The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP077 Salt Taste Preserve Electrolyte

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Transcript UnP077 Salt Taste Preserve Electrolyte

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 77 - Salt Taste Preserve Electrolyte
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00:00:05| it's in our bodies it's in our blood makes us taste things better and it's also in our personalities a little salty getting a little salty tonight come along
00:00:22| so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective the taboo
00:00:37| forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block babies don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual
00:00:49| content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music] welcome back dan don't I love it you do
00:01:17| I know you do it feels so good right here in my heart yeah this doesn't feel so good right here a my throat Oh sore throat man yeah no the solution was you gargle some salt hot water and salt
00:01:33| helps a little bit breaks it up nasal drip whatever's going on down there washes it right out dries it up you know it dries it up
00:01:40| that's it drying you I thought it was more like it was now cuz like mucus is wet and stuff and I think it just it binds to it it sucks out the moisture from the mucus there you go say dries it
00:01:52| up yeah yeah today we're gonna talk about salt when Dan texts me that the episode was about salt I did countless amount of research Wow he did actually did I got really into this one where is
00:02:11| it came out in 2010 oh yeah Angelina Jolie and yeah correct ly next man professor I don't know how about Ola Krupa he was in that that's the one maybe that's the guy's name
00:02:25| Corey Stoll he was in there Daniel oh rich Sookie is good another little girl got her start she's like 12 years old I didn't write her name down then I wrote down the synopsis cuz I mean how much
00:02:38| where we're gonna start with this if we're doing salt and then whole episode of bullets and that's the whole point that Swan 'td all that's wanted Oh shite I've loved research the wrong movie CIA
00:02:52| agent goes in on the run during the vector accuses her being a Russian spy now do you remember yeah yeah yeah yeah I got a point four out of ten I would say on IMDB yeah
00:03:05| then we got cool mediocre I think I mean did you know it was also an Oscar for best achievement in sound mixing 2011 best achievement in achievements well it was ridiculous it also didn't win it was
00:03:23| a final nominee but I like I just wanted to point it out it was pretty pretty important nomination mm-hmm I don't know the sound in that movie at all your glass but
00:03:34| never never does so that was it we're gonna be salt yeah we give it all right I think we did it oh no we forgot them during the chase scene that takes place in New York in the background you can
00:03:47| see a sign that says Silvercup studios that's the name of the production team that made it Saul oh yeah was an Easter sprinkle didn't like salt yeah it was was a good one right yeah that's all I
00:03:59| got oh good oh also uh it won the Taurus award in the stunt Awards which they have every year this is in 2011 the Taurus award is for the best overall stunt by a woman by okay the Taurus
00:04:16| award which is a bull it's the best woman stunt it might be related is someone with the last name Taurus I was thinking maybe like a woman stunt or stunt her shout out woman's stunt errs
00:04:30| did you know Angelina Jolie did almost all of her own stunts for this movie I don't remember her actually I mean nothing stands out of buildings and like out of the helicopter at one point I
00:04:42| think and like she's doing crazy flips over like stairwells and everything just do a lot of stuff the awards were created by Dietrich mess to which I stood key yeah yeah the guy yeah at the
00:05:00| founder of Red Bull Oh Taurus Awards yeah that's kind of cool too because remember they done awards highest stunt jump ever out of a plane without a spacesuit this is like I think yeah I
00:05:15| think so yeah that guy died probably now it would've been in the news hmm I went pretty regular shout out Red Bull there's a story there we're gonna have
00:05:28| to come back cuz it's gonna be a clarification remember Dan there's a story about two guys that tried to go out of this out of this world shout out Red Bull that's all
00:05:37| down four they froze sponsors yeah counter sponsors when everybod we're never gonna get sponsors guys we're never gonna get sponsors don't worry about it
00:05:50| good so that's all I had for salt we're done right good and then I thought how stupid would it be to do a whole podcast on the movie salt 2010 Angelina Jolie yeah because
00:06:02| it's already been done and done better right no no I I think this is already the best of salt podcasters I've been done we're only eight minutes into the episode Wow what I started doing is my
00:06:12| research on what you probably meant the strategic arms limitation talks that happen between the US and Soviet also known as the salt one assault 69 no no salt 102 gang it weren't us to stop with
00:06:25| the nuclear war and then there was a salt too in 1979 that got my attention let me get into that I didn't know is that where you wanted to go with salt how many salts are there are they
00:06:36| ongoing though so they ended Bo huh no they actually turned it on one became the anti-ballistic ballistic missile treaty do you remember that one good one oh yeah I do actually yeah one of my
00:06:48| favorites the other one became like an acronym that a lot more words it was like strategic arms lowering the amount remnants talks so it was like si la rty or I don't know
00:07:04| so they stopped calling it the salt things spiraled out of control I only recognized canonically salt 1 1969 salt cannon what other versions of salt did you look up here just different uses of
00:07:23| the word and where it came from and all that that's all mmm I'm not gonna get into it I guess that's it no meteor the meet the crux salt of your earth so what's the other salt what did you want
00:07:40| to do research on NaCl I'm here knows NaCl yeah you didn't notice yeah tell me you noticed I was what NaCl table salt yeah sodium chloride that's you know it's the only rock that we eat
00:08:00| is that true regularly regularly yes I mean you could hit accidentally eat whatever rock you want right purposely though kind of weird and did you know almost all salts if we're
00:08:16| talking from a chemical biological standpoint do you know what a salt is freedom an ionic compound yes it's when a base and an acid meet and that's kind of their lever they're
00:08:30| left over usually it's one of the first two rows from the periodic table if you're looking at it on your left combined with like the one is where they get normal again like there's a common
00:08:39| sciency here yeah yeah I was a bio major but um one of the metals combines with one of the guys in the first two columns so like nh3 that's a base that's a stupid base san ammonia at the base
00:08:58| Penny Chenery yeah if you combine some kind of pneumonia hydroxide yes some kind of a hydroxide Hydrox something we're gonna get corrected you're talking about uh with HCl hydrochloric acid you
00:09:11| get an H for CL this is caustic caustic soda yeah read about this Lee yes no but I know but I know caustic soda combined with hydrochloric acid will leave you with wood or in salt
