The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP065 AntiMatters Extinction Global Crisis

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Transcript UnP065 AntiMatters Extinction Global Crisis

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 65 - AntiMatters Extinction Global Crisis
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00:00:00| oh I think it'd work Dan we uh frozen I think we're good I don't remember what we were doing I just remember the global human extinction project I think it was a success here is what's yeah so I'm Dan
00:00:34| and I'm Nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective the taboo
00:00:48| forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature
00:00:59| language and sexual content and this for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music] whoa well we're here this is the extinct
00:01:34| extinct I've got to rub the sign clear off all the dust it's the extinction Depot Oh we'd get here this place looks like it sucks and why am I the only one who dressed for
00:01:47| the extreme cold of cryogenic freezing cuz I know how to survive I don't need all that intensive thermal what hell is that Hey a lot of yeah what is that brush ed
00:02:02| this way they better have formers songs and they better have warmer move baby I think it's the antimatter's verse is it oh it is where's their Shep that's a the drink it does it says the
00:02:22| Drake famous podcasters live any second when they hit the unmute button great they were gonna say alive oh here's a question why are one of you humans naked hmm I was getting ready to get frisky
00:02:55| okay not the first question I would have had hey hello what we're the Drake I'm glad somebody's Manning the station we're completely out of fuel any chance you guys have any fuel on that station
00:03:10| tons of hydrogen tons of hydrogen tons of huh why would you do three bones in that engine that's a fossil fuel right I assume that's what our ship runs on I'm not a hundred
00:03:21| percent sure I thought it was garbage you talked to this episode episode and dish shove it in your ship ah but yeah sorry no hop on board hop on board
00:03:35| we'll find some guys they're warm up in here and if I take off my gloves oh yes please no mittens in here put have any clothes I know what I've been a long time I've uh I have an old loincloth you
00:03:55| may borrow it is not wash you know what you can borrow my fedora hook that right down there you're lower region they just put that right over that fantastic good that we're all so friendly that's great
00:04:10| but we haven't introduced ourselves or yeah very few human beings left I'm gonna get naked in solidarity just I got one yes teamwork makes the dream work area so hey guys I'm Isaac nice to meet
00:04:32| you uh do you run this so it what is this extinction Depot thank you sounds like a fun place I think the computers show yeah we're uh we're in charge though yeah I've decided oh nice anyway
00:04:45| I'm very much how we did the direct yeah sorry almost your names out of a hat basically yeah oh yeah I'm Nathan III pilot this this big ol ship Hey notice you guys
00:04:59| weren't saying your names well we already know each other so there wasn't a need for that it's fine well were Nick and Dan on Pandor Nick here I'm pander Dan oh holy holy shit
00:05:13| you guys are podcasters mmm we're back in the sanctuary yeah yeah you picked up a radio signal yeah I love your show I used to smell shit all the time great I like when you guys talk about
00:05:25| Jack the Ripper how nice oh this is episode 65 we're you're gonna love it when you hear it in the future which is now correct I'm so glad you guys made it I'm a big fan that's all I have to say
00:05:37| I'm a little star-struck Hey when star stroke just unzipped my coat here a little bit that's all jingle yeah we do have the heat up oh I'm Malik I'm the resident librarian
00:05:52| and drug dealer combination that's good huh been you know gonna borrow a book you know pick me a little sort of it are a lot of books on this ship Wow a reading isn't done you guys travel
00:06:10| with a robot yeah yeah serious that's immense I'm Jane I'm a robot well I'm really a synthetic you know life-form really like people call me robot I don't like that
00:06:23| yeah whatever robot anyone else on that ship whoa that's my older earthquake fair enough fair enough worst I mean he is a retrofitted warbots in from day to day we don't know how to feel about him
00:06:40| yeah we're always kind of on guard he's essentially a juiced-up Alexis oh I can totally understand yeah Hudson remember that fad where people were like taping knives to Roombas he's
00:06:53| like that on steroids Wow thank you like spoons and yeah he's like the whole that old the whole drawer just taped on top of a Roomba and then giving a Red Bull so that's intense
00:07:08| yeah your robots to Red Bull does anyway yeah he does now we give it to him do you know what happened I guess I don't know what happened to earth but it's been a long time well you guys came back
00:07:24| before you guys runners a long time ago oh no wow man I didn't oh wow I've never been to earth was it cool did they have palm trees were there palm trees there mm-hmm
00:07:41| Oh neat mm-hmm I mean we don't really have to get into it it's a very long yeah story it's really heated politically we could just like just really slide right into it yeah we're
00:07:55| not interested in the history of what happened to our species or anything it's fine it's not as cool gloss over it yeah I mean here's a book you can check it out later but let's
00:08:05| just move forward what we could do is cryptically talk about hypothetical extinction events and you guys can guess which one is the actual fun it feels really me and me yeah it's a
00:08:23| game get make it a game bit ball in here but I feel like Earth already had five pretty great catastrophic events that have led to over fifty percent of the species and the planet dying over short
00:08:32| oh yeah oh yeah name one it's so great first hit one side name one be side time more like a Holocene extinction something about the weather changed a little bit and a little cold get a
00:08:53| little warm maybe yeah prefer cold I don't know that I'd prefer a cold oh acutely warm I think I'm preferring cold now I think it's very hot probably um wearing snowboard gear so you'd like
00:09:07| you do look radical yeah I know hmm so you'd like the nuclear winter example where dust crowds out the Sun and then it gets a little colder gets about 20 degrees C colder yeah more than
00:09:23| s because like if the air conditioning gets cut out because like storms and like other bad things it's cold and we're good we just feel like I'm a hoodie and we're fine yeah like day
00:09:32| after tomorrow kind of situation sure and then the rain stops because moisture doesn't get in the atmosphere and then no food rose and then we all go hungry well what about SpaghettiOs canned food
00:09:43| I'm ready mmm plus we could always turn to cannibalism that's easy cannibalism mmm that sounds terrible unless you're really hungry yeah really hungry have you ever heard
00:09:54| of a movie alive I swear I have not no there's a reference multiple times on our pie yes I have I finally have a delicious quote from him so there's a team of 45 rugby guys they were
