The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP066 Literacy Read Write Emoji Meme

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

KeyItems UnP066 Literacy Read Write Emoji Meme

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 66 - Literacy Read Write Emoji Meme as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:01:00 | optics
00:02:00 | hunky-dory
00:03:00 | diplo diplomats, conspiracy, chinese diplomat, headaches
00:04:00 | reading, literacy, illiterate, yuri stop, via surveys
00:05:00 | literate, literacy, comments below, testing, please submit, english, different methods
00:06:00 | global literacy, illiterate, testing
00:07:00 | testing, illiterate, english, mainly old
00:08:00 | population globally
00:09:00 | website lakes, literate
00:10:00 | literacy
00:11:00 | ninety seven point, six ninety, verbal, contract they'd, write contracts, illiterate, shoeless, jackson
00:12:00 | said approached, seventy thousand, completely illiterate
00:13:00 | conspiracy theorists, dexter manley, completely illiterate
00:14:00 | grade reading
00:15:00 | menu item, signs
00:16:00 | signs, god bless, knows means
00:17:00 | sneezes, signs, toys nice, wrong cool, usually plays
00:18:00 | roselyn, visual memory combined, intuitive nasai, reading, illiterate, verbal part
00:19:00 | barely heard, my track
00:20:00 | literate
00:21:00 | going signs, literate, reading, speaking text, emojis
00:23:00 | illiterate, every box
00:24:00 | completely illiterate, turn reading
00:25:00 | illiterate
00:26:00 | interact, fifth grade, literacy, literate, bombshell
00:27:00 | scripts
00:28:00 | king charlemagne, read or write to read, waste every
00:29:00 | uneducated
00:30:00 | wright, grade reading, read english
00:31:00 | correction brings
00:32:00 | pounds, hockey bag, male dude, carry stuff, give van
00:33:00 | tiny duffle, minimum wage seeing, dude federal
00:34:00 | america hinges, literacy tests, squirt, slave, teach
00:35:00 | slave code, minimum two, reading, civil, thirty, racial line
00:36:00 | read or write, slavery, civil
00:38:00 | words, lsd
00:39:00 | asap rocky, aesop rock, words used obviously, thirty, linguist
00:40:00 | reading, literate, bigger things, english language, english major
00:41:00 | english language, everything shakespeare, racial
00:42:00 | blink use, english, african americans
00:43:00 | one cares, language, six years
00:44:00 | language, selfie, gatekeepers, words, getcha idea, selfing, illiterate
00:45:00 | language, literacy tests, voting, racial racial
00:46:00 | tests, level english, civil, ones s, african americans
00:47:00 | nine times, literate, people couldn't vote, opinion worth
00:48:00 | flat earthers, vote
00:49:00 | flat earth, voting, scientific fact
00:50:00 | fix things, literate, perfect world, answers back, voting
00:52:00 | read or write, multifaceted, illiterate
00:53:00 | teach, write to read, pen and paper
00:54:00 | pen and paper, voice giving, reading learning
00:55:00 | interacting, figures
00:56:00 | conveyed, verbal, different methods, language, take jeannie
00:57:00 | one turned, teach, every psychology, understanding visual
00:58:00 | language, verbal, visually agree, gotta figure
00:59:00 | bring good, illiterate, video chat
01:00:00 | verbal part, language, literacy everything, fewer words
01:01:00 | eloquent, squirt, fortnight meme
01:02:00 | literacy, comprehension, language
01:03:00 | friends anymore, english major, read hard, high-level data, simple english, level english
01:04:00 | simple english words, english language
01:05:00 | bunch of words
01:06:00 | words used, making fake, squiggle, diddle
01:07:00 | read or write, married somebody, write to read, express himself
01:08:00 | global literacy, racial, dexter manley, jackson, shoeless, figures, literacy tests, language, rebellion, phonetic nature

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