The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP069 PowerHour Alcohol Drinking Games

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Transcript UnP069 PowerHour Alcohol Drinking Games

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 69 - PowerHour Alcohol Drinking Games
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00:00:03| there are just some things you can't explain they're there things happening around us that I can't quite put into work what was that tonight we're gonna talk
00:00:17| about theories theories about the truth conspiracy theories get your tinfoil hats folks we're diving deep so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting
00:00:36| one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective the taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping
00:00:49| block baby we don't pander to popular opinion with Mike you can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and this for entertainment
00:01:00| purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music] all right here Wow okay we survived I can't believe we're here I made it they
00:01:31| haven't shut they haven't shut down the feed yeah now we're still good still good can't stop us can't stop the truth folks no well what is the truth it's out there
00:01:47| sure hmm conspiracies not everywhere calling it a conspiracy though it feels bad to me that's like you're downplaying it could be the truth right calling it out or calling it in like calling the
00:02:04| cops on it can you call the cops on a conspiracy uh it's illegal in fact by definition do you know what a conspiracy is a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful mm-hmm
00:02:19| it's funny it wasn't like immoral or anything else it was just like unlawful like wow our aliens unlawful are they unlawful no it makes me wonder yeah so there's a
00:02:34| handful of types here to try fine it's pure series and a nice ball there's the enemy outside within above below and then there's benevolent conspiracies where everyone's out to help out there
00:02:47| to help you is that is that the thing like from the secret word I told you yeah it is that's cool oh here's some free change ooh oh thank you
00:02:58| enemies no no definitely not they're planning something they're against you it's true mature mice all over again you could be yeah enemy outside is someone like outside the gates they're about to
00:03:08| do something to overthrow whatever you've built the enemy within is like spies inside mm-hmm the enemy above is the power the people who are consolidated from Young even the few
00:03:21| yeah the few the 1% are the 0.1% banan who you are and then you point the enemy below is the poor the common man I guess thank goodness I I had all of seven dollars in my bank yesterday so I guess
00:03:34| that are you trying to overthrow social order here sure the bank's hmm so that's there's Jesse Walker's five kinds I like that yeah it's actually really good ses straight to the point and it kind of
00:03:50| makes sense so we're like again weird aliens fit in this one ah really interesting all iron all these or they be from above cuz they're clearly above the outsiders they'd be so
00:04:00| how you gettin the community it would make sense yeah scheming driving by aliens I remember my pup folder hopefully changes all our audio settings and runes
00:04:10| of all of us everything yeah thank you and then and then I looked back and I said he did down on pert on purpose Nick changed the Mike on purpose he's he's sabotaging the episode that Jackalope
00:04:21| mm-hmm but that's a conspiracy theory someone's coming go back and watch us and say he knew he was gonna have a bad episode he was saboteur saboteur in it early on and that's a conspiracy theory
00:04:34| you mean seriously theory of just about anything right I think that's it pop up the one thing I read is that you can't do small conspiracy theories like how you got a free lemonade today that
00:04:45| doesn't like no one cares about that so it's not even like but maybe it does I guess it has to be it plays into a big game yeah just to have a big lemonade is pushing their game around it make you
00:04:56| sterile mmm oh that is true could be in the water it could be um since these conspiracy theories everyone knows like hundreds of them
00:05:07| whether you know it or you know it my question becomes like how big is a big conspiracy theory versus like how small is the smallest one like there's one's as big as like the Illuminati in the New
00:05:18| World Order like there are 13 people on a council that can oversee the entire world and they're like they're pulling the strings and moving oil somewhere and making you poor and making you listen to
00:05:30| music a certain way because it'll make you lazy and then all money keeps trickling up to them and it's like whoa this guy named Barkin he is three different types
00:05:41| so there's conspiracy theories around events single things that happen there's things that are systemic so things that are throughout that's aesthetic know I know and then there's
00:05:50| super conspiracy theories that there's one all-powerful evil that is controlling everything I like that one that's a pretty sweet one that's what we kind of get from all of TV shows we grew
00:06:00| up on right 80s and 90s kids like all our bad guys were like super powerful villains like um dr. claw from Inspector Gadget I mean I don't even know what the guy's body
00:06:10| looks like it's just a hand slamming down and making that cat jump has evil a hands that's evil oh my god he had the he just had a reach he get anywhere and then his whatever he was in would just
00:06:22| have jetpacks and boost off in the night air saying I'll get you next time that's pretty scary so what's with the tinfoil hat that's like so aliens can't see your brains no it said the
00:06:33| government can't read your government is reading our thoughts yeah especially their machine well the government's watching everything we do cookies if we had that technology they wouldn't tell
00:06:43| us and they probably use it against us that's all I'm saying my problem is though do you think they're really going into everyone like wouldn't that get boring there's more people to watch than
00:06:54| people watching like you've run into a problem where is there you go how many people there are no such a good I like that well think about it it seems like it'll be a lot of work wouldn't it
00:07:10| unless how he's one of the few people so that like the ruse would have to be huge a Truman Show level huge yeah like I would have to be one of the few people who was worth anything and then all of
00:07:20| you on earth that has original thoughts and you people are like yeah that's interesting script script script you talking about a urinal you just said the weather's crazy huh loads Next Media
00:07:41| urinal I'm like wow only on banners I go guy exploited the ural next me it was crazy and you're like yeah it's all fuzzy and staticky yeah yeah man actually I've decided upon
00:07:56| all this research I love conspiracy theories I first I was like laughing at them and they're like annoying and they're jokey but like they're kind of fun yeah I do I do like that the
00:08:07| conspiracy theories they're actually good for the common man because they shed light on things that don't make any sense but could so people get scared and nut jobs out there that are like oh but
00:08:22| Kennedy really lived through it or Elvis is alive or let's argue about which is the biggest one Kennedy probably number one because there's so many Kennedy ones second shooter plus the guy who shot him
00:08:35| was killed before he could say anything yeah there's some weird stuff like homeland by gangsters or something it came from overseas he just signed up like the day before for something like
00:08:45| he filled out all this mysterious paperwork if you watch documentaries on it and they're like no one sure why and it's like but I'm not sure what you wonder how many people actually know
00:08:55| what happened and then what the bigger theme was is just we don't want this president dictating something in the future or something he's already done right all right you're figuring he was
00:09:06| on the beds with someone someone even hot which is crazy cuz it's someone higher than the president enacted a bunch of things to maybe kill the president right that would be like
00:09:14| that's literally conspiracy right yeah well most of people believe that the president isn't really a position that has free will he gets put there because he's appointed by right buddy else to be
00:09:24| the and he's in he's in so many pockets he said we were saying or you're saying like he's literally a puppet he this is literally a puppet hot that I don't buy he gets he gets sold so many ways that
00:09:36| he can't buy his way out of it that's what I believe I believe you've made so many deals and you owe so many people that by the time you're in that high a position of power
00:09:43| you've already been granted so many favors that the rest of your life is literally paying back these favors mm-hmm while trying to uphold your constituents
00:09:52| while trying to not look dirty while trying to look good while trying to do like 17 things at once yeah it's my theory I have no idea um I kind of only just talked about in get some
00:10:06| juicy no I just want a juicy okay I just want to get into there's something about conspiracy theories here conspiracies I read somewhere they did a study in 2013 so I
00:10:18| don't know if it's been updated since then in fact it's probably gone up what percentage of the United States actually truly believes a conspiracy like any conspiracy yeah it was just one now they
00:10:30| questioned like I wanna say 13,000 people online survey so nah that's probably like 12,000 those people so that's somewhere around like eighty percent of it it was an ad it was fifty
00:10:42| percent really okay now you could but you could also answer I strongly believe so I picked one at random because the one at random had the actual stats for the
00:10:50| whole thing it was chemtrails right you know contrails are the back with the back below from jets when they fly around correct so a jet flies in the air and a nice clear day you see the jet
00:11:04| you're like what the hell and it's got this big cloud that just dispersed and gets bigger the money there's like the chemicals or something yeah something natural about that why would a jet make
