The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP079 Privacy Personality Identity Intimacy

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Transcript UnP079 Privacy Personality Identity Intimacy

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 79 - Privacy Personality Identity Intimacy
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00:00:02| here we are coming at you from our little bubbles here are little private areas that's kind of how it works we get together we share information the more information we share the closer we get
00:00:14| it's called a relationship it's how you get close to somebody you share private intimate details you share each other's privates join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks for old
00:00:33| friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive into our unique perspective the taboo forbidden subjects they're all on
00:00:47| the chopping block babies we don't pander to popular opinion the mic you can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment
00:00:58| purposes only so join us have a good time [Music] all righty Wow I'm talking about secret stuff
00:01:28| culturally accepted secret stuff whoa privacy yeah privacy this is gonna be my favorite episode today oh yeah I think most people listen is gonna be their favorite episode today do you
00:01:40| think people watch like three episodes in a row oh it's a lot it's a wise idea to an sit number listen to a one time I think I do one that's what I do sometimes I have to break it in half
00:01:52| because it's like a commute type thing this is a commute podcast but also at home podcasts and also an at work podcasts anything you do in your public or private life folks you know it's okay
00:02:05| if you listen to us it's okay with me it's fine actually I mean this is a no table Karina now right so they can it is but I think if people are Ellis to this podcast it's probably in their private
00:02:15| lives yeah the product is really critical it's not gonna be on speaker broadcast it human you drive the carpool to work share each other's babies yeah can i I
00:02:27| mean share my broadcast at work private sharing so the big ones privacy right yeah I love to start an episode with a definition it's like my favorite thing Wow sure privacy the state or condition
00:02:42| of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people the state of being free from public attention that's one common definition there's one other one one's rights to keep their personal
00:02:55| manners and relationships secret yeah so the the part that I write into was that secrecy and privacy are very similar but there's a cultural acceptance of the amount of secrecy that you can have so
00:03:14| if you're trying to keep something secret from others on purpose that is not within the private realm so something that is like kind of uh unnecessarily private that's a secret
00:03:29| interesting I didn't look up the definition there so hold on go over that again something in my private life is private that's just regular that's me stuff if I have
00:03:39| private information that involves other people's private lives it's a secret or not really that's where it's where the cultural draws a line at what you're supposed to reveal by yourself which is
00:03:49| actually very little it's such a vague definition that it's highly debatable what is private and what is public and there's a lot of complaints yeah a lot of cases there's there's an
00:04:02| objective area that's defined that is your private area and areas and is a perfectly framed picture of my brunch in at California little air B&B we stayed at private if I took the picture and
00:04:16| didn't post it anywhere if it's inside of your home yes yeah okay no no it's in an air B&B in California it is now special brunch location that is public anyone can use that image against you in
00:04:29| the court of law and prove you that you were in California for those murders mm-hmm could come up later weird how about or your facebook pictures
00:04:42| they're private right so this is a weird one Oh No how we're gonna get there later anyway but yeah got it Farrell you started off with the hard one or the the most all
00:04:55| right all right so what's what's like the first thing it's private like you know y'all live in communities so we got doors and walls yeah you put up all the barriers to keep yourself away from
00:05:09| being what naked in front of people if you're changing your clothes you don't want them all the time what else do you do in your house you're like very first set up you take your poos your pee pees
00:05:21| most of the time in there most of they do your koi your your koi Titus boy this is deer coitus is occurring indoors yeah depending on who you are I guess that's probably where it's going on
00:05:36| if trap your child births are in inside right yeah if it's a medical arena you know there's all that bill does HIPAA laws they protect you dealing medical information private
00:05:48| information about yourself mmm make me lick my lips folks I'm sorry medical information does that fine I can't wait to reveal information it's kind of a weird it's a weird idea cuz it's not
00:06:01| necessarily cross-cultural each culture treats different things as private and not like the African tribes that are just like naked all the time or were the naturists natural ists
00:06:16| nudists just so yeah but Nate I think natural ists are like the people who believe that really like any any sort of like natural thing is fine and it shouldn't necessarily be a bad thing so
00:06:28| like a 75 year old dude who can get a boner can just whack it around some like teenage girls I mean I'm talking with natural it's not you I I think a naturalist do you approach that
00:06:41| naturalism is that you you would accept someone's body as it is and not be sexually aroused by it because it's now become a norm okay he's just doing it around them I'm not saying it's at them
00:06:54| he's aroused for some other reason okay love sunsets crank it into his favorite son let's skip rights at the jail cuz there's I'm gonna go to prison so I read a story about the privacy in prison
00:07:08| which there is none if you're in a Cell you're with somebody if you're taking a poop it's within six 10 feet of somebody for the record there's like hell in the cell which is a WWF event that happens
00:07:19| used to happen nearly that was one of the better ones oh I was gonna divulge some information about if I couldn't remember one instance from now on the cell so I had to cut myself short hmm
00:07:32| sorry go back to prison I'm sorry so if you're pooping no no you don't have any privacy if you're taking a shower you don't need privacy and changing clothes the same thing as showering so what if
00:07:45| what if Bill Gates went to jail he would have like his own toilet right probably it's probably made of gold have a golden trash can yeah they they make those listen to the trash episode survey at
00:07:56| episode $2,500 the proceeds go to some rich guy who's already too wealthy to receive his money he was nowhere to put it but so the story of that terrible poor so there no
00:08:11| I it was like trippy anyway Joe the story I read was that it becomes very strange and weird because you as a human being you need privacy in order to develop your self-identity the private
00:08:26| times that you have with yourself is a moment of growing in a moment of becoming autonomous so you can create your personality in those times aside from everyone else that may be
00:08:37| trying to influence you project onto you or be intro introspect non introspection inter objection so interjection is the idea of taking ideas from somebody else and absorbing your wheel you're yourself
00:08:55| interesting that's weird cuz um then I guess you become a hive mind like there's really no huh like all the prisoners kind of take on a certain persona
00:09:05| yeah that's why your gang is your your personam cuz my where were you with or whoever yeah you can't you can't you can't shower without them you can't man there's a lot you can't do it's really
00:09:19| like weird is I don't know so it's like dehumanizing so when you get out I feel like if I were in prison for a long time and I would have lost all those like levels of privacy I'd have no shame I
00:09:32| guess for anything so but I have private thoughts I'd still have those but sharing that with somebody like your physical body if you were to like start a relationship and get intimate like
00:09:45| them seeing you naked yeah homie depends on what you're trying to do but like sharing that with somebody now has lost its value don't you think your your privacy is entirely related well then
00:09:59| you say like this every relationship that was that comfortable with each other devalue a future relationship where if you you know
