The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP100 Passing Time Together Again

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

KeyItems UnP100 Passing Time Together Again

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 100 - Passing Time Together Again as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | years of friendship hundred years, panderers join
00:02:00 | back i remember, my see, familiar episode
00:03:00 | podcast shoes, three cameras
00:04:00 | buttons tell
00:05:00 | whatever use
00:07:00 | relevant, editor, letter corrections
00:08:00 | penis, ya pal
00:10:00 | ticking
00:11:00 | six ironically, change i change, my drapes, exterminated applier, everybody's job
00:12:00 | found remember
00:14:00 | megan, buy her vacuum
00:15:00 | back i remember, news daily news
00:17:00 | friendship, show wait
00:18:00 | area area, one reese, sniffing
00:20:00 | kid added, one beat
00:21:00 | time episode
00:22:00 | slowly skewers
00:23:00 | retro paper
00:25:00 | friendship
00:26:00 | old bean
00:27:00 | tinker, same price, chunk cq, engine looks, gallons
00:28:00 | entire legislation
00:29:00 | same price, __
00:30:00 | head house
00:31:00 | physics
00:32:00 | larger, versus nomination
00:33:00 | believes measure, nobody head, larger
00:34:00 | time light, one firm, shortest amount, approximately, time is amount, wastoid __, theoretical
00:36:00 | blanks, ridiculous celebrity, mention certain
00:37:00 | night stars, wrap give, wobble day
00:38:00 | pillow nazi
00:40:00 | physics, ago stars, las cosmetics
00:41:00 | gallons, shirt beings, recession, wobble
00:42:00 | procession, undoes, see shay
00:43:00 | clock, cesium, nine million
00:44:00 | frequency, measure, cesium atom, measuring, nine million, clock, caesium
00:45:00 | __, sexy gives
00:46:00 | nucleus, point travel
00:47:00 | physics, theoretical, atomic, measure
00:48:00 | illegible reactions, lower bleed, larger, move drinking
00:49:00 | glow, two beats, hundred years, heart beats
00:50:00 | hundred years, nesting
00:52:00 | thoughts, __ week, swatting, tennis, flies layin
00:54:00 | my see, give thanks, smartest broadcast, interesting burn
00:55:00 | billion trillion
00:56:00 | five four, megan, time is amount
00:57:00 | take error, home caps, explore, one-second time
00:58:00 | tomorrow time
00:59:00 | far ago
01:00:00 | day o, capacity wide
01:01:00 | show time
01:03:00 | popcorn
01:04:00 | chessboard, stupid self
01:06:00 | funny dan, apes
01:07:00 | kairos, chronos, perceiving
01:10:00 | kairos, perceiving, smelly
01:11:00 | awareness officiator, measuring, digits
01:12:00 | measure, still projection
01:14:00 | sack pretty
01:15:00 | militants getting, recession, glee asians
01:16:00 | million holgate, colombian large
01:18:00 | dilation, seen interstellar
01:19:00 | standing reference, atomic clocks
01:20:00 | vibrance back
01:22:00 | __
01:23:00 | __

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