00:09:24| pretty much right yeah except the caustic soda was used by I think John Dillinger we talked about this to remove his fingerprints it melts your skin and I was like oh I remember this let me
00:09:35| reread this apparently in the middle of the page it says if you stick like livestock in a drum of caustic soda it will turn them into just bones and this brown looking liquid so it will
00:09:51| dissolve them entirely because it dissolves tissue caustic soda why livestock I think they used a cow and I was like they'd use it for dissolving cows for some
00:10:05| the others fine scientific theory you know what if we put a whole cow in there and the Raptors just go crazy and the bat kid is still scared I know yeah liam hemsworth it's almost always a
00:10:24| crystal compound it has a very crystalline structure you may recognize it it's often often not always white there are yellow salts blue tones there are red sauce pretty very
00:10:35| pretty I'm a man oh we're gonna get into a little variety I'm gonna go there it's good good but it's minimal um its compound it has no net charge because
00:10:46| it's an ionic compound you're not weak do you do is that important cuz when it pops apart it's such ripping other things apart so it's the bond of different things I think that's part of
00:10:58| the reason why your taste buds act differently when you have salt is you have a yeah yeah I won't say the tape East for the end time can push her back because I know you're gonna wanna get
00:11:09| into your special meats and you're gonna want to rub stuff down you're gonna taste things that's how Dan gets after has a couple drinks in him so I was just going with my chem 101 sir Humphry Davy
00:11:22| don't know if he's tuned in right now he might be sitting in a bucket of caustic soda right now it could be possible he was the first one actually physically breakdown salt into its base components
00:11:34| just like socially he died what did he do - what electrolysis they have electrolysis but I believe he actually was the proponent the the beginner of electrolysis and when in doing so he was
00:11:47| like wow it just turns out to be chloride in sodium which are like or lieutenant - yes oh yeah yeah he said these things are pretty useless huh turns out we have a whole shit ton he
00:11:59| uses for sodium whole shit son uses for cor I did it's pure forms it likes foreign industries himself like PVC piping and stuff like that yeah maybe here's one of the first guys and I was
00:12:08| like that's good on him good on sir Davy yeah then I was just like how do we even guess all I was like I don't know that's where I move next so I'm gonna add to your like you mentioned PVC they also
00:12:22| use it in paper and what for making paper mm-hmm mm-hmm like trees right so we're cutting down trees why do we need I have no idea okay so I have the detail in it is it in the
00:12:40| liquid I guess that it's so something about the separation of the pulp like the salts do weird things it's the same thing with metals when they're making a Lumina my think like they have salt just
00:12:51| floating on the top because it absorbs the impurities and it makes the aluminum more pure so that's from that makes it weird senses yeah plastics I don't know how they use salt and plastics but I do
00:13:03| it did read it's that's her mom but so it's removed everything it's kind of like the water of the physics world you know with this like everything in solid does crazy stuff cool salt is kind of
00:13:15| like the anti water but it's also water soluble mmm that's like million uses it's willing to trade electrons with anyone it's like willing to get down when it's a slot so yeah it's also I'm
00:13:31| gonna just go through like three now - I think it's called a mordant Morden never heard of that one and so that's a dive fixative so for coloring on clothing somehow it it helps coloring
00:13:44| bond to different things probably because it has two ions that kind of force things together thanks sounds to me it's how I'm going to use it here and then saponification
00:13:55| saponification is how you make soap fatty acids like clubs actually fatty acid salts or soap that's cool we're selling rich people their own fat asses to quote Brad Pitt in clay club how did
00:14:14| they get the fat to begin with forget lipo section they were stealing it from a liposuction place it was human fat huh that was ironic and they were turning it into fancy soaps and selling it to rich
00:14:25| people are the only ones who could afford liposuction so secuence beautiful beautiful that's awesome and we're gonna get into some other uses for salt and
00:14:39| like what it does to the body and stuff like that but I wanted to just real quick it and where the hell do we get it from it's in the ocean right yeah 3.5% salinity nice I like that number I
00:14:49| didn't get that number yeah number your solid number your blood is also salty so it's everything yeah yeah you're like a salty blood thingamajig yeah it's a technical
00:15:01| terminology there is a lyric in a song that your blood is salty like the ocean but it's actually not it's a it's a fracture like we kiss right so that's a different lyric is that how my potions
00:15:18| be all things are talking heads now mine's ocean be salty I think samadhis modest mouse but your blood is 0.9% salinity interesting for a long time I thought it was the same because I'm
00:15:30| almost 0.9 so where do we get salt and it's not just the ocean no a mine that shit folks did you hear that they mined that shit comma folks that's what they do
00:15:45| now they have big old tractors and shit to go underground and do all sorts of crazy shit [Laughter] they have tunnels at least in the UK
00:16:00| place I was researching 140 miles of tunnel it's a tunnel now I'm sure they're mining other stuff but they're mining salt while they do it this is a naturally occurring thing in
00:16:12| the Earth's crust I mean you can get it you find it you bring it it's just it's very raw it's mixed with a lot of other stuff there's another way to do it you can literally flood a salt cave with
00:16:25| water and then suck all that water back up with a vacuum and they place it in what are called yeah evaporating vessels they're like you know we talked about distilling the one time where I was like
00:16:36| one two when you boil it and then you're like oh the evaporation and number two they do that for salt collection so so it's like as you get salt every time then you're getting less
00:16:45| and less less less so you lead out all the salt and you got it baby it's boom exactly because when water evaporates it leaves behind the salt water is going Oh hydrogen I'm floating in the air so it's
00:16:58| like I can't make it I weigh too much so it's stuck wherever you're evaporating it yeah beside those items thank you I knew that literally that was my plan
00:17:17| not anything and I okay so how do you get Salt Lake yeah you should have set up your own what's called a brick tache the brick Tasha's is the yeah the vessel they used to evaporate the water to get
00:17:48| salt from you know when it's actually rather clever if you think about it because who would think to die brought the salt back five kids topic was salt ah 20 hand and so she must have she
00:18:03| clicked she figured it out to get salt is to go downstairs find someone doing a podcast on salt and take it then that's worth way is called brine evaporation actually where they just coarse salt