00:10:07| all my exes live in Texas or something is that the expression my ex is live in Texas I think that's I think I don't know do you every successive girlfriend or wife depends
00:10:20| how many you have does that cause you to lose the excitement I mean you're still excited but no it starts over but that's what I would argue happens as a prisoner I mean it's not like they like uh oh my
00:10:33| my bodily functions everyone watched me poop for years now I'm with you I have to poop with the door closed honey you know I don't special again I no longer yeah I think you lose that I
00:10:45| don't think you can get her back I think you you lose that sense of privacy the sense of need and it's Adam honor his life to hold it from relationship it's not she wasn't in jail he's not a jail
00:10:57| buddy I don't know she's your new buxom bride-to-be she's got like double D's she bounces when she talks she's got that cute little curlicue thing she does she's from Texas y'all know it goes on
00:11:10| down the south okay I'm does the thing keep get her hair going anyway is everything with her hair I'm just gonna close my eyes for a moment you treat her entirely differently than the guys from
00:11:27| jail who used to who used to hoot and holler if you could do a crapper that was so high I went above the water or something yeah whole different everything so you
00:11:38| started with the masturbation J owing the story I read about prison was that they prefer to do in the shower because that's the most private time before when they went to people around
00:11:49| yeah there's like okay it was like he said there was like a half wall and like four people in the shower at the same time but you feel like that's a private it I guess a private time it's gonna get
00:12:01| ya or you have like a cellmate and then you both decide to wait till quiet time and not mention what's happening yeah it's kind of fat fat fat fat that's good a key word for this episode
00:12:23| Wow so do you know why they do you know actually I don't know why they called privates do you the definition I got was intimate parts okay why personal more private parts I don't
00:12:39| know they so the list is that for both genders buttocks anus perineum and Mons pubis and then you like that okay hello here you say the same terms if it gets me around
00:12:53| oh we're for males we got the penis and the scrotum I know you like that one and they're up there oh yeah baby her females into the vulva and the poo dental cleft and breasts we know where
00:13:09| that is folks give me a map I'll show you yeah as long as it's there's directions on that map and take it to a gas station under Boulder yeah can you show me where the pudendal cleft
00:13:23| is wait Alan is like look least we're gonna head to the Wiest and then after you go east are you saying east or west I'm saying to the least anyway you're gonna go back go to the least uh-huh and
00:13:35| then you just say yeah then you go you go do what you gotta do so I guess it involves like bodily shame like wherever things come out of your body that you waste or arousal I guess things come out
00:13:48| of your body there too our appropriation which I guess things come out of your body there - all right baby all those things so the weird part is so like boobs on a woman versus I
00:14:00| guess tits on a woman versus tits on a man nipples areola what's the strain thrown make key words you can yes I am it's like why I don't know why we consider women's areas
00:14:13| private versus men's probably because men are aroused by it women probably don't even what they be if it was always my boy if men's were private and women's were not flip the stage we're gonna put
00:14:30| the stage folks women when I send in topless photos any men with the same didn't covered we're going streaking at all bunch of guys just throw their bikini tops off Beach
00:14:44| you know what's weird I'm not aroused by that but I'm aroused by the thought of that by you being one of the guys no just a bunch of them I'm like yeah those guys have a grand old
00:14:59| time we're gonna go so the first use of privates as a term for your who-who's mm-hmm was like 1305 if I had to guess oh yeah Shakespeare Hamlet Shakespeare is like keep breaking down breaking down
00:15:18| borders I did it was like you spending time with her I'm breaking it down because I took a screen shot with my phones all the way over there I'm not breaking the mood yeah it was you
00:15:30| spending time with her often and he went I in her privates a wee and a wink like kind of a high in her privates you follow he was like I II it was like a guy talk he's like I you spend a night
00:15:46| of her yeah oh yeah with her privates a which is interesting because at the time privates was also what you called a citizen who held no public office hmm which is also interesting because public
00:16:03| since everyone can see your life everyone can do personal attack ads in you we we love personal attack ads on politicians it's my favorite thing but it played someone who's not in public
00:16:15| yet we're gonna bring it up someone who's not in public office is it's a private a private citizen so like their privates and yes I want to talk about our favorite attack out of all time do
00:16:26| right now goolah 'du woods and you read it the name or bring up the name oh it's gonna be I don't even know how to pull that guy's name um Paul goes or is it gazer I think it I think it is it sounds
00:16:36| really similar like it's really funny because the whole ad is so it's done real well I'm sure I don't seen it by now look it up if not I'll ruin it for I'm against psychical Kozar um against
00:16:46| Paul goes or he doesn't help the farmer Senate's take a woman and says biologist she's like I'm against Paul Gozer because he don't help biology you don't like who cares like this is the
00:16:55| stupidest commercial it's like five people long I'm against Paul Kozar I'm a football coach I think it just doesn't have the people in Mike and Mike Cobra Health Care's who are these people it
00:17:04| was the stupidest group of people's like six people I was like none of them are scientists none of them rule the world I was like who cares and then it's like it's like Paul goes um my name is Mary
00:17:16| go sir I'm Paul Gosar's brother and the next person goes Paul goes brother and it's like all six of them are like I'm Paul Gosar's yeah Thursday Emily and they're
00:17:26| like and I'm voting for the other guy and then there's a smiling picture this other dude running and he's like I'm so-and-so vote for me it's like you just got five of his family members is
00:17:43| stabbed in the back or a commercial such a good commercial every single family member but by the way you do have to get a real piece of shit if you got six to your siblings hate you and they all hate
00:17:56| you enough to go on live TV or a commercial and record themselves saying they'll vote for the other guy that's bad now if he has thirty brothers and sisters like six isn't bad right that's
00:18:13| just the six that hate me but if you only got six that's not a good sign hmm vote for the other guy I don't remember the guys name yeah Paul Gozer
00:18:27| those are my neighbor my brother anybody but which brought us back the private citizen yeah private citizen has their own lives it's not on public display a private citizen can cheat on his wife or
00:18:44| kick a bunch of kids in the forehead [Laughter] I know I let children to love don't I'm saying to me that emphasize is a bad person like you could say whatever about
00:19:05| cases yeah but even like public personas like if you're a politician information is not allowed to be leaked about your private address your private phone or email or you know anywhere like HIPAA
00:19:18| stuff like that yeah and your medical records and hope user has warts is private warts in private spread is worse but here's the thing if that information does perchance perhaps leak I mean
00:19:37| there's no putting it back um and you can't deny it Kenny I mean you can deny it but yep I guess it's there's legal repercussions forever leaked in so this happened with oh crap hmm I forget his
00:19:52| name I have it somewhere I don't know what someone's medical I'll stall you just got tell me I'm not sure what we're shooting for here now this happened to like one of the judges in like a hearing
00:20:03| recently and it was oh yeah a big capital my doing having all this judge whoever that was I don't remember the guys name I can't remember no there was somebody who had worked as an intern and
00:20:17| like a political party and he had all the information about the judges on the panel so he released their private information while they were quizzing him interrogating him so they released
