The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP070 Extinction Global Catastrophe

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Transcript UnP070 Extinction Global Catastrophe

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 70 - Extinction Global Catastrophe
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00:00:04| over the course of history over 100 billion of us have died all the humans that are live now are a small fraction of what were what are the chances that we all go extinct in the next 80 years
00:00:18| there's a 20% chance that we no longer exist by what means how does it happen come along and join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time
00:00:40| people technologies media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to
00:00:54| popular opinion we're like you can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so
00:01:04| join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music] Elya hmm oh yes welcome back Ellie welcome family Elle oh yeah oh yeah oh
00:01:33| yeah it's good to be alive what's that so we're full of vitality at life yeah there's a avoiding death at every turn I guess how how close do you feel to death
00:01:47| now like every day what's gonna kill you Nick besides cancer I if I can't leave for whatever it is a car accident I think it's a bit more the highest ones it's
00:02:00| car accidents Media probably I Drive a lot and here's the kicker I'm most people brag about being a good driver as someone who drove sort of for a living drove forklifts I've driven vans
00:02:14| trucks I penned a Mustang Jeep Wrangler like I Drive all sorts of different vehicles that shoot his cars yes cars down left right I tried very well the perfect driving is always about
00:02:33| up the 20 I mean if you're going like 50 over the speed limit yeah you look in the mirror pallets it's dangerous my hand-eye coordination is it's greater than most people's I'm not
00:02:44| here to brag my vision is actually better than 20/20 I do the thing to the chart work read the bottom so that's good I do a thing where it's called break the rules where they don't apply
00:02:55| to me on a note ROM read if I can see everywhere at all times I will if I see like people don't realize if you see a septa bus picking someone up and they didn't pull over all the way and you're
00:03:07| afraid to cross the double lines but no one's around you go around them you have to feel silat eight the ride for everyone else on the road so if that means you run a yellow turning red light
00:03:19| because it's more convenient to the traffic behind you you do it you do things to get the flow of traffic back to its max capacity oftentimes people will race ahead as fast as they can and
00:03:32| slam on the brakes this causes an effect where your brake lights are on more and people behind you brake more Ripple's so what you want to do exactly
00:03:39| what you want to do is actually time it may be perfectly so that you're coasting then the person behind you could coast it's all about timing and thinking and usually eight steps ahead and when you
00:03:50| drive in a car for a really long time you think about these things at all times and I hate bank drivers so you know what's gonna happen to me
00:03:57| bad drivers gonna kill me Larry decided yeah break it t-boned green light red light for them I hate bad drivers oh yeah this episode's gonna be crazy about out you can always pick them out too
00:04:11| they're always kind of like wavering in the lane a little back and forth we'll stop and go a little too fast stopping a little too quick jumping off I am five mile an hour under the speed limit is
00:04:20| what they're doing little jittery they stay in the middle lane tumult along you know you can tell sounds looking at their phone the cushion it's a big big big big cushion doing it in traffic yeah
00:04:33| check this in front of the car attention how do you oh yeah yeah they do this while they're on the phone and they start breaking they end up breaking like which better than the other way around
00:04:45| I'm not arguing with it so car accidents literally cannot make us extinct I don't believe no they can't there's no way in hell there's no way in hell what else like cancer couldn't make us
00:05:02| extinct right could it well if we got hit with radiation so that it caused rapid cancer on all of us before we could reproduce then ever again stuff oh we have to affect everyone under 18 yeah
00:05:13| and if it was like a solar wind that just like destroyed the Earth's surface and we have to be troglodytes we could probably survive but then we'd probably be something different we probably
00:05:24| evolved to be troglodytes and cavemen yeah but wouldn't we just create technology again I don't know if we'd be human at that point where the humans that created technology and didn't have
00:05:36| technology humans also by I guess they made all the stuff we have now right I don't know that they existed a hundred thousand years ago what the time line do you have the time line
00:05:52| on this one yeah homo sapien is three hundred to one hundred and thirty thousand years ago yeah but that's like these common basic tools right what but I'm saying let's give them time I'm not
00:06:04| saying they have to make it overnight good lord hmm so you I guess 100,000 years as a species right that's our three hundred thousand year
00:06:14| mark I guess that's kind of creepy what's the number do you have a number on this I don't actually average life lifespan of a species I actually have the number four for the average species
00:06:28| now this range is so much it's crazy it's one to ten million years is the average well that's a lie I think it's thrown off by some species that have been around for millions and millions
00:06:42| and millions of years like frogs turtles most reptiles right yeah plus some of them they've been around for dozens of millions of years there's probably a lot that survived for 1
00:06:54| million go extinct which is probably a lot to supply for like a hundred thousand years for then broke hmm it's one of the Kimbrough weirdest things I don't think I've ever searched for human
00:07:06| on Wikipedia before although there's a lot that's a lot yeah there's interesting um so I took a bunch of anthro courses and I did a lot of reading for this just to break down
00:07:16| human for everyone I believe we were all of the hominid family and like one of the first hominids to walk upright was also Estrela pit the scene it was like a branch off it wasn't a Homo erectus or a
00:07:31| homo and whatever Denisova they live in like us well we'll get to them in a minute so Australopithecus scene goes up here and he does his own thing and he walks upright he actually starts using
00:07:41| tools they think he buried his dead they live like 2 to 4 million years ago and then they died out so they weren't the best a little afterwards like in the 3 to 2 million range homo species started
00:07:53| like populating the earth like crazy we had like the homo erectus homo I didn't write them all down I'm trying to remember up my head we didn't get Homo Sapien set
00:08:02| no homo sapiens actually done appeared so what we said in beginning 300,000 years ago so this like one to two million years ago it's like a homo erectus homo will obtain omo omo there's
00:08:17| a bunch but um Neanderthals are a branch off they might even be home on the end or tall I can't remember Homo habilis yeah habilis that's the one I have it habit to inhabit ok rectus we got Homo
00:08:32| erectus that's very Gatsby I hello Rhodesian easiest I don't there's a lot about it we have a variety they all look kind of human because they have like eight likes goals so it's kind of scary
00:08:44| yeah so another species of the time the Denisovans I think there were a branch off of hominid also that wasn't in the Homo genus it was like just slightly off like kind of like where the bells toll
00:08:55| put the senior up here then it's opens down here and then like Neanderthals and Homo sapiens and Homo erectus all down here well they all happen to live at the same
00:09:06| time frame and we mentioned this in a previous episode but didn't get it right so the Denisovans Neanderthals and the Homo Sapien was all making love Oaks so they were all within the same species
00:09:17| right so they can make varieties of sort of humans right yeah Renea they say that in our DNA there's 1 to 2% Denisovan depending on where you're from certain areas they were local to Philadelphia
00:09:32| pull it out the only thing that's it's crazy that other parts of North America they weren't the Philadelphia they were weird and ER calls were very present in like Sweden and Norway and all those
00:09:45| areas so that you're from there you have like 5 percent Neanderthal DNA and then uh homo sapien those guys were uh they're rockin pretty good they did pretty good
00:09:55| hey outlived everyone and that's why we don't have any other hominids still alive do you think which is I'm weird I don't know they're they're extinct we're pretty damn sure about that right
00:10:07| we probably killed them but how do you kill a whole species is it like an accident there's not like like there's another one gay have them into your city or you don't
00:10:18| let them reproduce with you anymore well you said they buried their dead right so there they had some sort of rituals so maybe that's like a marriage ritual is that you decide that you're no
00:10:30| longer gonna marry into a lesser family of our lesser species actually sitting species is class right but well but I guess you you look different so whoever has the money or the technologies more