00:10:06| traveling over the Andes that crashed in a mountain on impact about a dozen of them died and then six more died that so left them without any pretty much no food and water and they could melt snow
00:10:19| to get water but they're hungry after nine days they decided that they needed eight people to survive eat like people are dead people they eat the pilots first because they didn't know them yes
00:10:34| that's better plus strangers days better I've heard that because every time I see like one of those turkey legs this dr. Roberto Canessa he said true hunger is atrocious instinctive and primordial and
00:10:53| then he took a bite of his friend now he was frozen solid in the snow he um uh you gonna put him in the microwave they put her under the Sun let it dry
00:11:07| for a little bit like jerky he's making jerky I was feeling you were there the way you're describing this I mean it was so vivid it was as firm as memoirs right right right
00:11:18| I think I'd rather just die I just can't believe they waited nine days to eat a person maybe it's like 20 minutes like I get bored I get more and I start eating yeah pop him in the microwave it's
00:11:34| somebody just like nibble on him for a little bit and then if like they're like like Nathan stop eating like we still have all these provisions I'm like uh alright I may be off topic but you guys
00:11:47| are smarter than me there was like a meme or a joke going around the internet like a month ago and it's like would you microwave your baby for one second for a million dollars I was like that's so
00:12:00| fucked I didn't say oh are you sure yeah I don't know I don't it's one second I I don't know I listened to a podcast about a woman who microwaved her baby for you
00:12:15| no longer Wow second maleeni I'm gonna no no no that baby died [Laughter] I like based on that one second would be okay like have you ever cooked anything
00:12:30| for one second is nothing Malik I'm gonna have you stop babysitting my child microwave a baby for one second one second it's fine it's fine nothing nothing happens in one second
00:12:40| you can't even heat up green beans in one second is way more complex or like cauliflower give that baby a CD or a fork goes nuts to microwave pop yeah [Laughter]
00:13:18| so extinction Depot I'm really interested in what this place is about and how you ended up here oh yeah well we cryogenically froze ourselves I dressed the part dan did it and we can
00:13:30| see that I still survived I don't know how but it's magical somehow somehow but here we are now it looks like if I just go by the look of the place I'm very new here I'm just thought out recently
00:13:41| actually yeah we didn't even see the apocalypse or ever it was it just we were just like let's freeze each other yeah that sounds great [Music]
00:13:49| I'm always curious what the space travelers think about this current era that we live in and I'm just thinking just looking around this this Bay what century would you say you're in okay so
00:14:03| you basically don't worry about that you guys basic Bell man Lou then into cryogenic tubes but dude and dudes well yeah and I wondered does that mean whether or not anything see gender where
00:14:14| they're not any females left we didn't plan ahead we should have frozen one female right yeah so there were females when you froze yourself be perverted one shared
00:14:25| ones like they're good friends I just learned so much about both of us seem like they're good friends are cool Sharon yeah we cut the cost in half and everything was totally hunky-dory
00:14:36| dan was in the mood and I overdressed for the situation but yeah you know any man so it's just a series of pros and cons yeah there's been a lot of extinctions and you start to tell us
00:14:48| about the extinctions that happened in historic earth I'm not totally knowledgeable about there is where we're good oh ho man let me tell you folks there
00:14:57| was single-cell life and then there was multi cell life and then there was an extinction just one my notes say actual oh yeah on seven hundred million years ago or it turned multicellular around
00:15:15| them so around four hundred and forty million years ago or time first my time of course yeah you forget where you are absolutely yeah they just woke up you gotta cut him some salad to room but
00:15:31| single-cell organisms were the only ones left because around 440 million years ago whole bunch of crazy stuff happens and like 80% of the the life that was in the sea just died
00:15:41| no one sure why did they deserve it single one do your notes say their name in this view more which happens like every it looks like like 100 million years roughly I don't know it's like
00:16:01| kind of uneven but it's spaced out until we get to the one everyone wants to talk about dinosaurs died yep the dress extinction baby mmm I got that that's my favorite line so what are the theories
00:16:17| there I think that STDs had run rampant the Dinos and that's what happened they all died of like giant dino syphilis he died no worries yeah more news you can you would get
00:16:35| crushed by a dinosaur wiener let me tell you that I would but not another Dino I mean it may be first molar a tiny dinos smaller dinosaurs oh no I'm just saying not ever done I was packing heat
00:16:48| come on clever girl we read it back in my time an interesting story called the nastiest dude in science it's by Bianca Baskar and you guys can check it out it's really great if you could go back
00:17:05| in time and read article sounds dirty publication probably the Atlantic probably knows or the New Yorker required the lady who her name is Gerda Keller and she's referred to as the
00:17:23| bitch already upset she's it wasn't an asteroid and and she gave her first big talk and for all these people and people scientists were literally yelling at her in the middle of her speech
00:17:39| quote/unquote stupid and she was still talking there right you don't know what you're talking about and someone else was like wrong she have to say hilarious sounds like balkan
00:17:53| volcanic activity that occurred over like thirty thousand year period I just my nose were spitting ash and stuff you know gotcha my biggest problem is thick these guys
00:18:04| are like scientists with PhDs and like they're geniuses and the worst cheers they can come up with is your stupid well I think it was yeah well they're all frat boys do he didn't
00:18:19| the dude bros of the paleo bros so did Bailey bros did so what you're saying is that this she was a scientist you said right hello yeah I said correct I'm sorry it must not cut it oh I didn't
00:18:38| know any of that so yeah so she was a scientist and she suggested that it was actually just volcanic activity that blocked us on people were like going nuts what was funny is I literally cause
00:18:48| I'm an English major back when I was alive and I wrote down it was such a good sense it said sexy sympathetic beasts whose whose obliteration transfixes much more than anyone with a
00:19:00| pole and I was like and they said the dinosaur bitch really well-written article it's just beautiful in this particular situation I should be
00:19:14| offended by a dinosaur bitch but in any other situation if someone called me a dinosaur bitch I'd beat 100% of our day doing it I'm like that sounds awesome but I'm like sounds like a cool thing to
00:19:26| be did you have business cards dinosaur bitch ml is the whole thing a show on TBS yeah Thursday's any closer doing it dinosaur bitch