00:11:14| a cloud huh well actually have the answer it's called a contrail which ironically sounds like Kentrell a contrail is wood or vapor that's coming off of the engine that's so burning hot
00:11:25| that once it hits the air where it's that thin in that cold it crystallizes tiny like ice crystals so it actually acts like a I'm serious class I think it is that sounds good whichever cloud is
00:11:36| like ice crystals and it looks just like that kind of cloud anyway that's it but what people believe is that it's chemicals like their own barium strontium oh I love there's always
00:11:48| heavier Kevin yeah it's always heavier chemicals too it's never like that would know she like helium in the air we're talking a little yeah a little deep a little lighter
00:12:01| anyway they believe it's either military making people docile it could be drug companies dropping in diseases so we'd have to buy more drugs like high blood pressure why is that
00:12:12| could be mind-control to help us be sheeple asthma control yeah right so anyway they they talk to people in the United States this was a bigger survey this is a real big survey I want to say
00:12:22| hundreds of thousands ten percent of people surveyed thought this was factually true that's actually a chemical trail following us if you took temperature in the United States that
00:12:34| ten percent if you did this over the whole United States which people leave it so millions of people hold on so twenty to thirty percent thought it was somewhat true but there's definitely
00:12:45| something going on people it's maybe know what science is that's crazy though so what's thirty percent of the United States let's say bunch of idiots that's what it's our what's our population only
00:12:54| five hundred mill three hundred mill somewhat we were higher I don't think we're leaving 350 ml maybe right now my bag 505 from stupid anyway so what's 30 percent of three hundred mill ten ninety
00:13:07| to ninety thank you 90 million people think chemtrails are real you can make it believe anything long but I want them to believe this is a good podcast and they should donate money how do I give
00:13:20| two way into the apophenia is this the tendency to perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things like um dogs are throwing up chemicals are coming out of a jet they're related I
00:13:33| just link to things that aren't related but maybe I can tell people they're yeah that's exactly what people do with these chemtrails because they believe maybe they have a different mood after the
00:13:42| chemtrails maybe they perceive they're changing and that's obviously the chemtrails has nothing to do with anything that I actually touched their body 100% it's the chemtrails yeah it's
00:13:51| this I can't explain did the other there's a hot thing in conspiracy theories where they have to have mmm-hmm it's like an unanswerable question like there's there's science to it but as
00:14:04| science really figured it out there's like this gray area and that's where conspiracies here you can grow it's like scientists are 90 percent sure why this this and this happens they're
00:14:12| still not sure why would a vapor does this and they're like conspiracy theories leaning in they're like oh really I don't like like a pseudoscience in the middle there people are
00:14:21| theorizing what can't possibly be but use right wrong because 30% that properly terribly right right literally all these people usually mostly series are wrong I
00:14:31| don't hate them there's something weird and um mischievious about it there's something I'm even drawn to like I started on just clicking on conspiracy theory videos which have you ever done
00:14:43| it's a little bit disconcerting to watch this always bothers me because they have a certain tone of voice they have a certain presentation it's always all these community
00:14:52| yes it's creepy music strange it's like have you ever ended up down the the wormhole these are all wormholes we should do all special on wormholes YouTube or most we should but um this is
00:15:05| one where it's similar to the one where it's like 10 times ghosts were caught on camera or something and you look at it and you click and it's like that's not a ghost and I mean watch number 9 you're
00:15:15| like that's not a ghost you watch number 8 you're like that's not a ghost and you keep saying it but you're watching the whole video and then and then the next video is like 10 times
00:15:24| time travel was proved by pictures from history and I'm like that's so stupid click that's a cellphone that's a blurry picture you could be holding anything to his ear and we're gonna talk and then
00:15:34| like why was this person with a Walkman and it's like that's not a walk that's number seven and then like you keep going down this worm on you you don't really believe them but you like to
00:15:44| click on them and it's creepy music and it's always late at night never watching it the date smiling you never video as if people either know you're huddled over your phone you're like that's not
00:15:54| real yeah like that's fake but you're always looking around and you're like okay so this isn't an off topic this is a little bit gonna sum up everything we talked about
00:16:06| let's listening to come town the other day good friends of the podcast and they're comedians in New York like that's what do to the comedy scene and apparently there's one comedian who's
00:16:15| awful at comedy and everyone knows it they all laugh at him they make fun of them he's bad at it but it keeps touring like it's just free of his name Tom John Mark it says it real simple a minute
00:16:25| with a I'm not even go is less things I'll I don't know don't know the comedy it's just in all circles he's laughed at he's a buffoon he takes himself super seriously I believe he was quoted as
00:16:36| saying I don't think what I do is any different than what the firemen do I go in there and I do my job and I give the people what they need and I'm done it comes it comes just dying
00:16:50| hey you're bad at it but bees you think you're giving jokes is the same as saving people who are burning Dylan hey you're not you're volunteering to give jokes like these people are paid to
00:17:01| save anyway yeah they said um he has what no other comedian has it's this thing where he really believes in himself 100% there's no doubt in his mind and what every other comedian has
00:17:14| that keeps you grounded keeps you real it's the thought that maybe you're not actually that funny and everyone's kind of laughing at you and that thought will never go away you always have it in the
00:17:27| back your mind no matter how good a comedy you get Robin Williams might have had it all these great comedians who make millions of dollars - I've got this weird doubt where like maybe everyone's
00:17:39| laughing at me and it keeps you grounded it brings you back to reality to make the giant sliver or whoever tom is does not have this god bless them that's what makes him funny I guess but um it's it's
00:17:51| like that's what's in conspiracy theory there's yeah I don't believe in them but there's this little doubt and kernel on my mind like what if so that you're touching on epistemology which is the
00:18:03| study what about the nature of knowledge justification and the rationality of belief hello yeah I thought I was it's like why do you believe that they're out there to get you it's like I just know
00:18:14| like I have all these records I have these documents like what what are you talking about they're all elsewhere I can't show them to you if you if I show them to you
00:18:23| they'll be after you - it's like that rare annoyed I don't wanna yeah paranoia its hmm the believe in all that and stuff yeah it's like you can't but you can't just prove
00:18:32| what he's talking about because you can't get to the top so that's another thing with conspiracy theory said I loved there they usually attack something that's in a way that's not
00:18:43| disprovable like like these chem trail people I'll just take care trust cuz that's I guess the easiest one I don't know that it always gonna go up there and test it and grab it and that I
00:18:56| don't know it on every jet I don't know what's going on I can't grab all those wood or vapor molecules and test them in my backyard they did a study in 2013 it was independent peer review study I
00:19:09| don't remember who did it it was an esteemed College of course I would college I was always a college teacher they went up and tested the air in the area of all these what they considered
00:19:19| would be general study chem trust testing them came back with no discernible evidence that any weird chemical of any sort was in the atmosphere that wasn't there before but
00:19:29| to test that I imagine they had to know the just pathways they had to know when the Jets were going up and they had to make public that they were doing this test right yeah
00:19:40| my theory is that Jets knew they were gonna test them and that's why they didn't Kentrell everyone that day but like to see what I mean like it's curiously this it's no I'm just you want
00:19:59| to touch on flat earth than any dinner right now could feel it I do someone who watches the podcast has a significant other that loves flat earth it's exactly what Arthur would say though as that is
00:20:13| they there's something there's an exception what's the theory is that the earth is of a flat is it a disk or a square they don't really talk about the statistics pinning and gravity is the
00:20:26| effect of the spinning plate going up in space it's going upwards okay we're traveling up through space and there's no one's ever gotten to the edge because they would have followed the
00:20:37| edges convoluted because there's like mountain ranges and you know think of this if you were I'm playing I'm playing devil's advocate I you're a boat or whatever a plane and you come to like
00:20:49| why the plane stopped in the middle of Antarctica could they keep going I guess has any plane ever just kept going I doubt it they probably stopped when they see an article they're like it's too big
00:20:58| I'm not the time it's cold I could fall same with a boat a boat comes up to the ice mass and they they're like it's Antarctica we've mapped it out I know how big it is it's
00:21:09| I'm not going through it that's stupid but a conspiracy theorist would say no one ever does go through it no one ever goes go past it and that's the edge of our world it extends everywhere not