00:10:44| powerful one right the power baby so you're not gonna need doing it with no neanderthal pal so maybe it's in our genes to go after something I feel like the women control that the women go
00:10:56| after the the power they go after the the predominant male what if there was like a new evolution of people and like we were no longer first class we were the second class and that's like the the
00:11:08| new Homo Sapien was the hot new thing hot new thing the new homo homo homo rigorous you know homo hello panderer homo pander yeah yeah like the future yeah and the ladies are digging it and
00:11:28| it's the future them jeans are gonna get passed on does it look different I don't know so that would be an extinction of us right eventually we would die out because we were no longer
00:11:38| I don't know it's correct more intelligible Maya back seat yeah we weren't Alexis no longer sexy yeah these are the sex of the animals on the planet we got to keep them alive by keep
00:11:51| pounding yeah keep pounding that species keep on keepin on right so I mean we know for a fact that it's possible we can be replaced they our ancestors would become something else so that's one of a
00:12:07| branch of global catastrophic risk right okay yeah so it's one of them to talk about okay the problems that one a solution yeah a little bit if we keep talking let's think up this is there's
00:12:19| if you think about I'm not sure where you're gonna go but I can keep going if you did your neck go ahead good you go so the one thing I mentioned earlier was that within
00:12:28| eighty years there's a nineteen percent chance this is the official I said 20 but nineteen percent chance that we kill ourselves essentially or it happened all you're talking about the hella themed
00:12:40| event no I'm talking about extinction these are anthro Poe scene events so like human-caused events which caused the mass extinction of us so there's molecular nanotechnology
00:12:54| weapons AI wars pandemic nuclear stuff oh man that Lake that's gonna kill us all and there was baby yeah so we could generate all these technologies to probably they might be intended for the
00:13:12| betterment of man but ready to go awry yeah we started beginning using them against each other it's like nuclear the nuclear winter they theorized that if you had all the
00:13:24| nuclear weapons on earth go awful at once that it would be similar to an event that happened with the Toba eruption it was a volcanic eruption like I don't know when it was actually I
00:13:36| think it was 500 beef BC I think yeah so that caused the Earth's temperatures to fluctuate by about 20 to 30 degrees I do your research it's probably like three degrees Celsius no it was a lot more
00:13:51| than that if they I think it was like three degrees Celsius but everyone I just one unit well hope you break under world right a nuclear war if it were to occur it would fluctuate okay similar in
00:14:05| scale which is that would be it would be a 10 times 10 times fluctuation but yeah but the three percent that happened or the three degrees that happened in the Toba it affected the earth enough that
00:14:18| the lag I three degrees three degrees is a big difference massive because that's three degrees over the entire Earth surface so chances are there are areas that doesn't affect there's other areas
00:14:29| that are up ten degrees or down fifteen new greedy's and like certain plants and animals just can't survive in that I mean yeah on top of the so not having enough heat causes
00:14:41| less water in the atmosphere causes less rain it eventually makes sure that anyone that's living in an interior doesn't get water and then dies locking up the Sun yeah affects display growth
00:14:53| eggs all the photosynthesis in that's a big thing no photosynthesis no plants no that's gonna destroy your foods like yeah so that's on the cold side of it is that you don't get crops and you start
00:15:04| over and you essentially probably have to battle each other for food because you're talking about the humans picture all the other animals getting yeah getting eaten all the deal yet I know
00:15:16| where I could find a bunch of deer they're getting dead right now if it's apocalypse times stupidest theory I read a thing I didn't write any of the facts down cuz it could have been all
00:15:30| bullshit but it would seem pretty interesting it was like 10 things that will happen if humans die I was like should we say if all the humans cease to exist whether through nuclear winter or
00:15:40| something crazy or whatever it was like within three to five days all the animals on farms would die I was like oh oh this happen dude there's a hurricane hurricane Florence it hit the Carolinas
00:15:53| they said that like 1.7 million chickens died because they couldn't a raise them about above flood level or B get food to them so they died almost immediately cuz their head pendant yeah yeah Wow that
00:16:09| sucks the other one was that um you know we have all these breeds of dogs we've created they were like within a few years most of small dogs we just stop
00:16:18| existing acute ones that we breathe into got me the real big like ones that could read that to the wild would survive huh so anything we man-made would be dead and I was like that's crazy
00:16:29| then it was like all the lights that we power could be gone within three days unless they're like running on like internal servers or whatever and like a fire Howard wired in old buildings don't
00:16:39| work then they would right they would last a little longer another one was metal buildings would eventually crumble I think within either ten thousand years
00:16:50| ten thousand years so they'd all rust away in you'd have probably maintenance and how do the does any likely yeah yeah I don't think anyone's worried about tetanus
00:17:00| we're all good yeah you know which buildings would actually stick around for way way longer stone buildings the only building so stick around like cement no stone like castles hmm
00:17:10| old-timey uh like couple cobblestone a more buildings still ear hey governor I'm gonna fact-check you right now good to know ten things that would happen if the again this isn't like some dispute
00:17:25| or it was probably path crap but it's probably based on at least a little bit of science hmm this goes back to the room and concrete so the Roman concrete had like a special material that was
00:17:35| volcanic to it but like the modern mortar the concrete is not as strong so I really I didn't do it I will tend to believe you that the Romans slash oh I'm buying into the
00:17:47| theory I didn't say I was writing this is Bible here though you know what you hadn't believed you I didn't say I do believe you and you didn't check your volcano moving to let's say the ten
00:18:00| things have happened there's one other interesting thing the rest it was like stupid it was like our satellites would fall after a year or two and I was like I don't I don't think so because they're
00:18:11| they're held in place by centrifugal force right well the International Space Station is boosted up but that is a very large structure and it's held in low-earth orbit which has dragged on it
00:18:21| so I don't know I don't think eventually but not like a year yeah like like thousands of years we're talking yeah I mean if if there are satellites that have drag and will follow the earth I
00:18:32| don't know that it's not an automatic process I feel like it would be like they would not have to okay that it would boost itself back up if it required a little bit of energy so that
00:18:43| seems what would happen what would happen with our energy systems in place I mean we're not running it anymore so I guess solar power standalone things we find unless they went awry something was
00:18:57| wrong I just trying to say our eyes met I'm check-in to sub-state like you think our power pilots are automated so they would just keep running oh that was the other cool thing which
00:19:07| you would find interesting because nuclear power plants are constantly cooled uh-huh pink within a dozen years they don't overheat well they have like nobody
00:19:19| there's like rods that you set off and they essentially ignite slowly so the rods create which then drain generates power so I think there's people that actually go in and like exchange the
00:19:31| rods but I don't know how I'm selling Primus well I guess right and I don't know if you have like Oh rods in there or rods in there and it's being cooled for a period of is it weeks months I've
00:19:44| no idea working yeah I that I have no idea but like we moved I'd like yeah you know if you don't have water additives which is a possibility I guess you think they'd
00:19:55| have safeguards that if humans didn't exist I'm sure they do but that's why I think the article said it years I guess just that stuff sitting around and eventually I don't know something's
00:20:05| gonna go bad yeah and then they could blow nothing wild I think it wouldn't I think I think they would have okay modern nuclear plants would probably not blow I'll say that but Mishima was an
00:20:21| older plant that had other issues so like an it coupled with a natural disaster which I guess if it's extinction time natural disasters could occur I guess so
00:20:32| interesting um the other cool thing I did remember the other one from the article it was like within ten years seventy percent I don't know where they came up with this number of all
00:20:43| industrial like our cities and stuff without humans would have a vegetation growing throughout it again anyway like plants grass whatever which is cool because in all the post-apocalyptic