00:18:21| water into these like shallow areas in like equate equatorial equatorial I've seen them yeah and hotter areas that have rapid evaporation I'm seeing it like China does this too they have the
00:18:33| steps so like almost like a rice paddy it's the same thing they have equal level steps and they just flood them and then let them salt up I guess that's in areas where you can't
00:18:42| grow crops because salt salt has been heat for crops very brand yes get into yeah so that was it and then wow man the next section I had was trying to salt that we
00:18:56| have in our kitchen and I'm down one all right anyway we have what's called I'll start with road salt because that's like the corny is a de-icing so like the salt yeah so
00:19:08| you know they throw salt on the roads that's like one calcium chloride right that's ice melt Jesus Christ like salt and stuff for a living rocks off approximately steepest
00:19:19| shittiest stuff you can get it for like five bucks 450 powder you know what rock salt is it's that stuff that they mined right out of the earth it comes out of the mine like that it's brown it has
00:19:29| tons of pollutants in it it's unrefined it's just salt its halite unrefined okay so you get it it's dirty as hell I would not request to eat it the
00:19:44| benefit is do you know what it does when you put it on roads the hole and you know what drops the freezing temperature about thirty to sixty degrees I think the lowest you can get is like negative
00:19:57| ones I read about the planes de-icing the planes because they mix it with glycol and other alcohols accessible oh that's that might be okay sorry I'm at the headaches jerk no no you're
00:20:07| literally touching on everything I know about it but good road salt that we get over the roads mm-hmm it's just natural halite it's NaCl in its rawest form it's dirty it's polluted it's gross it's
00:20:21| whatever I would never eat it off the ground it lowers the temperature of freezing point so a mixture of Woodard doesn't freeze at 32 would err in a mixture with salt freezes it in like
00:20:31| closer to 22 or 21 or something like that so if it's like 24 28 we got water folks you look it up I have any exact number so then I make it a little no goes to a
00:20:46| degrees F Fahrenheit 20 percent to do you know require on your roads which is B salt what that's exactly what they do this is all everywhere like closer it's gonna rust at your car probably 5
00:21:01| percent but lucky for us we make a product called ice melt not to be used with rock salt I like smells like magnesium mixed in with chloride potassium sometimes mixed
00:21:12| with chloride mm-hmm calcium chloride they make all sorts of chlorides and you'll notice that pattern here what I discussed earlier all the metals mix with these small white spheres called
00:21:23| prills no I was known with their name on the chemical tree but yeah noble gases or something like that but yeah they um yes they do form in either
00:21:32| pellets or flakes and they can lower our freezing point to like negative 10 negative 5 by positive like that's the range they kind of dropped that freezing point down here and they don't eat up
00:21:46| your sidewalk Solutions of calcium chloride can prevent freezing at temperatures as low as negative 62 Fahrenheit can you go that low they can go that low
00:21:56| which were that's calcium chloride interesting um and you're gonna pay for that I imagine most of stuff you find in your home depot and stuff probably closer to negative 10 negative 5
00:22:08| just because ISIL and stuff and I would we get in like three different blends and our blends ran from like five positive Fahrenheit 0 and negative 5 and negative 10 and that's what like 30 30
00:22:20| bucks a 50-pound bag er and you do not want to get those suckers wet on the inside because they clung hmm big chunk on the road it was a baseball but that's how they work and those salts are awful
00:22:35| you don't want to eat them we move on to a table salt everyone's favorite oh man we all got a table salt you know the little girl with the umbrella yeah yeah and mrs. Martin yeah Morton's that's my
00:22:52| dad's cousin we don't have to work anyone Wow welcome family's millionaires we call her a little more tea and she she gives like a couple mil every year she's super famous anyway
00:23:04| this salt comes from a factory right like this stuff you get it you put it on your food it's 97 percent sodium its refined and it's actually mixed with anti-caking aid
00:23:16| who sounds delicious does Lin because otherwise it would clump because of the moisture in the air which is what usually is sugar right nature drinks taste good
00:23:27| yeah look at that oh he's taking a sip he'll salty you taste like the ocean but getting drunk huh Wow so the next step up people will tell you don't do refined salt that stuff's not
00:23:46| good for you too much salt move to sea salt do you know what sea salt is become the ocean yes it is it's evaporated salt from the ocean if I
00:23:57| had it down here it was recently taken from me I would have cracked some into my drink right now you have to crack it uh-huh that's bigger bigger crystals for some reason I don't know if that's just
00:24:06| the way they don't make it seem special well it's the grinder does that yeah I don't think it'd make it feel special right of course next up Himalayan pink salt we ran out here actually I didn't
00:24:20| even have that it wasn't stolen from me but that's actually from one particular salt mine in hiura Pakistan check that out do you know why it's pink it's not dyed
00:24:30| it's cuz i iron oxide I'm like rust check that shit out hmm so you're just putting rust on your body essentially well hold on there's rust in there there's magnesium there's calcium
00:24:42| there's much other nutrients that your body could use minerals we'll get to this at the end middles correct sorry you could use those and they sound good and it tastes different lastly we have
00:24:55| kosher salt which I didn't have either kosher salt is just really flaky it's large and it's more blessed than the other songs yeah oh they don't kill a pig when they do it right correct so it
00:25:10| goes on a pretzel Philadelphia pretzel huh so lastly there are things called it's you know like salt now infused infused salt can be anything you can abused
00:25:21| anything in salt mmm this what I got here folks habaneros salt it's done how also did cook with spicy - yeah I'll do it you get it
00:25:29| habaneros pops you feel it putting a couple in my drink here we'll see if I die and to prove I did it can you see that no I can see yeah it's got kicking another kicking up a notch if that isn't
00:25:45| copyright assault should I do which is good for you which is the healthiest well honestly Himalayan pink salt it's probably the healthiest for you but they've done a lot of studies and mostly
00:26:00| your body absorbs like less than 1% of every other nutrient in there so it's all bullshit you can do whatever so that you kind of want it's more about pace than anything else hmm which will move
00:26:13| us to smelling salts Lee Oh what's in smelling salts sorry I'm smelling yeah smelly exactly smelling salts are ammonia nh3 what she talked about earlier it just irritates your your nose
00:26:25| and your membranes that's three bulbs it makes you work so it wakes you up it's pretty much it this toxic though so don't do it a lot is that what poppers are I don't know any popper is they I