00:21:22| everywhere but like in all directions so what you're seeing is what you think is just a landmass called Antarctica it's really the edge of the world if you would go past it you would see this but
00:21:32| no one does everyone stops Yeah right so that the other thing is um apparently they say the way what is it if you're up in a plane the earth should appear round but the horizon looks flat
00:21:50| and because of the shear and the earth I don't get no no you would see where you know the other one is this my favorite part is that any NASA picture you see of the earth it's been doctored hell yeah
00:22:07| it is it's make fake tail I will say that there is one picture that NASA took that is like the earth and all its glory without any clouds they say that's not blue marble no that's not one without
00:22:18| clouds yeah well they stitched together for multiple images so they like to hark on that one hmm they say this is a fake image what is a fake image of the real earth and segments just small segments
00:22:29| search together they're uh do you know they had a meeting hmm then it was called the Flat Earth global event where is this they really did it uh six months ago but did you catch the name no where
00:22:45| did I just say Flat Earth Golgotha global I can't remember if their symbol was a globe or something but they had to they did a meeting it was check where was you might even be able to put the
00:22:58| where last Earth International Conference yeah they change the name of it I know Raleigh North Carolina and mm update oh yeah 79th oh it was recent they did another one 2018 and sold out
00:23:10| oh it is in Denver Colorado in November Wow sold out I wonder which they sell these tickets for can I try to I don't know isn't it interesting exhibitors let's
00:23:22| click on this thing flat earth models calm apparently is in there sacred word publishing the Bible says Flat Earth Flat Earth posters you can make the Bible say whatever the hell you want the
00:23:34| Bible has so many goddamn verses from so many different authors in so many different subjects and then Flat Earth games so it's right there five five exhibitors oh well you know that goes
00:23:46| either way um it's a hard sell but if you want to believe it it's hard for someone to disprove it to you that's I guess maybe maybe not to you well to the average person yeah alright so someone
00:24:02| said this about conspiracy theories he was interviewed by your boy Joe Rogan Mirman his name was did you come across him Mirman Verma I listen to that guy he was
00:24:10| discharged this is his home this whole job is to disprove conspiracies he said something really interesting that I thought it almost should have been included in the definition of
00:24:22| conspiracy a conspiracy is a theory you have where if I give you new information you say fortnight is making kids gay or fortnight is training kids to kill terrorists or whatever cuz I I picked
00:24:38| fort Microsystems popular thing in the world right now yeah no offence really yeah no no I love it I'm just saying a conspiracy theorist might say yeah whoa it's free right
00:24:48| colors are drawing them in so they get focused on in any way they're doing government work their governments using fortnight to find out who's an effective killer and to keep our youth from
00:25:02| believing in immigration or something I'm making they did make this game though it was think it was called like army of one or something it was literally the military yeah militar hold
00:25:12| on at the end of this episode let's make our own conspiracy theory about yeah okay will you do it right now I actually hold on I'll say they're testing our hand-eye coordination they're bringing
00:25:24| in the youth they have these little fake dance moves and twit streamers who are paid actors think of it most of them that's not our career you can't make that much money just
00:25:32| playing video games they're being paid by someone else okay someone higher up oh my god I just got a beep are they trying to shut down our feet hold on we gotta change lines we should switch
00:25:44| channels we a switch anyway what I think is happening is they're trying to get our kids because every thinkable population in the kids play that game almost all huge number right so if you
00:25:57| wanted in doctrine then or send them a message or get their DNA or like mm-hmm figure out what's going on with them or give them secret messages or train them for secret operative mission is this is
00:26:11| the way to do it right 23andme conspiracy all right I don't know I'm just thinking it's good all those genes and figure things out a thing with a conspiracy this shawn merriman or
00:26:23| whoever he was said was that if i gave you new evidence new that I said not only would you deny it you would make it part of a bigger conspiracy I give you evidence that goes directly against what
00:26:35| you just said to me hey I think uh for tonight's big conspiracy it's a big government cover-up a lot and then you say well actually um the government tried to buy it from a small company
00:26:45| they're very small minded company there's only 13 people that work on the project they said no thanks were very liberal and they try and promote liberal things so they they were like no they
00:26:53| didn't even sell to military you would be like and that's what they want you to think really they've been bought long before that my friend and it's supposed to look cool to young people like a
00:27:05| conspiracy person who's really entrenched makes any information he gets against him and just builds his walls higher he's like this oh no it goes higher than that click he doubles down
00:27:18| you never turn back a conspirator no like you know what you're right I think you're absolutely correct hey you almost dig in deeper it's part of the conspiracy thing I guess it's
00:27:32| part of they you're a committee maybe no no yeah I guess you don't want to be told that you're wrong you're an essentially a know-it-all with some corners some sort of twist to it
00:27:42| it's kind of like inserting your own pseudo history on whatever topic you're talking about whatever conformed it is ideal right and you've come upon this history and you're not gonna give it up
00:27:54| it's like dementia like you there's no way you can a little the otherwise I guess cuz you'd have to give up part of yourself maybe I don't know if you built your whole belief system on this thing
00:28:05| maybe not your whole belief system but let me speak jump here I'm spent watching videos and stuff I don't know you've invested yourself enough to not give up mmm
00:28:16| that's like people for 30 years they're still playing pong what game we play no there's nothing that the record I think at least there could be somebody out there playing pong it's the best
00:28:32| game they ever encountered since it was the first game ever before we get into conspiracy theorists believers I did not want to get into them yet do you know um we grew up in a time where there weren't
00:28:46| conspiracy theories do you know what we had so what were our conspiracy theories you ever famous Bigfoot ah or the bottom abominable snowmen yeah and uh how about have a loch ness lock now ya know fuzzy
00:29:03| picture with in the dark so I've been trying to figure out what that's called I was like I asked everyone upstairs like is that a folklore is that a is that a rumor is that a beast of the
00:29:17| night like a sonic saying is it you'll never be able to find it because I already found it oh come on hit it it's a cryptid crypt is a Greek cryptid it's a greek term derived from crypto meaning
00:29:30| to hide or hide it's a hidden animal it's an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated and they have dozens of different kinds hmm there's different dinosaurs they
00:29:45| thought existed did Hobbit you have chupacabras in the group yeah baby you're on it the funniest is a list it's like animals that they thought were extinct but weren't
00:29:55| animals that are never existed but they thought they did because they moved the bones together the wrong way it's like a fossil mistake that's correct it like there are certain pterodactyls that they
00:30:07| thought were shaped totally differently but they were like oh the bones go here oh well that's not an animal you know so there are whole animals they created back in the day that were like not real
00:30:16| but this one's interesting because the ones we just discussed were no physical proof of them and no fossil record of them so they're they're like category bullshit kind of yeah but everybody
00:30:30| knows the crazy things everyone knows about it Bigfoot Loch Ness chupacabra there's a few others I didn't get them all but that's I thought that was so cool and I was like yeah everyone loves
00:30:40| Bigfoot he's Pro by the way he lived with the Hendersons for a while right yeah I think 1990s baby I guess it's so weird I just thought of Alf
00:30:53| yeah boys is he a cryptid was human alien alien life-form oh yeah any cat did he okay I don't know that that's teenage joke was always like where are my keys and I didn't eat the cat where's
00:31:07| the cat yeah I was a judoka running joke I only ever ate it he's always threatened to he was so peaceful looking and calm sweat sarcastic and bitter and hate-filled
00:31:20| I've taught me watched that mercy theory I would watch a conspiracy theory on Alf and how he was real and all the jokes we perceived his light-hearted humor we're really like they're just desensitizing
00:31:33| us so now he's uh no there was this I just into it Dark Soul for he was already it makes all those things be like he seemed really jokey Helen you better get
00:31:41| my goddamn keys and everyone knew there's a laugh track but then it goes like black and white and it's a still and his eyes turn red and he's like but Alf was serious you got a drinking
00:31:52| problem a smoking crack problem and he never listened to director so-and-so shut the bleep up the edge the Alf you didn't know like you don't I mean I could say
00:32:04| he's got like highball glass he's spilling whiskey everywhere all right being at the same time - no oh go ahead please so there's an I came across the
00:32:15| influencing machine have you heard about this one no it's it's kind of like borderline on schizophrenia where these people believe that there's this machine out to kind of challenge them but it's
00:32:26| just out of reach of their knowledge so they keep trying to solve this machine and it does five things and I'm gonna read through these five things so it makes the patients see pictures when