00:20:55| movies and pictures we say eyes like the city covered in grass again yeah what so call this what happened in New York City with Lions there's really would I guess I would so we're pretty
00:21:07| we went no one would even notice in like a few hundred years would that I mean the way things go around here it seems like within a year you pretty much have a barren field and it
00:21:19| grows into a tropical forest that's how quick stuff grows down here with the heat and the humidity and moisture so I would I wouldn't be surprised if you just let things grow within 5 years you
00:21:32| probably wouldn't know that any of the houses existed I mean the house would be standing I guess but you wouldn't you wouldn't go to see it from the street yeah I don't know you tell me something
00:21:43| popped up so I'm popped up oh sorry so real quick I want to go backwards so we don't have to go back in time anymore and you want to cover all that early stuff sure what happened yeah what
00:21:56| happened in the past they surmise that there are over five billion species that have been alive on earth I don't again there's a science to this they break it down by year and how many different
00:22:08| species they think it this number can fluctuate by as much as three hundred percent they can be like oh it's really a hundred species of all time oh it was really 40 billion I don't know but they
00:22:19| they kind of agree on five billion ish since you know life began yeah so we killed all those or life did not we liked it do you know do you know what percentage of them are now extinct for
00:22:33| every day nine percent that's wild to me that's the craziest thing in the world that ninety-nine percent of all species that have ever lived ever graced this earth are dead
00:22:45| Green Cup stop shaking a glass man oh I'm sorry you shouldn't say that well it's I just caught it a weird spot it sounds like you're holding a rose making it rapidly I'm not shaking it rapidly
00:23:00| but but that makes sense though I mean everything that came before us was an evolutionary step and when that evolutionary step wasn't needed it dies off even talked about like frogs so but
00:23:14| like yeah how frogs frogs are an interesting one because they were actually around during the dinosaur period somehow they survived as amphibians through that period and we
00:23:24| see them today but now there's a unique twist on it that there's like a weird fungus that's happening that's killing off all the frogs and we're splitting up all their natural
00:23:32| tats so they can't live in the tiny pockets forgiving them and we don't care I don't think anyone says save the frogs I've never seen that I've never heard of that if there's a frog crises is that
00:23:42| what you're saying yeah there's weird I didn't do that they're slowly dying off it's pretty wild and that links to that's a fungus - that's not even is that one plus human deforestation
00:23:54| ruining all the yeah yeah there's some sort of like square loss so like if you have a certain area of land that you can sustain certain number of species but like when you shrink that by half like
00:24:05| the number of species goes down to like almost nothing like you you can't support more than half okay yeah much less weight less well real quick - for people who don't know do you know what a
00:24:17| mass extinction is folks it's less than of all life forms died that's right my man got it over a short geological span so you know a couple hundred thousand years maybe a million or two and fifty
00:24:36| percent at least of the species alive on the planet hmm oh it's a addictions hmm it's happened five times that we can surmise the five great extinctions the first one was like 440 million years ago
00:24:53| who cares single-cell organisms all started dying no one gives a damn that's old news actually I have the percentage of species that died oh here we go
00:25:08| don't care next we got the late devonian Devo Devonian sure that's what I call sir 375 million years ago no one cares really important group trilobite s' trilobite
00:25:24| to riley try the way name so is trilobite mm-hmm trilobite what was special about of them I love them I think they're cool they're like sweet cave art they look like horseshoe crab
00:25:38| it's like an early horseshoe crab it's really what it is you see them in caves like you see him maybe you see him in the cave they are they're cool they're like the
00:25:50| they're a symbol for old-timey you know anyway that's when we lost them I think check them out though folks check them next we have the the end of the Permian era 251 million years ago like not quite
00:26:07| yesterday but we're getting there they called this one the Great dying 96% of every species on the planet died that's a lot and we like we friggin wild so one of the event of 96 yeah good so
00:26:23| one of these periods I don't know which one there's an expansion from the sea to the earth I think it was I think it was the second one in the second one I think so there's something I'm really
00:26:32| fascinating here there's a more they call it eutrophication which is like the it's it's when the water becomes so filled with nutrients that there's like a burst of life but it blocks out all
00:26:46| the Sun that goes into the water really so everything below that becomes deprived and it eventually dies I think it's oxygen deprived and then Wow yeah there was an oxygen deprivation
00:26:59| so like yes so it like an evolutionary phase where things start to go and land and then there's trees and then there's a burst of life it causes this oscillation and the oscillation then
00:27:10| causes this eutrophication and then it makes its way into the oceans and then the plankton I think they go crazy so like they may like that film they die and then when they double they suck up
00:27:24| more oxygen so it changes the balance of oxygen it's almost like um like a limnic explosion like a lake nyos which we talked about before oh yeah well it turned all the water acidic to life not
00:27:37| actually acidic but acidic to life yeah so all the oceans in this and the sort of phase would just be inhospitable like nothing would survive and all the major organisms would die so you were in the
00:27:49| ocean at the I'm right think about it yeah ninety percent of life was in the so you there that's was one of the theories for mass extinction of the ocean life is that this happened make
00:27:59| sense you know what's wild is that the balance of life on the planet could be upset by things that didn't have like oil rigs and like super SUVs and like things that could but do you Saudi
00:28:13| whatsoever yeah they could didn't have technology they were just being alive so much that they ruined the life for like other organisms how stupid is it that we rely
00:28:24| on oxygen every minute of every day and what supplies the most oxygen is the phytoplankton trees Oh phytoplankton tree oh shit more no yeah phytoplankton is like I'm gonna get an actual
00:28:37| percentage but I think it's like eight percent that's why I had no idea I was a dumb idiot who thought trees provided like I would have said 80% of our oxygen and the rest from like algae and weird
00:28:51| it's quite amazing and what are we doing to them not help with them yeah we're not helping them I think they're going down by like 1% globally per year so like this is like global warming
00:29:02| thing yeah it's okay we'll survive until we die personally not as the species but I don't know why these topics aren't discussed in science class yeah I don't know why everyone doesn't know that if
00:29:19| these things die like we're dead there's nothing you have to manufacture oxygen how ridiculous would that be that you had a plant that would be like let me sell you oxygen a real quick aside
00:29:30| should we just said why we're not talking about that and other things in science class there are science classes in this very country that don't acknowledge anything we talked about
00:29:40| today and don't acknowledge evolution that's wild to me like how can you be a science and not adhere to science providing any facts to these children I think and all we discuss on this podcast
00:30:01| the previous extinction one with another group or did we discuss it in another episode where the reason there are dinosaur bones is God put them there so that when we dug them up and
00:30:13| came up with crazy theories only the true believers would know is to test their artwork up do you believe that's actually happened holy shit don't worry if you if you if you pass the test of
00:30:29| phases we go to the heaven which may or may not exist we have no factual knowledge of we this is a whole nother episode I know let's get out of the past we have the fourth extinction which was
00:30:42| the end of the Triassic era 80% of life died this is like two honey's milk here we go which I find is wild because the last one was 251 now we're at to hunt this thing where 96% of the life on the
00:30:58| planet died Oh million years that's we call that the bisque so you're touching on some cycles that some other guy found actually so there's a millon Kovich like I'm saying
00:31:11| on the side of this I do you a scientist you person are you just I'm here writing what scientists had found previously the English major okay you're a good reader of scientists hold on was he designed
00:31:23| this or was he reading what other scientists I don't know was Ben Franklin really an inventor or did he steal all this stuff who knows oh really nice okay yeah you made the
00:31:34| cheesesteak let's go so Milankovitch actually came up with these theories about like so the earth is wobbling like left and right has a different axis it's also oscillating
