The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP101 Nintendo Entertainment System Nostalgia

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Transcript UnP101 Nintendo Entertainment System Nostalgia

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 101 - Nintendo Entertainment System Nostalgia
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00:00:01| it's something we all know and love from our childhood or memories up up down down left right left right B a select start get those lives play those games let's talk about a Nintendo today so I'm
00:00:24| Dan and I'm Nick Bo's for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or ajit perspective a boo
00:00:38| forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block babies we don't pander to popular opinion the mighty can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature
00:00:49| language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time all right another episode our 100th month episode 101 yes I'm Nick folks and I'm dan aha I
00:01:26| just like to say it sometimes because it reminds us who we are deep inside deep inside hmm but a Dean that sounds like it we're live put a ding we're live it sounds like a Super Mario noise it
00:01:43| does actually kind of us I um actually labeled this episode and intend No Oh No good one me you better so good you ordered the auto origin so we all know a Nintendo is a little black and grey and
00:02:03| red and white system that you know how the cartridges if you're if you're already young yeah you're too young it was like the first videogame system for homes but we'll get into that I guess
00:02:12| but you mean like this the new gauge system first successful one really successful with interchangeable games the game and watch series when it was Nintendo's first
00:02:24| worldwide success in video game consoles hot literally a success worldwide success [Laughter] okay I'm gonna rewind you did you read
00:02:37| the history at all the Wikipedia Harry I did actually cardinality yeah so it was a card company like the 1690s or something in Japan those nintendo Kawachi or nintendo in terms a second
00:02:50| name of the other guy's name I think actually didn't Nintendo mean leave it to the heavens your luck or something it was a gambling yeah I believe there you go yeah cool I thought I remembered that
00:03:02| for the level of the free ha Honda Honda how easy to say how easy to say Hana Fuda sits right on the tongue yeah but uh they were like one of the best card companies in Japan yeah as there were
00:03:17| rules that they couldn't import cards or something so like they became like the biggest card company and they did hand-painted cards and back then cards were made on wood or paper oh did you
00:03:28| know Nintendo is one of the first companies not be first introduced plastic playing cards boom boom boom it's huge it's genius they weren't the first but they were
00:03:39| they were up with the technology yeah they were selling cards like crazy I think that up until the 1800s or something they were just strictly cards and then they got involved in all sorts
00:03:51| of seriously deviant stuff yeah the card company went from 1889 until 1956 so like 60 years of card domination card dominance and now the name hearts like a taxi company did I read that right they
00:04:07| did did you know they also got into rooms for rent first love hotel chain tender little company that who you want influencing your kids so instant rice [Music]
00:04:26| they did our food - I forget I was remembering all the other stuff I read uh yeah they got into everything and anything and some of those ventures were like total failures
00:04:37| in fact one of their big deals was present a company at the time made a deal with Disney in the 50s I think to get licensing for their characters yeah stick them on them playing cards boom
00:04:49| Wham Zach yeah they sold some yeah and then a pretty good pretty good they realized that their card game was limited in time they're probably only sell so many cards yeah so they started
00:05:04| to get into toys and the toys it didn't really work out for him there's something about like the manufacturing was too slow for on their end I like other ones like Bandai and some other
00:05:15| what Tommy Tommy give her I don't remember that company yet yeah I do remember that name actually that's weird I didn't come across that yeah beyond who when was on Hiroshi Yamauchi
00:05:28| Yamaguchi crap that was when you read it yeah that was his grandson him any inherited the company they just started firing people left and right if they were like out of line or like
00:05:41| questioning or striking and all this stuff so this is a constant end his downfall right here a little bit but think of it he became like strictly business comm that guy mmm Roshi cuz
00:05:52| he's trying to correct where it was fading and falling he was he was like the original taskmaster I think every project that got approved or everything that eventually sold through the company
00:06:03| you know all their toys all their ventures everything they were doing had to go directly into his office into his hands he had to like look at all the stuff and approve it himself huh he was
00:06:12| like hmm it's a carryover from the love hotel days uh-huh hands-on in quality product Carl what's interesting though is I think that's that carried over into what made them successful I guess I
00:06:26| guess so a little bit of that hands-on things okay so like being siloed that's what like if you have a career and you're being pigeon-holed or you're not seeing the whole company that's being
00:06:37| siloed so if you're like running a company and you're not aware of every that's going on you can't cross pollinate between the different ideas that people are getting so like you
00:06:46| don't I mean you never touch oh I don't do engineering oh I don't know how engineering department works well I have no idea how they they do CAD design do we it's like your company and he has no
00:06:55| idea yeah so he was like I need to touch it I need to squeeze it I need to suck on it I just need to touch every part of the company and just tweak it a little bit make it through the shirt a little
00:07:05| tough and then that's what he was all about my man was all about getting his hands on the company sorry or is only up just so I didn't think of sexual so how did they get to video
00:07:22| games um it seems like they failed on something it was called the laser shooting system which when see that yeah somehow I get folded into the first gun that they made so they started of course
00:07:34| to carry over mmm-hmm so they started shifting in like 1970s to like handheld game systems so they made like a little color tv-game and then they made the game and watch series which we weren't
00:07:45| around for no I don't recall anything about this it's just like weird I've never even heard of it it's not real yeah I think that was uh like late 1970s hmm just and it carried on through 1988
00:08:01| so we would have been pretty young and it's actually like I don't troll her and like it looks kind of like a control looks like a Nintendo controller doesn't it
00:08:09| a little bit yeah they said that I think that was the design for the Nintendo controller based on that it kind of just ported it over and changed a few things hmm I don't know if you're looking at a
00:08:19| picture of it I didn't look at I am I don't know I could mmm I guess I could you can't yeah you're not that kind of person you're not sure are you Tom an oversharer Dan's an undersheriff see
00:08:31| here in kindergarten cover like well that's not what I wanted to show that what you wanted to see inappropriate yeah there we go gaming live oh wow I can't see it okay
00:08:48| what objective was but it looked like he's like juggling balls and has ball in the corner now is this done by their lead designer is this SIUE do Medora do we get to him yet is that he was around
00:09:02| now they hired him before he started designing these games they hired him when he was young his mom or someone knew someone at the company someone really high up and they hired him in
00:09:10| like essentially the mailroom to do like junk work and he um he didn't want to do it he was like a big designer he went doom Banga I think it's called like the comic books in Japan or something he
00:09:21| want to be like an artist that did comics and stuff and he really liked it's just like successor to the Miyamoto yeah see I'm bad with the names sugar owe me a moral mm-hmm geez oh boy we're
00:09:38| not Japanese we Apollo we apologize for mispronouncing every single word in this episode but um so they started getting into this video game yoga type idea and
00:09:50| then really Enzo and on tables it hates arcades were big right now right yeah oh man this must have been like the advent of arcades Henry Hades movie ever arcade yeah yeah you know what you do at
00:10:02| the arcade right shoot lasers with your hands here on for your team use that you don't know they made these our beers that's your kids no reflects earring do you think it'd be bleep a childish later
00:10:17| on like I feel like the nudie identical equals give me links please hanging out over on games the 30 and 40 year old club I think it was more like 20s like you know it twice a drink
00:10:28| I can look yeah Alex you know I'm going here to party I'm Tuscumbia by donkey yeah you know what I mean I'm gonna go punch that ape in the face I'm gonna shoot them snake you jump down Earl and
00:10:40| save their princess hey hey hey later girls hey watch me hey watch me girl you think look at me hey mommy come on another quarter and that's how it goes yeah lots
00:10:51| of quarters going in them bad boys oh but it was good technology at the time I was kind of booming and then what are the other companies Atari they had the curtain go vision system Kaliko