00:32:37| it's the case the machine is generally like a magic lantern or like a cinema top cement - that can cinnamon cinnamon talking about a crapper yeah whatever cinematography mom it's like skips a
00:32:48| syllable cinemagraph yeah there you go yeah so the pictures are seen like they're projected onto something but it's not like a hologram so it produces thoughts and feelings and it does it it
00:33:03| does this through waves of rays and mysterious forces so this is people like saying this machine is doing this to me it's like these schizophrenics are like this is this machine's got me it
00:33:13| produces motor phenomenon so it makes them like have erections and seven whole missions kornel quote hell yeah yeah it's trying to deprive the patient of his potency or
00:33:25| an weaken them so it spins it so like it's a I guess I don't know what this actual machine would be but it's it's via air currents electricity magnetism and x-rays all things you can't really
00:33:37| see our feel like maybe you can feel them slightly but you can't really prove that they're there you don't want to test that someone has air currents or rather the penile areas no it also
00:33:48| creates sensations that cannot be described again with all of those things and it's responsible for other occurrences of their bodies weird pathological why don't I use where did
00:34:01| you come across this edie curiosity this is a link from Dorian Fagan bomb so I go and let it quarterly it's published in particularly theory like what made you google this or whatever was the center
00:34:18| we're you're lying hole where I was thinking of I was trying to find things that were just like bizarre but yeah you know it's bizarre conspiracy theories you can find
00:34:27| yeah so like a lot of schizophrenics have this thing that is just like it's outside of their grasp of understanding but they're still trying to like the name la there it's messing with yeah
00:34:36| it's because they can't get it they keep ya trying to do it and then then these things start happening to them because they well that explains everything remember I told you to open up that
00:34:46| website yeah I want to go to that website go ahead bring it up and you can uh here it is we got it so uh I had a customer come in to my
00:34:59| store it's a very to mom-and-pop shop came in he was real weird he had one black glove on he did his business he asked to buy some things whatever um he eventually bought something and he kept
00:35:13| saying that like thank God I'm okay and I was like yep dude I really thank God I'm so okay you know I was like that's for 82nd you know the government can do all sorts of crazy stuff to it and I had
00:35:24| another customer there at the time who was like with one of my friends shoutout he's actually in commercials Bobby Spears I don't know if he wants his name up there I don't care he does
00:35:32| commercials like he was in a Eagles commercial scratchin alato commercial he's like he's the local celebrity baby lighten it he was in there and I always laugh what am i Joker he's a good guy
00:35:41| and we both stopped for this customers had black gloves actor real shady like like he served for the military there's a long day of the Hat it says USS yes anyway right maybe that's what you think
00:35:55| you just let the guy buy his stuff give him his respect and as he was leaving he kept saying the government something something and then he's like I just hope I don't have to get made to do anything
00:36:04| again and I was like yeah yeah man here's your change have a great day and he was like I just so you guys should know you should look into this he looked at me Bobby he put
00:36:14| card on the table and this is a 10 years ago I want to say mm-hmm so it's not even like big internet time like I don't even know if my smartphone could web brows I think it was just able to and as
00:36:27| soon as he left he was like tell me that's a website we need to go to it right now and I was like Louis so we both went there and this is a
00:36:34| website and I was like oh my god and I look and it's like vomit its victims of microwave intense torture ah and it's exactly what you were talking about like forced muscle quaking at the large
00:36:49| muscles on the back while I'll be racing heart that they can make your heart race from far away brain zapping they can control your dreams they can read and broadcast new thoughts into your head
00:37:02| it's called gang stalking though they can dude sudden violent twitching inside the eyelids like I'm like after I read this I was like oh my god how many drugs are you doing but it's not it's like
00:37:17| it's so weird because it's it's almost scientific in its approach I don't know if you put it up for a gram yeah I have it up there's one where it's like the leg on every part of the body and saying
00:37:28| how they control you your eyes went right to the genitals and you said special attention to the genital area baby it's more they made me do it hence pain oh geez just like this whole thing
00:37:43| is anyway any time I saw him afterwards I was always like you checking out vomit lately or whatever and like just what you said earlier was crazy that a lot of the similar things that people think
00:37:55| they're being things that go wrong in your life are almost blamed by some weird rays coming from something else and I'm like oh my god let you live in your life like that it's because I think
00:38:06| limit like maybe these people have like a mental issue like this is the serious part of it so maybe they definitely for mental issue but like maybe they had something traumatic happened in their
00:38:14| life that makes them shameful of whatever's happening to their body like an organ like the first reason is a sensitive thing as someone shames them about it nut you're going with that I'm
00:38:26| saying like what if you have PTSD you saw a lot of your friends get ripped off you got messed up mentally like whatever happens now like what if you just have an orgasm at random I have no clue how
00:38:36| your body works after the fact like that's probably a it's probably a condition or something could you be like that's the government microwaving me I don't know
00:38:45| it's like having nightmares and then waking up and as a wet dream and you're just like fused yeah I guess so there's some weird stuff going on like where we're going is pretty dark but like if
00:38:55| you had all that happening like the you need an explanation right is that part of a conspiracy it's a to explain something you can't explain a little bit maybe they drive comfort from trying to
00:39:06| use a conspiracy to cover up whatever or not it's just like it you know there's there's no reason I can control it's not it's out of my hands it's a conspiracy doing this to me I feel better now
00:39:17| because it's not right problems so we've got into it my favorite part of this whole research was on not conspiracies themselves but people that believe in conspiracies all right there's a
00:39:28| psychological profile not that if you believe conspiracies like as most people like like how about the moon you believe we went to the moon you probably don't I think we did there
00:39:42| was no wind blowing that flag whether I think that doesn't make sense but they probably held on anyway RC kitchen think I think you can fake a photo I mean you can use a telescope to actually look at
00:39:55| what's on the moon you can see it I'm pretty sure I don't know this photo I think you can use it tell us really look at the moon and see where they actually landed see the flag what's interesting I
00:40:05| mean you can see but it's like Saturn and what he was right you can see you're right you're right he's pretty close to what you do that's actually I'll buy a telescope and we'll look at the moon to
00:40:14| see where they landed you're not playing a telescope anyway I'll look on the internet for what they tell me what looking at a telescope um so a psychological profile that came out
00:40:27| in Psychology Today 2018 was it was a understanding conspiracy theories think was the article it's there's three things that run common throughout people who that's the other
00:40:40| thing if you believe one conspiracy theory you're you're bound to believe two to three to four others mm-hmm like you're not just I do one and that's it don't worry all of them yeah not all of
00:40:51| them because you like to because some of them are at odds with each other I think it'll be weird if you believe everything you're like how can everyone do this if everyone's controlled by Soros like
00:41:01| whatever and you're like well I cannot compute I don't know they said that it's a desire for three things a desire to understand and control uncertainty a desire for control and security and a
00:41:17| desire to maintain positive self-image all those things kind of didn't sound like anything to me so I read the whole article which I hate having to read a whole article for this good job Nick
00:41:28| understanding and uncertainty he said was kind of like you didn't know what was going on with something so you researched it and you found something that answered your questions and what's
00:41:40| what comes away from that is you have an understanding now of the subject you're almost a scholar you're almost learn it you're not that you're high-and-mighty over people but
00:41:48| you hey I did the research I actually I know a little more than you you're just guessing here based on your science or whatever I read the whole thing on it let me fill you in
00:41:59| number two was controlling security the analogy was you can be a passenger in a car that's been around for 400 years gravity does this well it doesn't really help me that gravity does this what if
00:42:13| gravity works backwards I'm gonna drive my car whether I'm right or not at least I'm in control and it's my own thinking it's almost like Flat Earth really goes in that one so thousands of years people
00:42:28| said the earth isn't flat these people were saying maybe they're wrong I'd like to drive the narrative I don't want to just be a passenger aboard a car old boring white scientists I'm gonna think
00:42:39| for myself like you said thousands of years cover me thousand dozens of us that's art and then lastly was maintaining positive self-image you're almost a hero in this because you did
00:42:54| the research you uncovered a truth and you're willing to divulge the truth maybe saving the other people yeah a little bit so he says um your Uncle Joe who's crazy and is always telling them
