust it as a friend no no no this is the other person it's just the guy fit selling you on the job yeah but he seem like it'll be what are you an idiot like yeah you make Commission every week and
00:25:01| then you get this weekly thing and he's like I mean what if it's less than what you anticipate I guess it doesn't matter cuz you can go back to your original job you my trial
00:25:10| I can go back and go back to two minutes and you're like but it's doesn't well I think the first two weeks you don't get any Commission who's your training so I think he said for the
00:25:20| first two to three weeks it's gonna stop after that doubt he's like you make money he was like weird about it he was like he make money it was just weird because
00:25:29| I guess he um it's like being a waiter I guess and being like what if I only make the base salary and he said you don't just make that unique maybe he was saying it like that and I was like what
00:25:41| if I only sell one he's like that's even an idiot we'll sell to a day like I don't know I get it I get it I buy but either way I'm trying it something different then when does that
00:25:55| start September second or third day after Labor Day okay well that's soon weeks giving you two weeks knows they gonna rain dollar bills hmm that's my correction that
00:26:16| upset anyway I don't think I have there are things I want to talk about they're too big they're not small they're not tiny little yeah oh no the next episode earth weather system I was just are you
00:26:30| waking my phone to see ah try to get another curve get other curve this firm let her know that's perfect it's pretty good there's probably stuff about water I wanted to say we covered a
00:26:44| lot about water though it's about what all day man it doesn't end it is weird certain things that pop in your head when you're like ah she said that in the episode but it was like that was like
00:26:54| three weeks ago when it randomly popped in my head was waiting in line she says the only solid that floats I was sitting at Chipotle eating my lunch today today today today oh and they like you know I
00:27:14| don't know if you're Chipotle's have these like Ray's tables that are really tiny you think yeah they're dumb but they're too small anyway I've been going through this like rebirth I'm like a
00:27:25| butterfly now so I feel like I should talk to everybody just like for no reason right this guy yeah for no reason I actually I do this um I I agree with ya
00:27:35| maybe you're having an effect on me maybe I sat down there was um I was like there like maybe ten minutes before a woman and her daughter her daughter was probably like mmm I was
00:27:53| okay his average boy try to put you on the spot may you slightly above average if she's listen this episode may be average if she's not oh she's okay she goes around she's looking for one of the
00:28:08| like the booth style things which are taken because no one wants to say these stupid high tables she sat down and that's the moment I was texting you about a future topic and I wondered this
00:28:21| I don't know what the time of day was I could feel it so sexual arousal was gonna be our topic okay yeah this is today today Oh crazy today hey well yeah so I was texting it and
00:28:33| I'm like it felt weird to transition from that to like telling her like pan these tables are tiny huh like that's all that's all I wanted to say okay perfect all you need to save you don't
00:28:42| need to go into a story yeah yeah two people no way they don't believe it you leave it yeah that's exactly what I've learned is it there's there's only I didn't say it I
00:28:59| felt how weird because it was right from a sexual arousal to that and like I had the eggplant which I sent you flipping but I've been doing that I've thought there's an art to it like somebody was
00:29:14| ordering coffee and they were being like like can you do Oh what about can you honey can you heat this up a little more and I was like I was like getting my sugar and I was like you're being
00:29:24| difficult aren't you and she was like she's like yeah I'm difficult and like it was like we were both like reaching for the same things as I was like going up and she was gonna under and I was
00:29:33| like going like this and I was like I was like I didn't say anything else I was just like juggling as she was moving in and out and then she walks away she owes have a good day
00:29:41| oh yeah she gave it a little value to that situation she it's not you know attractiveness it's definitely it's the malls it's the balls to be able to say just like oh you're tough you're tricky
00:29:57| that's an old-school thing so many new school people that's true that is true you know conversation is an older school thing uh-huh well because back then you couldn't just
00:30:09| text your friends I mean your friends were at their houses and at best they were a phone call away which was in your house you didn't have to phone Anya so you had to go home and go on your phone
00:30:20| to get access to your friends or go to their house Nayla nice we got them in our pocket we got them on all different social media platforms we got I can yeah you found my wanting I can sing you a
00:30:30| picture of an eggplant doing whatever the hell I want anytime I want people gonna respond two days later and it kind of seems normal now right but back in the day I think like you're away from
00:30:40| your friend you're like boy from your family you're away from everyone for a while you're like an island you're doing your own adventure and like you see someone else out here getting coffee and
00:30:48| you're like hello kind sir getting coffee with me let's do a selfie together ah this is incredible Oh social medias we'll talk about that a second this is one thing I want to cover is it
00:31:03| I I don't know there's a reason like my brain there's always like a reason like a concrete purpose for talking to somebody at least in the poem I think the reason and slip it in there like
00:31:15| usually it was like I'm attracted to this person or I already know them are like their friend or like I have a joke that I want to crack what I barely ever would Jack like Jack a crook crack a
00:31:26| joke Jagger croak I rarely Jack a croak anyway so the like this is like the the purpose for talking people is just like it gives me a little bit of joy like that's the honest like it's there's a