00:11:02| vision and then there was another one the Commodore yeah the Commodore dinging I didn't come across that that you nailed it every misheard that for our time the library
00:11:12| the library had one game system and it a little box like right in there I think I played one game and my mom's like we gots go you have to get out of here don't stand too close that's gotten you
00:11:22| really your eyes you're gonna burn in hell for that as I was like oh okay Oh stay away from this mmm and stay away from the Commodore system you did yeah so good choice all these video game
00:11:37| systems were kind of booming a little bit like I think I read in 83 1983 which we're about to touch on the crash oh yeah become that there was a video game crash it was before I was born so I
00:11:52| never even heard of this term it sounds like the stupidest single world the big video game crash of 83 also known as Atari shock they were making they estimated that revenue between arcade
00:12:03| and these take-home systems like 3.2 billion in 1983 mm-hmm the very next year or two years later 1985 total revenue was 100 million Oh second 90% drop didn't they like over licensed
00:12:19| things and then they just like flooded the market with these shitty TV there were no rules with these games so like you could make a Galaga and then it wasn't licensed and they weren't paying
00:12:28| royalties so what that is the company would kind of cook up another version I think and sell it off again and there's different versions of the same game so there's no rules that like no set
00:12:38| parameters someone harder like a Wild West or the Internet back to the 90s yeah some had crappier graphics some like didn't have endings like some of them were coded and properly because
00:12:49| they were hastily done by selling kind into what they were doing mm-hmm like it was like knock off forever game mmm he didn't eat them good I could see myself hating videogames if I got to the
00:12:59| end and it crashed I was like I would punch a hole in something I have anger issues I would punch ten holes in something and those CRT monitors were thick and
00:13:09| that glass stiff good luck getting through that glass nice stiff one so so Nintendo decided hey we see the big crash let's jump in let's protect all our stuff because I
00:13:23| guess they started what copy writing all our other characters the games do they do that yet they were the ones to do it but I wanted to talk first about just the project it wasn't called Nintendo
00:13:34| Entertainment System do you know what it was a family computer game what is it no Famicom Famicom that's what the Fugees family computer and that's so funny because I think that's the origin
00:13:47| of his name and I always pretend I know video games a lot but I think I didn't know that I didn't know that he's watching right now he would be so oh you need to talk to me on the video game kid
00:14:00| I'll be pounding off furiously at whatever desk he's at at work and just screaming sounds like what's wrong was real man if he sees this I didn't even tell him yet I'm gonna tell him after
00:14:13| the episode but it was like a secret code what else did they call it game comm they were calling it they had a bunch of names for it because it wasn't only produced yet yeah I know well I
00:14:25| think they're also translated and they originally wanted to be a 16-bit system but it was like taking too long so they dropped into eight bits you know how tough it is to make a game out of eight
00:14:35| bits like you have I don't know if you ever listened like 8-bit audio but oh dude Nintendo Nintendo is a bit audio like imagine making a score music out of like with more than two things going on
00:14:51| like I would think it's just like projectile or like moving thing and thing that can be affected by moving things like that's all I can imagine like let alone other things going on
00:15:02| like inventory and crap and like saving things and going back to places and going to new places and saving all that information and like that's like it's yeah you're limited you could actually
00:15:14| count like the number of options you have when you have like eight bits eight bits is like 256 like as a number so like that's that's the definition of eight bits that you have 256 of
00:15:25| something so if you're like sounds like 256 sound how do you come up with that number just out of curiosity I know I knew it is it eight factorial it's been tuned to the
00:15:32| power of eight oh two to the power of eight okay think alright cuz if it can be on or off yeah and then you do it to the eighth power because there's this option this
00:15:42| option this option is up so imagine that programming everything and if only you only have two hundred two hundred exemptions that's crazy options it is it accout them things
00:15:56| pretty easily I can't imagine doing that back then I don't know how you would do it I don't know how you would test it you'd be working on computers that are so slow that you brutal brutal no
00:16:08| programs you're kind of doing everything by hand there's no you're doing everything by hand essentially which kind of makes sense was for why like a prodigy is
00:16:16| necessary so like Miyamoto who generated a lot of like the heritage games from Nintendo like he was like with a sole creator he did like everything like to do zelda yeah he did
00:16:29| donkey no he's like you did comedy Tom I get a good list here starfox did he do Mario Brothers Mario Legend of Zelda we're gonna get into Mario vs. of Mario member it's crazy it's crazy that one
00:16:42| person could be so influential on so many people but I mean yeah I should have put that on silent oh yeah that's part of the rules oh no what the family kind of texted me
00:16:56| yeah yeah but it was funny because it was it's about something totally different I was like oh boy he's found out what are you doing stop oh do you remember and he first is
00:17:07| real quick cuz we're gonna talk about the release numbers yeah so the game the system actually launched in Japan July which is crazy because I thought it came out when I was five
00:17:22| yeah that's yeah eight years later we'll get into that right he came out in the United States in test markets in LA in New York in 1985 so no it took two years to get to the US yeah
00:17:38| interesting now check this one out do you know damn they called it different things in different countries family computer Famicom game calm in South Korea it was virtue as the Hyundai
00:17:48| convoy so I'll go away yeah I love that but it's a it's generally well received in fact the things that Nintendo does so well are this control feature 10 out of sure thing we bought it I think they did
00:18:17| weird stuff though because they didn't want to compete with personal computers and they didn't want to compete with the arcade so that was the whole idea of calling in all these different things
00:18:25| and then they called the the system itself a control deck do you know the eject button one there it's entirely unnecessary is there an eject button on this reason
00:18:35| that thing once again yeah it's unnecessary and I think it was what's his name mr. designer Howard probably Hecht know there's an eject hang on there I don't see one I think if you
00:18:48| open the lid isn't it I and it also might have been on a different version maybe the Japanese version did you play the games open late did you well I never played a game open late some games they
00:19:01| like you had just whatsoever no no no you know like you remember when a game wouldn't work you blow in it take it out and blow in it yeah you worked it literally selling the cartridge do not
00:19:12| blow into this so whatever window which blinds in my mind this day yeah but we've had anyone who doesn't know that's crazy can you imagine a kid who doesn't know how to blow into an NES culture and
00:19:25| yet always spit yeah your spit that's why I knew them but we had a trick so my dad was a medical salesman we had a bunch of these like alcohol rubs we would rum the contacts which would make
00:19:40| it makes more sense cuz it cleans the contact fries them and yeah dries them and then yeah we put it on there would be good there's no eject button on this thing I
00:19:48| guess happenes version maybe he did it because he thought kids would be entertained by the button of like what like cool don't push it the a and the B put it
00:20:00| push the eject button yeah uh what are you gonna tell but what was cool about Nintendo is just that the president was such a control freak that um I think they were the first company to
00:20:12| streamline their whole products so that everything they sold was a Nintendo licensed game you were getting the same game every time yeah right and wait you might not remember this but I read
00:20:22| somewhere that he he was the one who decided the seal of approval or the guarantee you'll remember that was a circle yeah it didn't even occur to me and that's what he did he put a seal on
00:20:33| all their games all their stuff had like it was wrapped in special plastic which wouldn't even know if he was like packaging the [ __ ] out of this stuff and people were like oh there's a case it's
00:20:43| just a game for kids this is this is legit legit good stuff so he was legitimizing it I mean to be honest right when you bought a game what was your process did you have a process to
00:20:55| it if you open it how do you try it did you did you go to the door yeah it's we have them the blue wall oh my god money and then I would know the tickets out there's this little booth that you take
00:21:17| your tickets to I remember having like so many tickets and like a head the games underneath somewhere right they would like take it off like a secret vault of all the games and then they