00:43:06| he isn't arguing facts he defending his securities and his positive feelings of himself and that's why it's so hard to argue with these people protecting his own emotions not
00:43:15| the fact is good guy he's a good guy but he also has these privileged knowledge that he understands you don't understand he's privy to this knowledge he's done much research and it's like hmm so
00:43:27| that's why it's hard to argue have you seen the video I saw when you do until you do get back to me it's like I don't have 30 minutes like you know Nathan I'm not gonna watch
00:43:38| this for 30 minutes so I can tell you it's wrong but next article was on in quartz magazine May 28 you can look it up yourself at him right the are name of the article it starts with a quote from
00:43:51| Karl Popper whoever he is he's from like the 1940s he says people tend to attribute anything they dislike to the intentional design of a few influential others hmm there's a conspiracy ideation
00:44:06| it's a common personality type where anything not in their control like the more out of control it is the more it's a conspiracy because like taking for instance global warming and all that
00:44:21| yeah and think it's actually true means it could take hundreds if not thousands more than your lifetime could even put a dent in fixing this it's almost easier to think there are 12 people holding a
00:44:32| weather machine even if they're reptile people whether the goals of that sounds someone could come along and stop those reptile people and they're to be fine you don't even have to sweat in a way so
00:44:43| it's almost like be good and it is it is a good movie but it's almost like easier to let that go then Ted to think oh my god we have to reverse hundreds of years of work I have to change my own life I
00:44:57| hope my children change their lives that's I have to go up against everyone who changes their lives so that we're not quite as impossible all right which is impossible so it's easier to think
00:45:06| that's a conspiracy yeah it's almost like it's not us something's going on there are reptile people doing this it's like you almost shed responsibility a little bit or you believe that it's not
00:45:17| in your lifetime and you don't care about the people that are after you so it's like let's enjoy this life to the force yeah a little bit lastly we have a
00:45:26| unique factor these people who believe these things tend to think they're unique the Germans came up with a word for this you ready it's called slap chef yes for
00:45:38| /aa cheap cheap which ironically enough has come back into the American term as sheeple right yeah yeah right the sheep sheep that's not very I mean that's too so so there's
00:45:53| something crazy that they did in this Court's article they did a study where they tried to say it's almost like a conspiracy theory is only as good as fewer people like it the more
00:46:05| conspirator land powerful it is they did a conspiracy where I took a screenshot of it because it was too hard to just write the notes um so you said a fewer number of people that like something yes
00:46:20| it better believe it makes it better which I thought was like what and I was like only see this so this group did a study with I want to say a couple thousand people so it was not the not a
00:46:32| time but like a decent amount um they invented a conspiracy theory from scratch oh right okay totally fake okay this is I love this is cool we asked some US participants to read about an
00:46:45| entirely fictitious debate unfolding in Germany it was the installation of smoke detectors it's now mandatory in Germany and they said allegedly a retired engineer found evidence that these smoke
00:46:59| detectors have serious side effects from us hyper sound emitted by the smoke detector now and the hyper sound caused nausea gastritis and depression it was rejected by the VDS schanberg trials
00:47:13| that investigated it they said that's not true that's not true anyway it was their the largest also the people who said that's not true there's a largest producer of smoke detectors in Germany
00:47:23| hahahaha anyway the idea is that the government and M are in cahoots and they don't care and they still want you to take all their smoke detectors and buy them so
00:47:33| say they introduced the conspiracy as being believed either by a majority of the public 81% or the minority of the public they're saying this is over in Germany
00:47:47| don't when they said that most people said it's not real when they said the opposite 81% of people think this is false in Germany 19% of people think this is a real thing all the people in
00:48:03| the United States who are reading the story they sided with a minority hmm like when the the people who believes it were the minority they said it's probably true like so you want to fight
00:48:17| for the underdog really is why you're talking to a little bit like the little guys right yeah but it's because that's also the opposite of truth I mean if 91 scientists tell you one thing but a few
00:48:29| rogue scientists say no no you're like the little guys right he's right the entertainment value of it right like the flat earthers though the earth isn't flat but it's entertaining to see
00:48:40| someone argue that it is and you will get people to argue with you I'll tell you that you definitely get people to argue with you right you're not gonna get people to argue with you say hey
00:48:48| buddy the earth is round okay that's what I thought yeah that's why I thought your round II so it's weird so this is almost less about the conspiracy itself and more about the minority the minutiae
00:49:06| what's going behind closed doors soon Squatch Loch Ness I'd like to believe they exist because it would be fun to see something like that exist I agree conspiracy theories a little bit
00:49:17| fun I almost want it to be true up to area 51 you wanna get into specific ones now go ahead yeah yeah let's go to system civics so I mean me personally it's area
00:49:28| actuary or something leave the one which would you believe it any most fiercely theory at all yeah you pick one mmm aside from like assassinations guys happen to be what's the 911 ones dad
00:49:42| wasn't no weird no I wouldn't believe that it's a alright those anyway said don't make seven I mean building what what I don't know I haven't built like seven
00:49:50| it fell down when it wasn't held down before yeah before the other two even fell or something how weird is that what's the facts what are the facts behind that I have no idea now and I
00:50:00| didn't give everyone the facts I just imagined the facts I heard were wrong but if you type in building seven 911 you're gonna like what's funny is you're gonna start reading it and be quiet for
00:50:08| like eight whole minutes you really huh huh don't you be like well what do you think Dan what do you think tin I'm gonna be saw for eight whole minutes
00:50:18| good now you're here do you think cuz I'll tell you your favorite one you have a favorite one I don't yet but uh let's look at which one I would most likely believe actually um I wouldn't dis the
00:50:33| Kennedy one I mean that's a popular one but there's a reason it's but no there's totally something behind this scheme I don't hate him I don't know what it actually I don't know what it did or
00:50:42| yeah like I said I don't know the guys involved or the government conspiracy but it sounds fishy about it so it was weird so the building 7 was that there was a
00:50:52| critical column that was hit by extreme heat and maybe other from debris or something yeah I mean it doesn't surprise me that something was damaged but people so the not 11 the world
00:51:11| traits her powers I what's with that shirt okay I saw that I was like I'm not gonna bring it up I'm gonna say anything so there's there's the belief that it was set up so that people could enter
00:51:25| war to attack another nation right but there's other way to do that anyway they infect the other nation but let's not yeah yeah I like the belief was that it was like a predefined demonstration and
00:51:37| don't Dom alishan of the buildings like the most prominent buildings in New York to allow that to happen like they knew it ahead of time I really would have a hard time
00:51:46| believing that but you could never prove it too so that's the perfect concise that's part of the conspiracy theory you can't prove people also didn't like it was something about like the design of
00:51:57| the buildings wasn't supposed to be like you like it an aircraft was not supposed to be able to destroy it but they didn't really counter in like the factor in the like the fuel and the
00:52:08| heat generated and then there's like a pathway and elevators to like superheat the building to melt like all the steel like the center columns so then what was like a good strike by them or like do
00:52:22| you think they knew that because there's no way they could have predicted the was everything to produce the heat knowing the elevator shafts and all that there's no way they did we're gonna hit this
00:52:31| building with a jumbo jet full of fuel okay but apparently they right why don't even know that there's a weakness like I don't know any buildings I can get hit with a jumbo jet and be like we're okay
00:52:42| right right for weakness hitting it with an atom bomb so you know yeah like if you're right I guess it doesn't matter hmm but did they know about ahead of time
00:52:55| could they prevent it would you should I mean I mean ever strike we would you I mean I think they did attack the other planes I don't know if they hit them with missiles or anything but Eva plan
00:53:07| I'm not sure how they took them out I know the the one in PA went down right yeah there's one heading towards the Pentagon that hit like the outer wall and then the one in PA crashed because
00:53:15| they say that in a field the crew that everyone rose up yeah which I believe because you think about it you say about the other three the crew didn't rise up and no one tried to stop them well cuz
00:53:26| no one knew what the hell was going on and maybe we hit yeah or you don't maybe they did shoot it out of the air and they say that's was right maybe maybe hmm I mean you can right you would think
00:53:37| that uh you could disable an airplane by shooting out its engines and it would crash to the ground violently but safer than most other possibilities scenarios I guess like moving around Princess