00:20:31| private documents which is called daxing oh I know what doc saying is yeah the Internet dumb significant it's a hacker movement Anonymous is wicked so before we get to that mmm
00:20:50| because that's like whole that's a very ended unto itself it's really big and it also talks about our uses online where I wanted to talk about real quick was that um I just did a couple stats from
00:21:01| statista comments for bats for Buress baristas for coffee makers correct the Internet hmm whether it's good internet or not I add Danny really should bro my phone for this episode
00:21:20| everywhere I agree with your staff I think I've read that before okay well um I actually have the 17 or 14 countries that have free internet entirely national internet independent
00:21:34| free like it's um you can get internet maybe for free in China but it's controlled and everything that you see is their reflection it's called it's not just called free it's called like
00:21:45| independent private you're not gonna spy on you Internet would well I think they guarantee they're not gonna spy but they're not gonna censor it uncensored so like you can look at whatever like
00:21:57| you can look up why does my country suck you know what I'm saying okay and that doesn't get you egged I might but I'm saying in China you can't even look it up in most countries
00:22:08| you can't even look up certain things those websites are just blocked in America or whoever a bunch of these other countries if you look up how to make a bomb you look it up you can find
00:22:17| that website I'm sure it gets flagged you don't I'm saying yes this story actually came up about people researching for you know intellectual purposes how to make a bomb and okay it
00:22:31| it's borderline you would think like the the public outcry would be this person is gonna bomb somebody like immediately like you think it's gonna be a terrorist react and then those people are like
00:22:42| well I'm kind of curious how to make a bomb and then they've researched it themselves so it could be any number of things like you're writing a story and you want to make it accurate to how a
00:22:54| terrorist would do something so yeah that information of you searching for something that should be private to because other people could be outraged by it you could be injured other people
00:23:05| could do things against you part of try to blackmail you you know think bad think that happen if they know yeah they could Docs you so you don't want to have your private information
00:23:16| out there no one percent seventy-seven percent of all page loads on the Internet contain at least one tracking device like a cookie trace a footprint
00:23:26| something that returns information to a different website or different ISPs the server anytime anywhere correct keeps your information it even if it's just as simple as I registered that he visited
00:23:39| here above them mm-hmm sure like that lovely I don't know another thing that some importance is 13% of social media accounts were hacked in 2016 whether that's my grandmom's Facebook or
00:23:53| my great-aunt her Twitter or someone's Instagram they're locked out because and don't click on it it's a virus I sent everybody or your email or whatever years um I was gonna jump to the next
00:24:12| section but I can't remember how in my head I had it really recessed media Facebook no it's gonna go into the hardware software regulations thing real quick
00:24:20| mmm you wanna go like the EU the European Union how they actually have laws on the books about generally do adduction pretty recently wasn't it yes Oh 2006 under they say there are three
00:24:34| things that are in a standoff right now it's like the the TED talk did it really good it was like you know the three-way standoff sometimes a Mexican standoff sometimes it's a Taiwanese and though
00:24:44| sometimes it's a Japanese whatever nationality the people in the standoff are they call it that probably inappropriate the more Percy name unless offensive it becomes it's a Caucasian
00:24:56| standoff it depends on guess anyway it's three people pointing guns at the other to each individual the thing one is hardware like the thing you wear on your rest your Fitbit Alexa are you listening
00:25:15| to us today I start listening when I hear the wait word yeah right more information it review Amazon's privacy notice visit the health section of the Alexa yeah yeah okay hey Google are you
00:25:27| listening to us speed middle is great but when you need to head baby I don't have much time speed metal is great for when absolutely right answer the question at
00:25:41| all Oh sidestep did I see good move like things we carry our fitbit's our phones some of the gps is our cars our Alexa's or hey googles oh that's up even our TVs are
00:25:56| able to listen in and record what we're doing mm-hmm yeah it's the harbor physical items we use we buy we love sorry what I can't help with that yet it's gonna be annoying the Internet of
00:26:07| Things everything is connected and everything's recording everything you're doing well number two is the software or the companies the in term the companies that control the information whether
00:26:17| it's your cell phone company AT&T t-mobile Verizon Google Apple Garmin Facebook Samsung your internet service provider they're pretty big players on all these mm-hmm they control the flow
00:26:28| of all that information that you're hoping it's private lastly we have regulations whose regulating who is a regulations on the hardware is it on the software you're just mentioning the
00:26:39| European Union privacy agreement yeah what was their agreement I actually didn't write it down but general data protection regulation 2001 the word it essentially says that you're if you're
00:26:51| processing collecting data then you need to do it inside the EU and keep the data inside the EU so you can't release private information about somebody that would identify them and correlate them
00:27:03| to some certain group so if you have specifics about who they are as a person that someone could use against them you're not allowed to release it you have to make sure interesting obfuscated
00:27:15| are made confusing interesting I didn't know that's a rule in America but it sort of is because Google Facebook everybody they get all your information they sell it mm-hmm it's it's super
00:27:30| valid information face book sellers your data there's a reason these apps these things we sign up for a free because we're paying for it in some other way right now it's your data the things you
00:27:41| like the things you click on the things the places you want to vacation and the information is being sold to third parties it's personally personally identifiable
00:27:52| information III's PII is folks check him out do you know what's interesting about Pei is there now and use them directly now they can't say this is so and so's data
00:28:05| this is he's a 30 year old male he loves anime he he collects swords I don't I wish actually really cool I'm gonna start what they have to do is you use the word a minute ago they have to
00:28:24| jumble it so that it's viable yeah you have to make it so you it's like group some and enough that you can't tell who it's actually talking about like an exact statistics out but
00:28:34| you can't say Dan and his full name loves this version of this website which shows him naughty bits to collect all this date on you they got your social they got your probably add pretty much
00:28:55| every piece of information from you but it's illegal to just give that to anyone else yeah so they have to just go make it look like this 30 year old male I know he he does this I know you can even
00:29:08| go to Google check your advertising section I turned mine off like personalized ads or more likely turned on for almost everything you do I turn mine off but I turn it on just for the
00:29:19| episode and it like keeps a log on you of what it thinks your interests are what it thinks your ages what it thinks like North East you know America or United States mine was like into fishing
00:29:32| photography I was I've never fished in my life so wrong a lot but that's not the point the point is it's trying to spy on me like it knows he liked sports he likes this and it's like might be
00:29:46| interested in these movies and I get my Google every morning recommendations like if you know all the stories yeah you go down actually most yeah they do apply a pretty
00:29:57| Messimer decent now I'm annoyed that sometimes like it's like I like the game doom 2016 everyday there's a doom story I'm like I don't care I was writing them any story but
00:30:09| doom I'm like I get it it's cuz I get it do the forevers coming out or whatever it's called eternal or forever did you see that has a grappling hook what oh you didn't see the reveals like