00:21:25| give them to you as you paid mm-hmm this is crazy it was just like it was mind-blowing because forgot about that like I hadn't allowance of like $5 and at some point I
00:21:35| had saved up what were Nintendo games I think they were still like money in the I know I think they're I'm a whole long mache 30 I think they were right on $30 I looked up I I'm pretty sure I know how
00:21:47| much my system cost and uh $80 good yeah for what he does how me oh my god alright so you know this is back in so I was like 5 so this is probably in like one for Christmas
00:22:03| and it came out of the blue I didn't ask for it I didn't really know about them I didn't know whatever but they got it for the family it gave me I think because I was I what
00:22:13| else is yeah what he said yeah that's why I stood in it I don't know so it's about this adoption price so the actual price is probably somewhere between 80 and 160 dollars per game no yeah
00:22:26| one dollar in 1990 is equal to almost $2 today oh I'm not doing equivalency that's the saddest thing ever exactly they would it cost it's a value that's what that's what then the value is what
00:22:38| did they cost what are they tortured so no I'm there on the alligator I know you are 40 bucks for a game though you're saying yeah for know if you're gonna spend your money
00:22:47| today be $80 I didn't spend my money today I understand man but it's okay I do but that doesn't equate across eons because gas prices fluctuate differently than say food certain commodities
00:23:02| fluctuate at different prices entertainment fluctuates at different prices to about $80 today is what I'm sayin it was the console that's what I have it so you're the one the one my
00:23:15| parents got was look on the accident pack hold on tell me if yours came with this mine was the action pack action set it came with two controllers a zapper Super Mario and
00:23:26| duck hunt the combo game and when you got mine I remember opening it up and there were like two versions the zapper was either it was a real big buck ray mumsy who it was I care like Harry I
00:23:36| remember trying to hold it up and I had yeah I think I did this yet weaker arms it was a weak judge in a way my little arms got me a software engineering job and I make tons of money oh and I just
00:24:02| remembered the black sleeve the Nintendo game sat in it was like diagonal it would so yeah yeah yeah it was almost like a rhombus yeah yeah it was and it would like oh my
00:24:16| god it's a slick design nightmare I didn't even think of that it didn't occur though I didn't care about it yeah he's you kind of you had well they all have
00:24:23| been carrying cases I had a black carrying case of the held like ten games so like they'd all be slotted in I guess you could take it to I don't know if I ever died maybe I didn't take you to a
00:24:32| friend's house and then open I'll be like how did it plug into your TV I remember my dad trying to figure that out for like days to have my dad like a wax that like intercepted the signal and
00:24:43| like you could like u-turn on to actually work or three depending on yeah there was a channel you can turn it to that was like always static usually but for some reason Nintendo figured it out
00:24:53| scientists folks that's the spy with yeah and then it had a power cable we had what kind of if you have I had like a giant wouldn't like I remember playing the bass might when I was freaking thing
00:25:05| was massive I mean I can't fit me it was larger than what my hands show on this video right here art was like what that TV would look like with technology it was like really big oversized but it had
00:25:15| metal buttons that were little circles and they were they hurt your fingers too fluffy yeah but like they were really tiny and it was like supposedly like the future
00:25:23| but like it was like wow as your tiny little lands I wonder what you dead well it sounds like hell yeah I died by this my son's it my son's a total break Oh mile so with like mmm mmm is that's it's
00:25:43| just there's I don't remember watching TV on it it's weird I only remember playing games on it I think ours worked it's hard to remember second to Aislin TVs were different and
00:25:54| because there's no way think they had antennas right they couldn't receive a signal in the basement they must been garbage teams I think yeah basement TV was definitely not your
00:26:06| number one TV it was like your secondary TV it was the old TV from the living room that you replaced eventually yeah these are like 20 inch maybe I mean there were small TV probably it was
00:26:16| definitely weird you call them CRT I see there's letters Catherine see to thank you the room yes yeah we're lending electrons so you can see them the technologies that way to a
00:26:27| goddamn heavy yeah it's like a magnet a giant I think the man it makes it heavy plus the II had like a curse a glass screen because it wasn't right that was heaviest yeah all hell I
00:26:37| just had balls I don't know how you did that but got that I wish I could have remembered people getting in that TV a basement so what was the first thing you guys did he probably hooked it up
00:26:45| already today in this no hooker Nintendo up to the TV yeah like I remember mine was Christmas so I was off for like a week of school so all those were the days when you got a new gaming system
00:26:59| and then like it came with like a Zelda or like a Super Mario and you would just play it all week would you do do you remember the first thing you did we actually played Nintendo Mario not Mario
00:27:16| I say Mario monkian yeah it's like a rule my family has a rule you know anyway in Mario we played and I still remember you know the first level where there's like all the
00:27:27| bricks above you and then the little question mark guys you jump on them and there's Turtles coming yeah it's like your big enemy is a few Turtles yeah well that's a mushroom growing with a
00:27:45| lot of going on once and you would go left to right and I would go to the right and it was so funny I can literally still remember this my mom my dad my sister all trying to play but
00:27:56| maybe not my sister she was in every way sadly inept yeah like they would run into the turtle and then I'm like oh it's your turn and then someone else would go and they made over a rally with
00:28:05| turtle everyone got a chance at the control and then the next person would go and they would just run straight into the turtle again I really how do you beat this thing
00:28:13| and then like someone else would finally be like you could jump they would jump in place three times and then the turtle would hit them anyway maybe like Oh read it and then like the fifth person or
00:28:24| seven person would be like Ethan John the move at the same time and jump over one turtle and then fall into the the first pit you color girls yeah like that's how it would go and then like
00:28:35| that was like family fun like everyone's having a good time and everyone really really really bad at video games and then there's this weird gap where I don't remember anything and then all the
00:28:46| sudden I know where all the secret ones are and like I can hit the invisible blocks and I know how to jump across the top of the level and run across and I'm like I'm a Mario expert you're a
00:28:56| Nintendo Power magazine arrived maybe right is that what it was I think so cuz that must have given there's no internet all the secrets yeah all the stupid find the second he'll just jump it's
00:29:13| invisible I know where that one up is I know where some of the mushroom boxes are but like in a way that was genius to build in like secrets you don't I mean like that's the first game that was like
00:29:23| yo I know I know something someone's like what do you know come here I don't want to say it too loud okay but a Mario Brothers you know the little hill to the right
00:29:34| yeah well the turtle is you can jump and get a free one up and I'd be like that's [ __ ] dude there's nothing there I've been buying Diaries talking to you as the [ __ ] man has a trip he's like
00:29:49| he's like want me to come to your house no no I'll do it myself no big deal things like are you sure I can come to your house your parents are around no good I'm good it's fine but
00:30:07| then you would go home and actually try it and it would work any be like it's a secret it's invisible like who puts it invisible like box to open up in a game that's weird
00:30:17| I don't know yeah no it's did you ever beat Mario the first one so I say ever but I mean in the first no I do yeah I remember Bobby do lately you can do that what channel Bowser you go so
00:30:32| another Bowser yeah I think their last boss answer that I did be I remember playing Bowser and not Koopa anyone know no one knows there's okay no well did you know Mario is actually descendant of
00:30:48| someone these are the son of Miyamoto [Laughter] the so his first appearance is in Donkey Kong yeah that's who's jumping over
00:31:02| barrels Katamari oh no do you know what his name was barrel jump jump man jump man oh ha ha do you know what the the print the girl you have to save when the gorilla is
00:31:14| princess Pauline Pauline her name no one knows it's just holy mana there must be someone he knows much better I don't know where jump man and Pauline came from but they were you know they became
00:31:26| mario & princess peach or Pauline's probably who divorced him while he was making the game that's baby the other thing to think of is Donkey Kong I like to think about it
00:31:37| what's Donkey have anything to do with any of this this game come really where's the donkey come in mmm no no no maybe you how do you have this no no no I don't know if anyone knows I think