00:53:54| Diana paparazzi or just with that a chance the driver was drunk was that that was the her death was involved I thought proper Otzi were forcing her to drive fast or
00:54:06| something I'm not really sure the details of that they were you know I heard the driver was drunk and they're getting away from paparazzi and then they'll accident that's all I know man
00:54:15| attend for air or do you know about that that it was large and away from the central area so that there's what a New World Order being built under it is the city and you know it's like it's a mile
00:54:26| high right it's way higher than it needs to be which Colorado Denver pretty high off the ground anyway but nothing in a geological facts how about the UH the ones that always pop up
00:54:40| am i red or did I see a video either way the article was something about conspiracy theories pop up like crazy in coordination with losers no that's
00:54:51| rude that's really fruit it was like losers of um no elections especially mmm so like though Clinton wins there's a conspiracy why did he win all and almost half half of the losing side which is
00:55:05| half the United States believes in these things Obama wins and there's a birth certificate some half of Republicans actually thought it was really fake and so here's another thing like remember we
00:55:16| talked about Sean Merced conspiracy there is to someone who will take any fact you give them and turn it into more conspiracy but remember Obama did couldn't find his person it wouldn't
00:55:26| promote it when he finally did and it was from Hawaii they were like well guess what I guess Hawaii hospitals are on this conspiracy mmm they falsified documents gonna keep going yeah so
00:55:38| they're in on it but like what about the Trump want that the Russia which one Russia hackers got into the voting machines you know what's weird either I do believe it because I don't
00:55:50| necessarily think it's a conspiracy I think there's like sonic as possible denied scarcely use my thing I think it is possible I don't think it's a conspiracy to me is something that's
00:56:00| probably false but could be true wait I say that right probably false but could be sure I would say I think your you meant to say that is probably not true but then like the voting one is possible
00:56:16| and it's a good thing to shine light on because like these voting machines right we should see how many machines work yeah and they should not have back doors to them and there should also be a
00:56:25| secondary method to prove so like if you're voting right she balanced yeah there should be like a paper paper valve ballot as well they can double-check like these are at
00:56:33| defending about what's a good idea multiple series do kind of please provide a check in a balance um before we get to that talk though I was gonna say do you want to say anything about my
00:56:45| favorite is always ends up being the rich guy conspiracy George Soros right now gaining an army or something controlling the world I never now dude whoever you listen to because he's one
00:56:57| of the richer people in the world but he's not of American birth but he's an American Everett was at whatever he is a Turkish American I think that plays into it cuz you hear these theories about
00:57:08| Elon Musk and loose moves the other rich want beaze owes Soros owns like a communications company in like South or Central America right yeah so I think that ties in this is all conspiracies
00:57:22| everything like if you own stuff outside the United States and you're not super United States Ian and you're not in the public eye you must be doing something sneaky his Soros really American
00:57:35| I think he's American oh maybe he's not maybe I'm spinning up place maybe that's why he's part of this whole area in American Hungarian I host Turkish American hungarian-american excuse me or
00:57:48| torkoal is that is weird so see what you're saying right there now you're like you're doing the only thing yeah it could be pulling the strings it's weird do you want to hear um one of the more
00:58:01| playful conspiracies that came across it was interesting and I was like what no but it could be coca-cola greatest product ever invented used to have cocaine in it right whatever sure they
00:58:14| stopped that that silly happy starts up you stopped it it still was one of the best sodas greatest tasting things around between 1985 and 2000 and what's sure when Coke changed new I love you
00:58:29| guys new coke baby now there are two possible reasons that Coke changed one they think they use a little bit inferior ingredients to try and make it tastes different to get the public to
00:58:43| say whoa whoa what's happening with coke here you get a little public outcry and then get like it may be a campaign braying bad coke bring back coca people start buying coke and they rerelease
00:58:54| original coke and sell it and just it would go crazy it would sound like crazy wouldn't it I have what was the quote from the guy there was no outcry and I believe there was no outcry was just a
00:59:05| few people complaining and they were stuck selling inferior colors and that's what we have today is inferior coke here that yeah was a quote you know the quote is I don't know I never quote so the
00:59:19| coca-cola president Dom oh I did see that what did it say he said it was like we've never changed the ingredients now the truth is we're not that dumb and we're not that smart and then I like
00:59:34| that that's a good quote yeah it's like I didn't see that go maybe I don't know what's going on here I didn't do that but I mean I'm not that stupid I'm also not that smart yeah what do you
00:59:45| think it like the Q Anand what that one do what Q a nod but how do you live do you know what I don't know if that is actually human on started on 4chan or one of the backlog yeah really anonymous
00:59:59| internet sites and it was someone who knew the truth about what's going on in the political circles hmm and they started posting and some things came true I believe so he had a big following
01:00:11| is this the hacker group Anonymous yes jump in and say this is what is actually happening because we hacked all these people we know background information and then disappear I think I come out
01:00:21| from you know uh Roseanne Barr was like yeah listen to Q and on like all these sudden celebrities started pimping on like like whoa gaining some traction at Trump's last rally uh by the time this
01:00:34| releases a few months ago yeah like people with Q and on banners all up there and all that mm-hmm by the time we're recording this he the idea was Q nan says that Muller wasn't
01:00:47| investigating Trump etc he was getting ready to lock up Hillary and the final straws will come very soon and as we know from this F we're releasing right now that's
01:00:58| probably not true because they've literally locked up both his attorney didn't someone else that is it seems like a manager when it's yeah queuing on may have run his course I could be wrong
01:01:10| by the time we release this maybe Hillary's in jail and he says Trump is completely innocent guys a genius maybe yeah maybe all of our possible precedents are Russian sponsored I don't
01:01:23| know oh I wouldn't be terribly surprised mmm I'm talking about what was this pizza gate pizza gate pizza get went awry quickly yeah since you mentioned Hillary
01:01:35| Clinton yeah what it was something that was a fortunate letter who yes 4chan as well is that cheese pizza had then Susie P member the name of the child porn baby a comic Pizza comet pizza that's what it
01:01:53| was where was it I can't remember what state it was I think it was in DC oh good day I thought was West Coast but could be could be music Washington DC so someone would go in there and take
01:02:04| pictures of the artwork on the walls I've seen the whole reddit like I mean it was a reddit post and it was like check out this and it was like really weird as a creepy dude leading a bunch
01:02:13| of children off to like he was like Peter Pan Pied Piper picture just a poorly done one weird then there are a bunch of kids like kind of smiling but they look awful which could have just
01:02:23| been bad art work yeah probably I don't know problem brought more than likely just and try and draw children anything poorly there's really weird stuff a bunch of celebrities would show
01:02:33| up there and stuff like that and then like you could order pizza a certain way and someone claimed which this is my favorite part of conspiracies I'll just have a vanilla guy who has no I know ago
01:02:43| iOS blueprints there's no door here but this should have a basement there's a whole level that's not showing up and people are like what and they're like a whole extra level and they were like
01:02:53| yeah I helped build this place and that was the last post this guy wrote and it's like what and anyway the idea was people start wearing weird things and you could tie in what this person
01:03:05| ordered and this person ordered C P George Soros jet was flying people in at certain times what are they doing what's children have to do with pizza what is a
01:03:15| topping is a topping a kind of child and like it get darker and darker and there's not really any evidence but people are piling on and that blue Prince guy showed up and he said that
01:03:25| there's a basement there I'm telling you there's no bait there's a basement that's not showing up and Cooper like I think people are trafficking children I think this is seriously a child
01:03:35| trafficking pornography ring and then like hysteria is kind of reaching out and a guy brought a gun and maybe an ar-15 and he came into the pizza place really yeah I didn't know about this
01:03:46| part what guy was in the news dude he took people hostage he may have shot one or two people type in gunman comment pizza yeah I like to know the fact of how many people either got shot or
01:03:57| didn't get shot now I need to know do gunman comment pizza or whatever the name of the pizza places yeah gunman okay say it killed or anything because I don't want to speak out of turn and say
01:04:09| a table shoot anyone whatever anyway um this guy literally was reading this and was so inflamed because that's one of the scariest things like child pornography rings like something no one
01:04:22| could stand for it's like the ultimate evil he took up his gun brought it to comic pizza and uh did he just threaten did he actually shoot anyone I think he shot anybody I don't see me hello