00:26:39| mean if they do it on the bench right yeah they sound like poppers you it's like a drug um Always Sunny does an episode on poppers you sniff it you get like high for a few like a hot minute so
00:26:52| secondly dumb drug it's a terrible drug oh yeah sniffing glue you know they're like a whole drunks are dumb nitrous they kill your brain look what is a popper I really know you inhaled
00:27:04| recreational drugs okay we go we stop we solved the case folks well it I don't know this is founded but it says poppers have been historically used for sexual encounters among the youth including the
00:27:17| gay community I don't know why it specifies that's there's some weird stuff going on the bottom of your glass there with the yeah that's why I'll dude it's like going up and down it's like
00:27:28| floating around I mean it started a new craze yes a tram whatever yeah so don't do poppers don't do drugs sure poppers seem like too terrible drugs you want to move into taste or how
00:27:43| your body uses all hmm I want to go on in the history actually oh okay so like six step BC yeah actually Bulgaria I reckon the same thing China but China does it too so there's like it
00:28:01| back then I guess they didn't have obviously they didn't have ice they didn't in refrigeration they didn't have ways to prefer preserving food mom and you're absolutely right so they had to
00:28:12| salt meats and fish to keep them cured why would they stop them it absorbs all the water from the fish or the meat folks and and you get another one kills bacteria oh shit
00:28:31| without refrigeration so before refrigerators we had to put salt all over stuff to kind of keep it from spoiling and going bad and not speak right yep yeah so there was actually a
00:28:44| town in Europe in Bulgaria called Sultanate SATA which I think actually means salt mine did you come across that there's like 14 cities over the the world that are called city of salt but
00:28:55| in that language oh yeah well then you said it was like the start well I didn't read that maybe the first that's fine but it was like the first sighting of like an actual
00:29:07| city like the first city that was ever made in Europe was dedicated to getting salt salt mining salt that's custom that's kind of its yeah it's kind of an insane thing hmm
00:29:19| that need like in order to travel and preserve food imagine you being like someone who's just showing someone like you can preserve food and salt and you like pull out this like stick of meat
00:29:29| and they're like what like you have usually been traveling with that and then you cook it up you nice make it nice and hot and he'd give it to him and he's like shish kebab this is delicious
00:29:38| shish kebab give me some of that they'd be like yeah they did say that it I don't know it's it's a dubious comment whether it was questionable though but they said it's worth its weight and
00:29:49| old back then you could trust all for gold yeah it was one of the more important trade ingredients I think um it almost became a currency in some places do you know that's why we have
00:30:00| salary it's based on the word soul it is really yeah back in Roman times the Romans who were worth their salt this is the joke that led into the neck comment and so I stole it any a go ahead funny
00:30:12| comp any Romans who are worth their salt we're actually paid what's called a salary what I forget what podcast or YouTube video or something but they were like Sal which was the Latin for salt I
00:30:25| think I say oh that one anyway um so that's why salad is also based on the word salt and salary so because you would have had salty something to it add salt every greenery whether it's a
00:30:39| dressing salt itself or whatever okay so that's that's another thing is that vegetables that were grown contain no salts so like a human being a salty as well as animals are salty so if your
00:30:50| diet consisted of mainly animals you were okay because you were absorbing salt from their meat but if you're eating a vegetarian diet you needed to get salt from somewhere else
00:30:59| hence the salad you'd add salt to your vegetables interesting you say that we'll get into some later although did you know you need six grams of salt a day hmm
00:31:10| everybody for the necessary functioning of get into our body yeah okay back to the waiting back back I'm going any like salary they would give the soldiers or pay and they would go on by their
00:31:25| allotment of salt for the month hmm it wasn't cheap it was like something if I do buy it was like buying refrigeration essentially right yeah that's almost been appreciated cuz almost biblical in
00:31:37| a sense so they they had salted salt yeah they had that one woman that was never named leaving Sodom and Gomorrah right and she turned around and they turned her in a pillar of salt okay
00:31:50| that's like pillar of gold turn you into a pillar salt like salt I always thought it was salt of the earth but I think it's salt on the earth there was a salt of the earth isn't it I
00:32:03| thought it was like I kept reading this I the interpretation was completely wrong from what I previously understood that like God hunting like following the podcast right the second with lists
00:32:14| usually turn them all salary sell it worth your salt salty salt in the wound salt of the earth so wait salt talk about that like salt will do salts on the wound or saw the
00:32:29| earth which one you want to hear do you know if you salt the earth nothing will grow there and we will get into that in a cellular level later okay I mean that's what happens if you throw a whole
00:32:43| bunch of salt in an area it's very salty yeah ants don't grow there so the earth can salt it doesn't yet does not work well usually if you conquer people in the olden days you would sow their
00:32:53| fields with salt so they couldn't live there they couldn't grow their own foods you could be screwing them over you salty salty fed yeah that's what I'd say rub it in their faces
00:33:04| worth one salt and old Satan was to take bread and salt with someone that meant you greatly appreciated them because you paid all your money for all your bread and all your salt if someone was below
00:33:17| the salt they were like lowly they were dirty they were nasty and this is my favorite salt time this is it died in the 16th century I think someone tried to make it happen like Gretchen tried to
00:33:28| make fetch happen someone some people tried to make salt it was usually about your dog it was their amount of sexual desire or excitement usually a dog it was like one's salt on
00:33:43| your animal is out of control maybe like I get it my dog horny what is this term it's salt it's you would use it when you were referring to sexual desire or excitement
00:33:56| usually an adult salt on him no idea where it came from and it has been discontinued around the 16th century but maybe we bring it back and I'm like your dog humped my kid
00:34:12| maybe check that salt on that bitch right possibly so the the scripture verse that comes from solid earth is your the salty earth but if the salt loses its saltiness saltiness how could
00:34:28| it me being salty again and there's no longer good for anything so to be thrown out and trampled underfoot so I always thought salt of the earth meant like you were like lowly like you were part of
00:34:38| the earth you we've um come to change I think the definition that oh yeah well from the scripture it sounds like God is sprinkling the earth with humans and making the earth taste better we are