00:31:49| it's a translation error or something anyway they make Donkey Kong jr. which was like a sequel and they named him Mario ah donkey conveys stubborn in English so stubborn hate so just
00:32:02| stubborn a mic on cuz the King Khan was popular yes yeah I guess so huh do you know how many official games Nintendo came out with me wait wait wait Miyamoto suggested the name Donkey Kong and he
00:32:17| was laughed at he thought the name was total like everyone laughed at everyone thought the whole concept was gonna be stupid idea and then he [ __ ] dominated the entire gaming industry and
00:32:26| they're like oh wait a second but I mean they weren't wrong it is really stupid what's going on he was like all about story and everything what's the story there
00:32:39| I don't I'm not saying it you had to keep going up steel beams yeah yeah well I mean Dawg you know I don't know if you're trying to like keep track of what's going on I guess you're trying to
00:32:52| like look up and track things and like jump over them and then I don't know if you had like though you have a hammer in that well yeah you could get a powerup that was the hammer that would make you
00:33:02| invincible for like a hot by 10 sec yeah yeah hmm give any other games that her choice I do remember when the first like Zelda games that I think it was the first original
00:33:15| Zelda and it's good one you had there's no like there's no like post title just Zelda no was it just called telda yeah I don't I know what game you're talking about it started in the I can picture
00:33:27| the scene where it starts is it the old man in the fires mm-hmm but I think gives you this or whatever yeah show me shirt again is Christ Oh just make sure I'll have everyone watch
00:33:38| the podcasts know that Dan had to do his laundry again you would so destroy have to Alicia's head though excess I find the old so they're going but um yeah that game I remember because it well the
00:33:51| middle portion I don't remember because it was [ __ ] in the beginning and in the middle but uh towards the end I remember sitting like with my sister playing like the end like temple what do
00:34:06| they call okay you think of castle dungeon that's weird like it would like it there'd be like a certain path that you would take because it was very confusing
00:34:13| you remember that had like three doors and you'd have like oh yeah yeah I forgot the mat was only showing you the next room whatever my my servidores against secrets my sister was with a
00:34:23| notepad and pen drawing the mat so we could find our way through it the most scared I ever wasn't a video game as a kid was one of the dungeons where if you got too close to the walls these hands
00:34:36| would appear ha ha ha Julia oh dude that freaked me out like I didn't want to go back in that temple I think I skipped it all the I repeat the game here I'm like admitting it now I'm like I can't I
00:34:48| can't go in there they're like it's how you progress through the game and I'm like I'll just go back outside and kill more dudes with my boomerang and my sword good dervish I buy a full health
00:34:55| I'm gonna shoot the whole giant hands yeah yeah that was that wasn't not doing it for me I don't know why maybe something doing my childhood maybe that's gonna be a no for me though my
00:35:13| fear of hands even justified I think it was like a blue hand with claws or something I think that claws I don't know yeah I think so well was the bad guy's
00:35:24| name even Ganon yeah yeah it was in the game well I know he was in the cartoon that's the other thing like this stuff in my world at age 5 6 & 7 like took off like wildfire like all my friends had
00:35:37| these games friends would come over and help you play watches I don't know the right term for that and like you would talk about it and then like they became TV shows and crap like Mario had the do
00:35:50| you remember the real fat guy with the curly hair who played Mario in the TV show the real it was a real key oh yeah yeah yeah they can be in this wacky room with like these fake pipes with steam
00:36:04| shooting up and then I think they would do a Mario Kart room but he would be like the beginning and the end of the show yeah hey kids thanks for join it in its me a New York plumber I got a DUI so
00:36:17| they sign me up to do this like I don't know I feel like you hated kids I feel like they pulled him off the street they're like you're Toki hey come on here Mario today what did pay cuz I got
00:36:30| a DUI for the record I don't know if that gentleman has a DUI let's not assume he does he could be a great guy dance the one who said he had a DUI yeah sure how are the other games that
00:36:43| Alright stuck with you like the very first one Metroid Metroid it was a Malay diplomatic waiting for me ah no you know why Metroid was one of those games that was
00:36:54| it had so many different levels to it like I could travel through 30 different scenes like move the screen to the right moves screen to the right move is greater than the right and you're going
00:37:03| through all this stuff and you go and get a new power or I can turn into a ball or something and I could I now get into a different part of the game over here there were villains that were
00:37:13| invincible until you came out like a fresh freeze ray garish brick I have a cold freeze ray do the hug kiss just makes really sweat listeners hear that clearly
00:37:26| or hurt really I just want to clarify things for the listeners here I'm repeating myself there's a Cobra repeating yeah do I love Metroid they had like story to it I know
00:37:44| you didn't but if you didn't get him again then like they like the gun of the queue you could run into it I didn't even realize she was a chick until like no no one knew that they were like it's
00:37:56| the first game with a woman protagonist I'm like it we start an orange suit it yeah like whatever but I'm cool with it I just you ever play pitfall is that the one
00:38:07| there was a cutscene where you have a whip and go jump over the thing so they I think it's like the cover of the game guys don't know that there was a whip I think they reappropriation Deanna Jones
00:38:17| and Indiana Jones was a rip on it mm-hm but their pitfall you don't remember he had like a bunch of ladders and then like spikes and you would jump a fall I know what you're talking about it's like
00:38:29| a classic that's a classic like when a Family Guy or someone's like doing a video game but like the priest has to get the other side the woods he has to jump over the pit over the alligator and
00:38:44| all that yeah I know you're talking about kind of separate look let me just because I found a list of really really good stuff they came out with see seventy-nine 15 official games for the
00:38:59| NES or tomorrow Oh Mario Kart that's super only way we're too far ahead oh why is there chronology to the games you're going with one second I think that was super nes sorry oh I did have
00:39:12| castlevania castlevania was badass I punch a tiny much later in life and I was like blender i digitally this have a punch-out oh yeah Mike Tyson they used to be Mike's head and he lost he didn't
00:39:24| lost you choose he chose not to have his name on the game and they had to change everything really mm-hmm is that the reason behind how about oh that's awesome because
00:39:33| glass Joe is like my favorite I was really shy guys everydays contra how about you why are you looking at the same list I am any maybe every single NES game
00:39:42| ranked from best or worst now okay this one's good contra was classic contra was one of my favorite games this Contras won once I could play with a friend for like four hours
00:39:54| yeah I mean it where's the friend you always make a mistake because you can you can jump and then like your toes would hit the edge whether you still fall and he'd be like Oh why'd you fall
00:40:03| and then like we have 30 lives don't worry well up up down down someone we shoot in this way someone's shooting this way you just like yeah you're covering each other sax cut yeah
00:40:14| predator and horse maker duck hunt well that came with the original so the next thing we would do after the family played Mario we didn't do any Chuck all I hear and you'd be like who didn't
00:40:29| shoot that dog at least a thousand times oh I was just gonna say that it came up on the list of best games excite Mike was really good was Excitebike I had a dual pack game I don't know if it's real
00:40:44| or imagined it but it was excited I can paperboy there's a weird thing that happens when like I have like a an awareness of the atmosphere that I man I remember playing Excitebike in my
00:40:54| cousin's attic and there was like it was just like such a unique experience like how people's like gaming setups were because they were so hokey cuz he had like a really shitty loveseat and like a
00:41:05| really shitty TV in an attic that was like completely I'm furnished with just the TV and the game system and like we'd be there playing Excitebike is like and then like it's just so it's just
00:41:20| burned everything connects to it rain yeah yeah memory all it involves the room the smells the people do you know ear Excitebike inna 1984 isn't that wild this before our time strange yeah before
00:41:35| we were born oh wow that so these games had like a longer lifespan is like now of course I mean there's not there's not people turning out a new game every six months
00:41:44| to and part of that is because a we talked about programming is easier now mmm-hmm but also there's less saturation back end this is the this is it this is the IV thing to have Paperboy 84
00:42:00| Paperboy holy [ __ ] I played that wasn't even boy Excitebike I have paperboy Excitebike combo I'm telling you yeah I think I am that one - that was paperboy you pissed me off so much these games