00:31:41| little bit of joy that happens even if the conversation ends awfully like all that yet that joke didn't work you yeah you revel in that like afterwards you're like man that was weird reaction
00:31:53| by me or her I shouldn't have said that or like blow your mind do you know sometimes I run into people I've had one time interactions with like years later like do you know like the one things you
00:32:04| say like the coffee thing kind of tricky aren't you and then like never all her two years later and recognized her and she met eyes with you you be like ah and hold
00:32:15| the door for like you're like hey what's going on you still tricky uh do you think she is she would not know I might if she had she said goodbye to you right have a nice energy thing yeah maybe I
00:32:26| think actually she might move it yeah it's surprising what you would remember do you think she would creating inside jokes with someone you don't even know huh that what I guess the next time that
00:32:41| person if I were to see that the girl has a tiny table like if she were alone walking somewhere and was like looking for place and like I was like a tiny table she would be like wait a second
00:32:52| you have to see recognition and the other person's eyes you can't street they're walking along a tiny table bitch scream two minutes of audio nuts problem is you can't get recognition from
00:33:27| someone do they really honestly maybe they're more aware of you than you realize that they maybe see you from a wat like a ways away and then you see them and there's like an interaction
00:33:37| before you even know there's an interaction I feel like I'm more observant than most people so I'm aware if they're near me around me or like behind me right but you wouldn't you
00:33:46| wouldn't be able to tell if if that that statement is true beyond more observe than most people only because they could observe it just as much and pay attention to it but not vocalize it to
00:33:57| you we're vocalizing anyway they don't have podcasts or you know I'm saying so maybe they are influenced by the things you do I have no idea the mysteries episode 54
00:34:11| civilization culture society we also had craving that salt of the earth pornography mmm I can't wait for all those views when we drop that episode so many people are gonna be so disappointed
00:34:35| you're still not this is confusing so we're we're ellipse all by the time this episode drops they will all have dropped though yes so it doesn't matter what's that being today we don't the tartar on
00:34:47| now we go when they're seeing pornography they're seeing pornography well they're saying this episode they're seeing episode all I can say is that I barely remember anything about
00:34:57| pornography because it was so long ago since you looked at it since I've ascended how would you say you look at pornography see this is one of the questions that gets personal I'll answer
00:35:11| it I will but you have to answer to okay alright like every other day dammit exact thing once every two days well read it was like a wonderful everyday if you every other if you sort read it by
00:35:27| like new there's like this is a weird thing about read it too so there's like porn every man ten every ten posts will like hold on would mean what would um what's our edits yeah like what summer
00:35:42| that's half porn that isn't every day like not a porn subreddit but it's a subreddit that has porn it's like real girls it's like oh it's all porn though like it's
00:35:53| not safe for work so I'm like yeah that's a horn anyway there's it's not it's in like the normal like front page feed or river oh okay so this is a front page thing yeah when you do like a new
00:36:06| sort by new and do like haul it like shows you everything that was brand new so like it'll fee Oh it'll be in there but weird thing is that like reddit some
00:36:14| house like it has like a title that like looks ambiguous like it could be a man or a woman and you have to like really read the subreddit to see like like Bros for Bros and it's like whoa and it's
00:36:26| like hey mmm I finally gonna stop right there yeah don't miss click that's a dangerous miss click at this point my life I don't even care if I click like um this is my
00:36:42| problem with Twitter yeah Twitter is the land of trolls trolls are my favorite people love trolls trolls sometimes poses left pandering to the right right pandering to the left people
00:36:55| entering the other people overkill and right people saying I read the boffo report it sounds like what's Bopha and it's like both eni's nuts like anyway like just it's trolls non-stop and
00:37:13| sometimes like people are like my son who his dad to marine had this to say and it's like you got to click it to enlarge it I'm like aha like what is this one of those stories and it's like
00:37:24| a dude's dick with the foreskin around some Oreos and I was like god it wasn't directed at me and all it was like politician or something housing Wow what's good all these likes
00:37:43| on Twitter that's you know Paul Ryan I'm like I wonder if it's like someone looks like a child crying the only bring my daddy home from war and I click it and there it is it's a dick and there's a
00:37:56| foreskin and we got Oreos wrapped in there I don't know how I got three Oreos right this foreskin but oh man I just wonder I didn't I didn't go in there looking for that but I found it thank
00:38:09| you I wonder how like the celebrities must get that like every single second of the day if I'm a celebrity I'm not reading Twitter I will not even open many my
00:38:19| replies if I'm a politician nope no you have someone else you do it for you pig poop balls not what pig poop balls pig poop balls oh can you google that for yourself it's
00:38:37| just a pig pooping and it's sliding down its own ass but its balls are in the way it's it's my most comfortably crude pictures oh it's gonna show up if you start writing just Pig I'm sure there's
00:38:51| like poop balls the X loops on his own balls and that's him what's gonna have audio no no just a picture what action there's a video a big never saw the video it's
00:39:04| just a picture it does not look like a healthy anus anyway I always just that image is one of the most popular images not the video the video is just I mean they're trying to Co for likes trying to