00:31:45| around the Sun holy crap resection yes comes along in this Joe look it up folks if you get a top at home whatever you got is spinning it and it's gonna spin wad spinning that's called precession
00:31:59| okay get a book check it out folks yeah it's uh so like the tilt of the earth affects how much insulation it gets is like how much the Sun hits it if it hits in the middle it warms up the earth more
00:32:11| if the Sun hits it on the kind of the poles it doesn't absorb as much heat and then it'll cools down the angle and then also like the orbit around the Sun is not circular so there's like a
00:32:24| flex to it it's long ankle yeah little elliptical whole week right now so there's a factoring in all the like the wobbles until the way it orbits like the other planets how they're affecting the
00:32:37| gravity you know they do it all factors into this giant cycle and the guy who plotted the cycle out and said that every X number of years which is a hundred and twenty five thousand years
00:32:49| there's a cycle that happens whoo and every waiting at every one of these cycles there's some sort of extinction that happens like a mass one message ah loosely combined every hundred fish
00:33:06| right I said man say shit dozen that be a mass it's not one of the five obviously we've even gonna know that that again this is a theory because we can't really prove what has happened
00:33:15| when we can see that there's extinctions at certain periods but we don't exactly know why like the dinosaurs we don't know why they actually died was it try go to the fifth mass extinction at the
00:33:26| end of the Cretaceous period right around the corner folks 66 million years ago 76% of life on the earth went with that was all the dinosaurs folks hot-diggity-dog what are those theories
00:33:42| asteroid is number one we've all actually kind of admitted it we did a previous episode where we talked about dinosaur bitch yeah talk about she just she did not think it was insulation well
00:33:55| the other theories of volcanic right she thought it was volcanic you know volcanic chain the Deccan Vulcan hypothesis volcanoes in the Indonesian area that lasted eruptions lasting
00:34:09| miss that that's a long time but I but I guess maybe the way we rock cools there's no way to know how powerful the eruptions were if they weren't super powerful like
00:34:22| they were just under the radar of being like stratifying the earth but like just powerful enough to put stuff in the air and change the gases applied out the Sun just a little
00:34:34| bit little bit changes a lot I don't know so there's a like in the way we think it's in the now right we're not thinking always faster than now hold up did you
00:34:46| know did you know t-rex was alive closer to humans than he was Stegosaurus stegasaurus was on at the same time nope different time period so check this out there's a 68 million year break between
00:35:07| t-rex and Stegosaurus that's so sad there's a 66 and a half million year difference between Homo sapiens and t-rex t-rex is closer to seeing a human than he was a Stegosaurus fo'c'sle gonna
00:35:20| do but we'll misnomer because I used to get dad did you get the dinosaur magazine I think I did I know I think I know what your 3d glasses I didn't have oh dude I wish now I want to look it up
00:35:34| so bad I got it every month dinosaurs were my favorite but on the cover was like a t-rex eating a steak a source it type up dinosaur magazine 1990s punch at point for this it was like dinosaur I
00:35:48| remember this I had this they did cool it's called dinosaurs with an ecstatic way discover the Giants in the prehistoric world there's like pictures of t-rex biting a Stegosaurus like
00:36:02| that's the back yeah I'm getting pretty mad I'm getting pretty that's exactly what I was thinking when you're saying I was like I remember this this was factual in over magazine and that was
00:36:11| not actual factual yeah it wasn't but but I mean they did did it was a cool book I'm down with it huh right check that shit blew your mind of it I'm here to blow behind this bizarre not
00:36:27| all I'm here to blow folks I'm here to blow through the bankroll I use the on panderers bankroll to buy whatever I want I bought last week stick of gum it count
00:36:37| bounced we have to hang on i I I have a side side story here I tried to get a credit card I used the business name as the N panderers and they wanted proof that's
00:36:48| is for bonuses and I was like whoa you can submit a form to prove that you own the unmanned Durer's it Owens yeah it it opens you up to legal issues if you ever get sued so I said I don't
00:37:04| want to do this I won't take the credit card bonuses the unpenetrated line I'm sorry yeah but I wanted to tell the person just go to on panders comm just watch an episode that's me
00:37:18| dan right Li pona right there you can see it that's me that's it proof this counts as proof you have to give me the credit card [Laughter]
00:37:30| so we talked enough about the past people think we're in the sixth extinction base did you come yeah a million times they keep talking up and doing biodiversity is that the
00:37:40| biodiversity of the planet is going down like we're killing frogs rhinoceros like various things are dying and we don't we don't see our peers there's so many birds I okay like ever look at like all
00:37:53| the species of birds it's like oh I can't describe what bird this is it looks so much like the other thousands of birds there are how birds are wild who keeps track of this crap scientists
00:38:03| what are you some crazy the passenger pigeon do you know what that is I thought it was like everywhere and no longer so they they're actually extinct they died they were the ones they were
00:38:16| the ones in America right in the 17 1800 settlers we would stick notes in their feet and have them carry notes everyone so every movie that I've ever watched that uses a passenger pigeon doesn't
00:38:27| it's not factual I know I'm not a carrier pigeon is all but passenger pigeon it was a song okay so there are still some left but passenger pigeons they're dead and I was like that's crazy
00:38:41| do you know when they died all of them the day Alexander Graham Bell between the 17 and 1800's Zoe Wildwood yeah no longer needed so like people just like I'll just set this patient down no
00:39:00| longer Anita at that pigeon people are shooting them in the street that's a damn car passenger pigeon that's like Buffalo's though it's like I heard the story that they hunted Buffalo
00:39:12| not for the meat or the skin damn holes in craft just through the the pail know that because the Native Americans needed them for food they killed them off so they would kill off the Native Americans
00:39:25| thank you guys are assholes all of you in the pasture assholes like there's a lot of people killing buffaloes oh I had white guilt and then I remembered my family came over we were Oaks we weren't
00:39:42| here infants yeah same here - not our fault it's not our fault my grandparents but their parents I guess that's three what year would that be I'm sweating it out I think it's like the late 1800s
00:39:54| yeah I think we came over here late 1800 but follow so there was a there was a premise here for in the past I mentioned if even human pairs could sew mating pairs can only produce one child so if
00:40:11| every two people could only produce one how long would it take until we actually went extinct and I calculated it by five weeks is not correct it's actually about that's way quicker than I would think
00:40:29| are you sure mmm no but yes I was ready to believe you I was ready to believe it's actually not that many generations I want to do the math again I had the spreadsheet open but I lost but yeah
00:40:44| what it mean if you have it you seven billion to 3.5 so it only takes you know how many generations not that many generations I think it was like 20 generations so maybe 20 times another
00:40:56| things that your your generation is only like 20 years really so by the time so yeah so like 20 times 2,400 ish yeah I think the math was right why do you think it is 20 is it because 20 to 40 s
00:41:10| Prime baby-making time you can obviously happen before and obviously after about twenty to forty s prime time right so it didn't we had an episode on this where the man can be
00:41:19| like 90 years old and still have a baby but a woman cannot it's limited on the women and the women are it viable from a very young age which we're not going to touch if you're listening to all the
00:41:32| only pandered and is the one that sounds sexist in this well in the old sorry the olden days they used to marry off women when they were like 13 and be like yeah we're gonna die at like 20 so it's okay
00:41:46| yeah but they're not having babies so eight fifteen sixteen right it takes a year but we're yeah and it does nine months all right but I rat enough because I'm not a woman um but yeah so
00:41:59| somewhere in the middle is about like 20 to 30 years so anywhere in the middle of like five hundred years you're probably gonna be really in a crisis if you were to only one child out of a pair of
00:42:11| people it is wild I never actually thought of that um Dan this made me think of all the shows only everything yeah like what and another no I like the children of men yeah were they climbing
00:42:27| on cliff I no longer had babies for some reason but what if so you said um if two people had one every time and no one ever broke that rule or whatever maybe it was genetic or something happened you
00:42:41| know that just leaping it could possibly happen there is the group that we touched on in that other episodes the voluntary human extinction movement the v h en t started in 1991 by a guy for