00:42:10| are so rigged well that's the other thing that people don't realize Nintendo games were hard and [ __ ] yeah they couldn't save you couldn't go back to where you were you had to just wait it
00:42:23| was sayin I know that saved it'll leave the game on overnight if you were gonna like you're like I've done that I've done that so many times you come back and hope that your brother your sister
00:42:33| didn't play it or your dad didn't show up to mom didn't turn off the TV or the power alright your system was alone I turned it off for ya as a five-year-old yeah you have no idea what it's like to
00:42:49| be me dad you have no idea how hard that was Battletoads you just I just came tell me we're gonna seamless somehow Battletoads is awesome he would punch him two times in the third time you
00:43:05| punch him with your fist would turn really big and it's not from Ohio so I heard a really good quote about dr. Mario which was released in 1990 so it was um probably the fourth or they sound
00:43:16| like a big like drug epidemic that was happening at the time it was it was a knock on tetris but the way I heard um another podcast described it is I never liked
00:43:28| dr. Mario and they were like why not and he was like it just felt like they were trying to make me learn and [ __ ] and I couldn't put my finger on it but I think that's why I didn't like it either but
00:43:39| like it was I think he hot was it of you and I really enjoyed you love dr. Maria least I think I I think my parents had an objective to make me learn stuff well they would sit would play with me on the
00:43:51| games that were like somewhat educational or had like a profession or to them oh [ __ ] dude Bionic Commando no no one remembers this did you get that game no all right your character there
00:44:03| would be these like set up little silver blocks or like circles all over the world and like anytime you ran up to one you could just shoot out your bionic arm and swing from it and it was I think I
00:44:11| was the only game with like swing technology you weren't afraid of those arms long arms with big hands no I was up ooh Tetris we don't talk about that probably
00:44:22| like it concerned his life yes yes I know other people were more obsessed with Geoffrey stylin I was right I didn't think it was bad I didn't love it I was cool with it yeah I skipped right
00:44:32| over it in the list cuz I was like it doesn't evoke emotion from me but I guarantee you know it doesn't for me right right right I agree and Mega Man what else you got
00:44:42| which one one weird because these dollars I don't remember the covers to these I don't think I play do the covers lists are weird cuz it's like it's like I don't know it just looks like a
00:44:52| Japanese yeah jokey we're gonna go home for two is that like I don't think I played this one it but like some of the images do seem like a plate I don't see like Mega Man was mega man and zelda
00:45:06| were the first games that were like progressing like you would change color and your alpha would be different and he knew that you're like added abilities you could add material to your guy you
00:45:17| change this before Mary didn't change at all it was just Marius wrote the levels just got harder you're the same dude Castlevania had a little bit of that where you could upgrade your weapons
00:45:27| upgrade your stuff like health so if I get with Zelda really brought that home so violent letter lays this one snake man magnet man yes they did you try my number three yeah is this mega man 3
00:45:39| yeah okay you had to beat them in order the first guy you beat can give me a couple of wishes no man is top man shadow and these people don't remember Gemini man hard man that's Bruce Oreck
00:45:51| miss Buckman yeah dude I I the other thing is like it's like weird a mouth for these Mega Man games to where the mouth was so cool back then cuz you had to know what order to beat
00:46:03| these guys with because you could beat snake man with your natural power and they need to absorb the snake power and then you'd use the snake power to just tear a hole in like top man or something
00:46:12| and then top man's power of being able to just demolish one of the other villains mm-hmm and Mega Man had some of the most badass music around but Mega Man music a bit like that was the key to
00:46:32| a lot of the other thing I still remember seared in our brains and we haven't we probably haven't played a Mega Man game in 20 years maybe even 30 absolutely not saying I've listened to
00:46:44| Mega Man music since then but that's because it's badass music but other songs from other of these games like I would still remember it since a Zelda string quartet search that one
00:46:54| interesting get into that every now and then I'm just like they can Hyrule stuff yeah yeah get really into it oh no it was mega man I'm thinking of again they had the flute when your uh I didn't
00:47:09| understand the relationship between any of these characters when they would have like these conversations I have to be there the game or whatever there's like proto man or whatever it'll be like this
00:47:16| weird flute music I can still hear it I think we spent 45 minutes on NES which is probably warranted well that's I mean we're gonna do a whole thing on this cuz I don't want to talk too much about 3d s
00:47:30| or talk 32x or you know cuz I think Nintendo kind of does deserve it so thing I think what do you think did we can move forward into the same genre like the same area of time we stay the
00:47:44| same like grade school okay so what you just want talking about second boy it's something that's you know not Sega oh oh we're staying they Nintendo Oh I thought we were just talking intended
00:47:57| the system well let's let's roll it out Nintendo eventually discontinued you know a year probably like 1997 1995 also sad for a boy gave my Virtual Boy know what the time that sounds gonna flip is
00:48:12| [ __ ] you don't member like Mario Tennis that was terrible it was like all red and like who wants to play tennis and like stick their face and like goggles did smell like the previous kid that
00:48:22| just played what the Famicom is probably write an article about it right now I tried to write a videogame articles like his new thing it really does it huh what sports is we I kinda want to plug him we
00:48:33| need to get him on the show geez don't plug him man cool plug myself let him plug himself okay he he plugs himself all the time from what I hear I mean his girlfriend doesn't do it I
00:48:44| think he has to do it whenever he wishes somebody plug somebody plugs in anything Tom Nintendo started in 1983 first one you know mass-produced for society and then in 1995 that's a good run yeah
00:48:59| that's 715 games 61 point 9 1 million units so brother that's a bet I think we do more now but that's because everyone's aware of it yeah and everyone has a system now and there's more people
00:49:15| but that's beside the point that's cool we can move on god alright what's the net bring us to Nintendo 64 Natuna well I guess I was Super Nintendo yes but more how did you skip Super
00:49:27| Nintendo I'm like oh [ __ ] the wheelhouse did you did you forget it for your research ghosting on Virtual Boy sorry ritual voice in the same time Nintendo I don't I remember Oh Mario World and I
00:49:40| look to my list can I say check chip and dale rescue rangers is one of the idea how is she like yeah i i literally beat that game and it took all of my willpower all my ability all of my saves
00:49:52| all my working with my friends all of everything my heart and soul picking up things fighting fat cat or whatever his name is he smoking a cigar dropping ashes on you there's bad guys
00:50:03| coming from everywhere they're like sharply dressed cats with top hats and things i didn't even remember that game just saw that I'm just saying it shout out Jerry Chippendale or rescuing I had
00:50:14| the same thing with Super Mario Kart as I remember the levels you can do like mmm that like shitty 2d kind of like driving on a go top go-kart and then like the battle like I remember the maps
00:50:24| oh man I can't even that's just amazing that so many years later the battles were so epic but the graphics were so shitty is that make sense like yeah and like you would know a shortcut if
00:50:36| you had like a mushroom or like a star and you could cut through like little the field thing that had like the little like the little bumps of grass cuz you knew it was the lead in unless you could
00:50:44| boost right through it oh I'm in donkey country all right I was I was ice hockey Super NES do we snow know anything any hostile is the generic Janko like that's part you can't license like ice hockey
00:51:01| like it's so weird you know jackal was a game no one else had I had it was so good that sounds like [ __ ] sorry sorry I know it was but I loved it I'm sorry sorry I'm downa its top 100 I'm down to
00:51:18| WrestleMania yeah all the wrestlers had specials you could do this ah so good sorry most thoughts are 89/100 okay we just finished this I got to look for Mike from my own what's Goldeneye and
00:51:31| what level is that one gonna skip I'm chipping around 64 Laurie this guy just wants done my gold money though you want mrs. pacman made the top 100 Nintendo games haha Little Nemo the dream master
00:51:47| oh [ __ ] why are you naming these Crowley good they were good see that's the other beauty of this this is before people reviewed games so like you could play my lucky game be just based on the name
00:52:00| like you had a whole wall of tickets like what are you gonna grab you don't know forget the name how much five or spy I remember the cartoon I don't think I've ever played do so cool you set
00:52:10| traps for her friends and everything the cool thing was you could have a bad game lines but loved it stop I know you're trying to get me to do and it's like everything it's all about what's next