00:39:18| get in oh my goodness you can literally respond to any politician on Twitter with big footballs for anything if he's like we made a great move today I think we got 74 more
00:39:34| followers there's new housing and development and we're moving forward tomorrow thank the people and one of the replies will always be pig poop balls there's no words it's just like God so
00:39:47| in that respect the internet is ruined my right to watch normal Oreos and a wiener I see pink poop balls so those are two terrible stuff Thank You Internet now I feel like there's like
00:40:01| China the communist state they ban all the sort of stuff mm-hmm do they have it better much much worse here's the problem they have no idea pig poop balls exist
00:40:13| what happens when they do find out [Music] that's a universal thing though holy crap yeah that's surprising a lot of a lot of Records yeah I think they'll be
00:40:35| rejoicing I'll be moving up there MEMS means the Chinese government let us view the internet big goofball 2 billion dollar lottery ticket win did we air hole them
00:40:57| we also we can can't there might be other way yeah you worry about the future past participle this will have had happened this will have had occurred I don't good use lottery it's we're
00:41:16| starting out of my range yeah I mean these things are far back there I don't know that it really I guess we never answered how much we actually play the lottery like do you actually play no I
00:41:30| do it I used to do it a lot on a spelling hundred bucks a year on it oh yeah Jesus Christ okay a week I'm going to tell you have a problem yeah no there are times when I get into it and I think
00:41:42| you know it's getting larger and larger and I've already played on justify at night spend the same amount of money every time because it's the pots getting larger why not 20 bucks yeah I'll put 20
00:41:52| bucks in on like a the odds or one in 25 million or something right who doesn't want to hope that they can change their life dramatically but that does turn out to be a curse and kind of does more and
00:42:06| more I'm like I'm not gonna do this unless it's you know did we cover this or we ultimately came to the realization or I did or you did or someone did that sustainable wealth is different than a
00:42:23| one lump sum very much so wealth that you're generating on your own ability is much different because you feel happy because I'm happy od no pay guess that makes sense that
00:42:33| that's more happiness if you're generating it yourself yeah I think you have to have social interaction I think most people get really wealthy and decide that they
00:42:40| don't need social interaction and that's the downfall it's a complaint Jeanne though she did hmm she was plotting all those years to get that check from the scientists
00:42:53| for Jamie hunter what's the last meal she bought honestly she Annie's just living high on the hog what year do you know how old she was I was thousand so long time 1940s not
00:43:05| enough 1916 you think so yeah I think it was like the forties or Jeannie yeah psychology just type in psychology feral child 57 1857 wait what years did I say
00:43:26| she's now a size EC got it right is she so what I don't i doesn't say that she's dead usually if it's a medical story there everybody has information on hurry so working at the local bank perspective
00:43:42| that story makes me sad all the way around I don't know how you can do that to another human being passed judgment on them and say they need to live a life where they're deprived I guess we gotta
00:43:55| look at it from he's the good guy right it was her dad he's protecting everyone else oh you know I was going with he had no money and she would get made fun of every day at school and she would get
00:44:08| picked that people throw rocks at her she would get tormented at least here she's safe I'm making something okay I'm saying what he might be think no no I'm thinking like there's no way how do you
00:44:19| not how do you give birth to a child and not have them recorded and then not have them interact with anybody like how does this family know how to like if she's gone outside at all other people are
00:44:29| aware of her there's something that happens with all these crazy stories you hear we're like shit's like he kept her in the basement for 18 years like even when someone kidnaps a person or a kid
00:44:40| it's the ball starts rolling and you can't stop because there's label legal repercussions like if you if he brought her out at age five out of nowhere and she was chained to a bed or whatever
00:44:53| do you think she'd be she wouldn't be normal but she could adjust you it wouldn't be right don't tell you think of this they're probably legal action against
00:45:03| them they probably arrest him maybe for life so now she has no parent and he like well we went so far let's keep yelling like there's a you've started a ball rolling you can't stop and now the
00:45:15| ball is so big behind you it's just huge it's ginormous if you stop now it's like life in prison they're gonna take her away they're gonna turn to a scientific study we're
00:45:25| gonna give her free dinner free lunch free breakfast this bitch is eating free every day just go finish think you really don't like Jeannie do you I really actually am coming answer I
00:45:42| just I started my troop that's what the dad would say oh stop it I'm her father yeah with that Oh what so that i watch i the Elizabeth Smart she is like a documentary kind of movie thing blizzard
00:46:02| smarts the girl that was in I want to say Utah she was stolen when she was like 13 ish from her home by these two religious nuts see yeah take it for nine months is that well true there nine
00:46:16| months yeah nine months and she said she was was it a compound other people know is like in the woods it was like a tent it was some guy who thought he was like a
00:46:25| religious prophet and his kind of religious wife real wife I guess but they're both like in their 60s maybe 50s and she was pretty much tortured and she had Stockholm little bit but the crazy
00:46:42| thing I thought of that whole thing was that he got out eventually they caught her by I think they went to like a grocery store and they were in shoplifting and the cops were like
00:46:54| what's going on here and then she the whole thing is like I have an Elizabeth Smart she like whispers it because she's so shocked by the whole situation and then that's how they get caught that's