00:30:20| two weeks ago you okay you should it's not out yet but was my favorite game of anyway the the sequels coming up and there's like this grappling hook feature where you can shoot something out of
00:30:31| your arm it attaches to one of these guys and you can swing to it or swing off of their body to another platform hmm and you have like a melee weapon that's like a sword now they're just
00:30:43| like chops I don't know it looks it comes out of your arm it's pretty badass mmm anyway it's gonna be awesome so good job Google sending me all that sumi oh
00:30:52| thanks for spying on me I appreciate it but all this stuff gets collected we don't know whether the software is the bad guys the hardware is the good guys because we're willingly signing up for
00:31:05| the software we're really paying more and more money four thousand dollars for phones and hundreds of dollars fees fitbit's that just follow us and heart trying my heart romantical date record
00:31:14| essentially yeah and so I'm giving that information to Big Data third party who will then sell it to who's gonna buy it marketers no law that says who were what they can or can't sell to right yeah I
00:31:29| guess in fact there's no law they're trying to pass it in California now that says Google or whatever software company even has to tell how much information they've given to the third party hmm
00:31:42| that's crazy I thought they would have to write down like hey we told this company this isn't this there's what we told them they don't have to not by law that's well yeah why what last it's kind
00:31:54| of a weird thing because I guess you could give them a package and record like a card right like if someone wants yeah I want thirty year old males who are interested in this and I'm gonna try
00:32:06| to market something to them I was like what do you mean that's kind of right I've been innovation because it's if it was not legal is it because if it was publicly known I guess
00:32:16| people would use it against them it's the same thing we fight if isn't it kind of publicly known though like if I told you a guy's a fan of doom and he's a fan of podcasts and he is 30 and he lives at
00:32:29| home in his basement you could probably sell them a lot of products you already know half of this stuff he's gonna buy don't you you kind of do we need more data than that I don't know
00:32:37| if you had more data you could make even more specific products using the Rick and Morty or something I know this guy I'm gonna t-shirt pictures I don't know I guess it works I mean it wouldn't it
00:32:50| wouldn't pay it didn't work right that's true right now I just read an article that said data is worth more than oil right now what measure of data are you using the guy today de Petitte have a
00:33:04| bite you better believe it dude exabyte is worth more than a gallon gasoline folks hmm good I have no idea yeah I've done idea how that would and who's by selling what I want to bring up
00:33:20| is a three TED Talks yeah that I watched today one was by a woman I didn't write down her name because I was running on the treadmill I exercise that's why I look so good
00:33:32| hmm she gave a TED talk that was very good about privacy and why it matters and it got uploaded to YouTube and she was very upset because the top comment was I deaf that was like yeah I have
00:33:46| that too and the third time I was like you guys are not respecting her she's a woman but she has a good point maybe if you guys watched the whole article but also I probably have that so it was like
00:33:57| she was getting trolled big time and she talks about like gamergate and the problem with daxing and people doxxed other people that she stood up for and they were given real-life death threats
00:34:10| and rape threats and all this stuff I was like yeah so it's it's a blackmailing kind of uh what's that word with E what's the e word threat entrapment no and try men that
00:34:24| to move it out a little bit we'll get into that a bit yeah I think so so yes so these people are trying to be manipulated into like a public arena that forces them to act a certain way
00:34:35| it's the same thing with voting it's like voting is an anonymous thing so that no one can tell you whether to vote Republican Democrat or that other party that no one votes for except for weirdos
00:34:44| but um yeah the Green Party libertarian Greve are you from Wow oh it's libertarian so yeah that's kind of a weird thing though for like voting if you cast a vote they don't really I mean
00:35:00| they know who it is right shouldn't they how it is but you can't report it out you just have to trust some company yeah the company that's recording your vote is saying
00:35:10| that you are the person you say who you are and say you voted for yeah and you're not duplicating it maybe not modeling vines get it along the way mmm I sip I sip so it's a weird it's a weird
00:35:28| mix that like there's certain things that need to be private because you can't you shouldn't be influenced big from outside forces that can control her watch or verify that you did that it's
00:35:40| kind of another I think you think it could scare you coerce you force you to act a certain way yeah which kind of happens with the Internet in general mm-hmm so one talk I
00:35:53| watched was how your your data is worth money kind of what I just discussed like eventually in the next four to five years cuz this is two years ago talk I didn't write his name down either I only
00:36:06| wrote one day we'll get to it but he said within around 2020 he had figures there will be a company that decides to say hey Google's collecting your data apples collect their data all these
00:36:18| people collect your data and it's without your knowledge they're not paying you guess what we'll pay you give us as much information about yourself as you want you like argyle socks
00:36:27| you're like j.crew this is your size we'll pay the eight bucks for that we'll pay 18 bucks for it and you know what we're just gonna send you ads for j.crew I'm telling you right up front this is
00:36:35| what we're doing here's your money do it with us don't go with Google screwed up they did the same thing with receipts you could take a picture of a receipt show everything you bought and
00:36:44| they would give you you know five cents per seat so people just keep sending those receipts in really ya know but essentially I mean he says he thinks that will happen because capitalist
00:36:55| society usually goes in that direction and right now it's kind of mysterious like no one knows the laws no one knows who collects the data no one knows this that kind of mysterious but eventually
00:37:05| its markets all get saturated eventually we follow the dollar I think eventually you might be on to something I don't know if that's here right now but it makes me a little less scared about a
00:37:15| dystopian future because there will be other companies cutting each other's throats and trying to use our data against us and not use it against us in our government and selling it to the
00:37:24| highest bidder and really it all gets muddled and eventually looks like hey the TV's gonna ruin like for everyone but it doesn't what's your most sensitive piece of information your most
00:37:34| private piece of information that you would not want to get out probably like what I whack it to yeah it's like I guess people could just shame you in such a way that you would but I mean
00:37:52| good here's my thing everyone's thinking the same thing right probably I don't know what you whack it to I know vodka I understand I'm not long pop already I already know what I'm gonna do
00:38:09| it's a long con uh-huh I'm saying it so if I doesn't count but I'm gonna whack it to every category and I'm talking about the short list the long list everyone is I'm talking about you know
00:38:20| what every category categories there oh no there's like there's like thousand have to go to the right side anyway I'm gonna walk it to each category okay for a week I don't know how long it's gonna
00:38:31| take me he's gonna take me years dedication just I'm gonna work through it even if it's category to discuss me I don't like doesn't do anything for me then I don't know maybe it's my favorite
00:38:41| category but I'd only get a week with it I don't know I'm gonna do it and then at the end if someone says well that's what he whacks it so I'm gonna say buddy give me a minute
00:38:51| the papers here's a list out sit down while I read it yeah eventually I mean I'm gonna I'm gonna touch the borders with so many other
00:39:03| groups that eventually like yeah someone in the back will yo yeah for every one that I read out and a lot of oriented people congressional bangbus eventually I just have the whole crowd going granny
00:39:32| panties and someone's going I'm Spartacus and all these people are standing with me and I've raised such a firmer that I've just instilled the true meaning of a man and I'll be the only