00:19:48| is her face appearing yeah she's half dinosaur come on like I think they read this they think someone purposely food poisoned her they killed her people we know like almost near death she was like
00:20:08| vomiting profusely for days at one of her events like people locked her out of a room like people were stealing artifacts as she tried to study because she was just trying to prove that it
00:20:18| wasn't an asteroid really who are these asteroid elitist yes these meteor smash and align these baby once the nineties Palin ties when Jacques cool they're all riding high and mighty on the Jurassic
00:20:34| Park sexiest they've ever been throwing leather jackets they're all smoking on the side of the universe retching people with their Raptor claws making their pants scratch your belly from here to
00:20:53| here scaring the shit out of fat kids everywhere did he act in anything else he was too scared his name was Liam Hemsworth he played dinosaur bitch
00:21:14| God I'll show you guys that's all I had on the Dinos great group of guys actually I do have been tighter and firmer audiences do you dinosaurs actually didn't go extinct what did it
00:21:31| was they got super advanced and then boarded a spaceship and the left the Milky Way galaxy that's where they went that's a giant spaceship yeah that's a big spaceship Noah's Ark and then they
00:21:46| came back just to build the pyramids we have cell phones in the internet because like we're not like capable of that technology that's totally dinosaur technology ya know the velociraptors
00:21:59| that can open kitchen doors are the ones that handle ourselves yeah figured out how to work satellites we do where we do on earth but when we went cryogenically frozen for another extinction period
00:22:15| maybe we're really cooling or warming a climate change I don't even know clearly somebody loved you because since the earth is destroyed they had to have moved you off earth we must have been
00:22:28| special Earth's most prized resources you were the last man on earth hmm sounds like a team B show or a graphic novel or something it's both I think we'd like to talk about that she I
00:22:44| think we'd like to talk about the TV show first though hit it please yeah I watched like the first couple episodes of last man on earth and it was funny until um the main character
00:22:57| turned into an asshole what's the premise why is he on again to that what happens is the first episode you see Wilfred Will Forte is the main guy and he's travelling state to state looking
00:23:11| for other humans and you see him like Xing off he's got like a map of the US and he's Xing off States and he's driven through and not seen a TV and then so we finally get to the whole map he's not
00:23:24| met anybody but he's left messages on every Lake State sign that says alive and Tucson why you choose to son of all places terrible was a funny word to say tough skin so he basically
00:23:40| decides he's the last man on earth but then surprise surprise it's a female he does and it is the cameraman who's been recording everything this whole film crew right next to me this whole
00:23:53| time we're done Shaw Kristin Shaw shows up and she's very annoying corrects his grammar kind of the worst but then becomes like really likable and then he gets less
00:24:06| likable and then January Jones shows up so Betty Draper shows up Betty Draper yep and she's essentially Betty Draper but in 2018 and you know now he got a new hot girl
00:24:23| and he's gonna decide who's gonna repopulate the earth with both of them that's what he know we were really into it we were watching it but his character just he becomes such a scumbag it's
00:24:37| actually hard to watch it really is I I mean it has to turn around we've been talking about this because it goes like three season three or four season deep and you can't be that much of a shithead
00:24:47| for four seasons and people still watch this so it must be like he's really gross yeah there's got to be a point where they make him kind of likeable again or why would you bother
00:24:56| do they have competition does he have another guy that shows up and just okay I just like to steal your one girl away from you I think episode 4 we get Todd who is
00:25:05| like instantly he's like 300 pounds balding but like the nicest guy in the whole world and so like Will Forte is an asshole and so yeah January Jones ends up making out
00:25:18| with that guy we don't know how far it gets if there's any like fist fighting but there is jealousy the worst part about that is the name of the show is last man on earth and then
00:25:31| the first three episodes we meet like four people yeah yeah I feel cheated I stopped I stopped what like I think in like Episode two or three he meets Chris skál I was like this is stupid he's not
00:25:42| the last man I like I'm not watching this hiding yeah the new girl went on for like ten seasons she was only the new girl for like four episodes guys imagine you were watching cops and is
00:25:52| just about robbers yeah that's way better but it's still not what I signed up for stop crime following him around in the car yeah so I've been case on this house for a couple weeks now I know
00:26:11| the family leaves for work at around them yeah you know HBO you know I don't I don't know if you can film somebody actively breaking I think that's mm-hmm isn't that just and your yeah yeah fair
00:26:42| enough anyway so uh last man on earth interesting concept because they immediately start talking about whether or not you can repopulate the earth and
00:26:49| it's funny cuz the reason why Will Forte gets Christian shell to say it's okay you can have sex with January Jones is because like do you want your babies to have sex
00:26:59| brothers babies yeah good move and so they think like half-siblings is better and I guess it is I was just gonna speak for yourself it gets lonely up here I guess of the
00:27:17| human beings that we all know if I'm countless I'm counting right here we have five men and one female I don't like these odds I've just I'm sorry and one robot but I've tried to
00:27:30| impregnate him it doesn't work it's possible you just don't know there's like 90 holes you gotta find his clothes the microwave standard is yeah it's like the USB thing you have to put it in like
00:27:50| the report Ron that's [Laughter] but yeah that that leads me into from last man on earth to children of men so do they heard of it unless you're
00:28:06| talking about the movie with Clive Owen that's what I'm talking about excellent anyway I'm so good at which so so you two have seen it yeah so it doesn't before we went up in the tube
00:28:20| together to I brought that DVD with us my own movie I watch all the time they let us play that when we're frozen over and over in her heads do they it was it just that they
00:28:31| couldn't reproduce at a certain point and then there are no babies that was the whole problem with me I think they point out matter of women Clive Owen points out it says specifically
00:28:41| infertility which i think makes it sound like women yeah versus sterile um so there's that and I have been saying to the guys here at that I think that the only thing that really pulled me out of
00:28:56| this movie was if it was if we were saying women were infertile I think it would be a lot darker than the movie portrayed and the movies already pretty dark but if we're saying it's women that