00:47:03| the grand thing like she had so many opportunities to escape anyway when they get arrested and they get tried and this was like 10 years ago the guy gets like two life sentences because he abducted
00:47:15| her he chained her up and then stole a lot of things from her and the woman I don't know why they struck a plea deal but they did she got what if they had him one lifetime which
00:47:32| could be I don't know what that equates to but if you cut it in half what's one lifetime where they let you at it the dates like 60 years old so he's gonna die I'm great but hold on so would
00:47:41| paroled in five years it is this is wrong but if you if you want if you do get a lifetime sentence one lifetime sentence yeah do you get hand for good behavior I think you can choose to not
00:47:56| have parole ineligible for parole which why wouldn't you be able to get both of those people permanently in prison to their death I wonder if they needed her testimony to to get like serious
00:48:09| repressions we have them like otherwise it would just be circumstantial kidnapping and circumstantial he had her at some point like they didn't have her story so they couldn't corroborate your
00:48:18| actual kidnapping which was an extra like sentence do you mean I know I don't know I'm just guessing I agree with your guessing that it's a possibility I just don't see how when you have the person
00:48:31| who is kids 15 years what 75 when she going back out and do anything else yeah do you really want that crazy person who held somebody for nine months going out in the world
00:48:40| I don't but do you think at 75 she can do anything I feel like prisons not gonna be nice to her for 15 years you shouldn't come out barely able to function let alone function at a high
00:48:51| enough level that she can take care of herself and ruin someone else's life is my guess we'll see I'll be alive to see what happens correction for the podcast she wouldn't
00:49:04| be able to ruin another life she kidnapped my wife that covers our 50th episode podcast mistakes hmm next mistake covers it Wow that's weird we did have an interview in the middle
00:49:21| of that which we're gonna have next time I think one of the next times coming up made Austin's interview yeah it's there and I hope he's doing good dude I don't know I haven't heard from him I don't
00:49:33| know if he got discouraged because her drops are really far away I wonder if he was hoping to see like a brand new episode in a week but he also I'll get into my little stick right now is that
00:49:46| to make a podcast to have a website to have it all linked to your all your socials and do all the stuff that's necessary yeah it's a lot of work and once people don't get there I mean they
00:49:55| probably think you know it's gonna take me a month it took me like three months and I already know what I'm doing so it's gonna take you probably a lot longer if you don't know what you're
00:50:02| doing and then it's more effort to so it's shit the bomb is dropped I don't know where he's at in making his own podcast I haven't heard anything back from him but I don't know if he's gonna
00:50:16| get there it's the same thing with and this is not anything negative on them it's like Joe and I are not there yeah have they dropped any answers I don't know that they did anymore I haven't
00:50:27| heard any feedback on more episodes you would think people would be more forthcoming I feel like I'm a good resource to just like say like hey hey yeah listen to this tell me what you
00:50:38| think like I will do that I will do that for pretty much anybody I do that for random strangers on reddit they're like here can you listen this I'll be like yeah sure most people don't do that and
00:50:47| they give you shitty reviews for no logic bastards but uh yeah I feel like by the time we dropped the episode four neuron error which will be in a past but yeah coming up very soon in relative
00:51:04| time she thought she might have a website up might have I think grant money or something to do more episodes and I just think time just kind of pulls apart gets stretched out so they cure
00:51:17| your perception of when you're gonna do things is now like multiples longer than what you think time is the ultimate destroyer dude it asks people up good I think you can't
00:51:33| I think people see themselves as who they are now in 30 years I just don't think that's possible to be the same thing first of all so your sense of time gets established at a certain age let's
00:51:46| say 1820 somewhere in there 1725 I see this with people that I work with they their personal use of time gets established earlier no and you think I got all this time I hang out with my
00:52:01| friends at this time my name is this and every time I do my homework before midnight and I made your personality essentially a little bit but I'm literally just sense of time you
00:52:12| think this is like a whole episode we can talk about time which we did I'm so far away and beyond look at you don't do you ever sever contacts or sever friendships or sever connections until I
00:52:31| not really you kind of just let them episode 26 nice good I've been a receiver a contact or a sever a friendship or sever anything please let it flow I want to say yeah you never say
00:52:46| we're done right why would you ever say that oh you like by the way we are no longer friends then that's like what you do with a breakup like a bad girlfriend or
00:52:59| boyfriend you end it and then it's like I hope I never hear from you again that's one of the most painful things to actually hear from somebody it's like I'm no longer when your input on
00:53:09| anything right we you have to who's a relationships weird like that yeah cuz you're gonna get reconnected because the initial spark is always there if you're started with an initial spark
00:53:22| interesting um but you you were constantly adding new relationships new connections every day mm-hmm new jobs new responsibilities new friendships new this new places you go
00:53:36| to eat new chores you do new hobbies you want to pick up but you don't sever as you make so that you end up having so many that you can't fulfill them all mm-hmm and your time is just spent doing
00:53:50| the ones that you think you can fulfill in a weekly monthly or yearly basis or daily or once that you're usually is the people that I I will like communicate with that I haven't talked to in a long