00:39:45| politician left like dream I don't know one day everyone standing up and cheering oh that would be beautiful wouldn't it anyway it takes a lot of dedication I'm not sure from what though
00:40:03| yet I might start next week convinced yeah we're gonna come back to that but just the last head talk I saw was really good and it was kind of before we get to them
00:40:15| Greg Greenwald is he famous for something no yeah sure what it would seem famous for he did it he did he did many TED talks bro okay did a lot more than this one oh this is a good one for
00:40:34| the most people he doesn't talk on why privacy matters and his is that the common misconception about privacy is this when you say don't you care that government's watching
00:40:48| everything you do the most common answer is this well if you're not doing anything bad why does it even matter oh that's not right it's an answer it's not but it's very common most people say
00:40:59| that well not dealt with bombs in my basement I don't care if the government knows what kind of Crouse as I wear you know that was my voice cuz that's the kind of person that
00:41:07| would say trousers not pants I love it arouses anyway so then he says this sentiment that is very very prevalent in most people it's not in everybody but it's very common it really leads to one
00:41:22| thing only bad people had something to hide correct it's a sentiment event defense common sentiment but not good true doesn't we're not saying it's true I'm
00:41:38| saying it's a sentiment because most people will say that right yeah cuz they're fearful that's one else is gonna do something to them so they think oh I'm good and everyone's being watched
00:41:49| then everyone who's bad and being watched is gonna get caught and I'm gonna be more protected by the boat man weird is then we get in who's really good and who's really bad hmm which is
00:42:01| weird to begin with but then let's now let's not even say that let's say anyone who's opposed to surveillance is now one of three things they're either they must be plotting to make these bottoms and
00:42:13| all that or they're bad or so Authority might make them look to be like they they want to do something mischievous mmm-hmm questioning why why do you want to hide
00:42:26| like there's it's already a bad a bad look on those people so there's this is it there's a few things that kind of fall into this category so like expectation of privacy in your
00:42:40| own home objective objectively it's that's private if you're driving in your own car it depends on what's happening whether it's objective or subjective it's actually mostly subjective so if a
00:42:53| cop pulls you over and he has what suspicion he's allowed to search your vehicle but if he doesn't have some suspicion then you're you're allowed to have your privacy of your own vehicle
00:43:06| he's not allowed to search it so if there's a beer cap on the floor he can do whatever the hell he wants but if there's nothing it's out of sight even if
00:43:16| beer cap under your seat he's not allowed to say oh I found this after the fact and then say that was reasonable cause it's interesting because what about the smell I thought I smelled weed
00:43:28| I thought I did so this I didn't uh-huh this actually came up in a story about there was a grow house that was obviously growing weed they brought a dog drug smelling dog to
00:43:41| the door he smelled weed and then they busted in the place and arrested them turns out that you can't do that why cuz they caught the drug sniffing dog that's illegal no it's uh so curtilage it's
00:43:56| actually the area that is your house and around your house and any of the structures on your property its defined by that area and that is actually a private area so by invading that
00:44:08| curtilage you're searching so the dog was not allowed to be there unless there was a suspicion that required him to be there so you're not allowed to just bring police dogs to everyone's door to
00:44:21| find and try to discover whether they're doing something illegal it's the same thing with they do it with like they used to do with surveillance heat sensors and I are they would just like
00:44:33| you to fly a plane overhead and the grow house would be hotter so they would say this is a grow house obviously you're not allowed to just act on the thermal image because that provides information
00:44:45| that you couldn't otherwise gather you couldn't just visually see it weird yeah and you knew this hmm I thought it was fantastic they I mean they tried that they obviously we're doing something
00:44:58| illegal but because they couldn't prove that they found it through normal means the case got thrown out as a mistrial and you're find it's like you as long as you know like I'm sure they could find
00:45:09| other ways of proving that they were doing it but if that's your right now it that way you throw that out it don't fit acquit the other fact that comes from that is the curtilage is it doesn't
00:45:20| account for like empty fields so if you have a huge property and there's no structures the police are allowed to search that area they're allowed there actually not surfing they're allowed to
00:45:32| walk the police dog through it because it's not an occupied area interesting so if you're growing like marijuana in your backyard you're screwed that's not curtilage that's that's an
00:45:44| open field public I live like a public space I guess get the public to walk by it isn't it trespassing though I mean oh no I think you're really gonna think it's not you could probably I it from
00:45:55| some angle if you're flying overhead or something like I said I just saw it there and then that's probable cause so if there was a giant weed Oh mm-hmm so this Greg Greenwald speech was very good
00:46:14| um I actually suggest you maybe even listen to it other people it goes on to say that not only is anyone who opposes privacy just cast in a bad light like anyone who says raise their hands that
00:46:27| well I think we should have privacy automatically what why why do you want that your bad is a common perception that will parade a lot of people not everyone not intelligent people but
00:46:39| probably most common folk right yeah that's like on the internet like I want an encrypted connection that no one can spy on and yeah I want to go through tor so that it later ranks all my move yeah
00:46:51| it's like what do you do I just I just do it for everything so the idea is um authority wants this Authority wants you to look like a bad guy any time you want privacy do you know why because privacy
00:47:06| is needed in any time there's any kind of revolt any kind there's any kind of pushback against Authority think about it you have to have privacy to plot to attack - otherwise you'd be in total
00:47:19| control right yeah if there's a Toydarian Society you need to be able to just any any kind of power struggle if the group and power knows exactly what the other groups are thinking they
00:47:31| can stay in power forever that's true there's no turning down right so for there to be any kind of movement or power struggle or change in the world there has to be
00:47:43| I see he also he mentioned that um they had created a prison the idea of a president I think this isn't in 1984 they Dom you can actually I don't go to prison I think of society did you read
00:48:02| was that the one where on the government could spy on anyone at any time in their house now they couldn't watch you all at once but they could tune in to your house at any given time and the idea was
00:48:13| he always had to act like they could be listening in or they could be spying on you at that moment and the idea the thought of spying makes people act better than actual spying on them the
00:48:27| info serious ly potential yeah because well that's the whole idea behind God isn't it the Abraham God or the Catholic God he's always watching omniscient could be right now and seeing what
00:48:40| you're what are you looking at on yeah gonna give you a local go ahead but I mean Santa Claus the idea that someone could be watching you is this feeling of shame he said shame is one of those
00:48:53| really strong feelings that no one even we can't even describe how powerful it is it keeps us from we act entirely different our behavior changes under the guise of watch it does I mean people
00:49:05| sing in the shower right they're not minor as hell are singing elsewhere right so the whole message behind 1984 some people say is that surveillance state is coming for us it's not
00:49:20| necessarily that will always be surveilled it's that we're always worried that we will be surveilled like there's something that comes about where everyone makes mistakes