01:04:34| country Oh sad he was arrested okay that's fine anyway he brought his gun and he was looking for answers and he brandished his weapon and um luckily the police
01:04:43| were called and you know they had to shut down the store they searched the place he kept saying there was a basement and everything big check there's no basement there did not injure
01:04:53| anyone okay good anyway no basement there was total bullshit no one ever included any child pornography or anything there it was just a crappy pizza place there's just
01:05:04| something that politicians to do other politicians I would assume to make Hillary Clinton look like she's evil probably why not but she might not have been able she would be a terrible
01:05:15| president this is my conspiracy theory is that maybe other party people were all in this reddit post like faking the blue they gonna watch it how crazy would that
01:05:25| be another layer of conspiracy so the Internet should solve these conspiracies by providing more information but it just might slide all up may it just drives on it we get into the problem
01:05:36| it's on anonymity and on it non amenity and on a timidity an anemone anemone I can't even say I've been an enemy an enemy so that's where clownfish can sleep at night at an anonymity anonymity
01:05:51| I think it was pretty good oh nice anyway should we allow and an ending should we allow people to me nameless anonymous Mehmedi I think that's we have our problems run from the
01:06:05| internet yeah if after you had your real name on the internet though I do in you know they feel like it would only internet anymore it'd be weird I wouldn't want my name on the internet
01:06:14| for every single thing I do I mean even here and now we don't provide her we don't have well names yeah I wouldn't want to do this if everyone knew my real name that would be too creepy
01:06:23| I'd be weird mm-hmm is weird so last not least I want to round up conspiracy theories before you into the very last thing I wear though conspiracy theory some of the craziest ones were I
01:06:37| love the new Koch one Jesus was married uh it's a good one right there's a Mary Magdalene yeah huh under that was Jesus was an alien really people yeah I did yeah you come across that now I didn't
01:06:54| the only Earhart still alive I was like that's um did you know in the nineteen this isn't conspiracy theories are new either in the 1960s a term black genocide came about because
01:07:09| african-american individuals thought that they were trying to get rid of them uh in good cause there was a lot of laws and bad things going against having America or like Hotel Rwanda sauna you
01:07:21| know in America and they thought the white man is just trying to get rid of black man you know what those two biggest proponents were abortion and the pill they said this is black genocide
01:07:32| they're trying to lower our numbers we will not give in we will not kill our own we will they're trying to get us to just kill ourselves so the medicine thing
01:07:41| there's curious things with medicine here also go ahead the whole medical industry makes its money off of people's pain and suffering essentially sure if there was a technology to absolutely
01:07:52| cure a disease would the medical energy industry provide that no they have yeah they have no requirement I mean I don't know maybe they do have a requirement to do that but well hold on here's here's
01:08:03| the thing though capitalism says that someone could come up with it and named the greatest price they would sell it exactly like you sell for ten billion dollars yeah you talk only sure the
01:08:12| company that continually sells us indefinitely to people who have the disease and need it to survive and then it's money trained forever rather than vaccine and cure for one
01:08:25| time true feeding but again you're feeding into conspiracy theory a little yeah I mean if it was a cure and you charge 14 times as much for the Cure than the fake cure that the other
01:08:37| company was going you'd still sell it right yeah you would think that people would be reasonable and buy the Cure even if it was 14 times as much yeah or the government would step in and say
01:08:47| this is better for the people give the people the cure government government doesn't do that really Bayer versus advil tea minute ago I was like whoa advil Bayer get back your joke get out
01:09:01| of here about fluoridation they don't floor Nate our water here I'm telling you though they do they don't I thought they did they they had a few friendships in here it doesn't yeah they don't huh
01:09:14| see a band was got a job there it's sparkling because they may be bad but they're sparkling my friend yeah people would say that the fluoride was weakening them and making him unless
01:09:26| energetic and adding cancers or something to their body which who knows no one actually took some scientists that probably could disprove that but most people probably don't wool and are
01:09:37| you gonna believe a scientific study done by whatever college you need several studies done by several different groups who aren't funded by someone but if funding takes a lot of
01:09:45| money the only people with money that are funding it one a specific answer it's weird mm-hmm can i real quick just on the back of black genocide sure sigh no that's
01:09:57| fine for a while KFC was believed to have a secret ingredient that made black men sterile not white men only not let black men reproduce kind of ridiculous right this makes fried
01:10:19| chicken more valuable I think temporarily oh not permanently what's what's crazy is the thought that you could make a food that you ate make one race yeah Darryl but not another uh
01:10:33| massive that's really a lot of science by KFC right there don't forget that still hold on and so that's ridiculous but now we've come in the current era do you know the term white genocide getting
01:10:44| popularity right now a little bit KKK I think is pushing it a bunch of people like that they're saying like that they're trying to get rid of white people in Europe and stuff that's what
01:10:57| that's what liberals want in America it's down our borders and just let all people of color come in and then there will be no more white people and that's the secret and I was like well I guess
01:11:08| that sounds equally crazy right well they're two theories about white people are minority anyway right yeah I guess globally not in the United States right yeah so I guess they're figuring it
01:11:19| would dilute over the night's yeats they don't perceive the merging of people they just identify as a unique subset that will never be something in the middle of the two right yeah you
01:11:30| think it's all in a way you think it you think conspiracy theories all about you you know what what you are at this moment protecting your lifestyle and the way
01:11:39| you live and the poo you are hmm did you know I came across a theory of the Titanic never sank oh there's a conspiracy here that Elvis isn't dead yeah I want my red one Nazis are really
01:11:55| the really no UFOs you can find a conspiracy theory for everything it gets ridiculous hmm they don't have as many followers as like the Kennedy one but there they're
01:12:08| out there so what's the biggest one that could actually be real that has persisted the longest that could be covered up I want to say that um global elites are in charge of most things
01:12:21| because there are multi billionaires that what do they do with their money I mean that would be something you could do with your money and yeah kind of control the stem and flow of economics
01:12:31| right you really want a powerful master base well you want to build something that you can't lose your money ever and that your children will eventually be fine and they'll have the money that
01:12:41| billions of dollars and then lose it reports or religion a religion is supporting a secret group that does whatever and then they flee back to their religion when things go wrong like
01:12:53| the Templars or the Illuminati or the Freemasons yeah yeah yeah I could I could say it I don't know um you ever your baloney theory I don't know why it's called this don't ask me why I was
01:13:05| gonna ask you but go ahead okay I don't know why it's called this but the idea is and I always this is my favorite theory the more people you involve a conspiracy the more likely it is that
01:13:16| it's not true if you need everyone who works at Wonder Bread company that makes bread the Wonder Bread remember one ramp yeah I don't wonder everyone who delivers for Wonder Bread and then every
01:13:27| single person who buys Wonder Bread conspiracy and tell me that they're all gonna do all their jobs 100% effective percent be able to do it without being caught I will tell you you're so full of
01:13:42| shit Wonder Bread well fuck up and fall asleep on the job or like piss on the bread or like get drunk like yeah like what the more people you involved the more I'm like
01:13:53| this conspiracy is bullshit just because someone's gonna screw up along the chain like you imagine the whole Independence Day thing we're like we believe we went off to an alien spaceship downloaded a
01:14:06| virus right into the mainframe and rolled out like come on the USB stick fit the firmware was the same you know there's no software update there you you didn't have any of this
01:14:17| it was a wrong version of their software like none of this happened because this happens every time I do anything and you're telling me that the biggest government conspiracy that happened on
01:14:26| you know midnight Evo's so-and-so happened perfectly according to every plan and all the software was up to date and all the hardware was perfect and nothing went wrong and nobody dropped
01:14:35| anything no one spent like goddamn would ruin anything you're full of shit you know what I mean yeah I love that life is messy conspiracy theories are not messy they're all very tight and close
01:14:47| lift and perfect and everything's closing no one knows like my asshole buddy okay always closed so earlier that the other thing that I came to to finish up conspiracy theories unless she had
01:15:07| something else to add now I'm good there's wool is there weight how much I'll wrap up is this because there's the one that we mentioned the 40 it's big it's this big wrap up so they might come
01:15:17| back there's the sports one about the NBA Draft in 1985 okay we argued about this before because you know I'm below yeah apparently they pulled out an envelope to say which team got what