00:54:02| time or the ones that I was like curious about like I'm curious like what you're doing now or just like I never got this piece of you I don't think you don't either no no I do as well but I don't
00:54:12| think everyone does I don't think anyone no one ever contacts me and out of the blue if I'm like three years ago and says hey you I remember you were doing this one thing how'd that turn out no
00:54:22| one go right now I do I will say I jumped on aim one time in the past like year and then we talked about this and I was like you were on a Manny we literally discussed it look ahead we're
00:54:35| done but people started messaging me because I guess they still had aim it still existed in their mind is like a messaging service and my mind it's dead but like people I guess I was really
00:54:46| influential back when I was like 13 that they were like 20 years later still like hey hey you and I was like whoa yeah things thinks are awesome when they own the dismal training hey they were Thanks
00:55:02| it's amazing it's I I'm surprised but again those people decided to keep being on AIM what as people didn't so they stayed stuck in the place that they were plus I was gonna look down because like
00:55:17| everyone's gonna die eventually I don't care what you do with your time but what you do with your time is who you are yeah and when I was like 12 or 13 I was a little dictator and the game that we
00:55:26| played with those guys so I feel like I which game because you often from this a tribes tribes was like an open no no no it's free world where you could float and ski and like you to people capture
00:55:39| the flag so there's like a lot of like team what's the explanation yeah that's the word I was gonna go for but it wasn't there's a yeah there's because it's like fun work
00:55:54| workmanship yeah team coordination then I tried to spell out in different diagrams and stuff so that those people saw I was trying to do something and like we're trying to play is like a
00:56:06| professional team almost but what can you do never ends play didn't do but so I think I made an impact on them and 20 years later apparently I did I guess this goes
00:56:20| back to you don't really understand what other people think of you I guess I I assume you yeah I assume worse than they probably do think of me if I run into somebody like five times in a week and
00:56:33| they don't like acknowledge me does that mean that they're ignoring me or does it mean that they just don't realize them there well if it's always at the wrong time of the day yeah if they're doing
00:56:47| something else maybe they're like chewing on a peanut I can't talk drinking mouthful water today you never know what the other person is doing thinking or might be incapable of
00:57:16| responding to because you just start that yeah I guess I'm like I guess this is ultimately a thing - how often is it um oh I didn't hear you I wish I had heard you that's interesting
00:57:32| ik hearing from you you can't distinguish that from I heard you I was trying to ignore you to be polite I didn't care you can't tell that difference in a total stranger can it
00:57:43| that's where it's too loud and you can't make out what they actually said where you often okay yeah and it's like it really depends you know you just like you don't say oh I'm sorry
00:57:51| I like you I do that sometimes but you can't do that like it's still it's still the same loudness in here it's never gonna work again no it doesn't matter just say okay it's still good near here
00:58:05| thank you yeah okay Sofia the hilldrup has an asshole what a douchebag versus the other way though like I wish I had heard I actually had something really funny to
00:58:19| say that you know like Dan hmm this is why I want to believe in God I want to believe that he's gonna come back and say this is what she said to you like 30 years ago this could have changed your
00:58:32| life if you had just heard what she said I guess so you'll never know yeah that's weird are you getting some of my toe yeah you're doing weird shifts around yeah I am so
00:58:46| that brings us down to our Halloween October episodes hated it hate Halloween mm blood doping Halloween scary movies horror movies for your heart or fright fight/flight wait I know they gonna drop
00:59:04| October and this is dropping after October that's bizarre much much further after times weird yeah I'm curious how much I mean we have a lot of topics that we could cover in the future and I keep
00:59:19| coming up with more of them and I think we flushed them out so much that we could probably do this endlessly to actually run out of topics will recycle probably not remember but I feel like we
00:59:33| remember quite a bit about what we talked about well because they're okay sorry opener podcast by her neck though real quick let's see you know we looked oh sorry I have is it right here for the
00:59:45| audio versions why we couldn't do a rouse elated here why we couldn't do sexiness and arousal cuz I don't want to just harass I'm gonna not be arousing I mean I probably sound really good on the
00:59:57| audio but nothing that's another thing better that was it do you think people like the sound of your voice like without actually making words do you do could you go up to somebody without
01:00:09| saying words and attract them with your voice [Music] I guess do you think a girl ever fell in love with a guy and then found it
01:00:30| afterwards he was mentally incapable like this is so just making noises at a comedy show and you're like I was laughing at the same jokes is like and then you walk up to her like I really
01:00:47| like some of the jokes you got into and I notice you were laughing at the same he was like and she was like yeah yeah I think it's great do you want my number or anything and he
01:00:57| was like oh she was like and she was like oh my god but in your fantasy world the woman actually comes up to you yep and that's all I can do yeah make this a dream or a nightmare I
01:01:30| can't mom Mario and mine thank God mm-hmm I think this is gonna come up in our sexual attraction what I think it well it's anything else you'd like to cover you know hide that wedding ring
01:01:56| from the arousal episodes long time I think it comes off anymore no only want to get greasy people find that attractive have it routined social anxiety check the river president