00:49:30| everyone has stupid moments everyone is a little bit of a bad person until you googled the bomb thing let's say you uh you acted some weird porn let's say you were trolling some people online you
00:49:41| said some really nasty things you're probably all done it at one point we're all 16 we're all 18 we're all 15 as long as there's nothing even even if it was who knows natan 15 I'm like I might've
00:49:55| who the hell knows why I said it I'd mind things at the 2-minute so hold on so let's say we fest for twenty years and we can pull up that information from you
00:50:04| on pandered and for 15 years ago and use it against you I'm gonna shame me oh not just shame you you probably can't run for office you might get fired from your job all for saying something at 15
00:50:16| it's kind of weird the fact that we've created this moving database that comes with us and what used to be a moment in time when you're screen and stretch down for a lot longer
00:50:29| than one second yeah because although you hold that over your head all the data in the world is now growing in an exponential rate so again repetitive petabytes exabytes of data just like
00:50:40| every year it doubles it's ridiculous amounts and that storage is a lot of data yeah there's no there I don't know that there are laws that control how long
00:50:51| you're supposed to keep data for I think the European Union or your opinion you know I can't say it now European Union was developing the what the right to forget right to be forgotten let's sound
00:51:05| familiar no I actually don't I didn't come across that you didn't us at all no how many years how many years I think it's actually I don't know how you define it because it becomes really
00:51:17| weird in certain cases because certain people are like public figures like if you were part like a CEO of a company like the data that is pertinent to you I was also
00:51:30| pertinent to the company so it affects you know copyrights and various things trade secrets yeah proprietary information so if that is somehow leaked
00:51:41| right who's to say yeah if you cannot erase it from the internet then it can be used against you and it can be brought up again and again it doesn't disappear it of it mm-hmm and
00:51:53| then also like if you had a crime say you committed a crime when you're 15 or you know 19 past the age of a mile that could forever be linked to you so it should be that if you're now a different
00:52:07| person because you've matured and you've moved past whatever you done in the past that should disappear from your record people shouldn't be able to Google your name and that's the
00:52:16| first thing that pops up are you googling my name these are a crime associated with my name they don't think I have any crimes oh so you just type in my name in crime that's the other crazy
00:52:28| thing about this whole bag police car spit on please peed on ticket that's a go are how many images do you think are ahead of you in the actual I think there's a hockey
00:52:41| player that's around my age like he's an ice hockey player and he gets a lot of pub Elite process he's an elite prospect oh my god I haven't been keeping up with him it's been like four years good on
00:52:53| him I'm glad that I'm cool you are actually the fifth image in the search it's anyone related to me in there I love it there's a hand on your shoulder and up by sea blonde hair so it might be
00:53:09| your your mom in the picture everyone else is completely not related to you see you've been forgotten isn't it congratulations Nick you were no longer important of the world good do you show
00:53:24| up injured uh-huh can I do it oh no cuz you might lie I could lie no there's a lot we do you do image search for a name yeah that I don't see me at all actually there's a guy restaurant six-six dude is
00:53:41| awesome with the camera yeah I like that guy selfie oh I found you uh senior project oh I know a little bit about you so one of those um speeches as TED talks the woman said um who told whoever on
00:54:01| wrote I would hit that or whatever I would have that um she paid a private investigator to use the Internet and find as much about her as he could like Doc's her a little bit like you know
00:54:13| just never because she's she said she's not a very online person she's online which she tries to keep fairly private watches more than she speaks you know that kind of imagine people taking
00:54:24| non-internet data and putting it on the internet for other people did you know what she found that guy found and I have no idea he went through all her previous addresses where she lived cuz she didn't
00:54:36| post that anywhere she recorded it but somehow I guess stuff background checks show that somehow probably all her email addresses all her social media accounts and then it got weird
00:54:47| um they knew that she was in a messy divorce and the entire divorce documents were there you could read the transcripts and all and she was like whoa and then um
00:54:59| the private investigator after he found out where she lived she just he just drove by the house and took a picture of her son and you know I'm like the balcony of a window mm-hmm
00:55:07| he wasn't trying to scare her you're just saying like this pretty easy and I mean it went on and on so I'm gonna interrupt real quick go house she guns please so no paparazzi that taking
00:55:20| pictures of people um live in California there was actually a law passed that said that you can't take pictures of children under the certain age because celebrities children are someone's like
00:55:32| minor okay but it's not like a six year old I thought that's where you're going with this so this death so celebrities were being kind of blackmailed with pictures of
00:55:43| their own children and this happened to like a lot of them so they pass a law so that if you're taking photos of children that are minors there's heavy penalties against it I think that's not a bad idea
00:55:54| now what's make sense I don't think I don't think a 17 year old boy who's smoking cigarettes on the balcony because he hates his parents days learn all's clothes and he has headphones on
00:56:03| is off-limits though I mean well this falls under like I think if you're like a 17 year old teenager and they take pictures of you and they say like Safran and the name was there's a teenage girl
00:56:17| a daughter of somebody who was a huge celebrity and then they put it on the internet and started mocking her it's like that affects someone emotionally and that just doesn't seem right but
00:56:27| we'll get this though mom when I used to go to school like kids would make fun of other kids and mock them to their face like me I mean that hasn't changed it's now I understand it's not a public
00:56:39| forum it makes it a little weird but it's not like it's changed per se so here's another example so when I'm gonna say there's a challenger Columbia exploded
00:56:52| they had audio recordings of the astronauts before they died did they ever make that public like they did not I when they did not oh good so that that was a judge's ruling that said you know
00:57:05| this this is in the public realm but we're not going to allow it to be public because of the distress that it will cause the family it's like none of that yeah the emotional stability of people
00:57:18| is relying on the privacy that is given to them in certain situations and with that actually it's yeah I don't want to hear they go screaming and yelling that I know her before they died we're crying
00:57:31| and saying bye to their families and all that leave that for the family I guess you know the UH to bring us back up the other uh the guy that was researching he's researching on that woman he was
00:57:45| and I it was the other speaker ironically enough that spoke about this damn but down lesson finding out someone's personal information daxing a little like background checks the
00:57:57| information that you have to provide to get into like you know raffles if you were camp I was a camp counselor yeah you and you're the most crazy part about being a camp counselor if your camp
00:58:09| counseling for eight weeks 12 weeks whatever it is summer summer camp counselor they got a do background checks I'm working with uh mom was first and second grade so where have you lived
00:58:18| the past five years right yeah well mo child safety checks whatever they called China already clearance a yeah do you know um I got cleared the last day of camp and never
00:58:32| clicked they didn't bother the head of time really no they collected this the week before I started and they're like okay we gotta go through the paperwork learn like I forgot all about it
00:58:43| I mean figure it went through they gave a thumbs up green light overnight I'm good well it was like five weeks later or seven weeks later and they were like oh