00:42:52| his name again yes last night yeah yeah that's the man yeah my man night his expression is may we live long and died out and they all join this group think human impacts on the planet is too much
00:43:09| it's gonna affect too many people too many things and they have all kind of had their creed that they will not have children they're going to let humans die out let that are aligned religion
00:43:21| extinguish essentially yeah we think about it right yeah well wild could we all decide that all at once I don't think there'd be too many people who wouldn't that's the the so
00:43:37| like one of the greatest drivers is sex right I mean I think it overpowers every man at some point in his life that he does something he doesn't want to admit with a girl he never thought he would
00:43:47| and I think that's inevitable I was like it's programmed into our own DNA that you know go after sexual intercourse I think we touched on this a breeze is animals bang it's not just a feel-good
00:44:02| thing it's like a natural thing right hmm you just do like there's almost no choice it's not like they could be like not interested Oh plumage did you see those feathers flukes
00:44:17| Oh oh my god she's blowing up that thing around her neck oh my god I gotta have it I got I gotta have it sexual orientation came up in a previous episode well I know you wanted to use it
00:44:28| again oh yeah I love that who doesn't folks who does it um fantastic moving around here we can talk about some scenarios like what what's a likely way that the earth or humans
00:44:46| become extinct de-evolution and think about that one so like this comes up okay this comes up and letting you know I was thinking a Mario Brothers movie like from 1993
00:44:57| starring Bob Hoskins and uh John Leguizamo yeah it's awful do you remember that I know so good and oh what's his name Busan is Koopa he's oh my god it's gonna bug the hell out of me
00:45:12| ah please look him up in anyway um great movie I would recommend it to anyone everybody open the door get on the floor everybody do the dinosaur good minute dig dig into my fence no okay sorry i
00:45:31| I'm nothing silently going through the sand thing what's your name Mario what's your last name Mario Mario - hopper yes thank you and what's your name
00:45:54| Luigi what's your last name Bujji no Mario see you Mario Mario and you Luigi very up yeah book on D fungus these two oh yeah yeah fungus is everywhere it looks likes not
00:46:11| so good anyway uh Wow why did I get into this D evolution I don't know how you jump from that - so hold up yeah okay so they have a machine that would evolve these creatures the goombas and all that
00:46:24| and they could devolve a human D it was called D evolution and the Machine would come down shake their head and then they had all the CGI effects that the whole movie paid for that's where all the
00:46:35| whole budget went of course obviously D of all these creatures into a stupid or dumber stronger Goomba but that is that what you're gonna get I was getting it so I guess one of the primary things is
00:46:54| that like cesarean section makes it so that you can pull out a baby and make sure that everyone survives is that's the goal of the cesarean section but at the same time it's promoting the people
00:47:05| that are not yeah it comes into fruition also people have mental problems health problems we can fix them we can keep them alive mental health problems there's a whole bunch of problems you
00:47:20| can actually survive with and I wouldn't ever say to kill them I would I wouldn't be like oh he's not that good at math yeah whatever I would never say that does this articularly off he pronounces
00:47:35| the diphthong and it's going around here though yeah you're right um there's also the whole idea I came up with that I'm sure everyone home came up with at one point but um
00:47:49| we're like nerdy skinny dudes who make a lot of money and aren't really physically fit are like kind of our King that's not our Kings cuz they're like the the money makers and the women start
00:48:01| populating with and then more because they're you have the money if you mentioned skinny scrawny pale like computer nerdy guys are like the new in and then like well years and
00:48:13| years ooh the only reason that we're growing larger and bigger and stronger is because we have a fertile area to live in if that no longer exists and the people that are larger by nature will
00:48:25| need more food and struggle more was written by a heavyset wise wait well if you're taller I think if you're taller you grow more calories oh but also also wait I guess right yeah I guess if
00:48:36| you're predisposed to have more weight than you're gonna have a harder time finding more food imagine you're right um people now are evolving to be heavier also taller I'm gonna say smarter right
00:48:53| that's good yeah yeah I guess that's good if they could solve problems before smarter than they can 600 years ago right I guess there's another question is there in there so if you if you kick
00:49:04| off a technological change but the technological change is burning through all your resources your energy reserves there's a point where you need to hurry up and finish the technology change and
00:49:17| get to the end before you run out of all your resources so that's another extinction is that you run out of oil it devolves and do people who don't know how to have any sort of electricity any
00:49:29| sort of power to run their cars they have a whole society built on technology that just disappears so what you're talking about it's like um our technology gets great is getting better
00:49:39| and better our oil and everything else powers our power plants which power cities go right to your grid right in your outlet you're plugging in a smart phone they can answer any question that
00:49:49| someone 400 years ago wouldn't have a clue about you have all of the information at your fingertips you have all this great technology futuristic stuff but buh-buh-buh-buh-buh
00:50:01| if you ran out of fuel all of that is kind of for nothing it's for naught yeah at that point you're essentially a cyborg right because you have the phone in front of you if you no longer have
00:50:15| that phone in you're relying on it you're you've just evolved you can no longer support yourself that's a good point I mean you can't you can't keep doing any of the things you can you
00:50:24| can't use any of the technologies you've grown to love and use every day that make you better than the primitive man yeah talk about end times the study of end times is called eschatology Wow I
00:50:39| did not come across that word that's pretty good word of the day that's a word of the day folks I'll exit eschatology like it well you ultimate destiny of humanity is what it deals
00:50:53| with a lot of it touches on the theology too so if like you're going through like a rapture the end times like what's the belief what would belief system do you follow when it's when
00:51:03| you're on the precipice of ending when you see everyone who die in front of you a new religion would form 100% I don't even doubt that I mean new Christianity was new religion Judaism was a new
00:51:15| religion like these all had beginnings it was probably doing extreme changes in the human condition I mean this is another one you're gonna let's bring up a new one I don't know what it's gonna
00:51:24| be called pander ism we'd have to have the power to protect people I think I don't know I think we just lied to him I guess maybe we all will save every one of you small prices a line of credit for
00:51:54| gum please approve our credit card hmm I think that's another things I never came across this term no one ever discussed it it covers every religion talks about how everyone was believes in
00:52:12| different end times that magically if it's the and coming of Christ is one of them that you're gonna be beamed onto a spaceship and you'll survive in heaven or
00:52:21| something I don't know how it goes but that sounds about right to me I'll write to you yeah - mom on board sure hmm oh where do we go from here that's such a down way hard Wayne is a species extinct
00:52:40| hmm if you can do like Jurassic Park and bring them back to life is that extinction that's a question if in 400 years from now we can bring back a t-rex our t-rex
00:52:54| extinct right now you maybe still say yes because it's not 400 years now okay back to life with DNA cloning who knows what our technology at that point you say t-rex are unextinguishable anat that
00:53:29| could survive could make it habitable for human beings and then start again right you see I'm going here's my question no I do but on is the clone exactly like me except - are they made
00:53:44| at birth like it's a birth to clone right they started as an embryo or how does this I don't have the clones our age and what kind of it hasn't the mental process is gonna be completely
00:53:55| different because it won't have any input well I guess you could set it up so the computer tells it what stuff I guess but computers got limitations because of time I will say I mean it
00:54:08| can't experience 20 years of life make a twenty-year-old clone and then it's me at 20 right and why did we pick 20 couldn't we pick 16 then oh let it grow for four years total 20 give it some
00:54:19| time so we talked in the other episode about bringing back a species it was extinct they did with the ibex we covered this they made 285 embryos that's a classical job revokes well