00:52:21| but the thing about the Nintendo games was you could have a crappy game but there's no review for it there's no online and you could fall in love with it and you and
00:52:29| your friends could play it for a hundred hours and no one else in the world would even know what the hell you're talking about they're like I saw that in the store it was like 40 bucks no one buys
00:52:37| that and it might not have been the best game but you had the best time with it I don't know we'd come across this again and again it's like quality of time is what you get out of a product's not
00:52:49| necessarily what the product is imagine games network or IGN was created in 1997 we what is it similar imagine games network stupid oh man generic it's weird did you did you get any video game
00:53:14| magazines here house a Nintendo Power and IGN and maybe we really like is there another one I got game pro baby I think I got game pro - got them all good I think I was spot Sheen Informer Game
00:53:28| Informer was another one yeah yeah did you come all good I think I don't get that as a hold on everyone at home probably doesn't even know that was educated Nick hey fewer yeah you sure
00:53:38| we're in video games if you if you had video games like there's no internet you don't call online and Google how to beat this level or what's a cheat code or anything like that it's the same thing
00:53:46| back to ordering Legos like if you ever ordered like it's like you're so giant kind of log of things that you write you might do use research a little bit but that's what these magazines weren't they
00:53:58| literally mean magazines for videogames which is looking back embarrassing but that doesn't coin not really be has to be IGN is like huge it's probably a multi-million dollar company this point
00:54:10| who they'll move don't making that up but it's big business it's bright going under soon that's okay wait I didn't game genie work I so I had gaining Jeanne gang game genie
00:54:30| game genie for her and he's like yeah I know I had Sega Genesis like the game genie wait did the game genie was a company that made it for every system so they had deals in place with everyone
00:54:43| because I didn't intend to his game genie I had a guy it would slip on your game it was like it would in it would insert itself in between and you could change like the memory dresses so that
00:54:54| like when it asked for that piece of memory it would change the number so like if you want to so like your lives became 99 yeah they hit when it hit you count for zero or like it's crazy that
00:55:06| certain games you could have the option to fly or have 99 999 lives was everywhere infinite ammo like there's a whole different stuff it's wild to me like that's how you could cheat like
00:55:20| before that's crazy I was just like what apparently it was made I was I was distributed by the Galoob toys which I don't know exists anymore but it was like a UK company called Codemasters so
00:55:34| it's really a weird concept that like you're gonna insert something between the game system and the game and this is going to be a profitable company because in I guess they expected it to last
00:55:46| longer but once you got up to like disks and like stuff you couldn't interject yourself into there's no way he was wrong well that was the beauty of Nintendo a little bit
00:55:57| it was sorry robust yeah couldn't beat it up they could withstand way more punishment and there were no load times did you know that I guess you're accessing memory directly right so you
00:56:07| just boom every other there's something like 60 connections and in fact the connections that they had available were like slower and bigger and they would have taken like the cartridge would have
00:56:17| been 2 times as big so they worked on their own connections in the house so they made the Vista connect well no I mean it's probably based on a technology that's around but they made the
00:56:26| connectors themselves because they didn't want to they were like they wanted the cartridge to be exactly as big as a cassette it's like inserting a video card into your motherboard it's
00:56:36| the same kind of feeling I could you slide in yeah that doesn't feel that connect kids nowadays don't get at all they don't it's weird now we don't even have physical
00:56:48| games have virtual keys you holler listen when I was like a kid and I started taking literature with me to the bathroom like the poop yeah let's go get that
00:56:58| poop um I would bring video game booklets oh yeah sure well I mean you're saying sure but people at home have no clue what the hell we're talking about half of them
00:57:07| and then no magazines it's the same concept but I guess he's a phony it's like the nerdiest thing in the world it's like I want to bring the Castlevania head over there like ah it
00:57:19| was a high quality book though because I was like all protective dollars was like glossy sheets it was much disc our quality this goes back to the point of the Nintendo thing
00:57:28| they streamline their whole service each game at booklet had a jacket had a cover it had the stamp of approval they all had the same parameters they will ran the same way they all went to the
00:57:38| president he probably doubled it almost in size collectible yeah that's why Nintendo was kind of badass the Zelda game of the year is gold it's like I had the golden Yahoo I got the gold control
00:57:50| cartridge I had no idea I had the gold card show you just said that I had the gold card you did that's all it didn't I'm Josh oh I did oh you bought yours before it was game
00:58:01| of the year huh yeah don't be jealous you're the original I get to play the original I played this before it was good with you so let's move on to Super Nintendo which was 64 so hold on
00:58:17| Nintendo was alone though right no one was going against Nintendo okay no or nothing I think the Commodore Atari and all those were kind of in the same ballpark
00:58:29| like it NES computer ok no cuz you're gonna get the predecessor said yes so what happened is Super Nintendo came out which came out far Sega or Super Nintendo I don't know I bought him at
00:58:46| the same time I know you did we this has come up most times evan is one of those in time because I had the money um like save for like 10 years you saved up 100 years you're older than dirt then it's a
00:58:59| wait wait wait who's it apparently was a precursor Sega that looked like a spaceship or something Atari no it's the weird weird looking this [ __ ] Shane was this so we moved from an 8-bit system
00:59:12| Nintendo with a hard disks to a future ice thing with these little or cartridges actually what was a Sega it was a cartridge PA is similar it was a little bigger it's kind of the same well
00:59:24| bigger and longer or longer I guess yeah I think you still have this long bar - yeah block you more like a rectangle a head like a thick middle poor things on the edge yeah and like any service crazy
00:59:37| thing or something is somebody we're turning into old people talking about like the physical properties of a cassette everyone homes like who [ __ ] cares
00:59:44| goddamn cassette you just put it in its catharsis shot yeah yo you all get there when you're older trust me thinking about it and reminiscing sort with the physical things become important again
00:59:57| no no well not important just missed all right yeah there's no physical game when I download it off steam later yeah completely aware that like downloading a steam game takes over yeah yeah a better
01:00:09| way easier yeah Hulan gets to go rent a movie when blockbusters closed it's like who gives a [ __ ] just stream it and it's like why don't I just and I get it nice I'm actually on their side I guess a
01:00:20| hundred yeah but it's easier there's a yeah but you're miss out hunting a game and trying to do that day because you have to return it oh dude mom I can't do that tonight
01:00:32| we just rented mobile and we gotta beat it it's due back tomorrow yeah our parents probably hated us like they were basing their lives around our video game schedule like it's like oh honey uh I'm
01:00:47| going out tonight yeah I had worked o-5 I'm bringing it back to Blockbuster mom we have till tomorrow I'm keeping it till tomorrow not to bring it back tomorrow
01:00:54| well I was gonna cook for 7 hours and and then your mother is sick again or your grandmother's sick again I was gonna visit her but I guess we can wait an extra day for you to pull your video
01:01:05| game for an extra day that's great like you don't I mean if she died that night I can't turn off the game okay don't touch this TV you don't turn it off
01:01:23| don't power off I can't save so Super Nintendo when again Sega right yeah so we got we got two Super NES mm and then we moved on to 10 to 6400 generation anyway and 64 cuz what was that
01:01:43| PlayStation then there's a new game balls in the yeah the realm of PlayStation it's so weird I used to do this like the back of my goddamn in but now has this 3 ah I think there yeah 3
01:01:56| yeah there was that dream closet thing right yes I go the second sequel yeah when I can talk about those but I remember going to a blockbuster and like playing in a 3d world that was the first
01:02:09| time there was a 3d world replaying Super Mario 64 yeah I know what game you're talking about and you would do look in all directions do you look this way rattly open one way and then you get
01:02:23| wings and he could fly a little bit which um which systems do you had we know you had both in the Sega Super NES system here wouldn't you do the next generation n64 or I have PlayStation and
01:02:35| n64 in both again I did I did some I I knew the Dreamcast was yet so I didn't get that guy so this brings in like the concept of like new exclusive titles like I did that were this started uh was