00:34:50| making it spicy and salty yeah I could just see him just like what's that guy he sprinkles the salt and salt babies oh my god doing that oh yeah and you know most of them Oh God
00:35:13| salt salt in the wound yeah so that it's physical pain when you actually put salt in a wound I don't know if you know that but it's actually not that bad for a wound because it kills bacteria if you
00:35:25| have if you go to a hospital they usually have like a saline flush which is a like your blood is salty your body doesn't mind a little bit of salt so it's good to flush out things with a
00:35:36| little water and salt I agree with that so salt moon is actually not that terrible thing it just feels bad but I think that's the whole point of the phrase it's making you feel bad on
00:35:47| purpose hmm I don't think people are eating nice when doing this all alone and by the way this is how the nurses assault still dancing but um I'm finishing my drink here
00:36:02| making it beautiful um I need the salt I'm making dinner she gets pissed Danny and I would have I literally would have been done by now you may be shown a
00:36:15| bug yeah have this bit I don't need that anyway tired of your shit [Laughter] so moving on it suddenly touched on was that salt became important salt was like
00:36:31| important in our first cities our trades did you know most of them and what's called them roads but they were before roads were really invented there were animals that would go to great lengths
00:36:42| to do salt legs mm-hmm oh please saw roots yeah development cards game roads hell yeah so saw was pretty important it was like the most important spice yeah I think you're mocking me really salt like
00:36:59| really well piggy picks salt at the top I can it's like whoa in a second I mean in defense I thought you were talking about the 2010 movie so couple of words for best stunts in the 2011 stunt this
00:37:14| is like probably the Red Bull thing they did win three other awards for us alas no wasn't just the tarsal work yeah they want other ones so they also were the only action movie ever nominated for
00:37:31| best sound mixing that didn't get nominated for Best Picture so wow I'm just saying you really were shitting on the idea of it um huh there's a lot going on in salt 2010 so the salt that
00:37:45| she took was that in ayodhya salt and add iodine to it this is how i diced you know why why do you know why to fight mental retardation and to fight word I used in a thing it was in there I don't
00:38:03| know how factual that is it's to help to fight certain diseases so Zelena Gorder and then there's like hypothyroidism which is affects your weight it's a balance of I guess not water weight but
00:38:16| like if your thyroid is out of whack it makes you actually visually better the horse is super skinnier yeah this week weight gain loss check this this is one of those crazy stories that no one
00:38:29| believes or sort of leads or everyone believes or it's coincidence my mom was dropping off my dad she may have drove him to a doctor's plane this one is Chinese doctors like
00:38:40| what is wrong with you like you know what I mean and they're like my dad was my strength on pain yes thank you home remedies yes but they were like he had back pain and neck pain shoulder pain
00:38:52| his whole life and as my mom dropped him off she's waiting in the waiting room and the receptionist who is the doctor's wife was looking at my mom Jill if you had enjoyed I you have problem with
00:39:02| thyroid and my mom was like thank you I'm here for my husband I'm just dropping off my husband he could see it you know like he could she she that that uh the doctor's wife who is the
00:39:15| receptionist said this to my mom so she didn't think anything of it except that she was losing a lot of weight like a lot of weight and like something was going on she went to the doctors turns
00:39:28| out her thyroid went bad and that she did have something and that that woman was absolutely right and my mom had to have her thyroid irradiated radiated hmm radiation yeah radiation it's an
00:39:42| interesting thing because the thyroid like iodine would be a radioactive in certain for us so they would give iodine they would give iodine to people prior to working with radiation so that the
00:39:53| radiation wouldn't fill your thyroid with radiated iodine so maybe they like flushed out the opposite Duty maybe they radiated it either way um shout out that doctor's wife and shout out my mom big
00:40:12| enhance the podcast both them probably so the other mention was Crick cretinism Creighton ISM it's the the mental deficiency one yeah it's a mental deficiency deafness squint disorders of
00:40:25| stance and gait and stunted growth due to hypothyroid it is legit or is it like more now that's Routledge it mm-hmm it's also a result of intermarriage quick shoutout
00:40:41| intermarriage I mean everyone's got some I mean we all come from the same place right since we want our bodies use salt yeah so how do we so salt is a controller freaking time moisture racing
00:40:57| fluid if you have too much salt in your body it absorbs too much liquid right ah are you telling my osmosis baby yeah exactly so osmosis goes from less to more and
00:41:10| more to less unless of course you have salt mm-hmm there's salt floating around in your blood between yourselves all this other stuff if your cell is dehydrated it may take salt into its
00:41:24| membrane because water will come to it and track to it and bind to it so by taking salt into it it's pulling water into it that's how you can overfill problem is if you have too much salt in
00:41:37| a cell it overfill cell walls get pressured yeah the same thing happens with a lot much so outside of the cell all the work comes rushing out of the cells
00:41:49| he hydrates things this happens especially in plant cell walls you saw plants guess what all the salts outside the cells all the water will rush out of the cell and cell walls and
00:42:02| they don't have enough water to live salt is super cool to the port so one of the things that's the Habanera yeah so one of the leasing leading causes of death which we've covered this already
00:42:18| is that heart disease heart disease can be caused by too much salt in the diet which rarely anyone ever talks about it's like because your body's taking on so much water that your heart is
00:42:30| fighting your body's own immense amount of water in it and it's working harder so over the life if you're eating too much salt your heart's gonna fail eventually so cardiovascular disease is
00:42:44| a an effect of too much salt but if you have the right amount of salt it's what and electrolyte keyword right there sorry Jesus Christ the habaneros really were
00:42:57| yeah so salt in water has this weird property where it helps actually transfer electronic impulses correct yep so guess what the brain the nervous system and a bunch of other systems in
00:43:13| the body work on electronic pulses yeah turn on an axon right so our body needs salt to communicate especially on the nerves and the brain and all the other stuff so we have just tiny bits of salt
00:43:28| we sprays out through the whole body put them up here put them over here for the nervous system and we need it to communicate faster that's how we communicate so quickly throughout the
00:43:37| body brother brain we need salt actually dill so I actually did tests on this so there's a like earthworms and squids they have larger nerves than most so they call it a giant