00:29:07| are infertile I think that it's a lot scarier for ladies so this universe and the hair portray oh okay because then only the fertile women will be totally and it's none of them my handmaidens
00:29:19| tale right yeah pretty much except like I've seen hit mainstay oh yeah yes sir only so I read it I read it but I didn't own the show super dark worst-case scenario want to build
00:29:30| something in with me spoiler spoiler alert children of men they can't have baby spoiler lore handmaidens tail they can't have babies either so we covered it I hope everybody can yeah well
00:29:43| there's the fertile ones and handmaids till I can have babies yeah they're having a fertility problem but they still can some of them and then that's the same thing what happens with
00:29:50| children a man there's the one woman who has a baby so here's the last baby before that was 18 years old so it's been 18 years since a burn so that's crazy like does that kid get his own
00:30:00| grade school like what happens all the fifth grade teachers I'd like to land class they just kind of like hang around for like three four years to the kids education education summer break so it's
00:30:18| always overly dramatic in a movie where no one can have a baby how would we feel if it was only like you could have one child so like a pair of people only have one so that's like a super slow
00:30:28| extinction do you think they were great that's fantastic we had started that way earlier that we'd be better I think that the earth was overpopulated in 2018 if we had said stop having babies then we'd
00:30:44| be like we would have been better off we might not like Chinese why would you expect humanity to go extinct simply because they're limited to only one child if a pair can only have one to the
00:30:54| one yeah mathematics yeah to 281 yeah robot cane yeah you're a computer okay you can only make one sure but if we didn't already have this like overpopulation so like how many years
00:31:09| would it take for two to come to to make one for us to catch up to what come on computer or weeks I can't think of a time time frame longer than five weeks that's how long anything goes before he
00:31:31| impregnates another woman oh yeah I gotta give the species alive I gotta release those uh yeah sounds like you would be a member of voluntary human extinction movement or the VH EMT
00:31:49| started in 1991 by what's his name Knight is his first name actually what's his name Brian and ilysm Brian McKnight I like him I don't know well you will you guys explain what you mean the this
00:32:09| group started in 1991 my time was a group of people started by this one dude who was like the earth can handle all these people were poisoning the planet it's called voluntary not celibacy
00:32:22| voluntary not voluntary children voluntary human extinction movement bless you gnight no other they're saying was it's a space saying you guys probably don't catch it but it's may we
00:32:33| live long and died out so depressing yeah well I'm not against like humans continue to exist I just think that the amount of us that exist is too many like we're gonna run out of resources you
00:32:48| mean back then back then like now we get great Wi-Fi I mean then we had too many of us like it's just bad times diseases lack of food just terrible mm-hmm where's Thanos when you need him am i
00:33:05| right do you guys want to get into whether a tennis was a good guy or bad guy spoiler alert Thanos is a bad guy but spoiler alert spoiler alert yes he is
00:33:19| yes he is but yes sir at a certain point you can just stop saying spoiler alert I shit on you guys's parade but I think that like when you kill your kid like your data
00:33:33| that's pretty messed up she's alive like I'm not talking like the one like jewel was a nice jewel I mean I you gotta admit it's probably worth a cool mil somewhere maybe a lot that's not a lot
00:33:45| of money if you can click Malik so if I built my baby yeah badly are you trying to wait oh whoa yeah that's not even fair one second yeah I mean microwave just baby
00:33:59| ones already decided yeah and green beans are equal I'm pro-choice but once that baby's born like you can't do that for any amount of money oh sure should i microwave my baby ten times for one
00:34:15| second timer break them a break everyone better breed yeah yeah I give it to cool down time good how much do I go back like I don't know enough well I wanted another
00:34:32| million dollars just green beans yeah you know I once that get tested the green bean put it back in test another green bean ten times it's your baby in a bowl of green beans
00:34:43| it was it was in a bowl yeah well I was hungry my group yeah I also wanted some green beans let's giant microwave so human extinction movement like Cain knew a
00:34:58| little bit about this and also you guys knew about this so did they actually have like rallies or movements that they try to accomplish something or did they just like no they I think they just want
00:35:07| all their members to like pledge to not have children is like they're only deal minute avocado toast baby it's currently have that goal no babies I don't want a baby right now that seems like a thing
00:35:24| yes it is it sure is i weirdly heard about organizations that specifically wanted like I don't know they seem kind of like terroristic they're like basically they wanted humanity to die
00:35:43| out but like as quickly as possible so as to not jeopardize the other life form so they were like terrorists that would just try to kill human beings like by chilly start with themselves yeah they
00:35:56| did yeah okay so then they how do you try to kill away people if you've already killed yourself delivering condoms to them you're just like haha try and plow through this latex
00:36:15| basically that it's immoral to have kids like you have a you have a desire to continue to live like it's morally okay to want to continue to live but to try and bring another human being into the
00:36:34| world is immoral don't - I guess the sort of inherent nature of that is existent true so they're being altruistic by sacrificing their future lineage exactly like their that is
00:36:48| somehow the most like moral good that you can do is just not bring anyone else in the world to not ring I mean ferry is bringing suffering right that makes perfect sense actually yeah
00:37:00| that's like why is that not the natural thing for food so now what do they say about the people that's just say like you have to like keep the species going they just say like you're a bunch of
00:37:14| crackpots and you're all insane wait well because like the natural thing is like you want to have you want to have babies to keep the species going right the natural thing or the biblical thing
00:37:22| I mean like that's just like what species have done that's like the default programming and I think there's like a group yeah so like what did it what did they say that's dudes though
00:37:35| right women just want to have like the idea is have as many babies as they can't yes welcome to the Future she's been canonized well every no oh you guys wouldn't know that yet yeah no that's
00:37:55| true go ahead we have we have so much to teach you Nathan was asking actually direct question which is what is their perspective on people who who choose I think it's both of you both to Kane and