00:58:50| paperwork everything came out good I was a good real good cuz I'm done in like two days yeah we're gonna get flagged as a terrorist child molesting atheist I don't know I was
00:59:06| trying all the bad things you could be that's radius and it has a YMCA I feel like that's a god-fearing place I don't want you think there would they allow you as an atheist been away from the
00:59:22| children get away from the children I figured out the story okay so the other guy who gave the TED talk kion everyone's laughing at this I thought it was great a guy would go on trips to
00:59:33| Europe every month or so his wife whatever he suspected she was cheating on him well you can actually check your location data minute by minute hour by hour I forget how to do it if you have
00:59:48| an Android device its automatic with your phone that's tracking your movements everywhere you go so he did for example this is what I did and he picked the random day September 14 2010
01:00:00| whatever was said I woke up that looks like I started moving around this time I left the hotel at this time I went to a coffee shop here I bought coffee because there's a there's a fee on my credit
01:00:11| card that's connected to this I must have walked to this place I used an uber to get to here so and so he retrace his dates like I didn't remember this but yeah that makes sense I did all that
01:00:21| makes sense that's scary that I could figure that out and I didn't even know I had location tracked on so he tells the story of a man who thought his wife was being unfaithful he checked her phone
01:00:32| records and she would disappear around 2:00 a.m. and head to this hotel on the other side of town where he knew whenever ex-lovers was he also had
01:00:43| access to her Fitbit and he knew that her heart rate jumped to 157 for 20 minutes and the audience is laughing and cracking up and I was like he should drop to her he should drop the hammer
01:00:53| and he's like oh so you know what's going on and everybody's laugh and he didn't do this but it would be the best he was like he armed Tector services one more time found them
01:01:04| both and kill them with a gun they were all nervous laughing like heart rate up ah but the point being if he could figure out where they were and know that they were probably getting intimate and
01:01:21| be really upset he could find out where they were in killing him that wouldn't be that hard yeah chromatid passion I suppose when that kind of is planned out so I don't
01:01:30| know if that premeditated I guess yeah oh regardless of lizards I don't care about it in jail time I care that he's going to go and shoot them both like you don't I mean you're afraid that you're
01:01:40| gonna get shot by somebody then decides you're cheating though because I'm not can you imagine just my heart rate goes up when I'm at work because I'm not exercising before work just runs in and
01:01:51| just guns me down immediately after the podcast we can see the Knicks stays down the stairs his heart rate goes up we've got gonzo in the back there you just love people in those people so much
01:02:08| yes he does mm-hmm but I mean it's a scary world we're living in more we give up our privacy with fitbit's and everything we're kind of doing it intentionally and we're doing it right
01:02:20| now we're our podcast or how much could we I mean this could all be used against us and by an employer sauce we don't share our last names because we don't want people to find it that we know but
01:02:34| if someone actually accidentally found it in our in our companies we probably would someone would probably tell the boss I can't check out what Nick does with dando like oh no good point this is
01:02:47| gonna be a headache well so here's my question when I was thinking about this the other night I said what is privacy it's literally the opposite of your legacy isn't it yeah and it's the
01:03:04| weirdest way to talk about it but it kind of is right a little bit I'm gonna so I want to say one thing about so your property when you pass away like your physical property that goes on to your
01:03:16| heirs and there's laws and rules about what happens the information about you and what you're thinking and all of all of you it's still a version of property so under the Constitution it's sort of
01:03:30| covered but they had to add a bunch of amendments and then have some bunch of rulings about what is private and what isn't but if you were to die and you weren't like a CEO or public figure that
01:03:43| had a persona that was I guess cobbler writable in a way I guess it's about businesses and rely on you after about I think it's two or three months your privacy goes away you no longer have
01:03:58| privacy as it as it has a corpse is that weird it didn't bring up my question for you sure which would you rather um every move website um text email that you sent was not private at all everyone in the
01:04:17| world could see it anytime they wanted for a full year and then after that year you could make them forget about it like amnesia type effect or would you rather everything's private but in ten
01:04:31| years it will all come out and everyone be able to see it transparency full transparency which is more important privacy now privacy long term the central when does it start
01:04:42| because the age it starts matters if I'm brain out today today probably I picked the ten year one cuz I'm pretty sure then you're playing a real long game dude you're playing a ten year game and
01:04:53| you're starting to clock now and in two years you're thinking about the ten year game yeah but I don't think I'm gonna do anything that drastic I feel like if it caught me at an age where I didn't know
01:05:05| what I was doing and I had a lot of emotions and energy in mind you know everyone could see what porno you're maybe looking at or something - oh yeah but anything else is it's gotten kind of
01:05:15| tame missionary yeah British missionary can't wait til I can't see anything fully-clothed have 45 minute discussions full-length full-frontal discussions Oh
01:05:32| point of view ya know some writer drove a Boyar for your discussion not even there he is watching people discuss it oh yeah just like this this is kind of a [Music]
01:05:49| so here does it matter if everyone figures out what you looked at what you texted what you emailed after you die so this is the beginning of the internet really is that the first time someone
01:06:03| actually had a webcam they recorded themselves day in day out doing day to day things and people would all tune in like it was the Truman Show and be really curious about whatever that
01:06:16| person did there's a physical person that did this for like years like regardless of what she was doing or you know I want to get the name now I'm just curious I don't know the story at all
01:06:27| only to look her up or something stall huh I will I'm just I'm flabbergasted so life caster jennifer Ringley I believe she did know I she's still alive I think if she still billing
01:06:43| it no she did it for seven years and she was from Pennsylvania she's 42 yeah oh yeah 96 what would that make her if she's 42 young teen yes around that time hell yeah yeah so she had Jenny cam dot
01:07:02| work so she would record almost everything that she did and people would be so fascinated she had thousands of viewers even though she was just sitting on the couch playing with a cat or
01:07:12| sitting on the couch playing with her heart she go like she would be naked on into at times up for room she could she know what she was doing did she it was just like living room living room him I
01:07:26| think it was like a small apartment so she could see almost everyone it's up to do yeah weird hmm it's it's also weird that people want to tune in to another person's
01:07:37| private life well this comes up when I'm like whenever I would date people like I'd be so curious what they're thinking of me what were they're doing like how exciting is their life and that makes me
01:07:50| even more curious when someone doesn't even want me to get like on the first like ring of privacy like they don't even want to like associate with me and like share like one personal story I get
01:08:02| curious like well what is life for that person so I could see people go into Jenny Kim and be like I want to know what one person is doing with their life and once it gets boring they're like oh
01:08:13| I guess nothing well voyeuristic aliy is it a little bit like having a relationship yeah you're wondering what's gonna happen it's completely random I suppose well it's like it's
01:08:25| like fabricating a relationship with that person do you know what they do in their private life you know what they do behind closed doors you know what they do inside their house like that they
01:08:36| would only show their partner or whatever so a little bit what you're seeing is what their partner would see so I guess maybe that's the whole drawl of it the outside verse inside persona