00:43:48| axon and you can actually measure the wave of ions salts moving across the nerve stimulus so you can watch it as it flows and it's a weird like the way a cell works is almost like kerplunk have
00:44:03| you ever played kerplunk yeah you pull out the little so you have these like gates that have these kind of like kerplunk style things to them are you thinking oh he's gonna fold a piece of
00:44:18| paper to try to get us a car plunk on it better cigarette I'm gonna say it says kerplunk even though no one can see I can't read that because the focal distance is too far away fat na na plus
00:44:32| positive ions osmosis and something about the police show check this out um the reason water isn't just constantly flowing in and out of things is because all our cells are made of um lipids and
00:44:46| are like proteins that are hydrophobic they don't like water they're battling the water like it's like it's like two heads with tails going out here and the water can't get in yeah we're doesn't
00:44:55| just cross your entire skin is that way it alters everything almost all your cells are that way I think the thing is every so often they have these tubes where differ
00:45:06| things come into the cell napple guess what salt is super important so let's floating around your blood it's floating around your body hey we need salt bad I saw passes sometimes it can take an
00:45:18| electron I believe from the it uses the ionic I think it's potassium actually like that might be na and kappa tas him and then somehow it like changes the formation as a gay brain and it like
00:45:32| shifts it almost like you're like shifting like a like a bunch of rods and the kerplunk and like morphing them so they like change from like one key into another key and as they're changing
00:45:43| they're letting things pass through them and it can do it both ways pump in and out exactly so what your body does it uses salt to get stuff into the cell like real quick like yeah we need more
00:45:54| ki need more potassium I need more I'm now I'm making stuff up at this point but I need more stuff in here well ions we need something electronically not electronically charged but has electrons
00:46:07| to give I think I said that right I don't know so we used salt to cover cross the boundary and it changes the formation and it or vice versa we need salt to leave or something to
00:46:18| leave we throw sold out and I think amid some words here but you get the idea folks we conscious all goddamn bodies it makes this stuff work so the the one thing we didn't say was that like water
00:46:36| will reach an equilibrium and you kind of touch it with osmosis unless you have salt and then the salty side will absorb more water so one of the common things is that you're stranded in the ocean you
00:46:48| can't drink the water in the ocean because it's too salty it will absorb water into your intestinal tract and then you'll lose water how do you survive on the ocean ah do you make a
00:47:01| nice big tub of water with a nice clear plastic film over and then evaporate it at the Sun and drink that wouldn't you could but you won't make enough to survive no you're absolutely right
00:47:12| that's like this much water there was somebody who survived I think a typhoon hit somewhere around India and had somehow lived in like a Crab Shack that was out in the ocean and they
00:47:23| floated away they said they filtered the seawater through like a piece of clothing to knock out some of the salt and then drink it that way doesn't sound very
00:47:36| plausible but if you know reverse osmosis you can pressurize reverse baby you can pressurize saltwater and push it through a filter which will then push out the regular water the water and keep
00:47:51| it salty on inside the bottle I was going to say water but I wanted to be not Philadelphia like interesting I agree with that so you might survive if you can find a membrane that will hold
00:48:03| back the salt and do reverse osmosis interesting the other thing that's interesting is salt inside the body it um they use I think they use I don't know if it's salt itself or one of the
00:48:17| components of salt to maintain cell shape like that's how we have our so shapes the filaments that make up cells hmm are that salt baby pressurizing the cell by having enough salt in it and
00:48:31| water that could be it maybe that's what they meant the structural audience it regulates our blood pressure that's why when you you touched on this before would you have too much it can raise
00:48:44| your blood pressure mm-hmm you know your hearts working too hard the other crazy thing is it deals with our hormones a lot it's involved one of
00:48:54| the big ones that is out that stirone a vestrum it regulates our kidneys has to do with glueck or glucocorticoids will come corticoids how they knew they actually have to do with your body salt
00:49:09| and water levels and your metabolism glucocorticoid glucocorticoids well that's hard to say I'm reading it I don't we're saying McCoy's glucocorticoids glucocorticoids I said
00:49:24| it right before him let the record show so it's like yeah bunch of steroids see different types of steroids are they involved in steroids so the steroids can be two different types they
00:49:36| can be the type to build muscle and the type that kind of like is a I can antihistamine it helps things function the cortisol that oh core that makes that's cool yeah
00:49:47| cortisol relieves stress on a wound essential thing well it's super important for our bodies it's super important for us to be alive it's super it's necessary for us to be here today
00:50:00| yeah and it was used in religion as well they have a whole bunch of biblical verses about it one of the things in the past obviously they they weighed their own salaries on salt like you said but
00:50:14| they would also use salt water and throw it into fire to add a little crackle to their demonstration which leads into holy water like that's one of the they say is the beginning of holy water that
00:50:26| they would now use water instead of the salt water because the the act of throwing it in the fire made a crackle made it more like amazing that like or hell yeah hell yeah yeah hold that
00:50:38| oh yeah that's a real word oh yeah boys always uh blame Canada fuck yeah America yeah some salt move in the fire also what do they say Jesus can walk on water
00:50:57| I think it was a salty water like a hundred percent saline solution water so like the Dead Sea is seven to nine times saltier than the ocean which would put it at twenty four percent twenty five
00:51:13| ish percent four percent saline solution that's salty wait is the Dead Sea Committee there might be like some weird bacteria like those right yeah but not like fish or anything nothing that like
00:51:29| I don't even I'm gonna look at this later but so there's one reporter that was talking about going to Dead Sea and they said that you can't swim in it because if you get it anywhere in your
00:51:39| face your eyes it's very painful they don't splash it you also float so if you get up to your waist it starts to lift you up so that's probably where the walking on water came
00:51:52| from when people can lounge in it and float without trying at all because it's super dense but let's show that dance trying to disprove God I below God my favorite God sorry God also this is my
00:52:05| bit of salt and pepper salt bait did me the last thing he did was flip a burger or something right what was that yeah do you remember any drop cheese from like the second onto the burger I think I did