01:02:16| mates and trash garbage podcast reflection memory brain neuron father holy I wanted to say we missed not much hmm and look at the list right now feel lighter you are I guess what's
01:02:34| the general mood of looking at the ones in the past that are coming up in the future [Laughter] yeah actually which one you stroke like
01:02:49| didn't think so it's tragic Prison prison just went that trash is coming up either today or tomorrow my name is trash yeah you're right
01:02:57| you're right cuz I listen to them I'm a subscriber he's a great podcast hmm maybe not this episode but in John oh yeah in general I think they're very excited typical more
01:03:15| in their description when we get at break it down it's not as scientific so I for the subreddit podcast sharing I see people half-ass a lot of shit they're like Episode one of something I
01:03:28| don't know how to name yet give me a name and listen to it and tell me what we're actually talking about it's like I mean what are you doing why don't you define what you're at least to find what
01:03:39| you're trying to do how do you feel would you have asset and such iousy what sticked stuck a little bit because what if you start a podcast with someone you don't like if you don't like the name of
01:03:56| the group you don't like anything and you hate be a partner but you're already so far into it and you're like damn I should have went blank blank you know test of the waters morning
01:04:06| let's do a spin-off should of it now it's too late now you're stuck with someone and he wears a shirt that says daddy for the reference mm-hm
01:04:14| found daddy's ashtag if you need shoes we both have rental shoes that you could charitable shoes you could wear pound those daddy's newborn shoes never worn saddest trait no no they were the wrong
01:04:34| they were uh girl shoes we got a boy surprise gotta give the shoes away no be the another saddest story ever oh when somebody say hi and I missed it I would have responded to them was it
01:04:51| anyone funny or cool I don't know I don't even know who they are they should probably do what they want to do I don't tell them what to do but they should probably serve up their doctor beans
01:05:02| that's in the next episode oh so he said bitch I'm funny he spelled it wrong though he spelled bitch what was it I don't know this person but I don't ever know these people on the internet they
01:05:19| just they just talk it wasn't he's gonna fight me now apparently his name is a wrote growth ear ear frothy rear something like that froth them in the rear that's I think that's what it says
01:05:34| he's going down a road he can't handle oh okay we got our first bloody pug thank you were going down and on my nose so here I'll ask you some non sequiturs mm-hmm only get into she stopped
01:06:07| bleeding I don't know how to stop bleeding I was like when I do MMA and they get punched in the face and they cut I just bleed all over their face over mm-hmm it's hard to fight that way
01:06:21| all right um what's your shower order I know we discussed this in previous it yeah yes I think so you do you're you can do face first and
01:06:30| go I'll work your way down dirty areas last unless you have two different soaps and then you do tiny soap of the blue and then regular soap else work that makes sense but um next time you shower
01:06:43| aren't you washing your face with soap that last I checked was touching your Brundle and it's true and sat for three days or a day or whatever it was just lingering in the shower
01:06:54| after touched your balls everything this is the dog's mouth thing it's so dog's mouth naturally cleanses itself so it's clean so if a dog eats down its own poop you don't want to have it lik you right
01:07:07| away you just wait three days and then it'll get clean eventually I guess that's a good point I don't know pushing you this we can slather it up my favorite social
01:07:21| interactions are the ones that are with people of service like hey I ripped the tickets at a movie theater hey I work at CVS hey whatever but my favorite thing in the world is when they say something
01:07:33| like enjoy the movie or see you next time and you go you too you know you have to have that extra filter to make sure that you don't say enjoy your meal and you're just like yeah yeah yeah
01:07:48| there you go that's another one restaurant and yes we are dreaming together via discord if anyone's questioning and we're super connected who doesn't know that already somebody
01:08:01| that's doesn't know us obviously well yes I agree so I have to you have to make sure that I don't respond the same way mm-hmm you too thanks you're like but your cars on fire and then you're
01:08:20| like oh thanks what do you think of my idea for starting a business where we right thank you for the thank you cards thanks for your thanks yeah you catch on forget Mike
01:08:40| call me if it's automated I thought about this today I don't know 100% automated I wouldn't want you to actually physically have to figure him out oh yeah I almost think it's
01:08:48| tongue-in-cheek dickhead a little bit like like someone has the audacity to send you a thank-you card to come in for their kids always has more expiration points than whatever they sent you dude
01:08:59| one more one X mission yeah I was thinking I could do this for my wife I could send her an email that's automated every day like thanks for taking the kids thanks
01:09:09| for doing the dishes thanks for just like but do it regardless just like send is yeah thanks for making dinner like she didn't make dinner you're automating love because what you're trying to know
01:09:24| but initially she'd be like I'll that's just what the hell is the sex like 20 hours it would be hot how about this one um can you cry under water can you crawl under water this is sure
01:09:40| like this with my nose never gonna see me cry I think I can I think this is a challenge we have to increase the salinity of the water so if it's in a globe around her head distilled water
01:09:58| and salt would change it right yeah and then you could you can dry it and then figure out the weight of salt that you cried so you can say who cried more underwater celebrity you should cry
01:10:16| underwater who's the heavyset guy he's on Twitter a lot he's in acting and food he looks like Frodo a little bit Sam wise Gamgee yeah but he's a real actor his name is