00:38:07| to Nick and Dan is what is their perspective on people who don't do that right yeah like what like how do they feel about the people that want to have kids like what would you what would they
00:38:18| say oh yeah they'd say that's like morally wrong they'd say that you're being like selfish and kind of like the way like pedo would review would look at someone
00:38:29| who like owned a dog or like a cat or a fish well they're just monsters because I've never got puppy kisses before is the most ridiculous the extinction of possibility is that everyone decides not
00:38:39| to have children all at once and we just die in one generation yeah yeah if they're doing it though they're doing their part like I I can't see that they're wrong
00:38:51| I know they can't accomplish the goal but they are the numbers right I give him a shout out comedian he says like everyone who does that is like saving you parking spaces
00:39:03| in New York like traffic is pretty shitty today's not like we're in coaching on like a bunch of other really cute animals habitat you know I mean we are single-handedly keeping pandas alive
00:39:17| so like maybe we should exist just to keep them alive but every other cute hittable that we're encroaching on like maybe we just need to someone just get slapped the same snapping places because
00:39:29| for you were touching on a point that I had written down on touching on 21st century papyrus so yeah we keep Hannah's alive but everything else we're like beaten
00:39:47| away at like we should go away so they can live yeah we would be sacrificing pandas but everything else would exist so that makes sense you know it's weird though because I think by the same the
00:40:04| same girl with people who are for that the sort of voluntary extinction like I [Laughter] think that they they also think that weirdly wouldn't necessarily be moral if
00:40:27| everyone were to just like let's say that like I I mean I've just hypothetical I guys I'm not saying I'm going to do it looks like the like but of you right yeah
00:40:38| painlessly alright it painlessly you you would think right I mean it was just horrible logic here but you would think I would be some kind of moral hero right because I'm ending all of your supper I
00:40:52| would not think that I'm not suffering of conscious I'm having a great time Kane I want to point out having a great day a kiddy pool right now I got a I got a nice corn Frogger I studied a lot of
00:41:05| Eastern tradition here I'm just saying you guys don't realize how much pain you're in I think it's important that we switch topics Nick weren't you about to say something I
00:41:12| forget what it was but yeah sure oh yeah I do know actually so uh when I was alive right before refrozen ourselves they estimated that there were four five billion species that have existed on
00:41:23| earth up till now hmm it's a crazy estimate because I'm not sure how they came to the number but pulled it out of there not right now but in 2018 complicated
00:41:33| man the world is the limit I guess but they estimate that 99 percent of all species that have ever been on earth up to this point are extinct all right right now in the time I was alive in
00:41:50| pissing me off weird yeah proof that there's a devil yeah this Satan exists just in the form of mosquito 99 percent of species would extinct but mosquitoes exist yeah and
00:42:05| they made it into space I feel like each compromise the devil like the devil and God had their like alright let's kill an animal all right fine let's get mosquitoes like
00:42:17| well let's leave mosquitoes God let's get like these t-rex things are terrible like you guys you're making people here in a little bit these t-rex is just gonna eat these
00:42:25| people is gonna be awful all right fine we'll get rid of the T Rexes and then yeah and the next millennium we're gonna get the look at the mosquito means that will save them an amber so that we can
00:42:36| recreate these dinosaurs later do you know about cloning a dead species they actually tried it with frog DNA it's a Pyrenean ibex some kind of goat thing so they made in a lab 285 embryos that's a
00:42:57| lot what the hell it is well you better make a lot if you're trying to bring back a dead animal so they stuck him in these goats right 54 of them started growing scientifically stuck them in
00:43:08| there yeah come on that was a science turn down the jargon could you bring that down dog they get consent from these days yeah dinner put on the gloves a little Barry
00:43:22| White on the background I think I actually did hear that they do that in some zoos or whatever they put on like on positively in music alright so personal experience coolness grew full
00:43:41| gestation like they got pregnant and like yo we're gonna have an extinct animal yo two full ibex extinct animals were born and they only survived for two months they both died long complications
00:43:55| Wow oh it was like can you bring back a dead animal is it extinct anymore is it called ex extinct ex extinct excellent is it one complications because of our air at one complications because it
00:44:10| doesn't mix well with the female goats of that species you tell me I know it's been dead for you know doesn't go to a diet here's I didn't do this research or remember in remember in Jurassic Park
00:44:22| they weren't actually technically dinosaurs right they were they were some sort of hybrid using yeah and they lean on yeah all guys export frogs were they are the oldest animal known to man
00:44:32| actually they were around before dinosaurs oh really lizard that's why they look like them and I'm terrified don't trust Liz I just you know I've seen the Jurassic Park
00:44:48| movies so I don't know why anyone's in such a big rush to bring back all these dead animals are we getting on the static I just saw what's his name was in one that's like the fourth worst and the
00:44:59| Chris Pratt no no no before that the one right before that I was like what is he doing in this hmm I don't remember Chris Pratt was in the the reboot that they made yeah I actually enjoyed that I
00:45:11| haven't seen it but I want to see it I haven't seen the ones with Chris Pratt they're not there Glee I want to like I just haven't got around to it there's Jimmy Buffett in it I know I love Jimmy
00:45:23| Buffett Wow Jimmy Buffett Wow coming out I love me yeah there's just like Jimmy Buffett water well there's just a whole bunch of things that it's a joy that people is
00:45:34| just parked I think it's like lost world right no that's the second one yeah the third one is when they go to New York which one go to New York my second when they
00:45:43| go to San Francisco San Francisco yes sorry those are my favorite movies to Pauls how am i Jeff Goldblum is that who you're thinking about Jeff Goldblum crazy it's someone who I don't
00:45:58| associated with the series Oh Vince Vaughn Vince Vaughn yeah and I was like I was literally I turned it on I was like Vince Bolin is in a Jurassic Park is it boom with the Nokia phone no
00:46:14| that's the third law that's no that's the second one where they go to San Francisco which one was Vince wanted the second one with where they go to San Francisco he's in there ah yeah and then
00:46:29| the baby goes back to Los Angeles and then yes I'm an LA or st. I think it's San Francisco in San Diego I have to watch it again because I I hate men son oh he's in it and he's like an action