00:52:30| god bless him someone said he has bad political views which we stopped watching them which is we could do a whole episode on what if your musical artist has bad political views like
00:52:43| should you stop listening to them who cares I just want the music you know I know exactly but there comes a point where let's say your favorite musical artist who's not even your favorite
00:52:53| let's say he's like you like them Roderick amuse it if you like clutter there's true cool sure let's say - Mouse let's see the whole group comes out in four years and says we love pedophilia
00:53:03| would you be like not gonna get that modest mouse tattoo take Led Zeppelin somehow they come back and then and then they say they love having sex with kids I'd be like like this this symbol
00:53:21| exactly which is tattooed on your back oh this is exactly what is the moment I know no you're lucky because mine's a Celtic symbol power okay father mother child and that's what that is
00:53:35| I know it looks like the legs up it's the glue bye I just to clarify this is cos I would get another tattoo that's a Celtic tattoo the Dead Sea is called the Dead Sea because it only holds small
00:53:53| quantities of bacteria and fungi but no one got organism fungi fungi fungi fungi they bought a sandwich at McDonald's singing how do you pronounce a RT is a a artisinal
00:54:08| if you talk about it's like art I know but like when I asked for today at McDonald's because I've brought my kid to McDonald's I was like artisanal and she was like artisanal sandwich Arsenal
00:54:20| said it looked at me and she looked at me in the eyes our personal to that shitty speaker that you can't even hear in the back damn lady told me so let's move on to the last part of Saul is it
00:54:37| even good in food like do we is it good it tastes good is there a thing about that I don't no idea what so it actually happens no I did start with the first step good earnest kicks down before that
00:54:53| do you know when you add salt to meet when you add salt to foods takes out bacteria kicks out just random elements because at the end huh bacterial its ionic no one likes it it doesn't play
00:55:06| well with certain Brando's well if you have a steak you you're supposed to salt it heavily on both sides because it seals in the moisture when you go to cook it the moisture can
00:55:16| escape because it's all barrier you're from what I read you're on it but here's so let's say you sold me right mm-hmm number one while you're doing it um the salt forces out certain microbes and
00:55:32| stuff that you kind of could care less about they don't really affect the taste but they smell really so yes salt doesn't work well with the things it's think so the stink comes out
00:55:45| so when you you saw things you can smell them better hmm because those microbes are forced out of the steak into the air and you go I love that so like you solve things and it's like you're smelling
00:56:00| them more because they don't want to hang out with a salt no one one thing I was all the other thing that happens is the salt binds to the water it binds to the mussel the fibers it binds a lot of
00:56:11| things and when you cook you can't cook off the salt and the water so otherwise if you were just cooking a steak without salt you're cooking off a lot of the water
00:56:21| and you're losing a lot of moisture you're using making it tough yeah without salt with salt the soul hangs out and it's like hey I'm hanging out with this water hey I'm hanging out with
00:56:32| this guy it's bonded told these people this just hanging them here it's like whoa we're all homies keeping them nice and tight to you but you burn off as much as you can't guess what these guys
00:56:41| aren't leaving so there's more moisture there's more flavor and it's kicking out the smells the smells are like I can't hang out with a salt guy he's awful and they go right into your little nose yeah
00:56:54| so you smell the food and that's one of the more important things so when you're tasting food you're smelling it and eating it we all know how the nose is the taste buds are connected right yeah
00:57:06| did you want to get to the next step about taste buds I know you love them yeah so what are the different taste buds there's be five and new a bud bitter
00:57:17| salty sour sweet and you mommy or savory to go savory yeah so what does salt do to those I'll tell you one quicker so there's five five taste zones taste buds taste mmm yep change some things
00:57:40| there are two to two to five thousand taste buds on the average tongue we won't get into super tasters to do any super taster research good of those taste buds each taste bud has 5,200
00:57:54| taste receptor cells these are cells in the taste bud it's all well lumpy sons of bitches on your tongue those are taste buds in each one there's 50 to 100 taste cells that's a lot of cells
00:58:08| dedicated to taste yes there are yeah and I think super tasters have more before I get into those people super tasters so what happens is your body creates pathways in these little taste
00:58:25| ourselves so sweet it's perfectly in this one thing mm-hmm it's right on the tip it's perfectly over here yeah I don't know that um I don't know that they're co-located I mean in certain
00:58:39| areas they are wait do you want to check this you know you have tea explodes in your throat and your tongue in the sides of your mouth the roof of your mouth homicide check that shit huh folks I
00:58:51| just blew your mind that's good so certain chemicals compounds if the food's can go into the receptor like it's shaped a certain way on the cellular level like a lock-and-key
00:59:05| exactly yeah so our body was trained to know where NaCl or salt tastes were mm-hmm ironically enough of all the tastes soul and overcome other tastes really good into that did you do it yeah
00:59:20| the one so I read a couple facts that when you first taste soul it knocks out your bitter tastes buds so you can't taste bitter quite as well but it enhances all of the other taste buds so
00:59:35| that all the other taste buds are going crazy then like all this is fantastic until you have salt too much soul and then it pretty much knocks out everything except savory so you can only
00:59:46| taste savory but savory taste delicious like in meats me meat baby which makes perfect sense because you know 6000 BC people were assaulting me to make it preserve longer so we would pair salt
01:00:02| meat together and that's how we taste things so real quick the breakdown salt is often in salty foods mmm-hmm savory often UNAMI meat or like meteor like that savory and it's hard to
01:00:23| describe the words without the words sweet candy sugars did you know carbohydrates taste sweet I was like oh really complex sugars there you go yeah baby
01:00:37| bitter like coffee cigarettes certain things have a bitter taste and sour I couldn't I didn't look up any definitions up sure so I say the origin of this was that I was looking at a pond
01:01:01| that was just amping emptied cleaned and refilled and it had it was absolutely clear and I was thinking that it's fresh water not saltwater and this is the start of the episode where I was like
01:01:13| this is what salt is and the only thing I could think about salt is a saltwater and B it's something we eat and it turns out we only use salt for edible purposes about six percent of the time everything
01:01:29| else raised like a manufacturing process or industrialized process it's something that a rock salt it has nothing to do with eating it which after you think about it you're like salt is pervasive