01:10:39| want him to go against Madonna and you'll be interesting you don't even know who the guy is and can't even describe it you got it yes I could look him up if you give me some keywords dark
01:10:48| hair that's some help Jesus Christ that is that does help but cuts out half the population this is not guess who flick flick flick flick flick he's an extra and everything he ever
01:11:04| does he has a name that sounds like a food or a really famous name but he's not as famous is his name all the extras that no one can name Challenge Madonna not done um he loves
01:11:17| food he's heavyset he's short he's active on Twitter Tiffany really liberal anything specific I'm picturing them I actually can see his face I just wish I did all these terms on own balls
01:11:42| so look anything like that you have to name like a movie he's been in see he's always an extra uh anyway thank you both cry into a fishbowl around their head yeah you should probably written this
01:11:59| name down I just thought of them it's this those guys and I know exactly who you're talking about in general yeah it's that guy that's in like not that movie I can name the majestic there's a
01:12:16| guy that comes up the end that has his face that's so recognizable yet no one wants to look at that face for an entire movie so he only shows up for about 30 seconds yes and it's like oh that guy
01:12:28| he's having like corrections here's a fish face and he's very round but he's tall and lanky alright do you do moving on crotch or ass when you're in a public place
01:12:39| crotch or ass yeah if you're going down an aisle whether it's an Eileen or at a ball field there's not a man or woman if the manager asked of the woman your crotch cuz you could is that why rotate
01:12:54| pardon me pardon me I split pardon excuse me cuts her around ma'am ma'am you have a choice here they have a plan hmm hmm who are you you think I merely asked two people I feel
01:13:21| like that's more polite it's like I feel like you can a mistake city kids like to look them in the face and say hey here's lime I'm saying if I give them a stand like no one's looking and I'm like gives
01:13:33| you an anemone on your life yeah I got a goodbye why are there holes and crackers perforations I don't know that's a good question what if you were addicted to counseling
01:13:51| [Laughter] like there's a group there Mike it's a support thing normally why are they called marbles that are not made of marble which is a good question
01:14:09| you know I don't know this I didn't look it up they look like marble I guess this all fell by cash to be like maybe we think so I'm gonna did we discuss some if you own the airspace
01:14:27| above your land that you own I think you own up to like a certain height so people can't bill out over look another way down towards the core that's mineral rights there's a different value of ours
01:14:40| ago I think it's infinite really to the board how deep do you own I don't know as I know we discussed uh airspace before oh man this is a good question actually
01:15:00| I want to know cool think about it well coming discuss will cover this in the next episode where we cover a random crap nice random crap episode though this is sure it all tactics why do you
01:15:24| drive on a Parkway but my wife Carol left me there's one thing in the escapism man caves that I wanted to bring up oh yeah we're gonna do man caves
01:15:41| yeah that's one of the weirdest escapism so you do work you own your own house and inside your house which you own and is yours yeah this is mine mine yeah you specify an area that no one else could
01:15:58| go into really I guess it says that my wife did everything else this is mine is that kind of what that is well the white tries to take over the entire house and yeah makes it right
01:16:09| you're right they're hungry didn't everything yeah cuz I guess that's what they do why they keep doing it hmm that's not what I said so do you have a man cave is this your man cave uh
01:16:23| tell me if I have all my music stuff in here and my computer yeah I guess I can smell his sport sports let me take or but I did not install that that someone originally marbles were made of marble
01:16:42| but it was too expensive to mass-produced them that's wild I had no idea that's why they were marbles that's why they look like that so they made glass to look like marble
01:16:54| essentially huh that's pretty cool I did not know that that's pretty cool here's a robo question wily coyote why did he keep buying Acme products that's is they always failed it
01:17:07| was an economy communist state like loyalty to the brand you think I did you see that there was a museum that had a black hole that was painted into Fanta plaque which is like
01:17:20| you can't no light escapes from vantablack it's the blackest paint known a man so go on so the museum had an exhibit that was literally a hole that looked like it was fake because you
01:17:32| couldn't tell depth at all and it was like six or eight feet deep and somebody fell into it because they didn't have any merit that wouldn't it's one of those things it doesn't show up on
01:17:44| camera the same as it would in real life right because like it's camera relies on reflective light does the eye anything video a little bit oh I don't know the picture looked like it was a cartoon and
01:17:58| that's exactly what happened like the wily coyote it looked like he placed a fake like hole my gravel so this person year old person just walked over it thinking it was like a black spot so
01:18:13| there are some more questions here if you died with braces on do they take them all [Laughter] yeah I actually want to give a shout out
01:18:28| it's from a website called oh boy we got a disruption here I think that's me [Music] I think I have to cut do something broke
01:18:53| everything broke huh so quick reset [Music] hustle must break I'm gonna just cut it off there it's like resetting everything there we
01:19:39| go that was weird I got it what happened I think I lost internet for like two seconds weird so you I see you're still there yeah I just
01:19:52| I kept it recording okay so we're still recording this is what we do through her crises yes they would keep your braces on as your family remembered you straight nose teeth baby I mean I would