01:15:28| first pick in the draft I believe Duncan draft okay yeah silly five they chilled an envelope so that the person could feel which one to pick I don't know that seems so plausible and
01:15:39| so simple how could you prove it right now exactly you could never prove it yeah we're it's gonna cool off after what a minute two minutes yeah right not even they're not even who knows it's
01:15:51| room temperature after minute oh right three minutes whatever yeah weird you'll never know when I'll ever know except the person who froze it and the person who picked it up yeah perfect so what I
01:16:03| find is interesting now in why conspiracy theories have changed why it's a like an evolving thing like whites we didn't even get into Alex Jones and his whole thing and you know
01:16:14| that all the school shootings are fake I don't know their cry actors is that is that his whole shtick is that he's saying things that just a big dick but he makes a lot of views from that he's
01:16:24| been banned from a lot of things that's the one thing that's getting weird is that free speech now is is whether you can get on so media platforms and they're deciding
01:16:32| who can speak and who can't I don't care is the opposite of prayin of what people believe because that should be told this is weird I believe I believe the issue is I've seen a lot of documentaries that
01:16:47| show that um he creates such a stir and says that you know this person whose brother was killed or son was killed is a liar and a crisis actor and that there are people following the parents of the
01:17:03| Sandy Hook and what's the one that happened in Miami or Florida or whatever there were people following just strange people who watch the Internet who drive down here and follow the Lakeland
01:17:14| parents of a dead kid everyday to work and stuff and say your kid never died your kid never died yeah show us the best earning of it to the point where that's almost more than harassment
01:17:26| that's but the part the so the onus is on that person who is harassing them it's not I don't think it's Alex Jones saying that he doesn't believe it because I know I agree I agree with you
01:17:37| but if Alex Jones didn't say that do you think they would really be down there screaming i but the causation that person's gonna do crazy stuff anyway because they're obviously a nut job
01:17:46| right but they're Alex Jones is channeling that crazy person to harass someone for years maybe does he specifically say to do that is the question I don't watch says they're
01:17:56| faking it and the parents are to blame and they're hiding the truth if you didn't say that I don't think these crazy people would follow them and scream at them I'm not backing what he
01:18:05| does but I think - what we're saying the understanding of the situation might be heightened because you have somebody that's just gonna may say if you have a naysayer then maybe you want
01:18:15| legitimizing proof from all those news agencies that might not be revising that but in that situation it's impossible to say that like this person it's horrible as obviously they died but
01:18:26| right honestly how does the rest of the United States know that yeah I mean you raise a good point and I will say I actually agree with you with this I think he's the pourable I think he's
01:18:37| shit I think he's awful I could care less about Jones got hit by a bus tomorrow and slowly died while I pissed into a bag whatever what I will say is it is weird
01:18:47| that a social media company will be like you're not allowed to be on this platform so should free speech apply to private enterprises that are providing a platform for people to speak if they get
01:18:58| big enough like Facebook Twitter I think would think you know I think it actually should presidents on it you know what I mean it changes too yeah if only 300 people were on Twitter I don't give a
01:19:11| damn yeah they're probably built near the billions or just hundreds of millions I don't know it's under a billion but I mean okay it's out of their actual
01:19:19| counts you got botnets and stuff right I saw like people are starting to manipulate the social media networks so that you get one opinion it's how many people are like supporting Trump and how
01:19:30| many people I get every day just being like oh you're from or in the incident chamber it's an echo chamber well no I get both of them so it's like it's like if I'm hearing from these two groups
01:19:41| that they blindly believe whatever they're told anyway what like why doesn't Alex Jones not allow why don't why do you take away his platform right I don't actually I'm agreeing with you I
01:19:52| think it's weird that they took away his platform here's another thing though he makes money off of it I think it'll be weird it would be one thing to let him keep speaking maybe cut off his money I
01:20:01| don't know if you can do that so weird yeah he's making money off of just say he doesn't make money all donations yeah well if it's only to donate directly to him piece bit but if he's making money
01:20:15| cuz he has 1 million hits on YouTube Oh cut that money up yeah does he have his own website where you can post his own videos he probably does he should if this probably does at this point and at
01:20:23| this point if they go to it I'm not gonna stop people whose own damn website Beast Boy so if net neutrality allows you to not go to his website they start blocking his website I think that's an
01:20:32| issue this is like net neutrality should allow you to see everything but they here's a question I thought open I was doing this today yeah your belief that a chit pichai what's the thing legit edgy
01:20:43| pie pie thank you and what if he's literally working independent of anything he ever did and he's just making judgments based on his own merit and your belief that he used to work for
01:20:55| horizon remembers clouding his judgment as a conspiracy theory can you prove it can I prove he literally said this in a like a speech to hundreds of people that he was going I do the exact thing you
01:21:09| can watch the speech as he makes it go I might watch the speech I'm not gonna do with turning the sub-sites because I'm angry because he just is a shitty what if I looked it up and it wasn't word for
01:21:19| word exactly what you said and it was kind of like veiled at it but like not would you be like he's still doing it jokes about it like he cracks jokes like he's going to do this like it's tonguing
01:21:28| but maybe he's making jokes at people who leave this conspiracy against some beaches a normal guy try and do his job and good guy so angry circle all right so to finish off I just wanted to say
01:21:41| that the interesting thing about but now is that things don't disappear Tom data doesn't disappear yeah any general acknowledged pseudoscience all pseudo history it should be realized
01:21:55| but it's weird because not every piece of data is fact not every piece of data deserves to be recorded not every piece of data needs to be recorded we almost sometimes get too much
01:22:06| information that could be falsified or used in a bad context yeah and now they're starting to figure out validation services to tell you how true certain things are but who's making
01:22:17| those validation services I don't know if I believe them that's true oh it's true you know what I mean there's always going to be a question but the data won't slow down so the data keeps
01:22:26| getting faster and faster and faster and we're essentially piecing together I can piece together eight seconds of this guy's life ten seconds of this guy's like a minute later this guy's life and
01:22:35| I'm making this it's really these tight dots that are all over the place and hear me out here I think it's a glitch in our data conspiracy theories when you think about it a conspiracy theory is
01:22:49| literally filling in the gaps of what we may or may not have right yeah I mean a possibility in was a pseudo Cylon it's right it's a theory 100% it's a theories as it's eerie and human but it's it's a
01:23:02| human theory a robot can't make a conspiracy theory it's almost the last human visage in a world of data it's the human of data if I were to say so myself I
01:23:13| wrote the hell hmm so I mean people use facts all the time in their conspiracy theories do you know what they use on hindsight facts that's one where I'm George Bush should have known about 9/11
01:23:26| here's a memo from Condoleezza Rice three weeks earlier he probably got a million memos that week but we picked this one and said look he should have known that's a fact is it not still a
01:23:38| fact that she said I think something's brewing they said there's gonna be problems are security and planes especially well if she said that she brush sends out of really weak she could
01:23:48| send for you then now right here something's gonna happen in in September I'm telling you like he probably gets a million emails that day I mean I don't know if that's bears any merit looking
01:24:02| back it does is called hindsight fact there's also coincidences that happen there's extra info we get missing info just we're surrounded by data now and I think data is the reason for conspiracy
01:24:16| mmm apophenia maybe they mention all those connections he's a big oh my god they were probably had it all wrong on now everything you just said is invalidated because they got near great
01:24:29| well tonight we talked about conspiracies you have a good one bunch of them death fake death real death we can get in a fake death surreal this I don't think like the oldest ever with
01:24:42| all this celebrities that have been placed by clones yeah he's matrix or all my matrix yeah I've heard that that's not conspiracy isn't it a theory mm-hm
01:24:56| how do you get how'd he get out of it we talked about Walker when we talked about the other guy we did barkins all those different types we've talked about George Soros for like over an hour I
01:25:09| hope he shows up the keywords are ones here is ladder earth is hollow earth shanna Hollow Earth doesn't get as much credit as Flat Earth but um I just I here watch the hair flat earthers make
01:25:19| better love any truth to the rumor what the Famicon does it hmm we talked about pretty much every conspiracy except one what if the unpin ders is a social experiment well
01:25:47| folks we like it I don't have any trouble

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