01:02:58| Sega Super Nintendo I mean there's Sonic and Mario but was there a lot more than that so I think it's like Super Mario Zelda he said Sonic I remember Sonic being a Sega thing that but that's what
01:03:11| I mean it was exclusive just to the one system yes and I don't know what else was exclusive to Nintendo there were exclusive think starfox never made it across the LAT form there's a
01:03:23| Donkey Kong going on country never yeah there's no remains across so there are certain games of warp turning on Android is I think everything in Super Smash Brothers that makes sense right
01:03:34| yeah it's like an interview thing all those think Herbie yeah oh I just nailed it without even doing research oh you did somehow I got I mean it was a lucky stroke but it makes sense cuz that's
01:03:47| like their a powerhouse thing yeah that's some brand new Super Mario Party all that stuff when I see how many uh couraged characters characters I just want to go through the characters delay
01:03:59| scene if there's anything we missed no we got them all no no there's a lot of cameras but I think we covered at Troy the gun you know yeah is uh oh we didn't cover Street she fired
01:04:14| no that's arcade bass so I'm guessing that thought that was never what was that always the green guy named not Kyle um Balrog no that's the other one huh Blanca Blanca Blanca Blanca starfox 64 a
01:04:35| hundred percent yeah flippy is in trouble [Laughter] god damn its lucky you I'm gonna split the barrel roll and then crash you thank
01:04:49| gosh let me can't wait to kill you let me get a barrel roll was it the slippy Falco starfox and and so another guy the girl there's a girl oh girl
01:05:00| yeah a girl was the girl there's a girl there was a girl Starbucks character she's typing in you know yeah apparently it was a Nintendo life Tom the it's weird um my memories
01:05:19| change when we're talking about these games although the one game you touched on earlier I do want to talk about Goldeneye cool knows three two star crystal isn't it Pepe it's Pepe Pepe and
01:05:32| just like the older guy that you didn't care about it's just chill and relaxing like oh there's a fourth person Pepe sneak in here and be crash into the independence day alien warship that's
01:05:46| not a rip on any movie or anything yours [Music] hmm gold mine that formed my youth I think for people basic over my Keller's house
01:06:05| and play the Hajj everyone know I jump over the rules yeah the rules no wanna job oh that's only worse slappers only was the world matches we ever had so for those at home
01:06:18| might not know cold night was a first-person shooter the mission is kind of lead-based already aim but it was amazingly done actually you know it's one of the best
01:06:28| well done things and it all had some of the best night service ball games proximity why am i it do you know there was a trick with remote any kind of explosive so proximity remotes and there
01:06:43| was a third one timed mines I think yeah it kind of sounds right you could if you put them on a door and stack them they would stack on top just a little well I can hear the noise of them stacking
01:06:53| together so there was a way to um good there was a way to make them disappear to you wait released your gun and pick the back up under them or something mm-hm so you would make them disappear
01:07:05| so you couldn't see then they'd be invisible but they there'd be like a maybe on the other side of the door but like if you stack like 30 proximity so we would always play in the Faculty
01:07:16| which is I'm gonna have the bathroom yeah and they have the vent you started air drop right though proximity mind match with the pictures gun proximity oh my god actually the funniest matches
01:07:30| with proximity mines everywhere because if you just get proximity mine then throw them everywhere eventually you'd either be killed by your own or someone else's or someone else's oh my god it
01:07:40| was a stalemate the other cool thing was on paintball mode and bighead mode and stuff like that oh yeah yeah that was cool cuz I'm pushing gun pink ball like you see like
01:07:49| college dude RC p90 she's never yeah okay 47 we played golden guns we made up games into so many good games in there the beauty of this system is 64-bit system there's way more options there's
01:08:07| more saving there's more features there's more colors there's more everything we started making games within the game I think we made a game a game where you could only grab the
01:08:17| Golden Gun from like the middle and then we would all race towards it and then like realize oh the shoes are all watching a of course which is an interesting it made it very interesting
01:08:29| that's the other thing that doesn't happen anymore when you play two player you're actually you can't be in the same room you literally to play multiplayer nowadays you're isolated from people I
01:08:43| dream about this I want to wear my kids get older so I have two boys I'm hoping that I can set up three TVs and have individual systems running all the same time so we could all sit in the same
01:08:52| room and play that would be cool then actually it would be cool that's a cool dream that's that's my 5-year plan enough money to buy everyone a TV in a games you kid your kid playing any games
01:09:02| not there not there yet okay my kid please overwatch in rocket League that's it I will say one thing though this is a this happened tonight we were watching like a baby of rocket
01:09:13| League yesterday and I tried to beat him he beat me now that's a soccer so the ball bounces around random it's a stupid sport but anyway go we're watching a game of Thrones clip and
01:09:23| was the clip where the dragons destroy the Lannister army of a I actually know which clip you're talking about Wow right in the middle of the clip it cuts off and I'm looking at it I was like oh
01:09:36| it's over I looked up at him he wide-eyed he staring at me goes no I need it's like it's like this can't end now and I was like woah it's like I do not I've seen that turn away I thought
01:09:51| you were looking something else yeah and he got too into it he was really into it so I could feel like ice that's exactly I felt I looked up and he knew right away so we we literally are going full
01:10:02| circle with this because this is how I think we should end it this is going for a little bit you know forget all this stuff we're not gonna talk about new systems new PC play all this stuff and
01:10:11| Call of Duty 4 we're not gonna talk about it my kid is gonna be 5 soon right uh-huh like he plays games now like I don't think he should but like it's impossible
01:10:25| to keep from you please rocket League they say oh the cars intelligence so get them it's obsessed with something sure ok but like it's weird I want to be like you can't play video games here like 10
01:10:38| dude you can't like I don't want him playing a game where he's a character or and he has to kill other characters and go on this adventure it sounds like but it's exciting I'm like wait tier 15 like
01:10:53| parent but we just literally talked about this episode I was we all had a minister yes well my friend's house when I was in like sixth grade and we all play Goldeneye does that add up 1997
01:11:05| yeah there's only 7th grade 6th grade three straight years I go to his basement everyone who play Goldeneye you'd fight over the for control what's weird is we
01:11:16| would all have sodas so that makes sense doesn't sound weird I don't know what the connotation is that like your prefer bidden that soda your initial life I know Nick it's ok you let yourself go
01:11:28| like week I can have soda but like we had so does multiple we would oh do we would bring them so Isaac and pop open sodas and play called alumni in our friends house and we would all go
01:11:42| bonkers like we're all hopped up on sugar or shoot each other with guns we're having a great time like we're laughing we're calling someone a cheater we're calling someone too good at this
01:11:52| game your turns over like top screen watching yeah oh my god you look at my goddamn screen go you know I should go back to those days hiding him a little bit yeah I mean the graphics have gotten
01:12:08| better the games have gotten better gameplay maybe no we can argue about that a different episode the fun maybe maybe not I don't know if you had the option to play a game that was recent
01:12:22| like released this year versus like Goldeneye and you had your four friends there would you all want to play the new game or you want to play gold mine like you're all in the same location
01:12:32| physically located next to each other I know you're getting that and I know you're pointing us towards Gold Line but it is a little hard to go back and play a game with graphics like that like it's
01:12:44| hard it's like watching HD TV forever and then you go to your kid hey I got a movie that's in worse than standard definition it's like gone with the wind it's a classic you'll pop it like the
01:12:57| kids not gonna want to it's hard to go back it may be better in the long run but it's it's hard to go back against technology if that makes sense mmm I don't know I'm just I feel so good
01:13:13| thinking about Goldeneye is the first time I ever starts cold nights the first game I started strafing in yeah talk about that dude I used to think that was the dumbest button in videogames strafe
01:13:28| yeah I would just walk around why am I gonna great half sizes now oh hell yeah I'm scraping my ass off I think it new games that have all sorts of like slides and jumps and yes slides
01:13:41| straight since is it straight for strip I don't even know is it Mario's Mario I don't even know to staff okay I think we've reached a conclusion here if you hadn't said no if you didn't