01:20:05| be held liable right if you didn't like how do you does it do they teach Dennis how to work on a corpse orthodontists or how to how to remove a brace right it should be orthodontist how about this
01:20:21| one um what happens if during a life-saving surgery the doctor has our attack do they work on the doctor or the patient first these ones this is pretty good is all from the same website okay
01:20:34| yeah it's like a ten-year-old web sites like really old yeah logically you'd work on the doctor because the doctor can then save the patient right if he's gonna be in the ER but whatever I don't
01:20:47| know interesting question ah why is it that every time you talk and then go to sing you sing in a higher octave and I thought that's probably
01:21:00| because I'm talking like this and they don't talking like this it's like a full set it's a little bit I guess it's because singing probably I give up who pours oh maybe no no a buccal oh um no
01:21:14| one ever does you mind if you're like hey sing this next part social agreement that you have to sing higher yeah I think so I guess right yeah I yeah weird [Music]
01:21:45| these are all suck further on they get they're reaching they're done by a different writer yeah well they just get some more dad like type things like rude why is it if that
01:21:58| person go skinny dipping or selling them like why is a widely put round pizza in a square box manufacturability also going with strength of corners you really you know this strong corners are
01:22:19| are as are there any boxes that are circles other than hat boxes hat boxes and drums are all circle I guess like when they saw something in the drums like laundry detergent or like certain
01:22:38| chemicals hmm that's like a like a can of soda but that has a structural property to it that's in a room like a maximum amount of stuff inside of the can maximizing really imagine if you
01:22:52| crush a corner the pizzas still safe as he crushed around pizza box you would ruin the betta right usually the I've never had a corner of a pizza box because old time you think
01:23:09| that though I did it's always the cheese it's going left and right it's kind of the cheese is so hot that it slides what would they do if they had to manufacture styrofoam and then ship it what do you I
01:23:24| don't know what you get now put it in a box because it has to get made somewhere and shipped elsewhere so they just dumped it in the ocean let it flow to its dozen hmm why is it a pair of
01:23:47| underwear one item that's a good question look at that start a long time ago we never fixed it our pair your undies no that's one sir that's one underwears I guess that happens with
01:24:02| pants - why is happening with our lower we're but not our upper wear shoes why is Tuesday it originally came in two pieces apparently and you put one leg on at a
01:24:15| time that sounds like bullshit and last but not least why does goofy live in a house and Pluto in a dog house if they're both dogs are they in the same universe
01:24:32| Pluto is own but goofy or or owned by Mickey huh sounds weird racially-charged so sexual maybe racial I think so yeah maybe we got your wall anyway these are some of
01:24:51| the questions that came across that we're like kind of like like you know like I called them Seinfeld in questions but really they're like because I couldn't find you Google Seinfeld in
01:24:59| question you get Seinfeld questionnaire Seinfeld quiz Seinfeld 100 question quiz Seinfeld impossible quiz who people trying to mimic Seinfeld brothers late yes right right right
01:25:13| I think our podcast kind of is a little bit the essence of cycle we talked about a bit up at now I'll talk about a little bit I like the episode where they stretch
01:25:22| the neck hole just a little bit and George can't let it go actually George stretches it yeah right right right well like that kind of thing I was looking for all those questions and I couldn't
01:25:32| find him mm-hmm so I thought I would try and find my own and like who does get tipped when you're on vacation not the door guy but the luggage guy and not the concierge ever but also all your drivers
01:25:47| what about the guy who holds the door for the driver I feel this is different in every country because certain countries will tip there they pre tip their waiters they give them actual wage
01:25:57| that they could live on but not in America so like European waiters get paid a decent amount so you're not supposed to tip or you you're non simple as much
01:26:09| they get confused when you're like today come on buck like two bucks it doesn't change your service they're not basing you're not basing your tip on the service they give you because their
01:26:20| service is always gonna be the same regardless they're not trying to show you a good timer hmm no no this world is weird it sure is we're gonna cut through with a goddamn
01:26:35| hot knife like through Italian people now here's a here's one for you so we roasted a chicken the other night and the skin when you roast a chicken Rose carved up oh good yes and it like the
01:26:53| skin on that is so crispy and so delicious the fatty piece eating the skin is probably the best part of the chicken right how is that not weird if you were to eat the skin of other
01:27:04| animals just because it tasted so good do you think human skin does that too can get like crispy bleeds probably got like fat properties the lipids and all that I was doing to skin hudes his hair
01:27:18| all over it especially here you think chickens don't have feathers that's not hair you can just burn that off send it off you go to the soft areas we'll talk about this
01:27:31| area next episode lose and they drive arrived and observe yeah Oh home and all you people at home getting the Raja sighs I mean just wait to the next next episode this is our mellow episode
01:27:51| between episodes yeah we're stalling there's a little interlude it's a stall tactic cuz we got a big something that's about to drop next week alright on some take nuts well thank you
01:28:10| for joining us we talked about all our episodes all our questions all our Corrections all our things are things inside of things or things inside of other things Russian and also true
01:28:23| Russian dolls and your own home stock Sweden visited if you get a chance thanks for joining us we like you folks we like you

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