01:08:47| yeah I guess so is that you feel like you're sitting on the couch and living with that person yeah it's interesting so is that what makes a relationship special I guess the
01:08:59| private parts any relationship so this is what I kind of kicked it off with is that the whole of you is really information if you're kissing somebody they're receiving information about how
01:09:11| you feel while you taste how you smell I think even if you're having sex like that's information about you how you interact with them and you're sharing that with people so on a level all the
01:09:23| information that is you your genetic information or you look the way you sound the way you talk what you talk about that's all in private really unless you're purposely sharing
01:09:36| it with the public weird so we've gotten to this whole thing where private is what makes relationships what makes us special what makes us unique and now we face a crises
01:09:47| our private lives are becoming more public than ever before yeah or the public life that we're sharing is not really our life at all so then you brought me the one last thing um we
01:10:02| share the best of our public life or right yeah we pretend it's our private life but it's the perfect brunch from California it's only the good things we do it's a good hair day it's this
01:10:13| perfect selfie it's the right angle where you're from above because it makes you look thinner we're giving our public persona that we broadcast is a little bit fake you know so everyone has in the
01:10:28| real life some bad stuff they don't want still released to the public but there are more and more cloying there's more and more ways to get looks at us there's more and more information that we don't
01:10:38| necessarily want out there because it doesn't make us look great I think when someone's watching we act differently I mean I have a job where quality we have a thousand viewers if we had a thousand
01:10:49| viewers shit cuz I I was not acting like we did I probably would act differently if I saw bullshit oh you'd be like yours I'd be like this well folks Oh IVA C is really important to me notice how I
01:11:04| pronounced my T's very very eloquent so how we act privately is different than how we act publicly and that private piece is necessary to grow ourselves and understand ourselves and how we truly
01:11:23| think away from the eye of the public or maybe even a single person or something that's recording us hmm I already asked my would you rather I just looked and I saw buzzing up I did
01:11:35| well I guess we're sharing our private lives right here mm-hmm one thing I've been doing this is a personal thing so lately I've got a new job offer which I have accepted I
01:11:53| started telling people like the salary because it's like associated with the context of the topic that's one of the things in our culture that we Jen only don't share we don't share how much
01:12:03| we make because it because the other podcaster will get mad at you yeah but I've been doing it purposely to figure out like where other people are in relation to me which is probably a
01:12:14| negative probably not supposed to compare yourself but then also it lets people know where they should be and if there's a like if the company somehow not giving them proper raises they could
01:12:26| figure out how to go about being either which four people are my friends I'm sure make sure that hopes right right yeah know that make sense it's the same thing with certain websites do that to
01:12:37| get an anonymous person say that they make this much money you're like oh so this so this is what yeah yeah right but can you imagine it that in on amenity and an anonymity that got it
01:12:53| right I mean if that not an identity was stripped from an individual can you imagine if all the YouTube trolls that said di deafer like we're doxed can you imagine if they only lives at certain
01:13:08| address call him on the phone number right here we change the internet forever and I almost think we're headed that way with as much information is available so maybe we should all slow
01:13:21| our friggin roll and stop trolling as much I love the troll by the way I'm a troll we're like I'm a kind hearted fun troll I'm not like I'm gonna rape your Fabio kill everyone you've ever known
01:13:32| instead I'm like lol get out much I guess Michael so does it get out much like I don't tan well and then they're thinking about it but I'm a good nature troll you're a troll from the cartoon
01:13:48| series with the rainbow hair so folks to recap information it's private but I'm not secrecy is your identity how people find you your self-discovery intimacy
01:14:07| relationships and cred words Snowden mm Julian Assange all of those people that took bits so that was it's encrypted right so they don't store the
01:14:23| interaction and they don't store any information you can Google I've never used them but I respect the hell I will yeah I don't care that people knows the stuff about me have you ever gone my god
01:14:33| imagine our entire Google history if asset would be cool know if like every time someone like your grandma your friend someone passes away like over the casket
01:14:45| they should have a scrolling thing that's just their Google search history [Music] in memoriam and the stipend and just like I could see like a almost like
01:15:00| cascade of images there's another word for it but you could do like all of the videos that I ever watched like all playing all at the same time they have like a a monitor that's like three feet
01:15:15| tall instead of the other ones with your normal size all playing rapid fire all at once be beautiful they look at my casket look at me and just look over yeah in the background oh boy oh lordy
01:15:36| so yeah we wrap that up we talked about um trolling dated dodging data is worth money how antitrust laws could come into effect for Google and other companies if
01:15:49| we define clearly internet rules versus what what do they run because it used to be antitrust was you run this this this is my technical terms yeah you wouldn't I dress well it's essentially you run
01:16:03| from the very bottom to the very top and you can control the prices at each level so you can guess what that's what Google con does except that it's undefined because it's the Internet
01:16:11| hmm we're talking about privacy after you die we talked about nothing is free don'ts my anger get data that's crazy the right to be forgotten and death publicity rights what happens with your
01:16:24| privacy when you die I was all year she told her media when you die is that yours no I think that's I think that's really weird when um how someone keeps like yeah there's a
01:16:36| friend who passes unlike someone keeps the account going yeah it's like this is Julie's death day remember her it's like yeah like I don't want to say no but I don't want to agree with it it's so this
01:16:49| was their social media page let's I've sent image it I mean I've sent that images I sent messages to people that have died not knowing that they died and then it's like a weird thing like that's
01:16:59| not the message I want it like who someone else is right back to use it and then to close out those accounts I read that you need to provide a death certificate so like yeah you need like
01:17:10| almost a court order to close down the account that's weird that's hard to that's just it's just a weird thing to do it is and will end on blinds to go do you know there yes they give you lines
01:17:24| of like sidelines are private I see think about it Alexa perhaps can answer in a place he could destroy and I can't tell me a joke what do you call an elephant on monkey
01:17:42| skates an ice breaker tell me a joke why did the Marlins say to the swordfish I don't know you're looking sharp how nice edition they're getting up yeah we gotta go no
01:18:01| thanks for joining us folks we like you we'd love your data if you would give us we value your data give us your so she's getting us your credit card numbers give us anything you
01:18:11| want we'll hold on to it would you do guarantee I guarantee it was a social or a credit card I would hold it within up to ten thousand dollars worth of value I would do it if they someone's offering
01:18:23| me if someone gave me dated like their credit card data in there so she and another company came and said I'll be nine thousand dollars for I'd say sorry that's my friend but eleven thousand
01:18:34| dollars she'd be like well I'm really apologize but up to ten thousand dollars I will keep your data safe and secure hmm something to think about folks we like you we like you did $2,000
01:18:50| issue thanks yeah good night

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