00:46:42| badass but it's like Vince Vaughn and I've seen him in old school have you guys seen Vince Vaughn's thumbs are really weird like systems Travis is on panic are you serious they're really
00:46:54| weird look at this now yeah look at bits bonds thumbs well Vince Vaughn isn't the worst casting choice in part the fourth one the fourth one in the crowd series um what happened that's so but the story
00:47:25| behind that thumb let's look that up Vince Vega is um oh dear accidents teens so he lost half his thumb oh well they may just stop showing it in movies CGI my thumb has it in sky
00:47:48| yes maybe prosthetic make me pull a bad boy oh it's like when you try to draw hands and you don't really know how to do it though I saw it in wedding crashers and was never oh okay like
00:48:07| since then I've been like oh don't trust that man great that's all I'm gonna look at and in his movies like like Christian melodies stupid I think that's why he
00:48:16| can't be a hitchhiker that's why no no that's a stupid thing on the side of his nose I hate it you're welcome like that okay so reason why here at the extinction we talked about tiger guards
00:48:37| tardigrades oh that's politically correct tardigrades does the water bears yes correct exactly 100% I love your knowledge thanks I know a little bit
00:48:56| about obscure things Wow yeah I minored in it in college so it's hard just google water bears sorry oh why hards yeah single-cell things and they're
00:49:14| quite adorable yeah I like that cute I wanted a line I just looked them up apparently like if all to destroy all life on Earth it's like never gonna happen unless the whole planet is
00:49:27| destroyed oh I mean there's a cute but their face looks like little buttholes I don't like that that's what girls say about me but oh look with the nose yeah you guys I
00:49:42| remember a bug's life they had that caterpillar yeah yeah it looks just like that but with the bubble thing I am a German Kyra yeah you're welcome
00:49:53| our German most are Holocaust deniers and that's why I won't let a butterfly land on my goes correct you noticed that too huh yeah I've been telling them and telling them this is my ass okay yeah
00:50:11| that's what I say anyway did you know tardigrades are like the hardiest creatures on earth they survived if I were to guess from my earth knowledge 82 degrees Celsius
00:50:22| all the way up to 150 degrees Celsius so they're super resilient what is that in Fahrenheit can't they correct me if I'm wrong but they can survive in space right I'm surviving to
00:50:40| three to five days in space in the vacuum of space with no air or anything so my question is how does their brain link are they thinking about stuff or they like reading books or they like
00:50:50| shit weird space get me out of here like just hold her breath what do you what do you think about Shakespeare are these water rares thinking about they can take pressure of the six times that at the
00:51:00| bottom of the ocean and they can accept radiation a thousand times what would kill a person how did I do with social pressure Oh God maybe they gave the peer pressure
00:51:10| yeah they could all die if one tarda gram jumped off a bridge they'd all jump like if you said at our diagram up at a cashier and the cashier was like hi how was your day or the cashier says you
00:51:27| know what see you again soon the tardigrade always says you too and then awkwardly watch there my favorite human interactions its lowers enjoy your food
00:51:41| yeah you too thanks but no then it ruins your movie because you're like oh man but is it worse if they go back and say I'm sorry I hope you have a good work day thank you for wishing work night
00:51:59| yeah see that's the tardigrade anytime you put him in and he started interactions so we finally got to the bottom of the high suicide rate and tardigrades yeah
00:52:09| survived every sort of like temperature difference like the world's exploding and really it's social interaction social pressure we can understand tardigrade cyberbullying is a problem
00:52:23| this is a problem understand that oh I think Ellen a cartogram program or degrade it's all like five million dollars she's paying for his college and for his children to encase their bodies
00:52:37| in aluminum oh that's great that's nice that's nice that's comfy enough thanks Ellen the Lord's work right yeah there was a big fan of both podcasts for the record she's an anti matters and on
00:52:51| panderers fan so if Ellen sees this episode donations bottom right you click the button hit subscribe Ellen we're there Thanks wait a minute wait a minute hug
00:53:02| love your honor you guys are recording right now we're on an episode of unban ders I am freaking out pulled the rug right from under my feet I'm like it's all right here yeah no
00:53:20| sorry I had to clean out the rug here something's wrong with gravity in your ship did you guys turn off gravity if I can adjust that home I've got gravity so why don't we like came control it yeah
00:53:34| this is goopy shouldn't have given him the robot I like flying around easy to catch snack computer I'm having trouble with the gravity I can't get all the knobs and buttons
00:53:49| there's a train whistle I don't know damn chainsaw hands it's hard for him to turn the knob what chainsaw hands me what's the social reason for that one purpose for them earlier not everything
00:54:05| has to have a pretty yes we we offered to change them and then he turned them on and said go ahead and try extinction that is the social reason so AI Haley jaws everything Oh No allen
00:54:23| iverson sir number three plate for the six I think this is a great point you think you think about how AI could or could have a limited the human race that's your point
00:54:35| right then we start building up militaries to fight each other an AI and robots and then the robots the side that humans suck so we die robots in what's the wolf
00:54:46| Smith one hey I wrote a robot yeah dude I Robot yes damn it worthless I think that movies awesome in that the robots realized that keeping humans safe is a number-one priority and by keeping them
00:55:06| safe they have to bubble rampage it is yeah like we all know what we need to do to save the planet we just don't want to do it it's call on Captain Planet there's the Sun zero yeah but even like
00:55:32| in science fiction novels and movies we see it like when we talk about AI and the whole of every ultimate point is that it was their terrible that we need AI just step in and fix it like wall-e I
00:55:44| get a badge with that well that's the have any of y'all ever played the horizon zero dawn and because that's almost like the entire like the whole I'm not gonna spoil the whole thing
00:55:56| because it's a really great day make robots that are better than humans and then well like you know pretty much well like they they make you know the the armies start using robots to fight the
00:56:07| wars instead of humans and then the robots are there to protect and then the human then the robots are like well the reason why there's all these wars are these humans and then they start you
00:56:18| know good subtracting humans that's great it's I'm not gonna explain anymore cuz it's it's a really good game actually my toasters really smart so like I could
00:56:28| see how that could happen yeah really voice commands a Bluetooth Bluetooth it's like Mass Effect and the Reapers right got the whole spoiler alert spoiler or I just gotta say it
