The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP069 PowerHour Alcohol Drinking Games

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

KeyItems UnP069 PowerHour Alcohol Drinking Games

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 69 - PowerHour Alcohol Drinking Games as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | conspiracy theories, truth, tinfoil hats
00:01:00 | truth, conspiracies
00:02:00 | secret plan, unlawful, conspiracies, enemy outside
00:04:00 | my aliens, purpose nick, conspiracy theory, saboteur saboteur, conspiracy theories, seriously theory
00:05:00 | making you poor and making, conspiracy theories, single things, super conspiracy
00:06:00 | government
00:07:00 | earth, interesting script, conspiracy, jokey
00:08:00 | conspiracy theories, argue, kennedy probably
00:09:00 | literally a puppet, believe i believe
00:10:00 | study, conspiracy, united states, survey, jet
00:11:00 | serious class
00:12:00 | survey, united states, hundred mill, leaving ml
00:13:00 | jet, two way, chemtrails, conspiracy theories
00:14:00 | conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory
00:15:00 | watch number
00:17:00 | grounded, conspiracy theory
00:18:00 | conspiracy theory, disprovable, care trust, jet, study
00:19:00 | theory, flat earth
00:20:00 | statistics pinning, playing devil's playing, boat same
00:21:00 | called antarctica, earth, horizon, nasa picture
00:22:00 | earth global, flat earth
00:23:00 | models calm, earth flat earth, exhibitors
00:24:00 | boy joe, conspiracies, conspiracy, theory, government, effective killer
00:25:00 | game almost, secret messages
00:26:00 | my friend
00:27:00 | conspirator, belief system
00:28:00 | invested yourself, conspiracy theories, loch, bigfoot
00:29:00 | thought existed
00:30:00 | loch, bigfoot, cryptid
00:31:00 | jokey, alf
00:32:00 | five things, produces, projected onto
00:33:00 | produces motor, air currents
00:34:00 | edie curiosity, conspiracy theories, start happening
00:35:00 | commercials bobby, eagles commercial, actor real, government
00:38:00 | conspiracy
00:39:00 | conspiracies, psychological profile, landed see
00:40:00 | conspiracy theories, understanding, soros
00:41:00 | understanding, gravity
00:42:00 | earth, gravity, thousand dozens, truth
00:43:00 | defending, arguing facts, argue, conspiracy
00:44:00 | reptile
00:45:00 | reptile, germans came, unique factor, /aa, conspiracy theory
00:46:00 | study, conspiracy theory, germany, detectors
00:47:00 | smoke detectors, government, germany, minority
00:48:00 | earth, flat, people to argue
00:49:00 | conspiracy theories, loch, even fell
00:50:00 | government conspiracy, critical column
00:51:00 | belief, allow, conspiracy theory
00:52:00 | jumbo
00:53:00 | diana paparazzi
00:54:00 | conspiracy theories, clinton
00:55:00 | conspiracy
00:56:00 | defending, conspiracy, george soros
00:57:00 | owes soros, united states, torkoal
00:58:00 | greatest tasting, inferior, coke baby, outcry, campaign braying
00:59:00 | few people, q, truth, internet sites
01:00:00 | q, probably not true
01:01:00 | pizza gate, clinton, pizza comet, susie p
01:02:00 | ios, helped build, wearing weird
01:03:00 | pizza, topping, trafficking pornography, gunman
01:04:00 | pizza
01:05:00 | conspiracy theory, faking, conspiracies, non amenity, allow
01:06:00 | conspiracy theories, black genocide
01:07:00 | black genocide, cure, energy industry
01:08:00 | continually sells, conspiracy theory, advil, cure government
01:09:00 | my friend, study, black genocide, secret ingredient, let black
01:10:00 | white people, liberals want
01:11:00 | white people, conspiracy theory, kennedy
01:12:00 | theory
01:13:00 | wonder bread, shit wonder, conspiracy, alien spaceship
01:14:00 | government conspiracy
01:16:00 | conspiracy theories, alex jones, free speech, believe i believe
01:17:00 | kid never died, alex jones, faking
01:18:00 | united states, free speech
01:19:00 | jones, allow
01:20:00 | allow, chit pichai, belief, neutrality, conspiracy, horizon
01:21:00 | data every
01:22:00 | validation, data, faster and faster, together eight, getting faster, conspiracy, theories
01:23:00 | data, human theory, conspiracy, especially well
01:24:00 | conspiracies, well tonight
01:25:00 | earth, flat, truth, every conspiracy

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