00:54:35| stuck it in there I remember that one he it the four of them took to the womb that actually grew mm-hmm twelve of the goats went all the way to gestation nice only two actually were born alive that's
00:54:52| at a 285 now we're down to two two ibex a--'s were born alive the longest they surprised was two months I think one was one month one week one the other almost two months so we don't really have quite
00:55:07| the technology yet to figure out how to do this Walter did that creature not belong here anymore it's kind of weird like his lungs were not evolved to absorb the oxygen in our atmosphere but
00:55:20| that's weird too because what makes our lungs able to absorb the oxygen right now I'm like is it going to change is the environment different maybe there's something in there that couldn't handle
00:55:31| then but then do we encode that in our DNA when we reproduce like I'm not giving my kid like the lead in the wood or the oxygen content that I am at my I have no idea it seems a bit wild to me I
00:55:47| don't know that's supposition okay I I have no idea they're weird that supposition folks you already here first so let's talk about if it were to happen in tricks well if it were to happen now
00:56:02| in like the whole world was in some sort of clericalism and he didn't really know it do you think I think a majority people wouldn't believe it until they were hungry so like you probably have
00:56:15| all your neighbors slowly go hungry and decide to attack each other that's what I would see and it's the people that could defend themselves who had food would probably survive and then you have
00:56:26| these little here's the problem you definitely have you can go to your gas station for 24 hours I'd imagine if it's still open yeah no no for 24 hours it probably would stay in progress on food
00:56:37| and stuff I think it's yeah I think you can go to all these places for roughly 24 hours so you can go to the gas station your phone up your car your visiting your in-laws service
00:56:46| and your relatives your your actual laws what are they called babbling here is a grocery store I mean the food still there so nothing seems amiss even though you heard about the catastrophe I think
00:57:01| once a day goes by the food trucks haven't resupplied your grocery store the gasoline shop isn't getting any more gasoline people on transporting anything the transporters are very important they
00:57:13| get stuff to all the stores that are in your local habitat once that stops this is what happened to hurricane Harvey it took three or four days before things start up again and then when they did
00:57:28| open it required that the police be there so that no one was stealing and running away with the food but if the police are hungry as well what happens there's gonna be lawlessness I mean how
00:57:42| much can you pay a person to stand guard versus hunger when money probably doesn't even matter that it at that point it's like ice cream what money wouldn't mean shit if you don't live for
00:57:54| days without food and your kids starving and everything else or water so like and work yeah yeah so that was one of the things that people would want water people would buy with water and then
00:58:04| resell it for like ten times as much but just cuz they're jerks cuz they're stockpiling water let's say I don't want to buy water which I thought you said water water let's say you don't want to
00:58:18| buy water weight would make your time this is the work so works but you don't know if it's contaminated because in a flooding scenario the plants shut down the water might get into your tap water
00:58:31| and so this is the problem with today's society is that we're relying on things that are decontaminated things that are protected but when we have like sewage free-floating and this is happing in
00:58:43| Carolinas - is that so which it gets in your drinking supply you can't drink the water and you really what can you rely on when you built yourself into a tiny suburban home
00:58:55| that doesn't have a method of a method of producing food man yeah yeah like you can't make your own food you can make your own wood or you can make your own everything you're reliant on everything
00:59:08| else yeah it's built into the price of the house like you buy into this house you buy into the community everything's supposed to be supplied for you but once
00:59:17| shit hits the fan now you've bought into a house that's not good in an area that's not good a lifestyle it's probably going to it's gonna be bad you knows I mean all of
00:59:29| this yeah I wouldn't call it like segregation but it's it's the the fine-tuning of everyone's profession into defined sex so like you can't sect let's make sure I said that right so
00:59:43| like where you're taking on where your beef comes from where where you food your water it all comes from a unique profession that is not located near you you could never travel to get it and
00:59:54| then once you don't have it anymore you can't do it yourself I don't know how to make my own water I don't know I could gather raindrops and stuff but that's not everything it's like what are you
01:00:04| gonna do right that's it's bizarre we've been up for too long we're gonna have to cut this episode off just kidding just kidding folks everyone was all nervous they were like I was just getting good
01:00:16| in here hmm so let's say something weird happened I did a little research on this one as well future all bacteria on the planet die I'm talking about all like
01:00:30| gut flora everything that symbiotic bacteria in general for whatever reason they're only like changes the atmosphere it's kind of like the breaking down of like stuff that we consider waste
01:00:45| products right so like all the bacteria dies we it doesn't like trees fall in the woods they just stay on trees they also are needed for photosynthesis I didn't our bacteria are needed for
01:00:58| photosynthesis yeah they must move the waste product out of the way I think and help cult new products and there really they did all back all
01:01:07| photosynthesis not all of it but probably 90 more centers in we should stop oh boy so that stops it's a weird kind of cycle that we have is that we're relying on photosynthesis the bacteria
01:01:22| ocean all sorts of churning cycles that we don't even pay attention to we're just taking the role as we granted all these other things I mean it's it is wild and the best part about it is not
01:01:35| only do we rely on all these other creatures symbiotic relationships food chains other animals other trees other plants we rely on all this stuff the best part about it is that we shit on
01:01:48| them super bad not physically sorry like metaphorically we we're destroying their habitat it's like we're just like feeding cattle antibiotics it's like well I know we want to get me out of
01:02:05| this thing but if it dies from natural causes we should probably let it die it's like you don't want to create a super bug that's gonna wipe out the human race because you wanted to eat
01:02:14| this purpose things meat like just you're not allowing it to evolve its you're devolve Annette thing but they're providing something that is abnormal that's not logical
01:02:27| I mean it's logical but it's not safe it's right it doesn't it it's logical in a short-term view it's not a logical in a long-term view no short-term views often have money behind them and that's
01:02:40| why they pan out capitalism I mean it's I can make money in the short term I'm not worried about six hundred years from now why would I be don't worry about tomorrow this month yeah plus you might
01:02:54| not be alive in 600 years we just talked about how stuff goes extinct people die like stuff happens so I get the idea behind it I just think it's a terrible mm-hmm terrible idea so real quick I
01:03:09| wanted to touch on there are villains that appear throughout our readings our histories or video games our movie or stories most villains want to rule the world they want all the power they
01:03:25| want the money there are a few that are on this Idol they want all life ruined they want all life dead they want everything and everyone and they're kind of the most interesting ones the reapers
01:03:46| from Mass Effect I wanted to kill a life they did they think life is a virus in the universe wherever it pops up and remember that yeah their job is to find life eradicate it and then the universe
01:04:02| can live in peace those villains are the scariest and the craziest but it made me think a little bit about what life is in general I know this is like for another episode a little bit but life begats we
01:04:20| don't know how it began a hundred percent but it it comes to be it can replicate itself it evolves it changes some of the dies goes extinct some of it doesn't but it keeps living on yeah if
01:04:33| we found out there was life in the universe would that be like our brothers like hey what's up life on the universe even if they were with their carbon-based with their just like us it
01:04:42| lives in the habitable zone there's another planet just like Earth they're kind of they use oxygen ATP they're similar I mean they look like freaks and they're ugly
01:04:53| but like they're not are they with that are they our brothers like they're our friends so this kind of maybe like the movie annihilation which I talked about a little bit before she had some sort of
01:05:06| like entity that came to earth and is kind of quarantine quarantine an area and absorbing the DNA trying to figure out what it wants to replicate it doesn't seem like it's harmful but it
01:05:22| also doesn't tell you what it's trying to do it's just trying to mimic you if something came into your home and it looked exactly like you and it was trying to match what you were doing