01:01:41| it's in a lot of what we do it's in our bodies it's controlling a lot of the processes or muscles or Khiladi I felt like that yeah it's a lot of different things it's all it's important so it's
01:01:54| cool salt 2010 was up for Best Picture but it wasn't oscars it was in like some lesser-known company like Best Motion Picture featuring Russia an enemy mmm-hmm the Taurus Awards that out no no
01:02:12| yeah we got into the car support I understand which I have the name of the company I would give it a mean six point for an IMDB he's not bad not great but salt is important that's a
01:02:29| lot it is a lot the other thing is do you know why we have salt and pepper no no they pair they do opposite things like was a little bit salt is
01:02:40| water-soluble pepper is fat soluble you also get into this pepper for a while was one of the most expensive spices do you know why a bullshit yeah some it's only ruining
01:02:57| the peppercorn power and you have to have to grind it as well these ugly black little pearls yeah get it grind it Boom Boom Boom's on the pepper the biggest condiments we have exactly why
01:03:10| are they yeah awful majoring I thought it was a grain of salt you shot crunched no man the other thing is that to keep in mind is salt and pepper or white and black I almost think it's a little bit
01:03:31| aesthetically pleasing whom I can taste that pepper um so it's like daya metrics of opposite sides like hey this is why a this is black his his darkness evil this is good is bad the other thing to keep
01:03:42| in my King Louie in France the 14th I think he was he was one of the predecessors of like food being done a certain way for certain people he said chicken has to be done this way
01:03:54| he says we have to serve this this way oh you always have to have potatoes with this like there was very kid rules about his food with many ways a exactly and they pervade today now he was oldest
01:04:07| shit I don't remember what year King Louie was but but you know what his rule was for most of us I think 14 his rule for um seasoning most of his foods was a little bit of salt and a little bit of
01:04:20| pepper not too much and so salt pepper became like synonymous with ping Liu and so the 14th was in the early 1700s there you go my man set a precedent the other thing is they
01:04:35| claim that the pepper corn flour and wish I remembered where it was I didn't write it down had to be peppercorn had to be harvested by lizards that breathed fire and they
01:04:49| had to stop them and that's why it was so expensive ingredient ever so you got black and white you got water-soluble fat soluble we got the most expensive beautiful thing that's been around since
01:05:04| it thyme salt and is super expensive because it's lizard fireproof pink pepper so I think the two of them just form this weird dynamic where it's like
01:05:15| that's gorgeous it's beautiful and they also pair with most foods I'm not gonna downplay it you find anything yeah I'm just looking at the different
01:05:27| types of pepper and I'll get into that a white green wild orange red pink that's wild to me yeah it's crazy that this world is that diverse god bless this world until we kill off all the other
01:05:44| versions of it and we're only left with black well so that's what salt does it's super important it affects our food did you know salt moved slowly in a cold object so like if you had a steak and
01:06:03| you wanted to season it with salt and pepper or salt mmm specifically you rub it all over the surface it could take a full day to reach the middle of this mistake that's
01:06:13| why you have to season it way ahead of cooking it once it starts cooking it speeds up reaction speeds salt can permeate to the middle of a food within the day before salt it and leave it in
01:06:28| the fridge sir now you're figuring it out mmm there's another process called brining which is like a salt water solution we do that to roasts will hold chicken roast you got it permeate a
01:06:40| whole day it's cold right you can do it delicious in there fantastic mm-hmm it also actually physically changes the nature of the food apparently it um relaxes the muscle fibers a little bit
01:06:54| so they're a little looser it's less tough huh and then when they're cooked like we said it doesn't evaporate all the moisture some of the moisture sticking around remaining juicy and
01:07:04| already has salt in it which makes your taste buds enjoy it even more and it's lard tender and smells are coming off of it it's all the good smells oh well they might be bad but we think it's good
01:07:16| because it - mmm right true what the hell is a good smell a bad smell honestly it probably has more to do with taste I never thought of that our sense
01:07:27| of smell is more tied to taste that our tents of taste is tied to smell it's like a retrospect yeah right you've eaten something any like and I was like throw up would you like mm-hmm
01:07:39| roll up I love that smell you like smells the taste like food right and you don't like smells like the opposite of food just something to think of yeah weird well let's wrap it up here sure
01:07:55| salts important we like you we like your life good night folks bye what can you like did you know I my answer right here yeah salt wets all your salary what other forms of salt yeah lot's wife
01:08:09| celery color so lots lots wife that's what the surname they didn't name her six grams of table salt a day to maintain our bodily processes yeah I seen osmosis what is the plural of
01:08:26| pepper pepper damn you got it try to get Dan didn't work unless you have individual pepper kernels any today peppers you can say peppers and ensign members actually I knew you and then
01:08:45| what yeah what taste taste buds salting preservation brining the other thing to think of there's a scene where Angelina Jolie jumps in the cop car and she's driving a steering wheel and just
01:08:58| staring around all these cops gone backwards that cop car didn't actually have that steering wheel so it's a little bit of a faux pas it's kind of a movie hoof something to keep in mind it
01:09:10| doesn't let us ruin the movie experience because it's a six points for where we're out of ten and also eight years old 90 minutes you're listening future electrolytes
01:09:23| Osmos isn't brick Kitaj electrolysis oh yeah yeah what was it guys name Oh sir Humphry Davy that's my man yeah hey man we can break these things down everyone's like that's worthless we're
01:09:39| not gonna spin often 94% other other industries from this thing salt salt it tastes just good who needs anything more I think that covers pretty much all of it TV see ya
01:09:54| bye roid muscle fibers salt and pepper water balance I don't know if it want any other Oscars but salt great movie um folks I can't believe you stuck with us for salt
01:10:21| it's like nine hours of salt yeah Dead Sea we like you we like you pod actually we do thanks for tuning in seamen and salty how do you know that I didn't stop me yeah how do you know that it's back
01:10:44| to you red no I just know it is huh it's literature April nature versus nurture it's just inherently everyone knows that right everyone set moving on thank you for joining in listening and being a
01:11:00| part of us if you donated more than $100 you'll get some behind-the-scenes footage from this episode which is crazy yeah drink your pineapple juice

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