00:56:48| every like ten minutes uh-huh Isaac um I suspect I tried I wasn't able to get the Mass Effect I can't comment on it I I am by the way that was not my choice
00:56:59| every time I tried to play Mass Effect like my disk broke say that I got corrupted it's every time I lose a so I was like I'm not supposed to in the future they've done everything they
00:57:09| could to a replay and they did I'm John Connor Mass Effect is terminator but um what it is is these futuristic robots that are like super intelligent have decided that
00:57:27| life in general and the universe is a disease unless they stop it so they want to get peace to the universe so they try and eradicate all life like they're the bad guys
00:57:40| [Music] [Laughter] more of an ante yeah here we are in front of the anti-natal asteroid wait you guys come across that is like a
00:57:56| trope throughout like a lot of stories like the other bad guys who want to over rule the world and enslave everyone that's like that's cool like I get that that's great good guy
00:58:07| Mariners who want to eradicate all life in the universe only seems excessive yeah what are you guys think about the whole like collective idea you know the whole like the ancient ones and like the
00:58:23| Borg where they're basically just trying to like assimilate lesser life so like a hive mind or like yeah I've been kind of thing later and the answers like make sense like a it is kind of horrifying
00:58:34| when you think of but it's like I also get it and it makes a lot of sense you would yeah you have a cloud computing thing would what we're gonna get into them is what life is
00:58:47| together it's watching the sunset on a summer evening amen what life is to me no no they cannibalize each other have you guys seen the movie ants with the Z I
00:59:13| was gonna say they have a caterpillar this German but that's it looks like a tardigrade grasshoppers that are bad right no that's still bugs life is it the back are they in yeah are they the
00:59:27| bad guys enhance tonight I feel like maybe I've never seen you ants this is like they both came out at the same time right yeah and bugs life had their like really good CGI so yeah you
00:59:38| gonna watch ants was funnier oh maybe a word grasshoppers no it was I think it was and there was like a sit like it was like a brutal war I remember watching it let's pause our discussion real quick
00:59:59| who is the Santa's aunt had like sexual tension it was a point because I remember there was pants and there was like a little ant guy and there's the big ant guy and that she's like huh who
01:00:14| was the big guy with that that's Sylvester Stallone anyone whatever it's the best there's still one to do voice acting the female lead in that oh boy they really got a list Dan
01:00:38| throw it in there oh my god this was like a and then there was Sharon Stone gene Hackman danny glover dan aykroyd this was an all-star cast I need to watch pants
01:00:49| again Wow they're all like your older actors and actresses this was some that came out in didn't take off more clothing because I was getting hot anyway I'm probably the
01:01:06| you're warming up doc we're all getting hot talking about him I know I read some about that movie the movie gets me every time I mean all hot and bothered I had to remove some clothing so I apologize
01:01:19| to the podcast if you weren't ready for male nudity that's on you really yeah you should be expecting it at this point yeah that's right so III think we moved up a point a little bit I just I really
01:01:35| love extinction I just don't want to talk about extinction game you gotta come turn the chainsaws off man we're just talking about it now if you're the last member of a species is it extinct
01:01:56| there's a lass you can't reproduce I don't think it's extinct til I go away well I mean there's a whole cloning aspect right well then is any species extinct if you can clone it take when I
01:02:09| get woolly mammoths back I hope they do they were so cute yeah because they were talking about that they were like they were like oh they saved that that kid from the camp you know II mean with the
01:02:19| sloth or whatever that's great the historical drama that is ice age yes that took place in real time yeah right I believe the same reduce that's how it really happened now I say just played
01:02:43| into all of our elementary schools at this time yeah its history that's just how they show us inglourious basterds to show us how World War two ended that's pre factual right yeah I mean it has to
01:02:59| be they showed it in school yeah all the good guys said bon giorno yeah Independence Day is explained to us by Independence Day yeah I wish that was the real story I'd be much more proud
01:03:16| y'all could have been at barbecues right you know that brings me that brings up an interesting point aliens back in your time Nick and Dan would absolutely have obliterated us if
01:03:26| they had the ability to get to earth they would have been clearly our technological superiors and no time in history has the more advanced group treated the less advanced group well
01:03:38| yeah never happened what about Fermi paradox a little bit a little bit tiny bit did you guys see district 9 though the aliens that came down were superior
01:03:50| they were shittier they were explained though like they were worker ant like you know they were drones they weren't like the the Queen and weren't they dying when they got de like out of fuel
01:04:03| and stupid alien everyman alien and we ruined them yeah they were the blue-collar working they were they were sir proms okay hold on holiday what we saying is like a beer
01:04:19| the idiot aliens who didn't know how to get to a planet to save their lives I mean time they got here yeah their ship was like broken down like really they were better off how soon until a
01:04:34| human eats one of them and says they're delicious let's have them more cool yeah they were delicious that's a problem Oh I don't know are you saying we they let they let us put them in ghettos it was
01:04:49| awful superior so we've actually gotten to where we're talking a race no we just a shader right in but aliens aliens don't have to be a complex species they could be like like people don't know
01:05:07| we're really like a like mushrooms fungus came from they say that it could be an alien something what everything kind of be alien it's like that doesn't mean like I think they said what got
01:05:20| water for matter science right so common things drop to me like these aliens just like landed here in South Africa there's like whoops broke just different frat boy aliens walk off the ship yo I am
01:05:44| then we go to another planet and run into aliens that weren't not an asshole yeah I think history has shown that what can we turn it once we bump into another species of people will be a-okay and
01:05:57| nice to them of course we're not gonna give them the space version of smallpox by blanket I'm sure yeah gets their hate America it's their rush to get there so this is
01:06:07| another version of so if we are surviving we're keeping a human race alive by going to other planets and it takes a long time to get there by the time we get there are they now
01:06:18| genetically different see we recognize humans I read a scientist surmise it takes about two million years for enough changes to happen to two different species of human that they would be