01:05:32| you would kill it almost instantly wouldn't you yeah if I go over the kids you can I'm doing this and then there's like something else exactly like me reaching towards what it looks exactly
01:05:44| like me reaching towards the spice cabinet and it's looking at me and I look at like a jar spice but it's just holding its hand like this and doing this it's dead you slowly grab the knife
01:05:56| it's trying to reach for a knife to you're just like no huh yeah I don't scary stuff there's a way to go either way though let's say life on Earth is doomed
01:06:10| we find out there's life on Planet Z morph you know what I mean like good for them they're very similar to us they're human soon do we kill it well let's say we don't because they're too far away it
01:06:22| would take too much energy yeah to go over there and bomb it I knew it would take a long time to get there but if our life was ending on earth there's no way to get to Planet Z morph
01:06:38| there's no way to anything it's just we're all doomed it's encoded in our DNA do we root for Z more for like hey well at least their life when you got root for AI at that point I think who root
01:06:50| for the machines because they hold our knowledge somehow I guess she let's say even that's gonna blow what's our sons gonna blow up in five minutes and we can get off the planet you just like send
01:07:03| some messages is he more like yo guys we're done it was good it was fun yeah good luck guys and you said you could send whatever message you want I fucked my cousin's dog yeah well it's something
01:07:16| you want to get over to send them I think the guy's endeavor padam like five minutes live Suns gonna destroy the entire Earth all our records or everything but we can send out a
01:07:29| transmission Azim or those people are just kind of like us let's do it let's just send them something what do you do is you just go hug your family cuz I feel like that's the only thing I would
01:07:40| do like if you knew you had five minutes if you could see this the Sun just like all this is like drupal did sighs and it made no sense you all yeah yeah I mean yeah you would
01:07:50| probably be glad that BC you're doing right so let's say you know you have five minutes let's whatever her out whatever reason we launch nukes into the Sun and see what it did in it it was not
01:07:59| good you try to have sex that I would try but anyone who's around like ultimately it's gonna be like like we have who many people two minutes of this five minutes dedicated we're running out
01:08:12| of time because it's got to get it done finish what I mean you also send Bank first sang last first we gotta listen only got three minutes I gotta clean okay I gotta send a message to the Z
01:08:33| marks I gotta go to like to I feel like I would send them like a paragraph for a message or something that's Morse code ultimately near human or no no like you'd sent him a video means any tweet
01:08:45| transmission hey just I don't know I would send them something but that's cuter zoomorphs hey forget it somewhere I think you're going through the end of the world end of the planet end of the
01:09:05| universe the solar system instead of planet the planet will end at some point anyway we already have the folks check it out go to the what's a club shoot I don't know what to talk about timeline
01:09:19| of the far future future birth timeline is our future - yeah just type in timeline of our future and you come up with a Wikipedia page it's really cool because it's like a geological
01:09:29| cosmological psychological it's like an estimation of all of the sciences factored into a machine or not a machine just a timeline that says like ten thousand years from now the red
01:09:43| supergiant and Terrace will actually result in supernovae that's it so there's like two things there so the earth right now is like what 4.5 billion I think it's like 4.2 something yeah 4.2
01:09:55| is so the 4.2 billion years old I think it's like 4.23 and then the next like four billion years they say that like well our son is gonna expand absorb probably the planets and make it too hot
01:10:09| and all of our amateurs get blown away and all that stuff so that's part of the far future a new person is that we will have no chance of surviving if we stay right here on the planet but we don't
01:10:20| care because that's too far away but it goes even further than that it starts talking about like yeah supernovas elsewhere which can hit us and still affect us like the quasars so you know
01:10:30| the quasars can be like to write and rays and it can raise a locust the energy right at our planet and our planet can get blown away that way - luckily that has a billion chance I mean
01:10:41| you're hitting an angle from a star a billion miles away your your laser better be pointed right at it it's small chance but if it did it screwed yeah great so what were the other key points
01:10:55| of the for future here oh sorry I was just giving them the first few like the to give them an idea of the thing so like fifty thousand years from now Niagara Falls will actually have eroded
01:11:07| so that it's not a fall oh so you hit on so you know I was talking about I like the way we think about life now is the timeframe is like the now there's a unit called the bubble unit which is actually
01:11:21| a measure of erosion over a million years it's equivalent to one meter over a million years so like the way of thinking of a planet changing and evolving and eroding this
01:11:34| is a bubble unit interesting I didn't heard that crazy is that I just like but like there's no who's interesting within a hundred thousand years the constellations that we see above us and
01:11:47| everything will be unrecognizable because I'll be shifted yeah correct we shift certain ones that are closer might shift procession of the planet and we will whip this up folk to check a book
01:11:59| who'll actually make it look like they're different in the brush size Bowl and the Milky Way is rotating it also so like we are looking at different stars as their orientation different
01:12:09| earth is moving there Brazilians everybody's moving in different positions by 100,000 sky won't look anything like this um this is wild a new Hawaiian island oh yeah okay
01:12:21| finally a vacation that's cheap enough Oh folks you'll get within 500 thousand years from now they surmise that a one kilobyte one kilometer asteroid event is due to happen could happen tomorrow
01:12:39| hi my name's Nathan strap in a million who knows nobody knows where as to me let's go to the existential crises the ones that just like oh damn it oh well uh so we're gonna skip ahead a little
01:12:51| bit with an 800 million years which sounds far away but this timeline drives out over all time you gotta check it out I'm telling you Google it just look at it and be like holy jesus
01:13:03| it goes so like war yeah I'll say a billion years or something hey c4 photosynthesis will be over multicellular life will begin to die there will be no ozone and no UV light
01:13:16| for whatever reason why is just what I don't know they surmise it because I guess the Sun getting bigger at this point it's not raining putting on it's burning off the ozone and it's probably
01:13:29| not putting out the right wavelength or something around cool one here is 1.6 billion years so we ain't worried about this ain't where injection but all prokaryotic life will end the only thing
01:13:41| that can survive in this hellish desert world is like single-cell organisms prokaryote is a yunus organ so that that's the end of all life I would think like crap so one point all right so
01:13:57| let's take this one two point forty billion years the outer core will freeze as the inner core continues to grow no more magnetic field good luck bitches so the magnetic field is not essential
01:14:09| for life they found out that it's there's like a unique way that solar winds interact with an atmosphere without a magnetic field that allows it to have a potential have a build
01:14:20| habitability good so that word had ability yeah 200 or 2.8 billion years from now the earth will be roughly a hundred and fifty degrees Celsius everywhere all single-cell life hidden
01:14:33| caves etc will probably die so there's another stat in there that we talked about in the weather and water one where I think it was like maybe like a hundred and ten degrees Fahrenheit for
01:14:46| the human body if it's submerged in water it's like minutes before you die so like a jacuzzi is limited to like 105 or 104 degrees Fahrenheit which is like
01:14:57| blistering high to a human not even a hundred great Celsius is almost a whole nother level so like it's it's astonishing that like human life is can only exist in like a hedge around like
01:15:11| ten degrees different from what our body temperature is so if we're submerged in water and it's that hot we're done the humidity matters and berries and allows you to you know that's not that much
01:15:22| that's nothing I think through 3.5 billion years is all caps exhibition point in all water is now gone all liquid water sorry all rocks are molten good luck so so let's move our really
01:15:40| far here and real quick those are like billion two years like that's not even a big deal to make like if we can get off the solar system we can do our thing
01:15:49| I don't know anything's possible we can get wild we get freaky we can get intersexual let's say we get a spaceship that can transport our species and move elsewhere and self-sustaining we can
01:16:01| make our own food our own water we have a power supply from any light from the Sun like that's cool like guess what all this shit happened the earth you bother me in home slice we're good right right