01:13:55| like your I felt sorry for the people that didn't have gaming systems I don't know what they did I feel like they stayed in their house might read the Bible like there's nothing else to do I
01:14:04| don't you just die a friend had a Super NES or any answer that's what they did they went to their friend's house that had one anyway you never played these systems alone all the time
01:14:15| you know I mean I mean you would play him alone but they knew it also friends would come over and do it I think it was a social thing as weird as that sounds yeah that's weird
01:14:24| awesome yeah well thank you so to sum it up was we cover coming over all my facts here miyamoto twelve units on a convoy in 1989 aka the family computer I gave the Famicom ak8
01:14:44| entertainment system it was a failure at first but it wasn't a failure first sign her income Nicola well she was a resident hiroshi amano meeting me he was a grandson oh my god you loved all sorts
01:14:55| of things be my guard crash of 83 Rozelle see taxis for hotels and I had the action set honestly action I said what the movie was called though cuz they sold it on Barry Mac you had it the
01:15:13| same way okay once I was just trying to brag about me I remember the picture Mario and like the four windows logo key and it pixels lime always and then as a kid DS know he
01:15:29| knew what how could it would be I don't know that I knew what it was I was like knew that it looked really sleek hmm like as anything that came before it like it was completely different than
01:15:40| anything I'd ever taken this I'm one of the few people you meet ever that enjoyed Mario too and spent a lot of time playing it I beat Mary so I knew all the secrets and stuff in Marisa do
01:15:51| you even know what that is after which Ohio Mario the to was this was an ad oh yeah no it's you would pick up the mushrooms go to a shadow world everyone was designed a little different
01:16:04| there was some weird [ __ ] going on it was yeah it was warped like the the perspective what you're watching I love that one too because there was something they were working about it yeah most
01:16:15| people didn't like it it got their reviews it didn't do as well as the other Mario's and I think three they went back to like the Marriott one for me so this might be a little segue like
01:16:24| games that warped your mind like I feel like Mario 2 did it I'm gonna say if you ever played diddy kong racing it was like a Mario Kart but like there's something cartoonish about it and it was
01:16:38| brutally awful like it would cheat like glue shells all the time and it would be like them the raceway would never be straight it would always be like slightly askew it was like you'd be
01:16:49| using not only like karts but you'd have like airplanes and you would always like hit the edge when there was no edge there so you'd be like what is happening and like you as a kid you couldn't cope
01:17:00| with it is my coping mechanisms like their games they were just like mind-warping linear the game as you were out in the real world and you but ironically the most mind-warped I ever
01:17:11| was was playing Mario Kart with you after we made homemade brownies chocolate batter in the world and we're playing Mario Kart at a party and we just kept driving into the wall for like
01:17:24| an hour I think I think we were in a college party and there were like 20 people enjoying a party and we were just sitting there oh are you okay oh my god neither
01:17:44| abusive driven off the starting line anyway something must have been in that chocolate but a couple drinks knew that's what it was well Nintendo as we know is like the family company do you
01:18:05| think they're gonna future success just rounded up because you know there was a more cartoony there's more family there's this more they feel different than the other systems mm-hmm this or
01:18:15| the other Prince there is that they're not always competitive like the every other system seems to be really good or [ __ ] depending on which iteration you're on
01:18:24| so I think like the we killed it all the WiiU yeah who gives it cares about that and then they switch it done yeah oh yeah cuz it makes sense it's more of like a again a family oriented like
01:18:38| you're supposed to like take it places which doesn't make sense to me but it makes it so kids take it other places and then show their kids right well you carry your kids around everywhere you go
01:18:48| until they're like I don't know when you can leave them home alone so like perfect an Australian world yep while you're at the granite store buying granite countertops it's gonna take a
01:18:57| liar and a half guess what your kids gonna do level switch boom yeah makes sense to me car dealership yeah boom look like the graphics and like the gaming tables like those things are like
01:19:08| top-notch like there's no way you're failing aspect of the event like Zelda game nice dpi double penetration test died for her age that's what I'm inch per devil pennant that whatever it is
01:19:23| all I know is God bless the kids today stick with Nintendo I don't know that they're gonna have a successive dip with the NES system but they're going to push hard into the butthole of America okay
01:19:38| thank you try and make that joke free like I was is going elsewhere but anyway um that sums it up dude Nintendo is boss two kind of shaped our lives how excited we got talking about it yeah critical I
01:19:58| get quiet and watch it like reflecting poignant aliments he goes yeah yeah that's my impression of Dan floors oh thanks for joining yeah yeah oh yeah well that's the stuff I remember the
01:20:18| motions emotions I can remember things with my emotions they come in and every now and then so shout out the gold Zelda cassette shout out the black weird-shaped jackets the the games used
01:20:32| to be held in shout out all the um messed up crazy pads like for the Olympics game when I jump on the pad oh yeah yeah yeah about like a year ago did you of course you did oh Jesus Christ I
01:20:48| remember a whole lot ik so I'm over in college we pulled out that pad and I had a friend who was like probably like 250 and when we played peck peck was pretty heavy he was kind of chunky at midnight
01:21:03| he lost a lot of weight could go on him but uh we pulled out that pad we did the Olympics running up and our apartment shook it was like a little earthquake he was like and like the whole thing but
01:21:16| like were shaking it was insane like when he would go at it but he was good wild I give it to uh damn dude one more thing I was gonna tell you a cheer of the crowd uh that [ __ ] was hilarious
01:21:35| damn it there's one final thing I was gonna mention I got you off your game you did but it was no but you've got me on your little game I feel like there's another game in conjunction with the
01:21:48| Olympics one that everyone knows that use that pad what did I say right before the pad comment I remember like running and stopping running instead do you know you could just cheat and like step off
01:21:59| the thing for the jump yeah use your hands yeah 100% 100% but you trying to think of the other game no true thing of the other thing was I said there was something on the
01:22:16| bottom of the pad I don't even know what that was four different controllers you could use different TVs different more cats and everything now did use some cheap controllers though I tried but the
01:22:32| cheap controllers were never that great why I'd like a rapid flash once I guess I tried to push that button whenever it was like mm-hmm pushes blasts thousand times it's like now that's the five roll
01:22:43| is like I don't think I'll do that I don't think so okay look whoever it was I'll remember later and I'll try and talk to nobody shove it into another game episode 50 episodes we should do
01:22:55| another game episodes with what a Famicom we will we will we will it's weird actually speaking of him he was like my best friend from grade school we didn't play
01:23:05| video games together a lot I don't think it we did once we eat 64 we started playing in the wrestling game where you can make their own 64 all comes I remember that game too
01:23:16| okay come on wrestlers th oh yeah good stuff no nostalgia was like the memory of pain like that's the actually break it down as etymology I don't think so it's the pain of not being able to live
01:23:34| it again oh I reckon because of what I said earlier like I wouldn't go back to it right now technology to advance but remembering it is awesome nostrils meaning homecoming and some other word
01:23:51| meaning ache or pain hmm some other word really ache or pain oh yeah algea Charl Jos well folks stick it in there nice and warm in the part of your childhood I ruined your flow right there no I'm
01:24:14| still trying to think of that one thing it's gonna bug the [ __ ] you're gonna remember it says poop well thank you for anything or we kinda listen to our patreon all the money goes right
01:24:24| to us we literally know you have to all the money goes directly to us we buy drugs that we stick into our arms intravenously I'm not going to mention the names of the drugs but we do them I
01:24:34| wish there was a pattern on where they could charge you can make people charge money like you're like terrible they're like you I watched the whole thing I hope it's a it's an old woman says I
01:24:48| watched the whole thing young man this was disgusting you will be $7 $7.50 as much as you want yeah we're taking money it when he's dead maybe maybe it's a possibility it is possible
01:25:13| do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do folks we like you we like you a frigging lot thanks for joining us have a good night

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