01:06:29| unrecognizable of different species but like 40,000 years ago like we don't recognize the inner thoughts as us yep as a different species oh but like but you heard that there was a different
01:06:42| genus there's the Neanderthals and then there's like what we think of ourselves and there was another one that I carry the name right now those people
01:06:51| internally and they were all like fucking each other it's different it's why like when you look at your DNA combination job you have some Neanderthal Detailers yeah
01:07:05| people in like Sweden Norway and all that Finland oughta have more in the end or called DNA because they unbeknownst most people actually plow Neanderthals hard there's definitely there's another
01:07:19| one now name I forgot what I was telling me but there's a third one and basically that they were just like like even though they could tell that they were different so well
01:07:30| and they weren't different enough that they couldn't rearrange those it's in your species or genus or something you can reproduce right but I mean they didn't know that I mean it's something
01:07:41| like how we know mules can't it's the a donkey and a horse makes a mule an immune camp yeah a whale person like sheep I can't yeah we could with Neanderthals
01:07:56| so I wonder like what level of alien it would take for us to I mean I'm sure we would try 100% we would try you could have seen the movie Avatar [Laughter]
01:08:18| I did say that I want you both to know that of the horrible things that are in space at least you do get some blue plume that's a thing that happens it's like good it's actually a lot more
01:08:32| frequent than you'd think and you'd think that the term poun would be offensive but it's not yeah it turns out from harpoon right is that what yeah they prefer it yeah
01:08:42| generally you're gonna you're looking for but sometimes you're forced yeah of course defensive all right you'd think initially but listen blue Putin's gonna be part of your life from now on so just
01:08:59| think we got all that the extinction Depot I mean bloop UNIX AG Depot we could uh we meet Dan and him staring at each other willing to give it a shot don't worry
01:09:09| yeah no I mean Dan's a handsome man oh don't get me wrong about that but you know you know maybe maybe venture down some other avenues oh so I just wanted to
01:09:27| oh sorry to say that is a bad thing and what's a bad thing let's be glad I apologize life in general because it always takes the same form like whether one species is a life carries on right
01:09:43| so we've lost 99 percent of the species on earth right away sorry yeah way by plowing each other whatever yeah into stupidity that's one of the versions is that we get too complacent and we turn
01:09:56| into like the people from wall-e and then some other species takes over and then we're now their slaves and then we get Homo sapiens and we can't reproduce space like there's different species are
01:10:10| different people the people are driving the Drake well they're people but like there's other species out there there's other things going on there's other life out there like what's not to be like a
01:10:20| bummer towards the end of the episode but like what's the point of life like are we out here to just keep plowing and keep making life again is that it I think we're here for dogs yeah there's
01:10:32| too many dogs out in the solar system and they all need scratches right behind their ears they're all just such good boys and all goes puppers yeah a bunch of baby puppies I'll go I wish that we
01:10:44| had time to I was planning on telling you how earth was destroyed but just to wrap up really quickly we could only save the two of you because we had to save all of the dogs we only had any
01:10:54| sources mmm you see there's like the rest of humanity or all these puppies and I mean look at all these puppies they're adorable and you guys are just like okay one of these naked and one of
01:11:07| you is covered in black ski where we didn't know what to do more than you think a lot of human beings out there but you are gonna find a lot of a ship's pilot
01:11:21| so there's there's an upside to life all good boys they're all good boys may have to let him out when sorry should check out the timeline in the far future he's just google it just just google it
01:11:32| it's awesome it's like a biological geological cosmological astronomical and from one other logical version of what's gonna happen over the next like bajillion with Julian years in all
01:11:46| versions ever fucked just much no that's that's it anyway but that's fair I'm not gonna give any spoilers but I'm uncomfortable again but I actually did hear that back in 2018 some scientists
01:12:06| determined that the reproductive the fertility rate in males was actually dropping for several years they couldn't figure out why and I think it was something like they were losing 20%
01:12:21| fertility every like Mountain Dew I believe it so kills the cancer sperms I'm not gonna say how it ends no sex robots interesting the aliens landed just find cans of mello Yello yeah such
01:12:43| a radical planet I think that they find that they're not actually less fertile than normal but no female wants to and so create with the man our drinks like a thank you
01:12:59| civilization to climb out and do girls old start sleeping with them there's the line they had certain standards so nay then are you are you staying here at the extinction Depot now I know that you've
01:13:17| got a whole universe to explore the station seems pretty cool or you can get out with us Jim to like a sleeping bag downstairs somewhere a little ya downstairs isn't a cool place to be
01:13:33| hidden down there how many we have how many puppies did you rescue rescue oh well that's not even the problem but there's a thing rap men are a thing now and it's
01:13:48| hard to explain but you don't really want to associate with them yeah just for you to because I'm such a big fan you can sleep with my den just until we find you another planet or something
01:14:01| how's it end Nick and Nick and Dan are you talking about oh I thought you were inviting me to your den host really no we're not allowed never only the unmanned doors are allowed feel obliged
01:14:16| that's fine I'm going to the disco Bay I don't need to be here any longer oh can I join you sure all right yeah good thing I think you've got the disco fever I got the fever and I got these
01:14:29| flyer roller skates white it's mainly white and they have pink skates I like them I got I got my platform shoes that have the goldfish and so are you going to the disco Bay - I'll go - I have to I
01:14:42| have to disco my sadness away so you'd say that the three of you are staying alive yeah yeah yeah it's in your den you gonna hang out with the other Panthers it's fine well Nick
01:14:58| man it was nice meeting you guys yeah thanks for saying about disco yeah you're welcome at the disco babe if you can let Isaac you know if you can convince Isaac to let you go this is
01:15:09| weird I want to say something you guys I I like you Oh uh-huh but he's but he's gonna have a but I was I survived there's a body in there episodes I was like yeah we like you oh
01:15:26| thank you guys a lot tonight hey Peter play end of sitcom music yeah some we can all freeze-frame - good time on Wow good job computer

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