01:16:16| essentially you don't care won't matter yeah I mean it'll bother me but well we won't bother me anyways didn't me yeah I'll be dead there's probably refuse you're humans
01:16:28| that are like we need to do this right now we don't know what we're doing but we need to fix this I don't can you leave the planet I don't you can't where are you gonna go I don't
01:16:37| even think you could live you could barely live to the next planet in the inner solar system come to me ships like the wall-e type scenario we're on a ship it's self-sustaining you're slowly
01:16:48| floating kind of biodome experience out in the universe that will work and on that ship people are thinking doing that they want an engineer stuff working on new metals I don't know how many raw
01:17:01| materials who have been there but I would love to think that that would be possible I just don't know that it actually is let's assume it is let's be positive
01:17:11| let's be optimists here on the on panners so then we get to actually estimate that in a hundred and ten trillion years all the star formation will exhaust so that we can't make new
01:17:27| stars hmm I mean anything can change with these numbers but that's like current models one quadrillion years our son wants trunk tool a dwarf so long ago that now it is radiating five Kelvin so
01:17:49| absolute zero absolute zero is zero Kelvin our Sun is still spinning in there but it's nice 5 K keeping nobody one sucks yes so the halls of the maintenance actually what left the solar
01:18:02| system by now because its gravitational force yeah you you get to the point where like things are expanding so quickly that you can no longer pay attention to what's around you you can't
01:18:12| even perceive it because it's faster than light right right so let's say we're out of the solar system though we're in this super ship that we made technology we're geniuses were half
01:18:22| robotic we're doing our thing let's just say that's cool right well 10 to the 30th years from now on non million 99% of everything left in the universe will have been absorbed by
01:18:39| black holes they think for the next trillion trillion years after this we refer to as the black hole period where black holes exist and not much else so this is part of a scientific
01:18:52| theory that I would like them like I wanted to be I want to be disproven like I feel like black holes cannot exist permanently like it doesn't make sense that you would just have this period of
01:19:04| life that began somewhere and ends as black holes and there's nothing to make it rebirth into a new universe so there's like another big bang or something but they never talk about that
01:19:16| and if we somehow came from that beginning is it possible that we react system I mean we must right you is it would be killed by the great crunch though yeah
01:19:29| but you would come back to life in a planet that might not be unlike this one and you might exist again as a homo sapien or whatever intelligent life form so are you really is intelligent life
01:19:43| extinct ever if it can be cyclic if the universe is cyclic I only have three left all nucleons will start decaying I don't want to get to that the dark era all sub atomic particles wind down to
01:20:02| their final state you know when this starts it's one point seven times ten to the 106 years I couldn't do the math for you yeah there's no way you could say that in a normal way to make it logical
01:20:15| because it's not last that I wrote down ten to the tenth and to that tenth twenty six how many buff snobs is that anything bigger than a plunk plunk length can't exist anymore
01:20:37| what was the Planck length I figure with a definitional tender than negative who the hell is the shortest distance we could measure I guess so light travels and the shortest this I don't know
01:20:51| so smallest measurement of length with any meaning so it has something to do with the size of a proton so it's the smallest thing we can measure or we can assume to measure so
01:21:04| let's just say two things one if we were floating around on a ship doing our thing we can survive for pretty long time billions ears quadrillions ears trillions ears I don't care
01:21:14| eventually we run into a problem where the universe stops existing you put it nicely where all this stuff maybe collapses and then explodes would you say that yeah because everything diverse
01:21:30| they expand come back down come back and just keepin it bouncing I would see that that's wild it's not unbelievable it's not even against science um but what you just said there makes me think life will
01:21:45| of course exists life will of course come into fruition did is that the case I have no idea I don't think anyone knows we have equations like the Drake Equation that say there's a certain
01:21:59| percentage of planets that should exist that hold life who knows where we're at on that scale if we're starting to peripheral proliferate life in the universe
01:22:10| we can't even measure other life we've never met other life no no no I just personally it doesn't I don't think you matter but I will just say so we're assuming life is inevitable
01:22:31| it happens in a universe I don't know but why and are we kind of the same thing that crawled out of the sea and was like a single-cell organism and was just recreating its DNA and eventually
01:22:47| got lucky and created something else and eventually created us maybe right what's the point now I'm not trying to do a what is life questionnaire but a little bit what is life
01:23:00| I mean we're the same thing right yeah if we all have it or if we all have DNA and DNA is our building block are we the same as every other life anything that can move or live and die
01:23:15| should we consider them the same as us I kind of think same even when they went extinct to work them further on give them when they won't go and and gotten better and better
01:23:26| sure devolved yeah so are we the same evolved if we keep going forward hello form this space colony this AI I don't I have no idea and should that matter I existential crisis holy crap
01:23:45| that's a whole nother episode where we talk about what is life is right now I don't friggin know I don't friggin oh and no we're gonna know so to wrap up I think we covered it we didn't talk about
01:24:07| global warming though but I think we'd you know but I feel like we'll do a whole episode on human global oscillation of just like maybe six degrees they say it could cause us to
01:24:19| die out six dreams for doing huh yeah that's not much hot damn man it's crazy that we're still alive and maybe it end in a couple generations I don't know I hope not this is the darkest
01:24:43| episode we're not even talking about the Doomsday Clock which is the closest to midnight ever huh real quick he did it Doomsday Clock so there was a measurement of like all the
01:24:54| catastrophic elements that could affect human life on the planet I think it the the best time frame was like 1991 with a nuclear okay yeah all that stuff nanotechnology global warming
01:25:09| environmental resources AI war aliens asteroids volcanic water food crops temperature climate all that stuff they judge how close we are to the extinction of the human race by the Doomsday Clock
01:25:22| that's why because the doomsday the is that um chances of you being alive right now random right yep this point in human history you know so chances are you're probably somewhere in the middle
01:25:37| and humans have been alive for how long well how many humans have lived died 100 billion have died or any about roughly right so all the people in either force just don't even care
01:25:51| we don't even know chances of our what would make sense is that a hundred billion are left to die if we have equal chances of being right I mean like grand a small in there it's fairly grand but
01:26:04| what's your chance of being the last person alive almost no percent then at one percent at one tenth of one percent what's your chance of being the first which we know or not zero and will you
01:26:14| know as the last guy to survive how depressing would last human on earth be super tough only I'll leave you with this we talked about all sorts of extinctions all extinction levels all
01:26:28| extinction terms all do more intentionally in terms of eschatology this study at the end time you get that word are there's always a word I love I just love rate extinctions Holocene
01:26:44| Anthropocene yeah that's what I was gonna say you wanna get a word out of my mouth towba the timeline in the far future we touched on a human extinction movement
01:26:56| wow so many kangs zombie apocalypse we talked about for like an hour yep we talked about how we did this version of the podcast with the antimatter's shout out shout out
01:27:11| antimatter's thank dinosaurs dinosaur bitch we don't know how they did but I'll leave it with this if you were the last of your species there are no females no other males you're the last
01:27:25| man on earth are you extinct yep here I can't procreate right yeah weird yeah last two men on earth hope this gets transmitted out to those aliens out there we're the last two guys
01:27:44| sorry I'm gonna have to go into our Depot now we'll see you we're gonna have to get cozy yeah get a little frozen you guys I mean no I forgot my hellos so Nick's gotta give me all his warm earth
01:27:57| got a lot of warmth to give well folks call this episode ever we like you a lot of it a lot we do things I'm for joining I hope you don't go extinct by the time this episode airs

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